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Plagiarism Allegations Against TQGZ

Unless you live under a rock like me, you might have heard of
the plagiarism scandal involving TQGZ by now. I heard from
Peanuts who heard from Lidge >_< I suppose my fellow
bloggers had not said anything out of consideration for me, so as
a translator of T7 novels, I shall be bearer of unpleasant news.
To be accurate, this scandal is not news per se. It started in
2008 and persisted over the years among the Chinese literary
community. From the very beginning when T7 started to write
Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, a BL (yaoi/shounen-ai) author
with the pen name Dafeng Guaguo and her fans had
alleged that T7 had plagiarized her BL work titled Taohua Zhai
or Debt of Romance that was published in 2007, earlier
than T7s 3W3L that came out circa 2008-2009. How T7 was
allowed to publish and this never blew up until now are beyond
As someone who had spent 3 years translating these books, it is
an understatement to say what a shock and disappointment it has
been for me. I speak in fairness from what I see. Everyone else
is free to do your own research and come up with your own
conclusion. I dont wish to dig up the drama and dirt that goes
all the way back to 2008 in this post. I have my opinion of the
whole brouhaha, but none of it is really my business to discuss
on a public platform. I will, however, touch upon the accusation,
the reply, and the (very damning) evidence just to let everyone
know why I have chosen to take down my hard work and two of
my favorite books, lest anyone think Im doing this on a whim.
The latest weibo statement which came from Dafeng Guaguo
(DF) was posted on June 29th of this year. Im not sure what
brought it about, but something had led her to speak up again
about this matter.
To be honest, I dont personally think the plagiarism is
particularly heavy in the piece of writing that is currently being
talked about. Just a line here, a description there, a few names
and the ending. Otherwise, story setup and background are very
different from mine.
(Fans beg to differ, Miss Dafeng Guaguo!)
Then came Tangqi Gongzis (T7) weibo reply on July 5th:
Because there was an author I really admired, I imitated her
style to write a long story and posted it on an online forum.
Additionally, you should know best whether I copied your work
or not. Seven years ago they accused me. Seven years since they
began to copy one another like crazy, and now you tell readers I
am copying you.
I imitated author Ds style to write a book because I was young
and ignorant
There is obviously a lot of emotions behind both writers posts
that I havent included, but yeah, lets not get embroiled in them.
From what they say, we find that DF accused T7 of plagiarizing
her work, including details such as names and phrases. But T7
maintains that the only thing she borrowed was the style of
writing, and nothing else.
Well, what are fans for but to do tedious work like compilations
of similarities in a time like this? I havent translated everything
as its awfully long. The original source is here for anyone wanting to be Sherlock:

Again, keep in mind that DFs book came out first while T7s
book was still in progress.
The similarities:
DFGG wrote The Peach Blossom Debt.
TQGZ wrote Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms.
DFs genre is xianxia
TQGZs genre is also xianxia
DF wrote about going down to the mortal realm for a trial.
T7 also wrote about going down to the mortal realm for a trial.
There is Zhuxian Terrace in DFs writing.
There is also Zhuxian Terrace in T7s writing.
DFs male lead dreamed he was in a peach orchard and knew he
was dreaming, then hazily saw someones figure.
T7s female lead also knew she was dreaming whilst inside a
peach orchard, then hazily saw someones figure.
DFs story has debts of romance.
T7s story also has debts of romance.
DFs story has Donghua Dijun.
T7s story also has Donghua Dijun.
DFs story has Bai Hua, Bi Hua.
T7s story has Ye Hua.
DFs story has Mu Ruo Yan
T7s story (HXY) has Mu Yan.
DFs story has Mo Yuan ().
T7s story has Mo Yuan ().
DFs story has Furball (Maotuan).
T7s has Little Dough (Nuomi Tuanzi).
DF came up with a tiger guarding South Heaven Gate.
T7 also wrote about a tiger guarding South Heaven Gate.
DFs male lead gifted feathers to those he likes.
Bai Qians admirer also gifted her feathers.
In the war between the gods and demons, Danzhu turned into an
Moyuans younger brother (YH) also got turned into an egg by
Danzhu is an ancient phoenix from the Times of Emptiness.
Zheyan is a prehistoric phoenix.
DFs character said: Mortals pray to Heaven for blessing, but
now that we are in Heaven, who should we pray to?
T7s female lead said: Mortals pray to the gods for blessing, but
who should the gods pray to?
DFs male lead said: Whats yours is mine, whats mine is
yours. Whats there to be said about debts?
T7s female lead said: After all, he and I are husband and wife.
Between husband and wife, theres no need to clearly distinguish
who owes whom.
Hengwen waved his tattered fan and said, I dont care anyway.
So what if you paid me and so what if you didnt?
I clutched his shoulder: Thats right. Between you and me,
there is no debt to be said.
As long as our side breaks off the engagement this time, neither
of us will owe each other anymore.
He straightens himself and clutched his head, It was always a
futile hope of mine. What I owe you or what you owe me has
been impossible to count from long ago.
DFs male leads old face frequently turns red ()
T7s female leads old face frequently turns red ()
DFs male lead says: What a sin Ive committed by separating
these lovebirds. (,
T7s female lead says: What a sin Ive committed by separating
these lovebirds. (
DFs writes this about her supporting female: A chaste widow
who raises her two children after her husband of three years
died is how Widow Sun describes herself.
D7 writes this about her supporting male: A God who has
retired from the three realms, who does not ask about worldly
matters, and who has an elegant taste is how he describes
There is a magical shield to protect spiritual energy in DFs
There is a Jiepo Lantern in T7s story to piece together the soul.
DFs male lead says: I am a generous fairy, I am a
compassionate fairy. (
T7s female lead says: If I am a generous god, then of course I
am a merciful one. (
DFs male lead says: Ive chosen Tianshu. He is my heart, my
soul, no one can take him away from me.
T7s female lead says, Your father is my heart my soul, how
could I not want him?
DFs male lead ate a bowl of wonton noodles and his life
changed thereafter.
T7s female lead ate a bowl of braised pork she shouldnt have
eaten and her life changed thereafter.
DFs male lead recalled young days of fun-seeking and laziness.
TQs female lead recalled young days of fun-seeking and
There was always an official standing in front of Hengwens
desk working diligently. Whenever Hengwen wasnt in Heaven,
hed bring him documents for him to review.
There was always an official standing on front of Yehuas desk.
Whenever Yehua wasnt in Heaven, hed bring a stack of
documents for him to review.
Under DFs pen, Hengwen gained a mortal admirer, namely a
fox demon.
Under T7s pen, Yehua gained a mortal admirer, namely a nun.
DFs demon fox is very perceptive. She could see that Bi Hua
was a fairy and even hoped she would get to meet Hengwen
again after ascending to Heaven.
T7s nun wasnt any ordinary nun. She could recognize YHs
fairy origins and also hoped to meet him again after ascending to
DFs Mingge told Song Yao: First, win his heart with fake
feelings. Then you can trample on him all you want.
T7s Siming told her side character (FJ):First, get him to like
you. When Dijun falls head over heel, you can trample on him.
DFs Hengwen scaled the wall and said, Too much trouble
going through the front door. Id have to let too many people
know Ive come.
T7s Yehua scaled the wall and said, Its annoying to go
through the front door. Id have to alarm the whole courtyard.
The first time DFs OTP had sex, Song Yao felt very happy.
After waking up, he only saw the bed curtain and didnt find the
other person. Thereafter he made up his mind (about the
The first time T7s OTP had sex, Bai Qian felt very happy. After
waking up she only saw the bed curtain and didnt the other
person. She made up her mind from then on.
DFs OTP had sex the second time, Hengwen said, Give me the
best youve got. They went to bed at dawn, lamented spring
night is too short.
The second time T7s OTP had sex, Bai Qian said, Can you be
quicker. They went to bed at dawn, lamented spring night is too
DFs side character reincarnated into a child prodigy, born to a
courtier family, got bullied by jealous classmates, became
valedictorian at 16, joined the Imperial Academy and died
T7s YH reincarnated into a child prodigy, born to a courtier
family, got bullied by classmates, became valedictorian, joined
the Imperial Academy and died young.
When the Snow Lion went mad, Song Yao was kept still by
Hengwens magic so that he alone would battle the lion. After a
loud explosion, Hengwen was nowhere to be found.
When Qingcang broke out of the Donghuang Bell, Bai Qian was
kept still by Yehuas magic so that he alone would battle
Qingcang. After a loud explosion, Yehua was gone.
DFs male lead reminisced that he had written many love letters
to the person he liked. When that person later fell in love with
someone else, he joked to himself that he had played
matchmaker unwittingly for other people.
T7s female lead reminisced that she had written many love
letters to the person she liked. When that person later fell in love
with someone else, she joked to herself that she had played
matchmaker unwittingly for other people.
After rebirth, DFs male lead met his love at the market and
went to the restaurant for drinks.
T7s female lead heard the male lead wasnt dead while listening
to opera at a restaurant.
After returning to Heaven, DFs male lead recalled the past and
went to look for his love. When he met Bi Hua, he tells us: I
turned around and saw Bi Hua Lingjun, I immediately rushed
over, grabbed his arm and asked, Wheres Hengwen? Bi Hua
said, When Hengwen arrived, you could not be saved
anymore. You were fast turning to dust. Donghua and I rushed
there, each of us giving you a little of our spiritual energy. We
also went to Laojuns place and asked for medicine, then we
went to the Far West seeking some relics from the Buddha and
thus was able to keep a little fragment of your soul.
T7s female lead was told: when Zhe Yan rushed there, Ye
Hua had long stopped breathing After knowing Yehua didnt
die, she went to look for him and met Moyuan on the way: I
turned around and grabbed his wrist, anxiously asking: Wheres
Yehua, Master? Wheres Yehua? Moyuan said, Fushen had
given him half of his spiritual energy we had all thought he
would be dead, but he is only sleeping
The ending for Peach Blossom Debt: he stood under a tree right
outside of the manor on the fairy island, gently smiling at me
like an eastern wind sweeping by. Three thousand peach
blossoms flowered brilliantly.
The ending for Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms: He slowly turned
around. A light breeze passed us. The sunlight danced atop the
red sea of blossoms. He smiled. He looked exactly like the first
day I met him, painted eyebrows and jet black hair. A few of the
blossoms fell down from the red waves but there was no longer
any color or sound in this world. He called softly, Qianqian,
come here.
Of course, some of these at first sound like laughable
coincidences. They both write xianxia. Well so does she, and
she, and she. But the growing list, down to word-for-word
dialogues, soon does not seem to be mere coincidences
anymore. There is also a difference in being inspired by a piece
of work and blatantly lifting everything you like from said piece
of work to pass it off as your own. DFGGs Peach Blossom Debt
was also not the only book alleged to have been plagiarized.
There are scenes and details from other books that apparently
had also been used, but Im too tired to cite them as this is
getting 11 pages long already.
This, dear readers, is why 3L3W is not on the menu tab
anymore. Since I choose to believe that the series is a product of
plagiarism, it is not right to circulate and promote it at the
expense of another writers hard work.
I havent looked up for detailed evidences against her other
books but Im not holding my breath. One is really enough to
knock me blindsided.
Above is my absolute favourite picture of Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Thousand Miles of
Peach Blossom ("3L3W, 10 Peach Blossom")! I've decided to do a full summary & review to
entice my sister into the world of C-novels. I think 3L3W, 10 Peach Blossom is probably the best
book to entice people since it is fully translated by Hamster with the epilogue translated by

