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Living in France Living in France

France, Living in France

art de vivre, history Studying in France also means living in France and discovering the
and culture distinctive French way of life.

Campus France will help you prepare for

departure and offer support upon your
arrival in France.

Students enjoy special advantages

in France that make life more
Helpful briefs on coming to France
An extensive system of discounts, assis-
tance, and special facilities allows students This set of briefs sets out in practical detail everything
to stretch a relatively modest budget to co- the student needs to know about travel arrangements
ver basic needsand to enjoy life in France. and arriving in France. Organized chronologically (A
Benefits include a network of student res- month before departure, A week before departure,
taurants, university housing, rent subsidies, Upon arrival, Your first week, and so on), the briefs help
health insurance, student clubs and associa- students prepare in a practical way for their departure, to
tions, and discounts on public transportation, prioritize their first steps, to identify urgent tasks, and, in
movies, museums, libraries, and sporting so doing, to ensure a smooth arrival in France.

Sports and cultural activities

More than 2,000 cinemas, 1,200 museums,
and 33,000 theatrical performances attest
to the vitality of everyday cultural life in
Paris and throughout France. Festivals of
music, song, and dance; athletic events; and
celebrations of books, food, and science
round out the cultural life for which France
is rightly famous.
Students enjoy discounts and special
subscription prices at all cultural events. Enjoy French culture shock
Student status also makes it easy to stay An A to Z Handbook for Student and Daily Life in
active in sports through discounted access France
to athletic facilities. Rare is the campus that
This pocket guide in French and English, organized like a
does not host a wide range athletic clubs,
dictionary in which the entries are color coded by theme
associations, and leagues.
Easy access Many universities and schools are located
(culture, academic life, health ), enables the user to
quickly find expressions, acronyms, and various features
in city centers, offering easy access to the
to recreational of daily life as a student in France. Upon return, the guide
rich social and cultural life of Frances lively
will be a souvenir of the students experience in France.
and cultural cities. Museums, bookstores, theaters, and
cafs are never very far away.
32 33
Living in France Living in France

in France
Before looking for a place to live in France, students must
decide, in light of their financial means and the length of
their program, what sort of housing arrangement is best
for them. Housing is relatively expensive in France, but Subletting
In principle, tenants may not rent their accommodations to others. Before a
international students, like French students, enjoy the
tenant sublets all or part of the rented property to another individual, he or
benefit of housing assistance. she must obtain the prior written consent of the property owner, who has the
right to demand the immediate termination of the lease and the payment of Housing assistance
University residence halls Private-sector rentals an occupancy fee. The law states that the tenant may not collect from a sub-
International students,
Located on campus or in town, univer- Renters are generally required to tenant a rent greater than that which he or she owes to the property owner. like French students, may
sity residences are run by Frances re- make a deposit to guarantee the French regulations on subletting: be eligible for housing
gional student service centers (CROUS, payment of rent. Rents are high, assistance.
Centres rgionaux des uvres univer- especially in large cities, and above Rooms in private houses There are two types of
sitaires et scolaires). The residences all in Paris. In general, renters must More suitable for short stays, renting a furnished room in a private home may assistance, depending on
feature furnished rooms and studios, show proof that their monthly cost 200* a week in Paris with breakfast included, or 300* with breakfast the type of housing one
generally well-equipped. The monthly income is at least three times the and dinner. Costs are lower outside Paris. occupies. The two forms of
rent is between 120* and 350*. rental amount. assistance, which cannot
Space in university residence halls Intergenerational housing be combined, are social
Shared rentals
remains in very short supply, however, housing assistance
Property rentals to groups. Several Several organizations have matched older people who have a spare room to
especially in Paris, where priority is (ALS, allocation de
individuals may enter into a lease rent with students looking for a place to live. The older individual, who may be
given to the recipients of French go- logement caractre
with a property owner, with each a property owner or a tenant, must offer a suitable room, which may be fur-
vernment scholarships and students social) and personal
having equal rights to the property. nished or unfurnished, with free access to the common areas of the property housing assistance (APL,
participating in exchange programs.
No special regulations apply to such (kitchen, bathroom, living room). The student agrees to be a good neighbor, aide personnalise au (Centre National des
rentals. All tenants have the same to exercise reasonable care and vigilance, to perform small favors to facilitate logement). The amount
uvres Universitaires et Scolaires)
rights and obligations as does a the daily life of the older person, and to pay a portion of the utility and main- of assistance varies with
Note: In contrast to the situation at single tenant who executes a lease. tenance charges (such as water and electricity). the rent to be paid and the
Frances universities, most Grandes Anyone who wishes to apply for To use the services of an organization providing intergenerational rentals, the students circumstances.
coles and private institutions have housing assistance must ensure that student generally must pay a yearly fee to the organization (typically between If you are sharing an
a good supply of on-campus housing. his or her name appears on the lease. 100 and 350 depending on the type of lodging found), in addition to appli- apartment, you and your
Rents range from 250* to 500* per cation fees (around 15).
Note roommate may both receive
Joint-responsibility clauses are often assistance, provided both
added to group-rental agreements your names appear on the
Privately operated student lease.
and apply for the entire term of the
housing lease. Such clauses mean that if one Information and
For more information and links related to housing assistance:
Many Private buildings designed for students tenant does not pay his or her share >Living in France >Housing
eligibility criteria can be
are found in most large cities. Most have of the rent, the property owner may obtained from the Caisse
housing-related been built in recent years to compensate try to collect it from the other te- Support services offered by universities and other institutions of higher dAllocations Familiales
for the shortage of university housing. nants. education: (CAF, family assistance
links can be Rents range from 600* to 700* per >Resource center >Student service profiles fund) serving the area in
month in Paris and from 400* to 800* which you live.
found on the elsewhere.
Campus France ** These prices do not include any housing assistance for which the student may be eligible.

