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Press Economic Human Bribe Failed

Control of Perception Political
Freedom Freedom Developme Payers States
Corruption Index(TI)20 Stability
Index Index nt Index Index(2006) Index

Algeria DZA
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Azerbaijan AZE
Bangladesh BGD
Benin BEN
Bosnia and H BIH
Brazil BRA
Bulgaria BGR
Burundi BDI
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
China CHN
Colombia COL
Congo, Dem. ZAR
Costa Rica CRI
Ecuador ECU
Egypt, Arab R EGY
Ethiopia ETH
France FRA
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Guatemala GTM
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kyrgyz Republ KGZ
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Liberia LBR
Malawi MWI
Mexico MEX
Moldova MDA
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nepal NPL
Nicaragua NIC
Nigeria NGA
Pakistan PAK
Papua New G PNG
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Romania ROM
Russian Feder RUS
Senegal SEN
Serbia YUG
Sierra Leone SLE
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Timor-Leste TMP
Turkey TUR
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Kingd GBR
United States USA
Vanuatu VUT
Vietnam VNM
Yemen Rep. YEM
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE
Combined Gross Unemploym
Enrollment Ratio for Total ent (% of
Governmen Primary, Secondary GDP per Governmen total labour
Voice and Foreign Aid External
t and Tertiary schools Capita(Con t force)
accountabli Per capita Debt (US$
Effectivene stant 2000 Expenditure
ty (US dollars) millions)
ss (%) US dollars) %GDP(2005
2004 (2004)














Calculated by
UNESCO Institute for
Statistics in 2006.
Citing reference year
of education data to
the calendar year in
which the academic or
financial year ends–
from 2003/04, for
example, to 2004.
Ratios calculated by
dividing the number of
students enrolled in all
levels of schooling
(excluding adult
education) by
the total population in
the official age group
corresponding to
these levels
Net Foreign Legatum
Female Legatum
Direct Prosperity
Economic Life Prosperity
Poverty Rate GINI Investment Index(Life Religious Freedom
activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater
inflows (as Satisfaction
% (2004) ial Wealth)
% of GDP) )

1.0 0
22.6 2.7 1
50.9 7.1 1
49 41.7 0
49.8 0.8 0
29 1.5 1
19.5 7.2 0
22 3 1
12.8 8.3 0
36.4 0.5 1
40.2 1
0.6 1
4.6 2.8 0
64 3.1 1
0 0
22 3.4 1
46 3.8 1
16.7 1.6 0
44.2 6.8 0
1.2 1
54.5 9.6 1
-1.3 0
39.5 1.6 1
56.2 0.6 1
28.6 0.8 0
27.1 0.4 0
1.4 1
1 1
0.2 1
11.7 5.4 0
34.6 10.1 1
52 0.3 1
47.6 3.5 1
5.1 1
1.3 0
65.3 0.9 1
20.3 2.6 1
48.5 3.1 1

69.4 4.0 1
.. 1
30.9 0.0 0
47.9 5.5 1
34.1 2.6 0
32.6 1.2 0
37.5 0.7 1
49 2.6 1
36.8 0.6 1
21.5 7.4 0
30.9 2.1 1
33.4 0.9 1

2.4 1
0.3 1
25 1.6 1
1.2 1
7.2 0
13.1 1
35.7 2.3 1
13.1 0.9 1
.. 1
27 0.9 0
37.7 3.3 0
19.5 2.6 1
3.4 1
0.9 1
6.9 1
28.9 3.6 0
41.8 1.1 0
72.9 6.2 1
34.9 0

UNDP UNDP CIRI Human Rights Data Project

r2006/statistics/indica 06/statistics/i
tors/25.html ndicators/17

2006 2004 2004

1990-2003 2003 2003
Varies 2003 2003
Data refers to most = official CIRI dataset is independently
recent year available development coded by at least two trained
during the period assistance coders along with senior CIRI
specified. Small in- and total staff
house team of debt 1= freedom of
qualified statisticians, service / GNI religion - government places no
a Senior Statistical restrictions on religious
Advisor, consultants practices
and annual peer
reviewers review all 0=government
of HDRO's statistical places some restrictions on
work. A select group Source : religious practices
of distinguished World Bank
national and
professionals sit on
the Statistical
Advisory Panel and
the peer review
process is done
through leading
regional and national
statistical offices.
Press Economic Human Bribe Failed
Control of Perception
Freedom Freedom Development Payers States
Corruption Index(TI)20
Index Index Index Index(2006) Index

Algeria DZA 0.728

Argentina ARG 0.863
Armenia ARM 0.768
Azerbaijan AZE 0.736
Bangladesh BGD 0.530
Benin BEN 0.428
Bosnia and H BIH 0.800
Brazil BRA 0.792
Bulgaria BGR 0.816
Burundi BDI 0.384
Cameroon CMR 0.506
Canada CAN 0.950
China CHN 0.768
Colombia COL 0.790
Congo, Dem. ZAR 0.520
Costa Rica CRI 0.841
Ecuador ECU 0.765
Egypt, Arab R EGY 0.702
Ethiopia ETH 0.371
France FRA 0.942
Georgia GEO 0.743
Germany DEU 0.932
Ghana GHA 0.532
Guatemala GTM 0.673
India IND 0.611
Indonesia IDN 0.711
Israel ISR 0.927
Italy ITA 0.940
Japan JPN 0.949
Jordan JOR 0.760
Kazakhstan KAZ 0.774
Kenya KEN 0.491
Kyrgyz Republ KGZ 0.705
Latvia LVA 0.845
Lebanon LBN 0.774
Liberia LBR N/A
Malawi MWI 0.400
Mexico MEX 0.821
Moldova MDA 0.694
Montenegro N/A
Mozambique MOZ 0.390
Namibia NAM N/A
Nepal NPL 0.527
Nicaragua NIC 0.698
Nigeria NGA 0.448
Pakistan PAK 0.539
Papua New G PNG 0.445
Peru PER 0.767
Philippines PHL 0.763
Romania ROM 0.805
Russian Feder RUS 0.797
Senegal SEN 0.460
Serbia YUG N/A
Sierra Leone SLE 0.335
South Africa ZAF 0.653
Spain ESP 0.938
Sri Lanka LKA 0.755
Sudan SDN 0.516
Tajikistan TJK 0.652
Tanzania TZA 0.430
Thailand THA 0.784
Timor-Leste TMP 0.512
Turkey TUR 0.757
Uganda UGA 0.502
Ukraine UKR 0.774
United Kingd GBR 0.940
United States USA 0.948
Vanuatu VUT 0.670
Vietnam VNM 0.709
Yemen Rep. YEM 0.492
Zambia ZMB 0.407
Zimbabwe ZWE 0.491




A composite
index measuring
achievement in
three basic
dimensions of
long and healthy
life, knowledge
and a decent
standard of living.
Ratio for
Governmen GDP per Governmen Unemployment (% of
Voice and Secondary Foreign Aid External
Political t Capita(Con t total labour force)
accountabli and Tertiary Per capita Debt (US$
Stability Effectivene stant 2000 Expenditure
ty schools (US dollars) millions)
ss US dollars) %GDP(2005 (2004)


World Bank

WDI Online


Number of people who
are unemployed divided
by the number of people
in the labour force.
Country data available
from Labour Force
Surveys, administrative
records, official national
estimates and population
Net Foreign Legatum
Female Legatum
Direct Prosperity
Poverty Economic Life Prosperity Religious
GINI Investment Index(Life
Rate activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater Freedom
inflows (as Satisfaction
% (2004) ial Wealth)
% of GDP) )

34.8 71.4
52.2 74.6
48.1 71.6
59.6 67.0
52.9 63.3
54 54.3
57.9 74.3
56.3 70.8
41.9 72.4
91.8 44.0
51.8 45.7
60.2 80.2
69.2 71.9
60.5 72.6
61.2 43.5
43.7 78.3
58.9 74.5
20.1 70.2
70.9 47.8
48.2 79.6
51.1 70.6
50.4 78.9
70.5 57
33.7 67.6
34.0 63.6
50.7 67.2
49.7 80
37.0 80.2
48.5 82.2
27.0 71.6
65.0 63.4
69.3 47.5
55.1 67.1
49.1 71.8
31.7 72.2
85.2 39.8
39.9 75.3
56.6 68.1

84.7 41.6
47.0 47.2
49.7 62.1
35.5 70
45.6 43.4
32.0 63.4
71.8 55.7
58.2 70.2
53.8 70.7
50.7 71.5
54.3 65.2
56.5 56

