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QSRIEFIOATS OF IROORPORATION e UNITED STATES QORPORATION COMPANY a=2--000¢0----~ 1, The name of the corporation ie UNTTSD STATES CORPORATION COMPINY. 2. The nature of the business and the objects and purposes proposed to be transacted, promoted oF carried on py the corporation are as follows: To prepare or cause to be prepared and procure to be filed, recorded, registered, published, issued or granted, or certificates of incorpor An, accordarce with lem, artiol ation, applications for letters patent, charters and other jnetrumente relating to the incorporation and organization © of cur, orations and Joint stock companies. go prepare or cause to be prepared and procure to registered, published, issued or granted, applications for licenses be filed, recorded, certificates, reports, statexenta, to do business or other instrument companies or associations. 9 in relation to domestic , ané foreign corporations, To provide and maintain domiciliary and other of- » companies and associa~ thereof and upon whom to any suo corpora= erved or given, ani for floes and facilities for corporations, * lone, and to act as agent in charge : process against or any official notice j. thon, company orsegooiation may be Pothar ‘awful Purp To. sot ac the fiscal or transfer agent Of, oF re~ atrar of the stock or. securities “esued by any public or long and in ‘sich’ ospacity to receive, ae aie. vate corporati “7 a Se purse money, to transfer, register, counteratgn, issue and deliver cortifioaves of stock, bonds or other evidences of Andebtedne: , and to act aa agent of any corporation, foreten or domestio, for any lawful purpose. to oarry on the business of an sppraieal and audit company and in connsction therewith to make exaninations and appraisals of tho business snd property of corporations ant {ndividuale, to oxanine and audit their books end sccounte, and to make reporte and certificates in respect thereof. ro publish end deal in books, periodicals, pam phieta, legal forme and blanks of all kindss go acquire by purchase or otherwise, and to hold for investment or otherwise to use, sell, lease or dispose oF real estate and rosl property, and eny interest, estate oF rights therein, go acquire by purchase, subsoription or othermice and to hold for investment or otherwiee, and to use, oot oF atepose of shares of atook, bonds or any other obligations or securities of any corporation, domestic or foreign; to ata in any manaor any corporation whose shares of stock, bonds or other obligations are held or in any manner guaranteed by the company, or in which the company is in any way interested; and to do any other acte or things for the preservation, pro- | tection, improvexent or enhancement of the value of any such | shares of stook, bonis or other obligations, or to do any t aote or thinge designed for any such purposes and while | gmmer of any. such share of stock, bonds or other obligations “| gp gxoroise all the rights, powers and privileges of owner- ro ' nlp thereof, and to exereive eny and all voting powers thereon. to acquire by purchase or otherwise, snd to hold, om, use, grant licenses in reapest to, on otherwise tur to account or dlepose of any copyrights, trademarks, inventions patent rights and letters patent of the United States or of any other country. he business of the corporation is from time to time to do any one or more of the acte end thi.igs herein set forth} ena 1t may conduct business in the State of Floride, other states, the District of Columbia, the territories and colonies of the United States and in foreign countrios, have one or more offices out of the State of Florida, and hold, purchase, moftgage an convey real énd personal property with= in or without of the State of Florida. 5S. the maximm number of shares which this corpor- ation 18 authorised to have outstanding at any time 1s ONE HUNDRED (100), each of which shares hall have @ par value of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) 4. ‘The amount of capital with which the corpora tion will begir business 10 FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS (§500.) |. The corporation is to have perpetual exist- 6, The principal office of the corporation shall be located in the Centennial Building, Tallshasses, Leon Coun- ty 7, ‘The number of directors shall be three (5) 8. The nates of the directors who shall hold office for the first year of the corporation's existence, or until their successors are elected and have qualified and their \ post-office addresses are es follows! 1 MANES: POST-OFRTOR ADDRESSES HARRY 0. COUGHLAN BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. SAMUBL B. HOWARD 150 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. ARTHUR W. BRITTON 150 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, .Y. 9. The names and posteoffice addresses of the sub- ‘goribers of this certificate and the nusber of shares of stook which econ agrees to take are as follons: AMES POST-OFFIGH ADDRESSES NO. OF SHARES LOUIS H. GUNTHER “150 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 2 SAMUEL B. HOWARD 160 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Ne. 2 ARTHUR W. BRITTON 160 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 1 10. The directors and stockholders shall have power to hold their meetings and to have one or more offices and to keep the books of the corporation (except the original or duplicate stook ledger) outeide of the State of Florida, ‘at euch place or places as from time to time may be dectgnated by the By-Laws or by resolution of the Board. ‘The direotore nhall aleo have power, without the aosent or vote of the utockholders, t> make and alter by-laws of the corporation; to fix the times for the declaration and payment of dividendas and to fix and vary the amount to be reserved as working capitals to determine the use and dis- position of any surplus or net profits over and above the capital stock paid in, and in their discretion the directors nay use and apply any such surplus or accumulated profits in purchasing or acquiring the bonds or other obligations or shares of the capital stock of the corporation to such extent and in such manner and upon such terms as the directors shall dom expedient; but shares of such capital stook so purchased: for soquirea may be resold unless such shares shali have been WS, TES UNDERSIGNED, being each of the original ubsoribers to capitel stock hereinbefore named, do hereby associate ror the purpose or ostablishing = corporation pur~ suant to the Corporation Law, State of Florida, 1925. WITNESS our hands and seals this 7h day or July 2°05. AN PRESENUE OF: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK, July 7th, A 1925, personally appeared berore me, a Notary Public in and for Now York dounty, duly authorized to take scknom- Ledgments, LOUIS H. GUNTHER, SAMUEL 5. HOWARD and ARTHUR W. BRITTON, to me known and kmown to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who each acknowlodged to mo that no executed the samo freely and voluntarily us and for hie act and deed for the uses and purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official eesl the day and year in this certificate first above written, at New York, New York County, New Yorks Fann lh CNet, eeceey Rate node 30, 1727.

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