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GEOLOGIC PROSPECTING FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION IN THE TROODOS OPHIOLITE MASSIF OF CYPR' USING LANDSAT TM DATA Freck van der Meer Lecturer in Geology International Institute of Aerospace Surveys and Barth Sciences ETC Department of Earth Resources Surveys, Geological Survey Division 350 Boulevard 1945 Enschede, the Netherlands Commission VII, Working Group 4 KEY WORDS: Algorithms, Correlation, Geology, Resources, Classification, CCSM, Sulphide Mining, Cyprus ABSTRACT ‘The island of Cyprus hosts one of the best preserved ophiolte (Le. remnants of oceanic crust and mantle) sequences of the world: the Troodos massif. Lithologically the complex comprises a mantle series of wltramafie rocks overlain by gabbros and (plagio)granites, Tae crustal sequence consists of dyke swarms with two series of pillow lavas atthe top known as the lower pillow lava and the upper pillow Java. Massive sulphide deposits, that have for long been the main income of Cyprus, occur at the contact between the lower and upper pillow lava series, however this contact i difficult to map in te field. In this paper we explore the possibility of using advanced image processing techniques o discriminate the main structural units to guide in mineral prospecting. A detailed field-spectal suatigraphic study forms the basis for the selection of potential spectral end-mombers characterizing the TM image used. A new image analysis techniques, Cross ‘Comelogram Spectral Matching (CCSM), is inuoduced and succesfully applied to TM data from Cyprus INTRODUCTION ‘The Troodos massif of the island of Cyprus hosts one of the best preserved ophiolite (i.e. remnants of oceanic crust and mantle) sequences of the world, Massive sulphide deposits occur near the top of this sequence. The copper mining history of Cyprus dates ‘back to Roman and Phosnician times (i.e. 3000 B.C.). Some 30 ‘mines are located on the Troodos massif of which the largest deposit the Mavrovouni mine, produced 15 million tons of ore averaging from 3.5 t 4.5% copper and 0.5% zine. In the late 1970’ all mines were closed due othe low eopper prices. Only few studies have been conducted to explore the use of remote sensing for mineral exploration prospecting for sulphide deposits in this semi-arid environment (e.g. Davidson et al, 1993) although the ‘Troodos massif forms an excellent test case since the geology bs been studied in much detail and many deposits have been found. In {his paper we explowe the possibility of using remote sensing (using Landsat TM data) in combination with field spectroscopy to aid in ‘mineral exploration. A new technique called Cross Correlation Spectral Matching will be introduced and applied GEOLOGY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS OF CYPRUS ‘The island of Cypais (Fig, 1) is located in a tectonically active rome berween the Aiica lithosphere plat othe south snd the Eurasian lithospheric plate to the novth. Although many controversies still «exists most workers agree that Cyprus epresens a slice of oceanic stand mantle generated by sifting and subsequent vp-thrustng inte dung te mide Cretaceous. Geological Cyprus canbe subdivided in four dstinet geomorphological regions reflecting the changes in lithology: the Kyrenia range, the Mesaora pai, the ‘Troodos chain, and the Mamonia and cixcum-Troodos complex This puper focuses on the ophiolte sequence exposed in the ‘Troodos chain ‘The Troodos mountain range is formed by a 10 to 20km thick 76 ophioite sequence of altered ultabasic and basic plutonic igneous rocks capped by intermediate and basic lava flows. This ophiolite Fig. 1. The Geology of Cyprus soquence is among one of the best exposed in the world and has ‘been studied in deal by various workers in terms of petrology and ‘mineralogy, tectonic setting, and mineral potential (Greenbaum 1977;Constantinou and Govett 1972; 1973). From the base to the top of the ophiolite sequence, seven major lthologie units can be difereatited. The base of the ultramafic mantle sequence is formed bby medium to coarse grained harcburgites containing over 80% olivine and orthopyroxenes (enstatite). The harzburgites pradually ‘grade into dunites composed almost entitely of olivine, The base of the crustal sequence is formed by layered gabbros which at the top of the sequence often are intruded by dykes of granites. The gabbros ae overain by a sheeted dyke complex of closely-packed, nearly vertical doleritic dykes that are often metamorphosed at agrcen-schist faces. Above the sheeted dyke complex isa group of pillow lava subdivided into a lower pillow lava and a upper pillow Java, The lower pillow lavas contain up to 504% dykes and are of andesitic basalt and quartz andesite. Typically these lavas display plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts in a groundmass of altered plagioclase, Albiization and celadonite alteration are common. The upper pillow lavas contain basalt, olivine basalt and ultrbasic International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 