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#1. What is project proposal?

A project proposal is a document that is used to convince a sponsor that a project needs to be
kicked-off to solve a particular business problem or opportunity. It describes in depth, how the
project is going to be commenced so that the sponsor understands what is involved early.

Project proposals are documents designed to present a plan of action, outline the reasons why the
action is necessary, and convince the reader to agree with and approve the implementation of the
actions recommended in the body of the document. In many cases, the document is drafted as a
response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) that is issued by a current or prospective client.
However, a document of this type may also be prepared to serve an internal purpose, especially
when someone within the company has an idea of how to make the company more profitable or
efficient and needs authorization and backing to implement the action.

2. Content of project proposal

The project proposal represents a step of the project documentation, featuring basic coordinates
and approaches the project is based on. It also provides reasons why the project is worthwhile
and appropriate according to business practices and requirements.

The content of a project proposal

Defining a particular perspective on solving the problem and finding a solution, the project
proposal should feature the following items:

- Name of the project

- Project initiator

- Project sponsor (not required)

- Technical details (not required)

- Description of the project and its justification

- Resources for development and management

- Budget allocated for project implementation (not required)

The information contained by the project proposal should be objective and allow independent
assessment and suggestions. Let's take each of these components separately.

The name of the project should be descriptive and show what exactly the project includes. Is not
advisable to use creative names or irrelevant terms to name the project otherwise,
misinterpretations could appear.

The initiator of the project is the author of the proposal and should clearly show the name,
function and contact information of the initiator (physical address along with email and phone

Including the project sponsor is an optional step. Here you can include the name of the project
manager or the executive level authority actually sponsoring the project proposal.

The inclusion of technical details is also an optional step. Here you can put the name of the
organization or the person charged with the project implementation.

The next step supposes to give a general description for the project and the reasons why the
project is worthwhile and practical.

Mention the resources for development or abilities required for the success of the project.

Including the budget allocated for the project is optional but, if available, you should give
accurate and realistic numbers.

3. Components of project proposal

The project proposal defends a particular perspective or approach to solving a problem or

creating a solution. Some of the items, as noted in the following list, may be considered
"optional" content for the project proposal. However, they will ultimately have to be included in
some project analysis before a final go/no-go determination is made
1. Introduction

Provide a brief description of the project and any other background information that is


2. Problem Statement

A problem statement identifies the root cause (why) for conducting the project and is

stated very briefly - may be in a sentence or two. In other words, you need to state why

you are undertaking this project.

3. Nature and Significance of the Problem

State the importance of the problem here and explain how the project will be useful.

4. Objective of the Project

List specific objective(s)/goal(s) of your project. The objective of the project can be

described in a sentence or two.

5. Project Questions

State at least 3 questions based on the problem and linked to the objective of your study

that you will answer when you actually execute the project. Avoid writing yes/no type

of questions.

The project proposal is most commonly an internal document. But because it proposes a change
to current business or operating practices, it may be considered a politically volatile document. In
developing the project proposal, the more and higher the levels of sponsorship and support, the
more likely it is to be received favorably

4. important of project proposal

These are the follow five important features of a project proposal.

1. Compelling Content
Your bid is the initial contact you have with the client. Therefore, try to wow them with
compelling content, and give a lasting impression. You should indicate how the work will be
done and stick to the project requirements. Clearly define your areas of expertise, share your
portfolio, and give them a feeling that you know what you are talking about. Note that some lazy
competitors dont even bother adding a proposal to their bid, so this is an added advantage.

2. Flawless Language

Assume the position of a client will you consider a proposal dotted with spelling, grammar, and
other language-related flaws? In as much as some technical jobs may not require language
prowess, at least make an effort to write decently. This is also important for project discussion
because dealing with language barriers can be quite the challenge.

3. Client-Focused

It is a competitive world, and everyone wants to place and win as many bids as possible. It is
unfortunate that there are more freelancers searching for jobs than employers. In this regard, you
should try to customize your proposal to suit every client. Generic bids are mostly ignored as
some employers place caveats within the project, asking bidders to include some specific details,
which are then used to weed out individuals who dont bother reading. Also, be human and start
your proposal with a salutation.

4. Pricing

Unless the project is sealed, compare the prices of other qualified bidders and be strategic. Don't
bid too low or too high. Note that some employers dont mind paying a premium for quality
work; it depends on how you package your proposal and trigger negotiation with the client.

5. Brief and to the Point

A project proposal on an outsourcing marketplace such as is not a chance for you
to share your memoir or request for donor funding. Say as much as you want to say about
yourself in just a few sentences; a paragraph is long enough. You can then request the client to
contact you on chat for more details. Reading long essays may be overwhelming, considering
that some projects attract hundreds of bids in minutes.
5. How to write a project proposal

A project proposal is a detailed description of a series of activities aimed at solving a certain


provide a logical presentation of a research idea

illustrate the significance of the idea
show the idea's relationship to past actions
articulate the activities for the proposed project

Designing a project is a process consisting of two elements, which are equally important and thus
essential to forming a solid project proposal:

project planning (formulation of project elements)

proposal writing (converting the plan into a project document)

The project proposal should be a detailed and directed manifestation of the project design. It is a
means of presenting the project to the outside world in a format that is immediately recognised
and accepted.

Getting Ready to Start a Project Proposal

From vision to proposal: The first step is to decide what the problem is and develop a rough
idea (vision) of how this could be solved. This vision is then to be transformed into an idea for a
specific project proposal. A logical framework may help you to structure this idea in a systematic
way, and clearly define the aim, purpose, outputs, activities, means, costs and the methodologies
for monitoring and evaluation, and will thus from the basis for the preparation of the narrative of
the proposal. Remember that your idea may have to fit certain requirements if you are answering
to a call for proposals, and that it must also fit local policies and frameworks.

Identify potential funding options: It is necessary to find out in advance what sources of
funding are available, through governments, international cooperation agencies, some
international NGOs or private foundations.
Build a project proposal team (adapted from PHILIP et al. 2008): a leader will be needed to
manage the proposal development in an efficient way, and therefore it is advisable to assign the
lead role to one specific person. This person is then responsible for the coordination of the
overall proposal development, for communication with potential funders and for making sure
that all different pieces of input are brought together in a consistent and coherent text. Experts
with more detailed technical knowledge might be part of the team, or simply contribute to an
initial brainstorming session. Furthermore, the budget should be compiled in close cooperation
with staff from the financial department. Input from stakeholders or other specialists with
different backgrounds helps bring in the necessary expertise to the project.

Hold a kick-off meeting: It is helpful to discuss and develop the proposal in a small team and
share drafts with experts of all relevant disciplines not just from within the administration, but
also from outside it. Input from stakeholders or other specialists with different backgrounds helps
bring in the necessary expertise, but also a larger variety of ideas on how to solve a particular
issue and achieve the previously agreed objectives.

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