Annotated-Ball Sped775 M2lessonplan2final

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University of Kansas Department of Special Education 1

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title Writers Workshop
Subject Area English language Arts
Lesson Title Setting Up Writers Workshop
Length of Lesson 35 Minutes
Audience Number of students: 12
Description Race: 10 students African American, 1 student African American and Filipino, 1
student Caucasian
English Language Proficiency: all English speakers
Gender: F and M
Exceptionalities: auditory disabilities, learning disabled, behavior concerns
Cultural Considerations: 100% free and reduced lunch, high poverty, several single
parent homes
Other information: last day before Thanksgiving break/afternoon
IEP Goals (where List the IEP goals for the student(s) as it pertains to this lesson.
available) By the end of 2nd qtr., DD will increase his written expression skills by writing a 3
sentence paragraph that tells about an event using correct punctuation and
capitalization with at least 80% accuracy on 3 out of 4 data collection days.
The student will be able to communicate what writing workshop will look and sound
like. The student will be able to brainstorm ideas for an informative writing piece.

Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.A1
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when
useful to aiding comprehension.
Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.

Assessment Formative: teacher observation, brainstorming information written in

(formative and/or notebook.
summative) Summative: Mastery will be shown through their end of quarter informative
writing pieces.

Resources (texts,
technology, Markers, large chart paper, writers notebooks
materials, etc.)
Incorporation of You tube video on informative writing and eventually computers for typing the
other subject areas final draft.

(anticipatory set, #
thinking device, Of minutes: 5
The students from all three third grade classes will be mixed up so some students
advance organizer, will get to go to a new classroom for this lesson. The students will be excited to
lesson hook) move rooms. This will get them excited to see what we are going to learn.
University of Kansas Department of Special Education 3
SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Description Rationale
UDL Engagement: Even though all four questions may not
be addressed in the first lesson, the
Establish Clear outcome/goal: students will become familiar with their
The student friendly I Can statements goals.
will be written and left on the board The students repeat the goals out loud
throughout the entire unit. at the beginning of each lesson so they
What will writers workshop look like? can take ownership of their learning.
What materials will I need to be a
successful writer?
Where will I do my best writing?
How can writers solve simple problems
so they dont waste time?
Essential questions posted for students
to see.

Lesson activities # Of minutes: 25

(content, methods,
All students will begin on the carpet.

I will start off introducing my anchor chart that lists the three areas of writers

workshop, Mini Lesson, Work Time, and Share time.

I will then ask students to turn to partner and discuss why they think it is

important to be able to write different types of writing pieces.

2 students will share what they discussed.

I will then introduce what informative/informational writing is through getting

them to tell me what it is. Why do we want to convey information?

I will explain how we are authors.

I will spend time going over the three areas of writers workshop, explaining how

long each area will take.

Ask students to help me fill out the chart with what they think writers workshop

looks and sounds like for them as students and for me as the teacher. Draw pie

chart on Anchor chart.

Anchor chart will be displayed in room through out school year.

Mini lesson- me teaching (10-15 min)

Work time- students work (25-30 min)

Share time-students share part of their writing (5 min)

Allow A LOT of time during this lesson for discussion This is time for students to

grasp the idea of what writers workshop will look and sound like. I need to allow
University of Kansas Department of Special Education 5
SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

time for them to come up with the expectations.

Anchor chart guided answers below (answers may vary in actual lesson due to

class needs)

Mini Lesson- on the carpet, hands to ourselves, students are quiet when others

are talking or teaching, students will participate, students are listening, Its quick!

Work Time- teacher is conferencing/small group, very quiet, pencil is always

moving, work independently, no partners, complete task given by teacher, no


Share Time- Students will listen to the teacher to know what to share, share with

whatever partner is closest to them, listen to their partner and compliment them,

do not talk about anything other than writing.

Now show you tube video on informative writing. Show uninterrupted one time.

Show video again and stop periodically to discuss components of this particular

Use chart paper to document and explain the following:

- Authors purpose (inform the reader about any subject)

- Introduction with a hook explain that thats what gets reader interested

- Writer uses concrete specific details, explain

- Include facts from reliable sources, explain who a reliable source is

- Include headings and pictures and explain why (reader may not be familiar

with subject)

Description: Rationale:

UDL representation: I chose this because it is important for

Use multiple tools for construction and students to take ownership of their
composition. learning and come up with their own
anchor chart with the rules for their
Provide options for expression and workshop.
University of Kansas Department of Special Education 7
SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Partner discussion/whole group


UDL engagement: Foster collaboration and community

Provide options for sustaining effort through partner work.
and persistence

Provide options for self-regulation Again, students take ownership of

learning by establishing their own
rules for writers workshop. (Still
guided by teacher)

UDL action & expression: I chose this because it is important

Provide options for expression and that the students work with me for
communication direction, a partner for practice and
Build fluencies with graduated levels of alone to show mastery.
support for practice and performance
by working with teacher, partner and
then alone.
Closure # Of minutes: 5
Explain to students that they will get to choose their topic for their writing. They
need to like their topic as they will research it and spend a lot of time with the topic.

Pass out writers notebooks and allow time to brainstorm what they enjoy, or what
they would like to know more about.

By the end of quarter 2, students will be assessed using their informative writing
piece final draft to show mastery of all lessons including this one and the ones that
UDL principle & description (at least 1):

Provide options for recruiting interest

Optimize individual choice and autonomy by allowing students to choose their

subject/topic for their informative writing piece.

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