i Fig. 2 Pillow lava sequence intruded by dikes pillow lavas and a few dykes (Fig. 2). Most pillow lavas contain ‘olivine phenocrysts that are commonly altered to calcite and zeolite facies minerals. The boundary between the sheeted dyke complex, and the lower pillow lavas is formed by a transition zone often referred to as the basal group. Cyprus was one of the worlds largest producers of asbestos associated with the harzburgites of the Troodos ultramafic sequence. Asbestos occurs in veins within brecciated zones of serpentinized harzburgite, mainly as the hydrated magnesium silicate mineral chrysotile. Near the contact of the barzburgites nd ddunites, small chromite bodies occur either as isolated pods and layers in the dunite or in the barzburgite within dunite lenses. ‘Typically these ores contain 47% Cr,O, and a CriFe ratio of 2.7 (Greenbaum 1977) after concentration. Massive metallic sulphide deposits are nearly all confined to the contact of the lower al upper pillow lavas (Constantinou ane! Govett 1973). Pysites and ‘mareasites are the primary sulphides with minor amounts of cchaleopyrites associated with traces of gold and silver. The main secondary minerals formed due to secondary enrichment and leaching are chaleocite, covellite and bornite. These sulphide deposits are thought «0 have formed near a submarine sft by volcanic exhalative processes which find their modem analogy in the black smokes’ found near the mid-atlantc ridge, Ochee locally ‘oveies the sulpile ore deposits and are regarded asa sub-aqueous oxidation product of these sulphides. Umbre, defined as a ‘manganese iron rich sediment, is found on top of the upper pillow lavas (Constantinou and Govett 1972), SPECTRAL STRATIGRAPHY ‘The aim of this section is wo establish spectral characteristics that can be used to differentiate the main lithological units that encompass the ore bodies of interest. First we measured and described rock spectra of the different units after which we measured soil spectra. These were measured with the Portable Infaced Mineral Analyzer (PIMA ID; a dual field-of-view handheld field spectroradiometer that covers the 1.3 to 2.5um wavelength region with a 7-10nm spectral resolution and a 2.5nm sampling interval. In thsi paper these spectra will not be discussed at length. ‘The reflectance spectroscopy, however, shows that iis theoretically possible diseriminate the different lithological units based on the soils that develop on them It should be noted that the outerops are Fig. 3. Stacked spectral sequence through the ophiolites mostly sparse as isthe vegetition cover, thus the major contribution to the image characteristics is thought to come from the soils. Another important aspect i the intermixed nature ofthe rock types within the units. The different units, however, can be considered mixtures of several ruek (ypes. For example the basal group is composed of diabase dykes and andesitc pillow lavas but also dykes occur in the lower pillow lava sequence. A spectral section through the Troodos ophiolite sequence was measured inthe field ‘and is shown in Fig. 3 in te form of stacked spectra, In this figure, the dark grey levels indicate low reflectivity whereas the bright areas ae high reflectivity. Fach line represents one ofa total of 54 PIMA spectra dirough the ophiolite sequence. Fig. 4. TM spectra of major geologie units n7 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 ‘On basis of field spectroscopic investigations we selected samples and subsequently res that could seve as spectral end.:nemers for the ciffeent lithologies. Their TM spectra as we extracted these from the TM data cube are shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that non ofthese end-members can be considered "pur in the sense that it comprises only one single surface material. On the contrary, we selected those areas that show a representative mix of different ground materials (e.g. green vegetation, dry vegetation, soil, thology) that are chances for the particular lithologic unit. CROSS CORRELOGRAM SPECTRAL MATCHING (ccs) Background ‘A cross correlogram is constructed by calculating the cross correlation coefficient between a test spectzumm, usually a pixel spectrum, and a reference spectrum, usually a laboratory spectrum at different match positions (or lags). By convention, ‘we move the reference spectrum and refer to a negative match position when shifting toward shorter wavelengths and to a positive match position when shifting toward a longer wavelength, Thus match position -1 means that we are calculating the cross correlation between the test spectrum and the reference spectrum in which all cbannels have been shifted by one channel position number to the lower end of the spectrum. The eros correlation, fat each match postion, my, is equivalent to the ordinary linear correlation coefficient and is defined as the product of the covariance and the sum of the standard deviations as cov, a @ ‘where COV, is the covariance between the overlapped portions