Semper Praesumitur Pro Matrimonio

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TING vs TING - Horizontal SD- higher courts must

Nature: Psychological Incapacity; Article 36 CC follow its own precedence

Keywords: medschool, cebu city, velez hospital o Constitutional SD-
involves judicial
FACTS: interpretations of the
Benjamin and Carmen wed on July 26, 1975 Consti
6 children, 18 years marriage o Statutory SD- involves
Carmen filed declaration of nullity of marriage interpretations of
on the ground of P.I. statutes
Carmens Arguments: - Exceptions to application of SD:
1. Psychological Incapacity must exist o Its application
at the time of celebration of marriage which perpetuates illegitimate
will manifest thereafter; and unconsti holdings
2. Prior to their marriage, she was o It cannot accommodate
already aware that Benjamin suffers from P.I. changing social and
due to: political understanding
a. Alcoholism o It leaves power to
b. Violent nature overturn bad consti law
c. compulsive gambling solely in the hands of
d. irresponsible and immature Congress
Benjamins o Activist udges can dictate
1. Denied P.I policy for future courts
2. Active in social and athletic clubs Carmen argues that doctrinal guidelines in
3. Carmen would collect his fees and Molina and Santos cannot have retroactive
spend it lavishly effect for being contrary to SD. But when a
Dr. Oates- found Benjamin P.I. based on decision has been overruled and a new decision
disposition has been adopted, the same shall be used
Dr. Obra- refuted, no P.I. prospectively in favor of the parties who have
relied to previous ruling in good faith
RTC: declared marriage null and void pursuant
to Article 36 of CC, gave credence to Dr. Oates 2. Reuired proof for declaration of nullity under
findings of P.I, excessive drinker, compulsive 36 has not been liberalized. Expert opinions
gambler, violent tendencies while highly advisable, are not conditions sine
qua non in granting such petitions.
CA: reversed RTCs ruling; no proof that B was Totality of evidence if sufficient, experts may
P.I. at the time he married Carmen; not be resorted to. Hence, the need for
That Dr. Oates findings were based only on examination of parties to a psychiatrist shall
theories and not on established fact contrary to now be determined by the court during pre
the guidelines in Santos and Molina rulings. trial.

Issue: 3. Totality of evidence insufficient to prove PI.

