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Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy

(Revised 2017)
Teacher Candidate Danielle Hickman
School Elementry (3rd)
UNIT TITLE Pigment of Imagination
Length of Class Period 60 minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 20
Beginning Date for this Unit
Ending Date for this Unit

Personal Choice and Vision: Students construct and solve problems of personal
relevance and interest when expressing themselves through visual art.
Critical and Creative Thinking: Students combine and apply artistic and reasoning
skills to imagine, create, realize and refine artworks in conventional and innovative

C. Connect making art with individual choice and understanding personal cultural

D. Produce artworks that express and represent their experiences, imagination and
ideas using a range of media including new technologies.

E. Form and express opinions about artworks and apply critical and creative
thinking skills to assess and refine their artworks.
A).Anticipatory Set (what do the students already know)
B). Rationale (why is this lesson relevant?)

P a g e | 1!
A). Students should already grasp the basic concept of the color wheel and how color is used
in art. This unit will aid in developing a deeper understanding of color and how it functions
literally and as a tool of communication.
!B). Color is one of the most important and fundamental elements of design and is involved in
every process of art making regardless if the artist is choosing to openly embrace it or reject it.
!Expanding on color and its functionality will help students better understand its significance in
every piece. There is a physical reaction occurring that prompts an emotional/personal
reaction in the viewer. That interaction is what the artist is attempting to tap into when
constructing a piece to be able to communicate what they want to express in their work.
Forming a deeper understanding of color and its power will help students better utilize it in
their work and better grasp its importance.

Central Focus (creating, presenting, interpreting, responding, and/or relating art to context)
Color is one of the most important elements of design we consider while making art. It is
something that has to be considered anytime one goes to create an art piece. Even if the artist
chooses to use no color that doesnt mean color is no longer pertinent to the work. Color in art
is one of the key components working in whats attempting to be communicated. What color
means to the artist may also vary from the viewers, students will understand this shift in
interpretation why it happens and how it works.
!Students will develop an understanding of color; how it works literally, how we use it to
communicate ideas or emotions in art, and how it can be interpreted differently on an
individual bases.
Essential Questions (provocative, engaging, critical)
- What is color?
- How do we read/experience color?
- How do certain colors relate to me?
- How can we use color as a tool to communicate?
- What can effect/change our interpretation of color?
Possible Integration
- The physicality of color.
- Anatomy and functionality of the eye.
- Color expressed as sound.
- Color as description.
- How can/do we use color to communicate.
Lesson One

P a g e | 2!
Title Sense of Color
Lesson Students will begin to investigate what is color and how it works in the
Description real world. I will bring in a small lamp with different color light bulbs or
filters to project different lighting into the class room to demonstrate color
and how it functions. Students will understand color as a sense instead
of an absolute. Medical conditions will be discussed during lesson that
can alter this sensation. Color blind disability will be defined in this part.
Students will take color blind test online to gain a better understanding of
their ability to see color.
!Future goal: Have available to the class glasses that permit the color-
blind to see color. Allow students to try on glasses.
Lesson Two
Title Between Me, You, and Color
Lesson Students will receive a sheet of nine colored blocks that they will label
Description with the first term, phrase, or emotion that comes to mind upon viewing it.
Students will then collect into groups of 3-4 to discuss the differences of
what they labeled each color in relation to what it made them feel/think.
Students will understand that everyone sees color differently and make
connections on how visual stimulation involving color varies from person
to person. Health anomaly synesthesia is introduced to class. Artist with
this diagnosis are presented: two artist who translate sound to visual art
as well as artist who translate visual stimulation into music. Students will
be given a sketchbook exercise to allow them to become comfortable
moving with the sound on paper in relation to musical artists that are
presented. Close with teaser to final project giving base line description
to progress then outcome.