56.0 41.0
46.4 47
44.2 79.7
35.0 74.3
23.7 56.5
46.5 63.7
86.0 45.9
65.4 70.3
53.5 56.0
27.8 68.9
79.7 48.4
49.9 66.1
55.0 78.5
59.6 77.5
79.3 68.9
72.4 70.8
29.4 61.1
66.1 37.7
64.2 36.6


http://hdr.un http://hdr.un
06/statistics/i 06/statistics/i
ndicators/24 ndicators/2.h
5.html tml

2004 2004
2000-2004 2004

Through the
end of 2004
Data refer to Calculated,
national directly from
estimates registered
from deaths and
censuses or population
surveys counts
conducted based on
between census
2000 and enumeration
2004. s, by United
Source :
l Labour
Human Bribe
Press Freedom Control of
Economic Freedom Index Developme Payers
Index Corruption
nt Index Index(2006)

Algeria DZA 62 52.2

Argentina ARG 49 57.5
Armenia ARM 64 69.4
Azerbaijan AZE 75 55.4
Bangladesh BGD 66 47.8
Benin BEN 30 54.8
Bosnia and H BIH 45 54.7
Brazil BRA 42 60.9
Bulgaria BGR 34 62.2
Burundi BDI 77 46.8
Cameroon CMR 67 54.4
Canada CAN 17 78.7
China CHN 84 54.0
Colombia COL 57 60.5
Congo, Dem. ZAR 51
Costa Rica CRI 20 65.1
Ecuador ECU 41 55.3
Egypt, Arab R EGY 62 53.2
Ethiopia ETH 77 54.4
France FRA 21 66.1
Georgia GEO 57 68.7
Germany DEU 16 73.5
Ghana GHA 26 58.1
Guatemala GTM 59 61.2
India IND 35 55.6
Indonesia IDN 54 55.1
Israel ISR 29 68.4
Italy ITA 29 63.4
Japan JPN 21 73.6
Jordan JOR 61 64.0
Kazakhstan KAZ 76 60.4
Kenya KEN 59 59.4
Kyrgyz Republ KGZ 67 59.9
Latvia LVA 19 68.2
Lebanon LBN 59 60.3
Liberia LBR 65
Malawi MWI 53 55.5
Mexico MEX 48 65.8
Moldova MDA 65 59.5
Montenegro 37
Mozambique MOZ 40 56.6
Namibia NAM 30 63.8
Nepal NPL 58 54.0
Nicaragua NIC 42 62.7
Nigeria NGA 55 52.6
Pakistan PAK 63 58.2
Papua New G PNG 30
Peru PER 42 62.1
Philippines PHL 46 57.4
Romania ROM 42 61.3
Russian Feder RUS 75 54.0
Senegal SEN 46 58.8
Serbia YUG 39
Sierra Leone SLE 56 48.4
South Africa ZAF 28 64.1
Spain ESP 22 70.9
Sri Lanka LKA 63 59.3
Sudan SDN 81
Tajikistan TJK 76 56.9
Tanzania TZA 51 56.4
Thailand THA 59 65.6
Timor-Leste TMP 42
Turkey TUR 49 59.3
Uganda UGA 54 63.4
Ukraine UKR 53 53.3
United Kingd GBR 19 81.6
United States USA 16 82.0
Vanuatu VUT 24
Vietnam VNM 77 50.0
Yemen Rep. YEM 80 53.8
Zambia ZMB 64 57.9
Zimbabwe ZWE 89 35.8

Freedom House Heritage

May-07 2007
2005 2005-2006
Assements made 1
From second half of 2005
January 2005-31
through June 30, 2006.
December 2006
Expert assessment, 5 An average of 10 individual
experts rate all freedoms. Each is graded using
countries (this is all a scale from 0 to 100,
fictional example text).
0(best) 100(worst) 0 = minimum
100 =maximum freedom. Many
of the 10 freedoms are based on
quantitative data that are
converted directly into a score.
Ratio for
Total ent (% of
Corruption Governmen GDP per Governmen total labour
Failed Voice and Secondary Foreign Aid
Perception Political t Capita(Con t force)
States accountabli and Tertiary Per capita
Index(TI)20 Stability Effectivene stant 2000 Expenditure
Index ty schools (US dollars)
07 ss US dollars) %GDP(2005

11.27937 ..
2.57206 ..
64.07494 18.13777
26.63686 ..
9.311231 ..
41.36226 24.71784
139.767 36.24418
1.029211 ..
.. 33.63751
48.36029 ..
25.35189 ..
.. 18.13601
1.346784 ..
11.37125 31.19131
31.75691 ..
6.819608 22.72744
15.84013 ..
12.50606 ..
27.18817 ..
.. 46.12012
69.23157 17.31958
.. 31.18314
50.64622 ..
20.12611 11.03524
1.57513 ..
11.44153 ..
.. 46.65703
.. 39.37614
.. ..
114.9404 35.30411
15.13364 18.24101
22.42925 ..
52.19209 ..
.. 29.01727
60.58234 ..
71.93445 ..
44.65561 ..
1.836857 ..
49.46267 29.31275
.. ..
64.96973 ..
60.73102 ..
15.77142 16.64014
143.7221 21.01187
45.53967 ..
10.6982 14.44316
45.20703 ..
14.22256 17.27262
6.764115 18.02604
.. ..
.. 19.93856
59.12162 ..
.. ..
62.14847 ..
14.92913 29.31286
.. 24.85627
60.59754 20.94033
50.46733 ..
36.84918 ..
39.11625 ..
-2.662971 16.30734
189.3723 ..
6.438771 ..
41.57518 ..
8.699892 36.04544
.. 41.06326
.. 21.20314
186.7841 ..
22.92127 ..
16.016 ..
80.99014 ..
28.26466 ..



2007 2006
2006 2005

2005 2005
Net Foreign Legatum
Female Legatum
External Direct Prosperity
Poverty Economic Life Prosperity Religious
Debt (US$ GINI Investment Index(Life
Rate activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater Freedom
millions) inflows (as Satisfaction
% (2004) ial Wealth)
% of GDP) )
Press Economic Human
Freedom Freedom Developme Bribe Payers Index(2006) Control of Corruption
Index Index nt Index

Algeria DZA -0.39

Argentina ARG -0.47
Armenia ARM -0.58
Azerbaijan AZE -0.99
Bangladesh BGD -1.29
Benin BEN -0.81
Bosnia and H BIH -0.32
Brazil BRA 5.65 -0.33
Bulgaria BGR -0.05
Burundi BDI -1.08
Cameroon CMR -0.94
Canada CAN 7.46 1.9
China CHN 4.94 -0.53
Colombia COL -0.22
Congo, Dem. ZAR -1.43
Costa Rica CRI 0.37
Ecuador ECU -0.75
Egypt, Arab R EGY -0.41
Ethiopia ETH -0.55
France FRA 6.5 1.44
Georgia GEO -0.36
Germany DEU 7.34 1.78
Ghana GHA -0.12
Guatemala GTM -0.7
India IND 4.62 -0.21
Indonesia IDN -0.77
Israel ISR 6.01 0.83
Italy ITA 5.94 0.31
Japan JPN 7.1 1.31
Jordan JOR 0.38
Kazakhstan KAZ -0.92
Kenya KEN -0.97
Kyrgyz Republ KGZ -1.09
Latvia LVA 0.38
Lebanon LBN -0.57
Liberia LBR -0.85
Malawi MWI -0.74
Mexico MEX 6.45 -0.35
Moldova MDA -0.65
Montenegro -0.48
Mozambique MOZ -0.57
Namibia NAM 0.16
Nepal NPL -0.75
Nicaragua NIC -0.76
Nigeria NGA -1.29
Pakistan PAK -0.93
Papua New G PNG -1.13
Peru PER -0.35
Philippines PHL -0.69
Romania ROM -0.18
Russian Feder RUS 5.16 -0.76
Senegal SEN -0.42
Serbia YUG -0.35
Sierra Leone SLE -1.22
South Africa ZAF 0.56
Spain ESP 6.63 1.18
Sri Lanka LKA -0.29
Sudan SDN -1.12
Tajikistan TJK -0.91
Tanzania TZA -0.37
Thailand THA -0.26
Timor-Leste TMP -0.89
Turkey TUR 5.23 0.06
Uganda UGA -0.71
Ukraine UKR -0.67
United Kingd GBR 7.39 1.86
United States USA 7.22 1.3
Vanuatu VUT 0.2
Vietnam VNM -0.66
Yemen Rep. YEM -0.6
Zambia ZMB -0.78
Zimbabwe ZWE -1.36

Transparency Interntional World Bank

2006 2007
2006 2006
Survey carried out between Feb and
May 2006
11,232 business executives answer
on a scale of 1 (bribes are common)
to 7 (bribes never occur) to questions
about business practices of foreign
firms operating in their country.
Answers are converted to a score
between 0 and 10, and the ranking
reflects the average score.
Ratio for
Corruption Governmen GDP per Governmen
Voice and Secondary Foreign Aid
Perception Political t Capita(Con t
Failed States Index accountabli and Tertiary Per capita
Index(TI)20 Stability Effectivene stant 2000 Expenditure
ty schools (US dollars)
07 ss US dollars) %GDP(2005

