Title - 16 Words at Max Capitalize The Initial Letter of Each Word Excluding The Articles and Prepositions

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The 2nd Indonesia Chemical Engineering Paper Competition - ITS - 2017 1

Title 16 Words at Max Capitalize the Initial Letter of

Each Word Excluding the Articles and Prepositions
Author1, Author 2, Author 3*
Affiliation and Address , no email, left , TNR 8 [Style: ICEPC Affiliation and Address]
Affiliation and Address , no email, left , TNR 8 [Style: ICEPC Affiliation and Address]
adams@domain.ex:, email only for corresponding author, left , TNR 8, [Style: ICEPC Corresponding Author Email]

Abstract this is a digest of the paper describing in brief the background, problems, methods, findings, and
conclusion. Written in English with approximately 250 words. [Style: ICEPC Abstract Content]

Keywords: not more than 5 words used as the operational words in the paper, it would be preferable not to use words in the title.

Avoid titles that are too long (maximum 16 Words); the

I. INTRODUCTION1[STYLE: ICEPC MAIN titles should be in uppercase for all words except for conjuctive
CHAPTER] (see the example).
To prepare your paper use directly this template and
simply replace this text by your text. [Style: ICEPC D. The Name(s) of The Author(s)
Write complete authors name without academic degrees.
This chapter suggests the basic rules: Present the material
E. Affiliation
simply and concisely. Use single spacing on A4-sized paper.
Add affiliation description for all authors and the
Cross-check several times to eliminate errors, superfluous
affiliations are cited by superscripts as shown in the above
material and repetition. Use figures and tables sparingly; plan
example. Add an asterisk to the corresponding author and
their format to use page space economically.
denote his/ her e-mail address in the affiliation descriptions.
The equality, the main body of the paper should be
numbered in consecutive order a: F. The Abstract
I. INTRODUCTION The abstract should present the outline and main points of
II. METHOD the paper and give the principal conclusions. It should be a
single paragraph of no more than 250 words. Abstract should
be written using Times New Roman font with the size of 9
REFERENCES pt. Abstract body should be presented in English. Add
All pages should be numbered consecutively and may Keywords not more than 5 words after the abstract.
include figures and tables, but must not exceed 2 pages,
including References, About the Authors, and G. Headings
Four ranks of heading may be used chapter, section,
subsection, and sub-subsection. Use the heading styles: 1.
Please submit in .pdf format file as completed manuscripts
Chapter, 1.1 Section, and (1) Subsection and (a) Sub-
(camera-ready manuscripts) including the diagrams and
subsection. Put a space line before each heading. Put a single
photographs. The proceedings will be printed in black only.
space line after only the chapter headings.
Keep it in mind when the use of color is unavoidable.
The full extended abstract should be written in English.
H. Chapter and Section
Please put a single space line between each chapters and
A. Page Setup [Style: ICEPC Sub Chapter I]
All script should be typed on A4-sized (210mm x 297mm) sections. Chapter title must be written in Capital TNR 9 pt,
white paper, single spaced. Keep proper margins such as left bold. Section title must be written in Uppercase TNR 9 pt,
(2.5 cm), right, top and down (1.69 cm). Article must be typed Italic as shown in the above example.
justified formation and first paragraph has to be dragged 0.25
cm to the right side. Greece symbol has to be original like II. METHOD
(beta), (gamma) and etc. Chemical notation has to go with A. Numerals [Style: ICEPC Sub Chapter II]
standard rule, such as BaTiO3 and Mg(OH)2. 1) Numerals of five or more digits are grouped in three-digit
blocks by spaces, e.g. 12,345 (written in English).
B. Font 2) Pay attention a significant figure and avoid an unnecessary
Use the Times New Roman font with the size of 9 pt for long digit number.
the body text, size 9 for Abstract ad Abstrak, size 8 for Authors
name, dan size 8 for Reference, Table, and Figure. B. Units
Use SI unit or SI derived units.
C. The Title
C. Mathematics
Extreme care should be taken in preparing mathematical
typescripts. All mathematics should be legible, precise and
carefully aligned. Write equations instead of copy and paste an
image. Make sure that placing and numbering of equations is
The 2nd Indonesia Chemical Engineering Paper Competition - ITS - 2017 2
consistent throughout your manuscript. References to the
equations should be as Eq(1)
E. Figure Captions
Y A Bx Cx 2 (1) Figure 1: Captions should be placed below each illustration,
font TNR, Italic, 9 pts, with 6 pt before and 6 pts
where Y and X are the output and input variables, respectively; below the paragraph. Figures and figure captions
A and B are constants. should be placed flush-left; two narrow figures may
Inside the equations please use font TNR, size 9 pt as for
be placed side-by-side.
