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UNT Lesson Plan Template

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): 2nd School/Mentor Teacher (if applicable):

Elizabeth Fletcher Kent, Brandi Nortman

Subject area(s): Unit Topic/Theme: Lesson Title:

Writing Realistic Fiction Attempt 2
Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:
110.4.(b)(11) Composition:
listening, speaking, reading, 74.4. I. Writing A. Compose a variety of texts that
writing, and thinking using multiple (c )(2) Cross-curricular demonstrate clear focus, the logical
texts--writing process. The student second language development of
uses the writing process recursively acquisition/listening. ideas in well-organized paragraphs, and the use
to compose multiple texts that are The ELL listens to a of appropriate language that advances the
legible and uses appropriate variety of speakers authors purpose.
conventions. The student is including teachers,
expected to: (B) develop drafts peers, and electronic 1. Determine effective approaches, forms, and
media to gain an rhetorical techniques that demonstrate
into a focused piece of writing
increasing level of understanding of the writers purpose and
by:(i) organizing with audience.
comprehension of newly
structure; and acquired language in all
content areas. ELLs
(ii) developing an idea with may be at the beginning,
specific and relevant details; intermediate, advanced,
or advanced high stage
of English language
acquisition in listening.
In order for the ELL to
meet grade-level
learning expectations
across the foundation


and enrichment
curriculum, all
instruction delivered in
English must be
sequenced, and
commensurate with the
student's level of
English language
proficiency. The student
is expected to:
(C) learn new language
structures, expressions,
and basic and academic
vocabulary heard during
classroom instruction
and interactions;

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

The students will be able to write their character making a second attempt to
solve a problem using descriptive words to show feeling.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)

The teacher will walk around the classroom conferring with the students and completing the checklist.


Always- 25 Most of the time- Some of the time- No- 10

20 15
during lesson
Using show not tell
words in writing
Paying attention to
the lesson
Staying focused on
Materials and Resources

Writing booklets

Writing utensils

Show not tell chart

Teacher story

Management of the Instructional Environment

Initial instruction will be held on the floor, but after the students will return to their desks for individual

Technology Integration


Document camera and board

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)

The students who have accommodations are allowed more time. There is one student in my class that is
labeled as Newcomer in the ELL program. He speaks little to no English. The main objective for him is
to draw a picture of what his character is doing and possibly label what it is.


Weve been working super hard on writing our realistic fiction stories. Weve written our leads,
established our problems, and our characters have made their first attempts to solve those
problems. Unfortunately their attempt did not work and they have to try again.

Have you ever really REALLY wanted or needed to do something and the first thing you try doesnt work?
How did your fist attempt failing make you feel?

Do you think your character is starting to feel the same way?

I bet our characters are starting to feel frustrated. Think about a time when you felt frustrated. What
did that look like?

Did you stomp your feet? Clinch your fists (show them what this looks like)? Think of what your face
might look like when you feel frustrated.


Draw the face on the chart under frustrated. I need to use descriptive words, words that help me make a
picture in my mind, to help the reader know what this face looks like and how my character is

Write 3-4 words or short phrases like gritted teeth, slanted brows..( draw a picture to go with this) What
else might I use? (think other body actions like hands on hips)

What about angry? Do you think our characters could be angry that they cant solve their problem yet?

How might angry look? 3-4 words to describe sad drawing a picture to go with it.

Put yourself in our character Grahams shoes. Hes lost in a store. Hes looked up and down the aisles for
his mom and he cant find her. How would you feel if you were lost in a store and could find your
mom? (scared)

What do you think Grahams face would look like? Turn to a friend and show them what you think
Grahams face would look like. Turn and talk to a friend about what scared sounds like. What does
scared look like with the rest of your body not just your face?

What words would you use to help create that picture? draw a picture and list 3-4 answers on the

Do you think he could be sad?

have a student come to the bored and draw a sad face.


What could we use to describe sad?

Think in your head what might that look like. What words would you use to describe it? take about 3-4

Have a poor example of the second attempt written. This example needs to tell the emotion and not
show it. Have the students point out the issues with the story. Have the students make
recommendations on how to show the emotions and not name them.

Allow for a few answers and start writing second attempt.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

Over all the lesson went really well. The students were engaged and really had fun with the lesson. The
writing that the students produced also showed that they applied the material in the lesson to their work. I
did have a couple of wiggly students. I think that these students would have benefitted from a closer seat
to the bored where there would be less distractions. Trying to calm those students also distracted and
interrupted the lesson. My observer recommended picking my battles with those students and letting
them be a little wiggly sometimes.


Grahams second attempt (the story may change a little):

Graham could feel tears of fear welling up in his eyes. He turned his head wildly trying to
scan the store for his mom. Mom? Graham called his voiced catching in his throat. She
was nowhere to be seen. Graham could feel his hands becoming sweaty as he fidgeted
his fingers. Panic began to set in. He just had to find her. Graham began to slowly shuffle
his feet down the aisle whimpering. The closer he got to the end of the aisle the faster
he began to move. Mom? Graham called again with a little more confidence. Graham
began running up and down the aisles frantically looking for him mom, but she was
nowhere to be seen. After checking his fifth aisle it felt like there was no hope. Graham
sat down and began to cry. Big fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he quietly mumbled
What if I never find her?


Angry Sad Scared Frustrated

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