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Journal of Alzheimers Disease xx (20xx) xxx 1

DOI 10.3233/JAD-140387
IOS Press

1 Review

2 Oral Inflammation, Tooth Loss, Risk Factors,
3 and Association with Progression of

4 Alzheimers Disease

6 and StJohn Creanb,1,

Sim K. Singhraoa, , Alice Hardingb , Tal Simmonsc , Sarita Robinsond , Lakshmyya Kesavalue,1,
a Oral & Dental Sciences Research Group, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Central Lancashire,
8 Preston, UK
b Specialist in Special Care Dentistry, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

c School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

d School of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

e Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

Accepted 14 April 2014


13 Abstract. Periodontitis is a polymicrobial chronic inflammatory disease of tooth-supporting tissues with bacterial etiology
14 affecting all age groups, becoming chronic in a subgroup of older individuals. Periodontal pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis,
15 Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola are implicated in the development of a number of inflammatory pathologies
16 at remote organ sites, including Alzheimers disease (AD). The initial inflammatory hypothesis proposed that AD hallmark
proteins were the main contributors of central nervous system (CNS) inflammation. This hypothesis is expanding to include


18 the role of infections, lifestyle, and genetic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of AD. Periodontal disease (PD)
19 typifies a condition that encompasses all of the above factors including pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria not only are the
20 source of low-grade, chronic infection and inflammation that follow daily episodes of bacteremia arising from everyday tasks
21 such as brushing, flossing teeth, chewing food, and during dental procedures, but they also disseminate into the brain from

22 closely related anatomical pathways. The long-term effect of inflammatory mediators, pathogens, and/or their virulence factors,
23 reaching the brain systemically or otherwise would, over time, prime the brains own microglia in individuals who have inherent
24 susceptibility traits. Such susceptibilities contribute to inadequate neutralization of invading agents, upon reaching the brain.
25 This has the capacity to create a vicious cycle of sustained local inflammatory milieu resulting in the loss of cytoarchitectural

26 integrity and vital neurons with subsequent loss of function (deterioration in memory). The possible pathways between PD and
27 AD development are considered here, as well as environmental factors that may modulate/exacerbate AD symptoms.

28 Keywords: Alzheimers disease, inflammation, oral health, periodontal disease


Alzheimers disease (AD), a form of dementia, is the 30

most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide 31
to: Dr. Sim K. Singhrao, Oral & Dental Sci-
ences Research Group, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University
[1]. The prevalence of AD increases exponentially 32

of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK. Tel.: +44 1772 895137; Fax: +44 with age, rising from 3% among the 65 to 74 year 33

1772 892965; E-mail: age group and to almost 50% among those around 85 34
1 These authors contributed equally to this work. years and older [2, 3]. Mental deterioration is slow 35

ISSN 1387-2877/14/$27.50 2014 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
2 S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD

36 but progressive, contributing to poor memory, disorien- with other cytoskeletal elements eventually leading to 85

37 tation, confusion, and eventually profound dementia. further synaptic loss and the demise of the NFT-bearing 86

38 Susceptible individuals can take decades before clini- neurons [17, 18, 20, 21]. 87

39 cally presenting with the disease. This implies that the Amyloid plaques are largely made up of fibrillary 88

40 etiology of AD is heterogeneous and that the impor- A peptides A40/42 amino-acid residues and are 89

41 tance of finding new risk factors for development in the result of -, -, and -secretase enzymes cleav- 90

42 the case of late-onset AD remains a priority. ing the transmembrane amyloid- protein precursor 91

43 Although partial efficacy of non-steroidal anti- expressed by all CNS cells. The proteolytic fragment 92

44 inflammatory drugs in some AD patients [4, 5] gave consisting of the last 28 residues of the amyloid- pro- 93

45 rise to the inflammatory hypothesis that accounts tein precursor ectodomain prior to the membrane and 94

46 for the intrinsic elements of CNS inflammation [6], including the first 12 to 14 residues of the transmem- 95

47 support also exists for the extrinsic inflammatory brane region generate A40/42 amino-acid residues 96

48 mediators. The elderly, for example, having suffered that lead to deposition of extracellular, insoluble fibril- 97



multiple episodes of recurrent infections, can present
with dementia like clinical symptoms in likely late-
onset AD cases [7] as well as those subjects with
lar A. Clearing insoluble A peptides from the brain
involves phagocytosis by microglial cells [22, 23], an
activity that invariably fails with the consequences of


52 confirmed clinical diagnoses of AD [8, 9]. further accumulation of fibrillary A. 101

53 The innate immune responses suggest extrinsic A peptides and insulin are known substrates of 102

54 inflammatory cytokines are involved in exacerbat- an insulin-degrading enzyme [24, 25]. Both of these 103

55 ing neurocognition [9] and cytokine-related genes are proteins are important in the pathogenesis of AD 104

56 being implicated in the susceptibility to inflamma- and type II diabetes mellitus, respectively. Literature 105

57 tion in late-onset AD [1012]. Furthermore, human supports the risk-factor relationship between type II 106

58 brain tissue specimens from postmortem AD patients diabetes with increased risk of cognitive impairment 107

59 demonstrate evidence for neuroinflammation via the and dementia via its potential pro-inflammatory toxic- 108

60 activated complement system as C1q, C3b, and reac- ity from perturbed glucose metabolism [26]. However, 109

61 tive oxygen species are all involved in the amyloid it is not clear if A itself promotes insulin resistance in 110

62 fibril formation [11, 13, 14]. These observations are AD with the generation of subsequent oxidative stress, 111

