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Utkarsh Saxena Dr. J.S Sodhi Dr.Yaduveer Singh
Amity University Amity University Ideal Institute of Technology
Noida,India Noida,India Ghaziabad

$EVWUDFW This paper presents an analytical review about smart

home network, their working and technologies from a security
standpoint .It highlights various security flaws in a different smart
home networks. It clearly explain, why a smart home is such an It is very important to understand the basic primary
easy target for the attackers, it also discuss the role of interfaces in components of a smart home systems in order to
a smart home network by describing the scenario in which smart determine the factors that are responsible for the security
home network can be easily trapped. It also explains various types flaws in a smart home networks. There is also a need to
of home automation techniques along with the attacks which are understand the necessary security measures that should
quite more vulnerable to the smart home networks. As there of be taken and implemented in order to reduce the chance
now there are many vulnerabilities which are exploiting the smart of security attacks.
home network but no strong defensive mechanism has been
developed till yet. It also indicates the basic components of a smart
home network and the possible attacks which can be happen on a
smart home networks.



The concept of Smart Home exist from late 1970s. But due
to the growth and advancement in the field of science and
technology the whole concept of smart home has
revolutionized, this increase the expectation as well as
Figure 1: Smart Home Environment
thinking of the people about Smart Home. Now the Smart
Home is not a dream, it is becoming a reality. But there
Based on its architecture smart home can be decomposed
exist some security concern too. These security flaws are
into three components; the communication network, the
very dangerous to the smart home network.
intelligent control system and the home automation [2, 4].
The idea of smart home existed from 1970s onwards but
has come into knowledge of researchers and data scientist
due to the development in the domain of Internet of Things
(IoT)[1] . A Smart Home is a house consisting of a
communication network that couple the vital electrical
devices and services, and grant them to be monitored either
inside or outside the network. There are many components
of a smart homes i.e. information and
ent,home appliances[2].

