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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules xxx (2017) xxxxxx

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Physicochemical and microstructural properties of a novel edible lm

synthesized from Balangu seed mucilage
Atina Sadeghi-Varkani, Zahra Emam-Djomeh , Gholamreza Askari
Transfer Research center for controlled release, Phenomena Laboratory (TPL), Department of Food Science, Technology and Engineering,College of
Agriculture and Natural resources, University of Tehran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports the synthesis of a novel edible lm from Balangu seed mucilage (BSM) as a new carbo-
Received 10 June 2017 hydrate source. Optimal formulation of the proposed edible lm was found through fabricating several
Received in revised form 5 November 2017 distinct lms with different concentrations of BSM and glycerol. The effect of these formulation vari-
Accepted 6 November 2017
ables on the physical, mechanical, thermal, barrier, and microstructural properties of the manufactured
Available online xxx
lms was then investigated. Optimal formulation of the BSM edible lm was then determined based
on the measured mechanical and barrier characteristics. These characteristics were found to deteriorate
with an excessive use of glycerol which caused non-homogeneity of the lms as observed through scan-
Biodegradable lm
Balangu seed mucilage
ning electron micrographs. In-depth analysis of the optimal BSM lm properties was performed through
Film optimization investigating its oxygen permeability, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy,
X-ray diffraction, and water sorption isotherm. The superior mechanical and barrier characteristics of the
obtained optimal BSM edible lm make it a potential candidate for packaging that aim at an extended
2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction erties, plasticisers such as glycerol [7,911], glycol [12], sorbitol

[9,12,13], xylitol [12], and sucrose [9] are usually added to the lm
Widespread application of synthetic petroleum packaging in solution in the production stage. This weakens the biolm molec-
the food industry has negatively impacted the environment over ular interactions leading to an improved exibility and toughness
the past century [1]. Bio-based packaging materials have there- as well as reduced glass transition temperature. On the downside,
fore been introduced as a green alternative in the past decades, the hydrophilic nature of glycerol causes poor water vapour barrier
among which, edible lms have gained more attention due to their characteristics and increased water solubility in carbohydrate lms
environmentally-friendly characteristics, vast variety and avail- [14].
ability, non-toxicity, and low-cost [2]. Edible lms are commonly This study uses mucilage of Balangu plant seed for the rst time
produced using lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins; however, car- as a new source of carbohydrate for fabricating novel edible lms
bohydrates are more common due to their abundant sources [3]. for food packaging. Balangu plant (Lallemantia iberica F. & C. M.),
Carbohydrates such as starch [4], cellulose [5], chitosan [6], classied in the mint family, is locally known as iberica dragons
gum, and mucilage [7] were the subject of many studies for head or lions head, and is famous for use in traditional medicines.
biodegradable coatings and lms. Water-solubility and gel-forming This plant, originally from the Caucasus and the Middle East, is
characteristics of carbohydrates have enabled manufacturing of a spread throughout European and eastern countries [15]. Balangu
new class of edible lms that are good barriers against oxygen and seed mucilage (BSM) features many advantages over most of its
can be used for increasing the food shelf-life by preventing from polymer counterparts, including a lower production cost, higher
microbial spoilage [8]. In order to improve carbohydrate lm prop- efciency, and better medicinal properties.
BSM polymer, in its pure form, is not exible enough for packag-
ing, thus glycerol was used in this study as a plasticizer in the lm
formulation. To this aim, several concentration levels of glycerol
This research did not receive any specic grant from funding agencies in the and BSM were used in fabricating edible lm samples of different
public, commercial, or not-for-prot sectors. characteristics. These characteristics, including thickness, mois-
Corresponding author at: Center of Excellence in Biothermodynamics, University
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
ture content, water solubility, water vapour permeability, oxygen
E-mail address: (Z. Emam-Djomeh). permeability, colour and transparency, and mechanical properties
0141-8130/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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2 A. Sadeghi-Varkani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules xxx (2017) xxxxxx

