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Islamic history

Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and a member of the Ahl al-
Bayt.[3] Ali is regarded as the firstImam and is considered, along with his descendants, to be one of
the divinely appointed successors of Muhammad who are considered the only legitimate religious
and political leaders of the Muslim community.[4] Although Ali was regarded, during the lifetime of
Muhammad, as his initial successor, it would be 25 years before he was recognized with the title
of Caliph (successor). Like the rest of his household, Ali is considered infallible and sinless and is
one of The Fourteen Infallibles of the household of Muhammed.
Tradition states that Ali was born inside the Kaaba in Mecca,[5] and was a member of the Quraysh
tribe. Ali's father and Muhammad's uncle, Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib, was custodian of the Kaaba
and a sheikh of the Banu Hashim; an important branch of the powerful tribe of the Quraysh. His
mother, Fatimah bint Asad, was also from the Banu Hashim. In Arab culture it was a great honor for
Ali that both of his parents belonged to the Banu Hashim. Ali was also one of descendants
of Ishmael (Isma'il) the son of Abraham (Ibrahim).
During his childhood, Ali spent his first six years under his father's roof. Then, as a result of famine in
and around Mecca, Muhammad asked his uncle, Abu Talib, to allow Ali to come and live in the
house of his cousin.[6] It would be another four years until Muhammad would announce
his Prophethood. When the divine command came for Muhammad to begin to preach, Ali, only a
child of ten years, was the first male to publicly announce his support for his cousin.[7] Over the
coming years, Ali stood firmly in his support of Muhammad during the persecution of Muslims by the
Ali migrated to Medina shortly after Muhammad. There Muhammad told Ali that he had been ordered
by God to give his daughter,Fatimah, to Ali in marriage.[8] For the ten years that Muhammad led the
community in Medina, Ali was extremely active in his service, leading parties of warriors on raids,
and carrying messages and orders. With the exception of the Battle of Tabouk, Ali took part in all the
battles fought for Islam during this time.
After the assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, the Sahabah (Companions of
Muhammad) in Medina selected Ali to be the new Caliph. He encountered defiance and civil war
(First Fitna) during his reign. Tragically, while Ali was praying and bowing to God in the Great
Mosque of Kufa, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam, a Kharijite assassin, struck him with a poison-coated
sword. Ali died on the 21st of Ramadan in the city of Kufa in 661 CE. Ali is highly regarded for his
knowledge, belief, honesty, devotion to Islam, loyalty to Muhammad, his equal treatment of
all Muslims, and his generosity in forgiving his defeated enemies. In addition, he is respected as the
rightful successor of Muhammad.[9] Ali retains his stature as the foremost authority on
the Tafsir (Quranicexegesis), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and religious thought.
The compilation of sermons, lectures, and quotations attributed to Ali are compiled in the form of
several books. Nahj al-Balagha is the most revered of them. It is considered by historians and
scholars to be an important work in Islamic literature.[10]
Family tree (graphical)[edit]
Fatimah bint
Kilab ibn Murrah Sa'd
Banu Azd

Hubba bint
Qusai ibn Kilab

Atikah bint
Abd Manaf ibn Murrah
Qusai Banu

Salma bint Hashim Qaylah bint

Amr ibn 'Abd Amr
Banu Najjar Manaf Banu Khuza'a

Fatimah bint Amr Asad ibn
Muttalib ibn
Banu Makhzum Hashim

Abu Talib ibn

Abd al-
bint Asad

Abdullah ibn Talib ibn Abi Aqeel ibn Fakhitah bint

Abdul-Muttalib Talib Abi Talib Abi Talib

Muhammad Ibn Jumanah

Ja'far ibn
bint Abi
Abi Talib
Abdullah Talib

Fatimah al-Zahra
bint Muhammad Ali al-
ibn Abi Talib
Family tree (textual)[edit]
Paternal grand father: Shaiba ibn Hashim ('Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim), see Family tree of
Shaiba ibn Hashim
Paternal grand mother: Fatimah bint Amr
Father: Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib
Mother: Fatima bint Asad
Brother: Ja`far ibn Ab Tlib
Nephew: Awn ibn Ja'far
Nephew: Abdullah ibn Ja'far married Zaynab bint Ali
Grand Nephews: Aun ibn Abdillah and Muhammad ibn Abdillah died at the Battle of
Brother: Aqeel ibn Abi Talib
Nephew: Muslim ibn Aqeel died before the Battle of Karbala
Grand Nephews: Muhammad ibn Muslim and Ibraheem ibn Muslim died before the Battle
of Karbala
Brother: Talib ibn Abu Talib
Sister: Fakhitah bint Abi Talib
Sister: Jumanah bint Abi Talib
Himself: Ali
Father in law: Muhammad, see Family tree of Muhammad[5]
Wife: Fatimah daughter of Muhammad
Daughter: Zaynab bint Ali survived the Battle of Karbala
Daughter: Umm Kulthum bint Ali - Wife of Umar, second Caliph of Rashidun
Son: Muhsin ibn Ali died before birth (Shia) or during infancy (Sunni)
Son: Hasan ibn Ali died by poison during the reign of Muawiyah
Grandson: Qasim ibn Hasan died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Meesam ibn Hasan died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Abdullah ibn Hasan died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Sayyid al-Hasan al-Muthanna
Grand daughter: Fatimah bint al-Hasan
Great Grandson: Abdallah ibn Hasan al-Muthanna
Great Great Grandson: Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya
Son: Husayn ibn Ali died at the Battle of Karbala, see also Family tree of Husayn ibn Ali
Grand daughter: Sukayna bint Husayn survived the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Zayn al-Abidin only male that survived the Battle of Karbala
Great grandson: Muhammad al-Baqir
Great grandson: Zayd ibn Ali
Wife: Umamah bint Zainab
Son: Hilal ibn Ali
Wife: Umm ul-Banin which means mother of many sons her real name Fatima bint Hizam
Son: Al-Abbas ibn Ali died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Ubaydullah ibn al-Abbas
Grandson: Al-Fadl ibn al-Abbas died at the Battle of Karbala
Grandson: Qasim ibn al-Abbas died at the Battle of Karbala
Son: Abdullah ibn Ali died at the Battle of Karbala
Son: Jafar ibn Ali died at the Battle of Karbala
Son: Musa ibn Ali died at the Battle of Karbala
Wife: Leila bint Masoud
Son: Ubaid Allah bin Ali
Son: Abi Bakr bin Ali
Wife: Khawlah bint Ja'far
Son: Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah
Wife: Asma bint Umays
Son: Yahya bin Ali d:61H
Son: Muhammad Al Asgar ibn Ali died at the Battle of Karbala
Step daughter: Umm Kulthum bint Abi Bakr
Step son: Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr
Step son: Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr
Paternal uncle: Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib
Paternal uncle: Abd Allah ibn Abd al Muttalib father of Muhammad
Paternal aunt: Aminah bint Wahb mother of Muhammad
Cousin: Muhammad
Cousin's daughter: Fatimah
List of Imams[edit]
Date of Reason &
Modern Birth
(Calligra Name Title place of death
Num Place of
phic) (Full/K (Arabic/Tu Importance
ber birth
Depictio unya) rkish)[7] and place of
n Death
(CE/AH) burial[9]

Cousin and
son in law of
Considered by
Shia Islam as Assassinated
the byAbd-al-
Amir al- Rahman ibn
Ali ibn Mu'minin rightful Succes
sor of Muljam,
Abu (Command
Muhammad. aKharijite,
Talib er of the 600
The Sunnisack in Kufa, who
Faithful)[10] 661[10]
nowledge him slashed him

as the fourth with a poisoned
1 23 Mecca[10]
al-Mrtaz Caliph. He sword while he
(before holds a high was
(The Hijra) position in praying.[10][13]
Abu al- Beloved) 40[12] almost
Hasan all Sufi Muslim Buried at
orders (Turuq);
Birinci Ali[11] the Imam Ali
the members Mosque inNajaf,
of these orders Iraq.
trace their
lineage to
through him.[10]

He was the
eldest surviving Poisoned by his
grandson wife
Hasan of Muhammad in Medina,Saudi
ibn Ali through Arabia on the
al-Mjtab Muhammad's orders of the
daughter, Fati
625 Caliph Muawiya
mah az-Zahra.
(The 670[14] , according to
2 Hasan Medina[14]
Chosen) Twelver Shiite
succeeded his belief.[16]
Abu father as the
Muham kinci Ali[11] caliph in Kufa,
Buried in Jannat
mad and on the
basis of peace
treaty Baqi, Medina,S
with Muawiya I, audi Arabia.
he relinquished
ofIraq following
a reign of

He was a
of Muhammad
and brother of
Hasan ibn Ali.
opposed the
Husayn Sayyid ash- validity Killed and
ibn Ali Shuhada of Caliph Yazid beheaded at
I. As a result, theBattle of
626 he and his Karbala.
(Master of 680[17] family were
3 the later killed in Medina[17]
Martyrs) the Battle of Buried at
461[18] Karbala by the Imam
Abu Yazid's forces. Husayn
Abdillah nc After this Shrine inKarbal
Ali[11] incident, a, Iraq.[17]
the commemor
ation of
Husayn ibn
Ali has become
a central ritual
in Shia

