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How to be a Master in MnF


This will be a short manual on how new player can get around the game easier,
honestly it can all be put in one sentence, as my friend Maestro-Ri said, no
matter how chessy it sounds, the key is just being yourself Because if you are
yourself, it will be easier on you in the game, and in life. Since people will like
you for who you are, and not for what they thik you are! But, since that is not
so understandable and not so easy, lets crack that code peace by peace.

Chapter 1

Dress Code

Now, one of the most important things in MnF is how you present urself, now
as i said be yourself, wear what you like, but i would recommend matching
colours . You dont have to be all in one colour but dont make it yellow and
purple for example. Wear something that goes together. Dont use excuses if
you are non premium, there are a lot of chloting options for non premium
members for you to look good, and that amount of money you can make i a
number of ways, but for new players, mini games are just fine option.
Depending on where you are, it can be long chlotes or short. Shorts and glasses
are good choice for the beach. But if you really want to leave a dominant
impression, i would recommend pants, and t-shirt, with a hat that goes with it,
glasses are optional, personaly i dont like them, since the eyes show
confidance, even in the game, and the glasses hide emotions. But that is your
choice. So for non premium members, that would be the classiest choice
possible. As for Premium members, there is a ton of options, depending on
what impression you want to leave, for a dominant person, classic suit and one
of the classic hats is a perfect option. Leaves a strong impression, and you
dont look like you are forcing it, if u choose flashy chlotes, with presumably
different colours, you will come of as overly confident, in other words
Douchebag. Because, unsecurities are loud, and confidence is silent. So keep it

classy, if you think too much of yourself, if you constantly show it, that is just
the sign of the opposite.

Chapter 2

Presentation, and Bio

To be dominant, you have to know how to present yourself. And belive me, if
you are bad at it, and it going bad, do not lose hope and do not worry, i was
once a heavy noob in the game too, but experience, and people helped me
build up skills that would become useful in life as well as in the game. When
you are presenting yourself, dont try to fit in, dont be like everyone else, or
suck up to successful people, become successful. For example, instead of
standing in the middle of the crowd at Wild West, stand in front of the door of
the Motel, because, it shows confidence, it shows that you enjoy to be seen,
and that you are ready for contact and communication with others. Along with
good dressing, and good bio. I guarantee you, no matter if you are level one,
non premium, in combination with a good bio and chlotes, not 5 minutes will
pass without a some girl sending you a private message. If someone is standing
in front of you, dont stand there, move, and let yourself be seen.
Now about the bio, its maybe the most important thing up until now. Again,
do not be a douchebag, overly showing confidence shows that you dont have
one. Do not put stuff like the god of fucking with 11 inch dick in your bio, or
simple stuff like pm me for exp Its used up, its chessy, and often does not
work. Also if you really want to be a dominant person, do not buy dominance,
because it will lack the fun and loyalty. Do not put, I got cash in the bio, it
will defiantly work, but i can swear, you will not get the full experience, you
will get a girl who feels like she is doing a job. And you are nothing more then a
one more client that she lies to. And personaly, i guarantee you again,
whatever you can buy for cash, aside objects, i can get for free. And that shows
a confident person. So, i have told you not to do, now i will tell you what to
do. At your bio, be simple, yet leave people wanting more. Or just write what
you most enjoy. If you are a dominant master, simply write that, Dominant
Master, enjoys roleplays with submissive girls or Just a dominant male
interested in a good bed action Or you write the kink you are into. It will make

a girl curious, if she has a same kink she will look at you as a perfect
oportunitie, and she will pm you. The rest of the empty space in the bio, you
either do no fill, or fill it up, with a juicy gif, or a club (if you are a member of
one) , or a social media for the game , that is if you do have one. Again, getting
the girl does not require nothing amazing, special, it requires being
approachable and not chessy. So, show balls in a slick way, and describe the
them in a slick way in ur bio. (do not take this litteraly) :D

Chapter 3

When you get a pm, what comes next ?