Lesson Three
Title Mixing Senses
Lesson Students will receive a piece of project paper and will be instructed to
Description divide it into four separate sections. Once the paper is divided the
student will color each section in relation to a song being played to the
class. Students will be limited to using a maximum of four colors so we
can see clearly color schemes and moods being set in the piece. Black
and white will be permitted to be used as accent colors and not count as
one of the four they choose to use. The music being played to the class
is a compilation constructed by the teacher and will transition into four
different songs marking when student need to move to the next section of
their piece. Once the project is complete students will hang projects on
wall and compare color interpretations of the songs that were played and
discuss mark making as well as their color palette choices.
P a g e | 3!
Explain how technology has been used in this unit
Technology will be utilized as follows:
- Lamp with differing color light bulbs for submersion activity held in lesson one.
- Students use of iPads to obtain access to internet.
- Internet access to take vision test and stream music constructed for lesson.
- Speakers to play music.
- Projector to exhibit historical and contemporary art works presented for classroom example
and discussion.

Teacher Candidate Danielle Hickman
School Elementary (3rd)
Lesson Title Sense of Color
Length of Class Period 1 hour
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 20
Beginning Date for this Lesson
Ending Date for this Lesson
- 2PE Identify the relationships between and among selected elements and

principles of art and design.

- 5PR Show increasing attention to the nuances of elements and principles

of design when creating personal works of art.


- 1RE Examine and describe how art and design principles are used by artists to create visual
P a g e | 4!
Performance-based Assessment Objectives
1. Students will be able to identify and describe color in relation to the elements and
principles of art and design.
2. Students will show increasing attention to nuances and physical occurrences involving
color as well as develop a deeper understanding of conditions that influence it.
3. Students will be able to examine and describe how color is interpreted and used in relation
to their vision.
Performance-based Assessment Strategies
(attach assessment documents if applicable)
- Students will document the results of their eye color test in their sketchbooks as well as
write a brief reflection on their ability to see demonstrating their understanding of color in
relation to their own vision.
- Discussion will occur during class through prompted questions. The teacher will assess
students through actively documenting participation.
Academic Language
Vocabulary (define each)
- Eye: hollow organ of sight in vertebrates that is filled with a jelly like material, is lined with a
!- photosensitive retina, and is lodged in a bony orbit in the skull. Sensory organ.

Retina: sensory membrane that lines the eye, is composed of several layers including one
containing the rods and cones, it receives the image an individual is viewing and converts it
into chemical and nervous signals that reach the brain by the way of the optic nerve.
!- Photo receptor cell: Any rods or cones located in the retina.
!- Rod: A type of specialized light-sensitive cell (photoreceptor) in the retina of the eye that
!- provides side vision and the ability to see objects in dim light.

Cone: A type of specialized light-sensitive cell (photoreceptor) in the retina of the eye that

!- provides color vision and sharp central vision.

!- Light: the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

!- White Light: apparently colorless light.

!- Tungsten light: Standard inside man made lighting that often casts a yellow hue.

!- Color-Blind: Only having the ability to see black and white

Color vision deficiency: the inability to distinguish certain shades of color.

Additional Language Demands (specific communication task)

- Students will document the results of their eye color test in their sketchbooks, they will then
reflect on the results and respond to the prompt exhibited on the board How do you feel
about your results? How do you feel the results impact you? If you could invent a new color
what would you call it? (To be completed in a minimum of 4-5 sentences.)