were experimentally measured with respect to the glycerol and the plates and conditioned for a minimum of 20 h at ambient tem-
BSM concentration levels in lm formulation. Scanning electron perature in a desiccator lled with saturated magnesium nitrate
microscopy images of the fabricated lm samples were used to (52% RH).
investigate their distinct characteristics. Ultimately, the optimal
formulation of the proposed BSM edible lm was determined based 2.4. Physical properties of the BSM lms
on the obtained experimental results to have an improved mechan-
ical and barrier characteristics. Further investigations were then Thicknesses of the manufactured lms were measured using a
carried out on the optimal BSM lm properties by obtaining their digital micrometer with a precision of 0.01 mm. Each lm sample
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, was gauged at ve random regions, and the mean value was taken
X-ray diffraction, and water sorption isotherm. The results of this as the associated thickness.
study indicate that the developed optimal BSM edible lm features In order to measure the moisture content of the lms, samples
promising properties for food packaging applications aiming at an with 2 cm diameter were dehydrated in an oven at 105 C for 24 h,
extend shelf-life. after which, the sample weights remained constant. The measured
difference in the sample weight after this period is referred to as the
2. Materials and methods moisture content of the sample. This experiment was performed
three times on each lm sample, and the mean value was taken as
2.1. Materials the moisture content the associated BSM lm.
In order to obtain water solubility (WS) of the lms, a sample of
Balangu seeds used in this study were native to Iran and each lm was heated in the oven at 105 C for 24 h to reach a sta-
obtained through local suppliers. Ethanol of 96% purity was pur- ble moisture level. The weight of the sample was then measured
chased from Ghadir Industries (Tehran, Iran). Glycerol with%95 (Wi ), after which, it was immersed in 30 ml of distilled water. The
purity was from SigmaAldrich (Aldrich, MO, USA). Other materi- solution was stirred gradually at 25 C for 24 h and then ltered
als used in the experiments, including magnesium nitrate, sodium, through a paper lter. The paper lter which contained the undis-
and chloride, were obtained from Merck Corporation (Readington solved portion of the lm was dehydrated in the oven at 105 C for
Township, NJ, USA). 24 h. Subsequently, the amount of the undissolved substance was
measured (Wf ). Water solubility was then calculated by:
2.2. Extraction of BSM
Wi Wf
WS(%) = 100 (1)
Balangu seeds were stored in vacuum packages at 25 C before Wi
commencing the experiments. In order to purify the seeds, they The method for measuring water vapour permeability (WVP)
were sieved and soaked in ethanol (96% w/v) for 30 min to remove for the BSM lms was adopted from the standard ASTM E96-
dust and dirt. The seeds were then dried in a conventional oven at 95. Each lm sample was sealed using parafn wax over a glass
30 C for 12 h, after which, the seed mucilage was extracted through cup to isolate the cup inner-atmosphere from the outside (inner
hydration process. To this aim, the seeds were soaked in distilled diameter = 3.8 cm, height = 4.3 cm). The cup was initially lled with
water and mechanically stirred at 40 C for 3 h. The seed to water anhydrous calcium chloride to ensure 0% RH. The cup was put inside
ratio was chosen to be 1:35 based on preliminary experiments. a desiccator with saturated sodium chloride solution to maintain
The seed-water compound was then ltered through a cheese- 75% RH. The lower RH of the cup inner-atmosphere absorbs humid-
cloth to remove the seeds from the BSM solution. In the nal step, ity from the desiccator and into the anhydrous calcium chloride
the obtained BSM solution was centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 min resulting in an increase in the cups weight. This experiment was
to remove any impurity. The resultant puried BSM solution was performed for 48 h with the cup weights being measured every 6 h.
freeze-dried and vacuum-packed to preserve its characteristics for Water vapour permeability of the lm sample was then determined
use in the next stages of this work. by:

2.3. Synthesis of the proposed edible BSM lms GL

WVP = (2)
A t P
Four concentration levels of deried BSM measuring at 0.4%, where G is the increase in the weight (g), L is the thickness of the
0.8%, 1.2% and 1.6% (w/v) were used with three concentration lev- edible lm (mm), A is the effective cross-sectional area (mm2 ), t is
els of glycerol equaling 10%, 35%, and 60% (w/w) with respect to the time duration of the permeation (h) and P is the difference
the mucilage weight, resulting in twelve distinct edible lms. For between the pressure of the cup atmosphere and the desiccator
each concentration of dried BSM, an aqueous mucilage solution (kPa). The reported WVP value is the mean value of ve separate
was prepared by dissolving the respective amount of dried BSM, measurements.
obtained in Section 2.2, in distilled water. A homogeneous solution Oxygen permeability (O2 ) for a lm sample was measured
was achieved by stirring the resultant compound using a magnetic according to the standard ASTM D3985. This experimental test
stirrer at a constant speed of 500 rpm at 25 C for 4 h (RCT-basic, was performed at 23 C and 50 1% RH. The BSM lm sample was
IKA, Staufen, Germany). Different lm-forming solutions were then masked with aluminium foils on both sides leaving a circular uncov-
obtained by adding different concentrations of glycerol to the BSM ered area of 5 cm2 on the surface. The masked lms were then
solution. pH of each solution was maintained at 8.01. The solu- placed into a test cell that isolates both sides of the lm, with pure
tions were homogenised using a high-speed dispersing instrument oxygen owing on one side and a ow of neutral gasses comprised
at 25 C and the speed of 10,000 rpm for 20 min (Ultra-Turrax T25, of 98% nitrogen and 2% hydrogen on the other side. The system was
IKA, Staufen, Germany). To enhance the edible lm characteristics, left to reach equilibrium for 10 h, after which, oxygen permeability
air bubbles and insoluble solids were removed from the lm- was calculated according to:
forming solution by centrifuging at the speed of 1000 rpm at 25 C
Oxygen transmission rate average lm thickness
for 10 min. BSM edible lms were fabricated by casting a specic O2 = (3)
Difference in partial pressure between both sides of the lm
amount of the solution on Teon plates followed by a dehydra-
tion process using an air convection oven at 40 C and 40% relative Where oxygen transmission rate is in cm3 /m2 , average lm thick-
humidity (RH) for 24 h. In the nal step, the lms were peeled off ness is in m, and pressure is measured in kPa.

