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ECnetcom (6864 Cochran Road Solon, Ohio 44139 i, info@ (440) 519-1555 Fax (440) 519-1556 Presented by: DITEC, Inc. ‘SIX-Trme WINNERS of 24x7 Readers’ Choice Award Best Service Training Program or Aid - Diagnostic Imaging Maintenance Levels 1, 11, II copyright DITEC, Inc. State of OH State Board of Career Colleges & Schools Reg # 9405-13987 Diagnostic Imaging Technical Education Center, Ine TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘THE X-RAY CONTROL Introduction KV Control Primary Contacting ‘mA Control Tube Protector Control Logic Summary Three Phase X-ray Control Block Diagram KV CONTROL CIRCUITS Introduction Line Matching Line Compensation High Voltage Primary Selection KV No Load KV Regulation High Frequency KV Circuits Fluoroscopic KV Control Fault Detection Summary PRIMARY CONTACTING CIRCUITS Introduction Self commutation Forced Commutation Fault Detection Summery mA CONTROL CIRCUITS Introduction Cone=pts of mA Control Circuits Calibration of Filament Control Circuits Fault Detection ‘Types of Filament Control Circuits Basic Filament Control Saturable Reactor mA Control Frequency Voltage Control Filament Circuits Mid-Frequency Current Control Filament Circuits Pulse Width Modulated mA Control High Frequency mA Control Filament Emission Chart Summary ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance ToC For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc TIME CONTROL CIRCUITS Introduction Basic Requirements of Time Control Circuits Analog Timers Digital Timers mAs Timers Fault Detection Summary ‘AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL Introduction Basic AEC System ‘Types of Radiation Sensors AEC Compensation Fault Detection PMT AEC System Block Jon Chamber AEC System Block Summary ROTOR CONTROLLERS Introduction Rotor Controller Ba Summary ies ROTOR CONTROLLER - BLOCK DIAGRAMS Picker High Speed Starter Rotor Controller GE Advantx LFX Rotor Controller Philips Classic Rotor Controller Rotor Controller Comparison Chart CONTROL LOGIC Introduction Control Logic ‘Tube Rating Chart Tube Protector Block Modes of Operation Control Logic Block Summary MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED SYSTEMS Introduction Basic Computer System Computer Use in Diagnostic Imaging Programs Used Disadvantages ‘Troubleshooting Summary Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance TOC For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. be X-RAY TUBE INSTALLATION Introduction Basic X-ray Tube Installation X-ray Tube installation checklist Summary R/F SYSTEM PERIPHERALS Introduction Buckys ‘Tables ‘Spot Film Devices Collimators ‘Tube Hangers Chest Filmers Summary X-RAY CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAMS GE MST/MSI X-ray Controls Block Diagram GE MPX/SPX X-ray Controls Block Diagram GE Advantx LFX X-ray Controls Block Diagram Picker GX 550/650 X-ray Control Block Diagram Picker GX 850/1050/1550 X-ray Control Block Diagram Picker VIX 650/1050 X-ray Control Block Diagram Philips Maximus Classic X-ray Control Block Diagram Siemens 712/1012 X-ray Control Block Diagram Siemens Polydoros 80/100 X-ray Control Block Diagram ‘X-ray Control Comparison Chart MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Logic Symbols LAB ACTIVITIES COMPLIANCE TESTING. TROUBLE SHOOTING WORKSHEETS Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Toc 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 BoG6eL Raa 12 13 14 15 16 For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. ww Notes THE X-RAY CONTROL INTRODUCTION This section will review the x-ray control circuitry in a block diagram format as discussed in the Fundamentals of Servicing Diagnostic Imaging Systems - Level I, or your equivalent field experience. This will include: KV, mA, and time control circuitry, exposure logic circuitry, and tube limit circuitry. SECTION OBJECTIVES Describe a KY control circuit. Describe a three phase primary contacting circuit Describe a mA contol circuit. Describe a tube protector circuit, Describe a control logic circuit vaepe Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance tl © DITEC, Ine. Sd Notes KV CONTROL ‘The method of controlling the amount of KV across the x-ray tube. ‘Line Match These selectable taps allow the installer or assembler of the x-ray system to program the input circuitry to produce the required operating voltages based on the measured value of the incoming line voltage. ion Devi This refers 10 that component which receives the incoming line power and makes it available for delivery to the primary of the high voltage transformer’s primary winding. ‘Load Compensation This circuitry compensates for the IR losses that occur in the high voltage transformer, For most x-ray systems, this is done by increasing the primary voltage to the high voltage transformer as the selected load value {mA) is increased. The amount of increase is dependent on the mA selected and the high voltage transformer’ characteristic load curves. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 12 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes PRIMARY CONTACTING e ‘The method of controlling exposure time by controlling how long current will flow in the primary of the high voltage transformer. The primary contactors are usually SCR devices ali ‘The method of controlling exposure time whereby the exposure is termi nated by removal of the gate pulses to the main primary contacting SCR and applying a reverse bias voltage across it. The reverse bias usually is Applied from a capacitor bank which has been charged prior to expostire initiation, ‘This method only requires two SCRs which will be electrically connected at the output side of a bridge rectifier located in the high volt- age primary circuit. 3 Circui This circuit, commonly found on forced commutation systems, is used to varge up the commutation capacitor(s) prior to an exposure. It generally will consist of an SCR in series with the commutation power supply. The SCR is gated on during prep time, and capacitor charge sense circuit is tused to Signal control logie about the status of the capacitor. If this signal does not indicate that the capacitor is charged, control logic will not allow an exposure to begin ‘Soft Start or Precontacting The KV control delivers power into an inductive load, which is the prima- ry winding of the high voltage transformer. Since voltage leads current e (GLI) in an inductive load, the KV tends to rise quite rapidly, leading to KV overshoot at the beginning of the exposure. A series circuit consisting, of an SCR (soft start SCR or precontacting SCR) and a resistor is placed in parallel with the main contacting SCR in the forced commutation circuit. Itis fired a few milliseconds before the main SCR. The resistor attenuates the primary voltage during the “soft start delay time”, thus reducing the KV overshoot. The value of the resistor(s) is dependent on the load current (mA). The lower the mA, the higher the value of the resistance. Sd Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 13 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes mA CONTROL ‘The method of controlling mA through the x-ray tube by changing the current flowing in the filaments of the x-ray tube. ‘This circuit sets the continuous filament current to a level typically between 2.0 amps and 3.5 amps. This adjustment sets the starting filament current values that will produce the desired mA for a specific KV. It is generally adjusted at a fixed high KV value, and a reduction in KV from the baseline value will require an increase in filament current to overcome the space charge effect, ‘As the filament is heated up, electrons are given enough thermnal energy to eave the filament (thermionic emission). If there is no voltage applied across the anode-cathode, no eJectrons will be attracted to the anode and a cloud of electrons will form near the filament. As the anode-cathode volt- ‘age is increased, more and more electrons will be attracted to the anode ‘until eventually all electrons leaving the filament are attracted to the anode, When the anode-cathode high voltage is increased, electrons near the surface of the filament can gain enough energy to leave the filament and strike the anode. This means that the tube current (mA) changes when the KV is changed even though the filament current remains the same. This is undesirable and must be overcome with compensation circuits. It is usvally done by causing an increase in filament current as the selected KV is decreased, ‘This circuit limits the absolute maximum value of filament current that can flow in a worst case condition. This is usually between 5.5 amps and 6.5 amps. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 14 ‘© DITEC, Inc. w& Notes TUBE PROTECTOR ‘The functions of the tube protector circuitry are: (1) to prevent the operator from selecting parameters that would exceed the maximum instantaneous power ratings of the x-ray tube, and (2) to limit the maximum generator KW output regardless of selected time. “The operator selected KY and mA values form a signal which represents the programmed KW value. This signal provides one input to the tube protect comparator. The other comparator input is a signal composed of the selected time, anode speed and focal spot. These signals combine to produce a voltage which represents the allowable KW value. As long as the programmed KW value is less than or equal to the allowable KW val- tue, the tube protector will allow the exposure to occur. If the programmed value exceeds the allowable a tube overload condition will exist and the ‘exposure will be inhibited. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 1-5 © DITEC, Inc. i Notes CONTROL LOGIC ‘The control logic circuitry is the decision making circuitry for the x-ray control. It monitors for safety conditions, proper operator selected tech- nique parameters, and controls the exposure sequence. Control logic is broken down into three major areas: general safety, preexposure, and exposure. ‘This area of control logic monitors the condition of the x-ray system at turn-on, Upon satisfactory selection of all parametess and the absence of any interlock conditions, it will produce the general safety signal which causes the “ready” condition of the x-ray control. ‘The pre-exposure area generates the signals to cause certain events to occur upon closing of first position of the handswitch. ‘This may include, but is not limited (o, boosting of the filaments, starting of anode rotation, driving of the KV selection motor and charging of the forced commutation capacitors. The feedbacks of these events provide inputs too then allow for the enabling of the third major area of control logic, the exposure area. ‘The exposure J circuitry generates the signals that will load the timer and start the Bucky mechanism. When the time stop signal is removed by the timer, the exposure 2 gate allows the primary contactor drive pulses to be generated at the appropriate zero crossover of the incoming line and turns on the exposure light. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 16 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes SUMMARY “This section covered the basic block diagrams of the x-ray control. It dis- cussed KV ciscuitry, primary contacting circuitry, mA circuitry, time cir Cuitry, tube protector circuitry and control logic. It also discussed and defined various terms associated with each of those circuits. ‘We suggest that you review this, any of these concepts . .ction if you had difficulty understanding ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 17 ‘© DITEC, Inc. gage PEE a bo 2 ere i fd i Lt (aaa i w Notes INTRODUCTION TO KV CONTROL CIRCUITS INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss KV control circuits in detail including: Line matching Line compensation/Line adjust Various primary high voltage select circuits No load compensation Load on compensation ‘Troubleshooting ‘Compliance SECTION OBJECTIVES. Describe the purpose of line matching. Describe the purpose of line compensation and line adjust Describe the various means for selecting primary high voltage. Perform no load KV calibration. Perform load on KV calibration. Troubleshoot KV contol circuits to the circuit or component level. ayapyr ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 2 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes LINE MATCHING Most x-ray controls may be connected to various incoming line voltages, for example, available three phase power may be 380 VAC, 420 VAC, 440 VAC, 460 VAC, or 480 VAC. Therefore, the x-ray control must possess a means for adapting to any of the possible incoming line voltages. This is generally accomplished by changing a tap on the input side of the auto transformer, or by moving a jumper to a designated position, as demon- strated in the following figure for one leg of a three phase input. It is important to note that line matching is performed as part of the initial installation and is usually not performed as part of normal maintenance. Line ’ sa Linge Commemr sovac of =}+——0 OF CBR kv Roller Line Match Jumper LINE MATCHING Line matching is a coarse type of adjustment. The incoming line may not be exactly 480 VAC, which is generally the case. Any variations in the incoming line, cither higher or lower, will be amplified greatly by the high voltage transformer and appear on the KV across the x-ray tube. To com- pensate for these variations as they occur, most x-ray controls incorporate some form of line compensation. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 22 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes LINE COMPENSATION Compensation for periodic variations in the incoming fine may be accom- plished in various ways. One way is to provide the operator of the equip- Inent with a meter Which continuously indicates the condition of the Incoming line. Also provided is a means for the operator to correct for line variations prior to taking an exposure. This is generally a rotary knob which electrically varies the connection of the incoming line to the auto transformer. ‘Another means for accomplishing line compensation is to automatically monitor the line voltage for variations and correct them. The following figure demonstrates an automatic line compensation circuit, again for only one leg of a three phase line Line Line Line Fuse Contactor Roller 480VAC_ 9 ==} A KY Roller a 3E [conte — (en) : BE [creas eeu ° LINE COMPENSATION The feedback transformer samples the incoming line and presents a volt- age proportional to the line voltage to the motor control circuits. The adjustment is generally made so that a voltage measured at a specific point of the auto transformer will always read the same voltage, ¢.g. 220 VAC. This generally is also the input voltage to the power supplies in the x-ray control ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DIT Notes HIGH VOLTAGE PRIMARY SELECTION ‘Manvfacturers use varied means for the actual selection of the voltage which will be connected to the high voltage transformer primary during the exposure, This voltage is called high voltage primary, or high tension primary. Some common methods are: ‘Antotransformer with manually selectable taps ‘Autotransformer with relay selectable taps Autotransformer with motor driven selection High frequency inverter ‘Whatever means is used for this selection, this is the voltage which will provide the operator with the selected KV, therefore itis imperative that this voltage be correct to prevent retakes of the radiograph and excessive radiation fo the patient. When the operator makes a KV selection, a portion of the incoming line voltage is selected, compensated for the losses expected in the system dur- ing the exposure, and is available for connection to the high voltage trans- former during the exposure, -We will discuss the compensation circuits later in this section, Manual Tap Selection ‘The following diagram demonstrates how high voltage primary may be selected on a single phase control. By turning KV Major and KV Minor knobs, the operator can physically select taps on the auto transformer thus making the selection for high voltage primary. ‘The KV Major knob gen- erally would be in ten KV increments and the KV Minor knob would be in one or two KV increments. ‘The operator would view the KV meter and tum the knobs until the desired KV was displayed on the meter. ‘The meter is generally called a prereading KV meter since its indication is in KV and it is done prior to the exposure. The selected high voltage pri- mary would then be presented to the safety and primary contactors. movac it PRIMARY 3 ee | pal eto tas | a WW bem | SE Oreree MANUAL TAP SELECTION Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 24 © DITEC, Inc. i Notes Relay Tap Selection ‘Another mneans of high voltage primary selection is the use of relays to select taps on the auto transformer. combination of buttons (KV major nal to the selection circuit bination for high voltage primary. T! figure. AUTOTRANSFORMER A pila ane 20 VAC ane LINE, VOLTAGE \ ore a contACTOR on ae SELECTION "The operator would push a button, or and minor) which would provide a sig- 's which would then select the proper relay com this is demonstrated in the following HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER — 3) EXPOSURE, | PRIMARY sarery _ CONTACTOR covfacior anil sees WU RELAY SELECT acu RELAY TAP SELECTION Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance 25 For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. vd Notes Di Vi ‘Another, very common, means of high yoltage primary selection is the vari- Aen variac is essentially an auto transformer with a motorized connection fos the selection of the output voltage. Many variaes have a carbon roller which moves across the windings of the aulo transformer. Others have donut Shaped coils with the connection revolving around the coil. The carbon roller variac KV selection is demonstrated in the following figure. fH 3. i ren Rods ——ot z, i A RIMAR 1 Ne : 2, hE or serie TV PRIMARY 7 Saree 2) contactor S| aie ; 4 cae yews oye Woror {CONTROL 8 SERVO REF SL abnusT srLBCTOR MOTOR DRIVEN VARIAC ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 2-6 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes KV NOLOAD Most x-ray controls require the service professional to perform prelimi- nary adjustments to the KV control circuits prior to the first exposure These adjustments are performed under no exposure conditions, thus the name no load. Generally, the service professional is instructed to select a specific KV and mA. Usually the KV is a high KV and the mA is a low mA, but not always, ‘The instructions then ask that the primary high voltage be mea Sured and the adjustment made for a specific amount of primary high volt- age. The following figure demonstrates the relationship between the KV aad mA selection and the primary high voltage for a specific high voltage transformer. 