63 strengthened by genome-wide studies supporting the reactive oxygen species, and related pro-inflammatory 112

64 role of innate immune components such as comple- cascades [27]. Streptozotocin used for generating 113

65 ment receptor 1 (CR1) and a fluid-phase regulatory experimental diabetic rats as a model for investigating 114

66 protein clusterin [15, 16]. late-onset AD in relation to insulin resistance is a toxin 115

derived from Streptomyces species of bacteria [28]. It 116

is, therefore, plausible to suggest that an initial micro- 117

67 PATHOLOGICAL HALLMARKS OF bial trigger may be responsible for insulin resistance 118

68 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE and the subsequent deposition of A in late-onset AD. 119


A plaques can be observed in the brains of cogni- 120

69 In AD, marked neuronal loss is observed in the tively intact individuals, but they are fewer and are 121

70 hippocampus where high densities of the classi- generally of the diffuse (A40 ) type, which so far 122

71 cal hallmark lesions are initially observed [17]. An appear to have little pathological significance. Of the 123

72 accumulation of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles two forms of amyloid, fibrillary A is regarded as 124

73 (NFTs) and extracellular amyloid- (A) plaques are being neurotoxic [29] and in vitro studies have shown 125

74 the two easily demonstrated histological features of it to lyse all types of cells by apoptosis [30]. Evidence 126

75 AD brains [18]. Synaptic dysfunction is considered from neuroradiological and neuropathological inves- 127

76 as one of the earliest structural defects [19]. Specif- tigations link this hallmark (A40/42 ) to the initiation 128

77 ically, NFTs indicate the severity of disease with of intracerebral inflammatory response in the inherited 129

78 A plaques depicting disease progression [17]. NFTs forms of AD as well as late-onset AD [14, 31, 32]. 130

79 in neurons constitute hyperphosphorylated tau pro- The inflammatory element of the disease may be a 131

80 tein that alters the polymerization and stability of significant risk factor for late-onset AD, specifically 132

81 microtubules [20]. The loss of synapses between neu- as innate immune components such as C1q and C3b 133

82 rons correlates well with cognitive decline [19]. The are involved with plaque maturation [11, 13]. The rel- 134

83 cumulative knock-on effect of these cytoarchitectural evance of detecting C1q and C3b within A40/42 also 135

84 changes is compromised protein-protein interactions draws attention to the cellular mechanisms involved 136
S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD 3

P roo

Fig. 1. Nerve pathways from the oral and nasal cavity to the brain, showing the 2nd and 3rd branches of the Trigeminal (CN V) and the Olfactory
nerve (CN I). The middle meningeal artery enters the brain at the foramen spinosum in the lateral portion of the greater wing of the sphenoid,
and then follows the cranial base and lateral potions of the vault, supplying the dura and bones of the calvarium.

137 with regulating inflammation in neurodegeneration prevent inappropriate glial cell activation] cannot cross 160

138 and in clearing A40/42 . The inflammatory compo- the blood-brain barrier (BBB). However, it is now 161

139 nents corroborate data from genetic studies proposing understood that the circumventricular organs are not 162

140 a relationship between AD and cytokine polymor- subject to the BBB [35], a region of the brain where 163

141 phisms [12, 33], as well as the complement proteins infections (both systemic and direct via the trigem- 164

142 such as clusterin and CR1 in its pathogenesis [15, 16]. inal and olfactory nerve pathways (see Fig. 1) and 165

143 With respect to the complement activation cascade, inflammatory mediators can access the brain [3638]. 166

144 CR1 is a membrane-associated complement inhibitory The brain deals with inappropriate toxins derived 167

145 protein that binds C4b and C3b acting at the C3/C5 locally (A deposits) or from extracerebral sources 168

146 convertase stage of the alternative and classical com- (infectious agents) using its own innate immune system 169

147 plement pathway, and clusterin is a fluid-phase protein consisting of ependymal cells, microglia, astrocytes, 170

148 that interferes with the assembly of the lytic mem- and oligodendrocytes [39]. Normally these cells reg- 171

149 brane attack complex. Decrease in clearance of the ulate the production and uptake of endotoxins and 172

150 lesion by the innate immune system contributes to secrete trophic factors that nurture the CNS cells 173

151 bystander damage that promotes a vicious cycle of and protect their functions [40]. However, following 174

152 chronic intra-cerebral inflammatory (high endogenous physical damage and/or invasion by foreign agents 175

153 levels of inflammatory mediators) response [14, 34]. (lipopolysaccharide, LPS), glial cells (specifically 176

microglia) bearing the LPS receptor (CD14) and the 177

highly conserved toll-like receptors 2 and 4 (TLR 2 178

154 WHAT IS INTRA-CEREBRAL and 4) undergo a number of phenotypic (resting to 179

155 INFLAMMATION? activated state) and functional changes. Key morpho- 180

logical changes include thickening and shortening of 181

156 In the past the brain was considered as an immuno- branching processes attached to a hypertrophic glial 182

157 privileged organ, as elements of the immune system cell body [41]. Once activated, microglia upregulate 183

158 [such as neutrophils, naive T cells (adaptive immune the expression of MHC class II molecules along with 184

159 system), plasma proteins, and extra-cerebral-toxins to the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF- 185
4 S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD

186 and IL-), complement proteins, quinolinic acid, of AD [51]. Currently, the greater accumulation of A 238

187 arachidonic acid and its metabolites, nitric oxide, deposits in late-onset AD is considered to be the result 239

188 platelet activating factor, and chemokines exci- of defects in the clearance system [52]. Therefore, the 240