Please cite this article in press as: A. Sadeghi-Varkani, et al., Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (2017),
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BIOMAC-8509; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
A. Sadeghi-Varkani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules xxx (2017) xxxxxx 3

The method for measuring transparency of the manufactured Nitrogen was used as the purge gas in this process at a ow rate
lms is in accordance with ASTM D1746-09. Accordingly, the of 20 ml/min. Glass transition temperature (Tg ) and melting point
manufactured lm samples were cut into rectangular shapes and temperature (Tm ) of the sample lms were then measured by the
conditioned at 53% RH and 25 C for 24 h. A spectrophotometer (CE equipment. The measurements were performed thrice, and the
2502, CECIL, Cambridge, U.K.) was then used to measure the trans- mean value was reported.
parency of the lm samples. The instrument was rst calibrated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of the BSM lm sam-
an empty cell at 560 nm wavelength. Transparency of this empty ples was obtained at room temperature using a spectrometer
cell was taken as reference for this experiment. The lm samples (Bruker FRA 106/S FT-Raman, Germany). A horizontal attenuated
were then separately placed in the cell, and the readings from the total reectance (ATR) equipped with a ZnSe crystal plate was used
instrument were recorded. to obtain the spectra in the range of 4004000 cm1 with a resolu-
A colorimeter was used to determine the colour of the lms tion of 2 cm1 .
based on a*, b* and L* values which represent the levels of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed for the BSM
greenness-redness, blueness-yellowness, and lightness of the lms, lms using an X-ray diffractometer (SIEMENS D5000, Germany).
respectively. Each lm sample was cut into a rectangular piece and The diffraction angle was set in a range of 4 80 at the rate of
put in a standard plate with known values of as , bs and Ls . Sub- 1 /min while the current and voltage were equal to 40 kV and 40 mA
traction of these standard values from the colorimeter readings, a*, respectively. Copper was used as an anode.
b* and L*, gives the actual colour factors of the lm sample. Total Atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Dualscope/Rasterscope C26,
colour difference factor, E, yellow index (YI), and white index (WI) DME, Denmark) was used to investigate the surface morphology
of the samples were then calculated by: of the optimal BSM lm sample in ambient condition. The sample
 was attached to an aluminium surface. The equipment was set to AC
E = (a as )2 + (b bs ) + (L Ls )2 (4) non-contact mode. A tapping mode cantilever was used by a reso-
nance frequency of 150190 kHz and force constant of 2560 N/m.
142.86 (b bs ) The resulting data was used to generate a 3D image of the sample
YI = (5)
(L Ls ) surface. DME-SPM ( software was then used to measure the
 roughness in several parts of the illustration.
WI = 100 (100 (L Ls ))2 + (a as )2 + (b bs ) (6)

Five consecutive readings were performed for each factor, and 2.6. Water sorption isotherm
their mean value were taken as the nal value.
Mechanical properties of the manufactured lms including their The method for obtaining water sorption isotherm of the opti-
tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break (E) were measured mal BSM edible lm was adopted from [16]. Six straps of the optimal
based on the ASTM D882-12C2012 standard. The equipment used BSM lm (3 3 cm) were put over silica gel in a desiccator (0% RH)
for this measurement was DMTA (Testometric Co. Ltd., Rochdale, for one week to remove their moisture content. The dehydrated lm
U.K). Each lm was cut into a strip with a 90 mm length and 100 mm samples were then put in six individual desiccators with 22.51%,
width that was conditioned at 25 C and 52% RH for 48 h. The thick- 43.16%, 53.1%, 69.6%, 74.5%, and 85.1% RH. The experiment tem-
ness of each lm strip was measured at ve regions, and their mean perature was kept at 25 C. The weights of the lm samples were
was taken as the sample thickness. Each lm strip was clamped measured every 12 h until they reached equilibrium. Water sorp-
between two grips with an initial distance of 60 mm. The lm strip tion at a given RH was then calculated from the mass increase of
was then subject to an extension (at a rate of 10 mm/min) and the the dried lm sample after equilibration.
associated force and distance were recorded. The obtained data was The experimentally measured water sorption behavior was
then used to calculate TS and E of the lm samples according to: modelled by GuggenheimAndersondeBoer (GAB) and Brunauer,
Load on the lm causing it to break(N) Emmett and Teller (BET) equations, respectively expressed by:
TS = (7)
Crosssection of the lm (mm2 )
M0 C k aw
Final gauge length Initial gauge length M= (9)
E= (8) (1 k aw )(1 k aw + C k aw )
Initial gauge length
Five consecutive readings were performed for each lm sample, M0 C aw
M= (10)
and their mean was taken as the nal value. (1 aw )(1 aw + C aw )