Personaly as i said, wait for the pm, but if you do decide to pm, dont be an
asshole, dominance, is not this sentence *comes behind you and grabs your
ass* Whats up slut, wanna fuck , Its not only showing that you are stupid, it
may even get you banned. And under no conditions write Hi, how are you?
Girls, as well as the guys, i think i can speak for the others, hate that sentence,
it does not show a slight bit of creativity, and its a bad way of starting
conversation in the game. You have to be complimantary, yet dominant, it
sounds complicated but it really is not. First, you take a look in her bio. Lets
say, it says, yong girl interested in black guys. You then start with a descriptive
part of a roleplay ( if you are into that ) *Comes up behind her slowly pulling
her towards me* Hey beautiful, i see you you are interested in black guys,
maybe i can help you with that.
If she does not answer you, do not attempt it again, and do not get
disappointed, you have done your part, now its all on her, and if she does not
answer, its her loss. You keep trying. Because, 50 % of the girls, have another
goal in the game, or are just bored of the whole Roleplay and Fucking thing. I
as a male am, they are probably even more. Just know that its not you that is a
problem, its probably just her that is not interested.
Now if she answers, keep in mind that its not all about you pleasing her, you
have to have respect for yourself also, if she responds in the same descriptive
manner, than its a perfect match, and you will have a perfect fun time with
her. But if she answers, with short answers, like hey , mmm yea, what

then ...I pleasantly recommend, that you keep searching. Or if you are just
into experience gaining, then have your silent way with her, but here we are
talking on how to become a master. So take a pass with those kind of sluts

Now the word Slut , in the game should not mean anything bad, in my club
at least, slut stand for something very beautiful, if she is a slut , that does
not mean you have to insult her all the time, and humiliate her, dont make an
object out of her, unless its exactly what she wants. You have to show that
you care for her, and make her feel special. Trough what you do for her, make
her stand beside you, show that you are proud of her, if you are working with a
small number of sluts, keep her in your bio, (if she does the same, if not, then
its kinda pathetic)... If you are planning on making her a long time slut, your
name in her bio is highly recommended. From her part is a sign of loyalty and
respect. Give her attention, that is why i do not recommend a lot of sluts, if
you have a few, good ones i presume, give them a lot of attention, and it
usually pays off double. You will be amazed what some of the girls are willing
to do, if you show them they are important to you. Once again, dont be
pathetic. Dominance is shown in bed, and in Roleplay, sometimes public
roleplay if she enjoys it, if not then its just showing off, another sign of lack of
confidence. As you roleplay, beside being descriptive, take initiative, after that
first line i wrote, the prefect follow up after that, and her answer, would for
example be * Pushes her body against mine, grinding on her, as she feels the
huge bulge rising betwin her cheeks, gives her a kiss on the neck, and suddenly
ripps her top off, sending chills trough her body as her titts fly out bouncing*
So, do you like this pretty slut ?
When you put it like that, descriptive, she can see it, in her mind, and if she
sees it, she will like it, her imagination will do the rest. In that sentence, u will
notice, that i used pretty, and slut, once beside the other, and that is all it
takes, those 2 words have a huge impact, showing dominance, and respect at
the same time. Along with the rest of the descriptive story. But you get the
point. If you do that constantly, while describing just what is it in your mind,
youll do good. Make her feel proud of being a slut. Not embarrassed.
But in the most cases, the girl tells you what she likes or not.

Now most of what i wrote here is about how to deal with sluts via Roleplay,
but what happens if she is not into roleplay. Well then its just easier. Use a

slick line to begin a conversation, and the rest is done. When you make an
opening either with roleplay or not, next step is the bed.

Chapter 4
Bed Action

Once you get to the room, apartment etc... Be sure to not streach it out, if she
is there, she wants to get fucked, and i belive, you want it too. Start with a
foreplay pose, blowjob, or even pussy licking if she wants it and you are doing
more poses. Whatever you do, roleplay or bed action, the key is gowing from
slow to fast, building the tension. If you are making her blow you, take it step
by step, let her work on your balls, slap her with it, then make her warp those
lips around it and step by step, get it all in, eventually troaght fuck her. Ofc, u
are not in control of the pose so, u will have to do it verbally, and its never a
good idea to stay silent in bed, and if you dont do Roleplay it is your only
option. Next thing you want to do, if you are non premium would be doggy
pose, its perfect for domination, it has spnaking option, and the rules are the
same, from slow and gentle, to fast and rough. Once that pose is over, keep
the fast pace all the time, and if its possible, kick it up even higer, right up until
the end, so at the end of the sex she can feel, like she got destroyed fucking. As
for premiums, there are a lot more options, and stick to the dominant poses,
when you do it fast and hard , and you are out of options, do both holes,
simoultaniously, one after another, (presumably write roleplay of what would
you do with hands since they are free ) , and whatever you do, be as fast as
you can, if she waits for it, it kills all the fun, if you are not fast, well, practise!!!
To make it all simpler, combine speed, with Roleplay, if you dont do roleplay,
combine speed, with creative moves inside the bad, along with dominant
After sex, give her a compliment !! She will feel proud of herself, because she
pleased you, and you will probably get the same feedback.
After that, comes making her your slut part.

