DCE 5731-Schedule Semester 117

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Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education

Faculty of Educational Studies

DCE 5731 : Continuing Professional Education

Semester 1 2017/18

Instructor: Dr. Shamsuddin Ahmad

Texts: 1. Cervero, R. M. (1988). Effective continuing education for professionals.

San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

2. Nowlen, P. M. (1988). A new approach to continuing education for

business and the professions: The performance model. New York:

Reading packaged: Available at Syarikat Perniagaan Serdang

Course Topics:

Overview of Continuing Education for Professionals

Readings: Cervero, R. M.: An overview of
continuing education for the professions in the USA

Conceptions of Professionalization
Readings: 1. Cervero, R. M: Chapter 1.
2. Flexner, A. (1915). Is social work a profession? School and
Society, 1, 901 911.
3. Houle, C. O. (1980). Continuing learning in the professions
(pp. 19 - 31). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Conceptions of Professionalization
Readings: 1. Bucher, R, & Strauss, A. (1961). Professions in process.
American Journal of Sociology, 66, 325 - 334.
2. Larson, M. S. (1979). The rise of professionalism: A
sociological analysis (pp. 9 - 18). Berkely: University of
California Press.
3. Cervero, R. M. (1987). Professionalization as an issue for
continuing education. In R. C. Brockett (Ed.), continuing
education in the year 2000 (pp. 67 - 78). San Francisco:

Perspectives on Professional Practice

Readings: 1. Cervero, R. M.: Chapter 2
2. Schon, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner (pp. 3 - 69,
128 - 133, 164 - 167). New York: Basic Books.

Our Roles as Continuing Educators: Reflective Practicum

Readings: 1. Cervero, R. M.: Chapter 9
2. Schon, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Chapter 11, How a reflective
practicum can bridge the worlds of university and practice).

Professionals as learners: The promise of Situated Cognition

Readings: 1. Cervero, R. M.: Chapter 3
2. Brown, J. S., Collins, A, & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated
cognition and the culture of learning. Educational
Researcher, 18(1), 32 - 42.
3. Resnik, L. B. (1987). Learning in school and out.
Educational Researcher, 16(9), 13 - 20.

Providers of Continuing Education

Readings: Cervero, R. M.: Chapter 5 and 6.

Program Development Models in Continuing Education

Readings: 1. Cervero, R. M., Chapter 7
2. Nowlen, P. M., Chapters 1, 2

Program Development Models in Continuing Education

Readings: Nowlen, P. M., Chapters 3, and 5

Evaluation of Continuing Education

Readings: 1. Cervero, R. M.: Chapter 8
2. Cervero, R. M. (1985). Continuing professional education
and behavioral change: A Model of research and
evaluation. The Journal of Continuing Education in
Nursing, 16, 85 - 88.
3. Cervero, R. M., Rottet, S., & Dimmock, K. H. (1986).
Analyzing the effectiveness of continuing professional
education at the workplace. Adult Education Quarterly, 36,
78 - 85.

Being Effective in Continuing Professional Education

Reading Cervero, R. M.: Chapter 9

Ethical Issues in Continuing Professional Education

Reading Lawler, P. A. (2000). Ethical Issues in Continuing Professional

Penilaian Pelajar:

Tugasan 1 (30%)
Dapatkan kebenaran daripada dua (2) orang professional untuk mengumpul data
berkaitan dengan konsep dan amalan profesion. Kumpul maklumat daripada
professional tersebut untuk memahami
- apa yang dimaksudkan dengan profesion,
- apakah matalamat utama kerja professional,
- apakah perbezaan di antara profesion dengan pekerjaan biasa,
- bagaimana professional belajar,
- bagaimana professional membentuk kepakaran dan
- bagaimana profesion menyelesaikan masalah kerja mereka.
Analisis maklumat tersebut dan laporkan penemuan dan kesimpulan anda dalam
Tugasan 1.

Tugasan 2 (30%)
Analisis model perancangan program latihan professional yang diamalkan oleh satu
penawar program PPL. Laporkan bagaimana program PPL dirancang, dilaksana dan
dinilai. Berikan komen anda berkenaan dengan model perancanaan yang digunakan
dan berikan cadangan sekiranya terdapat penambahbaikan yang disyorkan.

Final Exam 40%

Akan dibincangkan dalam penemuan face-to-face yang terakhir.

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