2.5. Structural characterization of the BSM lm Where M and M0 are the equilibrium and monolayer moisture con-
tents (g water/g dry solid), respectively, aw is the water activity, C
Morphology of the BSM lms was observed by scanning elec- is a constant, and k is a factor correcting the multilayer molecule
tron microscopy (SEM) (Philips XL30, Amsterdam, Netherlands). properties corresponding to the bulk liquid.
To this aim, each lm sample was cut into a 2 2 mm sheet and
dehydrated at 45 C for 12 h. They were then covered by a thin
layer of goldpalladium in a high vacuum coating system using a 2.7. Statistical analysis
sputter coater (Q150R, Sussex, U.K.). SEM images from each sample
cross-section were then taken at an acceleration voltage of 20 kV Properties of the fabricated BSM edible lms with respect to
to investigate the effect of glycerol and dried BSM concentration their glycerol and mucilage concentration levels were investigated
levels on the lm structure. by repeating each experiment for a minimum of three times. The
Thermal properties of the manufactured lms were measured mean value of the measurements was then reported as the nal
by a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (Mettler Toledo, value. Microsoft Excel 2013 and SPSS 23.0 software were used to
Switzerland). 10 mg of each sample lm was cut into small pieces analyse the results. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to anal-
and placed into the equipments aluminium crucible pan. An empty yse the obtained experimental data. Duncans multiple range test
pan of the same characteristics was taken as a reference. The pan was then used to establish differences between treatments at a 5%
temperature was varied from 120 to 140 C at a rate of 10 C/min. level.

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4 A. Sadeghi-Varkani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Table 1
Effect of different dried BSM and glycerol concentrations on thickness, moisture content, and solubility of the fabricated BSM edible lms.

Dried BSM Glycerol Concentration Thickness (mm) Moisture Content (%) Water Solubility (%) WVP (g/Pa s m 10 11 ) Transparency (%T cm)
Content (%w/v) (%w/w)

0.4 10 0.042 0.002 k 10.4 0.24 i 28.33 0.16 f 7.483 0.391 j 53.16 0.40 a
35 0.043 0.002 k 11.33 0.27 h 37.02 0.30 e 15.57 0.350 g 52.73 0.87 a
60 0.044 0.004 j 11.72 0.28 h 46.06 0.26 d 23.43 0.272 d 52.96 0.80 a

0.8 10 0.048 0.007 i 14.49 0.34 g 15.74 0.34 h 6.363 0.284 k 45.16 0.45 b
35 0.049 0.002 h 15.64 0.18 f 17.58 0.23 g 12.593 0.261 h 44.70 0.78 b
60 0.050 0.002 g 17.15 0.26 e 20.26 0.13 g 20.383 0.346 e 44.80 0.55 b

1.2 10 0.058 0.002 f 18.46 0.35 d 9.48 0.26 k 4.363 0.284 l 38.20 0.90 c
35 0.059 0.004 e 19.86 0.27 c 10.36 0.22 j 9.593 0.261 i 37.60 0.60 c
60 0.060 0.003 d 20.88 0.37 b 11.54 0.27 i 18.383 0.346 f 37.63 0.72 c

1.6 10 0.065 0.002 c 23.68 0.24 a 50.44 0.72 c 34.696 0.489 c 24.94 0.73 d
35 0.070 0.002 b 23.41 0.35 a 55.44 0.48 b 41.540 0.363 b 23.86 0.80 de
60 0.074 0.002 a 23.66 0.29 a 58.37 0.43 a 56.526 0.270 a 23.07 0.86 f

3. Results and discussion 3.1.2. Moisture content

The measured moisture content of the fabricated BSM lms with
Experimental tests as described in Section 2 were performed on respect to the dried BSM and glycerol concentrations are shown in
the fabricated BSM lm samples with different concentrations of Table 1. Evidently, an increase in the dried mucilage content has sig-
glycerol and dried BSM. These results and their analysis are ulti- nicantly increased the moisture content of the manufactured lms
mately used in this section to determine the formulation of the (p < 0.05). This is explained by the hydroxyl groups of the mucilage
optimal BSM edible lm with desirable barrier and mechanical polymer which form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, result-
characteristics. ing in a slight increase in the moisture content of the lm.
Similarly, from Table 1 it is observed that an increase in the
glycerol concentration of the lm-forming solution results in an
increased moisture content of the BSM lms. The addition of
3.1. Physical properties of the fabricated BSM lms glycerol to the lm-forming solution causes polymerpolymer
and polymer-water bonds to break, leading to formation of
Preliminary experiments were performed to determine the glycerol-polymer and glycerol-water connections [17]. This causes
proper range of mucilage and plasticiser concentrations in the lm- absorption of the water molecules in the resultant biopolymer
forming solution. It was found that lms with 0.8%1.6% (w/v) dried structure, leading to a signicant increase in the moisture content
BSM content had a clear and homogeneous appearance. Moreover, of the edible lm as seen in Table 1.
lms with a minimum of 0.4% (w/v) dried BSM content were easily It is concluded from the experiments that moisture content
peeled off the casting plates. However, lms with dried BSM con- of the BSM edible lms is directly proportional to their mucilage
tent of more than 1.6% (w/v) were viscous with gummy properties. and glycerol concentration levels. Similar results were reported in
It was also revealed that using glycerol as a plasticiser in the the literature on Ghatti gum and cress seed mucilage edible lms
lm-forming solution led to lms with more uniform surfaces that [11,18,19].
are lighter and more exible. This is attributed to the polymer-
plasticiser bonds caused by the hydroxyl groups of glycerol [25].
According to the experiments, BSM lms with a glycerol concen-
tration of lower than 10% (w/w) of the dried BSM content were
brittle and inexible. On the contrary, overuse of glycerol in the
lm-forming solution caused the resultant BSM lms to become 3.1.3. Water solubility
sticky and hard to peel off the casting plates. From the performed Edible lms are generally soluble in water. This feature, if con-
preliminary experiments, the maximum acceptable glycerol con- trolled, can be used in many drug delivery applications in medicine.
centration in the BSM lm-forming solution was found to be 60% In such applications, the drug is encapsulated within an edible lm
(w/w) of its dried mucilage content. which is dissolved after a certain time in the water, releasing the
drug in the body.
Table 1 lists the water solubility of the fabricated BSM edible
lms with respect to their mucilage and glycerol concentration lev-
3.1.1. Thickness els. Evidently, increasing the glycerol concentration from 10%60%
Thicknesses of the fabricated BSM lms were measured to be (w/w) causes an increase in the water solubility of the edible lms
within 0.042 nm0.068 nm as shown in Table 1. According to the (p < 0.05). It is also observed from Table 1 that the rate of increase
measurements, at a xed dried BSM content, an increase in the in the water solubility of the fabricated lms with respect to the
glycerol concentration caused the lm thickness to increase sig- glycerol level is inversely related to their dried mucilage content. In
nicantly (p < 0.05). This is caused by penetration of the glycerol particular, higher water solubility of the fabricated lms is observed
molecules in the mucilage polymer chains, breaking their molecu- at lower dried mucilage contents. Similar results were reported in
lar interactions especially their hydrogen bonds. Thus, more water the literature on edible lms based on chia seed and Ghutti gum
vapour is absorbed into the lm structure causing an increase in [11,20].
the lm thickness. Water solubility of polymers is affected by their cross-linked
According to Table 1, at a xed glycerol level, increasing the network structure and crystallization between their polymer
mucilage content caused a signicant increase in the lm thickness chains. As explained earlier, polymer-glycerol bonds in glycerol-
(p < 0.05). This complies with the previous study for Ghatti gum infused lms cause an increase in hydrophilic feature of the edible
edible lms [11]. lm resulting in an increased water solubility [21].

