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Graduate Diploma in Law

Part Time Distance-learning Study

iGDL online programme: 2017

Programme Demands Document

Produced by the Academic Registry V4- December 2016

Graduate Diploma in Law - i-GDL Distance learning
Programme Demands Document

This document is produced by The University of Law for the information of prospective students. It explains the
demands of the online version of the Universitys Graduate Diploma in Law (iGDL) in order that applicants with
disability support requirements can assess their ability to undertake the course. Detailed questions about the
extent of adjustments which may be made should be addressed to the Disability Support Service. This document
may be made available to medical practitioners who may be asked to provide a professional judgement on the
ability of an applicant to complete the course.

The information included is an indicative guide only. Students who enrol on the course will be subject to the
course regulations in force at that time.

Details of the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), including subject coverage and the learning
environment can be found on the University web-site (Our Courses; Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL); GDL
course content and assessment).

For specifics in relation to the iGDL, see

Modes of Study

The iGDL is an online course with occasional compulsory attendance at the Universitys London
Bloomsbury Centre (only). There is a 2 day compulsory face-to-face Induction weekend at London
Bloomsbury (only) and all examinations are taken at either the London Bloomsbury or London Moorgate

Summary of Key Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding of principles in a wide range of subject areas; cognitive (thinking) skills
of analysis. problem-solving, and critical judgement and evaluation; practical legal skills of research and
communication; and associated transferable skills.

Preliminary Knowledge and Skills

Generic skills associated with award of a qualifying non-law degree.

A sufficient command of English to follow the course to a successful conclusion (a score of 6.5 or above in all
subjects of the IELTS test).

Disability Support Agreements

The University has a dedicated Disability Support Service to assist students in accessing the programme. To
utilise the Disability Support Service medical evidence must be provided within the first week to ensure
reasonable adjustment are put in place promptly. On receipt of the medical evidence the Disability Support
Service will create an individual Disability Support Agreement detailing the course and exam adjustments. These
are then communicated to tutors and assessments.

For more information please visit our disability microsite:

service/ or contact

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Graduate Diploma in Law - i-GDL Distance learning
Programme Demands Document

Pre-Course Demands
Pre-course study (approx 40 hours), online. This is in online platform orientation (with further guidance given
on the attended Induction) and Legal Method, which is subject to an Assessment approximately 5 to 6 weeks
after the commencement of the programme. The Legal Method learning is also covered in workshop
sessions delivered on the Induction weekend.

The iGDL Learning Environment

7 hours of workshops and 4 hours of directed self-study during the 2 day compulsory Induction
course. The 2 day Induction is held at the London Bloomsbury Centre only.
Total of 84 weeks of at-a-distance learning during the programme.
7 days of compulsory attendance for examinations examinations are held at the Universitys
London Centres only
i-Tutorials provided on-line via the ELITE system (at University or at home).
Workshop e-forums (between 20 and 21.5 hours for each Foundation subject).
2 Webinars (workshop e-forums) of one hour each for each Foundation Subject
Additional webinars providing Assessment technique guidance and reflection
Test and feedback exercises via the ELITE system

Attendance and online workload requirements

Attendance for 2 day compulsory Induction at the London Bloomsbury Centre only
Attendance at either London Centre (Bloomsbury or Moorgate) for examinations at the end of each
Foundation subject module.

There are 7 terms of 12 weeks duration. In each term you will study one of the seven Foundation
subject modules and either Ethics & Professional Legal Practice or prepare your Research Project. You
are expected to study for approximately 22.5 hours per week. A typical Foundation subject module
involves the following:

Learning opportunity Study hours No. Total Hours

Self-study Average of 18 hours per
Workshop (to be completed 5 90
before you attempt online

Overview i-Tutorials 2 hours per i-Tutorial 2 4

Advanced i-Tutorials/podcasts 2 hours per i-Tutorial/podcast 3 6
Test and Feedback 1 hour per Workshop 5 5
Workshop e-forums (Asynchronous) 4-4.5 hours 5 22.5
Review workshop e-forums (Synchronous) 2 hours 2 4

Note: other than for the compulsory Induction in London and for examination sittings, there is no
other attendance requirement on the iGDL.

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Graduate Diploma in Law - i-GDL Distance learning
Programme Demands Document

Assessment Demands

If appropriate medical evidence is accepted, we may be able to re-schedule assessments to avoid more than one
on any one day.

We do not normally provide additional time for coursework, as the time provided already incorporates
considerable flexibility.

The University operates a fit to sit policy, which means that students who attend an assessment are deeming
themselves to be fit to sit that assessment. It is therefore not possible to submit a concession application for
impaired performance for an assessment that has been sat, unless there was a procedural defect in the conduct of
the assessment.


Please contact the Disability Support Service for advice on the possible adjustments made for the programme and

Please note, that in the light of the requirements of professional bodies with respect to the maintenance of
professional standards, we are unable to make the following adjustments:

Replacing examinations taken under supervised conditions with take-away assessments/courseworks;

Shortening the overall length of examinations; and
Splitting examinations into shorter units such that a different paper is taken from the rest of the cohort.

These restrictions reflect guidance given on equivalence of assessment regimes for all students and the need to
provide adequate coverage of required material.

The University is able to provide needs assessments for students suspecting a SpLD. The student will incur a small
contribution fee of 75. Once completed the Disability Support Service can put in place a Disability Support
Agreement detailing the relevant adjustments.

We are able to provide access to a Study Skills tutor. We do provide Skills4 study Campus access via our interactive
learning environment, Elite, this service is available for all students. We are not, at this time, offering one-to-one
SpLD specific tutoring. However Disabled Student Allowance funding should be sought if a Specialist Study Skills
Tutor is required. The Disability Support Service can advise you in how to obtain DSA.

Time limits
Irrespective of any special arrangements made, in order successfully to complete the GDL, all students are
required under the regulations to pass all elements of the course within 4 years of commencing the course.

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Graduate Diploma in Law - i-GDL Distance learning
Programme Demands Document

Summary of Assessment Demands


The following table shows the informal assessments.

Examinations Number, style and duration of assessments

Practice Exams To be held online in advance of the Final
Examination in each subject.

The following table shows the formal assessments.

Examinations Number, style and duration of assessments

Legal Method Multiple Choice examination (online)
30 minutes
First term
Final Exams of: Closed-book examinations with Statutory Extracts
Public Law Three hours for each, at London Centres only
Tort These are scheduled at the end of each module
Contract Law
EU Law
Criminal Law
Land Law
Equity & Trusts
Coursework Number, style and duration of assessments
Ethics and Professional Legal Written Assessment (2,000 words):
Practice Submitted at the end of the first calendar year
Research Project Written assessment (4,500 words):
Submitted during the final term of the programme

The following tables show the potential resit assessments.

Resit Assessments Number, style and duration of assessments

(if required)
Examinations Main resit period 3 months following
completion of the course not all subjects are
available at every sitting.

Courseworks If taken in following year, as for in-course Assessments.

Limited period for completion where coursework
attempted, at the candidates option, during the three
months following the course.

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