Chapter 5


Now, you have noticed i talk a whole lot about Roleplay, well it is for a reason,
presumably 70 % of the game is into Roleplay, and its one of the key things of
succeeding in the game. Most events, and most relationships in the game are
based on it. Roleplay paints the fantasies you have, words become alive when
you write what you imagine when you are talking to the girl. The best way to
be successfull in Roleplay is descriptivnes, describe as much as you can, as
many detailes as you can, and make sure to build up the tension. Do every
touch, every word, every feeling you can think of. If you ask me, tension is
everything, if you can keep her wanting more, and interested in hearing the
next line, u have everything you need. And its not bad if you keep her
uncertain, or even wait a little, just dont overdo it, shell cool off.
My advice when it comes to roleplay is, if it feels off and if its forced, you
probably should look for the next girl, otherwise you will torture yourself and
her, because both of you will just be losing time. And i guarantee it wont last
long. I could explain and give examples, but this would be even more boring
then it alredy is, google it noobs :P , see the examples, and then make your
own version of it. And whatever you do, do fantasies that you enjoy, you dont
want to find yourself in a bisexual lord of the rings world with orcs getting
ready to gangrape you :D (unless u enjoy orc action) :D !! All in all, when it
comes to roleplay, practise, learn your shit, and kick ass!!

Chapter 6

How does she become your slut ?

After you have proved yourself, and showed her that you know how to be
dominant and fuck her, then goes the question. Do not just tell her, now you
are my slut, because it leaves her no choice and it shows unsecurity. Make
her a nice choice, for example ... Well if you liked that a lot pretty slut, you
can be my slut, so we can do it more often !! As i said, the first thing you have
to do after, is show her attention, pm her when she is in the game, show
interest in her, answer to her pm-s, dont leave her waiting a lot. Let her meey
your friends, show her to the world be proud of her, ask her how her day was,
and about her real life, show her that you care, because being a master needs
carring for a person too, a real man makes a a girl feel like a woman, and
shows his streanght in helping and protecting her. Also, do not be overly
protective, and do not limit her to only yourself, for fuck sake its a porn game,
and limiting her to yourself, again, shows lack of confidence. Show her that you
are worth more then the others. But if someone harasses your girl, dont make
a scene, dont bash him with curse words, if you confront him, do it with solid
arguments, make him go away with words, if that is not possible, and he keeps
offending you, then just screenshot it, and pass it of to a moderator. All
problems will be solved.

Now everything eventually gets boring, and looses its magic, so dont be sad
or mad if she wants to stop, either move on, or try to be creative with ur
ingame relationship, send her gifs, watch porn together, make her do real life
stuff, (that do not affect her privacy) Walk her trough masturbation, or make
her do kinky shit and then describe it to you. Ofc, if she wants to get open with
privacy, its a plus. Some of them do. But respect it, dont show it of to
everyone, be respectfull. Now if you run out of options, marry her, in game,
make a fun event, share her with friends, do a gangbang. SO many options, you
just have to think. And after all that, it is maybe the best for both to move on,
so the game can be fun again. And if she expresses that she wants to leave,
dont be pathetic and dont hate her or say bad things, if she wants to leave,
let her leave, its a game after all, and i think she is doing you a favour, because

you can always find a better one, and the one more loyal. Or the time to go
separate paths has just come. In simple words, show class, not fake

Chapter 7

Being a Master, without being a Master


Now class and dominance is a valuable thing, when you dont have sluts as
well, being a master, its not just about having a girl to fuck, or fullfiling your
and her desires, being a master is about presenting yourself as the best of you.

After you succed in that you will not have to look for sluts, sluts will look for
you, and being proud of yourself, and sure in yourself, will make others do the
same too. And the game as well as life, will get a new shape. And you will see
that limits and fears, are just an illusion, and only thing keeping you where you
are now, is you !!

Now, lets repeat all in a short list, so you can remember all this complicated
shit !!

1. Look classy, not like a tennage rapper !!

2. Be seen, and keep it simple in the bio, do not be a douchebag!!
3. Wait for the pm, but if you dont be slick !!
4. Start slow, finish fast !!
5. Describe shit as much as you can!!
6. Dont just use her, care for her!!
7. Beat your fears by facing them!!

And to finish it

Be yourself, and grow some cohones!!


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