Zayn al- According to
Ali ibn 'Abidin most Shia
Husayn Author of scholars, he
prayers was poisoned
(One who 658/9[19] on the order of
constantly in Sahifa al-
712[20] Sajjadiyya, Caliphal-Walid
Prostrates, I inMedina, Sau
4 Ornament which is known Medina[19]
38[19] as "The Psalm di Arabia.[20]
of the
Abu Worshipper 95[20] of the
Muham s)[19] Household of Buried in Jannat
mad the Prophet."[20] al-
Baqi, Medina,S
Drdnc audi Arabia.
According to
some Shia
scholars, he
was poisoned
Muham Baqir al-
Sunni and Shia by Ibrahim ibn
mad ibn Ulum
sources both Walid ibn
describe him 'Abdallah
(The as one of the inMedina, Saudi
Revealer of early and most Arabia on the
5 Medina[21]
Knowledge eminent legal order of
)[21] scholars, CaliphHisham
114[21] teaching many ibn Abd al-
Abu students during Malik.[20]
Ja'far Beinci his tenure.[21][22]
Buried in Jannat
Baqi, Medina,S
audi Arabia.

the Ja'fari
jurisprudence a
nd developed
thetheology of According to
Ja'far Shia sources,
ibn Twelvers. He
instructed he was
Muham poisoned
mad as-Sadiq[24] many scholars
in different inMedina, Saudi
Arabia on the
765[24] fields,
(The including Abu order of
6 Medina[24] Caliph Al-
Honest) Hanifah and M
83 Mansur.[24]
alik ibn
148[24] Anas infiqh, W
Abu Altnc Ali[11] asil ibn Ata and Buried in Jannat
Abdillah Hisham ibn al-
Hakam Baqi, Medina,S
in Islamic audi Arabia.
and Geber in
and alchemy.[24]

Musa Leader of the Imprisoned and

ibn al-Kazim[26] Shia poisoned
Ja'far 744 community inBaghdad, Iraq
799[26] during the on the order of
(The Calm
schism CaliphHarun al-
7 One) Medina[26]
of Ismailiand Rashid,
128 other branches according to
Yedinci 183[26] after the death Shiite belief.
Ali[11] of the former
Abu al- Imam, Jafar al- Buried in the Al-
Hasan I Sadiq.[27] He Kadhimiya
established the Mosquein
[25] network of Baghdad,
agents who Iraq.[26]
collected khum
s in the Shia
community of
the Middle
the Greater
Khorasan. He
holds a high
the members
of these orders
trace their
lineage to
through him.[28]

Ali ibn According to

Musa Made crown- Shia sources,
ar-Rida, he was
Reza[29] prince by
Caliph Al- poisoned
765 Ma'mun, and inMashad, Iran
( The 817[29] famous for his on the order of
8 Pleasing discussions Medina[29] CaliphAl-
One) 148 with both Ma'mun.
Abu al- Muslim and
Hasan 203[29]
non-Muslim Buried in
II Sekizinci religious
Ali[11] the Imam Reza
scholars.[29] shrine inMasha
d, Iran.[29]

Poisoned by his
wife, Al-
Muham al-Taqi, al- daughter,
mad ibn Jawad[30] inBaghdad, Iraq
Ali Famous for his on the order of
810 generosity and
(The God- CaliphAl-
835[30] piety in the
Fearing, Mu'tasim,
9 face of Medina[30]
The according to
195 persecution by
Generous) Shiite sources.
220[30] the Abbasid cal
Abu iphate.
Buried in the Al-
Ja'far Dokuzuncu
Ali ibn Strengthened According to
Muham the network of Shia sources,
mad al-Hadi, al- deputies in the he was
Naqi[31] Shia poisoned
827 community. He inSamarra, Iraq
(The 868[31] sent them Surayya, on the order of
Guide, The instructions, a village CaliphAl-
Pure One) and received in nearMedi Mu'tazz.[32]
212 turn financial na[31]
Abu al- 254[31] contributions of
Hasan Onuncu the faithful from Buried in the Al
III Ali[11] the khums and Askari
religious Mosque in
[31] vows.[31] Samarra, Iraq.

For most of his

life, the
Caliph, Al- According to
Hasan Mu'tamid,
al-Askari[33] Shia, he was
ibn Ali placed poisoned on the
restrictions on order of
(The 846 him after the Caliph Al-
Citizen of a 874[33] death of his Mu'tamidin Sam
11 Garrison father. Medina[33] arra, Iraq.
Town) 232 Repression of
Abu 260[33] the Shiite
population was Buried in Al
Muham Onbirinci particularly Askari
mad Ali[11] high at the time Mosque in

due to their Samarra, Iraq.[35]
large size and

According to
Twelver Shiite
Muham doctrine, Sufis
mad ibn Mahdi,[36]
Hidden and some of According to
al- Sunni Muslims, Twelver Shiite
Hasan Imam,[37]
al-Hujjah[38] 868 he is an actual doctrine, Sufis
historical and some of
personality and Sunni Muslims,
(The is the current Samarra, he has been
12 Guided Imam and the Iraq[39] living in
One, The 255 promised Mahd theOccultation s
Proof) unknow i, a messianic ince 872, and
n[39] figure who will will continue as
Abu al- return long as God
Onikinci wills.[39]
Qasim Ali[11]
with Christ. He
will reestablish
the rightful
governance of
Islam and
replete the
earth with
justice and

Abbas ibn Ali

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

al-Abbs ibn Al

The shrine of Abbas on November 28, 2010 inKarbala, Karbala

Governorate, Iraq

Born Sha'ban 4, 26 AH[1]

May 15, 647

Medina, Hejaz (now in Saudi Arabia)[1]

Died Muharram 10, 61 AH

October 10, 680 (aged 33)

Karbala, Umayyad Empire (now in Iraq)

Cause of death Killed during the Battle of Karbala by Yazid I's men

while bringing some water fromEuphrates river for

the family ofMuhammad

Resting place Shrine of Abbas, Karbal, Iraq

Residence Medina, Hejaz (now in Saudi Arabia)

Ethnicity Hejazi Arab

Known for Battle of Karbala

(Arabic: Father of Virtue)

*[ 2]

(Arabic: Moon of the Hashimites)


(Arabic: The provider of water)

(Persian: Flag/Standard bearer)

(Persian: King of Loyalty)

(Arabic: Door to Hussein)

*[ 3][4]

(Arabic: The door to fulfilling needs)

(Arabic: Most superior martyr)

*Ab Qurba

(Arabic: The owner of the skin of water)

(Arabic: Strength of Hussein)

Opponent(s) Yazid I
Spouse(s) Lubaba bint Ubaydillah

Children Ubaydullah ibn Abbas (died in the Battle of Karbala

Fadl ibn Abbas

Mohammad ibn Abbas (died in the Battle of Karbala)

Parent(s) Ali

Fatima (known as the mother of the sons)

Relatives Muhammad Brother of Husayn

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Painting commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husayn at the Battle of Karbala; its focus is his half
brother Abbas ibn Ali on a white horse.[5]

Abbas ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala

Al-Abbs ibn Ali (Arabic: , Persian: ) also Qamar Ban Hshim[6] (the
moon of Banu Hashim), (born 4th Shabn 26 AH 10 Muharram 61 AH; approximately May 15, 647
October 10, 680) was the son of Imam Ali, the first Imam ofShiite Muslims and the
fourth Caliph of Sunni Muslims, and Fatima bint Hizam, commonly known as Mother of the
Sons (Persian: ')' .
Abbas is revered by Sunni and Shiite Muslims for his loyalty to his half-brother Hussein, his respect
for the Households of Muhammad, and his role in the Battle of Karbala. Abbas is buried in the Shrine
of Abbas in Karbala, Karbala Governorate, Iraq, where he was martyred during the Battle of Karbala
on the day of Ashura.[7] He was praised for his "handsome looks".[8]


1Early life
2Battle of Siffin
3Battle of Karbala
o 3.1Death
6Horse of Abbas
7See also
9External links

Early life[edit]
Abbas was the son of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Ummul Banin. Abbas had three brothers Abdullah ibn
Ali, Jafar ibn Ali, and Usman ibn Ali. Narratives state that he did not open his eyes after he was born
until his brother Hussein took him in his arms.
Abbas married a distant cousin, Lubaba. They had three sons Fadl ibn Abbas, Mohammad ibn
Abbas, and Ubaydullah ibn Abbas.

Battle of Siffin[edit]
Abbas debuted as a soldier in the Battle of Siffin, one of the main conflicts of the struggle between
Abbas's father Ali and Muawiyah I, the governor of Syria, in 657 AD. Wearing the clothes of his
father, who was known to be a great warrior, Abbas killed many enemy soldiers. Muawiya's forces
actually mistook him for Ali. Therefore, when Ali himself appeared on the battlefield, Muawiya's
soldiers were astonished to see him and confused about the identity of the other soldier. Ali then
introduced Abbas by saying:
He is Abbas, the moon of the Hashimites.[9][10]
Abbas was trained by his father in the art of battle, which may be one reason he resembled his
father on the battlefield.