3 75.9 -0.89 -0.35 -0.83 2152.71
2.9 41.4 -0.03 -0.19 0.27 8694.83
3 70.3 -0.30 -0.16 -0.72 1283.64
2.1 81.2 -1.07 -0.70 -1.14 1575.53
2.0 95.9 -1.6 -0.81 -0.52 453.61
2.7 72 0.38 -0.50 0.16 326.57
3.3 84.5 -0.52 -0.66 0.18 1740.60
3.5 66.9 -0.09 -0.11 0.37 4054.84
4.1 60.3 0.29 0.14 0.56 2255.64
2.5 95.2 -1.35 -1.29 -1.04 105.99
2.4 89.4 -0.22 -0.89 -1.02 25562.16
8.7 25.1 1.90 2.03 1.46 750.81
3.5 81.2 -0.37 -0.01 -1.66 1594.87
3.8 89.7 -1.62 0.01 -0.25 2316.89
1.9 105.5 -2.31 -1.61 -1.62 92.77
5 50.5 0.93 0.29 0.84 4792.51
2.1 79.9 -0.9 -1.12 -0.35 1596.86
2.9 89.2 -0.87 -0.41 -1.08 1695.75
2.4 95.3 -1.82 -0.61 -1.08 155.39
7.3 34.1 0.46 1.20 1.40 23898.96
3.4 82.3 -0.86 -0.16 -0.16 1070.94
7.8 38.4 0.83 1.52 1.48 24592.23
3.7 61.9 0.23 0.05 0.37 299.64
2.8 81.4 -0.82 -0.67 -0.29 1771.05
3.5 70.8 -0.84 -0.04 0.35 633.74
2.3 84.4 -1.17 -0.38 -0.25 983.09
6.1 79.6 -1.18 1.10 0.68 ..
5.2 37.1 0.28 0.38 1.14 19708.53
7.5 28.5 1.11 1.29 0.91 40000.42
4.7 76.6 -0.53 0.19 -0.62 2193.32
2.1 72.3 0.06 -0.53 -1.03 2164.37
2.1 91.3 -1.09 -0.69 -0.18 455.84
2.1 88.2 -1.2 -0.86 -0.70 325.69
4.8 56.7 0.81 0.73 0.83 5682.87
3 92.4 -1.76 -0.45 -0.51 5055.25
2.1 92.9 -1.22 -1.37 -0.55 141.68
2.7 92.2 0.02 -0.85 -0.31 163.92
3.5 72.6 -0.4 0.16 0.06 6386.73
2.8 85.7 -0.48 -0.85 -0.48 492.18
3.3 55.6 0.15 -0.20 -0.07 1880.59
2.8 76.9 0.52 -0.30 -0.06 306.76
4.5 71.3 0.83 0.13 0.39 2172.21
2.5 93.6 -2.26 -0.89 -1.15 233.77
2.6 80 -0.44 -0.97 -0.22 904.16
2.2 95.6 -1.99 -0.96 -0.78 439.00
2.4 100.1 -1.92 -0.51 -1.17 622.83
2 85.1 -0.8 -0.84 -0.05 639.45
3.5 76.4 -0.9 -0.46 0.05 2488.73
2.5 83.2 -1.26 -0.01 -0.18 1175.47
3.7 60.9 0.12 -0.05 0.43 2443.01
2.3 81.2 -0.74 -0.43 -0.87 2621.35
3.6 66.9 -0.26 -0.23 -0.05 473.43
3.4 81.1 -0.69 -0.29 0.05 1156.91
2.1 93.4 -0.46 -1.10 -0.43 228.45
5.1 57.4 -0.07 0.78 0.60 3562.06
6.7 39.2 0.33 1.05 1.05 16177.36
3.2 93.1 -1.61 -0.36 -0.35 1075.93
1.8 113.7 -2.18 -1.14 0.26 511.48
2.1 88.7 -1.3 -1.06 -1.27 246.93
3.2 79.3 -0.17 -0.31 -0.26 334.56
3.3 76 -0.99 0.29 -0.50 2548.55
2.6 94.9 -0.98 -0.71 -0.33 321.30
4.1 74.9 -0.65 0.23 -0.19 3581.82
2.8 96.4 -1.18 -0.50 -0.54 274.32
2.7 71.4 -0.27 -0.57 -0.11 1040.19
8.4 34.1 0.46 1.83 1.42 27582.16
7.2 33.6 0.31 1.64 1.08 38165.25
3.1 1.39 -0.39 0.50 1255.27
2.6 77.8 0.42 -0.37 -1.45 575.69
2.5 93.2 -1.4 -0.93 -1.06 549.25
2.6 80.6 0.29 -0.74 -0.34 365.45
2.1 110.1 -1.18 -1.53 -1.58 408.70

y Foreign Policy/Fund for
International Peace World Bank World Bank World Bank WDI

ansparency. http://info.wo http://info.wo http://info.wo ausys.georg
search/surve governance/ governance/ governance/ xport/e244c3
ys_indices/c wgi2007/ wgi2007/ wgi2007/ 69-5053-
pi/2007 410c-8f0f-

2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007

2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006

2006 May to December 2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2006

A software tool indexes
and scans tens of
thousands of
international and local
media reports and other
public documents. It
calculates the number
of positive and negative
“hits” for 12 indicators.
Internal and external
experts then review the
scores as well as the
articles themselves.

high (stable)
ent (% of
Net Foreign Legatum
total labour Female Legatum
External Direct Prosperity
force) Poverty Economic Life Prosperity Religious
Debt (US$ GINI Investment Index(Life
Rate activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater Freedom
millions) inflows (as Satisfaction
% (2004) ial Wealth)
% of GDP) )
Combined Gross Enrollment Unemployment,total
Total Legatum Legatum
Corruption Ratio for Primary, Secondary GDP per (% of total labour Gross External Net Foreign Direct
Press Freedom Economic Freedom Human Development Control of Political Government Voice and Foreign Aid Per Government Female Economic Prosperity Prosperity
Bribe Payers Index(2006) Perception Failed States Index and Tertiary schools Capita(Constant force) Debt (US$ Poverty Rate GINI Investment inflows (as Life Expectancy Religious Freedom
Index Index Index Corruption Stability Effectiveness accountablity capita (US dollars) Expenditure activity rate % (2004) Index(Materia Index(Life
Index(TI)2007 (%) 2000 US dollars) millions) % of GDP)
%GDP(2005) l Wealth) Satisfaction)
2004 (2004)

