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Introducing the use of -kiru, as in 'nomikiru,' 'tabekiru' and 'tsukarekiru' | The Japan Times 2017/12/14 10(54

Introducing the use of -kiru, as

in nomikiru, tabekiru and
by Akemi Tanahashi and Hitomi Tashiro Nov 27, 2017

Densha-ni norikirenai hito-mo ita-n-desu. (There were some

passengers who couldnt get on the train.)

Situation 1: Ms. Shiba talks to Mr. Tian, who arrived at the office late.

Shiba: Densha-ga jiko-de tomatchatta mitai-desu-ne.

Tian: Ee, hmu-ga hito-de ippai-ni natte, densha-ni norikirenai hito-mo


Shiba: I heard the train stopped because of an accident.

Tian: Yes. The platform was full of people, and there were some passengers
who couldnt get on the train.

Today well introduce the proper use of compound verb X(verb in masu-
form without ). literally means to cut, and X expresses
a state of cutting something by means of X. Example: ()()
(The dog bit off the rope.) But X mainly adds the meaning
to complete X, to finish X and shows the completion of an action, as in
() (to use up), () (to drink up). Example:
()()() (This
novel was so interesting that I read the whole thing in a single night). Some Page 1 of 4
Introducing the use of -kiru, as in 'nomikiru,' 'tabekiru' and 'tsukarekiru' | The Japan Times 2017/12/14 10(54

X are used in the form of X, which means being unable to do

something completely/sufficiently because they are too much, as in (
) (cannot remember it all), () (too many to
count), ()(cannot wait). Example:
() () (I cant remember all these names).

Situation 2: Its a cold day. Mr. Sere and Mr. Mita have been standing
outside because of their work.

Sere: Konna samui tokoro-ni tatte-ita-kara, karada-ga hiekitchatta-yo.

Mita: Un, ato-de dokoka-de atatakai mono-o tabetai-ne.

Sere: Im frozen to the bone because of standing in this cold.

Mita: Yeah. It would be nice if we can eat something warm later,


X also means to become the utmost state of X, as in () (to

be exhausted), () (to be greatly perplexed), ()
(to be bored to the death). (to become clear) is usually used
in noun modifying form, as in () (clear sky). Moreover, X
can also mean to do X confidently or perfectly, as in ()(to
declare, to conclude), () (to break away) and () (to
believe completely).

Bonus Dialogue: Its Sunday morning. Ms. Tamachi talks to her

colleague Ms. Gray.


()() () Page 2 of 4
Introducing the use of -kiru, as in 'nomikiru,' 'tabekiru' and 'tsukarekiru' | The Japan Times 2017/12/14 10(54



()()() ()




Tamachi: You look upbeat today.

Gray: Yeah. I went to a hot spring on the weekend. I think my body, which
was exhausted from work, has recovered.

Tamachi: Oh, thats good. Recently, youd been very busy.

Gray: It felt great soaking in an open-air bath under the clear sky. Hot
springs can even warm a frozen-cold body. I want to go to all of them in

Tamachi: There are countless hot springs in Japan.

Gray: By the way, why are meals at Japanese inns served in so many
dishes? Theyre good, but I cant eat them all. Page 3 of 4
Introducing the use of -kiru, as in 'nomikiru,' 'tabekiru' and 'tsukarekiru' | The Japan Times 2017/12/14 10(54

Tamachi: Oh, really? Im always happy with the amount.

Gray: Arent you eating too much, Ms. Tamachi? Page 4 of 4

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