Converge 2.4 Manual

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 19
1.1 Proprietary Notices
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.2 Units in CONVERGE
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.3 Release Notes
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.13 .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.12 .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.4.11 .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.4.10 .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
2.4.9 .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
2.4.8 .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Major Changes from CONVERGE 2.3 to 2.4
.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Solver ......................................................................................................................................................... 36

......................................................................................................................................................... 36

Input ......................................................................................................................................................... 36

......................................................................................................................................................... 36

......................................................................................................................................................... 37

......................................................................................................................................................... 37

Sources ......................................................................................................................................................... 37

Combustion and Emissions 37

Chemistry Tools 38

Spray ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

......................................................................................................................................................... 38

FSI ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

CHT ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

UDF ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 2 File Overview 41

2.1 Input and Data Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
2.2 Output Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 3 Pre-Processing and Post-Processing 47
3.1 CONVERGE Gridding Methods
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
3.2 Surface Geometry File Format
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
3.3 Surface Preparation
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Open Edges.......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Nonmanifold Edges
.......................................................................................................................................................... 52

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 3

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Triangles 54
Overlapping and Sliver Triangles
.......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Normal Orientation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 58
3.4 Periodic Surfaces
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
3.5 Make Surface and Extract Profile
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
3.6 Boundary Identification
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
3.7 Moving Boundaries
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Surface Position
.......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Moving Periodic Faces
.......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Surface Defects Caused by Motion
.......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Surface Alignment
.......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Sealing of Boundaries
.......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Sealed Surface Geometry Format 75

make_seals Utility 76

Seal in CONVERGE Studio 77

Sealing Test Utility 86

3.8 Additional Boundaries for the MRF Approach

.................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
3.9 Post-Processing
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Chapter 4 Governing Equations 93
4.1 Mass and Momentum Transport
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Multiple Reference Frame Approach
.......................................................................................................................................................... 97
4.2 Equation of State
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
4.3 Energy Transport
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
4.4 Species Transport
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
4.5 Passive and Scalar Transport
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
4.6 Turbulent Transport
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 106
Chapter 5 Numerics 107
5.1 Finite Volume
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
5.2 Solution Procedure
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
5.3 PISO Algorithm
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
5.4 Rhie-Chow Algorithm
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 116
5.5 CFL Numbers
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
5.6 Time-Step Control
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 118
5.7 Convective Flux Schemes
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 120
MUSCL Scheme
.......................................................................................................................................................... 120
Flux Limiters
.......................................................................................................................................................... 122
5.8 Iterative Linear Solvers
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 124

4 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
SOR Algorithm
.......................................................................................................................................................... 126
.......................................................................................................................................................... 128
5.9 Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Transient ..........................................................................................................................................................
Solver 130
Steady-State Solver
.......................................................................................................................................................... 132

Chapter 6 Source Modeling Setup 141

6.1 Energy Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
6.2 Momentum Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
6.3 Turbulent Kinetic Energy Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
6.4 Turbulent Dissipation Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 147
6.5 Specific Dissipation Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 148
6.6 Species Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 149
6.7 Passives Source Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
6.8 Porous Media Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Chapter 7 Initialization and Regions 153
7.1 Initialization Methods
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 154
Initialization by
.......................................................................................................................................................... 154
Mapping .......................................................................................................................................................... 156
Restart .......................................................................................................................................................... 158
7.2 Regions
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 160
Undefined/Dependent Region
.......................................................................................................................................................... 161
Region Connection/Disconnection
.......................................................................................................................................................... 164
Events .......................................................................................................................................................... 167
Region-Specific Output
.......................................................................................................................................................... 169

Chapter 8 Boundary Conditions 171

8.1 INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 172
Velocity Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 174
Pressure Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 179
Temperature Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 182
Species Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 183
Passive Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 183
Kinetic Energy Boundary Conditions 184
Dissipation Boundary Conditions 185
Specific Dissipation Rate Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 186
OUTFLOW Backflow Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 187
Spatially and/or Temporally Varying Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 188
8.2 WALL Boundary Type
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 191

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2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Sliding WALL Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 192
Moving WALL Boundaries
.......................................................................................................................................................... 194
Velocity Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 204
Pressure Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 209
Temperature Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 210
Species and Passive Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 217
Kinetic Energy Boundary Conditions 217
Dissipation Boundary Conditions 217
Specific Dissipation Rate Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 218
Spatially and/or Temporally Varying Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 218
8.3 PERIODIC Boundary Type
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 220
8.4 SYMMETRY Boundary Type
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 221
8.5 TWO_D Boundary Type
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 222
8.6 INTERFACE Boundary Type
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 222
8.7 GT-SUITE Boundary Type
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 226
Chapter 9 Physical Properties and Reaction
Mechanisms 229
9.1 Gas Properties
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 230
Thermodynamic Data Input Files
.......................................................................................................................................................... 231
gas.dat and transport.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 234
Species-Dependent Critical Properties of Gases
.......................................................................................................................................................... 235
Reaction Mechanism Input File
.......................................................................................................................................................... 235
REV Reaction Option 236

Three Body Reaction Option 236

Pressure-Dependent Reaction Option 237

Duplicate Reaction Option 240

Isomer Lumping Reaction Option 240

Fractional Order (FORD) Reaction Option 243

User-Defined Reaction Rate 244

Reactions 244
Mechanism Merge
.......................................................................................................................................................... 245
......................................................................................................................................................... 245

......................................................................................................................................................... 247

......................................................................................................................................................... 250

Mechanism Tune
.......................................................................................................................................................... 251
9.2 Liquid Properties
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 253
Compressible Liquid Data
.......................................................................................................................................................... 253
Non-Newtonian Liquids
.......................................................................................................................................................... 253

6 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
9.3 Fluid Property Calculator
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 254
9.4 Surrogate Blender
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 254
9.5 Solid Properties - solid.dat
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 255
9.6 Species Definitions
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 255
Skip Species
.......................................................................................................................................................... 257

Chapter 10 Grid Control 259

10.1 Grid Scaling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 260
10.2 Fixed Embedding
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 260
10.3 Adaptive Mesh Refinement
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 263
10.4 Cell Pairing
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 267
Chapter 11 Parallel Processing 271
11.1 Parallelization for Transport Equations
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 272
11.2 Parallelization for the SAGE Solver
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 277
11.3 Hardware Considerations
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 278
Chapter 12 Discrete Phase Modeling 281
12.1 Liquid Injection
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 283
Injector Inputs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 283
Nozzle Inputs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 290
Injection Size Distributions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 292
12.2 Particle Equation of Motion
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 294
12.3 Drop Drag and Liquid/Gas Coupling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 295
12.4 Spray Breakup
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 298
Kelvin-Helmholtz Breakup Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 299
KH-ACT Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 303
Rayleigh-Taylor Breakup Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 308
KH-RT Breakup Length Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 310
Modified ..........................................................................................................................................................
KH-RT Model 312
TAB Breakup Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 312
LISA Breakup Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 316
12.5 Collision and Coalescence
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 319
ORourke ..........................................................................................................................................................
Numerical Scheme 319
NTC Numerical Scheme
.......................................................................................................................................................... 322
ORourke ..........................................................................................................................................................
Collision Outcomes 325
Post Collision Outcomes
.......................................................................................................................................................... 326
Adaptive Collision Mesh
.......................................................................................................................................................... 329
12.6 Drop Turbulent Dispersion
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 331
RANS Turbulence Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 331

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2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
LES Model.......................................................................................................................................................... 334
12.7 Drop/Wall Interaction
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 335
Rebound/Slide Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 335
Wall Film ..........................................................................................................................................................
Model 337
......................................................................................................................................................... 337
Film Initialization

Film Momentum Equation 338

Drop/Film Rebounding 340

Drop/Film Splashing: O'Rourke Model 341

Drop/Film Splashing: Kuhnke Model 345

Drop/Film Splashing: Bai-Gosman Model 353

Spray-Wall Heat Transfer: Wruck Model 355

......................................................................................................................................................... 358
Film Separation

......................................................................................................................................................... 359
Film Stripping

Adaptive Film Mesh 360

Drop Vanish Model

.......................................................................................................................................................... 360
12.8 Vaporization
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 361
Drop Vaporization Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 361
Radius Change - Frossling Correlation 362

Radius Change - Chiang Correlation 363

Boiling Model 364

Temperature Model 364

Discretized Temperature Model 366

Film Vaporization Model

.......................................................................................................................................................... 368
Multi-Component and Composite Species Vaporization
.......................................................................................................................................................... 373
12.9 Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization Model
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 376
12.10 Spray Time-Step Control
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 379
12.11 Post-Processing Parameters
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 379
12.12 Urea Injection
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 380
Urea/Water Injection
.......................................................................................................................................................... 381
Molten Solid Urea Decomposition
.......................................................................................................................................................... 381
Detailed Decomposition of Urea for Deposition
.......................................................................................................................................................... 382

Chapter 13 Chemistry Modeling 385

13.1 General Combustion Models
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 386
SAGE Detailed Chemical Kinetics Solver
.......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Chemical .......................................................................................................................................................... 390
13.2 Premixed Combustion Models
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 391
G-Equation Combustion Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 392
G-Equation Input Parameters 401

8 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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ECFM - Extended Coherent Flamelet Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 403
ECFM Input Parameters 410

13.3 Diesel Combustion Models

.................................................................................................................................................................................... 414
Modified ..........................................................................................................................................................
Shell Ignition Model 415
Characteristic Time Combustion (CTC) Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 424
Model 429
ECFM3Z :..........................................................................................................................................................
Extended Coherent Flame Model 3 Zones 432
ECFM3Z Input Parameters 435

13.4 Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion Model

.................................................................................................................................................................................... 437
RIF Model.......................................................................................................................................................... 437
13.5 Simplified General Combustion
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 445
Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 445
13.6 Surface Chemistry
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 449
Theory .......................................................................................................................................................... 450
Reaction Options
.......................................................................................................................................................... 453
Coverage-Dependent (COV) Reaction Option 453

Reaction (STICK) Option 454

Reaction Rate 454

Effectiveness Factor
.......................................................................................................................................................... 455
13.7 Adaptive Zoning
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 456
13.8 Combustion-Related Output
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 461
13.9 Combustion Time-Step Control
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 462
13.10 Chemistry Tools
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 462
Zero-Dimensional Combustion Utilities
.......................................................................................................................................................... 462
Autoignition (Zero-Dimensional Calculations) 463

Zero-Dimensional Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis 465

Zero-Dimensional Sensitivity Analysis 466

Senstivity Output 467

One-Dimensional Combustion Utilities

.......................................................................................................................................................... 468
One-Dimensional Sensitivity Analysis 472

Mechanism Reduction
.......................................................................................................................................................... 473
DRG (Directed Relation Graph) 474

(Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation) 475

DRGEPSA (Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation with

Sensitivity Analysis) 477

Chapter 14 Emissions Modeling 479

14.1 NOx Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 480
Thermal NOx Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 480

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2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Prompt NOx Model
.......................................................................................................................................................... 486
14.2 Soot Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 488
Empirical ..........................................................................................................................................................
Soot Model: Hiroyasu-NSU 489
Phenomenological Soot Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 492
......................................................................................................................................................... 494
Gokul Model

......................................................................................................................................................... 495
Dalian Model

Model 496

Mimic Soot Model 498
Stages of the PM Model 499

Size Mimic Soot Model 503
Stages of the PSM Model 505

Soot Modeling Case Setup

.......................................................................................................................................................... 507
Soot Model Passives 508

......................................................................................................................................................... 509
Soot Precursors

Chapter 15 Turbulence Modeling 511

15.1 RANS Models
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 513
k- Models.......................................................................................................................................................... 514
......................................................................................................................................................... 520
v2-f Model

-f Model
......................................................................................................................................................... 522

k- Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 523
RANS Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 528
k- Boundary
Conditions 529

k- Boundary
Conditions 532

RANS Input Parameters

.......................................................................................................................................................... 534
15.2 LES Models
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 536
Zero-Equation LES Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 537
One-Equation LES Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 540
LES Boundary Conditions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 543
LES Input..........................................................................................................................................................
Parameters 544
15.3 DES Models
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 544
15.4 Turbulence Statistics Output
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 545
Chapter 16 Conjugate Heat Transfer 549
16.1 Conjugate Heat Transfer Setup
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 550
Defining and Specifying Solid Properties -, solid.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 550
Solid Regions
Fluid and .......................................................................................................................................................... 551
Boundary ..........................................................................................................................................................
Conditions for CHT 552
16.2 Time Control Methods for CHT
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 555

10 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Super-Cycle Stages
.......................................................................................................................................................... 560
Super-Cycle Output
.......................................................................................................................................................... 560
Super-Cycle Inputs -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 561
Heat Transfer Mapping for Multi-Cylinder CHT
.......................................................................................................................................................... 561

Chapter 17 Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling 565

17.1 Individual Species Solution Method
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 568
17.2 Void Fraction Solution Method
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 573
17.3 Surface Tension and Wall Adhesion
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 577
17.4 Cavitation Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 579
17.5 VOF-Spray One-Way Coupling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 580
17.6 Dissolved Gas Modeling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 581
Chapter 18 Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling 583
18.1 Force and Moment Calculation
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 584
18.2 Equations of Motion - Rigid Body Dynamics
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 584
18.3 FSI Implementation
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 585
FSI Spring.......................................................................................................................................................... 590
FSI Stiction
.......................................................................................................................................................... 590
FSI Events.......................................................................................................................................................... 591
18.4 GT-SUITE/FSI Coupling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 591
Chapter 19 Radiation Modeling 593
19.1 Discrete Ordinates Method
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 594
Discrete Ordinates Governing Equations
.......................................................................................................................................................... 594
.......................................................................................................................................................... 594
Phase Function 596
Nongray Gas Radiation Models
.......................................................................................................................................................... 597
19.2 Spray/Radiation Coupling
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 598
19.3 Radiation-Related Inputs
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 599
Chapter 20 Internal Combustion Engine Applications 601
20.1 Velocity Initialization in IC Engines
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 602
Velocity Initialization in the Piston
.......................................................................................................................................................... 602
Velocity Initialization in the Cylinder
.......................................................................................................................................................... 603
Swirl, Tumble , and Angular Momentum
.......................................................................................................................................................... 605
20.2 Compression Ratio Calculations
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 606
20.3 Finite Element Analysis
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 606
20.4 Energy Sources in Engine Models
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 608
Heat Release Data
.......................................................................................................................................................... 608

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2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Spark Energy
.......................................................................................................................................................... 609
Pressure Trace Data
.......................................................................................................................................................... 610
20.5 Synchronizing Valve Motion
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 611
20.6 Multiple Cylinder Simulations
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 613
Valve Lift..........................................................................................................................................................
Profile 614
Swirl, Tumble for Inclined Cylinders
.......................................................................................................................................................... 615
Region-Dependent Model Options
.......................................................................................................................................................... 615
20.7 Multiple Cycle Simulations
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 617
20.8 Crevice Model
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 618
20.9 Sealing of Boundaries for Engine Applications
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 622
Chapter 21 CONGO - Optimization and Model
Interrogation Utility 625
21.1 Genetic Algorithm (GA)
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 626
21.2 Design of Experiments (DoE)
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 629
21.3 Using CONGO
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 630
Map of CONGO Inputs, Outputs, Tools, Executables
.......................................................................................................................................................... 630
Merit Function
.......................................................................................................................................................... 630
CONGO Input Files
.......................................................................................................................................................... 633
CONGO <..........................................................................................................................................................
--> CONVERGE Communication 634
CONVERGE Output for GA 635

CONGO Output Files 636

Running CONVERGE with a UDF 636

Run Directories
.......................................................................................................................................................... 637
CONGO Scripts
.......................................................................................................................................................... 637
Running and Restarting CONGO
.......................................................................................................................................................... 638

Chapter 22 Input and Data File Reference 641

22.1 Temporally Varying Parameters
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 642
22.2 Applications Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 645
Engine Applications -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 645
Crevice Model -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 646
Variable RPM -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 649
Non-Engine Applications -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 650
Piston Motion in Non-Engine Applications -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 650
22.3 Materials Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 651
Gas Properties - gas.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 651
Gas Properties - transport.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 651
Species-Dependent Critical Properties of Gases - crit_cond.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 652

12 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Liquid Properties - liquid.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 654
Custom Fluid Properties -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 656
Surrogate ..........................................................................................................................................................
Blender - 657
Solid Properties - solid.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 658
Species Data and Reaction Mechanism - mech.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 659
Species Definition -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 662
Non-Transport Passives 663

Non-Transport Passives for Turbulence Statistics 665

Species - 666
Skip Species -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 668
Thermodynamic Properties - therm.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 670
Thermodynamic Properties - tabular_therm.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 672
Lower Heating Value -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 673
22.4 General Simulation Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 674
Surface Geometry File
.......................................................................................................................................................... 674
Inputs File..........................................................................................................................................................
- 675
Reread .........................................................................................................................................................
Inputs 688

Schmidt Number - 689

Prandtl .........................................................................................................................................................
Number - 690

Wall Output - 691

Region-Dependent CFL Number

.......................................................................................................................................................... 692
Solver Parameters -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 693
Steady-State Monitor -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 702
Multiple Reference Frame Approach -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 705
22.5 Boundary Conditions Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 706
Boundary ..........................................................................................................................................................
Conditions - 706
Wall Values -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 711
22.6 Initial Conditions Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 712
Mapping variables - and map.dat
.......................................................................................................................................................... 712
Region Connection/Disconnection -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 720
Domain Initialization -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 720
22.7 Physical Models Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 723
Liquid Spray -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 723
Initialization of Wall Film - 736

Urea-Water Depletion - 739

Injection Distribution - 739

Injector .........................................................................................................................................................
Rate-Shape Files 740

Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization - 743

Combustion Modeling -

.......................................................................................................................................................... 745

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Region-Based Combustion - 759

CTC Initialization - 760

Region-Based G-Equation Initialization - 761

......................................................................................................................................................... 761

ECFM3Z Reinitialization - 763

CE Q Species
- 763

FGM Lookup Table - 764

Delay Data - ignition_delay.dat 767

Adaptive Zoning Bin Size - adaptive_zone_bin_ .in *

......................................................................................................................................................... 768

Modeling - 768
NO x
rate - passive_no _rate.dat x
Passive......................................................................................................................................................... 772

Turbulence Modeling -

.......................................................................................................................................................... 773
Source/Sink Modeling -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 778
Volume of..........................................................................................................................................................
Fluid Modeling - and 785
Heat Transfer Modeling - 787
Surface .........................................................................................................................................................
Duplication for CHT - 788

1D Conjugate Heat Transfer -

.......................................................................................................................................................... 790
Solid Bulk Temperature Profile - 792

Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling -

.......................................................................................................................................................... 793
FSI Forces - 797

FSI Spring Model - 797

FSI Stiction Model - 798

FSI Events - 799

Surface Chemistry -

.......................................................................................................................................................... 800
Region-Dependent Surface Chemistry -

......................................................................................................................................................... 803

Surface Species Themodynamic Information -

......................................................................................................................................................... 804

Surface .........................................................................................................................................................
Species Reaction Information -surface_mech.dat 804

Radiation ..........................................................................................................................................................
Modeling Setup - 806
Nucleate Boiling Model -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 809
22.8 Grid Control Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 809
Grid Scaling -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 810
Adaptive Mesh Refinement -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 810
Grids - 820
22.9 Output/Post-Processing Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 825
Post-Processing -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 825
Flow Between Regions -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 833
Swirl, Tumble , and Angular Momentum Calculations -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 834

14 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Monitor Points -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 836
Custom Species Output -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 838
Mapping File Frequency -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 839
22.10 User-Defined Functions Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 839
User-Defined Functions -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 839
22.11 Chemistry Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 849
Zero-Dimensional Chemistry Tools
.......................................................................................................................................................... 849
Zero-Dimensional Solver Setup - 849

Zero-Dimensional Simulation Setup - 850

One-Dimensional Chemistry Tools

.......................................................................................................................................................... 852
One-Dimensional Solver Setup 852

One-Dimensional Solver Simulation Setup 856

Mechanism Reduction Input Files

.......................................................................................................................................................... 858
Mechanism Reduction Setup - 858

Dynamic Mechanism Reduction - 859

Mechanism Tune Input Files

.......................................................................................................................................................... 860
Mechanism Tune Setup - 860

Targets .........................................................................................................................................................
for Mechanism Tune - 862

22.12 Heat Transfer Mapping Input Files

.................................................................................................................................................................................... 862
Heat Transfer Mapping -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 863
Heat Transfer Output Control -
.......................................................................................................................................................... 864
22.13 CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility)
Input Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 865
CONGO -.......................................................................................................................................................... 866
CONGO -.......................................................................................................................................................... 868
CONGO -.......................................................................................................................................................... 874
CONGO -.......................................................................................................................................................... 876
CONGO -.......................................................................................................................................................... 879
CONGO -.......................................................................................................................................................... 880

Chapter 23 Output File Reference 881

23.1 amr.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 883
23.2 area_avg_flow.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 883
23.3 az_info <dump_number>_<dump_time>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 884
23.4 blender.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 885
23.5 bound <ID>_motion_profile.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 885
23.6 bound <ID>-wall.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 886
23.7 cell_count_ranks.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 888
23.8 cell_count_regions.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 888

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 15

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
23.9 CONGO Output Files
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 888
Run Directory Output Files 889
Main CONGO Folder Output Files
.......................................................................................................................................................... 889
23.10 crevice.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 891
23.11 crevice_rings.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 891
23.12 dmr_mech_info.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 892
23.13 dynamic.out , dynamic_region<ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 892
23.14 ecfm.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 896
23.15 ecfm3z.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 899
23.16 emissions.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 901
23.17 equiv_ratio_bin.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 902
23.18 film.out, film_scrape.out, film_accum.out,
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 903
23.19 film_urea_file.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 905
23.20 fsi_object_ <name>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 905
23.21 gti_interface.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 907
23.22 issim_ignition_ <num>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 907
23.23 lhv_info.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 908
23.24 map_ <time>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 909
23.25 map_bound <ID>_<time>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 910
23.26 mass_avg_flow.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 912
23.27 mech_check.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 913
23.28 mechanism_tune.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 914
23.29 memory_usage.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 914
23.30 metis_map.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 915
23.31 metis_map_frozen.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 916
23.32 mixing.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 916
23.33 monitor_point_<num>_mass_avg.out,
monitor_point_ <num>_volume_avg.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 919
23.34 one_d_flamespeed.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 919
23.35 one_d_sens.out, one_d_sens_rank.out,
one_d_sens_case <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 920
23.36 one_d_sol_case <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 921
23.37 passive.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 922
23.38 phenom_soot_model.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 922
23.39 piston_profile <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 923
23.40 point_num <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 923
23.41 react_ratio_bin.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 924
23.42 regions_flow.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 925

16 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
23.43 residuals.out , residuals_region<ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 926
23.44 scalar_diss_rate.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 926
23.45 sens <case>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 927
23.46 sens<case>_var<num>_<name>.out,
sens <case>_var<num>_<name>_pos.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 927
23.47 skip_species.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 928
23.48 soot_hiroy.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 929
23.49 soot_pm_model.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 930
23.50 soot_psm_model.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 931
23.51 species_mass.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 932
23.52 species_mass_frac.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 933
23.53 species_std_masfrac.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 934
23.54 species_mole_frac.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 935
23.55 species_vol.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 935
23.56 spray.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 936
23.57 spray_map_ <time>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 938
23.58 spray_rate_inj <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 939
23.59 spray_region <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 941
23.60 spray_ecn.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 941
23.61 spray_urea_file.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 942
23.62 steady_state.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 943
23.63 supercycle_point <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 943
23.64 supercycle_stream <stream_num>_balance.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 944
23.65 surface_species_cov.out,
surface_species_cov_region <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 944
23.66 temperature.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 945
23.67 thermo.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 945
23.68 time.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 946
23.69 transfer.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 947
23.70 transport_check.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 949
23.71 turbulence.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 949
23.72 vof_spray.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 951
23.73 volumes.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 952
23.74 wall_stress <number>_<time>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 952
23.75 zero_d_asens.out, zero_d_asens_rank.out,
zero_d_asens_case <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 953
23.76 zero_d_sol_case <ID>.out
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 954
23.77 Screen Output
.................................................................................................................................................................................... 955

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 17

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 24 References 967
Index 987

18 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction |

1 Introduction

CONVERGE is a revolutionary computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program that

eliminates the grid generation bottleneck from the simulation process. CONVERGE was

developed by engine simulation e xperts and is straightforward to use for both engine and

non-engine simulations. Unlike many CFD programs , CONVERGE automatically

generates a perfectly orthogonal , structured grid at runtime based on simple , user-defined

grid control parameters. This grid generation method completely eliminates the need to

manually generate a grid. In addition , CONVERGE offers many other features to e xpedite
the setup process and to ensure that your simulations are as computationally efficient as


This manual describes how to use CONVERGE to simulate three-dimensional ,

incompressible or compressible , transient or steady-state , chemically reacting flows in

comple x geometries with stationary or moving surfaces. CONVERGE can perform

calculations with any number of species and chemical reactions , as well as transient liquid

sprays and laminar or turbulent flows.

Innovative Gridding Methods in CONVERGE

Traditionally , boundary-fitted grids morph the vertices and cells in the interior of the

domain to conform to the shape of the geometry. There are two significant disadvantages

to using a traditional boundary fitted grid. First , whether structured or unstructured ,

fitting a grid to a comple x geometry prevents the use of simple orthogonal grids. This in

turn eliminates the benefits of numerical accuracy and computational efficiency associated

with orthogonal grids. Second , generating a traditional boundary-fitted grid for a comple x
moving geometry can be time consuming and difficult. Often the grid generation

difficulties and significant time requirements are a roadblock to simulating comple x

moving geometries such as an internal combustion engine.

CONVERGE uses a different , better strategy: an innovative boundary-fitted approach

eliminates the need for the computational grid to coincide with the geometry of interest.

This method has two significant advantages. First , the type of grid used is chosen for

computational efficiency instead of geometry. This allows the use of simple orthogonal

grids , which simplifies the numerics of the solver. Second , the grid generation comple xity
and the time required are greatly reduced , as the comple x geometry only needs to be

mapped onto the underlying orthogonal grid. You are required to provide only a file

containing the surface geometry represented as a closed triangulated surface. This file is

easily written in Stereo Lithography (STL) format in most CAD packages. Given a proper

STL file for the geometry of interest , it will take mere minutes to prepare a surface for even

comple x geometries. Note that this user time is not spent creating a grid , as CONVERGE

performs the grid generation internally at runtime. Your time is spent uniquely identifying

20 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction |

various portions of the surface so that you can specify mesh motion and boundary


At runtime , CONVERGE uses the given triangulated surface to cut the cells that are

intersected by the surface. There are many benefits of generating the grid internally by the

code at runtime rather than requiring you to generate the grid as an input to the code.

Runtime grid generation allows the grid to be changed during the simulation. Possible

changes include scaling the cell size of the entire domain , locally refining or coarsening

during the simulation , and adaptively refining the mesh. Another major advantage of

runtime grid generation is the ability of CONVERGE to regenerate the grid near moving

boundaries during the simulation without any input from you. This means that setting up

a case with a moving boundary is no more difficult than setting up a stationary case.

Powerful Physical Models in CONVERGE

In addition to its novel approaches to grid generation and boundary treatment ,
CONVERGE includes state-of-the-art numerical techniques and models for physical

processes including turbulence , spray , combustion , conjugate heat transfer , and cavitation.

With these models , CONVERGE can simulate a wide variety of flow problems. The models

in CONVERGE have been e xtensively validated for internal combustion engine cases.

1.1 Proprietary Notices

Limitation of Warranty
The licensed software is provided as is and as available and without representations ,
warranties or conditions of any kind either statutory , xpress
e or implied , including the

implied warranties of merchantability , fitness for a particular purpose , title and non-


Licensee s sole remedy for any dissatisfaction with licensed software is to stop using the

licensed software.

To the fullest e xtent permitted by applicable law , under no circumstances shall licensor or

its officers , employees , successor and assigns be liable for direct damages or any incidental ,
special , consequential , e xemplary, punitive , or other indirect damages whatsoever

(including damages for loss of profits , goodwill , use , data , or other intangibles) arising out

of or in any way connected with licensed software provided hereunder whether based on

contract , tort , negligence , strict liability or otherwise , even if licensor or its related parties

have been advised of the possibility of such damages.


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 21

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Proprietary Notices

For licensing information , please email licensing For CONVERGE

support , please email support For general assistance , please contact

Convergent Science at (608) 230-1500 or contact

CONVERGE should be cited as: Richards , K. J. , Senecal , P. K. , and Pomraning , E. ,
CONVERGE (2.4) , Convergent Science , Inc. , Madison , WI (2017).

This manual should be cited as: Richards , K. J. , Senecal , P. K. , and Pomraning , E. ,

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual , Convergent Science , Inc. , Madison , WI (2017).

Adaptive zoning is included under license agreement with Lawrence Livermore National

Security , LLC. All rights reserved.

The CE Q equilibrium solver is included under license agreement with Ithaca Combustion

Enterprise , LLC.

1.2 Units in CONVERGE

CONVERGE uses MKS units ( meters, kilograms, seconds, Kelvin ) almost e xclusively.
Deviations from MKS units are noted in this manual.

Note that , unless otherwise specified in the reaction mechanism file , the chemistry inputs

in that file and some of the inputs in contain reaction rate information with

units of calories for energy and gram-moles for quantity of atoms. The reason for this

exception is that the reaction mechanism file conforms to the CHEMKIN file format , which

uses CGS units , including calories for energy.

1.3 Release Notes

New builds of CONVERGE are released regularly. When a new build is released , the

accompanying release notes are appended to the beginning of this section.

1.3.1 2.4.13

CONVERGE 2.4.13 is a minor release that includes enhancements and bug fi xes.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused some restarted steady-state simulations to crash.

22 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug in reading cone_noz
in .

Enhancement: CONVERGE now allows a non-zero-gradient Neumann pressure boundary

condition at INFLOW boundaries. Previously only zero-gradient Neumann was allowed.

Enhancement: CONVERGE now includes a sealing test utility. This tool allows you to

quickly identify errors in the sealing setup.

Enhancement: CONVERGE now gives a warning if the sealing motion type is different

from the motion type of the boundaries on which sealing is applied.

Bug fix: Fi xed bugs related to sealing. The sealing feature did not work correctly when the

triangles on the piston and liner were skinny.

Enhancement: CONVERGE 2.4.6 through 2.4.12 contained a spray evaporation process

that differed slightly from the evaporation process in CONVERGE 2.3. These modifications

were put in place to improve results for high-CFL cases. These modifications caused results

from some engine cases (those with very small spray parcels) to differ between 2.3 and 2.4.

To resolve this issue , as of CONVERGE 2.4.13 , the spray evaporation process has been

changed so that the results from 2.4.13 more closely match results from 2.3 for engine

cases with small-diameter parcels. Results from other engine cases should be unaffected by

this change. Results from high-CFL cases may be slightly affected.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused some cases with the TAB breakup model to crash.

Bug fix : Fi xed bugs that cased errors in simulations that included the detailed

decomposition of urea model. When this model is active , CONVERGE now writes urea

deposition information to the spray_map_<time>.out files so that a simulation initialized via

mapping (or restart mapping) can take this information into account.

Bug fix: Fixed an inde xing error in restart mapping for multi-component spray parcels.

This bug caused incorrect mass fractions of spray components after mapping.

Bug fix: Fi xed a mass conservation error and a parcel radius calculation error in the Bai-

Gosman film splash model.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug in the ELSA model. CONVERGE did not correctly initialize some

internal variables , which led to an error at runtime.

Bug fix: x Fi ed a problem in the G-Equation spark kernel initialization. Previously incorrect

kernel alignment led to incorrect velocities.

Bug fix: In a simulation with adaptive zoning , the mechanism must contain N2 , O2 , and

H2O. CONVERGE now checks for these species and issues an error if any of them are


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 23

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug related to combust_start_time and combust_end_time in .

Previously CONVERGE did not always obey these start and end times for combustion

modeling. (Note that the RIF model does not use these parameters.)

Chemistry Tools
Enhancement: Added thermal diffusion into the 1D flamespeed solver.

Enhancement: Added an option to allow mechanism reduction to be completed with only

the target species. Previously the only option was to include both the target species and

their connected species. To invoke this new option , add a minus sign in front of the weight

of the target_species in .

Bug fix: Fixed a bug in isomer lumping that caused an error in the thermal data written by

this option.

Bug fix: Fixed some bugs that caused some VOF-spray one-way coupling cases to crash on

Windows machines.

Bug fix: Fixed a bug related to the writing of vof_spray.out .

Enhancement: The applied_force
parameter in now can vary temporally. To set up

this option , set applied_force ""

to and include the file in the Case


Enhancement: Y ou can now control for which boundaries CONVERGE writes wall output

and/or wall stress data. To set up this option , specify a file name in quotation marks ( e.g.,
"" ) for wall_output_flag in and then include that file in the Case

Directory. This option is not yet available in CONVERGE Studio.

Enhancement: Added a new option , reac_ratio, for monitor points. This option is not yet

available in CONVERGE Studio.

Enhancement: CONVERGE now writes additional data to the metis_map.out file.

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug in the formatting of monitor points.

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug related to sensible_sie in . Previously if this variable were

included in, the simulation would crash.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that affected the soot mass data in soot_pm_model.out and

soot_psm_model.out .

Enhancement: Updated the user_g_eqn_src.c. and user_spray_evap.c routines for

consistency with the main CONVERGE code.

24 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

1.3.2 2.4.12

CONVERGE 2.4.12 is a minor release that includes enhancements and bug fi xes.

Bug fix: In rare cases that included both the MUSCL scheme and a physical model based

on one or more passives ( e.g., the G-Equation model) , CONVERGE crashed. These

MUSCL-related bugs have been fi xed.

Bug fix : CONVERGE incorrectly issued the error message " found negative ntime1 " in some

cases in which a boundary moved only a small amount (typically due to user or dependent

motion). This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug in which CONVERGE prevented the initial and final tolerances from

being identical for restarted steady-state cases in which steady_auto_flag = 1. This bug has

been fi xed (CONVERGE imposes the requirement that initial and final tolerances cannot

be identical only for non-restarted cases).

Bug fix : Fi xed some code that caused unpredictable crashes on Windows.

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug that caused the steady-state monitor to sometimes monitor the wrong


Enhancement : CONVERGE now permits comments at the end of any row in the file.

Bug fix : Added more robust error checking of . Previously CONVERGE did not

catch incorrect settings that caused crashes later in the simulation.

Bug fix: CONVERGE now reads all of the data in gas.dat
the file. Previously , if the

ma ximum simulation temperature (as specified by max_temp in xceeded 5000

) e K,
CONVERGE would perform a zero-order e xtrapolation K
from 5000 up to the ma ximum
temperature even if the gas.dat file contained data beyond 5000 K .

Bug fix: xed a

Fi bug in the implementation of the lower heating value calculation.

Enhancement: CONVERGE can now accommodate a coupled boundary for a fluid-fluid


Bug fix : Fi xed a bug related to the FLOW_THROUGH boundaries that led to mass

conservation problems for some MRF and non-MRF cases.

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug that caused incorrect calculations (that appeared to be a core

dependency) in some cases with both nucleate boiling and a solid-solid INTERFACE. To

solve this problem , CONVERGE now no longer calculates nucleate boiling at the solid-solid



CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 25

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Enhancement : The Weber number written to the post*.out files is now based on relative

velocity. Previously it was based on the parcel velocity.

Enhancement : CONVERGE now allows a profile for several nozzle parameters (nozzle

discharge coefficient , nozzle diameter , and injection radius). Previously only a constant

value was allowed. Note that the profile option for these parameters is not yet available in


Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused a mass conservation problem in the Bai-Gosman film

splash model.

Bug fix: CONVERGE now allows detailed decomposition of urea when water is present in

the parcel.

Bug fix: CONVERGE was not calculating heat flu x when the evaporation model was

turned off. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: During some restarted simulations , CONVERGE deleted film parcels because of

an erroneous check that showed the parcels to be outside the domain. This bug has been


Combustion and Emissions

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug in which CONVERGE erroneously issued an error for G-Equation and

CTC cases in which the region numbers were not in order.

Chemistry Tools
Enhancement : CONVERGE now allows you to restart a 1D flamespeed simulation using a

restart file of any size. Moreover , the data in the restart file does not have to be of the same

fuel as in the present simulation. In some cases this option may accelerate your simulation.

Bug fix: x Fi ed the clipping criterion of TKE for the one-equation LES models. This bug

caused e xcessive recoveries in some simulations.

Enhancement: Improved the error messages that CONVERGE writes when it finds

problems with the grid in a CHT case.

Bug fix : For some super-cycle mapping cases , CONVERGE incorrectly identified the

boundary inde x of the master boundary. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix : A bug related to radiation coupling with the energy balance equation caused

some cases with radiation modeling to xhibit

e e xtreme temperatures outside of the

specified minimum and ma ximum temperatures. Cases with high wall temperatures were

the most affected. This bug has been fi xed


26 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused parcels near PERIODIC boundaries to be deleted in rare

cases. This bug did not affect cases that were run in serial.

Enhancement: Added a new variable , bound_t_ref, which is the boundary reference

temperature for the convection boundary condition. Note that this option is not yet

available in CONVERGE Studio.

Enhancement: Added two variables: monotone_upwind and prod_monotone_upwind .

Note that these options are not yet available in CONVERGE Studio.

Bug fix : Fi xed the calculation of heat release rate (in thermo.out ) for steady-state cases.

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug that caused the integrated heat release to be computed incorrectly for

all cases that include source modeling.

Enhancement: Updated the user_restart.c UDF.

1.3.3 2.4.11

CONVERGE 2.4.11 is a minor release that includes enhancements and bug fi xes.

Enhancement: The turbulent Prandtl ( prandtl_turb ) and turbulent Schmidt ( schmidt_turb )

parameters in can now be region-specific and/or temporally varying.

Bug fix : Fi xed bugs in the MUSCL scheme that caused its order of accuracy to be lower

than e xpected for some cases.

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug that caused simulations on Windows machines to crash when the

restart or mapping file was larger than 2 GB.

Bug fix: Resolved an HPMPI/PMPI licensing issue.

Bug fix: A bug that occurred after load balancing caused rare cases (especially those run

on many cores) to crash. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix x : Fi ed a bug in PERIODIC boundaries that caused some sector cases to crash.

Bug fix : Occasionally CONVERGE would display a " wrong boundary motion type " error

message and , on some occasions , the simulation would crash. This error message was

incorrect , and CONVERGE no longer incorrectly shows this message.

Initialization and Events

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug that caused cases with restart mapping to crash.

Bug fix: Cases that invoked the option to manually specify lower heating values for

individual species crashed. This bug has been fi xed.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 27

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Enhancement: Previously CONVERGE would e xit if a spray hit a moving boundary with

user-defined or DEPENDENT motion. If a spray encounters a moving boundary with one

of these motion types , CONVERGE now uses a general method to calculate if parcels will

be swept by compressing walls.

Enhancement: Added the GruMo-UniMORE heat model ( heat_model = 3 in ).

Combustion and Emissions

Enhancement: Previously the fgm-table.dat file did not allow comments. Now any line

beginning with # will be recognized as comments.

Bug fix: For some cases in which the ISSIM was C YCLIC (as specific in ,) the spark

occurred before ISSIM was active. CONVERGE now imposes a ma ximum spark duration

of 100 CAD for the ISSIM (only for engine cases) to avoid this problem.

Enhancement: Added a new variable , q_criterion, which is the second invariant of

the velocity gradient tensor. This option is useful for viewing vorte x structures.

Bug fix: Removed a duplicate row from point_num <ID>.out.

Bug fix : Removed a duplicate column from ecfm.out ecfm3z.out
and .

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug that incorrectly allowed pid, node_xx, triangle
and to be included in

the <cells> list in . (These variables can be included in the <parcels> list.)

Bug fix x : Fi ed a bug in radiation/spray coupling. Previously this feature did not account

for emissions due to spray parcels.

Enhancement: Added user_mixing_output.c to the UDF library.

Bug fix x : Fi ed a bug in user_outputs.c that caused crashes in some cases.

Bug fix : Simulations with UDFs did not run correctly when there was a porous media

source term in . This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug that caused some CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupled cases to hang.

1.3.4 2.4.10

CONVERGE 2.4.10 is a minor release that includes enhancements and bug fi xes.


28 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Enhancement: CONVERGE now always overwrites xisting

e metis_map.out and

metis_map_frozen.out files when a simulation begins. Previously , these files were appended ,
which caused confusion for non-restart simulations.

Enhancement: CONVERGE now allows H YPRE to solve the momentum equation for

simulations that include porous media.

Bug fix: CONVERGE did not correctly write restart files during steady-state cases with

moving boundaries , and a restart from one of these incorrectly written files would crash.

This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: In rare cases a load balancing problem would cause a crash. This bug has been

Bug fix: CONVERGE gave an incorrect warning message when pstar_iterations exceeded
pres_itmax . This bug has been fi xed.
Bug fix: For cases with multiple periodic boundaries , the mass flow at the inlet and outlet

varied for serial and parallel cases. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: Previously a problem occurred on Windows machines when reading map files of

greater than 32 MB . This bug has been fi xed.

Enhancement: Added a check to ensure that the coupled temperature boundary condition

is available only for INTERFACE boundaries.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused an inconsistency between the total pressure written to

regions_flow.out and that written to the post*.out files for MRF cases.

Enhancement: When skip species is active , CONVERGE now writes data for only non-

skipped species to map.out . This change could save considerable disk space for some


Bug fix: Fi xed bugs that caused CONVERGE to incorrectly give a flux scaling factor

warning message for some file cases.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug in the calculation of the total injected mass. Previously the mass

varied slightly depending on the output frequency.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused a crash for some spray modeling cases that contained

moving boundaries.

Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the drop collision model that caused some cases in debug mode to


Bug fix: Fi xed a parcel transfer bug that caused random crashes in some spray modeling


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 29

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Combustion and Emissions

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug in the generation of the FGM premi xed flame table.
Bug fix: x Fi ed bugs in the G-Equation spark kernel model.

Chemistry Tools
Enhancement: Added transport lumping of isomers if transport.dat exists and lumping is

turned on for 0D mechanism reduction. The transport_lump.dat file (same format as

transport.dat ) will be generated.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused a crash when running hundreds of 0D cases with ASENS

in parallel.

Enhancement: The Generalized RNG k-epsilon turbulence model is now available. Set

turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_RNG_GEN in to activate this model.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused crashes in some FSI cases ( e.g., spring model cases).

Enhancement: Previously vof_spray_flag
if = 1 in, CONVERGE required

region_flow_flag = 1 in . That requirement has been removed. Now , if

vof_spray_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will write the vof_spray.out file regardless of the value of

region_flow_flag .

Enhancement: Previously VOF-spray one-way coupling worked only with turbulent flow.

Now this feature works with both laminar and turbulent flow.

Bug fix: Previously a bug caused the injected mass to be incorrect for the spray simulation

for VOF-spray one-way coupling. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused incorrect densities in the solid region in VOF PLIC cases.

Bug fix: Previously CONVERGE crashed when boundary AMR was set for boundaries

that do not e xist. CONVERGE now ignores such boundary AMR settings instead of


Enhancement: CONVERGE can now write convective heat transfer coefficient data to the

post*.out files. The relevant variable is conv_htc .

Bug fix: The lhv.echo file did not list species names and mass fractions. This file now

contains that information.

Bug fix: Resolved an issue related to writing the dmr_mech_info.out,

issim_ignition_<num>.out, and user_output.out files (cases with one or more of these files

would crash).

30 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug that caused CONVERGE +GT-SUITE cases to crash on Windows


1.3.5 2.4.9

CONVERGE 2.4.9 is a minor release that includes enhancements and bug fi xes.

Enhancement: Two new options have been added to the steady_min_num_amr check for

the steady-state solver: PERMANENT and SE QUENTIAL.

Enhancement: The steady-state monitor allowed a variable_name
predefined option:

TOTAL_MASS_FLOW. This option has been renamed MASS_FLOW_RATE_NET .

Bug fix : Fi xed a bug that prevented a restart when the value of parallel_scale in

resulted in fewer parallel blocks than the number of cores.

Bug fix x
: Fi ed a bug in the variable_name
steady-state monitor: if you specified a in <VARIABLE>@REGIONs_<region ID>_TO_<region ID> e.g.,

as (

VELOCITY@REGIONS_3_TO_2 , ) in some cases CONVERGE would crash.

Bug fix : Previous versions of 2.4 did not correctly parse the file when that file

contained massfrac(<species name>), molefrac(<species name>), or spd(<species name>) . This

bug applied only when CONVERGE was run on a Windows machine , and the bug has

been fi xed.

Enhancement screen_print_level
: When is at least 2 , CONVERGE now writes information

to the log file about the time taken to update boundary conditions.

Bug fix : For cases in which there was reverse flow through at least one OUTFLOW

boundary , the data in the output files varied slightly depending on the value of twrite_files
in . This bug has been fi xed.
Bug fix : For some cases , CONVERGE saved more restart files than specified by

num_restart_files in . This bug has been fi xed.

Combustion and Emissions

Bug fix x : Fi ed a bug related to the G' transport equation. This fi x will affect G-Equation

results for all cases in which G_PRIME was included as a passive in .

Bug fix : Some ECFM/ECFM3Z cases that included CHT modeling crashed because of an

uninitialized variable. This bug has been fi xed.

Chemistry Tools

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 31

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Enhancement: Changed the name of the 1D log files from one_d_log_case# to

one_d_case#.log .

Bug fix : For OD and 1D simulations , previously the equivalence ratio calculation was

incorrect if carbon- or hydrogen-containing species were present in the o xidizer.

CONVERGE now correctly accounts for carbon- and hydrogen-containing species in the

o xidizer when it calculates the equivalence ratio.

Bug fix : For cases that included a k-omega turbulence model and the total energy solver ,
there was an inconsistency in the TKE production term between the TKE equation and the

total energy equation. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix : Fixed a bug that caused a crash for CHT cases that were started from a restart.

Bug fix : Fixed a bug that caused a crash for some CHT cases with moving boundaries.

Bug fix : A bug related to radiation coupling with the energy balance equation caused

some cases with radiation modeling to exhibit extreme temperatures outside of the

specified minimum and ma ximum temperatures. Cases with high wall temperatures were

the most affected. This bug has been fi xed.

1.3.6 2.4.8

CONVERGE 2.4.8 is the official release of version 2.4. These release notes describe

enhancements and bug fi xes between 2.4.6 (the beta release) and 2.4.8. (Note that 2.4.7

was not released to clients.)

Enhancement: The strict conservation options ( strict_conserve_flag in ) have been

modified and e xpanded since v2.3. In v2.3 , strict_conserve_flag = 1 instructs CONVERGE

to solve all quantities (sie , enthalpy , density , scalars , species , and passives) with a final

Jacobi iteration. As of 2.4.8 , that option (solve all quantities with a final Jacobi iteration)

has been moved to strict_conserve_flag = 2. In 2.4.8 , strict_conserve_flag = 1 instructs

CONVERGE to solve all quantities e xcept passives with a final Jacobi iteration.
Enhancement: All solvers are now built against the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)

instead of the netlib LAPACK/BLAS implementation. This change removes the FORTRAN

runtime requirement.

Bug fix: Fi xed a Platform MPI (PMPI) licensing issue.

Bug fix: The rela xation factor cutting mechanism was not working properly , which

caused unnecessary recovers for some cases. This mechanism has been fi xed.
Bug fix: Some simulations that included the total energy solver crashed due to NaN errors.

This bug has been fi xed.

32 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Bug fix: Previously the residual calculations for Jacobi and SOR solvers were not consistent

with one another. This difference has been eliminated.

Bug fix: Previously CONVERGE did not correctly read the species indices in transport.dat,
and thus warning messages about missing species were confusing. This bug has been fi xed,
and now CONVERGE writes a warning message that includes all missing species indices

and species names.

Enhancement: CONVERGE can now write wall stress force data to the post*.out files. The

relevant variables are wall_stress_x, wall_stress_y, wall_stress_z, and

mag_wall_stress .

Enhancement: You can now direct CONVERGE to save restart files that are written at

specific simulation times.

Bug fix: When end_time in had the same value as turb_stat_end_time in, CONVERGE wrote incorrect root mean square values to the post*.out and

restart*.rst files. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug in which the value of the output frequency ( twrite_files in )

affected the simulation output.

Bug fix: x Fi ed a bug related to the user option (user-defined function) for the pressure

OUTFLOW boundary condition.

Enhancement: Revised the error message that CONVERGE writes if skip species and

SAGE are active simultaneously (which is not permitted). The error message now suggests

how to adjust the start or end times to avoid the overlap.

Bug fix: For incompressible liquid simulations , CONVERGE wrote incorrect mass flow

rates to area_avg_flow.out and mass_avg_flow.out . This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: Previously CONVERGE set the species indices for CO2 and H2O only when the

simulation included combustion modeling , and thus calculations related to these species

( e.g., equivalence and react ratios) were not always correct. CONVERGE now sets species

indices for CO2 and H2O for all simulations.

Initialization and Events

Enhancement: CONVERGE now checks for double hump valve lift profiles. If found ,
CONVERGE prints an error message and e xits.
Bug fix xed a
: Fi bug so that now the injector mass is correctly initialized for mapping. This

bug affected only simulations that began during injection.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 33

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Combustion and Emissions

Enhancement: CONVERGE now contains another ODE solver option for the SAGE

detailed chemical kinetics model. The new option , sage_ode_solver = 2 in, is the

SuperLU (Sparse Linear Equation Solver) as a preconditioner of GMRES. This option is

recommended for very large mechanisms (more than appro ximately 500 species).

Enhancement: A new option allows the G-Equation model to invoke the SAGE solver

inside and at the flame front ( g_eqn_flag = 5 in ).

Enhancement: CONVERGE now gives a warning when you activate both the 1D diffusion

FGM model ( fgm_flamelet_type = 2 in ) and the FGM turbulent flamespeed model

in , is non-zero) since this combination is not recommended.

Bug fix: phenom_soot_model.out

Previously the file contained incorrect data for cases that

included adaptive zoning. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: Previously the unburned temperature in the G-Equation laminar flamespeed

calculation was not clipped , which in some cases led passives to become negative and

caused the cases to crash. CONVERGE now clips the unburned temperature in the

laminar flamespeed calculation.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused incorrect NO x mole fraction data to be written to

emissions.out .

Bug fix: Fixed bugs in the G-Equation combustion model related to the passive source term

for ignition.

Bug fix: Fixed the headers in the ecfm.out file.

Chemistry Tools
Enhancement: For 1D simulations , you specify one_d_anchor_temp in .

Previously CONVERGE would exit if this anchor temperature was not between the

unburned temperature and the equilibrium temperature. Now if the temperature is outside

the unburned and equilibrium temperature range , or if the temperature is within 50 K of

either the unburned or the equilibrium temperature , CONVERGE will automatically reset

one_d_anchor_temp to the average of the unburned and equilibrium temperatures. When

this reset occurs , CONVERGE writes a message to the screen output.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug in species reduction that may have caused a small error in the

sensitivity analysis.

Bug fix: Fixed a bug in the calculation of film velocities.

Bug fix: Some Windows simulations that included the detailed decomposition of urea

model crashed. This bug has been fi xed.

Bug fix: Fi xed a bug that caused some incorrect values in the super-cycling post output


34 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Bug fix: Fixed an interpolation error in super-cycling that yielded incorrect flu x data in

supercycle_stream<stream_num>_balance.out . This error has been fi xed. In addition ,

CONVERGE now gives a warning message when the fluid embedding level e xceeds the

solid embedding level (since this situation causes a significant interpolation error). We

recommend a solid embedding level of at least the fluid embedding level.

Enhancement: When vof_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE writes a new output file ,
volumes.out, which contains liquid and gas volume data for the simulation. CONVERGE

also writes region-specific information to volumes_region<region ID>.out files.

Enhancement: When vof_flag = 1 and species_output_flag is a non-zero integer ,

CONVERGE writes a new output file , species_vol.out, which contains volume data for the

VOF simulation. CONVERGE also writes region-specific information to

species_vol_region<region ID>.out files. If you specify the file name for

species_output_flag vof_flag
(and if = 1) , CONVERGE will write species_vol.out and

species_vol_region<region ID>.out files if the file includes <total_vol> .

Enhancement: For the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases model , CONVERGE previously

calculated the absorptivity coefficients with the assumption that the total pressure was 1

atm . CONVERGE now scales these calculations based on the actual total pressure.

1.3.7 Major Changes from CONVERGE 2.3 to 2.4

CONVERGE 2.4.6 is a beta release.

The input and data files for CONVERGE 2.4 are significantly different from previous

versions. Because of the many changes , we recommend using CONVERGE Studio to

update your old input and data files. Open CONVERGE Studio 2.4 and go to File > Import
to import input and data files from a previous version. Then go to File > Export x to e port

2.4 input and data files , which can be used to run a CONVERGE 2.4 simulation.

Please see the CONVERGE documentation for additional information about 2.4. The

following documents may be useful:

o CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

o Major Changes from CONVERGE 2.3 to 2.4 (also included in Chapter 1 of the


o CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Manual

o Major Changes from CONVERGE Studio 2.3 to 2.4 (also included in Chapter 6 of the

CONVERGE Studio Manual)


o Getting Started Guide
o Comparison of CONVERGE 2.3 and 2.4

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 35

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Steady-state solver : CONVERGE 2.4 contains a new steady-state solver , which is much

more stable (and , for most ,

cases faster) than the previous steady-state solvers. To

activate the new steady-state solver , set steady_solver = 1 in steady_solver =

( 2 or

3 are no longer options).

Multiple reference frame : The multiple reference frame (MRF) approach in

CONVERGE allows you to simplify a simulation that includes moving geometry. While

CONVERGE can easily simulate moving geometries , the MRF approach further reduces

computational time by eliminating the need to regenerate the mesh at each time-step to

accommodate the moving geometry.

Time-step limiter based on surface motion : A new time-step limiter prevents a moving

surface from moving too far through a cell in a single time-step.

Load balancing : The load balancing algorithm has been modified to avoid scenarios

with too many blocks on a single processor.

Multithreading : Threading , which can be used to yield a memory reduction in most

cases , is now supported. You can enable threading via the command line argument -T.
Threading is disabled by default.

New parameter and file names : The input and data files for CONVERGE 2.4 are

significantly different from previous versions. Because of the many changes , we

recommend using CONVERGE Studio to update your old input and data files. Open

CONVERGE Studio 2.4 and go to File > Import to import input and data files from a

previous version. Then go to File > Export x to e port 2.4 input and data files , which can

be used to run a CONVERGE 2.4 simulation. In particular , has been

reorganized and the emissions-related parameters have been moved to the new file.

Non-engine applications : Set crank_flag = 2 for non-engine , crank angle degree -based


Mechanism and thermodynamic property file names : You can specify names for the

mechanism and thermodynamic property files rather than being restricted to mech.dat
and therm.dat .

Turbulence model specification : Specify a string instead of a number in to

select a turbulence model.

Tumble ratio output : CONVERGE writes the positive and negative tumble ratios , in

addition to the average tumble ratio , to dynamic.out .

Post convert frequency : You can specify the frequency with which files are post

converted ( e.g., you can post convert every fifth file).

36 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

WALL boundary output : CONVERGE writes the minimum and ma ximum yplus values ,
in addition to the average yplus values , to bound<ID>-wall.out .

Accumulated film mass : The film that summarizes the accumulated film mass has

changed from film_accum_plus.out film_accum_net.out

to .

Monitor points : A new monitor point option allows you to specify the variables to be

monitored and whether the variables are to be mass- or volume-averaged.

Parallel write option for output files : CONVERGE can write output files via a serial or

a parallel write function. The parallel write option , which is faster , is available only if

your file system supports MPI I/O. If your file system does not support MPI I/O , your

simulation may crash if you activate this option.

Tangential velocity : For velocity on a translating FI XED WALL boundary , you can

specify tangential velocity.

Lower heating value : You can manually specify lower heating values for individual

species by setting lhv_flag = 1 in and including this input file. (If lhv_flag =
0 , CONVERGE calculates the LHV from species data in the thermodynamic data file.)

Thermodynamic data file format : The thermodynamic data file can now accommodate

the NASA-9 format.

Fluid property calculator : CONVERGE includes a utility that serves as an interface for

the CoolProp fluid property library. You can use this utility to compute custom tabulated

properties as inputs for a CONVERGE simulation.

Mechanism tuning : CONVERGE includes a mechanism tuning feature that allows for

automatic mechanism tuning using 0D (ignition delay and speciation) and 1D (laminar

flamespeed) cases based on 1D sensitivity. This option can be coupled with the genetic


Turbulence sources : Turbulence sources have been reformulated so you can directly

control the growth rates of tke , ,

eps and omega.

Steady-state sources : For steady-state simulations , source values are given as total

amount per time (previously they were given as the total amount).

Combustion and Emissions

SAGE detailed chemical kinetics solver : In addition to the e xisting constant volume

reactor model , the SAGE solver now includes a new constant pressure reactor model.

G-Equation model : A new option allows CONVERGE to invoke the SAGE solver inside ,
outside , and at the flame front.

FGM model : The NO x model in the Flamelet Generated Manifold model has been


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 37

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Surface chemistry : CONVERGE can model surface chemistry between a solid surface

and gas phase species. Surface chemistry can be activated on stationary wall boundaries

or in porous regions.

Adaptive zoning : Multizone modeling has been renamed adaptive zoning.

Soot models : The phenomenological soot models have been moved from user-defined

functions into the main code.

NOx model : CONVERGE now contains the prompt NO x model.

Chemistry Tools
0D solver : Improvements have been made to the 0D solver. This solver now contains the

CE Q model , and both CO2 and H2O have been added as EGR species (previously only

N2 could be an EGR species). In addition , the 0D solver now includes adjoint sensitivity


1D solver : Improvements have been made to the 1D solver. The 1D solver has an

improved laminar flamespeed solver , a new PISO solver , and a new hybrid option.

ELSA : The Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization (ELSA) model is a spray injection

model that combines Eulerian multi-phase modeling and Lagrangian particle tracking


Detailed decomposition of urea model : CONVERGE includes a model for the detailed

decomposition of urea for deposition , which was implemented jointly by Convergent

Science and IFP Energies nouvelles. This model provides more detailed kinetics than the

molten solid urea decomposition approach.

Adaptive film mesh approach : CONVERGE includes an adaptive film mesh model to

minimize the grid effects on wall films.

DES models : CONVERGE contains two detached eddy simulation (DES) turbulence

models: the Delayed DES and the Improved Delayed DES models.

k- models: CONVERGE includes the v 2

f (v2-f) and
f (zeta-f) turbulence

models , both of which are RANS k-e models.

Temperature law-of-the-wall : The wall distance calculation options have been

separated from the heat model options. Previously theheat_model parameter in contains all of these options. Now you use heat_model to specify the desired

heat model option and volume_based_wall_dist_flag (also in ) to specify the

desired wall distance calculation option.

Spring and stiction modeling : Fluid-structure interaction modeling now contains spring

and stiction modeling.

38 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 1
Introduction | Release Notes

Surface duplication feature : In CHT simulations , you may want to predict heat transfer

between portions of the geometry ( e.g., in a multi-cylinder CHT engine simulation , you

may want to determine heat transfer between each of the cylinders and the solid

cylinder head). The surface duplication feature allows you to solve combustion in one

portion of the geometry ( e.g., a single cylinder) and then use heat transfer mapping for

the other portions of the geometry for computational efficiency.

Boundary condition UDF : Updates have been made to user_bc.c .

UDF development package : The UDF development package has been redesigned. The

header and source code tarballs have been combined into a single UDF development

package , and the UDF build environment uses CMake. Refer to the UDF Manual for


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 39

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
File Overview
Chapter 2
File Overview |

2 File Ov erv iew

This chapter gives an overview of the file types in CONVERGE. Figure 2.1 below shows

the CONVERGE workflow and where in the workflow you will encounter the various file


Figure 2.1: CONVERGE workflow and file types. A denotes ASCII files. B denotes binary files.

2.1 Input and Data Files

Before running a CONVERGE simulation , you need to prepare a set of ASCII-formatted

input ( *.in ) and data ( *.dat ) files. The input files contain numerical inputs , model

parameters , and boundary and initial conditions. The data files contain thermodynamic

properties , chemical reaction data , and surface geometry information. You can create or

modify the input and data files via a simple te xt editor or you can work through the Case
Setup process in the CONVERGE Studio graphical user interface and then e xport the input

and data files. To ensure that the input and data files are formatted correctly , we

recommend generating the files with CONVERGE Studio.

All of the input and data files must be saved to the Case Directory , which is the location

from which you will e xecute CONVERGE. If you start a simulation and a required file is

missing , CONVERGE will e xit and indicate which file is needed. At minimum , the Case

Directory must contain,,,, gas.dat, a

thermodynamic data file ( e.g., therm.dat , ) e.g., mech.dat

a chemical mechanism file ( ) and a

surface geometry file ( e.g., surface.dat ). Other e.g.,

options or features ( a particular

combustion model , the skip species feature , a temporally or spatially varying parameter ,
initialization via mapping) may require additional input files. Chapter 22 - Input File

Reference contains detailed information about all of the input and data files.

42 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 2
File Overview | Input and Data Files

CONVERGE recognizes an optional input file. You can use this file to set up

parameters for features that are in the e xperimental phase. If a feature is moved out of the

e xperimental phase , the relevant parameters are moved to other input files and

documented in this manual. The file does not have a fi xed format, but the general

format for this file is that each line consists of the value of a parameter followed by the

name of that parameter.

2.2 Output Files

There are four types of output files: echo ( *.echo , ) restart ( restart*.rst , ) cell-averaged output

( * .out ,
) and cell-by-cell post ( post*.out ).

Echo Files
CONVERGE writes a *.echo file for each *.in file ( e.g., the echo file for is

combust.echo ). Echo files give you the ability to review the input parameters and identify

problems with the case setup. For e xample, if a *.in file contains a parameter that does not

appear in the corresponding *.echo ,

file the parameter must have been formatted

incorrectly and thus CONVERGE could not read it.

CONVERGE does not write *.echo files for *.dat files or au xiliary input files.

The *.echo files are saved to the Case Directory. Note that write permissions for the

directory must be set such that these files can be created. When re-running CONVERGE

from the same directory , the *.echo files will be overwritten without warning.

Restart Files
During a simulation , CONVERGE writes restart files ( *.rst ) and saves them to the Case

Directory. These files allow you to restart a stopped simulation from a specific simulation

time. Chapter 7 - Initialization and Regions contains more information about how to

control the frequency with which restart files are written and how to start a simulation

from a restart file.

Cell-Averaged Output Files

CONVERGE writes spatially averaged ( i.e., cell-averaged) output to fi xed-width, column-

formatted , ASCII *.out files and saves these files in the Case Directory. CONVERGE

generates certain *.out files only if the corresponding model has been activated ( e.g.,
spray.out will not be generated if the simulation does not include spray).

Each line of data in the cell-averaged output files represents the values at a single cycle or

time-step. Through twrite_files,in you control the frequency with which data are

written to the output files.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 43

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 2
File Overview | Output Files

Every cell-averaged output file begins with a header composed of five rows that each begin

with the character #. The header specifies the quantity and units for each column as well

as the CONVERGE version (version number and release date). The first column in each of

these output files contains time in either seconds crank_flag =

(if 0 in ) or crank angle
degrees crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2). The second column contains the number of cycles.

CONVERGE saves the *.out files to the Case Directory. If you rerun a simulation from the

same Case Directory , CONVERGE will automatically overwrite the e xisting *.out files.

If a simulation has more than one region , CONVERGE will generate *.out files for the

entire domain as well as for each region. For the entire domain , the file name format for

most output files is < file name><restart number> out . . For an individual region , the file name

format for most files is <file name><restart number>_region<region id > out . . Note that , if the

simulation is not a restart , the restart number is not included in the output file name.

For example, for data from the entire domain in a simulation with no restart , the

thermodynamic output file will be thermo.out . The region 1 thermo output file will be

thermo_region1.out . For a simulation with a typical restart ( i.e., restart_number = 1 in , )thermo
the output files will be thermo1.out (for the entire domain) and

thermo1_region1.out (for region 1).

Chapter 23 - Output File Reference contains detailed information about each *.out file.

The CONVERGE Studio Manual describes how to use the Line Plotting module to create

two-dimensional plots of data from the *.out files.

Cell-By-Cell Post Output Files

CONVERGE writes individual cell quantities for all cells in the domain to separate , binary-

format files one file for each dump at a user-specified frequency. These cells are

converted for use in post-processors such as EnSight , GMC , Tecplot , and Fieldview. A

version of EnSight is included with CONVERGE Studio.

Because many files may be generated in this process , CONVERGE saves these cell-by-cell

output files to output, which is a sub-directory of the Case Directory. CONVERGE creates

this directory automatically when you start a simulation. If CONVERGE cannot create this

directory (likely because of restrictive permissions) , it will e xit and alert you that it was

unable to create the output sub-directory.

The file names for the cell-by-cell output files are descriptive in nature. Each name contains

the output number as well as the time or crank angle at which it was written. The output

number appears first in the file name , so an alphabetical listing of the directory contents

will be chronologically correct. The file names are formatted as follows: post<output

44 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 2
File Overview | Output Files

number> <output time>.out

_ . For e xample, the first five cell-by-cell output files for a

simulation might be as follows:


The first output time from a run is always the initialized field , whether it is a normal run , a

restart run , or a mapping run.

If wall_output_flag = 1 in, then CONVERGE writes data regarding stress , force ,

and pressure acting on WALL boundaries to wall_stress<output number> <output time>.out _

files. These files are also output

saved in . the post*.out
directory, Unlike the files the

wall_stress<output number> <output time>.out

_ files are in ASCII format.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 45

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing
Chapter 3
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing |

3 Pre-Processing and Post-Processing

This chapter describes the pre- and post-processing tasks that may be necessary before or

after running a CONVERGE simulation. This chapter also includes a brief overview

CONVERGE's runtime grid generation techniques to better xplain

e why the surface

geometry must meet certain criteria.

Before you run a simulation in CONVERGE , you must ensure that all necessary input and

data files reside in the Case Directory , which is the directory from which you will run

CONVERGE. The input and data files are in ASCII te xt format. You can edit these files in

a text editor or via the Case Setup module in CONVERGE Studio , which is the graphical

user interface that accompanies CONVERGE. Although you can edit the surface geometry

by manually editing the surface geometry file ( e.g., surface.dat ) in a te xt editor , CONVERGE

Studio is the most efficient and reliable way to modify the geometry.

Please refer to the Getting Started Guide for information regarding installing and licensing

CONVERGE and CONVERGE Studio. Refer to the CONVERGE Studio Manual for

information regarding CONVERGE Studio.

3.1 CONVERGE Gridding M ethods

Grid generation traditionally has been a major bottleneck for widespread use of CFD.

Many CFD solvers require a manually-generated grid , which is so time consuming that

projects with comple x geometries may not be feasible.

CONVERGE has an innovative approach to grid generation - CONVERGE automatically

generates the grid at runtime. To make this possible , CONVERGE uses a modified cut-cell

Cartesian grid generation method. The geometry surface is immersed within a Cartesian

block. CONVERGE trims the cells at the intersecting surface , after which the intersection

information (surface areas , normal vectors , etc.) is reduced before being stored for each

cell. This allows for comple x surface intersections to be represented more easily. Figure 3.1

shows a post-processing visualization of the cutting process and what a cut-cell looks like

in CONVERGE. For this cutting process to be done properly , the surface must meet a

certain set of criteria. These cell-cutting surface criteria are described later in this chapter.

48 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 3
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing | CONVERGE Gridding Methods

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3.1: A post-processing visualization of the cut-cell method in CONVERGE

using a sample cut-cell. (a) The geometry used for modeling a flowbench case. The
circle indicates the general location of the sample cut-cell. (b) A cutaway view that
shows the specific location of the sample cut-cell. (c) One view of the sample cut-
cell. (d) Another view of the same sample cut-cell.

CONVERGE generates the grid internally at runtime. This process involves moving the

surface to the proper location (if the geometry includes moving components) , trimming the

boundary cells , refining any embedding areas , and then removing the refinement from the

embedding. For stationary geometries , CONVERGE performs this process once at the start

of the simulation and again whenever the geometry is refined or coarsened. For moving

geometries , CONVERGE performs the grid generation process at each time-step. The

creators of CONVERGE designed the grid generation process to be computationally

efficient to minimize CPU usage for this portion of the simulation.

You must provide a surface geometry file as an input to CONVERGE. You also have the

option to supply additional files to control fi xed embedding , Adaptive Mesh Refinement ,

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and grid scaling. CONVERGE does not require these additional grid control files , but they

may be useful for adding grid resolution where it is most useful.

3.2 Surface Geometry File Format

In a CONVERGE simulation , the geometry must be represented as a closed triangulated

surface. CAD packages typically xport

e geometry information in the STL file format ,
which does not intrinsically represent a closed surface (because STL files does not contain

connectivity information for the surface triangles). If you have an STL file , you can import

it into CONVERGE Studio , edit the geometry as needed , and e xport the geometry as a

properly formatted .dat file ( e.g., surface.dat ). Alternatively , you can use the make_surface
utility to generate a surface geometry file for a simple surface.

Table 3.1 below describes the format of the surface geometry file.

Table 3.1: Surface geometry file format.

Row Number Information Description
Row 1 numverts_tot numverts_tot : ma ximum vertex
numverts identification number ,
numtriangles numverts : number of vertices defined below ,
numtriangles : number of surface triangles.

Row 2 to vert_id vx vy vz Unique verte x identification number

Row (1 +numverts) followed by the x, y, and z coordinates of

the verte x.

Row (2 +numverts) to vert1 vert2 vert3 Identifiers of the vertices making up the

Row (1 +numverts +numtriangles) bound_id corners of the surface triangle and the

boundary ID corresponding to the surface


In Row 1 , numverts_tot defines the ma ximum verte x vert_id

ID ( ) in the surface file.

CONVERGE allocates an array the size of the numverts_tot value to store the verte x
information. As CONVERGE reads each of the following rows , it uses the verte x ID as an

array inde x for storing the verte x information. The numverts is simply the number of

vertices defined in the file , i.e., the number of rows that are used to define vertices in the

surface file. For most cases , numverts_tot numverts

and are identical. Typically the vertices

are sequentially listed from 1 through numverts, though this is not necessary ( i.e., the verte x
IDs do not need to be sequential).

Immediately following the rows of verte x identification information are numtriangles rows

of surface triangle definitions. Each surface triangle must have three verte x IDs to define

its three corners and a bound_id that corresponds to a boundary identification number in

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the file. The order in which the three defining vertices are given is critical: the

order of the vertices defines which side of the surface triangle points to the inside of the

geometry by means of the right-hand rule.

The triangulated surface must be closed ( i.e., no gaps between the triangles) in order for

CONVERGE to process the surface properly. If the surface is not closed , CONVERGE will

not run. Use CONVERGE Studio to check the surface for closure and triangle orientation

before e xporting the surface definition file and running a simulation.

The computational e xpense of trimming the Cartesian fluid cells by the surface depends on

the number of triangles constituting the surface. This may not be critical for a stationary

surface ; however , for a moving surface , where CONVERGE regenerates the grid at each

time-step , trimming the Cartesian fluid cells can be somewhat costly. Therefore , for a case

with moving geometry , ensure that only necessary triangles are included in the surface.

CONVERGE does not limit the number of triangles that can cut a single fluid cell.

3.3 Surface Preparation

This section and the subsequent subsections describe the criteria that need to be met by a

surface geometry that will be used in a CONVERGE simulation. It is essential to ensure

that your surface is properly configured before running a CONVERGE simulation , and

you should never assume that an STL file generated by a CAD program does not contain

any of these problems. We recommend using CONVERGE Studio to identify and eliminate

problems in the surface geometry.

While the surface geometry needs to accurately represent the shape of the object(s) to be

simulated , CONVERGE does not place restrictions on the size or skewness of the triangles

that constitute the surface. Skewed triangles will not affect the numerical stability of the

fluid mesh.

All surface triangles must have an inside/outside orientation. In other words ,

CONVERGE does not allow baffle triangles that point inside on both sides of the triangle.

Any solid immersed within the fluid geometry must have a finite thickness so that the

normal vectors of the triangles constituting the solid point to the fluid (inside) on one side

and to the solid (outside) on the other.

The subsections that follow describe the types of surface defects (open edges , nonmanifold

edges , intersecting triangles , overlapping triangles , and normal orientation inconsistencies)

that must be eliminated before running a CONVERGE simulation.

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3.3.1 Open Edges

In a closed triangulated surface , each triangle shares each of its three edges with e xactly
one other triangle (e xcept in special Conjugate Heat Transfer simulations). If an edge is

part of only one triangle , this creates what is called a open edge.

Figure 3.2 shows e xamples of open edges. In (a) , a series of open edges looks like a hole. In

(b) , open edges make the surface appear incomplete. CONVERGE will not run if there are

open edges in the surface.

You can often repair open edges by compressing vertices or by adding triangles to fill any

gaps. You can simulate multiple independent , closed regions in one simulation , for

example, simulating flow over a sphere immersed in a bo x. Both the bo x and sphere must

be closed shapes , but the two surfaces do not need to be connected.


Figure 3.2: Two examples of open edges. The edges highlighted in red indicate edges that are part
of only one triangle, resulting in a surface that is not closed.

3.3.2 Nonmanifold Edges

With the e xception of special conjugate heat transfer cases , every edge in the geometry

needs to be shared by e xactly two triangles. If more than two triangles share a common

edge , thus forming a T-junction , this edge is a nonmanifold edge.

It is impossible to have distinct inside and outside directions when a surface contains

nonmanifold edges. Figure 3.3 shows a two-dimensional e xample of nonmanifold edges

with line segments instead of triangles. Note that in Figure 3.3 (a) the geometry has a

distinct inside and outside ( i.e., all normal vectors point inside). In Figure 3.3 (b) , however ,
the presence of the red segment precludes any proper orientation of the geometry ( i.e.,

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there is no proper inside/outside orientation of the red segment that will be consistent

with the inside/outside orientation of the rest of the geometry). In this two-dimensional

example, the points where the red segment intersects the original closed geometry create T-

junctions each consisting of a single point , which corresponds to a T-junction edge in a

three-dimensional case.

Figure 3.4 shows a three-dimensional representation of nonmanifold edges and the

triangles that form them.


Figure 3.3: 2D example of the multiple edge sharing problems. (a) A properly defined
2D geometry with a single inside/outside orientation. Each segment shares an
intersection point with exactly one other segment. (b) The original surface plus an
additional segment that makes it impossible to define a proper inside/outside
orientation. This new geometry has two improper 3-way intersections.

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Figure 3.4: A cut-away, three-dimensional view of nonmanifold (or T-junction) triangles as they
appear in CONVERGE Studio. The blue-green triangles have been rendered semi-transparent for
clarity. Some brown and tan triangles have been hidden to show the T-junction.

3.3.3 Intersecting Triangles

CONVERGE cannot use a surface containing triangles that intersect because an

intersection would violate the concept of a consistent inside/outside orientation of the

surface. This type of problem can be difficult to detect in a surface. Figure 3.5 shows a two-

dimensional e xample. Figure 3.6 shows how CONVERGE Studio graphically represents

parallel triangles that have been moved too close together and thus are considered


At a minimum , visually inspect the surface to ensure that there are no surface

intersections. For e xample, when modeling valves , verify that the valves are not closed too

far , so that the valve angle overlaps the valve seat , as shown in Figure 3.6.

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(a) (b)

Figure 3.5: (a) All points in space are either inside the surface or outside the surface. (b)
Intersecting surfaces cause some volumes to violate the above criteria.

Figure 3.6: CONVERGE Studio depicts parallel triangles that are too close with inconsistent
coloration. In CONVERGE Studio, go to Geometry > Transform > Translate to move these intersecting

3.3.4 Overlapping and Sliver Triangles

Overlapping and sliver (distorted aspect ratio) triangles are some of the most common

problems found in triangulated surfaces generated from CAD packages , and they cannot

be easily seen. These problem triangles do not result in open edges or nonmanifold edges

because the connectivity forms a manifold volume.

The figures below illustrate the concept of overlapping triangles and sliver triangles.

Figures 3.7 (a) and (b) show two acceptable two-dimensional ( i.e., all vertices are co-

planar) triangle configurations. The triangles in the e xample are AEC , ABE , ACB, and

BCD , with all of their normal vectors pointing out of the page. Both surfaces are

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considered properly triangulated (with respect to overlapping triangles) and could be part

of acceptable surface files in CONVERGE.





(a) (b)

Figure 3.7: Four triangles formed by coplanar vertices A, B, C, D, and E. Both (a) and (b) are
acceptable surface triangulations.

If verte x A is located on segment BC , as shown in Fig. 3.8 (a) , then vertices A , B, and C are

collinear and thus triangle ABC has zero area. This zero-area (distorted aspect ratio)

triangle will have a random normal vector and will cause errors in CONVERGE.

Figure 3.8 (b) shows the same set of triangles with verte x A located below segment BC. In

this case , triangle ABC has flipped and now its normal vector points into the page instead

of out of the page. In essence , the entirety of triangle ACB and small portions of triangles

AEC , ABE , and BCD are all occupying the same space , generating a triangle intersection ,
which CONVERGE does not allow.

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(a) (b)

Figure 3.8: The same triangles as in Figure 3.7, but in case (a), vertex A is collinear with segment BC,
resulting in a zero-volume (distorted aspect ratio) triangle ACB, which will have an undefined
normal vector. For case (b), triangle ACB is flipped and has a normal vector pointing opposite those
of the other three triangles. Neither example is permitted in the CONVERGE surface geometry file.

In Figure 3.7 (a) and (b) , all segments between triangles have edge angles of 180 . In Figure
3.8 (a) , the edge angle associated with segments AB , BC ,
and AC is 0 . An edge angle of

less than 60 usually indicates a problem area in the surface. However , many geometries

will have sharp features consisting of triangles that will be highlighted by a 60 feature

angle. Examine areas with a highlighted feature angle to determine if the geometry

actually has a sharp feature in the surface , or if the geometry is flat and the triangulation

of the surface has resulted in an inappropriate situation such as in Figure 3.8 (b). You can

repair these triangles by moving (translating) verte x A , stitching A to B or C , or

retriangulating the system as shown below in Figure 3.9. The retriangulation creates

triangles ABE , AEC , ACD , and ADB.

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Figure 3.9: A retriangulation of Figure 3.8 (b) yields an
acceptable triangulation of the surface.

3.3.5 Normal Orientation

CONVERGE requires the surface to have a properly defined inside (solved fluid side) and

outside (non-fluid side). The normal vectors of all triangles (as defined by the right-hand

rule) must point toward the fluid.

One e xtra normal orientation step is required when a surface consists of multiple

independent surfaces , as in the case of an object completely immersed within a fluid

domain , such as a sphere immersed in (but not connected to) a bo x. For the immersed

sphere , the normal vectors of the triangles must point away from the center of the sphere ,
since the solved fluid portion of the domain is outside of the sphere. The normal vectors of

the bo x triangles must point inward , toward the sphere.

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3.4 Periodic Surfaces

To use the periodic surfaces option , CONVERGE requires that the two surfaces must have

exactly the same geometry and must both be designated as PERIODIC boundary types in .

On curved surfaces , vertices must match e xactly on both sides of the periodic surfaces ( i.e.,
there is a one-to-one correspondence of vertices on both faces) otherwise the geometry on

the matched periodic surfaces will not be exactly the same. Always verify that the

geometry of the matched periodic surfaces is e xactly the same before starting a simulation.

For engine sector cases , using the make_surface utility is the best way to ensure these

surfaces are identical.

3.5 M ake Surface and Extract Profile

The make_surface utility in CONVERGE (also available as the Make Surface tool in

CONVERGE Studio) will automatically configure the surface geometry file ( e.g.,
surface.dat) for engine sector cases. You may wish to simulate an a xi-symmetric engine

sector , xample
an e of which is shown below in Figure 3.10 , rather than a full engine to

reduce computational time.

Figure 3.10: An engine cylinder

sector geometry created
automatically by the make_surface

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In sector cases , you need to specify values for the velocity and turbulence fields at the start

of the calculation. To determine accurate velocity and turbulence field values , run

CONVERGE with intake ports and valves included in the geometry from the intake valve

opening time until all valves are closed. This will simulate the complete induction event

and give you accurate velocity and turbulence fields. Then use these velocity and

turbulence values to create a map.dat file to initialize by mapping for the sector case.

Although you can prepare a sector geometry in a CAD program or manually in

CONVERGE Studio ( i.e., without using the Make Surface tool) , the make_surface utility of

the Make Surface tool will yield an engine sector geometry that is defect-free , boundary-

flagged , and periodic face-matched.

It is important to note that the periodic face of a sector geometry must be symmetric about

the XZ plane and the piston motion must be along the z -a xis, as shown below in Figure

3.11. When you use the make_surface utility to create a sector geometry , this configuration

will be generated automatically. If you do not use this utility (or the corresponding tool) to

prepare the geometry , you must prepare the periodic faces so that they are symmetric

about the XZ plane.

Figure 3.11: A sector geometry with the periodic

boundaries appropriately symmetric about the
XZ plane.

The make_surface utility requires the file. Table 3.2 lists the parameters in . Figure 3.12 shows an e x ample file. Once you have prepared file, save it to the Case Directory. From the command line , go to the Case

Directory and enter


to automatically generate surface.dat .

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Table 3.2: Parameters in

Parameter Description
bore Engine cylinder bore ( m ).

stroke Engine cylinder stroke ( m ).

conrod Engine connecting rod length ( m ).

wrist_pin_offset Engine wrist pin offset ( m ). This parameter can be negative as the

absolute value is used.

target_comp_ratio Target compression ratio. Enter a value or set to AD UST. J *

target_squish_height Target squish height ( m ). Enter a value or set to AD UST. J *

target_crevice_width Target crevice width ( m J

). Enter a value or set to AD UST if a crevice is to

be generated. Set to NO_USE if no crevice is to be generated. *

target_crevice_depth Target crevice depth ( m J

). Enter a value or set to AD UST if a crevice is to

be generated. Set to NO_USE if no crevice is to be generated. *

theta Sector angle in degrees .

dx This parameter is not used.

dy This parameter is not used.

dz This parameter is not used.

create_profile 0 = Profile file is provided ,

1 = CONVERGE creates the profile from
nforces Number of spline points. Only used if create_profile = 1.

kspring Spring constant (k). Only used if create_profile = 1.

xmax Ma ximum displacement along x x m

a is( create_profile =
). Only used if 1.

ymin Minimum displacement along y a x m

is ( create_profile =
). Only used if 1.

minsquish Minimum squish height ( m ). Only used ifcreate_profile = 1.

*To generate the surface , make_surface

the utility can adjust at most one of the following

four parameters: target_comp_ratio, target_squish_height, target_crevice_width, and

target_crevice_depth . The other three parameters must be assigned a fi xed value (or set to

NO_USE if no crevice is to be generated). Note that both crevice parameters must be set to

NO_USE if one of them is set to NO_USE.

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0.13716 bore
0.1651 stroke
0.1 conrod
0 wrist_pin_offset
ADJUST target_comp_ratio
0.01 target_squish_height
NO_USE target_crevice_width
NO_USE target_crevice_depth
60.00 theta
0.005 dx
0.005 dy
0.005 dz
0 create_profile
6 nforces
2.0 kspring
6.0 xmax
-4.0 ymin
0.001 minsquish
Figure 3.12: An example of for make_surface utility.

You can let the make_surface utility create a method of forces or flat surface head and/or

bowl profiles , or you can provide non-flat profiles using the head_profile and bowl_profile
input files.

To use the method of forces to have the make_surface utility create the piston bowl and

head profiles , set create_profile = . 1 Then enter values for nforces, kspring, xmax, ymin, and

minsquish . The method of forces calculates displacements due to the number of forces

( ) acting on a flat spring that has a stiffness kspring . CONVERGE generates the head

and bowl profiles due to the displacements from these forces. You must also include in the

Case Directory a input file that specifies the magnitude of each force. Note that

nforces must be equal to the number of forces specified in the input file.

To use a flat surface for the head and/or bowl profiles , set create_profile = 0. If you do not

provide a bowl_profile file , the make_surface utility will create a flat profile for the piston

bowl. This profile will be based on the value of the bore parameter in . If you

do not provide a head_profile file , the make_surface utility will create a flat profile for the

head. Again , this profile will be based on the value of the bore parameter in .

To provide your own head and/or bowl profile information , set create_profile = 0. Save the

files containing basic x, z coordinate information for the head and bowl as head_profile and

bowl_profile, respectively. The file format is shown below in Figure 3.13. The first point in

each profile must be at the a xis (x = 0.0). If the last point in the profile is not at the cylinder

radius , the make_surface utility will create an additional point with the x value equal to the

cylinder radius and the z value equal to the last point specified in the profile. The x
coordinates are absolute , while the z coordinates are relative and will be adjusted based on

stroke and squish. The units of all values must be in meters . With these head_profile and/or

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bowl_profile files present , the make_surface utility will generate a surface geometry file that

is ready for simulation.

0.000000e+00 -1.741080e-01
5.700000e-03 -1.762060e-01
8.400000e-03 -1.772170e-01
1.110000e-02 -1.781950e-01
1.380000e-02 -1.791890e-01
1.659200e-02 -1.802050e-01
1.940700e-02 -1.812610e-01
2.160000e-02 -1.820600e-01
2.375000e-02 -1.828310e-01
2.575000e-02 -1.836180e-01
2.810000e-02 -1.844820e-01
3.000000e-02 -1.851750e-01
3.233300e-02 -1.860120e-01
3.410000e-02 -1.866530e-01
3.733800e-02 -1.872210e-01
4.000000e-02 -1.868740e-01
4.216700e-02 -1.859010e-01
4.413300e-02 -1.844430e-01
4.568300e-02 -1.824290e-01
4.663900e-02 -1.801370e-01
4.699000e-02 -1.775690e-01
4.699000e-02 -1.693210e-01
6.858000e-02 -1.693210e-01
Figure 3.13: A sample bowl_profile.

Extract Profile
The extract_profile utility can e xtract a bowl or head profile from almost any geometry.

This utility is useful for a geometry in which the bowl or head does not have straight radial

lines along which to manually copy points for the profile.

To use the extract_profile utility, supply a surface.dat file. The geometry must be centered at

z = 0 and any cut-plane through the geometry must form a closed loop. You will have to

remove ports and valves from the geometry to form a closed loop.

When you e xecute extract_profile, it will obtain the x and z coordinate data from points

along a straight line in the bowl or head , as shown below in Figure 3.14.

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Figure 3.14: The bottom green line shows the line along which extract_profile obtains the x
and z coordinate data for the profile.

Once you have obtained the x and z coordinates of the bowl or head profile , follow the

instructions for running the make_surface utility to construct the complete geometry. Figure

3.15 shows a view of the e xtracted bowl profile in the xz plane. Figure 3.16 shows the

complete bowl shape rendered in CONVERGE Studio.

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Figure 3.15: The extracted bowl profile in the xz plane.

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Figure 3.16: The complete geometry including the bowl shape rendered in

3.6 Boundary Identification

Once the surface has been checked for problems and corrected , the last step is to flag the

triangles to their appropriate boundaries. The actual description of the boundary

conditions is not part of the surface preparation (although you can prepare the boundary

input file using CONVERGE Studio) , but is instead a separate input file , . All

that is required in the surface preparation is to flag the triangles according to the

corresponding boundary id in the associated file. As described previously in

the Surface Geometry File Format section , each triangle in the surface geometry file is

defined by three vertices and a boundary ID.

It is often useful to divide up a single boundary type into multiple boundaries to allow for

more control and fle xibility when specifying grid refinement. For e xample, even though a

valve could be represented as a single boundary type , additional embedding near the valve

angle may improve the precision of the results in this area. To achieve this , flag the valve

angle as a separate boundary type from the rest of the valve. Then , when defining

embedded regions , you can dictate additional layers of embedding on this portion of the


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The boundary IDs used do not need to be sequential and there is no limit on the number of

boundary IDs that can be specified. Any boundary IDs assigned to triangles in the surface

geometry file that do not have a corresponding entry in the file will cause the

code to abort and give an error.

3.7 M oving Boundaries

Moving boundaries are flagged in the same manner as stationary boundaries on the

surface. You will define the actual motion of the boundary in, but before

e xecuting the simulation , you must also follow a few other boundary motion-preparation

tasks as described in the subsections below.

3.7.1 Surface Position

CONVERGE allows you to define boundary motion using three different techniques:

specifying velocity , piston motion , or position-versus-time.

When specifying the boundary velocity , the surface data file ( e.g., surface.dat ) imported to

CONVERGE represents the surface at time = 0.0. If the you start the simulation at any

other time , CONVERGE will adjust the moving surface to the appropriate position , based

on the specified velocity and the initial grid position. To specify a velocity for a boundary ,
enter a velocity vector after the keywords velocity and la, sl, or di for that boundary in . The boundary will move at the speed and direction specified by this velocity

vector for the entire simulation.

If you use the piston motion option , CONVERGE will automatically generate position-

versus-time data for a piston based on the bore, stroke, connecting_rod, crank_offset, and rpm
parameters specified in . This option is allowed crank_flag
only when = 1 in and when an file is in the Case Directory. The surface geometry file must

be e xported with the piston in Bottom Dead Center (BDC) position when using the piston

motion surface position option.

For the position-versus-time boundary motion option , supply a separate *.in position file

( e.g., ) that specifies three-dimensional offset distances at different simulation

times ( seconds crank angle degrees,

or depending on the value of crank_flag in ).

These three-dimensional position values are the offsets (not velocities) relative to the

original position of the boundary , which is defined in the surface geometry file ( e.g.,
surface.dat ) that you e xported from CONVERGE Studio into the Case Directory.

For e xample, if the geometry is an engine and the valves are in a closed position when you

e xport the surface geometry file , the position information you specify in the *.in position

file dictates how the valve moves away from its closed position during the simulation. For

a vertical valve engine with the valves initially closed , the x and y position would be 0.0 for

all times ( i.e., there is no motion in the x and y directions because the valves move

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vertically). The z position should be specified as 0.0 for all simulation times when the valve

is closed and open up to ma ximum lift over time and then back to 0.0 to close the valve.

Refer to Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for more information on moving boundaries.

3.7.2 Moving Periodic Faces

If a periodic boundary is adjacent to a moving boundary , such as the green periodic face is

adjacent to blue moving piston boundary shown in Figure 3.17 below , and if this periodic

boundary has interior triangles ( i.e., triangles that do not share a verte x with another

boundary) , you must apply a Translating velocity boundary condition to this periodic

boundary using the input file .

Periodic translating boundaries move differently than wall translating boundaries. Only

the interior vertices (vertices not shared by triangles on other boundaries) will translate on

a periodic boundary. The vertices shared by triangles on neighboring boundaries will move

(or remain stationary) according to the velocity boundary condition of these neighboring


Consider the engine sector e xample shown in Figure 3.17 below. The blue boundary is the

piston face which is defined as Translating (moving). The red boundary is the cylinder

wall and the green boundary is the front periodic boundary . Notice that many of the

triangles that constitute the periodic boundary are defined by vertices that will not move

as part of the piston face.

For the simulation to e xecute properly, you must specify that these interior triangle vertices

translate in conjunction with the piston. By defining this periodic boundary as translating ,
the interior triangle vertices will be translated. The triangle vertices on the periphery of the

periodic face will move according to the boundary type they are shared with , ( e.g., vertices

shared with the piston will move according to the piston motion , vertices shared with the

head will be stationary).

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Figure 3.17: A sample sector engine case with a

periodic face (green). Define the periodic boundary
velocity boundary condition as translating in order to
move the interior vertices on the periodic face in
conjunction with the piston.

The direction of translation of the vertices on the periodic face must be tangential to the

triangle face , so that each triangle will maintain the same normal vector. If there are no

triangle vertices wholly contained within the periodic face (interior vertices) , it makes no

difference if the periodic boundary is defined as a translating or stationary type.

3.7.3 Surface Defects Caused by Motion

Three of the surface defects described earlier , surface intersection , overlapping triangles ,
and zero-area/sliver triangles , can also occur while the simulation is e xecuting, when the

boundaries in the surface move. The boundary locations as they appear in the e xported
surface geometry file only represent the actual geometry at one instant in time. During the

simulation , CONVERGE will move the vertices on moving boundaries according to the

motion defined in the file. Therefore , you must ensure that no surface defects

will occur throughout the path to be taken by the moving surfaces.

To avoid zero-area triangles and overlapping triangle defects , verify that no stationary

vertices will be in the path of a moving surface. This problem can often occur on

boundaries adjacent to both a moving surface and a stationary surface.

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For e xample, in the case of an engine , you must define the cylinder liner boundary as a

ring of vertices around the periphery of the head connected by a single row of triangles to

an identical , parallel ring of vertices on the periphery of the piston face. An e xample of this

single row cylinder liner is shown in Figure 3.18.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.18: An example of a properly configured surface geometry for piston cylinder in
CONVERGE Studio, showing the surface when the piston is at BDC (a) and at TDC (b). For
both positions, the cylinder liner surface consists of only one row of triangles.

A triangle configuration that will cause errors during boundary motion is shown in Figure

3.19 below. Notice in Figure 3.19 (a) the triangulation of the planar (green) periodic face

of the sector is valid for the boundary position shown. This triangle configuration ,
however , causes a problem as the piston nears Top Dead Center (TDC) position because

the verte x on the lip of the piston bowl crosses over the segment connecting the center of

the bowl to the outer radius of the head. This causes the triangle to flip , creating an invalid

surface as seen in Figure 3.19 (b). An allowable triangulation of the periodic face is shown

in Figure 3.20. Notice that near TDC , no triangles get flipped.

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(a) (b)

Figure 3.19: An example of a moving piston sector case showing improper triangulation of a
surface. The problem triangle is shown outlined in yellow. The surface in (a) is valid, but when
the piston moves upward, the triangle flips as shown in (b), causing a surface defect.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.20 A modified and allowable triangulation of the piston cylinder sector case. The
surface is valid both in (a) and (b).

You must also be aware of intersecting triangles. At no time during the simulation can

triangles overlap or intersect. At any location where two surfaces come in contact with

each other in the actual , physical object being modeled , you should prepare the surface

geometry with a minimum separation between these two portions of the surface.

A good e xample potentially overlapping triangles is the seating of valves in an engine. In

the actual , physical cylinder , the valves close tight against their seats. In the CFD

simulation , the triangles on the valve boundary should never actually contact the triangles

on the seat boundary this would cause intersecting triangles. There is no minimum

distance required between two triangles. As long as the triangles do not intersect , the

geometry is valid.

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Typically , the reason for bringing two surfaces together is to close off flow between two

regions. Since CONVERGE does not allow triangles to actually overlap or intersect , the

regions up and downstream of this area is never completely separated. Use the
input file to configure events that will allow or discontinue flow between two regions.

3.7.4 Surface Alignment

Boundary motion results in three different types of triangle motion: moving, non-moving,
and intermediate . A triangle's motion type depends on how each verte x in the triangle

moves (or does not move).

Vertices are shared by multiple triangles. If any of the triangles attached to a verte x are

moving , the verte x also moves.Moving triangles consist of vertices that are all moving

along the same vector. Non-moving triangles consist of vertices that are all stationary.

A triangle with intermediate motion is one that is composed of both moving and non-

moving vertices. This type of triangle is flagged to a non-moving boundary , but it shares

one or two vertices with a triangle on a moving boundary.

Inspect these intermediate triangles carefully when preparing the surface. The normal

vector on an intermediate triangle must not change as the boundaries move during the

simulation. To keep the normal vector constant during boundary motion , the moving

vertices of the intermediate triangle must move within the plane of the triangle. That is , the

direction of motion of the moving vertices in an intermediate triangle must be perpendicular

to the normal vector of the triangles.

An e xample of intermediate triangles are on a cylinder liner in an engine. The piston moves

in the z direction only and the head is stationary. Figure 3.18 in the previous section shows

how the triangles on a cylinder liner deform (stretch and shrink) during the piston motion

(the triangles on the cylinder liner move with intermediate -type motion). To keep the

normal vector constant during the geometry motion , the vertices on the periphery of the

head and the piston (the vertices that make up the intermediate triangles on the cylinder

liner) must be aligned in the x and y directions. Ensuring proper verte x alignment will

prevent the triangles from becoming skewed as the piston moves in the z-direction and

will minimize the potential loss of region volume.

This type of surface defect can result in two problems. First , if the verte x misalignment is

slight , mass may not be perfectly conserved. Second , if the misalignment is severe ( i.e., if

new fluid cells will be created due to the non-planar effects of the intermediate triangles) ,
this could lead to problems initializing the new cells. CONVERGE will check alignment

when the simulation starts and will output a warning if alignment e xceeds a

predetermined tolerance.

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3.7.5 Sealing of Boundaries

Use the boundary sealing feature to control/prevent fluid flow within a region. Boundary

sealing is somewhat similar to using OPEN and CLOSE events , but instead of controlling

the flow between regions , you can specify boundary sealing to prevent flow between

different parts of the same region. Another difference between boundary sealing and

OPEN/CLOSE events is that you can specify a very specific location in which to place the

seal , such as around the edges of a port or between the top of the piston and the liner.

One common use for boundary sealing is to prevent flow between the combustion

chamber and the intake or e xhaust ports in a two-stroke engine cylinder. In an actual two-

stroke engine cylinder , the body of the piston is positioned tightly against the cylinder wall ,
thereby preventing flow through the ports attached to the cylinder wall when the piston

nears top dead center. In CONVERGE , however , intersecting triangles are prohibited and

thus two parts of the geometry cannot touch (refer to the previous Surface Defects Caused

by Motion section for more information).

One way to prevent triangle intersections in a two-stroke engine geometry is to scale down

( i.e., make it smaller) the piston geometry. However , this method will create an unrealistic

crevice volume between the piston and the cylinder liner.

To prevent computational errors associated with an unrealistic crevice volume ,

CONVERGE offers a feature called sealing that can disconnect the crevice volume from the

cylinder volume during the simulation. After scaling down the piston geometry (or just the

vertices on the perimeter of the piston) , use CONVERGE Studio's Seal tool (or

CONVERGE's make_seals utility) to disconnect the volume (and the flow) from the cylinder

to the crevice between the piston and the liner.