P a g e | 5!
Accommodations for Special Populations
- Student Thomas has been identified as having a learning disability. To accommodate him for
this lesson incentive will be offered to the class as a whole for their participation through
lecture (small eraser). While students are taking eye color test I will make it a point to check in
with Thomas once or twice to make sure he is on task. I will do so by calmly approaching him
and checking in on how he is doing. If Thomas is having issues I will encourage him to work
out his feelings in his sketchbook throughout class. Sometimes allowing students to keep their
hands busy puts them in a better position to listen to what is going on.
Art/Visual Culture Examples (list all artists, artwork or media used)
- Color Blind Test:
Materials/Resources for Teacher
- Projector
- Computer
- Pencil
- Incentive small erasers
- White Light (lamp)
- Light Filters (transparency papers of different colors: Yellow/Tungsten, red, Blue or different
colored light bulbs)
!Future goal: Color blind corrective glasses
Materials for Students
- Ipad
- Sketchbook/Notebook
- Pencil
- Eraser
Safety Procedures
Due to the lesson today being majority lecture and discussion based there is no unique set of
safety steps to follow. Students will be expected to act in accordance with standard classroom
Getting the Classroom Environment Ready
Classroom preparation would involve placing students desk in a U shape fashion so all can see the
lighting experiments and each other for discussion. This arrangement is ideal for demonstration as well
as for guided conversation involving what will be occurring during class. As students enter the
classroom they are to take the first seat they find available.
Procedures for the Teaching/Learning Structure (indicate approximate time for each step)

P a g e | 6!
Day 1 - Lesson 1: Task 1 - Students enter Timing - 3 minutes Supplies - N/A
Sense of Color and find seats

D1 - L1 T2 ! T - 5 min S - N/A
- Ask class How does
color work!
- Discussion of eye and
how it functions begins

D1 - L1 T3 ! T - 8 min S - Draw on board

- Introduce technical basic diagram of eye
terms for the eye, while explaining how
discuss the functionality each part functions.!
of rods and cones inside
the eye.!
Diagram should depict
- During explanation draw the following: Light,
graph on board Eye, Retina, Rods,
depicting eye and the Cones.
following parts: Light,
Eye, Retina, Rods,
Cones. As you draw the
diagram accompany it
with explanation.

D1 - L1 T4! T - 17 min ! S - Lamp, white light,

- Move to lamp in room, - 5 min of open tungsten light, red light,
show initially white light discussion on blue light
casting no hues over sensation of each
class. Next demonstrate color.!
colors by changing - 2 min to connect to
slides/lightbulbs to first lesson
yellow (tungsten), red,
- Ask students in between
how the classroom feels
with new color change.!
- Connect explanation to
description of eye and
its functionality to aid in
students understanding.

D1 - L1 T5! T - 3 min S - Students iPad and

- Hand out iPads and sketchbooks
sketch books

D1 - L1 T6! T - 4 min S - N/A

- Introduce idea that not
everyone sees color the
same. Explain color-
blindness and color vision

P a g e | 7!
D1 - L1 T7! T - 4 min S - Projector and
- Link students to color computer for teacher
blind test. Demonstrate use!
how to navigate there on
their iPads through the
projector. test/instructions/
D1 - L1 T8! T - 12 min S - Teacher is to write
- Students take color blind on board following
test and record results in questions:!
their sketchbook.! - How do you feel
- Students respond and about your results?
reflect on prompt - How do you feel the
displayed on the board results impact you?
- If you could invent a
in their sketchbooks
new color what
(Results + 4-5 sentence would you call it?

D1 - L1 T8! T - 3 min S - COLLECT

- Collect sketchbooks and sketchbooks and iPads

D1 - L1 T9! T - Close S - N/A

- Classroom exits

Clean-up Procedures (Room, Materials & Work Storage)

The lesson this day is mostly discussion based. Clean-up happens when sketchbooks and
iPads are collected which collectively should take no more than 3-4 min.
Closure, Review & Anticipation (whats next?)
- For Lesson two we will be connecting vision with other senses.
Supplemental Activity
- If there is time left over students can experiment layering colors in their sketchbooks to see
the different effects they get. There shouldnt be time left over.

Teacher reflection focused on the lesson after it has been taught

Teacher Candidate Danielle Hickman
School Elementary (3rd)
Lesson Title Between Me, You, and Color
Length of Class Period 60 minutes

P a g e | 8!
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 20
Beginning Date for this Lesson
Ending Date for this Lesson

- 1PE Observe and compare similar themes, subject matter and images in artworks
from historical and contemporary eras.