Figure 2: Types of Network in a Smart Home Network

978-1-5090-3519-9/17/$31.00 2017
c IEEE 431
$6PDUW+RPH&RPPXQLFDWLRQ  3ULYDF\DQG6HFUHF\: As smart home is connected
In the research work of John J. Greichan [5],he describe to the internet and there are several attacks present
some of the severe issues that exist in the smart home to the network because smart home network is no
network i.e. large manufacturing cost, large development different from any other wireless network ,So there
cost, lack of protocol on which smart home network relies is always a risk associated with the wireless
,unfamiliarity of the consumer with the smart home system network.
as well as the complex user interface. Although there exist a  6\VWHP &RPSOH[LW\: various kind of networks
reasonable growth in the field of science and technology and exist within a smart home network .For example
the computation capability that helps in considerable wireless sensor network and body area
reduction in device cost and size. These factors are quite network(BAN), due to occurrence of different
responsible for the increasing demand of the electronic types of networks it is very difficult to establish
products today, and due to this reason there exist many communications between these heterogeneous
protocols for the smart home networks like X10 [6], ZigBee network and thats why the system becomes more
[7], LonTalk [8], and CEBus [9] were defined overtime. All complex.
these factors contributed to addressing the challenges and  %DQGZLGWK PDQDJHPHQW: In future ,Internet
concerns of early home automation systems, which lead to traffic intensity will be increased severly due to
the popularity and wide acceptance of automated homes. smart home applications ,As there is no such
The THREAD is the latest smart home communication effective policy occurred for bandwidth
protocol developed by Thread Group .It is an IPV6 based management in such a complex network. So
protocol working on the mesh network based technology bandwidth management is also an important
which is quite similar to ZigBee. This protocol is formed by problem in a smart home network.
the group of companies [10] .  3URWRFRO LVVXHV: As smart home network is made
up of heterogeneous components ,new
The study done by A.J. Brush HWDO. [11] discusses the main communication protocol are required to exchange
stumbling blocks in modern home automation systems: the information with heterogeneous types of networks.
high overall cost of the system, inflexibility due to  &RVWHIIHFWLYHQHVV: deploying smart home network
integration of different devices into the home automation and securing it effectively is very much costly as
system, lack of reliable devices at home, complex user for this huge amount of resources are needed ,So
interfaces, and reliance on skilled consultants. All these making it cost effective and secure in a best
factors lead to poor manageability and lack of convincing possible manner is the challenges for smart home
security. network.
 6RFLDO,PSDFW: Smart home may have some impact
Our work mainly deals with the security areas of home on society, For Example some people might be
automation. We first discuss how the concept of security has isolated from the society. As smart home can do all
changed in modern home automation systems, then focus on the work automatically without any human
various challenges in the field from a security point of view. intervention so there will be a lack of
The paper goes on to discuss various home automation communication between a human and the society
systems and their security issues based on methodology where he lives.
used: context-aware home automation, central controller-
based home automation, Bluetooth-based home automation, & 6HFXULW\&RQFHUQLQD6PDUW+RPH1HWZRUN
mobile or GSM-based home automation, Internet-based Implementing security mechanism in a smart home network
home automation, and a decentralized approach to home is a very challenging issue due to their heterogeneous nature
automation. Finally, we discuss the role of user interfaces in [2,12,13].In a smart home environment there are several
security and conclude by discussing where the researchers devices with different working mechanisms.
should focus their work in the field of home automation
security. Thus, the implementation of security mechanisms differ
from device to device depending on the environment in
which they exist as well as the protocol used for
%&XUUHQW5HVHDUFK&KDOOHQJHVIRU6PDUW+RPH1HWZRUN communication. As it is already knows to us that in a smart
 ,QWHJUDWLRQDQGLQWHURSHUDELOLW\: As The devices home there exist a heterogeneous devices which are
in a smart home network are heterogeneous in connected to each other, this causes one more vulnerability
nature as there are different mechanism and in a smart home network because due to its heterogeneous
prerequisite for each and every device belonging to nature it uses broadcasting for packet transferring from one
the same category so there is an issue about how to node to other node and that broadcasted packet can be easily
connect these devices as well as how to operate trapped by the intruder .
them .