In a two-stroke engine case as shown in Figure 3.21 , without using CONVERGE's sealing

feature , significant crevice volumes between the liner (Boundary 2) and the piston skirt

(Boundary 3) will produce computational inaccuracies. The solid lines for the piston

(Boundary 1) and the piston skirt (Boundary 3) represent the piston at Bottom Dead

Center (BDC) in Figure 3.21. The dashed lines represent the piston boundary as it is

compressing the air-fuel mi xture. With no seal specified , CONVERGE will include the

unrealistic crevice volume in the flow and volume calculations and will not close the flow

from the cylinder to the e xhaust port (Boundary 4).

To prevent inaccuracies associated with an unrealistic crevice volume and/or flow

between the cylinder and the exhaust port , create a seal between the cylinder liner

boundary and the piston boundary. In the two-stroke engine e xample below , seals must be

created in two different locations in order to separate the cylinder volume from the crevice

volume at different simulation times , as illustrated in Figure 3.21.

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Use one of the two available methods to create seals for your simulation:

1. make_seals utility (run via the command line)

2. Seal tool in the Geometry dock in CONVERGE Studio

Use the seal_tol parameter in to specify tolerance for any seals. The value for

seal_tol determines how far the sealing algorithm will search when projecting a seal verte x
onto a boundary. We recommended that this value is at least two times the distance

between the parts to allow for a safety factor. For e xample, if you create a piston that is

0.1 mm from the liner , it is recommended that you use a seal_tol of at least 0.2 mm .

The two options to create seals are described in the following two sections.

Figure 3.21: A two-dimensional schematic that describes the logic of boundary sealing for a two-
stroke engine geometry.

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Sealed Surface Geometry Format

The sealed surface geometry file has the name surface_new.dat and it has information about

the seals in addition to the regular surface geometry file information. The summary of the

new file format is given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Summary of the sealed surface geometry file format.

Sealed Surface Information Description
Geometry File Row Provided
Row 1 numverts_tot numverts_tot : ma ximum vertex id.
numverts numverts : number of vertices defined below.

numtriangles numtriangles : number of surface triangles.

numseals numseals : number of sealed edges.

Row 2 to vert_id vx vy Unique verte x identification number followed by the x, y, and z

Row (1 +numverts) vz coordinates of the verte x.

Row (2 +numverts) vert1 vert2 Identifiers of the vertices making up the corners of the surface

to vert3 triangle and the boundary ID corresponding to the surface

Row bound_id triangle.

(1 +numverts +numt

Row vert1 vert2 vert1 : vertex identifier for the sealed edge.
(2 +numverts +numt direction vert2 : vertex identifier for the sealed edge.
riangles) bound_id direction : Flag for direction of sealing.

moving 0 = Direction of the seal edge is the average of the normal

Row vectors of the triangles used to define the seal ,

(1 +numverts +numt 1 = Direction of the seal edge is parallel to the normal vector of

riangles +numseals ) the triangle on the bound_id specified in the ne xt column ,

2 = Direction of the seal edge is perpendicular to the normal

vector of the triangle on the bound_id specified in the ne xt


bound_id : Boundary ID to which the seal triangle is parallel or

perpendicular. ( bound_id is not used if direction = 0)

moving : Motion flag for seal triangles ,

0 = The seal edges ;
do not move the boundary to which it is

sealing is deformed/stretched to create the seal ,

1 = The seal edges move as needed toward the boundary to

which it is sealing to create the seal.

One difference between the new sealed surface geometry file ( surface_new.dat ) and the

non-sealed geometry file (see Table 3.2) is that the sealed geometry file has the additional

column numseals in Row 1. This file will also have e xtra rows (for the seals) appended to

the end of the surface geometry file.

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make_seals Utility
To seal the boundaries of a surface geometry file , change the name of the surface geometry

file to surface.dat . When you e xecute the make_seals ,

utility CONVERGE creates a new file

called surface_new.dat that uses the surface.dat file as a seed file. surface_new.dat will contain

the original surface geometry and the sealing information.

To initiate the make_seals utility from the terminal , change to the directory containing all

input , data files , and the CONVERGE e xecutable, and type make_seals. CONVERGE will

prompt you for the following information:

1. The boundary IDs of the two boundaries between which the seal will be created.

2. Direction of the seal triangles.

Type 0 to use the average angle of the two normal vectors of the triangles that belong to

the two respective boundaries , specified in (1) as the direction of the plane of the seal


Type 1 to make the plane of the seal triangles parallel to the normal vector of the

triangle belonging to a boundary specified in (3).

Type 2 to make the plane of the seal triangles perpendicular to the normal vector of the

triangle belonging to a boundary specified in (3).

3. The boundary ID of the direction triangles that will bet used to determine the direction

(parallel or perpendicular) of the seal.

4. The ID of the boundary to which the seal edges will seal.

5. Seal translation (moving) flag:

Type 0 to make the boundary you assign in the which boundary will it be sealing
up against step (see Figure 3.22 below) stretch as needed to create a seal. The seal

edges will not move with this option , but the boundary it is sealing up against will

deform to create the seal. This option is recommended only when the seal edge and the

boundary it is sealing up against are very close to each other (typically within 1e-6

meters ).

Type 1 to move the seal edges to the boundary to create a seal. The boundary to which

these seal edges will be moved is the one you assign in the which boundary will it
be sealing up against step. This option is often useful for specifying a seal edge on a

boundary that is translating.

Figure 3.22 below shows sample input for the make_seals utility scenario shown in Figure

3.21 above.


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which boundaries would you like to create a seal between?

boundary 1 : 1
boundary 2 : 3
which direction would you like to seal 0=average 1=parallel 2=perpendicular : 2
parallel or perpendicular to which boundary? : 3
which boundary will it be sealing up against : 2
will seal be moved toward the above boundary : 1

which boundaries would you like to create a seal between?

boundary 1 : 2
boundary 2 : 4
which direction would you like to seal 0=average 1=parallel 2=perpendicular : 2
parallel or perpendicular to which boundary? : 2
which boundary will it be sealing up against : 3
will seal be moved toward the above boundary : 0

Figure 3.22: Sample input for make_seals.

The sample inputs in Figure 3.22 correspond to the creation of seal triangles between the

boundaries as shown in Figure 3.21. For the first seal , moving = 1 , so CONVERGE will

move the seal edges (the set of edges between the piston and the piston skirt Boundaries

1 and 3 , respectively) to Boundary 2. These seal edges will move as needed toward

Boundary 2 in the direction specified to created a seal against Boundary 2.

For the second seal in Figure 3.22 , the seal between the liner and the port (Boundaries 2

and 4 , respectively) is not moving ( moving = 0). For this seal , Boundary 3 will be stretched

as needed to create a seal against the seal edges specified between Boundaries 2 and 4.

Seal in CONVERGE Studio

Use the operation available in the Geometry dock of CONVERGE Studio to create a

connection between two boundaries that are not actually connected in the surface


The screenshots below show a seal that creates a seal between the outer ring of edges

around a piston and the liner. The steps below summarize the process of creating a seal

(shown in the screenshots from Figures 3.23 - 3.30).

1. Create a new seal row in the Seal section of the Geometry dock by clicking Add Seal.

2. Select the boundary to which the section of edges will be sealed from the To Boundary
pull-down list.

3. Select the section of edges from which the seal will e xtend. Each edge in this section of

edges must be shared by e xactly two triangles. This is the reason the Piston Skirt is used

in the e xample below.

4. Select the triangles that will define the direction of the seal. One edge on each of these

triangles must be part of the seal edge section. If you select some triangles that do not

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share an edge with the seal edge section , these are simply ignored by CONVERGE

Studio. Only triangles with one edge in the seal edge section will be used to determine

the seal direction.

5. Click Assign at the bottom of the Geometry Dock and the seal edge section , as well as

the triangles that define the direction of the seal , will be highlighted.

6. Choose from the three options for seal direction: Average, Parallel, or Orthogonal .

Double-click on the pull-down menu in the Direction column to select one of these

options. Parallel causes the seal to e xtend in the direction of the plane created by the

adjacent triangle chosen for seal direction. Orthogonal causes the seal to extend
orthogonal to the direction of the plane created by the adjacent triangle chosen for seal

direction. makes the seal direction point halfway between the Parallel and

Orthogonal directions. Check the bo x Move

in the column if the section of edges chosen

for this seal will be move towards the To Boundary in order to create the seal. If you do

not check the Move checkbo x, the boundary selected as the To Boundary will stretch or

deform as needed to create the seal. This option is available only when the seal edges

are within a very small seal tolerance.

7. CONVERGE Studio shows light blue arrows indicating the direction the seal.

8. Use the Transform > Translate tool to move the boundary (piston boundary in this

example) in its direction of motion to confirm the seal moves with the boundary as


78 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Figure 3.23: Creating a SEAL: Step 1 - Click the Seal button in the Geometry dock and then click
Add Seal to begin the seal configuration process. These screenshots hide portions of the Liner
and Piston Skirt boundaries for clarity.

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Figure 3.24: Creating a SEAL: Step 2 - Double-click on the To Boundary drop-down menu and
select the name of the boundary to which the edge section will be sealed. This example creates
a seal between the Piston and the Liner, so Liner is selected from the To Boundary list.

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Figure 3.25: Creating a SEAL: Step 3 - Check the Select seal edges checkbox and, with the By
Boundary Fence selection criterion, click on a fence that is around the edge of the piston. Refer to
the Geometry Dock > Boundary section of the CONVERGE Studio Manual for more details
regarding the use of boundary fences.

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Figure 3.26: Creating a SEAL: Step 4 - Check the Select triangles for defining seal direction
checkbox and, with the By Boundary selection criterion, click on any triangle in the Piston Skirt

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Figure 3.27: Creating a SEAL: Step 5 - Click the Assign button at the bottom of the Geometry
Dock and CONVERGE Studio will display light blue arrows where the seal has been created.
CONVERGE Studio also highlights the seal direction triangles. Note that all triangles selected
in the last step that did not share an edge with the seal edge set are simply ignored by
CONVERGE Studio, and not highlighted.

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Figure 3.28: Creating a SEAL: Step 6 - Double-click the pull-down menu in the Direction column
to choose between Average, Parallel, and Orthogonal for the seal direction. You may change this
seal direction at any time.

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Figure 3.29 - Creating a SEAL: Step 7 - CONVERGE Studio will display the light blue seal
arrows after the seal creation process is complete. If you select the row containing the seal
information in the Geometry Dock, CONVERGE Studio highlights either the seal edge section
or the seal direction triangles in the Graphical Window. Check the box in the Move column if
the seal edge section will move during the simulation.

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Figure 3.30 - Creating a SEAL: Step 8 - Use the Transform > Translate tool to move the boundary
in its direction of motion to confirm the seal moves with the boundary as expected.

The seal(s) created using CONVERGE Studio will be saved in the main *.cvg file. This

seal information becomes part of the surface.dat file when you e xport all of the input

xecuting the simulation

files prior to e in the CONVERGE solver.

Sealing Test Utility

CONVERGE includes a sealing test utility that allows you to quickly identify errors in the

sealing setup.

To run this utility , use the following command:

converge -l

This command runs a simplified version of what CONVERGE runs when

check_grid_motion_flag = 1 in . There is only a single level of cells , and most options

(including AMR , embedding , sources , mapping , events, etc.) are automatically turned off.

This tool must be run in serial. It cannot be run in parallel.

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Chapter 3
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing | Additional Boundaries for the MRF Approach

3.8 Additional Boundaries for the M RF Approach

Using the multiple reference frame (MRF) approach in CONVERGE requires three steps.

1. Additional geometry preparation (described in this section)

2. Special treatment for the flow_through boundaries and WALL boundaries in the moving

reference frame(s)

3. Configuration of
To separate the local reference frame(s) from the inertial frame , you must create additional

boundaries in the geometry. These boundaries must be situated in such a way that the

interface between the local and inertial reference frames is smooth. This way , numerical

discontinuities will not appear at the reference frame interfaces.

Typically , you create two additional boundaries as interfaces between the inertial and local

reference frames. These reference frame boundaries must be a shape such that the cross

product of the rotation vector and the position vector from the rotation origin to a point on

the interface surface is tangential to the interface boundary at that point. For WALL

boundaries within this local reference frame , specify the boundary conditions in the

inertial frame (see Multiple Reference Frame Approach). This way , you can easily convert

a moving geometry case to a case that employs the MRF approach.

You can use CONVERGE Studio to create the additional boundaries that delineate the

local reference frame. In the xample

e shown in Figure 3.31 , the first INTERFACE

boundary is situated between the inflow and pump impeller (in solid gray). The second

INTERFACE is a band around the circumference of the impeller (in solid red) that

separates the impeller blades from the volute chamber. In this e xample, the local reference

frame is the region between the two INTERFACE boundaries.

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Figure 3.31: The additional INTERFACE boundaries that separate a local

reference frame.

3.9 Post-Processing

You can specify which quantities will be written to the post*.out files by designating them

in the file. CONVERGE contains utilities to assist in post-processing simulation data.

Post Convert , and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition are described below.

Post Convert
To prepare the output files for three-dimensional visualization , use the post_convert utility

to convert the cell-by-cell output data (located in the output directory within the Case

Directory) into an appropriate format for EnSight , FieldView , Tecplot , or GMV. You can

also use this utility to create cell-by-cell data in column format in te xt files for selected

variables. (Note that CONVERGE Studio contains an analogous Post Convert tool. Refer to

the CONVERGE Studio Manual for more information.)

In the command line , go to the output directory and then type post_convert. CONVERGE

will prompt you to:

1. Specify a case name , which will replace post in the file name for each of the output files

that are written to the output directory. The original post*.out files will remain


2. Select the output type from the following options:

General Mesh Viewer (GMV) Format

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EnSight Format

Tecplot Format

Column Format

Column Format (Region 0 only)

Fieldview Transient Format

Fieldview Steady Format

Fieldview Version 14 Format

CONVERGE-Customized EnSight Format

Paraview VTK Inline Binary Format

Paraview VTK ASCII Format

Average of Selected Post Output Files

EnSight Format and CONVERGE-Customized EnSight Format

Select Yes for boundary surface output. EnSight requires boundary surface output

for many of its features.

In EnSight , the list of constants includes both RPM and crank angle degrees .

Average of Selected Post Output Files

Use this option to generate averaged values for velocity , pressure , temperature ,
vorticity , and other parameters. This option can also produce average values for

a specific portion of the simulation.

Before running a simulation , you must include the following parameters in the file: logic_i, logic_ , logic_k, level,

j and volume . Otherwise CONVERGE

cannot generate the averaged quantities.

The averaged information will be written to post*.avg.out . The time and run

number in the averaged file name will match the first file selected.

We recommend averaging data from simulations in which the geometries are the

same. The cells in the averaged file will be based on the cells from the first file

selected , so , if the geometries in the selected files are not the same , you should

verify that the first file selected contains data from the largest geometry.

3. Select which output files to convert. The utility lists all post* files in a numbered list , an

example of which follows:

[1]: post000061_-6.483057e+01.out
[2]: post000062_-6.379913e+01.out
[3]: post000063_-6.281712e+01.out
[4]: post000064_-6.191693e+01.out
[5]: post000065_-6.085729e+01.out

The utility will prompt you for the files to convert. To select specific file(s) , enter the file

number(s) ( e.g., in the e xample above , enter 1,3-5 to convert all files e xcept [2 ]). To

select files at a specified frequency , enter the number of the first file in the range , the

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selection frequency , and the number of the last file in the range , separated by colons ,
( e.g., in the e xample 1:2:5 above , enter to convert files [1 ], [3 ], and [5 ]). You can also

enter the keywords all, first, or last.

4. Select which variables to convert. The post_convert utility will list all of the variables

in the first file to be converted and prompt you to select the variable(s) to be included in

the converted files. Enter the variable numbers.

5. Select which parcel variables to convert. If the simulation contained parcels , the

post_convert utility will prompt you to select the parcel variable(s) to be included in

the converted files.

The post_convert utility automatically saves a file in the output directory. This

te xt file contains the conversion information that you just entered. You can use this file to

expedite your ne xt post_convert process. For e xample, you may wish to repeatedly

examine the latest output of a simulation that is currently running. Work through the

prompts the first time that you use post_convert (and be sure to select the last file to

convert). Thereafter , simply type post_convert to repeat the conversion


CONVERGE offers a limited capability to run post_convert in parallel from the command
line. A parallel post-processing computation requires the same memory per core as a serial

computation , but it runs much faster. The speed improvement is dependent on your

network's speed and file system performance. You can e xpect to see good parallel

post_convert performance on ten to twenty cores.

Like CONVERGE , the parallel implementation of post_convert is built on the Message

Passing Interface (MPI) package. See Chapter 11 - Parallel Processing for more information

on this package. See the Getting Started Guide for information on running CONVERGE

and utilities from the command line.

Heat Transfer Mapping

To run htc_map
the , utility CONVERGE requires several files in the Case Directory:

transfer.out,, surface.dat (surface file geometry for finite element analysis , FEA) ,
and the htc_map executable.

The two primary output files for heat transfer mapping are and
For each triangle in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) surface file lists

Wall Temp [K], eat Flux [W m2], TC [W m2-K], Fluid Temp [K],
the following quantities: H / H /

Y [ ], TimeWith its [CAD], TotalTime [CAD]

+ - H TimeWith its . The H will be less than the total

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time only when the boundary is not e xposed for the entire engine cycle , such as the

cylinder liner. CONVERGE will automatically include additional variables if it finds

additional columns in transfer.out e.g., ( pressure).

In multi-cycle simulations , such as for internal combustion engines , CONVERGE calculates

cyclic averages of heat transfer data that are spatially resolved for the FEA surface file.

The file lists each of the values listed in the file (wall

temp , heat flu x, etc.) for each verte x. CONVERGE uses the average of all the values at the

center of each neighboring triangle to calculate the verte x value of each of these

conditions. This file also lists the sum of the angles sharing that verte x. This sum may be

less than 360 degrees if the verte x is located at the edge of a geometry or at one or more

boundaries. This sum may also vary for vertices at contoured intersections of triangles.

CONVERGE provides three-dimensional output for data visualizations in GMV , EnSight ,

and FieldView. These output files provides node data for each variable contained in

transfer.out .

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is a spectral analysis technique used

primarily to separate the large-scale and small-scale elements of turbulent flow ( e.g., in a

Large Eddy Simulation). CONVERGE contains a utility that calculates the POD of the time

series of the velocity at a set of tracking points (Chen et al. , 2013). The singular value

decomposition (SVD) of the correlation matri x is computed using LAPACK's dgesvd.

To calculate the POD , you must udf_flag =

set 1 in to enable user-defined

functions (UDFs). In, set user_point_flag = num_points,1 and which is the number of

tracking points , to at least 1. When you set user_point_flag = , 1 CONVERGE looks to the

user_points.c file to define the tracking points. By default , user_points.c directs CONVERGE

to write the tracking point data into point_num<point_ID>.out

files named . In these

point_num<point_ID>.out files , the x -, y- , and z-components of the velocity (U , V , and W)

are written in columns 6 , 7 , and 8 , respectively. If you have edited user_points.c, note that

the pod_compute utility will not work if the tracking point output files have different names

or if the velocity components are located in different columns. In addition , the pod_compute
utility requires that all tracking point output files be present and that all of these files

contain the same number of time-steps. There is no limit on the number of points that can

be processed (aside from the capability of your machine) , and there is no requirement on

location of the tracking points.

The pod_compute utility will write its output to *.pod te xt files. Table 3.4 below summarizes

these output files.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 91

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 3
Pre-Processing and Post-Processing | Post-Processing

Table 3.4: Output files from the pod_compute utility.

File Name Description
xyz.pod Spatial coordinates of the input velocities. These values are taken from the

point_num<point_ID>.out files.

phi_x.pod X-basis functions of the POD.

phi_y.pod Y-basis functions of the POD.

phi_z.pod Z-basis functions of the POD.

time_coe_u.pod Time coefficients of U (the x-component of velocity).

time_coe_v.pod Time coefficients of V (the y-component of velocity).

time_coe_w.pod Time coefficients of W (the z-component of velocity).

left_eigs.pod Left eigenvectors of the original system.

sing_vals.pod Singular values of the original system.

92 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Governing Equations
Chapter 4
Governing Equations |

4 Gov erning Equations

The dynamics of fluid flow are governed by equations that describe the conservation of

mass , momentum , and energy. Additional equations describe turbulence and the transport

of passive scalars and species. This chapter describes the governing equations used in

CONVERGE and the associated parameters and input files. The,, and files contain the parameters related to the governing equations.

You can specify which equations CONVERGE will solve in the file. Each

conservation equation can be solved independently or in combination with the other

equations. In addition , you can specify if the fluid (liquid or gas) in the simulation is

compressible or incompressible and you can select the phase (gas , liquid , or gas-liquid

[VOF]). CONVERGE will solve for solids if you define one or more solid species.

Table 4.1 below summarizes the CONVERGE solver options and their associated

parameters. Note that there is no flag in for the solution of the passive

conservation equation. CONVERGE will solve the passive conservation equation if you

define passives in .

Table 4.1: CONVERGE solver options.

Equation Parameter Name (Input File) Description
Momentum and momentum_solver_flag ( ) 0 = Do not solve momentum,
Mass 1 = Solve momentum.

Energy energy_solver_flag ( ) 0 = Do not solve energy,

1 = Solve energy,
2 = Solve total energy.

Species species_solver_flag ( ) 0 = Do not solve species ,

1 = Solve species.

N/A gas_compressible_flag ( ) 0 = Incompressible gas flow,

1 = Compressible gas flow.

N/A liquid_compressible_flag ( ) 0 = Incompressible liquid flow,

1 = Compressible liquid flow.

Passives passive

( ) Number of passives to be solved.

Turbulence turbulence_solver_flag ( ) 0 = Do not solve turbulence,

1 = Solve turbulence.

94 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Mass and Momentum Transport

4.1 M ass and M omentum T ransport

If momentum_solver_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will solve the momentum and mass

conservation equations. It is necessary to solve the mass and momentum equations

together for the proper calculation of the pressure gradient in the momentum equation.

The interaction between the mass and momentum equations is discussed in more detail in

the PISO Algorithm section in Chapter 5 - Numerics.

The compressible equations for mass transport and momentum transport are given by

u S

t x


i i uu P i S ,

j j

t x j
xi x

where the viscous stress tensor is given by

ui u j 2

k u
i .
xi x (4.3)
j j


In the above equations , u is velocity , is density, S is the source term , P is pressure , is

viscosity , ' is the dilatational viscosity (set to zero) , and

i j
is the Kronecker delta. Note

that if a turbulence model ( e.g., k-e ) is activated , the viscosity is replaced by the total

viscosity , which is given by

tot mol C
k 2

, (4.4)

mol is the molecular viscosity , C
is a turbulence model constant , k is the turbulent

kinetic energy , and is the turbulent dissipation.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 95

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Mass and Momentum Transport

Equations 4.1 and 4.2 both allow for source terms. For the momentum equation , the source

terms can arise from , xample,

for e gravitational acceleration , spray coupling , or mass

sources. For the mass conservation equation , the source term may arise from evaporation

or other submodels.

CONVERGE solves the momentum equation in finite volume form. When solving the

momentum equation , conserved values at the face must be e xpressed in terms of primitive

values at the cell center. CONVERGE offers two ways to evaluate these face-centered

conserved values. The first method is to project primitive values to the face , and calculate

face-centered conserved values from these face-valued primitives. The second method is to

calculate the cell-centered conserved value from cell-centered primitives , then project this

conserved value to the face.

You can solve the momentum equation using any weighted average of these two

formulations. Equation 4.5 gives the momentum equation as a combination of calculated-

at-face and calculated-at-cell-center terms:

ui unorm A f
x V


j nbrs
cons u u A cons u u A ,

i norm f f f i f norm f f , ,
nbrs nbrs

where the cons term represents the fraction of the equation using the form calculated from

face-valued primitives ( conserve in ). The form of Equation 4.5 can be derived by

applying conservation of mass (Equation 4.1) to conservation of momentum (Equation

4.2). Solving in face-valued-evaluation form ( conserve = 1.0) is always recommended ,

although the cell-center-evaluation form may be more stable for some flows.

Table 4.2 below summarizes the parameters for the momentum equation.

Table 4.2: Momentum equation parameters in

Parameter Description
momentum_solver_flag 0 = Do not solve momentum equation ,
1 = Solve momentum equation.

gravity_x Gravitational acceleration ( ms

) in the x direction.

gravity_y Gravitational acceleration ( ms

) in the y direction.

gravity_z Gravitational acceleration ( ms

) in the z direction.

96 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Mass and Momentum Transport

4.1.1 Multiple Reference Frame Approach

Using the multiple reference frame (MRF) approach in CONVERGE requires three steps.

1. Additional geometry preparation

2. Special treatment for the flow_through boundaries and WALL boundaries in the moving

reference frame(s)

3. Configuration of
The MRF approach in CONVERGE allows you to simplify a simulation that includes

moving geometry. While CONVERGE can easily simulate moving geometries , the MRF

approach further reduces computational time by eliminating the need to regenerate the

mesh at each time-step to accommodate the moving geometry.

With the MRF approach , the moving geometry is instead modeled as stationary. You
specify a region that encompasses this portion of the geometry and CONVERGE treats this

region as a different (local) reference frame. The local reference frame moves relative to the

stationary (inertial) reference frame , so the geometry does not have to move to represent

the fluid behavior.

For e xample, consider a pump impeller. With the typical moving geometry approach , the

impeller is designated as a moving boundary and CONVERGE rotates the impeller the

appropriate amount each time-step and regenerates the mesh around the new geometry

configuration. With the MRF approach , CONVERGE considers the region around the

impeller as a local reference frame fi xed in the impeller blades. In this way , the geometry

does not have to move in the simulation and instead , the local reference frame moves

relative to the inertial frame to represent the impeller motion.

Within this local reference frame , CONVERGE solves modified continuity and momentum

equations that represent the motion of the stationary geometry. In the continuity equation ,
ur is the velocity in the local reference frame. The source term in the momentum equations

includes additional body force terms to account for the velocity in the local frame.

Equation <% CH-GOV_EQNS%>.6 below shows the modified continuity and momentum


r 0
u r
u r u r p I u r R


u ur R

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 97

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Mass and Momentum Transport

In the equations above , is the rotation vector and R is the position vector with respect to

the a xis about which the reference frame is rotating.

At the interfaces between the local and the inertial reference frames , CONVERGE

transforms the cell face flu xes such that they are in the appropriate reference frame.

Use this approach for simulations in which you e xpect a steady-state result. You can use

this approach for transient simulations ( i.e., steady_solver_flag = 0 in ,

) but the

results may not be time-accurate. One strategy is to use the MRF approach to calculate a

developed flow field to use as an initial condition for a transient simulation with moving


To activate the multiple reference frame approach , set mrf_flag = 1 in and supply

a file in the case directory.

Considerations for WALL Boundaries

Currently , only WALL boundary types are allowed within a local reference frame. For

boundaries within a local reference frame , you must supply boundary conditions in the

inertial frame.

For e xample, for a pump impeller within a local reference frame , the frame is fi xed in the

impeller. Thus , the boundary motion type for the impeller WALL boundary should be

fi xed stationary.

The shroud (the wall surrounding the impeller blades) would appear to move around the

pump impeller because the frame is fi xed in the impeller. Again , no geometry actually

needs to move , so specify the shroud as xed

fi rotating with a rotation speed of .

CONVERGE e xpects the boundary condition rotation in the inertial frame , which allows

you to easily convert transient , moving geometry simulations to MRF simulations.

Note that the cell-specific output ( e.g., velocity , pressure , etc) for all regions (including the

moving local reference frames) is in the inertial reference frame in the post*.out files.

4.2 Equation of State

Momentum and mass transport can be solved for compressible or incompressible flows.

For compressible flows , an equation of state is required to couple density , pressure , and


CONVERGE contains several equation of state options: ideal gas , Redlich-Kwong , Redlich-

Kwong-Soave , and Peng-Robinson.

98 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Equation of State

The ideal gas law is given by

P R T ,


where R is the universal gas constant and W is the molecular weight.

Commonly used cubic equations of state include Redlich-Kwong (RK) , Redlich-Kwong-

Soave (RKS) , and Peng-Robinson (PR). These equations can be written in a generalized


P RT a ,
v b v ubv wb
2 2

and Table 4.3 summarizes the coefficients for the RK , RKW , and RP equations of state.

Table 4.3: Coefficients for the RK, RKS, and PR equations of state.
Equation of u w b a
Redlich- 1 0 rk vc pc vc

Kwong rk

Redlich- 1 0 rk vc rk pc vc2 1 f rk 1 Tr



Peng-Robinson 2 -1 pr vc pr pc vc2 1 f rk 1 Tr


Equation 4.9 gives several additional definitions needed to understand the coefficients in

Table 4.3:

vc RTc ,
rk 0.42748 , rk 0.08664 ; f rk 0.48 1.574 0.176 , 2


pr 0.45724 , pr 0.07780 ; f pr 0.37464 1.54226 0.26992 , 2

where vc is the critical volume , Tc is the critical temperature , Pc is the critical pressure , a
represents the attractive forces between molecules , b represents the volume of the

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 99

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Equation of State

molecules , and w is the acentric factor. The subscripts rk and pr represents the RK/RKS

and PR equations of state , respectively.

The Redlich-Kwong equation performs poorly with liquid phase , the Redlich-Kwong-

Soave equation performs well for hydrocarbons , and the Peng-Robinson equation performs

well for the liquid density of many materials.

Table 4.4 below summarizes the input parameters for the equations of state.

Table 4.4: Equation of state parameters in

Parameter Description
eos_flag 0 = Ideal gas law,
1 = Redlich-Kwong,
2 = Redlich-Kwong Soave,
3 = Peng-Robinson.

real_gas_prop_flag 0 = Thermodynamic quantities are functions of temperature ,

1 = Thermodynamic quantities are functions of temperature and


max_reduced_pres The ma ximum reduced pressure for the departure function tables

(used only when real_gas_prop_flag = 1). For an engine simulation ,

6.0 is a typical value.

crit_temp Gas critical temperature ( K ). For a simulation with multiple gas

species you can include species-specific crit_temp values by listing

a file name ( e.g., crit_cond.dat ) instead of a temperature.

crit_pres Gas critical pressure ( Pa ). For a simulation with multiple gas

species you can include species-specific crit_pres values by listing

a file name ( e.g., crit_cond.dat ) instead of a pressure.

acentric_factor Acentric factor. Read only when eos_flag = 2 or 3. For a simulation

with multiple gas species you can include species-specific

acentric_factor values by listing a file name ( e.g., crit_cond.dat )

instead of an acentric factor.

Note that the pressure is not calculated directly from the equation of state but instead is

used indirectly in the PISO algorithm to ensure that the equation of state is satisfied.

4.3 Energy T ransport

CONVERGE solves the energy equation when energy_solver_flag = 1 in . You can

choose to solve the energy equation for incompressible or compressible flows. The energy

equation can be solved independently or together with the momentum and mass

equations. If the energy equation is solved without momentum and mass , convection will

100 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Energy Transport

not be included in the energy equation ( i.e., the energy transport equation will only contain

the diffusion terms).

The compressible form of the energy equation is given by

e u e P u
j j


D hm Ym S ,

t x x x x x x x


j j j j
j j
m j

where is density ,Ym is the mass fraction of species m, D is the mass diffusion coefficient , S
is the source term ,P is the pressure , e is the specific internal energy , K is the conductivity ,
hm is the species enthalpy ,
i j
is the stress tensor , and T is temperature. Note that , if a

turbulence model is activated , the conductivity is replaced by the turbulent conductivity ,

which is given by

Kt K c p , (4.11)

where Pr is the turbulent Prandtl number and is the turbulent viscosity. In CONVERGE
t t ,
the formulation for the turbulent Prandtl number is

c p t
t ,
Pr (4.12)

where cp is the specific heat ,

t is the turbulent viscosity , and kt is the turbulent


In addition to the convection and diffusion terms , the energy equation contains four e xtra
terms. First , a source term is added to account for user-specified energy sources and

, P j

turbulent dissipation. A pressure work term , accounts for compression and

expansion. For incompressible flows this term is always 0 because the field is divergence

, i
free. A viscous dissipation term j
, j
accounts for kinetic energy viscously dissipating

D hm Ym ,

into heat. Finally , a species diffusion term ,
x j m x j
accounts for energy

transport due to species diffusion.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 101

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Energy Transport

For solids (in conjugate heat transfer applications) , the energy transport equation retains

only the transient , diffusion , and source terms:

e K T S
t x x
. (4.13)
j j

Simulating high-speed flows that include discontinuities ( e.g., shock waves) may prevent

energy conservation if you choose to solve for specific internal energy (given by Equation

4.10). To enforce energy conservation in these simulations , you can set energy_solver_flag =
2 in to solve for total energy instead of specific internal energy. Equation 4.14

below gives the form of the total energy equation used in CONVERGE:

k u

u e uk
1 2

2 x j

K T D h Y
u P u
i i S
x x x x x x m .

j j

j j j j j
m j

There are some important differences between the specific internal equation and the total

energy equation. On the left hand side of Equation 4.14 , both the transient term and the

convection term include the total energy. The total energy is the sum of the internal energy

e and the kinetic energy

uk 2

. The right hand side of Equation 4.14 includes the pressure


u P ui i
work term
x j
j and the viscous dissipation term
x j
j written in conservative

form. In the specific internal energy equation , the pressure work term is in non-

conservative form with the pressure P outside of the derivative. For the total energy

equation , the diffusion , species diffusion , and source terms are the same as those in the

specific internal energy equation.

Table 4.5 summarizes the energy equation parameters in .

Table 4.5: Energy equation parameters in

Parameter Name Description
energy_solver_flag 0 = Do not solve energy equation ,
1 = Solve specific internal energy equation ,
2 = Solve total energy equation.

102 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Energy Transport

prandtl_turb Turbulent Prandtl number of 0.5 to 1.0.

4.4 Species T ransport

CONVERGE solves the species transport equation when species_solver_flag = 1 in .

The species transport equation solves for the mass fraction of all the species in the domain.

The species mass fraction is defined as

Ym Mm m ,
Mtot tot (4.15)

where Mm is the mass of species m in the cell , Mtot is the total mass in the cell ,
m is the

density of species m, and

tot is the density of the cell. The species equations can be solved

alone or together with any of the other transport equations. If momentum is not solved ,
convection will not be considered in the species transport equation ( i.e., the species

conservation equation will contain only diffusion terms).

The compressible form of the species conservation equation is given by

D Ym Sm ,
m m


t x j
x j


m Ym (4.17)

and where u is velocity , is density, Y

m is the species density, m is mass fraction of species
m, D is the mass diffusion coefficient, and S
m is the source term. The molecular mass
diffusion coefficient is calculated by

D ,
Sc (4.18)

where Sc is the Schmidt number. If a turbulence model has been activated , the turbulent

mass diffusion coefficient is given by

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 103

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Species Transport

Dt t ,
Sct (4.19)

where Sct is the turbulent Schmidt number. The source term in the species equation

accounts for evaporation , chemical reactions (combustion) , and other submodels.

When species_diffusion_model = 0 in, CONVERGE calculates the diffusion

coefficients independently of the species. We recommend this setting for all cases that do

not include laminar flame applications. In this case , you must include a gas.dat file in the

Case Directory. If your case is a multi-component system that includes a laminar flame

application , we recommend setting species_diffusion_model = 1 to direct CONVERGE to

calculate the mi xture-averaged diffusion . species_diffusion_model

coefficients If = 1 , you

must include a transport.dat file instead gas.dat

of a file in the Case Directory. For

computational efficiency , CONVERGE will tabulate the binary diffusion coefficients in an

internal reference table prior to running the simulation. CONVERGE calculates the binary

diffusion coefficients , Dm ,

ln Dm dn m
j , j
(ln Tn )
, (4.20)
n 1

where T is temperature and dn,m j

are the diffusion parameters taken from the N columns in

transport.dat .

CONVERGE calculates the mi xture-averaged diffusion coefficient from the binary

diffusion coefficient as

Dm mix


, m
j j
m j

where X
m is the mole fraction of species m .

CONVERGE uses the mi xture-average diffusion coefficient to calculate the total diffusion

coefficient as

Di Dm mix Dt ,

104 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Species Transport

In turbulent flows , Dm,mix is very small compared to the turbulent mass diffusion coefficient ,
D t, and thus it is not necessary to set species_diffusion_model = 1 for turbulent cases. For

laminar flame applications , however , Dm,mix will be significant and we recommend setting

species_diffusion_model = 1 to achieve accurate results for laminar flame applications.

For mass conservation , CONVERGE constrains the net diffusion flu x to be zero in multi-

component systems as described by Coffee and Heimerl (1980).

Note that , even if the species are not solved , it is still necessary to initialize the species so

that their properties can be evaluated. Also note that if the species are not solved , then the

species must not vary in space. Table 4.6 below summarizes the species equation inputs.

Table 4.6 : Species equation parameters in

Parameter Name Description
species_solver_flag 0 = Do not solve species equation ,
1 = Solve species equation.

schmidt_turb Turbulent or molecular Schmidt number. If the

turbulence model is on then this parameter gives the

turbulent Schmidt number. Otherwise this parameter

gives the molecular Schmidt number.

species_diffusion_model 0 = Diffusion calculation is independent of species

( file required),

1 = CONVERGE calculates the mi xture-averaged

diffusion coefficients (recommended only for multi-

component laminar flame applications , transport.dat

file required).

4.5 Passive and Scalar T ransport

In CONVERGE , scalar quantities may be passive or non-passive. This differentiation is

drawn due to the form of the convergence criterion for the PISO algorithm. A passive

scalar is a calculated quantity that does not directly affect the calculation of the

temperature or the gas constant of the gas. These may be non-transport passives ( e.g.,
TEMP_SGS, the local subgrid scale temperature) or transport passives ( e.g., tke ).

Passives have several different uses in CONVERGE. Some passives ( e.g., G_E N Q in the G-

Equation combustion model) may indirectly affect the other transport equations through a

parameter in a source term. Some features in CONVERGE ( e.g., soot models) require

passives. You can also use completely neutral passives to track fluid flow. For e xample, in

an engine case , you can add a passive to an intake port to track the fresh intake charge as

it enters the combustion cylinder. Unlike the other transport equations , the solution of the

passive transport equation is not controlled by a parameter in Instead ,

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 105

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 4
Governing Equations | Passive and Scalar Transport

CONVERGE solves the passive transport equation only when one or more passives are

defined in .

The compressible form of the passive scalar transport equation is given by

D S ,

xi x
i xi

where u is velocity , is density, D is the diffusion coefficient , S is the source term , and

a passive scalar. The diffusion coefficient is given by

D ,
Sc (4.24)

where Sc is the Schmidt number , which can be defined for each passive individually in . Table 4.7 below summarizes the passive equation parameters in .

Table 4.7: Passive equation parameters in

Parameter Name Description
passive name and Schmidt Turbulent or molecular Schmidt number. If the turbulence model is on ,
number then this parameter gives the turbulent Schmidt number. Otherwise

this parameter gives the molecular Schmidt number.

4.6 T urbulent T ransport

CONVERGE solves the turbulence transport equation when turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in . CONVERGE contains both Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large

Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence models , and you can use the turb_model parameter in to select the desired model. Chapter 15- Turbulence Modeling describes the

turbulence transport equations and how to set up turbulence modeling in CONVERGE.

106 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Num erics
Chapter 5
Numerics |

5 Numerics

This chapter describes the numerical options available in CONVERGE and e xplains the

relevant parameters , which are located in the and files. This chapter

describes selected parameters from these files. Chapter 22 - Input File Reference describes

these files in full.

5.1 Finite Volume

Finite volume methods can be used to numerically solve the integral form of the

conservation equations. An advantage of the finite volume method is that it conserves

transported quantities for regularly or irregularly shaped cells. To understand the inputs

for finite volume , consider the simple three cell computational domain shown below in

Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Sample three-cell, one-dimensional spatial domain.

Now consider the simple transport equation


t x

The above equation can be written in integral form as

d dV u n dS
dt V 0 , (5.2)

where V is the cell volume , S is the surface area , and n is the surface normal. As discussed

earlier , finite volume methods solve the integral form of the conservation equations instead

of the differential form. The integral form of the equation is solved by summing flu xes on

the faces of the cells. In CONVERGE , all values are colocated and stored at the center of

108 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Finite Volume

the cell as shown in Figure 5.1. Thus , to solve the integral form of the equation , the velocity

and f must be interpolated to the cell surface. There are several options for obtaining the

cell surface value. One option is to average the two adjacent cell values and place them on

the surface , which results in a surface f given as

1 1
i 1/2
i i , 1
2 2


1 1
i 1/2
i i 1
. (5.4)
2 2

Another option is to upwind the surface value for f , which results in

i 1/2
i , (5.5)


i 1/2
i 1
. (5.6)

The parameter fv_upwind_factor_global in is used to set the interpolation method

for most of the transport equations ( fv_upwind_factor_mom and fv_upwind_factor_turb are

used for the momentum and turbulence equations , respectively). An fv_upwind_factor_*

value of 0.5 means that the surface value will be evenly interpolated ( i.e.,
Equations 5.3

and 5.4) , while a value of 1.0 means that the value will be entirely upwinded (Equations

5.5 and 5.6). A value between 0.5 and 1.0 will result in a blended scheme.

Settingfv_upwind_factor_* to 0.5 results in a second-order accurate spatial scheme. Setting

fv_upwind_factor_* to 1.0 results in a first-order accurate spatial scheme.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 109

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solution Procedure

5.2 Solution Procedure

Understanding the order in which the transport equations are solved is important for

appropriately configuring your simulation parameters. Figure 5.2 below summarizes the

order in which CONVERGE solves the transport equations.

Figure 5.2: Solution order of the transport equations. The turbulence equations are outside of the
PISO loop for efficiency reasons.

At the start of each time-step , the previous values (the time-step minus 1 [ tm1 in Figure

5.2 ) are stored for all transported quantities. Ne xt, explicit sources are calculated for each

submodel that is currently activated and radiation is solved if energy and radiation are

decoupled. At the beginning of the PISO loop ( i.e., the first PISO iteration) , CONVERGE

solves for momentum and pressure , which sets the velocity for the other transport

110 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solution Procedure

equations. After each PISO iteration , it is necessary to check for PISO loop convergence.

For compressible cases , CONVERGE considers the PISO loop to be converged if

tol piso,
_ (5.7)

where is the density correction error. For incompressible cases , CONVERGE considers

the PISO loop to be converged if

P tol piso,_ (5.8)

where P is the pressure correction error. Note that , if the PISO iteration has converged

but the PISO iteration number is less than piso_itmin, the PISO iterations will continue

until the minimum number of PISO iterations has been e xceeded. If the PISO iteration did

not converge , CONVERGE e xecutes an additional PISO iteration.

After the PISO loop has ended , CONVERGE may perform an additional Jacobi iteration to

enforce strict conservation. If strict_conserve_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will perform this Jacobi

iteration on the energy , density , species, and scalar transport equations. If

strict_conserve_flag = 2 , CONVERGE performs those Jacobi iterations , as well as a Jacobi

iteration on passives. The Jacobi iteration guarantees that the quantity is conserved to

machine zero , rather than to the tolerance set by piso_tol .

In flows in which the temperature or species vary greatly , it may aid convergence to

under-rela x the calculation of the pressure ratio ( omega_presrat ). After updating the

pressure ratio , the PISO convergence is checked again. CONVERGE continues this process

until a PISO iteration converges or until it has completed twice the ma ximum number of

PISO iterations ( piso_itmax ). CONVERGE cuts the time-step if piso_itmax is exceeded.

CONVERGE recovers if it reaches twice piso_itmax .

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5.3 PISO Algorithm

The pressure-velocity coupling in CONVERGE is achieved using a modified Pressure

Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO) method of Issa (1986). The PISO algorithm as

implemented in CONVERGE starts with a predictor step where the momentum equation is

solved. After the predictor , a pressure equation is derived and solved , which leads to a

correction , which is applied to the momentum equation. This process of correcting the

momentum equation and re-solving can be repeated as many times as necessary to achieve

the desired accuracy. After the momentum predictor and first corrector step have been

completed , the other transport equations are solved in series.

The PISO method was chosen for use in CONVERGE for various reasons. With only minor

variations , this method can be used for solving either compressible or incompressible flows.

In addition , the predictor-corrector concept allows for a semi-implicit treatment of sources

and sinks: the sources and sinks can be updated at each corrector step. PISO has the

advantage of respecting the hyperbolic nature of the transport equations , while using the

elliptic nature of the pressure equation to accelerate the communication of information

through the domain. A detailed summary of the PISO algorithm is given below.

The PISO algorithm starts with a predictor step where the momentum equation is solved

implicitly or semi-implicitly. The momentum equation is written as

n ui* n uin P
H i* predictor ,
dt dt xi
( ) (5.9)

where H * represents the convection , diffusion , and source terms and * represents the

intermediate most up-to-date field values. Each additional * level denotes a higher level of

temporal accuracy. The superscript n represents the previous field values. The first

corrector momentum equation is written as

* ui** n uin P *

H i* first corrector
dt dt xi
( ). (5.10)

Subtracting Equation 5.9 from Equation 5.10 gives

* ui** n ui*
P Pn

dt dt x
( ). (5.11)

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Rearranging Equation 5.11 to solve for *ui** gives

* ui** dt P Pn
n i* .
( ) (5.12)

Conservation of mass can be written as

* n

* i**
, S
dt i x (5.13)

where S accounts for implicit and e xplicit sources. Substituting Equation 5.12 into

Equation 5.13 gives the following e xpression

* n
dt 2

* n
n i* u S

dt x x x
( . (5.14)
i i i

In order to rewrite the density on the left-hand-side in terms of pressure , an equation of

state is used to relate density to pressure. Density can be rewritten as

* P * n , (5.15)

where the pressure ratio term f is defined as

n n n,
Z RT (5.16)

where Z is the compressibility factor , R is the ideal gas constant , and T is the cell

temperature. For the ideal gas law the compressibility factor is always 1.0.

Substituting Equation 5.15 into Equation 5.14 and rearranging gives

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P Pn

( P P n n nui S

x x dt xi dt
( ) . (5.17)
i i 2

Equation 5.17 is the derived pressure equation. Once the pressure is solved , the velocity

can be updated according to Equation 5.11. After the velocity is updated , the other

transport equations are solved and the pressure ratio is updated accordingly. If necessary ,
based on the convergence criteria , the correction processes can be repeated.

If a second correction is required , the process starts by writing the first and second

corrector momentum equations. These two equations are

* ui** n uin P *

H i* first corrector
dt dt xi
( ) (5.18)


** ui*** n uin P **

H i* second corrector
dt dt xi
( ). (5.19)

Subtracting Equation 5.18 from Equation 5.19 gives

** ui*** * ui**
P **
P *

dt dt x
( ). (5.20)

Rearranging the above equation to solve for **ui*** results in

** ui*** dt P **
P *
* i** .
( ) (5.21)

The conservation of mass equation for the second corrector is given as

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** n

** i*** u
dt x
. (5.22)

Substituting Equation 5.21 into Equation 5.22 results in

** n
dt 2

P **
P *

* i**
dt x x x
( ) . (5.23)
i i i

Density is now written as

** P ** * , (5.24)

where the pressure ratio is now given as

. (5.25)
* * *

Substituting Equation 5.24 into Equation 5.23 and rearranging gives

P **
P *

( P **
P *

( * n )P *

( * n)

* **
S 1

x x dt dt dt x dt
( ) . (5.26)
i i 2 2 2

The above equation is the second corrector pressure equation. After this equation is solved ,
the momentum is updated according to Equation 5.21. Again , this process can be

repeated , if necessary , to add another corrector. If another corrector is added , the other

transport equations are re-solved before each corrector.

You can specify a tolerance value for each equation via the *_tol parameters (transient ,
steady-state) in . At each PISO loop , if

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* t 1

_ tol , (5.27)

where Y* is the current correction for the Y transport equation and Y t-1
is the previous

value of the correction for that transport equation , then CONVERGE will not resolve that

particular transport equation (with the e xception of pressure , which is always solved).

In order to limit the PISO corrections , you can enter the minimum and ma ximum number

of PISO corrections allowed. If the ma ximum number of PISO iterations is e xceeded and

the solution has not converged , the following time-step will be reduced.

5.4 Rhie-Chow Algorithm

All transported quantities in CONVERGE are colocated at the center of the cell. The use of

colocated quantities can result in a decoupling of the pressure and velocity. This

decoupling can produce fluctuations in the pressure and velocity solution that appear in a

checkerboard pattern. In the past , many CFD codes used a staggered grid approach to

eliminate the checkerboarding ( i.e., velocity located at the cell face and pressure at the cell

center). However , the Rhie-Chow interpolation scheme can be used to maintain colocated

variables and eliminate the undesirable checkerboarding.

The Rhie-Chow scheme works by appro ximating the beneficial effects of the staggered grid

approach but leaving the variables colocated. For a colocated set of variables , a velocity at

a cell face would be written as

ui i
u u
, 1

where i represents the cell of interest and i1

+ represents the cell to the right. A staggered

update to the cell face for pressure would be

dt Pi 1 iP
1/2 1/2

while a colocated update would be

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ui ui dt Pi
* 1 P

2 dx

where * indicates a velocity that has been updated for pressure. For a face velocity using a

colocated scheme , the update would be

ui * u
dt Pi P
i i u
i i dt P P

1 1 2

2 2 2 dx 2 2 2 dx (5.31)

or , equivalently ,

u u
dt Pi 1 P
P 2
2 2 2 dx 2 dx (5.32)

For the Rhie-Chow scheme , a pressure gradient term is added to cancel the colocated

pressure update (Equation 5.32) and a pressure term is added. This additional pressure

term is equivalent to the staggered pressure update (Equation 5.29). This process results in

u u

dt Pi iP i idt P
i P P P

1 1 1 1 2

2 dx 2 2 2 dx dx (5.33)

The Rhie-Chow scheme reduces the checkerboarding effect in the pressure and velocity ,
but it also adds a small error to the solution , similar to the error introduced in staggered

approach. Although it adds a small error , it is recommended that most simulations be run

with the Rhie-Chow scheme activated. To activate the Rhie-Chow scheme , set the rc_flag =
1 in .

5.5 CFL Numbers

The Courant Friedrichs Lewy (CFL) numbers estimate the number of cells through which

the related quantity will move in a single time-step. A higher CFL number generally yields

a less computationally e xpensive simulation. The convective CFL number , the speed of

sound CFL number , and the diffusive CFL number are given respectively as

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cflu u t ,

cflmach c t


cflv t ,
x 2

where t is the time-step , x is the grid spacing , u is the cell velocity , c is the speed of

sound , and is the viscosity. Under-rela xation may be required if cflu is greater than 1.0 or

if cflv is greater than 0.5 when CONVERGE is run in an implicit mode. A cflu greater than

1.0 or a cflv number greater than 0.5 may not be stable when CONVERGE is run in an

e xplicit mode.

Each CFL number parameter can be a fi xed value or can vary temporally. For a temporally

varying parameter , specify a file name instead of a value in and include that file

in the Case Directory.

5.6 T ime-Step Control

CONVERGE allows you to specify one of two methods for setting the time-step. You can

specify a fi xed time-step or a variable time-step that is calculated internally. For a fi xed
time-step , set time_flag = 0 in and set the time-step ( dt_fixed ) to the desired value.

For a variable time-step , set time_flag = 1 and provide additional inputs to guide the

selection of the time-step. When choosing variable time-step control , the first time-step of

the simulation is the value of dt_start in . Subsequently , CONVERGE does a

number of checks and calculations to determine the ne xt time-step. These checks and

calculations are described below.

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CONVERGE will first try to increase the time-step by 25 % and then check the other time-

step restrictions to determine if this is possible. Ne x t, CONVERGE will check if the

calculations in the previous time-step converged in the specified number of iterations. If

the governing equations did not converge in the specified number of iterations , the time-

step will be reduced. The parameters that control this are itmax
*_ (ma ximum number of

iterations for the specified governing equation) and piso_itmax x (ma imum number of PISO

iterations). When using a variable time-step , it is also important to consider the ma ximum
CFL numbers , since CONVERGE selects the time-step so as to not e xceed the user-specified

ma ximum CFL numbers. In addition to the above solver time-step considerations ,

CONVERGE also considers time-step restrictions from submodels. If a simulation includes

spray modeling , then the ma ximum time-step for the spray is calculated by

dt spray x
* mult dt spray ,

parcel velocity
_ min _ _ (5.37)

where mult_dt_spray is a parameter in Thus mult_dt_spray can be used to limit

the number of cells a parcel can travel through in one time-step. For example, if

mult_dt_spray = 1.0 , a parcel cannot travel more than one cell in a single time-step.

If a simulation includes combustion modeling , then the time-step will also be controlled by

a chemical time-scale given as

dt chem dt prev * T mult dt chem,

_ _ min
_ _ (5.38)

where T is the initial cell temperature , T is the change in temperature due to combustion ,
and mult_dt_chem is a parameter in . Thus mult_dt_chem can be used to control the

ma ximum temperature change in a single time-step. For e xample, if mult_dt_chem = 0.25 ,

CONVERGE chooses the time-step so that the ma ximum cell temperature change is 25 % of

the cell temperature. Note that some of the other submodels may also restrict the time-step ,
but you do not specify time-step control inputs for these submodels.

If the simulation includes sources , use the parameter mult_dt_source to control the time-

step. This parameter limits the increase in magnitude of a source during a single time-step.

For e xample, mult_dt_source = 0.5 will adjust the time-step so that the source magnitude

cannot increase more than 50 % of the cell value in a single time-step.

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If the simulation includes moving surfaces , these impose a time-step limitation controlled

by the parameter mult_dt_move in . This multiplier limits the global time-step

based on a cell size and surface speed calculated at each cell , given as

dt move dt prev * 0.3 * cell size * mult dt move ,


surf speed
_ _ min _ _ (5.39)

where the constant multiplier 0.3 is taken as the cell pairing factor discussed in Chapter 10

- Grid Control.

Finally , if the time-step is not restricted by any of the above , CONVERGE performs a check

to see that it is not above the ma ximum allowable time-step ( dt_max in ). If it is

reduced by one of the above criteria , CONVERGE performs another check to ensure that it

is not below the minimum allowable time-step dt_min .

5.7 Convective Flux Schemes

CONVERGE includes several different spatial discretization methods for the convective

term. In addition to specifying a desired order of accuracy , the convective flu x schemes

allow you to control flu x limiters to maintain stability. The following subsections describe

the MUSCL scheme and flu x limiters available in CONVERGE.

5.7.1 MUSCL Scheme

The MUSCL (Monotonic Upstream-Centered Scheme for Conservation Laws) scheme of

van Leer (van Leer , 1979) provides second-order spatial accuracy for the convection term.

To do so , MUSCL calculates the value of a scalar f at a cell face using a blend of second-

order upwind and reconstructed central difference spatial discretization schemes.

For a scalar quantity f , CONVERGE approximates the value at a cell face ( f f ) with a linear

reconstruction method. This method calculates ff using a Taylor Series e xpansion from the

center of cell i to its face. Values for f f on either side of the cell face are given as

f ,i i i di
1 1 1 1
f ,i i i di

where di is the vector from the center of cell i to the cell face. The first xpression

reconstructs ff from the center of cell i-1 while the second e xpression reconstructs ff from

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the center of cell i

. In this e xample, the flow moves from cell i-1 to cell i, so cell i-1 is

upwind of cell i

Ne x t, the reconstructed upwind scheme (denoted by subscript ru ) uses upwinding to

represent f f. We can appro ximate the value of f at a cell face using the reconstructed

quantity from the upwind cell as

f ,ru f ,i 1
. (5.41)

The other half of the MUSCL scheme is to take a central difference appro ximation of the

two reconstructions listed in Equation 5.40. This method averages the two adjacent cell

quantities as

f ,rcd f ,i f ,i .

To reach higher-order accuracy , the MUSCL scheme blends the second-order upwind

discretization (Equation 5.41) and the central difference discretization (Equation 5.42) as

f ,muscl (1 ) f, ru f,rcd , (5.43)

where is a blending factor .

Activate the MUSCL scheme for a desired equation or set of equations by choosing 1 for

the corresponding flu x scheme ( i.e., flux_scheme_mom = 1 , flux_scheme_global = 1 , or

flux_scheme_turb Y
1 in ). ou can specify different blending factors for the

momentum equation ( muscl_blend_factor_mom , ) all transport equations e xcept momentum

and turbulence muscl_blend_factor_global ,

( ) and the turbulence equations

( muscl_blend_factor_turb ).

Gradient limiter
Higher-order methods such as the MUSCL scheme outlined above can introduce

dispersion error into a CONVERGE solution. To prevent this error from polluting results ,
CONVERGE employs the gradient (or slope) limiter of Venkatakrishnan

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(Venkatakrishnan , 2013). This slope limiter ensures that the gradient f is smooth and

preserves monotonicity by preventing f from creating new local ma xima or minima. We

can e xpress f f with the application of a gradient limiter as

f ,u f uu du , (5.44)

u is the gradient limiter for cell u . To activate the MUSCL scheme with the gradient

limiter outlined above , enter 2 for a particular flux scheme in i.e., (

flux_scheme_mom = , flux_scheme_global =
2 2 , or flux_scheme_turb = 2). Note that the slope

limiter described in this section imposes a limit on a cell face quantity f f. The ne xt section

describes methods for limiting flu xes.

5.7.2 Flux Limiters

Another method to ensure physically realistic results with the high-resolution schemes in

CONVERGE is to employ a flu x limiter. A flu x limiter is a function that restricts flu xes
(represented by f ) to meaningful values near discontinuities in the domain. Near these

discontinuities , a flu x limiter switches to a lower-order spatial discretization to avoid

spurious oscillations in the solution. In the rest of the domain , however , the flu x limiter

function employs a higher-order spatial discretization to improve solution accuracy. The

formulation for a flu x-limited quantity is

f H
O ,limited up ( r f
H O up ,f (5.45)

where f
O,limited is the limited higher-order
flu x, up f is the lower-order flu x, (r) is the limiter

function , and fO is the higher-order flux.

In Equation 5.45 above , r is the input to the flu x
limiter and is a function of the gradients on either side of a cell face. The equation for r is

r i i 1
, (5.46)
i i

where f is some scalar quantity.

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CONVERGE includes several flu x limiter functions listed along with their formulations in

Table 5.1 below. To enable a flu x limiter , enter one of the parameter names from column 1

in Table 5.1 followed by either flux_limiter_mom, flux_limiter_global, or flux_limiter_turb in to specify the set of equations to which the flu x limiter applies.

Note that when you choose the step flu x limiter , use monotone_tolerance in to

control how CONVERGE preserves monotonicity. CONVERGE will switch to a first-order

upwind spatial discretization when the ratio of gradients on either side of a cell face

e xceeds the value you specify for monotone_tolerance . CONVERGE can list whether the

solver used the specified numerical scheme or first-order upwind scheme if you include

monotone_upwind and prod_monotone_upwind in . CONVERGE compares the

gradients of density on either either side of a cell face as

Sign i 1 i
Sign i i 1

xi x xi x i
1 i 1

where i indicates the cell , i1

+ is the cell to the right , i-1 is the cell to the left , is the density,

and x is the spatial location. If either the density or velocity field becomes non-monotonic ,
it is likely that there is a discontinuity in the field. In this event , first-order upwind is the

most accurate spatial discretization scheme.

Table 5.1: Flux limiters in CONVERGE.

Parameter Name Flux Limiter Formulation
step Step

(i i 1 ) (i 1 i ) monotone _ tolerance

charm CHARM (Zhou , r (3r 1)

1995) 2
r 0
cm (r ) r 1

0 r0

hcus HCUS (Waterson

1.5 r r
and Deconinck , hc (r )
1995) r 2

hquick H QUICK (Waterson 2 r r

and Deconinck , hq (r )
1995) r 3

koren Koren (Koren 1993) ,

kn (r ) max 0, min 2r , (2 r ) / 3, 2

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 123

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Parameter Name Flux Limiter Formulation

minmod minmod (Roe 1986) ,
mm (r ) max 0, min 1, r

mc monotonized central
mc (r ) max 0, min 2r , 0.5(1 r ), 2
(van Leer 1977)

ospre ospre (Waterson

1.5 r 2 r
and Deconinck , op (r )
r r 1

smart smart (Gaskell and

sm (r ) max 0, min 2r , 0.25 0.75r , 4
Lau 1988)

superbee superbee (Roe 1986) ,

sb (r ) max 0, min 2r ,1, min r , 2

umist UMIST (Lien and

um (r ) max 0, min 2r , 0.25 0.75r , 0.75 0.25r , 2
Leschziner 1994)

vanalbada1 van Albada 1 (van

r r

Albada et al. 1983), va1 (r )

r 1

vanalbada2 van Albada 2 2r

, va 2 (r )
r 1
(Kermani 2003) 2

vanleer van Leer (van Leer , r r

1974) vl (r )
1 r

5.8 Iterative Linear Solvers

Before running a CONVERGE simulation , you need to select a linear solver for each

governing equation. CONVERGE contains the point-wise successive over-rela xation (SOR)

algorithm and the biconjugate gradient stabilized (BiCGSTAB) method , although

BiCGSTAB is not available for some of the governing equations. Table 5.2 below

summarizes the options for each governing equation.

In general , you should use the SOR algorithm for simulations in which the number of

pressure iterations per PISO step is , on average , fewer than 15. This algorithm is ideal for

cases with compressible flows and small time-steps , such as engine simulations. You can

use the BiCGSTAB method for volume of fluid (VOF) cases.

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Table 5.2: Linear solver options in

Governing Equation Parameter Name Description
Momentum mom_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm,
1 = BiCGSTAB solver.

Pressure pres_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm,

1 = BiCGSTAB solver.

Density density_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm,

1 = BiCGSTAB solver.

Energy energy_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm,

1 = BiCGSTAB solver.

Species species_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm.

Passive passive_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm.

Turbulent kinetic tke_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm.

energy (TKE)

Turbulent dissipation eps_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm.

rate (epsilon)

Specific dissipation omega_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm.

rate (omega)

Radiation rad_solver_type 0 = SOR algorithm.

After discretizing the governing equations , we can write each equation as a linear system

Ax b . (5.48)

The solvers in CONVERGE are iterative , i.e., each solver starts with an initial guess x0 and

finds subsequent values that increasingly approach the given value of x . This process can

be described as the limit given by

n n
lim x
x .

After each iteration , CONVERGE checks if

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rn ro
ro tol scale


Ax b
r 2

b 2

and tol_scale is a parameter in . If Equation 5.50 is satisfied or if *_itmax has been

reached , the solver stops. If not , the solver will perform another iteration.

The following subsections (SOR Algorithm and BiCGSTAB Method) contain solver-specific


5.8.1 SOR Algorithm

The SOR algorithm is an iterative scheme with a rela xation factor , , for accelerating

convergence. Given a square system of

Ax b , (5.52)

the system can be rewritten as

xik 1
x b ax
(1 ) ik i i k i k , 1
ii i i

j j

j j (5.53)

where i= 1 , 2, ... , n.

When solving systems of equations using iterative techniques , it may be necessary to

under-rela x the solution to aid in the convergence. Under-rela xing means that the ne xt
iteration is set to a value based on the previous value and a scaled corrector term , as

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** * under relaxation ( ),

where f ** is the new iteration value , f* is the old iteration value , under _ relaxation is the

under-rela xation parameter (usually less than 1.0) , and Df is the calculated change in the

iteration value.

For the SOR algorithm , CONVERGE calculates an optimal under-rela xation parameter

opt) for each transport equation in order to speed up convergence and ensure stability.

The values that you specify for the under-rela xation parameters in (see Table 5.3)

are the ma ximum under-rela xation values for the simulation. That is , if the value

CONVERGE calculates for

opt exceeds
input, CONVERGE will use
input. If
opt does not

e xceed
input, CONVERGE will use
opt to ensure stability. At each time-step , CONVERGE

determines the optimal value of the under-rela xation parameter for each transport

equation in each cell via

aii ,
ai j

j , j

where ai j
is the value of entry ( i, j) in the coefficient matrix of the discretized transport

field of
equation. The result is a
opt values that CONVERGE uses in conjunction with

Equation 5.54 to determine the new iteration values. Note that Equation 5.55 does not

apply to pressure under-rela xation. In CONVERGE , there is no dynamic rela xation for

pressure , and you can enter a rela xation factor for pressure using pres_omega in .

Table 5.3 below summarizes the under-rela xation parameters in CONVERGE.

Table 5.3: Under-relaxation parameters in

Equation Parameter Typical Value*
Name steady_solver_flag =
( 0)

Momentum mom_omega 1.0

Pressure pres_omega 1.3

Pressure ratio omega_presrat 0.7

Density density_omega 1.0

Energy energy_omega 1.0

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Species species_omega 1.0

Passive passive_omega 1.0

TKE tke_omega 0.7

Epsilon eps_omega 0.7

Omega omega_omega 1.0

Radiation rad_omega 1.0

Each under-rela xation parameter can be a xed

fi value or can vary temporally. For a

temporally varying parameter , specify a file name instead of a value in and

include that file in the Case Directory.

5.8.2 BiCGSTAB Method

CONVERGE uses the High Performance Preconditioners (H YPRE) implementation of the

BiCGSTAB method. H YPRE is a linear solver library developed by Lawrence Livermore

National Laboratory. Refer to the H YPRE 2.9 Reference Manual for additional information

on this solver. BiCGSTAB is useful for cases with comple x geometry that take a long time

for pressure to converge , such as volume of fluid (VOF) simulations.

Note that the BiCGSTAB solver is not available for a particular governing equation if you

activate the MUSCL scheme for that equation.

When using the H YPRE BiCGSTAB solver ( i.e., when *_solver_type = 1) , you can apply a

preconditioner in order to improve the speed of convergence for that particular governing

equation. Preconditioners modify the linear system described in Equation 5.52 above in

order to improve the condition of the system. CONVERGE contains two preconditioners:

Euclid/ILU and algebraic multigrid. Both of these preconditioners are from the H YPRE
library , and you can refer to the H YPRE 2.9 Reference Manual for additional information.

To apply a preconditioner to a particular equation , use the *_preconditioner parameter in (replacing * with the desired equation name). Table 5.4 below describes the

parameters that control the preconditioner for each of the governing equations.

128 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Iterative Linear Solvers

Table 5.4: Preconditioner parameters in

Governing Parameter Name Description
Momentum mom_preconditioner 0 = No preconditioner,
1 = Euclid/ILU,
2 = Algebraic multigrid.

Pressure pres_preconditioner 0 = No preconditioner,

1 = Euclid/ILU,
2 = Algebraic multigrid.

Density density_preconditioner 0 = No preconditioner,

1 = Euclid/ILU,
2 = Algebraic multigrid.

Energy energy_preconditioner 0 = No preconditioner,

1 = Euclid/ILU,
2 = Algebraic multigrid.

Species species_preconditioner 0 = No preconditioner,

1 = Euclid/ILU,
2 = Algebraic multigrid.

Passive passive_preconditioner 0 = No preconditioner,

1 = Euclid/ILU,
2 = Algebraic multigrid.

Turbulent kinetic tke_preconditioner Currently must be set to 0. This parameter will be used in a

energy (TKE) future release.

Turbulent eps_preconditioner Currently must be set to 0. This parameter will be used in a

dissipation rate future release.


Specific omega_preconditioner Currently must be set to 0. This parameter will be used in a

dissipation rate future release.


Radiation rad_preconditioner Currently must be set to 0. This parameter will be used in a

future release.

5.9 Solver T ypes: T ransient and Steady-State

There are two types of solvers available in CONVERGE: transient and steady-state. The

following subsections describe the different solvers and include recommendations for

parameters in and . CONVERGE Studio can automatically set

recommended parameters for different types of cases ( e.g., compressible gas transient case ,
incompressible gas steady-state case).

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

5.9.1 Transient Solver

In order to solve a transient case , the governing equations described earlier are

appro ximated using numerical techniques. CONVERGE internally generates a grid , which

is then used to discretize the governing equations. By discretizing the domain via a grid ,
the governing equations can be appro ximated by a system of algebraic equations. If solving

implicitly , an iterative (multi-step) technique will be required for the system of algebraic

equations. If solving e xplicitly, only a single iteration will be required to solve the algebraic

equations. To activate the transient solver , set steady_solver_flag = 0 in . If

crank_flag = 1 or 2 in, CONVERGE requires steady_solver_flag = 0.

When solving the equations implicitly , a convergence criterion (or tolerance) is required. A

solution is considered converged when the iteration error in the solution is at or below the

user-specified convergence criterion. In CONVERGE , the iteration error is related to the

change in the solution field from each iteration , Df , which is given by

error ,
Norm (5.56)

where Norm is the normalization. Table 5.5 below summarizes the tolerance parameter

and normalization for each equation.

Table 5.5: Tolerance parameters in

Equation Parameter Name Typical Value Normalization
( steady_solver_flag = 0)

Momentum pres_tol 1.0e-4 Velocity or 1.0 , whichever is


Pressure mom_tol 1.0e-8 Pressure or 1.0 , whichever is


Density density_tol 1.0e-4 Density or 1.0 , whichever is


Energy energy_tol 1.0e-4 Internal energy or 1.0 , whichever

is larger.

Species species_tol 1.0e-4 1.0

Passive passive_tol 1.0e-4 Passive or 1.0 , whichever is


TKE tke_tol 1.0e-3 Cell TKE.

EPS eps_tol 1.0e-3 Cell EPS.

130 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

Equation Parameter Name Typical Value Normalization

steady_solver_flag =
( 0)

Omega omega_tol 1.0e-3 Cell omega.

Radiation rad_tol 1.0e-8 Cell intensity.

Each tolerance parameter can be a fi xed value or can vary temporally. For a temporally

varying parameter , specify a file name instead of a value in and include that file

in the Case Directory.

Table 5.6 below summarizes typical values for the PISO parameters for a transient


Table 5.6: PISO parameters (all in

Parameter Name Typical Value
(steady_solver_flag = 0)

strict_conserve_flag (for engine cases)

1 for transient cases with max_cfl_u > 2.5 ,

2 for transient cases with max_cfl_u 2.5.

omega_presrat 0.7 - 1.0

tol_scale 20

piso_itmin 2

piso_itmax 9

pres_itmax 200

piso_tol 1e-3

Table 5.7 below summarizes typical values for the CFL parameters for a transient


Table 5.7: CFL number parameters in

Parameter Typical Value
Name steady_solver_flag =
( 0)

max_cfl_u ,
0.5 - 3.0 (in VOF cases 0.03 to 0.10).

max_cfl_nu 0.5 - 2.5

max_cfl_mach 0.5 - 100.0

Table 5.8 below summarizes typical values for the time-step control parameters for a

transient simulation.

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Table 5.8: Time-step control parameters in

Parameter Name Typical Value/Notes
(steady_solver_flag = 0)

time_flag 0 = Constant dt,

1 = Variable dt.

dt_start Depends on the type of simulation.

dt_max Depends on the type of simulation.

dt_min Depends on the type of simulation.

dt_fixed Depends on the type of simulation.

mult_dt_spray 0.5 - 1.5

mult_dt_evap Recommended value is 9999.0 , which effectively disables this parameter.

Stability in the code has been improved thus eliminating the need for

evaporation time-step control.

mut_dt_coll_mesh 0.5 - 1.5 (Similar to mult_dt_spray but the collision mesh is also used to determine

the ma ximum dt.)

mult_dt_chem 0.1 - 1.0

mult_dt_source 0.1 - 1.0

mult_dt_move 0.5

5.9.2 Steady-State Solver

The steady-state solver in CONVERGE allows faster solutions to steady-state problems in

which an accurate time history of transient behavior is not desired. While it is possible to

solve steady-state problems using the transient solver , this method is not efficient and not

recommended. This section e xplains notable differences between the steady-state and

transient solvers. To activate the steady-state solver , set steady_solver_flag = 1 in


Note that in previous versions of CONVERGE , there were multiple steady-state solvers

(both density- and pressure-based). In CONVERGE 2.4 , there is a single steady-state


In a transient case , the general transport equation is

D S ,

t xi x
i xi

132 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

where f is any transported quantity. For a steady-state case , by definition , the solution

does not change with time. Thus the transport equation for a steady-state case contains no

time derivative term , as follows:


x x xi
. (5.58)
i i

Although the transport equation does not include the time derivative term , CONVERGE

uses a pseudo time-step to aid in numerically solving Equation 5.58. Because the steady-

state solver uses a pseudo time-step , this solver works in a conceptually similar manner to

the transient solver shown in Figure 5.2. The steady-state solver , however , is not required

to be time-accurate while proceeding in pseudo time to a steady solution , so the rate of

convergence is significantly improved when compared to the transient solver. The

ma ximum convection CFL number (described previously , max_cfl_u in ) dictates

the size of the pseudo time-step for each cycle. A larger convection CFL number decreases

the number of cycles required by the momentum solver to attain a steady-state value.

Larger local pseudo time-steps permit the momentum information to traverse the domain

much more quickly.

Because the steady solver does not include time terms , specify time-based inputs in cycles
instead of seconds (remember that a cycle is the completion of the algorithm shown in

Figure 5.2). For e xample, replace the start time ( start_time in ) with the starting

cycle number and end time ( end_time in ) with the ending cycle number.

Parameters that directly control the pseudo time-step ( e.g., dtstart, dt_min, dt_max ) are still

in seconds . Typically , to reach steady-state convergence , CONVERGE will perform

hundreds of cycles.

Since the steady-state solver employs a pseudo time-step , CONVERGE still needs to solve

each transport equation until the residual falls below the specified solution tolerances at

each cycle.

The steady-state solver is density-based and includes density transport in the solution

algorithm shown previously in Figure 5.2. You can use this solver for all Mach numbers.

Steady-State Solver Procedure

Steady-state CFD simulations typically reach a statistically stationary state after a brief

initial transient phase. Generally , the fidelity of the final steady-state solution is

independent of the initial transients that are present. In CONVERGE 2.4 , the steady solver

leverages this idea to improve the speed of the steady-state calculation.

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When steady_auto_tol = 1 , the solver works in an automated manner , and the simulation

begins with looser tolerances ( steady_piso_tol_init steady_tol_scale_init

and in , ) a

higher ma ximum convection CFL number max_cfl_u ,

( in ) and a coarser grid

(specified in ). This configuration allows the fluid flow to quickly propagate

through the domain. During this process , CONVERGE continuously monitors solution

variables that you designate in the steady-state monitor. When the mean and standard

deviation of the solution variables drop to an acceptably steady level , CONVERGE

considers the solution locally converged for the current tolerance , CFL , and grid settings.

CONVERGE progressively refines the grid and tightens the tolerances so that the solution

accuracy improves to the specified target tolerances. The information below describes the

two important stages of this process in more detail.

1. The grid scaling stage begins and CONVERGE refines the mesh until reaching the

target grid scale value specified in (the solution tolerances do not change).

Again , the mean and standard deviation of the solution variables specified in must reach an acceptably steady level to move to the ne xt grid

scale value.

2. The tolerance tightening stage begins and CONVERGE tightens only the solver

tolerances ( piso_tol and tol_scale ). In this stage , if steady_switch_solver_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE will switch the pressure solver between BiCGSTAB and SOR to

determine which method is faster and use the faster solver for the remainder of the

simulation. If there is a recovery within 100 cycles of the pressure solver switch ,
CONVERGE will revert the pressure solver to its original setting.

Maximum CFL Number Control

As mentioned above , the steady-state solver can operate at relatively high ma ximum
convection CFL numbers (as specified for max_cfl_u inputs.inin ).

In order to maintain stability , however , CONVERGE begins each " grid stage " ( i.e., a

solution at a particular grid scale value) with a ma ximum convection CFL number of 1

and doubles this value at the frequency you specify ( steady_tol_update_freq ) until reaching

max_cfl_u . If the PISO algorithm or any transport equations fail to converge , the ma ximum
CFL number is halved. After the number of cycles given by steady_tol_update_freq pass , the

CFL number doubling procedure resumes. Additionally , CONVERGE attempts to modify

rela xation parameters ( omega_presrat, tke_omega, eps_omega, etc.) to ensure a smooth and

stable path toward the steady-state solution.

In the tolerance tightening stage of the simulation , the steady_max_cfl_u_final value in is used for the ma ximum convection CFL number. During this stage , decrease the

ma ximum convection CFL number to between 2 and 5.


134 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

To control Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) in conjunction with the steady-state solver ,
specify GRIDSCALE, PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL or QU for the temporal type in . If

you select GRIDSCALE, CONVERGE activates AMR when the simulation reaches the grid

scale value in amr_vel_start

specified by in . In this case , CONVERGE

ignores the time to end AMR ( amr_vel_end ) and chooses to deactivate AMR based on other


While CONVERGE can activate AMR automatically at any grid scale value , once the

tolerance tightening stage begins , the solver records the number of applications of AMR.

The number of applications of AMR must reach the value specified for

steady_min_num_amr as one of the criteria for considering the simulation converged.

When the number of mesh refinements reaches steady_min_num_amr (specified in , ) the change in cell count between mesh refinements is less than 10 % of the total

cell count , and the quantities specified in reach an acceptably

steady level , CONVERGE considers the simulation converged. If the change in cell count

e xceeds 10 % of the total cell count , CONVERGE refines the mesh until this criterion is met.

Figure 5.59 provides a sample file with the GRIDSCALE temporal type.

Note that this grid scale AMR temporal type is available for all AMR types ( i.e., velocity ,
temperature , etc).

1 amr_vel_flag
4 amr_vel_embed
0.1 amr_vel_sgs_embed
0 amr_vel_start
0.2 amr_vel_end
50 amr_parcel_embed
Figure 5.59: Sample gridscale AMR input file.
Numerical Schemes
When first-order upwinding is used ( e.g., when fv_upwind_factor_mom = 1.0) for the

numerical scheme , it adds numerical viscosity , which tends to help achieve convergence.

In some cases , however , you may wish to use higher-order numerics. In these cases , it may

be best to start with first-order upwinding and run the simulation until it converges. Then

you can initialize the field with the first-order solution (via mapping) and restart the

simulation with higher-order numerics. This process will make the higher-order simulation

more accurately initialized , thus e xpediting convergence.

Stopping Criteria for the Steady-State Solver

If steady_auto_flag = , 0 the steady-state solver stops when ncyc reaches end_time (in steady_auto_flag =
). If 1 , the steady-state solver may stop before end_time if the

simulation meets the following criteria.

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1. The grid scaling stage ends (grid_scale reaches its final value if you specified multiple

values) ,
2. The tolerance tightening stage ends. That is , the solution reaches a steady-state with

solver tolerances reaching their final (target) values ,

3. The ma ximum convective CFL number equals steady_max_cfl_u_final (instead of

max_cfl_u , )

4. If AMR is active , CONVERGE has applied AMR at least equal to the value specified for

steady_min_num_amr and the change in total cell count from one AMR application

cycle to the ne xt is less than 10 %.

Table 5.9 lists some parameters in that are relevant for controlling the steady-state


Table 5.9: Steady-state solver parameters in

Parameter Name Typical Value/Notes
steady_auto_flag 0 = Run a steady-state simulation without automatic monitoring of solver

settings such as tolerances ,

1 = Allow automatic monitoring and control of the steady-state solver
settings via the parameters below (recommended). You must set
monitor_steady_state_flag = 1 in and supply a file that lists quantities to monitor and the

monitoring configuration.

Ideally provide both the initial (rela xed) and final (target) settings for the

, ,
CFL number tolerances and grid scale settings. Tables 5.10 and 5.11 below

provide recommended values but settings depend on the problem type and

desired accuracy. If it is difficult to estimate initial (rela xed) settings , set

them to the same values as for the final (target) settings.

steady_switch_solver_flag 0 = Do not automatically switch the pressure solver type during the

simulation (for cases with combustion) ,

1 = Switch between BiCGSTAB and SOR pressure solvers to determine the

optimal solver during the tolerance tightening stage (allowed only for cases

in which combustion is deactivated).

steady_tol_update_freq 20. The frequency (in cycles ) with which CONVERGE updates settings ( e.g.,
doubles the ma ximum CFL number) and monitors the solution variables to

determine if they have reached a local steady-state.

steady_min_num_amr 10. The minimum number of applications of AMR that CONVERGE

performs during the tolerance tightening stage.

steady_piso_tol_init Usually 10 times piso_tol . The initial value of piso_tol used until the

tolerance tightening stage.

steady_tol_scale_init Usually 0.5 times tol_scale . The initial value of tol_scale used until the

tolerance tightening stage.

136 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

Parameter Name Typical Value/Notes

steady_max_cfl_u_final Greater than 0 and less than max_cfl_u
in . Usually 2.0 - 5.0. The

ma ximum convection CFL number used during the tolerance tightening


Recommended Inputs
No single set of input parameters can be used for all cases , but this section provides some

guidelines that can be used when setting up a new case. Table 5.10 below summarizes

recommended parameter values for steady-state cases and in some cases provides

information that may help you determine how to adjust the parameters for your particular


Table 5.10: Recommended solver-related parameter values for steady-state cases.

Parameter Name File Name Typical Value/Notes
piso_itmin 2

piso_itmax 20

fv_upwind_factor_global 0.5 - 0.6: For flows with weak wakes ,

0.6 - 0.7: For flows without wakes.

fv_upwind_factor_mom 0.5 - 0.6: For flows with weak wakes ,

0.6 - 0.7: For flows without wakes.

fv_upwind_factor_turb 1.0

strict_conserve_flag 0 for non-reacting (combustion_flag = 0 in ) cases ,

1 for reacting (combustion_flag = 1 in ) cases.

dtstart The starting pseudo time-step allowed for each cycle. This

value should be set such that the CFL numbers are equal

to or less than the ma ximum CFL numbers provided in

the input.

dt_max The ma ximum pseudo time-step allowed for each cycle.

Typically this is a large number so that the psuedo time-

step is not limited by dt_max .

dt_min The minimum pseudo time-step allowed for each cycle.

max_cfl_u The ma ximum convection CFL number up to the final

tolerance tightening stages. A smaller cfl_u may be more

stable but it may take longer to converge.

20.0 - 40.0: For non-reacting flow ,

10.0 - 20.0: For reacting flow.

max_cfl_mach 50.0 times max_cfl_u . (A smaller cfl_mach may be more

stable but it may take longer to converge.)

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Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

Parameter Name File Name Typical Value/Notes

max_cfl_nu 5.0 - 10.0 times max_cfl_u . (A smaller cfl_nu may be more

stable but it may take longer to converge.)

min_temp 10.0 K (This is the minimum temperature that will be

allowed during a simulation. This parameter must be at

least 10.0 K .)

max_temp 4900.0 (This is the ma ximum temperature that will be

allowed during a simulation. This parameter must be no

greater than 100 000.0 , K.)

max_visc 10.0 (This is the ma ximum turbulent viscosity that will be
allowed during a steady simulation.)

grid_scale Integer or file name ( e.g., ). If you specify a file

name (recommended) you must include that file in the

Case Directory. Typically when running a steady-state

simulation start with a coarse mesh ( grid_scale = -2 or -1)

before refining the mesh ( grid_scale = 0). Values in must be integers that increase monotonically

throughout the simulation.

We recommend using automatic grid scaling (via

auto_gridscale_flag =
1 in ) and the

flag in .

mult_dt_spray 10.0 - 20.0

mult_dt_chem 0.1 - 1.0

mult_dt_source 0.1 - 1.0

mult_dt_move 0.5 - 1.0

Table 5.11 below provides recommended minimum and ma ximum iteration numbers for

the various transport equations solved during a steady-state simulation.

Table 5.11: Recommended iteration limits (in for transport equations solved during a steady-
state simulation.
Transport Equation Minimum Maximum Iterations
Momentum mom_itmin = mom_itmax =
2 500

Pressure pres_itmin = 2pres_itmax = 300

Density density_itmin = density_itmax = 20

Energy energy_itmin = energy_itmax = 20

138 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 5
Numerics | Solver Types: Transient and Steady-State

Transport Equation Minimum Maximum Iterations

Species species_itmin = species_itmax = 20

Passive passive_itmin = passive_itmax = 20

Turbulent Kinetic Energy tke_itmin = 2 tke_itmax = 50


Turbulent Dissipation eps_itmin = 2 eps_itmax = 50


Specific Dissipation Rate omega_itmin = 2 omega_itmax = 50


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 139

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Source Modeling Setup
Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup |

6 Source Modeling Setup

This chapter describes the options in CONVERGE for sources and sinks of energy ,
momentum , turbulent kinetic energy , turbulent dissipation rate , specific dissipation rate ,
species , passive scalars , or porous media. To activate source/sink modeling , set source_flag
= 1 in and specify the relevant parameters in . The source/sink volumes

are defined by specifying the shape of the source ( i.e., bo x, sphere , cylinder , line , ,
circle or

region). The file also contains information regarding the strength of the source

and the start and end times of the source. CONVERGE can displace the source from its

original location if you specify velocities , but this displacement is restricted to a ma ximum
value as specified by max_displace .

Table 6.1 below summarizes the time- , shape- , and displacement-related parameters for all

types of sources. These parameters are described in detail in the sections that follow. The

additional parameters required for porous media sources are discussed in the last section

of this chapter.

Table 6.1: Time, volume, and displacement parameters in for all types of sources.
Parameter Description, Values, and Units
temporal type of source SE QUENTIAL, PERMANENT or CYCLIC. For CYCLIC, the period must

source_start_time Start time ( seconds crank angle degrees

or ) for source/sink.

source_end_time End time ( seconds crank angle degrees

or ) for source/sink.

source_shape Shape of the source: BO X, i.e.,

REGION ( the size and shape of a source is

an entire region) LINE CIRCLE C , , YLINDER, or SPHERE.

BO X x_center Center of bo x source (x, y, and z


x_size Half of x, y, and z dimensions of the bo x

( ).

REGION region_id Region ID number (not name).

LINE x1_center Starting point of line source ( x, y, and z


x2_center End point of line source( x, y, and z


num_points Number of evenly spaced points on the

line source.

CIRCLE x_center Center of circle source ( x, y, and z


142 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup |

Parameter Description, Values, and Units

radius_circle Radius of the circle source ( m ).

normal_vector Normal vector of the circle source ( x. y,

and z values of normal vector).

num_points Number of evenly spaced points on the

circle source.

C YLINDER x1_center Center of first circle ( x, y, and z


radius1 Radius of the first circle ( m ).

x2_center Center of second circle ( x, y, and z


radius2 Radius of the second circle.

SPHERE x_center Center of sphere source ( x, y, and z


radius Radius of sphere source ( m ).

moving_flag 0 = Source is not moving ,

1 = Source is moving at a specified velocity ,
2 = Source is moving with the flow.

velocity Prescribed x, y, and z components of the velocity vector ( ms/ ). Used only if

moving = 1.

max_displace Ma ximum distance that the source can move ( m ).

reset_source_flag 0 = Do not move source back to original location ,

1 = Return source to original location when max_displace is reached ,
2 = Return source when any point in LINE or CIRCLE xceeds

max_displace (only for LINE and CIRCLE sources).

mult_dt_source Time-step limiter for the source magnitude.

Note that if source_shape = LINE or CIRCLE , it represents a collection of point sources

along the line or around the circumference of the circle , respectively. For LINE and

CIRCLE sources , the source_type can be specified only by source_value (not by

source_unit_volume ). The volume of the cell encompassing the point source determines the

local strength of the source. You do not have to consider the local grid refinements (due to

embedding and AMR) while specifying the magnitude for source_value because the total

strength of the source is equally divided by the number of points in a LINE or CIRCLE

source. This is useful when specifying multiple sources of the same type with the same


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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup |

For a LINE source , the first and the last point sources are located at x1_center and

x2_center respectively , while the remaining point sources are equidistantly spaced between

the first and last points. For a CIRCLE source , the point sources are equidistantly spaced

around the circumference of the circle , with a randomly selected starting point. The

coordinates for each point source on the CIRCLE are not definite.

Note that in the case of moving LINE and CIRCLE sources , with option 2 (moving with the

flow) each point can attain a different velocity due to the spatial variation of fluid velocity.

A point source moving with the flow is useful for simulating the e xpanding arc of a spark

energy source during engine simulations.

You can reset the source to its original coordinates in one of two ways , depending on the

value of reset_source (1 or 2). When reset_source = 1 , if all the points on the line or circle

e xceed the max_displace value , CONVERGE resets the whole line or circle to its original

location. When reset_source = 2 , if any point on the line or circle e xceeds the max_displace
value , CONVERGE resets the whole line or the circle to its original location.

Use the parameter mult_dt_source to control the time-step size. This parameter limits the

increase in magnitude of a source during a single time-step. For e xample, if mult_dt_source

= 0.5 , CONVERGE will adjust the time-step so that the source magnitude cannot increase

more than 50 % in a single time-step.

6.1 Energy Source M odeling

CONVERGE solves for energy sources when energy_solver_flag = 1 or 2 in and the

ENERGY keyword is listed for the source equation in . If energy_solver_flag = 1 ,

CONVERGE solves the compressible form of the energy equation is given by

e u e P u
j j


D hm Ym S ,

t x x x x x x


j j j j
j j
m j

where is density , Ym is the mass fraction of species m, D is the mass diffusion coefficient ,
P is the pressure , e is the specific internal energy , K is the conductivity hm
, is the species

enthalpy ,
i j
is the stress tensor T , is the temperature , and S is the energy source term

(source_value or source_unit_volume, depending on the value of source_type ). If

energy_solver_flag = 2 , CONVERGE solves a modified form of the equation , given by

144 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Energy Source Modeling

k u
u e uk
1 2

2 x j

K T D h Y
u P u
i i S
x x x x x x m .

j j

j j j j j
m j

Table 6.2 below describes the relevant inputs for energy sources that were not previously

described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.2: Energy source parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation ENERG Y

source_type 0 = Volumetric energy source per time ( W m3 ,

/ )

1 = Total value of energy source (J or J/ s source_value

see below) ,
2 = Pressure trace data (in Pa *,

3 = Heat release rate data s

(in J/ or J/ deg **) .

source_unit_volume Energy source value per unit volume per time ( W m3

/ ). Only used when

source_type = 0.

source_value Ifsource_type = 1 and steady_solver = 0 in, total energy value (J) .

Ifsource_type = 1 and steady_solver = 1 , total energy value per unit time (J/ s).

Ifsource_type = 2 , the name of a file that contains pressure trace data.

Ifsource_type = 3 , the name of a file that contains heat release data.

max_value Ma ximum temperature ( K ) that the solution variable associated with an energy

source can attain. Note that this value must be less than max_temp

*When source_type = 2 , you must include a pressure trace file. The pressure trace

represents the pressure change due to combustion. You can obtain the pressure trace data

from a single cycle of a CONVERGE simulation that includes combustion , experimental

data , or a 1D simulation. The pressure trace file must contain the keyword


U U and the pressure data must be in Pascals .

**When source_type = 3 , you must include a file that contains heat release rate data. You
can obtain these data from a single cycle of a CFD simulation that includes combustion ,
experimental data , or a 1D simulation. The heat release data file must contain the keyword

H EAT_RELEASE, and the heat release rate data must be in J/ s crank_flag =

(if 0 in )

or J/ deg crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2). This option allows you to avoid the computationally

expensive chemistry calculations for simulations in which the details of the combustion are

already known.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 145

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Momentum Source Modeling

6.2 M omentum Source M odeling

CONVERGE solves for momentum sources when momentum_solver_flag = 1 in

and the source equation is specified as U -E , V-E
Q or Q in . The momentum

equation is given by

i i uu P i S

j j

t x xi x
i . (6.3)
j j

In Equation 6.3 , is velocity , is density, P is pressure , i j
is the stress tensor , and Siis the

momentum source term. Depending on the direction of the momentum source , ( i.e., x, y,
and z vector components) , the momentum source will be U -EQ, V-E Q, or W-E ,Q

respectively. Note that the max_value for a momentum source is specified in terms of the

absolute value of velocity ( ms / ).

Table 6.3 below describes the relevant inputs for momentum sources that were not

previously described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.3: Momentum source parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation U-E Q, V-EQ, W-EQ components of the momentum source in the x, y, and
z directions respectively.

source_type 0 = Per volume per time,

1 = Total source.

source_unit_volume Source value per unit volume per time ( kg s -m

2 2
). Used only when

source_type = 0.

source_value Ifsteady_solver = 0 in, total source value ( kg-m s/ ).

Ifsteady_solver = 1 , total source value per unit time ( kg-m s2

/ ).

Used only when source_type = 1.

max_value Ma ximum (absolute) value of velocity ( ms/ ) that the source can attain.

6.3 T urbulent Kinetic Energy Source M odeling

You can specify turbulent kinetic energy sources for simulations that use a RANS

turbulence model (k-epsilon or k-omega) or an LES one-equation model. CONVERGE

solves for the turbulent kinetic energy source when turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in
and the source equation is TKE in . The general form of the turbulent kinetic

energy transport equation is given by

146 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Turbulent Kinetic Energy Source Modeling

k ui k P D S ,
t xi

where P is the production term , D is the diffusion term , is the dissipation term, and S is

the source term. See Chapter 15 - Turbulence Modeling for details about these terms. Note

that the diffusion and dissipation terms vary depending on the type of turbulence model

(RANS k-epsilon/LES one-equation versus RANS k-omega).

Table 6.4 below describes the relevant inputs for turbulent kinetic energy sources that were

not previously described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.4: Turbulent kinetic energy source parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation TKE

source_type 0 = Per volume per time,

1 = Total source.

source_unit_volume Source value per unit volume per time ( m2 s3/ ). Used only when source_type = 0.

source_value If steady_solver = 0 in, total source value ( kg-m2 s2

/ ).

If steady_solver = 1 , total source value per unit time ( kg-m2 s3

/ ).

Used only when source_type = 1.

max_value Ma ximum value ( m2 s2 / ) that the source can attain.

6.4 T urbulent Dissipation Source M odeling

You can specify turbulent dissipation sources for simulations that use a RANS k-epsilon

turbulence model. CONVERGE solves for the turbulent dissipation source when

turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in and the source equation is EPS in . The

turbulent dissipation transport equation is given by



t i x x j

x j


c xui i c

1 j 2
c S k S R,
s s


where is the turbulent dissipation ; c ,c1 2

, and c3
are model constants ; is the density ; S
is the user-supplied source term ; and Ss is the source term that represents interactions with

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 147

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Turbulent Dissipation Source Modeling

discrete phase (spray). Note that S and Ss are distinct from one another. In Equation 6.5 , R
depends on which k-e model you are using. If you are using the Standard k-e model , R= 0.

If you are using the RNG k-e model , then R is defined by Equation 15.14.

Table 6.5 below describes the relevant inputs for turbulent dissipation sources that were

not previously described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.5: Turbulent dissipation source parameters in

Paramete Description
source EPS


source_typ 0 = Per volume per time,

e 1 = Total source.

source_uni Source value per unit volume per time ( m2 s/

). Used only when source_type = 0.

source_val If steady_solver = 0 in, total source value ( kg-m2 s3
/ ).

ue If steady_solver = 1 , total source value per unit time ( kg-m2 s /


Used only when source_type = 1.

max_value Ma ximum value ( m2 s3/ ) that the source can attain.

6.5 Specific Dissipation Source M odeling

You can specify specific dissipation sources for simulations that use a RANS k-omega

turbulence model. CONVERGE solves for the specific dissipation source when

turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in and the source equation is OMEGA in . The

specific dissipation transport equation is given by


P 2
t , S
t x j
k x
x j

where , , and are model constants

t ; is the density ; is the specific dissipation , and S
is the user-specified source term.

Table 6.6 below describes the relevant inputs for specific dissipation sources that were not

previously described in Table 6.2.

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Specific Dissipation Source Modeling

Table 6.6: Specific dissipation source parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation OMEGA

source_type 0 = Per volume per time,

1 = Total source.

source_unit_volume Source value per unit volume per time (1 / s2 ). Used only when source_type = 0.

source_value If steady_solver = 0 in, total source value ( kg s

/ ).

If steady_solver = 1 , total source value per unit time ( kg s2

/ ).

Used only when source_type = 1.

max_value Ma ximum value ( 1s / ) that the source can attain.

6.6 Species Source M odeling

CONVERGE solves for species sources when species_solver_flag =

1 in and the

source equation is given by the name of the species ( e.g.,

H2O2) in . The species

transport equation is given by

D Ym Sm ,
m m


t x j
x j


m Ym , (6.8)

and where u is velocity , is density,

m is the density of the species m, Ym is the mass

fraction of species m, D is the mass diffusion coefficient , and Sm is the species source term of

species m . Table 6.7 below describes the relevant inputs for species sources that were not

previously described in Table 6.2.

Table 6.7: Species source parameters in

Parameter Description
source name Name of the species ( e.g., H2O2).

source_type 0 = Per volume per time,

1 = Total source.

source_unit_volume Source value per unit volume per time ( kg m3-s

/ ). Used only if source_type =

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Species Source Modeling

Parameter Description
source_value If steady_solver = 0 in, total source value ( kg ).

If steady_solver = 1 , total source value per unit time ( kg s / ).

Used only when source_type = 1.

max_value Ma ximum value (mass fraction) that source can attain.

source_temp Temperature ( K ) of the species being sourced.

source_velocity Absolute velocity ( ms/ ) of the species being sourced (specify an x, y, z


*NOTE: This velocity is not relative to the velocity of the source shape that

is specified with the velocity parameter as described in the previous

Source Modeling Setup section.

6.7 Passives Source M odeling

CONVERGE solves for passive sources when passives are specified in and the

source equation is given by the name of the passive in . The passive transport

equation is given by

i u
D S ,

t xi x
i xi

where u is velocity , is density, D is the diffusion coefficient , is a passive scalar , and S is

the passive source term. Table 6.8 below describes the relevant inputs for passive sources

that were not previously described in Table 6.2.

Table 6.8: Passive source parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation Name of the passive ( e.g., hiroy_soot ).

source_type 0 = Per volume per time ( passive m3-s ,

/ )

1 = Total source.

source_unit_volume Source strength per unit volume per time (1/ m3-s ). Used only if source_type = 0.

source_value If steady_solver = 0 in, total source value ( passive).

If steady_solver = 1 , total source value per unit time ( passive s / ).

Used only when source_type = 1.

max_value Ma ximum passive value ( passive )that source can attain.

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Porous Media Modeling

6.8 Porous M edia M odeling

CONVERGE solves for porous media when the source equation is PORO S
U in . In

porous media , the flow occurs through a region of fine-scale geometrical structures whose

effects are too small to be numerically resolved within the overall simulation. Porous media

modeling simulates these effects by converting them to distributed momentum or

resistances. Porous media modeling is performed with the assumption that , within the

volume containing the distributed resistance , a local balance between pressure and

resistance forces e xists everywhere, such that

i i
p (no summation on i,
) (6.10)

i i
( =1 2 3 , , ) represents the mutually orthogonal orthotropic directions , Ki is the

permeability , and ui is the superficial velocity of a fluid in direction . The

i superficial

velocity at any cross section through the porous medium is defined as the volume flow rate

divided by the total cross-sectional area ( i.e., the area occupied by both fluid and solid).