Battle of Karbala[edit]
Entrance to the shrine of Abbas inKarbala, Iraq

Abbas showed his loyalty to Hussein at the Battle of Karbala. After succeeding his father Muawiya
I as caliph, Yazid I demanded that Hussein pledge allegiance to him, but Hussein refused, saying:
Yazid is a drunkard, a womanizer who is unfit for leadership.
As these behaviors were (and still are) prohibited in Islam, if Hussein had pledged allegiance to
Yazid, his act would have ruined the basics of Islam. Hussein's elder brother Hassan had made a
pact [clarification needed] that they [clarification needed] would be responsible for religious (i.e., Islamic) decisions and
would not interfere in other matters. Hussein wanted to do what had been agreed upon, but Yazid I
wanted to take total control [clarification needed] . With the help of Ubayd Allah, Yazid I conspires to kill
Hussein by sending a letter to him in the name of people of Kufa (Iraq), inviting him to come to Kufa
and guide them on the right path, an invitation that was accepted by Hussein; though most historians
state that the letters were actually sent by the people of Kufa who later betrayed him when the body
of Muslim ibin Akeel (Hussein's messenger to Kufa) was thrown from a building in the center of Kufa
by Yazid's army while the people of Kufa stood silent. In 60 AH (680 AD), Hussein
left Medina for Mecca with a small group of companions and family members to travel to Kufa. He
sent his cousin, Muslim, on ahead to make his decision after the advice of his cousin. But, by the
time Hussein arrived near Kufa, his cousin had been killed. On the way[clarification needed] , Hussein and his
group were intercepted. They were forced into a detour and arrived in Karbala on the 2nd
of Muharram, 61 AH. Hussein's camp was surrounded and cut off from the Euphrates river. The
camp ran out of water on the 7th of Muharram.[citation needed]
The Euphrates river was occupied by Yazid I's army to prevent the camp of Hussein from getting
water. Because of his skill and bravery, Abbas could have attacked Yazid I's army, occupied the
river, and retrieved water for the camp alone. However, Abbas was only allowed to be defensive
because his brother Hussain didn't want him to fight, because his rage would consume him.[clarification
to fight. He was only allowed to get water. Thus, he went to the river to get water for the
children in Hussein's camp.[11] Sakinah was very attached to Abbas, who was her uncle. To her,
Abbas was their only hope for getting water. Abbas could not stand to see her thirsty and crying, Thy
thirst!.[9] When Abbas entered the battlefield, he only had a spear, and a bag for water in his hands.
He was also given the authority to hold the standard in the battle.[clarification needed] Once he had made it to
the river, he started filling the bag with water. Abbas's loyalty to Hussein was so great that, though
he was very thirsty, Abbas drank no water because he could not bear the thought that Sakinah was
thirsty. This story illustrates how Abbas conquered the Euphrates river, held it with his mighty hands,
yet still did not drink. To this very day, the water of the Euphrates winds past the grave of Abbas.
After gathering the water, Abbas rode back towards the camp. On his way back, he was struck from
behind, and one of his arms was amputated. Then he was struck from behind again, amputating his
other arm. Abbas continued, carrying the water-bag in his mouth. Yazid's soldiers started shooting
arrows at him. One arrow hit the bag, and water poured out of it. Immediately after the bag of water
was hit, the enemy shot an arrow at Abbas that hit his eye.[12] One of Yazid's men hit Abbas' head
with a mace, and, lacking the support of his arms, Abbas fell off his horse. As he was falling, he
called, "Oh brother!", calling for Hussein]. Abbas fell on his face before he let the standard fall.
He was killed on Tuesday, the 10th of Muharram(Ashura), 61 AH, near the bank of the river
Euphrates. Hence, he is called the "Hero of the Euphrates". His death is generally commemorated
by the Shiite Muslims on the night of the 8th of Muharram. Muslims, particularly Shiites, mourn the
death of all the martyrs who fell at the Battle of Karbala with Hussein in the Islamic month of
Muharram, mainly in the first ten days of the month. Fadl ibn Abbas and Qasim ibn Abbas also laid
down their lives in Karbala. Ubaydullah ibn Abbas lived to continue the lineage of Abbas[clarification
with five sons of his own.
Abbas was buried at the spot where he fell from his horse in Karbala, Iraq. The Shrine of Abbas was
built around his grave, at which millions of pilgrims pay homage every year.[13] The Albanian Bektashi
community also maintain a shrine to Abbas on the summit of Mount Tomorr, where an annual
pilgrimage is held every August.

Al-Abbas had sons Ubaidullah, Fadhl and Muhammad and two daughters. Ibn Shahrashub, the
famous historian, recorded that Muhammad was martyred in Karbala with his father. The mother of
Ubaidullah and Fadhl was Lubaba. Genealogists have agreed unanimously that the progeny of Al-
Abbas came from his son Ubaidullah. Sheikh al-Futouni, however, added that Hassan ibn Abbas
had sons and descendants, too. Ubaidullah ibn Abbas, who died in 155 AH, was a celebrated
scholar known for his handsomeness, perfect morality, and fine personality. He had three wives.
Ali (son of Hussein), had great respect for his uncle Abbas. He often wept when his eyes fell on
Ubaidullah, explaining that he reminded him of his father's heroic and tragic exploit on that day in
Al-Hassan, son of Ubaidullah, lived to age 67 and had five sons Fadhl, Hamza, Ibrahim, Abbas,
and Ubaidullah, all of whom became honorable, virtuous authors.

Stenciled phrase Arabic: , meaning O' Abol-Fazl (title of Abbas ibn Ali), made
by stencil andcinnamon powder on the Iranian dessert, Sholeh-zard

Al-Fadhl was such an eloquent, religious, and courageous personality that even caliphs respected
him. He was named 'Ibn al-Hashimiyya son of the Hashemite woman . He had three sons Ja'far,
al-Abbas al-Akbar, and Mohammad.
Abu'l-Abbas al-Fadhl ibn Mohammed ibn al-Fadhl ibn al-Hasan ibn Ubaidullah ibn al-Abbas was a
famous orator and poet. He composed several poetic verses eulogizing his ancestor, al-Abbas.
Hamza ibn al-Hasan ibn Ubaidullah ibn al-Abbas copied his ancestor, Amir ul-Mu'minin.[clarification
His grandson[clarification needed] Mohammed ibn Ali, a famous poet, resided in Basra and died in
AH 286.97[clarification needed]
Ibrahim Jardaqa was another descendant of al-Abbas. He was a jurist and a man of letters, and was
well known for his ascetics[clarification needed]. Abdullah ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim wrote several books, including
one titled al-Ja'fariyya. He died in Egypt in AH 312. Al-Abbas ibn al-Hasan ibn Ubaidullah ibn al-
Abbas was a great celebrity among the Hashemites; he visited Baghdad during the reign of Harun
ar-Rashid. He was one of the most celebrated poets. 98 [clarification needed]
Abdullah ibn al-Abbas, another son of al-Abbas, was also famous for his virtue and celebrity. When
he was informed about Abdullah's death, the Abbasid caliph al-Ma'moun said, "All people are the
same after your departure, son of al-Abbas!"[clarification needed] 99 [clarification needed] Abu't-Tayyib Mohammed ibn
Hamza had a good personality.[clarification needed] He was also well known for his regard for his relatives
and his virtue. He left a large fortune in Jordan where he was killed in AH 291.[clarification needed] His
descendants were called "sons of the martyr".
Ubaidullah ibn al-Hasan was the governor and qadi of Mecca and Medina during the reign of al-
Ma'moun. Abu-Ya'la al-Hamza ibn al-Qasim ibn Ali ibn Hamza ibn al-Hasan ibn Ubaidullah ibn al-
Abbas ibn Ali was one of the most celebrated men of knowledge.[clarification needed] He was great hadithist
who instructed many famed scholars and wrote many books, such as Kitab ut-Tawhid, Kitab uz-
Ziyaraatu wel-Menasik, and many others in various fields of knowledge, especially in Ilm ur-Rijal and
Ilm ul-Hadith. Many scholars described him with remarkable words of praise. In a village called al-
Hamza in al-Jazira, central Iraq, between the Euphrates and the Tigris, 102 is a handsome shrine
built over the tomb of al-Hamza that continues to be visited by many people.[14]

Ghazi, or Gha'Z (), [clarification needed] means "soldier who returns successfully from the battle".
Although Abbas was killed at Karbala, he is known as Ghazi because, when he carried out the first
strike against Yazid's army, his mission was to rescue the horse which was seized by Shimr during
the battle of Siffin. This horse belonged to his other brother Hasan ibn Ali. Abbas retained control
over the horse and presented it to Husayn.[clarification needed] He is also known as Abu Fazl (),
meaning the father of heavenly graces and/or the father of the graceful manner. Abbas (as) is the
king of chivalry and the most loyal companion to his brother Imam Hussain (as). Abbas ibn Ali is also
known as-Qamar Bani Hashim, meaning the moon of the Hashemites. [clarification needed]

Horse of Abbas[edit]
Abbas was given a horse named "Uqab" (Eagle).[15] Shia sources say that this horse was used by
Muhammad and Ali and that this horse was presented to Muhammad by the King of Yemen, Saif ibn
Zee Yazni, through Abdul Muttalib. The king considered the horse to be very important, and its
superiority over other horses was evident by the fact that its genealogical tree was also maintained.
It was initially named "Murtajiz", which comes from the Arabic name "Rijiz" meaning thunder

ifth Infallible Hussain (AS) the third Imam

Second son of Fatima (SA) and Ali (AS), Hussain (AS) was born on 3rd
Shabaan, 4th year of Hijri (626 AD). When he was born the Holy Prophet
(SAW) was given the news of the birth of his 2nd grand son. He arrived at
the house of his daughter, took the little baby in his arms, and said the
Azan and Iqamah in his ears. People around the Prophet saw tears in his
eyes. Fatima asked what the reason was for this, he told her that this boy
of hers will achieve martyrdom, but consoled her by adding that God will
create a nation who will mourn Hussain till the Day of Judgment. Another famous saying of the
Prophet at the same time became synonymous with the name of his grand son Hussain. "Hussian-o-
Minni wa Ana Minul Hussain". Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. One can explain this
Hadith that Hussain, being the grand son of the Prophet was from him biologically? How a
grandfather was from his grand son needs to be explained. Prophets of God speak spiritually rather
than materially. He was talking about Islam the Deen he was assigned by God to propagate God's
religion. He was for Islam and his whole life was for Islam and its establishment on earth. Any break
in this mission would subvert this mission which was the purpose of his creation. The message of
the Holy Prophet in this saying was that Hussain will, in some near future save this mission from
destruction; hence the very purpose of his being will be saved by the sacrifice of his grandson. He
was giving the news of a future occurrence. The story of
Karbala unfolds.



