NRP Manifesto 2017

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A Letter from the Leader of the Nevis Reformation Party
The Hon. Joseph Parry

My Fellow Nevisians
The people of Nevis were constitutionally granted their own government on
19th, September 1983. For thirteen (13) years, the Nevis Reformation Party
fought the central government in St Kitts for increased authority on the island
of Nevis and made many representations to Britain in support of the argument
that Nevisians were capable and were mature enough to operate their own
Administration. The genesis of this movement sprang from the experience
of considerable neglect on the island of Nevis. With the return of a govern-
ment to Nevis after one hundred and two years, The Nevis Reformation Party
(NRP) transformed all that.
1) It introduced Sixth Form education to Strikingly, it was the period of Hurricane b) Our housing development project In spite of our many successes, CCM con-
Nevis. Today, over one hundred and forty Omar, which wreaked severe damage on climaxed with the wonder project of Cher- vinced the public that they deserved anoth-
students attend the Nevis Sixth Form College. the Four Seasons Hotel and the advent of ry Gardens. A total of three hundred and er chance. They convinced voters that NRP
the greatest global recession since the Great seventy (370) houses were constructed. did too much good in too short a time.
2) It introduced the first land reform Depression. All the economies of the Eastern No wonder the same Barbadian dignitary
program in the OECS. The settlements of As you examine the actions of the two po-
Caribbean faltered included Trinidad and asked for and received the template for litical parties over the years and in office, a
Prospect, Hamilton, Hard Times, Fother-
Tobago. Hundreds of thousands of govern- Cherry Gardens. few questions must come to mind.
gills and Eden Browne were nurtured un-
ment workers were laid off from Puerto Rico c) Four Seasons was encouraged to retain
der this program, so too were the villages
in the north to Guyana in the south. 1) Why did Nevisians sacrifice so much
of Potworks, Nisbets Estate and Maddens. as many workers as possible and the NRP during those testing years from 1970 to
The NRP sold the land to Nevisians at a In addition, from April to September 2009, government employed more than fifty (50) 1983, for their own government?
price of $6000.00 per acre! Unparalleled in these islands were visited by a regional of the laid off workers.
the Caribbean. drought of severe proportions. Island after 2) Has the government of Nevis made a
d) Additionally, we brought the Brown Hill difference in our lives these past thirty four
island in the Caribbean succumbed to the
3) A Banking system was sponsored. water crisis. Due to excellent planning,
Communications Call Centre, employing (34) years?
Bank of Nevis, a local bank, was estab- over one hundred and fifty (150) persons.
Nevis was the only exception. It stands today as one of the better paying NRP takes the position that we certain-
lished in 1985. The Bank of Nova Scotia
It is interesting to note that one visitor from institutions in the island. ly did make a significant difference. The
was opened shortly after and the Nevis
Barbados stated that it seems that Nevis is record of performance of every NRP
Co-operative Bank was taken over by the e) We supported small business enterprises
the only island in the Caribbean which was government is etched in history. Without a
RBTT. Support was given for the mod- with an emphasis on women.
not visited by any of these disasters. The proper, hardworking government in Nevis,
ernization of the Nevis Credit Union. A
ship of state sailed serenely on under the f) And we reached out to the financial institu- we could very well have had the continu-
branch of the St Kitts/Nevis Development
deft and confident leadership of the NRP. tions to bring relief to the borrowing public. ing drain in the population. We could have
Bank was set up in Charlestown and NRP
seen poor infrastructure, no land reform,
encouraged other small financial organiza- 1) The management company of the Four a weak education system and certainly
tions to support and foster small business Seasons was under pressure to disengage NEVIS SURVIVED IN no Four Seasons, Mount Nevis, Oualie or
enterprises on Nevis. its relationship with the property. With the GREAT STYLE. Nisbets. So why has CCM abandoned the
4) The Four Seasons, the flagship of the direct intervention and assistance of the The NRP is of the view that the crime people of Nevis? I leave the answer to you,
NRPs success, opened its doors to the NRP, the Four Seasons was restored to its problem can be controlled. Between 2006 the people.
public in 1991, employing over six hun- functional state. In the famous words of 2013, we developed a number of coordi-
James Fitzgibbons, the world wide manag- We, of the NRP, follow in the footsteps of
dred (600) persons. For the first time, in nated measures to reduce crime on a short
er for Four Season; If it wasnt for Joseph National Hero Dr. Sir Simeon Daniel. We
the history of Nevis, Nevisians had a good and long-term basis. We accepted that the
Parry, there would have been no Four give our hearts and souls to Nevis and the
payday. The economy, rapidly expanded as problem was generational and would have to
Seasons on Nevis. development of Nevis. The constitution
confidence soared and a platform for future be challenged at every level of society; in the
provides us with a direct path to the Federal
expansion was established. 2) During the period of closure of the Four home, the school, the church, the communi-
government in issues that relate to both is-
Beginning in 1992 and for fourteen (14) Seasons and at the depth of recession, the ties and the field of play. We organized:
lands, but we have the power and authority