The permeability Ki is assumed to be a quasi-linear function of the superficial velocity

magnitude v
| | of
the form

Ki i v j
i , (6.11)

where i and
i are user-supplied coefficients. The units of the permeability coefficient

are kg m
and the units of are kg m s /
3- . Depending on the nature of the resistances ,
permeability coefficients can be isotropic ( i.e., uniform in all three directions) or orthotropic

( i.e., unique in each direction).

CONVERGE includes two options for determining the thermal conductivity of the porous

region. If you set eff_conductivity_flag = 0 , CONVERGE will assume the thermal

conductivity of the porous region is equal to the thermal conductivity of the fluid in the

porous region. If you set eff_conductivity_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will calculate the effective

thermal conductivity of the porous region as a function of the fluid and solid thermal

conductivities (Mazumder and Sengupta , 2002) , as follows:

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Chapter 6
Source Modeling Setup | Porous Media Modeling

k kS



2 kS kF 3 kS

in which and kS are user-supplied parameters ( conductive_porosity and solid_conductivity

in ) and kF is the thermal conductivity of the fluid in the porous region.

Table 6.9 below describes the porous media source parameters.

Table 6.9: Porous media source parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation POROUS

alpha_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m/

) in the main flow direction ( i in Equation

alpha_cross_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m/

) in the cross-flow direction ( i in Equation

beta_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m3-s

/ ) in the main flow direction ( in Equation

beta_cross_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m3-s

/ ) in the cross-flow direction ( in Equation

is_directional_flag 0 = Isotropic (only alpha_coeff and beta_coeff are used for calculating

velocity) ,
1 = Orthrotropic ( alpha_coeff, alpha_cross_coeff, beta_coeff, and

beta_cross_coeff are used for calculating velocity).

direction The i, , k
j components of the direction vector of the main flow.

eff_conductivity_flag 0 = CONVERGE assumes the thermal conductivity of the porous region is

equal to the thermal conductivity of the fluid in the porous region ,

1 = CONVERGE calculates the effective thermal conductivity of the porous

region via Equation 6.12.

conductive_porosity The porosity used to calculate effective thermal conductivity (used only

when eff_conductivity_flag = 1).

solid_conductivity The solid conductivity used to calculate effective thermal conductivity

(used only when eff_conductivity_flag = 1).

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Initialization and Regions
Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions |

7 Initialization and Regions

This chapter describes the different methods by which CONVERGE can initialize physical

variables ( e.g., velocity , pressure , temperature , and species). This chapter also describes

regions , which are used by CONVERGE both to allow fle xibility in initialization and to

connect or disconnect specific parts of the domain. The parameters discussed in this

chapter are located primarily in,, and .

7.1 Initialization M ethods

There are three ways to initialize values in CONVERGE:

1. Specify uniform values for the entire geometry , or specify different values for different

regions of the domain (assuming you have divided the domain into regions).

2. Map field values from a file , which allows each cell to be initialized individually.

3. Initialize the domain from the values of the field variables in a restart file.

The following subsections discuss each option in detail.

7.1.1 Initialization by

The most common initialization method is simply to specify initial values for

thermodynamic quantities ( e.g., pressure , temperature , etc.) for the entire domain or for

individual regions (if the domain has been divided into regions) via Two special

cases configuration of solid regions and velocity initialization in an internal combustion

engine are described below.

Configuration of Solid Regions

All solid regions must have solid_flag = 1 in . Figure 7.1 below contains an

example file that specifies a single solid region.


1 num_regions

### Solid region###

1 region_id
1 stream_id
1 solid_flag
0.01 vel_init
413.0 temp_init
1.01e5 pres_init
0.5 tke_init
112.6372 eps_init
112.602 omega_init
1 num_species_init

154 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions | Initialization Methods

metal 1.0
0 num_passive_init
Figure 7.1: A sample file that describes a single solid region.

If your simulation has one or more solid regions , you must define one or more species as

SOLID in, as shown below in Figure 7.2.


Figure 7.2 : Sample file that defines a SOLID species.

CONVERGE looks in solid.dat for properties of any species specified as SOLID
in .

An e xcerpt of a solid.dat file is shown below in Figure 7.3. The first uncommented row is

the name of the solid species (in this e xample, iron ,) and the ne xt row is the melting point

of the solid (in K ). The subsequent rows specify the temperature-specific density , specific

heat capacity and conductivity data , all in SI units.

! solid species name

! melting point (k)
! Temperature density specific heat condiuctivity
! k (N.s/m^2) (j/kg.k) (w/m.k)
0.0000E+00 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
1.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
2.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
Figure 7.3: An example solid.dat file.

Also note that only the Dirichlet ( di

) boundary condition is allowed for the WALL

boundaries that are associated with the SOLID regions ( solid_flag = 1).

Velocity Initialization in an IC Engine

When crank_flag = 0 in, the velocity is initialized to zero throughout the domain.

Note that a non-zero velocity field can be specified by mapping velocity from a file as

described in the Mapping section later in this chapter.

For engine cases , the engine parameters specified in are used to conveniently

initialize velocity in the cylinder. E xcept when configuring a multi-cylinder simulation

whose directions of piston motion vary , the cylinder a xis must be aligned with the z -a xis
and there must be piston motion from BDC to TDC in the positive z direction for proper

velocity initialization. The w component of velocity ( i.e., velocity in the z direction) is set to

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Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions | Initialization Methods

the piston speed for all points on the piston face. The remaining cells in the cylinder are

given an initial w velocity consistent with a field whose velocity drops linearly from the

piston speed at the piston face to zero velocity at the head , as given by Equation 7.1:

w z wpiston zhead z ,

zhead zpiston
( ) (7.1)

where zhead and zpiston are the z coordinates of the head and piston , respectively , and wpiston
is the speed of the piston.

The u v
and components of velocity are set by the swirl_ratio and swirl_profile values in the file. The swirl_ratio is the ratio of the angular speed of the flow , flow , to the

angular speed of the crankshaft , crankshaft, with the direction of swirl consistent with the

right-hand rule. In other words:

swirl ratio
_ . (7.2)

The simplest approach to initializing swirl is to assume wheel flow. Assuming the cylinder

a xis is aligned with the z a xis (as it should be for all single-cylinder simulations) , the u and

v components of velocity would be initialized as:

u flow y and
v flow x .

The wheel-flow assumption is not usually realistic because the velocity should diminish

significantly near the cylinder wall. A Bessel function more accurately represents the

velocity profile in an engine (Amsden et al. , 1989). The swirl_profile parameter in
is a dimensionless constant used in the Bessel function calculation. This parameter has a

minimum value of 0.0 for wheel flow and a ma ximum value of 3.83 for zero velocity at the

wall. A typical value for swirl_profile is 3.11.

7.1.2 Mapping

Mapping , i.e., specifying a file that contains three-dimensional location-specific values , is

another way to initialize the domain. The mapping options in CONVERGE are describe

below. For all of the mapping options , restart_flag in must be set to 0. If

restart_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will override the mapping option that you have selected in

favor of restarting the simulation.

156 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions | Initialization Methods

map_flag = 1
For the first option , set map_flag = 1 in . CONVERGE allows you to initialize any

number of field variables as well as parcel data via mapping. In addition , CONVERGE

allows you to set up mapping on a region-by-region basis. This mapping option is useful if

you wish to begin a simulation with the output from a different CFD solver , experimental
data ( e.g., LDV or PIV data) , or spatially varying initial values that cannot be initialized

via .

For this mapping option , you must include the file , which describes what and

where to map , and at least one file that contains the data to be mapped ( e.g., map.dat ). The

variables that are not mapped from map.dat will be initialized by . The regions

that are not listed in will be initialized via . Note that you must include a

value in for each of the variables being mapped , although mapping will take

precedent over these values (when map_flag = 1) for the specified variables in

the specified regions.

All cells in the new grid are initialized with the value of the nearest point of the original

grid. When creating your own region-by-region mapping data files from other codes or

experimental data , you need to be aware of the locations of the points in the mapping data

file. The mapping algorithm interpolates from the nearest neighboring point , regardless of

whether or not that point lies within the same region that is mapped.

You cannot map density values from one grid to the other. Density is determined by the

temperature , pressure , and species mass fractions for compressible flow ( i.e., from the

equation of state). For incompressible liquids , the density is determined by the species mass

fractions , i.e., density for incompressible liquids is only a function of the species that is

being transported.

map_flag = 2
The second type of mapping is restart mapping. To activate this option , set map_flag = 2 in . CONVERGE will select a restart file in the Case Directory to use as the mapping

data file. CONVERGE first looks for restart.rst. If that file is not present in the Case

Directory , CONVERGE will select the restart####.rst file with the highest number. For this

mapping option you do not need to include the map.dat

or files. This option may be

useful if , for e xample, the base grid size for a simulation was inappropriate (either too

coarse or too fine). You can initialize a new simulation with the data from the restart file

but select a more appropriate grid size.

map_flag = 3
The third mapping option is restart mapping with transformation (scaling , rotation , etc.)

of the data. To activate this option , set map_flag = 3 in . You must include a

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Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions | Initialization Methods

file and for map_name in you must specify a restart file. This restart file must be

saved in the Case Directory.

7.1.3 Restart

CONVERGE can restart a simulation from a restart file. This section describes how to

configure CONVERGE to write restart files and how to restart a case using a restart file.

The parameters for writing and restarting are located in . Figure 7.4 shows an

excerpt of the restart-related parameters in .


1 restart_flag
2 restart_number
# output control
5e-05 twrite_post
10.0 twrite_transfer
1e-10 twrite_files
1e-05 twrite_restart
5 num_restart_files
0 write_map_flag
Figure 7.4: Excerpt of

Writing Restart Files

CONVERGE writes restart<restart number>.rst files at a frequency specified by

twrite_restart in , num_restart_files

. Another parameter in, indicates how

many of these files CONVERGE will store in the Case Directory. It may be useful to set this

parameter greater than one. For e xample, if CONVERGE writes a restart file after a

simulation has started to diverge , then you can go back to an earlier restart.

These restart files are named restart<restart number>.rst, and CONVERGE creates the

restart files in numerical order. For e x , num_restart_files =

ample if 3 , the restart files found

in the Case Directory might be restart0021.rst, restart0022.rst, and restart0023.rst . After

CONVERGE has written num_restart_files , restart files it will remove the lowest numbered

restart file when it writes another restart file. If CONVERGE writes 9 999 restart files , , the

ne xt file will be restart0001.rst .

In addition to these restart files , CONVERGE provides the option to save other restart files ,
written at specified times , to the Case Directory. These additional files are named

according to the times at which they are written: restart_<simulation time or CAD>.rst .

These additional restart files do not count toward the user-specified number of restart files

to be saved (given by num_restart_files , ) and they will not be overwritten or deleted by


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Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions | Initialization Methods

All of the restart files are in binary format , e xcept for the first line , which is in ASCII

format. The first line contains the simulation time of the restart file (in seconds crank_flag if

=0 or in crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) , the value of grid_scale, ,
the cycle number

and the version number of CONVERGE. To determine the simulation restart time , use one

of the following commands (replace restart0001.rst with the relevant file name) to display

the first row.

Linu x: % head -1 restart0001.rst

Windows: set /p first=<restart0001.rst && echo %first%

Restarting From a Restart File

When restarting a simulation restart_flag =
, set 1 in and copy the desired restart

file to restart.rst
. If you do not copy a file to restart.rst, CONVERGE will use the highest-

numbered restart<restart number>.rst file in the Case Directory.

Upon completion of a restarted simulation , CONVERGE creates a new set of domain- and

region-averaged output files (*.out, *_region#.out ). Rather than overwriting the *.out files

created in the original run , the *.out

new files will have a number ( restart_number in ) appended to the name. For e xample, if restart_number = 2 , CONVERGE will

write thermo2.out instead of thermo.out . This process allows you to save output files from a

simulation and subsequent restart(s) in the same directory.

If you edit the file and then restart a simulation , CONVERGE will create a new

output directory , output<restart_number>, to store the post* output files. For e xample, if

restart_number = 3 and if you edit the file and then restart the simulation ,
CONVERGE will write the new post* files to the output3 directory.

When restarting a CONVERGE simulation , the restarted results may not match e xactly the

results from a case without a restart. Some of the physical models incorporate random

number elements that are not replicated in a restart case. These variations will be

consistent with using a different random number seed for the same set of inputs. Also ,
CONVERGE recreates the AMR embedding at the beginning of a restart. To ensure that

the new AMR embedding matches e xactly the AMR embedding from before the restart ,
CONVERGE saves the AMR embedding information to the restart file.

Table 7.1 summarizes the restart-related parameters.

Table 7.1: Restart-related parameters in

Parameter Description
restart_flag 0 = Do not start from a restart file,
1 = Start from a restart file.

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Initialization and Regions | Initialization Methods

Parameter Description
restart_number Number that is added to .out files to prevent overwriting the e xisting
*.out files ( e.g., CONVERGE will write thermo2.out instead of thermo.out ).

num_restart_files Number of restart files to be stored. Once this number of restart files has

been written CONVERGE will remove the oldest restart file before

writing a new restart file.

twrite_restart How often (in seconds crank angle degrees

or ) to write restart files.

7.2 Regions

In CONVERGE , a boundary is a collection of surface triangles. A region is a collection of

one or more boundaries. (We recommend using CONVERGE Studio to assign surface

triangles to boundaries and boundaries to regions.) CONVERGE uses regions to initialize

variables (temperature , pressure , turbulent kinetic energy , turbulent dissipation , species ,

and passives) , control the flow between portions of the geometry , and report simulation


Note that the concept of regions in CONVERGE is slightly different than in other CFD

solvers. In other CFD codes , you must manually create a grid and assign each cell in the

grid to a region before running a simulation. When you create a grid in other CFD codes ,
you must shape the cells so that the cell faces align perfectly with the region boundaries.

The region assignment process in CONVERGE is much simpler because CONVERGE

automatically creates the grid (and controls the location and orientation of each cell in the

grid) at runtime.

It is important to remember that CONVERGE requires each boundary to be assigned to a

single region. If you have a portion of the geometry with one set of boundary conditions

but you wish to assign half of that geometry to one region and half to another region , you

must create two boundaries (with identical boundary conditions). Then you can assign one

boundary to each region.

Figure 7.5 below shows an e xcerpt of a file. In this e xcerpt, which defines a

single boundary , the last row assigns this boundary to Region 2. Each boundary definition

section of assigns that boundary to a region. Based on the region assignment of

each boundary , CONVERGE determines where in the interior of the domain to draw

dividing lines for each region.

roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity di 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0

160 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 7
Initialization and Regions | Regions

species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 2
Figure 7.5: Excerpt of a file. The last line assigns this boundary to Region 2.
7.2.1 Undefined/Dependent Region

In a typical simulation , each boundary needs to be assigned to a region. For CONVERGE

simulations that use the sealing feature ( e.g., 2-stroke or Wankel engines) , however , some

boundaries should not be associated with any single region. Instead CONVERGE will

dynamically vary the region association of these boundaries.

In previous versions of CONVERGE , boundaries not associated with a specific region were

assigned a region value of -1 in . Now CONVERGE uses the dependent keyword

to denote a boundary that is not assigned to a specific region.

Figure 7.6 below shows a Wankel engine and identifies the boundaries that are not

assigned to a specific region. Figure 7.7 shows an e xcerpt of the file for this

engine. You can see that the boundaries not assigned to a specific region have a region
keyword of dependent .

Figure 7.6: Sample Wankel engine geometry. The boundaries noted are dependent region boundaries.

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2 rotor side 2
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 2
3 rotor side 3
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 3
4 rotor top
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region dependent
5 rotor bottom
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region dependent
6 housing sides
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0

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temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region dependent
7 housing top
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region dependent
8 housing bottom
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region dependent
9 exhaust port
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la 400.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 6
10 exhaust outlet
velocity ne 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure di 108800.0 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps ne 0.0
temperature backflow di 925.0
species backflow di 4
O2 0.082
N2 0.736
CO2 0.125
H2O 0.057
passive backflow di 0

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Initialization and Regions | Regions

tke backflow in 0.02

eps backflow le 0.003
region 6
Figure 7.7: Excerpt of a file for the Wankel engine shown above. Note that Boundaries 4, 5,
6, 7, and 8 are dependent region boundaries.
7.2.2 Region Connection/Disconnection

At no time during a simulation are the surface triangles allowed to intersect each other.

For example, in an engine , there must always be a minimum lift between a valve and the

corresponding valve seat. Because of this restriction , you cannot cut off the flow between

regions by having one surface come in contact with another. Instead CONVERGE create

disconnect triangles to close the gaps (and thus cut off the flow) between regions. This

section describes the different types of disconnect triangles that CONVERGE creates. The

following section describes how to activate or deactivate the disconnect triangles to control

the flow between regions.

Consider a shock tube as an e xample. Figures 7.8 and 7.9 below show the geometry , which

is separated into two regions: the red region has a low initial pressure and the blue regions

has a high initial pressure. (The boundaries for this geometry are not shown , but in this

case the red region consists of one or more boundaries and the blue region consists of one

or more (different) boundaries.)

Figure 7.8: Shock tube geometry. The red region has a low initial pressure. The blue region has a
high initial pressure.

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Figure 7.9: Clip plane of the shock tube. From this view you can see that there are no triangles
between the two regions in the triangulated surface.

At the start of a simulation , CONVERGE identifies continuous loops of edges that form

boundaries between regions. For example, to delineate the red and blue regions

CONVERGE identifies the orange loop shown below Figure 7.10.

Figure 7.10: The edges highlighted in orange mark the border between the red and blue regions.

At the beginning of the simulation , CONVERGE will activate disconnect triangles to patch

the orange loop , as shown below in Figure 7.11. When active , these disconnect triangles

prohibit flow between the two regions. Throughout the simulation CONVERGE will

activate or deactivate the disconnect triangles to control the flow between these two

regions. Note that the disconnect triangles are strictly for numerical purposes and they are

not actually a part of the surface geometry.

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Figure 7.11: Clip plane of the shock tube and green disconnect triangles. Note that these triangles are
not part of the surface geometry and will not appear in CONVERGE Studio.

In this shock tube e xample, CONVERGE creates disconnect triangles within the circular

loop that delineates the two regions. CONVERGE can properly triangulate any planar

loop , even non-conve x or ring-shaped loops. CONVERGE can triangulate most non-planar

loops , but success is not guaranteed.

This e xample illustrates an important point: the surface must be triangulated such that

each boundary (collection of triangles) can be assigned to a single region. In the case of the

shock tube , the same geometry could have been represented as shown below in Figure

7.12. However , it would be impossible to flag separate boundaries , and thus separate

regions , for the left and right sides of the cylinder.

Figure 7.12: The same shock tube geometry but with a surface triangulation that does not allow for
separation into two boundaries (and thus two regions).

The type of disconnection illustrated with the shock tube is called a single loop

disconnection. A second common type of disconnection is a concentric circle

disconnection. For e xample, in the poppet valves in an engine , there is a concentric circle

disconnection between the valve (a circular loop) and the valve seat (another circular

loop). Figure 7.13 below shows a cross section of a valve and a valve seat in an engine. In

this e xample, the purple lines represent boundaries assigned to Region 1 , while the red

lines represent boundaries assigned to Region 2.

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Figure 7.13: Two-dimensional cross section of a valve and a valve seat.

At the start of the simulation , CONVERGE will detect two circular loops where Regions 1

and 2 meet: one loop around the base of the valve (point A in Figure 7.13) and one loop

around the base of the valve seat (point B). Because there are two loops , CONVERGE will

create a ring of disconnect triangles between the two loops ( i.e., between the valve and the

valve seat). You can activate or deactivate these disconnect triangles to control the flow

between regions. Note that in this valve e xample, the top and bottom of the valve must be

assigned to different boundaries (even if identical boundary conditions will be assigned to

the top and bottom of the valve) so that they can be assigned to different regions.

7.2.3 Events

CONVERGE uses events to active or deactivate the disconnect triangles , which control

when and where flow between regions is allowed. An OPEN event deactivates the

disconnect triangles and thus allow flow between the specified regions. A CLOSE event

activates the disconnect triangles and thus prohibits flow between the specified regions.

When disconnect triangles are activated , they act as a S YMMETRY boundary condition.

If a case includes at least two adjacent fluid regions , you must setevents_flag = 1 in and include an file in the Case Directory. The file must contain

at least one event for each pair of adjacent regions. If there is a time period for which does not contain an event for a pair of adjacent fluid regions , CONVERGE

prohibits flow between those regions.

Figure 7.14 below shows an e file. The first line must be CYCLIC,
SE QU ENTIAL, PERMANENT, or NO_DIS_TRIANGLES CYCLIC, . If it must be followed by

the period of the cycle. Each subsequent row describes a single event. (Remember that you

must include at least one event for each pair of adjacent fluid regions.) For CYCLIC or

QU list the two region IDs , the OPEN CLOSE ,
event ( or ) and the time (in

seconds crank_flag =
if 0 or in crank angle degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2). For PERMANENT,

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list the two regions IDs and the event. After NO_DIS_TRIANGLES, list the number of

events. On the following lines , enter the region ID followed by the keyword region_id .

CONVERGE does not create disconnect triangles between each listed region and the

dependent region for the duration of the simulation. Use this event type in conjunction with

the sealing feature.


CYCLIC 720.0
0 1 OPEN -363.0
0 1 CLOSE -121.0
0 2 OPEN -566.0
0 2 CLOSE -315.0
Figure 7.14: An example file.

The region IDs can be specified in either order , and the events do not need to be specified

in chronological order.

Initialization of Events
QU you must specify an event at the start_time specified in . If

CYCLIC, at the beginning of the simulation CONVERGE disconnects all adjacent regions

and then processes the events for one full cycle and then up until the simulation start time.

This action is necessary because , in a CYCLIC case , the initial region connection status

depends on the region connection status at the end of the previous cycle.

CONVERGE does not alter the time-step to make an event coincide with the start of a

time-step. Instead , at the end of each time-step , CONVERGE e xecutes any events that

occurred during that time-step ( i.e., the actual event will occur at the end of the time-step

in which that event is specified to occur). Following an event , the time-step will be reduced

by a factor of ten to more accurately simulate the shock introduced in the domain by

closing off or connecting regions.

Automatic Valve Events

For engine cases involving valves , CONVERGE can automatically create OPEN and

CLOSE events based on specified valve lift profiles. To implement this option , use the

keyword VALVE in place of both the OPEN CLOSE

and events and specify the name of

the valve lift profile in quotes after the VALVE keyword. Figure 7.15 below shows an

example file with automatic valve events. This file will use the file to

determine the OPEN and CLOSE events between Region 0 (the cylinder) and Region 1 (the

intake ports). It will use the file to create the OPEN and CLOSE events

between Region 0 and Region 2 (the e xhaust ports).

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0 1 VALVE ""
0 2 VALVE ""
Figure 7.15: Sample file with automatic valve events.

Refer to the Chapter 20 - Internal Combustion Engine Applications for more information

about valve minimum lift and valve lift profiles.

Contact Resistance Events

For contact resistance modeling , you can use the keyword CONTACT_RESIST instead of

the second region ID. For contact resistance OPEN and CLOSE events ( i.e., CONVERGE

allows or prohibits flow through the contact resistance region) , you must specify the region

ID of the contact resistance region , the appropriate keyword ( OPEN or CLOSE ,

) and the

start time of the event. For VALVE events , you must specify the region ID of the contact

resistance region as described previously and the keyword VALVE. Figure 7.16 below

shows an e xample file with all three types of contact resistance events.


CYCLIC 720.0
Figure 7.16: Sample file with contact resistance events.

Moving Triangles
It is important to note that disconnect triangles cannot be activated when the triangles to

which the disconnect triangles are attached are moving. For e xample, in the case of a valve

and valve seat , the valve must not be moving when the regions above and below the valve

are disconnected. CONVERGE checks all events at the start of the simulation to ensure

that no disconnect triangles are activated ( i.e., no CLOSE events are scheduled) while any

portions of the relevant regions are moving.

7.2.4 Region-Specific Output

CONVERGE generates output files containing averages (or sums) of results for the entire

domain and each region. Output file names for the entire domain are formatted as <file
name><restart_number>.out . Output file names for a region are formatted as <file
name><restart_number>_region<region number>.out .

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If the simulation is not started from a restart , the restart number is not included in the

output file name. For e xample, for a two-region case with no restart , CONVERGE writes

three thermodynamic output files:

thermo.out (thermodynamic output for the entire domain)

thermo_region0.out (thermodynamic output for region 0)

thermo_region1.out (thermodynamic output for region 1).

For the same case started from a restart file with a restart number of 1 ( restart_number
specified in ,
) CONVERGE writes the three thermodynamic output files:

thermo1.out (thermodynamic output for the entire domain and restart number 1)

thermo1_region0.out (thermodynamic output for region 0 and restart number 1)

thermo1_region1.out (thermodynamic output for region 0 and restart number 1).

CONVERGE constructs all output file names in this manner.

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Boundary Conditions
Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions |

8 Boundary Conditions

This chapter describes boundary-related parameters in CONVERGE. CONVERGE requires

you to assign each boundary to one of the boundary types: INFLOW , OUTFLOW , WALL ,
PERIODIC , S YMMETRY, TWO_D , INTERFACE , or GT-SUITE. You must also set a

boundary condition for each partial differential conservation equation at each boundary.

Boundary conditions can be Dirichlet ( i.e., specified value) , given by

f, (8.1)

or Neumann ( i.e., specified value of the first-derivative) , given by

x (8.2)

where f is a solved quantity ( e.g., pressure , energy , velocity , or species) and f is the

specified value or specified derivative on the boundary. In CONVERGE , f is generally set to

zero. Note that in some cases , you can specify other boundary conditions ( e.g., slip or law-

of-the-wall) , but each of these boundary conditions is a special case of a Dirichlet or

Neumann boundary condition.

CONVERGE reads boundary-related information from the file.

8.1 INFLOW and OUT FLOW Boundaries

This section describes INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries and how to configure

boundary conditions for them. INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries are similar , but there

are some boundary conditions and options available only for INFLOW or OUTFLOW

boundaries. At OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also set boundary conditions for

backflow ( i.e., flow into the domain).

Table 8.1 lists the options for boundary conditions at INFLOW and OUTFLOW


Table 8.1: Boundary conditions for INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries.

Parameter Boundary Conditions
Velocity Dirichlet ( di , ) Mass Flow ( ma , ) Average Velocity ( av ,
) Neumann ( ne ,) Normal

Neumann ( no , ) Pump ( pu)

Pressure ,
Dirichlet Neumann Transonic ( , tr

172 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

Parameter Boundary Conditions

Temperature ,
Dirichlet Neumann

Species ,
Dirichlet Neumann

Passive ,
Dirichlet Neumann

Turbulent kinetic , ,
Dirichlet Neumann Intensity ( in)


Turbulent dissipation , ,
Dirichlet Neumann Length Scale ( le

Specific dissipation rate , ,

Dirichlet Neumann Length Scale

Certain combinations of boundary conditions may not be stable and should be avoided.

For example, an INFLOW Neumann pressure boundary condition and an OUTFLOW

Neumann pressure boundary condition may result in the drifting of the mean domain

pressure. CONVERGE will warn of potential instabilities at runtime.

Figure 8.1 is an e xcerpt of a file that shows the configuration of an INFLOW

boundary and an OUTFLOW boundary.

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velocity di 0.0 0.0 10.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature di 300.0
species di 2
n2 0.77
o2 0.23
passive di 1
soot 0.001
tke in 0.01
eps le 0.013
region 0

velocity ma 10.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps ne 0.0
temperature backflow di 400.0
species backflow di 2
n2 0.77
o2 0.23
passive backflow di 0.0
tke backflow di 10.0
eps backflow di 10000.0
region 0
Figure 8.1: Configuration of INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries in

8.1.1 Velocity Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet , mass flow , average velocity , and Neumann velocity boundary conditions are

available to solve the momentum equation at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. Two

additional boundary conditions Normal Neumann and pump are available for

INFLOW boundaries. The fluctuating INFLOW option , which superimposes fluctuations

on the INFLOW velocity profile , is available for all boundary conditions.

Some velocity and pressure boundary condition combinations are not allowed in

CONVERGE. If the boundary conditions you specify are not allowed , CONVERGE will not


To set up a constant Dirichlet velocity boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed

by the three components of the velocity (in ms / ) at the boundary. To set up a spatially

and/or temporally varying Dirichlet velocity boundary condition via a ,

file enter the

keyword di followed by the file name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks. To set up a non-

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Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

constant Dirichlet velocity boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the keyword di
followed by the keyword user.
Note that you can set both the INFLOW and OUTFLOW velocity boundary conditions to

Dirichlet only when the flow is supersonic.

Mass Flow
The mass flow velocity boundary condition is a special case of the Dirichlet velocity

boundary condition. For a mass flow boundary condition , the velocity at the boundary is

calculated from

ui mass flow ni ,

ave A

where mass_flow is the mass flow into or out of the boundary , ave is the average density at

the boundary , A is the total area of the INFLOW or OUTFLOW boundary , andni is the

outward pointing surface normal. For an INFLOW boundary , a positive mass_flow

indicates flow into the domain and a negative mass_flow indicates flow out of the domain.

For an OUTFLOW boundary , a positive mass_flow indicates flow out of the domain and a

negative mass_flow indicates flow into the domain. At an OUTFLOW boundary ,

CONVERGE uniformly scales the velocities interior to the domain to achieve a fully

developed velocity profile.

For a steady-state simulation , CONVERGE updates the OUTFLOW pressure via a two-step

process , first calculating the pressure differential via the Bernoulli equation

p AVcalc AVspec

where AVcalc is the calculated average velocity and AVspec is the target average velocity

(calculated via the specified mass flow rate).

CONVERGE then updates the OUTFLOW pressure as

pnew pold p , (8.5)

where a is an under-rela xation factor.

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Note that if reverse flow occurs through an OUTFLOW boundary with a mass flow

boundary condition , CONVERGE sets the reverse flow value to zero ( i.e., no backflow can


To set up a constant mass flow velocity boundary condition , enter the keyword ma
followed by the mass flow (in kg s
/ ). To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying mass

flow velocity boundary condition via a file, enter the keyword ma followed by the file

name in quotation marks. To set up a non-constant mass flow velocity boundary condition

via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the keyword ma followed by the keyword user.
Average Velocity
For the average velocity boundary condition , CONVERGE assumes the average velocity is

a scalar normal to the INFLOW or OUTFLOW boundary. The average velocity follows the

same sign convention as mass_flow . CONVERGE scales the velocities at the cell centers

adjacent to the boundary to produce a fully developed profile so that the average velocity

at the boundary is equal to the specified average velocity.

Note that if reverse flow occurs through an OUTFLOW with an average velocity boundary

condition , CONVERGE sets the reverse flow value to zero ( i.e., no backflow can occur).

To set up a constant average velocity boundary condition , enter the keyword av followed

by the average velocity (in ms

/ ). To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying average

velocity boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword di followed by the file name in

quotation marks.

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann velocity boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by a value of 0.0 for each velocity component ( i.e., 0.0 0.0 0.0).

Note that if you set a Neumann velocity boundary condition and a Dirichlet pressure

boundary condition , CONVERGE will adjust the magnitude and direction of the velocity

based on the pressure gradient in the vicinity.

Normal Neumann
The Normal Neumann velocity boundary condition constrains the direction of the velocity

to the normal of the INFLOW boundary. This boundary condition is allowed only for

INFLOW boundaries set up with a Dirichlet pressure boundary condition. The Normal

Neumann boundary condition is not available for OUTFLOW boundaries.

To set up a Normal Neumann boundary condition , enter the keyword no followed by a

value of 0.0 for each velocity component ( i.e., 0.0 0.0 0.0).

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Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

For this boundary condition , which is available for INFLOW boundaries only , CONVERGE

reads a file that specifies the mass flows (in kg s

/ ) corresponding to different pressures (in

Pa ).

To set up a pump velocity boundary condition , enter the keyword pu followed by a file

name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks. An e xample input file for the pump

boundary condition is shown in Figure 8.2.

pressure pump_massflow
92220.0 0.11986
92726.0 0.11317
93480.0 0.103326
94830.0 0.08555
96490.0 0.06357
98771.0 0.033416
100403.0 0.011857
101300.0 0.0
Figure 8.2: Example of a file (e.g., for a pump mass flow boundary condition for an
INFLOW boundary.

Fluctuating INFLOW Boundary Option

The fluctuating INFLOW boundary option uses the concept of digital filtering to generate

turbulent fluctuations , which are then superimposed on the INFLOW velocity profile.

These fluctuations are created using a two-point correlation function as described by Klein

rm 0 rm rm 1
et al. (2003). Starting from a white noise signal rm such that and , a filtered

signal is given by

um br n mn
, (8.6)
n N

where bn are the one-dimensional filter coefficients and N is connected to the support of

rm rn 0
the filter. The autocorrelation function for white noise is for m n,

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um um k
b j b j k
j N k
N (8.7)

um um 2
j N

gives the autocorrelation function for the filtered signal in terms of the one-dimensional

filter coefficients. Three-dimensional filter coefficients bi k

are obtained by convoluting three

one-dimensional filters such that bi k = bi b bk



For a turbulent signal ,

lim Ruu ( L) 0, (8.8)


where Ruu is the autocorrelation function and L is the user-specified length scale. The

autocorrelation function for late stage homogenous turbulence takes the form

Ruu ( r , 0, 0) exp 2
, (8.9)
4 L

L L(t ) 2 (t t0 )
where . For late stage homogeneous turbulent cases , assuming the

velocity of one eddy is not correlated to the velocity of any other eddy , L appro ximately
corresponds to the size of a turbulent eddy. Small values for L result in small , high-

frequency eddies. Larger values for L lead to larger , lower-frequency eddies.

To activate the fluctuating INFLOW boundary option , do not enter the boundary type

INFLOW. Instead , enter the keyword inflow_fluctuating followed by the fluctuation

intensity and fluctuation length scale (in m ). The fluctuation intensity , which determines

the magnitude of the fluctuations scaled by the velocity , is a dimensionless parameter and

can take values between 0 and 1. Physically realistic values range from 0.02 to 0.1.

Figure 8.3 shows an e xcerpt of a file with the fluctuating INFLOW option


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Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

inflow_fluctuating 0.07 0.1
velocity di 15.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature di 300.0
species di 2
O2 0.23
N2 0.77
passive di 0
tke in 0.02
eps le 0.003
omega le 0.003
region 0
Figure 8.3: Excerpt of that includes the fluctuating INFLOW boundary option.

8.1.2 Pressure Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are available to solve the pressure equation

at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. An additional boundary condition transonic

is available for OUTFLOW boundaries.

To set up a constant Dirichlet pressure boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed

by the pressure (in Pa ) at the boundary. To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying

pressure Dirichlet boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword di followed by the file

name in quotation marks.

You can specify a static or a total (stagnation) pressure. To specify a total pressure , place

square brackets around the pressure value. For spatially and/or temporally varying

pressure boundary conditions , place a set of square brackets around the file name in

quotation marks ( e.g., [""] ). You can instead use a CONVERGE UDF to up a

non-constant Dirichlet pressure boundary condition. To set up this boundary condition via

UDF ( user_bc.c ,
) enter the keyword di followed by the keyword user . You can use the UDF

pressure boundary condition for inflow or outflow.

If you specify a total pressure , CONVERGE calculates the corresponding static pressure to

set as the boundary condition. For incompressible flows , the static pressure is given by

Pstatic Ptotal ui


For compressible flows , the relationship between the total and static pressures is

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Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

Ptotal Pstatic
1 ui


1.0 (8.11)

where is the ratio of specific heats and R is the gas constant.

For subsonic INFLOW boundaries with the Dirichlet pressure boundary condition , we

recommend specifying total pressure and setting a Neumann velocity boundary condition.

For supersonic INFLOW boundaries , we recommend specifying a static Dirichlet pressure

boundary condition and setting a Dirichlet velocity boundary condition.

For OUTFLOW boundaries with the Dirichlet pressure boundary condition , you can

specify presdist, which is the number of cells from the boundary to the ambient pressure.

Specifying presdist dampens reflecting pressure waves in the domain and can improve

convergence rates for steady-state simulations. If you specify presdist, CONVERGE

calculates the static pressure at the OUTFLOW boundary as

Pbound presdist * Pfluid


where Pbound is the value that immediately follows di

in the file and Pfluid is the

boundary cell pressure. Numerically , specifying presdist is equivalent to setting a hybrid

Dirichlet/Neumann boundary condition at the OUTFLOW boundary.

To specify presdist, enter its value after the pressure in . We do not recommend

specifying presdist for transient simulations.

When pressure waves propagate throughout the computational domain and encounter an

outlet in the geometry , the waves may reflect into the domain. This phenomenon is

unphysical because in reality , pressure waves e xit the domain at the outlet. To reduce the

effect of these spurious reflected waves , CONVERGE includes a sponge layer for Dirichlet

pressure boundary conditions at OUTFLOW boundaries. The sponge layer , which is based

on the formulation of Bodony (2006) , is a zone adjacent to an OUTFLOW boundary with a

length that you specify. Within this zone , CONVERGE attempts to detect and damp

pressure waves.

To activate the sponge layer for an OUTFLOW , enter the keyword SPONGE after the

pressure value for a Dirichlet pressure boundary condition in . On the same

line , specify the x, y, and z coordinates of the center of the sponger layer. This point must

be in the plane of the OUTFLOW boundary. Then , specify the x, y, and z coordinates of a

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

direction vector that is orthogonal to the OUTFLOW plane and points into the domain

from the center that you previously specified. Finally , enter a distance (in m ). CONVERGE

creates a sponge layer from the center point in the direction you specified with thickness

equal to the distance value. Figure 8.4 shows a sample sponge layer configuration.

7 Exhaust outflow
velocity Neumann 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure Dirichlet 101325 SPONGE -0.1258 -0.0066 0.03813 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.03
Figure 8.4: Example of a sponge layer at an OUTFLOW boundary.

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann pressure boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0. For subsonic INFLOW boundaries with the Neumann pressure boundary

condition , we recommend a Dirichlet velocity boundary condition.

To set up a non-zero-gradient Neumann pressure boundary condition , enter the keyword

ne followed by the value of the pressure gradient. This option is available for INFLOW but

not OUTFLOW boundaries.

The transonic pressure boundary condition is suitable for cases in which the flow

accelerates from subsonic to supersonic at the outlet. The transonic pressure boundary

condition is a weighted average of the Dirichlet and Neumann pressure boundary

conditions. You can specify the minimum and ma ximum Mach numbers ( Mmin and Mmax in

Equation 8.13 below) between which the flow is considered transonic. Equation 8.13

describes the different formulations for pressure in each regime:

pstatic M Mmin

p Mmax M p M p M M M
bound ,
Mmax static Mmax node min max (8.13)

pnode M Mmax

where pstatic is the calculated Dirichlet pressure and pnode is the static pressure at the cell

center of a cell adjacent to the OUTFLOW boundary. CONVERGE calculates pstatic as


pstatic 1
p x p
specified node ,
1 x 1 x (8.14)

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 181

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

where pspecified is the static pressure that you enter and x is the distance to the ambient


To set up a transonic pressure boundary condition , enter the keyword tr followed by the

static pressure (in Pa ,

) the distance to ambient pressure (in m, ) the minimum Mach

number , and the ma ximum Mach number. If you do not specify a minimum and

ma ximum Mach number , CONVERGE will use 0.9 and 1.1 , respectively.

8.1.3 Temperature Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet and Neumann temperature boundary conditions are available to solve the energy

equation at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. We recommend Dirichlet for INFLOW

boundaries and Neumann for OUTFLOW boundaries.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , CONVERGE Studio allows only a Neumann temperature

boundary condition. CONVERGE , however , will run with a Dirichlet temperature

boundary condition.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also specify a backflow temperature boundary


To set up a constant Dirichlet temperature boundary condition , enter the keyword di
followed by the temperature (in K ) at the boundary. To set up a spatially and/or

temporally varying Dirichlet temperature boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword

di followed by the file name in quotation marks. To set up a non-constant Dirichlet

temperature boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the keyword di followed by the

keyword user .

If you specify a total pressure for the pressure boundary condition , CONVERGE will

assume the specified temperature is the total temperature and calculate the static

temperature as

T T 1 i u

static total 1.0 ,

2 RT (8.15)

where is the ratio of specific heats and R is the gas constant.

182 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann temperature boundary condition , enter the keyword

ne followed by 0.0.

8.1.4 Species Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are available to solve the species equation at

INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. We recommend Dirichlet for INFLOW boundaries

and Neumann for OUTFLOW boundaries.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , CONVERGE Studio allows only a Neumann species boundary

condition. CONVERGE , however , will run with a Dirichlet species boundary condition.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also specify a backflow species boundary condition.

To set up a constant Dirichlet species boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed

by the number of species to specify. The following rows should each contain the name of a

species , followed by its mass fraction. The sum of species mass fractions should be 1.0.

Note that if the sum is not 1.0 , CONVERGE will not normalize the values at runtime.

To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying Dirichlet species boundary condition via a

file , enter the keyword di followed by the file name in quotation marks. You can instead

use a CONVERGE UDF to up a non-constant Dirichlet species boundary condition. To set

up this boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c ,

) enter the keyword di followed by the

keyword user.
To set up a zero-gradient Neumann species boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.

8.1.5 Passive Boundary Conditions

Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are available to solve the passive equation at

INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. We recommend Dirichlet for INFLOW boundaries

and Neumann for OUTFLOW boundaries.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , CONVERGE Studio allows only a Neumann passive boundary

condition. CONVERGE , however , will run with a Dirichlet passive boundary condition.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also specify a backflow passive boundary condition.


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 183

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Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

To set up a constant Dirichlet passive boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed

by the number of passives to specify. The following rows should each contain the name of

a passive , followed by its value.

To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying Dirichlet passive boundary condition via a

file , enter the keyword di followed by the file name in quotation marks. You can instead

use a CONVERGE UDF to up a non-constant Dirichlet passive boundary condition. To set

up this boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the keyword di followed by the

keyword user.
To set up a zero-gradient Neumann passive boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.

8.1.6 Turbulent Kinetic Energy Boundary Conditions

You must specify a boundary condition for the turbulent kinetic energy (tke) equation

when your simulation includes a RANS or 1-Equation LES turbulence model.

Several types of boundary conditions Dirichlet, Neumann , and intensity are available to
solve the tke equation at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also specify a backflow turbulent kinetic energy

boundary condition.

If your simulation includes a RANS k- model , you can appro ximate the far field tke at

INFLOW or OUTFLOW boundaries as

2 2
10 U 0.1U
far field

ReL ReL .

To set up a constant Dirichlet tke boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed by

the tke value (in m 2 s2

/ ) at the boundary. To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying

Dirichlet tke boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword di followed by the file name

in quotation marks.

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann tke boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.


184 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

The intensity tke boundary condition is a special case of the Dirichlet tke boundary

condition with the boundary turbulent kinetic energy given by

k ui I
3 2 2
, (8.17)

where k is the turbulent kinetic energy and I is the turbulence intensity.

To set up an intensity tke boundary condition , enter the keyword in followed by the

turbulence intensity (usually between 0.01 and 0.1).

You can use a CONVERGE UDF to up a non-constant Dirichlet , Neumann , or Intensity

tke boundary condition. To set up this boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the

appropriate keyword ( di, ne, in or ) followed by the keyword user.

8.1.7 Turbulent Dissipation Boundary Conditions

You must specify a boundary condition for the turbulent dissipation rate (eps) equation

when your simulation includes a k- turbulence model.

Several types of boundary conditions Dirichlet, Neumann , and length are


available to solve the eps equation at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. We

recommend Neumann for OUTFLOW boundaries.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , CONVERGE Studio allows only a Neumann eps boundary

condition. CONVERGE , however , will run with a Dirichlet eps boundary condition.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also specify a backflow turbulent dissipation

boundary condition.

To set up a constant Dirichlet eps boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed by

the turbulent dissipation at the boundary (in m s

). To set up a spatially and/or temporally

varying Dirichlet eps boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword di followed by the

file name in quotation marks.

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann eps boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.

Length Scale

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 185

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The length scale eps boundary condition is a special case of the Dirichlet eps boundary

condition. For the length scale boundary condition , the turbulent dissipation at the

boundary is given by

c k3/4



where e is the turbulent dissipation , c

is a model constant , k is the turbulent kinetic

energy , and le is the length scale. The length scale can be estimated from a physical

dimension in the domain ( e.g., you can set the length scale to a fraction of the intake port


To set up a length scale eps boundary condition , enter the keyword le followed by the

length scale (in m ).

You can use a CONVERGE UDF to up a non-constant Dirichlet , Neumann , or Length

Scale eps boundary condition. To set up this boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter

the appropriate keyword ( di, ne, le or ) followed by the keyword user.

8.1.8 Specific Dissipation Rate Boundary Conditions

You must specify a boundary condition for the specific dissipation rate (omega) equation

when your simulation includes a k- turbulence model.

Several types of boundary conditions Dirichlet, Neumann , and length scale are
available to solve the omega equation at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries.

For OUTFLOW boundaries , you must also specify a backflow specific dissipation rate

boundary condition.

If your simulation includes a RANS k- model ( turbulence_model = 6 , 7 , or 8 in , ) you can appro ximate the far field omega at INFLOW or OUTFLOW

boundaries as

far field 10 ,
L L (8.19)

where L is the appro ximate length of the domain.


186 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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To set up a constant Dirichlet omega boundary condition , enter the keyword di followed

by the turbulent dissipation at the boundary (in m s

). To set up a spatially and/or

temporally varying Dirichlet eps boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword di
followed by the file name in quotation marks.

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann omega boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.

Length Scale
To set up a length scale omega boundary condition , enter the keyword le followed by the

length scale (in m ).

You can use a CONVERGE UDF to up a non-constant Dirichlet , Neumann , or Length

Scale omega boundary condition. To set up this boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c ,

enter the appropriate keyword ( di, ne, le

or ) followed by the keyword user.
8.1.9 OUTFLOW Backflow Boundary Conditions

For an OUTFLOW boundary , you must define backflow boundary conditions , which will

apply if flow comes into the OUTFLOW boundary. You can define backflow boundary

conditions for the temperature , species, passive , turbulent kinetic energy (tke) , turbulent

dissipation (eps) , and specific dissipation rate (omega) equations. Specifying realistic

backflow values helps to ensure convergence.

When reverse flow occurs at an OUTFLOW boundary , CONVERGE does not immediately

initiate backflow. For e xample, suppose O2 is flowing out of an OUTFLOW boundary for

which N2 is specified as the backflow species. If backflow occurs , CONVERGE does not

have a way to ensure that the backflow species is all N2 and thus backflow does not begin

immediately. If reverse flow occurs for longer than 2.5 * cell size*flow velocity, CONVERGE

will begin flow of N2 into the OUTFLOW boundary.

To set up backflow boundary conditions , include a block of additional rows (one row for

each parameter that requires a backflow boundary condition) after the non-backflow

OUTFLOW parameters. In each additional row , enter the parameter name ( e.g., tke , ) the

keyword backflow, the boundary condition keyword ( e.g., le ) and the boundary condition

value. Note that not all boundary conditions are allowed for backflow. Table 8.2 shows

keywords and backflow boundary condition options for each parameter.

Table 8.2: Backflow boundary conditions.

Parameter Keyword Boundary Conditions
Temperature temperature Dirichlet (strongly recommended) Neumann ,

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 187

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INFLOW and OUTFLOW Boundaries

Parameter Keyword Boundary Conditions

Species species Dirichlet (strongly recommended) Neumann ,

Passive passive Dirichlet (strongly recommended) Neumann ,

Turbulent kinetic energy tke ,

Dirichlet Intensity

Turbulent dissipation eps k-

(for turbulence ,
Dirichlet Length Scale


Specific dissipation rate omega (for k-

turbulence , ,
Dirichlet Neumann Length Scale


Figure 8.5 below shows an xcerpt

e of, including backflow boundary

conditions , for an OUTFLOW boundary.

velocity ne 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure di 100000.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps ne 0.0
temperature backflow di 400.0
species backflow di 2
n2 0.77
o2 0.23
passive backflow di 2
NOX 0.001
tke backflow di 10.0
eps backflow di 10000.0
region 0
Figure 8.5: Excerpt of showing the configuration of an OUTFLOW boundary.

8.1.10 Spatially and/or Temporally Varying Boundary Conditions

You can specify spatially and/or temporally varying velocity , pressure , temperature ,
species , passive , tke , ,
eps omega , and backflow boundary conditions at INFLOW and

OUTFLOW boundaries via a file. Note that temporally varying boundary conditions are

available only for transient simulations ( i.e., steady_solver = 0 in ). This section

describes the format of spatially and/or temporally varying boundary condition input files.

We recommend creating these files in CONVERGE Studio.

To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying boundary condition , enter the name of the

input file (in quotation marks) after the boundary condition keyword in . The

file name should be of the format *.in e.g.,

( ).

188 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
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For a temporally (but not spatially) varying boundary condition input file , enter the

keyword TEMPORAL in the first row of the *.in file. In the second row , enter the keyword

SE QU ENTIAL if the data are non-repeating , or the keywordCYCLIC followed by the

period in seconds crank_flag =

(if 0 in ) or crank angle degrees crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2).

If the data are sequential , CONVERGE uses the first or last value when the simulation time

is outside the range of specified data. For both sequential and cyclic data , CONVERGE

interpolates the data you specify to obtain values of the variables at times between entries.

In the third row , enter the keyword second (if crank_flag = 0 in ) or the keyword

crank (if crank_flag = 1 or 2) , followed by the keyword(s) for the variable ( e.g., passive ).

Table 8.3 lists the keywords required to set up different variables.

Starting from the fourth row , enter a time followed by the value of the variable (of values

of the components of the variable) at that time. Figure 8.6 shows an excerpt of a

temporally varying boundary condition file.

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Table 8.3: Keywords for spatially and/or temporally varying boundary conditions.
Variable Keyword(s) Notes
Velocity U , V, W
Mass Flow massflow
Pressure pressure Specify either static or total pressure.

Temperature temperature
Species Species name(s) CONVERGE sets the mass flow of

unspecified species to 0.0.

Passives Passive name(s) CONVERGE sets the value of unspecified

passives to 0.0.

Turbulent Kinetic tke


Turbulent eps
Dissipation Rate

Specific Dissipation omega


crank U V W
0 0.0 1.7 -1.0
0.1 1.0 2.0 -3.0
10.0 5.5 3.7 -2.2
20.0 0.2 1.6 -1.1
Figure 8.6: Excerpt of a temporally varying velocity file.

For a spatially or spatially and temporally varying input file , enter the keyword SPATIAL
in the first line of the *.in file. In the ne xt x
si rows , enter the scaling value ( scale_xyz ; )

translation values for trans_x , trans_y ,

x ( ) y ( ) and z ( trans_z ;
) and the rotation a xis
( rot_axis ) and angle ( rot_angle ). Leave a blank row , then specify a value of time followed

by second (if crank_flag = crank

0 in ) or (if crank_flag = 1 or 2). In the ne xt row ,
enter xyz and the keyword(s) of the variables to set up. In each of the following rows ,
specify a spatial location and the value of the variable at that location.

If the data are outside the range of simulation , CONVERGE will use the first or last value

specified in the spatially varying boundary condition file. Note that for spatially varying

boundary condition data , CONVERGE will not interpolate values. Instead , the boundary

condition value at any point between entries will be equal to the value at the closest point.

190 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
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You can specify spatially and temporally varying boundary conditions by entering a new

value of time , as shown in Figure 8.7. Note that for spatially and temporally varying

boundary condition data , CONVERGE will not interpolate values in space or time.

Instead , the boundary condition value at any point between entries , or outside the range of

specified data , will be equal to the value at the nearest point.

1.0 scale_xyz
-0.2001 trans_x
0.1001 trans_y
0.0 trans_z
z rot_axis
0.0 rot_angle

0.0 second
x y z pressure
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.01324e5
10.0 10.0 10.0 1.00000e5

0.2 second
x y z pressure
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.11524e5
10.0 10.0 10.0 1.01100e5
Figure 8.7: Excerpt of a spatially and temporally varying pressure file.

8.2 WALL Boundary T ype

This section describes WALL boundaries and how to configure boundary conditions for

them. WALL boundaries in CONVERGE can be FI XED ( i.e., the surface geometry does not

move) or MOVING ( i.e., the surface geometry moves).

You can configure a sliding WALL to apply non-zero velocity boundary conditions to the

fluid at WALL boundaries.

Table 8.4 shows the options for boundary conditions at WALL boundaries.

Table 8.4: Boundary conditions for WALL boundaries.

Parameter Boundary Conditions
Velocity No-Slip or Dirichlet ( di ,
) Law-of-the-Wall ( la ,
) Slip ( sl )

Pressure Neumann ( ne )

Temperature , ,
Dirichlet Neumann Law-of-the-Wall Convection (, co ,
) Flu x( fl )

Species Neumann

Passive Neumann

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 191

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

Parameter Boundary Conditions

Turbulent Neumann

Kinetic Energy

Turbulent Wall Model (Dirichlet) Neumann ,


Specific Wall Model (Dirichlet) Neumann ,



Figure 8.8 is an e xcerpt of a file that shows the configuration of two WALL


roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0

roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity sl
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0
Figure 8.8: Configuration of two WALL boundaries in

8.2.1 Sliding W ALL Boundary Conditions

CONVERGE allows you to set up a sliding WALL boundary to apply a non-zero velocity

boundary condition to the fluid while keeping the surface geometry FI XED ( i.e., the WALL

surface triangles do not move during the simulation). The velocity at a sliding WALL

boundary is parallel to the boundary. Sliding WALL boundaries may be useful for

simulating rotating drums or conveyor belts.

You can specify a rotating , a translating , or a tangential sliding WALL boundary. A

tangential sliding WALL boundary is a special case of a translating sliding WALL


192 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

A rotating sliding WALL boundary means that the surface triangles themselves will not

move during the simulation , but the fluid adjacent to the boundary will be affected by a

rotating velocity boundary condition. To set up a rotating sliding WALL boundary with a

constant rotation rate for the velocity , enter the keyword FI ED

X followed by the keyword

RO . In the velocity row , enter a velocity boundary condition keyword followed by the x, ,

and z coordinates of the center of rotation ; the vector about which the wall will rotate ;
and the rate of rotation (in CAD s / ). The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction

of rotation about the a xis.

To set up a rotating sliding WALL boundary with a temporally varying rotation rate via a

file , enter the keyword FI ED X followed by the keyword RO . In the velocity row , enter the

file name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks. To set a non-constant velocity boundary

condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the keyword di followed by the keyword user. The

UDF option is allowed only for the Dirichlet boundary condition.

A translating sliding WALL boundary means that the surface triangles themselves will not

move during the simulation , but the fluid adjacent to the boundary will be affected by a

velocity boundary condition.

Constant Velocity
To set up a translating sliding WALL boundary with a constant translational velocity ,
enter the keyword FI ED
X followed by the keyword TR . In the velocity row , enter a velocity

boundary condition keyword followed by the x, y, and z coordinates of the velocity vector

(in ms / ).

To set up a tangential sliding WALL boundary , enter the keyword FI ED X followed by the

keyword STATIONARY . In the velocity row , enter the keyword TRANSLATING followed

by the x, y, and z coordinates of the a xis of rotation and the velocity magnitude (in ms
/ ).

CONVERGE determines the direction of the a xis via the right-hand rule and the direction

of translation by computing the cross product of the boundary normal and the rotation

a xis.

Non-Constant Velocity
To set up a translating sliding WALL boundary with a temporally varying translational

velocity via a file , enter the keyword FI ED X followed by the keyword TR . In the velocity
row , enter the file name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks. To set a non-constant

velocity boundary condition via user_bc.c ,

UDF ( ) enter the keyword di followed by the

keyword user. The UDF option is only allowed for Dirichlet boundary conditions.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 193

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

Note that non-constant velocity boundary conditions are not allowed for tangential sliding

WALL boundaries.

Figure 8.9 below is an e xcerpt of that shows the configuration of a rotating

sliding WALL , a translating sliding WALL , and a tangential sliding WALL.

roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 275.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0
roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity la 0.02 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity TRANSLATING -1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Neumann 0.0
omega Neumann 0.0
region 0
Figure 8.9: Configuration of rotating, translating, and tangential sliding WALL boundaries in

8.2.2 Moving W ALL Boundaries

CONVERGE allows you to set up MOVING WALL boundaries. Several types of WALL

motion translating, rotating , simultaneous rotating and translating , ,

arbitrary fluid-

structure interaction (FSI) , user-defined , and dependent are available. Figure 8.10 is an

excerpt of a file that shows the configuration of a MOVING WALL with

arbitrary motion. Some motion types ( e.g., ,

arbitrary temporally varying rotating) require

you to include motion files. We recommend creating these files in CONVERGE Studio.

194 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity sl
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0
Figure 8.11: Configuration of a MOVING WALL boundary in

The translating WALL motion type allows you to specify translating motion with either a

constant or a temporally varying velocity. There are several special cases of temporally

varying translating WALL motion files , including pistons and valves.

For constant velocity translating motion , the surface geometry file (e.g., surface.dat ) will

represent the wall locations at 0 seconds or 0 crank angle degrees (CAD), depending on the

value of crank_flag in ). If the simulation does not start at 0 , CONVERGE will

adjust the translating boundaries as though they had moved from 0 seconds or 0 CAD to

the start_time specified in . If start_time is negative , CONVERGE will move the

WALL backwards , so that when the simulation time is 0 the boundary returns to the

location specified in the surface file. Because the grid must encompass the entire geometry

throughout the simulation and the grid size is based on the size of the geometry in the

surface file , you must configure the surface file so that each boundary is at its ma ximum
extent at 0 seconds or 0 CAD . Then you can start the simulation at a negative start_time.
Note that CONVERGE does not allow surfaces to intersect and will terminate the internal

grid generation if they do. You can verify that translating WALL boundaries do not cross

other WALL boundaries with the Translate option in CONVERGE Studio.

To set up a WALL boundary with constant velocity translating motion , enter the keywords

MOVING and TR . In the velocity row , enter a boundary condition keyword followed by

the u , v, and w components of the velocity vector.

For translating WALL boundaries with temporally varying velocities , motion involves two

steps. First , CONVERGE applies the velocity as the boundary condition when solving the

flow in the cells on the moving boundary. Ne xt CONVERGE changes the geometry to

account for the WALL motion. Because CONVERGE determines the velocity by

differentiating the distance , the velocity applied as a boundary in the first step and

distance moved in the second step must be consistent to prevent distance errors from

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

happening. To ensure this consistency , CONVERGE divides the distance the WALL has to

move in the second step by the time-step size and applies the result as the velocity in the

first step.

Pistons are a special case of translating WALL boundaries. Figure 8.12 below shows the

wrist pin offset sign convention for engine applications in CONVERGE. A non-zero wrist

pin offset occurs when the a xes of the piston and the crankshaft are different. When the

wrist pin offset is positive , the piston reaches TDC before 0 CAD. When the wrist pin offset

is negative , the piston reaches TDC after 0 CAD .

Figure 8.12: The geometry of the moving piston for engine applications and the sign convention for
wrist pin offset.

Since the connecting rod length , L, remains constant , the piston will reach a lower TDC

when the wrist pin offset is non-zero , as shown below in Figure 8.13.

196 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Figure 8.14: In-cylinder volume versus crank angle for no offset, positive offset, and negative offset.

You can calculate the piston location in the z direction by

a l
2 1 cos sin
a sin wrist _ pin _ offset
a cos ),


(1 (8.20)


where a represents the half stroke length (in m,l

) is the connecting rod length (in m,
) and

is the crank angle (in radians).

To set up a multi-cylinder engine , enter the keyword ROTATION_A IS X followed by a

vector indicating the crank a xis as the first line of .

To have CONVERGE generate the position table for the piston in a single-cylinder engine ,
enter a boundary condition keyword followed by $ . Ensure that the surface geometry file

( e.g., surface.dat ) is configured with the piston at bottom dead center. CONVERGE

determines the piston position table from the engine parameters specified in,
using a crank-slider motion with options for the wrist pin offset. CONVERGE calculates

the piston profile every 0.1 CAD . To direct CONVERGE to generate a piston displacement

output file ( piston_profile#.out, where # is the piston boundary ID) , enter $$ in place of $ .

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Note that CONVERGE measures piston displacement relative to its original position in

surface.dat .

If you have a position table for the piston , enter a boundary condition keyword followed

by the name of a general motion file in quotation marks ( e.g., "" ) that contains the

position of the piston as function of time or crank angle degree.

For multi-cylinder engines , enter a boundary condition keyword followed by the phase lag

angle ( f ) and the inclination angle ( q) relative to the crank-a xis in each velocity row. Note

that the inclination angle ( q) specified follows the right-hand rule of rotation with respect

to the crank a xis vector specified in the first row of . The phase lag angle in

different cylinders represents the firing order. For e xample, for a four-cylinder engine with

firing order 1-3-4-2 , the phase lag angles would be 0.0 for the first cylinder , +180.0 for the

third cylinder , +360.0 for the fourth cylinder , and +540.0 for the second cylinder.

To have CONVERGE generate the position table for the piston in a non-engine application ,
enter a boundary condition keyword followed by the name of a piston motion file ( e.g., ). Ensure that the surface geometry file ( e.g., surface.dat ) is configured with

the piston at bottom dead center. CONVERGE determines the piston position table from

the parameters specified in the piston motion file. CONVERGE calculates the piston profile

every CAD
0.1 and will generate a piston displacement output file

( bound<ID>_motion_profile.out ). Note that CONVERGE measures piston displacement

relative to its original position in surface.dat .

To set up a non-piston translating WALL boundary , enter a boundary condition keyword

followed by the name of a general motion file in quotation marks ( e.g., "" ). For

a multi-cylinder engine simulation , enter the phase lag angle ( f) and the inclination angle

( q) after the file name.

General motion files allow you to describe the motion of any boundary. To create a general

motion file , enter the keyword TEMPORAL in the first row of the *.in file. In the second

row , enter the keyword SE ENTIALQU if the data are non-repeating , or the keyword

CYCLIC followed by the period in seconds (if crank_flag = 0 in ) or crank angle
degrees crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2).

In the third row , enter the keyword second (if crank_flag = 0 in ) or the keyword

crank (if crank_flag = 1 or 2) , followed by x, y, andz . The first column specifies the

simulation time and the ne xt three columns specify the boundary displacement in the x, y,
and z directions.

198 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

If the data are sequential , CONVERGE uses the first or last value when the simulation time

is outside the range of specified data. For both sequential and cyclic data , CONVERGE

interpolates the data you specify to obtain values of the variables at times between entries.

Figure 8.15 below gives an e xcerpt of a sample general motion file. In this e xample, the

motion is for a piston boundary in a single-cylinder engine model. Therefore , the surface

file has the piston in its BDC location and the piston motion is along the Z-a xis. The z
column values are all positive , indicating upward displacement of the piston towards top

dead center (TDC) position. The values in the x and y columns are zeros because the

piston is moving along the z a xis.

crank x y z
-360 0 0 0.106040316
-359.5 0 0 0.10602925
-359 0 0 0.106014713
-358.5 0 0 0.105996867
-358 0 0 0.105975426
Figure 8.15: Excerpt of a sample general motion file specifying piston motion along the z axis.

You can specify valve motion via valve lift files. CONVERGE can automatically create

OPEN and CLOSE events between regions separated by valves based on the valve lift

profile you provide.

To set up a valve lift file , enter the keyword TEMPORAL in the first row and the keyword

valve in the second row of the *.in file. In the third row , you can enter direction followed by

a vector to specify the direction of motion of the valve as measured when the cylinder is

aligned to the z a xis, or you can enter rotate followed by a vector and a rotation angle to

define the angle of inclination of the valve motion relative to the cylinder a xis. Note that

the right-hand rule is used when determining the direction of the rotation about the a xis.
In the fourth row , enter the keyword min_lift followed by the minimum lift (in m ).

In the fifth row , enter the keyword SE QU ENTIAL if the data are non-repeating , or the

keyword CYCLIC followed by the period in seconds (if crank_flag = 0 in crank
) or

angle degrees crank_flag

(if = 1 or 2). In the sixth row , enter the keyword second (if

crank_flag =
0 in ) or the keyword crank crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2) , followed by lift . The

first column specifies the simulation time and the second column specifies the vale lift

distance in the direction specified in the third row. Note that the lift values specified in the

valve lift file are relative to the fully seated ( i.e., zero-lift) position , not relative to the

minimum lift position. CONVERGE internally reduces the distance it moves the valve by

the minimum lift distance to account for the fact that the valve is already at 0.0002 m lift in

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 199

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

the surface geometry. Do not correct the lift data to account for the specified minimum lift

value .
If the data are sequential , CONVERGE uses the first or last value when the simulation time

is outside the range of specified data. For both sequential and cyclic data , CONVERGE

interpolates the data you specify to obtain values of the variables at times between entries.

Figure 8.16 is an e xcerpt of a valve motion file.

direction -3.08949E-1 0.0 -9.510785E-1
min_lift 0.0002
crank lift
0 0
350 0
353 0.000036
605 0.00003
608 0.00002
611 0.00002
614 0
617 0
720 0
Figure 8.16: Excerpt of a sample valve motion file.

Note that when you specify the valve motion direction in V-engines or other simulations in

which the cylinder is inclined relative to the z a xis, CONVERGE rotates the valve motion

direction vector (or angle) specified for that piston's velocity boundary condition in . If you have already measured the valve motion direction with the cylinder

aligned with the z-a xis, you do not need to calculate the new direction vector (or angle) of

the valve in the V-engine configuration.

To change the surface geometry from a straight engine (piston moves along the z a xis) to a

V-engine (pistons are inclined relative to the z a xis), enter the ROTATION_A IS X keyword

followed by the inclination angle ( q) values in for each piston.

To set up a WALL boundary with constant velocity rotating motion , enter the keyword

RO after the keyword MOVING . In the velocity row , enter a boundary condition keyword

followed by the center of rotation ( xyz coordinates) , the vector about which the wall

rotates (uvw) , and the rate of rotation (in CAD second

/ ). Note that the right-hand rule is

used when determining the direction of the rotation about the a xis.

200 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

To set up a WALL boundary with temporally varying velocity rotating motion , enter the

keyword RO after the keyword MOVING . In the velocity row , enter a boundary condition

keyword followed by the center of rotation ( xyz coordinates) , the vector about which the

wall rotates (uvw) , and the name of a file ( e.g., ) with a rotation profile. Figure

8.17 shows an e xcerpt of a file.

crank angle
0.0 0
0.5 10
1.0 20
1.5 30
2.5 40
2.5 50
3.0 60
3.5 70
4.0 80
4.5 90
5.0 100
Figure 8.17: Excerpt of a file.

Rotating and Translating

The rotating and translating WALL motion type allows you to specify simultaneous

rotating and translating motion.

To set up a WALL boundary with rotating and translating motion , specify the keyword RT
after the keyword MOVING . In the velocity row , enter a boundary condition keyword

followed by a velocity vector (uvw) indicating the direction in and speed with which the

boundary moves , the center of rotation ( xyz coordinates) , the vector about which the wall

rotates (uvw) , and rate of rotation (in CAD second

/ ) of the boundary. Note that the right-

hand rule is used when determining the direction of the rotation about the a xis. Figure

8.18 is an e xcerpt of a file that shows the configuration of a MOVING WALL

boundary with rotating and translating motion.

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity sl 0.0 1.0 0.6 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 275.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0
Figure 8.18: Configuration of a MOVING WALL boundary with rotating and translating motion in

The arbitrary WALL motion type allows you to specify the position and orientation of a

MOVING WALL boundary at different times.

To set up a WALL boundary with arbitrary motion , enter the keyword AR after the

keyword MOVING . In the velocity boundary condition row , enter a boundary condition

keyword followed by the name of an arbitrary motion file in the *.in format ( e.g., ).

In the *.in ,
file enter the keyword TEMPORAL in the first row of the *.in file. In the second

row , enter the keyword SE QU ENTIAL if the data are non-repeating , or the keyword

CYCLIC followed by the period in seconds crank_flag(if = 0 in ) or crank angle

degrees crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2). If the data are sequential , CONVERGE uses the first or last

value when the simulation time is outside the range of specified data.

In the third row , enter the keyword second crank_flag =

(if 0 in ) or the keyword

crank crank_flag =
(if 1 or 2) , followed by x, y, z, v1x, v1y, v1z, v2x, v2y v2z and . Begin the

fourth row with the keyword supplied_position, x

then specify yz coordinates that give the

temporally varying origin of the local coordinate system. CONVERGE will use the

coordinate system origin as a reference to move the boundary. After the origin coordinates ,
specify two sets of xyz vectors. The first vector ( v1x, v1y, v1z ) define the initial direction of

the x a xis for the local coordinate system ; the second vector ( v2x, v2y, v2z ) defines the

initial direction of the y a xis for the local coordinate system. The orientation vectors must

be orthogonal to each other. The location and vectors you specify in the supplied_position
row correspond to the position and orientation of the MOVING WALL with arbitrary

motion in the surface file CONVERGE reads for the simulation.

In each of the following rows , enter a value of time in seconds crank_flag =

(if 0 in )

or crank angle degrees (if crank_flag = 1 or 2) , followed by the location of the origin of the

202 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

local coordinate system and two orthogonal vectors to define the orientation of the

boundary at that time. Figure 8.19 shows an e xcerpt of a file.

crank x y z v1x v1y v1z v2x v2y v2z
supplied_position 0.25 1.40 1.21 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 -0.7
0.0e-05 0.25 1.40 1.20 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 -0.7
2.3e-05 -0.99 0.87 0.00 0.99 -2.9 0.0 2.9 0.99 0.0
4.6e-05 -0.98 1.73 0.00 0.99 -5.81 0.0 5.81 0.99 0.0
6.9e-05 -0.96 2.58 0.00 0.99 -8.71 0.0 8.71 0.99 0.0
Figure 8.19: Excerpt of a sample arbitrary moving wall position file (e.g.,

Fluid-Structure Interaction
The fluid-structure interaction (FSI) WALL motion type allows you to specify that the

motion of MOVING WALL is determined by fluid-structure interactions. The WALL

boundary must be part of an FSI object in


To set up a WALL boundary with FSI-determined motion , enter the keyword FSI after the

keyword MOVING . Note that CONVERGE ignores velocity boundary conditions specified

for WALL boundaries with FSI-determined motion.

The user-defined WALL motion type allows you to specify the motion of a MOVING

WALL via UDF ( user_motion.c ).

To set up a WALL boundary with user-defined motion , enter the keyword U S after the

keyword MOVING . Note that CONVERGE ignores velocity boundary conditions specified

for WALL boundaries with user-defined motion.

The dependent WALL motion type allows you to specify the motion of a MOVING WALL

boundary whose motion depends on the motion of an adjacent boundary ( e.g., lateral

piston motion). When the adjacent boundary moves , the shared vertices move with it , and

triangles that make up the WALL boundary with dependent motion deform (stretch or

compress). WALL boundaries with dependent motion must not contain internal triangles.

An internal verte x ( i.e., one not shared with any other boundary) would remain stationary

and could cause undesirable deformations to the geometry.

Figure 8.20 illustrates dependent WALL motion.

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

a) b)
Figure 8.20 The underside of a piston a) before, and b) after lateral movement. The orange boundary
is a WALL boundary with dependent motion. The blue ring of triangles moves with the piston along
the z axis, but does not move laterally. When the piston moves, the inner vertices of the orange
boundary move laterally with the piston, but the outer vertices remain stationary in the xy plane.
The triangles stretch or compress to accommodate the lateral piston movement.

To set up a WALL boundary with dependent motion , enter the keyword DE after the

keyword MOVING . Note that CONVERGE ignores velocity boundary conditions specified

for WALL boundaries with dependent motion.

8.2.3 Velocity Boundary Conditions

Several velocity boundary conditions Dirichlet ( i.e., no slip) , ,

slip and law-of-the-wall
are available to solve the momentum equation at WALL boundaries. This section describes

how to set up boundary conditions for FI XED STATIONAR Y WALL boundaries ( i.e., non-

MOVING , non-sliding WALL boundaries).

For WALL boundaries associated with solid regions ( solid_flag = 1) , only the Dirichlet

boundary condition is allowed.

Note that if you set a law-of-the-wall temperature boundary condition , you must also set

the velocity boundary condition to law-of-the-wall.

To set up a Dirichlet velocity boundary condition for a FI XED WALL , enter the keyword di
followed by the three components of the velocity set to 0.0 ( i.e., 0.0 0.0 0.0). This boundary

condition is also known as a no-slip boundary condition.

The Dirichlet velocity boundary condition is available for sliding and MOVING WALL


204 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

A slip boundary condition is a special case of the Neumann boundary condition. For this

boundary condition , CONVERGE sets the components of the stress tensor that are tangent

to the WALL to 0.0.

To set up a slip velocity boundary condition for a XED

FI WALL , enter the keyword sl
followed by 0.0 0.0 0.0.

The slip velocity boundary condition is available for sliding and MOVING WALL


For high Reynolds number turbulent flows , it may not be possible to resolve the viscous

sub-layer of the flow (Warsi , 1993). The law-of-the-wall boundary condition is suitable for

these cases , in which the turbulent boundary layer resolution is not sufficient ( i.e., the

viscous sub-layer is not resolved). The law-of-the-wall is a logarithmic curve fit of a

turbulent boundary layer. In practice , the law-of-the-wall profile is used to determine the

tangential components of the stress tensor at the wall.

For the velocity law-of-the-wall boundary condition , CONVERGE includes two options for

simulations with an LES turbulence model (the standard law-of-the-wall model and the

Werner and Wengle wall model [Werner and Wengle , ]

1991 ) and one option for

simulations with a k- turbulence model (the Launder and Spalding [Launder and

Spalding , 1974 ] wall model). The standard law-of-the-wall model requires iterations. The

Werner and Wengle model is more complicated than the standard law-of-the-wall model ,
but it does not require iterations. We recommend using the Werner and Wengle model

when your simulation includes an LES turbulence model.

For the standard law-of-the-wall model , the shear speed is defined as

U i , tang
E u y

1 (8.21)

for y +
greater than 11.05 and

U i ,
u 2



CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 205

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

for y +
less than 11.05. The above equation is solved iteratively. The tangential components

of the wall stress are given as

u n
U i , tang
i 2


j j
U i , tang

For the Werner and Wengle model , if the magnitude of the tangential velocity satisfies


U i , tang (8.24)

then the shear speed is given as

Ui ,


where A is 8.3 and B is 1/7. If the inequality is not satisfied then the shear speed is given


1 BA B



y A y
U i , tang (8.26)


Once the shear speed is calculated , Equation 8.23 is used to determine the stress tensor.

The Launder and Spalding model (Launder and Spalding , 1974) for simulations with a k-
turbulence model is given as

ln Ey

u *

y y
11.2 ,

206 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

where E is 9.8 ,

u n
U i , tan g

i j





The shear speed is given as

u c k


, (8.30)

where is the Von Karman constant (0.4187) , k is the turbulent kinetic energy , and c

the model constant from the k- model. The tangential relative velocity is given as

U i , tan g U i U j
n ni
. (8.31)

Rearranging Equation 8.28 , an e xpression for the law-of-the-wall stress tensor can be

derived as

U i , tang u n

j (8.32)

Table 8.5 below summarizes the law-of-the-wall parameters in

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

Table 8.5: Law-of-the-wall parameters in

Parameter Name Description/Typical Value
0.4187 (Karmen s constant). This parameter is used for simulations

with a k-e turbulence model.

law_b 5.5 , which is the value of u+

when y +
is equal to 1.

wall_model 0 = Standard law-of-the-wall,

1 = Werner and Wengle model.
This parameter is used for simulations with an LES turbulence model.

If law-of-the-wall is specified , then you must specify an absolute wall roughness for each

wall boundary. If you specify a wall roughness , the law-of-the-wall is modified to account

for the user-specified roughness as shown in Cebeci and Coustei x (2005). The law-of-the-

wall for mean velocity modified for roughness has the form

u *

ln Ey ,



ln fr . (8.34)

The roughness function f

, r, quantifies the shift of the intercept due to roughness effects ,
and depends on the type (uniform sand , rivets , etc.) and size of the roughness. For

uniform roughness elements , has been found to be well-correlated with the non-

dimensional roughness height ,

Ks u*
, (8.35)

where Ks is the physical roughness height. There are three distinct roughness regimes and

the values of for each regime are given by the following set of equations.

For the hydrodynamically smooth regime ( k +


0. (8.36)

For the transitional regime (2.25 < k +


208 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

1 k
sin 0.4258 ln 0.811 ,



where rs is a roughness constant that depends on the type of roughness.

In the fully rough regime ( k +

> 90),

1 rs k .


Depending on the regime of roughness , the corresponding Equations 8.36 , 8.37 , and 8.38

are used for modified law-of-the-wall in Equation 8.33. The results of these equations are

then used to evaluate the shear stress at the wall and the wall functions for the mean

temperature and turbulent quantities.

To model the wall roughness effects , specify two roughness parameters: the absolute

roughness ( i.e., the roughness height , given in meters ) and the roughness constant

(unitless). The default value for absolute roughness is zero , which corresponds to a

perfectly smooth wall. If the wall is not smooth , you can use a sand-grain absolute

roughness value. These values are available in many fluid mechanics xtbooks.
te For

example, the absolute roughness is 0.00026 m for cast iron , 0.0009 m for riveted steel , and

0.000045 m for commercial steel. CONVERGE assumes that the absolute roughness is

constant across the entire surface.

Choosing a proper roughness constant depends mainly on the type of roughness. The

default roughness constant is 0.5. When 0.5 is used with k-e turbulence models , it

reproduces Nikuradse s resistance data for pipes with tightly-packed , uniform sand-grain

roughness. For non-uniform sand-grains , ribs, or wire-mesh roughness , a larger value (0.5

to 1.0) is more appropriate.

Note that wall-adjacent cells that are smaller than the absolute roughness will not improve

the accuracy of the simulation results near the wall.

To specify a law-of-the-wall boundary condition , enter the keyword la followed by 0.0 0.0


8.2.4 Pressure Boundary Conditions

CONVERGE allows a zero-gradient Neumann boundary condition to solve the pressure

equation at WALL boundaries. To set up a Neumann pressure boundary condition , enter

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

the keyword ne followed by 0.0.

8.2.5 Temperature Boundary Conditions

Several temperature boundary conditions Dirichlet, Neumann , law-of-the-wall ,

convection , radiation convection , and flu xare available to solve the energy equation at

WALL boundaries. (An additional temperature boundary condition is available for

INTERFACE boundaries , which are a special type of WALL boundaries). For WALL

boundaries associated with solid regions ( solid_flag = 1) , only the Dirichlet boundary

condition is allowed.

The WALL temperature boundary conditions are described below.

The Dirichlet boundary condition is suitable for cases in which the viscous sub-layer is

resolved. If the near-wall resolution is inadequate ( i.e., if the viscous sub-layer is not

resolved) , we recommend law-of-the-wall instead.

For the Dirichlet boundary condition , heat transfer at the wall occurs by conduction and is

given by

q k T k T Tw ni
xi x x w

To set up a constant temperature Dirichlet boundary condition , enter the keyword di

followed by the temperature (in K ) at the boundary. To set up a spatially and/or

temporally varying temperature Dirichlet boundary condition via a file , enter the keyword

di followed by the file name in quotation marks. To set up a non-constant temperature

Dirichlet boundary condition via UDF ( user_bc.c , ) enter the keyword di followed by the

keyword user.
Neumann (Adiabatic)
CONVERGE allows a zero-gradient Neumann boundary condition. For this boundary

condition , there is no heat transfer between the wall and the fluid ( i.e., the boundary is


To set up a Neumann boundary condition , enter the keyword ne followed by 0.0.

The law-of-the-wall temperature boundary condition is suitable for cases in which the

turbulent boundary layer resolution is not sufficient ( i.e., the viscous sub-layer is not


210 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

To set up a temperature law-of-the-wall boundary condition , enter the keyword la

followed by the temperature (in K) of the boundary. Then configure the heat transfer

model and the wall distance calculation scheme via wall_dist_flag in . The

available options are described below.

CONVERGE includes heat transfer models for the temperature law-of-the-wall boundary

condition: O'Rourke and Amsden (Amsden , 1997) , Han and Reitz (Han and Reitz , 1997) ,
Angelberger (Angelberger et al. , 1997) , and GruMo-UniMORE (Berni et al. , 1993). The

Han and Reitz model accounts for compressible effects. The Angelberger model accounts

for quasi-isothermal flow ( e.g., in intake pipes or compression during engine simulations)

and for non-isothermal wall flow ( e.g., in the combustion chamber during combustion or

in e xhaust pipes). The Angelberger model consistently predicts lower wall heat flu xes than

the Han and Reitz model. The GruMo-UniMORE model is recommended for simulating

highly-charged/highly-downsized spark-ignited engines , and it may improve over-

estimation of the wall heat transfer as predicted by the Angelberger and Han and Reitz


For the O'Rourke and Amsden model , the wall heat transfer is given by

mc p F T f Tw
k T ni ,
xi y (8.40)


1.0 y



t y
11.05 ,
1 ln(

) B 11.05 m 1

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 211

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

u y
m (8.42)

k is the molecular conductivity , is the Von Karman constant (0.4187), B is given by law_b
in, Prm is the molecular Prandtl number , Prt is the turbulent Prandtl number ,
Tf is the fluid temperature , Tw is the wall temperature , and u
is the shear speed (taken from

the momentum law-of-the-wall).

For the Han and Reitz model , wall heat transfer is given by

c T T n
p f w i
y m
k dT


f T
c uT
p f ln i n
w T y

2.1 ln


For the Angelberger model , wall heat transfer is given by

wc p u Tw ln n i
k dT T
w , (8.44)




y y

2.075 ln( y
) 3.9 y

For the GruMo-UniMORE model , wall heat transfer is given by

dT c p u (T f Tw )
k , (8.46)

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type


Pr y , y + 13.2

2.075 ln( y ) 13.2 Pr 5.34 y + 13.2.

Different wall distance ( y ) calculation schemes are available. For the first scheme ,
CONVERGE calculates the distance to a moving boundary as

y Vfullcellsize

0.5 (14.1)

where Vfullcellsize refers to the volume of a full size cell at the same embedding scale. For a

stationary boundary , y is equal to the distance from the effective boundary cell center to

the boundary itself. If the boundary cell is not part of a cell pair , the effective boundary cell

center is the center of the cell adjacent to the boundary. If the boundary cell is part of a cell

pair , the effective boundary cell center is the center of the cell pair.

To set up a heat model with this wall distance calculation scheme , set wall_dist_flag = 0.

For the second wall distance calculation scheme , CONVERGE calculates the distance to

moving and stationary boundaries as

y Vfullcellsize

0.3 (14.2)

where Vfullcellsize refers to the volume of a full size cell at the same embedding scale and 0.3

is an empirical value.

To set up a heat model with this wall distance calculation scheme , set wall_dist_flag = 1.

For the convection boundary condition , heat transfer at the wall occurs by convection and

is given by

qconvection k T ,
x w

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 213

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Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

where k is the thermal conductivity (in W m-K

/ ). CONVERGE evaluates this e xpression in

one of two ways.

For solid walls and laminar fluids , CONVERGE discretizes the temperature gradient to

obtain a relation between the wall temperature Tw (in K) and the first wall-normal cell

temperature Ti (in K). The wall heat transfer is then e xpressed as

qconvection k Ti Tw h Tw T ,

where T is the ambient temperature (in K,h ) is heat transfer coefficient (in W m2-K ,
/ ) and

Tsolid is the temperature at the boundary of the solid (in K ). The wall temperature Tw is then

solved as

Tw f Ti , T
). (8.50)

For turbulent fluids , CONVERGE uses a wall function to calculate the heat flu x at the

wall. A wall temperature is specified , and the wall function is used to calculate the heat

flux at the wall as follows:

q w f w Ti , Tw
( ). (8.51)

From this calculated heat flux, CONVERGE re-calculates the wall temperature.

CONVERGE iterates this solution procedure to calculate the temperature at the wall. For

more details about wall functions , refer to Chapter 15 - Turbulence Models.

To set up a convection boundary condition , enter the keyword co, followed by the ambient

temperature (in K ) and the heat transfer coefficient (in W m2-K

/ ). You can also specify

spatially and/or temporally varying convection temperature data.

Radiation Convection
For the radiation convection boundary condition , heat transfer at the wall occurs by

radiation and convection and is given by

qrad _ conv h T T Trad T ,

4 4

214 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

where T is the ambient temperature for convection , is the emissivity of the surface , is

the Stefan-Boltzmann constant , and Trad is the ambient temperature for radiation.

To set up a radiation-convection boundary condition , enter the keyword rad_conv,

followed by the ambient temperature for convection (in K, ) the heat transfer coefficient (in

W m2-K ,
/ ) the ambient temperature for radiation (in K,
) and the emissivity of the surface.

To model a pure radiation case , set the ambient temperature for convection and the heat

transfer coefficient to 0.0. You can also specify spatially and/or temporally varying

convection temperature data.

For the flu x boundary condition , heat transfer occurs at a user-specified rate.

To set up a flu x temperature boundary condition valid across the entire surface area of the

boundary , enter the keyword fl followed by a heat flu x value (in W m2

/ ). A negative flu x
value means heat flows into the boundary. You can also specify spatially and/or

temporally varying flu x temperature data.

1D Conjugate Heat Transfer

CONVERGE includes a 1D conjugate heat transfer (CHT) boundary condition to model

heat transfer in thin solid layers between a fluid and a solid. When the thermal penetration

depth is small , a 1D model can produce accurate results for heat transfer through the thin

solid layers. CONVERGE uses a flu x-forward, temperature-back scheme to couple the fluid

and solid regions. With this scheme , the solid conduction solver uses the solid bulk

temperature ( solid_bulk_temp in ) and the heat flu x from the fluid (computed by

CONVERGE) to determine the temperature in the thin solid layers. Because the scheme

assumes that the problem is one-dimensional , the system of equations to solve is tri-

diagonal and can be solved efficiently with the Thomas algorithm. The 1D CHT model is

available to resolve temperature solutions for solids with either dirichlet or law-of-the-wall
boundary conditions.

You can enable the 1D CHT model for WALL boundary type temperature boundary

conditions. Enter the keyword cht1d after the la or di keyword to enable the 1D CHT

boundary condition and include the file in the Case Directory.

Nucleate Boiling Model

Nucleate boiling is a boiling regime that occurs when a single-phase liquid contacts a solid

under specific conditions. If the temperature of the solid exceeds the saturation

temperature of the liquid by a certain liquid-specific amount and the heat flu x from the

wall is below the critical heat flu x, nucleate boiling will occur. Formation of vapor bubbles

at the solid surface and subsequent separation of these vapor bubbles characterizes this

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 215

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

boiling regime. Nucleate boiling is a particularly efficient mode of heat transfer because the

separation of vapor bubbles causes rapid mi xing and enhances convective heat transfer.

CONVERGE accounts for the additional heat transfer from nucleate boiling by computing

the heat flu x through a wall as the sum of single-phase heat flu x and heat flu x due to

nucleate boiling:

q qsingle phase qbw ,


where qbw is the additional heat flu x due to boiling. To represent the additional heat flu x,
CONVERGE uses the Rohsenow correlation (Rohsenow , 1952):

qbw h g l v c pl Tw Tsat

( )
A l lat C h
sf lat l

l is the liquid viscosity , hlat is the latent heat of vaporization , g is gravitational

acceleration , l is the density of the liquid ,

v is the density of the vapor , is the surface

tension c
, pl is the specific heat capacity of the liquid , Csf is a constant that varies with the

surface-liquid combination , and Prl is the Prandtl number. The quantity Tw Tsat
is the

difference between the wall temperature and the saturation temperature. The e xponent m
is 0.0 when the liquid is water and 0.7 in all other cases. In, use the

parameter nb_exponent to specify the e xponent m . Table 8.6 lists Csf mand values for some

commonly simulated surface-fluid combinations (Incropera , 1990).

To activate the nucleate boiling model in CONVERGE , set nucleate_boiling_flag = 1 in and include in the Case Directory.

Table 8.6: Rohsenow correlation parameters for some fluid-surface combinations.

Fluid-Surface Combination Csf m

Water copper Scored 0.0068 0.0

Polished 0.0130 0.0

Water stainless steel Chemically etched 0.0130 0.0

Mechanically polished 0.0130 0.0

Ground and polished 0.0060 0.0

Water brass 0.0060 0.0

Water nickel 0.006 0.0

216 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

Fluid-Surface Combination Csf m

Water platinum 0.0130 0.0

n-Pentane copper Polished 0.0154 0.7

Lapped 0.0049 0.7

Benzene chromium 0.101 0.7

Ethyl alcohol chromium 0.0027 0.7

8.2.6 Species and Passive Boundary Conditions

CONVERGE allows a zero-gradient Neumann boundary condition to solve the species and

passives equations at WALL boundaries. To set up a Neumann species or passive

boundary condition , enter the keyword ne followed by 0.0.

8.2.7 Turbulent Kinetic Energy Boundary Conditions

You must specify a boundary condition for the turbulent kinetic energy (tke) equation

when your simulation includes a RANS or 1-Equation LES turbulence model. CONVERGE

allows a zero-gradient Neumann boundary condition to solve the tke equation at WALL

boundaries. To set up a Neumann tke boundary condition , enter the keyword ne followed

by 0.0.

8.2.8 Turbulent Dissipation Boundary Conditions

You must specify a boundary condition for the turbulent dissipation rate (eps) equation

when your simulation includes a k- turbulence model.

Wall model (Dirichlet) and Neumann boundary conditions are available to solve the eps

equation at WALL boundaries.

Wall Model (Dirichlet)

CONVERGE calculates the Dirichlet turbulent dissipation boundary condition at the

center of the cell adjacent to the wall via the wall model:

c k0.75



in which e is the turbulent dissipation , k is the turbulent kinetic energy , y is the distance

from the wall to the middle of the cell , c

is a turbulence model constant , and is von

Karman s constant of 0.4187.

To set up a constant Dirichlet turbulent dissipation boundary condition , enter the keyword

di followed by 0.0.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 217

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann eps boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.

8.2.9 Specific Dissipation Rate Boundary Conditions

You must specify a boundary condition for the specific dissipation rate (omega) equation

when your simulation includes a k- turbulence model.

Wall model (Dirichlet) and Neumann boundary conditions are available to solve the

omega equation at WALL boundaries.

Wall Model (Dirichlet)

CONVERGE calculates the Dirichlet turbulent dissipation boundary condition at the

center of the cell adjacent to the wall via the wall model.

To set up a constant Dirichlet turbulent dissipation boundary condition , enter the keyword

di followed by 0.0.

To set up a zero-gradient Neumann eps boundary condition , enter the keyword ne
followed by 0.0.

8.2.10 Spatially and/or Temporally Varying Boundary Conditions

You can specify spatially and/or temporally varying , convection or heat flu x temperature

boundary conditions at WALL boundaries via a file. Note that temporally varying

boundary conditions are available only for transient simulations ( i.e., steady_solver = 0 in ). This section describes the format of spatially and/or temporally varying

boundary condition input files. We recommend creating these files in CONVERGE Studio.

To set up a spatially and/or temporally varying boundary condition , enter the name of the

input file (in quotation marks) after the boundary condition keyword in . The

file name should be of the format *.in e.g.,

( ).

For a temporally (but not spatially) varying boundary condition input file , enter the

keyword TEMPORAL in the first row of the *.in file. In the second row , enter the keyword

SE QU ENTIAL if the data are non-repeating , or the CYCLIC

keyword followed by the

period in seconds crank_flag =

(if 0 in ) or crank angle degrees crank_flag =(if 1 or 2).

If the data are sequential , CONVERGE uses the first or last value when the simulation time

is outside the range of specified data. For both sequential and cyclic data , CONVERGE

interpolates the data you specify to obtain values of the variables at times between entries.

218 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

In the third row , enter the keyword second (if crank_flag = 0 in ) or the keyword

crank (if crank_flag = 1 or 2) , followed by the keywords ref_temp conv_htc

and for the

convection boundary condition or the keyword heat_flux for the flu x boundary condition.

Figure 8.21 shows an e xcerpt of a temporally varying convection boundary condition file.

second ref_temp conv_htc
0 534.481 -0.000
20.000 534.481 -3.412
Figure 8.21: Excerpt of a temporally varying convection boundary condition file.

For a spatially or spatially and temporally varying input file , enter the keyword SPATIAL
in the first line of the *.in file. In the ne xt six rows , enter the scaling value ( scale_xyz ; )

translation values for trans_x , trans_y ,

x ( ) y ( ) and z ( trans_z ; ) and the rotation a xis
( rot_axis ) and angle ( rot_angle ). Leave a blank row , then specify a value of time followed

by second (if crank_flag = crank

0 in ) or (if crank_flag = 1 or 2). In the ne xt row ,
enter xyz and the keyword(s) of the variables to set up ( conv_htc or heat_flux ). In each of

the following rows , specify a spatial location and the value(s) of the variable(s) at that


If the data are outside the range of simulation , CONVERGE will use the first or last value

specified in the spatially varying boundary condition file. Note that for spatially varying

boundary condition data , CONVERGE will not interpolate values. Instead , the boundary

condition value at any point between entries will be equal to the value at the nearest point.

You can specify spatially and temporally varying boundary conditions by entering a new

value of time , as shown below in Figure 8.22. Note that for spatially and temporally

varying boundary condition data , CONVERGE will not interpolate values in space or time.

Instead , the boundary condition value at any point between entries , or outside the range of

specified data , will be equal to the value at the nearest point.

Note that the coordinates correspond to the surface as it is specified in the surface

geometry file ( e.g., surface.dat , ) not its current position.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 219

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | WALL Boundary Type

1.0 scale_xyz
-0.0 trans_x
-0.0 trans_y
-0.0 trans_z
z rot_axis
0.0 rot_angle

0.0 second
x y z heat_flux
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.03
0.1 0.0 0.0 0.06

10.0 second
x y z heat_flux
0.0 0.0 0.0 -0
0.0 0.01 0.0 -0
Figure 8.22: Excerpt of a spatially and temporally varying heat flux boundary condition file.

8.3 PERIODIC Boundary T ype

PERIODIC boundaries allow you to simulate only a portion of a geometry ( e.g., an engine

sector) to save computational resources. Sector (pie-shaped) and planar (bo x-shaped)
PERIODIC boundaries are available in CONVERGE. You must specify PERIODIC

boundaries in pairs.

You can specify MOVING PERIODIC boundaries. The only type of motion allowed is

translating. If a PERIODIC boundary is translating , vertices within that boundary will

move according to the velocity you specify. For a stationary PERIODIC boundary , you

must specify a velocity , although CONVERGE will not use this value.

To set up a pair of PERIODIC boundaries , enter the keyword PERIODIC followed by ST

for a stationary boundary or TR for a translating boundary. Ne xt enter the keyword match
followed by the boundary ID of the matching boundary. During the simulation ,
CONVERGE reads the match keyword and copies the values of each boundary condition

on the first PERIODIC boundary to its matching boundary. To ensure physical results ,
verify that the boundary faces on both PERIODIC boundaries match e xactly.

220 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | PERIODIC Boundary Type

Figure 8.23 gives an e xcerpt of that shows the configuration of sector and

planar PERIODIC boundary pairs. Note that you must enter the keywords rotate (for

sector PERIODIC boundaries) or translate (for planar PERIODIC boundaries) only for the

first boundary of each PERIODIC pair. The four values that follow rotate are the angle of

rotation and the vector about which CONVERGE rotates the PERIODIC boundary to

produce its matching boundary. CONVERGE determines the a xis vector and the sign of

the angle of rotation from the right-hand rule. The three values that follow translate are the

x, y, and z distances (in m ) between the matching PERIODIC boundaries.

# Periodic -Y (sector)
velocity 0. 0. 0.
rotate 45.0 0. 0. 1
match 5
region 0

# Periodic +Y (sector)
velocity 0. 0. 0.
match 4
region 0

# Periodic -Z (planar)
velocity 0. 0. 0.
translate 0.0 0. 0.1
match 7
region 0

# Periodic +Z (planar)
velocity 0. 0. 0.
match 6
region 0
Figure 8.23: Configuration of sector and planar PERIODIC boundaries in The sector
boundaries (4 and 5) represent a 45-degree slice. The planar boundaries (6 and 7) are separated by
0.1 meters in the z direction.

8.4 SYM M ET RY Boundary T ype

At S YMMETRY boundaries , CONVERGE sets the velocity boundary condition to slip and

all other boundary conditions to Neumann. If a spray parcel interacts with a S YMMETRY
boundary , the spray parcel is perfectly reflected ( i.e., not affected by friction at the wall) as

if it had entered the domain from the opposite side of the boundary. Figure 8.24 gives an

excerpt of a file that shows the configuration of a S YMMETRY boundary.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 221

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | SYMMETRY Boundary Type

region 0
Figure 8.24: Configuration of a SYMMETRY boundary in

8.5 T WO_D Boundary T ype

The TWO_D boundary allows you to specify two-dimensional cases in CONVERGE. The

TWO_D boundary is only available for non-moving , non-spray cases.

To set up a two-dimensional case in CONVERGE , create a three-dimensional surface

including two identical , parallel boundaries and set their boundary type to TWO_D. Note

that corresponding TWO_D boundaries must be aligned along the z a xis ( i.e., the flow

must be along the xy plane).

Figure 8.25 gives an xcerpt

e of a file that shows the configuration of

corresponding TWO_D boundaries.

# Front blue face

region 0
# Back Face
region 0
Figure 8.25: Configuration of corresponding TWO_D boundaries in

8.6 INT ERFACE Boundary T ype

An INTERFACE boundary allows you to set up a WALL boundary that will separate

regions. CONVERGE creates independent grids for each phase , and the INTERFACE

boundary allows for interaction through interface triangles. To configure an INTERFACE

boundary , you must specify boundary conditions for each side of the INTERFACE in .

In addition to the applications described below , you can use an INTERFACE boundary as

a baffle to separate two fluid regions. If you wish to enforce thermal continuity across the

INTERFACE such that the temperatures and heat flu xes of the regions on either side of the

baffle are the same , use the coupled temperature boundary condition.

