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Vol. 119 No.

2 February 2015

Broken dental needle retrieval using a surgical navigation

system: a case report and literature review
Tim Yen Ting Lee, DDS, MD,a and Waleed Suliman Zaid, DDS, FRCD, MScb
Louisiana State University School of Dentistry, New Orleans, LA, USA

This paper reports a case of fractured needle retrieval in the pterygomandibular space using the Medtronic surgical
navigation system. Current literature on needle fracture and retrieval in the oral cavity was also reviewed. A literature search
was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, MDConsult, The Cochrane Library, and Google. A variety of keywords
were used, including needle fracture, broken dental needle, needle injuries in dentistry, foreign body retrieval, and
dental needle retrieval. Articles published after 1980 were reviewed. Seventeen articles that involved broken dental needle
retrieval were selected. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2015;119:e55-e59)

There has been a decrease in needle breakage incidents and dental needle retrieval. Articles published after
since the introduction of exible alloy and disposable 1980 were reviewed. Seventeen articles that involved
hypodermic needle in the 1960s.1 Despite the decrease broken dental needle retrieval were selected.
in breakage events, needle fracture continues to be a
signicant complication in dentistry. Needle breakage RESULTS
most often occurs during the administration of inferior Based on titles and abstracts, 17 articles were selected,
alveolar nerve blocks, and the needle fragment is which included 16 case reports and 1 review article. In
commonly dislodged in the pterygomandibular space. the articles reviewed, all patients reported clinical
The removal of broken needle in the pterygomandibular symptoms secondary to retained broken needle. All
space poses as a surgical challenge because of a com- surgeons were able to successfully locate and remove
bination of difcult access, the close anatomic rela- the needle fragments using various methods. Because
tionship to vital structures, and the small diameter of the of needle migration into the lateral neck space, one
dental needle fragment. Recent developments in attempt to remove the needle fragment intraorally had
computer-assisted surgery have brought signicant to be aborted and the needle was subsequently removed
changes to surgical approaches. The use of a surgical transfacially.3 In all cases, preoperative imaging studies
navigation system is becoming more widespread and is were performed. More recently, there has been a shift to
being applied to a range of surgeries, including ste- use computed tomography (CT) scanning instead of
reotactic biopsy, endoscopic sinus surgery, and foreign panoramic radiographs and plain lms to accurately
body removal.2 We report a case of broken needle identify the position of the broken needle. For locali-
retrieval in the pterygomandibular space using the zation of the needle fragment, most authors favored the
Medtronic surgical navigation system. This reports also use of reference needles and intraoperative radiographic
reviews the current techniques on broken needle lms. However, some procedures took as long as 3
retrieval. hours to complete.4 To reduce time spent on obtaining
intraoperative radiographs, 4 authors used intra-
MATERIALS AND METHODS operative C-arm uoroscopy instead of plain radio-
A literature search was conducted in the following da- graphic lms.3,5-7 Recently, the use of intraoperative
tabases: PubMed, MDConsult, the Cochrane Library, cone beam CT scanning was reported.8 Gerbino also
and Google. A variety of keywords were used, described a case using CT-guided navigation for intra-
including needle fracture, broken dental needle, operative needle localization.9
needle injuries in dentistry, foreign body retrieval,
An 18-year-old female patient was referred to the Department
Resident, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Louisiana of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Louisiana State Uni-
State University School of Dentistry, New Orleans, LA, USA. versity Health Science with a chief complaint of oral pain.
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, One year before, she had been seen by a general dentist to
Louisiana State University School of Dentistry, New Orleans, LA,
have 4 wisdom teeth extracted. During the administration of
Received for publication Jun 17, 2014; returned for revision Aug 11,
inferior alveolar nerve block, a 27-gauge long needle was
2014; accepted for publication Aug 25, 2014. fractured and trapped in the soft tissue. The dentist was unable
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. to retrieve the needle fragment at the time, and it was decided
2212-4403/$ - see front matter to leave the needle fragment in its place. The patient was observed for development of symptoms or needle migration.