years, CCM took over government on Nev- NRP took these major decisions of eco- 1) Parental training programs to carve our own destiny, both economical-
is. After a series of investment disasters, the nomic significance. ly and socially. Let us make our own paths.
2) Community Centre training programs
people of Nevis, tired of talk and no action, a) It introduced a stimulus package to Let us do it.
once again turned to the NRP in 2006. create jobs on the island. That package 3) Training abroad for selected persons
manifested itself in the form of the first new 4) Homework assistance program
Police station in Nevis in about fifty years.
5) We engaged the Police and urged com-
Two (2) Police barracks. Five (5) communi-
munity policing as part of their programs
ty centres and a staff room at the Charles-
town Secondary School. 6) We provided equipment and vehicles
7) We gave active support to their search
and arrest program
THE TEAM: THE PROGRAMS 5) The fifth pillar will be the centre piece OTHER INITIATIVES
The NRP presents to the people of Nevis a The time for serious programs is now. Un- of our economic growth. The NRP has al- 1) The NRP will have the decriminal-
team comprised of youth and experience. like CCM who said vote for them and then ready demonstrated its keen interest in the ization of marijuana as one of its highest
The three senior members of the team have they will develop programs, we presented development of Renewable energy. We will priorities. An NRP government will begin
proven their capacity to perform in their serious programs and ask for your vote. The immediately review the situation on the work for decriminalization during the 1st
private and public lives. CCM party has allowed itself to implode grounds and seek to advance geothermal week in office.
on the altar of greed, selfish ambitions, energy at a pace to have geothermal ener-
The two younger members have a world gy in Nevis by the end of our third year in 2) Crime: The matter of crime reduction is
of exposure and have demonstrated the self-glorification, self-love and ego-centric important to every citizen and resident of
pursuits. Our five (5) year goal is to totally office. We shall also open discussions with
special gifts of observations, analysis and the operators of the wind farm and see how Nevis. Every member of the NRP team will
application; all necessary ingredients to transform the economy of Nevis. make every effort to make Nevis safe again.
best we can maximize wind energy. These
entrepreneurship and success. NRP will construct the economy on five (5) along with solar and waste to energy will 3) Every constituency has its special pro-
1) They are likeable. They are easy to talk major pillars of activity: not only bring cheaper energy to Nevis but grams to develop. Every representative has
to, they reach out to people and always have 1) Tourism: We already have a Europe- we will be able to demonstrate to the world a plan. The plans are integrated and will be
solutions for all the people. They care for all an who is committed to building a major that we are green, not only politically, but pursued relentlessly to provide develop-
the people. hotel on the island of Nevis. That hotel will also environmentally. We will attract indus- ment from the grassroots to every layer of
start within the first twelve (12) months of tries that are conscious of global warming our society.
2) They are committed to the principles of and which will want to be a part of the
hard work and the development of all the NRPs new term in office. We also have a I invite you to review the cohesive efforts
commitment to work on docking facilities green energy movement worldwide.
people of Nevis. of the NRP in government and be aware of
and cruise ships visit by a major group of Around these five pillars we will build the way we advanced the development of
3) They are fully committed to serve on European investors. We will expand activi- training for all young people including
Nevis; to work hard in the Parliament, the our beloved Nevis. Our careful planning
ties for our visitors. graduates from the 5th and 6th forms, teach- was assisted by calculated execution of our
Cabinet and the Ministerial system which
have been neglected these last five (5) years. 2) The Financial Industry: A major con- ers, nurses, the security services and the plans. Today, the elections were preceded
glomerate out of Europe is committed to young men and women who are now mar- by a mad rush of projects that are all com-
They have a strong desire to serve all the
modernize and grow the Nevis Financial ginalized by the CCM. ing soon. Our Parliament is idle, and the
people as Ministers of government and to
stay away from fraud, bribery and all forms Services Industry within the standards and government refuses to account to the peo-
of corruption. requirements of the countries of Europe ple who elected them. NRP is for ALL the
and the United States of America. people of Nevis. Vote responsibly. Vote for
4) They are ready to regularly visit their CHANGE. Vote NRP. Give us the opportu-
constituencies and to ensure that the con- 3) A group is committed to develop our
medical facilities to make Nevis a centre for nity to serve you better.
cerns of all the people are addressed.
persons who suffer cruise accidents. The Thank you,
5) To put it bluntly, they are creative, re- facilities would be world class and would be Joseph Parry
sponsive and original of thought. a boost to health tourism. Leader, Nevis Reformation Party (NRP)
4) The NRP has as its fourth pillar the
people of Nevis. A regime of incentives will
be provided for the men and woman, for all
residents who live on Nevis to build and de-
velop small business in agriculture, fishing,
craft, manufacturing and the distribution
services with a view to provide self-em-
ployment and for this fourth pillar to be the
bedrock for our local entrepreneurs.


