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Ungku Omar Polytechnic (PUO) is the first polytechnic in Malaysia. There are two
campuses in PUO. There is a department called JTMK department or Information
Technology and Communication Department. In JTMK department, almost all classes are
computer lab.

To use the computer in each lab, there is a book that is used to record the usage of the
computer. Students should fill the book every time they use the computer in the lab. All
computer labs in JTMK is lock and can be enter only by using lecturers ID card. So, students
cannot enter the lab without permission.

Usually, students just take randomly any computer that they want to use. Then, they
should be register themselves in the book at each of computer which means they use the

CLOCIDS System or Computer Lock by ID using Scanner System is designed to monitor

the usage of computers in computer lab among student. CLOCIDS System will upgrade the
record of computer usage from using book to digital record.

We prepare this system so that the students cannot pick their computer randomly and they
will sit according to what computer number they register in the system. From using this
system, we can know who using the computer by seeing the record.

2.0. Problem statement

The usage of computer in computer lab is record by using book. Student has to register
themselves in the book that is provided in each computer.

By using book to record the usage of computer, it is difficult to monitor who is using the
computer. Sometime, student does not register themselves in the record book.

If student does not register themselves in the book, administrator doesnt know who is
using the computer. If the computer is harmed, it is difficult to find who causing the harm
because the computer lab is shared by all semester of JTMK students.

3.0. Objective

1. To design system using scanner in the lecturers computer by scanning students matrix
2. To develop system for lecturers to monitor the user of the computers in the computer lab.
3. To test the system to secure the usage of the computer in computer lab.

4.0. Scope

The scope of this project is divided into two which is users and system scope:

4.1. User scope

4.1.1. Admin
i. View the entire list of students using the computers in computer
ii. Make sure which computer can be used and cannot be used.

4.1.2. Lecturers
i. Monitor the students while they register themselves in lecturers

4.1.3. Students
i. Register themselves in lecturers computer and use the computer
that they have register by scanning bar code behind their matrix

4.2. System scope

i. Record students computer usage.

ii. Store information related to the computer lab and students data.
iii. Allow students to register themselves by using scanner.

5.0. Project Significant

In overall, the CLOCIDS System will be carried out to make sure the usage of the
computers can be monitored by lecturer and administrator. In old method which is using
book to record the usage of computer are not followed by students in certain time.

Students might use the computer for something that not related to their lesson.
Students might download or surfing social media by using computer in the lab. It might
be harm to computer if students download incomplete software.

By using the book to record the usage of computers, it is difficult to detect who
causing harm to the computer. Students might be not registered themselves in the book.
The computer lab are used by many class a day so if students not registered in the book, it
will difficult to detect who using the computer.

6.0. Literature Review

7.0. Methodology

The methodology that we use in this project is agile methdology. Instead of

waterfall methdology, we use this method to keep in track the progress of our project.
The first thing is to plan the project and list out the tools, component and other. Then
Design the project. Designing the project is also the important part to make sure the
project are in good condition and perfect.

Then, develop the project. The project is to create another alternative to make the
pc in the laboratory more secure and confidential. So we decelop a system that can lock
all the pc in the lab and then the user must have the matric card to unlock the pcs. All of
the record of the user are recorded in databases

Testing the system yo the user so that we can kow the funtion of the system.
Lastly testing to the all of the pc in the Ungku Omar Polytechnic lab. Lastly evaluate the

8.0. References

9.0. Gantt Chart

10.0. Cost
11.0. Conclusion

Our goals is to create the alternative ways for the user in the Ungku Omar
Polytechnic lab to be more secure and more confidential and to replace the manual ways
that is the user log book. So that the system is just to replace the old system to the digital
ways. We believe that this system will help to improve the system of securing the pc in
the lab.

We hope that the system will be very usefull and helpfull to the lab and the user
and also we can use the matric card so that every user have their own identity to unlock
the system. This system supposely can make the log in faster and eco friendly user to all
the user of pc in Ungku Omar Polytechnic lab.

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