Algeria DZA 62 52.2 0.728 -0.39 3 75.9 -0.89 -0.35 -0.83 73.2 2152.71 11.27936563073 .. 20.1 35.3 1.0 34.8 71.4 0
Argentina ARG 49 57.5 0.863 -0.47 2.9 41.4 -0.03 -0.19 0.27 89.3 8694.83 2.572060271378 .. .. 112281 22.6 52.8 2.7 52.2 74.6 63 84 1
Armenia ARM 64 69.4 0.768 -0.58 3 70.3 -0.30 -0.16 -0.72 74 1283.64 64.07493654503 18.1377693 .. 2086 50.9 33.8 7.1 48.1 71.6 1
Azerbaijan AZE 75 55.4 0.736 -0.99 2.1 81.2 -1.07 -0.70 -1.14 68.3 1575.53 26.63686218407 .. .. 49 19.0 41.7 59.6 67.0 0
Bangladesh BGD 66 47.8 0.530 -1.29 2.0 95.9 -1.6 -0.81 -0.52 57.1 453.61 9.311231191918 .. .. 49.8 31.8 0.8 52.9 63.3 42 54 0
Benin BEN 30 54.8 0.428 -0.81 2.7 72 0.38 -0.50 0.16 326.57 41.36225622131 24.717836 .. 29 36.5 1.5 54 54.3 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH 45 54.7 0.800 -0.32 3.3 84.5 -0.52 -0.66 0.18 67.3 1740.60 139.7669969906 36.2441824 .. 19.5 26.2 7.2 57.9 74.3 0
Brazil BRA 42 60.9 0.792 5.65 -0.33 3.5 66.9 -0.09 -0.11 0.37 4054.84 1.029211070204 .. .. 215543 22 58 3 56.3 70.8 50 76 1
Bulgaria BGR 34 62.2 0.816 -0.05 4.1 60.3 0.29 0.14 0.56 80.9 2255.64 .. 33.6375065 12.1 27267 12.8 29.2 8.3 41.9 72.4 65 62 0
Burundi BDI 77 46.8 0.384 -1.08 2.5 95.2 -1.35 -1.29 -1.04 36.2 105.99 48.36028812132 .. .. 36.4 42.4 0.5 91.8 44.0 1
Cameroon CMR 67 54.4 0.506 -0.94 2.4 89.4 -0.22 -0.89 -1.02 62.3 25562.16 25.3518853822 .. .. 40.2 44.6 51.8 45.7 1
Canada CAN 17 78.7 0.950 7.46 1.9 8.7 25.1 1.90 2.03 1.46 93.1 750.81 .. 18.136007 7.2 716490 32.6 0.6 60.2 80.2 86 92 1
China CHN 84 54.0 0.768 4.94 -0.53 3.5 81.2 -0.37 -0.01 -1.66 70.4 1594.87 1.346784208509 .. 4.2 46583 4.6 44.7 2.8 69.2 71.9 0
Colombia COL 57 60.5 0.790 -0.22 3.8 89.7 -1.62 0.01 -0.25 72.9 2316.89 11.37125412636 31.191306 13.7 42348 64 58.6 3.1 60.5 72.6 1
Congo, Dem. Rep ZAR 51 0.520 -1.43 1.9 105.5 -2.31 -1.61 -1.62 92.77 31.75690506816 .. .. 0 61.2 43.5 0
Costa Rica CRI 20 65.1 0.841 0.37 5 50.5 0.93 0.29 0.84 72.4 4792.51 6.819608303514 22.7274376 6.4 7032 22 49.9 3.4 43.7 78.3 1
Ecuador ECU 41 55.3 0.765 -0.75 2.1 79.9 -0.9 -1.12 -0.35 .. 1596.86 15.84013453456 .. 8.6 17182 46 43.7 3.8 58.9 74.5 1
Egypt, Arab Rep. EGY 62 53.2 0.702 -0.41 2.9 89.2 -0.87 -0.41 -1.08 75.5 1695.75 12.50606419709 .. .. 28743 16.7 34.4 1.6 20.1 70.2 42 47 0
Ethiopia ETH 77 54.4 0.371 -0.55 2.4 95.3 -1.82 -0.61 -1.08 155.39 27.18816661053 .. 23.1 44.2 30 6.8 70.9 47.8 0
France FRA 21 66.1 0.942 6.5 1.44 7.3 34.1 0.46 1.20 1.40 92.6 23898.96 .. 46.1201227 9.9 4138782 32.7 1.2 48.2 79.6 80 69 1
Georgia GEO 57 68.7 0.743 -0.36 3.4 82.3 -0.86 -0.16 -0.16 75.5 1070.94 69.23156693048 17.3195792 12.6 54.5 40.4 9.6 51.1 70.6 1
Germany DEU 16 73.5 0.932 7.34 1.78 7.8 38.4 0.83 1.52 1.48 .. 24592.23 .. 31.1831436 9.8 4298377 28.3 -1.3 50.4 78.9 97 82 0
Ghana GHA 26 58.1 0.532 -0.12 3.7 61.9 0.23 0.05 0.37 299.64 50.64622059481 .. .. 39.5 40.8 1.6 70.5 57 1
Guatemala GTM 59 61.2 0.673 -0.7 2.8 81.4 -0.82 -0.67 -0.29 1771.05 20.12610624333 11.0352404 .. 56.2 55.1 0.6 33.7 67.6 1
India IND 35 55.6 0.611 4.62 -0.21 3.5 70.8 -0.84 -0.04 0.35 62 633.74 1.575129524212 .. 5 155033 28.6 32.5 0.8 34.0 63.6 45 49 0
Indonesia IDN 54 55.1 0.711 -0.77 2.3 84.4 -1.17 -0.38 -0.25 983.09 11.44152558511 .. 9.9 134986 27.1 34.3 0.4 50.7 67.2 44 72 0
Israel ISR 29 68.4 0.927 6.01 0.83 6.1 79.6 -1.18 1.10 0.68 .. .. 46.657034 .. 85815 39.2 1.4 49.7 80 77 75 1
Italy ITA 29 63.4 0.940 5.94 0.31 5.2 37.1 0.28 0.38 1.14 89.3 19708.53 .. 39.3761422 8 2175165 36.0 1 37.0 80.2 71 71 1
Japan JPN 21 73.6 0.949 7.1 1.31 7.5 28.5 1.11 1.29 0.91 85.5 40000.42 .. .. 4.7 1538487 24.9 0.2 48.5 82.2 80 63 1
Jordan JOR 61 64.0 0.760 0.38 4.7 76.6 -0.53 0.19 -0.62 79 2193.32 114.9404046937 35.3041132 12.4 11.7 38.8 5.4 27.0 71.6 48 68 0
Kazakhstan KAZ 76 60.4 0.774 -0.92 2.1 72.3 0.06 -0.53 -1.03 90.7 2164.37 15.13363988367 18.2410112 8.4 81636 34.6 33.9 10.1 65.0 63.4 1
Kenya KEN 59 59.4 0.491 -0.97 2.1 91.3 -1.09 -0.69 -0.18 60.1 455.84 22.42924554327 .. .. 286133 52 42.5 0.3 69.3 47.5 1
Kyrgyz Republic KGZ 67 59.9 0.705 -1.09 2.1 88.2 -1.2 -0.86 -0.70 78.2 325.69 52.19208710022 .. .. 2740 47.6 30.3 3.5 55.1 67.1 1
Latvia LVA 19 68.2 0.845 0.38 4.8 56.7 0.81 0.73 0.83 90.1 5682.87 .. 29.0172718 10.4 26980 37.7 5.1 49.1 71.8 1
Lebanon LBN 59 60.3 0.774 -0.57 3 92.4 -1.76 -0.45 -0.51 83.8 5055.25 60.58233642669 .. .. .. 1.3 31.7 72.2 0
Liberia LBR 65 N/A -0.85 2.1 92.9 -1.22 -1.37 -0.55 141.68 71.9344482188 .. .. N/A 0
Malawi MWI 53 55.5 0.400 -0.74 2.7 92.2 0.02 -0.85 -0.31 64.3 163.92 44.65561181425 .. .. 65.3 50.3 0.9 85.2 39.8 1
Mexico MEX 48 65.8 0.821 6.45 -0.35 3.5 72.6 -0.4 0.16 0.06 75.3 6386.73 1.836857050684 .. 3 176085 20.3 49.5 2.6 39.9 75.3 59 91 1
Moldova MDA 65 59.5 0.694 -0.65 2.8 85.7 -0.48 -0.85 -0.48 70.1 492.18 49.462669034 29.3127542 8.1 2599 48.5 33.2 3.1 56.6 68.1 1
Montenegro 37 N/A -0.48 3.3 55.6 0.15 -0.20 -0.07 1880.59 .. .. ..
Mozambique MOZ 40 56.6 0.390 -0.57 2.8 76.9 0.52 -0.30 -0.06 48.6 306.76 64.96972685583 .. .. 69.4 39.6 4.0 84.7 41.6 1
Namibia NAM 30 63.8 N/A 0.16 4.5 71.3 0.83 0.13 0.39 67.2 2172.21 60.73101712638 .. .. 74.3 .. 47.0 47.2 1
Nepal NPL 58 54.0 0.527 -0.75 2.5 93.6 -2.26 -0.89 -1.15 57 233.77 15.77141676909 16.6401431 .. 30.9 47.2 0.0 49.7 62.1 0
Nicaragua NIC 42 62.7 0.698 -0.76 2.6 80 -0.44 -0.97 -0.22 904.16 143.7221406903 21.0118716 .. 47.9 43.1 5.5 35.5 70 1
Nigeria NGA 55 52.6 0.448 -1.29 2.2 95.6 -1.99 -0.96 -0.78 55 439.00 45.53967444047 .. .. 34.1 43.7 2.6 45.6 43.4 0
Pakistan PAK 63 58.2 0.539 -0.93 2.4 100.1 -1.92 -0.51 -1.17 38.4 622.83 10.69819993324 14.4431562 7.7 32.6 30.6 1.2 32.0 63.4 41 40 0
Papua New Guinea PNG 30 0.445 -1.13 2 85.1 -0.8 -0.84 -0.05 40.7 639.45 45.20702589272 .. .. 37.5 50.9 0.7 71.8 55.7 1
Peru PER 42 62.1 0.767 -0.35 3.5 76.4 -0.9 -0.46 0.05 86.4 2488.73 14.22255898511 17.2726238 10.5 28029 49 54.6 2.6 58.2 70.2 1
Philippines PHL 46 57.4 0.763 -0.69 2.5 83.2 -1.26 -0.01 -0.18 81.5 1175.47 6.764114512886 18.0260352 10.9 36.8 46.1 0.6 53.8 70.7 49 72 1
Romania ROM 42 61.3 0.805 -0.18 3.7 60.9 0.12 -0.05 0.43 75.3 2443.01 .. .. 8 21.5 31.0 7.4 50.7 71.5 57 65 0
Russian Federation RUS 75 54.0 0.797 5.16 -0.76 2.3 81.2 -0.74 -0.43 -0.87 87.9 2621.35 .. 19.9385647 7.9 339300 30.9 39.9 2.1 54.3 65.2 61 41 1
Senegal SEN 46 58.8 0.460 -0.42 3.6 66.9 -0.26 -0.23 -0.05 473.43 59.12161872376 .. .. 33.4 41.3 0.9 56.5 56 1
Serbia YUG 39 N/A -0.35 3.4 81.1 -0.69 -0.29 0.05 1156.91 .. .. ..
Sierra Leone SLE 56 48.4 0.335 -1.22 2.1 93.4 -0.46 -1.10 -0.43 64.8 228.45 62.148469327 .. .. 62.9 2.4 56.0 41.0 1
South Africa ZAF 28 64.1 0.653 0.56 5.1 57.4 -0.07 0.78 0.60 3562.06 14.92912929053 29.312861 27.1 56263 57.8 0.3 46.4 47 58 66 1
Spain ESP 22 70.9 0.938 6.63 1.18 6.7 39.2 0.33 1.05 1.05 96.1 16177.36 .. 24.8562735 11 1938204 25 34.7 1.6 44.2 79.7 70 80 1
Sri Lanka LKA 63 59.3 0.755 -0.29 3.2 93.1 -1.61 -0.36 -0.35 62.7 1075.93 60.59754192654 20.9403312 8.5 33.2 1.2 35.0 74.3 1
Sudan SDN 81 0.516 -1.12 1.8 113.7 -2.18 -1.14 0.26 511.48 50.46733021564 .. .. 7.2 23.7 56.5 0
Tajikistan TJK 76 56.9 0.652 -0.91 2.1 88.7 -1.3 -1.06 -1.27 70.8 246.93 36.8491833777 .. .. 32.6 13.1 46.5 63.7 1
Tanzania TZA 51 56.4 0.430 -0.37 3.2 79.3 -0.17 -0.31 -0.26 47.8 334.56 39.11624740796 .. .. 35.7 34.6 2.3 86.0 45.9 1
Thailand THA 59 65.6 0.784 -0.26 3.3 76 -0.99 0.29 -0.50 73.7 2548.55 -2.66297143897 16.3073414 1.5 59306 13.1 42.0 0.9 65.4 70.3 1
Timor-Leste TMP 42 0.512 -0.89 2.6 94.9 -0.98 -0.71 -0.33 71.7 321.30 189.3723294915 .. .. .. .. 53.5 56.0 1
Turkey TUR 49 59.3 0.757 5.23 0.06 4.1 74.9 -0.65 0.23 -0.19 69.1 3581.82 6.438770554361 .. 10.3 213441 27 43.6 0.9 27.8 68.9 52 49 0
Uganda UGA 54 63.4 0.502 -0.71 2.8 96.4 -1.18 -0.50 -0.54 66.1 274.32 41.57518320666 .. .. 37.7 43.0 3.3 79.7 48.4 0
Ukraine UKR 53 53.3 0.774 -0.67 2.7 71.4 -0.27 -0.57 -0.11 85.1 1040.19 8.699892374546 36.0454362 8.6 59932 19.5 28.1 2.6 49.9 66.1 1
United Kingdom GBR 19 81.6 0.940 7.39 1.86 8.4 34.1 0.46 1.83 1.42 93.1 27582.16 .. 41.0632638 4.6 9957620 36.0 3.4 55.0 78.5 73 79 1
United States USA 16 82.0 0.948 7.22 1.3 7.2 33.6 0.31 1.64 1.08 93.3 38165.25 .. 21.2031404 5.5 11787295 40.8 0.9 59.6 77.5 90 94 1
Vanuatu VUT 24 0.670 0.2 3.1 1.39 -0.39 0.50 63.8 1255.27 186.7841242957 .. .. .. 6.9 79.3 68.9 1
Vietnam VNM 77 50.0 0.709 -0.66 2.6 77.8 0.42 -0.37 -1.45 575.69 22.92127179023 .. 2.1 28.9 37 3.6 72.4 70.8 0
Yemen Rep. YEM 80 53.8 0.492 -0.6 2.5 93.2 -1.4 -0.93 -1.06 549.25 16.01599644905 .. .. 41.8 33.4 1.1 29.4 61.1 0
Zambia ZMB 64 57.9 0.407 -0.78 2.6 80.6 0.29 -0.74 -0.34 54.3 365.45 80.99014291264 .. .. 72.9 42.1 6.2 66.1 37.7 1
Zimbabwe ZWE 89 35.8 0.491 -1.36 2.1 110.1 -1.18 -1.53 -1.58 408.70 28.2646557517 .. .. 34.9 50.1 64.2 36.6 35 32 0