OWN PROGRAM.................................... 22
FOR NEVISIANS...................................... 10 YOUNG PEOPLE...................................... 26
2 REDUCING THE COST OF LIVING.............11 15 EMPOWERING WOMEN ........................ 27
4 PUTTING NEVIS FIRST............................. 13 IN SPORTS............................................... 28

5 ENVIRONMENTAL LEVY ......................... 14 17 ENHANCING OUR CULTURE AND

PROMOTING THE ARTS........................... 29
7 IMPROVING EDUCATION PEOPLE SAFE........................................... 30
AND TRAINING....................................... 17
SMALL BUSINESSES................................. 18
20 IMPROVING AGRICULTURE..................... 32
CREATING JOBS...................................... 34
TECHNOLOGY......................................... 21 23 BETTER WASTE MANAGEMENT............... 38

As the secondary port of entry, we under-
stand that the cost of living will always be
slightly higher in Nevis than in St. Kitts,
however, we believe that the cost differenc-
1 CREATING GOOD PAYING es between basic items on the two islands
is much higher than it needs to be. To re-
JOBS FOR NEVISIANS duce the cost of living and ease the burden
on families trying to make ends meet, the
A. NRP will introduce specific projects B. NRP will create a stable regulatory en- NRP will:
aimed at boosting the economy; high value vironment conducive to private sector job Aaggressively pursue geothermal and
projects similar to the Oil storage, the growth, including the diversification of our expand our work with wind power to har-
cosmetology clinic, a major Hotel, Hous- tourism sector. ness renewable energy resources that will
ing, expansion of the airport facilitates and C. NRP will ensure that young people have allow us to bring down the cost of electric-
increased airlift, Road improvements and an opportunity to take advantage of jobs ity for Nevisian families putting more
the Fisheries complex will be highlighted. created in our economy. money back in your pockets.
NRP will support the creation of business
incubators with the objective of facilitating Combat illegal price fixing and encourage
entrepreneurial activity especially among competition to ensure that Nevisian custom-
our youth. ers get the best possible deal at the stores.
Appeal to the government of the Fed-
eration to add more items to the basket of
goods exempt from VAT.


The NRP is committed to reducing the establish a Cancer Registry and we will seek After thirty four (34) years of Indepen- through an Independent administration of
costs of tests and ensuring that there are to secure the services and resources of the dence, Nevis has a Premier and a Dep- the government of Nevis. A new NRP gov-
access to doctors and nurses at the hospital University of the West Indies (UWI) and uty Premier who have clearly chosen to ernment will engage the public in discus-
when our people need them. Our plans for other Regional and International agencies function as part of the so called Unity sions on our vision of returning a strong
healthcare include: in conducting clinical studies on cancer construct which holds the Federal govern- and effective government to Nevis. A new
The NRP shall repeat its campaign prom- in Nevis. The results of the research will ment. Rather than working for the people NRP government will take charge of the
ise of National Health Insurance for all and inform effective patient care. NRP shall of Nevis, our Premier and Deputy Premier affairs of Nevis and run the government
we will target implementation by 2020. seek funding for Prevention, Diagnosis and have abandoned Nevis for St. Kitts where as effectively and as proudly as those men
Treatment for non-communicable diseases. they spend countless hours administering and women did after a government was
The NRP shall make dialysis treatment their substantial Federal portfolios when returned to Nevis in 1983.
available on Nevis within 12 to 24 months `NRP shall establish a Health Advisory
Committee to advise on diseases new to not jet setting across the globe. Invariably,
of a new NRP government. Nevis is deprived of consistent, accessible
our area. Recently, Zika, Chikungunya and
NRP will provide significantly improved such new diseases have come upon us and effective representation by these two
pre and postnatal care in a comprehensive with very little notice. elected representatives. This absentee style
effort to reduce infant mortality. of governance has severely harmed the
The NRP will invest heavily in moderniz- interest of all Nevisians. One glaring result
NRP will invest significantly in commu- ing the hospital. We will focus on providing
nity nursing through the commissioning of of their abandonment of Nevis is evi-
improved patient care and services. We will denced by the fact that the Peoples House,
four new clinics which will be built at Bath,
establish relationships with regional and the Nevis Island Assembly, met a total of
Cherry Gardens, Brown Pasture and Cot-
international institutions in providing health nine (9) times between 2013 and 2017. By
ton Ground. We will refurbish older centres
care for our people. We will also encourage comparison, the Federal Parliament met a
and update equipment in Health centres
the return of the Cosmetology Centre which total of thirteen (13) times in 2017 alone.
around the island.
was lost due to negligence by the CCM. We Economic growth and mercantile activi-
NRP will seek to promote preventative will also provide improved care for mentally ty are sluggish. Crime, especially violent
measures in healthcare under the Com- and physically challenged patients. is up and so too is the cost of living. The
munity Health Programs focusing on
NRP will make every effort to attract, NRP boldly and aggressively promises
childhood obesity, diabetes, hypertension, BETTER REPRESENTATION promised
train and retain nurses in our health system.
heart disease, cancer and stroke. We will


