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Lecturer : Abdul Chamid

Name : Sigit Prasetyo

NIM : 1561058

KS1 Class

Management Department




PREFACE ....................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENS .................................................................................. ii


1.1 The Background of the Study ......................................................... 1

1.2 The Problem of the Study .............................................................. 2

1.3 The Purpose of the Study .............................................................. 2


2.1 The Profile of U.S.A ........................................................................ 3

2.2 The Profile of Larry Peterson ........................................................... 3


3.3 The data Population of the conversation with Larry Peterson from
U.S.A................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER IV : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION..............................

REFERANCES ............................................................................................... 7


First at all, give thanks for Gods love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping
me and give me chance to finish this assiggment timely. And I would like to say
thank you to Mr. Syamsul. S, S.Pd as the lecturer that always teaches us and give
much knowledge about how to practice English well.

This assiggment is the one of English task that composed of conversation with the
foreign. I realized this assiggment is not perfect. But I hope it can be useful for us.
Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this assiggment be better.

Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about
english reading. Thank you

Jombang, January 2016




1.1 The Background of te Study

Language is very important in human life. Language is means of

communication. Without a language, a person cannot communicate with others.
English is a language in the world. People call it a international language. In our
school, the English language has been given since the fourth grade of the
elementary school up to university.

Most people in the world from the different countries and nations speak
language. Also, many scientific studies such as education, science, religion,
technology, commerce or politic are written in the language.

English is very important because English is the International Language of

almost all countries use English as the national language in the Country.

So learning English is very important, so that we can communicate with

foreigners. especially now that we can easily meet or talk through social networks.

then that this paper is undertittled by The Conversation With Larry

Peterson from U.S.A.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

1.2.1 How does Larry Peterson looks like?
1.2.2 Is Larry Petersons English good?

1.3 The Purpose of the Study

1.3.1 To know how Larry Peterson looks like
1.3.2 To know Larry Petersons English is good or no



2.1 The Profile of U.S.A

Figure 1 : Map American

The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the

United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a
federal district, five major territories and various possessions. The 48 contiguous
states and Washington, D.C., are in central North America between Canada and
Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwestern part of North America and the
state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The territories are scattered
about the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. At 3.8 million square miles
(9.842 million km2) and with over 320 million people, the country is the world's
third or fourth-largest by total area and the third most populous. It is one of the
world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-
scale immigration from many countries. The geography and climate of the United
States are also extremely diverse, and the country is home to a wide variety of

Paleo-Indians migrated from Eurasia to what is now the U.S. mainland at
least 15,000 years ago, with European colonization beginning in the 16th century.
The United States emerged from 13 British colonies along the East Coast.
Disputes between Great Britain and the colonies led to the American Revolution.
On July 4, 1776, as the colonies were fighting Great Britain in the American
Revolutionary War, delegates from the 13 colonies unanimously adopted the
Declaration of Independence. The war ended in 1783 with recognition of the
independence of the United States by the Kingdom of Great Britain, and was the
first successful war of independence against a European colonial empire. The
country's constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, and ratified by the
states in 1788. The first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill of Rights,
were ratified in 1791 and designed to guarantee many fundamental civil liberties.

Driven by the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, the United States embarked on

a vigorous expansion across North America throughout the 19th century This
involved displacing American Indian tribes, acquiring new territories, and
gradually admitting new states, until by 1848 the nation spanned the continent.
During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War ended legal
slavery in the country. By the end of that century, the United States extended into
the Pacific Ocean, and its economy, driven in large part by the Industrial
Revolution, began to soar. The SpanishAmerican War and World War I
confirmed the country's status as a global military power. The United States
emerged from World War II as a global superpower, the first country to develop
nuclear weapons, the only country to use them in warfare, and a permanent
member of the United Nations Security Council. The end of the Cold War and the
dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the world's sole

The United States is a developed country and has the world's largest
national economy by nominal and real GDP, benefiting from an abundance of
natural resources and high worker productivity. While the U.S. economy is
considered post-industrial, the country continues to be one of the world's largest

manufacturers. Accounting for 34% of global military spending and 23% of world
GDP, it is the world's foremost military and economic power, a prominent
political and cultural force, and a leader in scientific research and technological

2.2 The profile of Larry Peterson

My friend Larry Peterson comes from California, USA. he was 74

years old, he worked in a Chinese Company. But now he lives in Jombang
with his wife who is also from Jombang. Not long ago he and his wife
adopted a child who was born on 16 June 2015.
He is kind, friendly, he was also interested in Jombang because the
people is friendly and the place is not too much pollution.
He enjoy in Indonesia because people in Indonesia is very kind,quick
to laugh and very toughful

3.1 The Data Population of Conversation with Larry Peterson from U.S.A
in this chapter, the research discussed a conversation with Larry Peterson
from USA


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