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Reviewer in Science 6

Prepared by: Teacher JAM

Multiple choice: Read and understand carefully the question in each item then choose the correct answer
from the given choices then write your correct answer on the space provided before the number.
Please avoid erasures. Good luck!

_______1. It monitors and controls the functions of the different organ systems.
a. Bones b. Nervous System c. Cardiovascular d. Circulatory System
_______2. It is the most complicated and highly organized system in the human body
a. Bones b. Nervous System c. Cardiovascular d. Circulatory System
_______3. It is a human system that includes the brain and the spinal cord
a. Peripheral b. Central c. Cardiovascular d. Circulatory System
_______4. It is made up of the various nerves that connect the central nervous system to the other parts
of the body
a. somatic b. Nervous System c. autonomic d. Peripheral
_______5. It is a nervous system which is subdivided into two parts called sympathetic and
a. Somatic b. Nervous System c. Automatic d. Autonomic
_______6. The body system that controls other parts of the body is called
a. Somatic b. Brain System c. Automatic d. Nervous System
_______7. It receives signals or stimuli from inside and outside your body
a. Nervous b. Brain System c. Automatic d. Somatic
_______8. It refers to an agent or factor that provokes interest, enthusiasm or excitement.
a. Stimulus b. Brain cell c. Nerves d. Response
_______9. It refers to the response of an organism or any part of its body to a stimulus
a. Reaction b. Brain Stimulus c. Neuron d. dendrites
_______10. It gives directions to various parts of your body to coordinate the responses
a. Axon b. Brain Stimulus c. Neuron d. dendrites
_______11. It is also called working unit of the nervous system
a. Axon b. Brain Stimulus c. Neuron d. dendrites
_______12. The other term for neuron is___
a. Axon b. Cell body c. Nerve cell d. dendrites
_______13. These are the short highly branched processes that receive information from a receptor organ
or other neuron and then transmit the message to the cell body
a. Axon b. Cell body c. Neuron d. dendrites
_______14. It is also called soma or cyton in which contains the nucleus , mitochondria and other
cellular organelles
a. Axon b. Brain Stimulus c. Neuron d. Cell body
_______15. It is long and less branched process that conducts the information away from the cell body
a. Cell body b. Brain Stimulus c. Neuron d. Axon
_______16. Neurons are usually grouped together in a bundle called ____
a. Nervous b. Sensory and motor c. Nerves d. Cell body
_______17. Typically have long dendrites and axons
a. Sensory Neuron b. Motor Neuron c. Interneurons d. Cell brain
_______18. It carries messages from the receptor organs like (skin, eyes, nose, ears and tongue) to the
nerve center.
a. Nervous b. Sensory Neuron c. Nerves d. Cell body
_______20. The nerve centers are the____and ____
a. Nervous b. Sensory and motor c. brain and spinal cord d. Cell body
_______21. These neurons have short dendrites and long axons
a. Sensory b. Sensory and motor c. Motor Neurons d. Axon
_______22. It receives information from the nerve centers and transmits it to the effector organs called
muscles or glands
a. Sensory b. Sensory and motor c. Motor Neurons d. Axon
_______23. These are found only in the central nervous system which they connects the sensory neuron to
a motor neuron
a. Sensory b. Interneurons c. Motor Neurons d. Axon
_______24. It is the tiny or microscopic space between two neurons
a. sensory b. node of Ranvier c. glial cells d. synapse
_______25. The gap within a myelinated axon is called___
a. sensory b. node of Ranvier c. glial cells d. synapse
_______26. These cells serves as supportive, nutritive, and service facility cells for neurons so that they can
function well.
a. sensory b. node of Ranvier c. glial cells d. synapse
_______27. An impulse can travel along a nerve at____
a. 270 miles per hour and cross a synapse in 1/10,000th of a second.
b. 271 miles per hour and cross a synapse in 1/10,000th of a second
c. 272 miles per hour and cross a synapse in 1/10,000th of a second
d. 273 miles per hour and cross a synapse in 1/10,000th of a second
_______28. It is responsible for regulating and coordinating the activities of all systems of the body
a. Somatic b. Brain System c. Automatic d. Nervous System
_______29. Which is not a part of neuron
a. Dendrites b. Cell body c. Axon d. nervous
_______30. Which is correct function of the Central Nervous System?
a. Controls and coordinates the activities of the whole nervous system
b. Controls and coordinates the activities of the whole skeletal system
c. Controls and coordinates the activities of the whole circulatory system
d. Controls and coordinates the activities of the whole muscular system
_______31. These are animals that have backbones
a. vertebrates b. invertebrates c. boneless d. soft animals
_______32. Animals that do not have backbones
a. vertebrates b. invertebrates c. boneless d. soft animals
_______33. Fish, reptiles, birds and mammals are examples of_________
a. vertebrates b. invertebrates c. boneless d. soft animals
_______34. Sponges, echinoderms, mollusks and worms are examples of______
a. vertebrates b. invertebrates c. boneless d. soft animals
_______35. Most organisms can reproduce sexually and asexually and to be able to reproduce their own
kinds, animals need to be _________
a. vertebrates b. mature c. big d. marry
_______36. It is the ability of an organism to produce an offspring or a baby.
a. Sex drive b. mate c. reproduction d. lay eggs
_______37. A reproduction which only one parent and no reproductive organs involved is called____
a. mating b. asexual c. bisexual d. sexual
_______38.Animals are classified as budding and regeneration
a. transgender b. asexual c. bisexual d. sexual
_______39. It happens when new organisms are developed as a small buds on the outer surface of the
parent organism.
a. budding b. asexual c. bisexual d. sexual
_______40. It is the ability of an organism to regrow its lost body parts
a. Regeneration b. Reproduction c. Fertilization d. Budding
_______41.A reproduction which involved two parent organisms(the male and female) is called___
a. mating b. asexual c. bisexual d. sexual
_______42. When the egg cells unites with the sperm cell, the process is called____
a. Regeneration b. Reproduction c. Fertilization d. Budding
_______43. When the egg cells unites with the sperm cell, the new cell is formed called_____
a. zygote b. baby egg c. adult animals d. Budding
_______44. The entire process of producing an offspring is called_______
a. Regeneration b. Reproduction c. cycle reproduction d. Budding
______45. There are two kinds of fertilization, which is correct?
a. Internal b. External c. a & b d. Incubation
______46. Fertilization takes place inside the females body when the egg cell unites with the sperm cell is
called ______
a. Regeneration b. Internal fertilization c. Incubation d. External Fertilization
______47. This type of fertilization requires a watery environment because animal sperm must swim to the
a. Regeneration b. Internal fertilization c. Incubation d. External Fertilization
______48. Animals develops from fertilized eggs
a. True b. False c. May be d. Cannot be true at all
______49. The incubation period of the developing embryo inside the egg lasts for_____
a. 21 days b. 31 days c. 41 days d. 18 days
______50. An earthworm may reproduce both_________
a. Regeneration b. sexually and asexually c. Incubation d. External Fertilization

End of exam!
Answers Key in SCIENCE 6

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