I will post the first part of the summary first, then the second part, and then the review. I
thought I could do it in one whole entry but it's gotten much longer than I expected!

First, a spoiler-free introduction:

Bai Qian Qian is a High Goddess and the current female monarch of QingQiu, one of the old
respected kingdoms of the Heavenly Realms. Ye Hua is the current Crown Prince of
JiuZhongTian and engaged to be married to Bai Qian Qian. Little does Bai Qian Qian knows that
in her past live as mortal, she had once married Ye Hua before... the story will detail their star-
crossed fate, Bai Qian Qian's five Peach Blossoms, and their final destiny.
Now, my detailed summary:

The story, except for Ye Hua's epilogue, is set out in the perspective of Bai Qian Qian/Susu (her
past mortal self). I've summarised the main plot points and love story of Bai Qian Qian and Ye
Hua so my review makes sense later on.


It starts with Susu in JiuZhongTian. She is pregnant and already married to Ye Hua in the
mortal world, but not officially recognised in heaven. Susu is now blind because Ye Hua has
taken away her eyes. He tells her, we will get married and I will be your eyes. Susu, who has
always loved Ye Hua, has turned her heart cold. Apparently, Ye Hua's concubine, Su Jin, had
tricked her to go to Ju Xian stage and Su Jin had timed it such that it looked like Susu had
pushed Su Jin down the Ju Xian stage - to fall down is deadly for both humans and gods - their
soul and essence will be destroyed. Before Su Jin jumped down, she told Susu that Ye Hua had
named Susu after the "Su" in her name and the love between Su Jin and Ye Hua was ruined
because Su Jin was ordered to be the Heavenly King (Ye Hua's grandfather's concubine). Ye Hua
had arrived the moment Su Jin fell down and saved her - so she only lost her eyes. Susu had to be
"punished" for pushing Su Jin and Ye Hua had taken her eyes to give Su Jin. Susu gives birth to a
son for Ye Hua, Ye Hua is not around at the birth. Susu thinks Ye Hua is with Su Jin. Susu tells
Nainai (her personal servant) to take care of her son, she names him A'li. She makes her way
alone to the Ju Xian stage - Su Jin had told her before that if she jumps down, she will be able to
return to the mortal world. Susu says goodbye to Ye Hua one last time through the golden mirror
he gave her and jumps down the stage. Ye Hua cries for her to stop but she jumps down anyway.

At the end of the prologue, it is realised that Susu was the mortal self of Bai Qian Qian. It was
her "mortal" trial to become a high Goddess. She returns to QingQiu and asks the powerful
Immortal Zhe Yan to give her his forgetting potion so she will never remember her past life as

Chapter 1

It starts three hundred years later from the prologue. The eastern king water god was going to
celebrate the one month old birthday of his son. Bai Qian Qian who hardly leaves QingQiu is
going to visit this birthday party because the eastern king water god had once helped her parents.
On her way to the party, she visits the Immortal Zhe Yan to get his special wine for the party. The
Immortal Zhe Yan told her that the ex crown prince, the Second Prince of JiuChongTian, had
came to beg for his peaches because of his pregnant wife. The Second Prince used to be engaged
to Bai Qian Qian but rejected the engagement when he fell in love with Bai Qian Qian's ex-
servant, Qiu Qiu, a snake sprite that she had taken care of. Due to the Second Prince's action, the
Heavenly King decreed that the next Crown Prince will be Bai Qian Qian's fiance. Many many
years later, the Heavenly King's grandson, Ye Hua, was announced to be the Crown Prince at his
birth. Bai Qian Qian never took this seriously because to her Ye Hua, is a young punk, who is
only 50,000 years old, while she is 140,000 years old.

