HAARP Thesis

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HAARP: Weather Control

Is the HAARP Project a Weather Control Weapon?

"It isn't just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The
European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution
calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite
those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister
than a radio science research facility."

HAARP: What is it?

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a little-known,

yet critically important U.S. military defense project which has generated quite
a bit of controversy over its alleged weather control capabilities and much

Though denied by HAARP project officials, some respected researchers

allege that secret electromagnetic warfare capabilities of the project are
designed to forward the US military's stated goal of achieving full-spectrum
dominance by the year 2020.

Others go so far as to claim that HAARP can and has been used for weather
control, to cause earthquakes and tsunamis, to disrupt global communications
systems, and more. They point to major aspects of the program which are
kept secret for alleged reasons of "national security." The U.S. patent of a key
developer of HAARP and other documentary evidence support these claims.
And there is no doubt that electromagnetic weapons capable of being used in
warfare do exist. The project's $300 million price tag also suggests more is
going on than meets the eye.

According to the official HAARP website, "HAARP is a scientific endeavor

aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with
particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance
communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense
purposes." The ionosphere is the delicate upper layer of our atmosphere
which ranges from about 30 miles (50 km) to 600 miles (1,000 km) above the
Earth's surface.

The HAARP project website acknowledges that experiments are conducted

which use electromagnetic frequencies to fire pulsed, directed energy beams
in order to "temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere." Some
scientists state that purposefully disturbing this sensitive layer could have
major and even disastrous consequences. Concerned HAARP researchers
like Dr. Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa and Alaska's Dr.
Nick Begich (son of a US Congressman) present evidence suggesting that
these disturbances can even be used to trigger earthquakes, affect
hurricanes, and for weather control.

This essay is dedicated with compassion to those who suffered and died in
the massive earthquakes in Japan and Haiti, and in the Indonesian tsunami
and Hurricane Katrina.

Who Created HAARP?

Dr. Bernard Eastlund is the scientist whose name is most associated with the
creation and development of the HAARP project. His revealing website
provides reliable information on his involvement with the project. A 1987
patent issued to Dr. Eastlund is titled "Method and apparatus for altering a
region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere." In this
patent, which sets the stage for HAARP, Dr. Eastlund makes a number of
fascinating statements which clearly contradict the claim that it is only being
used for research and not for military purposes or such purposes as weather

Here are a few of key statements taken verbatim from the patent:

[The] temperature of the ionosphere has been raised by hundreds of degrees

in these experiments.

A means and method is provided to cause interference with or even total

disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth. This
invention could be employed to disrupt not only land based communications,
both civilian and military, but also airborne communications and sea
communications. This would have significant military implications.

It is possible ... to take advantage of one or more such beams to carry out a
communications network even though the rest of the world's communications
are disrupted.

[It] can be used to an advantage for positive communication and

eavesdropping purposes.

Exceedingly large amounts of power can be very efficiently produced and


This invention has a phenomenal variety of ... potential future developments.

Large regions of the atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpectedly high
altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces
with resultant destruction or deflection.

Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere

wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more
plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.
Ozone, nitrogen, etc.
concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased.

Electromagnetic pulse defenses are also possible. The earth's magnetic field
could be decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate
the magnetic field.

For those with any background in science, you might find it quite revealing to
explore this patent in more detail. And remember that since the time of this
patent, in which Alaska is mentioned several times as the ideal location, the
government fully acknowledges that it has built a massive array of antennas in
Alaska with the capability of disturbing the ionosphere exactly as described in
Eastlund's patent.
HAARP Documentaries

Two key major media documentaries, one by Canada's public broadcasting

network CBC and the other by the History Channel, reveal the inner workings
of the HAARP project in a most powerful way. The very well researched CBC
documentary includes this key quote:

"It isn't just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. In January
of 1999, the European Union called the project a global concern and passed a
resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks.
Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more
sinister than a radio science research facility."

The European Union (EU) document which brings HAARP and similar
electromagnetic weapons into question can be verified here(access attached
link and highlighted text). The actual wording at bullet point 24 in this telling
document states that the EU "considers HAARP by virtue of its far-reaching
impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal,
ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international
independent body before any further research and testing." This revealing
document further states that the EU regrets the repeated refusal of the U.S.
government to give evidence on the project.

This engaging 15-minute CBC documentary is available for free viewing. An

even more detailed and revealing 45-minute History Channel documentary on
HAARP and other secret weapons used for electromagnetic warfare is
available here(access attached link and highlighted text). Here are two quotes
from the History Channel documentary:

"Electromagnetic weapons ... pack an invisible wallop hundreds of times more

powerful than the electrical current in a lightning bolt. One can blast enemy
missiles out of the sky, another could be used to blind soldiers on the
battlefield, still another to control an unruly crowd by burning the surface of
their skin. If detonated over a large city, an electromagnetic weapon could
destroy all electronics in seconds. They all use directed energy to create a
powerful electromagnetic pulse."