There is a $5,000.00 Environmental Levy OF MARIJUANA.
that is charged on imported preowned
In August 2013, the office of the Attorney To that end, the NRP will seek to end the
vehicles. There is no evidence that
General of the United States of America criminalization of generations of our peo-
the fees collected have ever been used
Eric Holder issued a statement that The ple. With a criminal record, our people find
for any environmental programs. The
Justice Department will not attempt to it difficult to secure employment in some
Environmental Levy is a burdensome poll
challenge state laws that allow for the areas and have great difficulties in obtaining
tax that unfairly discriminates against
medical and recreational use of marijua- visas to travel. The court penalties unfairly
poor people who desire to purchase their
na as long as the drug sales do not conflict put burdens on our people to find resourc-
own vehicle. This burdensome tax is used
with eight new Federal enforcement pri- es to pay. Decriminalization of marijuana
as punishment on people who are not rich
orities. Those include the distribution of will also free up law enforcement and the
enough to purchase a new vehicle. Hence,
marijuana to minors and sales that assist judicial system to deal with more heinous
they are slapped with a $5,000.00 penalty.
or act as cover for trafficking. (USA Today, crimes. Decriminalization of marijuana will
NRP must and shall discontinue
August 29th, 2013). significantly reduce the cost associated with
the collection of this $5,000.00
the prison system and monies saved will
Environmental Levy on imported Across Europe and the Caribbean, govern-
be used on crime prevention and prisoner
used vehicles. ments are opening up to changing marijua-
na policies. Nevis must not be left behind rehabilitation programs.
and should be able to take advantage of the
economic and job creation opportunities
available in the sector.