1. Whether CA violated rule on stare decisis
2. Whether the requirements for PI has been The intendment of the law is to confine the
liberalized application of Article 36 to the most serious
3. Whether the declaration of marriage null and cases of personality disorders clearly
void was proper demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or
inability to give meaning and significance to the
HELD: No on all marriage. The PI must have inflicted a party at
the inception of marriage which should be a
STARE DECISIS (adherence to precedence)- malady so grave and permanent as to deprive
is a principle adhered to by lower courts one of the awareness of the duties and
that once a question of law has been responsibilities of marriage.
examined and decided, it should be deemed
settled and closed to further argument. Semper praesumitur pro matrimonio-
(Article 8, Civil Code) presumption is always in favor of marriage
- It is a bar to any attempt to ------------------------------------------------
relitigate the same issues Antonio Locsin II vs Mekeni Foods Corp
necessary for economy and Nature: Labor/ Employment
stability Keywords: Car Plan agreement; employer
- Stare decisis et non quieta employee; car used in service of business; car
movere- stand by the thing and do loan vs car benefit package
not disturb the calm
- Vertical SD- duty of the lower Facts:
courts to apply the decisions of the - Mekeni Foods Corp offered Locsin the
higher courts involving the same position of Regional Sales Manager for NCR
facts - In addition to benefitscar plan under which
is to be paid by the company and to be paid
from the Locsins salary 5,000/month starting principles of justice, equity, and good
2004 conscience.
- CAR used Honda Civic 280,000 Objective: to prevent one from enriching
- in 2006 he resigned, total of 112k has been himself at the expense of another.
deducted, he returned the car but offered to -----
purchase the vehicle SUNTAY vs SUNTAY
- filed monetary claims for unpaid salary, and Nature: letters of administration, illegitimacy;
other benefits effects of declaration of nullity of marriage
Keywords: Married, then marriage annulled
Labor Arbiter: directed respondents to turn
over vehicle upon the said payment Facts:
In 1958Emilio Aguinaldo Suntay and Isabel
NLRC: reversed LA. Ordered Mekeni to pay Cojuangco Suntay, married3 childrenone
claims. of them was Isabel
Claims that Locsin must be reimbursed
otherwise UNJUST ENRISHMENT would result Isabel filed a criminal complaint. Emilio filed a
as the vehicle remained in the possession of the complaint for legal separation. Marriage was
company. annulled under Article 85 CC (unsound mind
that after coming to reason freely cohabioted
CA: deleted reimbursement. Treated payment with the other) Since 1955 Emilio was suffering
of Locsin on the car as rentals for the use of the from schizophrenia.
car, should not be returned since not
unconscionable. In 1979,Emilio predeceased his mother
Crisitina. Later Cristina died. Then Isabel, as
ISSUE: Whether Locsin is entitled to refund on granddauther of Cristina petitioned that letter
all amounts paid by him under the car plan of administration be issued to her by her right
of representation alleging that she is one of the
Petitioners arguments: LEGITIMATE granddaughter of deceased.
1. CA erred in holding that 112k was rentals
2. that the car plan was part of economic Frederico Sunta surviving spouse of Cristina
package benefit part of his employment hence opposed alleging that Isabel was illegitimate
a car plan benefit and not a car loan hence cannot invoke right of representation to
3. absence of documentary evidence on the the legitimate relative of her father or mother.
terms and conditions cannot justify reliance
that full terms only applied to employees Alleged that as a consequence of the nullity of
worked 5 years marriage, she became illegitimate hence no
right to9 the estate.
Respondents arguments
1. car loan paid through monthly salary Issue: whether Isabel is legitimate
Held. YES.
1. only term is the payment of 50/50 Marriage was annulled under Article 85, hence
2. ABSENCE of express stipulation as to other the marriage was voidable. Being conceived
termsrentals, employment, etc and born of a voisable marriage before the
3. car plan was necessary to the business and decree of annulment, she is considered
benefitted the companys mission and legitimate.
objectives and operations
4. any benefit or privilege enjoyed by Locsin DISTINCTION between VOID AND VOIDABLE
was merely incidental, vehicle was under MARRIAGE;
control and supervision of Mekeni Void marriage is deemed never to have taken
5. ARTICLE 22 of the Civil Code on UNJUST place at all. Effects: natural children have the
ENRICHMENT same rights as acknowledged natural children
- Every person who through an act
or performance of another, or any other Voidable marriage- considered valid and
means, acquires or comes into possession of produces all its civil effects until set aside by
something at the expense of the latter final judgment in an action for annulment.
without just or legal groud shall return the Children born before decree are legitimate, if
same to him. after, acknowledged natural children.
- form of quasi contracts. Here it was formed
in absence of express stipulation ANNUL- to reduce to nothing, to make void or
6. hence it cannot refuse refund of no effect, annihilate
VOID- does not exist from the very beginning
person unjustly retains a benefit to the loss of
another, or when a person retains money or
property of another against the fundamental
Nature: Search Warrant 1. person was killed
Keywords: art metal filing cabinet, invalid 2. accused killed him
search 3. killing was attended by any of the qualifying
circusmstances in Article 248;
FACTS: 4. killing is not parricide or infanticide
BIR through agent filed a petition for issuance
of search warrant to search the building owned All elements are present
by Santiago Sy Juco. This was based on an
information relayed to Narciso Mendiola whom Alibi to prosper:
he considers as reliable. 1. he must prove that he is present in another
In the search an art metal filing cabinet was 2. physical impossibility to be at the scene of
seized allegedly owned by Atty Remo and the crime
Salakan Lumber Co. Atty Remo stated that the
documents belong to his clients and are Treachery
protected under the atty client privilege rule. 1. employment of means of executive gave no
opportunity to defend himself or retaliate
He seeks that BIR be prohibited from opening 2. means was deliberately and consciously
the cabinet as this was illegally seized. adopted

ISSUE: Whether the seizure was valid ESTRADA VS. ESCRITOR

Keywords: Jehovas witness
2 reqs for Search Warrant to be valid: Facts:
1. It must be made udner oath Soledad Escritor- court interpreter
2. It must particularly describe the things, Estrada complained Escritor of gross immpral
place, person to be searched and seized conduct for living with Luciano Quilaio, a man
3. there must be probable cause not her husband, with child. Escritors husband
also lived with another woman before he died.
Conditions not met hence that search as against
the art metal filing cabinet was illegal. Conjugal arrangement was in conformity with
---- their religious beliefs. They executed
PEOPLE vs OFIZA which is effective when legal impediments
Nature: treachery, murder render it impossibl for a couple to legalize their
Keywords: union

