James Madison University - College of Education MSSE 470/: Social Studies Lesson Plan Format

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James Madison University College of Education

Social Studies Lesson Plan Format

MSSE 470/570/571/471/675/690
Name: Nathan Buchholz Date: 10/19/17 circle one: Original
Subject/Class: World History II Grade Level: 10th Topic: British military technology and victories

Concept: Technology and War

Essential Question(s): (label unit/lesson)

Unit essential question(s): How did Europeans conquer the world?
What key technologies helped the British win major victories against indigenous peoples?
SOLs-- number & letter & brief summary:
WHII. 9 E: Assessing the Impact of European Economic and military Power on Asia and Africa, with emphasis
on the competition for resources and the responses of colonized peoples.

Your own written objectives (U/K, D, Values) Your assessment: formative and
K.2 SWBAT know that the British military employed Formative: The teacher will review
advanced technology such as the breech loading rifle, after the interactive lecture the
steamboats, and Quinine or Pennicillin. important inventions and their purpose
Summative: The Students will need to
include how they would defeat all three
British advantages in their battle plan.
U.1 SWBAT understand that British technological Formative: The students will talk in
advancements lead to their military success. groups about how the British
technological advancements impacted
wars in their article whether it was
China, Africa, or Egypt.
Summative: The students will have to
justify why their battle plan is able to
circumvent the British technological
advantages using examples from their
D.1 SWBAT create battle plans from the perspective Summative: The students will prepare a
of indigenous populations to counter the British battle plan of what they would have
advantages. done differently that each of the Native
armies in one of the battles in the
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documents. They will have to justify
why they made their plans the way they
D.2 Students will be able to read documents that Formative: Analyzing the three
described the battle and decide what factors they documents that the teacher provides for
thought were most important. how British technological advances
helped them win each battle.
Summative: A question on the Unit test
will require the students to read and
decide which invention was ultimately
most important.
V.1 Students will value how technology impacts Summative: The students should
warfare struggle to come up with plans that are
able to defeat all of the Britishs
technological advances. This will show
how technology makes wars easier.

Content Outline (1 pg.) (with embedded questions):

1) Technological advancements
a. The Breech loading rifle
i. Rifles that could be loaded from the back
ii. Replaced muskets that had to be loaded from the front
iii. Decreased reload time by a substantial amount
b. Steamboats
i. Not reliant on wind power
ii. Often armored can withstand damage
iii. Faster than Chinese Junks
c. Quinine
i. Medical advancement
ii. Anti Malaria
iii. Precursor to Penicillin
iv. Allowed for campaigns in Africa and Asia
2) Major British Victories
a. Rorkes Drift
i. Breech loading rifle
ii. British won despite impossible odds
iii. Decisive British victory against the Zulu
b. Battle of Tel El Kebir
i. British defeated the Egyptians with minimal casualties
ii. Solidified British control of Egypt
c. The Opium wars
i. Steamboats like the Nemesis let the English defeat the Chines navy
ii. Led to the English being able to dominate China in East Asia

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Instructional Plan:

Type of activity; What the Teacher Will Do/Say:


Warm up 5 min Watch Zulu The Final attack. The teacher will ask the students to take write a
sentence about which perspective the scene is from. The students will be asked to
identify who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in the battle of Rorkes drift.
The teacher will ask for student volunteers to share their answers.

Introduction 10 The students will read Rorkes Drift battle was a war crime scene. The teacher will
min ask the students to read the article carefully and to identify which perspective the
article is from. The teacher will walk around and inspect that the students are reading
carefully. The teacher will then ask how the students view the battle after reading the
article. The teacher will ask if the article has changed their opinion of the battle, the
English soldiers, or the Zulu soldiers. The teacher will then ask if the students can
think of any reason why the British won the battle. The teacher will direct the
conversation towards technological advancements being how the British won the

Interactive The teacher will then show the slideshow with four images on it. The first image will
Lecture be of the process of loading a musket rifle. The image will show that it took a long
20 min time to load a musket from the front of the gun. If possible the teacher will use a stick
to demonstrate how loading from the front of the musket is difficult and time
consuming. The teacher will then go to the second image. The second image will have
a diagram of a breech-loading rifle. The teacher will ask how the breech-loading rifle
would be easier to load instead of the front-loading musket. After listening to some
student responses the teacher will then demonstrate how loading a musket from the
back is easier than from the front. The teacher will then ask whether this would
increase or decrease loading time. The teacher will then explain that breech loading
rifles drastically reduced reloading time. The next image will be of the British
Steamboat Nemisis destroying Chinese ships. The teacher will explain that
Steamboats were faster, stronger, and better than wooden ships. The teacher will do
this by asking the students if they think steel is stronger than wood and whether or not
steamboats had to use the wind. The last image the teacher will use will be the image
of Quinine. The image will be a scientific image instead of the literal drug. This is for
the science kids who will be able to recognize the molecule. The teacher will explain
how Quinine was able to keep the British from getting Malaria in the different places
that they went across the globe. After presenting this information the Teacher will
break the students into groups of three.

analysis 10 min Students will break into groups of the three and the teacher will hand each student one
of three articles. The articles will be Egypt 1882, The Nemisis Great Britains
Secret Weapon in the Opium Wars, and The Ashanti War. The teacher each of the
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three students in a group to read a different article. The teacher will ask the students
to analyze their documents to see what were the reasons that the British were able to
win victories in all three conflicts. The teacher will encourage students to look at their
notes from the interactive lecture to help them find out what the keys to victory were
for the British. The teacher will walk around while students are reading and answer
any questions the students have.