"Directed energy is such a powerful technology it could be used to heat the

ionosphere to turn weather into a weapon of war. Imagine using a flood to
destroy a city or tornadoes to decimate an approaching army in the desert. If
an electromagnetic pulse went off over a city, basically all the electronic things
in your home would wink and go out, and they would be permanently
destroyed. The military has spent a huge amount of time on weather
modification as a concept for battle environments."

Another video along similar lines, the excellent History Channel documentary
titled "The Invisible Machine: Electromagnetic Warfare," is available here. For
those who still doubt that such devastating secret weapons have been
developed, here is an intriguing quote from an article in New Zealand's
leading newspaper, the New Zealand Herald:

"Top-secret wartime experiments [WWII] were conducted off the coast of

Auckland to perfect a tidal wave bomb, declassified files reveal. United States
defence chiefs said that if the project had been completed before the end of
the war, it could have played a role as effective as that of the atom bomb.
Details of the tsunami bomb, known as Project Seal, are contained in 53-year-
old documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade."

If the military secretly developed a weapon which could cause a tsunami over
half a century ago, what kind of advanced deadly weapons might be available
now? And why is it that the general public still doesn't know about secret
weapons developed over 50 years ago? Clearly the military has the capability
to cause a tsunami and likely to cause earthquakes and hurricanes, as well.
To understand why the media isn't covering these highly critical issues, see
this revealing essay. It's time to take action to spread the word on this vital
topic. And for another excellent documentary on HAARP, which includes an
extensive interview with Dr. Bernard Eastlund, watch "Holes in Heaven."

Secrecy Around the Project

Having interpreted for top generals in my work as a language interpreter with

the US Department of State, I learned that military planners are always
interested in developing the most devastating weapons possible. Yet these
weapons are kept secret as long as possible, allegedly for reasons of national
security. The many layers of intense secrecy both in the military and
government result in very few people being aware of the gruesome
capabilities for death and destruction

The massive Manhattan Project (development of the first atomic bomb) is one
such example. The building of an entire city to support the project in Oak
Ridge, Tennessee was successfully kept secret even from the state's
governor. The stealth bomber was kept top secret for many years, and the
public still has no way of knowing it's full capabilities. It is through the use of
the highly organized military and intelligence services that the power elite of
our world, in cooperation with key allies in government and corporate
ownership of the media, are able to carry out major cover-ups and secret
operations like those involved with HAARP.

Some researchers have raised questions about the possible involvement of

HAARP in major disasters like the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan, the
Indonesian tsunami, and hurricane Katrina. Could these have been HAARP
experiments gone awry? Might they even have been caused by rogue
elements which gained control of this devastating technology? Disasters like
this happen naturally on a regular basis, yet if you begin to research, there is
some high strangeness around some of these disasters. The evidence is
inconclusive, yet with the known and unknown major destructive capabilities
of this weapon, serious questions remain.

HAARP and Manipulation of Emotions

The capability of influencing and even controlling human emotions has been
studied by the military and intelligence services of the world for many
decades. A concise, information-packed description of such programs with
links to declassified CIA documents for verification is available here(access
attached link and highlighted text). One thoroughly researched book titled
Mind Controllers describes an effective method of remotely influencing human
emotions. Here's a key quote from this revealing book:
"With the use of powerful computers, segments of human emotions which
include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, embarrassment, jealousy, resentment,
shame, and terror, have been identified and isolated within the EEG signals
as 'emotion signature clusters.' Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes
have been measured. Then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is
synthesized and stored on another computer. Each one of these negative
emotions is properly and separately tagged. They are then placed on the
Silent Sound carrier frequencies and could silently trigger the occurrence of
the same basic emotion in another human being."

An excellent 10-page summary of the book is available here(access attached

link and highlighted text). For the section focused on nonlethal weapons,
which includes the above quote, see this page. Using HAARP's powerful
broadcast capabilities, it is within the realm of possibility that powerful
antennas like that of HAARP and major facilities elsewhere could triangulate
on an exact location anywhere in the world and send highly intensified
frequencies matching the emotion signature of a desired emotion to produce
anger or any other desired emotion in a group of people, as the human mind
naturally entrains to strong frequencies around it.