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A. Sadeghi-Varkani et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules xxx (2017) xxxxxx 5

3.1.4. Water vapour permeability

Water vapour permeability (WVP) of the manufactured lms
were measured as listed in Table 1 with respect to the mucilage and
glycerol concentration levels. It is observed that adding glycerol in
the lm forming solution increases WVP of the resultant lms. The
measured WVPs with respect to the glycerol level is lowest in the
lms with 1.2% dry mucilage content where increasing the glycerol
concentration from 10% to 60% caused a signicant increase in the
WVP from 4.36 to 18.38% (p < 0.05).
WVP of edible lms are dependent on their water solubility.
When in contact with water vapour, the hydrophilic structure of
the edible lm absorbs the water vapour causing it to condense
and dissolve on the lm surface. The water molecules then gradu-
ally move through the lm, evaporating from its other side. From
the previous subsection, the solubility of the manufactured lms
increased with the glycerol concentration level due to the disrup-
tion caused by the low weight glycerol molecules in the polymeric
chains. This fact causes the porosity of the edible lm to increase
in microscopic levels, increasing its permeability to water vapour
with an increased glycerol concentration level.
From Table 1, at a xed glycerol concentration level, increas-
ing the dried BSM content of the fabricated lms from 0.4% to 1.2%
resulted in a decrease in their WVP. As the mucilage content of
the edible lms is increased, the polymeric chains within the lm
align in a more orderly manner, making the lm a better barrier
against water vapour. On the contrary, increasing the mucilage
content beyond a certain level causes gaps between the polymeric Fig. 1. Mechanical properties of the manufactured lms with respect to their
chains, increasing their permeability to water vapour (as seen in mucilage and glycerol concentration levels. (a) Tensile strength. (b) Elongation at
the lm with a mucilage concentration of 1.6% in Table 1). These
results are conrmed through SEM images of the fabricated lms
as will be seen in the next subsections (Fig. 2). Similar behavior yellowness. No statistical differences were observed for a* with
was observed on edible lms synthesized from Ghatti gum [11]. respect to the mucilage and glycerol concentration levels (p < 0.05).
The reported WVP of the proposed BSM edible lms in this section
are lower than many edible lms in the literature, including acetyl 3.1.7. Mechanical properties
acylglycerol [22], sodium caseinate mixed with acetylated [23] and Mechanical properties such as tensile strength and elongation
whey protein isolate mixed with palmitic acid, stearyl alcohol, or at break are of prime importance in packaging applications. These
beeswax [24]. characteristics are measured for the fabricated BSM lms as shown
in Fig. 1 with respect to the mucilage and glycerol concentration
levels. From Fig. 1(a) and (b), increasing the glycerol concentration
3.1.5. Light transmittance (Transparency)
of the BSM lms leads to a signicant increase in the elongation
All the fabricated lms regardless of their mucilage and glyc-
at break and a decreased tensile strength, regardless of the dried
erol concentration levels were transparent enough to be used as
BSM content. Evidently, the addition of glycerol is improving the
see-through lms for packaging applications. Transparencies of the
functional properties of the fabricated biodegradable lms. This is
fabricated lms are reported in Table 1. It is observed that with
caused by the penetration of glycerol molecules between the poly-
an increase in the glycerol concentration level, transparency was
mer chains, reducing their intermolecular interactions which leads
not signicantly changed. Moreover, an increase in the dried BSM
to an increase in the mobility between the molecular layers [25].
content caused a signicant reduction in the transparency of the
According to Fig. 1(a) and (b), tensile strength and elongation
fabricated edible lms. This behavior is attributed to the increased
at break for the fabricated lms are directly proportional to their
intermolecular interactions and reduced mobility of the polymer
dried BSM content up to 1.2% w/v. However, at high mucilage levels
chains with an increased dried BSM content, leading to increased
(1.6% w/v) tensile strength and elongation at break were signi-
opacity for the edible lm.
cantly reduced despite of the glycerol concentration. In particular,
increased mucilage content leads to an increasing molecular inter-
3.1.6. Color measurement action between the polymer chains, strengthening the edible lms.
Colour of the BSM lms were evaluated in terms of a*, b* and L* However, beyond a certain threshold of mucilage content (1.2% w/v
factors using a colorimeter and their YI and WI were found as listed for the fabricated BSM lms), tensile strength and elongation at
in Table 2. It is observed that L* and WI increase with an increased break are reduced due to the resultant toughness, weakening of the
glycerol level while a*, b*, and polymer chains, and non-homogeneity in the polymer structure.
YI exhibit an insignicant variation (p < 0.05) indicating a whiter These ndings are conrmed through SEM images shown in the
lm structure with an increased plasticiser concentration. next section (Fig. 2). Similar behavior to those obtained in this study
On the other hand, an increase in the mucilage content has have been reported in the literature for edible lms synthesized
caused a signicant decrease in L* which indicates the lm light- from Psyllium seed, Salep seed, and Ghatti gum [7,10,11].
ness. Therefore, darkness of a BSM lm is directly proportional to The obtained experimental results of Fig. 1 indicate that optimal
its mucilage content. Moreover, WI which represents the whiteness tensile strength of 15.3 MPa and elongation at break of 90%, can be
of the lm has reduced with increased mucilage level. Additionally, reached at 1.2% w/v of dried BSM content and 35% glycerol con-
b* and YI are signicantly increased with the increasing mucilage centration. These results demonstrate an improvement over other
content which shows the tendency of the fabricated lms toward edible lms synthesized from bitter vetch, Chia seed and Opuntia