Chapter 2

So Bai Qian Qian makes her way to the eastern king water god's palace and she meets some
maids of a princess on the way and hear that the princess is going to try and attract Crown Prince
Ye Hua's attention. Bai Qian Qian is non-plussed about it. She dresses simply so people won't
know her real identity. She is surprised that the palace is so dark - she doesn't realise that it was
specially decorated for her arrival since her eyes are sensitive (the remnant damage from the
mortal self - but she does not know this) so she usually ties a white cloth over them.

Bai Qian Qian always gets lost and is a horror with directions. She ends up in the back garden
of the palace and meets a small cute round god who she calls Little Dough. She asks him what he
is doing and he say he is trying to pick a coral from the pond as his dad says it is the prettiest
thing in the sea. So, Bai Qian Qian lends Little Dough her fan. Little Dough just lightly fans and
a strong gush of wind blows through the palace - blowing away all the seaweed specially
covering the palace! Bai Qian Qian is shocked because the power of the fan flows from the
power of the god, and she didn't think such a small god will have such a power.

Little Dough turns to look at Bai Qian Qian and immediately recognises her as his mother! He
hugs her and cries about why she had abandoned him and his father. She hears a sound from her
back, "Su...Su...?"

Ye Hua and Bai Qian Qian meets! Bai Qian Qian tells Ye Hua he has recognised the wrong
person and he looks very sad and torn. Ye Hua and Little Dough leaves the garden, after which
Bai Qian Qian hilariously realises when they leave there will be no one to lead her to the palace!
So, she follows after them.

Chapter 3

Just as Bai Qian Qian is following them, she meets the pregnant Qi Qi (the wife of the Second
Prince). Qi Qi cries and tries to act pitiful. Bai Qian Qian can't take it and she gives Qi Qi the
fan, saying that she will grant her a wish as a wedding present and she can find her with the fan
when she has thought of it.

Little Dough and Ye Hua returns and sees this scene. It's really cute and Ye Hua has a soft
smile on his lips as he now realises that this goddess who looks exactly like Su Su is his fiancee,
Bai Qian Qian.

There's this really cute scene of Little Dough being really excited that he has found his mother
again and Bai Qian Qian thinking he means she will be his future step mother, and Ye Hua
promising Little Dough that Bai Qian Qian will come and live with them soon and Bai Qian
Qian unable to say no because Little Dough would cry. So, Bai Qian Qian, Little Dough and Ye
Hua arrive at the Banquet and the eastern king water god is angry at Bai Qian Qian for sweeping
away all his seaweed (she decided to take the fall for Little Dough) until Bai Qian Qian says she
has come as the representative of Immortal Zhe Yan (she refuses to admit she is Bai Qian Qian
and arrive with Ye Hua). Ye Hua is holding Bai Qian Qian's hand (and refuses to let go even
when Bai Qian Qian uses magic) and so Bai Qian Qian states she is a boy, naively thinking this
will prevent love rumours, but this leads to people thinking Ye Hua is gay (haha).

Chapter 4

At the end of the party, Ye Hua asks Bai Qian Qian to take care of Little Dough while he settles
something. When Little Dough is left alone with Bai Qian Qian, Little Dough asks her to stop the
plans of the princess who wants to attract his father. Bai Qian Qian is non-plussed as usual but
Little Dough starts crying that Bai Qian Qian does not love his father and him and will abandon
them again. So Bai Qian Qian is forced to say that Ye Hua is her precious and in her heart and
Little Dough then brings her to stop the princess' meeting with Ye Hua.

She learned that the princess saved Little Dough's life before when he was in the mortal world.
It seems that Ye Hua has sealed away the mountain that was the home of his mother, Su Su, and
they will visit the mountain every year for 10 days (I find this so sweet!)

So, Bai Qian Qian goes and awkwardly acts to deter the princess from trying to pin her
romantic hopes on Ye Hua. But, then she decides to give up halfway after seeing the princess'
determination, and Little Dough cries out, "You lied! You said that father was your honey and
precious." Ye Hua then hilarious confronts Bai Qian Qian for saying these words and she
embarassingly admits to it and runs away.

Chapter 5

Bai Qian Qian is trying to make her way home but gets lost (again). She finds a cave and sees
two people having sex. They break out and she awkwardly recognises the guy as her first love,
Demon King Li Jing. He goes towards her and says he has been trying to find her for the last 70
thousand years. She starts to remember their time together...

She was A'yin, the male disciple of Mo Yuan, one of the great gods and known as the
undefeated War Gods. As he did not accept female disciples, her mother had put a spell on her to
appear as a guy and to become a disciple of Mo Yuan to enhance her refinement and spell
capabilities. During her time as a male disciple, she was kidnapped with the 9th disciple by the
then Demon King who was the father of then Demon Prince Li Jing. The Demon King had fallen
in love with the 9th male disciple and was going to force him to marry him. While she was
kidnapped, she became friends with the Demon Prince Li Jing, who clearly fell for A'yin but
struggled with it because she was a guy.

Later, Mo Yuan came and saved them, and there's the lovely scene where he hugged A'yin and
said that while 9th disciple lost weight, she had gained weight, so there wasn't much loss to
them. When they returned, Mo Yuan locked A'yin up in a room and she thought it was
punishment because she did not take care of the 9th disciple well. Only after, she realised that
Mo Yuan had suffered a divine trial for her (because she was lazy and lacked cultivation and
would have died) and was suffering from those injuries. When A'yin realised that, she went to the
cave Mo Yuan was resting and warned him that he better recover or she would make herself into
a soup for him to drink. In her whole life, it was only that one time, she cried so sadly and

[I'm such a Mo Yuan fan <3]

Chapter 6

Later, Demon Prince Li Jing came to find A'yin. He had abolished his harem and was wooing
her, saying that he did not care she was a boy and had fallen in love with her. After a long time of
wooing with many love letters and then setting up a trap where he was very injured and Bai Qian
Qian said if he wakes up, she will be with him - they finally got together. But it was innocent
since Bai Qian Qian was still a boy, A'yin.

A'yin is visited by Xuan Nu, who is some far off relative. When Xuan Nu was young, she
wanted to look like Bai Qian Qian, who got so irritated by her constant requests, that she asked
Immortal Zhe Yan to change her face to look like Bai Qian Qian. As can be predicted a mile
away, scumbag Demon Prince Li Jing falls and cheats on A'yin with Xuan Nu! A'yin discovers
them cheating and is so angry she wanted to swipe her fan at Xuan Nu but Demon Prince Li Jing
stops her. She breaks up with Demon Prince Li Jing -she is so heart broken and gets terrible
nightmares. Mo Yuan who never agrees to travel out of the mountain for pilgrimmages and
retreats, accepts one invitation so he can bring A'yin away and make her happier. Mo Yuan
commented that Demon Prince Li Jing's eyes are wasted (aww <3).

Anyway, Demon Prince Li Jing marries Xuan Nu and they have a grand 9 day wedding.
However, suddenly, Demon Prince Li Jing gets another wife and Xuan Nu is sent back to Mo
Yuan's mountain full of injuries. It turns out to be a trap as Xuan Nu came back as a spy to get
information on Mo Yuan's side, who was going to have a full-on war with the Demon King - only
because the Demon King was angry Mo Yuan took away the 9th disciple. Because of Xuan Nu
and Mo Yuan's injuries suffered from helping A'yin suffer her divine trial, Mo Yuan's soul
actually dissolves after trapping the Demon King into a special bell.

Before he dissolves, Mo Yuan turns to A'yin and says, "Wait for me".
A'yin is completely distraught. She tries to figure out how to preserve his body until his soul
comes back. As A'yin is actually Bai Qian Qian, a nine-tailed fox goddess, her blood can
preserve his dead body - but, as she is seriously injured, she would not be able to give him her
blood for more than 7 days before she too dies. So, Bai Qian Qian goes to Demon Prince Li Jing
to ask for a special body preserving pearl which the demon world possesses. Demon Prince Li
Jing says the pearl is missing.... but before Bai Qian Qian leaves the palace, Xuan Nu shows her
this pearl and said that Demon Prince Li Jing had given it to her for her to recover from the
injuries she suffered when she was sent as a spy. Bai Qian Qian is enraged and throws Xuan Nu
at the Demon Prince Li Jing and announces that she and Demon Prince Li Jing will be enemies
forever and cannot never be under the same sky, however she has too much pride to take the
pearl away.