Ensuring that our young people have a NRP will introduce a Remediation
quality education is at the top of our agen- and Enrichment program designed for
da, as is ensuring adults of all ages have ac- the primary school students that will be
cess to various career training programmes implemented in the Community Centers
to help them harness the jobs of today and around the island.
tomorrow. To that end, we will: Returning students who have successful-
NRP shall reintroduce and expand the ly completed their degree shall be allowed
scholarship program in an effort to assist duty free status on a vehicle. As an incen-
EVERY student (new and continuing) who tive to encourage persons into teaching and
wishes to pursue tertiary education. nursing, NRP will support the granting of
NRP shall build a new, modern High concessions on a vehicle to teachers and
School to replace the Charlestown Second- nurses who have completed five (5) years of
ary School (CSS) in the first instance and service and are in good standing.
the Gingerland Secondary School (GSS) Teachers and nurses in the service who
thereafter. While the 6th Form College will wish to pursue further studies shall be giv-
remain incorporated in the CSS, its oper- en study leave with up to full pay.
ations with respect to the administrative NRP will introduce an electronic
leadership (Principal, Deputies), its name student information system that will
and operations will be changed to reflect a revolutionize the interaction between
true college program. An Adult and Con- students, teachers and administrators
tinuing Education Division will be added across all schools.
to satisfy the demand for short specialty
courses (certified and uncertified), CAPE NRP is committed to constructing,
and degree level courses. owning and operating a hostel on St. Kitts
to accommodate Nevisian students study-
ing at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant (CFB)
college and other tertiary level institutions
on St. Kitts.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of our Technical infrastructure created to give Considering the pain and suffering by E. Further, we shall propose an aggressive
economy. They create jobs and economic small businesses greater ability for Business NEVLEC customers over the past 2 years, a reduction of the fuel surcharge aiming at a
opportunities for our people. Our policies to Business (B2B). The B2B infrastructure new government will give every NEVLEC 5% fuel surcharge for domestic consumers
to support small businesses include: would also allow for local businesses to get customer a credit of EC$500.00 in 3 years to 0% in 4 years. NRP is com-
Existing institutions like the Small En- concessions on doing business with each NRP will reduce the tax on all fuels includ- mitted to phasing in electric vehicles for
terprise Development Unit (SEDU) will be other as opposed to overseas. ing natural gas for all consumers. Further, government use as part of our go green
recapitalized to support additional loans to NRP will reduce electricity charges for low campaign.
establish small businesses. and median income families. This can be F. We will provide financial assistance for
A reviewed tax structure better suited to achieved by increasing the renewable ener- every homeowner who installs photovoltaic
small businesses gy contribution to the grid and will include: and/or wind turbines.
A. Completing and commissioning the This will be an extension of the green
geothermal plant. energy program. Presently, homeowners
B. Expanding the Wind Farm. are discouraged by the high upfront cost of
solar water heaters.
C. Expanding Solar energy (including the
placement of solar panels on homes and NRP shall introduce a mechanism that
buildings and allowing feed in tariffs). will provide a credit of up to $3,000.00 for
each household willing to install photovol-
D. Introducing a Waste to Energy taic cells or wind turbines.
An NRP Government will make shares
in NEVLEC available to the public.
GENERATIONS TO COME Technology is shaping our world and our All CXC Paper 1 will be available online
people must not be left behind. Our poli- from 2017 and all CXC Papers 1 & 2 will be
Within the first 2 years of a new NRP cies include: online from 2018. NRP will ensure that our
government, we will commission new
Reintroduction of the laptop pro- students are ready for this change. In this
wells that will deliver a minimum of an
gram. Every student entering Second- regard, NRP will target Free Wi-Fi in public
extra 1 million gallons of water per day
ary school must be provided with the spaces, schools, parks, community centres
to consumers. Our goal will be to ensure
opportunities to research and prepare and other selected spaces in communities.
that consumers have access to water 24
hours each and every day. We will also school work using a computer. The rein- Community Centres will be used to pro-
ensure that there is an adequate supply troduction of the 1 to 1 laptop program vide public education in computer training
for new businesses. will ensure that no student is left behind for adult education. This is to ensure that
because their parents cannot afford to buy parents achieve the same learning curve as
a computer. their children.


The people of Nevis are still expressing an NRP will introduce the option for per- AUXILIARY WORKERS
urgent and pressing need for housing units. sons to pay at The Nevis Housing and Land
Pensioners who are rehired by govern- NRP will propose legislation that will
There is a housing deficit. More people Development Corporation. It is done by the
ment must not be discriminated against. incorporate Auxiliary workers into the
need houses than are available. NRP will National Housing Corporation (NHC) in
All pensioners have already earned their Civil Service. Auxiliary workers who reach
address this in the following ways. St. Kitts and results in lower mortgages for
pensions. They should get their pension retirement age shall be provided with a
NRP shall continue the Housing pro- homeowners. This program should be spe-
in full and receive payment for services pension. Some of these workers are forced
gram but also include condominiums with cifically aimed at low to middle income
rendered. Additionally, pensioners who to continue well beyond their best years just
the option of Rent to Own. This initia- earners and single parents.
worked for 25 years will be granted duty to make ends meet.
tive will allow people who participate in NRP shall modernize the legislation as free on a vehicle.
our Rent to Own program to continue to it relates to the Nevis Housing and Land
rent secure in the knowledge that their rent Development Corporation.
money will be an investment that will qual-
ify them to own what they are renting.