Transparency Foreign Policy/Fund for CIRI Human Rights

[Source] Freedom House Heritage UNDP Transparency Interntional World Bank International Peace World Bank World Bank World Bank UNDP WDI WDI WDI World Bank World Bank UNDP World Bank UNDP UNDP UNDP Legatum Legatum Data Project
http://0-ddp- ext.worldbank.o
http://www.trans http://www.fundforpeace
http://info.worl rg.library.lausys http://hdr.undp.or http://info.worldb .org/web/index.php? http://info.worldba http://info.worldb rary.lausys.georgeto http://go.worldban http://www.pros ary.lausys.georgetow .georgetown.ed g/hdr2006/statisti http://ciri.binghamto /statistics/indicators/10.htm policy_research/surveys_indi cy_research/sur option=com_content&ta 6/statistics/indicators/174. 2006/statistics/indicat 006/statistics/indicators/
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[Year published] May-07 2007 2005 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2004 2007 2007 2006 2004 2007 2006 2006 2004 2004 2004 2007 2007 2004

[Year gathered] 2005 2005-2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2003-2004 2006 2006 2005 2004 2007 1990-2003 [Not Mentioned] 2003 2000-2004 2004 2003

Assements made 1 From second half of

Survey carried out between First quarter of Through the end of
January 2005-31 2005 through June 30, 2004 2005-2006 2006 May to December 2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2003-2004 2006 2005 2005 2004 Varies 2003 2000-2004 2003
Feb and May 2006 2007 (Jan-March) 2004
December 2006 2006.
[Exact data time period]
[Methodology] Expert assessment, An average of 10 A composite index 11,232 business executives Aggregate Aggregate A software tool indexes Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate Calculated by UNESCO GDP/population total Total inflow of foreign Total Number of people who Compiled by Data refers to most recent year Uses software = official development Data refer to national Calculated, directly The index's The index'is CIRI dataset is
5 experts rate all individual freedoms. measuring average answer on a scale of 1 indicator created indicator and scans tens of indicator indicator created indicator created Institute for Statistics in 2006. Gross domestic aid divided by government are unemployed World Bank and available during the period package to assistance and total debt estimates from from registered deaths calculation is calculation is independently
countries (this is all Each is graded using a achievement in three basic (bribes are common) to 7 by using measuring the thousands of created by by using different by using Citing reference year of product is divided to population spending as a divided by the number IMF. Calculation specified. Small in-house team of calculate GINI. service / GNI censuses or surveys and population counts based on based on coded by at least
fictional example scale from 0 to 100, dimensions of human (bribes never occur) to different perceived international and local using different surveys. Ranges conclusions of education data to the calendar population share of GDP. of people in the labour consists of all qualified statisticians, a Senior Data show the conducted between based on census aggregation of aggregation of two trained coders
text). 0(best) development-a long and questions about business surveys. Ranges corruption by media reports and other surveys. between -2.5 and different year in which the academic or force. Country data loans and other Statistical Advisor, consultants and ratio of 2000 and 2004. enumerations, by 20 weighted 20 weighted along with senior
100(worst) healthy life, knowledge and practices of foreign firms between -2.5 using various public documents. It Ranges 2.5. The lower surveys. Ranges financial year ends–from available from Labour types of annual peer reviewers review all of consumption Source : World United Nations index index CIRI staff
0 = minimum a decent standard of living. operating in their country. and 2.5. The studies. Ranges calculates the number of between -2.5 meand less and between -2.5 2003/04, for example, to 2004. Force Surveys, borrowing HDRO's statistical work. A select share of the Bank Source : DESIPA. components. components.Pr
freedom Answers are converted to a lower meand between 0 and positive and negative and 2.5. The the higher means and 2.5. The Ratios calculated by administrative records, such as bonds, group of distinguished national and richest group to ILO (International Each factor in osperity Index 1=
100 =maximum score between 0 and 10, and less and the ten where lower “hits” for 12 indicators. lower meand higher lower meand dividing the number of students official national export credits, international professionals sit on the that of the Labour Organization). the Index is scores for all freedom of religion -
freedom. Many of the the ranking reflects the higher means score means Internal and external less and the government less and the enrolled in all levels of estimates and etc. (principal Statistical Advisory Panel and the poorest. Lower scaled so that countries are government places
10 freedoms are based average score. higher political high level of experts then review the higher means effectiveness. higher means schooling (excluding adult population censuses. and/or interest) by peer review process is done through GINI means low zero shown above. no restrictions on
on quantitative data that stability. perceived scores as well as the higher political higher voice and education) by the debtor owed leading regional and national inequality. represents the Each factor in religious practices
are converted directly corruption. articles themselves. stability. accountablitiy. the total population in the official to non residents statistical offices. world average. the Index is
into a score. low age group corresponding to of the economy The Material scaled so that
(failed) these levels Wealth and zero represents
Life the world 0=government
Satisfaction average. The places some
scores for Material Wealth restrictions on
each country and Life religious practices
high (stable) are calculated Satisfaction
based on a scores for each
weighted country are
average of the calculated
Index factors based on a
and rounded weighted
to the nearest average of the
integer. The Index factors
weights for the and rounded to
Index factors the nearest
are assigned integer. The
based on weights for the
statistical Index factors
analysis of are assigned
historical data. based on
The overall statistical
Prosperity analysis of
Index rank is historical data.
based on the The overall
average of a Prosperity
country's Index rank is
Material based on the
Wealth and average of a
Life country's
Satisfaction Material Wealth
ranks. and Life
Press Economic Human Bribe Failed
Control of Perception Political
Freedom Freedom Developme Payers States
Corruption Index(TI)20 Stability
Index Index nt Index Index(2006) Index

