10th Grade Study Guide Part 2

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Writing - (ELACC9-10W1c) Link Sections, (ELACC9-10W2c) Use Transitions, (ELACC9-10W3e) Conclusion

Student Name: _______________________ _________


Teacher Name: Adrian Dunmeyer Score: _________

Quilts and Rugs
Kate McConnaughey

The early colonial quilts and rugs as we see them in the museums and antique shops of today, originated in the hearts and
minds of our ancestors as an answer to their love of beauty and its scarcity in the early pioneer homes.

The first rugs were made as a part of their need. (1) They were mostly the braided ones because they could be made from
the best parts of worn out clothing, thus getting the final use of what would otherwise be a total loss.

Our great-grandmother couldnt go to the shopping center and selected what she wanted as to rugs and carpets. (2)

The first wall-to-wall carpets were home-woven of the discarded aprons, dresses and other cotton things. (3)

Every home was a little factory. For the rag rugs and carpets each female member spent her spare time tearing and
sewing rags and every girl planned to have several rugs in her hope chest. Her carpets were planned for, so not woven,
until she knew the size of the room in her new home in which it was to be used. (4)

Sometimes the rugs were to be crocheted and this gave a variety of shapes.

Hooked rugs were a work of art as you see in some of the museums. Many of the colors in them were home dyed
although commercial dyes were unknown. (5) The homemaker experimented with whichever she thought would make a
lasting color.

Patchwork quilts were another answer to the colonial housewifes urge. To beautify her home and also to use every scrap
of material. (6)

Many of the designs that are so admired today are the result of competition each woman trying to see if she couldnt
make a prettier quilt than her neighbor.

The nine patch was the simplest design and was usually the one given to the little girl for her first quilt when she first
began to sew and generally it was for her doll or a cover for the babys cradle.

Every girl was taught to sew by the time she was six years old as there were no sewing machines or a place to buy ready
mades, or in order to have new clothes she had to learn how to make them. (7)

Quilts were one of the first articles a girl made for her hope chest and each girl tried to have more than her friends and
also prettier ones, so that there was rivalry between them. They also tried to see who could do the finest and prettiest
quiltings. (8)

Quilting parties were one of the most popular evening events. Only the ones who were known to be experts with the
needle were invited for an afternoon of quilting, yet all others came later for an evening of fun and dancing. (9)

Some of the heirloom quilts which still exist are marvels of design and stitching. (10)

One wonders how such work could be done with the poor lighting that most of the houses had at that time no gas jets
and electricity and very few windows in every room.

When we were quilting one of my quilts. A friend remarked on the straightness of one of the lines and another answered
No man will look at the quilting when hes shivering to get under it. (11)

Tacking or tying was used only on the less elaborate quilts or where the need for the quilt was urgent. (12)
1) Read the passage. Look at the underlined section marked number 9. There may be a mistake in the way the sentence is written.
If you find a mistake, choose the answer that corrects the mistake. If there is no mistake, choose Correct as is.
A) Correct as is.
Only the ones who were known to be experts with the needle were invited for an afternoon of quilting, or all others
came later for an evening of fun and dancing.
Only the ones who were known to be experts with the needle were invited for an afternoon of quilting, for all others
came later for an evening of fun and dancing.
Only the ones who were known to be experts with the needle were invited for an afternoon of quilting, and all others
came later for an evening of fun and dancing.

2) Which statement most clearly links the evidence and conclusion for an argument about the socially damaging effects of social
Unless social networking sites give people a false sense of connection with strangers, their real relationships are
Social networking sites give people a false sense of connection with strangers while actually hindering their real
C) Social networking sites give people a false sense of connection with strangers but rarely hinder their real relationships.
If only social networking sites would give people a false sense of connection with strangers, then their real relationships
would actually be hindered.


You are writing a research paper on movie attendance. How could you use this chart to strengthen your argument?
A) The first week typically has the lowest attendance.
B) The second week typically has the highest attendance.
C) The third week typically has the highest attendance.
D) The first week typically has the highest attendance.

1. Turns out that slimy mess was a dead jellyfish.

2. While walking along the beach, Sally's foot became tangled in slime and tentacles.

3. After applying a cold compress and ointment to her foot, Sally felt like taking another stroll along the shore.

4. In July, my friend Sally had an unfortunate encounter while on a trip to the beach with her family.

5. Even though it was dead, the tentacles still contained enough poison to sting Sally's foot.

Read the sentences and determine the MOST logical order for the numbered sentences.
A) 3,1,2,4,5
B) 4,2,1,5,3
C) 4,3,2,1,5
D) 5,3,2,4,1


1. My new kitten, Miss Whiskers, destroyed my mom's favorite pillow.

2. The once antique white pillow is now an unusual shade of pink.

3. To top it off, she tipped over a glass of red kool-aid while pawing at an ice cube.

4. Next, she sunk her claws into the fabric and pulled threads loose.

5. First, she trotted through her water dish and proceeded to tiptoe across the pillow.

Read the sentences and determine the MOST logical order for the numbered sentences.
A) 1,2,4,3,5
B) 1,5,4,3,2
C) 2,5,1,2,3
D) 4,2,1,3,5


Life is a web, with every strand connected to every other strand. For example, herds of caribou live in cold, Arctic locations.
Caribou hate mosquitoes. In the past few years, warmer temperatures in summer have allowed mosquito populations to
explode. So the caribou spend a lot more energy swatting away the mosquitoes. All this swatting leaves the caribou less
energy to find food and prepare for the next long winter. Female caribou are especially troubled because it takes so much
energy to give birth and raise their young.


Which would function MOST EFFECTIVELY as a concluding sentence?