of the test spectrum, , and reference spectrum, r, and s, and, are the comresponding standard deviations. If we denote the test and reference spectrum as 4, and 2,, respectively, and define n asthe ‘number of overlapping positions, the cross correlation for match position m can be calculated as nD A,-ZAZA, [E02 (2A nda) ‘The significance ofthe ross correlation coefficient ean be assessed by the following rest (3) which has (n-2) degrees of freedom and tests the null bypothesis 718 stating that the correlation between the wo spectra at a specific ‘match position is zero, Buddingtonite Fig. 5. Cross Correlograms for kaolinite (reference) vs kaolinite, buddingtonite and alunite (test) Sensitivity of the method Inonder to test the sensitivity of the cross correlogram as a tool for spect matching, we frst applied the method to reflectance spectra from the NASA-JPL laboratory spectral brary. Spectra in this library were measured on a Beckman UV 5240 speetrophotometer Which has @ sampling interval of 1 nm in the wavelength range of 04 to 08am, and a sampling interval of 4 nm in the wavelength age of 8 wo 25pm. Bandwidth ranges from 1 nm at 0.4m to 40 nm at 25um with a spectral resolution (defined as, bandwidth’ wavelength) better than 2 percent at all wavelengths. ‘As a reference spectrum we have solected kaolinite and compared it with (vo other clay minerals; alunite and buddingtonite. Kaolinite thas a strong absorption feature at I.4um and a double absorption feature centered at 2.16 um and 2.2m. Due to the lack of HO, the feature at 1.9m is weakly developed or missing. Alunite is characterized by absorption features at 2.16} and 2.20um. due to OH frequeney stretching and a nearly symmetrical shape in the 2.08-2.284m. region, A second broad absoxption Feature occurs at 2.32qm. An absorption feature at 2.02um. and a vibrational absorption feature due to NH, at 2.1 Jum. are the main diagnostic Features distinguishing buddingtonite spectrally from other minerals, The correlogram (nol shown hete) of kaolinite vs. kaolinite is International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. X00, Part B7. Vienna 1996 symmetric around the match position zero which also has the highest comelation value of one. The symmetry can be expressed in the moment of skewness which we calculate asthe correlation at ‘match position ten minus the correlation at match position minus fen. To demonstrate that the cross correlogram is insensitive «9 ferences in albedo, a test spectrum was offset by 10% reflectance ‘which had no effect on the correlogram.The effect of noise on the comelogram is demonstrated by adding a component of 5% random noise to the test spectrum which does not affect the shape characteristics ofthe correlogram, but results in a decrease of the ross correlation values by 5%. In Fig. 5, the cross correlogram is shown fo the spectral matching of kaolinite (as reference spectrum) vesus buddingtonite, alunite and kaolinite (as test specteuan. This figure shows the spectra of the minerals in the bottom part of the figure and the cross comtelogras inthe top part. 3. The funetion for buddingtonite is highly skewed with the negative moment of skewness indicating that the peak of the correlation coefficients is found when shifting the Kaolinite spectsum toward. sborter wavelengths. Note that the correlation coefficients were found insignificant for all match positions. The cross correlogram for alunite versus kaolinite shows a peak at match position minus six ‘which corresponds fo a shift of the kaolinite reference spectrum of 24.nm toward shorter wavelength, {In summary, the cross comelogram is insensitive to gain factors and random noise aflects the values of the correlation coefficients ‘equally at each match position without affecting the shape of the conrelogram. The position of the correlation peak in the comelogram is directly related tothe relative position of the spectral absorption features that are being compared and the t-test provides a means of testing the significance of the correlation coefficients found. Finally, the cross correlogram provides a statistically neaningful comparison between test and reference spectra that can Jead wo automated mineral mapping from TM data or uldimately as \we are now conducting for imaging spectrometer data, Application of CCSM to TM data from Cyprus In order to be able to directly compare the ground reflectance ‘measurements with the image data, we attempted to convert the grey level information of the Landsat TM data to physical eflectance valves using the ATCOR2 software developed by Richter (1990). This algorithm uses a catalog of atmospheric correction functions that describe a wide range of different conditions in terms of altitude pressure profiles, aerosol type, ground elevation, solar zenith angle, visibility, etc, The program allows to select a atmosphere model forthe entite (or pars) of the scene and reference targets with known reflectance properties. The user may also define pixels containing haze or clouds which ‘tested separately