160 SSE no Lonny Wy 140 120 100 KV 90 60 40 20 | 20, 49, 60. 80. 100 120 140 160 180 200 Primary High Tension Voltage TRANSFORMER CURVE Lond Losses ‘As you can see from the preceding figure, for any particular KV selection, the mA selection will cause the high voltage primary to change. For example, if 100 KV is selected along with 50 mA, then approximately 119 volts of primary high voltage is needed. If 100 KV is selected along with 400 mA, then approximately 158 volts of primary high voltage is needed. ‘This is due to the losses that occur within the high voltage transformer itself. ‘These losses are due to the current flowing through the resistance in the windings and are called Load Losses. These losses are sometimes called IR losses because of current (1) flowing through the resistance (R) of the transformer. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 27 © DITEC, Inc. bw “The Load adjustment is the one made to ensure that the primary high volt- age is correct at any KV and mA selection. This is done to compensate for the losses in the transformer windings. Note that the losses are some- What linear, that is, the amount of loss is a ratio of KY loss per mA select- ed, and the ratio does not change with higher mA selections. ‘The concept of compensation for load losses is very important. The selec~ tions which the operator makes must actually be achieved or serious prob- Jems could arise. Suppose that the operator had sclected 100 KV and 400 mA. Atthese selections, the required high voltage primary would be the ‘above mentioned 158 volts. But suppose that, for whatever reason, per haps a calibration problem, the mA that is actually achieved is 50 ma. The consequence will be that, at the 158 volts and 50 mA, the actual KV will be greater than 140, You can imagine the consequence of not having. any filament current at all, which would put the transformer on the no load line. You can recognize the load adjustment by the fact that it is mA dependent and it will affect the primary high voltage in a Jinear fashion. This means that the variation in the primary will be a specific amount per mA. ‘The following figure demonstrates how load compensation may be accom- plished in a single phase x-ray control. As you can see, the mA selectors, Will vary the resistance across the meter, thus varying the displayed KV value. The meter adjust will affect the KV meter reading also, Even though itis called meter adjust, it really is the static compensation adjust. It will be adjusted so that the meter reading changes by a specific amount per mA selection, e.g. 6 KV change in indication per 100 mA. ‘The opera- tor would then have to vary the KV major and minor selections until the desired KV is indicated on the meter. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic imaging Maintenance 28 © DIT Notes For Training Purposes Only 1C, Ine. AUTOTRANSFORMER, Notes high vourace TRANSFORMER Imaging Maintenance 6 5.7 Ee SS ev Maton east? 220A jae ay PRIMARY x carery_cOmnCTOR vith | ga] | tia B i te Fino Pe TT] ort rcotfMtron eer Pees | VOLTAGE | | es I A ma seurctons — BE KS Ok | | | = wen) 22 2 eeceeee aaeisi se fot mere a G aust LOAD LOSS COMPENSATION ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only 29 © DITEC, Inc. Notes KV REGULATION “The act of taking an exposure causes a load to be present on the incoming line. This loading effect is similar to when the work day is over and ‘everyone goes home to turn on many electrical appliances all at the same time, The power line voltage may drop due to the extra load at this partic- ular time. ‘The line losses caused by taking an exposure are called regulation losses because the amount of loss is dependent on the regulation of the incoming. line. These losses are KV and mA dependent and increase somewhat exponentially with increases in KV and mA. “Manufacturers of radiological equipment specify the degree to which the incoming line must be regulated, generally about 5%. If the line does not posses the proper regulation, the manufacturer is not responsible for meet- ing the KV specifications. Regulation compensation is generally a more difficult task to accomplish in most x-ray controls. We will discuss regulation compensation as it might be performed on a three phase x-ray control. The following figure shows three resistors in series with each incoming line. These resistors perform two functions. First they can be adjusted to balance the three incoming lines so that any differences in voltage among the lines can be adjusted out. Second they present the impedance of the x-ray control to the lines and must be adjust- ed to match the line impedance or the mismatch will cause losses (regulation losses). LINE LINE COMPENSATION asovac ot unevortAcs, S83 ao Teeth nae. UNE lost | contactor CONTACTOR OFF ON Advanced Concepts of Radiographi For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 2-10 © DITEC, Inc. e oe Notes it ‘To determine whether load, regulation, or both, need adjustment you must plot the selected KV vs. the actual KV as in the following figure aa Regulation, Ideal Ae Alea Load © 100 1 e 80 c t 60 e a 40 F080 100 120 140 KV Actual The plot must be performed with a calibrated mA station. If the actual KV is off by the same amount, the problem is the load compensation. If the actual KV is off in a skewed manner, then the problem is the regula- tion compensation. Lis important to note that the load compensation may have been factory adjusted and may not need correction since the transformer losses are known. The regulation losses, being line dependent, cannot normally be factory adjusted since the line is site specific. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 2 ‘© DITEC. Inc. Notes " HIGH FREQUENCY KV CIRCUITS (INVERTER TECHNOLOGY) ‘The nominal frequency of a High Frequency KV control circuit varies froma low of 1KH7z to a high of 100KHz depending on the manufacturer, year it was made, and the application. High Frequency KV control circuits ier several advantages over traditional KV drive circuits such as motor driven variae, manual tap sclection, and relay tap selection circuits which operate at 120H2z (single phase) or 360 Hz (three phase). ‘These advantag- ee have different priorities from the stand point of the the manufacturer, ‘customer, and service professional. The usefulness of each advantage will also vary with the application of the High Frequency KV control circuit One of the main advantages of a High Frequency KV control circuit js that the KV is regulated during the exposure, compensating for incoming line variations and load changes. The actual KV is sampled by a voltage divid- er in the HV transformer. This voltage representing the KV is compared to a voltage representing the selected KV and a difference or error voltage is generated. This error voltage is used to regulate the KV and maintain its Value within a very tight specification, ACTUAL KV Sy ERROR « SELECTED = VOLTAC Kv Previous generations of KV control circuits provided for mechanical KV selection. This precluded altering the selection during the exposure, when Jarge currents were being drawn, Moving variac rollers or changing relay position would cause unwanted arcing in the circuits. Prior to High Frequency KV contro} circuits, if the KV had to be main- tained accurately (CT, Some special procedure rooms), it required very high power regulation circuitry in the secondary of the high voltage trans- former. This was typically done using large vacuum tubes referred to as Triodes or Pentodes. High Frequency KV control circuits regulate the KV by varying the high voltage transformer’s primary voltage, current, and frequency rather than the secondary. This active regulation of the KV gives rise to other advantages. ed Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. & Notes [Active regulation will automatically compensate the KV for incoming line voltage variations. A traditional KV circuit (motor driven variae, manual tap selection, and relay tap selection) calculates the primary voltage need- ‘ed to produce KV based on the selected KV/ mA, and on the incoming line voltage prior to the exposure. If the incoming line voltage is different than what it was during standby, then the KV will be different. High Fre- queney KV control circuits compensate the KV for ineoming line varia- tlons automatically since the KV feedback is always being compared to the KV reference and will adjust the HV transformer’s primary voltage, current of frequency to maintain the selected KV. ‘This regulation also holds true for a varying mA. The KV circuit can be thought of as a power supply outputting thousands of volts. The mA of an exposure represents the load on the power supply. High mA exposures are Iarge loads and low mA exposures are low Joads. If the mA varies during an exposure, on a traditional KY circuit, the fixed primary voltage will allow the KV to vary (higher KV for the lower mA and lower KV for the higher mA). High frequency KV control circuits compensate automatical- ly for this variation by the same feedback concept previously mentioned. ‘The KV regulation can thus be considered independent of the mA regula- tion The different effects on KV of a traditional KV circuit versus a Inverter technology KV control circuit as the mA changes is shown below. VV TRADITIONAL Mp, a KV mA " ciRCUIT Wy “erer\) wIGH Newey] [ae The high frequency used for these circuits will usually produce less KV ripple than traditional single phase, three phase six pulse, or three phase twelve pulse systems. The comparison of ripple for the different KV tems is shown next. KV TYPE Single phase 3 phase 6 pulse 3 phase 12 pulse High Frequen less than 1% up to 30% ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance -13 ‘© DITEC, Inc. w Notes ‘The actual ripple percentage will vary greatly depending on the manufac- turer, the design, the application, and especially the mA (loading). In worst case conditions the ripple can approach 30% Another advantage of a High Frequency KV control circuit is the smaller Size of the HV transformer. HV transformers for traditional KV circuits weigh from 600 to 1500 Ibs. HV transformers for Inverter technology KV control circuits typically weigh about 100 10 200 Ibs. ‘The decrease in weight and size saves space and money during shipping. Also, less space js used at the system site, The HV transformers for High Frequency KV control circuits require special design to operate at the higher frequencies. These special considerations will be dealt with later in this section DISADVANTAGES OF HIGH FREQUENCY KV CONTROL CIRCUITS ‘The few disadvantages associated with High Frequency KV control cit cuits are minor and are out weighed by the advantages already listed. One disadvantage is that some test equipment used on the traditional KV cir cuits do not give accurate measurements in High Frequency KV control Circuits due to the high frequency of the ripple. One reason for this could be that the operating range of the test equipment is Jess than the high fre- Guency being measured (the test equipment’s bandwidth is too small) ‘This can be true for some earlier model non-invasive KV meters, Most newer models have faster response times. ‘Another reason could be that the insertion of the test equipment into the ireuit alters the operating parameters of the High Frequency KV control tuned circuits. If excessive, the circuit may no longer operate as calibrat- ‘ed. This can be especially true for invasive KV meters. These problems can be overcome by using the manufacturer's recommended calibration test equipment and measuring technique. The following chart compares High-Frequency KV control circuits to traditional KV circuits. HIGH TRADITIONAL FREQUENCY KY CIRCUITS KV CIRCUITS OPERATING 120 TO 360 Hz 1TO K FREQUENCY "00 He REGULATION FOR Ne Al Matic: LENE VARIATIONS, aa eda REGULATION FOR LOAD VARIATIONS ner Automatic WEIGHT OF EL edseresy 600 - 1500Ibs. 100 - 300 Ibs. Se All models Newer models Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 214 © DITEC, Inc. Notes HIGH FREQUENCY RESONANCE CIRCUITS All High Frequency KV control circuits use the same basic resonance cit cuit to control the curtemt through the primary of the HV transformer. The jnductance of the HV transformer’s primary along with a series capacitor, form a resonant tuned circuit, The frequency of the tuned circuit is detes- mined by the formula: f= —. ame ‘This resonant frequency of the inverter circuit is generally the advertised frequency” of the x-ray system, The inverter is operated on the rising portion of the resonant curve waveform. This is called "riding the reso- nance curve" Resonance Frequency As the resonant frequency is approached, the current supplied by the inverter is increased. ‘The diagram on the following page demonstrates the operation of the inverter circuit and how it can be used to control the KV Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 215 © DITEC, Inc. Notes JOUINOD AX AONANOA HOT Ow On rae Hea a Seen ea eet ay anata eset), U ssl a Fail AX TWALOV Be P< ae \ | 1 L eo exo | tf we | For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. 2-16 Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes ‘AC voltage (typically the line voltage) is applied to the transformer T1 on the left side of the diagram, ‘The ACV of the secondary is full wave recti- fied by the bridge rectifier D! and filtered by the capacitor C1. Together they form a DC power supply that provides the operating voltage for the circuit, This voltage ranges from 200 to 600V depending on the x-ray sys~ tem. The capacitor Cl typically represents several capacitors and can be as much as 100,000 uFd. in some systems. The $CRs 1-4 along with the tuned circuit of C2 and Lis the Inverter cir- cuit, Since the components are usually drawn in the positions showa, they are sometimes referred to as an “H” bridge circuit. ‘The inverter works by first firing SCR1 in the upper left and SCR4 in the lower right simultaneously. ‘This will cause current to flow in the direction shown below. ‘The capacitor C2 will begin to charge through the inductor L(+ on the left hand side). Inductors oppose a change in current by creating a magnetic field. ‘The time it takes to charge C2 to the full DCV is determined by the values of L & C. The resonant frequency of LC is the maximum operat- ing frequency of the inverter. As the charge on C2 approaches the applied DEV the current flow is reduced. The inductor L will oppose this reduc~ tion in current by collapsing its magnetic field, ‘This will continue current flow in the same ditection. The capacitor is thus charged to an even higher voltage. 4pcv — oe 4 ae ee [After the magnetic field of the inductor is fully collapsed, current flow is zero. Since the gate pulses have been removed, SCRS | & 4 will commu- tate. The positive haif eycle of the sinewave (shown on the next page) has now been generated. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 27 © DITEC, Ine. w Notes Capacitor C2 will then discharge through the diodes CRI and CR4, and the inductor L, This will create the negative half cycle of the sinewave. ‘The charging and discharging of C2 form a sinewave of current through. the primary of the HV transformer. —— CURRENT scria FIRED 2 BEGINS i DISCHARGE ———#— > THROUGH 7 Hl Aa — —— VOLTAGE ‘CaP: CHARGING Topcy | + —_—_ INDUCTOR Ty COLLAPSING cap ‘CAP CHARGING DISCHARGING The resultant voltage is multiplied and rectified on the secondary to create the 4/-KV. The process is then repeated with the other set of SCR’s 2 & 3, C2 will charge in the opposite polarity of the previous half cycle (+ on the right hand side of C2). This creates a second resonant sinewave through the primary of the HV transformer. SCR23_, FIRED 2 BEGINS : : DISCHARGE ‘THROUGH CSsinstataes stan R23 CAP CAP CHARGING DISCHARGING Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Jmaging Maintenance 18, © DITEC, Inc. Notes OPERATING FREQUENCY VERSUS RESONANT FREQUENCY “The circuits discussed are called high frequency because of the natural resonant frequency of the inverter (SKHz - 100KHz). By controlling the frequency at which the SCR’s are fired (called the Operating ar Drive Frequency), the average current through L (HV PRIMARY) can be con- trolled and thus the KV. Let us compare wo examples of different Drive frequencies to demonstrate how this method can control KV, In example one, the drive frequency is 10Khz and the resonant frequency is 25Khz. This means that during 0.5ms of an exposure the drive frequen- cy will initiate 5 resonant cycles of current through the primary and each resonant cycle will be 0.04ms long (reciprocal of 25Khz). U ‘\ ECan (Nett va eee S RESONANT CYCIESIN Sm In example two, the drive frequency is increased to 20Khz and the reso- nant frequency remains at 25Khz. This means that during the same 0.5ms of an exposure the drive frequency will initiate 10 resonant cycles of cur- rent through the primary and each resonant cycle remains at 0.04ms ‘More resonant current cycles within the same period of time will produce ahigher KV, or the same KV ata higher load (mA) because the average amount of current through the primary has increased. KAA of ah Ww VW WV Bee see gets eee ees RESONANT CYCLES IN Sms ‘As the delay between the firing of the first pair of SCRs and the second pair of SCRs is decreased (drive frequency increasing), more resonant Cycles are generated within the 0.5ms time window. Frequency modula- tion is thus the main regulation technique used by high frequency KV con- trol circuits. ‘A voltage representing the actual KV from a voltage divider in the HV transformer is compared to a reference voltage representing sclecied KV. ‘The error between these two signals is changed into a frequency that becomes the drive frequency K TO ACTUAL KV oT F Q?> GATES seLecteD kv, \ J] gl OF v\ Ql scrs It should be noted that the drive frequency must always be less then the resonant frequency. If the drive frequency were to approach the resonant frequency, another resonant frequency cycle could be generated before the previons cycle was completed. This could damage the high power com- ponents. Some systems build trigger delays into the citcuitry to prevent this from happening. Advanced Concepts of Radiograpt For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 219 ‘© DITEC, Inc. Notes OTHER INVERTER CHARACTERISTICS ‘One characteristic of inverter circuits is that they are short circuit proof. ‘That is to say that if the load became a short ( arc), it should not damage any component of the inverter, This is because the current of the inverter is always limited by the charge and discharge time of the main capacitor due to the inductance of the primary. A short at the Joad does Gecrease the reflected impedance from the HV secondary to the HV pri- tary, bot not below the minimum inductance of the primary. As tong 2s there is a discharge path for the stored energy, the circuit should not be damaged. ‘snother characteristic of inverters (as in any switching power supply) is. that they are not open circuit proof. A bad connection in the charge or di charge path will open the normal paths of current. The charge stored on the capacitor and inductor must discharge. If the normal paths are blocked, the energy will be dissipated through other components that may damage them. Some protection circuits are typically built in to protect against this. ‘Another potential problem for any “H bridge type circuit is if the SCR firing sequence is wrong and SCR I & 3 or 2 & 4 were fired simultane~ ously. If this were to happen then the applied DCV would be shorted to the return, possibly damaging a component. HIGH FREQUENCY KW REGULATION TECHNIQUES Tt was already stated that frequency modulation is the main regulation technique used by high frequency KV control circuits. By varying the drive frequency the KV can be changed, regulated for line variations, and regulated for load changes, Some x-ray generators (Siemens Polyphos) ‘and mammography units (GE/CGR 6007) use this method exclusively for all techniques. But frequency modulation alone does not always have suf- ficient range of control for all techniques and applications. Imagine the range of KWs that an inverter circuit could be used in. During fluorosco- py, the KW that must be controlled ranges from about .006KW (0-1 MA/60KV) to about 0.36KW (3mA/120KV). In mammography the KW ranges from about 0.4KW (20 mA/20KV) to about SKW (100mA/SOKY). Fora typical RF room the maximum KW is 100. ‘Thus inverter circuits ‘must conirol KWs ranging from 6W to }00KW. Clearly other techniques must also be employed to control the wide range of KW used in diagnostic imaging. As we study these other techniques keep in mind that they are always in addition to the frequency modulation technique. ‘One very popular KW regulation technique changes the resonant frequen- cy as the load (mA) changes, This is done by connecting different amounts of capacitance into the resonant circuit as mA selection changes. ‘The diagram on the next page shows a typical circuit Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance ‘© DITEC, Inc. 8 Notes oh em cK Dev — When the resonant frequency is decreased (longer period, more capacitance), each drive frequency pulse creates a longer time in which Current is flowing through the primary of the HV transformer. This creates a higher KV, or permits the creation of the same KV ata higher mA. One interesting feature that occurs with different resonant frequencies is that the drive frequency could be lower for higher KVs than for lower KVs. This happens when the higher KV exposure is at a Jow mAV/high resonant frequency and the low KV exposure is at a high mA/low resonant frequen- cy. The switching of the different resonant capacitors is more dependent on the mA selecied than on the KV. Examples of x-ray systems that change the resonant frequency to control different KWs are: Siemens Polydoros control, Phillips Super CP control, and the Toshiba KXO series of controls. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 221 © DITEC, Inc. c ‘Another popular method of KW control is to vary the DC voltage applied to the inverter. If this voltage can be adjusted dynamically the KV can be maintained under varying loads and incoming line voltages. VARIABLE spcv DC SUPPLY ‘The exact method used for changing the aplied DC voltage differs from machine to machine. In some systems, a simple relay arrangement switch- es different voltages as different KWs are selected (Toshiba KXO series). In others, a three phase bridge is controlled by SCRs and the firing of the SCRs is varied to control the DC voltage (Siemens Poloydoros 80/100). Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes Notes FLUOROSCOPIC KV CONTROL During fluoroscopy, the KV must be variable while the high voltage is present, This can be accomplished by performing phase shifted primary Contacting. ‘The fignre on the next page demonstrates one example of how this may be performed ‘This circuit is called phase shifted fluoroscopy because we wait until after the 90 degree point on the input waveform and, for the negative half cycle, until after the 270 degree point on the input waveform. Then, according to the desired KV, we may Wait longer before firing the fluoroscopic primary contactor, The phase reference is obtained from the line via a sawtooth generator and is compared to a DC voltage that represents how bright of fan image you want. ‘This will produce trigger pulses to the gates of the SCR at the right firing angle. In Manual brightness mode, the operator control for brightness comes from a potentiometer on the front of the Image Intensifier, In Auto bright- ness mode, also known as Auto Brightness Control (ABC), the brightness signal is produced by a Photomultiplier tabe (PMT) that is looking at the Jight off of the image intensifier. This brightness signal will then be com- pared to a SVDC level and the difference will control the phase shifting of the SCRs. “The radiologist performing the fluoro procedure will usually take a radio~ graphic exposure of the region of interest, This requires boosting the fila- hents to a higher current value, Generally, there will be a delay of about 0.5 seconds between the end of a spot film and return to fluoroscopy so that the filaments are given time fo cool from the radiographic level. In some systems, the TV Camera will be used to sense the brightness of the image and produce the brightness signal to the ABC circuit. Fluoro kV circuits may also use the soft start SCR (in the case of three phase, forced commutation systems) to control the fluoro KV through @ phase shifted firing of the SCR. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 223 © DITEC, Inc. Notes Oa LINd AM ONONTE 0S0T XD/XLA DAN WIM wannoasyvas, aH —"--— For Training Purposes Only Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, inc. 224 bw Notes. FAULT DETECTION ‘There are two major concerns with the KV control circuit, has the proper voltage been fed to the primary of the high tension transformer and if the high tension voltage is too high. Proper primary high tension Tf the voltage to the primary of the high tension transformer were too high then the KV on the secondary would be too high at exposure. This is why the KV control circuit is monitored before an exposure is made to ensure that the primary high tension voltage selection circuitry is functioning properly. This is typically done on single phase or 12 pulse units where the primary high tension selection is made before the exposure starts This can be done by checking that the motorized variac drove to the prop: er position or that the correct relays were energized for tap selection and if not then prevent an exposure from being made. High tension too high Tt the KV to the x-ray tube is too high this could cause arcing in the tube, high tension cables or high tension transformer and cause damage to the system. This is typically done by monitoring the actual KV and stopping the exposure if the KV exceeds a preset limit. This is usually only done ‘on high frequency KV inverters because they already have actual KV feedback to regulate the KV. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. & Notes SUMMARY In this section we discussed the need for line matching and line compensa tion to ensure that the x-ray control is connected properly to the incoming line. We also discussed the various means for actually accomplishing the high voltage primary selection such as the variac. We also covered the compensations and adjustments necessary to ensure that the selected KV is produced across the x-ray tube. ‘These compensation circuits are the no load (static) and the load on (regulation ) adjustments. We discussed the concepts of high frequency circuits as they are utilized in today’s x-ray controls as well as fluoroscopic KV control circuits. ‘We suggest that you review this section if you had any difficulty under- standing any of the concepts. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 2-26 ‘© DITEC, Inc. INTRODUCTION TO PRIMARY CONTACTING CIRCUITS INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss primary contacting circuits in detail includ- ing: Self commutation Forced commute Troubleshooting ion SECTION OBJECTIVES Describe the various means of self commutation Describe the various means of forced commutation ‘Troubleshoot primary contacting circuits to the circuit or component evel. Notes Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Porposes Only Imaging Maintenance 31 © DITEC, Inc. Notes SELF COMMUTATION ‘The method of controlling exposure time whereby the exposure is termi- nated by removal of the gate pulses to the primary contacting SCRs and allowing the SCRs to turn off when the incoming Tine reverses polarity How this is accomplish depends on whether the system is a High Frequen- cy x-ray control or not. Je or Three Phase ‘ommutation This method requires the use of two back to back SCRs for each phase of the incoming line and are connected between the KV control and the pri- mary of the high voltage transformer. an aM < ame rgosine 3'3—} covert F [faa SELECT I nen | —| “i SINGLE PHASE SELF COMMUTATION Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Ponposes Only Imaging Maintenance 3-2 © DITEC, Inc. Notes ‘THREE PHASE SELF COMMUTATION Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance 33 © DITEC, Inc. For Training Purposes Only Notes c "This method uses the SCRs of the KV inverter to stop the exposure. When the firing pulses to the first set of SCRs of the KV inverter are removed and the resonant capacitor has discharged, the exposure will end. See HIGH FREQUENCY KV CONTROL, HV TRANSFORMER Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only ‘Imaging Maintenance 34 © DITEC, inc. w Notes FORCED COMMUTATION ‘The method of controlling exposure time whereby the exposure is termi- nated by removal of the gate pulse to the SCRs and applying a reverse pias current throught them, ‘The reverse bias is applied from a capacitor bank. which has been charged prior to the start of exposure. ‘Single Phase Added Forced Commutation ‘This method requises adding a forced commutation circuit between the pimary contacting SCRs and the primary of the high tension transformer Of a single phase self commutation x-ray control, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 3-5 © DITEC, inc. Notes NOLLVLAWINOD (A2UOd GGA ASVHA TTONIS A Hl ' aovwovs Noliyannc 3 For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. 3-6 Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes Cc q smutatior This method requires adding a forced commutation circuit in the high ten- sion transformer’s primary neutral lines of a three phase self commutation x-ray control. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Pasposes Only Imaging Maintenance 37 © DITEC, Inc. Notes "THREE PHASE ADDED FORCED COMMUTATION Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 38 © DITEC, Inc. ‘Three Phase Buili-in Forced Commutation 6 ‘This method requires a make SCI high tension transformer’s neutral Notes R and a forced commutation circuit in the 1 ines but no SCRs in the primary eee pe = om a e ee TA ns veal ehh io ‘ fami eeeetic ate Face ales ition wo Advanced Concepts of Radiographic = = “THIREE PHASE BUILT-IN FORCED COMMUTATION 39 Imaging Maintenance For Training Porposes Only © DITEC, Inc. & Notes FAULT DETECTION There are two major concerns with the primary contacting circuit, these are if a Make or Soft-start SCR were to short or if the Forced Commuta- tion Capacitor did not charge. Shorted SCR If the make or soft-start SCR were to short. Then when the Safety Contactor energized at prep, there would be current through the primary of the high tension transformer and radiation would be produced. The SCRs must be checked in standby to make sure they are not shorted. Thi js usually done by monitoring the voltage across the SCRs and if there is no voltage that means they must be turned on or shorted. If that is the case then the safety contactor is not allowed to energize or on some sys- tems the control will tum off. If the forced commutation capacitor was not charged, then there would be no reverse bias current to turn off the primary contactors and stop the radi- ation. The forced commutation capacitor must be charged prior to the start of the exposure, this voltage is monitored and if it is not charged then the main of Sofi-start SCRs are not allowed to turn on, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 3-10 © DITEC, Inc. ce Notes SUMMARY In this section we discussed how self commutation is accomplished in sin- ‘gle phase, three phase and high frequency x-ray controls. We also covered how forced commutation is accomplished in single and three phase x-ray controls. We suggest that you review this section if you had any difficulty under standing any of the concepts. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Porposes Only Imaging Maintenance 31 © DITEC, Inc. ce & Notes INTRODUCTION TO mA CONTROL CIRCUITS INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss mA control circuits including: Basic filament control circuits Saturable reactor filament control circuits Voltage controlled mid frequency filament control circuits Current controlled mid frequency filament control circuits Pulse width modulated filament control circuits High frequency filament control circuits Saiety and protection circuits associated with filament control circuits Calibration ‘Troubleshooting ‘Compliance SECTION OBJECTIVES Describe the operation of each of the above filament control circuits. Troubleshoot all of the above filament control circuits. Calibrate all of the above filament control circuits. |. Compliance of filament control circuits. Pep ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 41 © DITEC, Inc. CONCEPTS OF mA CONTROL CIRCUITS All mA control circuits perform the function of controlling the mA flowing through the x-ray tube by controlling the current flowing through the selected filament. A better name for these circuits is filament control cir- cuits. Filament control circuits are probably the most varied of all the circuits you will encounter as a diagnostic imaging service professional. However, ihey all have certain functions and eircuits in common. uits Regi Generally, all filament control circuits will comprise: 1. A power supply - It is how the circuitry controls and applies this power supply to the selected filament which determines the name we will use for that particular filament controller. Filament selection - To connect the operator selected fila ment to the control circuits. 