Algeria DZA 62 52.2 0.728 -0.39 3 75.9 -0.89

Argentina ARG 49 57.5 0.863 -0.47 2.9 41.4 -0.03
Armenia ARM 64 69.4 0.768 -0.58 3 70.3 -0.30
Azerbaijan AZE 75 55.4 0.736 -0.99 2.1 81.2 -1.07
Bangladesh BGD 66 47.8 0.530 -1.29 2.0 95.9 -1.6
Bosnia and H BIH 45 54.7 0.800 -0.32 3.3 84.5 -0.52
Bulgaria BGR 34 62.2 0.816 -0.05 4.1 60.3 0.29
Burundi BDI 77 46.8 0.384 -1.08 2.5 95.2 -1.35
Cameroon CMR 67 54.4 0.506 -0.94 2.4 89.4 -0.22
Canada CAN 17 78.7 0.950 7.46 1.9 8.7 25.1 1.90
China CHN 84 54.0 0.768 4.94 -0.53 3.5 81.2 -0.37
Colombia COL 57 60.5 0.790 -0.22 3.8 89.7 -1.62
Costa Rica CRI 20 65.1 0.841 0.37 5 50.5 0.93
Ecuador ECU 41 55.3 0.765 -0.75 2.1 79.9 -0.9
Egypt, Arab R EGY 62 53.2 0.702 -0.41 2.9 89.2 -0.87
France FRA 21 66.1 0.942 6.5 1.44 7.3 34.1 0.46
Georgia GEO 57 68.7 0.743 -0.36 3.4 82.3 -0.86
India IND 35 55.6 0.611 4.62 -0.21 3.5 70.8 -0.84
Italy ITA 29 63.4 0.940 5.94 0.31 5.2 37.1 0.28
Japan JPN 21 73.6 0.949 7.1 1.31 7.5 28.5 1.11
Jordan JOR 61 64.0 0.760 0.38 4.7 76.6 -0.53
Kazakhstan KAZ 76 60.4 0.774 -0.92 2.1 72.3 0.06
Kenya KEN 59 59.4 0.491 -0.97 2.1 91.3 -1.09
Kyrgyz Republ KGZ 67 59.9 0.705 -1.09 2.1 88.2 -1.2
Latvia LVA 19 68.2 0.845 0.38 4.8 56.7 0.81
Lebanon LBN 59 60.3 0.774 -0.57 3 92.4 -1.76
Malawi MWI 53 55.5 0.400 -0.74 2.7 92.2 0.02
Mexico MEX 48 65.8 0.821 6.45 -0.35 3.5 72.6 -0.4
Moldova MDA 65 59.5 0.694 -0.65 2.8 85.7 -0.48
Mozambique MOZ 40 56.6 0.390 -0.57 2.8 76.9 0.52
Namibia NAM 30 63.8 N/A 0.16 4.5 71.3 0.83
Nepal NPL 58 54.0 0.527 -0.75 2.5 93.6 -2.26
Nigeria NGA 55 52.6 0.448 -1.29 2.2 95.6 -1.99
Pakistan PAK 63 58.2 0.539 -0.93 2.4 100.1 -1.92
Papua New G PNG 30 0.445 -1.13 2 85.1 -0.8
Peru PER 42 62.1 0.767 -0.35 3.5 76.4 -0.9
Philippines PHL 46 57.4 0.763 -0.69 2.5 83.2 -1.26
Romania ROM 42 61.3 0.805 -0.18 3.7 60.9 0.12
Russian Feder RUS 75 54.0 0.797 5.16 -0.76 2.3 81.2 -0.74
Sierra Leone SLE 56 48.4 0.335 -1.22 2.1 93.4 -0.46
Spain ESP 22 70.9 0.938 6.63 1.18 6.7 39.2 0.33
Sri Lanka LKA 63 59.3 0.755 -0.29 3.2 93.1 -1.61
Tajikistan TJK 76 56.9 0.652 -0.91 2.1 88.7 -1.3
Tanzania TZA 51 56.4 0.430 -0.37 3.2 79.3 -0.17
Thailand THA 59 65.6 0.784 -0.26 3.3 76 -0.99
Timor-Leste TMP 42 0.512 -0.89 2.6 94.9 -0.98
Turkey TUR 49 59.3 0.757 5.23 0.06 4.1 74.9 -0.65
Uganda UGA 54 63.4 0.502 -0.71 2.8 96.4 -1.18
Ukraine UKR 53 53.3 0.774 -0.67 2.7 71.4 -0.27
United Kingd GBR 19 81.6 0.940 7.39 1.86 8.4 34.1 0.46
United States USA 16 82.0 0.948 7.22 1.3 7.2 33.6 0.31
Vanuatu VUT 24 0.670 0.2 3.1 1.39
Zambia ZMB 64 57.9 0.407 -0.78 2.6 80.6 0.29
Enrollment Unemploym
Ratio for ent,total (%
Primary, of total
Governmen GDP per Governmen Gross
Voice and Secondary Foreign Aid labour
t Capita(Con t External Poverty
accountabli and Tertiary Per capita force) GINI
Effectivene stant 2000 Expenditure Debt (US$ Rate
ty schools (US dollars)
ss US dollars) %GDP(2005 millions)
(%) (2004)