Document The teacher will ask the students to come together in their groups and share the
Discussion 15 different reasons why the British were successful in these conflicts. The teacher will
min ask the students to then design a battle plan from the point of view of one of the
Native peoples who the British defeated. The students will be required to analyze the
British tactics and advantages and come up with what they think Native peoples
should have done differently to fight the British. The teacher will be looking for the
students to come up with ideas such as surprising the British, retreating to dense
jungle or forests where the technological advances of the British would become
ineffective, overwhelming the British with numbers, and leading the British into a
trap where they could be surrounded and destroyed. If the group does not finish their
battle plan it will become homework due before the next class. The teacher will
provide the link to the battle of Iswandlwana for those who need to finish the battle
plan for homework. The teacher will say that the battle of Iswandlwana could be a
good example of when Native peoples defeated the British. The teacher will begin the
next class by comparing the students battle plans to the battle of Iswandlwana.

Materials Needed for the Lesson:

Article about the battle of Rorkes Drift

Article about the battle of Tel el Kebir
Article about the Nemesis and the opium wars
Article about the Ashanti wars
Images for the interactive lecture
Link to Rorkes Drift video

Bibliography/Resources Used: (including websites, in APA format)

Carroll, R. Rorkes Drift battle was War Crime Scene, The Guardian 4/28/03, doa 10/19/17,

Egypt 1882, The British Empire, doa 10/19/17.


Landow, G.P. Allingham, P. V. The Nemisis Great Britains Secret Weapon in the Opium Wars, 1839-1860.
6/23/06, doa 10/19/17. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/empire/opiumwars/nemesis.html

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Third Ashanti War, Ghana, 1872-1874, Britains Small Forgotten Wars, 203, doa 10/19/17,

The Battle of Iswandlwana: The Day the British Lost the War to the Zulus, African Heritage, 1/29/14, doa
10/19/17. https://afrolegends.com/2014/01/29/the-battle-of-isandlwana-the-day-the-british-lost-the-war-

Zulu-Final Attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1csr0dxalpI from 3:30 on


readers This is a reading intensive class. The video and the interactive lecture
should describe concepts that help scaffold the reading section of the class.
Photographs, videos, and practical demonstrations do not require a large
amount of vocabulary but can communicate the technological advantages
the British had over the people they fought.
The longest segment is an interactive lecture that does not require rigorous
note taking. Instead the lecture is broken up by frequent questions and
chances for discussion. The reading sections are always paired with group
discussion whether in small groups or with the entire class. The class also
will move in between lecture and group work to prevent them from staying
in their seat the entire class.

The teacher will provide supplemental reading for gifted students with the
article about the battle of Iswandlwana. The class is also challenging
because it requires understanding similarities and differences between three
different articles.

1. How/where does this lesson exhibit connection to student lives/authentic learning?

The discussion is about whether or not wars are simple with good guys and bad guys.

The lesson connects to how technology is important to students daily lives.

2. How/where does this lesson lead to H.O.T. (higher order thinking) and deep knowledge?

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This lesson is challenging, it requires a lot of reading and a lot of analysis about how the British won wars with
technological advancement. The Rorkes drift opening requires students to put themselves in the shoes of both
the British and the Zulu and question whether or not the way war is represented in popular culture is always
true. The Jigsaw activity requires students to immediately apply information that they learn from the interactive
lecture to real world examples of British victories. The battle plan they develop requires them to synthesize all
of the information they have received about British military superiority and then figure out how they would
defeat the British. This lesson is designed to both provide foundational knowledge about British military
inventions and make students think about how those inventions impacted the battlefield.

Points Rubric for Lesson Plans See full rubric for detailed description of expectations. See Dr. Cude for
/5 ea. further explanation.
Goals & alignment: EQ which is essential; objectives well written and significant; assessment
aligned with objectives--formative & summative; lesson logically flows; scaffolded appropriately

Structure: HOOK, closure, timing, detailed/accurate content, diverse strategies, differentiation,

includes ancillary materials [such as PPT, notesheet], on time, use of primary sources & visuals

Quality: [PASS criteria] uses higher-order thinking, links to students lives, includes
ethics/democratic values, employs historical/critical thinking & rigor, includes significant portion of
active/student-directed learning, and makes meaningful connections.

TOTAL 13.5 15 = exemplary (A)

12- 13.25 = meets target (B)
10.25 11.75 = meets target (C)
10 and below = needs improvement/redo & resubmit

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