e56 Lee and Zaid February 2015

Since the incident, although there was no limitation in

maximal incisal opening, the patient experienced persistent
pain that was exacerbated during mouth opening and closing.
One year later the patient presented to our department for
evaluation. A panoramic radiograph conrmed the needle
fragment in the right pterygomandibular space (Figure 1).
Surgical exploration under general anesthesia was recom-
mended and the patient desired to proceed with the surgery. A
preoperative maxillofacial CT scan (1 mm slices) was per-
formed less than 1 week before the surgery date. The DICOM
data was uploaded to the Medtronic surgical navigation
workstation. Fig. 1. Dental panoramic radiograph illustrating the position
The Medronic AxiEM navigation used an electromagnetic- of the broken needle.
based tracker system. After the patient was intubated, an
electromagnetic eld emitter device was mounted to the bed However, most believe that a broken needle should be
rail next to the patients head. Next, a tracker device was removed not only because of medicolegal implications
adhered to the patients mid-forehead. Patient registration was but also because of the risk of needle migration to
performed next. We used a tracer registration probe to trace
damage vital structures in the head and neck. For
out a series of points in the forehead, periorbital, and nasal
instance, a needle in the pterygomandibular space may
regions (Figure 2). Then the registration software matched the
previously traced points to their corresponding points on the migrate to the lateral pharyngeal space, where the sty-
patients preoperative CT scan (Figure 3). After successful loglossus muscle, the ascending pharyngeal artery, and
patient registration, movement of the probe instrument cor- the external carotid artery are located.3 Rahman reported
responded to the same movement on the preoperative CT a case where a needle fragment migrated from the
scan, which was displayed on the workstation monitor. We pterygomandibular space to the lateral neck within 2
then veried the accuracy of the patient registration by weeks.10 Another reason to consider removing the nee-
pointing the tip of the registration probe at various anatomic dle fragment is the psychological effect on the patient
landmarks, such as the anterior nasal spine, medial canthus, of having a sharp foreign object retained in the mouth.11
and incisors, and ensuring that the software also pointed to the Initial investigations of a broken needle often involve
corresponding positions on the preoperative CT scan. The
Panorex and plain radiographic lms taken at 90 degrees
positional discrepancy was veried to be less than 1 mm.
to each other. Though plain lms are useful in approx-
The patient was then prepped and draped. The preoperative
CT scan indicated that the broken needle was above the lin- imating the position of the needle, they cannot provide
gula and oriented superiorly toward the sigmoid notch. To accurate position of the needle relative to adjacent
gain access, a 4 cm vertical incision along the ramus was structures. A preoperative CT scan is therefore invalu-
made. Subperiosteal dissection was carried out medially along able before surgical exploration. Palpation of the soft
the ramus. The lingula and the inferior alveolar nerve were tissue should be avoided to prevent migration of needle
identied. The broken needle could not be visualized or fragment. In the maxillary region, broken needles are
palpated because it was trapped within the medial pterygoid usually located in the molar area, where important
musculature. Next, we positioned the navigation probe until structures are rarely affected.
the tip of the instrument was at the most anterior point of the Several intraoperative techniques for localizing
needle fragment on the preoperative CT scan (Figure 3). With
broken needle in pterygomandibular space have been
the navigation probe still in position, blunt dissection was
described. Thompson described the use of a stereotactic
performed adjacent to the probe instrument. The tip of the
needle fragment was identied, and the broken needle was technique using 2 19-gauge venipuncture needles. Two
removed with a hemostat (Figure 4 and Figure 5). Care was reference needles are positioned sequentially until the
taken to ensure that the inferior alveolar nerve was protected 2 needles meet radiographically at the broken needle
during the dissection. No vital structures were injured. Inci- fragment. Blunt dissection is then carried down 1 or the
sion was closed with 3-0 chromic sutures. Total intraoperative other venipuncture needle until the tip of the broken
time was less than 30 minutes. The patient was discharged needle fragment is encountered. Others have reported
home on the same day, and there were no postoperative successes with similar technique.12 However, intra-
complications. operative plain radiographic lms are often difcult
to obtain and are time consuming. Furthermore, it can
DISCUSSION be difcult to discriminate between small changes in
There remains some debate regarding management of a position on the plain radiographs. Nezafati and Shahi
broken dental needle. Some advocate leaving the needle reported using C-arm digital uoroscopy to provide
fragment in place as long as the patient is asymptomatic. rapid radiography without disturbing the reference
Surgical exploration to retrieval needle fragment can needles.5 However, as with plain lms, uoroscopy
itself lead to additional neurologic and tissue injury. only shows image in 2 dimensions and is unable to
Volume 119, Number 2 Lee and Zaid e57

