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Lesson Plan #4: Religion

Course: 9th Grade English

Standards and Objectives:

Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and
disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and
make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented.

Students will present on their familys cultures and traditions for todays topic: religion

Student Background: Students have been learning and discussing each part of the Identity
Wheel, which include race, ethnicity, language, culture, age, ability, class, gender, sexuality,
and religion. They have been able to reflect on how each section coincide with each other and
how each section affects them in society. Today is the last part of the wheel: religion. They will
be presenting an One-Pager on their familys religious traditions, as well as religious traditions
that they will research.

Materials and Resources:

Identity Wheel
Books and articles

Learning Activities:
1. Initiation: Students will begin class by have a journal entry reflecting on the artifact they
brought in. They will then do quick shares in their groups about what they reflected on,
they will vote on which artifact they want to bring forward to the class, and there will be a
group share out on the chosen artifact for each group.
2. Lesson Activities: I will pass out one sheet of paper to each student.
3. They will create a One-Pager on the religious traditions and origins that they celebrate,
or maybe that they dont celebrate. This can include food, prayers, holidays, texts, how
frequent it is practiced in their home, and more.
4. They will research another religion that they do not know about, or would like to learn
more about.
5. They will create a second One-Pager on the religion they researched. This can include
food, prayers, holidays, texts, and more as well.
6. They will present in front of the class their two One-Pagers. They will talk about what
they thought to be different about the religions, what they found the same, what
surprised them, and something new that they learned about.
7. Homework: Students will bring in any artifact (song, news article, poem, story, etc.) to
journal about for tomorrows discussion: race, ethnicity, and culture.

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