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Case Study Material Selection for Flowline


Two wellheads are located apart from each other; these wellheads have to be connected to the
gathering center which is 5km away from both well heads. The terrain is having valleys,
mountains; road crossings as well as river crossing also come in the shortest route to the
available location for remote manifold.

Flowline 5km 8

Remote Manifold
Trunk line

Flowline 5km 8


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Case Study Material Selection for Flowline

Fluid analysis and operating conditions are given below;

Parameter Units Value Remarks

[CO2] mol% 6.2 -

Chlorides Ppm 120,000 -

[HCO3-] mg/l 0 Not reported check the effect if present

Organic Acids mg/l 0 Not reported check the effect if present

BTEX Not reported check the effect if present

Mercury Not reported - check the effect if present

Sand Not reported check the effect if present

Inlet Pressure Bara 116 125 (operating)

Inlet Temperature C 83.93 (operating)

Gas Flow MMSm3/d 1 - 3.44

HC Liquids m3/d 6.45 - 20.55

Water m3/d 11.83 - 44.06

Nominal Line Size Inch 8


Elaborate applicable internal and external corrosion mechanisms

Calculate corrosion rate based on de-Waards research papers.
Devise methodology to combat applicable corrosion mechanism(s)
Propose possible material(s) of construction
Propose Corrosion Management philosophy


Consider below given references of international standards.

De-Waards research papers
NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156

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