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Table 2
Effect of different mucilage and glycerol concentrations on color compounds of the fabricated BSM edible lms.

Dried BSM Glycerol concentration L* a* b* WI YI

content (%w/v) (%w/w)

0.4 10 34.48 0.39 c 4.34 0.25 a 5.71 0.43 c 34.09 0.38 c 23.66 1.72 g
35 38.44 0.21 b 4.73 0.19 a 5.59 0.32 c 38.00 0.17 b 20.77 1.13 g
60 41.48 0.43 a 4.44 0.59 a 5.43 0.31 c 41.06 0.41 a 18.71 1.21 g

0.8 10 24.44 0.23 f 4.44 0.60 a 8.56 0.39 b 23.82 0.15 f 50.01 1.85 e
35 26.98 0.18 e 5.01 0.28 a 8.59 0.45 b 26.30 0.25 e 45.53 2.71 ef
60 28.73 0.27 d 4.58 0.33 a 8.53 0.51 b 28.07 0.23 d 42.40 2.33 f

1.2 10 18.32 0.41 i 4.52 0.19 a 15.61 0.52 a 16.72 0.42 i 121.77 4.81 b
35 18.89 0.26 h 4.50 0.22 a 15.35 0.46 a 17.33 0.34 h 116.11 4.88 c
60 20.43 0.23 g 4.56 0.40 a 15.80 0.45 a 18.74 0.30 g 110.56 4.39 d

1.6 10 15.28 0.42 j 4.73 0.52 a 15.56 0.40 a 13.73 0.42 j 145.59 6.09 a
35 14.95 0.77 j 4.58 0.41 a 15.90 0.46 a 13.35 0.73 k 152.17 8.10 a
60 14.81 0.74 j 4.95 0.42a 15.63 0.37 a 13.25 0.78 k 151.08 10.68 a

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs for cross-sections of the fabricated BSM edible lms. (a) Fabricated lm with 0.4% dried BSM content and 35% glycerol. (b) Fabricated lm with 1.2%
dried BSM content and 35% glycerol. (c) Fabricated lm with 1.6% dried BSM content and 35% glycerol.

Ficus-indica mucilage, where tensile strength was measured at 5,

13.2, and 0.9 MPa, respectively [20,26,27]. The tensile strength of
the optimum lm was also lower than some bio-polymer such as
high amylose starch-composited gelatin lms [28].

3.1.8. Scanning electron microscopy

SEM micrographs for BSM lm samples with 0.4%, 1.2%, and 1.6%
dried BSM content and 35% glycerol concentration are shown in
Fig. 2. It is observed that the fabricated lm with 1.2% BSM content is
smoother with a more homogeneous structure compared with the
other lms of 0.4% and 1.6% mucilage content in which fractures
and holes were observed. SEM images also revealed small pores
and cracks in the lm structures that are attributed to insoluble
materials in the lm-forming solution. These were minimal in the Fig. 3. DSC thermograms of BSM lms containing 1.6 dry content with 60% glycerol,
lm with 1.2% mucilage content. 1.6 dry content with 0% glycerol, 0.4 dry content with 60% glycerol, and 0.4 dry
content with 0% glycerol.