- 6PE Recognize and identify choices that give meaning to a personal work of art.

- 1PR Demonstrate skill and expression in the use of art techniques and processes.

- 1RE Examine and describe how art and design principles are used by artists to create
visual effects.

- 3RE Compare and contrast their opinions of a work of art with those of their peers.
Performance-based Assessment Objectives
1. Students will observe and compare themes in art evolving around color, music, and
2. Students will be able to recognize and identify choices involving color in relation to it giving
personal meaning to their work.
3. Students will demonstrate skill and expression involving mark making and color in their
4. Students will be able to contemplate how to solve problems of personal relevance in
relation to their art involving color and expression.
5. Students will examine and describe how color is used by artist with synesthesia in relation
to their work.
6. Students will be given opportunity to compare and contrast their opinions involving art
work presented involving influences from health anomalies. They will also begin compare
and contrast their own view of color based off of their lived experiences, active
perspective, and memories.
Performance-based Assessment Strategies
(attach assessment documents if applicable)

P a g e | 9!
- Students will complete color block worksheet and then in groups of 3-4 discuss their
outcomes. They will relate the results to their active perspective, lived experience, and
memory. The worksheet will later be turned in with sketchbook for completion assessment.
They are NOT to use color to describe color.
- Students will complete a sketchbook exercise in class to aid in getting them comfortable
with moving around a medium and expressing themselves on it through mark making and
- Discussion will be open in class students will examine and compare artists, one historical
and one contemporary, who work with their medical condition synesthesia. Teacher will
actively document participation.
- Students will reflect on external influences that can impact their work similarly to the artist
who work with synesthesia.
Academic Language
Active Perspective - The view point through which you currently view life
!Lived Experience - Your life currently accompanied with past experiences and memories.
!Memory - The building blocks from which an individual views and experiences life.
!Synesthesia- condition where one sense is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more
additional senses. (Discussed in relation to color and sound)
!Mark Making- Shape and form of mark on paper.
!Pattern- Repetitive design.
Additional Language Demands (specific communication task)
- Students will be able to articulate and discuss their perspective of life in relation to color
through describing their active perspective, lived experience, and memories.
- Students will describe colors given to them on a work sheet and will begin to grasp how we
all function differently in relation to the topic.
Accommodations for Special Populations
- Student Thomas has been identified as having a learning disability. To accommodate him for
this lesson I will stay alert and mindful of his behavior in relation to classroom activity.
Students will be working a groups today so peers can be used to aid in Thomass learning as
well as their own. If Thomas is unable to hear the music during class he will be offered to use
headphones to enhance his experience. If Thomas still struggles to hear the music he will be
offered a speaker he can place his hand on to feel the vibrations of music playing to which he
can draw and respond to. Songs lyrics will be omitted so there are not concerns of him
needing to process what the songs are saying. Thomas will be reminded to stay on task
through gentle reminders and shoulder touches. If things escalate Thomas will be encouraged
to work out his emotions in his sketchbook.
Art/Visual Culture Examples

P a g e | 10
- Wasily Kandinsky: Composition IV (1911), Composition VIII (1923)
- Melissa Mccraken: Seems So Long (2014), Unstoppable (2017)
- Franz Liszt: Love Dream (1850)
- Pharrell Williams: Happy (2013)

Materials/Resources for Teacher
- Power Point
- Speaker
- Chalk
- Blackboard
- Projector
- Computer
Materials for Students
- Sketchbook
- Pencil
- Color Block Work Sheet
- Headphones or individual speaker (Accomadation)
Safety Procedures
Lecture, discussion, and activity classified as standard, students will be expected to act in
accordance with standard classroom procedure.
Getting the Classroom Environment Ready
Classroom orientation will be standard. Students will be seated at their tables (4 per section).
For discussion students will communicate within assigned sector.