189 tatory amino acids, and free radicals [14]. When these pertinent question would be, what initially triggers 241

190 innate factors are secreted by microglia, a local CNS A40/42 release in patients with late-onset AD? 242

191 inflammatory response is mounted. Infections are common in elderly individuals and 243

192 In AD brains, A is recognized as a nidus for are the main cause of death in a majority of neu- 244

193 intracerebral inflammation placing chronic neuroin- rodegenerative conditions. One hypothesis is that the 245

194 flammation downstream of this primary hallmark [13, elderly, per se, are immunocompromised and this 246

195 14]. However, this view is changing, especially with correlates with their susceptibility to an increased inci- 247

196 late-onset AD cases as the importance of the innate dence of infection [53, 54]. Recurrent bacteremia from 248

197 immune molecules is being uncovered by genome- common infections in the elderly, due to, for exam- 249

198 wide studies [11]. If nerve cell death and chronic CNS ple, chronic periodontitis [55, 56], intra-abdominal 250



inflammation are common precursors of the develop-
ment of dementia, explaining equivalent numbers of
A deposits and NFTs in clinical and subclinical AD
[57], and urinary tract infections [58], will con-
tribute to systemic circulation infections. In addition,
chronic periodontitis demonstrates a promising link


202 in the very elderly who bypass dementia is important that encompasses environmental influences, suscepti- 254

203 [4245] and adds further complications to the etiolog- bility profiles, infectious agents, and a multitude of 255

204 ical nature of AD. hosts factors that affect its episodic re-occurrence 256

205 Even A in subclinical AD subjects, which initi- [59]. Numerous studies show that tooth loss due to 257

206 ates intracerebral inflammation [11, 46, 47], appears PD to correlate with cognitive impairment in AD 258

207 not to lead to clinical decline in cognition. One possi- [6063]. Further studies have demonstrated systemi- 259

208 ble explanation for the lack of cognitive decline could cally derived immune components such as antibodies 260

209 lay in the inflammatory genetic traits of these and to the periodontal pathogens circulating in the blood 261

210 the non-impaired individuals with vital neuronal cells plasma of AD subjects [64]. In addition, AD patients 262

211 being rescued from death and so providing a cognitive with antibodies to the periodontal pathogens in 263

212 reserve. The inflammatory signals that initiate phago- their blood have displayed inflammatory mediators 264

213 cytosis by microglia are driven by A that involve the (cytokines) in the systemic circulation [64]. As Holmes 265

214 CD14 and TLR 2 and 4 signaling [22, 23, 48, 49], et al. [9] suggest, these cytokines and those from alter- 266

215 a pathway also used by microglia for bacterial LPS native sources in the peripheral circulation have the 267

216 recognition [50]. Spontaneous loss-of-function muta- potential to reach the brain parenchyma, and subse- 268

217 tion in the TLR 4 gene has been demonstrated to have quently prime microglia to mount a local immune 269

218 an inhibitory effect on microglial cell activation. For response with appropriate stimuli, and impair memory. 270

219 example, presence of A in the microglia with mutated An alternative hypothesis for the role of A in 271

220 gene expression [49] demonstrated reduced secretion subclinical and/or clinical AD individuals is that A 272

221 of inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) is acting as an antimicrobial peptide [65] to coun- 273

222 and tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) and nitric oxide. teract infections by functioning as part of the early 274

223 These findings further strengthen the cognitive reserve innate immune defense mechanisms that mediate 275

224 hypothesis in very old subjects in the presence of clas- innate and adaptive immune responses [66]. Tradi- 276

225 sical AD hallmark lesions. tionally, antimicrobial peptides act as look-outs for 277

226 Using an ex-vivo experimental model to examine invading micro-organisms to maintain the balance 278

227 the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine profiles in between commensals. The main target for antimicro- 279

228 whole blood from the healthy middle-aged offspring of bial peptides is the pathogen cell membrane, as most 280

229 patients affected by late-onset AD, van Exel et al. [10] antimicrobial peptides are cationic [67]. Antimicrobial 281

230 reported higher levels of specific cytokines than were peptides undergo electrostatic interactions with neg- 282

231 found in the siblings from non-AD parents. This find- atively charged molecules to penetrate bacterial cell 283

232 ing also demonstrates that inflammation-related risk walls, including anionic lipids and LPS [67]. They 284

233 factors are present in currently healthy subjects who then invade the lipid bilayer, creating trans-membrane 285

234 may have a genetic susceptibility profile a phrase, pores through which leakage of ions and metabo- 286

235 coined by McGeer and McGeer [33] to late-onset AD. lites, cytoplasmic components, dissipation of electrical 287

236 Despite the inheritance factors, the brains response to potentials, and cell death of microbes takes place 288

237 inflammation is slow as supported by animal models [68]. This hypothesis suggests the involvement of a 289
S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD 5

290 pathogenic precursor in the initiation of A release of care within the establishment for the level of oral 339

291 before inflammation becomes detectable in the pres- hygiene and dental health they receive. These factors 340

292 ence of this hallmark. We support this hypothesis and were supported in a large-scale survey carried out in 341

293 propose a suite of susceptibility traits and immuno- the US by Griffin et al. [79], which found that older 342

294 suppressive (stressed or rundown) episodes during life age groups were more likely to be edentulous or have 343

295 that give way to chronic bacterial infections. These untreated dental disease and root caries. Those who 344

296 bacterial elements in the individuals with susceptibil- were either residents in institutions or homebound had 345

297 ity profiles may trigger release of A to neutralize higher levels of untreated cavities, gingivitis (a marker 346

298 their effect. Over time A will accumulate in the of poor oral hygiene), and poorer overall oral health 347

299 brains of healthy but susceptible individuals and ini- than the elderly living independently. The study shows 348

300 tiate neuroinflammation that may cross the threshold that cost, lack of transportation, and limited mobility 349

301 from subclinical to late-onset AD. were key barriers to accessing dental care for nursing 350

302 The etiological hypothesis suggests that viruses and home residents [79]. Other groups of elderly that show 351



bacteria and/or their virulence factors access the brain
and thereby contribute to AD pathogenesis. A review
by Holmes and Cotterell [69] provides a range of infec-
higher untreated dental disease and lower levels of oral
health are those from ethnic minorities and low-income
families [79].


