Project B11

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Characters: Storytreller, Little pig, medium

pig, old pig, Wolf.

Once upon a time three little

STORYTRELLER: pigs lived in the
forest. The youngest one started building a house with straw,
his older brother built it with wood, and the oldest one built
it with bricks, to get protected from the wolf.

Little pig : I will build my house as soon as I can to start

Medium pig : I will build my wooden house as soon as I can to
start playing with my brother!
Old Pig : I will build my house with bricks to get protected
from the wolf, although it can take more time.

At that time, the three little pigs started building

their houses. When the younger brothers finished, they started
playing. However, the oldest brother still worked building his

Little pig : Look, our older brother is still building his

Medium pig : Yes, but we are here playing and having fun.
Little pig and Medium pig: Hahahaha.
Old pig : Youll see when the wolf comes.

The next day, when the three little pigs had already
built their houses, they started hearing howls from a wolf in
the forest.

Wolf : Auuuuuuu, auuuuuuuu

The wolf arrived to the house of the smallest little

pig and knocked at the door

Little pig : Whos at the door?

Wolf : Its me, the wolf! Open the door!
Little pig : No, Im not opening.
Wolf : So I will blow, I will blow and I will demolish
your home.
Little pig : Help! Help!

Then, the little pig escaped to the house of his

older brother.

Medium pig : Whos at the door?

Wolf : Its me, the wolf! Open the door!
Medium pig : No, Im not opening.
Wolf : So I will blow, I will blow and I will demolish
your home.
Little pig and medium pig: Help! Help!
Then, the two little pigs hid into the house of the
oldest little pig, and the wolf ran behind them.

Old pig : Whos at the door?

Wolf : Its me, the wolf! Open the door!
Old pig : No, Im not opening.
Wolf : So I will blow, I will blow and I will demolish
your home.
3 Little pigs : You will not be able!

And the wolf blew,and blew and blew and could not
demolish their home. The wolf got tired of blowing, left, and
never came back to that forest.

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