Conjugate Heat Transfer

222 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INTERFACE Boundary Type

For conjugate heat transfer (CHT) applications , an INTERFACE boundary separates

regions containing two phases ( e.g., solid and fluid phases). Figure 8.26 shows the

boundary conditions on each side of the INTERFACE in


# Interface triangles on the piston surface
forward 2
reverse 3
disconnect 0
# Piston Surface-fluid side
roughness 0 0
velocity law_of_wall $
pressure neumann 0
temperature law_of_wall coupled
species neumann 0
passive neumann 0
tke neumann 0
eps dirichlet 0
region_id 0
# Piston Metal-solid side
roughness 0 0
velocity dirichlet $
pressure neumann 0
temperature dirichlet coupled
species neumann 0
passive neumann 0
tke neumann 0
eps dirichlet 0
region_id 1
Figure 8.26: Configuration of an INTERFACE boundary in In this example, the
INTERFACE boundary is between two existing boundaries.

As shown in the figure above , the lines after INTERFACE include the keywords forward
and reverse, which define the direction of interaction between the boundaries on either

side of the interface. The boundary ID following forward should indicate the boundary that

is in the direction of the normal vectors. The boundary ID following reverse should indicate

the boundary that is in the opposite direction of the normal vectors.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 223

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INTERFACE Boundary Type

If you specify e xisting boundaries as the forward and reverse boundaries, CONVERGE will

use the boundary conditions already assigned for these e xisting boundaries as the

boundary conditions for the two sides of the INTERFACE boundary. Note that

CONVERGE will not use the actual triangles from the boundaries specified in the surface

geometry file , but it will use the boundary conditions from these e xisting boundaries.

Alternatively , instead of e xisting boundaries , the forward and reverse boundaries can be

so-called virtual boundaries. Virtual boundaries are not composed of any triangles in the

surface geometry file , and CONVERGE considers their boundary conditions to be a part of

the INTERFACE boundary. In, however , virtual boundaries are set up as

additional boundaries , with their temperature boundary condition set to coupled . The

coupled boundary condition implies a thermal continuity across the INTERFACE , so that

the temperatures and heat flu xes of the solid and fluid phases are the same.

To model thermal contact resistance between two solids or a solid and a fluid , enter the

contact resistance (in K-m W 2/ ) after the keyword coupled . You must enter the same contact

resistance value for both the forward and reverse boundaries. Figure 8.27 below gives an

excerpt of with virtual WALL boundaries.

224 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INTERFACE Boundary Type


# Interface triangles on the piston surface
forward 2
reverse 3
disconnect 0
# Piston Surface-fluid side
roughness 0 0
velocity law_of_wall $
pressure neumann 0
temperature law_of_wall coupled
species neumann 0
passive neumann 0
tke neumann 0
eps dirichlet 0
region_id 0
# Piston Metal-solid side
roughness 0 0
velocity dirichlet $
pressure neumann 0
temperature dirichlet coupled
species neumann 0
passive neumann 0
tke neumann 0
eps dirichlet 0
region_id 1
Figure 8.27: Configuration of a pair of virtual WALL boundaries.

If disconnect = 0 , CONVERGE will treat the INTERFACE boundary as if there is a physical

wall between boundaries. Heat transfer is allowed between the boundaries on either side

of the INTERFACE boundary. This is the typical configuration for a conjugate heat

transfer simulation that models the heat transfer between the fluid and the solid piston.

When disconnect = 0 , you must configure both the forward and reverse virtual boundaries

as WALL boundaries.

If disconnect = 1 , CONVERGE will create disconnect triangles at the interface. Configure

OPEN and CLOSE events in to control the flow across the interface. OPEN

events will allow both mass and heat to move across the boundary. CLOSE events will

prohibit mass and heat flow across the boundary. When disconnect = 1 , you must configure

both the forward and reverse virtual boundaries as S YMMETRY boundaries.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 225

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | INTERFACE Boundary Type

Multiple Reference Frame

For the multiple reference frame (MRF) approach , INTERFACE boundaries separate the

local (moving) reference frame from the inertial reference frame. Each INTERFACE

boundary is associated with two virtual boundaries (as described above).

For MRF simulations , use the FLOW_THROUGH boundary condition for the virtual

boundaries associated with each INTERFACE that delineates the MRF region. These

boundary conditions do not affect the flow in any way , but separate the local reference

frame from the inertial reference frame. Flow can pass through this boundary type

without a change in behavior. For example, if you were to perform a channel flow

simulation and then place a FLOW_THROUGH boundary in the channel cross section

normal to the a xial direction , the results will not change. Figure 8.28 below gives an

excerpt of with virtual FLOW_THROUGH boundaries. After each virtual

boundary , specify the region ID associated with the given side of the INTERFACE.

8 mrf_imp_diff_interface
forward 28
reverse 29
disconnect 0
28 mrf_imp_diff_interface - propeller
region 1
29 mrf_imp_diff_interface - outflow
region 2
Figure 8.28: Configuration of a pair of FLOW_THROUGH boundaries.

8.7 GT -SUIT E Boundary T ype

The GT-SUITE boundary allows you to set up CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling through . Table 8.7 describes the parameters that you must include in the header of in order to set up coupling with GT-SUITE. You can set end_time (in

to GT to cause CONVERGE to terminate the simulation as dictated by the end time

specified in GT-SUITE.

226 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 8
Boundary Conditions | GT-SUITE Boundary Type

Table 8.7: CONVERGE + GT-SUITE parameters in

Parameter Description
gti_flag 0 = No CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling,
1 = CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling. The general flow of information is from

CONVERGE to GT-SUITE and back.

6 = CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling. The general flow of information is from GT-

SUITE to CONVERGE. This option ensures conservation of mass. All new

CONVERGE + GT-SUITE developments are based on this option. You must set
gti_flag = 6 for GT-SUITE/FSI coupling.

gti_file_name Name of the file that contains the GT-SUITE model parameters. Used only when

gti_flag is non-zero.

gti_code_name Name of the GT-SUITE e xecutable (e.g., GTPOWER, GTS ITE, GTS ITEmp
U or U ) that

couples with CONVERGE. Used only when gti_flag is non-zero.

gti_version Version number for GT-SUITE that enables CONVERGE to find the server files of GT-

SUITE (GTLINK). Used only when gti_flag is non-zero. CONVERGE 2.4 is

compatible with GT-SUITE versions 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.5 , 2016 , and newer.

To set up GT-SUITE boundaries in, enter the keyword GT . The number that

follows the keyword GT refers to the part ID in the GT-SUITE file. You must set boundary

conditions for passives , ,

tke and eps. Note that the passive row specifies the number of

passives you are not coupling with GT-SUITE ( e.g.,the passives for which you are

specifying values). CONVERGE will automatically couple with GT-SUITE any passives
listed in for which you do not specify a value. Figure 8.29 below is an e xcerpt of a file that includes a GT-SUITE boundary. In this simulation , all passives are

coupled with GT-SUITE.


16 # Number of boundaries defined

gti_flag 1
gti_file_name EngCylinderCFD_Demo_ds18
gti_code_name GTpower
gti_version v7.3

# Exhaust Outflow 1
GT 2
passive dirichlet 0
tke intensity 0.02
eps length_scale 0.003
region 2
Figure 8.29: Configuration of a GT-SUITE boundary in

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 227

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Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanism s
Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms |

9 Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms

CONVERGE obtains thermodynamic information from the data ( *.dat ) files , which are

described in this chapter.

CONVERGE generates the gas properties from the polynomial coefficients located in the

thermodynamic data file ( e.g., therm.dat and/or tabular_therm.dat ). The gas.dat file contains

additional gas properties , and the reaction mechanism file ( e.g., mech.dat ) contains

information about the chemical reactions that occur in the gaseous phase. The liquid and

solid properties are specified in liquid.dat and solid.dat, respectively. This chapter also

describes the file , in which you can define several different types of species , and

the skip species feature , which can reduce the computational e xpense of your simulation.

For custom fluid properties , CONVERGE includes an interface utility for calculating fluid

properties using the CoolProp library.

9.1 Gas Properties

Gas properties are specified gas.dat, in as well as in the thermodynamic data ( e.g.,
therm.dat and/or tabular_therm.dat ) and reaction mechanism ( e.g., mech.dat ) files.

CONVERGE assumes that ideal gas mi xture assumptions are valid when determining the

properties of gas mi xtures, and thus CONVERGE evaluates gas mi xture properties as

e emYm , h hmYm , s smYm , c p c p mYm ,
m 1 m m 1 m 1 1


c v c v mYm , W Wm
Xm , and m ,
m 1 m 1 m 1

where the summation is over all M species , h is the enthalpy , s is the entropy , X
m is the
species mole fraction , Ym is the species mass fraction c , p is the specific heat at constant

pressure , vc is the specific heat at constant volume ,W is the molecular weight , and r m is the
species density.

230 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Gas Properties

9.1.1 Thermodynamic Data Input Files

Each gas phase species in a CONVERGE simulation must have species-specific

thermodynamic data in a thermodynamic data or tabular thermodynamic data ( i.e.,

tabular_therm.dat ) file. For a detailed description of therm.dat, consult Chapter 22 - Input

File Reference.

NASA 7 Format
CONVERGE supports the NASA 7 format for the thermodynamic data file. For each gas

phase species in this file , it must contain the species name , the elemental composition of

the species , the phase of the species , and temperature ranges over which a polynomial is fit

to thermodynamic data. Briefly , NASA 7 therm.dat file contains the keyword thermo in the

first row. The second row specifies three temperatures: a low temperature , a common

temperature , and a high temperature. These temperatures define the two ranges over

which a polynomial is fit to thermodynamic data , as follows:

C po m
a m a mTm a mTm a mTm a mTm
, 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

a m a m Tm a m Tm a m Tm a m Tm a m
2 3 2 4 3 5 4 6

RTm 1
2 3Tm 4 5

Smo a T a T a m T a m T a m T a 3 2 4 3 5 4

R m m mm m m m m
ln . (9.4)
1 2 7
2 3 4

The third row specifies the species information , and the ne xt three rows contain

coefficients for the polynomial fits for the standard state molar heat capacity at constant

pressure Cop,m, the standard state molar enthalpy H

o ,
m and the standard state molar

entropy Som, respectively , for the m th


The heat of formation is calculated by evaluating Equation 9.3 at 298.15 K . Therefore , the

, H
s ,
sensible enthalpy
m is given by


a m a m Tm a m Tm a m Tm a m Tm a m RTm
2 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 o
298.15 .
Hm 1
Hm (9.5)
2 3 4 5

The fourth row of the thermodynamic data file specifies the coefficients a 1
though a 5

the upper temperature interval , followed by the integer 2. The fifth row contains the

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 231

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Gas Properties

coefficients a 6
and a7 for the upper temperature interval and a,a,
1 2
and a 3
for the lower

temperature interval , followed by the integer 3. The si xth row contains the coefficients a 4

through a 7
for the lower temperature interval , followed by the integer 4. The file repeats

rows three through si x for each species , followed by an end statement. For a detailed

description of therm.dat, consult Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

CONVERGE calculates other thermodynamic properties using standard equations.

NASA 9 Format
CONVERGE supports the NASA 9 format for the thermodynamic data file , as specified in

McBride and Gordon , 1996 . Briefly , the NASA 9 format for therm.dat contains the

keyword thermo nasa 9 in the first row. The second row specifies the temperature ranges

over which a polynomial is fit to the thermodynamic data. Note that the NASA 7 format

only has three temperatures listed on this line , so if CONVERGE detects a fourth

temperature , it will e xpect the NASA 9 format. The ne xt set of rows repeat for each species

until the end of the file is indicated by the keyword end .

The first row for each species specifies the species name , the second line specifies the

number of temperature ranges for which data will be provided , the atomic symbols and

number of each atom type , the phase , and the heat of formation. The third row begins

with the first temperature range , and is followed by the number of coefficients for the

polynomial fits for the standard state molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cop,m, the

exponents for temperature in the empirical equation for C p,m, o the standard state molar

enthalpy H
m . Equations 9.6 to 9.8 (from Gordon and McBride , 1994) specify how the

standard state molar heat capacity at constant pressure C p,m,

o standard state molar

enthalpy H
m . standard state molar entropy Som, are calculated:

C po m
a mTm a mTm a m a mTm a mTm a mTm a mTm
, 2 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Tm a m a m Tm a m Tm a m Tm a m Tm b m
a T
m m 2
a mTm 1 4 5 2 6 3 7 4 1

RTm Tm
ln( ) (9.7)
1 2 3
2 3 4 5

Smo a m T a T a T a T a m T a m T a m T b
1 2 1 5 2 6 3 7 4

R m m m m m m m m m m m
ln( ) . (9.8)
2 3 4 2
2 2 3 4

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Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Gas Properties

Thus , the second row for each temperature range for each species in the thermodynamic

data file specifies the coefficients a 1

though a 5
while the third row contains the coefficients

a 6
and a7 . as well as the integration constants b1 and b2 .

For a complete description of therm.dat in the NASA 9 format , consult Chapter 22 - Input

File Reference.

CONVERGE also accepts coefficients for the general form of the equations for the NASA 9

format if you do not have composite species or if you do not intend to use the CE Q solver.

In the general form , Equations 9.6 to 9.8 become Equations 9.9 to 9.11:

C po m n 8
ai mT ci
, (9.9)
i 1


n 8
ai mT i dt c bm


RTm i 1
T 0

a T i dt c ai m T ci
T im

where ln( ) if 1
, (9.10)

a T ci dt i m T ci
1 a
T im


Smo n T a T ci dt b

R im
, 2 , m
i 1 0

T T ai m c (9.11)

ai mT dt ai m T ci ai mT dt ci T i
ci 1 ci 1 ,
where ln( ) if 0 else .
, , ,
0 0

Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties

For both the NASA 7 and NASA 9 formats , Gibbs free energy , heat capacity at constant

volume , and internal energy are calculated from

Gmo Hm
m mo ,TS (9.12)

C vmo C pmo R , (9.13)


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H mo RTm , (9.14)

respectively , where G om is the specific (per unit mass) Gibbs free energy and U
m is the

specific internal energy.

CONVERGE supports species-specific thermodynamic data saved in a tabular format. If

both a thermodynamic data file and a tabular thermodynamic data file are saved to the

Case Directory and if both of these files contain data for the same species , CONVERGE

will use the data from the tabular thermodynamic data file. If you have a file that contains

thermodynamic properties in tabular format , name this file tabular_therm.dat and save it in

the Case Directory. For a detailed description of this file , consult Chapter 22 - Input File

Reference. The file contains thermodynamic properties in 10 K intervals

from 0 K K.
to 5000 Although CONVERGE will e xtrapolate these physical properties to

in which may be greater than 5000 K, it it important to note that these

properties are reliable only from 0 K to 5000 K .

Cleaning Utility
Use the cleantherm utility to condense your thermodynamic data file so that it lists only the

species contained in the reaction mechanism file. To run this utility , go to your Case

Directory and type the following command:

converge cleantherm

CONVERGE will read the thermodynamic data and reaction mechanism files in the Case

Directory and generate a therm_cleaned.dat file that contains only the species listed in the

reaction mechanism file.

9.1.2 gas.dat and transport.dat

For a simulation with gases , CONVERGE requires a gas.dat file (if species_diffusion_model =
0 in ) or a transport.dat file (if species_diffusion_model = 1).

The gas.dat file contains gas viscosity and conductivity data in 10 K increments starting

from 0 K. The gas.dat data must go at least to the max_temp (specified in ) or to

5000 K, whichever is lower. If the max_temp xceeds 5000

e K and if the gas.dat file contains

data only to 5000 K, CONVERGE will perform a zero-order e xtrapolation to obtain gas

property data up to the ma ximum temperature.

For a detailed description of this file , consult Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

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The transport.dat file is CHEMKIN-formatted. For a detailed description of this file , consult

Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

9.1.3 Species-Dependent Critical Properties of Gases

For a simulation with multiple gas species , you can include species-dependent critical

temperatures , critical pressures , and/or acentric factors. These data are used only when

eos_flag = ,1 2 or 3 in . To include species-dependent data , specify a file name ( e.g.,

crit_cond.dat ) instead of a value for crit_temp, crit_pres, and/or acentric_factor in .

For a simulation that includes composite species , CONVERGE will calculate the critical

properties of the composite from the species-specific critical properties in crit_cond.dat .

Figure 9.1 shows an e xcerpt of an file. In this e xample, crit_temp, crit_pres, and

acentric_factor each specify a file name ( crit_cond.dat ) instead of a value. The crit_cond.dat
file will contain the species-dependent gas property data. For a detailed description of

crit_cond.dat, consult Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

# properties
1 gas_compressible_flag
0 liquid_compressible_flag
0 lhv_flag
0 tabular_fluid_prop_flag
0 eos_flag
0 real_gas_prop_flag
6.0 max_reduced_pres
crit_cond.dat crit_temp
crit_cond.dat crit_pres
crit_cond.dat acentric_factor
Figure 9.1: An excerpt of in which species-dependent gas properties (crit_temp, crit_pres,
acentric_factor) are specified via crit_cond.dat.

9.1.4 Reaction Mechanism Input File

The reaction mechanism file ( e.g., mech.dat ) lists the gas-phase elements and species used in

the simulation. If your simulation invokes the SAGE detailed chemistry solver , mech.dat
must also include reaction data. Note that the species names and information defined in

the reaction mechanism file must be consistent with the species names specified in For a detailed description of mech.dat, consult Chapter 22 - Input File


Each reaction specified in mech.dat lists the pre-e xponential factor Ai (in centimeters, grams,
or seconds, depending on the reaction) , the temperature e xponent bi (dimensionless) , and

the activation energy Ei (the default units are cal gm-mole

/ ) in the Arrhenius equation

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k fi AT i i

e (9.15)

for the forward rate constant of the i

reaction kfi Y . ou can change the units for activation

energyEi K mole to J/ instead of the default cal gm-mole/ by including the keyword

J U / in the same line as the reactions keyword. Only the forward rate constant

is typically defined in mech.dat and CONVERGE will calculate the reverse rate constant kri

k fi
kri , (9.16)

K ci

where Kci is the equilibrium constant determined from thermodynamic properties. You can

activate other reaction options , including the reverse reaction , as described in the following

sections. For a sample mech.dat with reaction options activated , refer to Chapter 22 - Input

File Reference.

REV Reaction Option

To specify the reverse rate constant for a reaction in a reaction mechanism file , add a row

after the reaction with the keyword REV and values for Ai, bi, and Ei, in that order.

Three Body Reaction Option

Some reactions require a third body for the reaction to proceed. A third body is often

needed in dissociation or recombination reactions such as

H 2
. (9.17)

In such a reaction involving K chemical species , the rate of progress for the ith
reaction is

given by

K K K ki
qi ki Xk k ki
fi X k ri X k , k (9.18)
k 1 k 1 k 1

where nki are integers representing stoichiometric coefficients , the superscript ' indicates

forward stoichiometric coefficients , indicates reverse stoichiometric coefficients , [X k] is the

molar concentration of the k th

species , and kfi kri
and are the forward and reverse rate

236 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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constants , respectively. If all of the species in the mi xture contribute equally as third

bodies , then a ki = 1 for all ki and the first factor in Equation 9.18 is the total concentration

of the mi xture:

Xk . (9.19)
k 1

In reality , some species act more efficiently as third bodies than others , and thus you need

to specify the non-unity values of a ki in the reaction mechanism file. You must specify the

species that enhances the efficiency of the reaction and enhancement factor. CONVERGE

allows a ma ximum of 30 entries for the enhanced third-body species.

Pressure-Dependent Reaction Option

Under certain conditions , some reaction rate e xpressions depend on both pressure and

temperature. In low-pressure and high-pressure ranges , different forms of these reaction

rate expressions may apply. During pressure and temperature conditions between the two

limits (low and high pressure) , the rate e xpressions become complicated. To denote a

reaction that is in this range , write the reaction with (+ M, ) as shown ,

C H3 C H3 M C 2
H6 M . (9.20)

In reaction mechanism files , CONVERGE allows the Lindemann , Troe , SRI, P-Log , and

Chebyshev methods to represent rate e xpressions in this range.

Lindemann Format
For pressure-dependent reactions , Arrhenius rate parameters are required for both the

high- and low-pressure-limiting cases. The Lindemann form (Lindemann et al. , 1922) of

the rate coefficient blends these two sets of parameters to produce a single pressure-

dependent rate e xpression. In Arrhenius form , the the low-pressure limit ( k 0

) and high-

pressure limit ( k ) are as follows:

k AT 0
E ,
e (9.21)
0 0


k AT

e . (9.22)

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The rate constant at any pressure is then taken to be

kk P
r , F

1 r P (9.23)

where the reduced pressure Pr is given by

Pr k M ,


and [ M] is the concentration of the mi xture, which may include enhanced third-body

efficiencies. In the Lindemann form , F is unity in Equation 9.23.

Troe Format
In the Troe form (Gilbert et al. , 1983) , F in Equation 9.23 is given by

P c

F 1
n d P c
log log . (9.25)

log r

The constants in Equation 9.25 are

c 0.4 0.67 log cent , F (9.26)

n 0.75 1.27 log cent , F (9.27)

d 0.14 , (9.28)


Fcent 1 exp T T /
exp T / T exp T
* **
/ T . (9.29)

SRI Format
The blending function F in Equation 9.-6 in SRI format (Kee et al. , 1989) is given by

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F d a

b T X

T c (9.30)



X . (9.31)
1 log 2

P-Log (Pressure-Dependent Arrhenius Rate Expressions) Format

When using the P-Log format (Cantera) , you must specify different rate parameters for

discrete pressures within the pressure range of interest. When computing the actual

reaction rate CONVERGE will determine the rate parameters using logarithmic

interpolation of the specified rate constants , at the current pressure from the simulation.

The set of pressure points for which you specify rate parameters must include at least two

different pressures. During a simulation , if the current pressure is within 1 % of one of the

pressures for which you provided rate constants , then CONVERGE will use that set of rate

parameters directly. However , if the current pressure is between the pressure points

provided , then CONVERGE will determine the rate by a linear interpolation of ln k as a

function of ln P (natural logarithms) by the following relation ,

k ki ki ln k ln P Pi ln

Pi P
ln ln ln
1 (9.32)
ln ln

To calculate the rate of the reaction for a pressure lower than any of those provided ,
CONVERGE uses the rate parameters you specified for the lowest pressure. Likewise , in

calculating the rate of the reaction for a pressure higher than any of those you specified ,
CONVERGE will use the rate parameters provided for the highest pressure.

Chebyshev (Polynomial-Based) Reaction Rate Format

For selected reactions , you can use the bivariate Chebyshev polynomial to determine a

phenomenological rate coefficient k(T,P) (Cantera) as follows:

log k T , P tpt
( ) (T)
p ( P ), (9.33)
t p 1 1

where a tp are the constants defining the rate , f n( x ) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the

first kind of degree n evaluated at x, and

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2T 1
T 1

T 1
ma x
T 1

P 2 log P P log
log Pma x

logP ma x
log P min

are reduced temperature and reduced pressures which map the ranges ( Tmin,Tmax ) and

( Pmin,Pmax ) to (-1 , 1). Note that the Chebyshev polynomials are not defined outside the

interval ,
(-1 1). Therefore , you should not e xtrapolate rates outside the range of

temperatures and pressures defined for each reaction.

Duplicate Reaction Option

Occasionally two or more reactions use the same set of reactants and products but proceed

through distinctly different processes. To include reactions with the same reactants and

products but different Arrhenius parameters , include a row with the keyword

U (or U ) after each line (including the first) that contains the reaction.

Isomer Lumping Reaction Option

CONVERGE can lump together isomer species during the mechanism reduction process.

In the species section of the reaction mechanism file , use the prefi x ism- to indicate a

lumped isomer species. In the reactions section of the reaction mechanism file , include the

L MPU keyword in the row below any reaction that includes a lumped isomer species. (The

L MPU keyword is necessary because the presence of a lumped isomer species requires a

change in the calculation of the reaction rate.)

In the following section , c

is the concentration of species j (j represents the X, Y, Z, ism X,
and ism Y species in the following equations) ,a represents the specific constant associated

with a lumped reaction (Lu and Law , 2008) , and rest of the symbols and notations have

their usual meaning.

Type 1:
The reaction has a lumped isomeric species ism X and Y as reactants to form Z as

shown in Figure 9.2 below.

ismX + Y =Z
Figure 9.2: An excerpt of a reaction mechanism file showing TYPE 1 lumped reaction.

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The reaction rates ( ) for the lumped reactions are calculated as given by Equations

9.36 , 9.37 , 9.38 , 9.39.

qf lumped (9.36)


qr _ lumped r q (9.37)


q f cism cY AT
e (9.38)



qr c ArevT
e (9.39)


Type 2:
The reaction has lumped isomeric species ism X Y
and ism as reactants to form Z as

shown in Figure 9.3 below.

ismX+ismY = Z
Figure 9.3: An excerpt of a reaction mechanism file showing TYPE 2 lumped reaction.

The reaction rates ( ) for the lumped reactions are calculated as given by Equations

9.40 , 9.41 , 9.42 , 9.43.

qf lumped (9.40)

qr _ lumped r q (9.41)


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q f cism cismY AT
e (9.42)



qr c ArevT
e (9.43)


Type 3:
The reaction has X and Y as reactants to form an isomeric species Z as shown in Figure


X+Y = ismZ
Figure 9.4: An excerpt of a reaction mechanism file showing TYPE 3 lumped reaction.

The reaction rates ( ) for the lumped reactions are calculated as given by Equations

9.44 , 9.45 , 9.46 , 9.47.

qf _ lumped f q (9.44)

qr qr
lumped (9.45)



q f c cY AT
e (9.46)


qr cism ArevT
e (9.47)


Type 4:

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The reaction has an isomeric species X and Y as reactants to form an isomeric species Z

as shown in Figure 9.5.

ismX+Y = ismZ
Figure 9.5: An excerpt of a reaction mechanism file showing TYPE 4 lumped reaction.

The reaction rates ( ) for the lumped reactions are calculated as given by Equations

9.48 , 9.49 , 9.50 , 9.51.

qf lumped (9.48)


qr qr
lumped (9.49)



q f cism cY AT
e (9.50)



qr cism ArevT
e (9.51)


Fractional Order (FORD) Reaction Option

The fractional FORD order ( ) reaction option allows you to modify stoichiometric

coefficients to account for fractional order reactions. The non-integer FORD value

overrides the stoichiometric coefficients in

qr k fr Xm
rr X m m ,r ,

m 1 m 1

m ,r and
m ,r are the stoichiometric coefficients for the reactants and products ,
respectively , for species m ; [Xm] is the molar concentration of species m kfr
; and krr are the

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forward and reverse rate coefficients , respectively ; and qr is the rate of progress for the r th


User-Defined Reaction Rate

You can define reaction rates for simulations involving detailed chemistry that have

reaction parameters that are not necessarily in Arrhenius format. For user-defined reaction

rate reactions , you still need to include values for the three Arrhenius rate parameters

immediately following the reaction itself , but CONVERGE will not use these values.

Instead , CONVERGE will reference the user_reaction_rate.c user-defined function.

9.1.5 Ionization Reactions

Ionization occurs during combustion in gasoline and diesel engines. CONVERGE can

simulate gas ionization reactions when you add electron constants to the reaction

mechanism and thermodynamic data files.

In the elements section of the reaction mechanism file , you must include the electron

species name with the electron mass , e/5.447e-4/ , in atomic mass units . In the species

section , you must also include the electron species name , e, and in the reactions section ,
you must include any ionization reactions. Figure 9.6 below shows a reaction mechanism

file that contains ionization information.

h c o n e/5.447E-4/

c7h16 o2 n2 co2 h2o
co h2
h2o2 ho2 oh
h o
no n ch
e hco+ h3o+

hco+ + h2o = h3o+ + co 1E+16 -0.09 0
h3o+ + e = h2o + h 2.291E+18 -0.5 0
Figure 9.6: A sample reaction mechanism file for an ionization reaction.

In the thermodynamic data file, you must list the thermodynamic coefficients for the

electron (e) , which is a massless gas , as well as any ionized species ( e.g., H3O +) that are

part of a ionization reaction. Figure 9.7 below shows an e xample thermodynamic data file.

244 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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300.000 1000.000 5000.000
e GAS L 6/88e 1 0 0 0g 200.000
5000.000 1000. 1
0.25000000E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2
-0.74537500E+03-0.11720813E+02 0.25000000E+01 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00-0.74537500E+03-0.11720813E+02 0.00000000E+00 4
h3o+ ATcT Ah 3o 1e -1 0g 298.150
5000.000 1000. 1
2.49647765E+00 5.72844840E-03 -1.83953239E-06 2.73577348E-10 -1.54093917E-14 2
7.16244227E+04 7.45850493E+00 3.79295251E+00 -9.10852723E-04 1.16363521E-05 3
-1.21364865E-08 4.26159624E-12 7.14027518E+04 1.47156927E+00 7.25739701E+04 4
Figure 9.7: Sample thermodynamic data file for an ionization reaction.

9.1.6 Mechanism Merge

Because most mechanisms are developed for specific fuels , it can be difficult to find a

mechanism that includes all of the required fuel species. It may be convenient to merge

two reactions or to develop a surrogate fuel and add e xtra species and reactions to a

mechanism. The mechmerge utility can be used for either of these tasks.

It is important to use the mechmerge utility with care. The reaction path of the resulting

mechanism may deviate from the original , and merging mechanisms can change quantities

such as flamespeed and ignition delay. Due to the comple xity of the mechanism merge

utility , we recommend using CONVERGE Studio to run it. Refer to the Chemistry chapter

in the CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Manual.

Running mechmerge
The mechmerge utility requires two mechanism files ( mech1.dat and mech2.dat ) and two

thermodynamic files ( therm1.dat and therm2.dat , ) all of which must be saved in the Case

Directory. The mechanism files should be in the format specified in the Reaction

Mechanism Input File section , and both the thermodynamic files should be in the same

format (either NASA 7 or NASA 9 , as specified in the Thermodynamic Data Input File

section). Note that both

You must follow a three-step process to merge mechanisms via mechmerge . In the first two

steps , CONVERGE searches the mech*.dat and therm*.dat files for conflicts. After you

resolve any conflicts , in the third step CONVERGE writes the final reaction mechanism

and thermodynamic data files.

From the Case Directory , enter

converge mechspec


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converge mechspec2

to prompt CONVERGE to write three output files: mech_check1.dat, mech_check2.dat, and

conflicts1.dat . CONVERGE lists each species and reaction mechanism for the corresponding

mech*.dat file in mech_check1.out and mech_check2.out . The ELEMENTS section of the

conflicts1.dat contains a list of elements that are found in only one of the two mech*.dat
files. The SPECIES section of conflicts1.dat differs based on which command you use. The

mechspec command populates conflicts1.dat with conflicts due to species that contain the

same elements but have different names or species that have the same name but contain

different elements. The mechspec2 command populates conflicts1.dat with species that are

found in only one of the mech*.dat files in addition to the previously listed conflicts.

After running mechspec1 mechspec2,

or you should edit conflicts1.dat to resolve conflicts in

the SPECIES section. ( You do not need to make any changes to the ELEMENTS section.) If

you do not resolve SPECIES conflicts , CONVERGE will write conflicting species to the final

reaction mechanism file in the third step of mechmerge, which may lead to incorrect

simulation results. Figure 9.8 below shows an e xample conflicts1.dat file with corrections.

In the SPECIES section of conflicts1.dat, a comment character !

( ) precedes the conflict

descriptions. After the conflict description , there is a list of each species that is part of the

conflict. A 1/ (for mech1.dat ) or a 2/ (for mech2.dat ) and a number that matches the

species number found in the corresponding mech_check*.out file precede the species name.

For e xample , if 1/51/C12H25O2 is the species description , C12H25O2 is the species found

in mech1.dat and is listed as 51 in mech1_check.out . If two species have the same name , one

species must either be deleted or renamed because the final reaction mechanism file in

CONVERGE cannot have any species with duplicate names.

To delete a species in conflicts1.dat, type /0 without any spaces after the species name , e.g.,
2/175/C12H25/0. To rename a species , type a new name between / symbols , e.g.,

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! mech1 species not found in mech2 and are not conflicting
! mech2 species not found in mech1 and are not conflicting
! ELEMENTS are the same between mech1 and mech2 species
1/11/CH2 2/16/T-CH2/CH2/
1/11/CH2 2/23/S-CH2
1/12/CH2* 2/16/T-CH2
1/12/CH2* 2/23/S-CH2/CH2*/
1/26/AC3H5 2/44/S-C3H5
1/26/AC3H5 2/47/A-C3H5/AC3H5/
1/26/AC3H5 2/54/T-C3H5
1/49/S3XC12H25 2/175/C12H25/0
! NAMES are the same between mech1 and mech2 species
Figure 9.8: Sample of conflicts and edits in the SPECIES section of conflicts1.dat.

Once you have edited the conflicts1.dat file, enter

converge mechreac


converge mechreac2

With either command , CONVERGE writes the conflicts2.dat file. If you use mechreac,
conflicts2.dat lists thermodynamic and reaction conflicts based on edits from conflicts1.dat .

If you mechreac2, conflicts2.dat

use does not list conflicts because CONVERGE uses

mech1.dat therm1.dat
/ information as a default unless mech2.dat has new species and

corresponding reactions. Since no conflicts are listed when using the mechreac2 command ,
the remaining information in this section will refer to the conflicts2.dat file generated from

mechreac .

In the THERMO section of conflicts2.dat, CONVERGE writes the thermodynamic conflicts

between duplicate species i.e.,

( same name and elements) that have different LOW or

HIGH thermodynamic coefficients. In the REACTIONS section , CONVERGE writes the

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reaction conflicts due to the species having the same names but have differences in the

reaction coefficients for FORWARD , DUPLICATE , REVERSE , LOW , TROE , PLOG , FORD ,
LUMP , and THIRD-BOD Y reaction types. The conflicts2.dat file groups the reaction

conflicts based on the type of reaction:

same species but different FORWARD rate coefficients

same species and forward rate coefficients but different REVERSE rate coefficients

same species and forward rate coefficients but different LOW rate coefficients

same species and forward rate coefficients but different TROE coefficients

same species and forward rate coefficients but different PLOG pressures and rate


same species and forward rate coefficients but different FORD species and


same species and forward rate coefficients but different LUMP rate coefficients

same species and forward rate coefficients but different THIRD-BOD Y species and


same species but different FORWARD rate coefficients but where one mech has a

group of DUPLICATE reactions or where one mech has a group of only

nonreversible (forward only , =>) reactions choose the single or group of reactions to

be merged

same species but different FORWARD rate coefficients and are designated


please delete which DUPLICATE group not wanted , the first reaction of each

group is listed

Figure 9.9 shows an e xample conflict in the THERMO section. The conflict arises because

the species CO , which has the same elements and number of elements in both

mechanisms , is found to have different LOW and HIGH coefficients. Because the

therm1.dat file lists the species as number 16 , and the therm2.dat file lists the species as

number 15 , CONVERGE lists the conflicted species as [16 ][ ]

15/ conflicts2.dat
in .

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Chapter 9
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A species requires exactly one set of thermodynamic data. The mechmerge utility

automatically uses therm1.dat data unless the first number in brackets has / added

afterwards , instead of the second number. For e xample, to choose the thermodynamic

data from therm2.dat, you must edit the species numbers in conflicts2.dat in Figure 9.9 as

[16/][15 ].

There should be no thermodynamic data conflicts for species with only the same elements.

If there is a conflict listed , the mechmerge utility is not reliable. If this occurs , please contact

the Convergent Science Applications team for assistance.

! species with the same NAME and ELEMENTS
CO C 1O 1 G 300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1
3.02507800E+00 1.44268900E-03-5.63082800E-07 1.01858100E-10-6.91095200E-15 2
-1.42683500E+04 6.10821800E+00 3.26245200E+00 1.51194100E-03-3.88175500E-06 3
5.58194400E-09-2.47495100E-12-1.43105400E+04 4.84889700E+00 4
CO C 1O 1 G 200.00 3500.00 1000.00 1
2.71518561E+00 2.06252743E-03-9.98825771E-07 2.30053008E-10-2.03647716E-14 2
-1.41518724E+04 7.81868772E+00 3.57953347E+00-6.10353680E-04 1.01681433E-06 3
9.07005884E-10-9.04424499E-13-1.43440860E+04 3.50840928E+00 4
! species with only the same ELEMENTS, ERROR if any are listed
Figure 9.9: Sample conflict in the THERMO section of conflicts2.dat.

You edit the REACTIONS conflicts , as shown in Figure 9.10 , with the same procedure as

the THERMO section. Each reaction conflict has numbers in brackets that correspond to

the reaction number found in the mech_check*.out files. Similar to the THERMO section , the

mechmerge utility automatically uses the rate coefficients from mech1.dat unless the first

number in brackets has / after it. Then , the mechmerge utility uses the mech2.dat rate

coefficients for that particular reaction.

! same species but different FORWARD rate coefficients
! same species and forward rate coefficients but different REVERSE rate coefficients

C2H2+OH=CH2CO+H 2.19000E-04 4.500 -
REV/ 2.16100E-03 4.500 1.96600E+04 /
C2H2+OH=CH2CO+H 2.19000E-04 4.500 -
! ...different LOW rate coefficients

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Gas Properties

! ...different TROE coefficients
! ...different PLOG pressures and rate coefficients
! ...different FORD species and coefficients
! ...different LUMP rate coefficients
! ...different THIRD BODY species and coefficients

H+O2(+M)=HO2(+M) 1.47500E+12 0.600
LOW/ 6.36600E+20 -1.720 5.24800E+02 /
TROE/ 8.00000E-01 1.00000E-30 1.00000E+30 /
H+O2(+M)=HO2(+M) 1.47500E+12 0.600
LOW/ 3.50000E+16 -0.410 -1.11600E+03 /
TROE/ 5.00000E-01 1.00000E-30 1.00000E+30 /
! same species but different FORWARD rate coefficients but
! where one mech has a group of DUPLICATE reactions or
! where one mech has a group of only nonreversible (forward only, =>) reactions
! choose the single or group of reactions to be merged
!mech1 [92][93]
HO2+HO2=H2O2+O2 4.20000E+14 0.000
HO2+HO2=H2O2+O2 1.30000E+11 0.000 -
HO2+HO2=H2O2+O2 3.00000E+12 0.000
! same species but different FORWARD rate coefficients and are designated DUPLICATE
! please delete which DUPLICATE group not wanted, the first reaction of each group is
Figure 9.10: Sample of conflicts in the REACTIONS section of conflicts2.dat.
Finally , enter

converge mechmerge


converge mechmerge2

250 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Gas Properties

to merge the two mechanisms. If you used mechreac , mechmerge

in the second step use in

the final step. If you used mechreac2 , mechmerge2

in the second step use in the final step.

With either of mechmerge*

the , commands CONVERGE reads the mechanism and

thermodynamic mech1.dat, therm1.dat, mech2.dat, and therm2.dat

files ( ) along with the

edited conflicts1.dat conflict2.dat

and mechreac mechmerge
files. The / commands join together

all of the original information along with the edits. The mechreac2 mechmerge2 / commands

join together all of the duplicate reactions and all of the new reactions with new species

fround in mech2.dat . Both commands yield the final reaction mechanism and

thermodynamic data files that you can use to run a simulation.

9.1.7 Mechanism Tune

The mechanism tune utility modifies the reaction A factors in reaction mechanism files

based on target ignition delays and/or laminar flamespeeds using CONGO genetic

algorithm (GA) optimization. This utility runs the zero-dimensional solver with adjoint

sensitivity analysis (ASENS) and/or the 1D premi xed laminar flame speed solver (based on

Newton's method) with sensitivity analysis. Then it combines the zero_d_asens_rank.out

and/or the one_d_sens_rank.out files , respectively , xtract
to e a user-specified number of the

most sensitive reactions in the reaction mechanism .

file Finally , it writes out,,, and a modified reaction mechanism file and copies the mechanism and

CONGO files into the directory_name specified in . Mechanism tune is a

pre-processor for running GA using CONGO as it automates the repetitive tasks associated

with GA setup. After the utility has run , you must run the CONGO e xecutable. Note that,, and all of the secondary CONGO files are required in the Case


Mechanism Tune Setup

First , choose to optimize your reaction mechanisms based on ignition delay targets ,
laminar flamespeed targets , or both. Choose the appropriate solver for your target , since

you can modify the reactions in the reaction mechanism file based on 0D solver's ASENS ,
1D Newton solver's sensitivity analysis , or both. Table 9.1 below shows the different

combinations by which reaction mechanism files can be tuned using the mechanism tune


Table 9.1: Compatibility of targets with solvers within the mechanism tune utility.
Target/Sensitivity 0D solver with ASENS 1D Newton solver 0D solver with ASENS
with sensitivity +
analysis 1D solver with
sensitivity analysis
Ignition Delay Targets Yes No No

Laminar Flamespeed No Yes No


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 251

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Gas Properties

Target/Sensitivity 0D solver with ASENS 1D Newton solver 0D solver with ASENS

with sensitivity +
analysis 1D solver with
sensitivity analysis
Both Ignition Delay Yes Yes Yes
Targets and
Laminar Flamespeed

The required input files are dependent on your choices above. You will need:
a reaction mechanism file

a thermodynamic data file

CONGO files (,, the CONGO e xecutable, and any system files listed in )
solver files (for the 0D solver
, and and for the 1D Newton

solver , and )

The file specifies the information required to run the utility , while lists the targets toward which the reaction mechanism will be

tuned. Note that if you use the 0D solver , you must specify ignitiondelay targets in . If you use the 1D Newton solver , you must specify flamespeed
targets in .

Please refer to Chapter 22 - Input File Reference for more information on the input files

used here and to Chapter 23 - Output File Reference for more information on

mechanism_tune.out .

Mechanism Tune Execution

To run the mechanism tune utility , go to the Case Directory and type

converge mechtune

When this utility is finished , it will write mechanism_tune.out, which specifies the reaction

numbers of the reactions that will be modified during the GA as well as setup files for a

CONGO run. You must run the CONGO e xecutable. Note that you can open and edit the

generated CONGO input files ( and ) in CONVERGE Studio or in an editor

prior to running CONGO if you wish to change target ( ) or reaction (


252 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Liquid Properties

9.2 Liquid Properties

The liquid.dat file specifies liquid properties: critical temperature , viscosity , surface tension ,
latent heat of vaporization , vapor pressure , conductivity , density , and specific heat , all in

SI units.

The liquid properties are specified in 10- K intervals from 0 K to the critical temperature. If

liquid properties are independent of temperature , simply specify the same properties for

each temperature in the list. For a detailed description of this file , consult Chapter 22 -

Input File Reference. In CONVERGE Studio , you can check the Constant liquid properties

bo x in the Materials > Liquid simulation dialog bo x to use only the first row of liquid

property values for all temperatures.

Convergent Science has created a gasoline surrogate known as CSI_Gasoline_v1. The

composition of this surrogate is 50 % isooctane , 35 % decane , 10 % pentane , and 5 %

dodecane. In CONVERGE Studio , go to Materials > Liquid simulation > Predefined liquids to

load the liquid.dat data for this surrogate. We do not recommend specifying these four

components separately as the spray for an injector.

9.2.1 Compressible Liquid Data

If your simulation includes compressible liquids ( i.e., if liquid_compressible_flag = 1 in , ) the liquid.dat file must contain compressibility data , namely , a reference pressure

(Pa ,) reference density ( kg m3 ,/ ) and bulk modulus ( Pa ). After the liquid name , include a line

with the keyword compressible followed by the reference pressure , reference density , and

bulk modulus. CONVERGE calculates the density of the compressible liquid according to

P Pref

ref e
, (9.53)

where r ref is the reference density , Pref is the reference pressure , and B is the bulk modulus

(all specified in liquid.dat ).

9.2.2 Non-Newtonian Liquids

To simulate non-Newtonian liquids in CONVERGE , use the liquid.dat file to configure the

Herschel-Bulkley model. The Herschel-Bulkley model assumes that viscosity varies as a

function of shear rate and that the liquid will not flow until it e xperiences a certain yield

stress. (For Newtonian liquids , CONVERGE assumes that viscosity is a function of

temperature.) Equation 9.54 below gives the e xpression for shear stress used in this model:

K n ,

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Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Liquid Properties

0 is the yield stress , K is the consistency inde x, is the shear rate, and n is the

power inde x. If the shear stress applied to the fluid is less than the yield stress ,
CONVERGE assigns the fluid a high viscosity equivalent to the solid viscosity.

To specify a non-Newtonian liquid , include the non_newtonian , keyword and line as

described in liquid.dat . Additionally , enter the keyword LI ID_NON_NEWTONIAN

QU in .

9.3 Fluid Property Calculator

CONVERGE includes a utility that serves as an interface for the CoolProp fluid property

library. Use this utility to compute custom tabulated properties to use as inputs for a

CONVERGE simulation. Because the interface utility connects to the online CoolProp
library , you must have a working internet connection.

In the file specify the fluid name and ranges of temperature (in K ) and

pressure (in MPa ) for which to calculate fluid properties such as enthalpy , entropy , specific

internal energy , and compressibility. Enter steps for temperature and pressure ( temp_step
and pres_step, respectively). The CoolProp interface utility will calculate the desired

properties at intervals equal to the value for the step within the specified range.

To run the utility , execute the command coolprop from the directory that contains your file. The utility will access CoolProp, determine the fluid properties for the

range of temperatures and pressures specified in, and write the

properties to fluid_properties.dat .

You can use fluid_properties.dat in place of liquid.dat for a liquid simulation or in place of

gas.dat and a thermodynamic data file e.g., therm.dat

( ) for a gas simulation. Set

tabular_fluid_prop_flag = 1 in and ensure that real_gas_prop_flag,

species_solver_flag, lhv_flagand are all set to 0. CONVERGE will take the fluid properties

from fluid_properties.dat instead of calculating fluid properties via the equation of state.

9.4 Surrogate Blender

A multi-component surrogate fuel is a mi xture of simple fuels whose properties ( e.g.,

cetane number , flamespeed) appro ximate those of a comple x target fuel. Key components

of the target fuel can be mi xed to create a surrogate , and the composition of the mi xture
may vary depending on which properties you want to appro ximate. To help you

determine the optimal mi xture composition for your problem , CONVERGE Studio includes

a surrogate blender tool.

The surrogate blender assumes that mi xture properties are a function of its components'

properties and mole fractions , that is ,

254 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Surrogate Blender

s i xi , (9.55)

where fs is any property of the mi xture, f i is the same property of component i, and xi is

the mole fraction of component i

. The blender minimizes f, which is defined as

f w R2 , j j (9.56)

where w j
is the importance (or weight) of property j and R j
is the error , defined as

R j Tj ij
xi ,

where T j
is the value of property j for the target fuel T . The problem is subject to two

constraints: xi must be greater than zero and the sum of xi must equal 1. The blender

eliminates the equality constraint via a Lagrange multiplier and solves the optimization

problem through Newton's method.

For instructions on how to run the blender , please refer to the CONVERGE Studio 2.4

Manual. After running , you must convert the resultant mole fractions to mass fractions for

use in a CONVERGE simulation.

The surrogate blender can import and e xport files and can e xport blender.out

9.5 Solid Properties - solid.dat

Specify values for properties of solids in the simulation in the solid.dat data file. This file

includes data for melting point , density , specific heat capacity , and conductivity , all in SI

units. For a detailed description of this file , consult Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

9.6 Species Definitions

You can define species that are not already defined in the reaction mechanism file by using

the input file. file introduces species of various types and phases by


. Typically is used to specify the spray parcels ; gas ,
liquid , and solid species ; and passives and non-transport passives.

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Species Definitions

Any gas-phase species that is defined in the reaction mechanism file does not need to be

defined in .

For GAS species , the thermodynamic properties for the corresponding species must be

available in the thermodynamic data file. The transport properties for gas-phase species

are gas.dat
defined in . The liquid properties for any PARCEL, LI QU ID, and/or

QU species that appear in must be available in

liquid.dat , . Likewise the solid properties for SOLID species in must be available in

solid.dat .

To see how to generate total mass , mass fraction , and other output for each species , refer

to the description of species_output_flag in Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

For PASSIVE species , you must also specify the Schmidt number of the species.

Non-Transport Passives
Specify non-transport passives by include the name of each non-transport passive after the

keyword PASSIVE_NT in Y ou can use non-transport passives to numerically

store conserved scalars in the domain. You can create custom names for passives and

manually initialize the values of these passives , or you can include pre-defined names of

passives (including non-transport passives for turbulence statistics) that CONVERGE can

use to track specific quantities related to models.

Some of these pre-defined passives are described in the Non-Transport Passives section of

Chapter 22 - Input File Reference. You can also specify user-defined global variables as

non-transport passives.

Species and Passives Output

To generate output for the mass fraction of species and the value of passives , include

keywords in the form of massfrac(<species name>) and passive(<passive name>) in the

For example, to generate output for the tur_flamethickness passive , you must include

tur_flamethickness PASSIVE_NT
under in, and you must include the term

passive(tur_flamethickness) in . Then CONVERGE will write output for this passive in

the post*.out files.

Refer to the section in Chapter 22 - Input File Reference for information about how

generate output for non-transport passives.

256 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 9
Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms | Species Definitions

9.6.1 Skip Species

The species transport calculations , which CONVERGE performs when species_solver_flag =

1 in, may be computationally expensive. The skip species feature allows

CONVERGE to avoid transporting species that have insignificant mass. By skipping

species that are present only in very small amounts (and by invoking this feature only at

certain times in the simulation) , CONVERGE reduces the time required for the species

transport calculations without compromising the accuracy of the simulation results. Skip

species is available only in simulations in which sage_flag is non-zero. CONVERGE does

not allow the time periods during which skip species is active to overlap with the time

periods during which the combustion model is active.

At the skip species start time , CONVERGE sorts the species in descending order by mass.

Beginning at the top of the list , CONVERGE retains species until the cumulative mass

equals or e xceeds the user-specified percentage of the total mass. You can force

CONVERGE to keep specific species ( e.g., the fuel and o xidizer in an engine simulation)

regardless of mass. In this case , CONVERGE sums the mass of the " keep" species and then

adds species from the mass-ordered list until the sum equals or e xceeds the user-specified
percentage of total mass.

CONVERGE converts the discarded hydrocarbons into retained hydrocarbons. There are

two options for the conversion process. You can specify the species and mass fraction(s) to

which the discarded hydrocarbons will be converted. Alternatively , if you do not specify

species and mass fractions , CONVERGE will convert the discarded hydrocarbons into the

retained hydrocarbons according to the mass fractions of the retained hydrocarbons.

Analogous options are available for converting the discarded non-hydrocarbons. It is

important to note that the conversions do not conserve the number of atoms in the

simulation. Also , to avoid changes to total enthalpy due to the conversions , CONVERGE

adjusts the cell temperatures and thus the post-conversion mass may be slightly different.

To activate skip species , set skip_species_flag = 1 in and include the
file in the Case Directory.

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Grid Control
Chapter 10
Grid Control |

10 Grid Control

CONVERGE includes several tools for controlling the grid size before and during a

simulation. Grid scaling coarsens or refines the base grid size. Fi xed embedding refines the

grid at specified locations and times. Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) automatically

changes the grid based on fluctuating and moving conditions.

The following sections e xplain CONVERGE's grid control techniques in detail.

10.1 Grid Scaling

Grid scaling refers to changing the base grid size at specified times during a simulation.

Grid scaling can greatly reduce runtimes by coarsening the grid during non-critical

simulation times and can help capture critical flow phenomena by refining the grid at

other times. For e xample, for an in-cylinder diesel engine simulation that includes spray

and combustion modeling , the grid needs a higher resolution to ensure accurate results

during spray and combustion but lower grid resolution may be sufficient during

compression. Thus you direct CONVERGE to coarsen the grid during compression and

refine the grid when spray begins.

Specify the original base grid size via dx_base, dy_base, and dz_base in .

CONVERGE uses the grid_scale parameter

in to change the base grid size

according to

scaled grid dx base

_ /2
grid scale
, (10.1)

where grid_scale is the scaling factor (must be an integer) and scaled grid is the new base

grid size. A grid_scale value of 0 will leave the base cells unchanged , a negative value will

coarsen the base grid , and a positive value will refine the base grid. CONVERGE also

scales dy_base and dz_base according to the previous equation.

To determine the grid sensitivity of your case , run multiple simulations with different

values of grid_scale .

You can direct CONVERGE to scale the grid at specified times during a simulation. Specify

a file name ( e.g., ) instead of an integer for grid_scale .

10.2 Fixed Embedding

Use fi xed embedding to refine the grid at specific locations in the domain where a finer

resolution is critical to the accuracy of the solution. For e xample, when simulating sprays ,
you can add an area of fi xed embedding by the nozzle to resolve the comple x flow

260 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Fixed Embedding

behavior. Fi xed embedding allows the rest of the grid to remain coarse to minimize

simulation time. To include fi xed embedding in a simulation , set embedded_flag = 1 in and include an file.

For each xed

fi embedding , you must specify an embedding scale that indicates how

CONVERGE will refine the grid in that location. The embed_scale parameter , which must

be a positive integer , scales the base grid sizes ( dx_base, dy_base, dz_base and ) according to

dx embed dx base
_ _ /2
embed scale
. (10.2)

Note that CONVERGE requires two-to-one connectivity between cells , i.e., a cell with an

embed_scale of 2 can be adjacent only to a cell with an embed_scale of 1 , 2, or 3. To maintain

the required connectivity , CONVERGE provides cells with intermediate embed_scale values

as necessary. For e xample, in Figure 10.1 below , the fi xed embedding is two levels higher

than the base grid and thus CONVERGE places cells with an embed_scale of 1 between

cells with an embed_scale of 2 (adjacent to the boundary) and cells with an embed_scale of


You can specify a specific time period for each fi xed embedding, which can further reduce

your computational time by refining the grid only for a portion of the simulation.

The specific types of fi xed embedding are described below. It is important to note that the

shape embedding options ( e.g., sphere) may slightly affect the cell count.

Boundary Embedding
Use the BO ND U keyword to specify fi xed embedding near a boundary. For example,
when simulating flow around a valve , you may want xtra
e resolution near the valve

surface to more accurately model the flow in this section of the domain (see Figure 10.1

below). For a moving surface ( e.g., a valve) , the embedding will move with the surface

automatically. Identify the boundary by its boundary_id, which must match the value given

in . The num_embed parameter , which must be a positive integer , specifies the

number of layers of embedded cells.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 261

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Fixed Embedding

Figure 10.1: A visualization of BOUND embedding around a valve.

Sphere Embedding
Use the SP ERE
H keyword to specify a spherical area of fi xed embedding. The sphere is

defined by its center ( x_center ) and radius.

Cylinder Embedding
Use the CYLINDER keyword to specify a cylindrical or truncated conical area of fixed
embedding. The cylinder is defined by the center ( x_center ) and radius of one base of the

cylinder , followed by the center and radius of the other base.

Nozzle and Injector Embedding

Use the NO LE ZZ keyword to specify a conical area of fi xed embedding around a nozzle.

Use the IN ECTOR

J keyword to specify a conical area of embedding around all nozzles in

an injector. (If you specify a nozzle or injector embedding in and if spray_flag
=0 in, CONVERGE will give a warning message and ignore the nozzle or injector

embedding.) Use in ector_no

j and nozzle_no to specify the injector and nozzle numbers ,
respectively. (Because injectgor embedding applies to all nozzles in the injector , you do not

need to include the nozzle_no for injector embedding.) The first injector listed in,
and the first nozzle listed for a particular injector , will have in ector_no
j or nozzle_no = 0.

Additional injectors and nozzles will be incremented sequentially by 1. For either nozzle or

injector embedding , you must specify two radii. The first value is the radius of the circular

nozzle opening , which is centered on the nozzle e xit and has a normal vector pointing in

the direction of the spray injection. The second value is the radius of the other circular area

of the cone ( i.e., the wider base of the cone). The length is the length of the cone.

Figure 10.2 shows a post-processing visualization of the grid generated from a nozzle


262 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Fixed Embedding

Figure 10.2: A grid generated using a nozzle embedding (embed_scale

= 2).
Box Embedding
Use the BO X keyword to specify a box of fix ed embedding. The box is defined with its

center ( x_center ) and the half-length of each dimension of the bo x ( x_size ).

Region Embedding
Use the REGION keyword to specify fi xed embedding for an entire region. For e xample,
you could use a region embedding to refine the grid in the cylinder of an engine. Identify

the region by its region_id, which must match the value given in .

10.3 Adaptive M esh Refinement

Use Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) to automatically refine the grid based on

fluctuating and moving conditions such as temperature or velocity. This option is useful

for using a highly refined grid to accurately simulate comple x phenomena such as flame

propagation or high-velocity flow without unnecessarily slowing the simulation with a

globally refined grid.

Ideally , a good AMR algorithm will add higher grid resolution (embedding) where the

flow field is most under-resolved or where the sub-grid field is the largest ( i.e., where the

curvature [gradient] of a specified field variable is the highest). The AMR method in

CONVERGE estimates the magnitude of the sub-grid field to determine where

CONVERGE will add embedding.

To include AMR in a simulation , set amr_flag = 1 in in and include an file.

AMR Theory
For a scalar , the sub-grid field is defined as the difference between the actual field and the

resolved field or

, (10.3)

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 263

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Adaptive Mesh Refinement

where f is the actual scalar field ,`f is the resolved scalar field , and f ' is the sub-grid scalar

field. The sub-grid for any scalar can be e xpressed as an infinite series (Bedford and Yeo
(1993) , and Pomraning (2000) given by

1 4

k k l ,
x x
k k 2 ! x x x x
k k l l

k lm ...
3 ! x x x x x x
k k l l m m

where a [k ] is dxk 2
/24 for a rectangular cell and the brackets , [ ], indicate no summation.

Since it is not possible to evaluate the entire series , only the first term (the second-order

term) in the series is used to appro ximate the scale of the sub-grid or

x x
. (10.5)
k k

Note that the above equations can be easily generalized for a vector field , such as velocity.

A cell is embedded if the absolute value of the sub-grid field is above a user-specified value.

Conversely , a cell is released ( i.e., the embedding is removed) if the absolute value of the

sub-grid is below 1/5th of the user-specified value.

To limit the number of embedded cells , you can specify a ma ximum overall number of cells

with the amr_max_cells parameter in . If the number of cells in the grid reaches the

ma ximum number , CONVERGE uses the AMR routine to determine where to put the

embedding in a manner that best resolves the flow field and meets the ma ximum number

of cells. To make optimal use of all of the cells when the cell limit is reached , CONVERGE

will adjust the user-specified sub-grid value criteria as needed. That is , if there are too

many cells , CONVERGE will increase the value of the user-specified sub-grid criteria.

You can also specify a minimum number of cells with the amr_min_cells parameter. If the

pre-AMR cell count is less than the value you specify for amr_min_cells, CONVERGE will

automatically add embedding , based on the sub-grid calculations. That is , CONVERGE

will lower the user-specified sub-grid value until the grid consists of the minimum number

of cells. You can maintain a target range of cells using the amr_max_cells and

amr_min_cells parameters.

To control the cell size , specify a ma ximum level of embedding with the

amr_<parameter_name>_embed_scale parameter ( e.g., amr_vel_embed_scale ) for each

condition to which AMR is applied. CONVERGE will apply the ma ximum embed scale to

264 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Adaptive Mesh Refinement

the base grid after applying any grid-scaling specified with the grid_scale
parameter or the file.

You can enable AMR for any or as many of the following fields as you wish: velocity ,
number of parcels per cell , temperature , void fraction , species , passives , or boundary (y +).
You can specify AMR with a different embedding scale and different sub-grid criterion for

each condition. In addition to the field control , you can specify the time when the AMR

will start and when it will end for each field , similar to fi xed and boundary embedding

timing control.

y+ AMR Restriction
In some simulations , the flow conditions may be such that sub-grid scale quantities near

solid walls trigger AMR. The flow features near the wall , however , may not be of interest.

When CONVERGE refines the grid near a wall , the total cell count will increase , which

may prevent additional refinement near relevant flow features. Also , excessive refinement

near the wall may cause the cell count to e xceed amr_max_cells, preventing further

refinement. Another problem with AMR refinement near walls is that , if the y+ value of a

cell adjacent to a wall falls outside of the range for the chosen model , law-of-the-wall

models will no longer produce physically realistic results.

To avoid these problems , CONVERGE includes an option for y + AMR restriction. You can

specify a target value for y + (on a boundary-by-boundary basis) , and CONVERGE will

remove refinement from AMR in an effort to maintain the desired target value. Even if the

new y+ value does not meet the target , CONVERGE will not release more than one level of

AMR refinement at a time. If the y + value is still below the target value the ne xt time

CONVERGE evaluates AMR , it will again try to release one level of AMR refinement to

achieve the target value. The parameters used to set up y + AMR restriction are at the end

of the file.

AMR Example
Figure 10.3 shows post-processing visualizations of a grid generated by AMR for a time-

evolving spray bomb case. In this case , the velocity is allowed to embed three levels while

the temperature is allowed to embed only two levels. The figure shows that cells are only

added when and where they are needed , which significantly reduces the computational

time as compared to a simulation with fi xed embedding or with a finer base mesh size.

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Adaptive Mesh Refinement




Figure 10.3: Evolution of a combusting spray bomb. This grid was generated by AMR (a) 0.5, (b) 1.0,
and (c) 2.0 milliseconds after the start of the simulation. The left column shows the grid only, while
the right column shows the grid and temperature values (black represents a temperature of
approximately 2800 K) for corresponding times. This case has an ambient temperature of 1000 K, an
ambient density of 14.8 kg/m3, an orifice diameter of 0.180 mm, and an injection pressure of 136

266 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Cell Pairing

10.4 Cell Pairing

CONVERGE uses a modified cut-cell Cartesian grid generation method. The geometry

surface is immersed within a Cartesian block. CONVERGE trims the cells at the

intersecting surface , after which the intersection information ( e.g., surface areas , normal

vectors , etc.) is reduced before being stored for each cell. This allows for comple x surface

intersection to be more easily represented for the simulation. Figure 10.4 shows a post-

processing visualization of the cutting process and what a cut-cell looks like in



Figure 10.4: A post-processing visualization of the cut-cell method in

CONVERGE using a sample cut-cell. (a) Geometry showing the general
location of the sample cut-cell. (b) Cutaway view showing the specific
location of the sample cut-cell.

If CONVERGE finds a cut-cell whose volume is less than 30 % of the adjacent regular cell ,
then the cut-cell and the regular cell are paired together to form a single node. This is

known as cell pairing. The center of the paired cell is at the volumetric center of the

combined cell. The values of the transport entities (velocity , temperature , pressure) are

shared by the regular cell and the cut-cell. Figure 10.5 is a schematic of cell-pairing.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 267

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Cell Pairing

Figure 10.5: Cell pairing.

If you include volume in the cell section of, you will see the combined volume of the

cell-pair as shown below in Figure 10.6.

Figure 10.6: Cell pairing.

Cell pairing is an iterative process , and a set of paired cells need not be a set of two.

Rather , a set might include five or ten cells all paired together. Too much cell pairing along

one direction can lead to the formation of slender cells with a high aspect ratio. This most

frequently occurs along the boundaries. Too many cells with a high aspect ratio can lead to

268 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 10
Grid Control | Cell Pairing

numerical dispersion errors and a less robust simulation. In order to avoid this problem ,
you can adopt one of the following strategies:

1. Choose a sufficiently small base grid size.

2. Use fi xed embedding in the tight areas of the geometry so that the regular cell size is

comparable with the cut-cell size.

Although the use of smaller cells often increases the cell count , the increased

computational cost may be mitigated by a more well-balanced parallel processing scheme.

There are two non-transport passives that can be used to monitor cell pairing information.

U to to track the number of cells that are paired with

one another , which allows you to visualize which cells are paired during the simulation.

Add CELL_PAIR_ID to to give a unique inde x to cells that are part of the same

cell pair.

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Parallel Processing
Chapter 11
Parallel Processing |

11 Parallel Processing

This chapter summarizes the parallel processing capability available in CONVERGE ,

which allows simulations to be run on a multi-processor shared memory machine or across

a cluster of distributed memory machines. The parallelization is written using the Message

Passing Interface (MPI) libraries (MPI version 1.2). CONVERGE performs all

parallelization automatically based on parameters in .

CONVERGE parallelizes the solution of the mass , momentum , and energy transport

equations independently from the SAGE detailed chemistry solver. The former requires

substantial communication between processors and therefore good load balancing

depends on the specifics of the setup. The detailed chemistry solution does not require

inter-processor communication and parallelizes without regard to these specifics.

Note that you do not xplicitly

e provide the number of processors as an input to

CONVERGE. This information is part of the job submission process that is dependent on

which MPI libraries are being used. CONVERGE performs a function call after starting to

request the number of processes from the MPI libraries.

In parallel CONVERGE simulations , a single processor performs all file read and write

operations. This processor broadcasts and receives data from the rest of the processors

using MPI. The time required for file read and write operations is not affected by the

number of processors used in the simulation.

11.1 Parallelization for T ransport Equations

The first step in the parallelization process is to break up the computational domain and

distribute each subsection of it to the processors used for the simulation. CONVERGE first

coarsens the base grid according to the parallel_scale parameter in . This parameter

is a negative integer with a default value of -1. If the initial grid consists of 32 768 cells and ,
you set parallel_scale = -1 , the initial grid will be coarsened one level to yield a parallel grid

of 4096 parallel blocks. A parallel_scale value of -2 would result in a parallel grid of 512

blocks. This coarsening is performed because each processor stores the entire geometry and

the entire parallel grid in memory during computation. If you set a non-negative

parallel_scale, CONVERGE will reset it to -1.

After CONVERGE has formed the coarser parallel grid , it partitions this grid into as many

computational regions as there are processors. CONVERGE distributes the parallel blocks

to the processors and then performs a load balance. The load balancing procedure makes

use of the METIS software package ( Karypis, 2011).

272 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Parallelization for Transport Equations

Once the parallel blocks are distributed , the load balancing procedure (Som et al. , 2013)

moves blocks between processors to achieve two goals:

1. Balance the number of parallel blocks so that each processor has the same number

of cells.

2. Minimize the amount of information that will need to be passed between

processors by minimizing the block interface area ( i.e., group neighboring parallel

blocks together on the same processor as much as possible).

These two items are evaluated simultaneously , with weighting factors applied to achieve a

suitable balance between them. Placing too much importance on one goal can yield poor

performance for the other. Figure 11.1 below shows an e xample of a load-balanced four-

processor case modeling flow in a duct.

(b) (c)

Figure 11.1: An example of automatic parallel domain decomposition of a duct: (a) duct surface
geometry; (b) parallel blocks from user-specified parallel_scale, where each blue or red section
represent a single parallel block; (c) assigned domain for four processors, where each color
represents the computational region for a single processor (which is made up of several parallel

The load balance algorithm assumes that your computer is homogeneous , and that each

processor used in the simulation has the same speed. As a result , the overall job speed of a

perfectly balanced case will be limited by the speed of the slowest processor.

If you use the grid_scale parameter (in ) to coarsen the grid at the start of a

simulation , the scaling will force a larger parallel block size and may lead to an initial poor

load balance since the ma ximum parallel_scale is reduced ( i.e., the parallel blocks are

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Parallelization for Transport Equations

larger). By turning off or reducing the value of grid_scale, CONVERGE will allow smaller

parallel blocks.

The load balancing algorithm in CONVERGE places highest priority on lowering the cell

count on the processors with the highest cell count. If there is a single processor with a cell

count much higher than the average , the load balancing algorithm will not consider the

relative sizes of the remaining computational regions. However , it will still attempt to

make those regions compact ( i.e., have a low surface area to volume ratio).

Neglecting communication cost , one processor with a cell count much higher than the

average is much worse than having one processor with a cell count much lower than the

average. For e xample, let us consider two scenarios with 4 processors and their cell counts

as shown in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1: Cell count in four processors during a load balance cycle.
Processor Number Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Processor 1 ,
1 0000 cells ,
1 0000 cells

Processor 2 ,
1 000 cells ,
2 000 cells

Processor 3 ,
1 000 cells 0 cells

Processor 4 ,
1 000 cells ,
1 000 cells

Although it appears that Scenario 1 has much better load balance , both will give the same

speed because Processor 1 is the bottleneck in both scenarios.

CONVERGE load balances the parallel grid , not the grid on which it solves the fluid

dynamics. It cannot split a parallel block between two processors. This means that

parallel_scale = -1 will always give the best load balancing. You should only use a different

value if you are running out of memory at the beginning of your simulation. Because the

parallel grid cannot be split , high levels of embedding within those blocks will also tend to

result in poorer load balancing. This is a case-dependent factor , and there is no strict

prescription for how many levels of embedding you can use before you should reduce the

base grid size. Large regions of embedding may hinder load balancing , but small regions of

embedding may not. For larger regions of embedding , a grid with three levels usually

balances acceptably , while five levels of embedding usually balances poorly.

Cell pairing is not limited by the parallel block setting , and cells can pair across a parallel

block boundary. In some cases , METIS will partition the grid such that a set of paired cells

may be located on different processors. For performance reasons , CONVERGE does not

allow a set of paired cells to be located on more than two processors. If the initial partition

locates a set of paired cells on three or more processors , CONVERGE performs a block

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Parallelization for Transport Equations

freezing step. For a set of N processors associated with a set of paired cells , the parallel

blocks associated with the first (N-1) processors are frozen together.

Contiguous sets of frozen blocks are termed islands. Islands cannot be split between

multiple processors. After forming islands , CONVERGE re-partitions the grid and checks

again for sets of paired cells on three or more processors. The block freezing and

repartitioning process is performed iteratively until there are no sets of paired cells in the

domain that are located on more than two processors.

Because islands cannot be split between multiple processors , a very large island will tend

to limit load balancing and thus simulation speed , for the same reason that a large region

of embedding will limit load load balancing. You can monitor frozen block islands with

metis_map_frozen.out .

Simplified Four-Processor Load Balancing Example (in 2D)

Figure 11.2 below graphically describes how reducing the size of the base grid can help to

improve load balancing when running CONVERGE in parallel. This is especially true in

simulations with areas of embedding inside an otherwise coarse grid.

Here are some key items to note when looking at the load balancing e xample in the

following figure:

The smallest allowable block of cells that can be assigned to one processor is double the

dimension of the largest cell. (If the base grid size is 8 mm, the smallest parallel block size

is 16 mm .)

The criterion that determines the overall runtime of the simulation is the cell count in the

most heavily-loaded processor , not the overall cell count.

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Parallelization for Transport Equations


Figure 11.2: Load balancing for two different base grid sizes. Red lines demarcate parallel blocks,
which can be assigned to different processors. Processor distributions are indicated by heavy
dashed lines. Because the base grid size of (b) is half that of (a), parallel blocks can be more evenly
distributed. In (a), note the bottleneck in Processor I, which has more than three times more cells
than any other processor. Due to the large amount of cells in this processor, (a) has a longer runtime
than (b).

In the example above, even though the total cell count for the configuration on the left (91

cells) is lower than the total cell count for the configuration on the right (103 cells) , the

simulation with the smaller base grid [Figure 11.2(b) ] will run faster. This is because the

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Parallelization for Transport Equations

most heavily-loaded processor in Figure 11.2(b) (31 cells) has fewer cells than the most

heavily-loaded processor in Figure 11.1(a) (55 cells).

You can use the metis_map.out file to see how well your simulation is balanced between

processors. This file lists the number of blocks and cells that were assigned to each

processor. If you see a disproportionate number of cells assigned to one processor , consider

decreasing your base grid size. This will likely allow cells to be more evenly distributed

between processors.

Aside from the load balance operation performed at start-up , CONVERGE performs a load

balancing operation based on several other criteria. CONVERGE will load balance when

the grid moves or when embedding is set. It will also perform load balancing operations on

a xed
fi interval. You can control the frequency of load balancing with the load_cyc
parameter in . If you set load_cyc to 100 , CONVERGE will load balance every 100

iterations. Note this interval is based on iterations since start-up , not since the last load

balancing operation. Each load balance takes appro ximately as long as one simulation


In order to solve the transport equations in a given cell , CONVERGE needs information

from adjacent cells. In some cases , the adjacent cell will be on another processor , and that

information will need to be communicated across the network. This communication can be

slow relative to a processor clock , and this is why METIS attempts to minimize the

interface area between computational regions. If you run on more processors , you

inevitably increase this interface area and increase the amount of network traffic. Because

of this , the computation time does not scale linearly with the number of processors , and in

fact there is a crossover point at which running on more processors can actually slow

down the simulation.

You should run your calculation on enough processors to have some free system memory

on each processor , but not so many that your processors are spending all of their time

communicating with each other. Where this happens depends on your specific system ,
and on the sort of calculation you are performing. For a no-chemistry simulation , if you

have a fast interconnect , ,

about 30 000 cells per processor is a reasonable target. For the

same case , if you have a slower interconnect , about 100 000, cells per processor is


11.2 Parallelization for the SAGE Solver

The METIS load balance used to load balance the transport equations generally would not

evenly divide the detailed chemistry solver's computational load among the processors. If

the SAGE detailed chemistry solver is used , the SAGE portion of the simulation is load

balanced independently of the fluid cells. To reduce the computational e xpense, SAGE

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Parallelization for the SAGE Solver

only solves cells that meet fuel and temperature criteria. Frequently , only a portion of the

domain actually needs chemistry to be solved.

For a SAGE simulation that does not include adaptive zoning , CONVERGE uses stiffness-

based load balancing for the SAGE solver (note that you must include the non-transport

passive C EM_STIFF

H in ). For stiffness-based load balancing , at each time-step the

code calculates the number of SAGE cells on each processor. The processors then

intercommunicate to determine how to best share the load for that time-step. Cells are

weighted by the computational cost of the SAGE calculation on the previous time-step ,
and these weighted cell values are distributed evenly. Keep in mind that when solving

chemistry , only relevant node information is passed between processors for the parallel

chemistry (the node itself is not reassigned in the process). The SAGE computations are

local , and the solver does not impose strict communications requirements.

If a SAGE simulation includes adaptive zoning , the chemistry cells are grouped into zones

and CONVERGE solves chemistry once per zone rather than once per cell. For SAGE

simulations that include adaptive zoning , stiffness-based load balancing (described in the

previous paragraph) is optional. This option is invoked by the presence of C EM_STIFF

H in . If you do not invoke stiffness-based load balancing , CONVERGE simply

distributes the combustion zones amongst all available processors.

The SAGE solver is often more computationally expensive than the solution of the

transport equations. However , it scales much better. The cells-per-processor guidelines

given above do not apply if you are running SAGE. You can run efficiently on as many

processors as you have available. CONVERGE has performed detailed chemistry

simulations on over 4 000 processors. ,

This difference in scaling between non-reacting simulations and simulations using SAGE

means that some cases are best run partly on a small number of processors and partly on a

large number. This is a good application of the mapping capability described in Chapter 7

- Initialization and Regions.

11.3 Hardware Considerations

Parallelization inevitably brings potential hardware issues. First and foremost , you should

do everything possible to minimize network bottlenecks. When running over Ethernet

interconnects (regular network cables) it is important to ensure that all machines are

plugged into the same physical switch. Running on multiple switches results in a severe

network bottleneck. Even a single machine on a different switch will be very detrimental to

the overall speed of the calculation. If at all possible , avoid running a parallel computation

over multiple switches.

278 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 11
Parallel Processing | Hardware Considerations

CONVERGE does not utilize graphical processing units (GPUs) or other heterogeneous

computing architectures. The load balancer assumes that each processor used in the

simulation has the same speed. If a simulation is run on processors of several speeds , the

overall calculation time will be driven by the speed of the slowest machine.

CONVERGE has a limited threading capability. By threading , CONVERGE is able to

dramatically reduce memory overhead and substantially reduce inter-processor

communication. With threading , multiple processor cores on the same compute node share

the local system memory , and they can access it directly. This sharing prevents

unnecessary duplication of simulation data. CONVERGE also does not need to use MPI as

extensively because there is less block interface area between processors that do not share

local memory.

Your exact hardware configuration and the details of your simulation will dictate how

much performance improvement you will see from running CONVERGE with threading

enabled. Generally , systems with many processor cores per node will see larger

performance gains than systems with only a few cores per node. Simulations dominated

by spray or chemistry tend to see the best performance with threading enabled. To

evaluate performance gains , run CONVERGE with threading enabled from the command

line argument -T (see the Getting Started Guide for more information about command line


A single transient hardware issue on a single processor can cause an entire job to

terminate. When running a large calculation , it is good practice to increase the frequency

of the restart file writes by reducing twrite_restart

in .

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Discrete Phase Modeling
Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling |

12 Discrete Phase Modeling

This chapter describes the models included in CONVERGE for the discrete phase. The

discrete phase modeling parameters are located in the and files.

To calculate the spray in a simulation , CONVERGE introduces drop parcels into the

domain at the injector location at a user-specified rate. Parcels represent a group of

identical drops ( i.e., same radius , velocity , temperature , etc.) and are used to statistically

represent the entire spray field. By using the concept of drop parcels , CONVERGE

significantly reduces the computational time of a simulation involving spray.

Spray droplets are subject to several processes from the time of injection until the time of

vaporization. Table 12.1 below summarizes the main physical droplet processes available

in CONVERGE. The following sections provide a detailed description of each of these


Table 12.1: Summary of key spray processes available in CONVERGE.

Spray Model Options
Liquid ,
Blob injection model injection distribution models variable rate-shape hollow cone or , ,
injection ,
solid cone discharge coefficient models

Spray , ,
KH modified RT modified KH-RT models KH-ACT LISA TAB , , ,

Drop drag ,
Spherical drag dynamic drag models

O Rourke model NTC model ,

O Rourke Post ,


Drop ,
O Rourke model TKE preserving model LES model ,


Drop/wall ,
Rebound/slide model Wall film model Vanish model ,

Evaporation Multi-component vaporization


282 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

12.1 Liquid Injection

CONVERGE offers two categories of liquid injection mechanisms: injectors and nozzles.

An injector is a group of nozzles that have some of the same characteristics , as described

below. Each injector can have any number of nozzles , each with its own hole size , cone

angle , position , and orientation. The following subsections describe three sets of spray-

related inputs common inputs for all injectors and nozzles , inputs for injectors , and

inputs for nozzles. This section focuses specifically on liquid in ectionj parameters. Discrete

phase submodels are described in following sections.

Several user inputs apply to all liquid injections defined in a simulation. Choose an option

or specify a value for the following injection details:

For solid cone sprays , use the cone_dist_flag to choose to have the parcels ( i.e., liquid

mass) more heavily weighted in the center of the cone, or to have them evenly


Initialize drop sizes with in ect_distribution_flag.


If the Rosin-Rammler injection distribution is selected , you must specify the value of the

distribution parameter q_rr.

The number of injectors ( num_in ectj ) to be included in the simulation.

12.1.1 Injector Inputs

The parameter num parcelspeciesinit

_ defines the number of liquid species that compose the

spray for the current injector. In the rows below num_parcelspeciesinit, specify the name

and mass fraction for each liquid species. For e xample, for an injection comprised of 25 %
n-heptane and 75 % isooctane , use the following inputs in spray. in as shown in Figure 12.1


2 num_parcelspeciesinit
c7h16 0.25
ic8h18 0.75
Figure 12.1: Sample injector inputs for parcel species.

Each liquid species that you specify in must also be defined as a PARCEL in and must have data specified in liquid.dat .

Specify values for each of the following parameters , for each injector:

cone_flag (defines whether the spray is solid cone or hollow cone) ,

start_in ectj (start of injection timing) ,
dur_in ect
j (injection duration) ,
tot_parcels ( total number of parcels injected per nozzle) ,
mass_in ect (
j total mass injected for the injector) ,
temp_in ect (
j the temperature of the injected liquid) ,

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

injection rate-shape (defined by numvel_in ect j entries in a list) , and

num_noz ( the number of nozzles).

Specify the start and duration of injection in either seconds or crank angle degrees,
depending on whether a time-based or crank angle-based simulation is specified by the

crank_flag parameter in .

Specify one of two options for injection timing control before the start_in ectj parameter:

SE QU ENTIAL or CYCLIC . To make the injection start at one simulation time and end at

another simulation time , without repeating , enter the keyword SEQU ENTIAL followed by

the start_in ect j and the dur_in ect

j parameters.

To make the injection cycle on and off over a fi xed time period, enter the keyword CYCLIC
and the cyclic time period in the same row. Cyclic spray injections greatly reduce the

number of inputs required for multi-cycle spray simulations. Enter the start_in ectj and

dur_in ectj parameters in the row below the CYCLIC keyword and cyclic time period. The

cyclic time period must be longer than the injection duration ( dur_in ect j ). if a simulation

starts during a C YCLIC injection period , CONVERGE will ignore the amount of fuel that

would have been injected prior to the start time.

Specify the total mass of the injection for one injector with the mass_in ect j input parameter.

CONVERGE will split this injected mass equally between each nozzle hole for that injector

and subsequently into a number of discrete parcels as specified by tot_parcels tot_parcels

. is

the number of parcels injected through each of the injector s nozzles.

Important Sector Simulation Note: In a sector simulation , the mass_in ect j parameter

represents the total mass of the injection from the nozzle(s) located in the simulated

sector only. In a sector simulation , the mass_in ect j parameter does NOT represent the

total injected mass in an entire cylinder.

Specify a rate-shape for each injector by entering values for a number of entries equal to

numvel_in ect j . Each entry represents the velocity of in ection j at each time interval. The rate-

shape is defined over the injection duration specified by the dur_in ect j parameter. Only the

shape (and not the magnitudes) of the rate-shape entries are relevant. CONVERGE

normalizes the rate-shape entries so that all of the liquid mass is injected through the total

nozzle area in the specified injection duration. If the simulation starts in the middle of

injection , i.e., start_time

in is after start_in ectj in, then only the injected

mass specified after the start_time is injected.

You can specify the injection rate-shapes in either evenly or unevenly spaced time intervals

( seconds crank angle degrees

or ).

284 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

For equal time intervals , specify the velocity magnitude , followed by the keyword vel,
on a number of rows equal to the value specified for numvel_in ect j . CONVERGE

calculates this time interval by dividing dur_in ectj numvel_in ect

by ( j minus 1).

Additionally , if the simulation time falls between two rate-shape entries ,

CONVERGE interpolates the injection velocity to the current time.

For unequal time intervals of numvel_in ect, j for each injector , provide a

rateshape_in <num>.in
j file specifying the entries in unequal times. Enter the name of

this file in quotes as the value for the numvel_in ect j parameter in as shown

below: numvel_inject

An e xample of a file that specifies unequally spaced time rate-shape inputs is

shown in Figure 12.2. This file must have two columns. The first column specifies

time ( seconds or crank ) and the second column specifies the rate_shape, or relative

velocity of the spray at the simulation time indicated.

NOTE: The times specified in the crank column of a spray rate-shape input file are

relative to the start of injection time ( start_in ectj ). ,

So in the sample file shown in Figure 12.2 below , crank

the = 0.0000 entry

corresponds to the start_in ect

j time specified in Y . ou must specify a

spray rate-shape input file as a SE QUENTIAL type of file (as shown

below). If the simulation is a multiple-cycle simulation , the CYCLIC [ cycle

period ] keywords you specify in before the injection parameters

(as shown in Figure 12.3 below) will ensure that the entire spray rate

process is repeated according to the cycle period specified.

crank rate_shape
0.0000000 0.00000000
2.0000000 0.19000000
5.0000000 0.36000001
6.3000000 0.50999999
7.1000000 0.63999999
11.000000 0.75000000
11.500000 0.83999997
13.300000 0.91000003
13.700000 0.95999998
14.000000 0.99000001
15.000000 1.00000000
15.800000 0.99000001
16.400000 0.95999998
17.600000 0.91000003
18.100000 0.83999997
19.700000 0.75000000
22.000000 0.63999999
23.100000 0.50999999

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

26.000000 0.36000001
27.000000 0.19000000
27.300000 0.00000000
Figure 12.2: A sample file (can be any *.in file name) showing rate-shape inputs at
various simulation times.

You can run engine cases ( crank_flag = 1 in with a variable RPM. For variable

RPM cases with a constant rate-shape , CONVERGE automatically generates a

rateshape_in <num>.in
j file for each injector. For variable RPM calculations , you can specify

file names containing tabular profiles for the following three spray injection parameters:

start_in ect, dur_in ect,

j j and mass_in ect
j .

In order to specify profiles for mass_in ect j and/or dur_in ect, j you must also specify a profile

for start_in ect

j . The number of entries in the mass_in ectj and/or dur_in ect
j profiles must

match the number of entries in start_in ect j .

An e xcerpt of specifying profiles for these parameters for a variable RPM engine

case is shown in Figure 12.3 below.

0.0 angle_xy_inj
0.0 angle_xz_inj
0 cone_flag
SEQUENTIAL start_inject dur_inject
50000 tot_parcels mass_inject
Figure 12.3: An excerpt of for variable RPM cases.

A sample input file for the start_in ect

j variable RPM parameter is shown in Figure 12.4

below. You must begin the file with the keyword TAB LAR, U followed by the keyword

SE QU ENTIAL in the ne xt row. The heading of the first column is the keyword value ; this

column represents an inde x of the injection. Each injector would have a different file. The

second column heading is the keyword start_in ect,

j which represents the injection start

time for the injection.

286 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

value start_inject
1 -240
2 480
3 1200
4 1920
5 2640
6 3360
Figure 12.4: A sample file (can be any *.in file name) showing start_inject times for a
variable RPM engine simulation.

If you have specified a profile for the start_in ect j parameter , you can also specify tabular

profiles for dur_in ect

j and mass_in ect, j as shown in Figures 12.5 and 12.6 below.

value dur_inject
1 50
2 40
3 30
4 20
5 10
6 60
Figure 12.5: Sample of for variable RPM cases.

value mass_inject
1 5.1615507e-5
2 4.1615507e-5
3 3.1615507e-5
4 2.1615507e-5
5 1.1615507e-5
6 6.1615507e-5
Figure 12.6: Sample of for variable RPM cases.

CONVERGE accounts for the contraction effects of the nozzles in each injector , depending

on the user inputs for discharge_coeff Cd , ( ) nozzle diameter diam_noz, liquid density ,
injection rate-shape , mass_in ect
j dur_in ect
and j .

CONVERGE offers three options for the discharge coefficient model:

If discharge_coeff_flag = , 0 there is no discharge coefficient model.

If discharge_coeff_flag = 1 , then CONVERGE dynamically calculates the velocity

coefficient ( Cv ) based on the injection pressure at that time. CONVERGE then calculates

the contraction coefficient ( Ca ) from the relationship

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Ca Cd
. (12.1)

The effective area of the nozzle is reduced and the drop velocity magnitude is

increased proportionally.

If discharge_coeff_flag = 2 , then the velocity coefficient ( Cv ) equals 1 and , therefore , the

contraction coefficient ( Ca ) is equal to the discharge coefficient ( Cd ) input.

You can configure nozzle locations and orientations using either a polar or a Cartesian

coordinate system. Control this option with the noz_init_flag parameter as described in

Table 12.2 below. If you choose a polar coordinate system ( noz_init_flag = 0 or 2), you can

also choose to copy the attributes of the first nozzle to all the remaining nozzles

( noz_init_flag = 2). In this case , CONVERGE will evenly space the nozzles around the

injector a xis. This nozzle copy option is very convenient for multi-hole injectors.

If you select the polar coordinate system option to specify the nozzle locations , you must

specify the location and orientation of each injector. Use the parameters x_cen, y_cen, and

z_cen to set the x, y z

and coordinates of the injector center. In addition , two angles

angle_xy_in j and angle_xz_in j determine the orientation of the injector, as shown below in

Figures 12.7 , 12.8 , and 12.9. If you select the Cartesian coordinate system option , then

CONVERGE does not use these injector position parameters. Instead , you must specify the

location and orientation of each nozzle hole individually.

288 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

Figure 12.7 - Parameters for placement and Figure 12.8 - Parameters for placement and
orientation of injectors. orientation of injectors..

Figure 12.9 - Spray plume relative to the injector axis.

Use the swirl_fraction parameter to control how much of the spray will move in a swirling

direction. This parameter can be used for hollow cone sprays only ( cone_flag = 0).

swirl_fraction can vary from -1 to 1. When looking from the top of the nozzle , positive
swirl_fraction leads to clockwise rotational velocity and negative swirl_fraction leads to

counter-clockwise velocity. Figure 12.10 and the equations below it show the vectors used

to define swirl_fraction, relative to the injector a xis, and how the swirl_fraction is defined in

terms of these vectors.

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Figure 12.10 - swirl_fraction schematic.

swirl fraction Vswirl

VFromIn ector

VFromIn ector VCone Vswirl


2 2


VAxial / 2) * VCone
cos( (12.4)

VRadial / 2) * VCone
sin( (12.5)

tan( / 2) VRadial /VAxial (12.6)

The injector section lists the relevant parameters in the input file.

12.1.2 Nozzle Inputs

You can specify any number of nozzles for each of the injectors you define. Each nozzle

has an associated geometric diameter ( diam_noz ) and Sauter mean diameter ( smd_dist ) of

the injected spray. Each nozzle , whether it has solid cone spray or hollow cone spray , has

a cone angle ( cone_noz ) that specifies the full angle of the spray. Each nozzle with a hollow

cone spray has a spray thickness ( thick_noz ).

290 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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If noz_init_flag = 0 or 2 , you must define the location and orientation of the nozzles using

the parameters rad_noz, axi_noz, theta_noz, angle_xy_noz, and angle_xz_noz . These

parameters are illustrated in Figures 12.11 and 12.12 below.

The nozzle locations and orientations are relative to the injector center and a xis. Figures

12.11 and 12.12 below are drawn with the assumption that the injector center is at the

origin and its a xis is lined up with the z -a xis, with the injector a xis in the negative Z


If you set noz_init_flag = 1 , the nozzle locations are unrelated to each other and not linked

to an injector center or a xis. You must then define the location of a nozzle with a

Cartesian coordinate ( xx_noz, yy_noz, zz_noz ) and define its orientation with a unit vector

( xx_vec, yy_vec, zz_vec ).

If the spray is a hollow cone ( cone_flag=0) , use the input parameter radius_in ect j to define a

radius for the circumference of the hollow circle. If the spray is a solid cone ( cone_flag= 1) ,
use the radius_in ect
j parameter to define the circular base of the spray cone ( i.e., an injected

parcel is randomly initialized at a point inside of the circle so that if enough parcels are

injected , the circle would appear filled in). Finally , use the parameter amp_distort to set an

initial drop distortion amplitude if you are using the TAB breakup model.

Figure 12.12 - Parameters for placement and

Figure 12.11 - Parameters for placement and orientation of nozzles. These parameters are
orientation of nozzles. These parameters are used used only when noz_init_flag is set to 0 or 2.
only when noz_init_flag is set to 0 or 2. This figure is This figure is drawn with the assumption
drawn with the assumption that the injector center is that the injector center is at the origin and its
at the origin and its axis is lined up with the z-axis, axis is lined up with the z-axis, with the
with the injector axis in the negative Z direction. injector axis in the negative Z direction.
Figures 12.11 and 12.12 illustrate how to define the nozzle position and orientation if a

polar coordinate system option is selected. Use the nozzle inputs ( axi_noz, rad_noz, and

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

theta_noz ) to define the position and use the parameters angle_xy_noz and angle_yz_noz to

orient the nozzles as if the injector center is located at (0 , 0 , 0) and its a xis is aligned with

the z-a xis. Positive values of the axi_noz parameter displace nozzle hole locations in the

negative z -direction.

12.1.3 Injection Size Distributions

This section provides details of the four injection size distributions that are currently

available in CONVERGE. These distributions are specified through in ect_distribution_flag


in In addition to the three standard options (blob , chi squared , Rosin-Rammler ,
and constant injected radius distributions) , you can also enter a file name ( e.g., in
j )

instead of a number to specify an injection profile in an input file. The file name must be in

quotation marks.

Blob Injection Model

If in ect_distribution_flag
j = 0 , injected drop sizes are equal to the nozzle diameter or

effective diameter when the discharge coefficient model is on ( discharge_coeff_flag = 1 or


Chi Squared Distribution

If in ect_distribution_flag
j = 1 , CONVERGE obtains injected drop sizes from the 2

distribution. This distribution is given by

r ,
r r
( ) e (12.7)

where r is the drop radius and r is the number-averaged drop radius given by

r r 1
, (12.8)

where r32 is the Sauter Mean Radius (SMR) , defined as

N i ri 3

r 32
, (12.9)

N i ri 2

i 1

where Ntot is the total number of drops , Ni is the number of drops of size i, and ri is the

radius of size i

292 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Following the approach of Amsden et al. (1989) , to obtain the best resolution of the size

distribution where the most mass is located , the distribution should be proportional to the

mass distribution given by r 3 C(r). In order to create a probability density function of this

mass distribution , the normalizing constant Nc must be found. This constant can be

determined via:

Nc r C r dr r r dr r


xp ,
3 3

r r
( ) e 6 (12.10)
0 0

and the new distribution is given by

M r r C r r r
3 3
( )
Nc r r
e . (12.11)


The cumulative probability function for this distribution is then given by

M r 1
1 1
1 exp ,
2 3
0 12 (12.12)
2 6


. (12.13)

Once a value of is selected , the injected drop radius is determined from

r r
r 32
, (12.14)

where r32 is the Sauter Mean Radius (SMR) , which is one-half of the input parameter

smd_dist .

Rosin-Rammler Distribution
Set in ect_distribution_flag =
j 2 to use the Rosin-Rammler distribution to obtain injected drop

sizes. The cumulative probability function for the Rosin-Rammler distribution is given by

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Liquid Injection

R r 1
exp , 0 max (12.15)


r (12.16)

q is an empirical constant ( q_rr ,

in ) and

r q r 1
, (12.17)

where is the gamma function and r32 is the Sauter mean radius (one-half of the input

parameter smd_dist) . Once a value of is selected , the injected drop radius is determined


r r 1 q r
. (12.18)

Constant Injection Radius Distribution

To make the radius of injected drops = 0.5 * smd_dist, set the input parameter

in ect_distribution_flag =
j 3. This allows for a constant injected radius that is independent of

the nozzle diameter ( diam_noz ).

12.2 Particle Equation of M otion

a drop s velocity v
, i, is obtained from its equation of motion:

dvi F ,
dt d i , (12.19)

where is the liquid density

l , Vd is the drop volume , and Fd,i is given by the sum of the drag

force and the gravitational body force as:

Fd i Fdrag i Fg i CD A f Vg
, , ,
Ui l d i . (12.20)

In Equation 12.20 , Af r2
is the drop s frontal area , g is the gas density , U is the drop-gas
relative velocity given by

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Particle Equation of Motion

Ui u u v
i i i , (12.21)

where ui and ui' are the local mean and turbulent fluctuating gas velocities , respectively ,
and gi is the gravitational acceleration. You can specify gravity_x, gravity_y, and gravity_z
in as inputs for gi . Equation 12.19 can be rewritten as:

dvi 3 g
dt r
Ui (12.22)
8 l

which is used in CONVERGE to update drop velocities at any given time-step. Models for

the drag coefficient , CD , are presented in a following section.

12.3 Drop Drag and Liquid/Gas Coupling

Accurate determination of drop drag coefficients is critical for accurate spray modeling.

CONVERGE currently includes two models for drop drag (in addition to the option of no

drag , which is activated by setting the drag_flag = 0). The first model calculates the drag

coefficient with the assumption that the drops are perfect spheres ( drag_flag = 1). The

second model , called here the dynamic drag model ( drag_flag = 2) , determines the droplet

drag coefficient dynamically , accounting for variations in the drop shape through a drop

distortion parameter y . Since values of the drop distortion parameter are determined from

the TAB model , a brief description of that model is given here.

The Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) model

(O Rourke and Amsden , 1987) is a classic

method for calculating drop distortion and breakup. This method is based on Taylor s
analogy between an oscillating and distorting droplet and a spring-mass system. Table

12.2 presents the analogous components.

Table 12.2: Comparison of a spring-mass system and a distorting drop.

Spring-Mass Distorting and Oscillating Drop
Restoring Force Surface Tension Forces

of Spring

E xternal Force Drop Drag Force

Damping Force Drop Viscosity Forces

The equation governing a damped ,

forced oscillator is (O Rourke and Amsden , 1987):

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Drop Drag and Liquid/Gas Coupling

F kx dx mx, (12.23)

where x is the displacement of the drop equator from its spherical (undisturbed) position.

The coefficients of this equation are taken from Taylor s analogy as:

F C g i

m F l ro
k C ,
m k l ro

d C l
m d l ro 2

l and are the discrete (liquid) phase and continuous (gas) phase densities
g , U
i is

the relative velocity of the droplet , r0 is the undisturbed droplet radius , is the drop

surface tension , and is the drop viscosity. The dimensionless constants

l Cf, Ck, Cd
and are

defined below. Equation 12.23 can be non-dimensionalized by setting y x (Cbr0

= / ) and

substituting in the relationships in Equation 12.24:

y CF
g U

C k y Cd l dy
Cb l ro l ro l ro dt
. (12.25)
2 3 2

For under-damped drops , the equation governing y can be determined from Equation

12.25 if the relative velocity is assumed to be constant. The result is given by

y t Wec e

y Wec t )
1 dy y (0) Wec t

sin( ) ,
dt td
( ) (0) cos( (0) (12.26)


gU rel ro 2

Weg , (12.27)

296 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Drop Drag and Liquid/Gas Coupling

Wec CF Weg ,
C kC b (12.28)


Cd l
td 2 l ro 2 (12.29)



l ro td
. (12.30)
3 2

In Equation 12.26 , is the droplet oscillation frequency. In Equation 12.27 , Weg is the drop

Weber number , a dimensionless parameter defined as the ratio of aerodynamic forces to

surface tension forces. Note the aerodynamic forces are calculated with U
rel , the parcel's

velocity relative to the local Eulerian flow. Finally , the constants have been chosen to

match e xperiments and theory (Lamb, 1945):

Ck 8

Cd 5

CF 1
. (12.31)

Cb 1

In CONVERGE , csubk, csubd, cfocbck in specify the constants from the Equation

above. Equation 12.26 can be solved for each droplet to yield its distortion parameter y .

Many droplet drag models assume that a drop remains spherical throughout its lifetime.

With this assumption , the drag of a spherical object is determined by the following (Liu et

al. , 1993):

0.424 Re 1000

D ,sphere , (12.32)

1 Re 1000
2 /3


Re 6

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Drop Drag and Liquid/Gas Coupling

where Re is the drop Reynolds number based on the drop s spherical diameter , the fluid-

phase density and laminar viscosity , and the relative velocity between the drop and the

gas. However , as an initially spherical droplet moves through a gas , its shape will distort

significantly when the Weber number is large. In the e xtreme case, the drop shape will

approach that of a disk. The drag on a disk is significantly higher than that of a sphere.