Hussain is the king, indeed he is the king of kings

Hussain is Deen and also the protector of Deen
He gave his head but not his hand of allegiance in the
hand of Yazid
Indeed he was the founder (Like his grandfather) of the
concept of One God

This quartet of Shah Moinuddin Chishty Ajmeri is the exact meaning of the Hadith of "Hussain-o-
Minni" as mentioned above. Imam Hussain (AS) has saved Islam from oblivion by offering his timely
sacrifice to draw the line of demarcation between Truth and Falsehood, between good and evil,
between Right and Wrong, that after this event in Karbala in 61 Hijri, no one inside or outside Islam
dare to challenge the truth of the Holy Qur'an or try to subvert its meanings.

The story of Karbala begins with the birth of Hussain (AS). The Holy Prophet (SAW) had shown
affection and love for his grandson as any grandfather should show, but there was something more
positive and profound in this love. Several times when Hussain entered the mosque as a small child
the Holy Prophet will put him in his lap and tell his companions that this is Hussain, look at him and
remember him. The Prophet's insistence to remember Hussain shows that those who will forget this
event will cause trouble in Islam.

It was just seven years of his life with his grandfather that the Holy Prophet died and soon after,
Hussain's mother Hazrat Fatima (SA) also died. The next 25 years of his life in Madina was with his
father Ali, his brother Hasan and many other brothers and sisters in the family. He grew up to be
loved by the companions of the Holy Prophet. During the period of 2nd Khilafat-e-Rasheda, Omar
Ibne Khattab had always shown his love and respect for Hussain. Whenever Hussain entered the
mosque, the Caliph would let him sit beside him and tell the companions to listen to what this young
man says. They all valued his advice even at that young age. His main activity in Madina was to see
that the people there know true Islam. He also managed the Trust set up by his father, to help the
poor of the city by giving them food and many necessities of life. This was the true Islamic Welfare
State in progress where every hungry mouth must have food; every naked person must have
clothes and a shelter over his head.

Apart from administering the Trust set up by his father Ali (AS), Hussain's (AS) main occupation
during these 25 years in Madina was to teach the newly converted Muslims real Islam through the
Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet. He has performed Hajj 24 times during this period. He has also
traveled to Yemen and most of the southern part of Hejaz and Najd. It is clear that he did not take
any part in any of the expeditions by the Muslim forces under the directions of the three Kholafa.
After the death of the 3rd Caliph Osman, Hussain's father Ali (AS) was
compelled by the people of Madina overwhelmingly to take the reigns of
power. Ali (AS) was reluctant and waited for three days before accepting
the mantle of worldly power along with the authority of Imamah.
Circumstances changed rapidly and within the first 6 month of Ali's Khilafat
he had to leave Madina for Basra and the battle of Jamal took place. We see
that Hussain (AS), who took no part in any battles before, was a
commander of Ali's forces in this first battle under his father's leadership.
Fighting began and ended in just one day, the battle was over; Ali (AS) performed funeral prayers
on dead of both sides and buried them. Victors and vanquished were treated the same way. Hazrat
Ayesha was returned to Madina under the escort of her brother Muhammad Ibne Abibakr and 40
other women dressed as men. She repented her participation in the battle all her life and never
forgave Talha and Zubair who deceived her into this battle against Ali (AS). She also realized that
the true instigator of this battle was Muawiya under whose directions both Talha and Zubair started
this whole adventure against the legitimately elected Caliph of Islam. It was to destabilize the power
base of Islam which was the Khilafat of Ali (AS). When he did not succeed in this he began other
tactics to do the same. His bands of soldiers raided many parts of Iraq to burn and loot villages and
destroy communities. Ali (AS) had no choice but to prepare for battle with Muawiya. The battle of
Siffin took place in the 2nd year of Ali (AS) Khilafat and Hussain (AS) took full part. He was the
commander of a garrison of 10,000 men along with his elder brother Hasan (AS) and Muhammad
(Hanafiya). It was Ali's practice to put his other son Muhammad-e-Hanafiya in the forefront and
save the lives of these two grandsons of the Prophet. Nevertheless they took full part in these
battles and fought with great bravery.

The 3rd battle during the Khilafat of Ali (AS) was the battle of Nehrwan fought against the Khawarij.
This was also over in just one day with total defeat of Khawarij. Ali (AS) returned to Kufa and the
main administration of the Islamic Welfare State began. Both brothers were the chief administrators
of this Welfare State where they would seek out those poor a destitute within the state and provide
them with the necessities of life. While living with his father in Kufa, Hussain (AS) visited various
northern part of the Islamic State. One story goes to say that he visited Azerbaijan and part of Iran
of that time.

Four years and 10 months of his father's Khilafat were over quickly and his
life with his elder brother Hasan (AS) began in Madina. They still have the
Trust state which was established by his father and both brothers
administered it jointly. Hussain (AS) visited Makka and performed Hajj 9
times during the life time of his brother. After the martyrdom his brother
Hasan (AS), Hussain (AS) took the mantle of Imamat and spiritual guidance
of the Ummah. It is during this period that during one of his journeys to
Makka for pilgrimage, his famous Duas (Supplication) of Arafah became
famous. This is a Dua which at the place of Arafat during the Hajj ritual that Imam recited and many
pilgrims heard it and instantly memorized it as was the practice of the people of that time. Qur'an
was also memorized in the same manner and many Sermons of Imam Ali (AS) were also memorized
by people. This Dua of Arafa became famous because of its deep insight into the realms of
spirituality of Islam and its total dependence upon Allah's Will and Power. This also gives insight into
the reasons why Imam Hussain (AS) left Makka for Karbala. The following extract shows this feeling
of the Imam towards reform of the Umma of his grandfather,

"O' God: you know that our struggle, moves, protests, and campaigns have not been, and are not,
for the sake of rivalry and for obtaining power, neither are they for the sake of personal ambition
nor for worldly ends, nor for the purpose of accumulating wealth and acquiring worldly advantages.
" Then what is their purpose? Imam states the purpose in these words.

"To establish the landmarks of Your Deen, to make reforms manifest in Your lands, so that the
oppressed among Your servants may have security, and Your laws, which have been suspended and
cast into neglect, may be reinstated."
Further on in this same Dua the Imam calls upon his creator to show his total dependence upon

O' He, upon whom I called when I was sick and He healed me, when naked, He clothed me, when
hungry He fed me, when thirsty He gave me drink, when abased He exalted me, when ignorant, He
gave me knowledge, when alone He provided companion, when away from home He returned me
home, when empty handed He enriched me, when in need of help He helped me, when rich He took
not from me". This kind of complete dependence upon God which is the Hallmark of Islamic
teachings, was taught by the Imam to the people of Madina and Makka, and the whole of Hejaz he

Once a baduin asked Imam what is the best thing to do. Imam replied, "Belief in God". He asked
again, what is the best means of deliverance from destruction, Imam said, "Trust in God". The man
asked, what is man's ornament, Imam replied," knowledge associated with intelligence". The man
insisted, if this be not available, what then, Imam replied," Wealth accompanied with generosity".
What if this is out of reach, Imam said, "Poverty allied with patience". What if this be not
practicable? Imam smiled and said, let the lightening consume the man to ashes. He then gave
whatever money he had with him to fulfill his needs.

It was in the month of Rajab 60 Hijri that Moawiya died and his son Yazid succeeded his father on
the throne of the Arab Empire with Damascus as its capital. Moawiya in his cleverness had told Yazid
that" whatever you do when you become ruler after my death, do not ask Hussain Ibne Ali for the
oath of allegiance. Leave him where he is and you will have no problems." But Yazid in his
arrogance of power did not bother to remember the wishes of his father. The very first thing he did
was to write a letter to his Governor in Madina informing him of his succession to the throne of his
father and ordering him to take the Oath of Allegiance from Hussain Ibne Ali (AS). Yazid realized
that although he had full temporal power and is the virtual ruler of the Arab Empire, but he has no
spiritual strength unless the grandson of the Prophet accepts him as such. People in Makka and
Madina would still regard Hussain (AS) as their leader if only spiritually. Walid Ibne Ataba the
Governor of Madina receives this letter on 26th of Rajab 60 Hijri. It was dusk and people were
getting ready for Maghrib prayers. Walid immediately sent a messenger to Imam's house and called
him to the palace. Imam realized the seriousness of the situation and took his brothers and sons
with him. When they arrived at the gate of the palace Imam asked to stay outside and wait and only
enter the gates when they hear Imam speak loudly. After these instructions Imam entered the
palace. There was Walid sitting in his high chair with Merwan Ibnul Hakam by his side. Imam asked,
"What is the matter that I was called at this hour". Walid mentioned Moawiya's death, Yazid's
accession to the throne and the demand for Imam's oath of allegiance. Imam replied that this is not
the matter which can be done in the solitude of the palace; let this matter be brought before the
people of Madina next day in the mosque of the Prophet. Imam stood up to leave while Merwan who
was listening to this conversation did not like it and warned Walid that if he lets Hussain go he will
loose him. Take the oath now or cut his head off as Yazid suggested in his letter. Imam after
hearing this remark from Merwan told Walid loudly, "A person like me would not give the oath of
allegiance to a person like Yazid who had violated all tenets of Islam". As Imam said these words
loudly, his brothers and sons entered the palace and they all left safely.

