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PASAR TERAPUNG ( Floating Market)

Floating market, the tour is located on the Barito River or precisely at the Kuin River Estuary,
Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan is indeed other than other tourist attraction in Indonesia where
the attraction in located on the Barito River is a traditional market. But the traditional market in
Muara Kuin is not an ordinary traditional market but a floating traditional market where market
sellers peddle their merchandise by using small boats or jackets lined neatly on the surface of the
river just like traditional markets in general and buyers must climb onto the boat for make buying
and selling transactions in this floating market, so no wonder why this market is better known as
the floating market.

For tourists who want to enjoy the view of this special floating market with beautiful river views
and buying and selling transactions on the surface of the river, then the tourists must be ready to
be in this market location from the morning where the floating market is open at dawn after
hours morning prayer till 7 am, and interrupted past 7 o'clock then this market is little by little
will start quiet so hours of profit to enjoy this attraction while shopping jam 6-7 morning where
you also can enjoy and breathe fresh morning air Barito river.

Interestingly in this floating traditional market, there is still a barter system or exchange of goods
or called by the local name Bapanduk, and floating markets in Muara Kuin Barito River South
Kalimantan is still a floating traditional market that still survives with culture where many
similar traditional markets are experiencing changes where there is market development directed
to the land. Goods are sold, this market is similar to other markets. There are fish traders,
vegetables, fruits, and garden produce and ready-to-eat foods, such as coffee, tea, cakes, rice for
breakfast with various menus, such as soto banjar, fried fish, and satay. When you want to buy
something, but your boat and trader far apart, usually the merchant will throw a wooden end with
nails and buyers take merchandise through the wooden stick.

Not far from the market, there are other attractions that can be visited, namely the Flower Island.
In Wisata Kembang Island, visitors have the opportunity to meet with a group of apes londo or
bekantan (Nasalis larvatus), a large-nosed primate who became the mascot of South Kalimantan.

Praise the presence of God Almighty for all His grace so that the writing task of this "Floating
Market" can be arranged to completion.

And hope I hope this task can increase knowledge and experience for the readers, For the future
can improve the form and add content to be better again.

Because of the limitations of knowledge and experience, I believe there are still many
shortcomings, therefore I really hope for constructive advice and criticism from readers for the
perfection of this paper. Thank you.


Pasar Terapung Siring Sungai Martapura Banjarmasin

(Floating Market Siring Sungai Martapura Banjarmasin)

Floating Market Siring Sungai Martapura its location in the middle of Banjarmasin city, adjacent
to Banjarmasin Pandang Tour, and Tugu Bekantan Banjarmasin tour. In this Floating Market the
merchants are docked at the siring basin area, and the buyer is on a bridge that floats on a
bamboo pedestal. Floating market siring river martapura is the most crowded in the visit in
comparison Kuin Floating Market and Floating Market Lokba Intan, perhaps because of easy
access to here and a fairly long time operation of this traditional market, making the Floating
Market Siring River Martapura Banjarmasin favorite people to fill the holiday time .

In general, market traders floating in this place are the mothers or women aged productive, and
they sell is a variety of goods needs of local residents or are hunted by tourists who travel to this
place, including: fresh fruits, vegetables, various cut flowers for various purposes, kitchen
ingredients including typical spices of the archipelago, typical souvenirs of local people made in
a traditional way and much-loved by foreign tourists, for example is a typical gemstone
Banjarmasin or Sasirangan fabric woven, and for you culinary lovers Nusantara typical city of
Banjarmasin, this is where you should visit. There are a variety of light snacks sold by mothers
on the river tasty and delicious on the tongue of anyone like the food available in luxury
restaurants here.

Visitors and tourists can visit this floating tendon market every Sunday in the morning. Starting
from 06.00 - 10.00 WITA. Usually if it comes too late, the traders who sell in klotok already
transporting merchandise back. In this floating market, we can also find traditional food of
ancient times, such as cotton candy, cotton candy, and sugar cane. It feels great when you can
enjoy the food of the children's age while looking at the river

Floating market is a typical Indonesian culture, especially South Kalimantan, as the next
generation we should maintain and preserve the culture to be known by our children and
grandchildren and not tergeserkan by western culture that much damage the moral of the nation.

By calling on the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, We pray the blessings and
praise of His presence, which has bestowed on His grace, guidance and inayah, so it can
complete the task of "Floating Siring Sungai Martapura Banjarmasin".

Hopefully this task can be useful for readers to add insight.

And I hope his critics and suggestions for better. Thanks..

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