Since the drop drag coefficient is highly dependent on the drop shape , a drag model that

assumes the drop is spherical can under-predict drag. The dynamic drag model accounts

for the effects of drop distortion by linearly varying the drag between that of a sphere ,
(Equation 12.32) and a value corresponding to a disk (Liu et al. , 1993). The drag coefficient

is given by

CD CD sphere
1 2.632 , y (12.33)

where y is the drop distortion , as determined from the TAB model described above. Note

that in the limit of no distortion ( y 0, = ) the drag coefficient of a sphere will be obtained

while at ma ximum distortion ( y 1 = ) the drag coefficient corresponding to a disk will be


CONVERGE uses a nearest node approach to e xchange mass, momentum , energy terms of

a parcel (Lagrangian particle) with the fluid-phase (Eulerian field) values of the

computational node that it is closest to. A Taylor series e xpansion is used to calculate the

gas velocity (Eulerian field) at the point of the parcel (Lagrangian particle). The use of the

Taylor series e xpansion significantly reduces grid effects on the spray.

12.4 Spray Breakup

CONVERGE includes several spray breakup mechanisms , including models based on the

Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) and Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability mechanisms , the LISA sheet

breakup model , and the Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) drop breakup model. It also

includes an Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization (ELSA) model for predicting primary

spray breakup. This section describes the theory behind the models used to predict liquid

atomization and drop breakup.

All of the spray breakup parameters (with the e xception of break_flag, cfocbck, csubd, and

csubk ) are inputs for each injector. This allows you to run different spray breakup models

and constants for different injector/nozzle configurations. The values of the TAB model

parameters cfocbck, csubd, and csubk are the same values as those used in the dynamic drag


298 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

12.4.1 Kelvin-Helmholtz Breakup Model

The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is based on a liquid jet stability analysis that is described

in detail by Reitz and Bracco (1986) and is only briefly described here. The analysis

considers the stability of a cylindrical , viscous , liquid jet of radius r0 issuing from a circular

orifice at a velocity U into a stagnant , incompressible , inviscid gas of density . The liquid
has a density and viscosity
l l and a cylindrical polar coordinate system is used which

moves with the jet. An arbitrary infinitesimal a xisymmetric surface displacement of the


o e ikz t , (12.34)

is imposed on the initially steady motion and it is thus desired to find the dispersion

(kK H
) , which relates the real part of the growth rate
to its

wavenumber kK H
= 2 /

In order to determine the dispersion relation , the linearized hydrodynamic equations for

the liquid are solved with wave solutions of the form

l C I o kK r e ikK z K t
1 H

l C rI Lr e ikK z K t

2 1

where l and l are the velocity potential and stream function , respectively , C1 and C2
are integration constants , I 0
and I 1
are modified Bessel functions of the first kind ,
L2 = k2
K H l,
/ and is the liquid kinematic viscosity (Reitz
l ,1987). The liquid pressure is

obtained from the inviscid part of the liquid equations. In addition , the inviscid gas

equations can be solved to obtain the fluctuating gas pressure at r rp

= :


K o kK rp
p i kK
( )

g g U

K k H
K kK rp
1 H

where K0
and K 1
are modified Bessel functions of the second kind and U is the relative

velocity between the liquid and the gas. The linearized boundary conditions are

l ,
t (12.37)

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

l u
r z (12.38)


l 2 l

p g 0,

r r p

z 2 (12.39)

which are mathematical statements of the liquid kinematic free surface condition ,
continuity of shear stress , and continuity of normal stress , respectively. Note that ul is the

a xial perturbation liquid velocity , vl is the radial perturbation liquid velocity , and is the

surface tension. Also note that Equation 12.38 was obtained under the assumption that vg

= 0.

As described by Reitz (1987) , Equations 12.37 and 12.38 can be used to eliminate the

integration constants C 1
and C 2
in Equation 12.35. Thus , when the pressure and velocity

solutions are substituted into Equation 12.39 , the desired dispersion relation is obtained:

I k r kK L I kK rp I Lrp
K p
K 2 l kK K
H 2 H

1 1 1
2 2 H

I kK rp kK L I kK rp I Lrp
H H H 2 2

H H 0 H 1

kK L rp I kK rp 2 2

kK rp


H 2 2

l rp L r I k r
1 (12.40)
p K p
2 H 2 2

0 H

g K L rp I kK rp K kK rp
2 2 2

1 H 0 H

kK L rp I kK rp K kK rp
l H
2 2

0 H 1 H

As shown by Reitz (1987) , Equation 12.40 predicts that a ma ximum growth rate (or most

unstable wave) e xists for a given set of flow conditions. Curve fits of numerical solutions to

Equation 12.40 were generated for the ma ximum growth rate ,

K ,
and the corresponding

wavelength ,
K , H
and are given by Reitz (1987) as

300 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

1 0.45Zl 1 0.4T
0.5 0.7

9.02 ,
rp 1 0.87 We g
0.6 (12.41)


l p r 0.34 0.38We g
3 1.5

K ,

1 Zl 1 1.4
H 0.6

where Z l Wel Rel / is the Ohnesorge number and T Zl Weg is the Taylor number.

Furthermore , Wel l rp
2 = U / and Weg = U
2 r /
p are the liquid and gas Weber numbers ,
respectively , Rel rp
and = U / is the Reynolds number. Note that U = |
l ui-vi | where ui is the

fluid-phase velocity and vi is the drop velocity.

In the KH model , the initial parcel diameters are set equal to the nozzle hole diameter d 0

and the atomization process of the relatively large injected blobs is modeled using the

stability analysis for liquid jets as described above. The breakup of the parcels and resulting

drops is calculated by assuming that the breakup drop radius rc is proportional to the

wavelength of the fastest growing unstable surface wave given by Equation 12.41. In other

words ,

rc Bo K H
, (12.43)

where B
is a model constant typically set to 0.61 based on the work of Reitz (1987).

Although B 0
in Equation 12.43 is typically set to 0.61 , it has been included in the input files

( balpha
in ) to allow adjustment if necessary. A smaller value of B0
will result in

smaller drops from breakup , while a larger value will result in larger drops.

The rate of change of drop radius in a parent parcel is given by

drp rp rc
, rc rp

where the breakup time

is given by

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

3.726 B rp
K ,



and K H
and K H
are obtained from Equations 12.41 and 12.42 , respectively. The breakup

time constant B kh_cnst2

( in ) is related to the initial disturbance level on the liquid

jet and has been found to vary from one injector to another (Kong et al. ,1995). Note that

CONVERGE represents Equation 12.44 as

rp n r rp r
pn c

. (12.46)

You can run the KH model with or without the creation of new child parcels. When

droplet breakup occurs , pieces of the original droplet fragment away. CONVERGE

considers these fragmented masses of liquid to be child parcels when they accumulate a

sufficient amount of mass. The mass of the fragmented liquid is given by

sN n l rp n rp n ,
4 3

n 3 (12.47)

where s is the shed_factor, which represents the fraction of the parent parcel mass that

contributes to the child parcel mass. When the mass of the fragmented liquid e xceeds the
value of newparcel_cutoff, CONVERGE creates a child parcel with a drop size of radius r c

The newparcel_cutoff parameter is typically 3 to 5 percent of the average injected parcel

mass ( i.e., the total injected liquid mass divided by the total number of injected parcels).

Note that CONVERGE conserves the liquid mass during the breakup mass accumulation

process as the number of drops in a parent parcel is adjusted to a value N such that

N n rpn N rp
n n
3 3
1 1 .

When breakup occurs and it is determined that child droplets should be added to the

computation , they are given a velocity component normal to the path of the parent drop.

This normal velocity is determined by

n C K K ,
1 H H (12.48)

where C 1
is a model constant.

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

Alternatively , a similar model to that of Reitz and Diwakar (1987) can be used if you

choose to not create new parcels from the KH breakup model. In the Reitz and Diwakar

model , Equation 12.44 was used to model the size change of an unstable droplet with the

KH breakup time given by Equation 12.79. As described above , Equation 12.45 reduces to

Equation 12.79 for very high gas Weber numbers Weg l=

and 0 . In addition , Reitz and

Diwakar used the so-called stripping regime breakup criterion

Weg / Re
g 0.5


to determine the breakup drop size. Equation 12.49 predicts the breakup size given by


. (12.50)
2 gU g
2 3

Alternatively , in the limit of very high gas Weber numbers and an inviscid liquid , Equation

12.43 reduces to

rc Bo9.8 , (12.51)
gU 2

which is equivalent to the bag regime breakup criterion

Weg 6.0 (12.52)

for a B 0
value of appro ximately 0.61. It has been noted by Reitz (1987) that very similar

drop sizes are obtained if Equation 12.51 is always used to determine the breakup drop

size. As a result , running the present KH model without the addition of new child parcels

is consistent with the Reitz and Diwakar (1987) model for high-speed , inviscid sprays. It it

important to verify that rt_flag = 0 if you wish to use the CONVERGE model that is similar

to that of Reitz and Diwakar (1987).

12.4.2 KH-ACT Model

The KH-ACT model (Som and Aggarwal , 2010) is a modification of the KH model that

includes the effects of aerodynamics , cavitation , and turbulence on primary breakup.

Activate this model by setting kh_flag= 2 in .

Aerodynamic-Induced Breakup

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

CONVERGE uses the KH model described previously to calculate the instantaneous length

and time scales for every parcel as follows:

LKH r rKH (12.53)

3.276 B1r
KH (12.54)

CONVERGE calculates the ratio of length and time scales for each process. As seen in


Equations 12.53 and 12.56 , the rate of decrease in droplet radius
dt is proportional to

the ratio of length to time scale . Thus the largest ratio determines the dominant
breakup process.

LA L (t ) L L (t )
max KH ; CAV ; T (12.55)
A KH (t ) CAV T (t )

If the aerodynamically induced breakup process is dominant , then the KH model , as

represented by Equation 12.53 , is employed for primary atomization. However , if

cavitation or turbulence processes dominate , then the following breakup law is used:

dr LA
CT ,CAV (12.56)
dt A

CT,CAV is the model constant , specified as c_tcav,

in where its value ranges from 0.1

to 1.0.

Cavitation-Induced Breakup
Cavitation patterns generated inside the injector nozzle can reach the nozzle e xit. These

patterns decrease the radius of the injected parcels from the orifice radius , thereby

enhancing jet atomization. The underlying assumption is that cavitation patterns are

transported to the jet periphery by the turbulence velocity inside the liquid , and either

burst at the periphery or collapse before reaching it. For both of these cases, a

characteristic time-scale is calculated , the smaller one causing breakup. Following Bianchi

and Pelloni (1999) and Arcoumanis and Gavaises (1998) , the characteristic cavitation time-

scale ( tCAV ) is calculated as:

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Breakup

CAV min collapse : burst (12.57)

All of the cavitation bubbles formed inside the orifice that reach the orifice e xit are lumped

together into a single artificial bubble that occupies the cumulative area of the smaller


RCAV rhole C
1 a (12.58)

where RCAV is the effective radius of an equivalent bubble from the nozzle. The area

reduction coefficient ( Ca ) is calculated from flow simulations inside the injector and rhole is

the exit radius of the nozzle orifice.

Bubble collapse depends on the size of the bubble. This approach of lumping together to

form an effective bubble may marginally effect the breakup process. The bubble collapse

time is calculated from Rayleigh Plesset theory (Brennen , 1995) as :

collapse 0.9145 RCAV
pv (12.59)

where pv is the fuel vapor pressure and rl the fuel density.

Cavitation bubbles are located along the walls of the orifice ; however , the effective bubble

is placed on the center of the liquid spray as it is injected. The average time required for a

cavitation bubble to reach the periphery of the jet can be estimated as:

burst hole


where the turbulent velocity uturb

2 Kt
( )
is obtained from inner nozzle flow

simulations. The length scale for the cavitation-induced breakup is calculated as:

LCAV RCAV (12.61)

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CONVERGE will determine the length and time-scales for cavitation-induced breakup in

this manner. Each cavitation bubble influences the breakup only once. In other words ,
after the bubble collapses , it does not affect parcels during subsequent time-steps.

Turbulence-Induced Breakup
According to Huh and Gosman (1991) , turbulent fluctuations in the liquid jet are

responsible for the initial perturbations on the jet surface. These waves grow according to

KH instabilities until they breakup from the surface. The relevant length and time

scales ( LT t
( ) and tt(t), respectively) for turbulence-induced breakup are calculated as

C K (t )
LT (t ) , (12.62)
(t )


C K (t )
T (t ) , (12.63)
(t )

where K(t) and e (t) are , respectively , the instantaneous turbulent kinetic energy and

dissipation rate , and C m and Ce are turbulence model constants. Assuming isotropic

turbulence for the liquid phase and neglecting the diffusion , convection , and production

terms in the k-e equation , the decay of K(t) and e (t) for a parcel can be estimated as:

1/ C 1

K 0

K (t ) , (12.64)

K 0 0t C 1

K (t )
(t ) 0 , (12.65)


where K0 and e0 are the initial values at the nozzle e xit at start of injection (SOI) ,
determined from nozzle flow simulations. In the absence of detailed nozzle flow

simulations and measurements , the values of of K0 and e0 are estimated from a force

balance in a control volume , not accounting for the decay in turbulence levels.

CONVERGE allows two methods for determining the values of turbulent kinetic energy ,
turbulent dissipation , and the area reduction factor for use in KH-ACT computations. To

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use the first method , where CONVERGE calculates the values of these three values , set

noz_flow_flag= 0. The second method ( noz_flow_flag= 1) is to provide a *.in file that specifies

values for these three parameters at different simulation times.

For the control volume along the nozzle downstream length , the turbulent stress and force

on the nozzle orifice are estimated to be of the same order of magnitude , i.e.,

l ul2 DL pnoz , (12.66)

where rl and ul are the liquid and turbulent fluctuation velocity LD

, , are length and

diameter of the nozzle orifice , respectively , and p

D noz is the nozzle downstream pressure
drop obtained as follows:

ptot pnoz p form pacc . (12.67)

The total pressure drop , which is composed of three components , is obtained as follows:

1 lU inj

ptot 2
. (12.68)
Cd 2

Form loss pressure drop is estimated as:

lU inj

p form K c . (12.69)

Acceleration of pressure drop is estimated as:

lU inj

pacc 1 s
. (12.70)

The initial turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation rate can be readily estimated

from the above equations as follows:

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1 2
U inj
K0 2 K c 1 s
8 d (12.71)

U inj 2
0 K 2 K c 1 s (12.72)
2 L Cd

The model constants used in CONVERGE are Kc= 0.45 , K = , s=

e 0.27 0.01 , based on available

literature. You can change these values by specifying tur_kc, tur_ke and tur_s respectively

in . Once the initial turbulence levels K0 and e at the nozzle e xit are known , the

length and time-scales can be estimated based on the Equations 12.62 and 12.63 for a k-e
turbulence model.

12.4.3 Rayleigh-Taylor Breakup Model

In addition to the KH breakup mechanism , the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability is also

believed to be responsible for droplet breakup. The unstable RT waves are thought to occur

due to the rapid deceleration of the drops from the magnitude of the drag force ,
| D,i |, which is given as


FD i Md ai Md CD 3 Ui
l ro

where a
| i| is the deceleration of the drop , md is the mass of the drop , and CD is the drag

coefficient. Typical implementations of the RT breakup model ignore both gas and liquid

viscosity (Ricart et al. , 1997). If viscosity is neglected , the fastest growing wavelength for

the RT instabilities is given by ( Xin et al. , 1998):

RT 2 ,
a l g (12.74)

and the corresponding growth rate is given by


l g
2 . (12.75)

3 3 l g

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As described by Senecal et al. (2007) , the CONVERGE spray models e xtend the standard

RT model to include viscosity , which can have a large effect for the high decelerations

typical of spray droplets. When viscosity is included , it can be shown ( e.g., J oseph et al. ,
1999) that the RT growth rate can be written as

a k

l g l g l g
k k k

2 4

l g l g l g l g

where kRT is the wavenumber.

In CONVERGE , the wavenumber corresponding to the ma ximum growth rate ( KRT = 2 /

RT ) is solved for numerically using a bisection method with Equation 12.76. The value of

KRT is then substituted into Equation 12.76 to find the ma ximum growth rate , RT .

It is straightforward to show that Equation 12.76 reduces to the standard RT model in the

limit of no viscosity. If viscosity is neglected , Equation 12.76 becomes

a k
l g


l g l g

It can be shown that the values of kRT and RT corresponding to Equation 12.77 are

equivalent to Equations 12.74 and 12.75. This is accomplished by setting d

RT / dkRT = 0

RT defined by Equation 12.77 and substituting the resulting e xpression for kRT back

into Equation 12.77.

As in the study of Xin et al. (1998) , if the scaled wavelength given by CRT
RT is calculated

to be smaller than the droplet diameter , RT waves are assumed to be growing on the

surface of the drop. When the RT waves have been growing for a sufficient time ( i.e., CI /

RT ) where CI is a constant) , the drop is broken up according to the RT mechanism. Note

that the RT size constant CRT can be increased or decreased to change the size of the

predicted RT breakup radius by changing the value of cnst3t in . Similarly , the RT

time constant CI can be increased to delay RT breakup , or decreased to promote faster RT

breakup by changing rt_nst2b

in .

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12.4.4 KH-RT Breakup Length Model

The previous sections described two breakup models based on fundamental liquid/gas

instability mechanisms. CONVERGE allows you to run these models concurrently , as is

commonly done. One option for running them together is to use the so-called KH-RT

breakup length model. If the KH-RT breakup length model is activated , an intact core or

breakup length Lb (see Fig. 12.13) can be specified as

Lb Cbl d . (12.78)

As shown in Fig. 12.13 , this model assumes that only KH instabilities are responsible for

drop breakup inside of the characteristic breakup distance , Lb, while both KH and RT

mechanisms are activated beyond the breakup length. In this case , CONVERGE first

checks if the RT mechanism can break up the droplet. If not , the KH mechanism is

responsible for breakup.

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Figure 12.13: Schematic of the KH-RT spray

breakup model. Note that liquid blobs are
injected with a diameter equal to that of the
injector nozzle. In addition, the KH breakup
mechanism is applied to a droplet throughout
its lifetime, while the RT mechanism is only
initiated once the drop reaches a characteristic
distance, Lb , from the injector.

As described above , the KH breakup time constant B 1

has been found to vary from one

injector to another. Typical values for B1

are in the range of 5 to 100 , where small values

result in faster breakup. In addition , the breakup length constant Cbl in Equation 12.78 can

be tuned to increase or decrease spray breakup by changing the parameter distant in A methodology for tuning Cbl has been described by Senecal (2000) , which

showed that for very high gas Weber numbers Weg (typical of Diesel sprays) and
l = 0, the

KH model breakup time ( i.e., Equation 12.47) reduces to

B 1
ro , (12.79)

which results in a breakup length LK H

= U

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LK B r . (12.80)
H 1 0

If Equation 12.80 is compared with Equation 12.78 , it is clear that Cbl must equal B1
/2 in

order for Lb and LKH

to be consistent. Tuning the two spray constants together as described

above has been shown to result in accurate predictions of vaporizing spray penetration

when compared to e xperiments (Beale , 1999). The breakup length can be removed from

the model by setting Cbl = 0 in Equation 12.78. This results in both the KH and RT

mechanisms acting on droplets as they e xit the nozzle (Patterson , 1997).

12.4.5 Modified KH-RT Model

An alternative to the KH-RT breakup length model allows you to run a simulation with

both breakup mechanisms without the use of an ad hoc breakup length definition. In this

modified KH-RT model , aerodynamic instabilities ( i.e., KH waves) are responsible for the

primary breakup of the injected liquid blobs (also known as parents). Child drops are

created during this process , and the secondary breakup of these drops is modeled by

examining the competing effects of the KH and RT mechanisms.

This modified KH-RT model can be used only when the creation of child parcels is

included in the KH breakup model ( i.e., new_parcel_flag = 1).

12.4.6 TAB Breakup Model

The TAB model was previously briefly described in the Drop Drag Models section. That

description is repeated and e xtended here in the conte xt of drop breakup.

The Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) model

(O Rourke and Amsden , 1987) is a classic

method for calculating drop distortion and breakup. This method is based on Taylor s
analogy between an oscillating and distorting droplet and a spring-mass system.

The equation governing a damped ,

forced oscillator is (O Rourke and Amsden , 1987):

F kx dx mx, (12.81)

where x is the displacement of the drop equator from its spherical (undisturbed) position.

The coefficients of this equation are taken from Taylor s analogy as:

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F C g i

m F l ro
k C ,
m k l ro

d C l ,
m d l ro 2

l and
g are the discrete (liquid) phase and continuous (gas) phase densities , U is

the relative velocity of the droplet , r 0

is the undisturbed droplet radius , is the drop

surface tension , and is the drop viscosity. The dimensionless constants

l CF, CK, Cd and are

defined below. Equation 12.81 can be non-dimensionalized by setting y x (Cbr

= /
) and

substituting the relationships in Equation 12.82:

y CF
g U

C k y Cd l dy
Cb l ro l ro l ro dt
. (12.83)
2 3 2

For under-damped drops , the equation governing y can be determined from Equation

12.83 if the relative velocity is assumed to be constant. The result is given by


y t Wec e td y Wec

t )
1 dy y (0) Wec t

sin( )
dt td
( ) ( ) cos( (0) (12.84)


U r 2

Weg g o , (12.85)

Wec CF Weg ,
C kC b (12.86)


Cd l
td 2 l ro 2 (12.87)

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l ro td
. (12.88)
3 2

In Equation 12.84 , is the droplet oscillation frequency. In Equation 12.85 , Weg is the drop

Weber number , which is a dimensionless parameter defined as the ratio of aerodynamic

forces to surface tension forces. Finally , the constants have been chosen to match

experiments and theory (Lamb, 1945):

Ck 8

Cd 5

CF 1

Cb 1

The numerical implementation of the TAB model for breakup calculations follows the

description presented by O Rourke and Amsden (1987). The drop parameters Weg , td and

are first calculated. If
is less than or equal to zero (implying that the drop s
oscillations are negligible) , y and
are both set to zero and no further breakup

calculations are performed for the drop during the current time-step. If
is positive , the

amplitude of the undamped oscillation is calculated as

A y Wec 2

y /

. (12.90)

IfA Wec + 1.0 , breakup does not occur for the drop for the current time-step. In this case ,

y y
and are updated and no further breakup calculations are performed for the drop

during the current time-step. The distortion parameters are then updated with the

following e xpressions:

y n
Wec e

y We
n n
y y Wec t )

( c ) cos( )

sin( (12.91)

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y n 1

Wec y n 1

e td
1 n


y y Wec t ) ( y n Wec ) sin(t )


cos( (12.92)

where the superscript n+ 1 refers to the updated values and the superscript n refers to the

previous values.

Alternatively , if A Wec >

+ 1.0 , then breakup is possible for the current drop. In this case ,
the breakup time is calculated assuming that the drop oscillation is undamped for its first

period (O Rourke and Amsden , 1987). Breakup is predicted to occur if the computational

time-step is larger than the breakup time or if y 1. If breakup occurs , y is set to 1 , y is set

to that of an undamped oscillation at the breakup time, and a normal drop velocity

component Vn is calculated via

Vn 0.5 ro y , (12.93)

where r 0
is the drop radius prior to breakup. The direction of Vn is randomly chosen in a

plane normal to the drop s relative velocity. The normal velocity component is added to

the drop velocity.

The breakup drop radius r is calculated with the following e xpression derived by O Rourke
and Amsden (1987):

r ro ,

8 K y l ro y

6 5 (12.94)

20 120

where K= 10/3. If a drop size distribution is not used with the TAB breakup model , the

new radius is set to the value given by Equation 12.94.

If a drop size distribution is used , the radius calculated from Equation 12.94 is the Sauter

Mean Radius (SMR) of the distribution. Once the new radius is calculated , the number of

drops for the parcel is updated to conserve mass. Once the drop s breakup properties have
been updated , it is assumed that the drop is no longer oscillating and hence both y and
are set to zero.

If breakup is not predicted to occur for the current time-step , y and

y are updated

according to Equations 12.91 and 12.92.

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12.4.7 LISA Breakup Model

The Linearized Instability Sheet Atomization (LISA) model of Senecal et al. (1999) is

included in CONVERGE to model liquid sheet breakup. The model includes two parts a

general liquid sheet breakup mechanism and a liquid injection methodology specifically for

pressure-swirl atomizers. In this section , the breakup model is first described , followed by a

description of the liquid injection model.

Senecal et al. (1999) derived the following dispersion relation for the sinuous mode for a

two-dimensional , viscous , incompressible liquid sheet of thickness 2 h moving with a

velocity U through a quiescent , inviscid , incompressible gas medium:

tanh( kh ) Q 4 l k
2 2
tanh( kh ) 2 i k
Q U 4 l 2
k 4
tanh( kh )

kL Lh k
4 l 2 3
tanh( ) QU 2 2

where =
r + i
i is the comple x growth rate , k is the wave number ,
l is the liquid

density , g is the gas density , l is the liquid kinematic viscosity , is the surface tension , Q

g / , and
l = L 2
k 2
+ / . The sinuous mode solution was shown to have the property
that its ma ximum growth rate will always be greater than or equal to the ma ximum
growth rate of varicose waves for high velocity flows with values of Q significantly less

than one (Senecal et al. , 1999).

In order to simplify Equation 12.95 for use in multi-dimensional simulations , Senecal et al.

(1999) performed an order of magnitude analysis using typical values from the inviscid

solutions and showed that the terms of second-order in viscosity can be neglected in

comparison to the other terms. With this simplification , the real part of the growth rate

can be written as

2 lk 2
tanh( kh )
tanh( kh ) Q

k kh k kh k k
4 l2 4
tanh (
) Q U
2 2 2
tanh( ) Q QU 2 2
/ l
tanh( ) Q

Furthermore , if short waves are assumed ( i.e., tanh( kh ) = 1) and Q 1 , Equation 12.96

reduces to

r 2 l k 2
k 4
QU 2
k 2
k 3
/ l . (12.97)

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Senecal et al
. analytically derived a critical Weber number of Weg = U
h / = 27/16 ,
below which long waves dominate the breakup process , and above which short waves

dominate breakup. As the Weber number is typically well above 27/16 for sheet breakup

applications of interest here ( e.g., pressure-swirl atomizers) , it is reasonable to assume that

short waves are responsible for breakup. As a result , Equation 12.97 is used in

CONVERGE to predict the wave growth rate.

In CONVERGE , the physical mechanism of sheet disintegration proposed by Dombrowski

and Johns (1963) is adopted in order to predict the drop sizes produced by the primary

breakup process. In this process , disintegration occurs due to the growth of waves on the

surfaces caused by the aerodynamic forces acting on the sheet. Once the waves reach a

critical amplitude , fragments of the liquid are broken off which contract to form cylindrical

ligaments that are believed to move normal to the ligament a xis. As a result , capillary

forces cause the unstable ligaments to break into drops.

In order to determine the onset of ligament formation , Senecal et al. (1999) made an

analogy with the prediction of the breakup length of cylindrical liquid jets ( e.g., Reitz and

Bracco , 1986). If the surface disturbance has reached a value of

b at breakup , a breakup

time can be evaluated via

b e xp s ln b (12.98)


where s is the ma ximum growth rate obtained from Equation 12.97. Thus , the sheet will

break up at a length given by

L V V ln

where the quantity ln(

b/ ) is typically set to 12 based on the work of Dombrowski and

Hooper (1962). Here , V is the absolute velocity of the liquid sheet , while U in Equation

12.97 is the relative velocity between the liquid and the gas. Note that you can alter the set

value for ln(

b/ 0
) by changing the parameter lisa_length_cnst in .

Once the sheet breakup length predicted by Equation 12.99 is reached , ligaments with a

diameter given by

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dL Clisa 2

Ks (12.100)

are formed , where Clisa lisa_size_cnst

( in ) is a model constant and Ks is the wave

number corresponding to the ma ximum growth rate s .

As in the work of Senecal et al. (1999) , the resulting drop diameter is found from the


dD 1.88 dL 1 3 Oh


where Oh =
l / ( l dL)

1 /2
is the Ohnesorge number. Equation 12.101 is based on the

analysis of Weber (1931).

In CONVERGE , the parcels representing the liquid sheet do not directly interact with the

gas phase and do not undergo collision , drag , evaporation , or turbulent dispersion. Once

the sheet parcels travel a distance from the injector given by Equation 12.99 , the parcels

are given a size predicted by Equation 12.101 and are treated as normal parcels that

undergo collision , drag , evaporation , turbulent dispersion , and are coupled to the gas.

If a drop size distribution is used with the LISA model , Equation 12.101 represents the

Sauter mean diameter of the distribution.

If a drop size distribution is not used , Equation 12.101 is the actual diameter of the drop.

Finally , the TAB model is used to predict secondary drop breakup in the LISA model.

A methodology following the work of Schmidt et al. (1999) is used to initialize the size and

velocity of injected sheet parcels when the LISA model is activated. This model assumes

that the injector e xit velocity profile is uniform and that the total velocity is related to the

injection pressure Dp ( lisa_pin j in ) by

Vk 2 p

where the velocity coefficient kv is given by

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max 0.7 ,
4 m l

l cos 2 p


In Equation 12.103 , m and are the measured mass flow rate and spray angle ( i.e., half

of thecone_noz input) , respectively , and d 0

is the injector e xit parameter given by the

diam_noz input parameter. Equation 12.102 is used to initialize the velocity of the sheet


It can be shown (Schmidt et al. , 1999) that the sheet thickness at the nozzle e xit h 0

related to m and V by conservation of mass:

m lV cos h 0
( d h
0 0
). (12.104)

Equation 12.104 is used to calculate the initial sheet thickness (note that h 0
is the full

nozzle e xit thickness while h is the sheet half-thickness). The sheet parcel s radius is

assumed to be equal to one-half of the thickness:

0.5 h 0
. (12.105)

12.5 Collision and Coalescence

This section provides an overview of both the numerical schemes and physical outcomes

included in the collision and coalescence models.

The collision and coalescence input parameters are included in the file , except for

in .

12.5.1 ORourke Numerical Scheme

The widely-used O Rourke (1981) collision and coalescence model is implemented in the

CONVERGE code. The collision and coalescence model is designed to estimate the number

of droplet collisions and their outcomes in a relatively computationally efficient manner ,

which is made possible by the parcel concept described in a previous section. It is easy to

see that for N drops , each having N -1 possible collision partners , the number of possible

collision pairs is appro ximately (1/2) N 2

. Without the parcel concept this N 2

would render the collision calculation computationally prohibitive for the millions of drops

that may e xist in a simulation.

Because a parcel can represent hundreds or thousands of drops , the cost of the collision

calculation is significantly reduced. In order to reduce the computational cost even further ,

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the algorithm of O Rourke (1981) uses a stochastic (randomly determined) estimate of

collisions and assumes that parcels can collide only if they are located in the same fluid-

phase cell.

As described by O Rourke (1981) , CONVERGE performs a collision calculation for a pair

of parcels. The parcel containing drops of larger radius is known as the collector , while the

parcel containing drops of smaller radius is known as the droplet. In the following

description , a subscript of 1 is used for the collector parcel , while a subscript of 2 is used

for the droplet parcel.

The collision frequency of a collector drop with all of the droplets is given by O Rourke

N r r V
2 1 2


where N 2
is the number of drops in the droplet parcel , V 12
= | vi - vi
1 2
| is the relative

velocity between the collector and droplet parcels r

, 1 and r2 are the radii of the collector

and droplet , respectively , and V is the volume of the fluid-phase cell that includes the two

parcels. The probability that the collector collides n times with drops is assumed to follow a

Poisson distribution given by

Pn e n n ,

n! (12.107)

with a mean value given by

n coll dt N r r V dt
( )
2 1 2 12

V (12.108)

where dt is the computational time-step. In Equation 12.108 the quantity (r 1

+ r ) V dt


the collision volume which is simply the collision area (r r )

multiplied by the distance

traveled by a droplet in one time-step. Since there is a uniform probability that a droplet

will be anywhere in the fluid-phase cell , then the probability of the droplet being in the

collision volume is the ratio of the collision volume to the fluid-phase cell volume.

Generalizing to parcels results in the multiplication of N2 in Equation 12.108.

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The probability of no collisions is given by

P e n

. (12.109)

In CONVERGE , a random number is chosen between zero and one to determine if

collision occurs. If the value of the random number is less than P 0

, no collision takes place.

If the value of the random number is greater than or equal to P 0

, collision occurs.

In the event that a collision occurs , the ne xt step is to determine the outcome of the

collision. The model of

O Rourke includes two collision outcomes coalescence and

grazing collision. In order to determine which outcome takes ,

place a critical impact

parameter bcrit is calculated with the e xpression

bcrit r r 2.4 f
1.0 , ,
min (12.110)
1 2


where f is given by




2.4 2.7 ,
1 1 1

2 r 2 r 2

and Wecoll is the collision Weber number given by

Wecoll lV r

12 2
. (12.112)

The actual collision impact parameter is given by b r r Y ,

1 2
) where Y is a random

number between zero and one. If the O Rourke collision outcomes are used (see below) ,
the collision outcome is coalescence if b < bcrit, otherwise the outcome is grazing collision. If

the Post collision outcomes are used (these are described in the Post Collision Outcomes

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section below) , the collision outcome can be bouncing , stretching separation , refle xive
separation , or coalescence.

12.5.2 NTC Numerical Scheme

An alternative to the O Rourke numerical collision scheme is the No Time Counter (NTC)

method of Schmidt and Rutland (2000). The NTC method is based on techniques used in

gas dynamics for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) calculations. This model has

been shown to be faster and more accurate than

O Rourke s model under certain


The NTC method involves stochastic (randomly determined) sub-sampling of the parcels

within each cell. This potentially results in much faster collision calculations. Unlike

O'Rourke's method , which incurs an additional computational cost that increases with the

square of the number of parcels , the NTC method has a linear cost. O'Rourke's method

assumes that multiple collisions can occur between parcels and that this process is

governed by a Poisson distribution. However , the Poisson distribution is not correct unless

collision has no consequences for the parcels. Since collisions change parcels velocities ,
size, and number , the method of repeated sampling used by the NTC method generates

more accurate answers (Schmidt and Rutland , 2000).

The NTC method is derived , without assumptions , from the basic probability model for

stochastic collision. The basic probability model requires that the cell size is sufficiently

small such that spatial variations in spray quantities can be neglected. These assumptions

are a subset of those required for deriving the O Rourke collision model. For a detailed

derivation , see Schmidt and Rutland (2000). Only a simple description of the actual

implementation will be given here.

The NTC method first sorts the parcels into groups that reside in the same cell. This

requires only 2N operations , where N is the number of droplets in a cell. Ne x t, the NTC

method picks a stochastic subsample from all of the possible pairs in a cell. The number of

picked pairs does not affect the final average answer , as long as the number meets

constraints derived in Schmidt and Rutland (2000). The probabilities for the sub-sample

pairs are multiplied by the reciprocal of this fraction , increasing the probability of collision.

Sampling is done with replacement so that multiple collisions for a pair can be correctly

calculated. The resulting method incurs a cost that is linearly proportional to the number

of parcels , as opposed to the N -squared cost of many e xisting methods.

If a cell contains N droplets which have a collision cross section given by

= (ri r ) ,

then the e xpected number of collisions in the cell over a time interval of t is given by

summing the probability of all possible collisions:

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N N Vi i , t
Mcoll 1 ,j j

. (12.113)
i 2 1 j 1

The factor of one-half is a result of symmetry. If we group the individual droplets into

parcels having identical properties , then the double summation becomes:

Np Np Vi i , t
Mcoll qi q
1 ,j j
i 2 1 j 1
V (12.114)

where Np is the number of parcels in the cell and q is the number of droplets in a parcel.

Evaluating this summation directly would be as e xpensive

as the O Rourke method , with

the cost on the order of Np 2

. However , this summation can be modified by pulling a

constant factor outside of the summation so that

qV Np t Np q Vi i
Mcoll ma x
j ,j ,j

V qV
. (12.115)
2 i 1 j 1 ma x

The value of ( qV )
ma x
is used for scaling the selection probability of a collision. The value

chosen must be sufficiently large so that the following restriction holds:

q Vi i ,j ,j


ma x

Now it is assumed that a representative sub-sample of parcels may be randomly selected

from the set of parcels in the cell , such that:

aN p Np
xi a xi , (12.117)
i 1 i 1

where a<1 and xi is a characteristic of each parcel. Hence , a subset of parcels is used to

represent the larger population. This statistical appro ximation allows a constant multiplier

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to reduce the limits of summation. Using this relationship , the limits of the summations in

Equation 12.115 are both reduced:

qV t qV t
Np Np
q Vi i
ma ma x
Mcoll qi
2 2

j ,j ,j
, (12.118)

i 1 j 1 qV max

This equation is written more succinctly by defining the quantity Mcand :

N qV t
Mcand p

ma x

. (12.119)

This definition is used in the limits of the summations of Equation 12.118:

Mcand Mcand q V
Mcoll qi i i j ,j ,j

. (12.120)
i 1 j 1 ma x

This equation is the final e xpression of the NTC method for application to parcels

representing varying numbers of drops. In the limit of constant cross section and constant

q, this equation reduces to the e xpression of Ale xander and Garcia (1997). The overall cost

will be proportional to the product of the limits of the summation , namely Mcand . The value

of Mcand is linearly proportional to Np , because q goes as 1/ Np . When using this model , you

must make a sensible choice for ( qV )

ma x
for the algorithm to be efficient. If the spray is so

dense that Mcand >Np 2

/ 2 , then direct calculation of collisions may be more efficient than the

NTC algorithm for this cell.

The double summation of Equation 12.120 is evaluated using an acceptance-rejection

scheme. The number of candidate pairs given by Mcand is selected with replacement from

the cell population. Because the parcels are selected with replacement , multiple collisions

may occur between parcels.

O Rourke (1981) has observed that the consideration of

multiple collisions is required for accurate results with large time-steps in dense sprays.

After a pair has been selected , a uniform deviate from [0 ,1) is used to determine if the

candidate pair actually collides. A collision takes place between parcel i and j if the

deviate , ,r satisfies

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q gVi i
r ,j ,j

. (12.121)


The parameter qg represents the greater number of droplets between qi and q j

. If the

collision is accepted , then ql , the lesser number of droplets , actually participate in the

collision. This distinction is important in the case of droplet coalescence , where one parcel

of drops absorbs the other. The differentiation of the parcels by the larger and smaller

values of q does not change the e xpected outcome of the scheme.

12.5.3 ORourke Collision Outcomes

The O'Rourke Collision scheme can result in grazing collisions or in coalescence.

In the case of a grazing collision , the new droplet velocities are calculated based on

conservation of momentum and kinetic energy. It is assumed that some fraction of the

kinetic energy of the drops is lost to viscous dissipation and angular momentum

generation. Using assumed forms for the energy and angular momentum losses , O'Rourke

(1981) derived the following e xpressions for the new velocities of the collector and droplet:

m vi m vi m vi v
vi f
,1 ,2 ,1
1 2 2 2

m m
,1 1 (12.122)

1 2

m vi m vi m vi v
vi f
,1 ,2 ,2
1 2 1 1

m m
,2 1 (12.123)

1 2

where the * superscript indicates the post-grazing collision velocity values and

b b crit

r r bcrit
1 (12.124)

1 2

where fE is the fraction of energy dissipated in the collision.

In addition , grazing collisions only take place between the smaller number of drops

between parcel 1 and parcel 2. For e xample, if parcel 1 has fewer drops than parcel 2 , the

updated velocities are given by

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i*, , 1 (12.125)


vin 1

N vi
N N vin
2 1 ,2
N 2

where the superscript n refers to the previous time-step value and the superscript n

refers to the updated value.

In the event that the outcome is coalescence , Equation 12.107 determines the number of

droplets that coalesce with a collector drop. The properties of the coalesced drops are

found using the basic conservation laws.

12.5.4 Post Collision Outcomes

In addition to the grazing collision and coalescence outcomes , Post and Abraham (2002)

included both stretching separation and refle xive separation in their model based on

experimental results of hydrocarbon drops.

In this model , the collision Weber number based on diameter ( i.e., Wecoll ,
2 ) is first compared

with a bouncing parameter given by

p 1 p 4 12
2 '

WeBounce ,
cos(arcsin B)



with r >r ,
2 1

326 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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a /
2 /3

' '

0 0

where 3.351, 1.16 kg / m , a is the gas density, and

0 0

1 0.25 2 1 1.0

, (12.130)

0.25 3


1 B .
1 p (12.131)

In addition , B in Equations 12.127 and 12.131 is given by

B b
r r
. (12.132)
1 2

If 2 Wecoll<Webounce, it is assumed that the two drops bounce. As in the work of Hou (2005) , it

is assumed that the post bounce velocities are given by Equations 12.122 and 12.123 with

fE =0 :

m vi m vi m vi v
,1 ,2 ,1
1 2 2 2

m m 1 2

m vi m vi m vi v
,1 ,2 ,2

1 2 1 1

m m
,2 . (12.134)

1 2

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If 2 Wecoll Webounce,
then either permanent coalescence , stretching separation , or refle xive
separation take place. To determine if a separation has occurred , CONVERGE checks two

other criteria. If b > bcrit, stretching separation may take place. If

p 1 p 3

We 4 1 p
2 /3

coll 3 7 1 p ,
3 2
2 (12.135)

p 1 2

there is also a possibility of refle xive separation. Equation 12.135 is the refle xive separation

criterion proposed by Ashgriz and Poo (1990) , with:


2 1 1 1,


2 1/2

2 p p
2 2
p , 3


0.5B 1 p , (12.138)

where B b r r
= / (

If only stretching separation is possible , the post-collision velocities are calculated using

Equations 12.128 and 12.129 with (Hou , 2005)

f b b 2

. (12.139)

1 crit

Alternatively , if only xive

refle separation is possible , the post-collision velocities are

calculated using Equations 12.129 and 12.130 with

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p 1 p

7 1 2 /3

4 1 p
3 2
p 6

E 1 ,
1 2


as in the work of Hou (2005). If 2 Wecoll Webounce

and neither stretching separation or

refle xive separation are possible , coalescence is assumed to occur.

12.5.5 Adaptive Collision Mesh

It is well known that collision calculations can be highly grid-sensitive when an under-

resolved fluid-phase mesh is used. To help alleviate this issue , an adaptive collision mesh

option has been implemented in CONVERGE , based on the concept of a collision mesh

proposed by Hou (2005).

In a simulation without collision mesh , parcels collide only with parcels in the same grid

cell. This can lead to artifacts in the spray , since parcels do not collide across cell walls.

This can also slow down computational time because there can be many parcels in larger


Using a collision mesh can eliminate both these problems. Simulations with collision mesh

can much more accurately represent the spray dispersion by eliminating grid effects.

Figures 12.14 and 12.15 illustrate the spray results from a simulation without collision

mesh and with collision mesh , respectively.

Figure 12.14: Spray parcels from a 4-nozzle spray simulation without collision mesh. Notice the split
in the spray plumes along the X and Y axes in the left-hand image. The right-hand image shows how
this split propagates along the Z axis.

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Figure 12.15: Spray parcels from a 4-nozzle spray simulation with collision mesh. There is NO grid-
effects-induced split along the horizontal and vertical axes in the left-hand image. The right-hand
image shows the spray waves that more accurately mimic a physical spray.

The collision mesh is a uniform grid , used only for parcel collision , that rotates about a

random a xis at every time-step. The embed level of the collision mesh (set by the coll_scale
parameter) is the number of levels below the base mesh size , as shown in Equation 12.141


This mesh is completely independent of the fluid-phase mesh and is used only for collision

calculations. The algorithm for creating the collision mesh is based on randomly selecting a

coordinate system and creating a collision mesh at each time-step. The collision mesh cell

size is based on the coll_scale parameter specified in and is given by

dxcoll dxcoll base

scale ,

where dx_base is the base cell size specified in . Once the mesh is created , the

parcels are placed in the appropriate collision mesh cell and the collision calculation

proceeds as usual.

The cost of calculating the collisions grows proportional to the square of the number of

droplets in a cell , so assigning the typical value of 3 to 5 for coll_scale may significantly

reduce overall computational time of the simulation. Values in this range for coll_scale
results in 512 to ,
32 768 collision mesh cells for every fluid base mesh cell , and thus

drastically decreases the number of spray parcels per collision mesh cell. For this reason ,
using collision mesh is recommended to increase both the accuracy and the computational

efficiency of the spray simulation.

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However , you should use caution when decreasing the collision mesh cell size: parcels can

pass right through a collision mesh cell without having the chance to collide if the collision

mesh to too refined. To alleviate this issue , you can activate the following time-step


dtmesh mult dt coll mesh dxcoll

_ _ _ .
, max

In Equation 12.142 , dxcoll is the collision mesh cell size , Vdrop,max is the ma ximum drop

velocity in the entire domain , and mult_dt_coll_mesh (specified in ) is a scaling


12.6 Drop T urbulent Dispersion

CONVERGE models the effects of the turbulent flow on spray drops by adding a

fluctuating velocity ui' to the gas velocity ui . The following sections describe how ui' is

determined when using either a RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) or LES (Large

Eddy Simulation) turbulence model.

You can turn on turbulent dispersion input parameters via turbdis_flag
the in .

Remember that you must set turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in to activate turbulence

modeling , then specify the relevant model parameters ( c_s c_tke_les,

or c_ps
and ) in the input file.

12.6.1 RANS Turbulence Models

The RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) turbulence models in CONVERGE include

source terms to account for the depletion of turbulent kinetic energy due to work done by

turbulent eddies to disperse the liquid spray droplets. The source terms Ss include the

fluctuating component of the fluid-phase velocity ui ' :

N p Fdrag
i ui

Ss p (12.143)

where the summation is over all parcels in the cell , Np is the number of drops in a parcel , V
is the cell volume and

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Fdrag i
ui ,
ui ui vi
, (12.144)

where Fdrag,i is the drag force on a drop. Note that cs is a model constant that appears in

front of Ss
in the transport equation. You can specify a value for cs through the parameter

c_s in input file. Setting cs to zero in the input files actually deactivates the

source term in both the k and equations.

In the O Rourke turbulent dispersion model , it is assumed that each component of ui '

follows a Gaussian distribution given by

Gu 1
u 2

i exp ,

with a variance
2 given by 2/3 k where k is the turbulent kinetic energy (Amsden et al. ,
1989). It can be shown that the cumulative distribution function for Equation 12.145 is

given by

G ui erf ui
erf 0 2, (12.146)


4 / 3

Equation 12.146 is inverted numerically , using Newton s method , to obtain values of for

specific values of G . These values are calculated once at the start of the simulation and

stored in a table. When a value of is needed for a turbulent dispersion calculation , a

random number YY between zero and one is selected which represents the chosen value of

G . The corresponding value of is found by interpolating in the table. Once a value of

is selected u
, i ' is calculated using Equation 12.147. The sign of ui ' is determined based on

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the parameter XX = 1-2 YY . Note that this process is conducted for each of the three

components of ui '.

CONVERGE chooses new values of ui ' according to the above procedure once every

turbulence correlation time td , which is the lesser of the eddy breakup time and the time

for a droplet to traverse an eddy. In other words ,

k c k 3/2
, ps ,
u u v
min (12.148)

i i

where cps is an empirical constant and is the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. You
can set the value for cps via the c_ps parameter in input file. The drop needs to

traverse the eddy length l

, e, which is given by

c k
3/4 3/2

. (12.149)

CONVERGE also includes a TKE preserving dispersion model. This model chooses each

component of ui such that ui 2 k . Three random numbers YYi are first chosen and

normalized such that they sum up to unity. Three additional random numbers XX
i are

ne xt chosen to determine the sign of each component. The components of the fluctuating

velocity are then calculated from

ui sign (1 2 XX i ) YYi k
2 (12.150)

where k is the cell turbulent kinetic energy. CONVERGE chooses new values of ui after a

turbulence correlation time as in the O Rourke model.

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12.6.2 LES Model

When LES (Large Eddy Simulation) turbulence is used , the sub-grid velocity is derived

from the first term of a Taylor series e xpansion given by (see Chapter 15 - Turbulence


usub i Cles dx
ui 2

x x
, (12.151)
j j

where dx is a characteristic cell size given by the cube-root of the cell volume ,
i is the

resolved velocity field , and Cles is a scaling constant. You can specify a value for Cles via the

c_tke_les parameter in the input file. A random number YY between zero and

one is chosen for each of the three components , and the applied sub-grid velocity is given


ui 2 XX usub i ,
, (12.152)

where XX = 1 - 2 YY gives the sign of the velocity component. The factor of two is included

in Equation 12.152 so that the applied sub-grid velocity of a given component is can be

either positive or negative.

As in the RANS turbulent dispersion model , new values of ui ' are chosen once every

turbulence correlation time td given by

td k
c k
, ps sub
u u v
min (12.153)

sub sub i i i

where ksub and

are derived from the sub-grid velocity field and the grid size. In other

words ,

ksub usub i usub i ,

, , (12.154)

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sub sub

. (12.155)

Note that the form of Equations 12.153 - 12.155 is used so that the time-scales can be

written similarly to those in a RANS case. It can be shown that with the definitions given

by Equations 12.154 and 12.155 , the time-scales are proportional to the grid size over a

velocity magnitude. In other words ,

ksub dx ,
sub usub i ,


c ps k dx

ui u vi ui u vi
. (12.157)

Thus , xpressions on
the e the right-hand-sides of Equations 12.156 and 12.157 could also be

used to define the two time-scales. Note that cps is specified by the parameter c_ps in the file.

12.7 Drop/Wall Interaction

CONVERGE offers three options for modeling drop/wall interaction , as described in the

following sections:

Rebound/Slide Model

Wall Film Model

Drop Vanish Model

12.7.1 Rebound/Slide Model

You can use the wall impingement model of Naber and Reitz (1988) , which was later

improved by Gonzalez et al. , (1991) , to model the interaction of the spray droplets with

solid surfaces. This model includes two impingement regimes , rebound and slide , based on

the Weber number ,

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Wei Vn d

1 0
, (12.158)

of the incoming drop at impact , where Vn is the velocity component normal to the surface.

If Wei is less than 80 (rebound regime) , the drop rebounds elastically with a normal

velocity given by Gonzalez et al. , (1991)

Vn o Vn i Weo ,
Wei , (12.159)

where the Weber number of the outgoing drop Weo is obtained from the e xpression

Weo 0.678 Wei e xp 0.04415 Wei . (12.160)

Equation 12.160 is a numerical fit of the experimental observations of Wachters and

Westerling (1966) for water drops impinging on a metal surface.

If Wei is greater than 80 , the jet model of Naber and Reitz (1988) is used to update the drop

velocity. In this model , the sheet thickness produced from an impinging liquid jet is

assumed to be given by

H H exp 1 / , (12.161)

where H is the sheet height at = and is a parameter that can be determined from

mass and momentum conservation. It was shown by Naber and Reitz that can be

calculated from the e xpression

exp 1 1
sin , (12.162)
exp 1 1 /

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where is the jet (or in this case drop) inclination angle. If it is assumed that

[(exp +1)/(exp -1)] 1 , which is true for values of greater than approx imately 3 ,

Equation 12.162 can be simplified to give

. (12.163)
1 sin

Naber and Reitz also showed that the angle at which an impinging drop leaves the

surface is given by

ln 1 YY 1 exp , (12.164)

where YY is a random number between zero and one.

12.7.2 W all Film Model

CONVERGE offers a particle-based wall film for modeling the interaction of liquid drops

with solid surfaces. The model uses a hybrid approach to film modeling: some calculations

assume individual particle-based quantities , while other calculations assume film-based

quantities. For e xample, the thickness of the film on wall face , which is used throughout

the film model , is given by



where Vp is the volume of parcel p, A ,i

is the area projection vector of face , and the

summation is over all particles located on face . Details of the various aspects of the film

model are given in the sections below.

Film Initialization
When init_film_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE reads in an input file called .

This file defines how the wall film is to be initialized. A wall film can be initialized on an

entire boundary , or in a circular or rectangular shape. Projections of circular or

rectangular shapes are taken on wall boundaries as shown in Figure 12.16 (a) and Figure

12.16 (b). A description of the input file can be found in Chapter 22.

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(a) (b)

Figure 12.16: (a) Circular wall-film initialization, (b) Rectangular wall-film initialization.

Film Momentum Equation

The film momentum equation of O Rourke and Amsden (2000) is used to model liquid film

transport. Using this equation , solution of the updated film particle velocity upn i1
, is given

as (O Rourke and Amsden , 2000)

l h n
up ,i w , t ,i 2 l uwall ,i S ,i n ,i
upn i

dt h
l h l (12.166)


dt h


l h
up ,i uwall ,i n ,i S ,i n ,i M imp , uwall ,i n ,i ,

dt (12.167)

where is the wall face on which the particle is located , is the liquid density,
l h
is the

film thickness , u n
p ,i
is the film particle s velocity at the previous time-step , w, is the shear

stress on the gas-side of the wall film , t ,i

is the unit vector in the direction of gas motion ,

338 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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is the liquid viscosity (calculated at the local mass-averaged film temperature) , uwall,i is the

boundary velocity , n ,i
is the unit vector normal to the boundary , and M imp , is the mass

impingement source given by


A i dt

where the summation is only over particles that stick to the face in the current time-step.

Finally , the term S ,i

in Equation 12.166 is given by

imp , ,i h l h gi ,
s ,i

where / s x is used to denote the surface gradient operator , Pimp , , i is the momentum

impingement source given by:

lVp upn i upn i 1

, ,


, (12.170)
, ,
A i dt

gi is acceleration due to gravity , and the film pressure gradient is appro ximated by

p f m tm i xm x
i m ,i ,
s ,i m
, 1, (12.171)

where the sum is over the edges of face , ( pf )

is the average of the film pressures on the

two faces on either side of edge m, xm 1,i +

and xm,i are the verte x locations at the ends of edge

m, and tm,i is the unit tangent to the surface in the direction normal to edge m which is

appro ximated as:

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i k xm ,i xm ,i Am ,
tm i j 1

i k xm ,i xm ,i Am ,
, (12.172)
j 1 j

where Am,
is the average of the area projection vectors of the two faces on either side of

edge m
(O Rourke and Amsden , 2000) , and:

0 if any two indices are the same

i k 1
if i k , or
j 123 231 312 (12.173)

if i k ,
j or
132 213 321

Note that the summation in Equation 12.171 is only over particles that impinge on the face

in the current time-step. The film pressure in Equation 12.172 is given by

p f a M imp uwall i n
, , , ,i P
imp , ,i n
,i . (12.174)

Equation 12.166 is used to update velocities of particles that impinged on a solid surface in

a previous time-step. If a particle has just impinged on a wall in the current time-step ,
CONVERGE calculates its velocity with the jet model described in the Rebound/Slide

Model section earlier in this chapter.

Drop/Film Rebounding
Drops with low Weber numbers may rebound off of a solid surface. In the present model ,

Wei Werebound , (12.175)

then the drop is assumed to rebound. Werebound is specified in as the parameter

weber_rebound . In Equation 12.175 , Wei is given by

Wei lVn d ,


340 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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where is the liquid density

l , Vn is the drop velocity component normal to the surface , d is

the drop diameter , and is the liquid surface tension.

Drop/Film Splashing: O'Rourke Model

Activate the O'Rourke film splash model by setting spray_wall_flag = 1 and

film_splash_model = 0 in . Within the O'Rourke splash model , there are two options

for determining the criterion for splash:

based on the critical value of Ecrit ,


according to Equation 12.177 below (set

splash_crit_flag = 0) , or

based on the critical value of the Weber number , We (set splash_crit_flag = 1).

When you set splash_crit_flag = 0 , the O'Rourke film splash technique follows the approach

of O Rourke and Amsden (2000). In this approach , the criterion for splash is given by

E 2

Wei Ecrit , 2

h bl
d d
min 1

where Wei is given by Equation 12.176 , h

is the local film thickness , d is the impinging

drop diameter and the boundary layer thickness is given by

d , (12.178)


lVn d
d . (12.179)

In Equation 12.179 ,
l is the liquid density ,
l is the liquid viscosity , and Vn is the drop

velocity component normal to the surface. O Rourke and Amsden (2000) suggest a value
of 3330 for Ecrit ,

based on the e xperimental work of Mundo et al. , (1995). In CONVERGE ,


is an input value you specify.

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When you set splash_crit_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will employ the second (and simpler)

approach for determining if a drop splashes by comparing the impinging drop Weber

number , given by Equation 12.176 , to a critical splash Weber number. In other words , if

Wei Wesplash , (12.180)

then the drop splashes.

If it is determined that splashing is possible , a fraction of the impinging drop s mass , given

by fsplash rmspalsh1
( in ) is used to create a new parcel that splashes. The remaining

fraction of mass , given by (1 - fsplash , ) is incorporated into the wall film.

The splashed parcel properties are initialized following the approach of O Rourke and
Amsden (2000). The drop velocity is calculated with the e xpression

up splash i wni
, ,
0.12 Vn v cos et ,i sin ep ,i 0.8Vt et ,i , (12.181)

where ni is the unit normal to the boundary e

, t,i is the unit vector tangent to the surface

and in the plane of both ni and the incident drop velocity , and ep,i = i kniet, .

j j
In addition , Vn
is the normal component of the incident velocity and Vt is the component of the incident

velocity that is tangent to the surface. Furthermore , w' is the normal component of the

secondary droplet velocity which is chosen from the distribution (O Rourke and Amsden ,

P w
4 (w )


w w
( ) (12.182)


ma x ma x


w ma x
0.2 n . (12.183)

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The cumulative probability function for the above distribution can be obtained by

integrating Equation 12.182 with respect to w' :

P w erf -
exp , 2
0 3 (12.184)


. (12.185)
ma x

Equation 12.184 is inverted numerically , using Newton s method , to obtain values of for

specific values of P . These values are calculated once at the start of the simulation and

stored in a table. When a value of is needed for a splashing calculation , a random

number YY between zero and one is selected which represents the chosen value of P . The

corresponding value of is found by interpolating in the table. Once a value of is selected ,

w' is calculated using Equation 12.185.

The fluctuating component of the secondary droplet tangential velocity , v', is chosen from

a Gaussian distribution (O Rourke and Amsden , 2000)

G v

v 2

( ) , (12.186)
2 2

= 0.01 Vn
is the variance. It can be shown that the cumulative probability

function for Equation 12.186 is given by

G ui erf v
erf 0 2, (12.187)


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Equation 12.187 is inverted numerically , using Newton s method , to obtain values of for

specific values of G . These values are calculated once at the start of the simulation and

stored in a table. When a value of is needed for a velocity calculation , a random number

YY between zero and one is selected which represents the chosen value of G . The

corresponding value of is found by interpolating in the table. Once a value of is selected ,

v' is calculated using Equation 12.188. The sign of v' is determined based on the parameter

XX = 1 - 2 YY .

The final parameter needed in the splashed drop velocity e xpression, Equation 12.181 , is

the random angle . This is calculated in a similar way as in the jet model described in the

Rebound/Slide Model section earlier in this chapter.

Splashed drop radii are obtained from the following distribution (O Rourke and Amsden ,

r r

F r
exp .

ma x r
ma x

Following the approach of Amsden et al. (1989) , in order to obtain the best resolution of

the size distribution where the most mass is located , the distribution should be

proportional to the mass distribution given by rFr

( ). In order to create a probability

density function of this mass distribution , the normalizing constant Nc must be found. This

constant can be determined via:

r r

Nc r F r dr dr r
4 4
exp ,
3 3

0 0

ma x r
ma x
ma x (12.190)

and the new distribution is given by

M r r F r Nc r r

exp .

r r
/ (12.191)


ma x ma x

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The cumulative probability function for this distribution is given by

M r 1
1 exp ,
2 4 2
0 3 (12.192)


. (12.193)
ma x

Once a value of is obtained , r is calculated from the e xpression

(O Rourke and Amsden ,

r E
x crit ,


E Wei
ma 0.06 (12.194)
2 0 ,

where r 0
is the incident drop radius.

Drop/Film Splashing: Kuhnke Model

Activate the Kuhnke film splash model (Kuhnke , 2004) by setting spray_wall_flag = 1 and

film_splash_model = 1 in . The Kuhnke splash model considers the temperature and

the wetness (wall film thickness) of the wall to determine the xtent
e of drop/film


The Kuhnke film splash model operates by comparing the K number of the liquid parcel --

as defined in Equations 12.195 and 12.196 below (to the splash critical K number) as

shown in Figures 12.17 , 12.18 , and 12.18 later in this section.

3 5

4 4
( U
1 1
2 4

Or ,

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Drop/Wall Interaction

K We La
5 1
8 8
, (12.196)

where We is the Weber number and La is the Laplace number , defined as:

La L , (12.197)

is the surface tension , is the density , L is the diameter of the parcel , and

the liquid viscosity. The K number accounts for the effects of both the kinematic condition

and the size of the spray droplets.

When the K number of the liquid parcel is higher than the splash critical K number for the

specific conditions of wall (based on T*, which is the ratio of Twall to Tboil ) the drop will

splash , thermally break up , or some combination of the two. Figure 12.17 below offers a

conceptual scheme of the conditions under which the parcel will undergo each type of

drop/wall interaction.

Figure 12.17: A conceptual representation of the four parcel/wall interaction outcomes for a dry wall
available in the Kuhnke film splashing model.

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The four outcomes conceptually shown above are as follows:

When the K value of the parcel and wall temperature are both low , wall film will be


When the K value is low but the wall temperature is high , the parcel will rebound.

When the K value is high but the wall temperature is low , the parcel will splash.

When the K value is high and the wall temperature is high , the parcel will thermally

break up.

Dry Wall Splash Criteria

Equation 12.198 below defines the critical K value above which a drop will splash upon

impact with the wall.

Kcrit T (
) K
(1 ) cold hot K (12.198)


Kcold T *
54 76

e 13( T* 1.0 )
T *
( (12.199)

130 1.0 1.1


K hot T
) unif ,
(20 40) T *
1.1 6 (12.200)

is a uniform distribution between 20 and 40. l is a transition function that connects Kcold
and Khot, and is defined by

(T * ) arctan
T *
1.13 1

0.06 2

Here , w = 100 is a tuned parameter that yields smooth transition within region

(1.1 ,1.16).

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Figure 12.18 below shows critical K values versus the ratio of the wall temperature to the

liquid boiling temperature for a dry wall condition , defined by Equation 12.198.

Figure 12.18: Critical K number values used in the Kuhnke film splash model for a dry wall at
different (T wall / T boil) temperature ratios.

As shown in Figure 12.18 above , spray droplets splash/break up easily on dry walls when

wall temperatures are significantly higher than the boiling temperature of the liquid.

Wet Wall Splash Criteria

Figure 12.19: Data used in the Kuhnke film splashing model: K number values for a wet wall at
different dimensionless wall film thicknesses.

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Figure 12.19 above shows critical K values versus the relative thickness of e xisting wall

film. For wet walls , the critical K value does not depend on the wall temperature , and is

given by

Kcrit , La
( ) ( , , 125 , 58.7 , 100) ( 408.4 283.6)
0 0
Weibull ,
, 3) (12.202)

where f is a function defined as

y yl
( x , x , yl , yr , s) r

s x x yr yl


yr yl
arctan (12.203)


and d is defined by d =f (La,600 ,0.85 ,1.08 ,0.003); Weibull() is the Weibull (Rosin-Rammler)

distribution PDF function defined as

x q
Weibull x x q
, , )
x q q e

x x
( (12.204)

and is used to model the humps shown in Figure 12.19 above.

Figure 12.19 above shows that in the Kuhnke model , spray droplets will deposit into the

existing film when the wall film is thin and they will splash into secondary droplets when

the wall film thickness , d, is thick (relative to the droplet diameter , d).
Secondary Droplet Properties
The Kuhnke model will automatically determine the properties of secondary droplets

generated from slash/breakup based on e xperimental data and conservation laws.

The mass fraction of splashed secondary droplets is calculated according to Equation

12.205 below. Note that this model also allows e xisting wall film to be splashed into

secondary droplets.

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T * 0.8
B B , B 0.6 p
min 1, 0.8
(1 ) 0.2 dry

mwf T * p rand ,
(0 1) (12.205)

min 1+ ,
(1 )

B B B 0.9 p
0.2 wet

1.1 0.8

The diameter of the secondary droplets is calculated as follows:

d e




0 3.6

2.2 wet

Then CONVERGE can determine the number of secondary droplets based on mass


The velocity magnitude , U

a, 1
is calculated from the Weber number of the secondary

droplets , Wea 1
. Equation 12.207 below is an estimate of Wea , 1
and is derived with energy

conservation in consideration.

a 1 0.85 sin 12
12 2

10 0

We a

max 51 7.1 ,

e We

a 0.378 0.123 0.156 wet





The directions of the splashed velocity are described using an ejection angle , b, and a

deviation angle , y, which are calculated using Equations 12.208 and 12.210 , respectively.

In Equation 12.208 , it is assumed that the ejection angle follows a logistic distribution with

a standard deviation of 4 and a mean of , calculated using Equation 12.209.

4 log , rand(0 , 1) (12.208)


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9.4 0.22 cold dry

e ( 0.017
0.937 )
cold wet (12.209)


e We0.0045

Deviation angle:

ln 1 p 1 e



1 8.872 cos(1.152 )
1 cos
p rand ,
(0 1) (12.211)

cos 80


Dense Spray Consideration

The discussion above considers only a single drop impinging on a wall. To model the real

spray/wall interaction , multiple drop effects need to be taken into account. It is observed

in experiments that for dense spray the critical K value is much lower than for single drop

interaction. The ejection angles of the secondary droplets in dense spray are generally

larger than for single drop interaction. The dense spray splashed droplet diameter is more

uniform. Good estimates of the critical K and secondary droplet diameter , g, and ejection

angle , b, for multiple drop interaction are

K MD 25 (12.212)

0.5 dry
1.0 wet , (12.213)


MD 1.5 SD (12.214)

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Kuhnke introduces a blending function to allow smooth transition between single and

multiple drop interaction regimes , i.e.,

Kcrit KSD MD K MD KSD ( )

SD MD ( MD SD ) (12.215)


where is lMD the blending function. For a dry wall condition ,

D *

MD max l* , 0 , 1
l 1

where Dl *
(02.8 We 1)

. For a wet wall condition ,

MD e cmd (12.217)

In Equations 12.216 and 12.217 , represents the average distance between spray drops

relative to the drop diameter. =1 means that the drops are ne xt to each other in the

spray ; = 100 means that the distance between drops is 100 x the drop diameter. cannot

be calculated e xactly, but can be estimated as follows:

A dt

ref 2


i i i

e xpi

where Aref is a reference area upon which the wall film spreads , dt ,
is the time-step Ni is

the number of drop that impact area Aref within dt, di is the diameter of the impinging

drop , and tx
e pi
is the lamella spreading time , which is estimated as

d 3

0.4 . (12.219)

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Drop/Film Splashing: Bai-Gosman Model

Activate the Bai-Gosman film splash model (Bai and Gosman , 1995 ; Smith et al. , 2015) by

setting spray_wall_flag = 1 and film_splash_model = 2 in .

As with the Kuhnke model , the Bai-Gosman model considers the wall temperature , the

Weber numbers of the impinging drops , and the wall condition ( i.e., wet or dry) to

determine the e xtent of drop/film splashing. The Bai-Gosman model in CONVERGE has

been customized for simulations that involve urea selective catalytic reduction ( i.e.,
urea_flag is non-zero). This model should be used with caution for non-urea applications.

The Bai-Gosman model operates by comparing the Weber number of an impinging droplet

to a set of splash critical Weber numbers. These critical limits are slightly different for dry

wall and wet wall conditions. In addition , the specific non-dimensional temperature ( T*,
where T* Twall Tboil
= / ) and wall condition ( i.e., wet or dry) will determine the eventual

outcome of the impingement event (whether the drop deposits , splashes , rebounds , or goes

through thermal breakup).

The outcomes for dry walls are as follows:

When the Weber number and the wall temperature are both low , the parcel will deposit

on the wall , forming a wall film.

When the Weber number is low and the wall temperature is high , the parcel will


When the Weber number is high and the wall temperature is low , the parcel will

undergo thermal breakup.

When the Weber number and the wall temperature are both high , the parcel will splash ,
and , under certain conditions , slide just above the wall.

The outcomes for the wet walls are similar to those for dry walls , e xcept that the critical

Weber numbers for the regime boundaries are different , and an additional rebound regime

is observed when both the Weber number and wall temperature are low. (Figures 1 and 8

in Smith et al. (2015) give an overview of the various outcomes for the different wall


In the rebound regime , the rebound angle of the parcel equals the incident angle , and it

undergoes no other changes in its physical properties. In the splash regime , each incident

parcel breaks up into two outgoing parcels , and the criteria used for determining the mass

ratios , radii , and velocities of the secondary droplets is below. CONVERGE closely follow

the methodology described in Bai and Gosman (1995).

Each incident splashing parcel (of mass m I

) breaks into two secondary parcels with equal

mass ( m s
/2). The secondary-to-incident mass ratios for dry and wet walls are given by

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Drop/Wall Interaction

ms 0.6
0.2 for dry walls

ms 0.9 ,

0.2 for wet walls

where is a random number distributed uniformly in the interval (0 1). Note that , , for wet

walls , the ratio on the left side of Equation 12.220 can be greater than 1 , since a part of the

existing wall film might get splashed by the incident parcel.

For the secondary droplet sizes , mass conservation requires

N d N d 3 3

ms d ,3

1 1 2 2
mI I (12.221)

where N1 and N2 are the number of droplets of diameters d1 and d2, respectively. The total

number of secondary droplets per splash (N = N1 + N2 ) is obtained from

Na We

1 (12.222)

where a0 is appro ximately 5 , We is the Weber number , and Wecrit is the critical Weber

number. The value of N1 is chosen randomly such that 1 N1 N, and thus N2 = N N1 - .

The secondary diameters can then be determined from the requirements

Nd 3

ms dI 3

Nd 3

ms dI 3

mI mI
and (12.223)
1 1 2 2
2 2

where dI is the diameter of the each droplet in the incident parcel.

The velocity magnitudes (U and U ) of the secondary droplets must satisfy the overall
1 2
energy conservation equation

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ms mI V m
U U N d N d I ,n s We dI ,
2 2 2 2 2 2

1 2 1 1 2 2
2 12
mI (12.224)

where s is the surface tension and VI, n is the incident normal velocity.

The kinetic energy of the incident parcel should be large enough to overcome the critical

splashing energy (which is the final term in Equation 12.224) , and the e xcess energy is

then used for the creation and motion of the secondary droplets. An additional equation

for the two secondary velocity magnitudes is obtained from the size-velocity correlation


ln d dI

d dI
. (12.225)
U2 ln

The ejection angles of the secondary droplets are assumed to fall within a cone for both

normal and oblique impingement. The angle for one secondary parcel is randomly selected

in the range from 5 to 50 degrees, and the second angle can then be determined using the

conservation of normal (tangential) momentum and the velocity magnitudes from

equations Equations 12.224 and 12.225.

For the special case in which the drop slides just above the wall (described in #4 in the list

of outcomes above) , CONVERGE determines the parcel velocities from the slide regime in

the Rebound/Slide model.

Spray-Wall Heat Transfer: Wruck Model

You can use the Wruck model in conjunction with either the Kuhnke or the Bai-Gosman

film splash model.

The Wruck model accounts for the thermal energy transfer from heated walls to the spray

droplets that rebound or splash off of the walls (Wruck and Renz , 2000). The resultant

heating of the droplets (and cooling of the walls) is an important phenomenon in many

industrial applications ( e.g., urea aftertreatment systems). In CONVERGE , the model has

been augmented to allow for the Liedenfrost effect , which effectively shields droplets from

direct contact with the wall (for at least a part of the total duration of contact) , thus

reducing the energy e xchanged (Birkhold , 2007). Note that the Wruck model is active only

when spray droplets impinge on temperature-coupled boundaries.

The model considers both the wall and the impinging parcel to be semi-infinite bodies with

the e xchange of energy taking place across an effective area and over an effective time of

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contact. The droplet deforms during its interaction with the wall (thus affecting the

effective area of contact) , which is also taken into account. When a droplet (at temperature

Td) is in direct contact (over a duration of direct contact tdc ) with a wall (at temperature

Tw ,
) the model appro ximates the total heat transfer Q
w-d as

Acont 2 tdc bwbd T T ,

w d
bw bd
Qw d (12.226)

where bd and bw are the thermal effusivities of the droplet and the wall , respectively. Each

effusivity is a function of its thermal conductivity and heat capacity cp . Equation 12.227

below describes the equation for the effusivities , where i represents either d (droplet) or w

bi c p i . (12.227)

The effective area of contact between the droplet and the wall ( Acont ) is evaluated as


Acont 1
D t dt ,

( ) (12.228)

where D(t) represents the droplet diameter as it deforms during the duration of direct

contact tdc . An assumption for this formulation is that D(t) is sinusoidal in nature , and its

value depends on the kinetics of the impact ( i.e., whether the droplet rebounds or splashes ,
which is determined by the selected film splash model).

For rebounding droplets , D(t) is

D t Dmax t

( ) sin (12.229)

For splashing droplets , D(t) is

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D t Dmax t
( ) sin (12.230)
cont 2

The variable tcont is the total duration of contact between the droplet and the wall. In

Equations 12.229 and 12.230 above , Dmax is the diameter of the droplet at the point of

ma ximum deformation, which is obtained from the Akao correlation. This correlation is

Dmax We 0.38
0.61 (12.231)

where D is the diameter of the impinging droplet. The total duration of contact depends

also on the kinetics of the impact. For rebounding droplets , the total duration of contact is


. (12.232)

For splashing droplets , the total duration of contact is

tcont D


where u represents the wall normal component of the impinging droplet's velocity.

Note that the action of the Leidenfrost effect can cause the total duration of contact ( tcont )

to differ from the duration of direct contact ( tdc ,

) since the thin layer of vapor breaks direct

contact between the droplet and the wall. Figure 12.20 below offers a schematic of this


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Figure 12.20: Timelapse schematic of a rebounding droplet that demonstrates the initiation of the
Liedenfrost effect.

Experimental observations show that droplets need to be in direct contact with the wall for

a certain minimum duration ( ts ) before the Leidenfrost vapor lifts the droplet and breaks

direct contact. In the temperature range of 520 670 K, xpression

the following e gives this

minimum duration:

ts 1.687 10 7
Tw 1.376 10
. (12.234)

The duration of direct contact tdc is thus

tdc min t t
cont , s . (12.235)

To activate the Wruck model , first verify that either the Kuhnke or the Bai-Gosman film

splash model has been activated and then set splash_wruck_model_flag = 1 in

Film Separation
Film separation can occur if wall film particles flow over a sharp corner. The separation

criterion of O Rourke and Amsden (2000) is used to determine if film separation takes

place. The criterion is given as

358 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Drop/Wall Interaction

l up ,i uwall ,i ti

csep p
gas , (12.236)

1 cos

where csep is a constant (typically 3 , and specified as sep_const in , pgas

) is the local

gas pressure , and ti and are defined in Figure 12.21.

If Equation 12.236 is satisfied , the film parcels are converted to spray parcels with a

diameter equal to the film thickness.



Figure 12.21: Schematic of the film separation criterion.

Film Stripping
CONVERGE accounts for wall film stripping by setting film_strip_flag = 1 in . The

mechanism of wall film stripping is the same as the LISA breakup model of liquid sheet

parcels , as discussed in the LISA Breakup Model section earlier in this chapter. Film

stripping takes place due to the growth of waves on the surfaces caused by the

aerodynamic forces acting on the film. Once the waves reach a critical amplitude ,
fragments of the liquid are broken off which contract to form cylindrical ligaments that are

believed to move normal to the ligament a xis. As a result , capillary forces cause the

unstable ligaments to break into drops.

The ma ximum growth rate of the waves , s is obtained from the Equation 12.237.

r 2 l k 2
4 l
k 4
QU 2
k 2
k 3
/ l . (12.237)

The film stripping time , film _ strip is given by Equation 12.238.

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film strip time , (12.238)

where Ctime is the film strip time constant and is the strip_time_cnst parameter , an input in .

The ligaments formed due to film stripping have a diameter given by

dL Csize 2
Ks (12.239)

where Csize is the film strip size constant and Ksis the wave number corresponding to the

ma ximum growth rate s . Csize (the parameter strip_size_cnst) is also an input in
Adaptive Film Mesh
Parcel-based wall films are sensitive to grid alignment , and film error can concentrate on

grid boundaries. CONVERGE includes an adaptive film mesh model to minimize these

grid effects. By introducing randomized grid boundary motion , film error is prevented

from accumulating on a static grid face. This approach is analogous to the Adaptive

Collision Mesh discussed above.

The film mesh is completely independent of the fluid-phase mesh and is used only for film

calculations. The algorithm for creating the film mesh is based on randomly selecting a

coordinate system and creating a film mesh at each time-step. To activate the adaptive film

mesh model , set film_mesh_flag = 1 in . The film mesh cell size is based on the

film_mesh_scale parameter specified in and is given by

dx base ,
dx film film _
mesh scale
_ _

where dx_base is the base cell size specified in . Once the mesh is created , the

parcels are placed in the appropriate film mesh cell and the film calculation proceeds as

usual. There is no runtime difference when using the adaptive film mesh model.

12.7.3 Drop Vanish Model

To use the drop vanish model , set spray_wall_flag= 2 in . With this model activated

the spray droplets vanish as they impinge on the wall boundary. The mass of drops

disappear from the simulation in such an instance. This is not the same as drop

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vaporization , which is discussed later in this chapter in the Drop Vaporization Model


12.8 Vaporization

You can find a detailed description of how CONVERGE determines drop or film

vaporization in the following sections.

12.8.1 Drop Vaporization Models

CONVERGE contains vaporization models to determine how the radius of a drop changes

over time. The Frossling correlation and the Chiang correlation are described below.

CONVERGE also contains different methods for computing thermal transfer to a drop.

The Uniform Temperature Model and the Discretized Temperature Model are described


1. The droplet temperature is assumed to be uniform and temperature is solved using two

ordinary differential equations.

2. The droplet temperature is assumed to be spherically symmetric and temperature is

solved using a partial differential equation (the 1D spherical heat equation) for the

droplet temperature. This temperature solution is coupled with either the Frossling or

Chiang ODEs for the boundary condition.

For all droplets whose radii are larger than the user-specified model_transition_radius,
CONVERGE will use the droplet thermal transfer using a PDE. For all droplets whose radii

are smaller than or equal to the model_transition_radius, CONVERGE will use an ODE.

If you specify a value larger than any possible droplet for model_transition_radius,
CONVERGE will use only ODEs for determining droplet temperature. Using the heat

equation can be computationally e xpensive, but is useful for generating accurate spray

temperature results , as the ODE tends to under-predict the temperature and evaporation

rate for large drops.

Values for some of the vaporization model input parameters are functions of the

evaporating species (fuel) used in the simulation. Table 12.3 provides recommended values

of d0_diffuse and n_diffuse for different species , since the corresponding model parameters

D0 andn0 are e xperimentally determined.

Table 12.3: Recommended values for some vaporization parameters.

Fuel Name d0_diffuse n_diffuse
C7H16 5.94e-6 1.60

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Vaporization

Fuel Name d0_diffuse n_diffuse

IC8H18 5.44e-6 1.60

C10H22 4.61e-6 1.60

C14H30 3.74e-6 1.60

Gasoline 7.90e-6 1.87

Jet-A 4.16e-6 1.60

Droplet Radius Change - Frossling Correlation

Once the liquid spray is injected into the computational domain , a model is needed to

convert the liquid into gaseous vapor. To use the Frossling correlation to determine the

time rate of change of droplet size , set parcel_evap_model = 1. The Frossling correlation

(Amsden et al. , 1989) is

dr spray g D
BdShd ,
dt 2 l r 0

where is the user-specified scaling factor for the mass transfer coefficient

( scale_mass_trans_coeff_spray , D ) is the mass diffusivity of liquid vapor in air. We define Bd


Bd Y Y
1 1
Y * (12.242)

where Y*1
is the vapor mass fraction at the drop s surface , Y
is the vapor mass fraction ,
and ShD is the Sherwood number given by

Shd Sc ln(1 d) B
0.6 Re d ,
1/2 1/3

2.0 (12.243)


gas ui ui vi d
d . (12.244)

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In Equation 12.244 , d is the drop diameter and

air is the air viscosity which is evaluated at


the temperature T given by (Amsden et al. 1989)

Tgas Td
, (12.245)

where Tgas is the gas temperature and Td is the drop temperature. Furthermore , Sc =

air / gas D is the Schmidt number of air and D is determined from the correlation:

gas D 1.293D T / 273


where D0 and n0 are xperimentally-determined

e model constants. In addition , Y* 1

determined from the e xpression:

Y *

H2 m
p ,

MCn M mix 1
H2 m
v p

where Mmix is the molecular weight of the mi xture (not including vapor from the liquid

species) , p gas is the gas pressure , and pv is the vapor pressure at the current droplet


Droplet Radius Change - Chiang Correlation

To use the Chiang correlation (Chiang et al. (1992)) to determine the time rate of change of

droplet size , set parcel_evap_model = 2. This option will use alternative correlations for Nud
and Shd as follows:

Nud 1.275 1 d B 0.678


d Pr

d , (12.248)


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Shd 1.224 1 d B 0.568


d Scd 0.492
. (12.249)

With this model , the rate of heat conduction is still given by the Ranz-Marshall correlation

(refer to Equation 12.252 below) , however the rate of change of droplet radius is given by

dr spray g D
BdShd Y Y , *

dt 2 l r 0
1 1 (12.250)

where is the user-specified scaling factor for the mass transfer coefficient

( ).

Droplet Boiling Model

To model droplet boiling , CONVERGE includes a model for droplet radius change in the

boiling regime. Equation 12.251 below gives the formula for calculating the time rate of

change of the droplet radius when the droplet temperature e xceeds the boiling point:

dr kair c T T
p , air d
1 0.23 Red 1
dt dc p r h
ln (12.251)
, 0 fg

where kair is the thermal conductivity and cp,air is the specific heat capacity. Once the

droplet temperature reaches the boiling temperature , this model considers the droplet

temperature fi xed at the boiling temperature.

You can use this droplet boiling model in conjunction with either the Frossling or the

Chiang correlation for droplet radius change. CONVERGE models droplet radius change

with the correlation you select until the droplet temperature reaches the boiling point. At

the boiling point , CONVERGE uses Equation 12.251 to model droplet radius change. To

model droplet boiling in conjunction with the Frossling correlation , set parcel_evap_model =
11. To model droplet boiling in conjunction with the Chiang correlation , set

parcel_evap_model = 12.

Uniform Temperature Model

The Uniform Temperature Model , which CONVERGE uses to calculate the droplet

temperature for all droplets whose radii are smaller than the user-specified

evap_big_drop_radius, employs the following energy balance:

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Ad c m dTd dmd
l d* H vap ,
dt dt
Qd (12.252)

which states that energy conducted to a drop will either heat up the drop or supply heat

for vaporization (Amsden et al. , 1989). In Equation 12.252 c

, l is the liquid specific heat , Td
is the drop temperature , md is the drop mass , and H
vap is the latent heat of vaporization

evaluated at the drop temperature. In addition , the rate of heat conduction to the drop

surface per unit area is given by the Ranz-Marshall correlation (Faeth , 1977)

spray Nud kair Tgas Td

Qd (12.253)

where is the user-specified scaling factor for the heat transfer coefficient

( scale_heat_trans_coeff_spray ).

Nud ln(1 d)B

0.6 Re d ,
1/2 1/3

2.0 Pr (12.254)

kair is the conductivity evaluated at T , Tgas

is the gas temperature , and Prd is the Prandtl

number. Furthermore , in the above e xpressions Ad and d0 are the average drop area and

diameter , respectively , and md * is an intermediate value of the drop mass. These quantities

are given by

r * r 2 2

Ad 0 0

2 r
2 r0
, (12.255)

md l * 4
r 0

where r*
is an intermediate value of the drop radius , calculated from Equation 12.242

(when parcel_evap_model = 1) or from Equation 12.251 (when parcel_evap_model = 2).

Once the updated value of Td is obtained , Equation 12.242 or Equation 12.251 is used to

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solve for the updated drop radius. This change in radius is used to determine the amount

of vapor to add to the computational cell.

Discretized Temperature Model

CONVERGE uses the Discretized Temperature Model to calculate the droplet temperature

for all droplets whose radii are larger than the user-specified model_transition_radius. This

method , which uses partial differential equations , is summarized below.

Governing Equations
The heat conduction model (Sazhin et al. , 2011) for a spherically symmetric , evaporating

droplet with no recirculation is given by Equations 12.256 and 12.257:

T kr T
1 2

t r r r

k T h Tg T R , t L dR ,
r r R dt
( ) (12.257)

where = k (r cp)
/ is the thermal diffusivity of the droplet , r is the distance from the center ,
h is the convection coefficient between the droplet and the surrounding gas , Tg is the

temperature of the gas , R(t) is the radius of the droplet , cp is the droplet specific heat

capacity , L is the specific heat of evaporation ,r is the droplet density , and k is the droplet

thermal conductivity.

Because the pure conduction assumption is generally not accurate , the effects of

recirculation can be simulated by replacing k with keff (Sazhin , 2006). Equations 12.258 and

12.259 below define keff and

keff (12.258)

1.86 0.86 tanh(2.225 log 10

(0.03333 Ped )) (12.259)

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where Ped is the droplet Peclet number. This is known as the effective thermal conductivity

model (Abramzon and Sirignano , 1989).

Numerical Method: Finite Volume Derivation

Using the divergence theorem , the finite volume formulation for non-constant volumes is

derived by integrating the general heat equation over a spherical shell V = {r r [r , r

| 1 2 ]}
and then applying spherical symmetry as

V c p tT V kT ( )

S kT n (12.260)

r r
4 ( rk T
r )
r r


Because the volume is changing , the time derivative cannot be passed out of the integral.

We assume that only the outermost boundary can change and apply both the fundamental

theorem of calculus and the chain rule:

V c p tT c p V tT
r t
4 p Tr dr
( )



Tr dr r T r , t dr
r t
c r
( )

4 p t t
2 2 2

( )

2 2

4 p t r r T r T r , t
3 2

( ) ( ) .
2 1 2 2

Averaging , we obtain the full finite volume formulation:

r r T k r T r T
3 3
) 2 2

r T r , t dr

2 1 2

c p r r r r r r dt
( ) .
2 1 2 2 (12.262)
3 2

In the present implementation , only the outermost shell r R,

, 2 = is allowed to vary ,
meaning that dr2 dt =
/ 0 for the interior , recovering the more familiar formula.

Numerical Method: Numerical Details

Currently , density is a constant and cp is computed using c p T .

Time discretization is fully implicit and uses the same t as the flow solver.

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The droplet domain is discretized into a number of shells of equal volume specified by

the ncells_drop parameter. Numerical instabilities occur when t dr dt

( / ) > , where is

the width of the outermost shell. This is resolved by merging all shells such that r 2 < R t2
( ).

When a parcel breaks up into two or more parcels , both parcels' temperatures are

uniformly set to those corresponding to the average internal energy of the original

parcel. Similarly , a drop formed from two coagulating parcels is assigned an energy-

averaged temperature.

You can specify the number of FV cells in the droplet , whether to use keff (set use_k_eff =
0 or 1) , and a threshold radius ( model_transition_radius ) below which the evaporation

model will switch to the Uniform Temperature Model.

12.8.2 Film Vaporization Model

Uniform Temperature Model

The film vaporization model in CONVERGE performs an energy balance between four

energy terms: convection to the gas , vaporization of the film mass , conduction from the

wall , and boiling of the film. A schematic of the model is shown in Figure 12.22.

Figure 12.22: Schematic illustrating the film vaporization model in CONVERGE.

The thickness h
of the film on the wall face is calculated as

, (12.263)


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where Vp is the volume of parcel p and the summation is over all parcels located on face ,

is the area of face .

The modeled film parcel temperature Tfilm is represented at the film half-height , as seen in

Figure 12.22. It is solved by the following energy balance on the film mass:

m filmC p , filmTfilm m filmC p , filmTfilm

n n
1 1 n 1 n n n
Convection q
Conduction q
Boiling ,q (12.26

A film t n 1
t n

where the superscript n represents the previous time-step , n1

+ represents the current time-

step , and t is the time. Area and heat capacity of the film are denoted by Afilm and Cp,film,
respectively. Heat flu xes due to convection , vaporization , conduction , and boiling are

denoted by qConvection
, qVaporization
, qConduction
, and qBoiling , respectively. The film mass mfilm is

obtained by summing over the masses for each drop in the parcel. Cp,film is calculated by

summing the specific heat capacities for each component in the film multiplied by their

corresponding mass fractions. The functional forms of the heat flu x terms are e xplained in

the following paragraphs.

The convective heat transfer coefficient h is based on the cell and film temperatures and

the thermal conductivity of the gas. The heat flu x due to convection is given by

film h Tgas T film , (12.265)

where is the scaling factor for the heat transfer coefficient ( scale_heat_trans_coeff_film , )

Tgas is the temperature of the gas and Tfilm is the film temperature.

The mass flu x due to vaporization for component A is given by

mA film hm Y
1 A ,
ln (12.266)

1 A ,i

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where is the scaling factor for the mass transfer coefficient

( scale_mass_trans_coeff_film , ) is the density , hm is the mass transfer coefficient , and YA,


the mass fraction of component A in the gas above the film. The model assumes

equilibrium conditions at the gas-film interface , so the mass fraction at the interface YA,i is

given by

Psat A Tfilm MWA

YA i
P MWmix

where Psat,A is the saturation vapor pressure of component A evaluated at the film

temperature Tfilm, P is the gas pressure , MWA is the molecular weight of component A, and

MWmix is the molecular weight of the mi xture (not including vapor from the liquid species)

at the liquid/gas interface. Equation 12.267 also assumes that vapor A is an ideal gas and

that the liquid mi xture is ideal. hm in Equation 12.266 is calculated with the Reynolds-

Colburn analogy of heat and mass transfer. It is given by

hm h
2 /3

C p Sc

where Cp is the specific heat capacity of the fuel mi xture, Pr is the Prandtl number and Sc
is the Schmidt number. The heat flu x due to vaporization of component A is given by

qA Vaporization h fg A Tfilm mA ,
, , (12.269)

where hfg,A is the heat of vaporization of component A at the film temperature Tfilm. This is

summed over all the liquid components to get the total heat flu x due to vaporization ,

qA Vaporization ,

Heat flu x due to conduction in the film vaporization model is given by

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Twall Tfilm T
h k ,
y (12.271)

where k is the thermal conductivity of the liquid mi xture and wall T is the wall temperature.

Each time-step , CONVERGE compares the boiling points of every component in the liquid

mi xture and identifies the lowest boiling point , TBoil,min . If the film temperature Tfilm is found

to be greater than TBoil,min, then the component associated with that boiling point is

considered to be boiling in that time-step. Only the component with the lowest boiling

point is allowed to boil. If Tfilm is found to be less than TBoil,min, boiling does not occur and

the associated heat flu x term is set to zero in Equation 12.264.

Heat flu x due to boiling in this model is given by

g A gas C p A Twall Tboil A 3

qA Boiling A h fg A

, ,
A fg A A


where A is the viscosity , hfg,A is the heat of vaporization , A is the density , A is the surface

tension , Cp,A is the specific heat capacity , Tboil,A is the boiling point , PrA is the Prandtl

number for component A, and gas is the density of the gas. The parameters , A, hfg,A, A,
gas , A , and Cp,A are evaluated at the wall temperature , Twall qBoiling
. does not decrease in

the model at increasing e xcess temperature , ( Twall Tboil,A

- ) once it reaches the ma ximum

value , qBoil , max .

qBoil , max is given by Equation 12.273 ,


A A gas
qBoil , max
0.149 h fg , A gas . (12.273)

Discretized Temperature Model

The discretized temperature model improves the accuracy of the temperature calculation

within wall films. This model accounts for temperature gradients within the film during

evaporation and is controlled via parameters in . Use evap_thick_film_height to

specify a film height (in meters ) above which CONVERGE employs the discretized

temperature model. Below this film height , CONVERGE employs the previously described

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uniform temperature model. Also , specify the number of finite volume cells in the wall film

for evap_layers_per_film .

Governing Equations
The governing equation for the temperature across the film is

T k T , (12.27

t x x 4)

where x is the wall normal direction ,r is the film density c

, p is the specific heat of the film ,
and k is the film thermal conductivity. CONVERGE enforces the following temperature

boundary conditions at the boundaries of the film. At x= H ( i.e., the ma ximum height of

the film in the direction normal to the wall) , the boundary condition is

k T h Tgas Tsurf L d H

t dt 5)

where Tgas is the gas temperature , Tsurf is the surface temperature of the film , and L is the

latent heat of the film. At the wall ( x= 0) , the boundary condition is T Twall
= . If the boiling

model is active , a boiling flu x is added to the conduction flu x in a manner similar to that

for the uniform temperature model.

Numerical Method: Finite Volume Derivation

The derivation of the discrete equations follows the method for the drop vaporization

model described in Discretized Temperature Model. As with the drop vaporization

procedure , the derivation for film vaporization integrates the governing equation over the

film volume and applies the divergence theorem to convert the volume integral to a surface

integral. The derivation ,

is however , performed in Cartesian coordinates instead of

spherical coordinates.

Applying Reynold's transport theorem allows the time derivative to be removed from the

volume integral. The resulting discrete equation is

d t T dx T
H( )

H k T k T
dt x

dt c x c x
p x p x
0 H 0

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Numerical Details
Currently , density is a constant and cp is computed using c p T .

Time discretization is fully implicit and uses the same t as the flow solver.

Film Splash Considerations

If a parcel detaches from the film due to splash , CONVERGE initializes the parcel with a

uniform temperature. To maintain conservation of energy , CONVERGE determines the

parcel temperature such that the energy of the splashed mass in the film and spray

remains constant.

12.8.3 Multi-Component and Composite Species Vaporization

CONVERGE can simulate multi-component vaporization. You can have multiple parcel

species evaporate into their corresponding gaseous state , or you can have multiple parcel

species evaporate into a different number of gas species. Alternately , you can have

multiple parcel species evaporate into a single gas species. In the latter two cases , you may

have a simulation that involves liquid species for which you do not have a combustion

mechanism , or you may want to simplify an e xisting combustion mechanism.

CONVERGE can simulate multi-component vaporization in three different ways:

1. Ifevap_source_flag =, 0 in all of the parcels will evaporate to the species listed as

evap_species Y
in . ou can list only one species as the evap_species. For e xample, a

parcel consists of two liquid components , C4H8 and C14H30. C14H30 is listed as

evap_species . In this e xample, both C4H8 and C14H30 will evaporate to C14H30.

2. If evap_source_flag = 1 , all of the multi-component liquid species will evaporate into

composite species if composite species are used. If composite species are not used , the

liquid species will evaporate into the corresponding base gas species.

For e xample, a parcel consists of two liquid components , C4H8 and C14H30 , and these

two components are defined in as the parcel-phase composite species

named mixture . Another parcel species , C7H16 , is defined in . In this e xample,
the composite named mixture will evaporate into a gas phase species named mixture
and C7H16 will evaporate to C7H16. All three of these parcel species must be present

in liquid.dat, and the two gas species must be present in therm.dat .

The figures below present e xample and files , and an e xcerpt from, for this case.

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1 num_composites
mixture composite_name
2 num_base_species
C4H8 0.50000
C14H30 0.50000
Figure 12.1: Sample file.



Figure 12.2: Sample file.


# Injector 0
0 spray_inject_bc_flag
4.5e-12 vof_spray_mass_per_parcel
0.4 vof_spray_liq_vof_threshold
2 num_parcelspeciesinit
C7H16 0.7
mixture 0.3
Figure 12.3: Sample file excerpt.

3. If evap_source_flag = 2 , all of the multi-component liquid species and composite species

(if present) will evaporate into the base species.

For e xample, a parcel consists of two liquid components , C4H8 and C14H30. These two

components are defined in as a parcel-phase composite named mixture .

Another parcel species , C7H16 , is defined in . In this xample,

e the C4H8

portion of mixture will evaporate into C4H8 , the C14H30 portion of mixture will

evaporate into C14H30 , and C7H16 will evaporate into C7H16. All three of these

parcel species must be present in liquid.dat, and the three gas species must be present in

therm.dat . The figures below show example and ,

files and an

excerpt from, for this case.

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1 num_composites
mixture composite_name
2 num_base_species
C4H8 0.50000
C14H30 0.50000
Figure 12.4: Sample file.



Figure 12.5: Sample file.


# Injector 0
0 spray_inject_bc_flag
4.5e-12 vof_spray_mass_per_parcel
0.4 vof_spray_liq_vof_threshold
2 num_parcelspeciesinit
C7H16 0.7
mixture 0.3
Figure 12.6: Sample file excerpt.

If you do have not defined any composite species , evap_source_flag = 1 and

evap_source_flag = 2 behave identically.

CONVERGE monitors each component of a multi-component fuel using the discrete multi-

component model and does not operate with the assumption of a continuous blend of

components. The overall composition is represented by the mole fractions of each

component. CONVERGE must assume , however , that all components are well mi xed.
CONVERGE uses Raoult's law to correlate between the vapor mass fraction of the

component over the surface and its mole fraction in the condensed phase. Properties ( e.g.,

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viscosity) of the multi-component are mass-weighted average values. The only e xception to

the previous statement is density , which is given as a volume-weighted average value.

For cases with the FGM combustion model , evap_source_flag must be 0. Species will

evaporate to the mi xture fraction and thus CONVERGE ignores the evap_species, but the

species names in evap_species must match names given in mech.dat .

12.9 Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization M odel

The Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization (ELSA) model is a spray injection model that

combines Eulerian multi-phase modeling and Lagrangian particle tracking methods. The

Eulerian multi-phase technique is used to model the liquid fuel within the fuel injector.

This approach accounts for the effects of nozzle geometry on the injector flow field.

CONVERGE tracks the density of the injected fluid as it enters the combustion chamber.

When the liquid fuel is sufficiently dilute , it is converted into Lagrangian parcels , which

are then subject to the spray modeling techniques described within this chapter. Figure

12.23 below illustrates the ELSA methodology.

Figure 12.23: Schematic of ELSA modeling.