This may all sound quite unbelievable to those who are not versed in the
secret ways of of the military-intelligence complex. Yet there is strong
evidence to support this possibility. Here is the abstract of U.S. patent number
5,159,703, approved in 1992, over twenty years ago:

"A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or
very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency
spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence
and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain,
typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric
transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or
may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical
media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

You can view the entire patent on the U.S. Patent and Trade Office website at
this link. Below are the listed objects of the invention in that patent:

to provide a technique for producing a subliminal presentation which is

inaudible to the listener(s), yet is perceived and demodulated (decoded) by
the ear for use by the subconscious mind.

to provide a technique for transmitting inaudible subliminal information to the

listener(s) at a constant, high level of signal strength and on a clear band of
to provide a technique for producing inaudible subliminal presentations to
which music or other "foreground" programming may be added, if desired.
In other words, the subliminal messages could be inserted into TV and radio
waves without the awareness of the listener or viewer. Such messages could
easily be beamed from satellites, as well, triangulated on a desired location.
Using the incredible broadcasting capabilities of HAARP, these subliminal
message could conceivably even be broadcast over a larger area to create
the desired effect on an entire population. Sounds scary doesn't it? So why is
this not being discussed more widely?

An informative paper on the usage of the silent sound technology and it's
implications is available here. At least a dozen other patents have been
approved related to the usage of technology designed to cause subliminal
changes in desired targets. A list and brief descriptions of many of these
patents with links for verification is available on this webpage. Here's a sample
quote from Patent #6,506,148:

"It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by

pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the
latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may
be overlaid by modulating a video stream."

Clearly, technologies have been developed and refined with the specific
purpose of passing subliminal messages unbeknownst to the target. The
capability of remotely influencing emotions through the use of certain wave
lengths has been successfully demonstrated. The implications are huge. Yet
there is exceedingly little regulation of how this technology will be used. By
educating yourself on this important matter and spreading the word to your
friends and colleagues, you can make a difference in building the necessary
momentum to bring these matters to light and to ensure they are not used in
disempowering ways.

DeepWeb ~

Ang Matagal nang tinatanong ng lahat..


please take time to read. napakahaba neto pasensya na

Most everyone has heard that silicon is a semiconductor. A semiconductor

only permits current flow when the conditions are correct.

In a typical silicon semiconductor, it's current flow characteristics are

determined by the addition of doping agents - these are mixed with the silicon
and become part of it's molecular matrix during the manufacturing process.
The two most common doping agents are arsenic and boron.

Doping agents cause the silicon to have an excess number of electrons in the
P doped regions, and a deficiency of electrons in the N doped regions. A
small electronic charge applied to the junction between the N and P regions
will cause a cascade effect of a much greater magnitude if a power supply
voltage is applied to one side of the piece of silicon, and a load is applied on
the other side. That is what makes a transistor, the heart of a basic amplifier.

How HAARP technology works, and a possible real reason why there are
"chem trails"

Most people do not realize this, but common air - the air we all breathe, is also
a semiconductor, and it can be made to behave just like a piece of silicon if
the right doping agents are added to it.
If you wish to modify the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere, you need
to use an aircraft to disperse the doping agents at a high altitude. If you then
take a pair of huge transmitters, such as haarp, and transmit a frequency to a
specific region which is timed to phase cancel against the opposing
transmitter the frequencies they transmit will vanish and leave a standing DC
bias voltage in the atmosphere at the selected region.

This voltage is the electrical equivalent of the electronic charge applied

between the N and P regions of a silicon transistor. The chem trails are the
doping agent, and the ionosphereis the power supply.

A flow of current is then is triggered from the ionosphere to the earth below.
Because the ionosphere has virtually endless power to give, it is possible to
take a transmitter pair with a radiated power of only a couple of billion watts,
and use it to trigger a cascade of trillions of watts. That is enough to heat the
atmosphere, and trigger a change of climate, storms, ect. It is very important
to make sure you do not exceed certain limits, or "clip" the atmosphere, or you
will cause a lightning bolt of a sort not ever witnessed. But if kept below
certain thresholds, a great amount of atmospheric heating can be caused and
no one on the ground would ever notice a thing.

This of course would cause very odd electrical readings in the atmosphere. So
someone should have been able to detect this, right? Nasa did. They noticed
several hurricanes, including Katrina, were not electrically normal. These were
the only 3 hurricanes to ever be that way. This could be done using the
method illustrated below.

The following illustration is a drawing of how a Haarp type system could be set
up to work.

Considering the precision modern weather modification systems have, giant

installations such as HAARP can't be doing it all
Now onto WHY ON EARTH American cell towers have so much juice going to

What if thousands of cell towers with over 50,000 watts each were used rather
than a pair of big Haarp arrays? Multiple signal source locations would allow
the drawing of patterns, patterns which many people have noticed in weather

How much is 50,000 watts, compared to what is really needed for cell
In America, computer wifi is limited to 20 milliwatts transmit power and often
even with that tiny amount you can connect from hundreds of feet away with
no special antennas or hardware. Your cell phone can transmit 300 milliwatts.
That's well over 10 times the power of wifi, and the range of your cell phone is
that much better. All that is needed to make a great cellular node is a 10 watt
transmitter (to make sure it gets real good penetration into the surrounding
buildings,) and a receiver that is more sensitive than the one in your cell
phone because you are talking back with a lot less than 10 watts.

