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OxXY03539 ® Training and Development PuRDUE— = TO: Ene Field Force SUBJECT: PLANNING AN EFFECTIVE, DATE: November 4, 1996 PRESENTATION “IF 1 ONLY HAD A BRAIN...” {nthe Wand of Gz, Dorothy ha a clear-cut cjective. She knew exactly what she ‘waned - fo get back home vo Kansas, Who could help he? Oaly one person could give her what she wanted: The Wizard. According to the munchkin, the Right Approach ‘Gow to accomplish this tas) was to take th Yellow Brick Road. ‘The nention grabber ‘wat Docothy’s pnking-e-piture ofher Aum Em. Turns out that Dorothy knw that the gun also had an Auotie Em, ‘That got them inside. Toto evemualy grabbed tho ‘Wiens attention by pulling down bis curtain. Then Doroty knew that she bad to “ask” ‘or wiat she wanted ga) ‘As docton’ scheduling demands are geting phir, you need to more efetvely plan your presentations. “low ean we bd un efictve presentation? 1. Hive slear-eut abecive: “Why am 1 making this eal” “What do want fo achieve?” "The physician wll entfy 2OA patleats who are ready for OxyContis” 2 Bagw-suurlistensr and hishernesdsfwants: Gather facts shout your 9400939555 PRODUGEN RY PIRAIF IN KNOX.MARTINY DIBAIIE DHADMA ET AL Anal APTiAN nA AenacU9e AB ox¥03540 Page 2 Continued lave a WelLsormulited Approsch: A single thought or setence that ‘will Dest lead you to your sbjecve, "According tothe PDA, snted in the ‘OryConin™ package ins, ‘Drug addicion is characterized by 8 preoccupation with te procuenient, hoarding nd nbuse of rugs for won medics! porposes’, "Delayed abworption, as provided by OxyContia™ ‘ubles, is believed 1 reduce the abuse Babiity of m drug," 4, Develop The Hook (Attenton-Grabbes): + What ethe most iterestng and exching part of your subject? Can you reduce it to one semtenes? + Does The Hook lend you to your objective? © exnbevertal and/or vial. * you do wot engage your stones aention immedisiely, ‘your message ml Selost + "What areyour OA pens ing at nigh, when they 5) cenld be deep oow thesubigst: This she whawhowhere/sben/hyrhow that ‘explains or reinforces yor: objective, The subject must reieteto your Tistener and eotrespard to your approsch, oe + “OxyConta™ can provide pln ee to your patent lowing them to seep Uirough he nig, we ponenially ess chance for addiction than inmediatetlease opioids 6. Aaklors specific action: A message without a speciicrequest isa wasted ‘pporturity. Developing 8 specie nfion require that ou KNOW your ‘bjecive end your listens. “wart 0 OA patents can yor think of ight cow who cou Benefit fim ‘OxyContin tablets? Can we place & presciption For OxyContis™ in thelr charts right naw?" s1009s9556 PRODUCED RY PURDUE IN KNOX-MARTINV BI Oxyo3s4i Page 3 Continued 7. “Palate Pinure": Persoealite your eal to that physi © Beclearand understandable. + Male an emotiont! appeal ‘= *OxyContin's convenient q12h schedule won't interfere ‘vi your palents daytime activities oF nighttime ree, ana ‘encourages compliance. This meons tht your patente may beable to shop, garden, and do ober things that they were able wo do efbee they had the pain” 8 Be Avare of Fiat impressions: * Use your voice, your body language, and your appearance to create that inal fit impression, eam, 9. Row when to ston: op Once he pyscan has agent your requested aon, STOP sling, Explain dosing and move coto the next product 10, Plan Your Wotk: Wark Your Plan ‘Apot of gold awaits you “Over the Rainbow" Reference: Adapted in prt om a book by Milo O. Frank. @y PRODUCED BY PUROUE IN KNOX-MARTIN V PURRIE PHARMA FT al CIM aeTINN RIN A:n9r\9R. 9100939557

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