the main text. If this is impossible, then please use at smallest 8
pt font size. Leave some extra spacing above and below the Please make sure that the captions are on the same page
equation inside the equation paragraph (recommended 6 pt with the relevant figures and tables. Please reference figures in
before and 6 pt after), left align the equation and put the the text by writing: e.g. Figure 1. (do not use Fig.). The caption
number of the equation flush-right. You may use a Right Tab should start with a capital letter. Please keep the caption short
on the right margin. It is strongly recommended to use a 1-row taking preferably 1 line, maximum
table without grid lines, as shown in the example, as this
guarantees correct vertical alignment (middle). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
D. Figures and Table Write your result and discussion here
Figures and tables should be originals or sharp prints; they A. Sub Chapter III (if any) [Style: ICEPC Sub Chapter III]
must be well readable without enlarging with the zoom.
Illustrations will be in colour in the electronic version and
black and white in case of printed version. The authors must
make sure that the figures are legible and understandable in It is mandatory to have conclusions in the manuscript. This
greyscale mode. Avoid referencing your text to coloured items ensures completeness of the presentation as well as provides
in the figures. All these means will be lost after the printing and the readers with an idea about the significance of the
will create misunderstanding to the reader. achievements in the presented work. The conclusions should
Figures and tables should preferably be placed either at the point out the significance of the presented work. It is advised
top or at the bottom of the page. Please do not render tables as that the contained quantitative reasoning where appropriate,
pictures, not use small font size in the tables. Please do not use comparing the obtained results to previous work or appropriate
too small font sizes in the pictures. These methods reduce the benchmarks. Please do not make another abstract.
legibility severely, resulting in poor reader experience. A. Sub Chapter III (if any) [Style: ICEPC Sub Chapter III]
All figures and tables should have captions with labels
Figure and Table. Please make sure that the label words ACKNOWLEDGEMENTs (Optional)
start with capital letters. The cross-references to the figures and If you wish to identify funding sources or significant
the tables should use only label and number, labels also starting contributions by others, please include your acknowledgements
with capital letters. at the end of your extended abstract but before the References.
Inside figures and tables please use font TNR, size 9 pt as Only include this information on the final camera-ready copy.
for the main text. If this is impossible, then please use
Landscape tables. In figures please avoid using picture frames. REFERENCE
Both figures and their captions should be placed flush-left. Every text citation must be listed under the heading
Set table number and title flush left above table. Horizontal References centered at the end of the text. IEEE format is
lines should be placed above and below table headings and at selected as the reference to write the citations used in the paper.
the bottom of the table. Vertical lines should be avoided. Title Referencing is written using Times New Roman 8.The
should use TNR 9 pt (the same font size as the main text), following is the example of how to wrote the references.
italic, with 6 pt before and 6 pt below the paragraph, left Books:
[1] G. O. Young, Synthetic structure of industrial plastics, in
justified at the top of the table. Tables have to be included into Plastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
the text. If a table is too long to fit one page, the table number 1964, pp. 1564.
and heading should be repeated on the next page before the [2] W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems.Belmont,CA:
table is continued. Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123135.
Alternatively the table may be spread over two consecutive [3] J. U. Duncombe, Infrared navigationPart I: An assessment of
pages (first an even numbered, then an odd-numbered page) feasibility, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.ED-11, pp. 3439,
turned by 90, without repeating the heading. Please do not Jan. 1959.
use bold font in tables. [4] E. P. Wigner, Theory of traveling-wave optical laser,Phys. Rev.,
vol. 134, pp. A635A646, Dec. 1965.
Papers Presented at Conferences (unpublished):
Table 1: Table title (Style: ICEPC-table-title) [5] D. Ebehard and E. Voges, Digital single sideband detection for
interferometric sensors, presented at the 2nd Int.Conf. Optical
Training Network size Iteration Fiber Sensors, Stuttgart, Germany, 1984.
Data Set (units)* (epoch) Standards/Patents:
[6] G. Brandli and M. Dick, Alternating current fed power supply,
Data 1 105 31095
Fixed 1 U.S. Patent 4 084 217, Nov. 4, 1978.
Data 2 72 21221

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