10 watts is 500 times as strong as your wireless N router that comes in perfect
everywhere. A lucky neighbor might snag your unsecured router with only 20
milliwatts of output from over a block away with just a cheap netbook. Why
then, since 10 watts will clearly do the job, are there these ENORMOUS out in
the open giant goose invading "cell towers" in America that are obviously
capable of pumping many thousands of watts?

It's because the cell towers in America have a totally different purpose than
stated. Sure, the tower does indeed accomplish the job of supporting cell
phone service, but it is not needed at all for that purpose. They are there to
hide something clandestine right in the great wide open.

A reader sent the following:

"My company also erected many cell towers, and I always wondered why they
had us bring so much electrical power to these cell towers."

He NAILED IT. As a technical type, I paid attention to the cell towers, and
noticed that they always seem to have a 400KVA or bigger transformer
feeding them (I was never able to get close enough to look at the data plate
but they were obviously way too large). 400KVA is approximately 400,000
watts. And I never really thought about it, why on earth they always got fed so
much juice. Sometimes you just need to wake up and start thinking. Mexico
confirms this - many cell towers are obviously low powered, with thin wires
and tiny tower mounted amplifiers. A perfectly functional node can be fed less
juice than needed by an average laptop and run on a small solar panel. These
are common in Mexico.

Another comment came in stating that American cell towers in fact only get
anywhere from twenty thousand to sixty thousand watts, complete with
verified documentation that that is "all it is". Ok, Fine then. WLS AM radio in
Chicago which is well known as the GIANT clear channel monster in America
broadcasts through the night with 50,000 watts, and with a good radio you can
hear it anywhere in the world when conditions are right. To sometimes pump
even more than that into a single American neighborhood via the local tower
which is serving only a two mile area is far beyond suspicious, It is case
proven. Those cell towers ARE NOT WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD and I am
certain that even 60,000 watts would be a conservative estimate for many of

Why pump so many watts?

The antenna arrays on the cell towers are highly directional. That's obvious.
So since the signal from them is confined to a zone, rather than going out
omnidirectionally, whatever is in that zone will get extremely high R.F. levels.
Maybe you need that much for mind control, but I seriously doubt it. With such
an ability to confine the signal to within a zone, I would expect a mind control
beam to not need more than a couple thousand watts. Where is the rest of
that power going?

My guess, is Japan, Hurricane Katrina, or Chiapas Mexico. Whatever

earthquake or disaster "they" need to accomplish a political objective. And
there is something you need to know about radio wave propagation - it can be
steered. So just because a cell tower appears to only be able place all it's RF
output within a confined zone, it does not mean that signal cannot be diverted
and sent elsewhere. This is because a neighboring cell tower can be
synchronized in such a way that it steers the output from surrounding towers
to a new remote area. And that is how modern Haarp technology works, BET

American cell towers then, I believe in this order, have multiple purposes. The
first is EMF mind control. Ever wonder why on some mornings EVERYONE
seems to be happy, and on others EVERYONE seems to be grouchy? People
don't just naturally fall into a mold like that, yet you see it all the time. And you
never used to. This is a new phenomenon. Back in the 70's and 80's moods
were totally random. Not anymore. There are happy days when everyone is
happy, and grouchy days and indifferent days. If you have not noticed this,
start paying attention. People's lives are random, and there should be
absolutely no reason for their moods to all be similar for any reason other than
outside manipulation.

The second purpose is an occasional one - I believe that occasionally the

towers will be switched up to full output to eat a nuclear reactor in Japan via a
phony earthquake scenario, or to make good and sure a hurricane is useful
for a social experiment in New Orleans. But you cannot have them humming
away at full output all the time without it becoming obvious, so the ability is
likely saved for special occasions. Furthermore, with as many as there are
around, it probably does not take more than a few percent of them at any one
time to pull off something big. And this is exactly why, as my reader also
stated, "Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install frequency amplifiers
connected with HXXrp. I believe they can control the weather." Why, pray tell,
would the Corps of Engineers show up and install something in a "civilian" cell
tower? Think about that. We all know the "elite" can trigger earthquakes. We
all know they can tweak the weather. The question is then, since there is no
GIANT UFO in the sky doing it, where is their system located?

Geometric patterns prove it has to be the Cell towers doing it.

