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Rodriguez 1

Emily Rodriguez

Holly Batty

English 28


We Can All Make It

Immigration has affected many parents and young adults it has affected them physically

and mentally. It leading to leading to health, economy,life,and student struggles,. Immigration

has been a world wide topics. This topic has always been used as a negative subject and don't

bother looking at in any other way. Many people have put their all to come to the United States

but once they come here it is a total different thing. Which can lead them to health problems.

Health can be affected in many different ways, what i want to get into is parents or older

adults health . Once mid age people come to this country they either come sick or get sick being

here. Since they are not born here they can't get the help they need since immigrants don't get

the same benefits people from this country do .Older adults have to look out for their household

but in one hand they have to be under good health in order to be able to accomplish their goals.

But either way there will be stress in order to get to what they need. Heath isnt the only thing

they have to worry about they still have to worry about money. Which leads to economic


Economy this days is very hard, prices keep on going up and there's nothing people can

do about that situation. This falls harder on immigrants they barely have enough money to pay

their rent or to pay other expenses like, food, electricity and other needs. Now imagine if they

have to pay for all that and yet they still have to pay for extra costs like medical. This is a very

stressful situation not only for the parents but also for the young adults because they want to help
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their parents with everything they can. Also parents have to worry about buying the materials

that their kids need for school and now they have to think about not having the money to buys


Another important subject to think about would be the term life. Life is not an easy thing,

it is full with negative and positive things. For example in the garcia girls book Carla passed

through a difficult situation, This grownup American man about her parents age beckoned for

her to come up to the window.[...] Carla bent down as if she were about to speak to a little kid

and peeked in. The man smiled a friendly smile, but there was something wrong with it that

Carla couldnt put her finger on[...] He leaned towards the passenger door and clicked it open.

Cmoninere. He nodded towards the seat besides him. Cmon, he moaned. He cupped his

hand over his thing as if it were a flame that might blow out. Carla was just a young little girl

that did not know what was happening. This is one of the negative outcomes that did affect the

whole family. Since Carla did pass through this they had to report it to the police and they were

afraid that they were going to get in trouble. As it is proven that this quotes not only parents go

through difficult situations but their children go through it to.

Young adults also have their own and shared difficulties. For example being a child of

undocumented parents can brings them challenges that they cant face alone but they try to find

ways so they can get help. Because of their parents status, many of these American children

enter schools with unique needs that differ from children of immigrants generally and U.S.

children overall. This quote shows us that kids that don't have parents that have papers go

through differences when they are going to school and they differ from some of their classmates.

Which leads them to being uncomfortable about being in school and getting somewhere better in

life.Some children are getting treated better than others, because of the differences that they
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have. It doesnt only affect them personally but it also affects them mentally and academically.

Which leads them to this kind of thoughts about dropping out of school. Not caring about the

future that they might have. That also does affects their parents on how hard they tried to come

to a new country to give them a better opportunity to grow and have a better life. Kids have to

understand that parents are putting everything on the table so they can come to the united states

and live in a better condition. Also if it's possible to have a better future so they won't have to go

through all this again.Some parents hope by doing all of their hard work they can open their kids

eyes and show them that nothing in life will be easy, but all they have to do is work hard and

ignore all the negative things.

Immigration does affect the nuclear family a lot because of all the things that they have to

go through. Plus if they look a certain way or if they are women. It makes it even harder for them

to get everything they need. Immigrants always put their full life into everything just to start

back at space one. U.S. immigration policies and enforcement practices today directly and

indirectly affect children, families and communities by forcing individuals into new unions,

dividing couples, separating parents and children across borders for indefinite time periods,

leaving family members in highly vulnerable positions, and complicating individual family

relationships when different members hold various legal statuses in the same family I know

that a lot of families end up separating because the situation they are in can't be handled. They

just decide to give up and go back to their countries and lose what they had accomplished here

along with everything they had to go through to accomplish them . Immigration has been a

worldwide topic but still their is no help for immigrant people.

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Alvarez, Julia. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. Algonquin, 2010.
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Carnock, Janie T. Growing up with Undocumented Parents: the Challenge Children

Face.New America, New America, 1 Feb. 2016,


Menjivar, Cecilia, and Andrea Gomez, Cervantes. The Effect of Parental Undocumented

Status on Families and Children . American Psychological Association, American

Psychological Association, Nov. 2016,

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