Lesson Plan Organizer Template - Ed 2020 Part 5

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Daily Lesson Plan Organizer-

Subject: Reading Day: Wednesday

Grade: Kindergarten
Unit of Study:
Learning Goals/Objectives/MLS/ISTE:
Students will know S and As name, sound, upper and lower case letters by also learning S and A motions and

Background Knowledge:

What do your students know coming into this lesson: I am assuming most of them know nothing while some of
them may know the alphabet.

What vocab will they need to know: What the alphabet is. Alphabet is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order,
used to represent the basic sounds of a language; in particular, the set of letters from A to Z.

Research-based Teaching 21st Century Skills

What is the purpose of this lesson?
Apply this to the real world
Check all that apply Check all that apply
Identify similarities and Teamwork and
The purpose of this is to begin their understandings of differences collaboration
letters that make sounds to eventually make words. The Summarizing and Note Initiative and Leadership
academic goal is to recognize the sound S & A. They will Taking Curiosity and Imagination
be able to sit patiently and focus. Reinforcing effort and Innovation and Creativity
providing recognition Critical thinking and
Homework & Practice problem solving
Nonlinguistic Flexibility and
representations Adaptability
Cooperative learning Effective Oral Written
Setting objectives and Communication
providing feedback Accessing and Analyzing
Generating and testing Information
hypothesis Other
Cues, questions, and
advance organizers
Interdisciplinary non-
fiction writing
Materials/Resources and Preparation (Physical): Materials/Resources and Preparation (Technology-
Pencils, white/smart board, markers for Smart Board (maybe)
white/smart boards, YouTube, S & A foam ,
magnetic letters, paper letters and S & A

Learning Progression Instructional Sequence: (write down your time frame and when you will be doing what)
8:50 Come to carpet. Start JP mini lesson
9:00 end JP. Start smart board mini lesson
9:10 End Smartboard mini lesson. Start work time with pile of letters
9:20 End work time with pile of letters
9:30 Matching assessment
9:40 Write short words with S & A
9:50 Reflection

Hook/Connect: (drawing in your learners, how do you gain their attention?)

I will gain their attention with my starting and ending the lesson with a ABC mouse/story bot videos. Sing with them
the S & A songs.

Whole Class Teaching: (teacher in charge)

Reminder this is very explicit. You type out- Teaching point
T: Good Morning Kiddos!
S: Good Morning Ms. M.
T: Come to the carpet to start JP.
T: Today we will be learning about S & A, their sound, what they look like and how to remember all of this by their
song, motion and picture! (Teaching Point)
S: *continues to listen and gets head nods*
T: S makes sound like a snake Sssss and you wiggle your hands like a snake. A is for ant if you have Aaa ants on your
arm then you want to hurry and take them so you pick the Aaa ants off your arm. Listen for these in the video!
S: Norah ask when do I do those?
T: When the song says the exact same words I said you sing along with it, I'll help you the first time!
S: Okay!
T: *Assuming I have access to JP, I will let S and Ps song play*
S: *sings and watches me to help them*