A) This shows that even if one species of plant or animal changes, events involving other species are not affected.
B) As you can see, when you closely study a variety of animals and plant species, you will always be amazed and confused.
This illustrates that when one species of plant or animal changes, a whole chain of events can follow involving other
D) This is another example of the amazing existence of our wonderful world of plants and animals.
Is Grammar Important?
Carole Jenkins

Do you moan and groan whenever a teacher says that you need to improve your grammar? (2) Do you take offense when
someone tells you that you made a mistake in grammar? (3) Do you feel that studying and learning grammar is boring and
unnecessary? (4) I hated studying grammar when I was in school.

English is a very tricky language loaded with many rules and just as many exceptions to those rules. (6)By knowing
these rules and exceptions, you'll be a better reader, writer, listener, and speaker. (7)Communicating with others is what it's
all about.

Organizing a sentence so that it gets across your intended meaning is important. (9) In order to do this, you have to
know the parts of a sentence (subject, predicate, phrase, clause, etc.) and the parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.)
Knowing the elements of a sentence and how sentences are structured can help you to get across your intended
meanings in your writing and speaking. (11) You will also understand others as you read and listen.

Knowledge and understanding of English grammar can help you to see patterns of different languages and dialects as
you read and study literature. (13) Learning a foreign language, such as French or Spanish, is based on your mastery of the
basic rules of English grammar. (14) Understanding the tenses of verbs, subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and
parts of speech form the foundation for learning new languages.

As you read and study assignments in all of your classes, knowing basic grammar can help you to comprehend the text.
When you come across a difficult passage, analyzing the sentence structure can often help you to figure out the
meaning of difficult sentences. (17) This can lead to an analysis and understanding of an author's writing style and can, in
turn, lead to comprehension of the text.

You are probably wondering how all of the rules and their exceptions will be remembered by you. (19) Don't worry! (20)
There are many grammar guides and style manuals available to help you. (21) These are quick references that can be
consulted as the need arises. (22) Even your English teacher who has been teaching for thirty years relies on a reference
book now and then!

Have I convinced you that the study of grammar is important and well worth your effort? (24) I hope so!

7) What transition could be added to Sentence (14)?

A) Later
B) However
C) For example
D) By contrast
Nina Flies Away
Marie Devers

Nina always aspired to enroll in a major college like the kids she saw on television who traipsed around urban universities,
but shed never set foot on an authentic college campus. She grew up in a remote Alaskan village that couldnt be
accessed by vehicle, and she thought this lifestyle might damage her chances of being accepted into a top school. On the
contrary, most colleges found Ninas biography intriguing, and she actually got into every school to which she applied!

Nina was surprised. She had never pondered all of the unique things in her life that had prepared her for collegenot until
she wrote her college admissions essay. In her prose, she described how her experiences had strengthened her spirit.
Helping my cousin clean salmon for a communal stew, she had written, taught me that each person and animal plays an
important role in the success of a village.

Ninas fascinating life did not seem so charming while she had been living it, but now that it was all in the rear-view, she
saw her past in all its splendor.

She had joyfully imagined moving into a dorm, and the dream had always begun with Nina unpacking her clothes and
putting them away in a huge closet. She had never considered the fact that she would have to sift through childhood
memories as she packed her bedroom; shed never moved before! Packing her belongings had been difficult.

Ninas mother asked a million times if this was the correct decision. Because Ninas father was an elder, many children
looked up to Nina. Ninas mother told her that she must do a good job because the younger children might follow in her
footsteps. Nina knew that her mom was petrified, but she also knew that overall, her mom wanted her to achieve success.
She could not wait to earn her degree so that she could come back and teach in the village school or help the elders
preserve the old-fashioned way of life for the next generation of children.

Ninas grandma emerged from her bedroom and gave Nina a satchel that she had sewn from scrap fabricsthe leftover
material from when she made Ninas quilt and curtains. Inside the bag, she had packed salmon jerky and three bottles of
Ninas favorite berry jam. Ninas grandma whispered a few Athabascan words and pulled Nina close before going to round
up Ninas younger brothers. They were dancing on the beach because each could have his own room now.

Ninas uncle waited in his floatplane as her father stowed her bags into the back. Once Ninas father was finished, Nina
climbed into the plane and sighed. Her uncle was taking her to Fairbanks, where shed board a commercial airplane and fly
to Anchorage. All in all, she would probably spend the next 10 hours on planes and in airports. As her uncle lifted them off
the ground, Nina felt the plane detach from the water, but she knew she was leaving behind more than mere earth. She
was leaving everything she knew. She was closing one book on her past, and she was beginning a fresh storyher future.


Ninas grandma emerged from her bedroom and gave Nina a satchel that she had sewn from scrap fabricsthe leftover
material from when she made Ninas quilt and curtains. Inside the bag, she had packed salmon jerky and three bottles of
Ninas favorite berry jam. Ninas grandma whispered a few Athabascan words and pulled Nina close before going to round up
Ninas younger brothers. They were dancing on the beach because each could have his own room now.

Read this paragraph from the draft. Which of these would be the appropriate concluding sentence for this paragraph?
A) The beach was empty except for the two boys.
B) Ninas grandma never had the chance to go to college.
C) Each family member had his or her own way of saying goodbye.
D) Nina had loved the berry jam since she was just a little girl.


Are your kids starting college this fall? Do you worry about them being so far from home? A Now-Phone will keep you in
touch with your college-aged kids at all times! By linking a phone line to your childs mp3 player, owning a Now-Phone
means youll never have to play phone tag again.

Read this script for a television advertisement. Which sentence would be an effective and appropriate conclusion for this script?
A) The Now-Phone lets kids and their friends have lots of fun.
B) The Now-Phone allows parents and kids to connect.
C) The Now-Phone comes in several different colors.
D) The Now-Phone connects to an mp3 player!

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