3.1.9. Thermal properties

Four lm samples were fabricated with their dried BSM con- Table 3
Thermal properties of BSM lms with respect to their dried BSM content and glycerol
tent and glycerol concentration set to their respective higher and
lower boundaries as shown in Table 1. Glass transition tempera-
ture (Tg ) and melting point temperature (Tm ) of the fabricated BSM Dried BSM Content (%) Glycerol Concentration (%) Tg ( C) Tm ( C)

lms were then measured using a DSC unit. These temperatures 0.4 0 43.56 112.89
are the phases at which the substance structure undergoes changes 60 46.7 104.06
from amorphous to viscose rubbery and from solid to liquid states, 1.6 0 47.15 105.35
respectively. The measured DSC curves for the BSM lms are plot- 60 71.95 100.88
ted in Fig. 3 and the obtained Tg and Tm are listed in Table 3. These
results imply that Tg and Tm of the fabricated lms are reduced by
increasing the glycerol concentration. This behavior can be justi- hydroxyl groups and hydrogen bonds with an increasing glycerol
ed by the free volume theory that describes a reduction in the concentration. This phenomenon weakens the biopolymer struc-

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Table 4 results in the previous sections where an increase in the glycerol

Physical, mechanical, and barrier properties of the optimal BSM edible lm with
concentration led to an increase in WVP, solubility and moisture
1.2% dried BSM content and 35% glycerol concentration.
content of the lms.
Physical properties Barrier and mechanical properties The broad band observed in the range of 30003600 cm1 in
Thickness (mm) 0.059 0.004 O2 (cm3 m/m2 kPa) 6.25 Fig. 4 is attributed to the stretch of bonded hydroxyl (O H), and
Moisture content (%) 19.86 0.27 WVP(g/Pa s m 1011 ) 9.593 0.261 the band in the range of 27003000 cm1 refers to the C H bonds
Water solubility (%) 10.36 0.22 E (%) 90.27 1.33 stretching. The FTIR spectra of both samples had undergone notable
Transparency (%T cm) 37.60 0.60 TS (MPa) 15.37 0.29
changes in these regions. A comparison between the two spectra
shows that the peaks in the O H stretching region have shifted
L* 18.89 0.26
from 3338 cm1 for the pure BSM to 3301 cm-1 in the optimal
a* 4.50 0.22 BSM lm. This is attributed to the addition of glycerol to the edi-
b* 15.35 0.46 ble lm formulation, resulting in development of new hydrogen
WI 17.33 0.34 (O H) bonds. These new O H bonds could be attributed to elec-
YI 116.11 4.88
trostatic attractions between polymerpolymer, glycerolglycerol,
and polymer-glycerol. Moreover, free hydroxyl groups of glycerol
could change the wavenumber of the peak 3338 cm1 . On the other
hand, a hydrogen bond reaction causes a reduction in the C H
bonds, leading to lower wavenumbers for the peak in the C H
stretching band of the FTIR spectrum of the optimal BSM lm as
seen in Fig. 4. In particular, the associated peak to the C H bonds
is shifted from 2923 cm1 for the pure BSM to 2919 cm1 in the
optimal BSM lm.
In an FTIR spectrum, peaks at 819, 894, and 1020 cm1 are
related to C O bond stretching [32]. Therefore, in Fig. 4, the peaks
around 894 and 1020 cm1 could be related to O C stretching.
Moreover, peak appearing in the region of 1596 cm1 are reported
as carboxyl ion stretching band (COO ) [33]. These peaks are
observed in the spectra of Fig. 4 for BSM lms and have increased
by the addition of glycerol in the lm structure.
Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of the optimal BSM-based edible lm in comparison with that
of the pure BSM.
3.2.2. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
XRD patterns of pure BSM and the optimal BSM edible lm
ture, causing an increase in the molecular movements, leading to with 1.2% dried BSM content and 35% glycerol concentration were
an increased intermolecular free space that yields a reduction in Tg obtained as shown in Fig. 5. These patterns are used to deter-
and Tm . mine the structure characterization of the samples. According to
From Fig. 3 and Table 3, all lm samples have a Tg between 43 Fig. 5, pure BSM exhibited a sharp peak at 2 = 5.56 indicating
to 72 C which is higher than that of lms manufactured based its crystalline structure. This peak was disappeared by addition of
on high-density polyethylene (125 C) [29], gellan (84 C), and plasticizer into the lm forming solution, showing a high compati-
pure glycerol liquid (93 C) [30]. This indicates a good potential bility and a high interaction between the BSM polymer and glycerol
for BSM as a carbohydrate source for packaging applications. [25]. Moreover, a broad peak was observed at 14.78 and 22.64 in
the XRD pattern of pure BSM, demonstrating its amorphous struc-
3.2. Characterization of the optimal BSM lm ture. The intensity of these peaks were increased by the addition of
The measured properties of the fabricated BSM lms with dif-
ferent dried BSM content and glycerol concentration, as discussed 3.2.3. Oxygen permeability
in Section 3.1, revealed that barrier and mechanical properties, as Polysaccharide-based edible lms have desirable barrier char-
decisive factors in packaging applications, are at their optimum acteristics against non-polar molecules such as oxygen and aroma
value at 1.2% dried BSM content and 35% glycerol concentration. compounds. This is mainly due to the hydrophilic groups and
Therefore, this mucilage/glycerol combination is chosen as the opti- hydrogen bonds of such edible lms. Oxygen permeability is an
mal formulation of the BSM edible lm. Physical, mechanical, and important factor in packaging which directly affects the shelf life
barrier properties of the optimal BSM edible lm are listed in of a product.
Table 4. Oxygen permeability of the optimal BSM lm was obtained
according to the method described in Section 2 and was measured
3.2.1. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) at 6.25 cm3 m/m2 KPa at 50% relative humidity for 24 h. This value
FTIR spectra of pure BSM and the optimal BSM edible lm were is higher than lms that are based on synthetic polymers such as
measured as shown in Fig. 4. The most considerable differences polyethylene terephthalate [34] and polyvinylidene chloride [35],
between the two FTIR spectra in the range of 4004000 cm1 was and biopolymer-based edible lms such as those from quince seed
seen in 1408, 1597, 1735, 2919, and 3301 cm1 . mucilage [17]. Evidently, the proposed optimal BSM edible lm
The specic peak of glycerol in its FTIR spectrum is expected at has promising characteristics for packaging applications compared
1456 cm1 [31]. From Fig. 4, in the optimal BSM lm this peak is with its synthetic polymer and biopolymer counterparts.
shifted to 1408 cm1 . This is due to the interaction between glyc-
erol and biopolymer in the lm structure. A comparison between 3.2.4. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
the two spectra of Fig. 4 indicates that addition of glycerol slightly AFM images of the optimal BSM lm are shown in Fig. 6. The
increases the peak intensity at 1733 cm1 which is attributed to results show that roughness of the optimal BSM lm is 8.38 nm,
water. This is because of the interaction between glycerol and water indicating a smooth surface. Moreover, a uniform distribution of
molecules in the biolm structure. This conrms the obtained the lm-forming material is observed leading to formation of a