Direct Instruction/Teach:
T: How did that go for everyone?
S Goooood
T So from both of those videos who can tell me what sound S makes?
S Aiden says Ssss
T Yes! What is the motion to help you remember that again?
S *puts hands together like snake and does snake like motion while saying Sss*
T Super Aiden! Who can tell me what A sounds like?
S Kalli says Aaa
T Yes! And the motion?
S *puts arm out and does motion to her arm while saying Aaa*
T Amazing Kalli! I bet you guys want to be able to pick out S and As wherever you go right?
T Alright all eyes on the whiteboard! *makes dotted lines like on a sheet of paper* If its a capitol S what line does it go
T Why?
S Because it's a tall letter!
T Yes! I'll start at the top, make a half c then get to the middle then make another half c but this time facing the other
way! Everyone pick out your writing finger, place it on the ground and write it out with me!
S All write their capital S on the ground while making S sound.
T Now if it's a lowercase s where does it start?
S The middle dotted line!
T Why?
S because it's a short letter!
T You don't even need me!
S *giggle*
T Ill do the exact same thing as i did for the tall S but this time i'll start at the middle dotted line. *writes it while
saying* Half c this way and then half c the other way. Let's try the short s on the carpet. This time I shouldn't see your s
take up that much space because why?
S because it's short and small!
T Perfect now let's do A. Capital A you start at the bottom shoot a Diagonal line up to the top then another diagonal
line to the bottom. Then you add one more thing to it. What is it?
S A line in the middle!
T Yes. There's your capital A. Now let's all try.
S *does A*
T Good, now for the lowercase a. Where does lower case letters go to again? How high?
S The middle line.
T Yes so let's start at the middle line make a circle then once we get back to the middle line again we shoot down to
make a tail. Now you try!
S *make a*
T: By the end of the lesson you should be able to know S & A sound and identify them. So we're going to do some
practice together!
Guided Practice/Active Engagement:
T: On the whiteboard I will write s and a tall and short. When I am done writing them all out together we will say the
name of the letter, the sound, if its a capital or lowercase letter and then write it on the floor with your writing finger!
S: * waits for me to say i'm ready*
T *points to first letter* (a) Name?
S a!
T sound?
S aaaaaa
T Big or small letter?
S Small
T Good! Now write it out! *points to next letter* (S) Name?
T Sound?
S Sssss
T Big or small?
S Big!
T Now write it out. *points to next letter* (A) Name?
T Sound?
S Aaaaa
T Big or small?
S Big
T write it out. *points to last letter * (s) Name?
T Sound?
S Sssss
T Big or small?
S small
T Write the last one out! Do you guys think you're ready to practice without me?

Students Try Out/Work Time:

T: We will work in partners. I am going to give you a bowl full of S and As. Some will be soft felt letter some will be
hard magnet letters and just different forms of S and A. You and your partner will make a pile of S and As. If that's
super easy for you then be even tricker and make a pile of big Ss, big As, small Ss and small As. Capiche?
S: Capiche.
T *puts them all in pairs* Now spread out in the room. Remember if you can't see me I can't see you, you and your
partner both need space so don't get to close to another group and work together!
S *Spreads out*
T I will walk around and make sure everyones understanding and getting along.
S Lillian come up to me and says Barrett says this is not a Big S but it is
T *Goes over to them* Let's look at the other big S you've pulled out. Now let's put it next to a small s you've pulled
out. Barrett does this S look more like this one *points to big S* or this one *points to small s*
S *points to other big S*
T Yes! Sometimes you have to look at your other answers and compare them
S Thank you
T *Walks around for 10 min then pulls them back together* Class, class, class
S Yes yes yes
T You have 1 more minute to finish your piles. When your done raise your hand and I will come around and give you a
worksheet. You will take it to your own desk and work on it on your own. All you do is trace your S and A and color
the picture with is. Remember to in your head say the name and the sound so it's stuck in your brain forever!
S okay!
T *Goes around and gives out sheet*
S *all students are at their seat working on paper for 10 min*
T *goes around and checks on everyone again* *10 min pass* Class class class
S yes yes yes
T Please come to the carpet and bring your sheet, hand it to me and sit on your carpet spot. We are almost done!
S Okay!
T So what did we learn today?
S Zohair S says Ssss and A says Aaa
T Yes! And what's the difference between a capital and lowercase letter when we write them?
S Calvin big letters hit the top line and small letters only go to the middle!
T Perfect. To wrap this up I'll show both story bots for s and a!

Assessment/Matching Assessment/Plan Catches: (students show what they know)

I will give them a bowl of S and As. Capital and lowercase. Different forms of letters like cut out paper
letter, magnet letters or felt letters. They will do this with partners and make piles of the S and As then
piles of lower case Ss/capital Ss and lower case As/capital As.
After that I will give them a worksheet of just tracing s and a and coloring the picture that goes with the
Finally I showed them StoryBots over S and A
Closing/Reflection: (drawing in your learners, how do you gain their attention?)

Today we learned...
S and A. Their name, sound, capital and lowercase and how to write them. We learned this by also learning a
song for both letters and a motion to help them remember the sounds.I used Jolly Phonics programs for the song
and motions. I wrote on the whiteboard how to write lowercase and uppercase S and As. We did some practice
together by me writing them out and pointing to them and having them say the letters name, sound and if it was
a big or small letter. They did partner work of picking out S and A and putting them into groups then I gave
them a worksheet. Lastly we watched StoryBots to re-gain their attention

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