Procedures for the Teaching/Learning Structure (indicate approximate time for each step)

Day 2 - Lesson 2 Task 1 - Students enter Timing - 2 minutes Supplies - N/A

Color and Me and find seats

D2 - L2 T2 ! T - 3 min S - Color Block

- Color block worksheet is Worksheet
handed out.!
- Students are instructed
to label each color with
the first word, phrase, or
emotion that comes to
- They are NOT allowed
to label colors as their
color name.

P a g e | 11
D2 - L2 T3! T - 5 min S - Pencil/Pen, Color
- Students label blocks on Block Worksheet
work sheet.

D2 -L2 T4! T - 8 min S - Color Block

- At their table students Worksheet
discuss different
outcomes for colors.!
- Compare and contrast
responses, encourage
discussion of
experiences that may
have lead them to think
- Aid in relating students
findings to their active
perspective, memories,
and lived experiences.

D2 - L2 T5! T - 5 min S - N/A

- Classroom discussion
on findings. What
changes our perception
of color?!
- Connect how life
experience and
perspective can
influence ones
interpretation of color.

D2 - L2 T6! T - 12 min ! S- Power point with

- Reflect on discussion of
color blind and color
1 min to connect to
Wasily K. and Melissa
M. work to present to
vision deficiency.! yesterdays instruction! class
- Introduce medical
anomaly synesthesia!
2 min to explain
- Introduce visual artist synesthesia!
who utilize this medical
9 min to discuss visual
artist who utilize their
condition in their work

D2 - L2 T7! T - 2 min S - Sketchbook, pencil

- Hand out sketchbooks

P a g e | 12
D2 - L2 T8 ! T - 3 min S - Sketchbook, pencil
- Introduce synesthesia
being used for music.!
- Instruct students to
allow their hand to
dance on page to the
music that will be played
by artist who have this

D2 - L2 T9 ! T - 12 min S - Sketchbook, Pencil!

- Play music and allow
students to work.!
- speakers, computer,
- Introduce musical artist chalk, black board.
as having synesthesia
as well while music is
playing. !
- Musical Artist:!
- Franz Liszt - Love
- Pharrell Williams -
- Mimic the exercise they
are doing on the black
board, be theatrical.
Intermittently stop and
check on students.
Theory: The more
enthusiasm and mark
making you show the
more likely theyll
express similar
movement (freedom) in
their work.

D2 - L2 T10 ! T - 5 min S - N/A

- Teaser to final project:
Overview of what will be
happening next class.

D2 - L2 T11! T - 3 min S - COLLECT -

- Class Exits and drops off Sketchbook with block
sketchbook by door with worksheet
block worksheet placed

Clean-up Procedures (Room, Materials & Work Storage)

Clean-up occurs upon students exit. As students leave they are to drop off their sketchbook
with assignment tucked inside by door of class.
Closure, Review & Anticipation (whats next?)
Students will be given a brief verbal overview of the final project prior to next class.

P a g e | 13
Supplemental Activity
If there is extra time students can continue to draw in their sketchbook to music being played
out loud to the class. There should not be extra time.
Teacher reflection focused on the lesson after it has been taught
Teacher Candidate Danielle Hickman
Lesson Title Mixing Senses
Length of Class Period 60 minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 20
Beginning Date for this Lesson
Ending Date for this Lesson

- 6PE Recognize and identify choices that give meaning to a personal work of


- 1PR Demonstrate skill and expression in the use of art techniques and processes.

- 1RE Examine and describe how art and design principles are used by artists to create
visual effects.