Web site
34 35
Studying in France Living in France

in France Insurance
While in school king in the career center; and supporting All other students (those staying
Students from the member their institutions promotional efforts. for less than 3 months, and students
countries of the European Economic Student employment contracts are enrolled in institutions that do not
Space (plus Switzerland) may work offered for a period not to exceed participate in the French social security
freely and without restriction while stu- 12months. They run from September 1 system) must purchase an individual
dying in France. As long as they do not through August 31. Students may work medical insurance policy from a private
neglect their academic work, they may up to 670 hours between September insurance company. In France, the
combine employment with scholarships 1 and June 30, and up to 300 hours annual cost of such policies runs from
or other financial assistance. between July 1 and August 31. 150 to 550.
Since July 1, 2007, French law has al- On average, social security covers about
lowed other international students After graduation Medical insurance 70% of the expenses related to an il-
to work under the following conditions: Students from countries outside lness. Students may obtain supplemen-
International students holding a de-
A residency permit (VLS-TS, validated the European Economic Space who tal health insurance coverage.
gree equivalent to a master or above
by OFII, or a residency permit in addi- are under 28 years of age on October 1 The three largest student group-health
International students who have ear-
tion to a visa) marked student entitles and enrolled in a recognized educational plans are:
ned a degree that is equivalent to a
the student to accept paid employment institution for a program of at least 3 La Mutuelle des tudiants :,
European master or above may seek
for up to 60% of the legally defined months duration are automatically active throughout France;
authorization to reside in France from
work year (or 964 hours per year), enrolled in the student segment of Emevia, an association of regional student
6 months to 1 year after the expiration
without prior administrative autho- the national health insurance plan, health plans::;
of their student residency permit. This
rization. part of Frances social protection system. and Smerep:
authorization, which is not renewable,
Note: The time that students spend in allows the graduate to work for up to Students join the plan when they
internships connected with their acade- 60% of the legal work week. register at their educational institution. Multirisk renters insurance
mic program (and covered by a written If the employment contract is related The cost of participation is about 200. All dwellings must be insured
internship agreement) are not counted to the subject of the graduates degree Some students (notably scholarship against risks such as theft, fire, and
toward the maximum allowable working program and if it provides compensation recipients) are exempted from paying water damage. Insurance can be pur-
hours, even if the student is compensa- that is equal to or greater than 150% of the fee. chased from private companies.
ted during the internship. the minimum wage, the prospective em- After age 28, non-European students Multirisk home insurance includes
The minimum gross hourly wage, set ployee may apply to the local prefecture must join the social security system liability coverage, meaning that the
by law, is 9,40. Withholding reduces for change of status from student to em- through the health insurance policy holder is insured against claims
the workers net wage by about 20%. ployee. Once authorization is granted (it consortium closest to their residence. from third parties who may be injured in
is not granted automatically), the indivi- Addresses for those organizations, an accident on the premises.
Working at a public institu- dual may begin working full time. known as caisses primaires dassurance Note: Other types of insurance are also
tion of higher education Other students
maladie (or CPAMs), can be found on the available, such as automobile insurance,
Web site of the social security system: insurance for participation in a sport,
International students are eligible for Accepting an offer of employment from and insurance for repatriation of re-
student jobs at universities and other a French firm after graduation implies a
Students from within the European mains in case of death.
public institutions of higher education. change in status (from student to em-
French law Students are hired to provide the fol- ployee). Graduates apply for the change
Economic Space (plus Switzerland)
may take advantage of the French social
lowing services: assisting incoming stu- by submitting their employment
permits dents; helping disabled students; provi- contract or offer of employment.
security system without additional cost
provided they obtain a European Health
international ding tutoring; providing IT support and
assistance; coordinating and staffing Insurance Card valid for the entire Some forms
>Living in France >Working academic year.
students to cultural, athletic, and social events; wor- of insurance
work are obligatory
36 37
Living in France Living in France