306 tive agents consistently being linked to AD. These
307 include viruses such as Herpes simplex virus type
308 I [70], Chlamydophila pneumoniae [71], Treponema PERIODONTAL DISEASE 355

309 spp., [72] Borrelia burgdorferi [73], and more recently

310 LPS from P. gingivalis [74], one of the key bacteria PD is a polymicrobial inflammatory disease that 356

311 causing PD in humans. has been estimated to affect 1015% of the developed 357

world population and is a major cause of tooth loss. 358

The prevalence of PD increases with age, affecting 359

312 AGE-RELATED PERSONAL HYGIENE around 50% of people over the age of 55 years [82]. The 360

313 CHANGES AS RISK FOR INFECTIONS disease affects tooth supporting tissues wherein the 361

interaction of specific bacteria and the hosts immune 362

314 Advancing age is the greatest risk factor for all forms responses play a pivotal role [59]. The hosts response 363

315 of AD. Some consequences of advancing age are a to bacteria and their products is an important factor in 364

316 compromised immune system [53, 54] and a neglect of determining the extent and severity of PD [83]. The 365

317 general and oral personal hygiene [61, 75, 76], and such acute bacterial challenges stimulate junctional trans- 366

318 conditions are associated with recurrent, chronic infec- formed pocket epithelium to produce a broad range of 367

319 tions. Recurrent, chronic infections enhance systemic inflammatory mediators to guard against gingival tis- 368

320 hyperinflammatory profile that may lead to confusion sue damage. The inefficient clearance of subgingival 369

321 and other dementia-like clinical features [79] in which pathogens by the innate immune system compromises 370

322 the exact structural/cellular changes taking place at the the integrity of periodontal tissues and eventually 371

323 time remain unknown. results in the formation of periodontal pockets. 372

324 Several studies support deterioration in oral health Periodontitis, involving specific bacteria coupled 373

325 with increasing age [7780]. The exact reasons are with the hosts response, initiates an acute phase 374

326 poorly understood, but advancing age is likely to com- receptor-mediated cytokine production by epithelial 375

327 promise the manual dexterity of senior citizens and cells and simultaneous neuropeptide release, resulting 376

328 this may make cleaning their teeth more difficult, in vasodilation of local vessels. Chemokines mobi- 377

329 or perhaps it is because as general health concerns lize neutrophils from blood vessels for migration 378

330 and conditions increase with age, maintenance of to the area of bacterial invasion. Gingival bleeding, 379

331 oral health becomes a lower priority. The elderly are swelling, and redness together with the presence of 380

332 more likely to be on multiple medications, many of neutrophils/macrophages within the inflamed gingivae 381

333 which, as a side effect, cause xerostomia and this indicate clinical signs of inflammation. The infection 382

334 will inevitably be a factor in deteriorating oral health is both confined to, and subsequently cleared by, neu- 383

335 [81]. Furthermore, if the elderly suffer from physi- trophils and macrophages, or expands to include other 384

336 cal impairments, accessing the dentist may become cells and structures [84]. In the high susceptibility pro- 385

337 more difficult. Elderly people resident in care insti- file group of individuals, the acute phase responses fail 386

338 tutions are, to a certain extent, dependent on the level to clear the infection, and chronic inflammatory lesions 387
6 S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD

388 develop within a matter of weeks. The pathogenic Cranial nerve V (CN V) or the trigeminal nerve, 437

389 consortium consisting of Porphyromonas gingivalis arising from the mid-lateral surface for the pons, 438

390 (P. gingivalis), Tannerella forsythia (T. forsythia), and is primarily a general sensory nerve with smaller 439

391 Treponema denticola (T. denticola) appear to be the motor component. There are three divisions of the 440

392 main organisms involved in the development of chronic CN V which are ophthalmic (V I), maxillary (V2 ) and 441

393 PD [85, 86]. The subgingival sulcus serves as a mandibular (V3 ) where, the motor root of CN V travels 442

394 niche enabling a cyclic chronic inflammatory process with the mandibular branch. The ophthalmic division 443

395 which in turn facilitates recurrent bacteremia follow- (V I) exits the neurocranium through the supraor- 444

396 ing routine oral health regimes [55, 56, 87]. A number bital fissure, the maxillary division (V2 ) through the 445

397 of inflammatory pathologies are said to develop in foramen rotundum in the sphenoid bone and the 446

398 this way, including cardiovascular diseases [88, 89], mandibular (V3 ) branch through the sphenoids fora- 447

399 rheumatoid arthritis [9092], diabetes mellitus [93], men ovale. CN V is a general sensory nerve to the scalp, 448

400 and others as well as AD [60, 61, 64, 72, 74]. face, nasal and oral cavities (including the teeth and 449


tongue), and brachial motor nerve to the muscles of
mastication (temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid,
and lateral pterygoid), tensor tympani, tensor (veli)