So, A'yin steals Mo Yuan's body and hides away in a cave. She plunges a dagger into her chest
every day to feed her blood to Mo Yuan. She thinks that even if she dies, at least she can
accompany Mo Yuan. On the seventh day, her mother finds her and gives her half of her life's
essence to save A'yin and changes her back to her female self, Bai Qian Qian. Bai Qian Qian is
able to preserve Mo Yuan's body with her blood.

No one knows where A'yin went with Mo Yuan and it is only recorded in the annals that Mo
Yuan and A'yin disappeared and retired together from the heavenly realms (haha).

Bai Qian Qian's consciousness returns to the present and she hears Demon King Li Jing ask
why she is wearing female clothes when she is fine as a guy. He asks if it's because he had
betrayed her for a female. He says that he misses her and have been finding her for the last 70
thousand years. Bai Qian Qian cuts him off and tells him she is a girl. He is shocked and asks her
why she did not tell him long ago. Bai Qian Qian is non-plussed - he married Xuan Nu for her
personality, it cannot be just because of her face, so it would not make any difference if she had
told him. Demon King Li Jing falls silent and Bai Qian Qian quickly becomes invisible and
escapes as he cries out for A'yin - but in her heart, she thinks there is no more A'yin.

Chapter 7

Bai Qian Qian is back at Qing Qiu and when she wakes up, she finds Little Dough in her
home! She finds out from her deity helper, Migu, that Little Dough and Crown Prince Ye Hua
plan to stay here. Bai Qian Qian is unhappy but can't kick them out because of their status and
the fact that Ye Hua is indeed her official fiance.

Little Dough says he is hungry and so Bai Qian Qian goes off to the market with Migu to find
food. Ye Hua joins them in the marketing and is rather surprised at what Bai Qian Qian wants to
feed his son (ie, not proper food). So he goes to buy meat and vegetables, and cooks for them!
They are all stunned by Ye Hua's good cooking.

There's this lovely scene where Ye Hua cooks and Bai Qian Qian helps with the wood for the
fire, and Bai Qian Qian comments that Ye Hua must have learnt how to cook from his mortal
wife, Su Su. And Ye Hua says that Su Su did not know how to cook and would help him with the
wood just like what she is doing now. (<3)

Comments: I love Mo Yuan and Ye Hua equally, though I have my views on why the story went
the way it did and who is perfect for Bai Qian Qian. Both make me very happy <3. Till, part 2!

Ok, part 2! I actually first read 3L3W, 10 Peach Blossoms through Hamster's translations first,
then I went to read the original C-novel. Hamster's translations capture the spirit of the book very
well. She skipped the Mo Yuan parts though (which are my favourites). I'm summarising this
from the original C-novel.

Chapter 8

The chapter starts with Bai Qian Qian relating about how Ye Hua forces her to take a walk
around her Fox Cave every morning, and she's happy because it is raining this morning so they
won't have to walk. But, she wakes up and Little Dough bounces on her while she is on bed.
They are going to walk in the mortal world today!

Bai Qian Qian learns that it is Little Dough's birthday today. She changes into a male form and
asks Little Dough to call her, God Father. Ye Hua remains as his usual self when they go down to
the mortal world. As they were walking down the streets, a horse goes mad and the carriage
nearly knocks down Bai Qian Qian but Ye Hua saves her. They are locked in embrace and Little
Dough embarrasses Bai Qian Qian by crying out loud that lucky Bai Qian Qian fell into Ye Hua's
embrace, if not if Bai Qian Qian fell to the floor, Ye Hua's heart will hurt. Ye Hua agrees and Bai
Qian Qian is very awkward since they are now two men on the street (haha).

They go to a tea house to drink and eat, and one of the nuns that was saved from the horse
carriage sits at the table and thanks Ye Hua. Ye Hua and Bai Qian Qian is surprised because the
nun is able to tell that Ye Hua is a god. The nun subtly asks for Ye Hua's name to thank him if
one day she becomes a deity but Ye Hua declines. Bai Qian Qian is surprised again at how Ye
Hua is able to attract admirers everywhere, even a nun!

Ye Hua asks Bai Qian Qian to take care of Little Dough as he needs to settle some things back
in heaven. So Bai Qian Qian brings Little Dough to watch a performance... but she falls asleep,
and when she wakes up Little Dough is gone. Little Dough turns out to have gone into a brothel!
Bai Qian Qian freaks out because if Little Dough gets subversive (haha) thoughts, his god
essence which is young and vulnerable, can become contaminated and he can become a demon.
Luckily, Little Dough doesn't realise anything. Bai Qian Qian tricks Little Dough that the couple
was doing mutual cultivation (hahaha).

As they were leaving the brothel, a gentleman starts to flirt with Bai Qian Qian and grabs her
arm. Bai Qian Qian is about to react when Ye Hua hugs Bai Qian Qian and magicks the
gentleman away into a haunted forest. Ye Hua chastises him for teasing his wife before he
magicks him away (and I like how Ye Hua always calls Bai Qian Qian his wife subtly). Little
Dough comments that the gentleman is a genius for being able to make Ye Hua so mad. Ye Hua
asks Bai Qian Qian why she did not do anything and she laughed that it was only being touched.
So, Ye Hua kisses Bai Qian Qian on the mouth and says lightly, it was only being kissed.

Ye Hua comes back and they all stay at an inn. There is only one room. They order supper but
it's not to her taste (she has been spoiled by Ye Hua's cooking) and decides not to eat. As Bai
Qian Qian falls asleep, Ye Hua is doing work on the table. In the middle of the night, Bai Qian
Qian feels someone hugging her as she sleeps and hears a voice saying faintly, "I have always
known your temper, but I never knew you would be so cold. You have forgotten everything in the
past, I hope you remember, yet also wish you will never remember."

When Bai Qian Qian wakes up, Ye Hua is already at the table doing work. Little Dough asks
her to eat porridge that Ye Hua cooked. Ye Hua says he cooked because he was afraid Little
Dough would not be able to get used to the food. Little Dough protests that that is not true
because Ye Hua never cooked when they visited the mortal mountain and he wasn't used to the
princess' food. Ye Hua coughed and Bai Qian Qian lowers her head and eats the porridge.

Chapter 9

Ye Hua is back at JiuChongTian and Bai Qian Qian and Little Dough misses his cooking. So,
they decide to get a disciple to learn from Ye Hua's cooking. A huge crowd gathers to become Ye
Hua's disciple such that Bai Qian Qian decide they will have a battle to determine who can
become Ye Hua's disciple. However, when Ye Hua comes back he rejects all of them. He says
they don't have the potential, but she has. However, she does not need to learn, since of the two
of them, it is enough if one of them knows how to cook (aww).

QiQi (the Second Prince's Wife) comes to Fox Cave and returns Bai Qian Qian her fan. Her
wish is that Bai Qian Qian can go to the mortal world and help her son's fate. Her son was being
punished to go to the mortal world for one life as he had teased Concubine Su Jin when he was
drunk. According to the rules of Heaven, Bai Qian Qian cannot use her magic or it will bounce
back to hurt her. Ye Hua helps her find out Qi Qi's son's fate, cos the god in charge of it owes him
big (haha) but Bai Qian Qian has to promise to seal up her powers when she goes down to the
mortal world to help QiQi's son.