- 5RE Use feedback and self-assessment to improve the quality of personal artworks
- 3RE Compare and contrast their opinions of a work of art with those of their peers.
Performance-based Assessment Objectives

P a g e | 14
- Students will recognize and identify choices involving color and expression that give
meaning to personal art works.
- Students will demonstrate skill and expression through art techniques and processes
involving color choices and mark making.
- Students will be able to examine and describe how color is used by artist to create visual
- Students will compare and contrast their opinions of each others work as well as use
feedback and self assessment to improve the quality and technique involving color in their
Performance-based Assessment Strategies
(attach assessment documents if applicable)
- Students will submit a final project that demonstrates skill and understanding of color and
mark making as well as exhibit their own personal vision. This will be assessed with a rubric
that will be available to the students to view prior to completing the project.
- Students will also complete a reflection work sheet once project is finished. This will provide
self-assessment and information on how the student overall experienced the project.
Academic Language
Visual Expression: Utilizing art to communicate and express feeling or deeper meaning.
!Color Palette: An assortment of colors an artist chooses to use in their work.
!Mark Making: Shape and form of mark on paper.
!Synesthesia: condition where one sense is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more
additional senses. (Discussed in relation to color and sound)
!Pattern: Repetitive design.
Additional Language Demands (specific communication task)
- Students will respond verbally to peers work as well as accept comment and critique of their
own pieces at the end of the project.
- Students will fill out a final project reflection in response to the work they did and the overall
experience of the project.
Accommodations for Special Populations

P a g e | 15
- Student Thomas has been identified as having a learning disability. To accommodate him
for this lesson I will stay alert and mindful of his behavior in relation to classroom activity.
On day one students will be working individually during the project. Thomas will have the
option to stay in community with peers or if he becomes overwhelmed he can work in a
more private area of the classroom. Thomas will also have the options to either use
headphones attached to an iPad playing the music played in class or to utilize the speaker
vibration method placing his hand on the speaker to feel the vibrations to respond to in
effort to assist with his hearing limitations. If Thomas becomes overwhelmed by the project
he will be permitted to work out his feelings in his sketchbook and he will be given links to
the music played in class to be able to have access to at home for homework. If he does
not have the ability to work on the assignment at home Thomas will be permitted to come
back to class during lunch or recess to finish the assignment.
- On day two for the final review the class will be viewing and discussing each others work.
All students will be reminded through out to remain appropriate and respectful as well as be
given written instructions on appropriate aways to respond to someones work. The
classroom will also be rearranged in a fashion that will make hearing easier for everyone.
Thomas will be placed in closer proximity to work being discussed to aid with his hearing. If
Thomas begins to feel overwhelmed during critique he will be permitted to work out his
feelings in his sketchbook and will be instructed to write 2-3 sentences on how he feels
about his peers work while he sketches to meet his participation requirements of the day.
Thomas will have the option of discussing how he felt about the project overall instead of
responding in writing to questions posted on the board if he continues to struggle. Both of
these options for Thomas provide differentiated but equal learning experience.
Art/Visual Culture Examples
Musical References from audacity files:
Frank Ocean: Thinkin About You (2012)
Billie Joel: Piano Man (1973)
Amy Beach: Hermit Thrush at Eve (1921)
Fall Out Boy (Patrick Stump): Dance, Dance (2005)
Materials/Resources for Teacher
- Speaker
- Computer
- Paper Cutter
Materials for Students

P a g e | 16
Part 1:
- Colored Pencils
- Crayons
- Markers
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Paper
- Ruler
- Tape
!Part 2:
- Sketchbook
- Pencil
- Eraser
Safety Procedures
Lecture, discussion, and activity classified as standard, students will be expected to act in
accordance with standard classroom procedure.
Getting the Classroom Environment Ready
Lesson 3, Part 1 - Students will be seated in their assigned seats through the duration of this
class period. Teacher is to have project paper cut down to size (11x17 trimmed to 10x16) and
an example of how the paper is to be divided is to be presented on the black board. Paper is
to be divided as follows: Paper orientation - Landscape, 1 inch boarder top and bottom,
divided with vertical lines placed 4 inches apart, outline created by students is to be done in
pencil and erased after project completion.
!Lesson 3, Part 1 (following day) - Students will be seated in their assigned seats through the
duration of this class period. The teacher is to place a response worksheet on the inside of
each sketchbook prior to class in preparation for project completion.
!Lesson 3, Part 2 - Seats and Tables will be turned facing towards presentation wall in
horizontal lines (touching). Students will present work on wall, art work should be touching and
curated in an organized manner.