1. The Eulerian (VOF) simulation of internal nozzle dynamics
2. The Eulerian fluid interface is stretching, and the cell void fraction is increasing
3. The surface area density and cell void fraction are reaching the ELSA transition criteria
4. The injected fuel has been converted to Lagrangian parcels

The Eulerian liquid fuel is transported according to the methods detailed in Chapter 17 -

Volume of Fluid (VOF) modeling. You can use any of the advanced modeling techniques

available for VOF calculations , such as wall adhesion and cavitation modeling.

For ELSA , in the Eulerian calculation , CONVERGE solves an additional transport equation

for liquid surface area density. CONVERGE uses this surface area density to determine the

size of the droplets formed when the fuel is converted to Lagrangian parcels. Transition is

controlled by two criteria. The first criterion is the gas volume fraction in a cell , controlled

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization Model

using the elsa_transition_alpha

parameter in . If the gas volume fraction in a cell is

greater than the value elsa_transition_alpha,

of this criterion is satisfied. The second

criterion is the fluid surface area in a cell , controlled using the elsa_transition_area_ratio
parameter in . If the liquid surface area in a cell is greater than the cell minimum

value times elsa_transition_area_ratio, this criterion is satisfied.

If both transition criteria in a cell are satisfied , the liquid mass in that cell is converted to

parcels. CONVERGE treats these parcel droplets identically to those generated directly

from an injector nozzle , and you can use all of the advanced physical models described in

this chapter.

The model formulation is taken from Pandal Blanco (2016). The liquid surface area density

is denoted , and the associated transport equation is written



D C S evap S init ,
t x x x

j j j

with the component terms defined as

eq ,
l req (12.278)

S evap 2
Sevap ,

3Y (12.279)

C ,

3/5 2 /15
, (12.281)

2 /5 11/15

D ,


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where is the diffusion coefficient , is the liquid volume fraction , evap
is the

evaporation source term ,

is the initialization value r
, eq is the equilibrium droplet size ,
1 2
and and are tunable parameters. When the fuel is converted to parcels , the

droplets are formed according to

n D 2
, (12.283)

ml n D 3
, (12.284)
l 6

where n is the number of droplets and D is the droplet diameter. The model compares the

liquid surface area density to a nominal minimum fluid surface area density
min, defined


(1 ) V 1
, (12.285)

where V is the volume of the cell and

is the void fraction in the cell. The initialization

value init
is calculated from the minimum fluid surface area in the cell ,

S init min pos min ,

( ) (12.286)

1 0
( ) . (12.287)
0 if 0

To activate ELSA , set spray_flag = 1 and vof_flag = 1 in and include an file

in the Case Directory.

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Spray Time-Step Control

12.10 Spray T ime-Step Control

As described in a previous chapter , CONVERGE allows you to use a variable time-step.

If the spray model is active , the ma ximum time-step based on drop motion is given by

dt spray x
* mult dt spray ,

parcel velocity
_ min _ _ (12.288)

where mult_dt_spray is a user-specified multiplier given in the file , x is the local

cell size and parcel_velocity is the drop velocity magnitude ( v

| i |).

In previous versions of CONVERGE , using the mult_dt_evap multiplier was recommended

to limit the time-step based on drop evaporation. Recent improvements to the stability of

the code have made the use of the mult_dt_evap multiplier unnecessary. Future versions of

the code will have this parameter eliminated from the code.

If the collision mesh option is active , you may want to limit the time-step to prevent drops

from travelling through more than one collision mesh cell in a time-step. The ma ximum
allowable time-step for the collision mesh is given by

dt coll mesh min coll size * mult dt coll mesh ,

_ _

max parcel velocity

_ _ _ _ _ (12.289)
_ _

where min_coll_size is the smallest collision mesh cell , max_parcel_velocity is the ma ximum
drop velocity in the domain , and mult_dt_coll_mesh is a multiplier specified in the

12.11 Post-Processing Parameters

The liquid and vapor penetration lengths (LPL and VPL) are two of the properties that

characterize a spray. CONVERGE calculates both quantities for each nozzle at each time-


To measure the LPL , CONVERGE first calculates the total mass of the liquid parcels from

the nozzle and then multiplies this mass by the liquid penetration fraction to yield the

penetrated spray mass. Starting from the center of the nozzle hole , CONVERGE sums the

mass of the liquid parcels until it reaches the penetrated spray mass. This distance is the

LPL. CONVERGE reports the LPL for penetration fractions of 0.90 , 0.95 , 0.97 , and 0.99 in

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Discrete Phase Modeling | Post-Processing Parameters

spray_ecn.out . Additionally , you specify a liquid penetration fraction , penet_frac,

in .

CONVERGE writes the corresponding LPL to spray.out .

Figure 12.24 shows a schematic of the LPL with penet_frac set to 0.98.

Figure 12.24: Schematic of the liquid penetration


To measure the VPL , CONVERGE requires two parameters in : the vapor

penetration fraction , vapor_penet_frac, and the penetration bin size , penet_bin_size . For

each cell inside the spray cone , if the mass fraction of fuel vapor in the cell e xceeds the

vapor_penet_frac and if the cell size does not exceed the penet_bin_size, CONVERGE

calculates the distance from the center of the nozzle hole to the center of the cell. The

largest of these distances is the VPL , which CONVERGE writes to spray_ecn.out . We

recommend a penet_bin_size of at least twice the size of the cells in the spray cone.

12.12 Urea Injection

Urea selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is a technique for reducing NO x by mi xing

exhaust gases with urea and its products. CONVERGE includes several options for urea


Set urea_flag = 1 in to activate urea/water injection.

Set urea_flag = 2 and include the file in the Case Directory to activate molten solid

urea decomposition.

Set urea_flag = 3 to activate the detailed deposition of urea model.

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Urea Injection

12.12.1 Urea/W ater Injection

Set urea_flag = 1 in to have CONVERGE inject a urea/water mi xture. If you

choose this option , H 2O must be used as parcel in and N 2_2-CO

H must be

included as a species in the reaction mechanism file. In addition , the properties for NH2_2-

CO and H2O must be included in the thermodynamic data file and liquid.dat, respectively.

(Urea has the species name NH2_2-CO , representing the chemical symbol (NH ) CO.)
2 2

A chemical mechanism can be used with the SAGE detailed chemistry solver to model the

mechanism of NO x reduction by urea. For e xample, the sub-mechanism presented in

Golovitchev et al. (2007) includes 17 reactions representing this process.

If urea_flag = 1 , the urea injection model will apply to all injectors and nozzles in the


12.12.2 Molten Solid Urea Decomposition

CONVERGE includes the molten solid approach to model the decomposition of a urea-

water solution (UWS). The Frossling correlation models the evaporation of the water in the

UWS , while an Arrhenius correlation models the decomposition of the urea in the UWS.

Set urea_flag = 2 in to activate this model. After activating the model , supply a file containing the prefactor A and the activation energy Ea from the Arrhenius

correlation (Equation 12.291 and the change in enthalpy due to urea decomposition H
from the droplet heat transfer equation (Equation 12.292).

In the molten solid approach , urea decomposes to gaseous ammonia and isocyanic acid.

Equation 12.290 below gives the formula for the decomposition:

( N H 2 )2 CO N H3 H NCO . (12.290)

The Arrhenius correlation (given in Equation 12.291) models this decomposition by

computing the time rate of change of droplet radius as a function of a prefactor , the

activation energy , the droplet temperature , and the density of urea. The correlation is

dmd r A Ea RTd
dt d 2 e (12.291)

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Urea Injection

Where rd is the droplet radius , A is the prefactor , Ea is the activation energy , Td is the

droplet temperature , and

d is the droplet density. For this model , the droplet density is

equivalent to the urea density. Because the urea decomposition is significant when the

droplet temperature exceeds 425 K , most of the water has evaporated and the urea


The molten solid approach uses two methods to calculate droplet temperature change. For

large droplets (droplet diameter greater than several hundred micrometers) , CONVERGE

uses the spherically symmetric heat equation with the following boundary condition for

heat transfer at the surface:

kd T h Tg T R , t d drd drd
r r R dt vap d dt dcmp
H vap H dcmp (12.292)

where kd is the thermal conductivity of the droplet , r is the distance from the droplet

centroid , h is the convection coefficient between the droplet and the surrounding gas , and

dcmp is the change in enthalpy due to urea decomposition. Refer to the Spherically

Symmetric Heat Equation (PDE) section for more details.

For small droplets (droplet diameter less than several hundred micrometers) , Equation

12.293 below gives the formulation for droplet temperature change due to heat transfer:

C d md dTd rd kg Nud Tg Td dmd

dt dt vap dt dcmp
2 ( ) H vap H dcmp (12.293)

Where Cd is specific heat capacity of the droplet and kg is the thermal conductivity of the

gas. In this case , the model assumes that the droplet temperature instantaneously increases

to a uniform temperature. Note that CONVERGE uses the mass change due to urea

decomposition to determine the heat loss from thermal decomposition and mass change

from water evaporation to determine heat e xchange from water evaporation.

12.12.3 Detailed Decomposition of Urea for Deposition

CONVERGE includes a detailed decomposition of urea for deposition model , which was

implemented jointly by Convergent Science and IFP Energies nouvelles. This model directly

predicts the deposition of solid urea decomposition byproducts based on chemical

reactions in urea-water solution (UWS) droplets and films.

382 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Urea Injection

The detailed decomposition model consists of a multi-component evaporation model for

UWS droplets and a thermal decomposition model of urea valid for automotive e xhausts
using SCR systems (Ebrahimian et al. , 2012).

Because the vapor pressure of urea is low at atmospheric pressures , the UWS evaporation

model is based on the assumption that only water evaporates from the solution. To

account for the interactions between urea and water in solution , activity coefficients are

calculated via the non-random two-liquid (NRTL) equation. At high urea concentrations ,
the effects of these interactions may be significant.

The thermal decomposition model is based on semi-detailed kinetics. It accounts for the

decomposition of urea in both the solid and aqueous phases , and it can predict the

polymerization of urea decomposition byproducts to form solid deposits of biuret ,

ammelide , and cyanuric acid (Habchi et al. , 2015).

The detailed decomposition model solves the following set of equations:

urea N NCO


N N g
H4 H3 ( ) H



H ( ) (R3)

(N CO NCO biuret
H 2 )2



biuret urea NCO



biuret NCO cya N g


H3 ( ) (R6)

cya NCO 3



cya NCO ammelide CO



ammelide NCO CN g N g 2


H ( ) H( ) (R9)

urea aq N NCO
( ) H4


NCO O aq N CO g


H2 ( ) H3 2
( ) (R11)

urea aq NCO biuret

( )



where cya is cyanuric acid. Reactions R1 through R9 describe the thermal decomposition

of urea in dry media , while reactions R10 through R12 describe the thermal hydrolysis in

the aqueous phase.

To activate this model , set urea_flag = 3 in . This model also requires

evap_source_flag = 1 in and source_flag = 1 in . We recommend activating

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Chapter 12
Discrete Phase Modeling | Urea Injection

either the Kuhnke or Bai-Gosman splash model ( film_splash_model = 1 or 2 , respectively , in ) in conjunction with this model.

The liquid reactions for the detailed decomposition model are activated by urea_flag = 3

and do not appear in the reaction mechanism file. The hydrolysis of HNCO is the only gas

phase mechanism that is in the reaction mechanism file. All of the species listed in the

detailed decomposition reactions must be included in the reaction mechanism file or in . You must include CN in Some of the urea properties in liquid.dat are

not used in a simulation with the detailed decomposition model. All of the water

properties in liquid.dat are used in a simulation with this model.

CONVERGE will write spray information to spray_urea_file.out spray_wall_flag =
. If 1 in, CONVERGE will write film composition data to film_urea_file.out.

For 3D urea byproduct data (for post-simulation visualization) , include the keyword

urea_deposit in the parcel section of . CONVERGE will write the mass fractions of

urea_solid ,
solid urea ( ) urea in solution ( urea_aqueous , biuret,
) cyanuric acid ( cya , ammelide,

water (h2o , ) nco ,

cyanate ( ) ammonium ( nh ,4 ) and hydrogen radicals ( hplus post*.out.
) to

384 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chem istry Modeling
Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling |

13 Chemistry Modeling

This chapter describes the com bustion models and zero- and one-dimensional chemistry

tools available in CONVERGE.

13.1 General Combustion M odels

For general combustion modeling , CONVERGE contains the SAGE Detailed Chemical

Kinetics Solver and the CE Q chemical equilibrium solver.

13.1.1 SAGE Detailed Chemical Kinetics Solver

CONVERGE contains the SAGE detailed chemical kinetics solver (Senecal et al. , 2003) ,
which models detailed chemical kinetics via a set of CHEMKIN-formatted input files. The

SAGE solver has two options to solve the systems of ordinary differential equations

(ODEs): the CVODE solver , which is a part of the SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and

DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers) package (SUNDIALS , 2015) and SuperLU

(Sparse Linear Equation Solver) as a preconditioner of GMRES (SuperLu , 2011). The

necessary routines have been incorporated into CONVERGE , and thus you do not need to

install these packages separately.

A chemical reaction mechanism is a set of elementary reactions that describe an overall

chemical reaction. The combustion of different fuels can be modeled by changing the

mechanism ( e.g., there are mechanisms for isooctane , gasoline , n-heptane , natural gas ,
etc.). SAGE calculates the reaction rates for each elementary reaction while the CFD solver

solves the transport equations. Given an accurate mechanism , SAGE (in addition to AMR)

can be used for modeling many combustion regimes (ignition , premi xed, mi xing-
controlled). You can use SAGE to model either constant-volume or constant-pressure

combustion. Note that SAGE consistently uses CGS units for all calculations.

As described by Turns (1996) , a multi-step chemical reaction mechanism can be written in

the following form:

m ,r m m ,r m for r= , ,
1 2 ....R (13.1)
m 1 m 1

m ,r and
m ,r are the stoichiometric coefficients for the reactants and products ,
respectively , for species m and reaction r; R is the total number of reactions ; and cm is the

chemical symbol for species m . The net production rate of species m is given by

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | General Combustion Models

m m ,r qr for m= , ,
1 2 .... M (13.2)
r 1

where M is the total number of species and

m ,r m ,r m ,r . (13.3)

The rate-of-progress parameter qr for the r th

reaction is

qr k fr Xm
rr X m m ,r .

m 1 m 1

In Equation 13.4 , [Xm] is the molar concentration of species m, and kfr and krr are the

forward and reverse rate coefficients for reaction r . In SAGE , the forward rate coefficient is

expressed by the Arrhenius form as

k fr ArT br e Er RuT
, (13.5)

where Ar is the pre-e xponential factor , r b is the temperature e xponent, Er is the activation

energy , and Ru is the universal gas constant. In addition , the reverse rate coefficient can

either be specified in an analogous fashion as Equation 13.5 , or calculated from the

equilibrium coefficient Kcr as

k fr
. (13.6)

The equilibrium coefficient Kcr is determined from the thermodynamic properties and is

given by

Kcr K pr Patm
m mr


where Patm is the atmospheric pressure , R is the gas constant , and T is the temperature.

The equilibrium constant Kpr is obtained via

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | General Combustion Models

K pr xp
r H r 0 0

e (13.8)

The refers to the change that occurs in passing completely from reactants to products in

the rth reaction , specifically ,

r 0M
mr m
S 0

R m 1
R (13.9)


H r 0 M Hm

mr ,
RT m 1
RT (13.10)

where S and H denote entropy and enthalpy , respectively.

It should also be noted that SAGE allows for third-body reactions with the capability of

specifying different third body efficiencies for different species. SAGE also allows for the

solution of pressure dependent reactions in either the Lindemann , ,

Troe ,


With the above information , the governing equations for mass and energy conservation

can be solved for a given computational cell. The governing equation for mass is

d m

dt m . (13.11)

The governing equation for energy is

V dP h
dT dt m
m m
dt m cp m
X ,

for constant-volume combustion and

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | General Combustion Models

hm m

dT V
dt m cp m
X ,

for constant-pressure combustion. In the previously equations , is the heat release rate ,
V is volume , T is temperature , P is pressure , m is determined by Equation 13.7 , and hm
cp m, are the molar specific enthalpy and molar constant-pressure specific heat of

species m, respectively. The above equations are solved at each computational time-step

and the species are updated appropriately. It is important to note that the temperature

obtained from Equation 13.13 is used to update only the rate coefficients as SAGE is

solving the system of rate equations and is not used to update the CONVERGE cell

temperature. The cell temperature is updated after the detailed chemistry calculation has

converged using the computed species concentrations.

In order to e xpedite the detailed chemistry calculations, kinetics are not solved in cells that

fall below a minimum cell temperature ( Tcut ) and a minimum mole fraction (H Cmin ). The

minimum mole fraction is the total mole fraction of CO , H2 , and the hydrocarbon species.

The minimum mole fraction includes more than just the hydrocarbon species to allow

carbon mono xide chemistry to take place in computational cells that do not include

hydrocarbon species.

Acceleration of the SAGE Detailed Chemistry Solver

In addition to adaptive zoning , CONVERGE contains features to accelerate the SAGE

detailed chemistry solver. The first option is to not solve for the temperature given by

Equation 13.13 unless the change in cell temperature from combustion from the previous

time-step e xceeds a specified value. This options allows CONVERGE to avoid recalculating

the rate coefficients given in Equation 13.10 , which can result in significant time savings.

This option can be activated by setting the sage_solve_temp = 0 (a value of 1 indicates that

temperature will always be solved). The sage_delta_temp

parameter indicates the

magnitude of the temperature change (above which temperature will be re-solved when

the flag sage_solve_temp = 0). Set sage_delta_temp to 2 K or lower (2 K is normally used).

However , for certain mechanisms it may be possible to e xceed a value of 2 K . You can run

test cases for your particular application and kinetic mechanism if you want to e xceed a

value of 2 K .

A second option , related to the Jacobian matri x calculation , may also speed up the SAGE

chemistry solver. By default , CVODES calculates this matri x numerically. However ,

CONVERGE includes the option to pass an analytically calculated Jacobian to the solver

which can potentially speed up the calculation. A case where using the analytically

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | General Combustion Models

calculated Jacobian matri x does not speed up the solution has not been found. Therefore , it

is recommended to run with the input parameter sage_analyt_ ac = j 1.

The tolerance in the detailed chemistry solver can also affect the runtime. Two tolerances

are included in the input file. The first , sage_abs_tol, is the iteration error for

each species. The second , sage_rel_tol, is the iteration error for each species divided by the

magnitude of the species.

Input Parameters for the SAGE Detailed Chemistry Solver

Mechanisms and thermodynamic data are defined by the reaction mechanism and

thermodynamic data files , respectively. The SAGE parameters are contained in the file.

Stiffness-Based Load Balancing

For a SAGE simulation that does not include adaptive zoning , you must include the non-

transport passive C EM_STIFF

H in . The inclusion of this non-transport passive

invokes stiffness-based load balancing for the SAGE solver. For a SAGE simulation that

includes adaptive zoning , C EM_STIFF

H is optional. If you do not include C EM_STIFF,

CONVERGE simply distributes the combustion cells amongst all available processors.

13.1.2 Chemical EquilibriumCE Q

If the chemical time-scales are fast relative to the transport time-scales , equilibrium may be

used for the chemistry model. CONVERGE uses the CE Q (Pope , 2003) chemical

equilibrium solver licensed from Ithaca Combustion Enterprise. Unlike many equilibrium

solvers , the CE Q solver is guaranteed to converge for any combination of gas species.

ceq_flag = 1
Since CE Q uses data provided in the thermodynamic data and reaction mechanism files ,
these files must be accurately provided in order for the solver to calculate the correct

equilibrium concentrations. To activate the CE Q equilibrium solver , set ceq_flag = 1 in . To reduce runtime , two additional inputs

(in ) are provided:

combust_temp_cutoff and combust_hc_minimum . Use combust_temp_cutoff to specify a

temperature below which the CE Q equilibrium solver will not be used. The input

combust_hc_minimum is used to specify a minimum hydrocarbon mole fraction below

which the CE Q equilibrium solver will not be used. The hydrocarbon mole fraction also

includes the mole fraction of CO . The mole fraction of CO is included to allow carbon

mono xide chemistry to take place in computational cells that do not include hydrocarbon


ceq_flag = 2

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | General Combustion Models

In many cases , the mi xing zone between the fuel and o xidizer is not sufficiently resolved.

In this case , you can slow the progress to equilibrium by using a mi xing time-scale. Similar

to the Characteristic Time Combustion model , the combustion progress may be slowed

with a mi xing time-scale given by

m m m*

t mix

where m is the species inde x, r m is the species density , r m* is the instantaneous equilibrium

species density , and the time-scale is given by

mix C
k (13.15)


where C2
is a constant , k is the turbulent kinetic energy , and e is the turbulent dissipation.

To use the mi xing time-scale model, set ceq_flag = 2 in .

Species Limitation
You can reduce the computational time of a CE Q simulation by limiting the number of

species that are solved as part of the CE Q equilibrium solver. Activate this feature by

settingceq_species_subset_flag = 1 in Y ou must include (in the Case Directory) a file that lists a species name followed by ceq_species . Repeat this row as

desired. The species name must match the names in the reaction mechanism and

thermodynamic data files .

Note that if you choose to use the NASA 9 format for the thermodynamic data file with

CE Q solver , the data file must be specified according to the standard equations rather than

the general form of the equations. For more information , please see the NASA 9

thermodynamic data file section .

Input Parameters for the CEQ Chemical Equilibrium Solver
The CE Q model parameters are located in .

13.2 Premixed Combustion M odels

Premi xed combustion requires that the fuel and xidizer

o species be completely mixed
before combustion is allowed to take place. This premi xing is possible only at sufficiently

low temperatures where the chain-breaking mechanism that drives the reaction chain in

hydrogen and hydrocarbon o xidation is unable to compete with the effect of three-body

chain-breaking reactions.

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

Under such low-temperature conditions , combustion reactions are considered frozen. The

frozen state is metastable because a sufficiently strong heat source , a spark for e xample,
can raise the temperature above the threshold and initiate combustion. Once the fuel and

oxidizer species have been homogeneously mi xed and a heat source is supplied , a flame

front can propagate through the mi xture.

Typically , the gas behind the flame front rapidly approaches the burned gas state close to

chemical equilibrium. The mi xture in front of the flame typically remains in the unburned

state. Therefore , the combustion system contains two stable states: the unburned (inde x u

and the burned gas state (inde x b ) as shown below in Figure 13.1. In premi xed
combustion , both states concurrently e xist in the system. They are spatially separated by

the flame front , where the transition from one to the other takes place.

Figure 13.1: A schematic illustrating the mean flame front and the turbulent flame brush
superimposed on the computational mesh.

13.2.1 G-Equation Combustion Model

CONVERGE includes the level set G-Equation model (Peters , 2000) , which you can use to

simulate premi xed combustion. Because the derivation of this model includes several

simplifications , it should be considered a less predictive combustion model.

Ignition Approach for the G-Equation Model

Ignition for the G-Equation model is typically achieved through a source term. To source

G, define G_E N Q as a passive in . Set source_flag = 1 in and define a

passive source ( G_E N Q ) in . As shown below in Figure 13.2 , the source begins at -

10 CAD (the spark timing) and has a duration of 3.0 CAD . Specify the location of the

source (for a spark) at the electrode. The ma ximum value ( max_value ) of the G_E N

392 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

passive allowed is set to 0.35e-3 and is proportional to the grid size (typically , twice the

local grid size).

To use this method for sourcing the G-Equation directly , add embedding around the spark

region such that the cells around the source (spark) are appro ximately 0.125-0.250 mm .

Rather than sourcing G directly, you can alternatively add heat directly via a heat source

to simulate spark energy. In this case , when the temperature e xceeds g_eqn_g_temp_cutoff
in a cell, G will be initialized in the cell and the G-Equation model will propagate the flame

from the initialized cells.


0 source_type
8.0e11 source_unit_volume
20.0e-3 source_value
-10.0 source_start_time
-7.0 source_end_time
0.35e-3 max_value
SPHERE source_shape
-1.99674e-003 -2.178939E-007 0.0068 x_center
2.5e-4 radius
2 moving_flag
1.0 2.0 3.0 velocity
0.002 max_displace
0 reset_source_flag
1.0 mult_dt_source
Figure 13.2: Sample when sourcing G directly to simulate a spark.

Initialization of G
The G-Equation model tracks the location of the flame front via the transport of the

G_E NQ passive scalar. The parameter G indicates the distance to the flame front. A value

of zero for G indicates that the flame is at that location. A negative value indicates the

region is unburned and a positive value indicates that the region is burned (see Figure 13.3

below). Initialize G via g_eqn_init_value in You can specify a single numerical

value or a file name (in quotation marks) to set up region-based initialization.

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

Figure 13.3: Unburned (G<0), burned (G>0),

and flame (G=0) zones.

Transport of G
The G-Equation model is based on the assumption that the premi xed turbulent combustion

occurs in either the corrugated flamelet or the thin reaction zone regime (Peters , 2000).

With this assumption , the turbulent flame front can be tracked by solving for the mean

(and possibly the variance) of a non-reacting scalar , G (Ewald and Peters , 2005) , as

G ui G D G s G

t xi xi xi
t u t (13.16)


G '' 2

i '' 2

tD G
'' 2

2 t D G G c G ,

s '' 2

t xi x x x x k (13.17)
i i i i

where st is the turbulent flamespeed, r u is the unburned density, is the turbulent kinetic k
energy, e is the turbulent dissipation , and c
s is a user-supplied constant. It should be noted
that there are two versions of the G-Equation model. In one version , the variance of is G
solved (see Equation 13.17 above). In the other version , the variance of G is not solved. The

parameter st_model combust.inin allows you to specify whether CONVERGE solves for the

variance of G .

The last term on the right-hand side of Equation 13.16 is attributed to the averaged

turbulent mass burn rate. The first term of Equation 13.16 accounts for the influence of

curvature on the flame front. For this term , the mean flame front curvature can be found


394 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

G G.
i i x x

The turbulent diffusion terms are given by

c k

. (13.19)

When the variance of G is solved ( i.e., when st_model is non-zero) (Ewald and Peters ,
2005) ,

Dt cs k

G '' 2
. (13.20)

When the variance of G is not solved ( i.e., when st_model = 0) ,

c k


. (13.21)

The level set approach is used to solve Equation 13.16. The level set method is a numerical

method designed to track and maintain a sharp interface. The level set method is well-

suited for the G-Equation model (in which the flame front must be maintained and

tracked). With this implementation , the mean flame front position is defined as the

location where G x ,t
( ) = 0.0 in the solution of Equation 13.16. The interface divides the flow

field into two regions: (1) an unburned region ( G< 0.0) and a burned region ( G> 0.0) (Tan

and Reitz , 2003). Outside the flame surface , the scalar is required to satisfy


Turbulent Flamespeed Calculations

Tracking the turbulent flame front (Equation 13.16) requires the turbulent flamespeed s
, t.
For RANS turbulence models , a turbulent burning velocity relationship (Peters , 2000) is

used to calculate the turbulent flamespeed as

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

a b Da a b Da a b Da

s s u
2 2

t l ,

4 3 4 3

2 b b 2
4 3


1 1

where u' is the root mean square of the turbulent fluctuating velocity ; sl is the laminar

flamespeed ; a,b,
4 1
and b 3
are modeling constants ; and Da is the Damkohler number. The

Damkohler number is calculated according to Tan and Reitz (2003) as

Da sl lt ,
u lF (13.24)


/ c p o
l u


lt c k

. (13.26)

In Equation 13.25 , l is the molecular conductivity , the subscript o indicates a cell value ,
and the subscript u indicates the unburned region value. If the variance of G is solved

(Equation 13.17) , then the turbulent flamespeed is calculated from

a b l Da a b l Da a b l Da

s s u
2 2

t l
* * *

4 3 4 3

2 b b 2
4 3


1 1


l ft
l *

k 3/2


396 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models


l ft G
'' 2

G xi
. (13.29)

For LES turbulence models , the turbulent flamespeed is calculated (Pitsch , 2002) as

b Cs dynamic b Cs dynamic b Dt
2 2

s s

1 ,
t l
b Sc lF b Sc lF sl lF
3 3

2 2

1 1

where sl is the laminar flamespeed , b 1

and b 3
are modeling constants , Cs-dyanmic is the

dynamic Smagorinsky number , Sc is the turbulent Schmidt number , is the filter width l
, F
is the length scale , and Dt is the turbulent diffusion.

Laminar Flamespeed Calculations

The laminar flamespeed can be calculated by one of three different approaches. The first

method is to use the Metghalchi and Keck (1982) correlation , given by

sl _
ref m 2
( m ) , 2


where f is the equivalence ratio and Bm, B , 2

and fm are user-supplied constants

appropriate for the fuel and o xidizer used in the simulation.

The second method is to use the Gulder (1984) correlation , given by

sl _ ref

e xp 1.075 ,



where w, h, and x are user-supplied constants appropriate for the fuel and o xidizer used in

the simulation.

For both the Metghalchi and Gulder methods , once the reference laminar flamespeed is

calculated at the reference pressure and temperature , the laminar flamespeed is adjusted

for the actual pressure and temperature using the following equation:

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Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

s s
l l ref 1 2.1 dil ,
u ref



where Tu is the unburned temperature , Tu_ref is the reference unburned temperature , P is

the pressure , Pref is the reference pressure , Ydil is the mass fraction of dilution species.

The temperature and pressure e xponents in Equation 13.33 are defined as

a m 1 (13.34)


a m 1 , (13.35)

respectively. In CONVERGE , you specify the values of a m and in the previous equations

as sl_temp_a , sl_temp_m, sl_pres_a, and sl_pres_m

in .

The third method for calculating the laminar flamespeed makes use of user-supplied data

tables. These data tables must have laminar flamespeed tabulated as a function of mi xture
fraction , temperature , pressure , and dilution fraction.

Combustion Module
In principle , the G-Equation model does not need a combustion solver to track the flame

front. Hence the G-Equation model typically runs faster than detailed chemistry. However ,
SAGE detailed chemistry (used in conjunction with a RANS turbulence model and AMR)

is recommended to obtain products of combustion and predict emissions. The different

options for running the G-Equation model are illustrated below.

If g_eqn_flag = 1 , then the CE Q equilibrium solver is used at the flame front and inside of

the flame (inside the burned region) as shown below in Figure 13.4. This is a typical G-

Equation model run that runs faster than the subsequent options. The species for the CE Q
equilibrium solver can be defined either in the reaction mechanism file or in .

398 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Figure 13.4: G-Equation model when

g_eqn_flag = 1.

If g_eqn_flag = 2 , then the CE Q equilibrium solver is used at the flame front and inside the

burned region. The SAGE detailed chemistry solver is used outside the flame (in the

unburned portion) as shown below in Figure 13.5. This option requires a reaction

mechanism file. This option helps to accurately predict NO x emissions.

Figure 13.5: G-Equation model when

g_eqn_flag = 2.

If g_eqn_flag = 3 , then the CE Q equilibrium solver is used at the flame front and the SAGE

detailed chemistry solver is used inside and outside the flame as shown below in Figure

13.6. This option requires a reaction mechanism file. This option helps to predict knock.

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Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

Figure 13.6: G-Equation model when

g_eqn_flag = 3.

If g_eqn_flag = 4 , then the SAGE detailed chemistry solver is used at the flame front and

inside and outside the flame as shown below in Figure 13.7. This option requires a reaction

mechanism file. Use this option to couple the G-Equation model with the PM and PSM

detailed soot models.

Figure 13.7: G-Equation model when g_eqn_flag

= 4.

If g_eqn_flag = 5 , then the SAGE detailed chemistry solver is used at the flame front and

inside the flame as shown below in Figure 13.8. This option requires a reaction mechanism

file. Use this option to couple the G-Equation model with the PM and PSM detailed soot


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Figure 13.8: G-Equation model when g_eqn_flag = 5.

If g_eqn_flag = 2 , 3, 4, or 5 , set sage_flag = 11 in

Acceleration Options
If you have activated the G-Equation model , you can invoke adaptive zoning to accelerate

the combustion calculations.

G-Equation Input Parameters

The G-Equation model parameters are located . For ,
reference Table 13.1

below summarizes the G-Equation parameters in that correspond to equations

in the previous section.

Table 13.1: G-Equation parameters in and their associated equations.

Parameter Description Equation
sl_model Laminar flamespeed model. Equation 13.31 , Equation
0 = Constant laminar flamespeed, 13.32

1 = Use Metghalchi laminar flamespeed,

2 = Use Gulder laminar flamespeed,
3 = User-defined tables.

sl_temp_ref Metghalchi or Gulder reference temperature ( K ). Equation 13.34

sl_pres_ref Metghalchi or Gulder reference pressure ( Pa ). Equation 13.35

sl_temp_a Temperature e xponent for the G-Equation model. Equation 13.34

sl_temp_m Slope ( m ) for the temperature e xponent equation Equation 13.34

(only for the G-Equation model):

a m( 1) .

sl_pres_a Pressure e xponent for the G-Equation model. Equation 13.35

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Parameter Description Equation

sl_pres_m Slope ( m ) for the pressure e xponent equation Equation 13.35

(only for the G-Equation model):

a m( 1) .

sl_dilution Dilution species mass fraction ( e.g., EGR). Equation 13.33

sl_metghalchi_bm Metghalchi constant ( m ). Equation 13.31

sl_metghalchi_b2 Metghalchi constant ( m ). Equation 13.31

sl_metghalchi_equiv_rati Metghalchi reference equivalence ratio ( m). Equation 13.31

sl_gulder_omega Gulder coefficient for calculating laminar Equation 13.32


sl_gulder_eta Gulder coefficient for calculating laminar Equation 13.32


sl_gulder_xi Gulder coefficient for calculating laminar Equation 13.32


st_model Turbulent flame-speed calculation model. Equation 13.20 ,

0 = No turbulent flamespeed model , Equation 13.27 , Equation
1 = Peters flamespeed model (G-Eqn and FGM), 13.30

11 = Modified Peters (G-Eqn),

2 = Zimont (FGM),

3 = Pitsch (G-Eqn with LES).

st_peters_a 4 Turbulent flamespeed correlation constant. Equation 13.27

st_peters_b1 Turbulent flamespeed correlation constant. A Equation 13.27

larger value increases the turbulent flamespeed

while a smaller value decreases the turbulent

flamespeed. This parameter has the largest

influence on the turbulent flamespeed.

st_peters_b3 Turbulent flamespeed correlation constant. Equation 13.27

st_peters_g_prime_cs Constant used to solve for the variance of G. Equation 13.17

st_pitsch_b1 Turbulent flamespeed correlation constant. A Equation 13.30

larger value increases the turbulent flamespeed

while a smaller value decreases the turbulent

flamespeed. This parameter has the largest

influence on the turbulent flamespeed.

st_pitsch_b3 Turbulent flamespeed correlation constant. Used Equation 13.30

only when sl_model = 3.

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Chapter 13
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13.2.2 ECFM - Extended Coherent Flamelet Model

Another premi xed combustion model available in CONVERGE is the E xtended Coherent

Flame Model (ECFM) , which is an e xtension of the Coherent Flame Model proposed by

Marble and Broadwell (1977). The ECFM (Colin et al. , 2003) can be used to accurately

model the combustion process , especially in spark-ignited engines. This section describes

the theory of the ECFM and optional spark model. The following section describes how to

set up a simulation that includes the ECFM.

To determine the flame surface density , the ECFM uses the fuel/air equivalence ratio in

fresh gases , the composition (including residual gases) , and the temperature near the

flame. The resulting flame surface density is used to describe large scale burned/unburned


Tracking Flame Propagation

The flame surface density ( S ) is determined by the following transport equation:

ui ( / )
( ) ( P1 P2 P3 ) D Pk , (13.36)
t xi xi Sc xi

where m is the laminar viscosity, Sc is the Schmidt number , P Kt

1 is the flame surface

P 2 u

production by turbulent stretch , 2

3 ix models the effects of the flame thermal

P sl 2 1 c
expansion and curvature , 3

3 c
the production by the mean flow dilation ,

D sl 2

, Pk
1 c is a destruction due to consumption is the source term (such as a spark

plug) , sl is the laminar flamespeed , c is the mass progress variable , and c is the volume

progress variable. Specify the values of a in P1 and b in D via ecfm_stretch_alpha and

ecfm_destruct_beta, respectively , in . The mass progress variable for the CFD

simulation is given by

YF ,
1 (13.37)

YF is the unburned fuel mass fraction and
Y is the fuel tracer , which tracks the

fuel mass fraction before combustion.

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The volume progress variable c is defined by

c c , (13.38)

where b is the density of the burned gases.

Turbulent Stretch Model

The Intermittent Turbulent Net Flame Stretch (ITNFS) model shows how intermittent

turbulence affects the distribution of stretch along the flame front. The ITNFS model is a

library of the net flame stretch constructed by Meneveau and Poinsot (1991). A curve fit

method is used to implement the library. Turbulent stretch ( Kt ) is given as

Kt u' L
ITNFS factor * f , , (13.39)
/k sL lF

where e is turbulent dissipation , k is turbulent kinetic energy , u 2 k /3 is turbulence

RMS velocity , Ls is the laminar flamespeed , L is integral length scale , and lF is the laminar

flame thickness calculated as described in Blint (1986). The ITNFSfactor is specified by

in . We recommend not changing this value from its default of


Imposed Stretch Spark Ignition Model

The Imposed Stretch Spark Ignition Model (ISSIM) (Colin and Truffin , 2011) can be

coupled with the ECFM. The ISSIM uses the same electrical circuit description as the

AKTIM spark ignition model from Duclos and Colin (2001). The ISSIM was first developed

for LES and later adapted to RANS. In CONVERGE 2.4 , ISSIM can be used only with


The main purpose of the ISSIM is to simulate the reaction rate due to the flame surface

density (FSD) starting at the moment of ignition. This model simultaneously represents

both the electrical circuit energy deposition and the flame surface and mass deposition.

Electric circuit model: Figure 13.9 below shows a simplified electrical diagram of the

inductive system for a spark plug.

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Figure 13.9: The electrical scheme of the inductive system.

The primary circuit includes the battery and the primary inductance. When the switch is

open , the energy is stored in the primary inductance. Appro ximately 60 % of the energy is

transferred to the spark plug (Verhoeven , 1997) , while the remaining energy is dissipated

by the secondary inductance. The ISSIM considers only the secondary part of the inductive

ignition system. The amount of energy transferred to the secondary circuit at the beginning

of the simulation is specified by issim_initial_sec_energy in .

The life of the spark is generally divided into three phases. The breakdown and arc phases ,
which last typically less than a microsecond , are taken into account by considering an

instantaneous energy deposit in the gas , Ebd, which is given as (Duclos and Colin , 2001)

Ebd 2
, (13.40)
Cbd d ie

where Vbd is the breakdown voltage (appro ximated by Paschen s law [Reinmann, 1998 )],
Cbd is a constant , (1.5e6) and dis is the inter-electrode distance specified via

issim_electrode_distance issim.inin .

The glow phase , which can last a few milliseconds , is modeled by solving the electrical

circuit ODEs. During this phase , the spark voltage Vie is equal to

Vie (t ) Vcf Vaf Vgc , (13.41)

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where Vcf is the cathode fall voltage , Vaf is the anode fall voltage , and Vgc is the gas column

voltage. The gas column voltage (Kim and Anderson , 1995) is given by

Vgc 40.46lspk is0.32 p 0.51 , (13.42)

where lspk is the spark length i

, s is the current , and p is the pressure. Kim and Anderson

suggest that the cathode fall voltage is 7.6 V during the arc phase and the anode fall

voltage is 252 V during the glow phase. The current is given by

2 Es
is , (13.43)

where the energy Es and the inductance Ls are user-specified parameters. The electrical

energy available on the secondary circuit is given by

Es (t )
Rs is2 (t ) Vieis (t ). (13.44)

The glow phase lasts as long as Es(t) is positive.

When the spark voltage reaches the breakdown voltage ( i.e., when Vie > Vbd ,
) the gas

breaks down and becomes conductive. At breakdown , the spark length is initially equal to

the user-defined spark gap ( issim_electrode_distance , ) as follows:

lspk (t 0) d ie . (13.45)

Then the spark is stretched by convection and turbulent motion of the flow. The total

spark length is given by

lspk lspk spk ,


where the mean length is given by

2uconv , (13.47)

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in which uconv is the mean convection , and the spark wrinkling is given by

d spk
Kt , (13.48)

where Kt considers the turbulence wrinkling effect , which is similar to the ITNFS function

in the flame surface density equation.

The total energy received by the gas , Eign, is the sum of the energy received at breakdown

( Ebd ) and the energy received during the glow phase and can be e xpressed as

Eign 0.6 Ebd
Vgc is dt. (13.49)

If Eign is larger than the critical energy Ecrit, ignition will occur. The critical energy

(Adelman , 1981) is given by

Ecrit lspk p L ,
4 (13.50)

L is the local flame thickness and is the gas heat capacity ratio.

Initial burned gas kernel phase: When ignition begins , a mass of burning gases ,
mbgign , is

deposited near the spark. In the ISSIM implementation in CONVERGE , based on

e xperimental observation that the initial kernel size does not depend on the mi xture
composition but rather scales with the deposited electrical energy , the following

formulation is used:

mbg Cbg
, (13.51)
C p Tign

where Tign Tu + is a characteristic temperature of the plasma in the early instants. As this

temperature rapidly decreases after breakdown , it is difficult to define it with accuracy. A

value of ,
20 000 K is chosen arbitrarily. The user-specified correction factor Cbg
( issim_c_ignition_mass in ) allows to correct this initially deposited mass. The

brackets denote an average in the cells within a sphere of radius of twice the spark gap.

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The target burned gas volume fraction is given by


cign ( x, tign ) c0 exp ,

where x gives the cell coordinates , xspk gives the spark plug location , die is the spark gap

length , and c0 satisfies

c dV mbg
b ign
. (13.53)

In order to impose the volume fraction on the 3D CFD domain , CONVERGE calculates the

reaction rate of the progress variable from

c max( u S L c , b (cign c )dt 1 ).


The ignition flame surface density (FSD) source is introduced at the start of ignition. As

suggested by e xperiments, the initial flame kernel is assumed to be a sphere and its radius

can be defined as


rb cign dV . (13.55)

The FSD can be defined as

ign Csurf ign
, (13.56)

where Csurf is a user-specified value ( issim_c_flame_wrinkling in ) that corresponds to

an initial wrinkling value , allowing to account for the non-perfect sphericity of the flame


The ignition FSD source term is defined as

ign max((ign c )dt 1 , 0). (13.57)

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Unburned Fuel Oxidation

The unburned fuel o xidation is given by a global two-stage reaction as (Colin and

Benkenida , 2004)

y y
(1 rCO ) Cx H y x O2 xCO2 H 2O
4 2
x y y
rCO Cx H y O2 xCO H 2O (13.58)
2 4 2
x y
(1 ) Cx H y O2 xCO H2

2 2

where rc = 0.01 and the value of is determined by which is the average equivalence

ratio. The average equivalence ratio is evaluated as follows:

1: 1
4( x y / 4)
1 crit : (13.59)

2x y
crit : 0,

where f crit = (2 /x)(x +y /4 ).

Post-Flame Stage
CONVERGE includes two methods for calculating the post-flame kinetics and post-fuel

oxidation. The parameter ecfm3z_post_ceq_flag in allows you to select one of

these methods.

The first method follows equilibrium reactions to solve the chemistry as described in Colin

et al. , 2003.

The second method is to use the CE Q solver for the post-flame stage. The CE Q solver

solves the equilibrium species after the flame front.

The post-flame equilibrium reactions are as follows:

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N2 2N
O2 2O
H2 2H (13.60)

2OH O2 H 2
2 H 2O O2 2 H 2 ,

and the equation for CO to CO2 o xidation is

CO OH CO2 H . (13.61)

ECFM Input Parameters

To simulate premi xed combustion with the ECFM , you must set up several input files: a

thermodynamic data file ,,, and, all of which are described

below. Additional ECFM-related files may be required depending on other settings. These

additional files are described below as well. It is important to note that , when running a

simulation with the ECFM , the reaction mechanism file must be removed from the Case

The file is described in Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.
If ecfm_spark_flag = 2 , is required. Table 13.2 below describes the parameters in Figure 13.10 shows an e xample file.

Table 13.2: Parameters in

Parameter Description
issim_correc-mbgign Correction factor for the ignition mass. Must be at least 1. Default is 1.

issim_correc_surfbgign Initial flame surface wrinkling. Set to 1 for laminar spherical ignition. Set

to greater than 1 for turbulent ignition. Default is 2.

issim_nplug Number of spark plugs. If multiple spark plugs repeat ,

issim_spark_locate_x through issim_sec_ind for each spark plug.

issim_spark_locate_x The x coordinate of the spark plug (meters ).

issim_spark_locate_y The y coordinate of the spark plug ( meters ).

issim_spark_locate_z The z coordinate of the spark plug ( meters ).

issim_dintel Inter-electrodes distance ( meters ).

issim_diaelec Electrode diameter ( meters ).

410 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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issim_sec_res Secondary resistance ( ohm).

issim_sec_ind Secondary inductance (H enry ).

issim_ncirc Number of ignitions. If multiple ignitions repeat , issim_nplug through

issim_initial_sec_energy for each ignition.

issim_nplug The number of the spark plug associated with the ignition. The spark

plugs are numbered sequentially from 0 to ( issim_nplug - 1).

Temporal type of the SE QUENTIAL CYCLIC CYCLIC,

or . For the period (in seconds crank_flag

ignition =0 crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1 or 2) must follow.

issim_spark_tstart Start time (inseconds crank_flag =

if crank angle degrees crank_flag
0 or in if

=1 or 2) of the ignition.

issim_initial_sec_energ Initial secondary circuit energy (j oules



1 issim_correc_mbgign
1 issim_correc_surfbgign
2 issim_nplug

0.0 issim_spark_locate_x
0.0 issim_spark_locate_y
-6.9e-3 issim_spark_locate_z
1.e-3 issim_dintel
0.5e-3 issim_diaelec
1.e4 issim_sec_res
30. issim_sec_ind

0.05 issim_spark_locate_x
0.05 issim_spark_locate_y
-6.9e-3 issim_spark_locate_z
1.1e-3 issim_dintel
0.6e-3 issim_diaelec
1.e4 issim_sec_res
30. issim_sec_ind

2 issim_ncirc

0 issim_numplug
-25. issim_spark_tstart
38.9e-3 issim_initial_sec_energ

1 issim_numplug
-27. issim_spark_tstart
38.9e-3 issim_initial_sec_energ
Figure 13.10: Example file.

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Chapter 13
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If ecfm3z_reinit_flag = 1 , is required. This file allows you to direct

CONVERGE to reinitialize the combustion domain in specific regions at specific times. For

example, for a multi-cycle or multi-cylinder engine case , the combustion regions must be

reinitialized for the ne xt spark or auto-ignition event to occur. Table 13.3 below describes

the parameters in . Figure 13.11 shows an e xample file.

Table 13.3: Parameters in Repeat these parameters as desired to reinitialize different
regions at different times.
Parameter Description
ecfm3z_num_region Number of regions to be reinitialized at the same time.

ecfm3z_region The region IDs of the region(s) to be reinitialized. There should be

ecfm3z_num_region entries of this line.

ecfm3z_init_time crank angle degrees

The time in at which the combustion domain is



2 ecfm3z_num_region
0 ecfm3z_region
1 ecfm3z_region
50.0 ecfm3z_init_time

1 ecfm3z_num_region
4 ecfm3z_region
100.0 ecfm3z_init_time
Figure 13.11: An example file.
Table 13.4 below lists the gases , passives , and non-transport passives that must be included

in for a premi xed combustion case. Table 13.5 lists optional non-transport

passives that may be useful for an ECFM simulation. CONVERGE Studio automatically

adds the passives and non-transport passives listed below for a simulation that includes


Table 13.4: Parameters required in when using the ECFM.

example: C3 8 H Fuel species.


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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

H 20




T_F ELU Fuel tracer.

T_O2 O2 tracer.

T_CO CO tracer.

FLMTDEN Flame surface density.

UNBR NED_EU Unburned enthalpy.


Non-Transport Passives
PROG_VAR Mass progress variable.

VOL_PROG_VA Volume progress variable.

IGNITE_FLAG Flag to indicate combustion.

U Temperature in burned area.

U Temperature in unburned area.

T_ 2H H2 tracer.

T_N2 N2 tracer.

T_CO2 CO2 tracer.

T_ 2O
H H2O tracer.

PRES_TM2 Pressure at previous time-step.

WALL_DIST_F U Wall distance function.

WALL_DIST Wall distance.

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Chemistry Modeling | Premixed Combustion Models

Table 13.5: Optional non-transport passives that may be useful for ECFM simulations.
P1 Flame surface production by turbulent stretch.

P2 Effects of the flame thermal e xpansion and curvature.

P3 Production term by the mean flow dilation.

KT Turbulent stretch term in ITNFS.

OMEGA_CFM Reaction rate of unburned fuel.

OMEGA_BG Reaction rate of burned fuel.

FLAME_SPD Laminar flamespeed.

H Laminar flame thickness.

TIME_FSD_COR Correction of the FSD turbulent stretch factor to account for the finite

rate chemistry time-scale.

FLAME_SPD_C Flamespeed correlation factor due to the flame-wall interaction.


Thermodynamic data file,, and

In and, you must initialize the initial gas species or the inflow and

outflow gas species. For species tracers , you must initialize passives ( t_fuel, t_CO, and

T_O2 ) with the same names and values as their corresponding species (mi xed fuel , CO ,
and O2 , respectively). Do not list the intermediate species (O , H, N , and OH) in
You need to make two copies of the thermodynamic properties of fuel species in the

thermodynamic data file and rename the fuel species as unmixfuel and bfuel. Also , you

need to copy the O2 properties and rename the species as unmixo2 . Complete this task

manually before launching CONVERGE Studio.

13.3 Diesel Combustion M odels

In diesel engines , the fuel-air mi xture undergoes chemical reactions that lead to ignition as

shown in Figure 13.62 below. Ignition may not occur until several crank angles after the

start of injection (SOI). Once ignition occurs , the fuel that has been injected and mi xed
with air undergoes the premi xed combustion phase. When the premi xed fuel-air mi xture
has been consumed , xing-controlled
mi combustion occurs. As the name suggests , burning

in this combustion phase is controlled by the fuel-air mi xing process.

414 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Figure 13.12: Schematic of a typical diesel engine heat release rate showing ignition delay, premixed
combustion, and the mixing-controlled combustion phases (Heywood, 1988).

CONVERGE offers two different methods for modeling the ignition and combustion

processes. The first method uses separate models for ignition and combustion. These

models are based on the Shell ignition model and the Characteristic Time Combustion

model , and this method is relatively computationally ine xpensive.

The second approach , described previously (SAGE Detailed Chemical Kinetics Model) ,
considers much of the chemistry taking place in combustion applications. Although the

runtime using detailed chemistry can be significantly longer than with the first approach ,
the accuracy of the simulation may be greatly enhanced with the inclusion of detailed

chemistry. Nonetheless , there is still often a need for the rapid turnaround time that can be

achieved when the simpler models are used. The simpler ignition and combustion models

are described in the following sections.

13.3.1 Modified Shell Ignition Model

To model diesel ignition delay , a multistep kinetics model based on the Shell model has

been implemented in CONVERGE. The original Shell model (Halstead et al. , 1977) , which

was developed to predict knock in gasoline engines , uses a simplified reaction mechanism

to simulate autoignition in diesel engines. The eight reactions in this model are given by

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 415

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Diesel Combustion Models

1. Cn m O R
H2 2

2. R R P eat
* *

3. R R B
* *

4. R R
* *

5. R R B

6. B R 2

7. R Termination

8. 2R Termination,

where Cn H
2 m is the hydrocarbon fuel , R* is a radical formed from the ,
fuel Bis the

branching agent , Q is a labile intermediate species, and P represents products ( CO, H

CO ,
and H
O ).

Schapertons and Lee (1985) noted that the use of the above reaction scheme can violate

mass conservation if used after the local onset of ignition due to the propagation steps R*
R* B
+ and R* R* +Q (steps 3 and 4 in Equation 13.62 above). They modified the reactions

to account for mass conservation. The resulting scheme is given by

1. Cn m O R
H2 2

R Cn
* 1
qP f B f R heat

2. 1 H2m Q

2 1 4

3. R R B

4. B R 2

R R N,* *



R R N * *

6. 2 2

where L is given by

f MB f M

1 4 Q

MCn m m pMO
. (13.64)

H2 2

Furthermore ,

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pn (2 ) m
2 m (13.65)


q 1 n m, (13.66)

where g is a stoichiometric factor set equal to 0.67 (Halstead et al. , 1977). The reaction

scheme given in Equation 13.63 is commonly used to model the diesel engine ignition

process ( e.g., Kong and Reitz , 1993). In Equation 13.63 , the molecular weights associated

with the species R , B,

* and Q are given by (Schapertons and Lee , 1985)

WR C n m O
H2 2


WB WCn m WO H2 2

W WCn m WO
Q H2 2

In order to accurately interface the ignition model with a combustion model based on

equilibrium ( e.g., the CTC model described below) , it is critical that the C, , O, H and N
atoms are conserved in the ignition process. In order to modify the reaction scheme in

Equation 13.63 to conserve atoms , R*, B, and Q are assigned atoms based on their

molecular weights given in Equation 13.67 above. For e xample, R * has n/2 carbon atoms ,
m hydrogen atoms , and one o xygen atom. While the second reaction in Equation 13.63 has

been formulated to conserve mass , it must be modified to also conserve atoms. The

resulting reaction is given by

R *
f f C
1 n H m f f
n m O nCO m O f B f H2 Q R *

1 4 2 1 4 2 2 1 4

2 8)

In addition to Reaction 2 , Reactions 5 and 6 also violate atom conservation and lead to a

net production of N 2
from the ignition event. Clearly , this can lead to inaccuracies because

this process removes potentially combustible atoms and converts them to inert nitrogen.

One possible solution is to have R* go to products in the termination reactions. However ,

this would also require some additional o xygen for the atoms to conserve. Another

possibility is to keep Reactions 5 and 6 as is in Equation 13.63 and then put the nitrogen

back into R* when the ignition process is complete. In other words ,

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Rf R* *
1 6
WN 2
2 (13.69)

where R
6 is the final value of R* from the reaction scheme and D N 2
is the change

(increase) in nitrogen from the termination reactions. This final amount of R*, Rf *
is then

patched (along with Bf B =

1 -6
and Q =Q
f 1 -6
) to products with the reaction

R f Bf

2.5 n m O 1 2.5 n CO m
2.5 H O, (13.70)

2 2 2

which was formulated to conserve atoms. The conversion of the radical species to products

requires some additional o xygen from the gas mi xture. Also note that Equations 13.69 and

13.70 are applied only once when the ignition process is complete. The final reaction

scheme with the above improvements is shown in Table 13.6. This mechanism conserves

atoms (and mass) between the pre- and post-ignition gas mi xture.
Table 13.6: Modified Shell ignition reaction mechanism as implemented in CONVERGE.
Number Modified Shell Ignition Reaction Process Rate

Cn H2m O 2 R * Initiation kq

R f f
C f f
n m O
2. Propagation
1 n H m

1 4 2 1 4 2

nCO m O f B f
H2 1 4
Q R *

f kp
3. Propagation
* *

B R 2
* Branching kb
M Linear f kp


MR Quadratic kt
2 termination

418 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 13
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Number Modified Shell Ignition Reaction Process Rate

Rf R N
7. This step performed only
* *

1 6
WN 2
once (at the end of the

ignition process).

Bf B

1 6

Qf Q 1 6

R *

B f
Qf 2.5
1 O 2
2.5 n CO 2
2.5 m O H

The rate constants in the reaction scheme shown in Table 13.7 below are similar to those

used by Halstead et al. , 1977 and are given by

f 1
Af 01
e E f
O x Cn

y 1

f 2
Af 01
e E f

f 3
Af 03
e E f
O 2
nH m
C 2

f 4
Af 04
e E f
O 2
x y
nH m ,

C 2

kq Aq e Eq RuT

kb Ab e Eb RuT

kt At e Et RuT ,

kp Ap e Ep
1 1

kp Ap e Ep
2 2

kp Ap e Ep
3 3


kp 1 1


kp O kp
1 2 2
kp Cn 3

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where [ O ],
for e denotes the species concentration of O 2
in gmol cm -3

Equations 13.71 through 13.74 include ten pre-e xponential factors ( Ai ,

) ten activation

energies ( Ei ,) and si x concentration dependence parameters ( xi, yi ) for a total of 26 model

constants. Kong and Reitz (1993) found that the formation rate of the labile intermediate

species Q is the rate-limiting step in the kinetic path. In addition , Theobald and Cheng

(1987) found that the total ignition delay is sensitive to the pre-e xponential factor Af 04
. As a

result , shell_af0 4 has been included in, while the other 25 parameters have fi xed
values in CONVERGE as shown below in Table 13.7. Note that the parameters are given in

CGS units to be consistent with standard chemical reaction conventions.

Table 13.7: Shell model parameters from Halstead et al. (1977). Units: Ai (cm, mol, s), Ei (cal/mole), Ru
(cal/mol K).
Shell Model Value
Af 01

Af 02

Af 03

Af 04
Set via af0 4 in

Aq 1.2e12

Ab 4.4e17

At 3.0e12

Ap 1

Ap 2

Ap 3

Ef 1
/ Ru -7.55e03

Ef 2
/ Ru -3.53e03

Ef 3
/ Ru 5.04e03

Ef 4
/ Ru 1.51e04

Eq / Ru 1.76e04

420 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Shell Model Value

Eb / Ru 2.27e04

Et / Ru 0.0

Ep 1
/Ru 0.0

Ep 2
/Ru 7.56e03

Ep 3
/Ru 428.0







In the present implementation , reaction rates are frozen to their value at 950 K for

temperatures above 950 K as in the model from Schapertons and Lee (1985).

As described by Theobald and Cheng (1987) , subcycling is needed in order to accurately

solve the modified Shell model reaction mechanism. Subcycling is based on the net

production rate of B, assuming that the reaction orders of Cn H

2 m and O 2
are zero. The time

rate of change of [B] is then given by

d B k B f k R f k R
* *
b p
dt p 1 2
Q . (13.75)

A subcycling time-step dtshell can be written from Equation 13.75 above as

dtshell B
kb B f k p R f k p R
* *
1 2

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where the quantity [Xm] represents a molar concentration. The computational time-step dt
is discretized into sub-time-steps , given above by Equation 13.76 , to solve the Shell model


The above Shell model reaction scheme is solved using a reference species approach as

described in Amsden et al. (1989). This approach is valid for the following reaction


m ,r m m r m ,
for r = 1,2,...., R (13.77)
m 1 m 1

m ,r and
m ,r are the stoichiometric coefficients for the reactants and products ,
respectively , for species m and reaction r and c m represents the chemical symbol for species

m .

As described by Amsden et al. (1989) , the reaction rate , r , for this approach is given by

ref ,r 1
r ,
1 2

dt Wref r ref r ref r

, , ,


ref ,r
dt Wref r ref r fr ref r br ,
, , , (13.79)

ref ,r
dt Wref r ref r fr ref r br ,
, , , (13.80)

and r ref,r is the reference species with a molecular weight of Wref,r . The reference species is

the species whose density has the highest likelihood of going negative. In the above

equations , the quantities W fr and W br are given by

fr fr m Wm m r
m 1


422 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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br br m Wm m r ,
m 1

where kfr and kbr are the forward and reverse rate constants , respectively. In addition , m ,r

m ,r in Equations 13.81 and 13.82 are not necessarily equal to the stoichiometric

coefficients in Equation 13.77 so that empirical reaction orders can be used (Amsden et al. ,

Each of the reactions in the current set only progress in the forward direction. As a result ,
kbr (and hence W br ) is zero for each of the reactions. With this simplification , it can be

shown that Equation 13.78 reduces to

ref ,r Wref r fr
r ,
Wref r ref r fr dt
ref ,r , ,

which is used in CONVERGE to calculate the progress rates for the Shell model.

The reference species is selected for each reaction by comparing the values of

Wm fr m r m r
, ,
) m for each of the species involved in that reaction. The species with

the lowest value of this quantity is called the reference species (Amsden et al. , 1989). The

rate coefficients are given in Table 13.6 above for each of the reactions. Once the reference

species ref,r has been determined , the progress rate r for reaction r is calculated via

Equation 13.83 above. The change in density in species m is then calculated from

m m , Wm m ,r m ,r r dt ,
0 (13.84)
r 1

where r m, 0
is the species density value before the start of the Shell model calculations for

the current subcycle.

Input Parameters for the Shell Model

The Shell model parameters are located in .

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13.3.2 Characteristic Time Combustion ( CTC ) Model

CONVERGE includes the Characteristic Time Combustion (CTC) model (Abraham et al. ,
1985 , Xin et al. , 1997). The CTC model simulates the rate of change of the density of

species m, r m, as

m m *

m ,
t c

where r *m is the local and instantaneous thermodynamic equilibrium value of the species

density and tc is the characteristic time to achieve equilibrium. Following Kong et al.

(1995) , the characteristic time is calculated via

c chem f turb , (13.86)

where tchem is the chemical-kinetics time , t turb is the turbulent mi xing ,

time and f is a delay

coefficient which simulates the increasing influence of turbulence on combustion (see

Equation 13.114 below). The chemical timescale is modeled as (Kong et al. , 1995)

[ nH m ] 2
e0.75 ( Echem RuTg
/ )

2 Achem [O ] 2

where Achem is a user-specified constant ( ctc_denomc , Echem

in ) is the activation

energy given by 18 475 , cal mol

/ (Kong et al. , , Ru
1995) is the universal gas constant , and Tg
is the gas temperature. In addition , the turbulent timescale is given as

turb C
k, (13.88)


where C 2
is a user-specified constant ( ctc_cm2 in ). The turbulent timescale acts

as a sub-grid model that accounts for the non-uniformity of species in a cell. The sub-grid

non-uniformity of species , which cannot be accounted for directly , may act to slow the

combustion process. For this reason , the turbulent timescale is added to slow the


If an LES model is used , the characteristic time for the CTC model is calculated as

c chem f sub , (13.89)

where tsub is based on the sub-grid velocity field given by

424 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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u C dx

ui 2

i les
x x
. (13.90)
j j

In Equation 13.90 , dx is a characteristic cell size (given by the cube root of the cell volume) ,
ui is the resolved velocity field , and Cles is a scaling constant. The sub-grid timescale is then

given by

sub C
ksub ,


ksub uiui


sub sub

. (13.93)

In the case of the single-scale CTC model , solving Equation 13.85 for the updated species

density due to combustion yields

m m* m , m* e dt c ,
0 (13.94)

where r m,
is the species density value at the beginning of the time-step and dt is the time-


In addition to the single-scale CTC model , the multi-scale model proposed by Xin et al.

(1997) is included in CONVERGE. In this model , xpressions are used

the following e for the

destruction of fuel , CO, and H :


fuel fuel *fuel

t c

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CO ,
xCTC c (13.96)


H2 H2 H2

t xCTC c (13.97)

where xCTC is a user-specified fraction between 0 and 1 ( ctc_tau_fraction in ). The

above model assumes that the timescale for CO and H2 are a fraction of the fuel

conversion time scale. Note , however , that this represents only the fastest possible

timescales for CO and H2. If there is not enough o xygen in a computational cell to perform

this conversion , the timescales are increased accordingly.

Solving Equations 13.95 through 13.97 yield the following updated species densities:

fuel fuel , fuel W fuel *fuel fuel , *fuel e dt c ,

0 0 (13.98)

dt xCTC c
, (13.99)


H 2 ,0
H 2
W H2
H2 H 2 ,0
e dt
xCTC c

. (13.100)

The remaining species densities can be determined from the atom conservation equations


CO CO2 2
CO n fuelWCO 2
, (13.101)

O O , H m fuel W O ,
H2 H2 0 2 H2 (13.102)


2 2
0.5 CO 0.5
H 0.5 m fuelWO 2
. (13.103)

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The equilibrium species density values must be determined in order to solve Equation 13.94

or Equations 13.98 through 13.103. As in Kong et al. (1995) , it is assumed that seven

species are involved in the combustion process: fuel (CnH2m) , O2 , N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO ,
and H2. With these species , the combustion of an arbitrary hydrocarbon can be written as


2 H2
H2 H2
bCO cCO d O e fO N N N gCn m
H2 H2 2

where Nm represents the initial number of moles of species m per gram of mi xture and the

coefficients b, c, d, e, f, and g are the unknown quantities. For non-rich conditions , it is

assumed that the equilibrium value of fuel is zero , and hence g= 0. Atom balances for

carbon , hydrogen , and o xygen yield the following e xpressions:

cartot nNCn m NCO NCO b c

H2 2

hydtot mNCn m N N O d e
H2 H2 H2
2 2

oxytot NO NCO N O NCO b c d f

2 2
2 2 .

In order to solve for the five unknowns , two additional equations are needed. Two

equilibrium reactions are used for this purpose. The first , the so-called water-gas shift

reaction , is given by

CO O CO H2 2
H , 2 (13.106)

and accounts for the simultaneous presence of CO and H . The second reaction is

2 CO O 2
2 CO 2
. (13.107)

It can be shown that the equilibrium constants for Equations 13.106 and 13.107 are given


po H po S be
K p exp
u u R RT
cd (13.108)


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Kc S
co H co u RT b , 2

xp tot
R RT p cf
e (13.109)

u u atm

respectively. In Equations 13.108 and 13.109 the change in standard state molar entropy

and enthalpy are given by

o o o o

H2 H2

Ru Ru
o o o o

H2 H2


for the water-gas shift equilibrium reaction and

o o o

2 2

Ru Ru
o o o
H co 2 HCO 2 HCO HO
2 2


for Equation 13.107. Furthermore , in Equation 13.109 r tot is the sum of the species densities

for the seven main combustion species (CnH2m , O2 , N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , and H2).

Equations 13.105 , 13.108 , and 13.109 include five equations and five unknowns. In order

to solve for the equilibrium coefficients , the above equations were combined to write the

following polynomial for the CO coefficient c


hydtot 1 K p
1 K p c 1 K p oxytot 3 2K p cartot c
4 3



hydtot oxy 4 p K 3

cartot car c car c
tot 0 ,
tot 2 tot tot
2 2

2 K c

c K

which is solved in CONVERGE using a Newton-Raphson solver. Once the CO coefficient c

is determined , the other four coefficients can be found through Equations 13.105 and

13.109. These coefficients are then used to determine the equilibrium species densities r * m.

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For rich conditions ( cartot > oxytot ) it is assumed that only CO , H2 , and CnH2m are products

of equilibrium. As a result ,b d f
= = = 0 , and the atom balances yield

c oxytot
g cartot c n (13.113)

e hydtot m g 2 2

for the remaining coefficient values.

Input Parameters for the CTC Model

The CTC model parameters are located in . When using the CTC model , you

must activate turbulence modeling ( i.e., set turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in ).

13.3.3 +
Shell CTC Model

A common application of the Shell and CTC models is to implement them concurrently.

The Shell model acts on computational cells that are in the ignition phase and the CTC

model acts on cells that are in the combustion phase. As in Xin et al. (1997) , the two

phases are distinguished by the local gas temperature and a delay coefficient f given by

f 1 e

, (13.114)

where g is a production fraction given by

CO ,react O ,react CO ,react ,react

H2 H2

tot N CO ,resid O ,resid
2 2

where the subscript react refers to a reactive species , not including any residual or e xhaust
gas recirculation (EGR) amounts , and the subscript resid refers to a residual amount. r tot is

the sum of the species densities for the seven active Shell +CTC model species (CnH2m , O2 ,
N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , and H2). Equation 13.115 above represents a ratio of the amount of

products to the amount of reactive species. Note that Equation 13.115 is based on the

assumption that only residual amounts of CO2 and H2O are included in the simulation.

Equation 13.114 represents a measure of combustion completeness and is used in the CTC

model to delay the effect of turbulence on combustion until combustion has proceeded to a

certain point (see Equation 13.86). The f parameter is used in conjunction with a critical

temperature Tchop ctc_temp_cutoff

( in ) to determine whether a computational cell

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Chemistry Modeling | Diesel Combustion Models

should undergo Shell or CTC calculations. Table 13.8 below presents a definition of both

ignition and combustion phases when the Shell +CTC model is used.

Table 13.8: Definition of ignition and combustion phases for the Shell+CTC model.
Model Ignition and Combustion Phase Criteria
Shell Tg < Tchop and f 0.1

CTC Tg Tchop or f> 0.1

When a cell is in the combustion phase , the radicals R*, B, and Q must be patched to the

products ( i.e., CO , CO2 , and H2O). This only happens once per cell as the radical species

values are set to zero after the patching is complete.

For the non-modified Shell model , the ignition radicals are patched to products in the

proportion proposed by Schapertons and Lee (1985). This results in the following updated

species densities (for CO , CO2 , and H2O , respectively : )

n m WCO
CO rad ,
n m WCO n m WCO W
H2 O

1 n m WCO
CO rad ,
n m WCO n m WCO W

H2 O


O rad ,

n m WCO n m WCO W (13.118)

H2 O


rad R B f
f (13.119)
f Q

is the sum of the radical species densities.

For the modified Shell model , the change in product species as a result of radical patching

can be found from Reaction 7 in Table 13.4 given above. The amount of o xygen O 2

needed to convert the radicals to products is given by

430 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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2.5 n m WO 1

O rad ,




rad R B f
f (13.121)
f Q

is the sum of the final radical species densities ( R*f includes the additional N 2

during the ignition process

N 2
as e xplained previously). The change in products from

the radical conversion process is given by

2.5 n WCO rad O

2 2

2.5 n WCO m W 2
H2 O


2.5 m W O rad O
H2 2

n WCO m W O
. (13.123)
2.5 2

The seven species involved in the patching process are modified as follows:

2 2 2

2 2 2

2 2 2

H2 H2 H2 (13.124)

R 0

B 0

Input Parameters for the Shell+CTC Model

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 431

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The Shell +CTC model parameters are located in . When using the Shell +CTC
model , you must activate turbulence modeling i.e.,
( turbulence_solver_flag
set = 1 in ).

13.3.4 ECFM3 Z : Extended Coherent Flame Model 3 Zones

For partially- or non-premi xed combustion, the ECFM is coupled with a mi xing model and

is known as the ECFM3Z (3-Zone E xtended Coherent Flame Model) (Colin and Benkenida ,
2004). This method creates a mi xed zone between the air ( + exhaust gas recirculation) and

fuel zones.

Mixing Model
The mi xing of air and fuel (as shown below in Figure 13.13) forms the mi xed zone.

Figure 13.13: Mixing model.

Unmi xed fuel and O2 are solved as


( ) SFu E Fu
t xi xi Sc xi



( ) E OA2 M . (13.126)
t xi xi Sc xi

Mixing terms E Fu and

E O2 are a function of the turbulence time scale , which is given

as follows:

m , (13.127)
m k

432 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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where bm is the mixing rate constant. This value is specified by ecfm3z_mix_betam in . The evaporation source term

SFu in the unmi xed fuel of Equation 13.125 is

the gaseous fuel mass production rate already presented for the unburned and burned fuel


Autoignition model
Tabulated Kinetics of Ignition ( auto_ignition_flag = 3)

The tabulated kinetics of ignition (TKI) model was first proposed by Colin et al. (2005). In

this first version autoignition was described in two steps. In the first step , an autoignition

delay was used in the intermediate species transport equation YF_i to reach the autoignition

time. Once the delay was reached , the progress of reaction was advanced in time using the

fuel transport equation and a tabulated progress variable reaction rate.

In the TKI implementation in CONVERGE , the intermediate species is no longer used

following recent developments of the model (Robert et al. , 2015) and thus the entire

autoignition process is described by the fuel mass fraction burned by autoignition YF_ai .

This mass fraction corresponds to the passive IG_FT .

In order to tabulate the autoignition , the TKI model solves the 0D constant pressure

reactors at different initial conditions. These initial conditions reproduce the in-cylinder

conditions that occur in the engine. This method uses four parameters: pressure , fresh gas

temperature , equivalence ratio , and dilution rate. For each parameter , you can select a

range and discretization fidelity to match the local sensitivity of chemistry to the

parameter. Table 13.9 shows an e xample of the TKI parameter variation and


Table 13.9: Example of the TKI parameter variation and discretization.

Parameter Range Number of Points
Temperature 500 - 1500 K 50

Pressure 1 - 20 MPa 10

Fuel/air equivalence ratio 0.1 - 3.0 10

EGR fraction to air 0 - 80 % 4

Progress ratio 1e-6 - 1 100

During tabulation , CONVERGE e xtracts the time ti at which the OD calculation reaches

the progress of reaction cai .

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The progress variable in the TKI model is an image of the amount of heat released during

fuel o as follows:

T Tini
cai , (13.128)
Tequ Tini

where Tini is the initial temperature and T

eqn is the final temperature of the 0D simulation.

The progress variable reaction rate is defined as

c ,TKI . (13.129)

This ordinary differential equation is appro ximated as follows:

0 c c1 : c ,TKI
ci 1 ci
c1 c ci 1 (for i 1) : c ,TKI
ti 1 ti

Note that t1 can be viewed as the so-called ignition delay of TKI , although the progress of

the reaction at this time , c1, needs to be set as a very small number (typically 1e-6) to

ensure a proper description of the heat release rate during the entire autoignition process ,
and thus t1 cannot be compared to a standard autoignition delay , which is typically

chosen at c close to 0.5. In the second appro ximation in Equation 13.130 , the progress

variable reaction rate is constant between ti 1

and ti . This choice was made in Colin et al.

(2005) because it proved to be more accurate than a linear appro ximation.

The transport equation of YAI is given by


Dl Dt (13.131)
t x j x j x j d

The transport equation of YF is given by

Dl Dt YAI c ,TKI (13.132)
t x j x j x j

434 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Diesel Combustion Models

The ignition table can be generated with Kicgen , a Python tool. This tool tabulates the

ignition delay and reaction rates in HDF5 format. There are three steps to generate a TKI

table with Kicgen.

1. Launch SAGE 0D computations: -f tki.input --compute

2. Verify SAGE 0D results to ensure that all cases ignited: -f tki.input --
3. Post-process and write the TKI table in HDF5 format: -f tki.input --

Figure 13.14 below shows an e xample tki.input file.

FUELNAMES=['c7h16'] //Fuel name

DILU='N2 // Diluent N2 / CO2 / H2O
FUELCOMPONENTS=[['c7h16']] //Fuel components, multi component
fuel is allowed
XCARBS=[[7.0]], YHYDRS=[[16.0]], ZOXYS=[[0.0]]
RESIDUALS=[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3] //Residual mole fractions
PHIS=[0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3] //Equivalence ratio
PRESSURES=[1,5,10,20] //Pressure
TEMPERATURES=[500,1000,1500] //Temperature
C=[1.e-6, ,1.0] //Discretized C values
Figure 13.14: An example tki.input file.
ECFM3Z Input Parameters
To simulate diesel combustion with the ECFM3Z , you must set up several input files: a

thermodynamic data file ,,,,, and liquid.dat, some of

which are described below. (All of these files are described in full in Chapter 22.)

Additional ECFM-related files may be required depending on other settings. These

additional files are described below as well. It is important to note that , when running a

simulation with the ECFM , the reaction mechanism file must be removed from the Case

Table 13.10 below lists the gases , passives , and non-transport passives that must be

included in for a case that includes the ECFM3Z.

Table 13.10: Parameters required in when using the ECFM3Z.

c3h8 Fuel species.


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U Fuel in the burned zone.

UNMI F ELX U Fuel in the unmi xed zone.

UNMI O2 X O xygen in the unmi xed zone.

U Fuel tracer.

T_O2 O2 tracer.

T_CO CO tracer.

FLMTDEN Flame surface density.

Non-Transport Passives
PROG_VAR Progress variable.

VOL_PROG_VAR Volume progress variable.

IGNITE_FLAG Flag to indicate combustion.

U Temperature in burned area.

U Temperature in unburned area.

T_ 2H H2 tracer.

T_N2 N2 tracer.

T_CO2 CO2 tracer.

T_ 2O
H H2O tracer.

PRES_TM2 Pressure at previous time-step.

WALL_DIST_F NC U Wall distance function.

WALL_DIST Wall distance.

AI_PROG_VAR Mass progress variable by autoignition.

436 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Diesel Combustion Models

Thermodynamic data file,,, and liquid.dat

You need to initialize all the gas species and passives mentioned above in . You
need to make two duplicate copies of the thermodynamic properties of fuel species in the

thermodynamic data file and rename the fuel species as unmixfuel and bfuel ,
. Also you

need to make a duplicate copy of O2 properties and rename the species as unmixo2. The

two parameters that are relevant in are: evap_source_flag which should be set to 0

and evap_species must be set to unmixfuel. If EGR e xists, you must list fuel , CO , and O2

species tracers. The values of these tracers should be identical to the corresponding species

mass fractions.

13.4 Non-Premixed T urbulent Combustion M odel

For non-premi xed turbulence combustion , CONVERGE contains the Representative

Interactive Flamelet model.

13.4.1 RIF Model

Combustion in non-premi xed turbulent flow is restricted to relatively thin , molecularly

mixed regions that lie within flammability limits. The interaction of the highly turbulent

flow field with the combustion process is governed by nonlinear chemistry as the

chemistry timescale is much less than the turbulence timescale. The Representative

Interactive Flamelet (RIF) model effectively decouples the solution of the turbulent flow

field and diffusion flamelets.

The RIF concept for non-premi xed combustion in CONVERGE is based on a coordinate

transformation that uses the mi xture fraction as an independent coordinate. Therefore , it is

possible to transform the balance equations for enthalpy and species into mi xture fraction

space. This leads to resolution of the inner structure of the reaction zone in a one-

dimensional calculation.

Flamelet Equations
The mi xture fraction (Z) is defined as:

ns NC i WCYi ns N i W Yi ,

Wi W H_ H
i 1 i 1 i

where i is the species , ns is the number of species , NC_i, N H_i are the number of Carbon and

Hydrogen atoms respectively in species i, WC, W H

are the molecular weights of Carbon and

Hydrogen respectively , Yi is the species mass fraction , and Wi is the molecular weight of

species i.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 437

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Chapter 13
Chemistry Modeling | Non-Premixed Turbulent Combustion Model

The first-order flamelet equations have been derived by Peters (1984) , where a local

coordinate transformation and boundary layer arguments are used. The resulting

equations for the species mass fraction are:



i ,
Y i Le i
i Z Le 2

D/ D+D Turbulent 1.0
i (13.134)

and the temperature


T T c Y
ns pi i p 1 c

i i
t 2 Z
2 c
p i 1 Le
i Z Z Z p i c t 1

are obtained. In the Equations 13.134 and 13.135 , ns denotes the number of chemical

species , p c is the heat capacity at constant pressure ,Y i

is the mass fraction of the chemical

i, hi i, i

species is the enthalpy of the chemical species is the net chemical production

rate , Di is the diffusivity , D is the turbulent diffusivity , and Lei is the Lewis number of

species i. In CONVERGE the Lewis number is assumed to be constant for all species and

set to 1.

A characteristic of Equations 13.134 and 13.135 is that after the transformation into

mi xture fraction (Z) space , the convective terms disappear. Since all the scalars are

convected with the same velocity in physical space , no relative convective velocities e xist
between the mi xture fraction and the other scalars , such as species mass fractions or

temperature. Coupling the equations in phase space to the flow field in physical space

occurs through the pressure and scalar dissipation rate.

Yi ( xi , t ) P ( Z ; x , t )Y Z , t dZ
i i

Governing Equations of Mixture Fraction

The RIF model is based on the presumed probability density function (PDF) approach

described later in this section. The RIF model requires knowledge of the Favre mean

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mixture fraction
Z and its variance Z
in space and time. The conservation equations for

the mean and the variance of the mi xture fraction are given by


ui Z

i x



ui Z t D Z
i x


Z 2

ui Z 2

uiZ uiZx


t xi xi
2 .

In Equations 13.137 to 13.139 ,

is the density , xi is the space coordinate , t is time , SRIF is

the source term , Dt is the turbulent diffusivity and

is the scalar dissipation rate and can

be modeled as



Z 2

where is the turbulent dissipation , k is the turbulent kinetic energy and cc is a time

scale ratio. c c is assumed to be a constant. In CONVERGE the default value for c

c is set to

2.0. The scalar dissipation rate is calculated from the flow solver of CONVERGE and

then is integrated along flamelet surface.

The scalar dissipation rate conditioned on stoichiometric mi xture fraction is obtained by

the following e xpression:

st x , t
f Zst

f ZP Z; x , t dZ

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where P ; x , t
Z is the probability density function and

f Z exp 2 erfc 1
2 Z


The surface averaged value for scalar dissipation rate at the stoichiometric mi xture fraction
can be derived as follows:

x st x P Zst dV

st V ,
x st x P Zst dV

where Z
st is fuel mass fraction at equivalence ratio =1.0 and V is the volume of the entire

computational domain.

Multiple Flamelets Theory

In unsteady flamelet modeling , the history of the scalar dissipation rate and the boundary

conditions determine the solution of a flamelet , with the consequence that different

flamelet histories must be calculated if these parameters vary too much in the physical

domain. The scalar dissipation rate ( ) is not uniform during spray injection and droplet

vaporization process. Therefore , multiple flamelets are used for the spatial inhomogeneity

of c (Barths et al. , 1998).

Il x x st x P Zst dV

st l V ,
Il x x st x P dV


where ,

Il x , t
( )


here , Z is the mix ture fraction corresponding to each flamelet,

l l can vary from 0 to number

of flamelets.

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For multiple flamelet simulations , the first flamelet is initialized at the start of the spray

( start_in ect
j in ). In engine simulations , additional flamelets are initialized at

intervals of 0.5 degree crank angle.

RIF Model and CFD Solver Interaction

The energy conservation equation is solved to get temperature of CFD cells. Figure 13.15

shows how the flow solver and the flamelet code interact. From the turbulent flow and

mi xing field the domain averaged flamelet parameters , scalar dissipation rate conditioned

on stoichiometric mi xture cst and the pressure, p , are extracted. They are transferred to the

flamelet code (RIF model) at each CFD time-step ( n

). The flamelet code computes the

solution of the flamelet equations for the species mass fractions and the temperature as

given in Equations 13.138 and 13.139 for the ne xt time-step ( n 1,

+ ) resolving the chemical

timescales by subcycling the time-step applied by the CFD code. Weighting this solution

with a presumed probability density function as a function of the mi xture fraction and the

the mi xture fraction variance leads to turbulent mean values for the species mass fractions

in physical space. Species transport and the energy equation are then solved to get the

updated mass fractions of all the species and the cell temperature.

Figure 13.15 A schematic of the Representative Interactive Flamelet concept by Peters


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Figure 13.16 shows the coupling of the RIF model with the order of solution of transport

equations (Refer Figure 5.5) in CONVERGE. The species mass fractions from the flamelet

mixture fraction
and its variance ( Z and

code (RIF model) act as sources for the species equations. The transport equations for mean

Z ,
respectively) are solved as passives. These

are used to calculate the scalar dissipation rate and the pressure which is fed back to the

flamelet code (RIF model).

To provide the RIF model with values for the Favre mean mi xture ) and its
fraction ( Z

variance ( Z 2
) , you must define passives for both of these values. You must also define a

passive for each flamelet to be included in the RIF model. To define these passives , include

the following names , followed by a Schmidt number (0.78 is recommended) , under the

PASSIVE section in the file:

Figure 13.16 An excerpt of showing passive inputs for RIF parameters..

Include one instance of RIF_FLMT_ZMEAN# for each flamelet you are including in the RIF

model. Specify the number of flamelets using the num_rif_flamelets parameter. The # in the

RIF_FLMT_ZMEAN# is a counter for the number of the flamelet.

Figure 13.17 below describes the coupling process between the RIF model and the PISO


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Figure 13.17 A schematic of the CONVERGE PISO Loop coupling with RIF Model.

Presumed Shape Probability Density Function Approach

Equations 13.139 - 13.145 in the previous sections are used to calculate the mean mi xture
fraction and the mi xture fraction variance at each point of the turbulent flow field.

Equations for the turbulent flow field , the Reynolds stress equations (or the equation for

the turbulent kinetic energy , k

) , and the equation for the dissipation , , are solved.

In this approach , a suitable two-parameter probability density function (PDF) is presumed

in advance , thereby fi

to known values of

the functional form of the PDF by relating the two parameters

and Z 2
at each point of the flow field.

Beta Function Probability Density Function Approach

In a two-feed system , the mi xture fraction Z varies between Z =0 and Z =1 , so the beta

function PDF is commonly used for the Favre PDF in non-premi xed turbulent combustion.

The beta function has the form

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1 1
1 Z (13.146)

P ; x , t

where G is a
and variance by Z Z

gamma function. The two parameters

a and b are related to the Favre mean

Z (13.147)

1 Z ,


Z 1

1 0.


Using the presumed PDF approach , mean values of any quantity that depends only on the

mi xture fraction can be calculated. For instance , the mean value of yi can be obtained from

i ( x , t ) i Z , t P Z ; x , t dZ.

Clipped Gaussian PDF Approach

In a PDF (probability density function) , singularity might be met when Z =0 and Z =1 and

therefore the probability is finite only in the allowable range of mi xture fraction. Using a

clipped Gaussian PDF can avoid singularity which contains a Gaussian distribution for the

turbulent region 0 < Z < 1 and Dirac delta functions for the intermittent appearance of

unmi xed fluids at Z =0 and Z =1. In the Favre form , the clipped Gaussian PDF is given by

P a (1 a a G (Z )
a Z ),

(Z ) (Z ) ) (1
1 1 2 2

where d (Z-Z0 ) is the Dirac delta function centered in Z = Z

, whose integral is unity if Z =
and is zero otherwise. The parameter IG is defined as

IG G d
(Z ) Z.

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a1 a2 g,

The unknown free parameters and and the variance of the Gaussian distribution ,

are a function of the mean value of Z and the variance of the mix ture fraction Z 2
. These

parameters and variance can be evaluated using the computationally ine xpensive method

suggested by Cleary (2004).

Input Parameters for the RIF Model

The RIF model parameters are located in .

13.5 Simplified General Combustion

A simplified general combustion model can simulate a variety of combustor systems but

provides limited chemical information. CONVERGE contains the Flamelet Generated

Manifold model.

13.5.1 Flamelet Generated Manifold ( FGM )

The Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) model (van Oijen and de Goey , 2000) reduces the

reaction mechanism to two scalars in order to reduce computational time compared to

models that use a full chemical mechanism. The FGM model is typically used for systems

not dominated by kinetic phenomena such as local e xtinction or slow-forming pollutants

( e.g., gas turbines at full power or coal-fired furnaces). This model captures kinetic

phenomena such as ignition , flame e xtinction, and flame quenching and provides accurate

flame dynamics , fuel effects , and emissions.

By running the FGM utility prior to the start of the simulation , CONVERGE populates a

look-up table with a range of model solutions based on the user-specified flamelet type (0D

ignition , 1D diffusion , or 1D premi xed) and other parameters. During the simulation ,
CONVERGE accesses the look-up table to quickly retrieve thermochemical information.

Species Parameters
The FGM model simplifies the chemistry to two scalars: the mi xture fraction , Z
FGM , and the

reaction progress variable , c. The look-up table these scalars in addition to other

thermodynamic data. The normalized ratio of fuel to o xidizer, Z

FGM , has a unique value for

each grid cell at each time-step. Unlike Z in Equation 13.133 , Z

FGM is normalized by the

fuel stream:

(Z Zoxidizerstream )
ZFGM (13.152)
Z fuelstream

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The Z
FGM values range from 0 in the o xidizer stream to 1 in the fuel stream. Note that

when simulating premi xed systems , it is computationally optimal to define the system s
fuel (Z
FGM = 1) as the premixed composition of fuel and o xidizer.

The reaction progress variable , c, is defined as the sum of the product mass fractions

normalized by their equilibrium values , as follows:

c (13.153)


In Equation 13.153 , Y k
denotes species mass fraction and k
is equal to 0 for most

reactants. We recommend that only CO2

and CO
equal 1 and all other values equal 0. In

the FGM model , it is important to select k

so that c increases monotonically from

unburned ( c= 0) to burned ( c= 1) regions.

Flamelet Types
The FGM model in CONVERGE offers three flamelet types: 0D ignition , 1D diffusion , and

1D premi xed.

CONVERGE simulates the 0D ignition flamelet using solutions from an e xperimental 0D

homogeneous reactor over a range of equivalence ratios , initial temperatures , and initial

pressures (Equations 13.11 and 13.12). The look-up table contains the calculated solutions

for Z
FGM , , c pressure ( P,
) and enthalpy (H ) in binary format. The 0D ignition flamelet type

best captures the combustion flame dynamics in internal combustion engines in which

pressure and total enthalpy can change substantially over time.

CONVERGE simulates the 1D diffusion flamelet using solutions from an e xperimental 1D

opposed-flow diffusion flame setup at constant pressure (Equations 13.134 and 13.135).

CONVERGE calculates the pre-ignition regime from unsteady quenching flamelets at the

extinction strain rate and the ignition regime from steady flamelets over a range of

stoichiometric scalar dissipation rates , st via

f (ZFGM )
(ZFGM ) st
f (Z
st ,FGM ) .

In 13.154 , (
FGM ) is the scalar dissipation rate profile , Z
st,FGM is the stoichiometric mi xture
fraction , and f( Z
FGM ) is defined in Equation 13.142. The FGM model assumes that heat loss

does not affect the species composition. CONVERGE calculates the non-adiabatic heat loss

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as the adiabatic temperature in Z

FGM space multiplied by user-specified upper and lower

bounds. The look-up table contains the calculated solutions for Z c

FGM , , H , and the variance


of Z
FGM . The 1D diffusion flamelet type best represents the combustion flame in

constant pressure combustors , such as a coal-fired furnace or a liquid fuel gas turbine


CONVERGE simulates the 1D premi xed flamelet using solutions developed from an

experimental 1D freely propagating premi xed flame setup solved in physical space over

the entire range of equivalence ratios (Equations 13.198 , 13.199 , and 13.200). CONVERGE

calculates non-adiabatic effects similar to the method described for the 1D diffusion
flamelet. The look-up table contains the calculated solutions for Z
FGM , , c H , and
. The

1D premi xed flamelet type best represents turbulent premi xed flames in constant pressure

combustors , such as lean , premi xed gas turbines.

Turbulence Closure
RANS and LES turbulence models used in conjunction with the FGM model require

additional equations to solve for the turbulence/flame interaction. The additional closure

equations are presumed shape probability density functions (PDFs). The presumed shape

PDFs are based on the theoretical distribution of each parameter in the look-up table.

The 0D ignition flamelet has a different set of presumed shape PDFs than both of the 1D

flamelets. The 0D ignition flamelet uses delta functions for Z

FGM , ,c enthalpy , and pressure

PDFs. The 1D diffusion and premi xed flamelets use a beta function for the Z

delta functions for the c, E, and

Since the species details are simplified in the FGM model , CONVERGE solves the Favre
mean (mass-averaged) equations of
and c . For RANS simulations , CONVERGE
solves the transport equation (Equation 13.139) for , while for LES , CONVERGE

calculates the variance by solving

ZFGM C var


in which C
va r
is a constant and is the LES sub-grid length scale. The transport equation

of the Favre mean reaction progress variable is given by

c )

u i c )


t x x xi
( ( ( )
i i (13.156)

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in which the first term is the time-dependent term , the second term is the convection-

dependent term , the third term is the diffusion term , and the fourth term is the mean

unclosed source term.

CONVERGE evaluates the mean source term ,

c , for the reaction progress with either a

kinetic rate model or turbulent flamespeed model. For the 1D diffusion flamelet , the model

calculates the mean source term from the kinetic rate model , in which the c PDF ,
(c c ) ,
is multiplied by the presumed shape PDF , P(Z
FGM ), as shown in:

k k
c P c c dcd
1 1

FGM ) ( )
k k
0 0 .

In Equation 13.157 , is the net reaction rate of the kth species. For the 1D premi xed
flamelet type , CONVERGE calculates the mean source term from the turbulent flamespeed

model ,

c uSt c (13.158)

in which
u is the unburned density and St is the turbulent flamespeed. When using the

turbulent flamespeed model , you must specify how to solve for St : set st_model in to 1 (solve using the Peters model , as given in Equation 13.23) or 2 (solve using

the Zimont model). The Zimont model (Zimont et al. , 1998) defines the turbulent

flamespeed as

St Au Da '

in which A is the user-specified Zimont constant ( fgm_zimont_a , u in ) is the root

mean square of the turbulent fluctuating velocity , Daand is the Damkohler number

defined in Equation 13.24.

For the 0D ignition flamelet type , CONVERGE evaluates the mean source term with the

kinetic rate model when grad c is a small value ; otherwise , CONVERGE solves the

turbulent flamespeed model.

Input Parameters
To activate the FGM model , set fgm_flag = 1 in and include the file in the

Case Directory. Both of these input files contain FGM-related parameters. For an FGM

simulation , you must set eos_flag = 1 in and evap_source_flag = 0 in .

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CONVERGE requires all nonsolid regions to list passives in . For the 0D ignition

flamelet , CMEAN MEAN

and Z are the required passives. For the 1D diffusion and 1D

premi xed , CMEAN, MEAN,

Z and Z VAR are the required passives.

When you enable nox_flag and/or soot_hiroy_flag in, you must list the fuel

species , as well as the following additional species , in fgm_num_species_post to obtain NO x

and/or soot information. For nox_flag = 1 , list O2 , N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , H2 , H, OH , and O.

For soot_hiroy_flag = 1 , list O2 , N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , H2 , and C2H2.

Navigate to the Case Directory in the terminal and type the command

converge fgm

to generate the look-up table. You can run this command in parallel only for the 0D

ignition and 1D premi xed flamelet types. You only need to generate the fgm-table.dat once

unless the flamelet type , chemical mechanism , fuel/o xidizer compositions , equation of

state , gas transport properties , pressure , or enthalpy change.

After running the FGM simulation , CONVERGE writes all final thermodynamic and

passive information to the thermo*.out and passive.out files , respectively.

13.6 Surface Chemistry

CONVERGE has a surface chemistry model that can simulate heterogeneous reactions

between a solid surface and an adjacent gas ( e.g., adsorption or desorption). You can

simulate surface chemistry on two types of surfaces: a non-moving WALL boundary that

is specified in or a porous medium that is specified as a region in .

The surface chemistry model calculates the gas phase chemistry only with the SAGE

detailed chemistry solver (with or without adaptive zoning to accelerate the SAGE solver).

You cannot use most of the other combustion models or other physical models ( e.g.,
radiation modeling or film modeling) in conjunction with surface chemistry modeling ,
although you can use CHT with surface chemistry.

CONVERGE uses an empty site convention for surface chemistry in which the empty site

is considered a species. With adsorption , the gas species replaces the empty surface site.

With desorption , the empty site replaces the surface species as it becomes a gas. Since

CONVERGE assumes the thermal contribution of surface adsorbents is negligible , it does

not contribute to the energy conservation (Equation 13.12).

To model surface chemistry , CONVERGE uses a segregated two-step calculation process ,

which is shown in Figure 13.18. First , CONVERGE calculates the gas phase chemistry ,
which yields new gas phase mass fraction and temperature data. These new values , in

addition to the solid phase coverage fraction data , are used as inputs for the solid phase

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Chemistry Modeling | Surface Chemistry

chemistry calculations. Finally , CONVERGE updates all of the mass fraction , coverage

fraction , and temperature data.

13.6.1 Theory

Figure 13.18: The two-step surface chemistry process in which Yg is the gas phase mass fraction and
is the solid phase species coverage fraction, respectively.

CONVERGE calculates the production rate for the gas species using Equations 13.2 to 13.5

during the gas phase chemistry step.

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In the solid phase chemistry step , CONVERGE uses the updated gas mass fractions and

temperature values along with the solid species coverage fractions as input.

Note that surface (solid) species are considered to be negligible in the calculation of

enthalpy since surface species thermos are unknown. Thus , the governing equations for

mass and energy remain the same as for the gas phase. Similar to the caveats for while

solving for temperature during general combustion in the SAGE detailed chemistry solver ,
it is important to note that the temperature obtained from Equation 13.5 is used to update

only the rate coefficients rather than to update the CONVERGE cell temperature. The cell

temperature is updated after the detailed chemistry calculation has converged using the

computed species concentrations. In order to e xpedite the detailed chemistry calculations ,

kinetics are not solved in cells that fall below a minimum cell temperature ( Tcut as specified

as surfchem_temp_cutoff
in ).

Given a gas/solid reaction

A g B s
( ) ( ) Cs ( )
, (13.160)

CONVERGE calculates the production rate for the solid species B(s) and C(s) as

d B
dt (13.161)


dt ,

respectively , in which is a unitless coverage fraction. Because is a conserved quantity ,

1 (13.163)
j 1

for each surface species j. We define the surface coverage of species j as

[ X ]

j j
, (13.164)

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in which [X ] j
is the molar concentration of species j ( moles cm2 ,
/ ) is the number of

surface sites for species j , and is the surface site density ( mol cm2 / ).

For solid phase chemistry , CONVERGE calculates the production rate for the gas in the

cell as

d[ A ] r A F
dt V ,

in which rA is the reaction rate defined in Equation 13.166 , F is the user-specified washcoat

factor , is the user-specified effectiveness factor (refer to the Effectiveness Factor section

for more information) , and

V is the area of the catalytic surface divided by the volume of

the gas phase in the cell. For boundary cases , CONVERGE computes AV/ with the cell

properties , and for porous region cases , you specify

V as the effective surface-to-volume

ratio. The reaction rate for the gas species is

rA k fr [ XA ] B , (13.166)

in which kfr is the forward rate coefficient. There are two types of forward reaction rate

calculations for surface chemistry , which are shown below in the Reaction Options

section. The CVODES solver (SUNDIALS , 2015) uses Equations 13.161 , 13.162 , and 13.165

to calculate the final Yg", ", and T" values.

CONVERGE considers the production and consumption of gas phase species at the surface

to be a source term S
, A, given as

t t
SA 1
A MWA dt
t t (13.167)

in which MWA is the molecular weight of species A(g) . By subcycling the time-step , t,
CONVERGE appro ximates the source term as

Yg Yg
SA g

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CONVERGE solves the species transport equation with the resulting SA value.

The surface chemistry reaction rate is a strong function of surface area or cell volume. For

most applications , the chemistry will reach steady state and thus changing the mesh

resolution inside a porous region or near the surface chemistry surface during the

simulation will introduce fluctuations to both species and temperature. You can avoid this

problem by using a fi xed grid.

