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Savage renege metal works

Duncan Caron, owner

Backyard metal works
365 pickoff ave
Grand Junction, Colorado 80127
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Cover Page...1

Table of Contents.2

Cover Letter..3


Executive Summary.....................................................5

History and Background..6

Goals and Objectives...7

Products and Services......8

Form of Ownership..9

Management and Staffing..10


Additional Resources.13
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365 pickoff ave

Grand Junction, co 80127
November 30, 2017

Jason Monona
Vice president
Bank of Colorado
78 south park ave
Grand junction, Colorado 80127

Dear Mr. Monona,

Enclosed you will find a copy of the business plan for savage renege metal works,
which is a small scale metal workshop producing custom wedding and anniversary gifts
along with custom cnc templates. To successfully launch my retail outfit, I plan to put up
$10,000 of my own capital. We would also require additional financing of $20,000.
Included in my financial statements, you will find that I plan to pay off the loan within six
years. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requests for additional
information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Duncan caron
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Executive summary
My business structure is a sole proprietorship. The purpose of
my business is to make beautiful metal art pieces for wedding
and anniversary gifts. My business makes metal sculpture and
wall art pieces. The production process is to design the piece and
weld or bend metal until the piece is done. My overall marketing
strategy is to promote the company in magazine. When the
orders come in, we fill them as soon as we can. My best
customer are couples who want to celebrate an important event.
The business is made up of myself, one manager, and two
employees. The manager is one of my best friends that i have
known forever. I made sure that he had leadership and time
management skills. This way they can told people what to do
and make sure they get it done in a timely matter.The amount of
financing i need is 20,000 dollars. I need this to buy machines
and metal for the business. The terms of the financing statement
is that i must pay it back in five years. In order to repay the loan
i must sell products.
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History and background

I came with the idea for the business, while I was in my
backyard one day and wanted a change in my life, so I decide to
make my own business. I like to make things with my hands.
My first project was a wedding gift for my sister, i made her
dolphin sitting on seashell. I used to design all the projects on
paper, but i design everything with a computer program that all
the employees can see. The business operates on a pay on
completion bases, where i get orders and fill them as soon as i
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Goals and objectives

My short term goal for the business is to bring it into
store,instead of a warehouse. My medium term goal is to draw
more customer using online advertising and an online store. My
long term goal is to expand to multiple stores across the united
states. I wish to accomplish those goals by 2020.
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Products and services

Our business makes metal artwork and sculptures by hand. most
pieces take us a week or longer to complete. I usually give
smaller orders to my new employees. To complete all the orders
i will probably need a warehouse, welding and tube bending
equipment, computers, printers, and other office supplies. A new
market that will provide expansion opportunities is an online
store, this will provide a way to reach new customer.
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Form of ownership
My business structure is a sole proprietorship, but i also have
employees. The initial products and services provided is metal
land and desk sculptures, 2d metal wall art, and 3d metal wall
art. My business purpose is making metal sculpture and art
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Management and staffing

The company is made up by me, one manager, and two
employees. The manager looks over the projects, and works on
all size projects. He also helps me design the larger projects.
Both employees work on projects and help manage the website
with new pictures. The most threatening part of the
manufacturing process is the use of hazard and flammable
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The industry of my business is the agriculture. the industry is
anything you can do with your hands. The industry is both
nationally and local growing. Its weakness is that people think
it only deals with farming. The industry strength is the number
of jobs it has. My main competitor is sonic metals. Who are
blacksmiths that are great at mass production, but their quality
suffers.In order to win over their customers, my company needs
to make better quality items while still mass produce them. My
customer are married couples who lived in the country or
suburbs. The market is growing because people continue to get
married. I expect to obtain all of the market. The price is
determined by the price of metal * the amount of work. I will
use magazine article and website to promote my business. My
channel of distribution is to sell the products online and store. If
order online it will be delivered to your house by mail. My
market research results are that my most valued customer are
married couples aged 30 to 35 years old. I think i can better
success if i promote to older and younger couples.
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