Imam realized after consulting his friends and relatives that the life of peace for them in Madina was

A question is asked sometimes, that why Imam Hussain (AS) had not chosen
to come to terms with Yazid as his elder brother, Imam Hasan(AS) had done
earlier while dealing with Moawiya. The question does not take into account
the difference in the situations of the two brothers. Ali (AS) as the Imam left
his elder son the mantle of Imamat which he at the time of his death passed
it on to his brother Imam Hussain (AS). Imam Hasan (AS) had also been
installed as the Caliph. Finding that Moawiya had succeeded in, secretly,
sowing the seeds of discord and dissent among the Muslims, and had induced
the feeling of great insecurity by undermining the machinery for the maintenance of peace, law and
order, Imam Hasan (AS) had deemed it expedient to enter into a treaty with him under which the
Imam abdicated in favor of his adversary only the adjuncts of worldly power. He did not dissociate
himself from the spiritual primacy at all and continued to be the spiritual leader and the Imam of the

Second point which is equally important is that when Yazid enforced his oath of allegiance over the
Muslims, he insisted the people must swear allegiance to him which was totally different from the
oath of allegiance of Kholafa-e-Rashidoon. Previously they swore the oath of allegiance that the
Khalifa should rule according to the verdict of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. But Yazid's
impertinence and arrogance made it an abject acknowledgement by the swearer that he was the
slave (Abd) of Yazid who would dispose off his life, property and offspring in any manner deemed fit.
One of the companions of the Prophet in Madina named Ibn Rabia Al Aswad was prepared to swear
allegiance to Yazid in accordance with the old practice but refused to swear allegiance in the form
proposed. He was summarily executed. This happened inside the city of Madina.

Where then was there any point in Imam Hussain (AS) trying to make up to Yazid. This is where
Imam Hussain (AS) found himself placed in circumstances which were markedly different from those
which confronted his elder brother who had abdicated only his temporal power in favor of Moawiya
for the restoration of peace and order on the domain of Islam. This kind of oath was entirely out of
question for Imam Hussain (AS) to accept. This would have totally degraded Islam as ordained in
the Qur'an and as it was practiced by the Prophet of Islam. When settlement with Yazid being wholly
out of question, the only alternative course open to Imam Hussain (AS) was to oppose Yazid to save
and protect the values of Islam from further degradation and to protect the faith itself from
destructive inroads of pre-Islamic revivalism. He could, however, have entertained no illusions about
the kind of support he could hope to enlist for himself in any conflict with Yazid. The exceedingly
unhappy position in which his elder brother had found himself through the treacherous withdrawal of
the support given to him in his confrontation with Moawiya, Imam Hussain (AS) therefore thought of
entirely new strategy of war with Yazid, for in any case war it had to be. He made no attempt to
meet Yazid's military might with his own martial strength. He builds no hopes on numerical strength
for the success of his cause which was entirely the cause of Islam and saving Islamic values. Imam
decided to battle with Yazid on the spiritual plane, to oppose Yazid's might with his nobility of
character, confront power with powerlessness, meet multitudes with want of material support and
defy oppression with suffering and martyrdom.

The proof of this line of thought became so clear in Imam Hussain's sermons and letters to his
brother Muhammad-e-Hanafiya when the Imam was leaving Makka for Iraq.

Imam, after leaving Madina in the month of Rajab, stayed in Makka for
about 5 months. It was in the month of Zilhijja 60 Hijri when he noticed
that there were Yazid's soldiers in Makka in the garb of Ahram to kill the
Imam inside the Masjidul Haram. Imam changed the rituals of Hajj into
Umra and decided to leave Makka. The date was 8th of Zilhijja 60 Hijri.
When people saw the Imam leaving before completing the Hajj they began
to ask questions as to why he was leaving in such a hurry. Some doubted
his motives, saying that he might be leaving Makka for Iraq to confront
Yazid and take power into his hands. To quell these doubts he left a letter with his brother
Muhammad-e-Hanafiya which clearly states his purpose of leaving Makka. He wrote in the letter, "I
have not come out to stir emotions, to play with discontentment, to provoke dissension or to spread
oppression. I wish to bring the Umma back to the path of Amr-bil-Ma'arouf and Nahyi Unil Munker. I
wish to bring them back to the path of my grandfather the Messenger of Allah and of my father Ali
Ibne Abi Talib".

The momentous journey of Imam Hussain (AS) begins from Makka towards an unknown destination
which eventually ended at Karbala.

The journey which began from Makka on the 8th of Zilhijja 60 Hijri ended in Karbala on 2nd of
Muharram 61 Hijiri and took about 22 days in all. Imam stopped at 14 places on his way to Karbala.
He met various people and delivered various sermons. What the Imam talked about to these people
he met and said in his sermons at various places reflects the true motives he had in his mind. The
names of these places Imam passed were mentioned in history books but their exact locations were
not traceable in modern geographical maps. After searching in the archives of the British Museum
Library a map of 9th Century Hijri was found in which all these names were clearly shown.

There were 14 places in all where the Imam was known to have passed during this journey.

The first place was called Saffah. Here the Imam stayed for the
night. The next morning when he was preparing to leave for his
next Manzil that he met the famous poet Farazdaq who was
coming from Iraq and was going to Makka for pilgrimage. When he
learnt that Imam was proceeding for Iraq he tried to persuade him
not to go there. Imam asked Farazdaq about the conditions in Kufa
and the poet replied," Peoples hearts are with you but their swords
are against you." Imam told him, "Allah does what he wishes, I
leave it to Him who proposes the just cause". Farazdaq left the
place for Makka and Imam's caravan proceeded towards its next
Manzil. The 2nd Manzil was Dhatul - Irq. Here the Imam stayed the
night. Here he met Abdullah Ibn Jaafar who was Imam's cousin
and husband of his sister Hazrat Zainab. Abdullah brought his two
sons Aun and Muhammad to accompany the Imam. Abdullah also
tried to persuade the Imam to postpone his journey and return to
Madina. But Imam replied," my destiny is in the hands of Allah"
These words which mention his destiny were repeated at many
places during this journey and clearly indicate that he had a mission in his mind and he was
proceeding towards that mission without fail.

The 3rd stage in the Imam's journey was the small town called Batn-ur-Rumma. From here the
Imam sent a letter to one of his friends in Kufa asking about the situation there. Qais Ibn Mushahir
took the letter for the Imam. He also met Abdullah Ibn Mutee who was also coming from the
troubled land of Iraq. He also tried to persuade the Imam not to proceed any further. He said that
Kufans were not faithful to anyone -" Al Kufi La Yufi "- they could not be trusted. But Imam
continued with his fateful journey with the same words that his destiny is in the hands of Allah.

The 4th Stage of Imam's journey took him to Zurud. This was a small town just over the hills of
Hejaz separating from the province of Najd. From here the mountains change into arid desert. At
this place Imam met Zohair Ibne Qain. Zohair, until that time, was not the follower of Ahlul-bayt. He
was undecided and considered himself as a person in middle not able to decide which side was the
right one. Imam saw Zohair's tent pitched in the distant and sent his emissary with a note. Zohair
read the note, realized for the first time in his life that time for decision to choose the right path has
arrived. Something happened to him inside that has changed his entire life. What was written in the
note is not clear, but Zohair told his friends to take his wife and children back to his tribal lands, and
he himself set out to join the Imam and his caravan.

Here it is important to mention that when the Imam was leaving Makka he was trying to persuade
the hoards of people who wanted to come out with him, to go back to their homes. Imam was
telling them that there is no reward of worldly goods at the end of the journey. But at the same time
he wrote letters to some people inviting them to accompany him to the end of his journey. One of
them was Zohair as mentioned above. Imam wrote another letter to his childhood friend Habib Ibn
Mazahir al-Asadi in Kufa inviting to join him in his journey of destiny. Habib was an old companion
of the Prophet. Some historians mention Habib's age as 82 years.

Another important point worth mentioning here is that these additional people invited by the Imam
were each from different tribes of Arabia. Out of total number of 72 male warriors with the Imam,
18 were from his own family, all descendents of Abu Talib. But rest of the martyrs was from all
places and all creeds, almost from all Islamic lands of that time. There were men from Sham
(Syria), from Jaba el Amul (Lebanon), from Armenia, from Azerbaijan, from Yemen, Abysiniya and
Egypt. It appears that Imam was taking special care that whoever is martyred with him on the Day
of Ashura comes from different tribes and different lands, different culture and creed so that the
message reaches all corners of the Islamic lands through their relatives and friends.

The 5th stage of Imam's journey was a small town called Zabala. Here the Imam learnt from two
tribesmen coming from Kufa, about the death of Hazrat Muslim Ibn Aqeel. Imam uttered the words,
"InnLillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Rajeoon", loudly that all around him hear these words and know that
something momentous has happened. When all his companions gathered around him he said,
"Indallah Nahtasib Unfosana", which means that "before God we all are accountable to our actions
and deeds". Asadi Tribesmen tried to dissuade the Imam from proceeding any further, but to no
avail. He told his companions of the death of his cousin Hazrat Muslim. In a very touching way he
told Hazrat Muslim's 4 year daughter of the death of his father. He called her, put her on his lap and
gave her a pair of ear rings to put on. She asked why? Then she replied herself, it looks like that her
father has died and that she is an orphan now. Imam hugged her, consoled her and told her that he
will look after her in place of her father. There was a commotion inside the ladies camp as they all
realized that Kufa cannot be their destiny any longer. They also learnt that with Hazrat Muslim, his
two small children and his friend Hani were also killed along with many friends of Ahlulbayt. Hoards
of tribesmen who were still with the Imam's party left him as they all realized for sure that there
was not going to be a war for victory over Yazid but the purpose was something else. By this 5th
stage only about 50 people were left with the Imam and many of them were women and children.