-0.35 -0.83 73.2 2152.71 11.27937 .. 20.1 35.3
-0.19 0.27 89.3 8694.83 2.57206 .. .. 112281 22.6 52.8
-0.16 -0.72 74 1283.64 64.07494 18.13777 .. 2086 50.9 33.8
-0.70 -1.14 68.3 1575.53 26.63686 .. .. 49 19.0
-0.81 -0.52 57.1 453.61 9.311231 .. .. 49.8 31.8
-0.66 0.18 67.3 1740.60 139.767 36.24418 .. 19.5 26.2
0.14 0.56 80.9 2255.64 .. 33.63751 12.1 27267 12.8 29.2
-1.29 -1.04 36.2 105.99 48.36029 .. .. 36.4 42.4
-0.89 -1.02 62.3 25562.16 25.35189 .. .. 40.2 44.6
2.03 1.46 93.1 750.81 .. 18.13601 7.2 716490 32.6
-0.01 -1.66 70.4 1594.87 1.346784 .. 4.2 46583 4.6 44.7
0.01 -0.25 72.9 2316.89 11.37125 31.19131 13.7 42348 64 58.6
0.29 0.84 72.4 4792.51 6.819608 22.72744 6.4 7032 22 49.9
-1.12 -0.35 .. 1596.86 15.84013 .. 8.6 17182 46 43.7
-0.41 -1.08 75.5 1695.75 12.50606 .. .. 28743 16.7 34.4
1.20 1.40 92.6 23898.96 .. 46.12012 9.9 4138782 32.7
-0.16 -0.16 75.5 1070.94 69.23157 17.31958 12.6 54.5 40.4
-0.04 0.35 62 633.74 1.57513 .. 5 155033 28.6 32.5
0.38 1.14 89.3 19708.53 .. 39.37614 8 2175165 36.0
1.29 0.91 85.5 40000.42 .. .. 4.7 1538487 24.9
0.19 -0.62 79 2193.32 114.9404 35.30411 12.4 11.7 38.8
-0.53 -1.03 90.7 2164.37 15.13364 18.24101 8.4 81636 34.6 33.9
-0.69 -0.18 60.1 455.84 22.42925 .. .. 286133 52 42.5
-0.86 -0.70 78.2 325.69 52.19209 .. .. 2740 47.6 30.3
0.73 0.83 90.1 5682.87 .. 29.01727 10.4 26980 37.7
-0.45 -0.51 83.8 5055.25 60.58234 .. .. ..
-0.85 -0.31 64.3 163.92 44.65561 .. .. 65.3 50.3
0.16 0.06 75.3 6386.73 1.836857 .. 3 176085 20.3 49.5
-0.85 -0.48 70.1 492.18 49.46267 29.31275 8.1 2599 48.5 33.2
-0.30 -0.06 48.6 306.76 64.96973 .. .. 69.4 39.6
0.13 0.39 67.2 2172.21 60.73102 .. .. 74.3
-0.89 -1.15 57 233.77 15.77142 16.64014 .. 30.9 47.2
-0.96 -0.78 55 439.00 45.53967 .. .. 34.1 43.7
-0.51 -1.17 38.4 622.83 10.6982 14.44316 7.7 32.6 30.6
-0.84 -0.05 40.7 639.45 45.20703 .. .. 37.5 50.9
-0.46 0.05 86.4 2488.73 14.22256 17.27262 10.5 28029 49 54.6
-0.01 -0.18 81.5 1175.47 6.764115 18.02604 10.9 36.8 46.1
-0.05 0.43 75.3 2443.01 .. .. 8 21.5 31.0
-0.43 -0.87 87.9 2621.35 .. 19.93856 7.9 339300 30.9 39.9
-1.10 -0.43 64.8 228.45 62.14847 .. .. 62.9
1.05 1.05 96.1 16177.36 .. 24.85627 11 1938204 25 34.7
-0.36 -0.35 62.7 1075.93 60.59754 20.94033 8.5 33.2
-1.06 -1.27 70.8 246.93 36.84918 .. .. 32.6
-0.31 -0.26 47.8 334.56 39.11625 .. .. 35.7 34.6
0.29 -0.50 73.7 2548.55 -2.662971 16.30734 1.5 59306 13.1 42.0
-0.71 -0.33 71.7 321.30 189.3723 .. .. ..
0.23 -0.19 69.1 3581.82 6.438771 .. 10.3 213441 27 43.6
-0.50 -0.54 66.1 274.32 41.57518 .. .. 37.7 43.0
-0.57 -0.11 85.1 1040.19 8.699892 36.04544 8.6 59932 19.5 28.1
1.83 1.42 93.1 27582.16 .. 41.06326 4.6 9957620 36.0
1.64 1.08 93.3 38165.25 .. 21.20314 5.5 11787295 40.8
-0.39 0.50 63.8 1255.27 186.7841 .. .. ..
-0.74 -0.34 54.3 365.45 80.99014 .. .. 72.9 42.1
Net Foreign Legatum
Female Legatum Consumer Inflation(co
Direct Prosperity GDP
Economic Life Prosperity Religious price nsumer
Investment Index(Life GROWTH(a
activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater Freedom index(2000= prices
inflows (as Satisfaction nnual %)
% (2004) ial Wealth) 100) annual)
% of GDP) )

1.0 34.8 71.4 0 251.4481 2.999932 2.531136

2.7 52.2 74.6 63 84 1 117.0287 8.455802 6.589051
7.1 48.1 71.6 1 172.3843 13.4 2.888342
41.7 59.6 67.0 0 120.8986 34.5 ..
0.8 52.9 63.3 42 54 0 138.9713 6.713725 6.768621
7.2 57.9 74.3 0 5.7 ..
8.3 41.9 72.4 65 62 0 139 6 7
0.5 91.8 44.0 1 150.2113 5.129947 2.809015
51.8 45.7 1 .. 3.89109 ..
0.6 60.2 80.2 86 92 1 114.4157 2.8 2.009031
2.8 69.2 71.9 0 108.3394 10.7 1.464414
3.1 60.5 72.6 1 142.7303 6.798588 4.296306
3.4 43.7 78.3 1 189.3352 7.882344 11.47053
3.8 58.9 74.5 1 181.2012 4.5 3.034874
1.6 20.1 70.2 42 47 0 137.9256 6.799599 7.644526
1.2 48.2 79.6 80 69 1 111.7661 2 1.623665
9.6 51.1 70.6 1 .. 9.4 ..
0.8 34.0 63.6 45 49 0 128.5871 9.19511 5.796516
1 37.0 80.2 71 71 1 115.0709 1.9 2.090844
0.2 48.5 82.2 80 63 1 98.06814 2.2 0.241626
5.4 27.0 71.6 48 68 0 119.7153 6.444992 6.251725
10.1 65.0 63.4 1 152.4133 10.6 8.59411
0.3 69.3 47.5 1 166.8579 5.729458 14.45373
3.5 55.1 67.1 1 128.9643 2.674055 5.560953
5.1 49.1 71.8 1 129.897 11.92746 6.555472
1.3 31.7 72.2 0 .. 0 ..
0.9 85.2 39.8 1 226.125 8.448253 13.97429
2.6 39.9 75.3 59 91 1 131.7605 4.771129 3.629377
3.1 56.6 68.1 1 183.5098 4.000052 11.62434
4.0 84.7 41.6 1 .. 8.5 ..
.. 47.0 47.2 1 119.8854 4.622427 5.053246
0.0 49.7 62.1 0 .. 1.875098 ..
2.6 45.6 43.4 0 224.4765 5.899947 8.239527
1.2 32.0 63.4 41 40 0 138.6649 6.22911 7.921084
0.7 71.8 55.7 1 .. 3.7 ..
2.6 58.2 70.2 1 112.2633 8.032455 2.001719
0.6 53.8 70.7 49 72 1 137.9 5.369529 6.24037
7.4 50.7 71.5 57 65 0 246.8437 7.7 6.581401
2.1 54.3 65.2 61 41 1 219.0524 6.7 9.678765
2.4 56.0 41.0 1 .. 7.1 ..
1.6 44.2 79.7 70 80 1 121.2945 3.9 3.51582
1.2 35.0 74.3 1 181.5407 7.352864 13.69012
13.1 46.5 63.7 1 .. 7 ..
2.3 86.0 45.9 1 131.1341 5.943156 9.784363
0.9 65.4 70.3 1 117.0418 4.992009 4.641768
.. 53.5 56.0 1 .. -1.6 ..
0.9 27.8 68.9 52 49 0 360.6228 6.099006 9.456085
3.3 79.7 48.4 0 130.6027 5.250962 6.605252
2.6 49.9 66.1 1 160.2372 7.1 9.075586
3.4 55.0 78.5 73 79 1 116.3632 2.8 3.19486
0.9 59.6 77.5 90 94 1 117.0683 3.3 3.225944
6.9 79.3 68.9 1 .. 5.5 ..
6.2 66.1 37.7 1 .. 6 ..

WDI (2006 indicators)
Population Rural Urban
Inflation(Gd Land Area Population Growth Wholesale
Density (per Total Population) Population Population
p Deflator) (sq Km) (annual %) price index)
Sq Km) (% of Total) (% total)

9.102968 2381740 14.00151 1.4927663404146 33347948.21821 36.06 63.94 ..