402 NERVES AND THE BLOOD SUPPLY TO palitini, mylohyoid, and the anterior belly of the digas- 453

403 THE BRAIN tric. When dental or periodontal therapy is performed 454

using local anesthesia (e.g., novocaine, xylocaine), the 455

404 The position of the oral cavity, serving the need drug is injected into the oral mucosa covering the bony 456

405 for speech and food consumption, connects with the foramina where the sensory branches of the CN V exit 457

406 brain via series of nerves. Cranial nerve 1 (CN1) is into the oral cavity. For the maxillary dental arcade, 458

407 the special sensory nerve for olfaction and contributes the injection is aimed toward the pterygopalatine gan- 459

408 not only to our sense of smell but also to that of glion; for the mandibular teeth, this is directed toward 460

409 taste. CN1 has complex pathways that trigger vis- the mandibular foramen. In the case of the pterygopala- 461

410 ceral responses (salivation and nausea or accelerated tine ganglion, this supplies sensation via branches of 462

411 peristalsis in the intestinal tract and increased gastric V2 from the nasal cavity, plate, nasopharynx, and max- 463

412 secretion) to various odors. Although CN1 is recog- illary teeth. The lingual and inferior alveolar nerve 464

413 nized and named as the olfactory nerve, the majority branches carry sensation from the entirety of the lower 465

414 of the olfactory tract comprises of secondary, rather jaw, mandibular teeth, gums, and anterior two thirds 466

415 than primary sensory axons; thus it is really not a of the tongue as shown in Fig. 1. As with most nerves, 467

416 nerve but rather a bulb and tract. There is a physical the branches of the trigeminal nerve are accompanied 468

417 connection between the oral and nasal cavity, extend- by veins and arteries along the peripheries of their 469

418 ing onto the superior nasal conchae and nasal septum pathways [94]. 470

419 and contains neurosensory cells and olfactory glands, The olfactory and the trigeminal nerve(s) pathways 471

420 which keep the mucosa moist and in which the disso- are also exploited by periodontal pathogens as a means 472

421 lution of inhaled scents (aromatic molecules) occurs. of bypassing the BBB for direct entry into the CNS 473

422 The peripheral processes of the primary sensory neu- [72, 95, 96], an observation supported by studies in 474

423 rons in the epithelium perform as sensory receptors immunosuppressed animal models using T. denticola 475

424 and transmit sensation centrally, which congregate into [97]. The animal model study allows some insight into 476

425 around 20 bundles, which, in turn, pass through foram- the virulence of the organism and the hosts immune 477

426 ina of the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone. The defenses as being important for this occurrence. 478

427 cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone is the porous bar- The systemic route as an alternative mode of 479

428 rier between the nasal passages and the brain itself. bacterial entry into the brain is favored due to 480

429 Once they have passed through the cribiform plate, bacteremia as mentioned earlier, association of peri- 481

430 the central processes synapse on the secondary sen- odontal pathogens with atherosclerotic lesions and in 482

431 sory neurons in the olfactory bulb itself, which houses particular P. gingivalis having the ability to adhere to 483

432 the nerve cell bodies. Behind this area is the olfactory erythrocytes for innate immune evasion [87, 98, 99] as 484

433 tract and trigone; the nerve cell bodies travel to the well as gaining advantage for transportation to remote 485

434 three olfactory areas, located in the anterior part of the body organs [99]. 486

435 entorhinal cortex area, encompassing the hippocampal The brain is supplied by three paired blood vessels: 487

436 gyrus and all ultimately lead to the hippocampus [94]. the right and left internal carotid arteries, arising from 488
S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD 7

489 the common carotid artery at the base of the neck. causes some individuals to harbor periodontal bacte- 538

490 It has three divisions that enter the cranium, anteri- ria rather than other species? Could there be as yet 539

491 orly through the carotid canal of the temporal bone unknown genetic factors/inflammatory traits, lifestyle 540

492 and through foramen lacerum in the middle cranial driven environmental stressors? 541

493 fossa. The vertebral arteries arise from the subclavian However, it should be noted that patients suf- 542

494 arteries, bilaterally and both enter the cranium via the fering from AD cognitive impairment are poor at 543

495 foramen magnum. The vertebral and internal carotid managing their personal oral health. In addition, a 544

496 arteries unite on the base of the brain at the Circle of caregiver or dentist may face a marked decrease in co- 545

497 Willis, via a series of interconnecting smaller arter- operation from the AD patient, making management 546

498 ies. The basilar artery is created when the vertebral of oral health more challenging. With patients hav- 547

499 arteries join. The Circle of Willis itself is composed ing increased cognitive impairment, such as reduced 548

500 of the posterior cerebral, posterior communicating, adaptation to change, dentists often choose not to carry 549

501 internal carotid, anterior cerebral and anterior commu- out the dental treatment that would give optimal oral 550



nicating arteries; all these arteries branch to supply the
brain itself [94] including the circumventricular organ
regions where bacteria and bacterial products access
health. For example, patients with AD may well be
unable to cope with extensive, potentially unpleas-
ant dental procedures, leaving them with fewer teeth,


505 the brain. which could have a detrimental impact on their eating 554

ability. 555

Nutritional deficiencies are documented in the 556

506 THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN elderly as well as in the dementia subjects, especially 557

507 PERIODONTAL DISEASE AND with regard to lessened intake of B-vitamins and folic 558

508 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE acid in the diet. The marker that indicates these defi- 559

ciencies also correlates with cognitive decline, but as 560

509 Longitudinal studies have shown that people with consequence of disease rather than a cause [103]. The 561

510 PD who progressed to the development of AD had mechanism of cognitive decline is suggested via synap- 562

511 poorer oral health [61, 76, 79, 100102]. Does poor oral tic dysfunction, which is one of the earliest structural 563