Cultural life Clubs and special-interest groups

Frances vibrant cultural life offers students access to culture With more than 2 million associations, Frances people have
on a daily basis. Even outside Paris, the proliferation of woven a vast fabric of voluntary ties, of which student
cultural sites is proof of the countrys creative effervescence. clubs are an important part. Special-interest groups enable
chateaux of the Loire, Mont St. Michel, students to get together for extra-curricular activities such
Consider, for example, music fes-
tivals such as the Vieilles Charrues the Chteau dIf, the Roman arenas in as festivals, expositions, concerts, lectures, trips, hikes,
in Carhaix, the Folles Journes in Nmes, and the port of La Rochelle. tours, evening activities, and more.
List of national museums:
Nantes, the Eurockennes in Bel-
>Ressources>Architecture-Patrimoine Through clubs and associations stu-
fort, Jazz in Marciac, and the Trans-
dents also engage in a wide variety
musicales in Rennes; the film festi- Books
of humanitarian, athletic, econo-
vals in Cannes, Deauville, Avoriaz, The affordable Livre de Poche series,
mic, and cultural activities in which
and Cognac; dance festivals such offered at 6, puts books within reach,
no matter what ones budget. Numerous they have the opportunity to play
as the Biennale de la Danse in Lyon
book-related events in Paris and around a variety of roles, such as chairman
and the Part des Anges in Bordeaux;
the country attest to the French interest of a festival, treasurer of a student
the theater festivals of Avignon and
in reading: business club, or spokesperson
Aurillac; the renowned comic art for a cultural project. Such involve-
festival in Angoulme; and national
ments can make valuable additions A university entity known as the Fonds
events such as the Journes du Pa- Print media to their resume. Through alumni
trimoine and the Fte de la Musique Frances print media are distinguished de Solidarit et de Dveloppement des
associations students can maintain Initiatives Etudiantes (FSDIE, fund for
on the first day of summer. by their diversity: special-interest ma-
ties with their academic institution support and development of student
gazines, daily newspapers, and national
Cinema after graduation and benefit from initiatives) helps support activities or-
and regional weeklies and monthlies.
595 feature films released last year (in- contacts with other graduates. ganized by student groups.
Every city and region has a newspaper
cluding 293 from France) sold 217mil- that provides national, international, Directory of French associations: FSDIE:
lion tickets:>Ressource regional, and even the most local of /aides-universites
>Cinma/Multimedia news. Examples include the Sud-Ouest Animafac is a network for the exchange
of experience and resources among
Theater in Aquitaine, Ouest-France in Brittany,
and La Provence in Marseille: more than 12,000 student associations:
Nearly 25,000 performances of classic-
al and contemporary works took place
ESN, Erasmus student Network:
in 2012:>Ressource Libraries
>Thetre/Danse France has more than 3,000 libraries.
Anyone can obtain a free library card at his Grandes coles
or her local library; the card can be used at Each of the Grandes coles has a stu- Frances
44,000 performances were given and
any library in the town or city system. dent office, a student-elected asso-
22 million tickets sold for concerts
University libraries ciation that organizes extracurricular 2 million
and variety shows: Universities
Every institution of higher educa- activities such as nights out, welcome
>Ressource>Musique/Concert associations
tion possesses at least one library. On university campuses, one often parties for new students, and cultural
Museums and monuments Hours vary but include evenings (un- finds dozens of cultural, disciplinary, events. The student offices also help constitute a
7,000 museums operate throughout til 10 pm) and Sundays. Frances 127 athletic, or career-related associations. to manage cafeterias and student coo-
All cultural France. Although the Eiffel Tower university and institutional libraries Some are devoted to providing support peratives. Many schools also support vast fabric of
possess more than 40 million books. for new students, including internatio- career-related associations such as bu-
sites offer remains the countrys most visited at-
The catalog of the university do- nal students, or to organizing coopera- siness or project incubators that enable
voluntary ties
traction, more than 40,000 other sites
discounts and and structures have been designated cumentation system is available at tive services (supplies, coffee houses, students to prepare for life after gra- that extends
as historic landmarks, among them the course packs, and so on). duation and to gain experience that will
subscriptions give them a leg up in the labor market. throughout
for students France
38 39
Living in France Living in France