Hensley Daniel, St. John

JOBS Joseph Parry, St. Thomas Virgil Browne, St. James

Cory Tyson, St. George E. Robelto Hector, St. Paul
OF OUR YOUNG PEOPLE History has shown that NRP has always B. An advisory womens group will be cre-
embraced and valued the contribution ated. Its primary role shall be to advise the
Young people are our future and must of women. Since inception we have em- government on policies to best promote the
play an active role in our community to powered women and had a woman as a interests of women, national and local pol-
ensure that we continue to thrive. Our nominated member of our cabinet. This icies that address the socio-economic and
policies include: new term will be no exception. The record political challenges facing women, children
Youths shall be represented on the shows that under the CCM Government and disadvantaged groups.
Boards of every government body. women continue to be unceremoniously C. Programs designed for younger and
An advisory youth body shall be orga- displaced and marginalized, robbing the older women will give them the opportuni-
nized. This body will advise the govern- country of some of its greatest talents and ty to get the necessary prerequisite sub-
ment on policies which will best promote resources. NRP recognizes the importance jects and training in other skilled areas to
the interests of young people. of the role of women in the society and in improve their chances of gaining employ-
politics. NRP believes that equitable partic- ment and/or creating their own business.
Driver education classes will be intro- ipation of women in politics and govern-
duced and will be conducted at the com- Improving womens access to economic
ment is essential to building and sustaining opportunities and enhancing returns on
munity centers. democracy. To this end: their efforts, therefore, will be central to the
A. Women will be encouraged to serve at goal of poverty eradication
every level of government beginning with
the position of Deputy Governor General,
the Cabinet, Permanent Secretary, Junior
Minister and on the Boards of every gov-
ernment body even serving in the capacity
as Chairperson.
An NRP government will recognize Elque- also aim for excellence. Teams missing The NRP is committed to ensuring that our
medo Tonitto Willett for his pioneering role targets will find it a challenge to retain full culture is preserved and enhanced and that
in leading the way for cricketers from the funding while successful teams may attract the arts are cultivated. To that end, the NRP
Leeward Islands into the West Indies cricket greater levels of funding. in government will:
team. Willett will be given a pension of not NRP will ensure that: Move quickly to implement and
less than Five Thousand Dollars per month complete the second phase of the Nevis
and he will be named as a Sports Ambassa- The new all-weather athletic track will
be completed. Performing Arts Centre which will in-
dor. NRP will make the case for Mr. Willett clude fully equipped modern conference
to be recognized as a National Hero and be A proper study will be done to see if the facilities, music room, audio, video and
provided with a Diplomatic passport. Elquemedo Willett Park can be upgraded to dance studios.
There shall be a National Sports Council in First Class status & a robust cricket coaching
program will be implemented in all schools. NRP will offer at least one full schol-
Nevis that will advise the government on arship per year for the next 5 years to
sports. Special attention shall be given to The netball complex will be rehabili- students wishing to pursue degree courses
ensure the revitalization of sports in Nevis. tated & netball will be introduced in the in the fields of dance, theatre arts, music
Experienced and qualified coaches will be Primary Schools. education and visual arts.
engaged to assist with the development of
athletes from primary school through sixth
All sporting facilities will be upgraded. NRP will equip each school and com-
form. Funding will be provided for the de- NRP will take aggressive steps to pro- munity centre with a set of steel pans, folk
velopment of sports but ALL funding will mote Sports Tourism. and contemporary musical instruments,
be tied to agreed targets. These targets will African drums and coaches in order to
A proper incentive program will be cre- encourage more youths to get involved in
be used to encourage the development of ated to reward excellence in sports.
the various sports. Teams in regional com- these art forms island wide.
petitions will be encouraged to target a cer- NRP shall encourage the Athletics Asso- NRP will assist with modernizing and
tain number of wins and or points. Athletic ciation to produce an Olympian by 2024
covering the Cultural Complex.
teams should target a certain number of NRP shall implement an annual Sports NRP will set up a committee which will
gold medals. We must aim to have Nevisian Award ceremony.
chart the way forward for artists and their
sports men and women on every represen-
p.28 NRP shall promote Elquemedo Willett Performing Rights.
tative regional team and our officials should
as a National Hero
The spike in murders and crime over the NRP will install CCTV cameras in key PUBLIC LIFE
last few years is unsettling to many Nev- locations around the island and the requi-
The NRP is committed to good governance.
isians. To that end, the NRP will move site training will be provided for personnel
To that end, our policies include:
aggressively to combat crime and keep our to monitor the cameras.
communities safe. We will: NRP will introduce a rewards program A. The Integrity in Public Life Act that was
debated, passed and gazetted shall be enact-
NRP shall build a new Police Station in that will provide funds for information
ed by the appointment of the Commission-
Newcastle to replace the nearly 50 year old that leads to the arrest and conviction of
ers. The Commissioners shall be allowed to
dilapidated station. criminals.
work independently as they follow the full
NRP shall also provide training to po- Incentives will be offered for persons extent of the law.
lice officers to better enable them to solve training in Criminology and Policing,
crimes. Forensics and areas of study that will better B. NRP shall give effect to the Public
Accounts Committee.
The Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) enhance our Police force.
system will be revamped and cutting edge Community policing will be encouraged.
technology will be introduced. The images
produced by the cameras must be clear and
highly readable and useable.