Fig. 2. Patient registration with the tracer probe.

Fig. 3. Intraoperative navigation helped position the tip of the probe next to the needle fragment.

provide an accurate position of the fragment needle in a and its use in a small oral cavity is limited by the size of
3-dimensional space. One must review images in the ultrasound device.
different directions in order to precisely locate the Some advocate the use of a metal detector to localize
needle in a space. fractured needle.14 A metal detector operates by
Intraoperative ultrasound imaging has been suggested measuring the change in the induction of a search coil.
to localize foreign bodies in the neck.13 However, The tones emitted change with proximity to a nearby
ultrasound device does not provide precise position metal. A metal detector can distinguish between
e58 Lee and Zaid February 2015

overhead camera, allowing the position of the in-

struments to be tracked. For an optics-based navigation
system, a line of sight must be maintained during
tracking. Operating room setup must be adjusted to
minimize optical interference. An electromagnet-based
navigation system does not have a line-of-sight prob-
lem. However, certain metallic or ferromagnetic in-
struments can interfere with the navigation system and
must be kept more than 10 cm away when the tracker is
being used.16
All surgical navigation systems are known to have
errors of less than 1 mm.17 Nevertheless, it is important
Fig. 4. Locating the needle fragment within the pter- to consider that oral soft tissues are pliable. The position
ygomandibular space. of a broken needle within the pterygomandibular soft
tissue may shift depending on the degree of mouth
opening or mandibular position. In the present case
the preoperative CT scan was taken with the patient in
full occlusion. Intraoperatively, the patients mouth
remained open at a maximal incisal opening of 40 mm.
We were, however, able to use the navigation system
to successfully locate the broken needle. Gerbino
described the use of a customized intermaxillary splint
that xed the mandible against the maxilla in the same
dened open position during the initial CT scan and
during the operation.9 This method would further
improve the accuracy of intraoperative navigation.
Another factor that could have inuenced the accuracy
of the intraoperative navigation was that the preopera-
tive CT scan was completed several days before the
surgery, which may have allowed for migration of the
needle. Therefore, it is important to minimize the time
between the preoperative CT scan and the actual
Fig. 5. Retrieved broken dental needle.

different types metals, such as dental amalgam and CONCLUSIONS

dental needle. However, the disadvantage of using a The small diameter and dimension of dental needles
metal detector is that it is not readily available and the make retrieving a broken needle a challenging task. In
detector probe must be small enough to use intraorally. addition, needle fragments often cannot be palpated
Johansson and Krekmanov described the use of an intraoperatively. From our experience, image-guided
electromagnet to remove broken instruments.15 How- surgical navigation systems provide an accurate alter-
ever, an electromagnet can no longer be used to locate a native in localizing broken needles. Compared with the
dental needle because iron has been eliminated from the other localizing modalities, the use of surgical naviga-
stainless steel alloy in modern needles. tion systems can help decrease intraoperative time,
Surgical navigation systems provide an accurate minimize dissection, and reduce postoperative recovery
means of localizing needle fragments. Image-guided time. In addition, the patient is not subjected to any
navigation systems from different vendors work in intraoperative radiation exposure.
comparable ways. Each navigation system contains a
computer workstation, a display system, a tracking REFERENCES
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