13.6.2 Reaction Options

When calculating the forward reaction rate in the solid phase , there are two reaction

options available: coverage-dependent or sticking probability. For the coverage-dependent

reaction option , CONVERGE calculates the activation energy to determine the reaction

rate. For the sticking reaction option , CONVERGE calculates the sticking coefficient to

determine the reaction rate. The surface_mech.dat section describes the keywords for these

options. Note that surface chemistry supports the FORD and USER options.

Coverage-Dependent (COV) Reaction Option

Gas phase species that adsorb onto the surface can change the behavior of a surface

reaction. CONVERGE computes the forward rate coefficient in a solid phase reaction as

the coverage-dependent Arrhenius e xpression:

r ,i i [ n ]
k fr i AT i [ n ]
( )

i ji
xp [ xp
( ) j j

j j

e ( ) e
, j (13.169)
j 1 ,

ji , ji , and ji
in which are user-specified parameters. For a surface reaction i to be

coverage dependent on multiple surface species j, you must list the three coverage

parameters for each species. CONVERGE solves for the net pre-e xponential factor, Ai , via

Ai A i [ n ]

log log ( )
0 j j (13.170)

in which A0 is a user-specified parameter. CONVERGE solves for the activation energy ,

Er,i, via

Er i E i [ n ]

( )
, 0 j j (13.171)
j 1

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in which E0 is a user-specified parameter.

Sticking Reaction (STICK) Option

For the sticking reaction option , CONVERGE computes the forward rate coefficients in

solid phase reactions in terms of sticking coefficients . Sticking coefficients quantify the

probability that a gas molecule adsorbs when hitting the surface. We define the sticking

coefficients , which are between 0 and 1 , as

i aiT bi exp
ci ,
RT (13.172)

in which a i , bi , and ci, are user-specified parameters. The sticking coefficients are

temperature dependent and increase with surface area.

We convert from a unitless sticking coefficient to a forward kinetic rate coefficient:

' ji

k fr i i j 1
RT (13.173)
tot 2

' ji
in which is the reaction order for that surface species in reaction i and y is the sum of

all the stoichiometric coefficients of surface species reactants.

Motz and Wise (1960) showed that Equation 13.173 becomes less accurate when the

sticking coefficient is close to unity. They proposed the following correction to the forward

rate coefficient:

i '

fr ,i
j 1


1 i tot 2

You may wish to activate the Motz-Wise correction factor if your simulation has a sticking

coefficient near one. Refer to the surface_mech.dat section for details.

Reverse Reaction Rate

Similar to the gas phase reactions described in the Reaction Mechanism Input File section ,
you can specify the Arrhenius coefficients for the reverse reaction with the keyword REV.

The forward and reverse rate coefficients are proportional to one another , and their

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proportionality constant is equal to the equilibrium coefficient , Kcr . The equilibrium

coefficient for surface reactions accounts for both solid and gas phase species with the

following relationship:

Kcr Patm m

mr N i
i K pr

so )

1 j


( (13.175)

n 1 j 1

in which Patm is the atmospheric pressure , R is the gas constant , T is the temperature , and

is the user-specified surface site occupancy of surface species j. Equation 13.14

defines the gas equilibrium constant , Kpr . In Equation 13.175 , the first summation is over

the gas phase species and the second summation over the surface species j of surface site

type n
. CONVERGE updates the surface species concentrations , gas species

concentrations , and temperature.

Note that surface chemistry supports the FORD and USER options.

13.6.3 Effectiveness Factor

The effectiveness factor in Equation 13.165 accounts for diffusion through the washcoat

to the catalyst and can range from 0 to 1. In a thin ( i.e., a few mm ) washcoat , the gas

species diffusion into the catalyst sites may be fast , and thus you can consider the

effectiveness factor to be one. In a thick washcoat , the gas species diffusion is slower and

is less than one. The section describes how to activate the effectiveness

factor calculation.

CONVERGE solves for the effectiveness factor


using the Thiele modulus (Deutschmann et al. , 2014)


D eff c L
j, j

In Equation 13.177 , F is the user-specified washcoat factor , L is the user-specified washcoat

thickness and D ,eff

is the effective diffusion coefficient for the user-specified surface species

j. CONVERGE solves for the effective diffusion coefficient via

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Deff D (13.178)


in which is the user-specified washcoat porosity and is the user-specified washcoat

tortuosity. The mi xed diffusion coefficient , , is defined as

1 1 1

D Dmol Dknud
j ,j

To solve for the mi xed diffusion coefficient , CONVERGE calculates the Knudsen diffusion

coefficient as

p dp RT
Dknud c 8

,j (13.180)
3 j

where both c is a constant and D is the molecular diffusion coefficient (specified using the

species_diffusion_model parameter in .

In Equation 13.180 , dp is the user-specified pore diameter. CONVERGE calculates the

molecular diffusion coefficient using the CONVERGE-calculated viscosity of the cell and

the Schmidt number Sc.

13.7 Adaptive Zoning

CONVERGE includes adaptive zoning (Babajimopoulos et al. (2005) , which accelerates the

chemistry calculations by grouping together similar computational cells and then invoking

the chemistry solver once per group rather than once per cell. Adaptive zoning was

implemented jointly by Convergent Science and Lawrence Livermore National


General Procedure
At any given time t, each cell is at some thermodynamic state. Based on the

thermodynamic states of the cells , CONVERGE groups the cells into zones. The

thermodynamic state of each zone is based on the average temperature and composition of

all of the cells in that zone. CONVERGE invokes the chemistry solver once on each zone.

The chemical kinetic equations for a closed-volume homogeneous reactor of each zone can

be written as

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Chemistry Modeling | Adaptive Zoning

k Y
k k
W 1, ..., k K
zone zone


k Wk ek ,

t zone cv k
1 zone

where k is the production/consumption rate of species k Wk

; and ek are the molecular

weight and the specific internal energy of the species k, respectively ; and c is the constant

volume specific heat of the gas mi xture. All of these quantities are zone-based values. Each

zone is allowed to react from time t to t Dt

+ . Once the new zone composition is obtained ,
CONVERGE maps the zonal temperatures and mass fractions to the computational cells

such that temperature and composition non-uniformities are preserved. The mapping

strategy , which is described below in the Mapping Strategy section , is critical to ensure the

quality of the solution.

Zoning Strategy
When adaptive zoning is active , CONVERGE groups cells into zones (also known as bins).

Figure 13.19 below shows an e xample of the zoning process. It is important to note that

the zoning strategy in CONVERGE is similar but not identical to the strategy of

Babajimopoulos et al. (2005).

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Chemistry Modeling | Adaptive Zoning

Figure 13.19: An example zoning process based on

temperature and progress equivalence ratio.

CONVERGE has a multi-dimensional zoning strategy , which means different variables can

be specified for the zoning process. Temperature and progress equivalence ratio (defined

below) are required. You can select additional variables (pressure , total equivalence ratio ,
the cube root of the mass fraction of a specified species) if desired. The number of variables

is the number of dimensions of the zoning strategy. In general a two-dimensional

(temperature and progress equivalence ratio) zoning strategy works well for single fuel

simulations. A higher-dimension strategy may be required for multi-fuel applications.

Specify the zoning strategy variables via the adaptive_zone_bin_* parameters.

Note that cells that belong to different regions are automatically placed in different zones.

The progress equivalence ratio ,j, and the total equivalence ratio , jt , are given as

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# 2


O CO #
H 2

2 C #


t 2
O #

where C# is the number of carbon atoms , H

# is the number of hydrogen atoms , C CO
is the

number of carbon atoms e xcluding CO2 , and HH
O is the number of hydrogen atoms

excluding H2O. Progress equivalence ratio is preferable to total equivalence ratio as the

progress ratio tracks the progress of the reactions.

In CONVERGE , the number of zones is not predetermined. Instead , the number of zones

varies dynamically with the stratification of the flow field parameters. The mass of each

zone is non-uniform as the cells are distributed non-uniformly.

The accuracy of SAGE with adaptive zoning depends on the user-supplied zone sizes.

Accuracy increases as the zone size is reduced , but the computational effort increases.

There are two methods to specify bin sizes. You can have some variables with one bin size

method and other variables with the other bin size method.

The first option is a fi xed bin size. For e xample, you could have a fi xed temperature bin

size of 10 K or a fi xed progress equivalence ratio bin size of 0.1. The second option is a

variable bin size , where the bin size can vary as a function of the bin variable. You can use

the second option , for e xample, to refine the zones in the temperature range in which

combustion is most important. When appropriately configured , a variable bin size saves

computational time compared to a fi xed (fine) bin size for the entire temperature range.

The bin size options are controlled by adaptive_zone_bin_* in

Mapping Strategy
For adaptive zoning , CONVERGE uses the mapping technique outlined by

Babajimopoulos et al. (2005). This mapping is based on the ch value of the individual cells

in the zone. The ch value of an individual cell is defined as

chcell C CO O
, (13.184)

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where C CO #
is the number of carbon atoms e xcluding CO2 and HH
O is the number of

hydrogen atoms e xcluding H2O. CONVERGE calculates the ch value for each cell and

each zone before starting the zonal chemical calculations. The sum of all the ch values of

the individual cells ( chcell ) in a zone will be equal to the ch value of the zone ( chzone ).

CONVERGE uses the following equation to calculate all the individual species e xcept CO2 ,
H2O , O2 , and N2L:

mk cell chcell m k zone

. (13.185)
, ,

CONVERGE attempts to conserve the carbon , hydrogen , and o xygen atoms in each cell by

readjusting the mass of CO2 , H2O , and O2 as follows:

m mCO
Wk cell c k W C
, , cell #
cell , (13.186)
k k CO 2

m m
Wk cell hk W
, O ,cell #
H cell ,
2 (13.187)
k k H2 O


m mO
Wk cell ok W Ocell ,
, , cell #
k k O 2

where mk,cell is the mass of species k in a cell ; ck, hk, and ok are the number of carbon ,

hydrogen , and o xygen atoms in species k; and Ccell ,

# #
H cell , and Ocell
are the number of

moles of carbon atoms , hydrogen atoms and o xygen atoms in a given cell. The total mass

in an individual cell is conserved by readjusting the mass of the remaining N2.

For improved NO x predictions , CONVERGE allows mapping based on nitrogen atoms.

The adaptive_zone_nox_flag parameter in controls this option .

Input Parameters for Adaptive Zoning

The adaptive zoning parameters are located in .

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Chemistry Modeling | Combustion-Related Output

13.8 Combustion-Related Output

Mixture Fraction
CONVERGE will calculate the mi xture fraction if mix_frac_flag = 1 in . The

mi xture fraction is calculated from

ns NC i WCYi ns N i W Yi ,

W H_ H
i 1 i i 1

where i is the species ; ns is the number of species ; NC_i and N H_i are the number of carbon

and hydrogen atoms , respectively , in species i; WC and W

are the molecular weights of

carbon and hydrogen , respectively ; Yi is the species mass fraction ; and Wi is the molecular

weight of species i .

CONVERGE will calculate the mi xture fraction variance if mix_frac_var_flag = 1 in . The mi xture fraction variance is calculated as

t Z 2 t

Z i Z .
2 2

t i x
i t i t x Sc x Sc x

The scalar dissipation , c, is modeled by

c ,

Z (21.3)

where c c is a model constant ( mix_frac_c_chi ) in . , Note that if you set

mix_frac_var_flag = 1 , you must include a passive called mix_frac_var in .

Post-Processing Parameters
CONVERGE will keep track of the hydrocarbon species and CO, , H and H
2 if you include

the keyword hc in as a non-transport passive. Figure 13.20 below shows an

example excerpt of .

hiroy_soot 0.78 passive name, schmidt number
nox 0.78 passive name, schmidt number

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Figure 13.20 Excerpt of that includes a non-transport passive for hydrocarbons (hc).

CONVERGE will write all relevant output quantities (mass , mean and standard deviation)

for the hydrocarbons passive.out

to . To generate cell-by-cell information related to

hydrocarbons , define hc passive(<passive name>)

as in . Figure 13.21 below shows an

excerpt of a file.

Figure 13.21 An excerpt of showing non-transport passive inputs for hydrocarbon.

In G-equation simulations , you can generate cell-by-cell information related to the value of

G by including the the keyword passive(G_E N) Q in the file.

13.9 Combustion T ime-Step Control

CONVERGE allows you to specify a variable time-step based on combustion. If the ignition

or combustion model is active , the ma ximum time-step for combustion is given by

dt chem dt * T mult dt chem,

_ min _ _ (13.189)

where dt is the current time-step , mult_dt_chem is a user-specified multiplier given in, T is the initial cell temperature for the current time-step , and DT is the change in

cell temperature due to combustion.

13.10 Chemistry T ools

CONVERGE includes zero- and one-dimensional chemistry tools. In addition , it includes a

mechanism reduction tool.

13.10.1 Z ero-Dimensional Combustion Utilities

CONVERGE offers three zero-dimensional utility tools :

1. Constant volume zero-dimensional (autoignition) simulations

2. Sensitivity analysis and adjoint sensitivity analysis

3. Mechanism reduction

Unlike a typical CONVERGE simulation , these zero-dimensional utility tools do not need

boundary information , surface file geometry , or other model inputs for turbulence , spray ,
and combustion.

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The format for a serial e xecution of a zero-dimensional calculation is:

converge <argument>

A sample command for a parallel e xecution (using 16 processors) of a zero-dimensional

case is:

mpiexec n 16 converge <argument>

Type the relevant argument for calculation of ignition delay ( zerod) or reduction of

reaction mechanisms ( reduction) in the command line. This is discussed in the following

two sections.

Use the Chemistry module in CONVERGE Studio to configure the input and data files that

CONVERGE will use for zero-dimensional combustion utility tools. Access the Chemistry
module by clicking the molecule button ( ) in the lower-left corner of CONVERGE

Studio's main window.

Autoignition (Zero-Dimensional Calculations)

In an engine simulation , ignition delay is defined as the time between the start of injection

and the start of combustion , which is indicated in a simulation as a detectable heat


In the autoignition utility , CONVERGE generates ignition delay data for different

combinations of temperature , pressure , and equivalence ratio of fuel mi xture. To use this

utility, you must first save input data in two files:
and .

CONVERGE will use these files to generate ignition delay data in ignition_det.dat . In this

autoignition tool , CONVERGE allows the combustible species to react e xothermically in a

constant-volume bomb. The time required for the temperature to increase by 400 K from its

initial value is defined in CONVERGE as ignition delay. This is shown below in Figure


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Figure 13.22: Ignition delay calculation in CONVERGE.

You can use a chemical equilibrium (CE Q) solver with the autoignition utility to predict

species concentrations at equilibrium. The zero-dimensional CE Q solver uses the same

approach as that of the CE Q combustion model in CONVERGE (Pope , 2003). You can

enforce either constant enthalpy and pressure or constant temperature and pressure (via

ceq_constant_enth_pres and ceq_constant_temp_pres, respectively , in ). This

utility writes the results of a zero-dimensional CE Q simulation (species concentrations at

equilibrium in mass fraction and mole fraction format) to zero_d_sol_case#.out .

The format for a serial e xecution of a zero-dimensional ignition delay calculation is:

converge zerod

A sample command for a parallel e xecution (using 16 processors) of a zero-dimensional

autoignition simulation is:

mpiexec n 16 converge zerod

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In the input file , specify the initial conditions of temperature , pressure , and

the species as outlined in Chapter 22. Repeat all of these parameters for each case in . Separate the groups of parameters for each case with an empty line.

The time for integration you specify via zero_d_end_time may not be the numerical upper

time limit for integration , especially in cases when you have specified a time much greater

than the ignition delay. CONVERGE cuts off this upper time-limit at the moment when the

temperature no longer increases (close to equilibrium). CONVERGE re-normalizes the mole

fractions internally , so you do not need to ensure that the sum of mole fractions of the

reactants be unity.

The controls for the numerics to calculate the ignition delay are set in .

Specify the nature of the solver , the tolerance values , the input and output format (mass or

mole fraction) , and more as shown in Chapter 22.

Zero-Dimensional Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis

While sensitivity analysis (SENS) writes sensitivity data for all species for all time steps

internal to the CVODES code , adjoint sensitivity analysis (ASENS) provides data at the last

time step or at ignition time for the species specified. Since it captures less data , ASENS is

about an order of magnitude faster than SENS. ASENS is useful when running ignition

delay simulations , but note that ASENS cannot be run with double ignition delay.

To activate ASENS , set the zero_d_sensitivity_flag = 1 in . List the number of

variables for which you want to perform ASENS using zero_num_asens_variables (in , ) then list the variables (species and/or temperature). Note that if you set

zero_num_asens_variables = 0 , the solver will automatically perform ASENS for

temperature. You must tune the ASENS tolerance ( zero_d_asens_rel_tol and

zero_d_asens_abs_tol in ) to avoid a CVODES error. Recommended values

are listed in Chapter 22.

y f (t , y ) y (t0 ) y0 g g (t , y , p )
Given that and , let be a derived function of the

solution. If we want to evaluate the sensitivity of this function with respect to the

parameters at a given time tf , we must solve


with the initial condition

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(t f ) (13.191)
y t t f

Integrating backwards from t = tf t = to 0 , we get

dg (t f )
(t0 ) s (t0 ) g p (t f ) * f p dt
dx t0

To obtain the sensitivity of temperature with respect to the parameters , the function g
becomes temperature , and Equation (13.192) = {0 ,0 ,0 ,...1 }. ,
That is the derivative of g with

respect to the species concentrations is zero , and with respect to temperature is one. When

dg (t f )

f p dt (13.193)
dx t0

the sensitivity matri x is a zero matri x at time t = t0 and the derived function g is not a

function of the parameter p .

Adjoint sensitivity analysis will write zero_d_asens.out, zero_d_asens_rank.out and

zero_d_asens_case#.out .

Zero-Dimensional Sensitivity Analysis

Given a general chemical reaction

AB C , (13.194)

we can define the total reaction rate , , r as

r P K f c A c B K b cC
( )
, (13.195)

in which Kf and Kb are the forward and backward reaction rates , respectively ; P is the

sensitivity parameter ; and c is the concentration of the reaction species. A reaction s

sensitivity parameter is proportional to the reaction rate. As the concentrations change , the

sensitivity parameter changes. CONVERGE quantifies the rate at which this change occurs

as the sensitivity coefficient S

, i , and calculates it

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dPi (13.196)

in which Z is a matri
x of all concentration and temperature output values from a zero-

dimensional simulation. The zero-dimensional sensitivity analysis utility ranks the

sensitivity coefficients for each case that is listed in . If you know the

sensitivity coefficient for each reaction , you can quantify how each reactions affects the

resulting concentrations and temperature and adjust the reaction rates in the reaction

mechanism file to improve your simulation results.

To set up the sensitivity analysis in CONVERGE , set zero_d_sensitivity_flag = 2 in . You can apply the sensitivity analysis option to either none or all of the

zero-dimensional cases and use it along with either constant pressure (CONP) or constant

volume (CONV) cases. When you run the zero-dimensional simulation (refer to the Zero-

Dimensional Combustion Utilities section) with sensitivity analysis , CONVERGE writes the

sensitivity coefficient matri x at each time-step to sens<case>.out in which <case> is the 0D

case number from . The sensitivity analysis runs on all species and the

TEMPERATURE for each reaction in a SENS case. If the reaction mechanism is large , the

sensitivity analysis will be computationally e xpensive.

To post-process the sens<case>.out files(s) , use the sens_convert utility.

Post-Processing Senstivity Output

Sens Convert
Use the sens_convert utility to normalize the sensitivity coefficient matri x values (contained

in the sens<caseID>.out files created by the 0D combustion utility when

zero_d_sensitivity_flag = 2 in ) by the ma ximum Z

value for the entire


The utility creates , folders each of which contains three files for each species:

sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_neg.out, and

where # output#
in folder and <case> in the file name represents the 0D case number ,
while <num> represents the variable number from species_info.dat and <name> is the

variable name.

In the command line , go to the output directory and type sens_convert. CONVERGE will

prompt you as follows:

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1. Select which output files to convert. The utility lists all sens* files in a numbered list , an

e xample of which follows:

[1]: sens0.out
[2]: sens1.out
[3]: sens2.out
[4]: sens3.out
[5]: sens4.out
The utility will prompt you for the files to convert. To select specific file(s) , enter the file

number(s) ( e.g., in the e xample above , enter 1,3-5 to convert all files e xcept [2 ]). To

select files at a specified frequency , enter the number of the first file in the range , the

selection frequency , and the number of the last file in the range , separated by colons ,
( e.g., in the e xample 1:2:5
above , enter to convert files [1 ], [3 ], and [5 ]). You can also

enter the keywords all, first, or last.

2. Select which variables to convert. The sens_convert utility will list all of the variables

in the species_info.dat file to be converted and prompt you to select the variable(s) to be

included in the converted files. Enter the variable numbers.

13.10.2 One-Dimensional Combustion Utilities

CONVERGE includes a premi xed laminar flamespeed calculation model at constant

pressure. This model calculates the flamespeed of the combustion reaction using a freely

propagating flame. Similar to an ideal case setup to measure flamespeed , CONVERGE

models the 1D flame in a channel with fi xed cross-sectional area. You must specify the

unburned fuel/o xidizer composition and temperature along with the channel pressure.

Note that in CONVERGE 2.3 , there was only one approach for calculating the flamespeed:

the stand-alone Newton solver. In CONVERGE 2.4 , there are three approaches for

calculating the flamespeed.

Stand-alone steady-state solver (Newton's method)

PISO solver: calculation using the CONVERGE CFD solver in 1D

A hybrid of the above approaches

Stand-Alone Steady-State Solver (Newton's Method)

CONVERGE solves for the burned fuel/o xidizer composition and temperature with the

species and energy conservation equations using Newton s method. The species

conservation equation is

M dYk d AYkVk S
( )

dx dx
0 (13.197)

in which Yk is the species mass fraction of the k th species , is the density, Vk is the

diffusion velocity of the k th species , A is the constant cross-sectional area of the channel ,
S is the source term. We define the mass flow rate

, M , as

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M uA (13.198)

in which u is the flamespeed. The energy conservation equation is

M dT d A dT A YkVkc pk dT S

dx c p dx dx c p dx

in which T is the temperature , is the thermal conductivity of the mix ture, cpk is the

constant-pressure heat capacity of the k th species , and cp is the constant-pressure heat

capacity of the mi xture. We define the flamespeed calculation model to have no heat loss.

CONVERGE iteratively solves Equations 13.197 and 13.199 for values of Yk and T until the

user-defined tolerance is met.

Table 13.11 describes the parameters that control the Newton solver.

PISO Solver: CONVERGE CFD Solver in 1D

This approach uses the CONVERGE CFD solver with special considerations handled

automatically by the 1D utility. That is , you supply the necessary inputs (not as many as

for a full 3D CONVERGE CFD simulation) and the 1D utility runs a one-dimensional

premi xed laminar flamespeed case in CONVERGE. This approach is more robust but more

computationally e xpensive compared to the Newton solver. The procedure monitors

solution variables in flamespeed.out and thermo.out and when both converge on the current

grid , CONVERGE switches to a stricter criterion for Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) to

improve the solution accuracy.

Many of the parameters that you specify in for this approach are pro xies
for inputs that you would typically supply in files such as,, or for a

full 3D CONVERGE CFD simulation. Since the 1D solver is a theoretical model , you need

to specify only certain parameters while the 1D utility determines others from assumptions

about the 1D model. Therefore , the only necessary CONVERGE inputs are in
and (and the reaction mechanism file , thermodynamic data

file transport.dat
and for reaction mechanism and thermodynamic properties).

Using the PISO solver requires a procedure for anchoring the flame at a fi xed location in

the computational domain. Otherwise , the flame would progress through the domain and

the results would not be useful. The flame location is xthe location such that the

temperature at the flame location is equal to Tanchor ( one_d_anchor_temp in ).

After calculating the flame location , CONVERGE adjusts the inlet velocity U via Equation

13.200 such that the flame is stationary.

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U inlet
U inlet 1 r rSl (13.200)

In Equation 13.200 , the superscript n indicates the previous time-step , n1

the superscript +

indicates the current time-step , r is the velocity rela xation factor ( piso_relax_velocity_factor
in , ) and Sl is the estimated flamespeed. To aid convergence , CONVERGE

adds a source term to the x momentum equation. This source is

srcx ux unburned n
U inlet , (13.201)

where is a damping factor ( piso_massflowrate_damp_factor in ).

To determine convergence at a particular grid level , CONVERGE uses the steady-state

monitor feature to monitor the flamespeed in one_d_flamespeed.out and the heat release

rate in thermo.out . You do not have to manually configure the monitor steady-state feature

because the 1D utility automatically activates and controls this procedure. You can ,
however , control the number of samples per bin via piso_sample_size, the tolerance on the

difference between the means of two adjacent bins via piso_tol_avg, and the ma ximum
allowable standard deviation in monitored samples viapiso_max_std (all in ).

To improve the speed of the PISO solver , it is good practice to begin the 1D simulation on a

coarse grid and specify multiple values for the AMR sub-grid scale criterion. When the

difference between the actual field and the resolved field in some part of the domain

exceeds the sub-grid scale criterion , CONVERGE refines the grid in this location. The 1D

utility monitors convergence via the steady-state monitor feature (as described above) to

determine when to change to the ne xt value of sub-grid scale. Use

piso_num_amr_temp_stages in to specify the number of values for the AMR

sub-grid scale criterion. On the lines below , enter monotonically decreasing values for the

temperature sub-grid scale criterion for each stage followed by piso_amr_temp_sgs, with

one entry per line.

You can optionally specify a final stage for the PISO solver. That is , after the number of

AMR sub-grid scale stages prescribed by piso_num_amr_temp_stages have occurred ,

CONVERGE will perform one stage of the simulation with tighter tolerances and a lower

CFL number and calculate a converged solution. Set piso_final_flag = 1 in to

activate the final simulation stage. In addition to specifying a final set of parameters for the

steady-state monitor , you can also specify a ma ximum CFL number based on viscosity via

piso_final_max_cfl_nu in . Typically , you decrease this CFL number to

decrease the time-step and thus improve accuracy.

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Hybrid Approach
This approach combines the previously-described approaches. The first portion of the

simulation employs the PISO solver on a coarse grid. After the monitored variables

converge for each value of sub-grid scale criterion in the CONVERGE CFD solver , the 1D

utility maps the results to the stand-alone steady-state Newton solver for a faster solution

on a fine mesh. Since the PISO solver approach is more robust , using the hybrid approach

assists in obtaining a stable initial solution and then obtaining a fast solution on a finer


Inputs (For All Approaches)

Similar to the 0D combustion utility , the 1D flame model does not require geometry , spray ,
turbulence , or combustion inputs. Even if you employ the PISO solver or the hybrid

approach , the 1D utility generates any necessary CONVERGE inputs automatically. The

1D flame model does , however , require the Case Directory to contain a reaction

mechanism file for species and reaction details ; a thermodynamic data file for the species
thermodynamic constants ; transport.dat for a list of diffusion coefficients ;
for the tolerance and iteration frequency ; and for the flame type , fuel and

oxidizer composition , and steady-state boundary conditions (link to relevant sections in

chapter 21).

Figure 13.23 shows an e xample of a CHEMKIN-formatted transport.dat file. The columns

from left to right are the species name , the inde x indicating if the molecular geometry is

monatomic (0) , linear (1) , or nonlinear (2) ; J

the Lennard- ones potential ; the Lennard- ones J
collision diameter ; the dipole moment ; the polarizability ; and the rotational rela xation
collision number.

CO 1 98.100 3.650 0.000 1.950 1.800

H2O 2 572.400 2.605 1.844 0.000 4.000
H2 1 38.000 2.920 0.000 0.790 280.000
CO2 1 244.000 3.763 0.000 2.650 2.100
O2 1 107.400 3.458 0.000 1.600 3.800
H2O2 2 107.400 3.458 0.000 0.000 3.800
OH 1 80.000 2.750 0.000 0.000 0.000
HO2 2 107.400 3.458 0.000 0.000 1.000
H 0 145.000 2.050 0.000 0.000 0.000
O 0 80.000 2.750 0.000 0.000 0.000
AR 0 136.500 3.330 0.000 0.000 0.000
N2 1 97.530 3.621 0.000 1.760 4.000
HE 0 10.200 2.576 0.000 0.000 0.000
Figure 13.23: Sample transport.dat file.

The 1D flame calculation requires the and files.

To start the calculation for a 1D premi xed laminar flame , navigate to your Case Directory

and type

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converge oned_flame

Output (For All Approaches)

CONVERGE writes several output files related to the flamespeed. The mech_check.out file

contains a list of species and reactions in the simulation. The one_d_flamespeed.out file

contains the calculated flamespeed. The transport_check.out file lists the coefficients for

diffusion calculation for each species in the same format as the transport.dat file. The

one_d_sol_case#.out file contains domain-specific output ( e.g., distance the flame front

traveled , temperature , mass flow , and species mass fraction). For e xample, the solution

that corresponds to the first case listed in would be in the file

one_d_sol_case00001.out .

One-Dimensional Sensitivity Analysis

You can run a sensitivity analysis with the one-dimensional flamespeed solver to

determine the flamespeed sensitivity to the pre-e xponential factor A (in Equation 13.0)for

various reactions in the reaction mechanism file.

To run a sensitivity analysis , set newton_sensitivity_flag = 1 in . Note that this

feature works with only the stand-alone 1D Newton solver and the hybrid solver

( one_d_solver_type = 1 or 3 in ). When you run a one-dimensional sensitivity

analysis , the solver first calculates a converged flamespeed and then perturbs the pre-

e xponential factor for the reactions in the mechanism to detect the flamespeed sensitivity

to this factor.

When you activate the sensitivity analysis option , the one-dimensional utility writes files

that contain the sensitivity information for each case in the form one_d_sens_case#.out . The

# corresponds to the cases listed in based on the order in which the cases


This output file contains a list of the species in the mechanism and the sensitivity factor of

each , sorted by largest absolute value to smallest absolute value. The case details are

written as comments at the top of the file. Figure 13.24 shows an example
one_d_sens_cases#.out files.

# column 1 2 3 4
# Place Reaction Sensitivity Reaction_Type
# (none) (none) (none) (none)
# One-D premixed flame at pressure = 1.000000e+00 bar, unburned temperature =
3.000000e+02 K, phi = 1.000000e+00, EGR ratio by volume = 0.000000e+00
# Grid Points: 148 Species: 53 Reactions: 325 Flame Speed: 3.8767397e+01
1 38 5.503337e-01 # H+O2=O+OH
2 52 -1.648043e-01 # H+CH3(+M)=CH4(+M)
3 99 1.191751e-01 # OH+CO=H+CO2
4 97 7.664641e-02 # OH+CH3=CH2(S)+H2O

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5 119 7.428686e-02 # HO2+CH3=OH+CH3O

6 35 -7.211104e-02 # H+O2+H2O=HO2+H2O
Figure 13.24: Example one_d_sens_case#.out file.
13.10.3 Mechanism Reduction

Comprehensive kinetic combustion models incorporate hundreds of chemical species and

thousands of reactions. These combustion models are too computationally e xpensive to use

in most simulations in which the complementary physical processes (such as heat and

mass transfer or gas motion) are also embodied in the simulations. The computational time

taken to obtain a numerical solution is typically N2 , where N is the number of species ,

or n , where n is the number of reactions.

To make the mechanism computationally efficient , you must reduce the number of

reaction species and reactions in a way that maintains solution accuracy. Mechanism

reduction is normally performed in a zero-dimensional environment ( e.g., a spatially

uniform chemical reactor). You must validate the reduced mechanisms at various stages of

reduction by comparing reduced mechanism output to comprehensive mechanism output.

The precision with which quantitative agreement between the reduced and full models is

established determines the e xtent of the reduction that can be achieved. This is controlled

by tests at different thresholds. The overall target becomes a balance between

computational efficiency and accuracy of the reduced mechanism output.

CONVERGE uses a basic skeletal mechanism reduction in which all species deemed

unimportant (along with their associated reactions) are removed from the original detailed

mechanism. The skeletal mechanism reduction is based on Directed Relation Graph with

Error Propagation and Sensitivity Analysis (DRGEPSA). The sections below describe the

DRGEPSA methodology. You can efficiently generate a reduced mechanism by running it

on multiple machines in parallel.

You can run either stand-alone zero-dimensional cases (described in the previous sections)

or mechanism reduction. For a stand-alone zero-dimensional case , CONVERGE writes the

ignition delay time for all the cases. For a mechanism reduction , CONVERGE writes the

final skeletal mechanism and the ignition delay times for both the original full mechanism

and the final skeletal mechanism.

Mechanism Reduction
The format for a serial e xecution of a zero-dimensional mechanism reduction calculation


converge reduction

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A sample command for a parallel e xecution (using 16 processors) of a zero-dimensional

mechanism reduction calculation is:

mpiexec n 16 converge reduction

CONVERGE looks for three files -,, and - to

generate the skeletal mechanism in mech_ske.dat . The

inputs for and are described in the Autoignition (Zero-Dimensional Calculations) section

in this chapter. The ignition_det.dat file contains the ignition delay data for the original

mechanism. The ignition_ske.dat file contains the ignition delay data for the skeletal


Dynamic Mechanism Reduction

An alternative to reducing the mechanism prior to e xecuting a SAGE simulation is to

invoke the Dynamic Mechanism Reduction (DMR) option. DMR will reduce the

mechanism during the SAGE simulation based on target weight and error propagation

tolerance values you specify.

To activate the DMR utility , you must first activate the SAGE detailed chemistry solver by

setting sage_flag = 1 in . Configure the SAGE-related parameters as needed. Note

that if you activate DMR in conjuction with adaptive zoning , each bin will have its own

reduced mechanism that will vary with time.

Ne x t sage_dmr_flag =
set 1 in . CONVERGE will look for a file named in the Case Directory. When using DMR , you need to declare two non-,
transport passives in as shown below in Figure 13.25.

DMR_NUM_SPECIES non-transport passive name
DMR_NUM_REACTIONS non-transport passive name
Figure 13.25: An excerpt of

The dmr_mech_info.out file contains statistical information about the species and reactions

when DMR is active.

DRG (Directed Relation Graph)

Lu and Law (2005) devised an automatic mechanism reduction procedure based on the

theory of directed relation graph (DRG). Each verte x in a DRG as shown in Figure 13.26

represents a species in the detailed mechanism. An edge from verte x A to verte x B exists
only if the removal of species B would directly induce significant error to the production

rate of species A. This effect is measured by the normalized contribution r

, AB , defined as:

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A ii Bi
1 ,

i ,I if the i reaction involves species B

Bi ,
A i i
, 0 , otherwise
i ,I

where nA,i is the stoichiometric coefficient of species A in reaction i and wi is the net rate of

a reversible reaction i. The net rate of a reversible reaction is the difference between the

rates of the forward and the backward reactions.

The DRG starts as a set of species specified in the reaction mechanism file , where each

species is represented by a stand-alone verte x in Figure 13.26 below. Then the DRG uses a

user-defined threshold , e, for the normalized contribution , 0 < e < 1. The DRG uses this

threshold to determine which species are retained in the reduced mechanism. The DRG is

developed by an iterative procedure by maintaining connections and the corresponding

species for which rAB > e .

Figure 13.26 below is a simplified representation of a DRG. In this e xample, if you set

e =0.15 , species G and J from the detailed mechanism depicted in (a) get removed to reduce

the mechanism to the mechanism shown in (b).

(a) (b)
Figure 13.26: (a) Original DRG, (b) DRG reduced (e=0.15).

DRGEP (Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation)

You can define a set of primary dependent species for species A , consisting of those species

that appear e xplicitly in reactions involving A. If species B is not in the primary dependent

set of A , then rAB=

0. However , species C interacting with species A through species B is

necessary for A only if it is necessary for B and B is necessary for A. This indirect coupling

is quantified by a path-dependent coefficient r

, AB,i . The path-dependent coefficient rAB,i is

the product of the normalized contributions along path i between species A and B. The

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influence of species B on species A is characterized by coefficient RAB, which is the

ma ximum of the path-dependent coefficients:

rAB i r Y ,
, X

Y i

RAB all pathsx i rAB i

ma .

In the Directed Relation Graph with Error Propagation (DRGEP) method , the species

selection procedure is based on the RAB values instead of the rAB values used in the DRG

method. A connection is considered significant (and therefore is used in the mechanism) if

the RAB value is larger than the threshold you define as e.

For e xample, consider the case in Figure 13.27 , for the path from species A to D:

RAD ma r r r r r
x AD ,i max ( AB BD ), ( AC CD ), ( AC CE ED ).
all paths i
r r r (13.204)

Figure 13.27: RAD is the path-dependent coefficient.

To e xplain this further , the path-dependent coefficients for each species (with respect to A)

as seen in Figure 13.26 (from the previous section) are shown in Figure 13.28.

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Species RAi
A 1
B 0.5
C 0.6
D 0.12
E 0.48
F 0.3
G 0.006
H 0.036
I 0.096
J 0.01
Figure 13.28: Sample DRGEP path-dependent coefficient calculations.

If you set e = 0.1 , then the species G, H, I, and J are removed from the original mechanism.

DRGEPSA (Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation with Sensitivity Analysis)

The Directed Relation Graph with Error Propagation and Sensitivity Analysis (DRGEPSA)

algorithm (Raju et al. , 2012) consists of two phases: (1) DRGEP and (2) Sensitivity Analysis

(SA). Figure 13.29 shows a flow chart of the DRGEPSA algorithm.

Figure 13.29: A flow chart depicting the

DRGEPSA algorithm.

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To begin the DRGEPSA process in CONVERGE , set up several autoignition simulations for

the given range of initial temperature , pressure , and equivalence ratio conditions. For each

case , a set of sample points are selected along the integration curve at 10 K intervals. For

each sample point , the DRGEP coefficients are calculated based on a set of target species.

Once the overall interaction coefficients (OICs) are calculated , different cut-off tolerances

for OICs are chosen and a skeletal mechanism is generated for each cut-off value. For each

of the resulting skeletal mechanisms , autoignition simulations are performed and the

ma ximum error in the ignition time delay values as compared to the detailed chemistry is

calculated. An optimal mechanism is thus chosen as the smallest mechanism whose error

in the ignition delay is within the user-specified tolerance limit.

Once the optimal mechanism is obtained from the DRGEP step , sensitivity analysis is

performed to further reduce the size of the mechanism. In the sensitivity analysis phase ,
the OIC values of the species in the skeletal mechanism are arranged in ascending order

and a fi xed fraction of the species from the top of the list is chosen for sensitivity analysis.

This list of species is the limbo species .

The error induced by each of the species is calculated by removing this species from the

DRGEP-generated skeletal mechanism. The error in the ignition delay is then calculated for

the resulting skeletal mechanism. This error is an indication of the sensitivity of the species

to the prediction of ignition delay time.

Now the species are arranged in ascending order based on this error. In the ne xt ,
step the

optimal skeletal mechanism is determined from the sensitivity analysis. This is done by

removing the species identified from the top of the list one by one from the DRGEP-

generated mechanism until the error generated by the resulting skeletal mechanism is less

than the user-defined tolerance for ignition delay. Thus the optimal skeletal mechanism is

obtained. All the steps in the algorithm are e xecuted sequentially.

In CONVERGE , DRGEPSA can be e xecuted in parallel. You can expect linear scalability as

you increase the number of processors until the number of processors e xceeds the number

of zero-dimensional cases defined in .

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Em issions Modeling
Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling |

14 Emissions Modeling

CONVERGE contains several models to simulate soot or NO x production. These models

are described in the subsections that follow.

Species of interest such as CO , CO2 , and unburned hydrocarbons are always calculated or

interpolated in CONVERGE , provided they are included in the reaction mechanism file

and are a part of the combustion model used by the simulation.

To activate emissions modeling , set emissions_flag = 1 in and include an file in the Case Directory.

14.1 NOx M odeling

CONVERGE contains two NO x models: thermal NO x and prompt NO x. You must include

the passive NO X in if your simulation includes either of these models. The

following sections describe the two NO x models in detail.

Another option to calculate NO x is via the SAGE detailed chemistry solver. If the SAGE

detailed chemistry solver is activated ( i.e., sage_flag =

if 1 in , ) you can specify

reactions in the mechanism data file ( e.g., mech.dat ) and the thermodynamic data file ( e.g.,
therm.dat ) to model NO or both NO and NO2. It is important to carefully compare the

results from the detailed chemistry solver to measured values.

Tuning the NOx Models

Refer to Chapter 22 for a complete list of NO x model parameters.

The Schmidt number ( schmidt_turb in ) is sometimes adjusted to tune NO x with

typically only a small effect on the global combustion characteristics. In general , for

diffusion flames , as the Schmidt number increases , the predicted fuel-air mi xing decreases ,
which yields a lower NO x concentration. For premi xed flames , as the Schmidt number

increases , the turbulent diffusivity decreases , which yields a higher NO x concentration.

Additionally , if adaptive zoning is activated ( adaptive_zone_flag = 1 in , ) setting

adaptive_zone_nox_flag = 1 in improves the prediction of NO x emissions while

simultaneously reducing the accuracy of the prediction of other species.

14.1.1 Thermal NOx Model

The e xtended Zeldovich mechanism as presented by Heywood (1988) is used to calculate

NO formation. This mechanism is given by the following set of reactions:

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ON 2
NO N ( R 1)

N O 2
NO O ( R 2) (14.205)

N O H NO H ( R 3).

The rate constants for reactions ( R 1)-( R 3) are given by

kR 1 , f 7.6 10
e xp 38 , 000 T
kR 1 , r 1.6 10

kR 2 , f 6.4 10
T e xp 3 , 150 T
kR 2 , r 1.5 10
T e xp 19 , 500 T (14.206)

kR 3 , f 4.1 10

kR 3 , r 2.0 10
e xp 23 , 650 T ,

where the subscript f denotes a forward reaction and the subscript r denotes a reverse

reaction. The units of the rate constants in Equation 14.206 are cm mol s.

From the reactions in Equation 14.205 , the rate of formation of NO can be written as

d NO k O N k NO N k N O kR r NOO
R f R r R f
dt 1 , 2 1 , 2 , 2 2 ,

kR f N O kR r NO ,
3 ,
H 3 ,

where [ NO], for e xample, denotes the species concentration of NO in mol cm

. Equation

14.207 can be rewritten by assuming that the steady-state appro ximation is valid for N
[ ].
The rate of formation of [ ] N can be written as

d N k O N k NON kR N O kR r NOO
R f R , r f
dt 1 , 2 1 2 , 2 2 ,

kR f N O
3 ,
H kR r NO
3 ,
H .

If d[N] dt
/ is set equal to 0 in Equation 14.208 ,[ ] N can be eliminated in Equation 14.207. It

can be shown that the formation rate of [ NO] then becomes

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Emissions Modeling | NOx Modeling

d NO k O N NO K O N

R f ,
2 2

dt kR r NO kR f O kR f O
2 (14.209)

1 2

1 , 2 , 2 3 ,


K kR 1 , f kR 1 ,
r R , f 2
kR 2 , r . (14.210)

If equilibrium values of O O
[ ], [ H ], and [H ] are assumed (set nox_radical_model = 0 in ,
) Equation 14.209 can be rewritten as

d NO R NO NOe ,


NO NO e R 1


R R 1

R R 2 3


R kR r NOe N e
1 1 ,

R kR f N e O e
2 2 , 2 (14.213)

R kR f N e O e ,
3 3 ,

where the subscript e is used to denote the equilibrium species concentration.

Equations 14.211 through 14.213 require that equilibrium species concentrations are

known. It is assumed that [H ] 2

is in equilibrium at the local conditions. [ NO]e can be

calculated from the equilibrium constants KR 1

and KR 2
for reactions R 1 and R2 , as follows:

kR NOe N e

1 , f

kR 1 , r O e N e 2

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kR NOe Oe
2 , f

kR N e O e
. (14.215)

2 , r 2

By eliminating N
[ ]e /[ ]eO in Equations 14.214 and 14.215 , it can be shown that

NOe K R K R O e N 1 2 2 2
e . (14.216)

Similarly N
, [ ]e can be calculated from reaction R2 via

kR r NOe Oe
2 ,
kR 2 , f O e 2

which requires O
[ ]e to be known. As described by Heywood (1988) O
, [ ]e can be determined


KO O 1 2

e 1 2 2 (14.218)

which is derived from the reaction

O 2
O. (14.219)

In Equation 14.218 , KO is the equilibrium constant given by Heywood (1988) as

31, 090
KO 10 3
xp atm
1 2

3.6 e (14.220)

and Ru is the universal gas constant in atm cm K mol 3

/( ). Finally , the [ O H ] can be calculated

O H e O K H
O 2
e H e , 2
1 2


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Emissions Modeling | NOx Modeling

which is derived from the reaction

O 2
H 2
O H O H. (14.222)

The equilibrium constant , KO H

, in Equation 14.221 has been obtained from a curve fit and

is given by

KO 23.4936 exp .
T (14.223)

With the equilibrium constants calculated , Equation 14.211 can now be solved by

rewriting it as

d R , 2

dt NOe R 1


NO NO e . (14.225)

Integration of Equation 14.224 yields

1 ,
2 1 2



2 R dt
NO e R

and it is assumed that a in the term (1- a 2

) on the right side of Equation 14.226 is

evaluated at the end of the computational time-step dt . Recasting Equation 14.226 in the

form of a quadratic equation leads to the following solution for the updated value of a:

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Emissions Modeling | NOx Modeling

1 1 4


where b, given by Equation 14.227 , is evaluated using a1, which is the value of a at the

start of the computational time-step. Equation 14.228 is used to calculate the updated

value of a and Equation 14.225 is then used to calculate [ NO] at the end of the time-step.

It can be shown that a2 a 1

in the limit of b 0. This limit is recovered in the

CONVERGE implementation of Equation 14.228.

Concentration of O and OH Radicals

For modeling NO x, CONVERGE employs several methods for computing the

concentration of O and OH radicals.

In CONVERGE , the equilibrium approach ( nox_radical_model = 0) assumes equilibration of

combustion reactions. Such an assumption is possible because the kinetics of the thermal

NO x formation rate are slower than the main hydrocarbon o xidation rate and thus most

of the thermal NO x forms after combustion is complete. Additionally , this assumption is

valid for high temperature ( > 2200 K ) combustion. For this approach , Equations 14.218

and 14.221 give the formulations for the concentration of O and OH radicals , respectively.

The partial equilibrium approach ( nox_radical_model = 1) for computing the concentration

of O radicals accounts for third-body reactions in the O2 dissociation-recombination

process to improve the equilibrium approach described previously. Equation 14.229

describes the third-body reactions and Equations 14.230 to 14.231 describe the equations

for radical concentration (Warnatz , 2001).

2 (14.229)

With this approach , the equilibrium O atom concentration is

36.64 T 1/2
O 2

e 27123/ T
. (14.230)

To compute the concentration of the OH radical , CONVERGE uses

O H 2.129 e T 2
e 4595/ T


H 2
O 1/2

. (14.231)

The third approach ( nox_radical_model = 2) requires a combustion model that invokes the

SAGE detailed chemical kinetics solver ( e.g., SAGE by itself , G-Equation , FGM). Based on

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Emissions Modeling | NOx Modeling

reactions in mech.dat, SAGE predicts the O atom concentration and CONVERGE simply

takes the concentration of O radicals as the local O species mass fraction. Likewise ,
CONVERGE takes the concentration of OH radicals from the local OH species mass


Thermal NOx Model Setup

To activate the thermal NO x (based on the E xtended Zel'dovich mechanism) model , set

nox_thermal_flag = 1 in and include the passive NO X in Y . ou can

tweak the model through parameters in, including nox_thermal_rate_flag

(which requires passive_nox_rate.dat ) and nox_radical_model, which specifies whether the

equilibrium assumption is made for the O/OH radical model. Refer to the
section of Chapter 22 - Input File Reference for a complete list of parameters that you can


By default , a factor of 1.533 (the ratio of molecular weights of NO2 to NO) is used to

convert the predicted NO to NO x. You must verify that this factor reflects the

experimental measurements for the conversion of NO to NO2 (by mass). If measurements

report only NO or if both NO and NO2 were measured , then this value may change and

you can set nox_scaling_factor emissions. in in to the appropriate value.

14.1.2 Prompt NOx Model

Fenimore (1971) identifies a rapid transient formation of NO (so-called " prompt "
NO ) in

fuel-rich , low-temperature conditions. This mechanism is most useful for gas turbine ,
surface combustion , and staged combustion applications. The prompt NO mechanism is

comple x and CONVERGE employs a simplified model to ensure computational feasibility.

To solve the reaction rates , CONVERGE uses the De Soete (1975) global kinetic parameter:

d NO ]
=r ,
- r (14.232)
NOx N2

where rNOx is the overall prompt NO x formation rate and rN2 is the overall molecular

nitrogen formation rate.

When prompt NO x forms in a fuel-rich environment where the concentration of O is high ,

the N radical primarily forms NO x instead of nitrogen. Thus , the rate of prompt NO x
formation is appro ximately equal to the rate of overall prompt NO x formation (shown in

Equation 14.233). This scenario occurs during initial stages of the flame.

[ ] a
d NO
= k pr O N fuel speciese Ea / RT
dt 2 2

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By applying a correction factor to the De Soete model , the performance of the model given

by Equation 14.233 improves for fuels with higher hydrocarbon content and in fuel-rich

conditions. This factor accounts for the effect of fuel type and air-to-fuel ratio. Applying

the correction factor f yields

[ ] a
d NO
= f pr O N fuel speciese Ea / RT
k . (14.234)
2 2

The correction factor f is

f 4.75 n
0.0819 23.2 32 12.2 , 2 3

where f is the equivalence ratio ( nox_prompt_equiv_ratio in ) and n is the

number of carbon atoms per molecule for hydrocarbon fuel (calculated from the fuel listed

for fuel_name in ). Note that the correction factor f is valid for equivalence ratios

between 0.6 and 1.6 and f is a curve fit to e xperimental data and thus valid for aliphatic

alkane hydrocarbon fuels (Dupont et al. , 1993). For k'pr and E'a, select appropriate values

as described in Dupont et al. (1993). Currently , the prompt NO x model supports only

single-component fuels. If you use this model in a simulation that contains a multi-

component fuel or in a simulation that contains multiple fuels , CONVERGE will calculate

n only based on the fuel_name in (the single-component fuel) and the results will

be incorrect.

After applying the correction factor to Equation 14.233 , the source term due to the prompt

NO x formulation is

Sprompt NO Mw NO d NO
. (14.236)
, ,

The work of De Soete (1975) asserts that the o xygen reaction order depends uniquely on

the o xygen mole fraction in each cell. Equation 14.237 describes the reaction order.

1.0 XO 4.1 3 e

e e

3.95 0.9 ln XO XO 1.11 2

4.1 3

2 2


0.35 0.1 ln XO 1.11 2 XO 0.03


XO 0.03

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | NOx Modeling

Prompt NOx Model Setup

To activate the prompt NO x model , set nox_prompt_flag = 1 in and include the

passive NO
in . In order to use prompt NO X modeling , we recommend that you

set nox_radical_model = 2 to avoid making an assumptions about the O and OH radicals in

( R1 R3
)-( R
) and ( 5 ) above. You must ensure that you include both O and OH reactions in

the reaction mechanism file. You can also set the the global equivalence ratio used for the

flame during prompt NO x calculations via nox_prompt_equiv_ratio

in .

14.2 Soot M odeling

The soot models outlined in the sections below describe the comple x soot formation and

o xidation process using several global steps, including soot inception , surface growth ,
coagulation , and o xidation.

Soot inception is the formation of the smallest solid soot particles from the gas-phase

hydrocarbon molecules ( e.g., the PAH [polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ] species).

Inception serves as the link between gas-phase chemistry and soot particle dynamics and

can be described by the collision of two PAH molecules.

Soot surface growth is necessary to accomplish two-way coupling with the gas phase.

Soot mass growth and heterogeneous reactions on surfaces as well as loss of soot

particles due to reactions with gas phase species must be included in a detailed

presentation of soot formation.

Soot coagulation is a physical process of collisions between small soot particles leading to

the formation of larger soot particles.

Soot condensation indicates the gas phase species (such as PAHs) coagulate together and

form large soot particles.

Figure 14.11 shows a summary of the models used in CONVERGE to describe the various

steps of soot formation. The reaction rates of these global steps are determined by either

empirical e xpression (you can adjust some parameters to match the e xperimental results)

or by implementing simplified physical models.

488 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

Figure 14.238: A descriptive overview of soot formation, with the various models used to simulate soot
formation in CONVERGE.
Image source:

The soot models implemented in CONVERGE typically are solved with detailed PAH


CONVERGE offers the Hiroyasu-NSC model for empirical soot oxidation model.

Phenomenological models describe inception , surface growth , coagulation and o xidation

steps. CONVERGE contains the Gokul , Dalian , and Waseda phenomenological soot

models. CONVERGE contains two detailed soot models: Particulate Mimic (PM) model

and Particulate Size Mimic (PSM) model. Detailed soot models apply comprehensive

mathematical description for the soot particle size distribution function (PSDF) and solve

the comple x soot formation and oxidation with detailed chemistry. The detailed soot

models feature good capability over wide ranges of operating conditions. They are the best

option when more comprehensive soot formation analysis is needed. Phenomenological

models are more computationally efficient , but are not as comprehensive as the detailed

soot models. Detailed soot modeling takes into account the various steps of soot formation:

inception , coagulation , surface reactions and condensation.

A summary of the parameters used to configure all these soot models can be

found in Chapter 22 - Input File Reference.

14.2.1 Empirical Soot Model: Hiroyasu-NSU

CONVERGE offers one empirical soot model: the Hiroyasu model , which is coupled with

the Nagle and Strickland-Constable model (1962) to simulate soot o xidation.

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

The production of soot mass Ms g ( ) within a computational cell can be determined from a

single-step competition between the soot mass formation rate M sf g s

( / ) and the soot

mass o xidation rate M so according to Hiroyasu and Kadota (1976):

dMs M sf M so ,

dt (14.239)

where the formation rate is given by

M sf SF M form



SF Asf P 0.5
e xp( sf E RuT/ ). (14.241)

In Equations 14.240 and 14.241 , Mform is the mass of the soot formation species (typically

fuel vapor) in grams, P is the cell pressure in bar, Ru is the universal gas constant in cal K g

mol , T
) is the cell temperature in K, Esf is the activation energy in cal (g mol),
/ and Asf is the

Arrhenius pre-e xponential factor with units of 1/( s bar0. 5


To model soot o xidation, CONVERGE uses the Nagle and Strickland-Constable model

(1962) (NSC). This model considers carbon o xidation by two mechanisms. The rates of

these mechanisms depend on surface chemistry involving more reactive A sites and less

reactive B sites. In this model , the net reaction rate Rtotal is given by

Rtotal X B OKP X) mol cm s , 2


1 Z 2

where X is the proportion of A sites given by


X . (14.243)

In the above equations , PO 2

is the o xygen partial pressure in atmospheres and the K values

are rate constants for carbon given by

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

KA 20 e xp 30 , 000 / u RT
mol cm s atm 2 1 1

KB 4.46 10 3
e x ,
p RuT mol cm s atm
15 200 /
2 1 1

KT RuT mol cm s
1.51 10 5
e x ,
p 97 000 /
2 1

21.3 e xp 4 , RuT atm
100 / 1 .

If it is assumed that the soot particles are spherical and uniform in size , the surface area S
( cm 2
) for o xidation can be written as

S N p soot Ds 2

6 Ms ,
s Ds
, (14.245)

where Np,soot is the total number of soot particles , Ds is the nominal soot particle diameter in

cm, Ms is the total soot particle mass ( g,

) and rs is the soot density in g cm
. The oxidation

rate M so is thus given by

M so S Rtotal MWc Ms R total MWc g s ,


s Ds
/ (14.246)

where MWc g mol ( / ) is the molecular weight of carbon. If a scaling factor Aso ,
is included the

following e xpression for the soot o xidation rate is obtained:

M so Aso Ms R total MWc


s Ds
. (14.247)

Equation 14.247 can be rewritten more concisely as

M so SO Ms ,



SO Aso 6
R total MWc
s Ds
. (14.249)

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Using Equations 14.240 and 14.248 , Equation 14.239 can be rewritten as a first-order

linear equation given by

d s SO SF ,
dt s form (14.250)

which has been recast in terms of species densities , where r form is the density of the soot

formation species. Equation 14.250 can be integrated analytically with the method of

constant coefficients. The result is the following e xpression for the soot species density r sn 1

at the end of a computational time-step dt :

SF form
C xp SO dt
e . (14.251)

The constant of integration C can be determined because the soot species density is equal

to r
s at the start of a computational time-step. Substituting the result for C yields

SF form n SF form
sn xp SO dt ,
e (14.252)

which also can be written in terms of the difference in soot density at the start and end of

the computational time-step:

SF form n
sn sn
s exp SO dt
1 . (14.253)

Equation 14.253 is used in CONVERGE to update the soot density in each computational

cell for each time-step.

14.2.2 Phenomenological Soot Models

You can tune many of the parameters of the phenomenological soot models to adjust for

varying operating conditions. CONVERGE solves these phenomenological models using

the SAGE detailed chemistry solver and requires a detailed mechanism to calculate

averaged soot mass and number density. The soot formation is assumed to be one-way

coupled with the gas phase chemistry ; that is , soot formation will not affect gas phase

chemistry and system parameters such as temperature and pressure. These models

generally result in a less than 10 % increase in computational time compared to an engine

simulation with detailed chemistry only.

492 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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In engine simulations , the soot number density and soot mass density are solved as global

transport passives according to Equation 14.254 below:

DM M S , (14.254)


where M represents either the soot species density Y

, r C(s) , or the soot number density , N,
in SI units. m is the cell viscosity , SC is the Schmidt number , and SM represents the source

term one of the models.

Table 14.11 below summarizes the model parameters employed by each of the three

phenomenological soot models. A more detailed formulation of the source terms for each

phenomenological model is included in the subsections that follow.

Table 14.11 Model parameters and typical application of each phenomenological soot model.
Gokul Model Dalian Model Waseda Model
Soot Precursor Pyrene (A4) C50 Acenaphthylene radical


Soot Inception (R1) Arrhenius Arrhenius Arrhenius

Soot Surface Growth Simplified HACA Arrhenius Simplified HACA

(R2) (Hydrogen-



Soot Oxidation (R3) Revised NSC (Nagle and NSC model/OH radical NSC/OH/NO


model/OH radical

Soot Coagulation (R4) Revised Smoluchowski Kazakov-Foster model Revised Smoluchowski

model model

Typical Application Low temperature diesel Diesel HCCI Medium-duty diesel

(Homogeneous Charge

Compression Ignition)

The Gokul , Dalian , and Waseda phenomenological soot models can be used only with the

dense solver option ( sage_ode_solver = 0) and with the numerical Jacobian matri x solution

option ( sage_analyt_ ac = j ,
0). However you can set SAGE with adaptive zoning for these

soot models. Soot-related output averaged soot number density , soot mass , and the mass

for different soot sub-processes (nucleation , surface growth , oxidation, and coagulation)
will be written to phenom_soot_model.out file.

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Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

Gokul Model
The Gokul phenomenological soot model (Vishwanathan and Reitz , 2010) is best suited for

low temperature diesel engine simulations. Activate this phenomenological soot model by

setting phenom_soot_flag = 1 in .

You must include the soot precursor for this model , pyrene (A4) , in the gas chemistry

mechanism ( mech.dat ). A brief description of each sub-process is given below.

Soot Inception
A C s
4 16 ( ) 5H

R k [A ]
1 1

k 1
{s } 2000

Soot Surface Growth

C s C
( )
H2 3 C s R k C
( ) H2 2 2 2
H2 (14.256)

R k C
2 2 2

k 9.0 10 4
xp S


S dp N 2


dp c s


dp is the particle size , Yc(s) is the soot mass fraction , r is the ambient density , rc(s) is the

density of graphite (2.0 g-cm -3


Soot Oxidation
Oxidation through O C s 2
: 1/2 O CO ;

Oxidation through O C s O H : H CO 1 / 2H
R RO RO 3 2 H

O xidation through O2 uses the NSC model (consistent with the Hiroyasu empirical soot

model) , while oxidation through OH uses the Neoh model (Neoh et al. , 1984).

Soot Coagulation

494 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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nC s C s n (14.258)

6 c s

6 K T

c s

R 2 Ca bc N 11/6

c s

c s


Ca is the coagulation coefficient , Mc(s) is the carbon molecular weight (12 g-cm -3
) , Kbc is

the Boltzmann constant.

The source terms for the soot species density and number density are calculated as follows:

S M R 16
R R MC s for speciesdensity
2 2 3


S M R C s R for number density

1 4

Mnuci dnuci C s 3

Mnuci is the mass of incipient soot , assumed to have a diameter , dnuci = 1.28 nm
(appro ximately equivalent to 100 carbon atoms).

Dalian Model
The Dalian phenomenological soot model J
( ia et al. , 2009) is best suited for diesel

homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine simulations. Activate this

phenomenological soot model by setting phenom_soot_flag = 2 in .

In addition to the other passives you need to define in order to use any phenomenological

soot model , you must also include the soot precursor for this model , C , as a passive in

the file. A brief description of each sub-process is given below:

Soot Inception
C 50
n C s m (14.260)

R 1
C 50
8.0 10
e xp 61597 / RT

Soot Surface Growth

C s m C 2
H2 C s m 2
H2 (14.261)

R 2
1.05 10 4
e xp( 6159.7 / RT [C )
H2 ] dp N

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

Soot Oxidation
Oxidation through O C s 2
: 1/2 O CO ;

Oxidation through O C s O H : H CO 1 / 2H
R RO RO 3 2 H

O xidation through O2 uses the NSC model (consistent with the Hiroyasu empirical soot

model) , while oxidation through OH uses the Neoh model (Neoh et al. , 1984).

Soot Coagulation
nC s m C s n m *

R 4

N 2

b is the collision coefficient , which is estimated by the Kazakov-Foster model (Kazakov and

Foster , 1998) by considering the particle collision in both the free-molecular and near-

continuum regime , and N is the number density.

The source terms for the soot species density and number density are calculated as follows:

S M R R R MC s for speciesdensity
1 2

S R N A R for number density

M 1 4

NA is Avogadro's number and MC(s) is the molecular weight of a carbon atom.

Waseda Model
The Waseda phenomenological soot model (Kaminaga et al. , 2008) is best suited for

medium duty diesel engine simulations. Activate this phenomenological soot model by

setting phenom_soot_flag = 3 in

You must include the soot precursor for this model , acenaphthylene radical (A2R5) , in the

gas chemistry mechanism ( mech.dat ). A brief description of each sub-process is given


Soot Inception
A R C s
2 5 12 4H

R 1
2 x
5 1000 e p 5000 / RT

Soot Surface Growth

496 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

Csoot Csoot H H *
H2 (14.266)

Csoot O Csoot
H H *

Csoot Csoot *

Csoot C Csoot
H 2
H2 2 H H
Asoot f n
R ks PC
0.5 tanh 4.57 1
2H 2

ks is the reaction rate coeffcient , PC2 2 H

is the partial pressure of C2 2, c*SOOT
H is the

active surface site density of soot particles , Asoot is the surface area fraction of soot

particles per unit volume , and fn is the soot number density. Refer to Kaminaga et al.

(2008) for more details of these parameters.

Soot Oxidation
Oxidation through O C s O CO ; 2
: 1/2

Oxidation through O C s O CO H : H 1 / 2H
Oxidation through NO C s NO CO N : 1/2

O xidation through O2 uses the NSC model (consistent with the Hiroyasu empirical soot

model). O xidation through OH uses the Neoh model (Neoh et al. , 1984). O xidation
through NO uses the reaction probability concept proposed by Gersum and Roth (1992).

Soot Coagulation
nC s m C s n m *

R 4

kcoag f v f n 1/6 11/6

kcoag is the coagulation coefficient , fv is the soot volume fraction , and fn is the soot number


The source terms for the soot species density and number density are calculated as follows:

S M R R R MC s for speciesdensity
1 2

S M R N A R for number density


NA is Avogadro's number and MC(s) is the molecular weight of a carbon atom.

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14.2.3 Particulate Mimic Soot Model

The detailed soot models available in CONVERGE solve the comple x soot formation and

oxidation with detailed chemistry. The detailed soot models feature good capability over

wide ranges of operating conditions. The properties of a soot ensemble can be described by

the particle size distribution function (PSDF). The PSDF of soot can be obtained by solving

equations for the number density of all size classes , based on the condition that the

different physical and chemical processes changing the PSDF are known. This results in an

infinite set of partial differential equations.

However , even if an upper limit is set , there will still be hundreds of thousands of

equations , which would be computationally impossible to obtain numerical solutions using

today s computer power. Therefore , the size of the problem must be reduced using certain

mathematical methods. In practical simulations , most people are interested only in the

integral features of the PSDF , which provide the most important information about the

soot particle ensemble , such as mean particle number density , mean mass or volume , and

mean diameter of the particles.

The method of moments developed by Frenklach and Wang (1991) , Kazakov et al. (1995) ,
and Kazakov and Frenklach (1998) is based on the fact that solving an infinite set of

equations for the statistical moments of the PSDF is equivalent to the direct simulations of

the PSDF. This method can be shown to have sufficient accuracy using only a few

moments for global observables , such as mean number density and soot mass. Usually a set

of equations for the first two to si x moments is applied. The accuracy of the approach

increases with the number of moments used.

The main advantages of the method of moments is its computational efficiency and that

the major features of the PSDF , such as mean number density and soot volume fraction ,
can be e xtracted from the moments. The Particulate Mimic (PM) model in CONVERGE is

based on the method of moments introduced above. The different processes leading to the

formation and oxidation of soot particles included in the model are briefly described

below. Detailed discussion of the PM model can be found in Mauss (1998).

The basic physical and chemical processes assumed to be important for the formation of

soot are: particle inception , coagulation , condensation , and heterogeneous surface

reactions , i.e., surface growth and o xidation by OH and O2. The dynamics of the soot

particle characteristics can be described by a set of equations for the moments of the soot

particle size distribution function:

dMr M M M M (14.270)

dt r pi r con r coag
, r sr , , ,

498 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
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Where M r pi , M r con , M r coag ,

, , ,
and M r sr , are the rates of particle inception , condensation ,

coagulation , and surface reactions for the r th

moment of the PSDF , respectively. The

moments are defined as:

Mr i i r N i

Where Ni is the number density of soot particles of size class i. It can be seen from the

definition that the zero moment is related to the mean number density , whereas the first

moment is related to the mean mass or mean volume of the soot particles.

Each moment in the particulate mimic model is solved as global transport passive:

D M r M r (14.272)



S Mr M r pi M r con M r sg M r ox M r coag
, , , , ,

SC is the Schmidt number , and S Mr represents the source term. The moment source term

is coupled with species source term and solved using SAGE solver. It is a two-way

coupling , which means that the soot formation will affect the gas phase and system heat


Soot-related output for a PM simulation is written to soot_pm_model.out .

Stages of the PM Model

Soot Inception
In the PM model , the rate of formation of particle of size i is thus given by the following


N i pi N P Ni

1 P (14.273)

, j, i j j j ,
2 j 1

N j
denotes the number density of a PAH molecule of size j and
i, j
the frequency

of free-molecular coalescence given by

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Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

ri r ,
8 2 (14.274)
i ,
i ,
j j

i, j
is the reduced mass and ri and r j
are the radius of particles i and j, respectively ,

and is the collision enhancement due to inter-particle forces (Balthasar et al. , 2002).

The rate of the moments of the soot size distribution can be obtained by multiplying

Equation 14.273 by ir and summing over all the size classes , leading to

M r pi i
j i ,
Ni P N j

i 2 1 j 1

By assuming constant density of soot particles and the size of two collided PAH molecules

are of similar order , the formulation of soot inception can be simplified. Furthermore , the

sizes i and j are appro ximated by the mean size < >, i in terms of moments
M 1
M 0 . It

can be shown that the mean size of PAHs does not vary significantly in test simulations. It

was found that a mean size of 24( M M 1

= 12) carbon atoms is a good appro ximation

(Mauss 1998). By setting the mean size of PAHs to a constant value , the rate of particle

inception is in the subroutine calculated as

M r pi C pi T ,P M
, 0 2 i ,
r (14.276)

where Cpi is a pre-factor depending on the temperature and PAH formation rate.

Soot Surface Reactions

For both the PM and the PSM models , soot mass growth and loss of soot particles due to

reactions with gas phase species on their surface is described by a detailed growth and

oxidation mechanism , the Hydrogen Abstraction Acetylene Addition Ring Closure

(HACARC) mechanism (Mauss , 1998):

500 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

(1.a) C
soot i ,
H +H

soot i ,
+H 2

(1.b) C
soot i ,
H + OH

soot i ,
+H 2

(2) C
soot i ,
+H k
soot i ,

(3.a) C
soot i ,
+C 2

soot i ,
2 2

(3.b) C
soot i ,
2 2

soot i , +1
H +H
(4.a) C
soot i ,
+O 2
soot i-1 ,
+ 2CO
(4.b) C
soot i ,
2 2
+O 2
soot i ,
+ 2CHO
(5) C
soot i ,
H + OH k
soot i-1 ,
+ CH + CHO.

Figure 14.30 The reaction pathways of the HACARC mechanism.

soot i is an active site on the surface of a soot particle with terminal H-C bound and

soot i is an active radical site on the surface with i and i1
+ denoting the size classes.

Reactions 1 through 3 in the HACARC mechanism describe the surface growth

mechanism while (4-5) is for the o xidation. The detailed discussion on HACARC

mechanism can be found in Mauss (1998). The rates of surface reactions can be formulated

as follows:

r r
f A k s Mk mr k , r , ,
M r sg k a f C

, 3 , 2
H2 a 3 2
1 2

k 0 3

r r
k a O k O A k s Mk mr k , r ,
M r ox
4 2 5
H )


1 2 ,
k 0 3

where a is the fraction of surface site ranging from 0 to 1 and m is the change of mass in

one reaction step ( i.e., m= 1 for surface growth and -1 for oxidation). A is the rate

coefficient factor given by

k a f k b f k O
H H H (14.278)
1 , 1 , 5

k ab 1 ,
H2 k b b O k k a f C
1 ,
H2 2
H 3 , 2
H2 af 3
k O
4 2

fa 3 ,

k b f k a b k b O

3 , 3 , 4 , 2

Soot Coagulation
In general (and also in the PM model) , coagulation is described by the Smoluchowski

(1917) equation as

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Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

N i coag i N N i Ni N
i ,
, j, j j j j j
2 j 1 j 1

The frequency factor depends on the Knudsen number regime. For large Knudsen

numbers , the coagulation rate of moments takes the following form:

M fmcoag
0 ,
0.5 0.0
M 2


M fmcoag
0 ,

r r
r ,coag k ,r k

k 1
k 0

The function k , r k is evaluated based on a Logarithmic Lagrange interpolation for the

reduced moment , Mr M0 / .

The rate of coagulation in the continuum regime at small Knudsen numbers takes the

following form:

M c coag K M M M
0 ,

0 1/3 1/3 2.154 S C M M M M 1/3 0 1/3 2 /3 (14.281)

M rc coag K Mk Mr k Mk Mr k



3 3

2.154 S C M k Mr k M k Mr k
1 1
M k Mr k
1/3 2 /3 M k Mr k 2 /3 1/3 ,



with Cs= s ( /6/ m 1

and K= kBT 2 /3 , where is the gas viscosity and the mean free


The rate of coagulation valid for the entire regime of Knudsen numbers is then obtained by

forming the harmonic mean of the continuum and free molecular rate as

M rfmcoag M rc coag
Mr coag fm c ,r
, , ,
, ,

Mr coag Mr coag
0 2 3
, ,

Soot Condensation

502 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
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In the PM model , soot condensation is modeled as the coagulation of PAH molecules with

soot particles described by the Smoluchowski (1917) equation in the following form:

M r con i
j ,i
N S N i i r i P N S N i
j ,j j

i 1 j 1 i 1 j 1

The first term describes the formation of particle of size i, while the second term indicates

the loss of particles of size i due to coagulation with PAHs of all size classes.

By assuming the size of soot particles is much larger than that of PAHs , constant size of

PAHs , the formulation of soot condensation can be simplified to

M r con CLib con r k Mk
, ,
j 2 /3 ,
k 0

Lib ,con is a prefactor depending on the temperature and PAH formation rate and

Mk 2 /3 is the broken moment obtained by interpolation of all the moments (Mauss , 1998).

14.2.4 Particulate Size Mimic Soot Model

The PM model is efficient for obtaining detailed soot information such as cell averaged soot

number density and mass , but it does not reveal the particle size distribution function

(PSDF) for each cell. The Particulate Size Mimic model (PSM) , based on the discrete

sectional method (Wen et al. , 2005 ; Kumar and Ramkrishna , 1996) , can obtain the PSDF

information in addition to the detailed soot information that can also be obtained from the

PM model.

The PSM model is based on the definition of sections containing the particles with the

same volume. The boundary of each section is defined as:

v min vMIN
1 , (14.285)

vi min vi max , for i

, 1 , 1

v vi min vi max ,
i ,mean
, ,

where vMIN is the volume of the smallest soot particle considered. In CONVERGE , vMIN
is defined as the volume of the soot precursor (0.4e-27 m 3
for pyrene) , while the vMA X

defined as the volume of the biggest soot particles (appro ximately 100 nm in diameter).

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Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

Note that you can limit the size of the biggest soot particle by changing the value of the

psm_biggestsoot_diameter parameter in the input file. We do not recommend

setting a value above 100 nm vi,min

. and vi,max are the boundary soot volume for each


qi(v) is the distribution function of v for each section. The total volume fraction Q
i for each

section will be

vi ,
vi ,

qi v dv .

In CONVERGE the distribution function qi(v) for v is presented in the following first-order


qi v qi v qi (14.287)

q ki ki ,


where ki
and ki

are the slopes of the left and right boundaries of qi(v) respectively. These

values are calculated so that the soot streams transported through different sections are

conserved. qi is then calculated as

qi Qi
i i ,mean .

vi min vi max
, ,

The ma ximum boundary is increased using the following non-linear formulation to obtain

high computation efficiency (Netzell , 2007):

v 1 ,
max MA C X
v 2


v v v


i ,max MIN
v v


Each section in the particulate size mimic model is solved as a global transport passive , as


504 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
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D i i (14.290)

S i
Q / Q


S i i pi i con i sg i ox i coag ,
Q, Q, Q, Q, Q,

where SC is the Schmidt number , and S iQ represents the source term for each section.

Similar to the PM model , the section source term is coupled with the species source term

and solved using SAGE solver. It is a two-way coupling , which means that the soot

formation will affect the gas phase and system heat release. As with the PM model , in the

PSM model , soot inception , coagulation , condensation and surface reactions are taken into


Soot-related output for the PSM model is written to soot_psm_model.out .

Stages of the PSM Model

Soot Inception
For PSM , the soot inception model is based on the Smoluchowski (1917) equation with

PAH species. By applying the same assumptions as were applied in the PM model , a

simplified formulation was obtained:

Qi , pi v
2 PA fm , pi PA PA ,
v H
N 2


where vPA H
is the volume of the PAH species ,
fm,pi is the collision coefficient for the

PAH species , and NPA H

is the number density of the PAH species. Note that nucleation is

regarded as the first section , while the source term for other sections is zero.

Soot Surface Reactions

CONVERGE applies the HACARC surface reaction model , as described in the PM model

section , in the PSM model. For each section the surface growth rate Q
i,sg and o xidation

rate Q
i,ox are calculated as (Marchal , 2008):

v k k q v v
q v v
3 3 3
3 3
Qi ,sg c d rev i ,min i i ,max i ,min
3 i i ,max
3 3 3 3 3

v k k qi vi max vi min qi vi max vi min ,
3 3 3
3 3
Qi ,ox c 3
O O 3 3 3 3

, , , ,
2 2 H

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

where is the fractional dimension of the soot (Marchal , 2008) and k is the reaction rate

coefficient as noted.

Soot Coagulation
In the PSM model , soot coagulation forms in a manner similar to soot condensation. The

formulations for coagulation for each section are given as follows (Marchal , 2008):

Qi ,coag vk v N k N coag vk , v
j j j vk N k N i coag vk , vi (14.293)

vi ,min vk v vi ,max
vk vi vi ,max

i i N i coag vi , v vi N i N i coag vi , vi
2 .

vi v vi ,max

Soot Condensation
In the PSM model , soot condensation will cause the transportation of particles from one

section to the other. Formulations of conserving the concentration and soot mass are

briefly e xplained as follows. The condensation source term is calculated as

Qi ,cond PA v N PA vii

fm ,cond vPA , v n v dv.

The concentration of PAHs must be evaluated in order to calculate the above equation.

The PAH volume fraction for the condensation and inception models is calculated as

iMA vi ,max
RPA v v N N PA fm ,cond vPA , v n v dv.
X (14.295)

2 fm , pi PA , PA PA


i 1 v i ,min

The soot evolution by condensation of the section i results from the difference between the

exit particle before condensation of section i and the entry particle after condensation with

PAH from section i 1 + :

Qi ,cond i,cond i,cond , q (14.296)

where q
i,cond is the flow of soot particles leaving section i and q
i,cond is the flow of soot

particles entering the section i. The distribution between the sections is then written as

506 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

Qi ,cond

vi ,max vi ,min ln vi ,max / vi ,min

1 1

vi ,max vi ,min ln vi ,max / vi ,min

1 1

Qi ,cond .
vi ,max vi ,min ln vi ,max / vi ,min
1 1

vi ,max vi ,min ln vi ,max / vi ,min

1 1

The source terms of condensation then become

Q ,cond i,cond
q (14.298)

q q
Qi ,cond i,cond i,cond , 2 , 3 , , 1 i i

Qimax ,cond imax q
,cond . 1

Note that these e xpressions are correct when the PAHs only jump from one section to the

ne xt. If the number of sections increases to the point that the section sizes fall below the

size of PAHs , condensation will then be assimilated to the coagulation.

14.2.5 Soot Modeling Case Setup

To activate soot modeling , you must set emissions_flag = 1 in and include both a and an input file. For a complete list of parameters associated with

this file , please refer to Chapter 22.

To set up the Hiroyasu-NSU model in CONVERGE , specify values for the hiroy_* soot

parameters in . The Hiroyasu-NSU predicted soot mass is written to the

emissions.out file.

You can use the Hiroyasu-NSU model along with the more detailed soot models. However ,
only one detailed or phenomenological soot model may be activated at one time when

coupled with the SAGE solver.

We recommend that you couple the SAGE detailed chemistry solver with all the non-

empirical soot models for the most accurate results. You can simulate detailed soot models

with other combustion models , such as G-Equation (with g_eqn_flag = 2 , 3 , 4 , or 5 in ) or RIF. With the detailed soot models , you can activate the iterative solver

(sage_ode_solver = 1 or 2) , the analytical Jacobian ( sage_analyt_ ac = , j 1) and adaptive

zoning options ( adaptive_zone_bin_dim,

et al.) all activated within to speed up

the calculation. Detailed soot modeling is also compatible with dynamic mechanism

reduction (set sage_dmr_flag = 1 in ).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 507

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

While the detailed soot models are typically tightly two-way coupled with the SAGE

detailed chemistry solver , you can force detailed soot modeling calculations to run with a

different chemistry solver by setting detailed_soot_flag = 3 for the PM model and = 4 for the

PSM model.

Phenomenological models provide the soot number density , the soot mass and the soot

mass due to nucleation , surface growth , o xidation and coagulation. You can obtain

averaged soot number density , soot mass , soot size , and the mass for different soot sub-

processes (nucleation , surface growth , xidation,

o and coagulation) as output in both the

PM and PSM detailed soot models. When using the PSM model , you can also obtain the


Soot-related output for the phenomenological models is written to phenom_soot_model.out,

for a PM simulation is written to soot_pm_model.out, and output for the PSM model is

written to .

Soot Model Passives

Required Phenomenological Model Passives
The figure below lists the passives that must be included in in order to use the

phenomenological soot models.

soot_num_density 0.78
soot_mass 0.78
c50 0.78 (used for Dalian model only)

nuc_rate 0.78
sg_rate 0.78
ox_rate 0.78
coag_rate 0.78
Figure 14.31: An excerpt of a sample file that contains passives used by the
phenomenological soot models.

Required PM Model Passives

You must include the passives shown below in Figure 14.32 in in order to use the

PM detailed soot model. Include the mr*

number of passives that corresponds to the

number of moments you define via mauss_num_mom in


508 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

mr0 0.78
mr1 0.78
nuc_rate 0.78
sg_rate 0.78
ox_rate 0.78
fr_rate 0.78
con_rate 0.78
coag_rate 0.78
Figure 14.32: An excerpt of a sample file showing passives used by the PM model.

Required PSM Model Passives

When using the PSM detailed soot model , you must include the passives shown below in

Figure 14.33 in Include the number of sr * passives that corresponds to the

number of sections you define via num_sootsections


sr1 0.78
sr2 0.78
sr3 0.78
sr4 0.78
nuc_rate 0.78
sg_rate 0.78
ox_rate 0.78
fr_rate 0.78
con_rate 0.78
coag_rate 0.78
Figure 14.33: An excerpt of a sample file showing passives used by the PSM model.
Soot Precursors
When using the PM or PSM model , at least one of the following compounds must be

included in the mech.dat file: A4R5 , A4 (pyrene) , or A3R5- (acephenanphthryl).

CONVERGE searches mech.dat for these compounds (in the order in which they are listed

in the previous sentence) and assigns as the soot precursor the first one of these

compounds that it finds in mech.dat . (For e xample, A4 will be the soot precursor only if

A4R5 is not included in mech.dat. )

The soot precursor for each phenomenological soot model is hard-coded in CONVERGE.

For the PM , PSM , or phenomenological models , you can add other soot precursors via

custom_soot_precursor_flag in . Set this parameter to 1 , specify the number of

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 509

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Chapter 14
Emissions Modeling | Soot Modeling

additional soot precursors via num_soot_precursor, and then list each additional soot

precursor (on a separate line) with the keyword precursor species . Figure 14.34 below

shows an e xcerpt of .

1 custom_soot_precursor_flag
2 num_soot_precursor
a4 precursor species
c2h2 precursor species
Figure 14.34: Excerpt of an file that shows C2H2 as an additional soot precursor.

510 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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T urbulence Modeling
Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling |

15 Turbulence Modeling

Turbulence significantly increases the rate of mi xing of momentum , energy , and species.

For a wide variety of applications , it is difficult to attain accurate CFD simulation results

without including a turbulence model.

Turbulence-enhanced mi xing is a convective process that results from the presence of

turbulent eddies in the flow. These turbulent eddies occur at many length scales. If a CFD

solver does not contain a discretized domain (grid) that can resolve the smallest eddy

length scales , then the solver cannot entirely account for the enhanced mi xing effects of

turbulence in the simulation. Currently it is not practical to resolve all of the length scales

in a typical CFD simulation , and thus turbulence models are used to account for the

additional mi xing.

To activate turbulence modeling , set turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in and include the file in the Case Directory. Table 15.1 below summarizes the turbulence models

available in CONVERGE and their turbulence_model keywords in .

CONVERGE requires turbulence modeling ( i.e., you must set turbulence_solver_flag = 1 and

include the file) when any of the following conditions apply:

The law-of-the-wall ( la ) boundary condition for velocity is specified for any boundary in

the surface (refer to Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions) ,

The law-of-the-wall ( la ) boundary condition for temperature is specified for any

boundary ,
The O'Rourke or TKE-preserving model is specified for turbulent dispersion ( i.e.,
turb_dispersion_flag = 1 or 2 in , ) or

The CTC (Characteristic Time Combustion) model has been enabled ( ctc_flag = 1 in ).

If you are using CONVERGE Studio to configure the input files , CONVERGE Studio will

automatically activate turbulence modeling when any of the above conditions are true.

Table 15.1: Turbulence models in CONVERGE.

Model Model Name Keyword
RANS Standard k-e RANS_K_EPS_STD


Rapid distortion RNG k-e RANS_K_EPS_RNG_RD

Generalized RNG k-e RANS_K_EPS_RNG_GEN

512 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling |

Realizable k-e RANS_K_EPS_REAL

v 2


Standard k-
(1998) RANS_K_OMEGA_STD_98

Standard k-



One-equation viscosity LES_ONE_E QN_VISC

Smagorinsky LES_SMAG

Dynamic Smagorinsky LES_D YN_SMAG

Dynamic structure LES_D YN_STRUCT

Consistent dynamic structure LES_CON_D YN_STRUCT


Improved delayed DES IDDES_K_OMEGA_SST

15.1 RANS M odels

The following Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models are available

in CONVERGE: Standard k e, - RNG (Renormalization Group) k e,

- Rapid Distortion RNG k -

e (Han and Reitz , 1995) , Realizable k e,- Standard k- 1998 (Wilcox, 1998), Standard k-

2006 (Wilco x, 2006) , and k- SST. These models are two-equation RANS models in which

the flow variables ( e.g., velocity) are decomposed into an ensemble mean and a fluctuating

term as follows:

i u
i u u
i .
instantaneous velocity ensemble mean fluctuating

To derive the RANS transport equations and averaging , substitute the RANS

decomposition (Equation 15.3) into the Navier-Stokes equations. The compressible RANS

equations for mass and momentum transport are as follows:



t xj


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 513

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

i uu
i P
u u
i k i u
i u ,
j j

t x xi x x x x x (15.5)

i 3 k
j j

j j j

where the Favre average , ~, is defined for velocity as

ui ui . (15.6)

The ensemble averaging of the equations introduces additional terms called the Reynolds

stresses that represent the effects of turbulence. The Reynolds stress ti j

is given by


i ui u , j

which is included in the last term on the right side of Equation 15.5. The turbulence model

must model the Reynolds stress to obtain closure for Equation 15.5.

15.1.1 k- Models

Traditionally , RANS models use an effective turbulent viscosity to model the Reynolds

stress term. Thus , additional turbulent diffusion ( i.e., diffusive mixing) models the

turbulent convective mi xing.

Standard and RNG k-e Models

The modeled Reynolds stress for the Standard k-e and RNG models is given by


i uiu 2 t Si i k t
j j
. (15.8)

The turbulent kinetic energy k

, , is defined as half of the trace of the stress tensor:

k u
iui ,

where the turbulent viscosity , mt , is given by

514 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

t C
k 2

. (15.10)

In the previous equation , Cm is a model constant that you can tune for a particular flow

and e is the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. The mean strain rate tensor Si j
is given


u u
S i
1 i .



x (15.11)

The models use turbulent diffusion and turbulent conductivity terms to account for the

presence of turbulence in mass transport and energy transport. The turbulent diffusion

and conductivity terms are

Dt 1
Sc t


Kt 1
t p , C (15.13)

where Sct is the turbulent Schmidt number , Prt is the turbulent Prandtl number , Dt is the

turbulent diffusion , and Kt is the turbulent conductivity.

The standard k-e and RNG k-e models require additional transport equations to obtain the

turbulent viscosity given by Equation 15.10. One equation is needed for the turbulent

kinetic energy , ,k and one for the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy , e. The turbulent

kinetic energy transport equation is given by

k ui k ui k

Cs S ,
t xi x x x
i s
j (15.14)
Pr 1.5
j j j

where the factor of 1.5 is an empirical constant. The transport equation for the dissipation

of turbulent kinetic energy is given by

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Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models



t xi x
x j

C u
i C CS
s s , S R

j 2


where S is the user-supplied source term and Ss is the source term that represents

interactions with discrete phase (spray). Note that these two terms are distinct. The C
terms are model constants that account for compression and e xpansion. In the previous

equation , R= 0 for the standard k-e model and

C 3

k (15.16)

for the RNG k-e model. In Equation 15.16 , the e xpression for is

kS k Si Si
i 2 . (15.17)

j j j

To activate the standard k-e , set turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_STD in To

activate the RNG k-e model , set turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_RNG.

Rapid Distortion RNG k-e Model

The Rapid Distortion RNG k-e model uses the transport equation for e given by


C C 2
C C k uk ui

t xi x
Pr 3
x j
1 3

x k



i i * C s s , CS

x j
j 2



1 /
C 0


516 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

i * i i kk 2 t S i i
1 u
j j


The source term , Ss, in Equations 15.14 , 15.15 , and 15.18 is included to account for the

interactions of turbulence with the discrete phase. This term is modeled as

N p Fdrag
i ui
p ,

Ss p

where the summation is over all parcels in the cell , Np is the number of drops in a parcel , V
is the cell volume u
, i' is the fluctuating component of the gas-phase velocity , and

Fdrag i
ui ,
ui ui vi
, (15.22)

where Fdrag,i is the drag force on a drop. It is important to note that although the cs model

constant only appears in front of Ss in the e transport equation , setting cs to zero in the

input files actually deactivates the source term in both the k and e equations.

To activate the rapid distortion RNG k-e model , set turbulence_model =


Generalized RNG k-e Model

The generalized RNG k-e model (Wang et al. , 2011) reformulates the closure parameters to

take into account to the dimensionality of the flow strain rate ( i.e., unidirectional and

omnidirectional compression have closure terms with different values). These reformulated

closure parameters model the impact of bulk flow compression and e xpansion. The

transport equation for turbulent dissipation is written as

D C P C u C 2

R C u diffusion,
Dt k 1 t
k 1 n
k 2 3

where the model parameters are calculated according to

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 517

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

C a 1

1 1

C n b b nb n
2 0 1 2

n 1

2(1 aC C
( 1)
3 1
3 3

where C shares the Rapid Distortion RNG definition of Equation 15.19. Coefficients in

these calculations are derived from compressible and incompressible jet flows (Wang et al. ,
2013) and take the following values.

Table 15.2: Model Coefficients for the Generalized RNG k- Model.

Parameter Value
C 1.42

C 0.0845




B 0.012

b 2.0725

b -0.3865

b 0.083

To activate the generalized RNG k-e model , set turbulence_model =


Realizable k-e Model

In some simulations , such as when the mean strain rate is high , standard k-e models can

produce negative values for turbulent kinetic energy. Such a result is non-realizable (non-

physical). The Realizable k-e model in CONVERGE imposes realizability constraints to

ensure the non-negativity of turbulent normal stresses and that the results do not violate

Schwarz s inequality (Shih et al. , 1995). As a result , the turbulent kinetic energy calculated

by the Realizable k-e model is always a physically realistic value. The Realizable k-e model

works well for rotational flows.

518 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

An important difference between the Realizable k-e model and the Standard and RNG k-e
models is that while the e xpressions for turbulent viscosity are the same (see Equation

15.12) , the model constant C

for the Realizable k-e model varies as a function of k, e , and

U * (friction velocity). Equation 15.25 below defines C

for the Realizable k-e model:

A As k
U (15.25)

where A0 and As are model constants and U * is the friction velocity. The friction velocity is

a function of the strain rate Si j

and the rotation rate
i ,
which are defined below in

Equation 15.26:

Si Si
j j
i i j j

The transport equation for turbulent kinetic energy , k, in the Realizable k-e model is the

same as the transport equation for the standard and RNG models (given by Equation

15.16). For turbulent dissipation , however , the transport equation is

i t

t x
i x
x j


C C Pb S

k k
- C

2 1 3

Equation 15.27 above includes additional model constants C2 and C3 e. The production

term , Pb, is the same as that for the standard k-e model. The model constants and au xiliary
functions included in Equations 15.25 and 15.27 are

A 0
4.0 6 cos
( 6 W )

W i k ki S Si Si
j j (15.28)

S 3 j j

C 2
C 1.9 C 1 1.44
3 1 1.2

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 519

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

Analysis of e xperimental results from boundary layer and shear flows reveals that the

constant C1 is a function of the time-scale ratio of the turbulence to the mean strain.

Equation 15.29 below gives the e xpression for C1 :

C max 0.43 ,

Sk S S S

i i 2

j j

where is the mean strain.

To activate the realizable k-e model , set turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_REAL in .

v2-f Model
The v f 2
(v2-f) model in CONVERGE is a subset of the previously described k-e models.

As with the k-e models , the v 2

f model represents the Reynolds stress term ti j
via an

effective turbulent viscosity. The formulations for the Reynolds stress term and the

production term P in the v 2

f model are the same as those for the standard k-e models

(described in Equation 15.10). In addition to the transport equations for k and e, the

v 2
f model solves transport equations for velocity variance normal to the streamline , v 2

, and elliptic rela xation function , f. By introducing the velocity variance , the v 2
f model

accounts for the damping of turbulence transport near walls or other impermeable

boundaries. The elliptic rela xation function f models the anisotropic wall effects.

Additionally , this model represents the near-wall effects of pressure-deformation


To evaluate the eddy viscosity , this model uses the velocity variance. The formulation for

turbulent viscosity mt is

t C v 2
T . (15.30)

The transport equation for v 2

in compressible form is

520 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

v 2

v 2

k f v


v 2
t x k x x (15.31)


j j
v 2 j

For the elliptic rela xation function , , f the transport equation is

L f f C 1 v C Pk
2 2 1

T k


The turbulence length scale L (from Equation 15.32) is


L max ,
k 3/2

C 3


The formulation for the time-scale , T, imposes an upper bound on the traceless portion of

the production term:


x ,6

ma . (15.34)

Finally , the model coefficients present in Equations 15.32 15.33 are

C 0.22 C 2 1.9
k 1 1.3
C 1
1.4 C 2

CL 0.23 C 70


C k v

1 1.4 1 0.05 /

. (15.36)

This model is subject to the stagnation point anomaly when flow impinges on a surface

( e.g., near the leading edge of an airfoil) , over-prediction of turbulent kinetic energy and

eddy viscosity may occur. To avoid this phenomenon , the v 2

f model in CONVERGE

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 521

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

uses a realizability constraint on the production of turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent

dissipation. The constraint on production is


Note that for this model , you do not have to e xplicitly supply boundary conditions for v 2

and f
. Instead , supply boundary conditions for k and e and CONVERGE determines the

appropriate boundary conditions from these inputs.

To activate the v 2
f model , set turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_V2F in .

Additionally , include the passives RANS_V2 RANS_F and under the PASSIVE_NT section .

-f Model
As with the v 2
f model , the f (zeta-f) model in CONVERGE is a subset of the

previously described k-e models. The main function of the

f model is to improve the

computational performance of the v 2

f model , specifically with regards to sensitivity to

the near-wall grid fidelity. Instead of solving a transport equation for velocity variance

scale ( v 2
) , this model solves a transport equation for velocity scales ratio , .
Additionally , this turbulence model applies a quasi-linear pressure-strain model in the f

The definition of the velocity scales ratio , , is

v 2

. (15.38)

The turbulent viscosity , mt , is

t C kT . (15.39)

The transport equation for is

f t .
t k x
k x

522 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

Note that for the

f model , CONVERGE still solves the k and e transport equations.

The e equation , however , is modified to impose the Kolmogorov time- and length-scales as

lower bounds on turbulence dissipation. Equation 15.41 below describes the e equation

and the time- and length scale formulations , respectively.

C C 1 2 t

x j


x ,


L CL ma

k 3/2


For the elliptic rela xation function , , f the transport equation is

L f f
2 2
c C 2
1 2

Note that for this model , you do not have to e xplicitly supply boundary conditions for
and f
. Instead , supply boundary conditions for k and e and CONVERGE determines the

appropriate boundary conditions from these inputs.

To activate the
f model , set turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_ZETAF in .

Additionally , include the passives RANS_ ETA Z and RANS_F under the PASSIVE_NT
section in .

15.1.2 k- Models

As with the RANS k- models, each of the k- models in CONVERGE uses an effective

turbulent viscosity to model the Reynolds stress term . The e

i j
xpression for the Reynolds

stress used in the k- models is:

i t 2Si i
2 u
k 2
i .

k 3
j (15.43)

Each k- model uses a different formulation for the effective turbulent viscosity ( ). To
obtain the turbulent viscosity , CONVERGE must solve two additional transport equations:

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 523

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

one for the transport of turbulent kinetic energy k and one for the transport of specific

dissipation rate . All of the k- models in CONVERGE use the same definition of

turbulent kinetic energy as the RANS k- models (see Equation 15.24). The following

sections list the formulations of , the transport equations for k and , and the associated

model constants for each k- model.

Standard k- (1998)
One of the k- models available in CONVERGE is the k- model of Wilcox (1998). This

model defines the turbulent viscosity as

t . (15.44)

The transport equation for k is

k u k P
j *

k t

t x x x (15.45)

and the transport equation for is


P 2
t .
t x j
k x
x j

The equations below define the mean strain rate tensor Sij
and the production term P:

u u



x j

P i u

The model constants included in Equations 15.45 and 15.46 are

524 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

k 0.5 0.5

* *
f *



k 0)
1 ( (15.48)

f 1 680 k k

x x

1 400 2
( k 0) 3

j j

70 i k ki S u u

j j

1 80
3 j
i j

Finally , the equation for the model constant a is

* * 0

Note that this turbulence model uses a value of a chosen to yield an appropriate value for

the K rm n constant ( 0.41) via the e xpression in 15.49.

To activate the standard k- model (1998) , set turbulence_model =


Standard k- (2006)
CONVERGE also includes the k- model of Wilcox (2006). This turbulence model defines

turbulent viscosity as

t , (15.50)


Si Si
* *
max , C
j j


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 525

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

Si Si

1 k
i .
j j
k x j (15.52)

The transport equation for k is the same as that in the 1998 model (given by Equation

15.45). The transport equation for , however , includes an additional term:

d k k ,

P 2

t x j
k x
x j
x x
j j

where Equation 15.47 gives the e xpressions for the mean strain rate tensor and the

production term.

Finally , the model constants and au xiliary functions included in Equations 15.45 and 15.53


k 0.6 0.5

* 0.09 C lim


f 0.0708


1 85

i k ki
j j
S ki Ski 1 u

1 100 0
2 x

0 ( k 0)
1 k
x x

0.125 ( k 0) 3

j j

As with the k- (1998) model, the equation for a is

* *

and the a coefficient yields an appropriate value for the K rm n constant ( 0.41) via

the e xpression in Equation 15.55.

To activate the standard k- model (1998), set turbulence_model = RANS_K_OMEGA_STD

in .

526 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

k- SST
The RANS k- shear stress transport (SST) model available in CONVERGE combines the

advantages of a standard k- model and a standard k- model (Menter et al., 2003). In

general , the k- SST model performs well when simulating ex ternal flows but is not used

for simulations involving combustion.