Imam left Zabala and arrived at Batn-e-Aqiq at his 6th Manzil. Here the Imam met a man from the
Tribe of Akrama who told him that Kufa was not a friendly town, that Yazid's army has surrounded
this garrison town, no one was allowed to leave or enter the town. But Imam carried on toward his

The 7th Manzil was Sorat. Imam stayed the night here and in the morning after Fajr prayer he
asked his companions to store as much as water as possible in all possible containers and sheep
skins they had. The Wells were underground, and the Imam's companions filled all possible
containers, jars, sheepskins with water. The next day they arrived at a place called Sharaf. While
the Imam was passing from this valley that one of his companions called out that he could see the
approach of any army through the dust storm. Imam asked for a safe place, preferably a hill at their
back. A guide took them near a hill where Imam asked everyone to dismount while kept the hill at
their back. The name of the place was Zuhasm. It was here that Imam met Hur's army of 1000
men. They were coming from Kufa and appeared to be without water for sometime. Imam asked his
companions to give them water in spite of the fact that they were hostile to Imam's party. Everyone
drank to their fill, even horses and camels drank. One soldier was so thirsty that he was unable to
drink the water himself and the Imam went to him and poured water in his mouth. Hur who was the
leader of that brigade from Kufa came to the Imam and wanted to get hold of the reins of his horse
to which Imam replied not to be impertinent. Hur then refrained from doing that, but told the Imam
he will take him to Kufa under escort to which Imam did not agree. While they were discussing
these matters that the time for the Zohr arrived and all of them, friends and enemy alike stood
behind the Imam to complete their prayers. After the prayers Imam told Hur and his soldiers that he
had received many letters from Kufa inviting him to go there as an Imam and guide in all matters
religious or secular. The actual words of Imam's Khutba as mentioned by Tabari are as follows.

"O' people of Kufa, you sent me delegations and wrote me letters that you had no Imam and that I
should come to unite you and lead you in the way of God. You replied that we Ahlulbayt are more
qualified to govern your affairs than those who claim things to which they had no rights and act
unjustly., But if you have changed your mind, have become ignorant of our Rights and have
forgotten your promises, than I shall turn back".

But the Imam and his companions were denied by Hur's soldiers to turn back. Imam did not wish to
go to Kufa now, and Hur's army did not want them to return to Madina. So a compromise was
reached by both parties to bye-pass Kufa and turn towards north. Imam and his party was leading
and the Hur's army was behind them. In two days journey they arrived at a place called Baiza.
Baiza was the 10th Manzil. At Baiza Imam delivered his most memorable sermon. History recorded
this sermon fully. The words of this sermon clearly indicate the very purpose of the Imam for
leaving Makka and his reasons of opposing the oath of allegiance to Yazid. He said,

O' People, The Prophet of Islam has said that if a believer sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing
against Allah and his Messenger and oppressing people, but does nothing by word or action to
change the situation, then it will be just for God to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you
not see to what low level the affairs have come to, do you not observe that truth has not adhered
and falsehood has no limits. And as for me, I look upon death but a means of attaining martyrdom.
I consider life among the transgressors an agony and an affliction".

This Khutba of the Imam at Baiza is a landmark in history. This was 60 Hijri, about 681 AD. Twelve
hundred years later in Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech in which he said, "To suffer in
silence while they should protest makes cowards of men". These words of Lincoln reflect exactly
what Imam said some over 1200 years ago that oppressors and transgressors from the true path of
justice will emerge all the time. If there remains no one on earth to object over their transgressions
that they will go unchecked. One should always point out to these tyrants of the Right path of
justice. This is the lesson we should all learn from Imam Hussain (AS).

The next Manzil was Uzaibul Hajanat. Here Imam stayed away from the escorting army of Hur. He
met Trimmah bin Adi. After having known about the Kufan abandonment of his envoy Hazrat
Muslim, it became clear that Imam had no hope of support or even survival in Kufa. Nevertheless,
he refused an offer of safety extended to him by Trimmah bin Adi. Ibn Adi was the leader of a
powerful Tribe of Adi in the area. He pleaded the Imam to accept his offer of 20,000 armed soldiers
from his Tribe to help him if he wishes to go to Kufa to fight with the army of Yazid. Adi even offered
the Imam and his small entourage to a hideout in the Tribal hills away from Kufa. But Imam
rejected all such offers of safety and indulgence in war. Imam replied to Ibn Adi, "Allah will bless
you and your people for your good intentions. I cannot go from my word. Things are destined". It is
clear from this reply that the Imam was fully aware of the impending dangers he and his family and
friends would face if he continues with his journey without any help from outside forces. He had a
certain strategy and plan in his mind to bring about a revolution in the conscience of the Muslim
Ummah. He did not mobilize military support which he could easily have mustered in Hejaz, nor did
he try to exploit whatever physical strength was available to him. On the other hand he was
discouraging any such suggestions of an army to fight physically.

Imam's twelfth Manzil was Qasre-Bani Maqatil. It was evident here that Kufa was no more his
destination. As Hur did not want him to leave for anywhere else, a compromise was reached and
they bye passed Kufa and took a new route. Resting in the heat of the afternoon, Imam uttered a
sentence which is said in circumstances when someone hears of death. His elder son Ali Akber came
forward and enquired about this sentence. Imam replied that while he was half a sleep he saw in his
dream that some one was shouting loudly that this caravan was destined towards death. Ali Akber
asked, are we not on the Right Path. An unusual question so it seems. But when the Imam replied
that they were indeed on the Right Path, his son's reply was again typical of this family of the
Prophet. Father, when we are on the Right Path," we have no worries whether death takes us or we
fall upon death". The young son of the Imam was satisfied as long as their Paths were Right. Death
meant to them for they were fully aware that death of this kind transforms into the glory of

Their Thirteenth Manzil was Nainawah. At this place a messenger from Ibn
Ziad the Governor of Kufa came to meet the army of Hur and told them not
to leave the Imam and his party under any circumstances. The battered
Caravan passed through Ghaziriyah and arrived at a place by the river
Banks of the Euphrates. Imam asked the name of this place and he was told
the name "KARBALA". Imam replied, this is the place of Karb-wo-bala, i.e.
the place of torture and pain. Let us stop here, Imam ordered to dismount.
We have reached our destination. Tents were pitched near the River Bank.
The date was 2nd of Muharram 61 Hijiri (3rd October 681 AD).
Hur's soldiers surrounded the Imam's camp. But no one knew what was going to happen until two
days later on the 4th of Muharram that another contingent of 4000 men arrived from Kufa. The next
day Shimr arrived with another 10,000 men to fight an army of about 40 people, among them were
men of over 80 and children of 13 and 11 and even a 6 month old baby, the youngest son of the
Imam who was only a month old when Imam left Madina in the Month of Rajab 5 months ago.
Shimr ordered the Imam and his entourage to leave the River Bank and pitch their tents away from
it. Imam's brother Abbas and others refused, but Imam told them to move the tents. The tents were
moved about 200 yards away from the River Bank and the river was immediately occupied by the
soldiers of Yazid newly arrived from Kufa.

Next day 7th, all water supplies were stopped for the Imam's party and soon the cry of thirst heard
from the children in the camp. Whatever water they would have stored was finished within a day
and by the 8th there was no water left in the camp. In the scorching heat of the desert even a few
hours without water was impossible yet for three days these people were without water. On the
afternoon of the 9th, Yazid's army moved forward in a formation of attack. Imam was informed and
he sent Abbas and Ali Akber to enquire about this. The reply was that orders were from Kufa to
commence fighting and finish off with the family of the Prophet. Imam asked them to give them a
stay of one night for they all wished to spend their last night in meditation and prayers to God. The
night was dark and horrible, flickering lights from the Camp of the Imam was showing few people
busy in prayers. The sound of their prayers in unison was coming out of the camp as if Honey bees
were busy to build their nest. Whereas on the enemy side music and dancing had gone on all night.
Many soldiers from Yazid's army saw this difference and realized in awe who was on the path of God
and who was not. Some soldiers slipped away from Yazid's camp towards the Imam's camp knowing
fully well that if fighting started the next morning they would surely perish. About 30 such people
moved to Imam's camp. Imam held a meeting of his battered and thirsty companions and told them
that the enemy wanted only his life. They have no animosity with any one else. When no one moved
Imam asked that the candles should be put off, in case some of them were ashamed to show
themselves running away from the Imam. The Imam also said that he was taking away the burden
of the Oath of allegiance from them and made them free to go. "Take few of my relations with
them" But when the candles were lit again, all were there, no one moved. One of the older
companions named Muslim Ibn Awsajah came forward and declared that they were all one solid rock
to fight for the Imam. If they were killed 70 times and then were made alive again they would still
prefer to achieve martyrdom with the Imam rather than live with the oppressive rulers like Yazid.

Morning appeared and before Sunrise Ali Akber gave the Azan and all of them completed their
morning prayers behind their Imam.

Imam made his brother Abbas as the flag bearer of the tiny army of 70
persons in all when all of a sudden two more soldiers defected from Yazid's
army. One was Hur who was the leader of the contingent who brought the
Imam's party to Karbala and also his son. Both of them arrived with their
hands tied to apologize to the Imam for what they had done and asked his
permission to fight for them and become first martyrs. Imam did not give
orders to commence fighting until arrows came from the enemy camp. Then
Hur went out to fight. Overwhelmed by the numbers on the other side, he
soon died. His son went and he also died. Then one by one each companion of the Imam went and
died until Zohr time when Saeed Ibn Abullah al Bijilly came forward and informed the Imam that it
was prayer time for Zohr. Battle was raging, arrows were coming towards the Imam's camp, how
could they have formed lines for prayers. But they stood in single foil to perform their last prayers
while two companions of the Imam Saeed and Zohair stood in front of this line to hold back all the
arrows that were coming towards them. Once the Imam finished the last words of the prayers these
two soldiers died of exhaustion. The Last of the companions of the Imam died and only the relatives
remained. First to go was Imam's son Ali Akber who fought bravely but thirst for three days was the
most important factor in the fall of these martyrs. He was also killed and then Imam's nephew
Qasim went and was killed. Then four of his brothers, Osman, Jafar, Abullah and Abbas were killed.
Imam then brought his 6 month old son Ali Asgher. He brought him in his arms under the shade of
his cloak. He told the audience, "This baby has not done any harm to you. He is thirsty, give him
some water." The Commander of Yazid's army ordered Hurmula who was the best marksman to kill
the baby. Hurmulah pulled the bow and the arrow killed the baby instantly. Imam brought the baby
near the camp, informed his mother of the martyrdom of the baby. He then buried the baby in the
sand. Afterwards Imam himself went for battle. But before that he introduced himself again that he
was the grand son of the Prophet in case anyone had any doubts about him and that his guilt was
only to refuse to accept the Oath of allegiance of the Tyrannical ruler Yazid. The enemy was thirsty
for the blood of the Imam, they were blind in their eagerness to kill the last of the family of the
Prophet. They fell upon his injured and tired body like blood hounds and soon the Imam was also
killed. The battle ended in one day.