If you set up two transmitters, their phase collision zone will happen in a
straight line. But as my reader from Brazil has stated, they had a perfectly
square shaped drought area. And if you look at the pictures of the haarp
caused drought in California, that pattern happened along two straight lines
that formed an L. And then there are circles and other patterns people have
reported, and this means that the effect is not being accomplished with two
transmitters, it has to be using multiple transmitters creating multiple collision
zones to start drawing shapes. THAT is where the cell towers come into play.

The more signal sources you have to create a zone, the more patterns and
shapes you can make, with each transmitter pair in whatever Haarp grid you
fire up being responsible for their own little area. Let's say your little grid uses
a thousand cell towers in the Houston area - this would allow 500 different
points, each getting at least 100,000 watts of bias current each, with a total of
50 million watts to trigger a bigger cascade from the ionosphere. This would
be the reason for all the shapes people see, true, there are radar errors that
can cause patterns to appear as many meteorologists will state but that won't
cause a consitent drought causing L shaped high front off the coast of
California to appear and stay put for months on end.

It is very easy to confirm that cell towers have cell service as a totally
secondary purpose, just walk up to one and see how much power it is getting
fed. If there is any more there than 100 watts for amplifiers, another 200 or so
for lights and I'll give them another 500 to play with just in case there is
something like a computer and monitor in a little building at the tower base, if
there is more than that present something is seriously amiss. Having large
liquid cooled transformers at every tower is a dead giveaway, the towers are
NOT what we have been told they are.

I believe what we are witnessing now - the horrible tornados and floods, is
also the result of weather modifications. I believe they want to bring untold
disaster to this nation, to cause extreme trouble before ushering in an ID
system, a new currency, and global governance.

Direct environmental effects can be observed when Haarp type systems are in
use if you get lucky
Mysterious booms, powerful auroras, you can see and hear it all if there is a
break in the clouds, or booms if they push the system too hard. This is the
reason for all the mysterious booms peole are hearing around the country
now, google that if you have not heard about it. And the volcanic eruption to
the left I believe was a threat against the nation of Japan. Such pictures are
common now. But think back to when you were a kid. We had cameras and
volcanoes then. Why did we never have pictures like this in National
Geographic in the 60s 70s 80s and 90s? HMMMMM??? That's not special
effects, that really happened and is obvious Haarp in action. To see more, like
it CLICK HERE the elite are OBVIOUSLY now making MANY THREATS.

AND THEY CAN, because in the words of Defense secretary William Cohen
himself, dated all the way back to 1996, Cohen himself stated:

"Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter
the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of
electromagnetic waves.

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways
in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the
reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so

Cohen himself said this in a Pentagon press briefing in 1996. THAT means all
this technology is real. Cell towers and Haarp emit radio waves, which are just
another name for electromagnetic waves. WAKE UP PEOPLE, THERE IS NO
ROOM FOR DOUBT - regardless of the systems used, this warfare is a reality
and Cohen's statement proves it. If you have any friends who are doubters,
show them this page. Don't send it via mail which will only be censored, show
them directly on their own computers.
I have observed weather modification myself.

In Vancouver BC in the winter of 2007, I personally watched the sky during

extremely odd weather at night, and through a hole in the clouds which
occurred between violent downpours saw an aurora borealis stepping up and
down in discrete steps as if being digitally switched between various
intensities. I have spent plenty of time observing real auroras, and this one
obviously had a synthetic origin. It was extremely bright, the brightest I have
ever seen by far, and auroras do not just step up and down in intensity like
that. They fade up and down. I even wondered why it was in such large steps,
with modern technologies it would not need to be. Perhaps they don't care
about how obvious it is, or perhaps they thought the clouds were solid enough
to hide it.

I knew when I saw this, in concert with clouds that appeared to be formed
along grid lines in symmetrical patterns that the weather in that particular case
had to be man made.

Source- Intel Exchange deepweb

The 10 Most Top Secret Military Bases In The United States

HAARP - Playing God with the IonsphereA surviving remnant of Reagan's

Star Wars initiative, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
(HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska is one of the more controversial and mysterious
military projects in recent history. The official objectives of this Air Force/Navy
lovechild is to shoot high frequency beams through the ionosphere for
scientific research purposes (meaning there are no military applications).

However, a litany of conspiracy theories, as well as some actual solid

evidence, suggest more is going on there than mere adult science fair
projects. Fringe theories range from the facility being used to test
electromagnetic "mind control" signals to it being the homebase of
geoengineering and weather modifying technology. Others claim they are
working on holographic technology that can be used to beam images into the
sky. A rash of mysterious humming and booming sounds in the region have
also been attributed to HAARP activity.