3. Filament transformer - Contained within the high voltage transformer, it provides the proper current step up and isola tion from the negative side of the KV applied to the x-ray tube. ~ 4. Filament protection - These circuits can include open fila ment detection, electronic and mechanical over current detection and maximum current limiters, Notes 5, Standby/Fluoro - To set the continuous filament current level 6. mA adjustments (baseline) - To set the predicted filament current level 7. KV compensation (space charge) - To ensure the desired mA is achieved with variations in KV selection. 8. Actual mA stabilizer (real mA ot mA calibrators) - To change the mA to the proper level during the exposure. 9. Control switching - To switch between the different modes of operation: ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 42 © DITEC, Inc. Notes Purpose : e “The purpose of any filament control circuit is to control the current flow- ing through the filaments of the x-ray tube. ‘The circuits must perform four functions. 1, Standby - Maintain a sub emission level current flowing through the selected filament to prevent thermal shock when it is brought to radiographic level Pre-exposure - Predict and effect the increase in filament current which will cause the desired mA to bbe generated at the initiation of a radiographic exposure. 3. Exposure - Alter the filament current as needed during a radiographic exposure to ensure that the desired mA is maintained throughout the exposure. 4, Fluoro - Alter the filament current as needed during a fluoroscopic exposure to ensure that the desired mA is maintained throughout the exposure. Tn standby, the filaments are generally maintained at a sub emission level, about three amps of current. ‘This level of current may be derived from the « fluoroscopic mA selection since it is very near sub emission. Pre-exposure ‘Also called preheat, presad, prep, first position (refers to the exposure hand switch), and filament predict, this mode of operation brings the fila- ments from standby to a level determined by the selected mA and selected KV. There are two adjustments which make up the pre-exposure level, these are the baseline and spacecharge adjustments, Baseline Baseline is generally considered the high KV, mA. adjustment. Little compensation is needed at high KV due to its attraction power tothe eletron cloud within the x-ray tube. Space charge Space charge is generally considered the low KV, mA. adjustment. At low KV, the attraction power to the electron cloud is not as great as at high KV. There would be a lower mA than desired without compensation, w ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 43 © DITEC, Inc. Notes ‘The following figures demonstrate the space charge effect. e Fil Pal Oamps KV=120 mA=High Fill =5.0amps KV=40 mA=Low Fill=5.0amps KV=0 mA=0 Jt should be obvious that, if filament current is kept constant, changes in KV will cause changes in mA. Therefore, it should also be obvious that filament current must be varied with variations in KV. The space charge adjustment is generally performed at low KV and high mA. Itcan be rec- ‘ognized by the fact that its in line with a signal proportional to the select- ed KV. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 44 © DITEC, Inc Notes CALIBRATION OF FILAMENT CONTROL CIRCUITS ‘The following figure demonstrates the calibration requirements of fila ment control circuits. 1 is important to note that we are concemed with the proper mA, not necessarily the proper filament current. ‘Therefore, the calibration is performed while observing the mA waveform. PREDICTED , — STABILIZED, f<—15 50m >! | <——— 00ms ———>! ACTUAL mA WAVEFORM ‘The baseline and space charge adjustments control the pre-exposure level which, depending on the working effect of the x-ray tube, may be as long as 50 ms, The mA calibrator, or stabilizer, controls the last portion of the mA waveform. Ifthe adjustments are not correct, the observed mA waveform will also not be correct. As you learned in Level J, the actual mA waveform is, ‘monitored in the mid point of the high voltage transformer secondary. FAULT DETECTION There are two major concerns with the filament control circuit, these are if there was no current or if there was too much current flowing through the filaments of the x-ray tube. Oy If there was no current flowing through the filaments of the x-ray tube due to an open filament or a bad connection, when an exposure is made, there would be no mA through the x-ray tube. This could cause the KV to be too high and damage the x-ray tube or high tension cables. To prevent this the filament control circuit will monitor the actual filament current and if it is not above some minimum level, it will send a signal to the con- trol logic that will prevent an exposure from being made. M fi ‘To prevent burning out the filaments and destroying the x-ray tube. ‘The filament control circuit will monitor the actual filament current and limit that current to a level that would not burn out the filaments or it will turn off the filament control circuit to protect the filaments of the x-ray tube. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 45 © DITEC, Inc. Notes TYPES OF FILAMENT CONTROLLERS It is how the filament power supply is controlled that will determine the name that we will use to identify the type of filament controller, si ‘A basic filament controller is one that does not have real mA feedback to ‘control filament current dynamically. The filament supply transformer has a series of taps, each representing a selectable mA value, with a poten- tiometer at cach tap 10 adjust the selected mA value at a fixed KV setting (baseline), Tthas a space charge transformer with selectable taps to either buck or boost the filament power for space charge compensation, abl i ‘® saturable reactor filament controller controls filament current by vary- ing the load or impedance presented (o the power supply. It is usually a dynamic controller. ‘A mid-frequency voltage controlied filament controlier controls filament current by Varying the amplitude of the voltage output of the filament sup- ply. Its usually a dynamic filament controller 7 ur ‘A mid-frequency current controlled filament controller controls filament current by varying the amplitude of the current output of the filament sup- ply. Itis usually a dynamic filament controller. w WM) filament c ‘A PWM filament controller controls filament current by varying the pulse «width or duty eycle output of the power supply. It is usually a dynamic filament controller. y fil A high frequency filament controller controls filament current by varying the operating or firing frequency of the filament inverter. Ttis usually a dynamic filament controller Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 46 © DITEC, Inc. Notes BASIC FILAMENT CONTROLLER ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Porposes Only Imaging Maintenance 47 © DITEC, inc. Notes UATIOULNOD INAV HOLDVAY ATAVUALYS Det ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. 48 Notes aTIOALNOD INAWV TL sores va T ‘JOULNOD ADVLIOA AONANDANA-GI 0} = = Fj . . © DITEC, Inc. For Training Purposes Only 49 ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes WaATTOALNOD LNAWV TA FOALNOD NANI AONANOMUAIN nema wano: Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. 4.10 Notes AG'TIONLNOD INAWV TA ALY INGOW HLGIM aSINd ol guvnenvns | I! 1 i 1 Frowrere] i 1 L 1 For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. all Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes HIGH FREQUENCY INVERTER FILAMENT CONTROLLER ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 4-12 © DITEC, Inc. Notes Filament Emission Charts 3 Constant Potential 0.6 mm ES. me) Wet ARR ek? s B 3 Nit ae wide Last ee as 12mm ES. a _ f 5 zal] [ou - i B 3 fon |B i EH) 4 ir : fe i fa 3 _ et i a eT weld E wel ea et toe ac oe) eee Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 4-13 © DITEC, Inc. Notes SUMMARY e In this section we discussed the requirements for proper control of the fil- ament current in order to obtain the selected ma for the duration of the exposure. We discussed the modes of operation of filament control ci ‘cuits and the adjustments you will encounter while calibrating the circu ry. We suggest that if you had any difficulty understanding the concepts that you review the section. & ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 4-14 © DITEC, Inc. c w Notes INTRODUCTION TO TIME CONTROL CIRCUITS INTRODUCTION ier control circuits In this section we will discuss the basic operation of to include: Analog timers Digital timers mAs timers Core memory circuits Calibration ‘Troubleshooting Compliance SECTION OBJECTIVES 1. Explain the basic requirements of any timer circuits. 2. Explain the operation of core memory circuits. 3. Discuss the operation of analog timers. 4. Discuss the operation of digital timers. 5. Discuss the operation of mAs timers. 6. Troubleshoot timer circuits to the circuit or component level. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 5-1 © DITEC, Inc. Notes BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF TIME CONTROL CIRCUITS Purpose The purpose of any timer circuit is to initiate an exposure at the proper point of the line voltage, monitor elapsed time, and terminate the exposure ft the end of the selected time. To perform these functions, all timer cit- cuits will possess certain common circuits. These are: 1. Core memory circuits - To monitor the phase rotation of the incoming line and keep track of point at which the last exposure was terminated. 2. Primary contactor drive circuits - To turn the primary contactor circuits on and off. 3, Elapsed time determination circuits - To monitor the length of the exposure. Core Memory Core memory circuits ensure that every exposure is initiated at the point in the line phase where the previous exposure terminated. ‘The purpose of this is that if the same polarity current is applied to the high voltage trans- former in successive exposures, the high voltage transformer core may saturate, that is magnetize. ‘This saturation would oppose the current flow and the transfer of energy within the transformer. This opposition can actually damage the transformer by the tremendous mechanical forces generaied at such high power. Single phase high voltage transformers are especially susceptible to core saturation. ‘Three phase high voltage transformers are less susceptible since the line input varies every 2.77 ms. ui has By definition, radiographic time is the amount of time during which KV is applied across the x-ray tube. Single phase time is generally measured as the number of pulses applied to the x-ray tube. Since rectification takes place, each pulse is approxi mately 8.3 ms or 1/120 seconds. The following figure demonstrates time measurement for a single phase KV waveform. ‘<< TIME MEASUREMENT > SINGLE PHASE KV WAVEFORM Advanced Concepts af Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEG, Inc. 8 Notes i Radiographic time for three phase is generally measured from 75% of rise to 254% of fall time of the actual radiographic exposure. ‘This may be mea- Sured using the mA waveform or the KV waveform. The following figure demonstrates the points at which time is measure ONION) 18% OF witha OD a / \ i : t — \- —- TIME MEASUREMENT ———™ THREE PHASE KV WAVEFORM. Because of this difference in making time measurements on single phase and three phase systems, care must be taken when measuring time values ‘with non-invasive measuring instruments, Most instruments measure time as if the waveform were three phase. A correction factor must generally be applied if the waveform is actually single phase. Generally. 4 to 5 secs. must be added to the instruments reading to determine the true time value. Consult the operator's guide for your measuring instrument to determine the correction factor. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 53 © DITEC, Inc. Sd Notes ANALOG TIMERS ‘Analog timers must stil start an exposure at the proper phase time per the core memory circuits. The difference between digital timers and analog timers is that in the analog timers a capacitor is used for the elapsed time monitoring ‘At the beginning of the exposure the capacitor is allowed to charge through a resistance selected by the time selector. Therefore the time selector varies the RC time constant. When the charge on the capacitor Teaches a specified voltage, the time stop signal is generated, generally by turning on a ansistor or relay circuit. The primary contactor is then either allowed to self commutate or itis force commutated, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 5-4 © DITEC, lnc. Notes Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 55 © DITEC, Inc. c Notes DIGITAL TIMERS ‘The name digital timer refers 10 the use of integrated circuits such as counters to determine clapsed time. Generally a diode matrix is used to encode the time selection. The counter circuits are generally loaded either al prep or exposure. Once the timer is loaded with the desired time, the combination of the exposure signal and the Bucky feedback signal cause a flip flop to remove the time stop signal from the logic. The time stop sig- nal was present as a result of the termination of the previous exposure. ‘Once the time stop signal is removed from the logic, the primary contactor ‘can be energized when the core memory circuits indicate that the proper phase time has been reached. The time between the removal of the time Stop signal and the actual firing of the primary contactor is generally called phase time or interrogation time and may be as much as 16 ms. To monitor for elapsed time during the exposure, an oscilJator is enabled during the exposure time which then clocks the counter. When the count in the timer reaches zero, the time stop signal is generated to the logic which then removes the exposure signal. The primary contactor is then either allowed to self commutated or itis force commutated. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 56 © DITEC, Inc. Notes WV¥OVIG WOT! YAN. TVLIDIC ee For Training Purposes Only ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. 57 ww Notes mAs TIMERS “True mAs timers terminate an exposure by monitoring the actual tube mA for the time required to achieve the selecied mAs. These timers cause the film density tobe correct cven though the mA may not be. For example. he aa’ isos the time of the exposure will automatically increase unt the desired mAs is reached. Cone way that a mAs timer can be designed is to have the actual és Ghurge a capacitor circuit until it reaches 2 signal level proportional 19 the caret mAs, A comparator can be used to generate the time stop signal to terminate the exposure [Another means of designing a mAs timer is to digitize the actual mA sig- ‘al by using a voltage controlled oscillator. ‘The oscillator output is then raed wo clock a programmable interval timer which has been loaded with a ‘Count proportional to the desired mAs, When the counter reaches 7er0, the time stop signal is generated, ‘Again, this timer will ensure that the selected mAs is achieved even ifthe ‘ctwal tube current is not correct. ‘The voltage controlled oscillator output frequency will be lower if the mA is low and higher if the mA is high. Thus the interval timer will take more (or less) time to clock to Zero, This type of mAs timer is more likely to be found in the newer micropro- cessor controlled x- ray controls, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic 1 Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 5-8 © DITEC, Inc. g x g 2 . zg = BLOCK DIAGRAM Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance 5-9 Notes For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. & FAULT DETECTION ‘There is one concern with the time control cireuit and that js that if the timer fails the patient could receive too much radiation. ‘This is why there is usually some type of safety timer or mAS limiter. ‘The safety timer is another timer that is running in parallel with the expo- sure timer but is loaded with a longer time than the exposure timer. If the exposure timer fails to stop the exposure then the safety timer hopefully will stop the exposure usually by opening the safety or line contacter . mAS Limiter The mAS limiter is a circuit that monitoss the actual mAS during the ‘exposure and if it exceeds a value that is some percentage greater than the selected mAS the exposure wil] be stopped by opening the safety or line contactor. Notes ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 5-10 © DITEC, Inc. Notes SUMMARY In this section we discussed the basic requirement of time control circuits and how time measurement is accomplished. We also discussed digital timers, analog timers, and mAs timers. If you had difficulty understand- ing any of the concepts presented in this section, we suggest that you review the section prior to proceeding with the next section. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only maging Maintenance S-Il © DITEC, Inc. & Notes INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss the concepts of automatic exposure control circuits (AEC), sometimes called phototiming. These will include: Photo tube AEC system Jon chamber AEC system Solid state or semiconductor AEC system Calibration Troubleshooting SECTION OBJECTIVES Explain the purpose of AEC. Explain the the operation of the photo tube AEC system. Explain the operation of the ion chamber AEC system, Explain the operation of the solid state AEC system. Explain the AEC compensation adjustments. Calibrate AEC systems. ‘Troubleshoot AEC systems to the circuit or component level. . AEC compliance. eI DWEENE Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 6-1 © DITEC, Inc. Notes BASIC AEC SYSTEM PURPOSE Variations in body structures make it difficult forthe operator to make fe proper selections to ensue thatthe film density is correct for a good quali- Fy diagnostic radiograph. The purpose of the automatic exposure contro} ty diag) is to ensure thatthe desired film density is achieved regard- fees of the subject densities. ‘The AEC system will do this by controlling the time of the exposure The following figure demonstrates how a basic AEC circuit functions. enn & i i nv : a} | 4 Dexsery > nec stor ec ‘A radiation sensor is placed between the patient and the cassette. The feedback from the sensor is sent to a comparator to be compared with a voltage proportional to the desired film density. When the sensor has detected the required amount of radiation, an exposure stop signal is gen- erated and sent to the x-ray contol logic to terminate the exposure Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only ‘Imaging Maintenance 6-2 © DITEC, Inc. Notes “The time required to obtain the desired density will vary with the factors ic: listed below. Patient thickness Body region being imaged Selected KV Beam Quality Selected mA Film/Screen combination Film Processing Geometry Type of Grid 10, Use of a cone 1). Coltimation eI eee Note: (Three of those factors, wrong film sereen combination, improper collimation, and variations in the film processor, cannot be accounted for by the AEC system). Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 6-3 © DITEC, Inc. Notes TYPES OF RADIATION SENSORS Currently there are three types of radiation sensors being used in todays ‘AEC systems. The basic construction and operation of these sensors will be discussed. 1. Light Paddle with Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT) Hy, apiest cnosssecTioN oF ont ELD ae ' <-—BLACK PAPER wurTe RAPER << [At PLEXIGLASS PADDLE WHITE PAINT BLACK COVER i The light paddle consists of an intensifying screen surrounded with a black cover on top and a sheet of black paper with a hole whose size and shape determines the sensor area. Below this sheet of black paper is a white sheet of paper with a hole which is the same size, as in the black paper. Mounted below this white sheet is a piece of plexiglass with the sensor area coated with white epoxy paint. Below the plexiglass is another sheet of white paper. Another black cover is placed on the bottom to make the assembly light tight, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 64 © DITEC, Inc. Notes r Tay photons pass through the cover and strike the intensifying screen {which gives off light proportional to the amount of radiation. This light is Girected to the PMT through the plexiglass, which acts as a light pipe. The sheets of white paper and the white epoxy paint serve as reflectors fo send reflected light back into the plexiglass. ‘The black paper prevents light from the intensifying screen other than from the sensor area from entering the plexiglass. ‘The black cover prevents external light from entesing the plexiglass and prematurely terminating an exposure. Photo Multiplier Tube. ‘The PMT is a vacuum tube which produces an clectrical current propor- tional to the light at its input window. When used in conjunction with a pickup paddle in the radiation field, it will produce a current proportional to the radiation at the paddle. ‘The following figure is the schematic diagram for the PMT. PHOTO MULTIPLIER TUBE > OUTPUT % CURRENT DRY K LIGHT INPUT AT ‘| Hv Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 6-5 © DITEC, Inc. €: Notes 2. Ton Chamber with Preamp 1 ! Il I 1 PREAMP ' 1 at 4V EP ourrur ALUMINUM MYLAR _- LEAD 44300 TO +700VDC i FoaM ——>| a > SIGNAL OUT — ALUMINUM © KO LEAD COLLECTOR MYLAR CROSS-SECTION OF ONE CHAMBER The fon chamber consists of two aluminum sheets one on top and one on the bottom. These are grounded, and act as shields. Sheets of mylar are used to insulate the sheets of aluminum from the two thin sheets of lead (approx. .002 mm thick), which are used to increase the sensitivity of the sensor. The collector is made of copper to increase the sensitivity of the sensor area. Foam is placed between the lead sheets to provide support and maintain the spacing, Ton Chamber Operation X-ray photons pass through the aluminum sheet and interacts with the lead sheets through either photoelectric or Compton effect. ‘The electrons emit- ted through these effects pass through the volume of air in the chamber and causes the ionization of the air molecules. The amount of ionization ‘occurring is proportional to the amount of radiation. The positive and negative ions create current flow in the chamber when they migrate to the negative and positive lead sheets respectively, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 6-6 © DITEC, Inc. e Notes 3, Semiconductor Sensor with Preamp . \ FIELD SELECTS av PREP PREAMP > ovrrur ACRYLIC ae: SIGNAL OUT 01 i ‘The semiconductor sensor consists of a silicon semiconductor material which has been doped to form a diode junction, whose size and shape determines the sensor area. The acrylic base provides insulation between the sensors and structural support. The shield, normally made of alv num, provides noise isolation. r Oper: Xray photons pass through the aluminum shield and enter the semicon- ductor material, causing ionization to occur. The negative and positive ions create current flow in the semiconductor material, This current cur- rent flow is sent to a preamp, which acts as a current to voltage converter. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 6-7 © DITEC, Inc. Notes AEC COMPENSATION : ‘There are many compensations that must be done to the AEC cireuit in order to maintain a constant film density over a wide range of operating techniques. ‘The most common are KV, density, patient thickness/time, sereen and scatter compensation. Vv KV compensation is used to correct for non-linear screen response at di ferent KV selections. It is accomplished by either varying the density ref- erence level or by modifying the detector feedback signal with changes in selected KV. FILM DENSITY WITHOUT KV COMPENSATION aengmo Eton KV COMPENSATION DENSITY REFERENCE LEVEL MODIFICATION perry nee TNE 2 0 © © m © 1m 00 1 Kv ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Porposes Only Imaging Maintenance 6-8 © DITEC, inc. Notes KV COMPENSATION FEEDBACK SIGNAL MODIFICATION reapmncr Density compesation allows the operator to select different film densities. It is accomplished by changing the density reference level or by modifying the feedback signal with changes in sclected density, DENSITY + KV COMPENSATION REFERENCE LEVEL MODIFICATION bensiry : RERERENCE 2 ine eT 2 9 @ m © 9 1m 0 10 Kv ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 69 © DITEC, Inc. Notes ‘Thin/Short Time Compensation - This is used to correct for the time lag between when the exposure stop signal is generated and when the radiation actually stops. Thick/Long Time Compensation - This is used to correct for the nonlinear response of intensifying screens over long exposure times. It is sometimes referred to as Reciprocity Law Failure. ; Fate | —$ sar ae Tea 2200 1 *APACITAD ‘SINE. 7 er ANODE OFTIC i] ass raovig "| vourace | caPacrtance |" Site Q AxobECast | SQUARE WAVE ‘Sita ate ‘ Fano | —aaaves TATED t zi SEATED, oc rumen HP, [vowsreno wen! E canscrravce | * ERE? |wAiGReR | poyeet Sry | sotitewave | TSIORIER |" ree 200 - ROTOR aeacrrance | © SMETE | tity. pe reno, suet + 4] ceisciter) novid | contaowier | © - a HIRES | rowar'Surrey | souakewave ‘SCR POWER SUPPLY 8 op | oniQihan ORR ceee| Pome | coaab mane.) Power | pe aynicosy| | colitice [SOREEES UAE] PME | sowatiueny | solleive | PSR’ | rovers + THE SHIFTING IS PERFORMED TO THE SCR'S WHICH CREATED THE INVERTER DC VOLTAGE, ROTOR CONTROLLER Notes INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL LOGIC INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss the control logic circuits. These circuits vary greatly among X-ray controls, but they must all control certain functions which ‘we will discuss in this section. These functions are: Safety Tube Protector Standby Pre-exposure Exposure SECTION OBJECTIVES Describe the functions of the control logic circuits. Describe the operation of tube protectors. Calibrate tube protectors Troubleshoot the control logic and tube protector circuits to the cirevit or component level. Beppe ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 8-1 © DITEC, Inc. CONTROL LOGIC Basic Functions ‘The control logic circuits serve as the decision making circuits for the x-ray con- trol. By this we mean that the control logic circuits monitor for safety require- ments, and control the modes of operation of the x-ray control. ‘The control logic circuits interface with external peripherals, such as the collima- tor, to ensure that they are functioning properly. ‘This interfacing sometimes is a problem because manufacturers sometimes change signal names within the peripheral and the x-ray control, and sometimes within the interfacing documen- {ation itself. ‘Safety Circuits The control logic monitors for the existence of proper signals such as the pres- ence of filament current, room door closed, proper SID, Proper tube selected, time or ABC selected, KV motor in position, etc. The absence of any of the required signals will prevent the control logic from allowing the ready condition (ready light), prevent preexposure, prevent an exposure, or terminate an exposure when a problem is detected. Tube Protector The tube protector is considered part of the controt logic circuits. The purpose of the tube protector circuits is to ensure that the instantaneous exposure ratings of the x-ray tube are not exceeded. It performs this function by generating and com- paring two signals to each other: allowable kw and programmed kw. we ‘The allowable kw signal is generated by the tube protector as a result of the selected time for an exposure. ‘This allowable kw is tube and focal spot depen- dent, that is that it is dependent on the particular tube, focal spot, and anode speed which is selected The following figure demonstrates an allowable kw curve. Itis important to real- ize that the signal generated by the tube protector is a point somewhere on the curve, not the curve itself. This voltage level will vary with the selected time. The curve itself will be different for different tube focal spots dependent on the particular kw rating for the focal spot. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Notes For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 82 © DITEC, Ine. Notes KW Programmed KW = Allowable KW oe “KO Time ‘The allowable ratings for different focal spots are demonstrated by observing the different instantaneous rating charts on the following page. ‘The KW of the focal spot can be derived by multiplying the allowable mA at 100 KV and 100 ms. You can see that as the time is increased, the allowable KW must be reduced or damage to the anode may occur. From the instantaneous rating charts, it should also be noted that the allowable KW fora particular focal spot is also target angle and rotor speed dependent as ‘well as whether the tube is connected to a single phase or three phase x-ray con- tol. The cutoff portion of the allowable KW curve represents the KW limits of the x-ray control, ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For ‘Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 8-3, © DITEC, Inc. 3@ Constant Potential === 60 HZ - 3,450 RPM 0.6mm ES. (a 12mmES. 9 21kW 65 kW so sr oo} tH on|—| _ eS 3 PES a iN io 4 ou x x 10 oo lL , ees casa es | are ee EET ES Tie So re i ses 1smmES. [i 76kW “BE RENT (na) Be ese a BBB 10 |eo a oe oleevn o oo 8 seas 1 es 8 ne wns ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For‘Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 84 © DITEC, Inc. Notes Programmed KW Programmed KW is another signal generated by the tube protector. This signal is aresult of the KV and mA selected for the exposure. The tube protector circuit will multiply signals proportional to the two selections and generate a voltage Jevel which is then compared to the allowable KW. If the programmed exceeds the allowable, a tube limit or tube overload signal is generated. This is generally indicated to the operator so that he may: 1. Reduce the mA selection, thereby reducing the programmed KW, 2, Select the large focus, thereby selecting a higher allowable KW, 3, Select high speed rotor, thereby selecting a higher allowable KW. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 85 © DITEC, inc. wyuovia 07a 8 Moparowd sa ee we am melo 7 ge oo] ee J os oe sexe teed For Training Purposes Only © DITEG, Inc. 36 Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes MODES OF OPERATION Modes of Operation Sequence tis very important to possess a very good understanding of the modes of opera- tion of an x-ray control. This understanding will be invaluable during trouble~ shooting. The modes of operation of the x-ray control are generally the same as those of the filament control circuits. ‘The following is a general sequence of fevents as an x-ray control is taken from off, through on, preexposure, and expo- sure: ‘On switch depressed 1. Energizes line contactor 2. Brings up power supplies 3, Sometimes turns on peripherals such as tables Some x-ray controls will be in ready condition immediately at turn-on while others require the operator to take other actions to cause the ready condition. Standby - Ready 1. General safety requirements checked 2. Tube limits checked - no Tube Limit or Tube Overload indication 3. Tube selection completed at high voltage transformer 4, Selected filament connected to filament control circuits 5. Filament current to sub emission level 6. KV selection completed 7. Time selection completed or AEC and field selected 8. Room door closed 9. Collimator safety - SID In standby there may be many other conditions which must be met also Pre-exposure - Rotor switch activated 1. Filament is boosted to predicted radiographic level 2. Rotor start signal to rotor controller - rotor to speed signal generated and fed back to the control logic 3. KV motor caused to move into position 4, Timer loaded / enabled Exposure - Exposure switch activated 1. Bucky Drive signal generated - Causes Bucky feedback signal Bucky feedback signal to timer removes Time Stop signal Time Stop signal enables Exposure signal from control logic . Exposure signal enables timer Timer awaits the Core Memory Enable signal . Timer is activated and exposuie is initiated Primary contactor drive is activated Exposure indicators are activated . Timer keeps track of elapsed exposure time and terminates exposure at end of selected exposure time eer aws Advanced Concepts of Radiographic or Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 8-7 © DITEC, Inc. Notes “The system returns to pre-exposure mode - rotor ready, filament boost - While the exposure switch is held. When pre-exposure and exposure switches are released, the system then returns to the standby mode. If AEC was selected, many x-ray controls will display the actual exposure time or the actual mAs of the exposure. ‘You will undoubtedly encounter variations from this specific sequence of events. If you have a good understanding of what must happen, and what events must precede others, you will be very capable of troubleshooting control logic circuits. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. Imaging Maintenance 88 Notes iwyuovid 3907S ‘91907 TOHINOD © DITEC, Inc. For Training Purposes Only 89 Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Notes SUMMARY In this section we discussed the need for a good understanding of the operation of the control logic circuits of an x-ray control. We discussed the modes of opera- tion, and how we can use our knowledge of the sequence of events to help in the troubleshooting of control logic problems. If you encountered any difficulty in understanding any of the concepts presented in this section, we suggest that you review the section prior to studying the next section. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 8-10 © DITEC, Inc, Notes INTRODUCTION TO MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION ‘Today’s service professional must possess a very good understanding of ‘computer system concepts. In this section we will discuss the basic ‘computer system and how it relates to diagnostic imaging. This section is intended as a review of the concepts. We suggest that if you have difficulty understanding the concepts in this section, further study is needed, either by attendance at courses at local educational institutions or self study. In this section we will discuss the basic requirements for computer systems. We wil also digeus how computers reused in today's fiagnostic imaging systems. SECTION OBJECTIVES Define the purpose of the CPU, Memory, and I/O systems. Describe the Busses used in a computer system. Define the different types of memories in a computer system. Describe how computers are used in today’s diagnostic imaging systems. 