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Fig. 5. XRD pattern the optimal BSM edible lm in comparison with that of pure BSM.

Fig. 6. AFM images of the optimal BSM lm.

Table 5 water vapour sorption of the lm sample. The k-factor obtained in

Parameters of GAB and BET water sorption isotherm models.
this study (0.944) was less than SPI lm [38], and cassava starch
Model constants C K R2 [39], indicating good properties of the manufactured optimal BSM
GAB 0.571 0.944 99.607 lm for packaging in different humidities.
BET 0.254 93.916 According to Table 6, the water sorption isotherm of the opti-
mal BSM lm is of sigmoid-shape. A slight increase in the slope
of the isotherm is observed at low aw regions, while at high aw
homogeneous lm structure. This indicates the high compatibility region the slope increases signicantly. This is due to swelling of
of BSM and glycerol due to their hydroxyl nature. SEM micro- the hydrophilic structure in the bio-polymer matrix.
graphs conrms the AFM images. Roughness of fabricated optimal
BSM lm is considerably lower than similar lms based on konjac
glucomannan-ethyl cellulose (51 nm) [36]. 4. Conclusion
AFM images of the optimal BSM lm as shown in Fig. 6 also
contain some large rugged areas which it could be attributed to the This paper investigated the feasibility of producing polysaccha-
micro or nanoscale insoluble particles in the biopolymer matrix ride edible lms from BSM as a new carbohydrate source. Glycerol
[37]. was used in the lm formulation as a plasticizer for increasing the
exibility and elongation of the fabricated lms. Different dried
3.2.5. Water sorption isotherm BSM contents (0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6% (w/v)) and glycerol concentra-
Water sorption isotherm of the optimal BSM lm describes tions (10, 35, and 60% (w/w)) were used to optimize the fabricated
the relationship between the equilibrium moisture content and BSM lm characteristics. Experimental tests were performed to
the water activity of the lm sample at a specied temperature. measure physical, mechanical, thermal, barrier, and microstruc-
This also reects valuable details of the lm microstructure. The tural properties of the fabricated lms with respect to their BSM
isotherm model of the optimal BSM lm is essential to predicting and glycerol concentration levels.
its stability of packaging and storage. Moisture adsorption isotherm The obtained results indicated that increasing the glycerol con-
of the optimal BSM lm in the range of 22%85% is measured, on centration from 10 to 60 (%w/w) led to a signicant increase in
which, GAB and BET models are t as shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b), the lm thickness from 0.042 to 0.044 mm when a low dried BSM
respectively. The constants of these models and their R2 are shown content (0.4 (%w/v)) was used. However, the lm thickness varied
in Table 5. From this table, a good tting with the experimental data from 0.065 to 0.074 mm at a high dried BSM content (1.6 (%w/v)).
is observed by the GAB model (R2 = 99.607) in comparison with the The increase in the glycerol concentration level led to increased
BET model (R2 = 93.916). In the GAB model, the constant k is less intermolecular spacing in the fabricated lms, making it easier for
than unity. A reduction in the k-factor indicates a reduction in the the water vapour molecules to transfer through the lm, increasing

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Fig. 7. Water sorption isotherm of the optimal BSM lm at 25 C. (a) GAB model. (b) BET model.

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