Ed 20 20 - Confidentiality Ws

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Molly McCoy

Confidentiality in Schools Problem-Based Learning

20 points
Look up the following aspects of confidentiality. Take brief notes to describe these areas.

Define confidentiality- The state of keeping or being kept secret or crying.

The role of confidentiality in schools- Within the school setting, school social workers are the
link between the student, the students family, the school, and the community. The efficacy of
this link is considerably dependent upon professional relationships developed with the student
and the students family, as well as with other school personnel. There is also a significant
relatedness between the efficacy of the link and the "sharing of information" between the
student and the school social worker and between the school social worker and others equally
concerned with the students education and emotional and mental well-being.
FERPA- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts. Its a federal law that protects the privacy of
student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable
program of the U.S. Department of Education.
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. A law that makes available a free appropriate
public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special
education and related services to those children.
IEP- Individualized Education Program. Kids with delayed skills or other disabilities might be
eligible for special services that provide individualized education programs in public schools, free
of charge to families. Understanding how to access these services can help parents be effective
advocates for their kids. Very one on one.
FAPE- Free Appropriate Public Education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
says that each child who has a disability and needs special education and related services will
receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE)
Due Process- A principle of fairness in all legal matters, both civil and criminal, especially in the
courts. All legal procedures set by statute and court practice, including notice of rights, must be
followed for each individual so that no prejudicial or unequal treatment will result.
Who can request Educational Records- Your school, foster parents, parents or if you are 18 or
Consequences of not obeying confidentiality- The consequences for violating FERPA are serious
and include: Temporary suspension of access, inability to perform ones work, possible
prosecution under criminal codes, dismissal or Termination. loss of Federal funding to the


1. Have you had cases that you get emotionally involved in?
2. Is violation of FERPA more common at the elementary, middle or high school level?
3. Have you had cases that no one was actually hurt or bothered by something but because of the
law you had to press charges?

Clay was very informative about the law and how it affected Park Hill School Districts. He talked about
FERPA the most which stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts. FERPA is a federal law that
protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds
under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. He explained many scenarios
regarding FERPA. A constant topic was talking about a couple that is divorced and one person wants to
see their childs school records but the other parent does not want them to see it. However, we learned
that if they are the legal parent to this child they have every right to see their child records whether the
other parent wants them to see it or not. You then have to tell the parent that didnt want the other to
see the records that they are unable to meet their requests of not showing them regardless of their
reasons. In the beginning he just re went over what FERPA was and what can happen if you are to break
FERPA. Many things can happen if you break this law. It can be very serious. You may get temporary
suspension of access, inability to perform ones work, possible prosecution under criminal codes,
dismissal, termination or loss of Federal funding to the institution. He also informed us about the only
people who have access to your educational records. Those people are your parents, foster parents if
you have them, the school and teachers if they have a viable reason as to why they need to see them. I
found his presentation very interesting, informative and needed as I will be an educator who will need
to follow all of these rules and regulations. FERPA is very important for people to obey especially
teachers so they do not get in trouble and have a healthy environment.

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