Basically, Qi Qi's son is born as the Emperor's son. However, as the god in charge of
reincarnation of the human life really dislikes the Second Prince, he has written a horrible fate
for Qi Qi's son. He will have to suffer a love trial. During one outing with the Emperor, he will
jump down to save a beautiful girl drowning - he will fall for her but the Emperor will fall for her
too and marry her. One drunken night, he will consumate his love with that beautiful girl and feel
guilty for the rest of his life. Later, the son of the beautiful girl fight with him for the throne and
he kills that son. That son turns out to be his real son. Hence, his life will be absolutely tragic.

The rest of the chapter relates to how Bai Qian Qian goes to the palace and tries to figure out
how to change his fate.
Chapter 10 & 11

Ye Hua comes down to earth and tells Bai Qian Qian how to save Qi Qi's son's fate - basically
stop him from saving the beautiful girl and letting the Emperor save her instead. So Bai Qian
Qian gets Qi Qi to get someone to push the Emperor in when the time comes. Chapter 10 is not
that interesting and it also has a small side story - Bai Qian Qian meets Feng Jiu (the lead for the
Pillow Book) who has come down to the mortal world to help the mortal reincarnation of
Donghua Dijun, who is the emperor in this lifetime (it's revealed in the Pillow Book that that
wasn't actually him though haha). Anyway, Bai Qian Qian successfully saves Qi Qi's son fate and
she can return to heaven! Feng Jiu unfortunately though because of Bai Qian Qian's plans have to
stay on with the Emperor.

Chapter 12

When Bai Qian Qian returns to her Fox Cave, she discovers that Little Dough and Mo Yuan has
been taken away! Xuan Nu who looks like her had impersonated her and stolen them away. Bai
Qian Qian takes out her special fan and angrily heads to the Demon King Li Jing's Palace to
confront Xuan Nu. When she is there, she realised that Xuan Nu has kidnapped Mo Yuan's body
so that she can put her dead son's soul in Mo Yuan and be re-born. Xuan Nu orders the demon
soldiers to kill Bai Qian Qian.

Bai Qian Qian starts waving her fan and going on a rampage. She's at a disadvantage because
of her eyes and Xuan Nu using an extremely brilliant pearl to stop her from seeing. Bai Qian
Qian is so angry, she doesn't care about her eyes and she gets very injured. However, she kills all
the soldiers and is about to kill Xuan Nu when Xuan Nu is saved and Bai Qian Qian is almost
given a mortal blow.

In the nick of time, Ye Hua comes and protects her in his embrace. Demon King Li Jing is
shocked when he realised he almost gave Bai Qian Qian the mortal blow. Ye Hua asks if the
actions of Demon King Li Jing's wife, Xuan Nu, is official or personal. If official, this means war
between the heavens and hell, if it's personal, Xuan Nu must be put to death. She has kidnapped
the son of the Crown Prince, Little Dough, and Mo Yuan, the highly respected noble god, the son
of the Eternal Father God.

Demon King Li Jing is unwilling and Bai Qian Qian decides to do what Xuan Nu hates most of
all, Bai Qian Qian removes the spell that gave Xian Nu her face and Xian Nu is given back her
original face. Xian Nu sees this and goes crazy - she tears out her eyes.

Ye Hua tells Demon King Li Jing to settle this, and takes Bai Qian Qian, Little Dough and Mo
Yuan away.

Chapter 13
Bai Qian Qian is back in her home and recuperating. She gets a love confession from some male
deity that she thought always hated her - he declares he is willing to protect her as Ye Hua can't.
She is shocked and rejects him in the presence of Ye Hua.

Ye Hua tries to test Bai Qian Qian's feelings for him, but she only reveals that she doesn't
dislike him and even if someone else was her fiance, if she dislike him, she would not let him
stay at Fox Cave. Ye Hua confesses that he loves Bai Qian Qian and she is stunned.

Bai Qian Qian rejects him - saying she's an old 140,000 years old goddess while he is 50,000
years old and would grow out of this feeling. She reassures him that even after they marry, she
won't object if he wanted to find concubines or remarry goddesses of his own age. Ye Hua's face
turns cold and his heart is especially bittersweet.

Chapter 14

Bai Qian Qian dreams of Mo Yuan. She remembers how she was first made his disciple, how
she thought he was too pretty (haha), and how he took care of her when she was extremely drunk
after Demon King Li Jing broke her heart.

Chapter 15

When Bai Qian Qian wakes up, Ye Hua is no longer in her room. She goes to the cave to visit
Mo Yuan's body and to make sure he has been placed back properly. After the visit, she wanders
to a spring and decides to take a soak.

She suddenly hears Ye Hua angrily calling her "Bai Qian" and he jumps into the spring and
hugs her. Ye Hua kisses her. Later, Ye Hua says softly that he thought she was jumping into the
lake to commit suicide.

(Aww because he remembers how Su Su had jumped off the platform in heaven and died!)

They return back to the Fox Cave. Later, they learn that Demon King Li Jing is waiting at the
entrance for Bai Qian Qian. Bai Qian Qian refuses to see him, saying that everything has already
ended between them.

The next morning, Bai Qian Qian walks out of the cave as she is heading to Ye Hua's palace in
JiuChongTian, she sees Demon King Li Jing and is surprised that he is still waiting there. She
decides to end it cleanly once and for all with Demon King Li Jing. She confesses that Demon
King Li Jing was the only man she loved in her past life, but she knew that he was no longer in
her heart in the moment when she was about to die in the cave while saving Mo Yuan with her
blood - the face that came into her mind was not him. Demon King Li Jing heartbrokenly accepts
Bai Qian Qian's final words to him.

Ye Hua and Bai Qian Qian arrive at his palace by the back door as Ye Hua is hiding from his
official duties. Bai Qian Qian at first thinks she was brought to the Jade Empress' Peach Garden
because she smells peach blossoms. Ye Hua is stunned for a moment, and tells her the Peach
Blossom tree is something he planted two hundred years ago and this is the first time it has

Bai Qian Qian's heart skips - although she did not know why. She thinks the peach blossoms
are so beautiful.


I just love the metaphor of this - how Peach Blossom also represents Love Luck/Fate in Chinese
and how after waiting for more than two hundred years, Ye Hua's wait is blossoming again -
physically represented by the Peach Blossom tree he planted for Su Su years ago having its first
blossom with Bai Qian Qian's return <3

I've gone too detailed in my summaries (haha), and I will finish the book in Part 3!

I don't think I have actually stated this but Mo Yuan and Ye Hua actually look alike! Haha.
When Bai Qian Qian first met Ye Hua, she was stunned at how much he looked like Mo Yuan.
So the picture above is what I imagine Ye Hua and Mo Yuan to look like.

I wanted to summarise faster but I loved Chapters 16-18 so much that I went into greater detail
of Ye Hua's angst. I know that many people don't actually like Ye Hua, but I love him to bits
(more in my review) and I think the following chapters beautifully show how Ye Hua loves a
woman who he thinks loves another man.

Chapter 16

The chapter starts with Bai Qian Qian in Ye Hua's palace in Jiuchongtian. Nainai, Bai Qian
Qian's personal servant when she was still Susu, sees Bai Qian Qian and is extremely moved as
she recognises her and says she has finally returned. Ye Hua stops Nai Nai as Bai Qian Qian is
confused by Nai Nai's reaction.

Bai Qian Qian plays with Little Dough and before Ye Hua leaves he reminds her not to let
Little Dough have too much of the fruit wine. As Bai Qian Qian comes from a tradition of
drinking alcohol when young, she thinks Ye Hua is being too strict and so lets Little Dough drink
more wine than Ye Hua had allowed. Before Ye Hua leaves, he takes Bai Qian Qian's fan and
says he will paint a line of poetry on it and asks her to find him later in his study.