512 health always mean that the pathogens will disseminate defects associated with decline in memory [19]. Diet 564

513 to the brain even in AD patients? Both our unpublished provides the essential B-vitamins, phospholipids, and 565

514 data from controlled experiments using animal models, other micronutrients, which are required for the for- 566

515 and that of Foschi et al. [97], indicate that the presence mation of new synapses [104]. 567

516 and motility of the low virulence strains of periodontal


517 pathogens may not be sufficient for them to access the

518 brain. However, animal models of oral diseases (peri- EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR THE 568

519 odontitis and endodontic) may require an adjustment ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CHRONIC 569

520 for the optimization of dosage and/or duration of infec- PERIODONTITIS AND ALZHEIMERS 570

521 tion to allow for bacteria to translocate to the brain. DISEASE 571

522 Our unpublished data demonstrates that P. gingivalis

523 (FDC381) accessed the brain of ApoEnull mice follow- Clinical/epidemiological studies so far, all agree 572

524 ing an oral infection while P. gingivalis (ATCC 33277) on loss of teeth leading to poor memory [6063]. 573

525 failed, even in SCID mice mono and poly infections Further studies have examined possible inflamma- 574

526 [97]. It therefore appears that the greater virulence of tory biomarkers in an attempt to link and/or to find 575

527 P. gingivalis (FDC 381) due to having acquired fim- new diagnostic makers of AD. Others have, however, 576

528 briae, likely allowed its adherence to erythrocytes for used more specific measures including IgG levels to 577

529 innate immune evasion, a process that has gained the P. gingivalis and other specific periodontal pathogens 578

530 bacterium an advantage for dissemination [99], to the [64, 105]. A study by Sparks Stein et al. [105] used 579

531 brain (Poole et al. unpublished results). When the dura- cohort methodology analyzing levels of serum anti- 580

532 tion of active infection supersedes the virulence of the bodies to periodontal disease. At the start of the 581

533 bacteria, there remains a high possibility that the host study period, all participants were cognitively intact, 582

534 harboring the periodontal pathogens will demonstrate but higher levels of serum antibodies to periodontal 583

535 these bacteria disseminating to the brain. Immunocom- pathogens at baseline led to some individuals develop- 584

536 promised status seen in AD patients will also enhance ing AD [105]. As baseline measures were taken years 585

537 the infection process. This begs the question as to what before diagnosis of AD, the elevation in serum antibod- 586
8 S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD

587 ies cannot be attributed to secondary effects of AD (for to a compromising immune system and therefore, the 636

588 example, poor oral hygiene). Although clinical mea- ability of the host to defend against periodontal bacte- 637

589 surements of oral health were not taken in the Sparks rial infections. 638

590 Stein et al. [105] investigation, periodontal bacterial It is generally accepted that smoking is the major 639

591 species are generally accepted as being specific enough risk factor in periodontal disease. Smokers are 27 640

592 to PD and assessing serum antibody levels to these times more likely to present with PD than non-smokers 641

593 pathogens may prove to be a true indicator of PD in and this is unrelated to oral hygiene. Disease progres- 642

594 AD patients. sion is more rapid and response to treatment is poorer 643

[109]. Smoking is thought to affect neutrophil func- 644

tion, reducing the hosts ability to eliminate periodontal 645

595 POSSIBLE CONFOUNDERS pathogens. Smokers with PD have distinct patterns of 646

pathogenic microbial profile than non-smokers with 647

596 Several environmental, epidemiological, and risk PD [110112]. Smoking is also thought to lead to 648



factors show similar trends and patterns in both
PD and AD. Whether or not this is coincidental or
arises through shared developmental pathways remains
release of reactive oxidative species and oxidative
stress mediated tissue damage. Inflammatory cytokine
and chemokine expression in smokers compared to


600 unclear. The impact of these associations is the poten- non-smokers show many differences reflecting the 652

601 tial for these factors to act as confounders, influencing immunosuppressant effect of smoking, which may 653

602 the true relationship between PD and AD. contribute to an enhanced susceptibility to periodonti- 654

603 The incidence of both PD and AD increases with tis [113]. 655

604 age; this has already been mentioned in previous sec- The relationship between smoking and AD is less 656

605 tions. Gender related trends exist between AD and clear; with some studies suggesting smoking has a 657

606 periodontal disease. The incidence of AD has been beneficial effect due to nicotine treatment improv- 658

607 shown to be higher in women after 85 years of age. ing cognitive performance in age associated memory 659

608 This is thought to be due to the protective effect of impairment [114], while others suggesting that smok- 660

609 pre-menopause estrogen [106]. Men, however, have ing increase the risk of AD. In the proposed theory, 661

610 been shown to have a greater incidence of PD (up an increased risk of AD is similarly related to the 662

611 to 50%) than women overall [107]. Interestingly, this factors causing periodontal disease, whereby smoking 663

612 study also showed that men with PD also had increased increases free radical generation leading to high oxida- 664

613 incidence of coronary artery disease, suggesting fewer tive stress, or affects the inflammatory immune system 665

614 men than women survive to old age. Physical activity leading to phagocyte activation and further oxidative 666

615 has been shown to have a positive effect on cognitive damage. 667

616 function and those aged 7079 years with high levels PD would appear to have an increased prevalence in 668

