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Backward Design Lesson Plan Template

Candidate Veronica Sawyer Grade level 10

Lesson title Where Are We?

Step 1Desired Results (What students will learn)

-Students will be able to point to specific quotes that signify specific moments in the plot.

-Students will be able to visualize the setting in which the story of Frankenstein is taking place
in. They will be able to point to specific places that exist in the world to help them see that the
story was meant to happen in our real world.

CCSS: RL.9-10.5 Analyze how an authors choices concerning how to structure specific parts
of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or
tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.

CCSS: RL.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text,
including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on
meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly
fresh, engaging or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors).

Step 2Assessment Evidence (Summative/Formative check for learning)

Students will be participating in two discussions. The first discussion will be guided by me, and
will be regarding what it means to be gothically sublime and how it applies to Frankenstein.
The second one will be student lead. In both cases I am primarily looking for active
participation that demonstrates to me that the students have been actively thinking about
Frankenstein and modern gothic music.

Step 3Learning Plan (detailed enough for another teacher to follow)

Learning activities: Steps for students. Use action verbs Notes for Teacher:
(step by step from start to finish)

1. 10 Minutes I will introduce the BookSnaps activity

by letting them know that I trust them to use their
technology wisely. If the class cannot handle using
Snapchat in the classroom we will just be posting
the quote and explanation in a word document in
the BookSnaps folder (the link to access the folder
will be on Google Classroom).

2. 30 Minutes Students will be using this time to

create their BookSnap. I will be going around
making sure that the students are responsibly
using their phones, listening to make sure theyre
on track, and helping answer any points of
confusion. Students will be going through the fist
few chapters of Frankenstein and identifying
moments of exposition.

3. 20 Minutes Students will share the moment that

they chose to highlight in their BookSnap, and
when they have chosen a place to look at we will
pull an image up on the screen of that location to
look at and appreciate as a class.

4. 20 Minutes as a class the students will be creating

portraits of the characters as they were made in the
book. Students will get into teams and focus on the
description given to Victor Frankenstein and draw
what he looks like.

5. 10 Minutes Students will share out their creations

and show their classmates their drawings of

Resources, Timing, and Materials

This lesson will take approximately 90 Minutes

-Access to Snapchat
-An Expo marker

Step 4Differentiation/Accommodation/Modifications
Which strategies/methods will you use differentiate for different learning styles? How will you accommodations and
modifications for special needs students (IEP)?
Differentiation is included throughout the lesson with different levels of questions. In addition to
this, student interest was a key component of creating the lesson. If creating a BookSnap is
too difficult they are able to just post the quote in a word doc before giving their brief
explanation. If creating a BookSnap is too easy I will ask them to go back and look for multiple
examples of exposition/rising tension and create more.
Adapted from Tomlinson and McTighe, Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design, ASCD, 2006.

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