5. Troubleshoot microprocessor controlled systems. ayy Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance o1 © DITEC, Inc. Notes BASIC COMPUTER SYSTEM INTRODUCTION Today's diagnostic imaging systems are designed with computer and microprocessor control. Any computer system comprises certain common components. These components are CPU, Memory and /O. Additionally, there are three bus systems associated with computer systems. These are the Data Bus, Address Bus and the Control Bus. cpu ‘The Central Processing Unit (CPU), or Microprocessor, is the brains of the unit. The CPU’s function is to fetch, decode and execute instructions. Instructions are fetched from the system memory. These instructions are decoded according to the CPU instruction set and executed by generating the proper signals within the CPU. ‘The CPU is essentially a sequential device. This means that it fetches instructions from a memory location and after processing the instruction it fetches the next instruction from the very next memory location. Internal to the CPU is a program counter which, once the CPU has output a memo- ry address, will increment the address register to the next memory location, MEMORY ‘There are many types of memory devices, rhost of which are probably familiar to you. These include magnetic tape, floppy disks, Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM), Random Access Memory (RAM), Electri- cally Alterable ROM (EAROM). ‘The differences between these memory devices are in the hardware requirements for their usage, speed, and volatility, and whether the device may be written into or only read from. Volatile memory is one which loses the stored information when power is removed. RAMis the only one which is volatile. This seeming undesirability is ‘overcome by using a battery backup system for the low power consump- tion CMOS RAM. Non-volatile RAM can then be used to store changing information such as room configuration, room specific anatomical pro- gramming, and room calibration information. RAM is also read and write capable. ‘The system memory contains the instructions and data which cause the CPU to act in a particular manner. The information in memory can be divided into two areas - Program and data, Itis important to note that a computer executes the program Joaded into the system RAM. Itis the program contained in RAM which makes the machine a word processor, a game, or an x-ray machine. The program loaded into RAM can generally be exchanged, as in your computer system at home, with programs on floppy dise, compact disc, or some other pro- ‘gram resident in system memory. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 92 © DITEC, Inc. Pata sais the information which the CPU needs in order to perform its particular functions under the particular program loaded into memory. For example, during the calibration program of an x-ray control, the CPU must know the filament emission characteristics for the particular tube focus being calibrated. This data is generally stored on non-volatile ram, a flop- py disk, or a tube PROM. vo Input/Output (/O) refers to the many devices necessary for the perfor- mance of the proper interfacing of extemal devices to the computer system. These devjces may be Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters (A/D, D/A), Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PIC), Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters (UART, USART), Serial to parallel and parallel to serial devices, etc. In some cases the system may be very simple consisting of surge stippression, optical coupling, and tri-state buffers for inputs, and latches and drivers for outputs. BUSSES ‘A bus is a set of signals which is grouped by function. External busses interconnect the devices in the computer system. Internal busses reside within the chips to interconnect the internal logic elements and are beyond the scope of this discussion. Control Bus The Control bus is a group of lines carrying status, control, and synchroni- zation information between the CPU and the other devices in the system. ‘These lines are dedicated lines, which means each has a specific purpose such as the Read command, the Write command, or Master Reset to all devices. The Control Bus may comprise ten lines or more. Data Bus ‘The data bus comprises a set of lines which are non dedicated and bidirec- tional which carry instructions or data between the CPU and the other system devices. The high or low signal on any particular line at any particular time is part of an instruction or data which has meaning only as it relates to the program the CPU is executing at that particular time. The Data Bus will consist of eight, sixteen, or multiples of eight. An eight bit microprocessor has eight data line bus. Adress Bus ‘The address bus comprises a set of non dedicated, unidirectional lines Which the CPU uses to select the origin or destination of signals transmit- ted on one of the other busses. A sixteen bit Address Bus can select 65,536 locations (64K). With special addressing techniques, however, the number of locations capable of being addressed with sixteen bits is virtually unlimited. Notes Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 93 © DITEC, Inc. THREE BLOCK COMPUTER SYSTEM Notes RAM ROM Tare =>) MEMORY cru vo DISK Dia AD 10 PORTS COMPUTER USE IN DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Computers and microprocessors are used i: most diagnostic imaging systems being built for today’s market. Microprocessors have been incorporated in devices such as x-ray controls, tables, spot devices and collimators for over ten years. ‘These “computers” perform from very basic to advanced functions. ‘An example of this use is the x-ray control as demonstrated by the figure ‘on the next page. All x-ray controls must control KV, mA, and time as well as interface with peripherals and operators. These functions can be simplified and enhanced by the use of one or more microprocessors. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance o4 For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. Notes MICROPROCESSOR X-RAY CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM. = ‘npness [2° cour ——> cS pacopne | sSuner — a IMENIO |RDIWR |vMA_ (common nos (appease ous svsrem oe Bee esc ‘MEMORY ee * Prom exp _| " cul (TUBE PROMS ste Shon vera rane Solana DARE vs nrc, al orox scar, FXPsWirat, =| Ser Mn) EE > BO ENE ROTOR TO SPEED. TAP START, Ie - re BOOSCRE STO roc TORRE mas actus. / Tora Lploctntar K— CONVERTER acrusLky >a Da > suscep kv ACTUALHLI >] convenes cones |-—> SILECTED FLT ‘ACTUAL na >| [> sec essitY er Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 95 © DITEC, Inc. Notes: PROGRAMS USED Residing within the memory system will be the programs which allow ‘both the operator and the service professional to perform his respective responsibitities. Operational Software During normal patient use, the operator must be able to make the tech- nique selections, including anatomical programming, necessary for obtain- ing the requisite exposure. The computer will then send the proper signals to the KV selection, filament controller, AEC, etc. to comply with the ‘operator selections. The program which must reside in the system memo- ry during normal operatiouis the operational software. Additionally, the computer can monitor foF any fault conditions and provide waming to the operator. : ‘A benefit to the service professional who services computerized equip- ment is that the device itself will generally assist in the diagnosis of any faults. The computer can monitor for all faults as defined by the program- ‘mer and alert the service professional. The service professional can then more easily ascertain the initial troubleshooting steps necessary to effect, repairs. ‘You should realize that the diagnostics are only as good as the program- mer. It is imperative to understand exactly what each warning or error code means. Misunderstanding the meaning of an error code will send you on a confusing and sometimes embarrassing "wild goose chase”. A Suggestion is to realize there is no magic. Your experience and knowledge ‘of what must happen, the sequence of events, will help you whether itis computer controlled or not. ‘System Calibration Software ‘Another benefit to the service professional is that the computer can now perform such functions as calibration of the filament control circuits. The initial filament emission characteristics for calibration of a newly installed x-ray tube can be stored in system memory, e.g. a Tube PROM. ‘The CPU can use this data to set the initial predicted filament current. As the service professional takes exposures, the actual mA signal can be digitized, by an A/D Converter for example, and monitored by the CPU. Any necessary correction to filament current can easily be performed by the CPU during the exposure. Additionally, the CPU can store the proper filament current code for that mA, at that KV, for that tube and focus, in the appropriate location within the battery backup Non-volatile RAM. This ensures that the next time those parameters are used, the filament current will be correct. ‘This makes for a self calibrating machine, both during service and during normal patient use. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 96 © DITEC, Inc. Notes DISADVANTAGES. ‘There are some situations which some service professionals consider disadvantages in the use of computers in diagnostic imaging. One, of colirse, is the need for additional training and education in order to be able to properly service and maintain the machines. Experience is also a very important need which, unfortunately can only be acquired in one way. Since many functions are controlled by software, and the service professional does not generally have access to the software code, some of these functions are sometimes difficult to comprehend and decipher. ‘Access to diagnostics, atid often the error code listing itself, is many times reserved by the manufactufer for their employees only. This alone could prove devastating to the in-house hospital or independent service provider. However, experience, and recent court decisions, show that these impedi- ments can be overcome. TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting a microprocessor controller x-ray system is similar to troubleshooting any other system. ‘There are three basic approaches to troubleshooting any system: Experience - You have seen the problem before and performing certain functions fixed other systems that had similar problems. Substitution - You replace boards, modules, assemblies until you fix the problem. Logical - You logically reduce the system to the service level of the prob- lem (ie. component, board, assembly) ‘The best troubleshooting approach is a combination of the three. Using logic with experience and substitution is the fastest means of troubleshoot- ing a system, Basic Troubleshooting Steps 1. Talk to the operator of the system ‘A. Drain and list objectives. B. Acknowledge customer concerns. CC. Use open probes to gain general information. D. Use closed probes to uncover specific information. 2. Have the operator demonstrate the problem, if possible. 3. Verify with the operator that this is the only problem 4. You operate the system and duplicate the problem. 5. You verify that this is the only problem (check all functions). Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 97 © DITEC, Inc. Notes Nothing WORKS. 1. Check power supplies. 2. Microprocessor is dead. ‘A. Check address and data lines on board for activity. B, Remove all boards from bus backplane except cpu board. C. Individually re-insert boards until failure occurs. Some functions don’t work and gives error code. 1. Look up error code. 2. Use microprocessor T/S Loop test. 3. Use test equipment to trace signal. Some functions don't work and no error code given. 1. What should happen when certain inputs are supplied? 2. Monitor inputs and outputs with test equipment. Always use every resource available to you, such as, the manufacture service manuals, flow charts, system operation algorithm, tech support ‘groups, and your peers. In approximately one hour into troubleshooting the system, you should have a good idea of what the problem is and a plan to repair the problem. If not you may be going around in circles and not getting any closer to the fix and may want to call in some type of support. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 98 © DITEC, Inc. Notes SUMMARY In this section we discussed the basic components of the computer system: CPU, Memory, /O, and the Busses associated with them. We also discussed the functions of the computer system and how itis utilized in diagnostic imaging systems. Some of the advantages and disadvantages to the service professional were also examined. If you had difficulty comprehending this basic discussion, you will need to establish a better foundation by continuing your education on the subject. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 99 © DITEC, Inc. Notes INTRODUCTION TO X-RAY TUBE INSTALLATION INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss the basic requirements of the x-ray tube installation. We will review a checklist designed as a reminder of the steps necessary for proper installation. We will also discuss the calibra- tions and CDRH compliance testing and reporting requirements. SECTION OBJECTIVES 1. Discuss the basic requirements of an x-ray tube installation. 2. Complete a checklist of the items necessary for proper installation of the x-ray tube. 3. Perform the installation of an x-ray tube. 4, Complete all required CDRH documentation. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only ‘Imaging Maintenance 10-1 © DITEC, Inc. LI Notes BASIC X-RAY TUBE INSTALLATION INTRODUCTION “The process of x-ray tube installation is not a simple one. ‘The service professional must possess an excellent foundation in the concepts of diag- Tostic imaging service, especially as they relate to x-ray controls. A good familiarity with the system onto which the tube will be installed is very important. ‘The x-ray tube is not a light bulb which can merely be replaced. It must be carefully checked, installed, and calibrated. ‘The CDRH compliance and documentation requirements must also be met. Asa service profes- sional you must ensure the mechanical, electrical, and radiation safety of all concerned. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 10-2 © DITEC, Inc. Notes X-RAY TUBE INSTALLATION CHECKLIST WARNING. The following checklist is intended as a means for discussing the basic requirements of the installation process. It is not intended to be all inclu- sive. The checklist will not substitute for experience nor will it substitute for equipment knowledge. And it most certainly will not replace good judgment. ___ Verify old tube failure and identify the cause —~ Check new tube for: Physical mounts Proper horn angle Proper stator resistance Filament continuity Proper target angle Proper focal spot sizes Physical abuse (oil leaks, dents, air bubbles) ____Disable the tube crane counterweight system Remove the collimator Remove the x-ray tube. Physically mount tube Using a dummy load, verify max. filament limits ~~ Make all electrical connections to the tube: ‘Check proper anode rotation Check start and run voltages (Check start to run delay Check tube limits (tube protector) Install collimator and close blades Without initiating an exposure, use filament emission ‘chart to verify pre-exposure filament current at various KV and mA selections season the x-ray tube Calibrate the mA while monitoring the KV Verify KV Accuracy Verify mA Accuracy Verify Linearity “Verify Reproducibility Verify Timer Accuracy Verify Central ray Verify Light field to X-ray field ‘Measure Half value layer Measure Focal spot size ‘Measure Maximum patient entrance dose if fluoroscopic tube Verify Automatic collimation ‘Verify AEC calibration ‘Complete all required documentation ‘Obtain customer acceptance ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Amaging Maintenance 10-3 © DITEC, Inc. Notes SUMMARY In this section we discussed the basic requirements for x-ray tube installa- tion, We provided a checklist for discussion of these requirements. You must posses a good understanding of the concepts and requirements to properly install an x-ray tube. Review and ensure that you understand all the concepts prior to proceeding to the next section. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For ‘Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 10-4 © DITEC, Inc. Notes INTRODUCTION TO R/F SYSTEM PERIPHERALS INTRODUCTION In this section we will discuss some of the peripheral equipment which you are likely to find in R/F systems. We will discuss Buckys, tables, spotfilm devices, chest filmers, collimators, and tube hangers. SECTION OBJECTIVES. Describe the basic operation of Buckys, tables, spotfilm devices, chest filmers, collimators, and tube hangers. 2. Describe the calibrations commonly performed on tables, collimators and tube hangers. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance WW © DITEC, Inc BUCKYS. ‘Basic Function Bucky is a generalized name for the device which holds the film cassette, ‘AEC pickup circuitry, and reciprocating grid. The term cassette holder is used for those devices which do not have a reciprocating grid. Bucky circuits will cause the grid to reciprocate either mechanically or through some type of motorized action. This is done as a result of the Bucky enable signal, at exposure start, from the logic circuits in the x-ray control. Generally a micro switch detects that the grid has begun to reciprocate and a signal is sent back to the logic. This is the signal which generally removes the time stop signal and, at the next proper phase time, the exposure is initiated. ‘The Bucky tray detects the film cassette size with potentiometers and sends the signals to the collimator. The collimator can then restrict the x-ray beam to the size of the cassette. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance 411-2 Notes For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Ine. Notes TABLES ‘The parpose of tables in diagnostic imaging is to support and position the patient during the examination. Additionally, the table also houses the Bucky tray which supports the film cassette, grid, and the AEC circuitry, For ease of explanation we will divide tables into non tilting and tilting tables. Nop-tilting tables Non tilting tables are generally less complex. They support the patient and allow patient positioning with a floating top. ‘The operator releases a foot operated brake and manually positions the patient ‘Tilting tables Purpose Generally, tilting tables will be used when patient positioning needs are complex such as during gastro intestinal studies. In fluoroscopic systems the table houses the under table x-ray tube and the Bucky tray for radiography, Tilt Motion Tilting Tables are generally more complex. They are named by the degree of tilt in the vertical (head up) and trendelenburg (head down) directions. For example, a 90/90 table tilts 90 degrees in both directions. The tilting motion is motor driven and controlled by the operator, generally from the table controls and also from the spot device. There may be different speeds of tilt controlled by the pressure exerted on the tilt switch. Tilt Limits Tilt limits are always incorporated in the design for patient and operator safety. Tilt motion will be suspended by disconnecting the motor when a limit is reached. The sensing can be mercury switches, actuated micro switches or feedback pots. Generally, tilt motion will stop when the table reaches the level position so the operator does not have to hunt for it. Table Top Motion Generally the table top is also motor driven and controlled by the operator to case patient positioning. Table top motion is limited in the longitudinal direction both toward the head and the foot. Sometimes this direction is also called the vertical direction, referring to the table in the upright Position. Motion in the transverse, or horizontal direction will also be limited. Generally the table top can be centered by either pressing a switch or motion is stopped when the table reaches center, On many tables, the tlt is interrelated to the table top position. If the table top is in a position which would drive it into the floor when tilted, the tilt is either disabled or the table top is driven back toward center while tilting. Advanced Concepts of Radiographi For Training Purposes Only 113 © DITEC, Inc. Notes ‘Table Motion Limits : Limit switches are generally incorporated in the design to prevent over driving the table. ‘These will be movable to the point of allowing travel to be limited according to the room configuration and the available space. SPOTFILM DEVICES Basic Operation ‘The spotfilm device supports the fluoro imaging system and allows for radiographic studies using the under table x-ray tube. It will generally have power assisted motion in all directions to allow for ease of position- ing. Table controls, tilt and table top travel, will be available to the operator on the front panel of the spotfilm device. ‘Many control functions are available to the operator from the control panel of the spot device. ‘The number and functions are dependent on the partic~ ular model spot device. Some of the control functions are listed below: Radiographic Functions Cassette load Format - Selects the number of exposures to be taken on one film ‘AEC - field selection, density ‘Advance (prep) - moves film cassette to the radiographic area and prep x-ray control Exposure Manual collimation Fluoroscopic Functions Fluoroscopy on Manual fluoro KV Manual fluoro mA ‘Automatic brightness control on/off (ABC) Dose hold Dose rate Collimation Magnification mode selection - multi mode image tubes, Monitor brightness and contrast ‘Compression Grid - in or out of fluoroscopic area Positioning Functions Table tilt Table top travel Spot device power assist - all directions Motion locks Spot device park release - device must be in fuil vertical direction to allow park (device toward back of table out of the overhead tube’s way) Myelographic stop - prevent device motion toward table during myelograms for patient safety Photo spot camera controls ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance. 11-4 © DITEC, Inc Notes COLLIMATORS Basic Funotion ‘The purpose of collimators is to restrict the exiting x-ray beam, generally to the size of the receptor, e.g. the cassette, Within the collimator are movable lead shutters to absorb the non desired x-rays. Collimators also contain a light bulb, set out of the primary beam path, and a mirror, in the x-ray beam path. The light is used by the operator to position the Collimator, thus the x-ray beam, for proper area of interest coverage. ‘There are two types of collimators: manual and automatic. Manual Collimators Manual collimators will be controlled by the operator by using the light localizer and the manual control knobs. Automatic Collimators ‘Automatic collimators will have Positive Beam Limitation (PBL). This ‘means that sizing of the x-ray field to the receptor size is automatic, using motorized lead shutters. An override feature allows the operator to manu- ally close the shutters toa smaller area, but not to a Jarger area. To perform automatic collimation, the cassette size is sensed within the Bucky tray and, combined with SID information, controls the shutter position. Automatic collimators require calibration of the automatic system. Some require a special calibration box, e.g. the microprocessor controlled colli- mators, The motorized shutters are controlled by a servo system and must be calibrated to the available film sizes, Most automatic collimators will have a manual mode to enable their use in non Bucky techniques such as table top exposures. The override mode is commonly used for tilted tube techniques. In case of failure of the automatic system, a key is provided so that the col- limator may be used in manual mode until repairs are completed. When in manual mode, this key must by law be held captive. Only in PBL may the key be removed. TUBE HANGERS Tube hangers (also called tube cranes, overhead tube supports and ceiling tube mounts) support the over table x"ray tube and allow for proper positioning of the x-ray tube. ‘The tube hanger must travel in the longitudinal direction and the transverse direction as well as in a vertical direction. It will gencrally automatically stop at table center in the transverse direction so that it will be properly positioned over the Bucky tray. Additionally, it will generally automatically stop at the proper SID and centered to the chest. Micro switches are used and adjusted to cause these centering stops. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 11-5 © DITEC, Inc. Notes ‘Tube Hanger Locks Locks are incorporated in the travel directions so that motion is prevented ‘once the tube hanger is in place. These locks are generally solenoid brakes with the controls placed on the collimator. ‘sip SID indication may be on a rotating drum, a marked scale on the telescoping support, or digital display. The SID position signal needed by the collimator for PBL is generated by a potentiometer as the SID is varied. CHEST FILMERS Basic Funetion Chest filmers do just what it sounds like they do. Generally a chest stand has a stationary grid while a wall Bucky will have a reciprocating grid and automatic collimation. Chest filmers will generally also have AEC capa- bilities with all the associated circuitry. SUMMARY In this section we discussed the basic requirements of the peripheral equipment commonly found in R/F systems. We discussed tables, spotfilm devices, collimators, chest filmers, and tube hangers. Please review this section if you had any difficulty with the concepts presented. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 11-6 © DITEC, Inc. PICKER GX 850/1050/1550 ‘X-RAY CONTROL IAGRAM. ! ~ aaa | PICKER VTX 650/1050 _ X-RAY CONTROL, ate BLOCK DIAGRAM PHILIPS MAXIMUS CLASSIC X-RAY CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM or TrningPurpoves Only SMNTEC ts | [ & rrr | ite | ithe 7 ped ~ eee 20) OO | z elite ae ‘SIEMENS POLYDOROS 80/100 X-RAY CONTI x aay w = Tie] FuvORD ]_PaRTmL | FMPowuRE | AUDIBLE, ] \crUAt ma cE. | cobfeon | cotton | contmon | contot. |conrscrine] "igi | worestor | fepasck’ fapyanx] | cit cw sue ¥ Ky, fireuscrt} meauency rasguthcy [cownitifanon) enestar | presen | YS x E lanvanr rorce | scupeive | scepaive aus] varie ‘ARINC |eounifanion| Conmtano | Command | YES vs ves t 4 : wwe | vane [PEBENBI pyc vorcn | sceonive | sewonve [yp a e c PASE MIRE ororrat | VARIA conaatraron| COMMAND | COMMAND | YTS s Na t 7 4 Em SATURABLE owceo | scapnive | SCRDRIVE | vescas s| rs aniac | SAEMeABRT | ptorraL. | vaninc }eonamtanoy) Command | COMMAND | “Ow < on ‘ A) swsiaist | varie | sasic femeeas anise [couStEBrox) mnither | reve No. No No. uc oH carat. | pelt sas ky xy : rar gurkcy | mneatiency | 10 lcowtivinon| rensenr | rnestnrr | YES ves ves h : 4] acer | vataac macro | yucne ws ve es L | va picrraL, eo ee s y e 5 cuassic | _vantac siarrAt, toate | Lote ves xo No CONTROL ici tc © xy 5 [rouroonos) maatizncy | ene Quehcy | _PIOFTAL mise | otserr | YS ves i & |roxvPHos} eee as ca su ay xy ¢ FREQUENCY raaiutney [cowitYanon| exestare | eReseNT | YES xo Hae RASE a | 5 rorcep wy, ky as [TIASESIIPT la outirahow] varseor | mmisent | YES xo runs | Hy PASE WOM] gs ea say = a we A Rioounatep | PREgUENCY cont anion] entity | patter ves ves 7 Sees ee & | vectou i a colts Bon) MEE ~ & | “sinoo! | YAR as | vaninc Joosittaton| Codie | rmesewr | YES ves ves & 7 AUIO TAS mata | ranean [ach wour | ama vOrT vex | AUBIAS icra Slart |comsutraton| @lcowoany| SECONTARY | YES x rant |Stnsit | Fgase | PRESET X-RAY CONTROL COMPARISON CHART or Training Purposes Only ‘© DITEC tn. LY LOGIC SYMBOLS OPERATION SYMBOLS INPUT CONDITIONS OUTPUT A (eas i NOT — — A=l c-0 A AND Pig elec Asl and Bol cel eae on plz AzI or Bal cl re A=! and B=0 EX-OR Le. or cI gesisees A=0 and B=1. NAND Ast and B=I co A a c NOR B 21 ye A=l or B=I c=0 eetion ges c A=! and B=0 acl or : a A=O and B=1 fed Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenanee © DITEC, Inc INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS SWITCHES AND CONTROLS RAD, FLUORO, FOCUS, PATIENT TYPE, GRIDS. ON - MAINS ihe Direct Radiography OFF. MAINS ~{]_ Inlizet Radiography - Former al Radiography ON - Auxiliary Circuits | ) © ) — prer 6 Movement in Direction of Arrow Movement in Two Directions vertically Movement in Two Directions <—> Movement in Two Directions to and from the Operator Movement in Four Directions Vertical and Horizontal as Movement in Four Directions Horizontal Free Movement of Tabletop in Four Directions - Floating Ix) Stepped Tabletop Movement Toward the Head —>|—>| Stepped Tabletop Movement ‘Toward the Feet Rotation In Two Directions Pendulum. Rotation In Two Directions About an Axis Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance For ‘Training Purposes Only 13-3 © DITEC, Inc. TABLES MECHANICAL MOVEMENT cont'd ul I~ Lock Engaged at —>|<—Clamp, Secure, Press Lock Disengaged —>!<— Move to Center - Center Lock < —|| —2Release —C) Brake On —( G) Brake Off 4 > Transport of Mobile X-ray Units Y AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL SPOTFILM FORMAT SELECTION <4 a Tontomat Chamber Density (Blackening) Three Field Chamber - Selected Field (Dominant) will be Filled In or Roman Numerals Inserted as Required| Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance 134 Ares Spotfilm Device Cassette Vertical ‘One Exposure - Survey Cassette Vertical Two Exposures - Above and Below Cassette Vertical ‘Two Exposures - Side by Side Cassette Vertical Three Exposures - Side by Side Cassette Vertical Four Exposures Cassette Vertical Six Exposures Cassette Horizontal ‘One Exposure - Survey Cassette Horizontal ‘Two Exposures - Side by Side Cassette Horizontal Three Exposures - Side by Side rassette Horizontal Four Exposures Cassette Horizontal Six Exposures For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. DIAPHRAGMS, CONES. Limited Ficld Humination Slot Diaphragm or Collimator Open | TI Io 4 Iris Diaphragm Open CO Iris Diaphragm Closed Light Beam Indicator fd eo , L |) Compression Cone - ‘Without Compression Cone me ecas U a > Decompression I L Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Slot Diaphragm or Collimator Closed 13-5 ail lags iQ) EXAMINATION UNITS ® Urology Table PN oo Skull Unit C-Arm Mammography Cut Film Changer, Cassette ‘Changer - Single Plane og Cut Film Changer, Cassette Changer - Biplane Biplane X-ray Unit, — PO) Simultaneous Exposure Biplane X-ray Unit, Without Simultaneous Exposure For Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. TELEVISION, IMAGE INTENSIFIERS INSTALLATIONS (EXAMINATION UNITS) } Television in General (] vente Monitor Brightness Control Monitor Contrast control Image Intensifier Image Intensifier - Enlarged Image Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Image Intensifier - Normal Size Image Bucky Table 7 CO Bucky Wall Stand Tomographic Unit (Planigraphy) Q ‘Tilting Table with a Overtable Tube @, ‘Tilting Table with Undertable Tube oa L H Photofluorographic Unit For Training Purposes Only 13-6 © DITEC, Inc. MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLS Lamp - White or Room Lighting 49 X-ray Tube By Oy Lamp - Red for Darkroom ‘X-ray Tube Emitting Radiation | — —(63— Lamp-Green Xray Tube Assembly © o) Timer f \ Acoustic Signal Lamp - Blue Indirect Lighting - for Seales, Controls, ete Signal Lamp IML = % mA Loading Calibration mark - Scales & Vv VY Danger Warning ry cy Loudspeaker oe a op Intercom Intercom Speak Intercom Listen, Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance 13-7 © DITEC, Inc. ADVANCED CONCEPTS OF RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING MAINTENANCE COMPLIANCE TESTING TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Instructor Initials KV Accuracy 1 mA Accuracy 3 Timer Accuracy 5 mAs Accuracy if Linearity 9 aes Reproducibility n Half Value Layer B Light Field to X-ray Field 15 Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Toc © DITEC, Inc. Ky ACCURACY INTRODUCTION In 6fder for the operator to calculate the required dose to the patient, the selected KV must be indicated prior to the exposure. The accuracy of the KV must meet the manufacturer’s own specification. KV must be measured according to the manufacturer's procedure. ‘The equipment must be connected to an adequate power source as specified by the manufacturer. SOURCE: 21CFR 1020.31 (a) (4) OBJECTIVE 1. Invasively or non-invasively verify that the deviation between the x-ray tube peak KV and the selected or indicated KV does not exceed the maximum deviation allowed by the manufacturer. METHOD #1 High Voltage Divider ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. High Voltage Divider 2. Dual-trace Storage Oscilloscope PROCEDURE Step 1. Tum off the x-ray system and disconnect the in-coming power. Step 2. Remove and discharge the high voltage cables. Step 3. Connect the high voltage divider as specified by the manufacturer of the x-ray system. Step 4. Close the collimator shutters completely during this testing procedure to minimize scatter. ‘Step 5. Apply power to the x-ray system and to all the test equipment. Allow adequate warm up time to ensure operational stability. Step 6. Select the desired KV and record it. Make an exposure and record the KV. Step 7. Repeat step 6 for other KVs without exceeding the heat storage capability of tube. Step 8. Determine and record the KV limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. Compare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-1 © DITEC, Inc. METHOD #2 Non-invasive Meter ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Non-invasive KV Meter 2. Dual-trace Storage Oscilloscope PROCEDURE Step 1. Place the non-invasive meter in the direct path of the x-ray beam as specified by the meter’s manufacturer. Connect the oscilloscope to the meters output (If required). Step 2. Close the collimator shutters until the light field just covers the non-invasive KV meter’s sensor afea. Step3. Apply power to the x-ray system and to all the test equipment. Allow adequate warm up time to ensure operational stability. Step 4. Select the desired KV and record it. Make an exposure and record the KV measured. Step 5. Repeat step 4 for other KVs without exceeding the heat storage capability of tube. Step 6. Determine and record the KV limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. Compare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: ‘in-coming line regulation not to the manufacturer's specification. KV mis-calibrated. Test equipment not calibrated. Test improperly performed. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-2 © DITEC, Inc, mA ACCURACY INTRODUCTION In order for the operator to calculate the required dose to the patient, the selected mA must be indicated prior to the exposure. mA must be measured according to the manufacture’s procedure ‘The accuracy of the mA must meet the manufacturer's own specification. SOURCE: 21CFR 1020.31 (a) (4) OBJECTIVE 1. Verify that the deviation between the actual mA and the selected or indicated mA does not ‘exceed the maximum deviation allowed by the manufacturer. The equipment must be connected to an adequate power source as specified by the manufacturer. METHOD #1 High Voltage Divider ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. High Voltage Divider with an mA readout (i.e. Dynalyzer) 2. Dual-trace Storage Oscilloscope PROCEDURE Step 1. Disconnect all electrical power to the x-ray system. Step 2. Remove and discharge the high voltage cables to be used. ‘Step 3. Connect the high voltage divider as specified by the manufacturer of the x-ray system. Step 4. Close the collimator shutters completely during this testing procedure to minimize the scatter. Step 5. Apply power to the x-ray system and all test equipment. Allow adequate warm up time to ensure operational stability. Step 6. Select the desired mA and record it. Make an exposure and record the mA measured. Step 7. Repeat step 6 at other mA without exceeding the heat storage capability of tube under test. Step 8. Determine and record the mA limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. ‘Compare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-3 © DITEC, Inc. METHOD #2 mA or mAS Meter TEST EQUIPMENT 1, DC Milliamp meter or 2. mAs Meter and the timer of the control known to be accurate PROCEDURE Step 1. Disconnect all electrical power to the x-ray system, Step 2. Connect the DC mA meter to the appropriate points within the control, typically the mid-secondary of the HV transformer. CAUTION: BE SURE THAT THE PROPER POLARITY AND METER RANGE ARE OBSERVED AND THAT THE CONNECTIONS ARE MADE AT THE PROPER POM Step 3. Close the collimator shutters completely during this testing procedure to minimize the scatter. Step 4. Apply power to the x-ray system and all test equipment. Allow adequate warm up time to ensure operational stability. Step 5. Select the desired mA and an exposure time long enough for the meter to measure. Make ‘an exposure and record the mA measured. Step 6. Repeat step 5 at other mAs without exceeding the heat storage capability of tube under test. Step 7. Determine and record the mA limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. Compare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: In-coming line regulation not to the manufacture’s specification. mA mis-calibrated. Test equipment not calibrated. Test improperly performed. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-4 © DITEC, Inc. TIMER ACCURACY INTRODUCTION In order for the operator to calculate the required dose to the patient, the selected time must be indicated prior to the exposure. The accuracy of the timer must meet the manufacture’s own specification. Time must be measured according to the manufacture’s procedure. This is usually done by specifying two points on the KV waveform. Some manufactures specify two points on the mA waveform. SOURCE: 21CFR 102031 (a) (4) OBJECTIVE 1. Verify that the deviation between the selected or indicated time and the actual time does not exceed the maximum deviation allowed by the manufacturer. The equipment must be connected to an adequate power source as specified by the manufacturer. METHOD #1 High Voltage Divider ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED L. High Voltage Divider 2. Dual-trace Storage Oscilloscope PROCEDURE Step 1. Disconnect all electrical power to the x-ray system. Step 2. Remove and discharge the high voltage cables to be used in this test. Connect the high voltage divider and dual trace oscilloscope Step 3. Close the collimator shutter completely during this testing procedure to reduce the seat ter radiation. Step 4. Tur on the x-ray system and all test equipment. Allow adequate warm up time, Step 5. Select the desired Time and record it. Make an exposure and record the Time measured using the method specified by the manufacturer. Step 6. Repeat step 5 at other techniques without exceeding the heat storage of the tube. Step 7. Determine and record the Time limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. ‘Compare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-S © DITEC, Inc. METHOD #2 Non-invasive Meter TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Non-invasive Meter PROCEDURE Step 1. Place the non-invasive meter in the direct path of the x-ray beam as specified by the meter's manufacture. Connect the oscilloscope to the meters output (If required). Step 2. Close down the shutters until the light field just covers the non-invasive KV meter’s sensor area, Step 3. Tum on the non-invasive meter and the x-ray system and allow sufficient time for warm- up. Step 4. Select the desired Time and record it. Make an exposure and record the Time measured. Step 5. Repeat step 4 for other exposure times. Step 6. Determine and record the Time limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. Compare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: ‘in-coming line regulation not to the manufacture's specification. Time mis-calibrated. Test equipment not calibrated. Test improperly performed. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-6 © DITEC, Inc. mAs ACCURACY INTRODUCTION In order for the operator to calculate the required dose to the patient, the selected mAs must be indicated prior to the exposure. The accuracy of the mAs must meet the manufacture’s own specification. mAs must be measured according to the manufacture’s procedure. This is done by either measuring the mA and time separately and multiplying the two, or by measuring the mAs directly using a mAs meter. SOURCE 21CFR 1020.31 (a) (4) OBJECTIVES 1. Verify that the deviation of actual mAs from the selected or indicated mAs does not exceed the maximum deviation allowed by the manufacturer. ‘The system must be connected to an adequate power source ‘specified by the manufacturer. METHOD #1 ‘Measuring mA and time separately TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. High Voltage Divider with amA readout or a DC 2! Dual-trace Storage Oscilloscope PROCEDURE Step 1. Turn off all power to the x-ray system. Step 2. Remove and discharge the high voltage cables to be used in this test for the HV divider and connect the divider as specified. Connect the dual trace oscilloscope. Step 3. Connect the mA meter if it is going to be used to measure the mA. This is usually in the mid-secondary of the HV transformer. Step 4. Close the collimator shutter completely during this testing procedure to reduce the scat ter radiation. Step 5. Tum on the x-ray system and all test equipment. Allow adequate warm up time to ensure operational stability. Step 6. Select the desired mAS and record it. Make an exposure and record the mAS measured. Step 7. Repeat step 5 for other mASs. Step 8. Determine and record the mAS limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. Com pare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-7 © DITEC, Inc. METHOD #2 ‘mAs Meter TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED JomAs Meter PROCEDURE, Step 1. Turn off all power to the x-ray system. Step 2. Connect the mAs meter per the manufacturer's instructions. This secondary of the HV transformer. usually in the mid- Step 2. Turn on the x-ray system and test equipment and allow sufficient time to stabilize. Step 3. Close the collimator shutter completely during this testing procedure to reduce the seat ter radiation. Step 4. Select the desired mAS and record it. Make an exposure and record the mAS measured. Step 5. Repeat step 4 for other exposure mASs. Step 6, Determine and record the mAS limit of deviation specified by the manufacturer. Com pare the test results with the manufacturer specifications. CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes ‘In-coming line regulation not to the manufacturer's spes mAs mis-calibrated. ‘Test equipment not calibrated. ‘Test improperly performed. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-8 © DITEC, Inc. LINEARITY INTRODUCTION In order to get the proper density on film, the operator makes a decision based on the patient thickness: the area of interest, and the SID to be used. Proper technique factors are then selected. ‘The operator must be able to count on these technique factors being accurate, SOURCE: 21CFR 102031 (c) OBJECTIVE 1. Verify that the average mR to the indicated mAs obtained at any two consecutive mA settings does not differ by mofe.than 0,10 times their sum or: X1 - X2 < 0.10 (XI + X2); Where X1 and X2 are:tiie average mR/mAs values obtained at two consecutive mA stations. This specification perthits a 22% deviation. ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1, Radiation meter PROCEDURE Step 1. The KV and mA accuracy must have been verified prior to this test. Step 2. Apply power to the x-ray system aad test equipment. Verify that all functions are stabilized. * Step 3. Place the probe of the radiation meter in the direct path of the x-ray beam as specified by the meter’s manufacturer. Step 4. Select a KV, midrange is preferable. Select an mA. Step 5. Make 5 exposures within one hour and record the mR per indicated mAs for each exposure. Calculate the average mR per indicated mAs for this mA station. Record the results as X1. Step 6. Select the next higher or lower mA station (Do not chiange KV or time). Make 5 ‘exposures within one hour and record the mR per indicated mAs for each exposure. Catentate the average mR per indicated mAs for this mA station. Record the result as Step 7. Calculate linearity using the formula XI -X2 < 0.10 (X1 + X2), record the result. Step 8 Repeat this test for other mA settings. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-9 © DITEC, Inc. CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: ‘The mA is not calibrated. The in-coming line regulation is not to the manufacturer's specification. ‘The test equipment is not calibrated. Test improperly performed. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-10 © DITEC, Inc. REPRODUCIBILITY INTRODUCTION In dider to-get the proper density on film, the operator makes a decision based on the patient thickness, the area of interest, and the SID to be used. Proper technique factors are then selected. The operator must be able to count on these technique factors being accurate and repeatable. SOURCE: 21CFR 102030 (b) OBJECTIVE 1. Verify that for any combination of technique factors, the coefficient of variation for radiation is no greater than 0.05. ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Radiation Meter PROCEDURE Step 1. Apply power to the x-ray system and test equipment. Verify that all functions are stabilized. Step 2. Place the probe of the radiation meter in the direct path of the x-ray beam as specified by the meter’s manufacturer. Step 3. Select a common technique. Step 4. Make 10 identical exposures within one hour, being careful not to exceed the heat storage capacity of the tube. Record the radiation (mR) for each exposure. Step 5. Calculate the Coefficient of Variation for radiation (mR). a, Add the ten (mR) values and divide the sum by 10, The result is the Mean and is. designated as X. b, Find the difference between each value (mR) and the Mean (X).: mR1-X mR2-X MRB = Konnneete, c. Square the ten mR - X values and add the results. 4. Divide that sum by 9 and then take the square root, the result is the Standard Deviation and is designated as S. €. Divide the result of step Sd, Standard Deviation (S) by the Mean (X) of the ten (mR) outputs found in step 5a. This answer is the Coefficient of Variation for reproducibility and must be less than or equal to 0.05. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-11 © DITEC, Inc. x; ‘n& number of samples Xe BRL mR + my + nee MRI 10 2 (mR 19-X) = 3 (AR, “XP 4 (Ry XY+ (ORG KY ve 104 = = COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION Step 6. Repeat the test at other techniques. ‘CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: “The x-ray system is not stable, it cannot faithfully reproduce the exposure. ‘The in-coming line regulation is not to the manufacture’s specific: ‘The test equipment is not calibrated. Test improperly performed. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-12 © DITEC, Inc. HALE-VALUE LAYER INTRODUCTION Very soft x-rays are completely absorbed by the patient and do not This represents needless dose to the patient. CDRH mandates a minimum half value layer to reduce this exposure. SOURCE: 21CFR_ 102030 (m) OBJECTIVE, 1. Verify that the minimum HVL listed in paragraph 21CFR 1020.30 (m) has been met. A good overall check can be done by testing the following KVs and HVL: 6OKV 13mm, 80KV 23 mm 100 KV 2.7mm ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1, Radiation Meter 2. 1100 Aluminum Sheets of various thicknesses PROCEDURE, Step 1. Position the radiation meter on the tabletop. Center the x-ray tube over the radiation meter or probe. Select 60 KV. Step 2. Adjust the collimator so that the X-ray field is slightly larger than the radiation meter’s probe. Step 3. With no added filtration, make an exposure. Record the quantity of radiation. Step 4. Tape 1.3 mm Al of added filtration to the port of the collimator and repeat the exposure. Record the quantity of radiation. Step 5. Ifthe second reading (Step 4) is greater than half of the first, the HVL is greater than 1.3 mm AL and thus ok at 60 KV. If the second reading is less than half of the first, the HVLis less than 13 mm AL and below the minimum. More permanent filtration must be added and the test repeated. Step 6. Repeat the test at 80 & 100 KV using the correct thicknesses stated above. Note: For x-ray systems that operate below 50 KV, increment the A1 in 0.1 mm. steps. Note: The higher the HVL the greater the potential loss of low contrast resolution. Each manufacture has their own specification for the maximum HVL. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-13 © DITEC, Inc. CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: "The inherent HVL of the x-ray system is too low. The test equipment is out of calibration. Test improperly performed. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance Comp-14 © DITEC, Inc. LIGHT FIELD TO X-RAY FIELD INTRODUCTION In order to safely make an x-ray image the operator must know where the x-ray field will expose. This is provided by a hight field which must accurately define the x-ray fields boundary. SOURCE: 21CFR 102031 (d) (2) OBJECTIVE 1, Verify that the perimeter of the x-ray field is visually defined by a light field. ‘The total misalignment of the boundaries of the light field with the boundaries of the x-ray field along, 1 ength or width ofthe light field shall not exceed 2% of the distance from the x-ray source to enter ofthe light field, The surface upon which the light field appears must be perpendicular ° the the x-ray beam. ‘TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Cassette and film 2. X-ray markers PROCEDURE, Step 1. Adjust the x-ray tube and collimator. where they are centered over the table and perpendicular to the table top. Position the collimator to an SID which will make it easy to measure the source to table top distance. Step 2. Insert the cassette into the bucky and turn on the light field. Adjust the collimator to the next size smaller than the casseite size being used. Step 3. Position the outer edge of four metal markers on the table top to align with each edge of the light field. Step 4. Select a low technique factor and make an exposure. Develop film. Step 5. The four markers should appear on the film and the size of the x-ray field should match the size of the light field (L or W) within 2% of the source to table top distance. Determine ths distance and calcalate the length and width misalignment. Record the results. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-15 © DITEC, Inc. XRAY FIELD X-RAY HIELD SMALLER THAN LIGHT FIELD MARKERS ucHT A FIELD MARKERS A+Bs2% C+Ds2% CONCLUSION If the system does not pass this test the most probable causes are: “The light field is not aligned with the x-ray field. The test was not done properly. Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance Comp-16 © DITEC, Ine. TROUBLESHOOTING WORKSHEET SYMPTOMS VISUAL AUDIBLE FROM THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS, IN WHAT MAJOR CIRCUIT, IS THE FAULT LIKELY TO BE? LIST THE STEPS TAKEN TO ISOLATE THE FAULT. FAULTY CIRCUIT FAULTY COMPONENT INSTRUCTOR'S INITIALS Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. TROUBLESHOOTING WORKSHEET SYMPTOMS SISA Tessas age CAEL AUDIBLE FROM THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS, IN WHAT MAJOR CIRCUIT, IS THE FAULT LIKELY TO BE? LIST THE STEPS TAKEN TO ISOLATE THE FAULT. 10. FAULTY CIRCUIT FAULTY COMPONENT INSTRUCTOR’S INITIALS Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For ‘Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc. TROUBLESHOOTING WORKSHEET SYMPTOMS VISUAL ___ AUDIBLE FROM THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS, IN WHAT MAJOR CIRCUIT, IS THE FAULT LIKELY TO BE? LIST THE STEPS TAKEN TO ISOLATE THE FAULT, FAULTY CIRCUIT FAULTY COMPONENT INSTRUCTOR'S INITIALS _____ Advanced Concepts of Radiographic Imaging Maintenance. or Training Purposes Only © DITEC, Inc. TROUBLESHOOTING WORKSHEET SYMPTOMS VISUAL ___ AUDIBLE eae FROM THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS, IN WHAT MAJOR CIRCUIT, IS THE FAULT LIKELY TO BE? LIST THE STEPS TAKEN TO ISOLATE THE FAULT. FAULTY CIRCUIT ___ FAULTY COMPONENT INSTRUCTOR'S INITIALS _ Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITECG, Inc. TROUBLESHOOTING WORKSHEET SYMPTOMS VISUAL AUDIBLE FROM THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS, IN WHAT MAJOR CIRCUIT, IS THE FAULT LIKELY TO BE? LIST THE STEPS TAKEN TO ISOLATE THE FAULT. FAULTY CIRCUIT FAULTY COMPONENT. INSTRUCTOR'S INITIALS ‘Advanced Concepts of Radiographic For Training Purposes Only Imaging Maintenance © DITEC, Inc.

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