Life Is A Quest?

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Life is a Quest?

Basic Quest-i-on in the determination for Truth. What? Where? Why? When? How?
Learning is a result of asking question. When one poses question we are embarking on a
quest with the determination of seeking a result. The result Knowing what is the truth. Faith is
accepting a thing without reason or fact. Just believing a thing does not make it true. Knowing is a
result of the truth becoming one with righteousness in the mind.
How can we rely on those who seek to control the mind without vetting what they have told
us? If our society is based on the facts that were previously known but have been skewed to put
the control in the hands of others. The one printing the books and the deeming education can teach
whatever he wishes. And because we think we are "learning" it is accepted as fact. Without
conducting our own further analysis or research. What do you Know or believe? From where do
you know or believe it? Why do you know or believe? When did you know or believe? Last,
however not the Least HOW do you know or believe?
Fact: Many have just celebrated massacre, out right murder, and destruction of a people. What?
Where? Why? When? How? Basic Quest-ions in the determination for Truth.
Fiction: The pilgrims( "settlers") and the Natives of this land got along to have a grand feast
swapping food, culture and give thanks. This day known as "ThanksGiving"
Millions of people get together gorging on food in celebration Giving thanks. What it is is a
communion of the spirit of which the idea/Holi-day was formed!
All days of a person's life thank is to be given. We can not and should not attempt to quantify finite
terms what is infinite.
Look at this Quote: "True prosperity is measured not by what you take out of the Book and how
use what you've received to benefit mankind. It's having wealth, health, and the wisdom to do as
God commands," 1999 book, "Total Life Prosperity: 14 Practical Steps to Receiving God's Full
Blessing." Creflo Dollar
In other words don't really read to know what is going on in the world, you dont need to
why you know or believe something. Just praise their god Currency and its all good. You don't
have to know nothin, don't pay attention to what the book is saying. And then for those who do
read it, live by and die by it have NO idea the HIS-story of what they are reading because it is just
believed to be true.
The one who controls the literature or language controls the mind. Using the mind as a
weapon to subdue and enslave or on the oppose to Free and Liberate. Once you are confronted
by truth, You have the option to Embrace a fitness of the Mental. All of Creation is energy.
Once an energy becomes stagnate it will decay. If the current of the ocean stopped flowing it
would decay. Thus, why allow the mind to stagnate? The Most High made the original, 1st
computer : The Human Mind. Is your framework based on a system designed by entities that
hate you? These are attempts use the power of knowledge, thought and the power inside of us
against US. They are imprinting the mind with negativity and lies. The war is not always a
physical war. If they make the war of reality against a lie thought to be real inside the mind.
This is crafty, very wily people. They use a subversive agent of mistruth that is with you all day
and night. You, your Mind. The beliefs that have been imprinted through technology, media,
society and education. Be not deceived. But we Will use their own wickedness against them.
Even their own have to tell the truth at some point. You can hide the truth, but not for all time.

Truth Shall set us free!!

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