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Phy501, HW3

Due Date: 6th November before class

Tutorial classes are being held from 11.30-12.45 on Fridays in the same class
room where we have our regular classes.


1. Write the phasor expressions (assuming a time-dependence of eit ) for Left circularly
polarized (LCP), and Right circularly polarized (RCP) electromagnetic plane wave for

propagation along k = (3x + 2y + z)/ 14 in water (r = 1.332 ). You can choose any
two orthogonal vectors lying in the plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation
as basis vectors.

2. Consider light propagation in sea water at a frequency of 90 GHz. The permittivity of

sea water at this frequency at a temperature of 20 degree Celsius is r = 8.5 13.5i.
(a) Write the phasor expression of a linearly polarized plane wave propagating in the
sea water along the positive z axis. (b) What is the penetration depth of the wave
into the sea water? (The small penetration depths underscores the very limited range
for underwater wireless communication and the need for SONARs.)

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