Little Dough has drunk a bit too much and is unconscious. Bai Qian Qian ask Nai Nai to let him
sleep it off. She goes to find Ye Hua in his study. When she is there, she realises two women are
already there - Concubine Su Jin and the princess that had bugged Ye Hua earlier. They are
begging Ye Hua to let the princess stay as a maid. Bai Qian Qian realises Ye Hua is especially
angry and wants to chase the princess away because she had drugged his soup with a love potion
(I think the connotation is to make him amorous and want to have intimate relations with her),
but Ye Hua found out the soup was drugged before he drank it.

Bai Qian Qian tells Ye Hua he should not have let the princess come be a maid at the palace in
the first place when he knew she was in love with her. Bai Qian Qian kindly advises the princess
to return to her kingdom and gets up to leave to return to her residence. Ye Hua goes with her.

As Ye Hua sends Bai Qian Qian back, he asks her why she advised the princess to return to her
kingdom. Bai Qian Qian said it was because Ye Hua had expressed his intention to send her
back. Ye Hua is disappointed that Bai Qian Qian had only said it because he had said it and not
because she was jealous.

Bai Qian Qian sees he is disappointed and immediately clarifies that she will still find a
mistress for him and he can marry whoever he wants. Ye Hua is silent for a long time and finally
says cooly that he knew he should not have asked her that question or tried to make her jealous
by asking her to come to the study.

He says, "I have no weight in your heart. Bai Qian Qian, can your heart only store one person?
How long do you plan to wait for him?"

Bai Qian Qian feels a reaction in her heart. Ye Hua leaves with a dejected expression. They part.

Chapter 17

In the middle of the night, Nai Nai comes to find Bai Qian Qian as Little Dough has still not
woken up. Bai Qian Qian assures Nai Nai that Little Dough will be fine and a doctor need not be
called. She says the fact that his face is getting redder and redder is a good sign. Nai Nai feels
more assured and leaves.

In the next day, around noon, Ye Hua finds Bai Qian Qian and chastises her for not informing
him that Little Dough has been drunk since yesterday and for not calling a doctor. Ye Hua
accuses Bai Qian Qian of not loving Little Dough like a real mother. Bai Qian Qian is hurt and
rebuts that he can get Concubine Su Jin to take care of Little Dough instead. Ye Hua says that
was not what he meant and leaves.

Concubine Su Jin comes and visit Bai Qian Qian later and Bai Qian Qian puts Concubine Su
Jin in her place for not properly respecting her (awesome scene!). Immortal Zhe Yan saw this
scene and praises Bai Qian Qian later, for he has not seen her put an arrogant person in their
place for a long time.
Immortal Zhe Yan tells Bai Qian Qian that a part of Mo Yuan's soul is back and is now residing
in the West Sea King's son's body. Bai Qian Qian hears this and starts crying.

Chapter 18

Although Bai Qian Qian is angry at Ye Hua, she leaves a note to explain that she is leaving and
leaves with Zhe Yan to the West Sea King's palace.

Bai Qian Qian meets the West Sea King's son who is weak and sick. She is able to detect a part
of Mo Yuan's soul in his body. She realises that if Mo Yuan stays in such a weak body, it would
take him an extremely long time to combine his whole soul together again. Thus, Bai Qian Qian
plans to get the special heavenly treasure, the Jie Po lantern, which will combine his soul
together in 3 days.

However, just as Bai Qian Qian planned to make a trip to Jiuchongtian to plead for the Jie Po
lantern. It is announced that an important guest has arrived at the West Sea King's place. Bai
Qian Qian is brought to meet this important guest and she wonders who he can be as his rank is
more important than the noble Immortal Zhe Yan.

Bai Qian Qian is surprised when she sees Ye Hua. Ye Hua grabs her and pulls her into his
embrace. When she tries to struggle out, Ye Hua tightens his embrace. He traps her against a
pillar and bites Bai Qian Qian's neck. She is stunned. Slowly, her hands embraces Ye Hua.

Bai Qian Qian is hit by a fragment of her past memory as Su Su but she dismisses it. Ye Hua
opens her robe and kisses the scar on her chest that was left when she plunged a knife to feed Mo
Yuan her blood. Ye Hua finally lets Bai Qian Qian go and she reaches out to slap him. However,
Ye Hua catches her slap in mid grasp and pulls her into his embrace again.

Ye Hua's hand is placed inside her robe on her heart. His face is white as a sheet, his gaze
steadfast, he asks, "Bai Qian, is there even half a space for me in here?"

Ye Hua asks twice but Bai Qian Qian does not know how to answer. Her head aches.

Ye Hua states that the person she has been waiting for has returned... naturally there is no space
for an outsider. It was but his vain hope.

Bai Qian Qian asked how Ye Hua knows Mo Yuan has returned. Ye Hua states that he met
Immortal Zhe Yan and also know that she needs the Jie Po Lantern for Mo Yuan's soul to fully
return. He asks Bai Qian Qian what she plans to do after she gets the Jie Po Lantern?

She states she plans to go to Ying Zhou to get the special heavenly grass so that she can give
Mo Yuan 70,000 years of her essence so that he can quickly wake up.
Ye Hua tells her she is crazy. The special heavenly grass at Ying Zhou is guarded by four fierce
heavenly beasts and even if she manages to survive them and get the grass, she will definitely be
severely hurt.

Ye Hua looks pained as he asks if Bai Qian Qian is willing to give up her life for Mo Yuan.

Bai Qian Qian thinks what Ye Hua is saying is strange because if she cannot pass the four fierce
heavenly beasts, she does not plan to risk her life but will just patiently wait for Mo Yuan to
wake up over seven or eight thousand years. She ponders and then thinks that perhaps Ye Hua is
worried that she will not be able to survive the fire and lightning trial when Ye Hua is crowned
the King of the Heavenly Realm as if she becomes the queen, she will have to go through the
trial with him.

Bai Qian Qian tells Ye Hua that they can treat their engagement as broken.

Ye Hua is silent for a while, finally, with his back to Bai Qian Qian he tells her to come to his
room tonight if she wants the Jie Po Lantern.

Ye Hua nearly hits into a crystal pillar on his way out and Bai Qian Qian asks him to be careful.
Ye Hua tells Bai Qian Qian that it was all his hopeful wish, how much he owed her, how much
she owed him, has already been messed up and cannot be calculated within life's fortunes.

Comment: Chapter 18 was so wonderfully angsty <3. Ye Hua prides himself for always being in
self control (afterall, he was made the crown prince when he was born!) and actually hides his
real feelings very well; so it's lovely to see how Bai Qian Qian makes Ye Hua go out of control.

Although this summary and review project for 3L3W, 10 Peach Blossom, has the least interest
out of my 3 current "to do" things for this blog, I am glad to have undertaken it. Certainly, it has
led me to re-read 3L3W, 10 Peach Blossoms, at least five times, and I am also happy to say that
it actually improves on further reading and is a work I likely will always enjoy. Since this work
and Heavy Sweet Ash-like Frost is often compared, it would be interesting to do a comparative
review at a later stage. Till then, enjoy!

Chapter 19

Bai Qian Qian's Fourth Brother visits her at the West Sea King's palace and enlightens her about
her feelings. Bai Qian Qian realises that she likes Ye Hua romantically!

That night, when Bai Qian Qian arrives at Ye Hua's room, there are many bottles of alcohol at
his feet, but he does not appear fully drunk. When he sees her, he is a little unstable but gets up to
takes the Jie Po Lantern for her. He passes it to her and tells her to place it by Mo Yuan's bed for
three days and to watch it carefully. Bai Qian Qian looks surprised because she would have
watched it carefully regardless, Ye Hua ruefully comments that he should have known that she
was always careful where Mo Yuan is concerned.
Bai Qian Qian offers to give Ye Hua something in return. Ye Hua says he does not want
anything. Bai Qian Qian asks if Ye Hua is sure. Ye Hua says that from start to end, the only thing
he wanted was her.

