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EDIS 5871: Elementary Seminar

Parent-Teacher Home Visit ProjectA Model for Home Visits

Benefits and Purposes of Home Visits

Breaking down barriers and misconceptions (possibly implicit biases)
o Urban schoolsteachers often do not live and work in communities
where they teach
Allaying suspicions of teachers by families
Empowering parents
o turns the tablethe teachers are the outsiders now
o parents shift to seeing themselves as assets rather than outsiders
valued players in their childrens education
Broadening teachers ideas of parent involvement
Teachers and parents supporting each others efforts

Must Dos [non-negotiables from the standpoint of the PTHVP]

Participation is voluntary [teachers, staff members, families]
Teachers and staff members are trained/compensated [Title 1 parent
engagement mandate; foundation funding for seed money]
Goal of the conference is relationship-building
o Not about attendance or struggles in school
o Build a relationship with the families. Positive; supportive.
o No paperwork!! [CPS, police write notes. Families may be wary of
note-taking by outsiders]
Visit in pairs [liability/safety, translator, one active listener and one person
taking the lead; both ought to be trained, but sometimes an apprentice
NOT targeted at low-performing students or those with behavior
challengesvisit everyone [long-lasting, sustainable, edifying]
EDIS 5871: Elementary Seminar

The Visit:
o Phone call to set the appointment Im ____s teacher. Would like to come visit. Am
a better teacher when I know families. May I come by?
who am I, whats the purpose, whos coming with me, how long will I be there
stay positive and allow for options in addition to meeting in the home (like a
nearby park or community center)
o Ask about familys experiences with schools and teachers
o Listen to what student does when not in classroom [Facet of Culturally Relevant
Teaching: How can I bring your passion back into the classroom?]

o Share hopes and dreams: What do you hope/dream for your child? My hope and
dream for xx is that she will always love learning as she does this year.
o Expectations for communication and for the childs year in school
o InvitationId like to invite you to step back into the school; something fun,
celebratory to come to, like a publishing party or Back to School Night

o language
There are generally linguistic brokers in familiesask if there is. Try not to
use the student him/herself
o fears
personal safety
18 years, many many thousands of visitsnever had someone harmed
if youre freaked out, gracefully bow out and reschedule in a neutral location
mandated reporting of danger to childfamily is asking for help! [youve
called and asked, youve confirmed, theyve invited you in]
dogs, smoke, tv
FEAR FROM PARENTS: You are coming to take their children away.
o cultural barriers
nothing teaches more than going to sit in someones living room and having a
o assumptions
schools and families make judgments that are deep [race, SES, and gender]
and negative; rarely get challenge
EDIS 5871: Elementary Seminar

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