432 2017 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering Confluence
'6HFXULW\7KUHDWVLQD6PDUW+RPH1HWZRUNV the inhabitants i.e. shattered glass, mercury poisoning etc.
7KHPRGHUQVHFXULW\V\VWHPVZRUNVRQWKHEDVLFSULQFLSOH Also variation in the lighting frequencies can cause a severe
RI GHWHUPLQLQJ WKH LQWUXGHU DQG GHWHUPLQH ZKLFK LQWUXGHU damage to the person that is suffering from photosensitive
RI WKHLU DFFHVV VRW KDW D FRPSOHWH LQIRUPDWLRQ FDQ EH by the attacker to violate network functionality.
ORJV WKDW DUHV WRUHG LQ WKH SUHGHILQHG FRQILJXUDWLRQ RIW KH JavaScript code can be embed into any log page ,as
QHWZRUNVHFXULW\HTXLSPHQWV. Due to the advancement in JavaScript works on the client side library, an attacker can
the field of science and technology, the concept of security cause any desirable functionality at the Home site. As in
mechanism also changed. Now user can monitor their own Smart Home each communication in Smart Home Networks
hose remotely via handheld device and can perform actions takes place through Plain-Text, thus it becomes more
whatever necessary at any instant of time. Due to the vulnerable to attackers to sniff the packets and acquired
advancement of the processing power of the recent legitimate credentials.
processors there is huge amount of reduction in power
consumption as well as resource consumption. In a wireless-  (DYHVGURSSLQJ
sensor-actor network, the sensors gathers the information
from the physical environment in which it resides and then In this type of attack an intruder just monitor the
actors performs the functions that were ordered by the data traffic that takes place between the two nodes
administrator who is monitoring that house. in a smart home network. Here the aim of intruder is
to know about what data transfer is taking place and
what is the pattern of that data without getting actual
There are many vulnerabilities which exist in the present user to know about it [21]. The data which the
days technologies used in Smart Home Communication intruder captures might contain sensitive
Network. C. Karlof and D. Wagner [14] discussed many information. Thus access to the sensitive
vulnerabilities like Sinkhole attacks, Sybil Attacks, information by the intruder can cause a severe
Selective-Forwarding Attacks and many other routing danger for the network.
attacks which alters the routing table data, thus cause
inappropriate data transfer in the network. Y.C Hu HW DO  0DVTXHUDGLQJ
[15] described Wormhole Attacks in which the two In this type of attack an attacker uses fake identity
adversaries node communicate with each other. These two with the aim of gaining unauthorized access to the
nodes have much better communication resources than any network through legitimate access identification. If
other nodes in a network and can establish a much better the authorization process is not fully protected then
communication channel. In this the wormhole node makes a this attack can be extremely vulnerable to the
false tunnel between other nodes in such a way that it network. Here in this attack the main mindset of the
disturb the routing table .When a data packet is delivered intruder is to get the secret data or to acquired
from one node to other node the wormhole node transfer the authentic services[21].
packets to some different node as a result the destination
node gets the data packet very late.  5HSOD\$WWDFN
Replay Attack is a network attack in which an
All the wireless protocol encryption standards that are used
attacker in which the data transfer between two
in the present day scenario uses techniques like Data packet
nodes is maliciously or fraudulently repeated in
integrity, device authenticity, key establishment. , J. Wright
order to get the identity of the authentic node. Here
HWDO[16] in 2011 shows that how a Zigbee network can be
the main aim of intruder is to get the same
compromised by an attacker using Replay Attack [17].As
authenticity as the original node has so that it can
the keys are sent over the wireless medium in form of Plain-
easily monitor the data.[22]
Text, an attacker takes advantage of this situation and
performs sniffing, inject codes into the Plain-text, Thus it
makes device vary difficult to understand and due to this  0HVVDJH0RGLILFDWLRQ
reason there occurs malfunctioning of device. B. Fouladi Message modification is the attack in which an
and S. Ghanoun [18] in 2013 demonstrate that how a Z- intruder deliberately attempts to capture the data
Wave doors are vulnerable to attackers by providing transmitted between two nodes and then it modifies
complete access to the attacker without proper that data so that no authenticity of the message exist.
authorization. These changes can contain malicious codes[21].
T. Oluwafemi HW DO [19] in 2013 shows that how a simple
house-hold device like CFL( compact fluorescent lamp)
could be an victim of the attacker .An attacker could
manipulate working of the lamp in order to cause harm for

