Essay 2 Lopez, Denise

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Essay 2


The concept of discourse communities is to build an easier way of communication and

knowledge that is learned throughout communication certain communitys. These communities

have roles with authority in them, use ways of communication and have information and

feedback. Without there certain characteristics there wouldnt be a difference in the type of

communitys everyone dedicates their life to.

The community that I am a major in is music education which is also the community I

decided to analyze in this essay. This community is different because it has a lot of vocabulary

that is new to someone who starts off. The authority level is important because as a band director

or any type of music teacher has the role of being the boss which means leaving students in

charge. The better the music program is the bigger the impact the teacher must do with the


Literature review

John Swales

The article The Concept of Discourse Community, by John Swales introduces the

writer as a professor of linguistics. Swales writes about Discourse communitys which according

to the article, testifies to the increasingly common assumptions that discourse operates within

conventions defined by communities, be they academic disciplines or social groups .One of

Swales six characteristics is genre which are type of particular goals that are recognizable to

readers and writers that participate in particular groups. The second characteristics is how a

discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among the group itself. Which are
meeting, telecommunications, mail, newsletters, conversations, emails and many more. The third

characteristics of community discourse is how these groups use mechanisms to provide

information and feedback. The forth characteristic is how a discourse community utilizes and

hence possesses one or more genres in the community to further its aims. The fifth characteristic

that connects to genres is that a discourse community has acquired some specific lexis which is

professional words. And finally, the sixth characteristic is how a discourse community has

threshold members with authority.

James E. Porter

The article Intersexuality and the discourse community, by James E. Porter starts off

referencing a book comparing to a model the writing process. Explaining how the writer

represented a collector of fragments, an archaeologist creating an order, building a framework

from remnants of the past later saying that this is the principle that is known as intertextuality.

After talking about intertextuality and giving more examples; The article starts talking about

discourse community. They show four characteristics of community discourse communitys. The

first characteristic of community discourse is a group must have common interest. The second

characteristic is how a group must have approved channels of communication known as forums.

Forums are specific rules that dont need to be apparent but set up throughout the group. The

third characteristic of this type of discourse community is that there is no clear leadership. An the

last characteristic spoken throughout this article is that texts are acceptable only if they are


Comparison of Swales and Porter

Both readings had community discourse in them some having similaritys. The first

similarity that was noticeable to me had to be when Swales says that there must be public goals

and when Porter noted that there must be a common interest because these groups must have

similar mindsets on what they would like to achieve. Another similarity is when Swales talks

about information and feedback and when Porter says that there must be approved channels of

communication because these both must have information that is accurate. Another similarity is

when Swales talks about information and feedback and when Porter mentions how texts are

acceptable if they were knowledgeable because it also has to do with accurate information. The

forth similarity I have found is when Swales sates how the community utilizes and hence

possesses one or more genres in the community to further its aims and when Porter accepts texts

only if its knowledgeable because there both accepting additional information. The last similarity

is when Swales talks about lexis and Porter mentions that texts are acceptable if they are

knowledgeable because of the professionalism that has been represented.


The way I did research throughout this paper is by using a piano book I own for a piano

class. But the main method I used is my symphony class where I observed a teacher that has

filled me with knowledge and shown the different vocabulary and knowledge. This class is on

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 until 4:20pm. I have attend this class all semester. I did two

interviews with Dr. Chapshaw where he explained how important level of authoritys play.

This group exists to bring entertainment and music to the general public. The

mechanisms this group uses are Swales six characteristics because it only creates a better group.

One of the six Swales characteristics is genre which are type of particular goals that are

recognizable to readers and writers that participate in particular groups in this case it is the

musicians. The second characteristics is how a discourse community has mechanisms of

intercommunication among the group itself which can be how a director keeps a Facebook page

to contact with his students. Even having meetings, telecommunications, conversations, emails

and many more. The third characteristics of community discourse is how these groups use

particular mechanisms to provide information and feedback like a Facebook page that musicians

may go through. The forth characteristic is how a discourse community utilizes and hence

possesses one or more genres in the community to further its aims like having goals they music

inquire. The fifth characteristic that connects to genres is that a discourse community has

acquired some specific lexis which is professional words that may in in the music may have. And

finally, the sixth characteristic is how a discourse community has threshold members with

authority which is the music teachers, section leaders and other leaders in the group.


What I learned in this project is how dedicated a musician must be and how educated you

must be and how in every study of nature there is hard definitions. This will help me become a

music teacher because I prayed attention into details that I never realized before. Like the level

of authoritys there is and how they must be followed without any hesitation. I feel as if this was

kind of an eye opener to the knowledge I must have by the time I graduate. This project has

fulfilled me with hope and pleasure knowing more about the major I chose to be a part of.

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