So, hilariously, Bai Qian Qian asks Ye Hua if he wants her. Before Bai Qian Qian can escape,
Ye Hua hugs her and they embrace for the night.

In that night, Bai Qian Qian sleepily remembers hearing Ye Hua say one thing, "If in this
lifetime I can have you completely one more time, even if it is only this night, even if it is only
for the Jie Po Lantern, for Mo Yuan, I have no more regrets."

(Aww, he says these knowing they could be his possible last words.)

The next morning, Bai Qian Qian wakes up in her own room. Ye Hua has left the West Sea
King's palace. Bai Qian Qian sets up the Jie Po lantern by Mo Yuan's bed and watches over the
West Sea King's Son's body for the next three days. After the three days, she goes back to her bed
and sleeps for several days. When she wakes up, she realises the Immortal Zhe Yan has waited
for her for 2 days.

He passes her a special pill made from the special heavenly grass and with his heavenly
essence. He tells her to use it because if she uses her own heavenly essence, which she has so
little of, she would become unstable. So, she gives the West Sea King's body the pill and she
watches as Mo Yuan's soul becomes complete and leaves the body.

(As an aside, there was a funny gag going on about how the West Sea King's Son liked men and
Bai Qian Qian was actually in male form when she was taking care of him - but the Son wakes
up and is actually worried Bai Qian Qian is in love with him as she is not his type. Bai Qian Qian
realises that the Son likes Ye Hua and so warns him that Ye Hua does not like men. Haha)

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 has one of my most favourite lines of the novel:

My future husband Ye Hua, I regret that I did not get to meet him at my best time.

(The english translation actually does not do the chinese words credit - (nian hua) denotes
time, year, age - a sense of time and period. And, it is the same hua as Ye Hua so it has this
lovely doubling effect with Ye Hua's name. She says this after naming out all the love blossoms
in her life and says it with a kind of yearning that she did not leave her best self for him. This is
doubly delicious since at this stage only we know of her past life, Su Su with Ye Hua.)
Bai Qian Qian rushes to JiuChongTian to find Ye Hua. She realises that the special pill was
made with Ye Hua's heavenly essence because when she went to check if Mo Yuan's soul had
truly departed from the West Sea King's Son's body - she saw traces of Ye Hua's essence. Bai
Qian Qian is all worried and heart pained when she finds Ye Hua. She tries to find out how much
years of heavenly essence Ye Hua has given Mo Yuan, but Ye Hua refuses to answer and
pretends he is fine.

Bai Qian Qian finds out from Immortal Zhe Yan that Ye Hua has lost an arm while trying to get
the special heavenly grass. Immortal Zhe Yan will make him a replacement arm, but it will take
thousands of years for his arm to regain its use. Of course, Ye Hua pretends that he will be fine in
a month.

Later that night, Bai Qian Qian goes to Ye Hua's room to watch over him. After that, she moved
into Little Dough's residence to be near him. At the crack of dawn, she would painstakingly wake
up so she can catch Ye Hua when he wakes up and help him wash his face and dress up. This is
quite a sacrifice for her since she loves to sleep so much and has never woken up so early for ten
thousand years.

It's very cute because a few days later, when she wakes up sleepily, Ye Hua is already next to
her bed. He tells her to sleep more and he will wake her up at the right time. So she sheepishly
sleeps more and breakfast is now moved to Little Dough's residence.

(Honestly, one of my favourite bits because Ye Hua dotes on Bai Qian Qian always - no matter
how weak or strong he is.)

Little Dough comes back from his pilgrimage later and becomes very sad when he realises Ye
Hua has lost the use of one of his hand. Although Ye Hua assures him he can still hug Little
Dough (aww). And, Ye Hua can also still paint Bai Qian Qian as well even when he has just one
hand, making Bai Qian Qian think her husband is truly worthy. Cheng Yu who followed Little
Dough back to Ye Hua's palace teasingly ask if Ye Hua can still "hug" Bai Qian Qian and Ye Hua
gets so annoyed that he carries Bai Qian Qian up and goes off to his bedroom to prove he can
still "hug" Bai Qian Qian.

After they embrace, Bai Qian Qian finally confesses that she loves Ye Hua and they should get
married. Ye Hua is so happy that he tells Bai Qian Qian to give birth to another child for him <3.

They have to delay their ceremony because Ye Hua has to go down to the mortal world as
punishment for killing the four fierce heavenly beasts when he went to get the special heavenly
grass - so he will go down to the mortal world for two months in heavenly realm time. Bai Qian
Qian makes Ye Hua promise he won't fall for any other mortal girl.

Chapter 21

Mo Yuan wakes up. Bai Qian Qian's fourth brother teases that now she has repaid her debt to
Mo Yuan by waiting for him for 70 thousand years, but how will she repay Ye Hua's debt of 40
thousand years of heavenly essence?
Bai Qian Qian says she and Ye Hua will be husband and wife - there is no need for husband
and wife to owe each other <3.

Immortal Zhe Yan tells her that she is finally enlightened.

Mo Yuan wakes up and reunites with Bai Qian Qian. He tells her she looks nice in a dress.

Later, Mo Yuan, Fourth Brother, Immortal Zhe Yan and Bai Qian Qian have tea. Mo Yuan asks
if when he was asleep, did they see anyone who looks like him?

Bai Qian Qian tells him that the person he speaks of should be her fiance.

Mo Yuan's hand that is holding a tea cup shakes. After a while, he says, "The eye in choosing a
wife, ah." Then he asks what is his name and when was his born.

[***I pause here and especially highlight this line by Mo Yuan which in the mandarin version
truly conveys that Mo Yuan did like Bai Qian Qian romantically. The clear implication is that the
brothers have the same taste in choosing their wife!]

Mo Yuan then tells them that Ye Hua is his twin brother.

They learn that the first Father God and first Mother God actually conceived twins but first
Mother God had problems when she was pregnant and first Father God could only save Ye Hua's
life by placing him in a golden bird egg - waiting for his soul to reawaken one day. Apparently,
while Mo Yuan's soul was fragmented, Ye Hua in his egg had been trying to patch Mo Yuan's
soul together. But, this stopped when Ye Hua was born to this world (the Queen Empress
Goddess must have eaten the egg and conceived him in her womb).

Mo Yuan returns to his Kunlun mountain where his sect used to be, and it is truly glorious as
even the heavens and world is heralding his return. All his disciples from all over the realms
come back again to pay their respects to Mo Yuan.

The rest of the disciples are surprised to hear that Bai Qian Qian is actually a female. One asks
if she is getting married and she tells them her wedding ceremony will be soon. Mo Yuan on
hearing this breaks a tea cup (this is another awesome moment because Mo Yuan is the pinnacle
of coolness usually).

A few days later, Mo Yuan asks Bai Qian Qian if her heart for Ye Hua is real. She tells him it is
real. He turns his back on her and says that is very good. Bai Qian Qian thought Ye Hua is
worried for her and assures her again that they love each other mutually very much. Mo Yuan
tells Bai Qian Qian to go back to her room and rest.