Procedures for the Teaching/Learning Structure (indicate approximate time for each step)

P a g e | 17
Day 3 - Lesson 3 Task 1: (Prior to Class - Timing - 20 minutes Supplies - Ruler,
Mixing Senses ! Task)! Pencil, 11x17 paper
(Part 1) - Teacher is to cut students (25 sheets), paper
project paper to size: cutter
paper will go from
11x17in to 10x16in.!
- Teacher is to create a
template displaying the
measurements from one
piece of project paper.
Example is to be taped
on the board
accompanied with written
instruction pointing at
measured sections. !
- The project paper is to be
landscape orientation
with an 1-inch boarder on
top and bottom (not
- Project paper is then to
be divided into four parts
with vertical lines
measuring 4 inches
- Teacher is to assure kits
are assembled for each
table holding: 1 set of
crayons, 1 set of colored
pencils, and 1 set of

D3 - L3 (P1) T2! T - 3 min S - Ruler, Project

- Students enter and upon Paper
entry are handed their
project paper and ruler
and told to write their
name on the back and
then await further
- Students are to locate to
assigned seats.

P a g e | 18
D3 - L3 (P1) T3! T - 15 min S - Ruler, Project
- Instruct students to Paper, Pencil, Eraser
replicate measurements
on board.!
- Walk around and assist
students with measuring.!
- As students complete
their measuring ask ones
who are finished to assist
with those who are

D3 - L3 (P1) T4! T - 10 min S - Rubric, Project

- Once student complete Paper
measurements they are
given the rubric for their
- Project now is explained
to students: Over the
next two days we will be
listening to and
responding to four
different musical artist
with synesthesia. We will
be responding to their
work with visual
interpretations utilizing
color through pattern and
mark making. You will
only be permitted to use
four colors per song
along with black and
white. This will help us
see different color
palettes develop between
our interpretations.
Through your active
perspective you will react
to the music playing and
communicate on the
paper what you feel/see
when it plays. Once we
complete the project we
will align them all on the
walls and compare each
others interpretations of
sound through our
choices of color.!
- Give a few moments to
answer questions
regarding the project.

P a g e | 19
D3 - L3 (P1) T5! T - 5 min S - Color Kits, Chalk,
- Write on black board: 4 Black Board
colors per song (black
and white allowed),
different shade means
different color. !
- Explain to students that
each section on their
page is to be used to
illustrate each individual
song to be played,
section one = song one,
section two = song two,
- Pass out color kits to
each table.!
- Inform students they are
allowed to use all three
materials in their work.

D3 - L3 (P1) T6! T - 20 min S - Project Paper,

- Music will play out loud to Crayons, Colored
class for a total of twenty Pencils, Markers!
minutes. This will
complete the first two out
Speaker, Audio file,
of four sections on their Computer
project paper.!
- While music is playing
walk around and check
on student progress.

D3 - L3 (P1) T7! T - 5 min S - Clean up

- Students are instructed
to put crayons, colored
pencils, and marker back
into color kit.!
- Students are to then
place rulers in cup in
front of class and return
to seats

D3 - L3 (P1) T8! T - Close S - Clean up

- Students exit the
classroom placing their
work by the door in an
organized pile.!
- Teacher places projects
is designated area.

D4 - L3 (P1) T1! T - 2 min S - N/A

- Students enter and locate
to assigned seats

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D4 - L3 (P1) T2! T - 5 min S - Black board, chalk
- Remind class of what
they are doing for the
project, ask them first if
they can tell you.
Reiterate their use of
mark making and pattern
combined with color is to
represent what they are
hearing from their active
- Rewrite on board 4
colors per song (black
and white allowed),
different shade means
different color. !
- Inform them that after the
final two songs are
finished they will be
writing a response in
regards to the project on
a handout they will be

D4 - L3 (P1) T3! T - 3 min S - Student projects,

- Pass out coloring kits to color kits
each table. Each coloring
kit should contain: 1 set
of colored pencils, 1 set
of crayons, and 1 set of
- Allow students to hand
back projects.