The evening of the 10th was the darkest for the women and children of the
family of the Prophet. Camps were set alight and burnt, their possessions
were looted. It was late at night while they were huddled together waiting for
further tortures from the enemy side, that they saw the wife of Hur coming
towards them with food and water. They were hungry and thirsty but none of
them was keen to take anything, not even the youngest of the children.
Imam Hussain's youngest daughter Sakina took the tumbler of water and ran
towards the open field. Her aunt Zainab asked where was she running to and
she replied, her little brother Ali Asgher was thirsty, she was taking some water for him, not
knowing that little Ali Asgher was already dead, being the victim of Hurmula's arrow.

Night passed and the morning came with more pain and grief when they saw that the bodies of the
enemy were buried but the grand son of the Prophet with all his sons and brothers and companions
lie unburied on the desert sand. The Women and children were taken prisoners with the ailing son of
Imam, the 22 year old Ali, leading this battered caravan towards Kufa as the Imam of the family. He
was now the 4th Imam.

The Bodies of these Martyrs were buried on 3rd day by tribesmen of Bani Asad, guided by the fourth
Imam who was with them miraculously while in prison in Kufa.

Family tree of Husayn ibn Ali

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It has been suggested that this article be merged into Family tree of Ali.
(Discuss) Proposed since March 2016.

This is a simplified family tree of Husayn ibn Ali. For the ancestors of ibn Ali see the family tree of
Muhammad and the family tree of Ali. People in italics are considered by the majority
of Shia and Sunni Muslims to be Ahl al-Bayt (People of the House). Twelver Shia also see the 4th to
12th Imamah as Ahl al-Bayt. (Ali is an imam in Mustaali but no number is assigned for this position,
and Hasan ibn Ali is not an imam in Nizari Imamah.)

Shahr Banu
Umme Rubb
Umme Layl
Umm Ishq.
Al ibn al-ussein ibn Al (Zayn al-bidn) (b.36AH), Sakinah bint Husayn (b.38AH),(Mother:Shahr
Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn (b.42AH), Fatima al-Sughra (b.45AH) (Mother:Layla)
Sukayna bint Husayn (b.56AH)and, Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn (b.60AH) (Mother: Rubab)[1] Parents:

Hasan ibn Ali

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"Imam Hassan" redirects here. For places in Iran, see Imam Hassan, Iran.

Hasan ibn Ali

( Arabic)
1st Imam of Taiyabi-Mustaali Shia

2nd Imam of Seveners, Twelvers and Zaydis

Born c. 4 March 624 Common Era

(15 Ramadhan 3 AH)[1][2]


Died c. 2 April 670 (aged 46)

(5 Rabi Ul Awal 50 AH)[3][4]

Medina, Umayyad Caliphate

Cause of death allegedly death by poisoning

Resting place Jannatul Baqi, Saudi Arabia

24281N 393650.21E

Ethnicity Arab (Quraysh)

Title List[show]

Term 661670 CE

Predecessor Ali ibn Abu Talib

Husayn ibn Ali

as 2nd Shia Imam

Muawiyah I
as 1st Umayyad Caliph
Religion Islam

Spouse(s) List[show]

Children List[show]

Parent(s) Ali


Calligraphic representation of Hasan ibn Ali in Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey

asan ibn Ali ibn Ab lib (Arabic: , 624670 CE), commonly called Hasan,
was the second ShiaImam, succeeding his father Ali and preceding his younger brother Husayn ibn
Ali. He was the elder son of Ali and Muhammad's daughter, Fatimah. Sunni Muslims respect him as
the grandson of Muhammad and a member of Ahl al-Bayt and Ahl al-Kisa and 5th rightly guided
Caliph. After the death of his father, Hasan also succeeded him as caliph. He abdicated after six or
seven months, andMuawiyah, who became the first Umayyad Caliph, succeeded him.[7][8] For the rest
of his life, Hasan lived in Medina in seclusion until he was killed at the age of 45 or 46, and was
buried in the Jannat al Baqi cemetery in Medina al Munawarra. His wife, Ja'da bint al-Ash'at is
commonly accused of having poisoned him.[7][8][9][10][11][12]

Imam Hasan,(as)'s Daughter Sayyeda Fatima,(as) got married with Imam Zain ul Abideen,(as) and
is mother of our Fifth Imam,(as). There were more Daughters and Sons as well, including whom is
Hazrat Qasim,(as), Hazrat Abdullah,(as), Syeda Maimoona,(as, buried in Syria), and Hazrat Hasan
Muthanna,(as) who married Syeda Fatima Sughra,(as) daughter of Imam Hussain,(as)

Zaynab bint Ali

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Zaynab bint Ali

The Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in

Damascus, Syria

Born Wednesday, Jumada I 5, 5 AH

October 2, 626 AD[1]

Medina, Al-Hejaz, Arabia

Died 62 AH [aged 57 years]

Damascus, Umayyad Empire

Resting Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque,Damascus, Arab Republic

place of Syria, the Levant

Ethnicity Hejazi Arab

Known for Leading of the caravan of Husaynafter his death at

the Battle of Karbala in Karbala, Iraq, Umayyad Empire

Religion Islam

Spouse(s) Abdullah ibn Ja'far

Children Ali, Aun, Muhammad, Abbas, Umm Kulthum

Parent(s) Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fimah bint Muammad

Relatives Muhammad (maternal grandfather)

two brothers: Hasan and Husayn, one half-

brother Abbas ibn Ali, and one sister: Umm Kulthum


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Khadija bint Khuwaylid
Umm Salama
Zaynab bint Ali
Umm Kulthum bint Ali
Umm ul-Banin
Fatimah bint Hasan
Sukayna bint Husayn
Ftimah bint Ms
Hakimah Khtn
Fatimah bint Asad
Umm Farwah bint al-Qasim

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Sayyeda Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: Also: Zainab, Zeinab, or with the
title Sayyeda/Sayyidah) was one of the daughters of the Rashid Caliph and first Shia Imam, Ali and
his first wife Fatimah. Muhammad the Islamic prophet was her maternal grandfather, and thus she is
a member of ahl al-bayt (the household of Muhammad), and is therefore often revered not only for
her admirable characteristics and actions but also for her membership in and continuation of the
biological line of Muhammad. Like other members of her family she became a great figure of
sacrifice, strength, and piety in Islam in the Sunni and Shia sects of the religion. Zaynab married
Abdullah ibn Jafar and had three sons and two daughters. When her brother Imam Hussain stood up
against Yazid ibn Muawiyah in 680 AD (61 AH), Zaynab accompanied him. Zaynab played an
important role in protecting the life of her nephew Ali Ibn Al Husayn and because of her sacrifice and
heroism, she became known as the "Hero of Karbala". Zaynab died in 681 AD, and her shrine is
located in Damascus, Syria.[2]


1Early life
2Marriage and family life
3Zaynab and the Battle of Karbala
o 3.1The sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid
4Last days of her life
7See also
9External links
Early life[edit]

Til'la e Zaynab: the place where Zaynab watched Husayn ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala in Iraq

Zaynab was the third child of Ali ibn Abi Talib and his wife (Muhammad's daughter) Fatimah.
Sources suggest she was born inMedina in the 5th year of the Hijra (Wednesday, 5 Jumada al-
awwal, 5 AH/October 2, 626 AD Julian calendar.[1] There is some debate over whether she was born
on the 5th of Jumada al-awwal or the 1st of Sha'aban of the Islamic calendar. Like her two elder
brothers Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali, Zaynab was named by Muhammad.[3]
The name "Zaynab" means "the adornment of her father" (Baap ki Zeenat in Urdu). Three of Ali's
daughters were in fact named Zaynab, so sometimes this Zaynab was referred to as "Zaynab the
Fatimah died when Zaynab was seven years old. This tragic event at an early age may help to
explain her special closeness with her brothers Hasan and Husayn.

Marriage and family life[edit]

Mosque-Mausoleum Zaynab, Cairo,Egypt.

When Zaynab came of age, she was married to her first cousin Abdullah ibn Ja'far, a nephew of Ali,
in a simple ceremony. Although Zaynab's husband was a man of means, the couple is said to have
lived a modest life. Much of their wealth was devoted to charity.[5]Abdullah was sometimes called "the
sea of munificence" or "the cloud of munificence".[citation needed]
The marriage of Zaynab did not diminish her strong attachment to her family. Ali felt a great affection
for his daughter and son-in-law, so much so that in 37 AH (657/65/8[1]) when he became caliph and
moved the capital from Medina to Kufa, Zaynab and Abdullah moved with him. Zaynab bore four
sons Ali, Aun, Muhammad, and Abbas and one daughter, Umm Kulthum.[5]
Some sources suggest that Zaynab held sessions to help other women study the Quran and learn
more about Islam. According to one of her biographies, The Victory of Truth, she started this practice
in Medina and later continued it when she moved with her father and family to Kufa.[5]

Zaynab and the Battle of Karbala[edit]

Zarih Bibi Zainab, Cairo.

