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Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child Health Care System and/or Improve the Health of All Children

Committee on Fetus and Newborn

Age Terminology During the Perinatal Period

ABSTRACT. Consistent definitions to describe the who have menstrual cycles that are irregular or vari-
length of gestation and age in neonates are needed to able in duration or if breakthrough bleeding occurs
compare neurodevelopmental, medical, and growth out- around the time of conception. Gestational age is
comes. The purposes of this policy statement are to re- conventionally expressed as completed weeks.
view conventional definitions of age during the perinatal Therefore, a 25-week, 5-day fetus is considered a
period and to recommend use of standard terminology
including gestational age, postmenstrual age, chronolog-
25-week fetus. To round the gestational age of such a
ical age, corrected age, adjusted age, and estimated date fetus to 26 weeks is inconsistent with national and
of delivery. Pediatrics 2004;114:13621364; gestational international norms.2 The term gestational age
age, postmenstrual age, chronological age, menstrual age, should be used instead of menstrual age to de-
conceptional age, postconceptual age, corrected age, ad- scribe the age of the fetus or newborn infant.
justed age, estimated date of delivery, estimated date of Chronological age (or postnatal age) is the
confinement. time elapsed after birth (Fig 1). It is usually described
in days, weeks, months, and/or years. This is differ-
INTRODUCTION ent from the term postmenstrual age. Postmen-

onsistent definitions to describe the length of strual age is the time elapsed between the first day of
gestation and age in neonates are needed to the last menstrual period and birth (gestational age)
compare neurodevelopmental, medical, and plus the time elapsed after birth (chronological age).
growth outcomes. The terms gestational age, Postmenstrual age is usually described in number of
postmenstrual age, corrected age, and postcon- weeks and is most frequently applied during the
ceptional age have frequently been defined uncon- perinatal period beginning after the day of birth.
ventionally,1,2 misapplied,35 or left undefined.6,7 In- Therefore, a preterm infant born at a gestational age
consistent use of terminology limits the accurate of 33 weeks who is currently 10 weeks old (chrono-
interpretation of data on health outcomes for new- logical age) would have a postmenstrual age of 43
born infants, especially for those born preterm or weeks. When postmenstrual age is quantitated in
conceived using assisted reproductive technology. weeks and days for postnatal management reasons, a
The purposes of this statement are to review conven- 33-week, 1-day gestational age infant who is 10
tional definitions of age during the perinatal period weeks, 5 days chronological age would have a post-
and to recommend standard terminology. menstrual age of 43 weeks, 6 days.
Gestational age (or menstrual age) is the time Corrected age (or adjusted age) is a term most
elapsed between the first day of the last normal appropriately used to describe children up to 3 years
menstrual period and the day of delivery (Fig 1).810 of age who were born preterm (Fig 1). This term is
The first day of the last menstrual period occurs preferred to corrected gestational age or gesta-
approximately 2 weeks before ovulation and approx- tional age and represents the age of the child from
imately 3 weeks before implantation of the blasto- the expected date of delivery.13,14 Corrected age is
cyst. Because most women know when their last calculated by subtracting the number of weeks born
period began but not when ovulation occurred, this before 40 weeks of gestation from the chronological
definition traditionally has been used when estimat- age. Therefore, a 24-month-old, former 28-week ges-
ing the expected date of delivery. As long as men- tational age infant has a corrected age of 21 months
strual dates are remembered accurately, this method according to the following equation:
of estimating the date of delivery is reliable.11 Minor
inaccuracy (4 6 days) in the expected date of deliv- 24 months 40 weeks 28 weeks
ery determined from menstrual dates is attributable
to inherent biological variability in the relative tim- 1 month4 weeks
ing of onset of the last menstrual period, fertilization
Corrected age and chronological age are not synon-
of the egg, and implantation of the blastocyst.12 Ad-
ymous in preterm infants. Additionally, the term
ditional inaccuracy (weeks) may occur in women
corrected age should be used instead of adjusted
Conceptional age is the time elapsed between
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright 2004 by the American Acad- the day of conception and the day of delivery. (The
emy of Pediatrics. term conceptual age is incorrect and should not be

1362 PEDIATRICS Vol. 114 No. 5 November 2004

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Fig 1. Age terminology during the
perinatal period.

used.) Because assisted reproductive technologies ac- great as 2 weeks) in methods of gestational age esti-
curately define the date of fertilization or implanta- mation.8,10,1419 Postnatal physical examination of the
tion, a precise conceptional age can be determined in infant is sometimes used as a method to determine
pregnancies resulting from such technologies. Much gestational age if the best obstetric estimate seems
of the variability inherent in other methods of gesta- inaccurate. Therefore, methods of determining ges-
tional age determination,1113 except for that attrib- tational age should be clearly stated so that the vari-
uted to timing of implantation, is eliminated when ability inherent in these estimations can be consid-
the date of conception is determined during assisted ered when outcomes are interpreted.8,10,1419
reproductive procedures. The convention for calcu-
lating gestational age when the date of conception is RECOMMENDATIONS
known is to add 2 weeks to the conceptional age.10
Therefore, gestational age is 2 weeks longer than 1. Standardized terminology should be used when
conceptional age; they are not synonymous terms. defining ages and comparing outcomes of fetuses
When describing the age of a fetus or neonate, ges- and newborns. The recommended terms (Table 1)
tational age is the term conventionally applied. This are:
is particularly important for interpreting outcome
studies of preterm infants. As an example, a preterm Gestational age (completed weeks): time
infant conceived using assisted reproductive tech- elapsed between the first day of the last men-
nology who has a conceptional age of 25 weeks has a strual period and the day of delivery. If preg-
gestational age of 27 weeks. Outcomes for this infant nancy was achieved using assisted reproduc-
should be compared with those of 27-week gesta- tive technology, gestational age is calculated by
tional age infants, not 25-week gestational age in- adding 2 weeks to the conceptional age.
fants. To avoid confusion, the term gestational age Chronological age (days, weeks, months, or
should be used. The terms conceptional age and years): time elapsed from birth.
postconceptional age, reflecting the time elapsed Postmenstrual age (weeks): gestational age plus
after conception, should not be used. chronological age.
Gestational age is often determined by the best Corrected age (weeks or months): chronological
obstetric estimate, which is based on a combination age reduced by the number of weeks born be-
of the first day of last menstrual period, physical fore 40 weeks of gestation; the term should be
examination of the mother, prenatal ultrasonogra- used only for children up to 3 years of age who
phy, and history of assisted reproduction. The best were born preterm.
obstetric estimate is necessary because of gaps in 2. During the perinatal period neonatal hospital
obstetric information and the inherent variability (as stay, postmenstrual age is preferred to describe

TABLE 1. Age Terminology During the Perinatal Period

Term Definition Units of Time
Gestational age Time elapsed between the first day of the last Completed weeks
menstrual period and the day of delivery
Chronological age Time elapsed since birth Days, weeks, months, years
Postmenstrual age Gestational age chronological age Weeks
Corrected age Chronological age reduced by the number of Weeks, months
weeks born before 40 weeks of gestation


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Age Terminology During the Perinatal Period
Pediatrics 2004;114;1362
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-1915
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Age Terminology During the Perinatal Period
Pediatrics 2004;114;1362
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2004-1915

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located on the World Wide Web at:

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright 2004 by the American Academy
of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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