D4 - L3 (P1) T4! T - 20 min S - Color kit, project!

- Music will play out loud to
class for a total of twenty
Speakers, Audio File,
minutes. This will Computer
complete the final two out
of four sections on their
project paper.!
- While music is playing
walk around and check
on student progress.

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D4 - L3 (P1) - When music winds to an T - 25 min S - Color kit, pencil,
end stop and ask eraser, sketch book,
generally how they feel reflection work sheet
about their project, allow
2-3 students to respond.!
- After brief discussion
hand out sketchbooks
that have inside of them
response work sheets!
- Students are to work on
reflection work sheet.!
- Once reflection work
sheet is completed
students will be permitted
to draw in their
sketchbooks for the
remainder of class.

D4 - L3 (P1) T5! T - 5 min S - Clean up

- Students are instructed
to place crayons, colored
pencils, and markers
back into kits.!
- Students are to place
sketchbook in designated
location prior to leaving
- Students exit classroom
placing finished project
by door in an organized

D5 - L3 (P2) T1 (Prior to Class)! T - 10 min S - N/A

- Readjust seating in
classroom, orient all desks
facing towards the front, in
rows, side-by-side,

D5 - L3 (P2) T2! T - 2 min S - N/A

- Students enter and locate
to first available seat

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D5 - L3 (P2) T2! T - 10 min S - Chalk, Black Board
- Inform students that an
open discussion on
everyones work will be
- Write on the board things
for them to consider
discussing while
reviewing each others
work which could include:
Color Palette,
Experience, Mark
Making, Pattern, Active
- Ask them what they
believe rules should be
while talking about each
others work; write their
rules on the board. This
could include: Not
interrupting, be
respectful, be mindful, be
curious, ect.

D5 - L3 (P2) T3 ! T - 15 min S - Tape, Project

- Hand projects back to
- Demonstrate how to tape
project. !
- The student is to take 4
small pieces of rolled
tape and place one piece
in each corner on the
back of their project and
then place them adjacent
to one another on the
- After demonstration hand
out tape to students.!
- Students then tape their
projects and display them
on the board in front of
the classroom.

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D5 - L3 (P2) T4! T - 16 min S - N/A
- Students are to discuss
each others work in
relation to the music that
was playing and how it
was being interpreted
into color through
different perspectives. !
- Encourage discussion
involving the differences
between color palettes,
mark making, and patten.

D5 - L3 (P2) T5! T - 15 min S - Project

- Once open discussion is
complete students are to
remove work from walls.!
- Students then return to
their seats and remove
the tape from the corners
of their work. They are
then to write the date
their piece.

D5 - L3 (P2) T6! T - Close S - N/A

- Students exit classroom
placing finished project by
door in an organized pile.

Clean-Up Procedures (Room, Materials & Work Storage)

Lesson 3, Part 1 - On both days clean-up happens during instruction and upon exit. Students are to
return: Rulers, supplies to color kits, projects, sketchbooks, and reflection work sheets
Lesson 3, Part 2 - Clean-up occurs when students take work down from wall and place it into a pile
upon exiting.
Closure, Review & Anticipation (whats next?)
This completes the unit, teacher will review student responses in sketchbooks to assess
validity and overall enjoyment level of the lesson.
Supplemental Activity
Lesson 3, Part 1 - If there is time left over students will be permitted to work inside of
!Lesson 3, Part 2 - If there is time left over students will be asked what they would be
interested in doing for a project in the future. Responses can be taken note of by teacher and
considered for future lesson planning.
Teacher reflection focused on the lesson after it has been taught
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Be sure to attach to the full instructional unit

Teacher Example
Bibliography in APA format
Any printed material that relates to the unit and/or the lessons

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