All that can be said for certain about HAARP is that there is some very
strange "research" going on there that is directly applicable to defense
systems, which falls under the category of "military," which HAARP denies it's
a part of. Last year, reports began to surface that HAARP was being shut
down. Others claimed HAARP as we know it has always been a front for the
real facility, which is located in Poker Flats, North of Fairbanks, Alaska

Chemical Warfare Testing at The Dugway Proving Grounds

The Dugway Proving Grounds in Tooele, Utah is a testing facility for military
hardware. It is the size of Rhode Island, and there's every indication that
anything you can imagine going on in Area 51 goes on here. Initiated within
two months of Pearl Harbor, there have been 60 years of reports suggesting
this is the home of next-generation weapons systems, secret aircraft, particle
beams, chemical and biological weapons and much more.

Perhaps the most salient feature of this site is the 48,000-square-foot

Reginald Kendall Combined Chemical Test Facility, where chemical warfare
detection devices and protective clothing are tested on what or whom, we
don't know.

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Home of NORADMilitary bases and

facilities, especially top secret bases, are some of the world's most frequent
sites for reported UFO activity. Whether this is a coincidence or not, I'll leave
to you.

HAARP - Playing God with the Ionsphere

HAARP - Playing God with the Ionsphere

A surviving remnant of Reagan's Star Wars initiative, the High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska is one of the
more controversial and mysterious military projects in recent history. The
official objectives of this Air Force/Navy lovechild is to shoot high frequency
beams through the ionosphere for scientific research purposes (meaning
there are no military applications).

However, a litany of conspiracy theories, as well as some actual solid

evidence, suggest more is going on there than mere adult science fair
projects. Fringe theories range from the facility being used to test
electromagnetic "mind control" signals to it being the homebase of
geoengineering and weather modifying technology. Others claim they are
working on holographic technology that can be used to beam images into the
sky. A rash of mysterious humming and booming sounds in the region have
also been attributed to HAARP activity.

All that can be said for certain about HAARP is that there is some very
strange "research" going on there that is directly applicable to defense
systems, which falls under the category of "military," which HAARP denies it's
a part of. Last year, reports began to surface that HAARP was being shut
down. Others claimed HAARP as we know it has always been a front for the
real facility, which is located in Poker Flats, North of Fairbanks, Alaska.
(Source | Photo)

Chemical Warfare Testing at The Dugway Proving Grounds

Chemical Warfare Testing at The Dugway Proving Grounds
The Dugway Proving Grounds in Tooele, Utah is a testing facility for military
hardware. It is the size of Rhode Island, and there's every indication that
anything you can imagine going on in Area 51 goes on here. Initiated within
two months of Pearl Harbor, there have been 60 years of reports suggesting
this is the home of next-generation weapons systems, secret aircraft, particle
beams, chemical and biological weapons and much more.

Perhaps the most salient feature of this site is the 48,000-square-foot

Reginald Kendall Combined Chemical Test Facility, where chemical warfare
detection devices and protective clothing are tested on what or whom, we
don't know.

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Home of NORAD

Early construction inside mountain (Photo Source)
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a hollowed out mountain in Colorado
Springs that keeps track of everything in outer space and all planes in the
North American airspace. Yes, this is the home of NORAD. Monolithic backlit
screens provide a constant stream of information, including the 24/7
whereabouts of the President and Vice President.

In the event of a nuclear war, 800 personnel could survive in the Cheyenne
Mountain Complex for 30 days completely cut off from the outside world.
Twenty five-ton blast doors and over 1,319 thousand pound springs remain
anchored within 1,700 feet of granite

Raven Rock, Site R - World War III Hideaway

forces would be commanded in the event of World War III or a nuclear war.
Like Cheyenne, it is designed to be self-sufficient for 30 days after a nuclear

There are some reports that a 6 mile tunnel connects it to Camp David. It is
also worth noting that cell phones and GPS devices do not work near Site R,
which suggests there is a blocking mechanism in use to prevent people from
coordinating or communicating in the vicinity.

Area 51, aka "Groom Lake"Area 51 is simultaneously one of the most cliched
and most enigmatic subjects in American popular culture and has been since
the Roswell incidents in the late forties. It begs the question: how could so
little be known about something that is talked about so much? And the even
more haunting question: if our government was secretly creating an atomic
bomb in an underground city (the Manhattan Project) over 50 years ago, what
epic deviousness could they be up to today?

Whether it's in Area 51 itself or a different military installation, such as the

nebulous Dulce base, it's almost a certainty that the U.S. government is
engaged in some high-level covert technological experiments. Therefore,
when I say Area 51, I mean wherever the hell they're doing whatever the hell
they're doing it.