in the correction process. We found problems in selecting a reference spectrum for the scene. On the top of the Troodos massif, dense vegetation is abundant and the vegetation index calculated suggested that in time not much change lad occurred. ‘Therefore our field measurements of the target area seeied to yield satisfactory data for the correction. However, we found that the differences in altitudes created an obstacle in image correction. The area of investigation, the Troodos massif, ranges from 150 m. at the low-lying Mesaoria plain to 1920 m. at the highest peak; Mount Olympus. An attempt was made to divide the investigated portion of the seene into sub-areas which were treated individually. Ths, however, failed because ofthe lack of reference targets (e.g. dense vegetation or water) in most of the area, On basis, of this we decided to work with the raw rather than with the satmospherically corrected TM data. fn future with the advent of ATCORS (eg. the atmosphere corection software that incorporates, a digital terrain model), which will be available soon (pers. comm, R. Richter, 1995) we bope to be able to directly link field and image spectra, Fig. 6b. Correlation image for the upper pillow lavas CCSM may yield three parameters that can serve to map surface ‘mineralogy from broad-band image data and ultimately from hhyperspectral image data: the eross correlation at match position zero, the significance of this correlation and the moment of skewness of the carrelogram. Here we use only the first indicator. InFig.6, examples of exoss correlation images are given. These are 719 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remate Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996 Dunite Sediments Upper pillow lava Gabro Lower pillow lava Basal group, Spectral Domain Fig. 7. Final CCSM representation (original isin color) displayed in grey scale with white corresponding to the highest positive correlation, ur final interpretation shown in Fig. 7 is based on the CCSM results, For each CCSM image we extracted the pixels that most closely matched the input spectrum (e.g. those with correlation values within 10% of the perfect value). These were color-coded, combined with the pixels from the other CCSM images and overlain for display purposes onto TM band 5. In ease one pixel \was assigned to two units, we distegarded it. Fig. 7 shows a three- dimensional spectral and spatial TM data cube displaying our results. The spectral domain shows a color-coded stacked slice ‘constructed using the six Landsat ‘TM bands displayed from the top (TM 1) to the bottom (TM 7), Color-coding is done according to reflectance relative to average; red and yellow aze high reflectance and purple and black are low reflectance. The spatial domain shows the key lithologies. Note that copper mineralization is known to ‘oceur along the bounclary of upper and lower pillow lava series. Especially the upper pillow lava series is very well marked in our final image. CONCLUSIONS Detailed geologic mapping and mineral prospecting has been carried out over the last decades in Cyprus, thus the present study is of a purely scientific nature. However it demonstrates the potential of using advanced image processing techniques for ‘mineral prospecting in ultramafic terrains. We were able to locate the boundary between two lava sequences which forms an important target for copper exploration. Furthermore, sexpentinized unites were mapped that may host asbestos deposits. At a reconnaissance level, CCSM may contribute toa first assessment of ‘mineral potential in ultramafic terrains although it will not replace traditional geologie Field practice, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ‘We would lke to tank Dr-G. Constantinou, Dr. A Charalambides, and Dr. C. Xenophontos of the Geological Survey of Cyprus for their belp in organising and conducting the necessary field work. REFERENCES CONSTANTINOU, G., and GOVETT, GI.S., 1972, Genesis of sulphide deposits, ochre and umber of Cyprus, Transactions ofthe Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 81, pp-34- 46. CONSTANTINOU, G., and GOVETT, GI.S., 1973, Geology. Geochemisty, and Genesis of Cyprus Sulphide deposits, Economic Geology. 68, pp. 843-858, DAVIDSON, D., BRUCE, B. and JONES, D., 1993, Operational remote sensing mineral exploration in semi-arid ‘environment: the Troodos massif, Cyprus. In Proceedings of the 720 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXl, Part B7. Vienna 1996 Ninth Thematic Conference on Geologic Remote Sensing, ERIM held in Pasadena, California, U.S.A.,on 8-11 February, 1993, pp. 845.859, GREENBAUM, D., 1977, The Chromitiferous rocks of the Troodos Ophiolite Complex, Cyprus. Economic Geology, 72, pp. 117-1194. RICHTER, R., 1990, A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to Landsat TM images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11, pp. 159-166, 724 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B7. Vienna 1996

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