How much
Culture, leisure
1 month of Internet access:
20-50 depending on the plan or

does it cost?
bundle (Internet, TV, telephone,
unlimited calling to certain countries).
1 cell phone plan:
starting at 30 per month depending
Taking into account the many discounts for which students on provider. Plan prices vary in the
are eligible, the average monthly student budget is 1,000 amount of calling time and data
in Paris and 800 elsewhere in the country. transmission they offer. Prepaid cards
starting at 5 are sold in licensed
Food, meals tobacco shops.
1 student-rate movie ticket:
1 baguette: x0,80
about 7.50. Some national theater
1 coffee: x1 - 2 chains offer unlimited monthly
1 Camembert cheese: x2 admission cards for 30.
1 croissant: x1 1 museum admission: 5-10
1 kg of pasta: x1 1 student-rate swimming pool
1 kg of potatoes: x1,20 admission: 1.70

1 kg of rice: x1,90 1 newspaper: 1.20

1 liter of milk: x1,20 1 DVD player: 50 - 150

6 eggs: x1,50 1 MP3 player: 20 - 150

1 meal at a university cafeteria: 1 paperback book: about 6

x3,15 1 night in budget hotel (**): 60
1 round-trip Paris-Barcelona air
1 fast-food meal: x7 1 theater ticket: 10 - 30
ticket: 100-150
1 meal at neighborhood
1 round-trip Paris-Brussels-
restaurant: x10 - 20
Amsterdam Thalys rail ticket:
1 sandwich: x3 - 5 100-120
1 round-trip Paris-London Eurostar
Health rail ticket: 100-150
Medical visit
1 round-trip Paris-Nice TGV (high-
General practitioner: x23 and up speed train) ticket: 140. If reserved
(of which x14 is reimbursed) far enough in advance, tickets can be
The cost Psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, as cheap as 50.
neurology: x37 euros and up
of daily (x24 reimbursed)
1 monthly public transportation
pass in Paris: from 60 (Paris proper)
life may be Gynecology - ophtalmology: to 123 (outlying suburbs)
x28 euros and up (x19 reimbursed) 1 liter of gasoline: 1.40
twice Specialist: 1 city bike: 1 per day in Paris, but
as high x25 euros and up (x19 reimbursed) free for the first 30 minutes. Public
Dentist: bike rentals (through Vlib, Vlov,
in Paris x30 euros and up depending on V3) are available in several large
service rendered cities. Prices vary.
as in other
of France
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