Ostensibly, this includes any of the following: alien experimentation, reverse

engineering of alien spaceships recovered from Roswell, alien interbreeding,
quantum teleportation, advanced artificial intelligence, high tech propulsion
systems, time travel. The most recent theory supposes that whatever was
taken to Area 51 from Roswell actually concerned a failed Soviet experiment.

Fort Detrick and Biological Warfare Tests on San Francisco

Fredrick, Maryland was the home selected for America's first biological
warfare program, signed into existence by President Roosevelt in 1942, soon
after Pearl Harbor. Fort Detrick became home to tests involving biological
toxins or infectious agents.

In the 1950s and '60s, scientists from Fort Detrick, along with the US Navy,
conducted six experimental warfare attacks on San Francisco to test the
general population's vulnerability to germ agents. Over eight days, a ship
moving alongside the shoreline of the bay released a massive clouds of two
different supposedly non-pathogenic germs that were deemed realistic
simulants that might be used in an attack. Of the six tests carried out, four
contained Bacillus globigii, and two contained Serratia marcescens.

But this was the past. They've completely stopped experiments like this now.

Wright Patterson Air Force Base - What's Inside Hangar 18?

Home to Project Blue Book and the infamous Hangar 18, the Wright Patterson
Airforce Base in Dayton, Ohio is yet another hub for conspiracy theories. What
we know for sure goes on there is aviation technology research, and with
22,000 people employed and 6,000 personnel and their families living on-
base, it seems like it would be difficult for flying saucers to be shuttled in and
out without notice.

However, there is a large contingency that believes that after the Roswell
crash, much of the wreckage of the UFOs and the alien bodies were taken to
WPAFB and stored in a facility that came to be known as Hangar 18. The
bodies of the aliens are said to be preserved in the Blue Room.

An alternate, possibly more realistic explanation is that the CIA and Air Force
used the flying saucer phenomenon and Project Blue Book as a
disinformation campaign to cover up sightings of the U2 and SR-71 spy
planes (and possibly stealth craft) that were being developed by the
government in secret.

Mount Weather & the Underground Continuity of Government (COG)

Mount Weather is another above top secret military base that is cocooned
within a hollowed out mountain, this time in Berryville, Virginia. There was a
time when this facility was the biggest secret since the Manhattan Project.
Like many other top secret military bases, Mount Weather is tasked with
protecting military elite in the event of a major disaster. This one is perhaps
the ultimate bomb shelter. During the September 11, 2001 attacks, many high
level officials, including Vice President Cheney, took refuge here.

In addition to its numerous living quarters and recreational facilities, Mount

Weather also has a crematorium and a radio and television station.

It has long been rumored that this military base hosts officials and
commanders from an alternate chain of command, a parallel government so
to speak, that would take over in the unlikely event that the entire presidential
line of command is killed or turned into zombies.

Plant 42 - Area 51's Aircraft Supplier

There's a fair chance that every top secret U.S. aircraft of the last four
decades has been built 60 miles from downtown Los Angeles, at the mother
of all secret aircraft military bases: Plant 42 in Palmdale. Spread out over
5,800 acres, Plant 42 is highly securitized, meaning inquisitive civilians with
cameras have absolutely no chance of even getting close to what goes on
inside. In fact, if you even park on a street adjacent to the outermost edge you
are likely to get harassed by law enforcement. It has been said that anything
that is flown at Area 51 is built at Plant 42.

The Dulce Base - the real Area 51?

This is the only base listed here that may not exist. I'm giving in to my
conspiracy side and including one of the more controversial government
hideaways among fringe circles. According to these conspiracists, Area 51
has just been a smokescreen for where the real above top secret experiments
have been taking place: Dulce. The base is allegedly a secret alien
underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico

However, the government does not formally acknowledge the existence of the
base and no one has been able to produce substantial proof of the aliens that
exist there, though some have tried.
2 minutes ago Sent from free.facebook.com
Joseph Manzano Ramirez


Aware ba kayo brothers at sisters na kayang manipulahin ang bagyo or

Human abilities ba ito or machines..take time to read this interesting article.

Ang "HAARP" (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) ay isang
proyekto na ang nagpopondo ay ang US Military (Air Force at Navy) upang
pagaralan ang region ng Earth's atmosphere known as the "Ionosphere",
(built-in na ito mismo sa Earth dahil sa Sun's radiation) para makontrol nila
ang "weather" at military objectives.

*Dahil ito sa pagaaral ni Nikola Tesla about frequency and electrical energy at
nagkaroon sila ng idea kung paano ito gagawin.

Ano ang Ionosphere? Try nating intindihin ang layers ng atmosphere.


1st Layer: Troposphere (approx. 20km) - dito nakapwesto ang mga clouds
(mga kidlat or bagyo) at dito din lumilipad ang weather balloon.

