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Date: October 2, 2017

To: Godivas Product Line
From: Eugene Ahn, Market Analysis
Subject: New Product Line

The Healthy Chocolate

In the modern Western world, health conscious decisions have grown from a so-called
health kick to a full-fledged lifestyle that many people partake in and join in on. NowadaysThese
days, consumers are more-willing than ever to go out of their way to purchase organic produce,
GMO-free products, and obscure unconventional healthy alternatives to their once favorite foods.
Chocolate is undoubtedly a staple in modern confectionery, however, interest in the product drops
as sweets are replaced with healthier alternatives. Upon researching possible approaches to keep the
appeal of chocolate high with all consumers, the idea of launching a brand new Health-focused line
came to mindbecame apparent. ; A new product line with dark chocolate at its core to promote a
modern, healthy approach to the same sweets that people have been gotten used to for generations.

Many modern day snacks have already gone far into implementing healthy varieties of their
own product in attempts to keep loyal customers loyal, even after deciding upon a healthier diet.
Lite, zero, and diet versions of products have become staple products in many different lines of
products, however chocolate can take a different approach. By implementing more of the chocolate
ingredient: Cocoa, the well-known, but less mainstream, dark chocolate is made. Dark chocolate
carries the advantage of various health benefits on its own, including being a good source for
antioxidants and various nutrients. While dark chocolate already serves as a healthy sweet, it also
carries benefits miles ahead of milk chocolate. Allowing dark chocolate to take milk chocolates
place as a sweet would push healthy ideals.
This wouldnt be done by simply introducing more dark chocolate into the product line, as
there are many varieties already available. The recommended approach would be to introduce a
brand new line of products with dark chocolate as its focus. Godiva currently advertises a small
series of products that are ideal for health nuts.. This small line of products fails to go far enough
in its focus on healthto pushing a health focused agenda, being primarily focused around fruits and
nuts without emphasizing the potential health benefits of chocolate itself. A new line of health-
centric products that shines on the basis of dark chocolate itself can be easy to market.

Advertising chocolate as a chocolatier is easier and makes more sense than attempting to
make consumers aware that fruits and nuts are healthy, as most already know. Informing the public
on dark chocolates health benefits would almost certainly be a more difficult task but certainly not
impossible. This would also help push Godiva as being one of the first health conscious
chocolatiers, allowing Godiva to carve another niche into the chocolate and sweets market.

The Chocolate

Dark Chocolate has, in many ways, been proven to be a healthy food. It serves as a source of
various nutrients and minerals including fibers, potassium, iron, etc. Being a mineral-rich snack is
nearly irreplaceable if placed in moderation within ones diet, serving as both a dessert and a source
of needed nutrients. It has also been shown that cocoa beans score very high on the test to
determine a foods value as an antioxidant, dark chocolate being primarily cocoa carries the same
qualities. The greatest benefit of health studies in dark chocolate point to its positive effects on the
cardiovascular system. In various studies, dark chocolate has shown to either increase blood flow,
decrease blood pressure, and even lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Results of one of these
studies can be found at:

The Products

Chocolate for the Heart is the current working name of a potential new health-focused
line of products. The launching of a new line of health-based chocolates make much more sense
than just pushing the current line of
Products for a Health Nut.. The
image shown to the left is the
majority of the current Health Nut
Products, missing only larger
quantities of chocolate-covered
strawberries. This fails to serve as a
true health focused line of product,
milk chocolate makes up more than
half the items in the collection.
Chocolate for Heartss main draw
would be its actual focus in dark
chocolate, being able to be advertised
as such.

The Market

Releasing and advertising a line of healthy chocolate will boost appeal of not only Godiva,
but also chocolate as a whole, bringing more consumers back to the market of sweets. SAs sweets
continue to lose its appeal to many consumers with health in mindin the health conscious side of the
diet bubble,. A a marketing campaign targeted at those same consumers would do wonders in
tapping into a lost consumer market. Between 2011 and 2013, a survey conducted by Mintel showed
that the consumers preference of dark chocolate had risen from 33% to 35%. The same survey
showed that only 73% of those consumers were aware that dark chocolate is a healthier option.
Making the marketing of Chocolate for HeartsHearts goals would not be to would not push the
healthier products, but rather to aim to inform consumers of the health benefits of dark chocolate
so that its beneficial nature can come to light.

To reiterate, the introduction of a new line of product Chocolate for the Heart (working
title) would do wonders for the image of chocolate, Godiva, and how sweets and health do not have
to be mutually exclusive ideas. Putting emphasis on the healthiness and practicality of including dark
chocolate in the average persons diet would spread the health benefits of the treat. This new line
would also benefit Godivas sales and image as a company that thinks of their consumers and their
health over just profit.

Godiva should work to research and implement a new product line Chocolate for the
Heart, looking at both long-term and short-term benefits of a health-focused product line. The
company should look at the positives of informing the public on the product as well as advertising
it, so that multiple layers are present in the companys image.To reiterate, the introduction of a new
line of product Chocolate for the Heart (working title) would do wonders for the image of
chocolate, Godiva, and how sweets and health do not have to be mutually exclusive ideas.

Dark chocolate grows US popularity on health image. (2013, May 29). Retrieved October 02, 2017,

Gunnars, K. (2017, May 30). 7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate. Retrieved October 02,
2017, from

Raloff, J. (2000). Chocolate Hearts. Science News, 157(12), 188-189. Retrieved from

Mackenbach, J. (2011). The temptations of chocolate: Observational evidence suggests a health

benefit, but only randomised trials can give a definitive answer. BMJ: British Medical Journal,
343(7825), 649-650. Retrieved from

Moss, S., & Badenoch, A. (2009). Chocolate: a global history. London: Reaktion Books.

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