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Plates and Shells: Theory and Computation

- 4D9 -
Dr Fehmi Cirak (fc286@)
Office: Inglis building mezzanine level (INO 31)
Outline -1-
! This part of the module consists of seven lectures and will focus on finite
elements for beams, plates and shells. More specifically, we will consider
! Review of elasticity equations in strong and weak form

! Beam models and their finite element discretisation

! Euler-Bernoulli beam
! Timoshenko beam

! Plate models and their finite element discretisation

! Shells as an assembly of plate and membrane finite elements

! Introduction to geometrically exact shell finite elements

! Dynamics

Page 2 F. Cirak
Outline -2-
! There will be opportunities to gain hands-on experience with the
implementation of finite elements using MATLAB
! One hour lab session on implementation of beam finite elements (will be not marked)
! Coursework on implementation of plate finite elements and dynamics

Page 3 F. Cirak
Why Learn Plate and Shell FEs?
! Beam, plate and shell FE are available in almost all finite element software
! The intelligent use of this software and correct interpretation of output requires basic
understanding of the underlying theories

! FEM is able to solve problems on geometrically complicated domains

! Analytic methods introduced in the first part of the module are only suitable for computing plates
and shells with regular geometries, like disks, cylinders, spheres etc.

! Many shell structures consist of free form surfaces and/or have a complex topology
! Computational methods are the only tool for designing such shell structures

! FEM is able to solve problems involving large deformations, non-linear

material models and/or dynamics

! FEM is very cost effective and fast compared to experimentation

Page 4 F. Cirak
! JN Reddy, An introduction to the finite element method, McGraw-Hill (2006)

! TJR Hughes, The finite element method, linear static and dynamic finite element
analysis, Prentice-Hall (1987)

! K-J Bathe, Finite element procedures, Prentice Hall (1996)

! J Fish, T Belytschko, A first course on finite elements, John Wiley & Sons (2007)

! 3D7 - Finite element methods - handouts

Page 5 F. Cirak
Examples of Shell Structures -1-
! Civil engineering

Masonry shell structure (Eladio Dieste) Concrete roof structure (Pier Luigi Nervi)

! Mechanical engineering and aeronautics

Ship hull (sheet metal and frame) Fuselage (sheet metal and frame)
Page 6 F. Cirak
Examples of Shell Structures -2-
! Consumer products

! Nature

Crusteceans Ficus elastica leaf Red blood cells

Page 7 F. Cirak
Representative Finite Element Computations

Wrinkling of an inflated party balloon

Virtual crash test (BMW)

buckling of carbon nanotubes

Sheet metal stamping (Abaqus)

Page 8 F. Cirak
Shell-Fluid Coupled Airbag Inflation -1-
0.86 m

0.49 m

0.74 m

0.025 m

0.123 m
Shell mesh: 10176 elements Fluid mesh: 48x48x62 cells

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Shell-Fluid Coupled Airbag Inflation -2-

Page 10 F. Cirak
Detonation Driven Fracture -1-
Fractured tubes (Al 6061-T6)

! Modeling and simulation challenges

! Ductile mixed mode fracture
! Fluid-shell interaction

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Detonation Driven Fracture -2-

Page 12 F. Cirak
Roadmap for the Derivation of FEM
! As introduced in 3D7, there are two distinct ingredients that are combined
to arrive at the discrete system of FE equations
! The weak form
! A mesh and the corresponding shape functions

! In the derivation of the weak form for beams, plates and shells the
following approach will be pursued
1) Assume how a beam, plate or shell deforms across its thickness
2) Introduce the assumed deformations into the weak form of three-dimensional elasticity
3) Integrate the resulting three-dimensional elasticity equations along the thickness direction

Page 13 F. Cirak
Elasticity Theory -1-
! Consider a body in its undeformed (reference) configuration

! The body deforms due to loading and the material points move by a displacement

! Kinematic equations; defined based on displacements of an infinitesimal

volume element)
! Axial strains

Page 14 F. Cirak
Elasticity Theory -2-
! Shear components

! Stresses
! Normal stress components

! Shear stress component

! Shear stresses are symmetric

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Elasticity Theory -3-
! Equilibrium equations (determined from equilibrium of an infinitesimal
volume element)
! Equilibrium in x-direction

! Equilibrium in y-direction

! Equilibrium in z-direction

! are the components of the external loading vector (e.g., gravity)

Page 16 F. Cirak
Elasticity Theory -4-
! Hookes law (linear elastic material equations)

! With the material constants Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio

Page 17 F. Cirak
Index Notation -1-
! The notation used on the previous slides is rather clumsy and leads to very
long expressions

! Matrices and vectors can also be expressed in index notation, e.g.

! Summation convention: a repeated index implies summation over 1,2,3, e.g.

! A comma denotes differentiation

Page 18 F. Cirak
Index Notation -2-
! Kronecker delta

! Examples:

Page 19 F. Cirak
Elasticity Theory in Index Notation -1-
! Kinematic equations

! Note that these are six equations

! Equilibrium equations

! Note that these are three equations

! Linear elastic material equations

! Inverse relationship

! Instead of the Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio the Lame constants can be used

Page 20 F. Cirak
Weak Form of Equilibrium Equations -1-
! The equilibrium, kinematic and material equations can be combined into
three coupled second order partial differential equations

! Next the equilibrium equations in weak form are considered in preparation

for finite elements
! In structural analysis the weak form is also known as the principle of virtual displacements

! To simplify the derivations we assume that the boundaries of the domain are fixed (built-in, zero

! The weak form is constructed by multiplying the equilibrium equations with test functions vi which
are zero at fixed boundaries but otherwise arbitrary

Page 21 F. Cirak
Weak Form of Equilibrium Equations -1-
! Further make use of integration by parts

! Aside: divergence theorem

! Consider a vector field and its divergence

! The divergence theorem states

! Using the divergence theorem equation (1) reduces to

! which leads to the principle of virtual displacements

Page 22 F. Cirak
Weak Form of Equilibrium Equations -2-
! The integral on the left hand side is the internal virtual work performed by the internal stresses due to virtual

! The integral on the right hand side is the external virtual work performed by the external forces due to virtual

! Note that the material equations have not been used in the preceding derivation.
Hence, the principle of virtual work is independent of material (valid for elastic, plastic,
! The internal virtual work can also be written with virtual strains so that the principle of
virtual work reads

! Try to prove

Page 23 F. Cirak

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