2017 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering Confluence 433
A denial of service(DoS) is an attack that prevents inject some malicious code into its routing table so
or impairs the authorized use of networks, system or that it can attract other nodes in the same network.
applications by consuming resources such as Then after attracting all other nodes the
CPU,Memory bandwidth and disk space etc. The compromised node attacks on most closest node in
main aim of DoS attack is to overburden the the network and then the most closest node gets
network by sending continuously messages so that attacked. This creates sync between attacked nodes
the server becomes busy and becomes unavailable and the attack carries out.[25]
to process request from other nodes[21].
Here in this scenario, an attacker intercepts the This attack is very common in the network scenario,
communication that is occurring between two parties here in this attack an attacker obtain the IP Address
and that parties are unknown to this situation, as a and the MAC Address of the legitimate user and by
result they communicate with each other believing obtaining this it can steal the identity of the actual
such that nobody is listening to their user. After stealing an attacker can do plenty of
communication.[23] things i.e. it can cause harm to another victim.[26]
Here in this an attacker just break the A Sybil attack is much advanced form of
communication string into two parts, one connection impersonate attack, here in this attack an attacker
is made with sender and an attacker and the another steals multiple identities and performs malicious
connection is made between an attacker and the activity over the network and it represent itself as a
receiver. the communication can takes place in node which contains multiple identities to the other
either form i.e. http or https. The MITM Attack in fellow nodes.
http is very effective because all the data transmitted
is in ASCII form which is easily understandable and  7UDIILF$QDO\VLV$WWDFN
can be easily manipulated. If we are using HTTPS
connection MITM Attack can take place, In that Traffic Analysis Attack deals with the analysis of
scenario here we have to make two independent traffic that occurs during the communication
SSL Connection over each TCP connection. First between two nodes. This Attack can be performed
connection established between Web browser and even when the messages are encrypted and difficult
an attacker and second SSL connection is made to decrypt. Traffic Analysis Attack becomes more
between an attacker and the web server.[23] stronger when there is large amount of messages
present to be analyzed. More valuable information
can be gathered by Traffic Analysis Attack.[27]
Wormhole Attack is an attack in which the two
adversaries node communicate with each other. The main motive of De-Synchronization attack is to
These two nodes have much better communication disturb the established connection between the two end
resources than any other nodes in a network and points or devices in a smart home network. here in this
can establish a much better communication attack, attacker tries to modify the control flags as well
channel. In this the wormhole node makes a false as the sequence number in order to alter the packets, or
tunnel between other nodes in such a way that it messages that takes place between the two devices or
the end points. Due to this it limits the legitimate user
disturb the routing table .When a data packet is
to send and receive data or messages.[28] It will
delivered from one node to other node the
continuously request transmission of those messages
wormhole node transfer the packets to some that causes an infinite cycle of retransmitted messages.
different node as a result the destination node gets Due to this a deadlock situation occurs which requires
the data packet very late.[24] lot of energy.
Sinkhole Attack is an attack in which an attacker
first analyze the compromised node in a network
.After analyzing the compromised node the attacker


434 2017 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering Confluence
Type Function/Working Implementation Problem Presents Security Concern
Technique Exist
Context-aware 1) System tries to be 1) Infrared grid 1)Implementation Yes
aware of the context is used to of infrared grid is (Messages can be
in which user makes predict the difficult as it easily trapped in IF
the decision. location of user incurs so much Grid).
inside home cost.
2) Predicting the
location of user helps 2) Use of 2) Badges can be
in defining the badges can be misplaced by the
context implemented. users.

3)Static Object
Central- 1) Combines many GPRS (General 1) All homes Yes
Controller homes into a security Packet Radio must be (If anyone gets access
network with a Service) connected to each to the central node
central node through which other for the then all other node can
dedicated for each many individual approach to be be easily tracked as
locality depending on home users are cost-effective and well as altered)
number of users. connected. successful.
2) Who will have
access to all the
data and upto
what level.
Bluetooth Bluetooth adapter is Bluetooth 1) Bluetooth has Yes
Based used for technology for maximum range (Eavesdropping and
communication communicating of only 100m signal strength
between two nodes between two which is not ideal weakness exist)
via host controller nodes in a for home
using Bluetooth network. communication.
2) High Power
3) Only used for
short lived
4)Bluetooth has
advanced to
low Energy)
which provide
range in
minimum power
GSM Based 1)System converts GSM based 1)SMS pass key Yes
(includes) machine function into communication can be easily
electrical signals is totally hacked.
1)SMS based through transducer dependent on 2)Facial
2)GPRS based which gets into GSM module as recognition can
3)DTMF based microcontroller. well as the be hacked by the
2)A transducer microcontroller photo of
converts physical which helps in authorized
quantities like sound generation of person.
,temperature, command 3)Constant
humidity into voltage. monitoring is
3)The microcontroller required.
analyses these signals

2017 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering Confluence 435
and converts them
into commands that
can be understand by
GSM module
Internet Based 1)Accessing Simple Client- 1)Browser Yes
system/network Server related security
through a web based Communication issues.
application hosted technology is 2)uses of weak
over the web. used for passwords for
2)User interact communicating accessing.
through browser to between the 3)An attacker can
the application via user and the use keylogger
some protocols such application software to detect
as HTTPS pass-key

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