Sayyidah Zaynab-ul-Kubra Mosque, Damascus, Al-Sham.

Dome of Zenab bint Ali, Damascus.

The place that Zaynab bint Ali viewed Battle

Some time after the death of the Muawiyah I, Husayn went to Kufa by the invitation of the people of
Kufa for him to claim the leadership of the Muslim community. Zaynab accompanied him, as did
most of his household. By the time Husayn's army arrived, the people of Kufa had changed their
minds and betrayed and did not join Husayn's army at the Battle of Karbala.
In many ways Zaynab functioned as a model of defiance against oppression and other forms of
injustice. When her nephew, Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin, was sentenced to death by the governor
of Kufa (Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad), she threw herself over him in a protective embrace yelling By God,
I wont let go of him. If youre going to kill him, youll have to kill me along with him."[6][7] Moved by
Zaynabs action, the captors spared Zayn al-Abidin's life. Because Zayn al-Abidin was the only one
of Husayn's sons to survive the Battle of Karbala, this courageous action was pivotal in preserving
the survival of an important part of Ali genetic line and thus the future Imams in Shia Islam.
Zaynab and the other survivors of Husayn's army, most of them women and children, were marched
to Damascus, Yazid's capital, where they were held captive. Tradition says that Zaynab, already in
anguish due to the death of her brother Husayn and her sons Aun and Muhammad, was forced to
march unveiled. This was an extreme indignity to inflict on a high-ranking Muslim woman, the
granddaughter of Muhammad.
While captive in Damascus, Zaynab held the first majlis, or lamentation assembly in the palace of
Yazid to mourn the loss of her beloved brother Husayn.[6]
Another illustration of Zaynab's pious defiance was when a Syrian in Yazid's court demanded that he
be given one of the younger captive girls, Fatimah bint Husayn.*[8] Zaynab countered by suggesting
that Syrian man was not worthy and did not have that type of authority. When Yazid claimed he had
the authority to decide either way, Zaynab issued a scathing retort, answering You, a commander
who has authority, are vilifying unjustly and oppress with your authority."[9]
This comment is representative of a larger sermon attributed to Zaynab in which she condemns
Yazid and many of his actions, specifically focusing on his treatment of the household of
Muhammad. The sermon is very eloquent and is reminiscent of the work in the Quran'sexegesis,
Zaynab did with other women in Medina and Kufa. The full text of this sermon is linked in the
external links section below.[10]
Eventually Yazid released his captives and allowed them to return to Medina. On the way back, the
party stopped once again at Karbala to mourn the loss of Husayn and the others that died there.[6]
The sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid [edit]
Main article: Sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid

At the first day of Safar,[11] due to narration of Turabis, they arrived to the Damascus and captured
family and head were taken into Yazid presence.[12] First of all, the identity of each head and killed
persons were explained to him. Then he paid attention to a woman who was an objector. Yazid
asked "who is this arrogant woman?" The woman rose to answer and said: "why are you asking
them [the woman]? Ask me. I will tell you [who I am]. I am Muhammads granddaughter. I
am Fatmias daughter." People at the court were impressed and amazed by her. At this time Zaynab
bint Ali gave her sermon.[12] According to narration of Al-Shaykh Al-Mufid, in Yazid presence a man
with red skin asked Yazid one of the captured woman as bondwoman.[13] On other hand, Yazid
knapped at his teeth with the staff of his hand while saying: "I wish those of my clan who were killed
at Badr, and those who had seen the Khazraj clan wailing (in the battle of Uhad) on account of
lancet wounds, were here.[11] At this time, For stopping Yazid, Zaynab bint Ali began to give her

Last days of her life[edit]

The exact date and place of her death is not clear but it is probable that she died in the year 62 AH
(681/682[1]) some six months after her return to Medina.[15] The anniversary of her death is said to be
either the 11th or 21st of Jumada al-Thani, the 24th of Safar, or the 16th ofDhu al-Hijjah. Some
suggest that her grave can be found within Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in Sayyidah Zaynab, Syria.
Alternatively, many Sunnis believe her grave can be found within a different mosque (which also
titled "Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque") that is located in Cairo. The Fatimid/Dawoodi Bohra support the
claim that Zaynab is buried in Cairo. Their 52nd Dai, Mohammed Burhanuddin, made zarih (a cage-
like structure surrounding the tomb) for the shrine in Cairo. The Fatimids and some others believe
that the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in Damascus is actually the burial site of one of her sisters, Umm
Kulthum bint Ali (perhaps caused by confusion between "Sugra" and "Kubra"). There is some
historical evidence suggesting Zaynab lived in Cairo near the end of her life.[16]

Muslim ibn Aqeel

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Muslim ibn Aqil Al-Hashimi

(Arabic: ) was the son of Aqeel ibn Abu Talib and a member of the clan of Bani
Hashim, thus, he is a cousin of Husayn ibn Ali. The people of Kufa called upon Husayn to overthrow
the Umayyad dynasty who was on his way to Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage. He wanted to confirm
the loyalty of the people of Kufa, so he sent his cousin and his ambassador, Muslim ibn Aqeel, a
famous warrior, to Kufa to observe the situation. He sent a letter to Husayn confirming their loyalty,
before knowing that the 30,000 followers that he gained would all betray him. He was executed by
the newly installed governor,Ubaydallah ibn Ziyad, on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, 60 AH,[1] and is buried at
the back of Great Mosque of Kufa.[2]


1Journey to Kufa
o 1.1Letters from Kufa
o 1.2Muslim's Assignment
o 1.3Traveling to Kufa
2In Kufa
o 2.1The Kufan's Pledge of Allegiance
o 2.2Governor's Warning
o 2.3Searching for Muslim
o 2.4Hani's Arrest
o 3.1Muslim at the House of Tuwaa
o 3.2Execution
5See also
7External links

Journey to Kufa[edit]
Letters from Kufa[edit]
Husayn ibn Ali received thousands of letters from people of Kufa stating that they were rejecting their
governor and asking him to come and serve as their Imam. One letter in particular contained these
words: We invite you to come to Kufa as we have no Imam to guide us. Through you Allah will unite
us on the path of truth. A few days later, the people of Kufa sent an emissary, a special messenger,
to Husayn ibn Ali to persuade him to go to Kufa. There followed hundreds of other letters and many
special emissaries from the people of Kufa to Husayn ibn Ali.
Receiving so many petitions and messages from Kufa, Husayn ibn Ali decided to send Muslim ibn
Aqeel, who was a famous warrior, as his emissary to Kufa to study the situation there and report to
Husayn ibn Ali.[3]
Muslim's Assignment[edit]
He wrote a letter to the people of Kufa and gave it to Muslim ibn Aqeel. In this letter Husayn ibn Ali
said, I am sending my cousin and one of the most trusted ones from my family, Muslim ibn Aqeel, to
report to me about your affairs. If his report agrees with what you have written I will soon be with
you. You must be clear of the fact that the Imam is the only one who follows the book of Allah, and
serves Allah in all matters and affairs with justice, honesty and truth.[4]
Husayn ibn Ali also told Ibn Aqeel: Muslim, the whole world knows that you are one of the bravest
warriors. It is just possible that seeing you in Kufa some people may think that our intention is to fight
Yazid. Take your two sons Muhammad and Ibrahim with you. When they see you with such young
children, they will know that our intentions are peaceful.
According to reports, Muslim ibn Aqeels sons were so young, that they could not even tie up the
buttons of their shirts.
Husayn sent three people with Muslim: Qays Ibn Mash'ar, 'Imarah Ibn 'Abdullah al-Saluli, and 'Abdul
Rahman Ibn 'Abdullah al-Azd, in addition to the messenger from Kufa.[5]
Traveling to Kufa[edit]
This group set off from Mecca on the 15th of Ramadan. His first destination was Medina, where he
left his family and hired two people to guide him on his way. The guides, however, lost their way in
the desert and were too weak from lack of water to continue on. But in their weakened physical
state, they managed to show Muslim the right direction before they both died of thirst.
Muslim at the House of Tuwaa[edit]
On the 8th, late in the evening, tired, hungry and exhausted, Muslim knocked the door of a house on
the outskirts of the city. A lady named 'Tuwaa" opened the door. Muslim requested for a little water
to quench his thirst. The lady gave him water. When she learnt who he was, she invited him in and
offered him shelter for the night. She gave Muslim food and water and took him to a room where he
spent the night.
Late that night Tuwaa's son came home. When he learned that the man Ibn Ziyad was looking for
was in his mother's house, he felt that he would be rewarded by the governor if he got Muslim
arrested. Unknown to his mother he slipped out in the darkness of the night and gave the information
to a captain in Ibn Ziyad army. Early the next morning, five hundred soldiers under the leadership of
Mohammad bin Ashas surrounded the house of Tuwaa and demanded Muslim's surrender. Muslim
came out holding his sword. Three times he drove the enemy away and killed 150 men. Twice Ibn
Ziyad had to send in reinforcements.
While Muslim was fighting, some soldiers went up the rooftops and began throwing stones and
lighted torches at him. Others dug a trench in the path of Muslim and covered it with grass. Ibn Ziyad
told his commanders to trick Muslim otherwise it would not be possible to capture him. Although
badly wounded and totally exhausted, Muslim kept on fighting. As a trick, soldiers of Ibn Ziyad
offered peace and protection to Muslim but he rejected the offer. He was deeply wounded in this
tough fight and finally fell into the trench. He was pounced upon, chained and dragged to the court of
Ibn Ziyad

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