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10/18/2017 MATSCI202HW3

In [2]: import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Here is the defined equation

1 1
E = hcR( )
2 2
n n
i f

In [38]: def delta_E(n_0,n_f):

dE = (6.626*10**(-34)*(3*10**(8))*(1.097*10**(7)))*(1/(float(n_0)**2)-1/(f
in_eV = dE*6.242*10**(18)
return in_eV

This first series lets n0 = 1 and nf ranges from 2 to 13

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10/18/2017 MATSCI202HW3

In [39]: x_1 = np.linspace(1,13,13)

y_1 = np.linspace(1,13,13)
for i in range(1,13):
n_initial = 1
n_final = x_1[i]
energy = delta_E(n_initial,n_final)
y_1[i] = energy


[ 1. 10.20855661 12.09903006 12.76069577 13.06695246

13.23331413 13.33362496 13.39873055 13.44336673 13.47529473
13.49891784 13.51688514 13.53086794]

As can be seen, this converges to photons with energy 13.5 eV or with wavelengths around 91nm

The next series lets ni = 2 and lets nf range from 3 to 13

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10/18/2017 MATSCI202HW3

In [42]: x_2 = np.linspace(1,13,13)

y_2 = np.linspace(1,13,13)
for i in range(1,13):
n_initial = 2
n_final = x_2[i]
energy = delta_E(n_initial,n_final)
y_2[i] = energy


[ 1. 0. 1.89047345 2.55213915 2.85839585 3.02475751

3.12506835 3.19017394 3.23481012 3.26673812 3.29036122 3.30832853

As can be seen, this converges to photons with energy 3.32 eV or with wavelengths around 370nm

The next series lets ni = 3 and lets nf range from 4 to 13

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10/18/2017 MATSCI202HW3

In [43]: x_3 = np.linspace(1,13,13)

y_3 = np.linspace(1,13,13)
for i in range(1,13):
n_initial = 3
n_final = x_3[i]
energy = delta_E(n_initial,n_final)
y_3[i] = energy


[ 1. -1.89047345 0. 0.66166571 0.9679224 1.13428407

1.2345949 1.29970049 1.34433667 1.37626467 1.39988778 1.41785509

As can be seen, this converges to photons with energy 1.43 eV or with wavelengths around 820nm

In [ ]:

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