617 of activity show lower levels of inflammatory markers both ethnic minority groups and lower socioeconomic 669

618 such as IL-6 and C-reactive protein [106]. Likewise status. This has been attributed to a complex combi- 670

619 obesity has shown similar trends, in that those who nation of social, psychological, and structural factors 671

620 are obese suffer a greater incidence of AD. Although including nutrition, oral hygiene, healthcare utiliza- 672

621 physical activity and the incidence of PD have not tion, and access to care. It is thought that having lack of 673

622 been investigated directly, many studies have shown resources to pay for care, not having a regular source 674

623 an indirect relationship, highlighting a greater inci- of care, or availability of transportation to healthcare 675

624 dence of PD with obesity and diabetes [107, 108]. It centers contribute to these trends [115117]. 676

625 has been suggested that obesity may be the second The relationship between race and socioeconomic 677

626 highest risk factor for PD after smoking [109]. The status and AD appears more complex. Meta-analysis 678

627 underlying mechanism for this association is thought assessing the relationship between education level and 679

628 to be related to proinflammatory cytokines, includ- AD showed that overall those with low or no educa- 680

629 ing IL-6 and C-reactive protein that are released by tion were more likely to develop AD, but this was not 681

630 adipose tissue, along with hormones adipokines or shown in all studies. This relationship was stronger 682

631 adipocytokines. With the increasing levels of evidence in developed, compared to developing countries possi- 683

632 supporting inflammatory processes in AD develop- bly due to life-expectancy being shorter in developing 684

633 ment, it is possible that the relationship between AD countries. Individuals with less education appear to 685

634 and obesity may follow similar mechanisms [109]. have lower cognitive function compared to those with 686

635 Poorer general health may be associated with PD due higher education levels. Education-dementia relation- 687
S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD 9

688 ship appears to vary according to age, gender, and by increasing certain hormones, such as adrenaline 734

689 race/ethnicity and the suggestion is that the relationship and cortisol. These, in turn, act on the biological 735

690 ties in with a persons life events beginning prior to and functioning of the individual, such as increased heart 736

691 carrying on beyond years of formal education [118]. rate, inhibition of the digestive system, or increased 737

692 These epidemiological trends associated with both PD glucose supply to the muscles. Although the phys- 738

693 and AD demonstrates the importance for excluding iological changes enhance our ability to mount a 739

694 the impact of confounders when investigating a true physical response to threat, the associated neurochem- 740

695 relationship between PD and AD. ical changes can lead to cognitive failures, which may 741

present as dementia-like even within a cognitively nor- 742

GENETIC RISK FACTORS FOR mal population. For example, elevations in cortisol 743


697 LATE-ONSET ALZHEIMERS DISEASE as a result of activation of the HPA axis can lead 744

698 AND PERIODONTITIS to impairments in attention [125], working memory 745

and inhibitory control [126], and declarative memory 746



The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene is a known
genetic risk factor associated with late-onset AD,
and more recent investigations suggest some further
[127]. Cognitive impairments due to acute stressors
are reversible. Further acute stress responses may actu-
ally have some benefits for health with enhancements


702 genetic risk factor associations with innate immune in immune function being reported [128]. How- 750

703 molecules and inflammatory traits in late-onset AD ever, when short-term beneficial adaptations designed 751

704 [10, 15, 16]. In particular, cytokine-related genes to maintain homeostasis during acutely stressful 752

705 appear to be involved in the susceptibility to inflam- events become excessive or prolonged, problems can 753

706 mation in late-onset AD [10, 12, 33] as well as in PD occur [129]. 754

707 [119121].
708 As the immune system plays an important role in PD Stress: Periodontal disease 755

709 pathogenesis [59], it is thought that PD itself may have

710 genetic associations. Polymorphisms in IL-, IL-1, Psychological stress may affect periodontal disease. 756

711 IL-6, and TNF- genotype are reported for periodonti- Such stressors can lead to a change in health behaviors, 757

712 tis [119121] and similarly IL-1, IL-1, IL-6, TNF-, which in turn may lead to associated increased risk of 758

713 2-macroglobulin, and 1-antichymotrypsin are all PD. For example, poorer oral hygiene coupled with 759

714 upregulated in AD [12, 33] suggesting commonali- increased smoking [130] and alcohol intake [131]; vis- 760

715 ties between susceptibility profiles in these two disease iting the dentist less regularly, and eating less healthily 761

conditions. As mentioned earlier, offspring of parents with higher fat and sugar diets [132] encourage bacte- 762


717 with AD have higher inflammatory cytokines in their rial growth and worsen periodontal status. 763

718 blood than those who are descendants of non-AD par- Stress impairs the balance between pro- and anti- 764

719 ents [10]. Similarly, parents with poor oral health tend inflammatory responses. Alterations in inflammatory 765

720 to have children with poor oral health; however, it is polymorphic gene function, in particular of IL-1 766

721 difficult to conclude that the poor oral health trait is a and IL-6 (119121), will affect polymorphonuclear 767

722 result of the genetic makeup of the individual and not leukocyte chemotaxis. The net effect will be reduced 768

723 simply an environmental influence [122]. lymphocyte proliferation and this may increase the 769

vulnerability of periodontal tissue to microorganisms 770


leading to further tissue destruction [133]. Inhibition of 771

724 STRESS ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC T cell responses by glucocorticoids appears to explain, 772

725 FACTORS in part, susceptibility to PD and pro-inflammatory 773

cytokines are potent activators of the HPA axis [134, 774

726 Stress: In health 135]. Patients with PD who are stressed show increased 775

IL-6 and IL-1 levels in gingival crevicular fluid [133]. 776

727 Acute stressors in the environment, such as facing Results of several studies were reviewed and demon- 777

728 a dangerous situation, activate physiological sys- strated a correlation between psychological stress and 778