2nd Layer: Stratosphere (approx. 50km) - dito lumilipad ang mga eroplano
(pwede din ito sa troposphere) at nandito din ang ozone layer.

3rd Region: Mesosphere (approx. 85km) - dito nadudurog ang mga meteoroid
or rocks from space.
4th Layer: Thermosphere (approx. 690km) - dito nakapwesto ang mga
borealis, space shuttle at satellites (solar probe).

*Last Layer: Exosphere (approx. 10,000km) - start of outer space.

**Sa gitna ng Meso at Thermosphere ay ang "Ionosphere", dito tayo magpo-

Dahil sa ionosphere ang mga communication links sa atin papunta sa earth-
orbiting satellites nagkaka-experience ng "fading" dahil sa ionospheric
distortion; example ang AM radio signal ay sometimes can reflect, or "skip
(mahina ang signals), dito pinagaralan nila kung paano ma-bypass ang
ionosphere ng walang disruption na nangyayari papunta ng satellites.

Nakapwesto ito sa United States at other nations worldwide para sa

communications, radar transmissions at radio signals sa submarines, GWEN
towers, satellites using psychotronic, electromagnetic, radio frequency, at ELF
(extreme low frequency) waves.

Gaano ka-delikado ang pagkadiskubre nila sa pagkontrol at pag-manipulate

sa ionosphere..

By using and controlling electromagnetic beam sa upper atmosphere natin,

dito namo-modify nila ang weather or mauuwi sa climate change (man-made)
or change weather patterns over large areas, that can cause devastating
effect on ecological systems, like sa agricultural-- reduce the yields of major
crops (wheat, veggies at fruits) sa kagubatan-- sa habitat ng mga hayop
(interfere with wildlife migration patterns) at tubig

HOW?-- Using array antennas that beams billion watts of electricity sa

targeted area ng atmosphere ng Earth, dito nagiinit siya at namamanipulate
ang weather by pushing the Earths Atmospheric Rivers pataas (depende
kung low pressure or high pressure), where the water vapor condenses at
mag-form ng precipitation (rain, heavy rain, storm, snow, etc.)


For depopulation at starving.
Create or trigger earthquakes and tsunami at volcanoes dahil sa pagpuntirya
sa mga fault lines

HOW?-- Using ionosphere heating padin, since ang water molecules ay

nagaattract sa ions sa hangin (ionization), dito ay magkakaroon ng
condensation ng tubig, kasama ang init ay nag-emit naman ng infrared
radiation at nag-cause ng abnormality (stress) ang fault line na patatamaan at
maglalabas ng radon (means na magkakaroon na ng earthquake ng ilang

**May nakapwestong GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) towers sa

bawat lugar na may fault line at volcanoes at dito maglalabas ng
electromagnetic energy ang gwen towers papunta sa HAARP.


*Depopulation at manira ng mga structures na mahahalaga.

Jam all global communications systems, spread viruses, disrupt human

mental processes like modify behavior para kontrolin ang karamihan at
nagkakaroon ng negative effect sa health.

HOW? -- Using ELF wave ("extreme low frequency", na nakaapekto sa utak

ng tao) at kasama ang GWEN towers at HAARP, ang antennas na nagpo-
produce ng electromagnetic waves, hindi mo napapansin ito at dito ay pwede
ka ng kontrolin, inducing heart attacks, flu-like symptoms at kahit ang mga
electronic machines ay kayang mag-cause ng failures at gumawa ng
computer malfunctions.


Takpan ang mga ginagawa nilang kabulastugan sa paggamit ng HAARP at
isisi sa Alien gamit ng hallucinations sa witness at kunwaring abductees sila

1. JAPAN M9 EARTHQUAKE - March 11, 2011

-- They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the
ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicenter, reaching a maximum
three days before the quake struck.

DEATHS: 15,894
INJURED: 6,152
DAMAGE COST: $300 billion

2. HURRICANE KATRINA - August 23-30, 2005

-- HAARP was highly active in the weeks before Katrina, during, and a short
time after.

DEATH: 1,836
DAMAGE COST: $150 billion

Pamilyar kayo dito sa isang to..

November 3 - 11, 2013

WHY? To establish a permanent military base for the U.S. military within
ICBM striking distance of North Korea, China and Russia.

DEATH: 6,340
DAMAGE COST: $2.86 billion


**In short, ang gumagamit nito ay ang mga "ELITE" (kumukontrol ng buong
mundo) para sa depopulation, mind control at fear agenda.



-- Okay lang naman kahit di niyo to paniwalaan, basta ang sakin ay naishare
ko na ang gusto kong i-share... May sense naman.., tawagin niyo man akong
conspiracy theorist ay okay lang sakin dahil compliment pa sakin yun.
Salamat guys..
See yah.






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