The significant gains that transformed the raise the limit on the concessions from BE FAIR FOR ALL
agricultural landscape under NRP have 5,000 gallons to 50,000 gallons. Addition-
been recklessly squandered. Lacking the ally, several wells will be rehabilitated and It is the duty of every Government to pro- With a resident Judge stationed on Nevis
vide adequate physical facility and related the time has come for us to provide perma-
clarity of vision that is made worse by used to provide irrigation water for farmers
supportive mechanisms for the Judiciary. nent housing facility for the Judge.
incompetent leadership, the once thriving in Cades Bay, Indian Castle and New River.
The present Government has abandoned NRP will take steps to upgrade the posi-
sector is now on life support. Armed with a E. A Tissue Culture facility will be built. This its function in this regard. Our High Court tion of Deputy Registrar to a full function-
new mandate, NRP will once again breathe will allow our farmers access to disease free and Magistrate Court are in dire need of ing Registrar position.
new life in agriculture. plants of all types including ornamentals. great repair and presently are limited in
A. Nevisians have an insatiable demand F. In 2008, NRP constructed a $1.2 million functionality. The following is a list of inad- We feel the time has come for us to
for an affordable supply for fish protein. To equacies observed: house both the Superior and Lower Court
agro-processing facility designed to add value
satisfy this demand, sustainable programs in the same structure. An NRP government
in both aquaculture (freshwater farming
to local fruit and vegetable produce. Unfortu- The High Court is limited in its ability will construct a new and modern Judicial
nately, the full potential of the investment has of accommodating Lawyers robing before
for Tilapia) and Mari culture (saltwater or Complex. Since taking Government the
not been realized. NRP will give additional Court sessions. Lawyers are presently rob-
ocean farming of African pompano i.e. cob- CCM Party has done nothing to bring to
financial and administrative support in order ing on the steps of the Court in full view
bler) shall be actively pursued. Further, val- fruition the recommendations of The Hall
to enhance the output of this facility. of the public.
ue addition through the production of fish of Justice Project.
products will be promoted and supported. G. NRP intends to make Nevis the focal Witnesses have to be out in the yard ex-
point of hydroponic production in the As a Government we would also re-
posed to the elements until they are called
B. The most consumed meat item on the region by articulating friendly policies name the Magistrate Court in honour of
during a trial. Mr. Cecil O Byron our longest serving
Nevisian plate is chicken and yet we pro- designed to attract both local and foreign
duce less than 0.1% of what we consume. direct investment in the sector. There is the need for a Jury room. resident Magistrate.
The limiting factor for a successful broiler The benches for seating are relics of an The NRP will make provisions for a
production program is efficient processing. H. NRP will introduce workable solutions
ancient era and in need of replacement. Legal Aid Clinic. This will ensure that
To this end, the NRP will support chicken to humanely control wild, feral and domes-
The acoustics of the High Court is poor. less fortunate persons will get access to
meat production through the construction ticated animal pests.
Many times during a trial, the loudness of legal services.
of a modern processing plant. I. NRP will vigorously pursue the establish-
the air conditioners interfere with audibility.
C. Banana, plantains and root crops thrive ment of the Nevis Fisheries Complex that
at higher, cooler and wetter elevations. NRP was killed under the CCM administration. The Registry has great difficulty fulfill-
ing modern day functions as the physical
will therefore make available 25 acres of J. NRP will facilitate and support a Trades
mountain lands available for farmers who space is inadequate to accommodate filing
Mission to Caribbean territories with a
wish to go into these crops. and storage of Court documents
mandate to build improved trade links for
p.32 D. Support for our farmers will see greater Nevisian agricultural products.
concessions on the water rates. NRP will
22 ENHANCING OUR TOURISM OBJECTIVES: Overdependence on traditional areas of fo-
cus and lack of innovation and commitment
AND CREATING JOBS Increase tourism GDP.
Diversify the tourist product.
to diversifying beyond sun, sea and sand
certification and training of our workforce.
While tourism remains the backbone of The Nevisian tourism industry must as a Increase investments in tourism and tour- Our environmental conditions are often
the business industry on Nevis, it is no matter of survival continuously bring new ism related infrastructure. perceived as substandard once the guest
longer providing the once robust and con- ideas to the fore as we strategize to become Develop the human resource capacity to leaves the resort.
sistent growth that is essential to support- the premier small island destination in meet international luxury standards. The NRP has identified six (6) key areas
ing the daily lives of Nevisians. While our our region. A diversified tourism econo-
Currently, our tourism industry is that we will move expeditiously to develop.
tourism product exploits the abundance my must be developed and managed in a
struggling due to the following factors: We will pay close attention and allocate
of sun, sea and sand interspersed with a way that ensures long term success. Even
dollars to the following priority areas:
rich cache of historical ruins, an expan- though the challenges are numerous and Our on island product (natural and heri-
sive unspoilt rain forest with cascading complex, a focused and measured approach tage sites) are underdeveloped and there-
waterfalls and the warm healing waters of will allow us to solidify the key areas in the fore underwhelming. This results in low EXPERIENCES
natural mineral hot springs, we have yet short term and break new ground in the visitor satisfaction. Create interactive experiences around core
to fully maximize and harness this huge long term.
Investment in local private sector is low and sites including New River, Fort Ashby,
potential to our advantage. The Nevis Reformation Party will develop infrastructure is inadequate. Fort Charles, Saddle Hill Monument, The
Tourism represents the largest percentage and market Nevis as the Premier Small Heritage Village, Hamilton Estate, Pinneys
The communication and promotion of
of our GDP but as the regional and ex- Island Destination in the Region. Beach and Cottle Church.
tourism is deficient and results in a lack of
tra-regional competition for tourism dol-
awareness of Nevis as a tourism destination. Charlestown Revitalization Project
lars becomes fierce, it is critically important
that we elevate and diversify our product. Charlestown Historical Preservation
Guided Walking Tours
Medical Tourism: Identify and facilitate achieved. Having received this training, all
the establishment of varied Offshore Medi- participants will be honoured with certifi-
cal Facilities. cation that will enhance their marketability
Sport and Event Tourism: Identify and when they pursue employment opportuni-
establish appropriate sporting and event ties at new institutions.
festivals creating Nevis niche Festivals. NRP will lead negotiations to get the Old
Conference and Incentive Tourism: Manor Hotel operational as a hospitali-
With the expansion of our inventory, the ty training center by 2020. This training
NRP will insist that any project of over center will provide training for our people
60 rooms/units must include conference in the hospitality, food and beverage sectors
facilities. The NRP will then ensure that the as well as increasing our current hotel room
NTA markets Nevis as a conference and count on the island. Trainees will be certi-
incentive destination. fied in their respective field and would be
in a better position to demand better wages.
We will partner with the larger hotels to
CERTIFICATION have rooms and amenities that resemble
AND TRAINING theirs so that trainees can get hands on
EXPERIENCES continued MARKETING INITIATIVE The NRP recognizes that the service stan- training in the environments that they
Cotton Ginnery Renovation Enhance the traditional experiences dards in all businesses on the island must would ultimately be placed in. Guests to the
and promote our uniqueness be elevated to a higher level of profession- hotel will be a part of the training exercises
Cruise Terminal
alism which is critical if we are to compete in exchange for discounted rates.
Gallows Bay Reenactment
with our Caribbean neighbours to attract
Former Warehouse Re Envisioned DIVERSIFICATION OF and maintain a repeat clientele. Concom-
Welcome Center itant with the development of the physical
Diversify beyond sun, sea and sand by product, the NRP plans to work vigorous- Nevis island beautification project (roadside
Extension of the Hunkins Drive cleanup, natural landscaping, public green
focusing on cruise, health, education and ly on the training of personnel in small
Board walk down to Pinneys Beach sports tourism businesses who provide direct service to spaces, more greenery in Charlestown)
Made in Nevis Establish a cruise port terminal visitors. NRP is committed to ensure that Waste management and Water Treatment
Guided Walking Tours visitors do not experience wavering ser-
Launch a comeback program for Public beach optimization (toilets, showers
vice as they interact with the island and its
Craft House cruise visitors and beach clean up)
people. Minimum standards will be estab-
Newcastle Pottery Tap into our Cricket History to target lished and service providers will be trained Palm Project (replanting of palms and
Agro-tours international teams during pre-season to deliver service at a level that does not fall other trees)
training below those established standards. Exploration of a Recycling Initiative
Newcastle Seafood Nights
Develop a world class cricket facility The NRP will establish a training pro- Artificial reef construction
gramme comprising important educational
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Education Tourism (offshore schools):
theories and core competencies delivered
GRANTS AND LOANS The NRP will renegotiate the agreement
in a classroom setting and consolidated
SCHEME with the Medical University of the Ameri-
through practical sessions. The programme
cas to enable the establishment of Offshore
Focused on helping local investors open will be of a recurring nature so that there
Schools that are not in direct competition
tourism related businesses is retraining and continual reinforcement
with the MUA.
Special emphasis on point of entry of service standards in order to ensure
tourism services that a consistently high level of service is


A new NRP government will aggressively
pursue Waste Management through the
A Waste to Energy plant that will utilize
all of the combustible material received at
the landfill plus mining the waste disposal
site for combustible material.
We shall also review the schedule for
collections and improve the service avail-
able to consumers.
We shall aggressively pursue the
proper disposal of old vehicles, tyres
and appliances.



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