FACTS: ISSUE: whether Escritor is guilty of gross

Suspect Redello Llobera immoral conduct
Victim Cristituto Briones
- Shot with an improvised shotgun HELD:
with intent to kill and evident Case remanded
premeditation The court could not prohibit and punish her
Witnesses: relatives of victim who identified conduct where the Free Exercise Clause
the suspect protects it since this would be unconstitutional
encroachment of her right to religious freedom
Allegation: around 11:00Pm, there was a (ARTICLE 3 SECTION 5) . But it must also apply
commotion outside in front of their house as the COMPELLING STATE INTEREST TEST.
certain persons were throwing stones at each - Mandate of preserving religious
other. They went outside, then the victim was liberty to the fullest extent
shot. She identifies suspect as barangaymate possible in a pluralistic society.
Free exercise is a fundamental
Rosebert, cousin, identified suspect since the right and laws burdening it must
place was illuminated by the moon, lights from be subject to strict scrutiny.
neightbors house and gasera. -
- States interest in the preservation
Defense: they were at the house in another of the integrity of the judiciary by
barangay reachable by 1 and half rhours from maintaining amoing its ranks a
crime scene. Relatives misidentified him high standard of morality and
RTC: guilty iof murder; reasoned that his denial
and alibi cannot prevail over positive
identification of relatives

CA: affirmed RTC

Elements of Murder: SILVERIO vs REPUBLIC

domestic servant but a laborer paid on a daily
Keywords: Rommel to Mely, transgirl, seeks to basis
change sex in birth certificate CA: Qualified Theft as there was grave abuse of
Facts: Rommel Jacinto Dantes Silverio filed a Elements
petition for change of name and sex in his BC 1. Taking of personal property
- Claims he is transsexual- 2. Property belongs to aniother
anatomically male but feels, 3. done with intent to gain
thinks, and acts as female 4. Without owners consent
- Underwent sex reassignment 5. no force upon thisngs ( SINCE IT WAS NOT
- Rommel to Mely; Male to Female 6. grave abuse of confidence

RTC; ISSUE: whether he is guilty of QT

Granted sinceit is more in consonance with the HELD. NO. ONLY SIMPLE THEFT
principles of justice and equity; misfortune to
be trapped in a males body. There was no force upon things, but there was
also no grave abuse of confidence hence simple
CA: reversed. No law allowing the change of theft only!
name or sex in BC by reason of sex
reassignment surgery Breaking of door negates the presence of such
confidence; employer never gave him machines
Issue: should his petition be allowed. involved in the case

Held: NO. The fact he is a laborer does not create the

relation of confidence required or qualified
RA 9048 (Clerical Error Law) theft.
Clerical or Typo errors can be changed by Also since force upon things was not alleged, it
municipal or city registrars. Otherwise it needs cannot also be considered. Hence simple theft.
judicial order
Requirements for change of name: Keywords: Comelec
1. name is ridiculous
2. new name has been habitually and Facts:
continuously used Christian Monsod was appointed as the
3. change will avoid confusion Chairman of the Commission on Elections and
was affirmed thereafter. Renato Cayetano
STATUS- ciscumstances affecting the legal opposed on the ground that he does not qualify
situation of a person in view of his age, for he failed to meet the Constitutional
nationality, and his family membership. requirement of practice of law for at least 10
ISSUE: whether he met the 10 year practice of
Keyword: Robbery/ Qualified Theft/ Simple law requirement
HELD. SC said Yes his past work experiences as
Facts: lawyer economist, lawyer manager, and
Viray was hired as helper of Zenaida Vedua. On entrepreneur etc satisfied such requirement
19 October 2006, several jewelries and
cellphone, etc was stolen inside the house of PRACTICE OF LAW:
Zenaida. Practice of law means any activity, in or
out of court, which requires the application
Viray pleaded not guilty. of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training
Zenaida says, she locks the doors of her house, and experience. To engage in the practice of
Viray was not allowed to enter the house law is to perform those acts which are
Then she notices jewelry was stolen, and the characteristics of the profession. Generally,
main doors were destroyed to practice law is to give notice or render
any kind of service, which device or service
Witnesses saw Viray inside the house with a requires the use in any degree of legal
male companion. knowledge or skill. (111 ALR 23) (at p. 214)


1. He did not report to work since he was down Firearms include airsoft guns and replicas in
with flu their coverage of gun ban

RTC: Robbery as there was actual breaking, use Section 2b of Resolution No. 8714 the term
of force upon things and since he was not a firearm includes airsoft guns and their replicas
and imitations in whatever for that can cause
any ordinary person to believe they are real

Claims possibility of direct injury for liability on

election ban since he has been in the sport for a
long time

Petitioner alleges that there is no law that

covers airsoft guns, and the resolution
criminalizes the sport since mere possession is
already an election offense.

Issue: whether comelec gravely abused its

discretion in including airsoft guns in its

Held NO
Where a rule or regulation has a provision not
expressly stated or contained in the statute
being implemented, that provision does not
necessarily contradict the statute. sxx All that is
required is that the regulation should be
germane to the objects and purposes of the

Comelec had authority to promulgate

resolution 8714

The law which regulates airsoft guns is PNP

Circular no 11. (use restricted only in sports) to
which license is not a right but a mere personal

Resolution is a reasonable restriction in the

holding of a Free Orderly Honest Peaceful and
Credible elections

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