729 tems designed to enhance self-preservation [123]. salivary and blood stress markers relating to inflamma- 779

730 These include the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary and tory response and progression of PD [134]. However, a 780

731 the more slowly responding hypothalamus pituitary cause and effect relationship has not, so far been found, 781

732 adrenal (HPA) axis. This response prepares the body to therefore stress is considered a risk factor for PD rather 782

733 cope with threat [124]. The two response systems work than a cause. 783
10 S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD

784 Stress: Alzheimers disease et al. [74] studies lacked information concerning the 832

periodontal status of the cases analyzed. 833

785 High levels of environmental stressors could lead to

786 impairments in cognitive processes, which are impor-

787 tant for maintaining oral hygiene. For example, acute FUTURE RESEARCH 834

788 and chronic activation of the HPA axis can lead to
789 elevated basal cortisol levels. High levels of circulat- How PD contributes to impaired memory remains 835

790 ing cortisol causes hippocampal damage and so impair intriguing and future studies should be directed 836

791 hippocampus-dependent memory processes [125]. In towards addressing these mechanisms. There is paucity 837

792 a cognitively intact elderly population, higher cortisol of information relating to the exact risk factor(s) for the 838

793 levels were indicative of impairments of declarative development of deteriorating memory from missing 839

794 memory and executive functioning [135], both of teeth in the prodromal phase of AD. Are these factors 840

795 which are needed to maintain good oral hygiene. downstream of co-morbidities such as diabetes affect- 841

ing periodontal status of the individual? Or common



The hippocampus is the area of pathology in AD
and is vulnerable to effects of stress and trauma [136].
Chronic stress can impair immune responses and so
susceptibility profiles play a key role in loss or gain
of function in future generations of AD parents. Fur-
ther evidence to support an association between PD


799 compromise the bodys ability to resist disease [137].
800 The brain attempts to compensate cellular stress, by and AD, research would need to demonstrate that the 846

801 regulatory mechanisms, involving upregulation of heat inflammatory and immunological responses that the 847

802 shock proteins [138]. Loss of heat shock proteins, bacteria and their virulence factors induce may subse- 848

803 in vitro, was shown to contribute to accumulation quently lead to the onset of AD. Perhaps associations 849

between parents with AD and their children at a much


804 of hyperphosphorylated tau, a component of NFTs,
805 and a hallmark of AD pathology [139]. In addition, younger age should be monitored for oral health as 851

806 stress activated protein kinases, for example, mitogen- that should eliminate any overlapping confounders that 852

807 activated protein kinase 38 and the c-jun N-terminal may be masking the true links in these two conditions. 853

808 kinases are activated in AD [140, 141]. These two stress This review clearly indicates significant gaps in 854

our current understanding of the causal association 855


809 pathways can also be activated by oxidative stress [142,

810 143], a common denominator of environmental, patho- of pathogens (spirochetes, bacteria, viruses) in a 856

811 logical, and habitual factors. slowly progressive and debilitating disease such as 857

AD. Although various types of neurotropic spirochetes 858

including oral (Treponema spp) and non-oral spiro- 859


chetes (B. burgdorferi) have been detected directly in 860

association with the pathological hallmarks of AD [73] 861
but, a causal relationship has not been tested in ani- 862
mal models. To the best of our knowledge, there is 863
no single in vivo animal model study that has exam-


ined the role of periodontal bacteria during chronic 865

816 Clinical observational studies thus far all correlate
infection (912 months of exposure times) to study 866
817 with loss of teeth leading to poor memory. However,
the sequence of neuropathological events associated 867
818 direct evidence is lacking to support a causal asso-

with the development of AD pathology. Even though 868

819 ciation between periodontal bacteria and progression
infectious agents have been implicated in relation to 869
820 of AD. The clinical studies have been performed on
AD hallmark pathology for over a century ago, several 870
821 elderly cohorts where overlapping features of the aging
clinical and molecular studies strongly support an asso- 871
822 process, such as deposition of A in the brain is likely
ciation between PD and AD. However, to date, there 872
823 to have already begun. When assessing periodontal
is a paucity of reports supporting a causative relation- 873
824 status clinically, levels of caries may not have been
ship between periodontal pathogens and AD cases and 874
825 accounted for. Oral hygiene studies were based on ret-
in vivo transgenic mice. 875
826 rospective questionnaire surveys, which may introduce
827 selection bias depending on the response rate. People
828 who are motivated to complete questionnaires may be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 876

829 more likely to visit the dentist than those who do not.
830 Genetic factors have not given importance in some of The authors thank the project support to LK 877

831 the studies. Both the Riviere et al. [72] and the Poole by 1R01 DE020820-01A1, NIH/NIDCR, USA. The 878
S.K. Singhrao et al. / Pathways and Factors Affecting AD 11

879 work described in this manuscript was fully funded mice are closely associated with a local inflammatory pro- 938

880 by the University of Central Lancashire. SKS is a cess. Virchows Arch B (Cell Pathol) 60, 329-336. 939

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882 sary prize which was awarded by the Committee BL, Finch CE, Frautschy S, Griffin WS, Hampel H, Hull

883 of the Society of Electron Microscope Technology M, Landreth G, Lue L, Mrak R, Mackenzie IR, McGeer 943

884 ( PL, OBanion MK, Pachter J, Pasinetti G, Plata-Salaman 944
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