13.43251 2736690 14.29481 0.9583938885936 39120455.535678 9.74 90.26 270.7938
4.731265 28200 106.6381 -0.300657073305 3007194.6486479 35.98 64.02 107.3675
5.302203 82660 102.5212 1.0247928975954 8474401.5907762 48.42 51.58 ..
5.197067 130170 1108.897 1.7632361159306 144345057.84226 74.46 25.54 ..
6.759954 51200 76.33707 3.58E-02 3908458.2188357 53.72 46.28 ..
8 108640 71 -1 7699020 30 70 135
-8.405818 25680 305.0295 3.7160945735213 7833157.3666965 89.68 10.32 ..
3.6085 465400 35.8461 2.1869433379373 16682772.656658 44.54 55.46 ..
2.317291 9093510 3.580187 0.7939621721417 32556462.567192 19.78 80.22 106.937
2.881533 9326410 140.6541 0.5578654719755 1311797691.8072 58.7 41.3 ..
5.256713 1109500 41.06215 1.3485241502614 45556000 27 73 142.0394
9.98304 51060 85.93536 1.3924872905371 4387859.342904 37.78 62.22 193.5981
7 276840 48.45008 1.3857027603189 13412919.770278 36.72 63.28 160.0021
7.404449 995450 75.74153 1.8256597864894 75396909.349538 57.02 42.98 162.1598
1.942646 550100 110.9571 0.2698840851549 61037508.430339 23.08 76.92 110.825
5.710392 69490 63.84352 -0.849248785989 4436485.9552168 47.7 52.3 ..
5.274544 2973190 373.2729 1.3816394597582 1109811147.4504 71.02 28.98 132.4057
1.819757 294110 199.1466 -6.15E-02 58570995.666921 32.24 67.76 116.6074
-1.168969 364500 349.9723 -0.163769156286 127564916.85183 34 66 100.65
4.769891 88240 62.75612 3.1737148769921 5586000 17.38 82.62 137.8162
16.00443 2699700 5.670291 1.0631377066822 15308084 42.44 57.56 187.944
-0.370494 569140 61.74788 2.5575548462875 35143187.526398 79 21 ..
9.245705 191800 27.1103 1.0897342451985 5199755.8943002 64.04 35.96 157.8708
11.09598 62290 36.70949 -0.600221568321 2286633.849405 32.12 67.88 136.8
5.569999 10230 396.4126 1.0974924620695 4055000 13.28 86.72 ..
13.88566 94080 139.9128 2.1427267255624 13162994.725027 82.34 17.66 ..
4.450726 1908690 54.60361 1.0923385435234 104221360.86059 23.74 76.26 144.0762
12.54108 32870 116.602 -0.87209045418 3843000 53.04 46.96 ..
13.19606 784090 25.69082 1.761268744617 20143918.411227 64.72 35.28 ..
4.860785 823290 2.491007 0.9612614103645 2050820.8999417 64.32 35.68 ..
7.249697 143000 193.4136 1.9180608471929 27658148.023191 83.72 16.28 ..
8.323186 910770 158.8985 2.3719089733307 144749000 51 49 ..
10.32774 770880 206.2604 2.0523628160565 159002039.28971 64.68 35.32 146.6573
8.565387 452860 13.23867 1.820469503164 5995264.9222864 86.48 13.52 ..
8.040581 1280000 22.16309 1.422051638687 28368758.737915 27.18 72.82 113.305
5.086755 298170 283.6964 1.8315244729091 84589763.093087 36.56 63.44 176.3989
10.13102 229980 93.66855 -0.427953725666 21541893.119816 46.12 53.88 298.1323
16.09307 16381390 8.690812 -0.522724207205 142367581.76321 27.08 72.92 253.9167
13.42938 71620 78.76356 2.0680841187413 5641045.9141402 58.56 41.44 ..
3.836735 499190 87.23393 0.3408732075946 43546304.981603 23.16 76.84 118.6432
10.32852 64630 305.9155 0.7412516016203 19771320.202235 84.9 15.1 178.5245
20.24585 139960 47.44096 1.5419993128285 6652000 75.4 24.6 ..
6.313713 883590 44.65726 2.5634875034128 39477000 75.36 24.64 ..
4.993275 510890 126.6895 0.7624508742911 64724421.775176 67.36 32.64 135.1549
3.368176 14870 69.21283 5.3447774235889 1029194.7713201 73.06 26.94 ..
11.49225 769630 94.76674 1.2004571940992 72935322.952364 32.24 67.76 132.6403
6.654077 197100 151.5696 3.6063669735262 29874366.820158 87.26 12.74 ..
13.33874 579380 80.38102 -1.077002037547 46571153.037592 31.98 68.02 185.8692
2.368421 241930 249.497 0.2229088435808 60360799.710207 10.22 89.78 109.35
2.928128 9161920 32.63378 0.8658371912531 298988098.4483 18.9 81.1 124.154
1.624578 12190 17.66541 1.8030219398857 215341.30651603 76.08 23.92 ..
14.25124 743390 15.95668 1.6444462359189 11862035.278353 64.86 35.14 ..
Press Human Bribe
Economic Control of
Freedom Development Payers
Freedom Index Corruption
Index Index Index(2006)

Algeria DZA
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Azerbaijan AZE
Bangladesh BGD
Benin BEN
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Brazil BRA
Bulgaria BGR
Burundi BDI
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
China CHN
Colombia COL
Congo, Dem. Rep ZAR
Costa Rica CRI
Ecuador ECU
Egypt, Arab Rep. EGY
Ethiopia ETH
France FRA
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Guatemala GTM
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kyrgyz Republic KGZ
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Liberia LBR
Malawi MWI
Mexico MEX
Moldova MDA
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nepal NPL
Nicaragua NIC
Nigeria NGA
Pakistan PAK
Papua New Guinea PNG
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Romania ROM
Russian Federation RUS
Senegal SEN
Serbia YUG
Sierra Leone SLE
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Timor-Leste TMP
Turkey TUR
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
Vanuatu VUT
Vietnam VNM
Yemen Rep. YEM
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE

[Year published]
[Year gathered]
[Exact data time period]
Ratio for
Governmen GDP per Governmen
Corruption Voice and Secondary Foreign Aid
Failed States Political t Capita(Con t
Perception accountabli and Tertiary Per capita
Index Stability Effectivene stant 2000 Expenditure
Index(TI)2007 ty schools (US dollars)
ss US dollars) %GDP(2005

ent (% of
Net Foreign Legatum
total labour Female Legatum
External Direct Prosperity
force) Poverty Economic Life Prosperity
Debt (US$ GINI Investment Index(Life
Rate activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater
millions) inflows (as Satisfaction
% (2004) ial Wealth)
% of GDP) )
Press Human
Economic Bribe Payers Control of
Freedom Development
Freedom Index Index(2006) Corruption
Index Index

Algeria DZA
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Azerbaijan AZE
Bangladesh BGD
Benin BEN
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Brazil BRA
Bulgaria BGR
Burundi BDI
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
China CHN
Colombia COL
Congo, Dem. Rep ZAR
Costa Rica CRI
Ecuador ECU
Egypt, Arab Rep. EGY
Ethiopia ETH
France FRA
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Guatemala GTM
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kyrgyz Republic KGZ
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Liberia LBR
Malawi MWI
Mexico MEX
Moldova MDA
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nepal NPL
Nicaragua NIC
Nigeria NGA
Pakistan PAK
Papua New Guinea PNG
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Romania ROM
Russian Federation RUS
Senegal SEN
Serbia YUG
Sierra Leone SLE
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Timor-Leste TMP
Turkey TUR
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
Vanuatu VUT
Vietnam VNM
Yemen Rep. YEM
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE

[Year published]
[Year gathered]
[Exact data time period]
Combined Gross
Enrollment Ratio for
Corruption Failed Primary, Secondary GDP per
Political Government Voice and
Perception States and Tertiary schools Capita(Constant
Stability Effectiveness accountablity
Index(TI)2007 Index 2000 US dollars)
Net Foreign
Total (% of total labour Female
Foreign Aid External Direct
Government force) Poverty Economic
Per capita (US Debt (US$ GINI Investment
Expenditure Rate activity rate %
dollars) millions) inflows (as% of
%GDP(2005) (2004)
Legatum Legatum
Life Prosperity Prosperity Religious
Expectancy Index(Material Index(Life Freedom
Wealth) Satisfaction)
Press Freedom Economic Freedom Human Development Bribe Payers
Index Index Index Index(2006)

Algeria DZA
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Azerbaijan AZE
Bangladesh BGD
Benin BEN
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Brazil BRA
Bulgaria BGR
Burundi BDI
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
China CHN
Colombia COL
Congo, Dem. Rep ZAR
Costa Rica CRI
Ecuador ECU
Egypt, Arab Rep. EGY
Ethiopia ETH
France FRA
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Guatemala GTM
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kyrgyz Republic KGZ
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Liberia LBR
Malawi MWI
Mexico MEX
Moldova MDA
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nepal NPL
Nicaragua NIC
Nigeria NGA
Pakistan PAK
Papua New Guinea PNG
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Romania ROM
Russian Federation RUS
Senegal SEN
Serbia YUG
Sierra Leone SLE
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Timor-Leste TMP
Turkey TUR
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
Vanuatu VUT
Vietnam VNM
Yemen Rep. YEM
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE

[Year published]
[Year gathered]
[Exact data time period]
Combined Gross
Enrollment Ratio for
Corruption Primary, Secondary
Control of Failed States Political Government Voice and
Perception and Tertiary schools
Corruption Index Stability Effectiveness accountablity
nt (% of total
GDP per Foreign Aid Total Government labour force)
External Debt
Capita(Constant Per capita Expenditure Poverty Rate
(US$ millions)
2000 US dollars) (US dollars) %GDP(2005)

Net Foreign Legatum
Female Legatum
Direct Prosperity
Economic Life Prosperity Religious
GINI Investment Index(Life
activity rate Expectancy Index(Mater Freedom
inflows (as Satisfaction
% (2004) ial Wealth)
% of GDP) )

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