[***There is lots of debate if Mo Yuan likes Bai Qian Qian romantically - and for me the
answer is Yes. But, of course, just like how Bai Qian Qian had a few love blossoms, that does not
mean that Bai Qian Qian is the true flower for Mo Yuan. There are already hints in the chapter
that Mo Yuan's real soulmate is someone else and she will be the female lead in Mo Yuan's own
book <3]

Bai Qian Qian asks her Fourth Brother to watch the incense for her while she goes down to the
mortal world to check on Ye Hua. She meets Ye Hua when he is a young boy (11) - he is very
smart and born in a scholarly family, except he does not have one arm! Bai Qian Qian's heart
aches for him. At night, she visits him and Ye Hua thinks she is a fairy. Bai Qian Qian makes him
promise he will not fall for another girl. She tells him that she will marry him when he grows up
and he blushes and nods.

Chapter 22

Many years later in the mortal world, Bai Qian Qian visits Ye Hua again and sees him smiling
to a mortal girl that looks like her. Bai Qian Qian sees that the mortal girl is actually a human
doll. Concubine Su Jin is also down in the mortal world and tells her that the human doll is
modeled after Su Su.

Concubine Su Jin asks Bai Qian Qian if she knows that Ye Hua had used the Jie Po lantern for
the last three hundred years to collect the fragments of Su Su's soul. Bai Qian Qian pretends to be
calm in front of Concubine Su Jin, but later she goes back to Qingqiu and studies the Jie Po
Lantern. After a while, while trying to cease the flame in the lantern, she accidentally causes it to

Bai Qian Qian regains her memory as Su Su.

She knows that she still loves Ye Hua, but she realises that she cannot forgive him.

A day later, she finds Concubine Su Jin again and takes back her eyes. Concubine Su Jin is so
afraid of what will happen when Bai Qian Qian tells the Jade Emperor of what she has done to
Bai Qian Qian that she leaves the ranks of the gods and deities and ask to go away for meditation
(It turns out that she has become the deity supposed to look after the previous Demon King's bell
and she gets sent to the mortal world after when she fails to watch after it properly).

Bai Qian Qian brings back her eyes to Immortal Zhe Yan and asks him to fix it back for her.
Immortal Zhe Yan is surprised because no one has ever regained their memory after taking his
amnesia potion.

Ye Hua returns to the heavenly realms after he finishes his stint in the mortal world. He
immediately comes to visit Bai Qian Qian but she refuses to see him.

Seven days have passed and Ye Hua is still waiting for Bai Qian Qian to see him. She tells
Migu Deity to tell Ye Hua that she will not see him and that she will go to JiuChongTian to break
their engagement the next day.

Many days passed - the stalemate continues, Bai Qian Qian did not go up to JiuChongTian to
break off the engagement and Ye Hua continues to wait for her.
In one morning, Bai Qian Qian sense the energy of the previous Demon King who was trapped
in the bell by Mo Yuan seventy thousand years ago - the reason Mo Yuan had disappeared
previously. She senses that the previous Demon King was escaping from the bell. Five hundred
years ago, she had only barely just managed to enslave the Demon King in the bell again, but it
had damaged the bell and she had to sacrifice half of her heavenly essence then to fix it. Bai Qian
Qian knew that in her current state, she was in no condition to win the previous Demon King, but
if she did not rush down, the previous Demon King would surely cause lots of harm and loss of
life considering his anger at being previously entrapped.

As Bai Qian Qian rushes to the bell, she passes Ye Hua who is so extremely white and haggard
looking. She does not say anything and rushes off. Ye Hua follows her.

They reach the scene and Ye Hua realises what is happening. Ye Hua freezes Bai Qian Qian in a
restraining spell and tells the little female deities not to let Bai Qian Qian leave.

Bai Qian Qian cannot break Ye Hua's spell no matter how hard she tries.

Bai Qian Qian sees Ye Hua takes out his sword and finally sees his renowned sword skills. Ye
Hua beats the previous Demon King, but the previous Demon King has slyly linked his soul to
the bell such that he will take down Ye Hua with him even in death.

There is a flash of red light and a horrible screeching sound. Bai Qian Qian rushes to catch Ye
Hua's body and realises his body is stained and soaked with his blood. Previously, she could not
see that blood had soaked his body because his robes were always black.

Bai Qian Qian recalled what Immortal Zhe Yan had once said - he had always found Ye Hua's
robe colours strange so he had asked him once why he liked this colour and he said, the colour
was not pretty but useful. For example, if someone slashed you and your blood came out, you
would not be able to see the blood. The people who care about you will not be worried and your
enemies would not be able to gain satisfaction from having hurt you.

Bai Qian Qian realised that until today, she did not know him. Just as she was angry and could
not forgive him previously for not knowing her, even after falling in love with him for two
lifetimes, she might have never truly known him.

Ye Hua tries Bai Qian Qian not to cry. Bai Qian Qian asks Ye Hua if he is going to die. Ye Hua
tells Bai Qian Qian to forget him and to live happily with Mo Yuan.

After a long pause, Ye Hua continues that even in death he cannot say such a thing. In his
whole life, he has only love Bai Qian Qian. He tells Qian Qian that she cannot forget him for
forever. Then his voice falters and he says but even if she dares to forget him, what can he do?

Bai Qian Qian whispers into his ear, "You cannot die, Ye Hua. Hold on, I will bring you to Mo
Yuan... If you dare die, I will get Zhe Yan's amnesia potion and forgot you forever. I will live
happily with Mo Yuan, Zhe Yan and Fourth Brother and never remember you. "
Ye Hua smiles, "That is fine as well."

That was the last phrase Ye Hua left Bai Qian Qian.

Final Chapter

Three years have passed since Ye Hua died.

At that day when Ye Hua died, Bai Qian Qian made a barrier and prevented anyone from
coming towards them so no one could take away Ye Hua's body. However, the collapse of the
bell had interrupted Mo Yuan's meditation and he had came down to find Bai Qian Qian.

Bai Qian Qian had actually planned to hug Ye Hua's body in the barrier for eternity, but Mo
Yuan saw her and told her to build a coffin and let Ye Hua leave this realm in a better state. So,
she complied.

After that, Bai Qian Qian lived in a vacant meaningless state - she lived as if she could not
lived anymore and wanted to cease to exist. But, she started to dream of Ye Hua when she slept,
so she started to like dreaming.

Mo Yuan comes to find Bai Qian and tells her - Ye Hua is back. In Ye Hua's body there was the
first Father God's essence which he used to preserve Ye Hua's soul, so Ye Hua's body had two
different essence - when the bell collapsed, both the two heavenly essences interacted with each
other and caused him to lose his consciousness. Everyone thought his soul had dissolved and
ceased to exist - but after sleeping for these years in the special ice coffin, he had recuperated and
woken up.

Mo Yuan tells her - Ye Hua is back. Once he woke up, he immediately went to QingQiu to find

She rushes back and at the spot where a peach tree was planted in the year when Ye Hua died -
has already fully blossomed. There is a man in black robes looking at a tomb plaque.

It is like a dream.

He turns and smiles at her, "Qian Qian, come here."

The End

There are two more epilogues - one detailing the story from Ye Hua's perspective and readers
will then truly see how much Ye Hua had loved Bai Qian Qian and how he had tried to protect
and love her in his own way, but due to the lack of communication that stemmed more from fear
than distrust, that caused them the misunderstanding and the tragedy in their past life. Ye Hua's
epilogue ends on a really beautiful note, at the point when he first met Bai Qian Qian in her
goddess form and realised that she, Su Su, was Bai Qian Qian, his fiancee.

The other epilogue is a cute one where Bai Qian Qian is pregnant again and she tells Ye Hua
that Little Dough is not serious enough a name, and suggests renaming him to Little Black! It's
hilarious and Little Dough decides to run away due to this name.

I will post my final thoughts and review up next, and I just want to say at this point that despite
the flaws in the story, and there are flaws, I really liked the overall composition of it - where Ye
Hua's epilogue ends where their fate restarts and where the story ends with their peach trees
blossoming, their love luck finally bearing fruit after two lifetimes.

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