The k- SST model in CONVERGE ex presses the turbulent viscosity as

a k
t , 1

max a , SF 1 2


S Si Si 2
j j
. (15.57)

Like the k- (2006) model, the transport equation for k is the same as that in the 1998

model (given by Equation 15.45). The transport equation for is



P 2
t 2 1 F 2
t x x x x x
. (15.58)

j j j j j

The e xpression for the mean strain rate tensor Si j

is the same as that in Equation 15.46. The

expression for the production term P, however , differs from that used in the k- (1998)

and k- (2006) models. Equation 15.59 below defines the production term for the k- SST



i , 10 * .
min (15.59)

Each constant in the transport equations for k and (such as ) is a blend of inner
(denoted by the subscript 1 ) and outer (denoted by the subscript 2 ) constants. For some

constant f , Equation 15.60 below defines the blending function:

F (1 F )
1 1 1 2
. (15.60)

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

CONVERGE calculates F1 and F2 using the e xpressions below:

k k

500 4
F tanh min max * , ,


d d 2

CD d


F tanh max 2 * , ,

d d 2



max 2
1 k , 10

x x


j j

Finally , Equation 15.63 below defines the inner and outer model constants used in the k-

SST model:



k 0.85 0.500
1 1

k 1.00 0.856 0.0828 .
2 2 2

* 0.09 0.41 0.311

To activate the standard k- model (1998), set turbulence_model = RANS_K_OMEGA_SST

in .

15.1.3 RANS Boundary Conditions

When you activate a k-e turbulence model , you must specify boundary conditions for the

turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation equations. When you activate a k-

turbulence model , you must specify boundary conditions for the turbulent kinetic energy

and specific dissipation rate equations. The following sections describe these boundary


Note that some RANS models employ the law-of-the-wall model to calculate quantities

within the boundary layer. Refer to Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for more


528 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

k- Boundary Conditions
Turbulent Kinetic Energy Boundary Conditions
There are three types of INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary conditions available for the

turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) equation: Dirichlet ( di ,

) turbulence intensity ( in ,
) and

Neumann ( ne ). The Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are not unique to the

turbulence models and are e xplained in detail in Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions.

To use a turbulence intensity boundary condition , specify the keyword in followed by the

turbulence intensity value after the keyword tke for the desired boundary in .

The turbulence intensity is a special case of a Dirichlet boundary condition. For the

turbulence intensity condition , the boundary TKE is given as

k ui I
3 2 2
, (15.64)

where k is the turbulent kinetic energy and I is the turbulence intensity. The turbulence

intensity is usually set to a value between 0.01 and 0.10.

For a WALL boundary type there is only one valid boundary condition for the turbulent

kinetic energy: Neumann. Thus , the WALL boundary condition for the turbulent kinetic

energy equation is given as

k ,
0.0 (15.65)

where k is the TKE and n is the wall normal vector.

Turbulent Dissipation Boundary Conditions

There are three types of INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary conditions available for the

turbulent dissipation ( eps ) equation: Dirichlet ( di ,) Neumann ( ne ,

) and turbulence length

scale ( le ). The Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are not unique to the

turbulence models and are e xplained in detail in Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions.

The turbulence length scale is a special case of a Dirichlet boundary condition. For this

case , the boundary turbulent dissipation is given as

c k 3 4

3 2


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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

where c m is a model constant (usually 0.09), k is the turbulent kinetic energy , and le is the

turbulent length scale. The length scale can sometimes be estimated from a physical

dimension in the domain. For e xample, while simulating flow in a duct , the length scale

could be set to a fraction of an intake duct diameter.

For a WALL boundary type , there are two types of boundary conditions available for

turbulent dissipation (Neumann and Dirichlet). The Dirichlet boundary condition is

unique to the turbulent dissipation equation. The e Dirichlet WALL boundary condition is

c k



where e is the turbulent dissipation in the center of the near wall cell (not at the wall

surface) , y is the distance from the wall to the middle of the cell , c m is a turbulence model

constant , and k is Karmens constant.

Wall Treatments
In some simulations , the grid density required to resolve the viscous sub-layer may be

prohibitively e xpensive. CONVERGE can model the under-resolved viscous sub-layer using

one of several wall treatments for the turbulent dissipation e.

The standard wall function ( keps_near_wall_treatment = 0) makes use of the law-of-the-

wall assumption for velocity in the log-law region of a turbulent boundary layer. To

calculate the value of specific dissipation rate at the cell centroid ( e p ) of a cell adjacent to a

solid wall , CONVERGE solves the equation below:

C kP


p ,

where yp is the distance from the wall to the cell centroid. Note that the standard wall

function assumes that the cell adjacent to a wall lies in the log-law region of the boundary


The scalable wall function ( keps_near_wall_treatment = 1) rela xes the log-law assumption of

the standard wall function. If the cell adjacent to the wall lies in the buffer region of the

boundary layer (below the log layer) , the influence of the wall function is scaled down to

recover the proper boundary layer behavior. CONVERGE solves the same equation for e p,
but replaces the cell centroid distance yp with a scaled distance ,

530 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

C kP
3/4 3/2

p ,
yP *

y P MA y P , y P

where y
= 11.05. With this formulation , if the first cell centroid distance is within the

log-law region of the boundary layer , the scalable wall function identically reproduces the

behavior of the standard wall function.

The non-equilibrium wall function ( keps_near_wall_treatment = 2) of Kim and Choudhury

(1995) is a more comple x model that does not assume an equilibrium boundary layer. This

model is suitable for flows that have strong pressure gradients in the neighborhood of the

boundary layer. The model assumes that the wall-neighboring cells have a velocity profile

that is comprised of a viscous sublayer and a log-law turbulent layer. CONVERGE uses

this two-layer approach to compute the turbulent kinetic energy budget in the wall-

neighboring cells. Mean temperature and species mass fraction are solved with the

standard wall function.

The generalized log-law for mean velocity is written ,

C 1/4
k 1/2
C 1/4
k y

ln E
U 1
, (15.70)
w /


U 1 dp y v ln y y y v y v , 2

dx k y v k

and yv is the thickness of the viscous sublayer. This is calculated from

y v*
yv ,
C kP
1/4 1/2

where yv* is equal to 11.05. Model parameters and definitions take the forms ,

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 531

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

t w ,
k kP ,
k ,

Cl y *

Cl C
* 3/ 4

where .

k- Boundary Conditions
Turbulent Kinetic Energy Boundary Conditions
There are three types of INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary conditions available for the

turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) equation: Dirichlet ( di ,

) turbulence intensity ( in ,
) and

Neumann ( ne ). The Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are not unique to the

turbulence models and are e xplained in detail in Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions.

To use a turbulence intensity boundary condition , specify the keyword in followed by the

turbulence intensity value after the keyword tke for the desired boundary in .

The turbulence intensity is a special case of a Dirichlet boundary condition. For the

turbulence intensity condition , the boundary TKE is given as

k ui I3 2 2
, (15.74)

where k is the turbulent kinetic energy and I is the turbulence intensity. The turbulence

intensity is usually set to a value between 0.01 and 0.10.

For a WALL boundary type there is only one valid boundary condition for the turbulent

kinetic energy: Neumann. Thus , the WALL boundary condition for the turbulent kinetic

energy equation is given as

k ,
0.0 (15.75)

where k is the TKE and n is the wall normal vector.

Specific Dissipation Rate Boundary Conditions

532 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

There are three types of INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary conditions available for the

specific dissipation rate ( omega ) equation: Dirichlet ( di ,

) Neumann ( ne ,) and turbulence

length scale ( le ). The Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are not unique to the

turbulence models and are e xplained in detail in 8 - Boundary Conditions.

The turbulence length scale is a special case of a Dirichlet boundary condition. For this

case , the boundary specific dissipation rate is

k 1 2

C le


where cm is a model constant (usually 0.09), k is the turbulent kinetic energy , and le is the

turbulent length scale. The length scale can sometimes be estimated from a physical

dimension in the domain. For e xample, while simulating flow in a duct , the length scale

could be set to a fraction of an intake duct diameter.

For a WALL boundary type there is only one valid boundary condition for the specific

dissipation rate: Neumann . Thus , the WALL boundary condition for the specific dissipation

rate equation is given as

0.0 ,
n (15.77)

where is the specific dissipation rate and n is the wall normal vector.

Wall Treatments
In some simulations , the grid fidelity required to resolve the viscous sub-layer may be

prohibitively e xpensive. In these cases , use one of the wall treatments for the specific

dissipation rate ( ) in order to model the under-resolved viscous sub-layer.

The standard wall function ( komega_near_wall_treatment = 0) makes use of the law-of-the-

wall assumption for velocity in the log-law region of a turbulent boundary layer. Note that

this wall function assumes that the cell adjacent to a wall lies in the log-law region. To

calculate the value of specific dissipation rate at the cell centroid ( ) of a cell adjacent to a
solid wall , CONVERGE uses the equation below:

C yp C yp

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 533

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

An automatic wall treatment ( komega_near_wall_treatment = 1) in CONVERGE uses a

blend of the known solutions for in the viscous sub-layer and the log-law region to

calculate the specific dissipation rate at the cell centroid ( ) in the cell adjacent to a solid
wall. Therefore , the near wall mesh must be fine enough such that the first cell adjacent to

the wall lies between the viscous sub-layer and the log-law region. Equation 15.79 below

gives the solution for in the viscous sub-layer and log-law regions , respectively:

6 kp
y C yp
2 1/4

where yp is the distance from the wall to the cell centroid. CONVERGE blends the viscous

and log-law solutions with the following equation:

p 2



To use the automatic wall treatment (described above) with Wilco x's low Reynolds number

corrections , set komega_near_wall_treatment = 2. This wall treatment calculates

p via

Equations 15.80 and 15.79 , but includes low Reynolds number corrections.

If you enable the Menter's wall boundary conditions as the wall treatment

( komega_near_wall_treatment = 3) , CONVERGE uses the following e xpressions for k and

at a WALL boundary:

kwall 0

wall 10 (15.81)


1 1

15.1.4 RANS Input Parameters

Typical values for the k-e turbulence model constants differ based on which model you

choose. Table 15.3 lists typical values for each of the models.

Table 15.3: RANS k-e parameters and typical values.

Coefficient Parameter Standard k-e RNG k-e / Rapid Distortion Realizable k-e
RNG k-e
keps_cmu 0.09 0.0845 0.09

1/ Prk keps_rpr_tke 1.0 1.39 1.0

534 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

Coefficient Parameter Standard k-e RNG k-e / Rapid Distortion Realizable k-e
RNG k-e
1/ Prt keps_rpr_eps 0.77 1.39 0.833

keps_ceps1 1.44 1.42 1.44

keps_ceps2 1.92 1.68 1.9

keps_ceps3 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0

b keps_beta N/A 0.012 0.012

h 0
keps_eta0 N/A 4.38 4.38

cs discrete_c_s 0.0 0.0 0.0

cps discrete_c_ps 0.03 0.03 0.03

Table 15.4 lists typical values for the constants in the v 2

f and
f model

formulations for each of the models.

Table 15.4: RANS v2-f and -f parameters and typical values.

Coefficient Parameter v2 -f -f
C m
keps_v2f_cmu 0.22 0.22

C1 keps_v2f_c1 1.4 0.4

C2 keps_v2f_c2 0.3 N/A

CL keps_v2f_cl 0.23 0.36

keps_v2f_ceta 70 85

1/ keps_zetaf_rpr_ze N/A 1.0

C2' keps_zetaf_c2pri N/A 0.65


Select appropriate values for the turbulence model constants based on which k- model

you choose. Table 15.5 lists typical values for each of the k- models.

Table 15.5: RANS k- parameters and typical values.

Coefficient Parameter k- (1998 ) k- (2006 ) k- (SST)
C m
komega_cmu 0.09 0.09 0.09

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 535

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | RANS Models

Coefficient Parameter k- (1998 ) k- (2006 ) k- (SST)

1/ Prk komega_rpr_tke 0.5 0.6 0.85

1/ Pr
komega_rpr_omega 0.5 0.5 0.5

a komega_alpha 13/25 13/25 5/9

komega_beta 0.0702 0.0708 0.075

Clim komega_clim N/A 0.875 N/A

a1 komega_sst_a1 N/A N/A 0.31

1/ Prk,2 komega_rpr_tke_outer N/A N/A 1.0

1/ Pr ,2
komega_rpr_omega_outer N/A N/A 0.856

a 2
komega_alpha_outer N/A N/A 0.44

2 komega_beta_outer N/A N/A 0.0828

N/A komega_near_wall_treatment 0 = Use standard wall function (log law) for ,

1 = Use enhanced wall function: low Reynolds
number model ,

2 = Use enhanced wall function with Wilcox 's

low Reynolds number corrections ,

3 = Menter's wall boundary conditions.

15.2 LES M odels

A key difference between LES and RANS models is how the fields are decomposed for

modeling. For a RANS approach , the field is decomposed into an ensemble mean and a

fluctuating component (see Equation 15.59). In the LES approach , the field is decomposed

into a resolved field and a sub-grid field as follows:



i ,
velocity resolved field sub grid field

where the over-bar indicates the resolved field and the prime indicates the sub-grid field.

The resolved velocity field is defined as a spatial average of the actual velocity field. This

differs from the RANS approach , where the mean velocity field is an ensemble average.

Because of these decomposition differences , the LES filter has properties , unlike RANS ,
given by

ui ui (15.83)

536 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models


ui '
0. (15.84)

If the LES decomposition is applied to the conservation of momentum equation , the

following LES equation can be derived:

i i
u uu
i i P

j j j

t x i
x x j
x j


ui ui , (15.86)


i u
j i u ui u .

j j (15.87)

Most LES models focus on modeling the e xpression for the sub-grid stress tensor , ti ,

above. However , it is also possible to allow upwinding ( i.e., numerical viscosity) to be used

as the LES model. In this case , no additional term is added for the sub-grid stress tensor.

In CONVERGE , there are two classes of LES models: zero-equation and one-equation. For

zero-equation models , CONVERGE does not solve any additional transport equations. For

one-equation models , CONVERGE solves an additional transport equation for sub-grid

kinetic energy.

15.2.1 Zero-Equation LES Models

Upwind LES Model

This model employs a dissipative upwind differencing scheme as an alternative to

modeling the sub-grid tensor. The upwind numerical scheme serves to keep the simulation

stable. Many of the submodels require a sub-grid kinetic energy, k, or a sub-grid

dissipation , e. CONVERGE can compute these values by appro ximating the unresolved

sub-grid velocity. These values can be used in place of the turbulent kinetic energy and the

turbulent dissipation in the appropriate submodels.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 537

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

This model e xpresses the sub-grid velocity as an infinite Taylor series e xpansion (Bedford

and Yeo (1993), Pomraning (2000)). That is ,

ui k ui
k l

x k x k 2 ! x k x k xl xl

k lm
ui 6


x k x k xl xl xm xm
3 !


dx k dx k

k (15.89)

for a cubic cell and the brackets indicate no summation. Since it is not possible to evaluate

all of the terms in the series , the sub-grid velocity is appro ximated by the first term:

ui Cles k
ui ,

x k x k

where Cles is a model constant. The sub-grid kinetic energy is then appro ximated as

ksubgrid ui ui ,

and the sub-grid dissipation is appro ximated as


subgrid , (15.92)

where D is the grid filter which is the cube root of the cell volume.

To activate this model , set turbulence_model = LES_UPWIND in


Smagorinsky Model

538 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

The Smagorinsky model is a zero-equation LES model which relates the turbulent viscosity

to the magnitude of the strain rate tensor and cell size (Deardorff (1970) , Lilly (1967) ,
Smagorinsky (1963) , Speziale (1998)). The model for the sub-grid stress tensor is:

i 2 t Si ,
j j (15.93)

where the turbulent viscosity , n t, is

t Cs 2 2
Si Si
j j
. (15.94)

Here , D is the grid filter , which is related to the cell volume by the following e xpression:

Vol . (15.95)

To tune the Smagorinsky model , adjust the constant Cs in the expression for turbulent


To activate this model , set turbulence_model = LES_SMAG in .

Dynamic Smagorinsky Model

One of the problems with the Smagorinsky model is that the appropriate value of the

coefficient Cs is different in different flow regimes. The dynamic Smagorinsky model

provides a methodology for determining the local value of the Smagorinsky coefficient

((Lilly, 1992) , (Germano et al. , 1991) , (Meneveau , 1994)).

The formulation of a dynamic model requires a second filtering operation designated a test
test grid

level filter . This filter is typically twice the value of the filter , . The residual

stresses based on single ( grid ) and double filtering ( test ) operations are:

i ui u ui
j j
u j (15.96)



Ti ui u ui u
j j
. (15.97)

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

The Germano identity (Germano et al. , 1991) relates the grid level stress tensor and the test
level stress tensor. That is ,

Li Ti
ui u ui u ,

j j
i j j j (15.98)

where Li j
is the Leonard stress term. The Smagorinsky model of the deviatoric part of Li j

given by

Li j

Lkk i Cs dynamic Mi ,
j j


Mi j

S S i j

S Si j (15.100)

and Cs-dynamic in Equation 15.99 is the dynamic Smagorinsky coefficient. Recall that Si j

Equation 15.100 is the rate of strain tensor. The sub-grid scale stress tensor is given by:

i 2C s dynamic
S Si j
. (15.101)

By performing the least squares technique to minimize the error (Lilly , 1992) , Cs-dynamic is

specified by:

Mi Li
Cs dynamic j j

Mkl Mkl
. (15.102)

To activate the dynamic Smagorinsky model , set turbulence_model = LES_D YN_SMAG in .

15.2.2 One-Equation LES Models

One-Equation Viscosity Model

The one-equation viscosity model adds a transport equation for the sub-grid kinetic energy

as formulated by Yoshizawa and Horiuti (1985) and Menon et al. (1996). This model uses

the sub-grid kinetic energy in modeling the turbulent viscosity. The sub-grid kinetic energy

equation is given by

540 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

k u k ui t k

t xi x xi k xi
i i j
. (15.103)

Here the sub-grid kinetic energy is given by

k ui ui ui ui
. (15.104)

The model for the sub-grid stress tensor is

i 2 t Si k i ,
j j j

where the turbulent viscosity , n t, for the one-equation model is given as

t Ck k 1/2
. (15.106)

You can tune the turbulent viscosity by adjusting Ck (see previous equation) via

in . The sub-grid dissipation is


. (15.107)

You can also tune the sub-grid dissipation by adjusting the constant Ce in the above


To activate this one-equation model , set turbulence_model = LES_ONE_E QN_VISC in .

Dynamic Structure Model

The dynamic structure model does not use turbulent viscosity to model the sub-grid stress

tensor (Pomraning , 2000). To enforce a budget on the energy flow between the resolved

and the sub-grid scales , this model adds a transport equation (given by Equation 15.103 for

the sub-grid kinetic energy. To that end , the sub-grid stress tensor models must be a

function of the sub-grid turbulent kinetic energy. The modeled stress tensors are given by:

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 541

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

i ci k
j j

Ti ci K ,
j j

where the test level kinetic energy is defined by:


K ui ui ui
ui . (15.109)

The trace of the Leonard term relates the test and grid level kinetic energies so that an

additional transport equation for K is not required. That is ,

K k Lii 1
. (15.110)

Substituting these models for the two stress tensors into the Germano identity yields the


Li Kci kc j j
. (15.111)

Note that the coefficient tensor , i, c j

is properly left inside the integral as indicated by the

curve over the bar. The result is a set of si x (the stress tensor is symmetric) Fredholm

integral equations of the second kind that can be solved via an iterative method.

Alternatively , in an algebraic model , we remove the tensor coefficient from the integral

and then solve for ti . Thus the model for the sub-grid tensor becomes

i L
i 2k


ii L (15.112)

To activate the dynamic structure model , set turbulence_model = LES_D YN_STRUCT in .

Consistent Dynamic Structure Model

An alternate version of the dynamic structure model is the consistent dynamic structure

model. This model is more appropriate for a rotating frame of reference (Lu et al. , 2007).

For the consistent dynamic structure model , the sub-grid stress tensor is

542 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

i 2k



u u
i j

x x
. (15.114)
k k

To activate the consistent dynamic structure model , set turbulence_model =


15.2.3 LES Boundary Conditions

Ideally , the grid resolution for an LES simulation is sufficient to resolve the flow into the

viscous sub-layer. In this case , the walls are modeled directly with no-slip boundary

conditions and Dirichlet temperature conditions. In many cases , however , it is not feasible

to add enough resolution to resolve the viscous sub-layer. Thus , you must employ wall


The LES wall models are available for both the momentum equation and the energy

equation. The Werner and Wengle wall model is designed to work with LES models and

thus should be activated when running one of the LES models. The model can be activated

by setting wall_model = 1 in . Refer to the Momentum Law-of-the-Wall and

Thermal law-of-the-wall sections in Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for a detailed

description of the LES wall models.

Many of the spray and combustion models require a turbulent kinetic energy term and a

turbulent dissipation term to complete (close) the model. In the one-equation model , the

turbulent kinetic energy term and turbulent dissipation term are simply replaced by the

sub-grid kinetic energy and the sub-grid dissipation given by the e xpressions above. For

zero-equation models , a sub-grid kinetic energy term is not readily available to close the

model. Thus , for zero-equation models the e xpression below is used to appro ximate the

sub-grid kinetic energy:

k Cles ui ui

x x
. (15.115)
j j

Tune the above e xpression by adjusting the constant Cles .

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | LES Models

15.2.4 LES Input Parameters

Table 15.6 summarizes the LES model inputs in CONVERGE.

Table 15.6: LES model inputs.

Model Constant Parameter Typical Value
Cs c_tke_visc_les turbulence_model =
( 0.1 to 1.0



Ck c_tke_visc_les turbulence_model =
( 0.05



C e
c_eps_les turbulence_model =
( 1.0


Cles c_tke_les turbulence_model =

( LES_UPWIND , 2.0


Cps c_ps turbulence_model =

( LES_UPWIND , 0.03


rpr_tke turbulence_model =
( 1.0



15.3 DES M odels

Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) is a hybrid approach designed to combine the strongest

features of the RANS and LES methodologies. Near walls , DES behaves like a RANS

model. Far from a wall , where large-scale unsteady structures are detached from the

boundary layer , the DES model behaves like LES. The same sub-grid scale model functions

as the RANS turbulence model and as the LES sub-grid filter. DES was originally

formulated by Spalart et al. (1997) , using the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras RANS model

(1992) as the sub-grid closure. This original formulation uses grid cell metrics to switch

between RANS and LES behavior , limiting its applicability.

The Delayed DES (DDES , Spalart et al. , 2006) and Improved Delayed DES (IDDES , Shur

et al. , 2008) approaches are improvements on the original DES formulation. Rather than

using only grid metrics , DDES and IDDES switch modes based on several flow-based and

geometry-based blending and shielding functions. These improvements were originally

544 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | DES Models

" "
designed to prevent ( delay ) the LES behavior from appearing in near-wall regions with

excess grid density. These formulations also use Spalart-Allmaras as the sub-grid closure.

CONVERGE incorporates variants of the DDES and IDDES models , using the k- SST

model described above. Strelets (2001) adapted the DES methodology to k- SST, and

Gritskevich et al. (2012) formulated the DDES and IDDES improvements. For e xact model

formulation details , refer to this latter source.

To run CONVERGE with the DDES-SST turbulence model , set turbulence_model =

DDES_K_OMEGA_SST in . To run with the IDDES-SST model , set

turbulence_model = IDDES_K_OMEGA_SST in . When running DDES-SST or

IDDES-SST , CONVERGE refers to the same k- SST parameters as when running with this

turbulence model in RANS mode. The DDES and IDDES formulations also refer to a set of

DDES parameters. Please refer to Chapter 22 - Input File Reference for information on

these parameters , as well as recommended values.

15.4 T urbulence Statistics Output

To generate output of turbulence statistics (mean and RMS quantities for density , pressure ,
temperature , etc.) for transient simulations , define these quantities as non-transport

passives. Refer to Chapter 22 - Input File Reference for a list of predefined turbulence

statistics that you can specify as non-transport passives in .

You must also set several parameters in to use the turbulence statistics option.

Table 15.7 below describes these parameters.

Finally , to include the turbulence statistics in the post*.out , files you must list the turbulence

statistics non-transport passives [in the form passive(<turbulence statistic name>)] in the

<cells> section of the file.

Table 15.7: Turbulence statistics parameters.

Parameter Description
turb_stat_flag 0 = Do not calculate turbulence statistics ,
1 = Calculate turbulence statistics.

turb_stat_start_time The start time inseconds ( crank_flag = if 0 in ) or crank angle

degrees ( crank_flag =
if 1 or 2) for the turbulence statistics calculation.

turb_stat_end_time The end time in seconds ( crank_flag = if 0 in ) or crank angle

degrees ( crank_flag =
if 1 or 2) for the turbulence statistics calculation.

turb_stat_tol Relative tolerance for turbulence statistics convergence =

( abs delta mean mean
( ( )/ )). For monitoring purposes only.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 545

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | Turbulence Statistics Output

If reread_input = 1 in, CONVERGE will reread the turbulence statistics parameters

listed above before each time-step.

If you change the value of either turb_stat_start_time or turb_stat_end_time, CONVERGE

uses only the revised time range to calculate the updated turbulence statistics.

Set turb_stat_start_time to a time prior to the current simulation time to have

CONVERGE begin the turbulence statistics calculations immediately.

If CONVERGE has already calculated turbulence statistics and if you want CONVERGE

to resume turbulence statistics calculations and incorporate both the new and the old

data into the calculations , set turb_stat_end_time to a time beyond the current simulation


If CONVERGE has already calculated turbulence statistics and if you wish to overwrite

these calculations , set turb_stat_end_time and turb_stat_end_time to times beyond the

current simulation time.

It is important to verify that all of the initial transients (non-physical values of conditions

in the domain) have been eliminated prior to the turb_stat_start_time .

To monitor turbulence statistics , look at the post*.out files after converting them with the

post_convert utility. You can find additional information regarding the convergence of

these statistics in the log file when you set screen_print_level = 2 or higher.

The turbulence statistics calculated near moving boundaries ( e.g., volume swept by moving

valves) may not be accurate. Carefully evaluate these near-moving-object statistics to

gauge their suitability.

You can calculate user-defined turbulence statistics with the user_turbulent_statistics.c user-

defined function.

Turbulence Statistics Theory

For the turbulence statistics , CONVERGE calculates the time average by

fx f x , t dt



( ) ( ) (15.116)
2 1

and the fluctuations by

546 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 15
Turbulence Modeling | Turbulence Statistics Output

f g 1
f x, t f x g x , t g x dt


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 1

f x, t g x, t f x g x , t f x , t g x f x g x dt



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
2 1

f x, t g x, t f x g x g x f x f x g x
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

fg f g

By calculating fg together with f and g , f g can be computed simultaneously.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 547

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Conjugate Heat T ransfer
Chapter 16
Conjugate Heat Transfer |

16 Conjugate Heat Transfer

Conjugate heat transfer (CHT) is when heat transfer occurs simultaneously within and

between fluid and solid regions. The predominant mode of heat transfer in fluids is

convection while the predominant mode of heat transfer in solids is conduction. Use the

CHT model in CONVERGE to solve the flow and heat transfer in both the solid and fluid


Ideally , a CHT simulation would involve simultaneous CFD calculations for the solid and

fluid phases. This approach is practical for some types of simulations but impractical for

others. For e xample, the time-scale for the solid phase heat transfer is orders of magnitude

larger than the time-scale for the fluid phase heat transfer. Thus it is not practical to run

the numerical simulation entirely in a coupled transient manner. CONVERGE offers a

novel approach: super-cycling to solve CHT problems in a computationally efficient

manner. Refer to the Time Control Methods for CHT section for more details.

16.1 Conjugate Heat T ransfer Setup

The conjugate heat transfer setup requires several additional inputs. Define solid and fluid

materials and their physical properties , specify the regions occupied by solids and fluids ,
and specify an INTERFACE boundary to demarcate the solid and fluid regions. You must

also take a few e xtra steps to prepare the surface geometry. Finally , if you wish to use

super-cycling , set up the parameters for super-cycling procedure for a computationally

efficient CHT simulation. The following sections outline these additional input parameters

and surface geometry preparation steps.

16.1.1 Defining and Specifying Solid Properties - , solid.dat

In, you must define one or more species as SOLID in the conjugate heat transfer

model as shown in Figure 16.1 below.


Figure 16.1: Sample file with SOLID species.

CONVERGE looks in solid.dat for properties of any species specified under the SOLID
keyword. The solid.dat file includes data for the melting point , density , specific heat

capacity , and conductivity for each solid species , all in SI units. Figure 16.2 shows an

excerpt of a solid.dat file. The first (uncommented) row is the name of the solid species , in

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this case iron. The second row is the melting point of the solid (in K). The following rows

include data as shown in Table 16.1.

Table 16.1: Column data and units in solid.dat.

Column Number Column Data Column units
1 Temperature K
2 Density kg m3/

3 Specific heat capacity kg-K


4 Conductivity W m-K/

! solid species name

! melting point (k)
! Temperature density specific heat condiuctivity
! k (N.s/m^2) (j/kg.k) (w/m.k)
0.0000E+00 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
1.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
2.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
Figure 16.2: An example solid.dat file.

Note: In CONVERGE , the reaction mechanism , thermodynamic data ,, gas.dat,

and liquid.dat files define the fluid materials and specify their properties. Refer to Chapter

9 - Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms for details.

16.1.2 Fluid and Solid Regions

In, solid_flag must be 0 for all fluid regions and solid_flag must be 1 for all solid

regions. Figure 16.3 shows an e xample file specifying one fluid region ( region_id
0) and one solid region ( region_id 1).


2 num_regions

### Fluid region###

0 region_id
0 stream_id
0 solid_flag
0.0 0.0 0.0 vel_init
353.0 temp_init
1.01e5 pres_init
0.5 tke_init
112.6372 eps_init

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101.11 omega_init
2 num_species_init

o2 0.23
n2 0.77
0 num_passive_init

### Solid region###

1 region_id
1 stream_id
1 solid_flag
0.0 0.0 0.0 vel_init
413.0 temp_init
1.01e5 pres_init
0.5 tke_init
112.6372 eps_init
1 num_species_init

metal 1.0
0 num_passive_init
Figure 16.3: A sample for a conjugate heat transfer case.

16.1.3 Boundary Conditions for CHT

To calculate the heat transfer between a solid region and a fluid region , you must specify

an INTERFACE boundary (see Boundary 2 in Figure 16.4 below) that demarcates the two

materials/phases. The INTERFACE boundary consists of a single layer of triangles. This

boundary type is special in that it has two unique sets of boundary conditions , one for

each side of the INTERFACE. In, however , the boundary conditions for the

INTERFACE refer to the IDs for two other boundaries: the forward boundary and the

reverse boundary.

The forward and reverse boundaries have no triangles flagged to them in the surface

geometry file , nor do their boundary IDs appear in the e xported surface.dat file. These

boundaries simply define unique boundary conditions for each side of the INTERFACE.

Additionally , CONVERGE generates independent grids on each side of the INTERFACE

boundary. By convention , the boundary facing the normal vectors of the triangles assigned

to the INTERFACE is the forward boundary. The boundary facing the opposite direction of

these normal vectors is the reverse boundary.

For the xample

e geometry in Figure 16.5 , the boundary conditions for the forward
boundary (boundary 3 in Figure 16.4) are for the fluid side of the INTERFACE. The

boundary conditions for the reverse boundary (boundary 4 in Figure 16.4) are for the solid

side of the INTERFACE. To allow heat transfer through the INTERFACE , CONVERGE

couples the forward and reverse boundaries (only available for fluid-solid or solid-solid

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INTERFACE boundaries). Specify coupled as the temperature boundary condition for the

forward and reverse boundaries.

CONVERGE imposes thermal continuity across the INTERFACE via the equations

[ b ]F [ b ]S T (16.1)


H eat flux F H eat flux S , (16.2)

where the subscripts F and S denote fluid and solid, respectively , and T is the temperature.

The temperatures and heat flu xes of the solid and the fluid regions are consistent across

the entire area of the INTERFACE boundary.

When CONVERGE generates the grid , it treats solid-solid and solid-fluid interfaces as if

they were in perfect contact. In reality , at the microscopic level , there are irregularities and

defects in the solid surfaces that prevent perfect thermal contact. As a result , there is a

small air gap between the two solids or the solid and fluid that restricts heat flu x. In order

to account for the small gap between solids , CONVERGE includes a thermal contact

resistance model. The equation for the heat flu x balance at the interface between two solid

boundaries is a function of the contact resistance:

q T , T i q T , T i T i T i , 2 1

1 1 1
2 2 2 (16.3)

where q j
is the heat flu x at the interface for solid j , T
is the temperature at the first interior

point near the interface for solid j , Ti j

is the interface temperature for solid j , and Rc is the

contact resistance in K-m W 2/ . To enable the contact resistance model between coupled

forward and reverse boundaries , enter the contact resistance Rc after the keyword coupled
for a temperature boundary condition.

An INTERFACE boundary represents disconnect triangles similar to those automatically

created to disconnect fluid regions. If you set disconnect = 0 for an INTERFACE boundary ,
the INTERFACE triangles cannot be disabled and no fluid flow is allowed between the two

regions. This is a typical configuration for a CHT simulation of heat transfer between fluid

and a solid piston. If you set disconnect = 1 , CONVERGE can disable the INTERFACE

triangles at specific times and allow fluid flow between the two regions. This configuration

works only for an INTERFACE between two fluid regions and no heat transfer occurs

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through the interface. Use to control OPEN/CLOSE events between the two


12 # Number of boundaries defined
1 Outer wall
roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature fl -10000.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 1
2 Solid fluid interface
forward 3
reverse 4
disconnect 0
3 Virtual boundary - Fluid side
roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity la 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature la coupled
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 0
4 Virtual boundary - Solid side
roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity di 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature di coupled
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
region 1
Figure 16.4: An excerpt of with heat flux into the outer wall, the INTERFACE boundary,
and accompanying virtual boundaries.

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Figure 16.5: Normal vectors pointing towards the fluid region

(region_id = 0).
WALL Boundary
In a CHT simulation , a WALL boundary contains the portion of the solid that is not in

contact with the secondary material. There are multiple options for the WALL

temperature boundary conditions. For e xample, to specify a flux temperature boundary

condition , enter fl followed by the amount of heat per surface area (in Wm/
) applied

uniformly to the boundary (see Boundary 1 in Figure 16.4). A negative value indicates

energy entering the solid while a positive value indicates energy e xiting the solid.

16.2 T ime Control M ethods for CHT

CONVERGE offers several time control methods for CHT. If you choose transient ,
CONVERGE solves the fluid and solid together with the same time-step for the entire

domain ( e.g., to simulate natural convection from a heated bo x). If you choose steady-state ,
CONVERGE solves the fluid and solid for steady values with independent pseudo time-

steps ( e.g ,
. to simulate forced convection over a solid bo x). If you choose super-cycling

(recommended for simulations with combustion) , CONVERGE iterates between fully-

coupled transient and steady-state solution methods for the solid only and uses the

transient solver for the fluid.

Transient and Steady-State

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To configure transient or steady-state time control , use steady_solver_flag in to

select a solver. Edit the parameters in to control the operation of the desired

solver. Refer to Chapter 5 - Numerics for more information on these two time control


In an engine , the time-scale necessary to resolve solid heat transfer is usually much greater

than that for fluid heat transfer. It takes many engine cycles for the solid temperature to

reach steady-state. Super-cycling in CONVERGE is an acceleration method that solves

time-dependent CHT problems to a steady-state in a solid with fewer engine cycles. Super-

cycling iterates between fully-coupled transient and steady-state solvers via the following


1. CONVERGE solves the fluid and solid equations together using the transient solver (but

does not store the solid heat transfer data) from the start of the simulation until the

supercycle_start_time in order to develop the fluid flow field.

2. At supercycle_start_time, CONVERGE begins storing values for a heat transfer

coefficient (HTC) and near-wall temperature for each cell at the solid/fluid interface ,
one value for each time-step.

3. CONVERGE continues to solve both the fluid and solid equations and stores HTCs and

near-wall fluid cell temperatures for a time equal to the supercycle_stage_interval .

4. At time = supercycle_start_time + supercycle_stage_interval, CONVERGE freezes the fluid

solver and calculates the time-averaged HTC and temperature for each cell at the

solid/fluid interface based on the values stored in step 3. CONVERGE performs the

solid heat transfer calculation at this time using the time-averaged HTC and near-wall

fluid cell temperatures as boundary conditions at the INTERFACE. There are two solid

heat transfer calculation methods that CONVERGE can use: steady-state or transient.

a. Perform steady-state solid heat transfer calculations by setting supercycle_length to a

negative value. CONVERGE solves the solid heat transfer until the tolerance defined

in supercycle_energy_tol is achieved. This solid energy equation calculation will not

appear to take any time on an output file plot of Solid Temperature vs. Time ( e.g.,
the solid temperature will appear to immediately jump).

b. Perform transient solid heat transfer calculations by setting supercycle_length to a

positive value. CONVERGE solves the solid heat transfer for the length of time set by

supercycle_length . Transient solid heat transfer calculations are not commonly used.

Contact Convergent Science to discuss a transient solid solver configuration.

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After performing the solid energy transfer calculations , the temperature of the solid

represents the steady-state solid temperature.

5. CONVERGE starts the fluid solver again after calculating the steady-state solid

temperature , and solves the fluid and solid equations for another period of time equal to

supercycle_stage_interval . The updated solid temperature causes the fluid temperature to

rise dramatically. The fluid temperature rise then levels off when the difference between

the solid and fluid temperatures is no longer great enough to increase the fluid

temperature at the given flow rate. CONVERGE also stores a new heat transfer

coefficient and temperature for each solid/fluid interface cell , at each time-step.

CONVERGE uses HTC and temperature values from only the current super-cycle stage

when averaging these values.

6. At time = supercycle_start_time + (2 * supercycle_stage_interval , ) CONVERGE again

pauses the fluid solver and recalculates the time-averaged heat transfer coefficient and

temperature for each cell at the solid/fluid interface based on the values stored in step

5. With the fluid solver paused , CONVERGE again performs the solid heat transfer

calculations as described in step 4.

7. CONVERGE repeats this super-cycling process until the end_time of the simulation as

specified in .

Contact Resistance with Super-Cycling

In some simulations , there are areas through which fluid flows for only part of the

simulation ( e.g., the gap between a valve and a valve seat in an internal combustion

engine). To model solid-solid contact resistance between these temporarily separated

regions , configure a contact region via contact resistance events in . When the two

solids are specified as closed , CONVERGE does not allow fluid flow between the two

regions and performs solid-solid heat transfer calculations. To improve the speed of

temperature convergence in a contact region when super-cycling is active , CONVERGE

copies the temperature and heat transfer coefficient from each solid boundary and applies

these properties as boundary conditions to the solid with which the first solid is in contact.

Treatment of Moving Solid Boundaries During Super-Cycling

In some boundary configurations , a solid boundary slides into and out of a stationary solid

boundary , which results in changing boundary conditions for the stationary surface.

E xamples of this phenomenon in an internal combustion engine include a valve sliding

within a valve guide or a solid piston in contact with the solid liner.

For the piston liner contact scenario , the piston moves up and down within the liner.

Therefore , at different times during the simulation , portions of the liner may be e xposed to
the fluid in the cylinder , the solid piston surface , or the air in the crankcase. In

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CONVERGE , the boundary conditions for these scenarios are a fluid-solid interface , a

solid-solid interface , and a solid wall with a convective boundary condition , respectively.

Figure 16.6 below shows these boundary conditions.

Figure 16.6: Boundary condition types for a moving solid piston within
a solid liner.

Discrete portions of the liner ( i.e., cells that are adjacent to the combustion chamber)

experience each of these three boundary conditions for a certain amount of time during

the engine cycle. To accurately calculate heat transfer information , CONVERGE weights

each of the three boundary conditions according to the fraction of an engine cycle that a

discrete portion of the liner e xperiences each boundary condition. Table 16.2 below

provides an e xample of the weights for a cell on the liner surface.

Table 16.2: Boundary conditions and respective weights.

Boundary condition for a point on the Time percentage that the point is exposed to the
liner surface boundary condition over an entire engine cycle (weight)
Fluid-solid interface 40 %

Solid-solid interface 10 %

Fi xed convection 50 %

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At each super-cycle stage , the solid-solid interface ( e.g., piston-liner interface) is

temporarily decoupled. At each iteration of the steady-state solid solver , CONVERGE

calculates an effective heat transfer coefficient and temperature for the stationary solid

boundary ( e.g., the liner) based on the three boundary conditions and their weights. Then ,
CONVERGE computes a new piston contact surface temperature based on these effective

variables. This procedure helps improve the accuracy of the heat transfer calculation and

the speed of convergence.

When super-cycling is active , CONVERGE automatically creates boundary groups for

boundaries attached to stretching fluid-solid interfaces. In the previous e xample, one

boundary group includes the solid liner interface , the solid piston interface and bottom of

the liner. If there are solid coupled boundaries that are supposed to be included in the

boundary group , you must set the velocity boundary condition as MOVING Translating or

FI ED Translating
X . Otherwise , CONVERGE cannot find the correct boundaries.

Log File
In the log file , CONVERGE creates a record of the boundary grouping. Figure 16.7 below

shows a sample log file e xcerpt for the boundary grouping created for the piston liner

there are 1 bound_group created

boundary ids in bound_group 0
grouped boundary 29
boundary in contact 40
depend boundary 7
Figure 16.7: A sample log file excerpt for moving solid boundaries during super-cycling.

In the above sample , bound_group refers to the number of boundary groups matching the

criteria for this feature. On the ne xt line, the log file lists the number of boundaries in the

group. The boundary ID of the stationary solid follows grouped boundary . The boundary ID

of the solid boundary in contact with the stationary solid boundary follows boundary in
contact . Finally , the boundary ID for depend boundary corresponds to the boundary used to

obtain position information for the grouped boundaries.

The overall length of the grouped boundaries must be constant in time. The moving

boundaries ( e.g., the piston) must move in the same direction with the same speed.

Additionally , the volume of these boundaries must be constant (they cannot deform).

For an engine case , you must simulate at least an entire engine cycle for correct averaging.

Otherwise , this feature will not produce reasonable results.

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16.2.1 Super-Cycle Stages

To e xpedite the solution of a conjugate heat transfer simulation , CONVERGE allows you

to update the averaged data in the storage routines with the parameter

supercycle_num_stages .

For example, for a 4-stroke engine running at ,

2 000 RPM , you could set

supercycle_num_stages = 12. Then you could set supercycle_stage_interval crank angle

to 60

degrees . CONVERGE will average 12 blocks of data , each 60 crank angle degrees long in the

1st super-cycle. In the 2nd super-cycle , CONVERGE discards the earliest stage from the 1st

super-cycle during the averaging process and uses the latest stage generated in the storage

routine of the 2nd super-cycle to update the 12 blocks of 60 crank angle degrees data. Figure

16.8 illustrates the update process of super-cycle stage data.

Figure 16.8: Stages in the super-cycle process.

16.2.2 Super-Cycle Output

You can prescribe monitor points in to obtain temperature data from specific

locations in the solid domain. (If you want to monitor more than just solid temperatures ,
use the option or the UDF monitor point option).

To set up monitor points to obtain solid temperature data , specify the number of monitor

points via supercycle_num_points and then , on each subsequent line , list the x, ,
y and z

coordinates for a single monitor point. The number of lines of coordinates must correspond

to the value of supercycle_num_points .

CONVERGE writes the solid temperature data to the supercycle_point<ID>.out file(s) ,

where <ID> represents the ID number of the monitor point.

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16.2.3 Super-Cycle Inputs -

To activate the super-cycling , set cht_supercycle_flag = 1 in and include the file in the Case Directory.

16.2.4 Heat Transfer Mapping for Multi-Cylinder CHT

In some multi-cylinder conjugate heat transfer (CHT) engine simulations , the goal is to

predict the heat transfer between each of the cylinders and the solid cylinder head.

Modeling combustion in all cylinders with a method like SAGE , however , is often

prohibitively e xpensive. The heat transfer mapping for multi-cylinder CHT feature offers a

faster alternative. Since the combustion behaves in a similar manner in all cylinders ,
CONVERGE models combustion in only one cylinder and then maps the results to the

other cylinders.

With this feature , combustion in a main cylinder is modeled while the other cylinders

(duplicate cylinders) obtain boundary condition information from the main cylinder. This

feature is only available with super-cycling ( cht_supercycle_flag = 1 in ). At each

super-cycle , CONVERGE cycle-averages the wall temperatures and heat transfer

coefficients (HTC) from relevant boundaries in the main cylinder and maps this

information to the corresponding boundaries in the duplicate cylinders. Thus , the timing of

the mapping for duplicate cylinders is entirely dependent on the super-cycling

configuration for the main cylinder.

CONVERGE can map information on fluid-solid INTERFACE and solid WALL type

boundaries between main and duplicate cylinders. For mapped solid WALL boundaries ,
the temperature boundary condition for the duplicate boundary must be Neumann .

One method to appro ximate combustion in the duplicate cylinders when the full cylinder

geometry e xists is to specify a heat release source that mimics the effects of combustion

within the cylinder. In some cases , surface triangles for the cylinder may not e xist for

duplicate cylinders. In this case , no attempt is made to model in-cylinder combustion. The

cylinder head boundary is a solid WALL and thus requires a Neumann temperature

boundary condition. This requirement is because CONVERGE cannot map the data from

the main cylinder fluid-solid INTERFACE to the duplicate cylinder solid WALL if the solid

WALL temperature boundary condition is Dirichlet .

1. Set up super-cycling as desired. Activate cylinder duplication by setting

map_surface_flag = 1 in .

Settings in control the multi-cylinder heat transfer mapping.

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2. Specify the total number of main cylinders for tot_num_masters . These are the cylinders

with full combustion from which data will be mapped. Then , specify the total number

of duplicate cylinders (for all of the main cylinders combined) for tot_num_slaves . These

are the cylinders (or solid WALL boundaries used to represent combustion) that do not

use a combustion model and have boundary data mapped from the main cylinder.

3. Enter the total number of main boundaries for tot_num_master_boundaries . Include the

boundaries for all main cylinders.

4. Now , create a section of the input file containing the following parameters for each

main cylinder.

First , specify the number of boundaries that make up the current main cylinder that you

wish to map followed by num_boundaries . List these boundary IDs and the keyword

bound_id on the following lines with one boundary ID per line.

Enter the number of duplicate cylinders that are connected to the current main cylinder

for data mapping followed by num_slaves . Create a section of the input file containing the

following parameters for each duplicate cylinder.

Provide transformation information from the duplicate to the main. That is , enter the

transformation that would move the duplicate cylinder such that it e xactly overlaps the

main cylinder. In practice , the cylinders may not overlap perfectly (due to small differences

in the surface geometry) , but as long as they match within a tolerance , the mapping will

work successfully. CONVERGE uses the transformation to determine which boundaries

are linked between the main and the duplicate cylinders.

For any of the transformation types below , you can leave all entries as 0 which means the

transformation will not occur. If you specify non-zero values , CONVERGE will perform

the transformation in accordance with your specifications.

If you set the elements of mirror_plane to non-zero values , CONVERGE will use a mirror

transformation. That is , reflecting the duplicate cylinder across the given plane will result

in the duplicate overlapping the main e xactly. a, b, c,

Enter the and d coefficients of the

equation that describes this mirror plane ( ax by cz d 0

+ + + = ).

To specify a translation , enter the x, y, and z translation amounts necessary to translate the

duplicate cylinder onto the main cylinder.

To specify a rotation , enter a value for rot_angle (the angle with which to rotate the

duplicate cylinder in the counter-clockwise direction). Also supply the x, y, and z

coordinates of the rotation origin for orig_xyz . Enter the x, y, and z components of the

direction vector about which to rotate the duplicate cylinder for vector_xyz .

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Forced Pairs
At the end of the file , you can optionally supply forced pairs. Forced pairs are used if

CONVERGE cannot determine the duplicate boundary on which to map the data (possibly

due to imperfect geometries) based on the given transformation information. The two

specified boundary IDs become forced pairs and CONVERGE copies the information from

main to duplicate , regardless of the transformation.

First , enter the number of forced pairs of boundaries for num_forced_pairs . On each line

below , supply four values: the main boundary ID , the duplicate boundary ID , the main

cylinder inde x, and the duplicate cylinder inde x. CONVERGE determines cylinder indices

based on the order in which you list them in . That is, the first-

listed main cylinder is considered main cylinder 0. If this main cylinder has one duplicate

cylinder , it is duplicate cylinder inde x 0. The second main cylinder is main cylinder inde x 1

and any duplicate cylinders would begin with duplicate cylinder inde x 1 and so on.

Log File Output

When the heat transfer mapping for multi-cylinder CHT feature is active , CONVERGE

provides information about the main-duplicate pairing during the initialization of the

simulation ( i.e., before the first time-step). This information will appear either on the screen

or in the log file depending on how you e xecute CONVERGE. The first section shows how

the area , geometric center , surface normal vector , and moment of inertia of each duplicate

boundary compare to those for the main boundary. The second section lists the boundary

IDs of successful boundary pairings. The third section lists the boundary IDs of any forced

pairs (if present).

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Volum e of Fluid ( VOF ) Modeling
Chapter 17
Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling |

17 Volume of Fluid ( VOF ) Modeling

CONVERGE can simulate multi-phase flows with the volume of fluid (VOF) method. The

VOF method locates and tracks the free surface in a liquid-gas flow or the interface in a

liquid-liquid flow. It is an Eulerian method that reconstructs the interface location and

orientation within each fluid cell. CONVERGE incorporates several models for interface

reconstruction , which are suitable for a range of multi-phase flows. Coupled with

Adaptive Mesh Refinement , CONVERGE tracks these interfaces accurately and efficiently.

The VOF method can be used with both compressible and incompressible fluids. In low-

pressure applications , liquids are incompressible and gases are compressible. However ,
there are some high-pressure applications for which the compressibility of engineering

fluids is important.

The two fluids share a joint momentum and energy equation. They are coupled through

the interface. As the name implies , the VOF method tracks the volume of fluid within each

cell. This is represented by the void fraction a, which is the fraction of the cell's volume

that does not contain fluid:

=0 (the cell contains only liquid),

0 1 (the cell contains both liquid and gas), (17.1)

=1 (the cell contains only gas).

CONVERGE tracks this value throughout the domain. The value of the void fraction

represents one of the following cell compositions , as illustrated below in Figure 17.1.

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Figure 17.1: Void fraction (a ) values. The blue circle represents a liquid droplet.

CONVERGE can run with the VOF method in two time-stepping modes: a steady-state

solver ( steady_solver_flag = 1 in ) or a transient solver ( steady_solver_flag = 0).

The local value of the void fraction does not contain any information about the shape or

location of any interface within the cell. These interface details must be reconstructed from

other data. Two interface reconstruction methods are available in CONVERGE.

The Piecewise-Linear Interface Calculation (PLIC) method constructs a fluid interface from

a local planar interface within each cell. This interface is generated with the local void

fraction gradient as the plane normal , and the plane location is computed from the void


The High-Resolution Interface Capturing (HRIC) scheme constructs an interpolated

curved interface using information from neighboring cells. HRIC is more stable than PLIC ,
but it is more computationally e xpensive and it cannot resolve an interface as sharply.

HRIC should be used for simulations that meet one or more of the following criteria:

Energy and/or turbulence equations are solved ,

Comple x or moving geometry is used , or

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling |

Fluids are compressible or incompressible.

CONVERGE offers two solution methods for a VOF calculation.

The Individual Species Solution (ISS) method is a mass-fraction-based solution method for

VOF simulation. In this scheme , CONVERGE transports total mass , momentum , and

energy , recalculating the void fraction in each cell from the transported species. ISSM

reconstructs the interface with HRIC e xclusively. The method is suitable for:

Compressible or incompressible fluids ,

Miscible fluids ,
High pressures , temperatures , and velocities , and


However , the ISS method is not suitable for immiscible fluids , and it is diffusive. If you use

the ISS method for a VOF simulation , your simulation will not be able to capture a sharp

interface between the fluids.

The Void Fraction Solution (VFS) method directly transports the void fraction a, in

addition to the usual mass , momentum , and energy. This additional constraint allows the

VFS method to resolve sharp fluid interfaces. It can also be used for miscible fluids.

However , because volume is not generally a conserved quantity , transportation of volume

implies that the fluids must be incompressible. The VFS method reconstructs the interface

with either PLIC or HRIC.

CONVERGE can also couple a VOF simulation to the Eulerian-Langrangian fluid parcel

simulation method.

We recommend you set up VOF simulations in CONVERGE Studio , which will

automatically generate the necessary input files , including and, based on

the parameters you set.

17.1 Individual Species Solution M ethod

Governing Equations
In the most fundamental form of the VOF method , the void fraction is solved with a

conservation equation:

i 0.
t i x (17.2)

The global density is computed as

568 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 17
Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Individual Species Solution Method

g 1 l , (17.3)

where r g
represents the gas density in the cell and rl represents the liquid density in the

cell. In the ISS method , CONVERGE follows a modified solution procedure. The void

fraction is not transported directly the same way as in Equation 17.2. CONVERGE first

solves the species using the species transport equation

D Ym , m=
m m

t x x x

j j j

where r m = Ymr , r m is the density of species m, Ym is the mass fraction of species m, D is the

diffusion coefficient , and n is the total number of species.

Then CONVERGE computes the void fraction using the species mass fractions in the cell.

The solver sums the mass of gas species in the cell to calculate the total gas mass in a cell.

CONVERGE uses the remainder of the mass in a cell as the liquid mass. In other words ,

mg Ym
m 1 (17.5)

ml mg , 1

where mg is the total gas mass fraction , ml is the total liquid mass fraction , and ng is the

total number of gas species.

CONVERGE computes the void fraction with the following equation:


mg ml . (17.6)

g l

CONVERGE's PISO algorithm allows both compressible and incompressible fluids.

CONVERGE uses the compressible solver to solve the gas and compressible liquids (set

gas_compressible_flag = 1 and liquid_compressible_flag = 1 in ) and it uses the

incompressible solver to solve the liquid phase (set liquid_compressible_flag = 0 in ).

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Chapter 17
Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Individual Species Solution Method

High-Resolution Interface Capturing (HRIC) Method with the ISS Method

The fluid interface position cannot be captured without careful discretization of convective

terms. Commonly used schemes such as upwinding and central differencing schemes

introduce effects of artificial diffusion or dispersion , respectively. Other higher-order

schemes cause local oscillations of the void fraction. To avoid these artificial ,

CONVERGE incorporates a High-Resolution Interface Capturing (HRIC) scheme

(Waclawczyk and Kornowicz , 2006).

Figure 17.2: A schematic showing convective boundedness

criterion. U represents upwind cells, D the donor cells, and
A the acceptor cells.

The HRIC method is based on the convective boundedness criterion , which states that the

variable distribution between the centers of the neighborhood control volumes (for

example, D and A in Figure 17.2 above) should remain smooth when

D f A . Using

this constraint , as well as information about the value of the variable in the upwind

control volume , ,U we define the normalized variables




. (17.8)

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Individual Species Solution Method

When using the equations above , the value of the void fraction at the control volume , f f .,
takes the form

f 1 D

A, (17.9)


f D
. (17.10)


There are three steps in the application of the HRIC scheme. First , the normalized cell face

value is estimated from a scheme that continuously connects upwind and downwind


D : D 0 , D 1,

f 2D : 0 D 0.5 . (17.11)

1: 0.5 D 1

Second , since a downwind differencing scheme can cause unphysical alignment of the

interface with the mesh , another scheme must be used to satisfy the convective

boundedness criterion. For this process , CONVERGE uses an upwind differencing scheme.

The blending factor , gf , connected with the angle qf (shown below in Figure 17.3) , yields

smooth transitions between schemes:

f* f f 1 f D , (17.12)


f cos f . (17.13)

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Individual Species Solution Method

Figure 17.3:
A schematic showing the definition of the angle
qf . qf is defined as the angle between the vector
normal to the fluid-fluid interface in a cell and
the direction vector from the center of fluid-fluid
interface cell, D, to the center of the neighboring
cell, A.

Dynamic blending of the upwind and downwind differencing schemes accounts for local

distribution of the void fraction. When the CFL condition is not satisfied , the dynamic

nature of this scheme can cause stability problems. Therefore , f

is corrected with respect

to the local Courant number Cf . This correction also forces continuous switching between

schemes in the time domain:

f* : f 0.3

f** D : f 0.7 (17.14)

* 0.7 f :0.3 C 0.7
f D f
0.7 0.3

When using this scheme in multiple dimensions , the local Courant number , Cf , is replaced

by its cell definition.

To run the ISS method with HRIC , perform the following steps:

In, vof_model = .
set 1

In, gas_compressible_flag =
set 1 and liquid_compressible_flag = 0 or 1 .
In inputs,in, max_cfl_u =
set 0.5.

572 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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In, set fv_upwind_factor_mom = 0.5 and fv_upwind_factor_global = 0.5. If the

simulation recovers frequently , set these factors to 1.

In, set the convergence tolerance values shown below in Table 17.1.

Table 17.1: ISS/HRIC convergence tolerance values in

Quantity Parameter Tolerance
Momentum mom_tol 1.0e-6

Energy energy_tol 1.0e-5

Pressure pres_tol 1.0e-6

Density density_tol 1.0e-5

Species species_tol 1.0e-5

The fluid properties specified in liquid.dat apply to the a=0 fluid. The properties specified

in gas.dat apply to the a=1 fluid.

17.2 Void Fraction Solution M ethod

Governing Equations
The continuity equation for the incompressible two-phase system is the requirement that

the vector field be divergence-free:

0u (17.15)

In Equations 17.17 - 17.22 below ,a represents the void fraction in a cell. The momentum

conservation equation for the VOF PLIC method takes the following form:

u u u

( )T s u u n

t (17.17)

1 2
(1 ) (17.18)

1 2
(1 ). (17.19)

The void fraction at any given time is calculated as

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Void Fraction Solution Method

n n
t nu dA t u n dV ,
( ) (17.20)


n n fluxes+sources.


CONVERGE geometrically calculates the flu xes and sources in Equations 17.20 and 17.21

using either the HRIC scheme described above or the Piecewise-Linear Interface

Calculation scheme.

Piecewise-Linear Interface Calculation (PLIC) Scheme

To simulate incompressible two-phase flow with a void fraction solution method ,
CONVERGE incorporates the VOF piecewise-linear interface calculation (VOF PLIC)

method (Aulisa et al , 2007 , Gueyffier et al , 1999 , Rider and Kothe , 1998 , Scardovelli and

Zaleski , 1999 , and Tryggvason and Scardovelli , 2011). This method constructs the interface

separating the fluids geometrically , using a planar shape in each cell (see Figure 17.4

below). This approach maintains a sharper interface than the HRIC method.

574 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Void Fraction Solution Method

Figure 17.4: The red dotted lines represent the planar shapes that the PLIC
method uses to construct the fluid-fluid interface geometrically.

In CONVERGE , the VOF PLIC method follows four steps to geometrically calculate the

flu xes and source terms in Equations 17.20 and 17.21:

Estimate the normal orientation , m = a (see Figure 17.5 below),

Construct the surface with the plane equation: mx x my y
+ + m zz d
+ = 0 , where the

normals in the x, y, and z directions are mx , my , m z,


Determine d uniquely from the void fraction , a, and the interface normal m, and
Advect the interface (estimate the flu xes).

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Void Fraction Solution Method

Figure 17.5: Planar shapes used to estimate

the normal vectors for the fluid-fluid
interface in each cell.

To run the Void Fraction Solution with PLIC , perform the following steps:,

o steady_solver_flag = ,
Set 0

o gas_compressible_flag =
Set 0 and liquid_compressible_flag = 0 , and

o species_solver_flag =
Set 0., vof_model = .
In set 2, conserve =
In set 0.,
In set the convergence tolerance values shown below in Table 17.2.

Table 17.2: ISS/HRIC convergence tolerance values in

Quantity Parameter Tolerance
Momentum mom_tol 1.0e-6

Energy energy_tol 1.0e-5

Pressure pres_tol 1.0e-6

Density density_tol 1.0e-5

Species species_tol 1.0e-5

In, set parameters to automatically refine the grid in order to more accurately

capture the VOF interface:

o Set amr_void_flag = 1,
o Set amr_void_embed_scale to the integer maximum number of levels you want the grid
to be refined in the fluid-fluid interface area ,
o Set amr_void_sgs_embed to be the sub-grid value of a that results in grid refinement,
o Set the timing control term to PERMANENT, CYCLIC (VOF AMR repeats) followed by
the period , or SEQU ENTIAL (VOF AMR does not repeat) , depending on your

simulation , and

576 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Void Fraction Solution Method

o Set amr_void_start amr_void_end

and for VOF AMR (in seconds if crank_flag = 0 in crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1 or 2).

The fluid properties specified in liquid.dat apply to the a=0 fluid. The properties specified

in gas.dat apply to the a=1 fluid , even though this fluid must be incompressible.

You may initialize the void fraction by setting udf_flag = 1 in and customizing the

user_initialize.c UDF as needed.

High-Resolution Interface Capturing (HRIC) Scheme

You can use the void fraction solution method with the HRIC scheme to track the fluid-

fluid interface. The HRIC scheme allows CONVERGE to stably iterate with a larger time-

step than the PLIC scheme. However , the HRIC scheme cannot resolve the fluid-fluid

interface with as much sharpness as the PLIC scheme. Refer to the HRIC section for the

details and implementation of the HRIC scheme in CONVERGE.

To run VFSM with HRIC , perform the same steps listed for PLIC above but set vof_model =
1 in .

17.3 Surface T ension and Wall Adhesion

The VOF model accounts for the effects of surface tension along the interface between the

liquid and gas phases. You may augment the model by specifying the contact angles

between the phases and the walls. The addition of surface tension to the VOF calculation

adds a source term F

, sf i , in the following momentum equation:

i i uu P i F

j j

t x xi x
sf i . (17.22)
j j

To compute the surface tension , CONVERGE calculates the surface curvature from local

gradients in the surface normal at the interface:

ni xi .


The curvature , , is defined in terms of the divergence of the unit normal n

, i as

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Surface Tension and Wall Adhesion

. (17.24)

In the VOF method , the interface between the liquid and gas phases is not tracked

explicitly. Therefore , CONVERGE models the surface tension with a continuum surface

force (CSF) model (Brackbill et al. , 1992). This alleviates the interface topology constraints.

The model interprets surface tension as a continuous , three-dimensional effect across an

interface , rather than as a boundary value condition on the interface.

To formulate the volume force , we define a modified void fraction , x , that varies

smoothly over a thickness h across the interface by convolving the characteristic function ,
x with a Gaussian filter interpolation function ,
, as

x x x x d x,

h v

3 (17.25)

has bounded support

x 0 for xh . (17.26)

The interpolation function is defined so that the modified x approaches the

characteristic function x as the scale length h0 :

lim x x .
h 0

CONVERGE computes the e xternal force e xerted in the cell by surface tension through a

surface tension coefficient , s:

Fsf i x ( x ( x )

( ) ) . (17.28)

You can specify a wall adhesion angle in conjunction with the surface tension model.

Rather than impose this boundary condition at the wall itself , the assumed fluid-wall

contact angle adjusts the normal vectors of the cells near the wall. This dynamic boundary

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Surface Tension and Wall Adhesion

condition adjusts the curvature of the surface near the wall. If

w is the contact angle at the

wall , then the surface normal at the live cell ne xt to the wall is

ni nw i cos w tw i sin w , (17.29)

where nw i
and t w i
are the unit vectors normal and tangential to the wall , respectively. The

local curvature of the surface is determined by the combination of this contact angle and

the normally calculated normal vector one cell removed from the wall. This curvature

adjusts the body force term in the surface tension calculation.

17.4 Cavitation M odeling

CONVERGE's cavitation model is based on the flash-boiling hypothesis of Shields et al. ,

(2011) , with rapid heat transfer between the liquid and vapor phase.

The vaporization process in cavitation is very similar to that of flash-boiling , with a specific

thermodynamic difference. While cavitation represents the vapor formed through a

constant temperature system e xperiencing a drop in pressure , flash-boiling represents the

same system , with a lower pressure drop and elevated temperatures. A homogenous

rela xation model predicts the mass e xchange between the liquid and vapor. This model

describes the rate at which the instantaneous mass ( i.e., the mass fraction of vapor in a

two-phase mi xture) will approach its equilibrium value. Bilicki and Kestin (1990) proposed

a simple linearized form for this rate , shown in the following equation:

Dx xx
. (17.30)

In the above equation , x represents the instantaneous mass , x represents the equilibrium

mass and q represents the time scale over which x rela xes to x . For evaporation , the time

scale qE can be represented as follows:

E 0 0.54 1.76 . (17.31)

For condensation , the time scale qC can be represented as

C F 0 0.54 1.76 , (17.32)

where F is the time scale factor ( condensation_time_factor in ) by which the

evaporation time scale is factored. A typical value for F is 5000 , meaning condensation

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Cavitation Modeling

occurs 5000 times slower than evaporation under similar conditions. The value of the

coefficient q0 is 3.84e-7 s and the non-dimensional pressure ratio ( j ) is given by

Psat P
, (17.33)
Pc Psat

where Pc is the critical pressure.

To use the cavitation model in CONVERGE , set vof_flag = 1 in and set

cavitation_flag = 1 in Refer to the section of Chapter 21 - Input File Reference

for more information about the other cavitation-related parameters in

17.5 VOF-Spray One-Way Coupling

CONVERGE features one-way coupling between VOF and spray modeling. You can

initialize a spray simulation with parcel data from a VOF simulation. This option allows

you to combine a high fidelity simulation of a fuel injector and nozzle system with a

computationally ine xpensive parcel-based fuel injector spray simulation.

First , run a VOF simulation. In this first simulation , set vof_spray_flag = 1 and set

spray_flag = 0 in . After this simulation , CONVERGE generates a vof_spray.out file.

This file contains position , velocity , turbulence , temperature , and cell size information for

the VOF simulation. Rename this file vof_spray.dat .

Ne x t, run a second simulation with spray modeling enabled (set spray_flag = 1 in )

and VOF modeling disabled (set vof_flag = 0 in ). For this simulation , select the

appropriate value of spray_in ect_bc_flag

j in (depending on whether the nozzle is a

full circle , whether you want to translate or rotate the data , etc.). You can scale the EPS

values that are in the data file if you wish.

CONVERGE uses the position , velocity , turbulence , and temperature information from the

vof_spray.dat file to initialize the parcels for the spray simulation. For each injector , specify

the mass (in kg ) that CONVERGE assigns to each liquid parcel ( vof_spray_mass_per_parcel )

and the volume fraction threshold ( vof_spray_liq_vof_threshold ). If a cell has a liquid

volume fraction above the threshold you enter , CONVERGE injects at least one liquid

parcel using the data from vof_spray.dat . If a cell has a liquid volume fraction below the

threshold , CONVERGE does not inject liquid parcels. CONVERGE adjusts the number of

parcels injected to match the total injected mass from vof_spray.dat .

Figure 17.34 below provides an e xcerpt of a sample vof_spray.out file. The header provides

general information about the the nozzle , the two regions between which the data applies ,

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Chapter 17
Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | VOF-Spray One-Way Coupling

and liquid parcel data from the VOF simulation. The column output contains specific data

for the liquid parcels.

# VOF spray data file.
VOF_Liquid_Species IC12H26 VOF_Start_Time 0.0000000e+00 (s)
Time 1.0699517e-07 (s)
Injector_ID 0 Nozzle_ID 0 Region_IDs
2 1
Injector_Center 3.7000386e-05 -9.9976097e-04 4.8516653e-07 Nozzle_Center
3.7000386e-05 -9.9976097e-04 4.8516653e-07
Injector_Axi_Vec 1.1211468e-03 -9.9999936e-01 1.2407590e-04 Nozzle_Axi_Vec
1.1211468e-03 -9.9999936e-01 1.2407590e-04
Mass_Flow_Rate -5.9717491e-04 Mass_Flow_Rate_Liquid -5.9586239e-04
Total_Mass -6.4933024e-11 Total_Mass_Liquid -6.4716588e-11 Ca
9.9401483e-01 Diameter 8.8943495e-05
TKE 5.6575370e+00 EPS 4.3258723e+06 TEMP 3.6255930e+02
Cell_Count 160
W Liquid VOF
8.6096629e-05 -1.0096207e-03 -4.9915672e-06 -8.9929365e+01 1.3409426e-01
3.3958215e+00 1.1380727e-01
8.1267619e-05 -9.9837326e-04 -2.3201992e-06 2.3183932e+00 -1.1697388e+02
1.4541175e+00 9.9174065e-01

Liquid Mass TKE EPS TEMP

dx dy dz
1.2608065e-14 1.1546628e+01 3.7139282e+06 4.4852778e+02
1.0000000e-05 1.0000000e-05 1.0000000e-05
1.4230230e-14 7.7818276e+00 1.6647836e+06 3.5986321e+02
1.0000000e-05 1.0000000e-05 1.0000000e-05
Figure 17.6: An excerpt of a vof_spray.dat file. The columns here are split for readability. In actuality,
the Liquid Mass, TKE, EPS, TEMP, dx, dy, and dz columns follow the Liquid VOF column.

For VOF-spray one-way coupling , if you plan to use the KH-ACT breakup model in the

spray simulation , you must use a k-epsilon turbulence model in the VOF simulation.

17.6 Dissolved Gas M odeling

Under certain conditions , a gas may dissolve into a liquid such that the two fluids are in

solution. Likewise , as the pressure changes , the gas in the solution e xits the solution and

returns to a free gas phase. In CONVERGE ,

Henry s Law governs the mass transfer

between the free gas phase and the dissolved gas/liquid solution. Equations 17.34 and

17.35 below use N2 as an e xample gas. Henry's Law can be written as

cN p
liq ,

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Volume of Fluid (VOF) Modeling | Dissolved Gas Modeling

where c is the molar concentration of the gas in solution , p is the pressure , and KH
is the

Henry constant. Henry s Law specifies the amount of a gas that should be in solution at

the given pressure and temperature. By comparing this equilibrium value with the

calculated value of dissolved gas in a computational cell , CONVERGE calculates the

appropriate amount of dissolved gas in solution. Equation 17.35 presents the rate equation

used to calculate mass transfer between the free gas phase and the dissolved gas phase:

dYN liq YN , ,
liq N ,liq
2 2 2

where YN2,liq is the mass fraction of dissolved gas in solution ( N2 in this e xample), YN 2
, liq is

the equilibrium mass fraction of dissolved gas in solution , and is the time-scale. Note that

in the rate equation above , the time-scale is constant.

To activate dissolved gas modeling , set dissolved_gas_flag = 1 in and specify the

dissolved gas information beneath that parameter , as described in Chapter <%

INP_FILE_REF %> - Input File Reference. For each dissolved gas to be modeled ,
CONVERGE tracks a passive represent that dissolved gas in solution with the liquid. You
must include these passives in both and

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Fluid-Structure Interaction ( FSI ) Modeling
Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling |

18 Fluid-Structure Interaction ( )
FSI Modeling

CONVERGE computes e xternal forces, such as aerodynamic and gravitational forces , and

moments on an object to model fluid-structure interaction (FSI). These forces are computed

by numerical integration of pressure and shear stress over the surface of the object. This

technique , combined with the flow solver and Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) , can be

readily applied to a variety of useful applications such as the movement of reed valves in

engines or the rotation of a turbine.

18.1 Force and M oment Calculation

The flow solver calculates the force , Ffluid-i, by integrating the stress tensor over the surface

of the FSI object , as

Ffluid i
( P i ij j
) n dS ,
j (18.1)

where ni is the normal vector , Pi is the pressure , and si j

is the viscous stress tensor. As

described below in the Equations of Motion section , Ffluid-i is used to calculate the

translational motion of the FSI object.

The total moment ( Mfluid-i ) is calculated from the flow solver by integrating the stress tensor

over the surface of the FSI object , as shown in Equation 18.2:

M fluid i i k
r (
P kl kl ) l n dS , (18.2)

where ei k
is the Levi-Civita symbol and r j
is the distance of the center of mass from the

surface boundary. As e xplained in Equation 18.4 in the Equations of Motion section below ,
the total moment ( Mfluid-i ) is used to calculate the angular motion of the FSI object.

18.2 Equations of M otion - Rigid Body Dynamics

CONVERGE solves the governing equation for the translational motion of the center of

mass , which is given by Equation 18.3:

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | Equations of Motion - Rigid Body Dynamics

Fexternal i Ffluid i mxi ,


where m is the mass and xi is the displacement of the center of mass in the i
th direction of

the FSI object. The Fexternal-i forces , which are summed , include the applied forces (specified

) and the body forces (gravity as specified in or other forces on the FSI

object as specified via user_fsi.c ) on the FSI object.

The governing equation for the rotational motion of the center of mass in the inertial

coordinate system is given by Equation 18.4:

M external i M fluid i I i
j j j j
i k kll , (18.4)

where wi is the angular velocity in the i th direction and Ii j

is the moment of inertia tensor

of the FSI object. The M

external-i moments , which are summed , include the applied moments

(specified in
) and moments due to other e xternal forces on the FSI object. The

rotational position is updated on a quaternion-based modeler where the quaternion ( ) is q

defined by Equation 18.5:

q cos i sin j sin k sin , (18.5)
2 2 2 2

where q is the angle and (i, j, k) is the a xis vector about which the rotation occurs.

18.3 FSI Implementation

To implement FSI modeling in a CONVERGE simulation , you must prepare the surface

geometry in CONVERGE Studio and note the boundary IDs of the boundaries that define

your FSI object(s). In Figure 18.6 below , all of the boundaries that constitute part of the

bird are boundaries used to define the FSI object. There is an additional boundary (not

visible in Figure 18.6) that defines a bo x around the bird , but that boundary is not part of

the FSI object.

After preparing the geometry , activate FSI modeling by setting fsi_flag = 1 in Ne xt
you need to prepare and as described below.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 585

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | FSI Implementation

Figure 18.1: You can use FSI modeling in CONVERGE to visualize the flapping wings of the bird.
All of the example input files in this chapter pertain to this bird.
After preparing the geometry , you need to prepare the file for your FSI case.

Figure 18.6 below shows an e xample file for the flying bird shown in Figure


Set a wall motion type of FSI for each boundary whose motion will depend solely on the

fluid-structure interaction ( i.e., solely on the parameters defined in ). In other words ,
include the keywords WALL MOVING FSI in the row below each applicable boundary ID.

In the example below , Boundaries 1 , 2, 3 and 4 are in this category. The motion of a WALL
MOVING FSI boundary will be dictated by Equations 18.3 and 18.4. When CONVERGE

reads the keyword , it will ignore any velocity vector or motion file name on the

corresponding velocity boundary condition row in ,

. Also if a boundary has a

wall motion type of FSI, it must be listed within an FSI

object in .

Note that some boundaries may be a part of an FSI object but may not have FSI as their

wall motion type. In the e xample below in Figure 18.6) , Boundaries 5 and 6 ( RightWing
and LeftWing ) are specified as WALL MOVING Rotating because these boundaries have a

rotating motion assigned to them by their respective *_ velocity profiles. The

rotation specified for these boundaries will have a moving rotation center , with the initial

586 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | FSI Implementation

rotation center as specified by the first set of coordinates following the Dirichlet keyword

( 0.052655 0.099025 -0.034354 ] for Boundary 5 below). CONVERGE automatically

calculates the current position of the rotation center based on how the boundary position

is affect by the FSI forces. Note that Boundaries 5 and 6 also will be affected by the fluid-

structure interaction parameters defined in because Boundaries 5 and 6 are included

in the list of boundaries in that file.

You cannot have a FI ED

X motion type with the FSI wall boundary condition.


7 # Number of boundaries defined

1 Body
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity Dirichlet
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
2 Tail
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity Dirichlet
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
3 BirdFace
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity Dirichlet
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
4 Talons

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 587

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | FSI Implementation

roughness 0.0 0.5

velocity Dirichlet
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
5 RightWing
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity Dirichlet 0.052655 0.099025 -0.034354 0.0 0.0 1.0
"" 0.0
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
6 LeftWing
WALL FIXED Stationary
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity Dirichlet 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
7 DomainLimits
roughness 0.0 0.5
velocity Dirichlet -0.050097 0.099026 -0.034363 0.0 0.0 1.0
"" 0.0
pressure Neumann 0.0
temperature Dirichlet 300.0
species Neumann 0.0
passive Neumann 0.0
tke Neumann 0.0
eps Dirichlet 0.0
omega Dirichlet 0.0
region 0
Figure 18.2: The file for the flying bird example. The geometry for this case is shown
above in Figure 18.1.
After preparing, you need to prepare The file specifies the number

of FSI objects ; the boundaries that constitute each FSI object ; and information related to

588 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | FSI Implementation

the spatial coordinates , applied moments and forces , and translational and rotational

constraints. The file also sets flags for FSI spring , stiction , and event options.

Figure 18.3 shows an file for the flying bird case.


1 # Number of objects
# fsiobject_1
fsiobject_1 object_id Object id that corresponds
to those in
6 num_boundaries Number of boundaries on the
1 boundary_id Boundary ids for boundaries
on the object.
2 boundary_id Boundary ids for boundaries
on the object.
3 boundary_id Boundary ids for boundaries
on the object.
4 boundary_id Boundary ids for boundaries
on the object.
5 boundary_id Boundary ids for boundaries
on the object.
7 boundary_id Boundary ids for boundaries
on the object.
0 gti_fsi_flag 0: do not use GT-SUITE; 1:
solve using GT-SUITE.
0.0 fsi_start_time The start time of fsi
0 center_of_mass_flag Center of mass flag. 0: use
geometric center (constant density), 1: displacement from geometric center, 2: Center
in space coordinates.
0.0 0.0 0.0 center_of_mass Coordinates for center of
0 mass_flag 0: use density value; 1:
use mass value.
200.0 object_mass Total mass of object.
10.0 object_density Density (or average
density) of object.
0.0 0.0 0.0 object_vel_init Initial velocity.
0.0 object_rot_vel_init Initial rotational
1.0 0.0 0.0 rot_vel_init_axis Initial rotational velocity
0.0 0.0 0.0 applied_force Constant applied force.
0.0 applied_moment Constant applied moment.
0.0 0.0 0.0 applied_moment_axis Constant applied moment
0 moment_of_inertia_flag 0: moment of inertia is
computed (constant density assumed); 1: moment inertia tensor given on next three
1.0 0.0 0.0 moment_of_inertia
0.0 1.0 0.0 moment_of_inertia
0.0 0.0 1.0 moment_of_inertia

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 589

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | FSI Implementation

0 1dof_constraint_flag 0: No 1 DOF Constraint; 1:

1 DOF Translation; 2: 1 DOF Rotation.
0.0 0.0 0.0 axis_point The first point used to
define the rotational axis. Used if axis_flag=1.
0.0 1.0 0.0 axis The axis used for
constrained rotation. Used if axis_flag=1.
-0.2 min_displacement Minimum angle for
rotationally constrained cases (in degrees).
3.25 max_displacement Maximum angle for
rotationally constrained cases (in degrees).
1.0 constrained_mom_of_inertia Used if
1dof_constraint_flag=1; computed if moment_of_inertia_flag=0, value entered used if

# forces and events option
0 spring_flag
0 stiction_flag
0 fsi_events_flag
Figure 18.3: The file for the flying bird example. The geometry for this case is shown above in
Figure 18.1.

CONVERGE writes output data for each FSI object to an fsi_ob ect_<name>.out
j file, where

<name> ob ect_id
is the j of the FSI object. For e xample, the output file name might be

fsi_ob ect_anchor.out fsi_ob ect_3.out

j or j (the ob ect_id
j is a string , not a number). The format

of fsi_ob ect_<name>.out
j is described in Chapter 23 - Output File Reference.

18.3.1 FSI Spring

You can use the CONVERGE FSI spring option to model spring forces between objects.

The model is an appro ximation of a damped linear coil spring , with specified stiffness ,
damping coefficient , length , and preload. You specify the two endpoints of the spring ,
which defines the direction of the applied force.

If you are simulating a physical coil spring , you can add fidelity to the model using

subsprings. You specify a radius and azimuthal angle for each subspring. The total

specified stiffness and damping is distributed across the subsprings. If you use many

subsprings , this appro ximates an ideal coil spring.

Set spring_flag = 1 in to activate the FSI spring model. CONVERGE will refer to the input file , which contains spring modeling constants for each FSI spring object.

18.3.2 FSI Stiction

CONVERGE includes a stiction model to appro ximate the interaction force that must be

overcome to put two static objects into relative motion. To use the stiction model , you

specify a ma ximum force, a ma ximum interaction distance , and a unit vector for the

590 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 18
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Modeling | FSI Implementation

stiction force. CONVERGE treats the stiction force as a linear decay between the ma ximum
specified force at zero distance , and zero force at the ma ximum specified distance.

To activate the stiction model , set stiction_flag = 1. CONVERGE will refer to the
file for these parameters.

18.3.3 FSI Events

You can activate FSI events by setting fsi_events_flag = 1. CONVERGE will then look for

event definitions in . These events are implemented in the same way as the

standard events described in Chapter 7 - Initialization and Regions , using OPEN and

CLOSE events to deactivate and activate disconnect triangles. In contrast to regular events ,
FSI events are defined by distances rather than times. Note that in case of conflict , FSI

events override standard events.

18.4 GT -SUIT E/FSI Coupling

For a CONVERGE + GT-SUITE simulation that includes FSI modeling , set fsi_flag = 1 in and then set gti_fsi_flag = 1 in In the file , include the FSI
keyword as described previously and set up the GT-SUITE boundaries as described in

Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions. It is important to verify that the ob ect_id

j in
matches the object name given in GT-SUITE.

In a typical CONVERGE + GT-SUITE simulation , CONVERGE runs first and then passes

information to GT-SUITE. In a CONVERGE - GT-SUITE simulation that includes FSI,

however , GT-SUITE runs first and CONVERGE runs second.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 591

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Radiation Modeling
Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling |

19 Radiation Modeling

You can model radiation and associated heat transfer in CONVERGE. For systems with

heat transfer due to radiation (not just conduction or convection) , this feature will help to

attain accurate results. Radiation modeling may be useful for gas turbine or diffusion flame

simulations , among other applications.

19.1 Discrete Ordinates M ethod

You can use the Discrete Ordinates (DO) method , which encompasses all optical

thicknesses , to solve problems with participating media. The computational cost depends

on angular discretization and pixelation. This model can be used with either gray

radiation or nongray radiation. For nongray radiation , CONVERGE includes a gray band

model and the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases (WSGG) model.

19.1.1 Discrete Ordinates Governing Equations

The DO model solves the radiative transfer equation (RTE) for a fi xed set of discrete solid

angles. Each angle is associated with a fi xed Cartesian vector direction si. The RTE for an

absorbing , emitting , and scattering medium at position ri in the direction si is given by

( I ri , si a I(ri , si ) anRI T s

I ri , si sisi d
4 4
)s )

( ) .

In this equation , i r is the position vector (and is a function of x, y, and z), si is the direction

vector , s'
i is the scattering direction vector , a is the absorption coefficient , nRI is the

refractive inde x, ss is the scattering coefficient , s is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant , I is the

radiation intensity, T is the local temperature , F is the scattering phase function , and
is the solid angle.

19.1.2 Discretization

The spatial discretization to solve the radiative transfer equation (RTE) is two-fold.

1. Finite-volume in Cartesian space ( x, y, z ) for radiation intensity as given by Equation

19.1 in the Discrete Ordinates Governing Equations section above.

2. Discrete solid angles for each direction vector ( si ) of intensity I .

Angular Discretization
There are two possible schemes for angular discretization.

594 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling | Discrete Ordinates Method

You can set radiation_model = 0 in to implement the standard finite volume

method (FVM). In this model the polar and azimuthal angles are subdivided uniformly in

N and
N directions , respectively , with a total number of
control angles per

octant. This scheme is shown below in Figure 19.1.

Alternatively , you can set radiation_model = 1 in to use a variation of the finite

volume method called FTnFVM. In this model the polar angle in an octant is subdivided

uniformly into a pair number N, and the azimuthal angle is divided uniformly in an octant

in the following sequence 1 , 2 , ... , N in each level of the polar angle. You can control the

angular refinement for spherical discretization by num_theta and num_phi in the file. This scheme is shown below in Figure 19.1.

Figure 19.1: Angular discretization for the DO method. The image at left pertains to the FVM, while
the image at right pertains to the FTnFVM.

Because CONVERGE uses a Cartesian mesh , the angular discretization aligns with the

control volume face. However , control volume faces do not always align with the angular

discretization at boundaries in CONVERGE , leading to the problem of control angle

overhang. As shown below in Figure 19.2 , this problem results in control angles that are

split by the boundary.

CONVERGE adds resolution by discretizing each control angle into

N pN p pi xels. You
can set the pi xel resolution by num_theta_pix and num_phi_pix
in file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 595

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Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling | Discrete Ordinates Method

Figure 19.2: Control angle overhang.

19.1.3 Scattering Phase Function

There are five options for the scattering phase function ( F) for the DO method. These

options are controlled by the scatter_function parameter in as follows:

scatter_function = 0: No scattering

scatter_function = 1: Isotropic phase function

scatter_function = 2: Linear anisotropic phase function

scatter_function = 3: A Delta-Eddington phase function

scatter_function = 4: Use the user_scattering_phase_function user-defined function to define

the scattering phase function

For isotropic scattering ( i.e., scattering that is equally likely in all directions) , set

scatter_function = 1.

The linear anisotropic phase function ( scatter_function = 2) is given by Equation 19.2 below ,
in which si and si ' are the two direction vectors.

si si 1 C aniso si si (19.2)

The Delta-Eddington function ( scatter_function = 3) is given by Equation 19.3 below.

si s 2 f DE (1 si si ) 1
f DE (1 C ss
aniso i i ) (19.3)

596 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling | Discrete Ordinates Method

19.1.4 Nongray Gas Radiation Models

If you set nongray_model = 1 or 2 in, then CONVERGE will perform a nongray

gas simulation. The two options (Weighted Sum of Gray Gases model , band model) are

described below. If you set nongray_model = 0 , then CONVERGE will perform a gray gas


Weighted Sum of Gray Gases Model

CONVERGE will use the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases (WSGG) model if nongray_model =
1. Specify the number of gray gases using the num_gray_gases parameter. The total

emissivity over the distance s in the WSGG model is given by

a ,i T 1 e i ps , (19.4)

i 0

a ,i are the weighting factors for the fictitious gray gases , i is the absorption

coefficient of the i
-th gray gas , p, is the sum of the partial pressures of all of the absorbing

gases , and s is the path length.

The absorption coefficient for i= 0 is assigned a value of zero to account for windows in
the spectrum between spectral regions of high absorption ( i a i
1 ,
1 ) , and the

weighting factor for i 0

= is given by (Smith et al. , 1982) as

a ,i 1 a
,i .

i 1

The temperature dependence of

a ,i is appro ximated by

a biT

, ,j
j 1

b ,i , j are the emissivity gas temperature polynomial coefficients. The polynomial

b ,i , j and i are nearly constant with respect to ps (the pressure-path length

product) and T . CONVERGE calculates initial polynomial coefficients and absorption

coefficients assuming they are constant-valued. These coefficients are calculated for

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 597

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Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling | Discrete Ordinates Method

different relative pressures of the CO2 and H2O vapor , assuming that the total pressure is

1 atm . At 1 atm, these constant-valued coefficients are considered valid for

0.001 ps 10.0 atm-m and 600 K T 2400 K (Smith et al. 1982). ,

For pressures higher than 1.1 atm or lower than 0.9 atm, CONVERGE locally scales the

absorption coefficients in each cell. This scaling (Edwards and Matavosian , 1984) reduces

the error associated with the constant-value assumption. The absorption coefficients are

scaled according to

i i patm m , (19.7)

where patm is the pressure in atm and the pressure e xponent m is a non-dimensional term

that is a function of species partial pressures , total pressure , and temperature.

Band Model
If you set nongray_model = 1 , CONVERGE will use a band model. For band models , you

must provide the spectral band bounds and the absorption and scattering coefficients. The

number of spectral bands is specified by num_spectral_bands . For each spectral band ,

specify the lower spectral bound , the upper spectral bound , the absorption coefficient , and

the scattering coefficient in band_properties . Refer to the table in the Radiation-Related

Inputs section.

19.2 Spray/Radiation Coupling

You can include coupling of spray and radiation by setting rad_spray_coupling = 1 in . This option captures the effect of spray parcels on radiation. The contribution

is given by Equation 19.8 , as follows:

anRI T
(Is i ) p

a a I ri , si E I ri , si si s ni n d,
4 4

p p 2
p (19.8)

( ) ( )
j j

where ap is the absorption coefficient due to the presence of particulates and is given by

Equation 19.9 , as follows:

598 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling | Spray/Radiation Coupling

N Apn
ap pn (19.9)

n 1

The emission due to particulates , Ep, is given by

N Tpn 4

Ep pn Apn , (19.10)

n 1

where sp is the particle scattering factor , as follows:

N Apn
p 1 pn , (19.11)

n 1

where e pn, Apn, Tpn are the emissivity , projected area , and temperature , respectively , of

parcel n. In the above equations the summation is over N parcels in volume V . Specify the

parcel emissivity ( e pn) via parcel_emissivity in .

19.3 Radiation-Related Inputs

To activate the radiation model in CONVERGE , set radiation_flag = 1 in and

include the file in the Case Directory. You can set the numerical constraints

such as under-rela xation and tolerance values for the Discrete Ordinates method by

configuring omega_rad and tol_rad in .

You must define two non-transport passives RADIATION

and RADIATION_SRC in for any simulation that includes radiation modeling.

In addition to including the RADIATION non-transport passive , you must also include the

radiation variable in The combination of this non-transport passive and
variable will prompt CONVERGE to write out the cell-by-cell values that you need to post-

process the data from a radiation simulation. The RADIATION non-transport passive is

the incident radiation , which is calculated by the integral of intensity of radiation over a

spherical surface:

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 599

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Chapter 19
Radiation Modeling | Radiation-Related Inputs

I ri , si d

( ) . (19.12)

If you want CONVERGE to write the radiative heat flux, you must include the

RAD_BO ND_FLU UX non-transport passive in and the variable bound_flux in The radiative heat flu x at CONVERGE boundaries is given by

I ri , si d

i .
( )s (19.13)

600 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Internal Com bustion Engine Applications
Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications |

20 Internal Combustion Engine Applications

This chapter describes topics related to modeling internal combustion (IC) engines in

CONVERGE. To run an engine simulation , set crank_flag

= 1 in . When crank_flag
= 1, the unit of time is crank angle degrees . Also ,when crank_flag = , 1 you must include the file in the Case Directory. You must verify that your surface geometry file ( e.g.,
surface.dat ) is prepared with the piston at bottom dead center (BDC) position to ensure that

the simulation domain is meshed accurately.

20.1 Velocity Initialization in IC Engines

CONVERGE initializes velocities for all regions via For engine cases ,
CONVERGE uses the engine parameters specified in to overwrite the velocity in

the cylinder. For a multi-cylinder case , only one cylinder will be initialized using the

velocity initialization technique described below for the Piston and the Cylinder (Non-


20.1.1 Velocity Initialization in the Piston

The boundaries defined by pist_id, head_id, and liner_id in must all be associated

with the same region. CONVERGE sets the w component (z direction) of velocity to the

piston velocity for all points in the piston face. You can specify piston velocity in one of

three ways:

Piston motion: Specify engine parameters (including rpm and stroke) in .

CONVERGE will use the crank-slider mechanism to determine the piston velocity

throughout the simulation. We recommend this option for engine applications.

u, v, wvelocities: Specify the values of the u, v, w velocities (in ms

/ ) of the piston in .

Piston position: Specify temporally varying position data from which CONVERGE will

calculate piston velocity. Note that this file specifies only position (not velocity) data.

Piston Motion
If you specify piston motion as the velocity boundary condition for the piston boundary ,
CONVERGE will internally generate the position tables for the piston boundary using the

crank-slider equation. If you use this option , you must verify that the surface file ( e.g.,
surface.dat ) is prepared with the piston at bottom dead center (BDC) position. (Even if you

do not use this option , you must verify that the piston is at BDC prior to running a


To use piston motion as the velocity boundary condition , simply enter a $ on the velocity
boundary condition row in place of the three numbers representing components of velocity

for piston in . CONVERGE will use the engine geometry parameters you specify

602 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Velocity Initialization in IC Engines

in to determine the piston position table , using a crank-slider motion with options

for the crank and wrist pin offset. This option is recommended for most typical engine

cases. The piston position is calculated at every time-step , based on a piston profile

calculated with a resolution of 0.1 crank angle degrees .

To create a piston position output file: Instead of using a $ in the piston boundary's velocity
boundary condition row , enter $$ instead. This piston position output option will still use inputs to calculate the piston position throughout the simulation , but it will also

cause CONVERGE to generate an output file named piston_profile<ID>. This output file

will contain piston position information calculated every 0.1 crank angle degrees . The # in

the piston_profile#.out file name represents the piston boundary number.

Piston Position
You can enter your own piston position table by specifying a file name e.g., ( ) in the piston boundary's velocity boundary condition row in .

Then create a temporally varying position file consistent with the format shown in Figure

20.1 below. Save this file with the file name specified for the piston's velocity boundary

condition ( e.g., ) in the Case Directory , which is the directory in which all

other input and data files are saved for a simulation. Note that CONVERGE will

interpolate position values for crank angle degrees that are not specified in this file.

crank x y z
0 0 0 0
180 0 0 .085
360 0 0 0
540 0 0 .085
720 0 0 0
Figure 20.1: An example of a piston position profile (e.g.,
20.1.2 Velocity Initialization in the Cylinder

CONVERGE gives the remaining grid cells in the cylinder region an initial w velocity (z

direction) consistent with a field that linearly drops from the piston speed at the piston

face to zero at the head , as follows:

w z wpiston zhead z ,

zhead zpiston
( ) (20.1)

where zhead and zpiston are the z coordinates of the head and piston , respectively , and wpiston
is the speed of the piston.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 603

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Velocity Initialization in IC Engines

CONVERGE begins velocity initialization at zero for the location specified for zhead in . The crank-slider mechanism uses both stroke and squish values to calculate zpiston
in Equation 20.1. Figure 20.2 below shows that the values for squish will be different for

flat and non-flat cylinder heads , which results in different velocity profiles during the

initialization process. Note that CONVERGE uses the squish parameter in only for

velocity initialization. The cells in the piston bowl have the same velocity as the piston


Figure 20.2: Initialization of w velocity for flat and non-flat cylinder heads.

CONVERGE uses swirl_ratio and swirl_profile

in to set the ux( direction) and v y

direction) components of the velocity in the cylinder region. The swirl_ratio is the ratio of

the angular velocity of the flow , W flow ( radians second ,

/ ) to the angular velocity of the

crankshaft , W crankshaft( radians second

/ ). The direction of swirl consistent with the right-hand

rule. In other words,

swirl ratio
_ . (20.2)

604 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Velocity Initialization in IC Engines

The simplest approach to initializing swirl is to assume wheel flow. Assuming the cylinder

a xis is aligned with the z a xis, the ux( direction) and v y

( direction) components of velocity

are initialized as

u flow y and v flow x . (20.3)

The wheel-flow assumption is not usually realistic since the velocity should diminish

significantly near the cylinder wall. It has been observed that a Bessel function more

accurately represents the velocity profile in an engine (Amsden et al. , 1989). The

swirl_profile is a dimensionless constant used in the Bessel function calculation with a

minimum value of 0.0 for wheel flow and a ma ximum value of 3.83 for zero velocity at the

wall. For IC engines , typically swirl_profile = 3.11. To specify swirl for a V engine , use, which is described later in the chapter.

20.1.3 ,
Swirl Tumble , and Angular Momentum

CONVERGE can calculate the swirl and tumble based on the piston s direction of motion
or any user-specified orientation.

To define swirl , tumble , and inter-region angular momentum-related parameters , you

must set dynamic_flag = 1 in and include the file in the Case Directory.

Use this dynamic output option when the cylinders are inclined with respect to the z a xis
in the surface geometry file (as in a V engine) or if you use multiple cylinders. Note that

CONVERGE calculates and can write out the positive and negative components of swirl

and tumble.

In general , if the piston motion vector is the z a xis, the calculations for swirl ratio , tumble

ratio , and angular momentum are straightforward. For cylinders aligned with the z a xis,
you do not need to use these dynamic input parameters. CONVERGE always calculates

the swirl and tumble ratio about the center of mass , except for sector cases where (0 0) is ,
used for the x and y center.

If the piston motion is not along the z a xis, CONVERGE can calculate the swirl based on

either of these two options:

The piston s direction of motion ( bound_or_vector = 0) or

Any user-specified xyz orientation ( bound_or_vector = 1).

CONVERGE will calculate the tumble internally in manner consistent with the option


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 605

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Compression Ratio Calculations

20.2 Compression Ratio Calculations

The surface geometry for an engine cylinder is often drawn and e xported with the piston

at the bottom dead center (BDC) location. But to ensure the most accurate simulation

results , you may need to translate the piston slightly , depending on the results of the

compression ratio verification.

CONVERGE Studio 2.4 contains a compression ratio calculator that , in addition to

calculating the compression ratio , can move the piston to a location that yields the desired

compression ratio. Access this tool via Case Setup > Applications > Engine application . Refer

to the CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Manual for more information.

20.3 Finite Element Analysis

You can use the heat transfer coefficient mapping utility , htc_map, to map heat transfer

data from transfer.out to a triangulated surface file and to provide cycle-averaged results

for finite element analysis (FEA). Refer to the Heat Transfer Mapping section of Chapter 3

- Pre- and Post-Processing for a detailed e xplanation for setting up and running the

htc_map utility.

Mapping CONVERGE Data to the FEA Solver

Typically the triangulation of a surface for finite element analysis (FEA) is different from

the surface triangulation used in CONVERGE. The FEA surface will have higher resolution

( i.e., more triangles) in areas most relevant to the heat transfer analysis.

CONVERGE uses a search algorithm ( direct hits, grown points, neighbors ) to map the

triangles in the transfer.out file to the FEA surface file. Direct hits indicate a CONVERGE

grid point mapped directly to a FEA surface triangle. If the grid resolution in CONVERGE

is fine , there may be multiple surface triangles mapped to a single FEA surface triangle. In

this case , CONVERGE will use area-weighted averaging of the grid triangles to map onto

the FEA triangle. If small FEA triangles have no corresponding grid points , CONVERGE

initializes them by neighbors (neighboring cells). CONVERGE uses the grown points
algorithm to initialize triangles that are not initialized by direct points or neighbors . These

triangles are initialized with values that grow from neighbor triangles.

Note that the boundary IDs between the original surface triangle and the mapped FEA

triangle must be consistent. CONVERGE will not map FEA triangles with inconsistent

boundary IDs. Although it is not recommended , you can disable this requirement by

setting enforce_boundID_match = 0 in .

After mapping , there may be triangles in the FEA surface file that are not initialized with

CONVERGE boundary data. Uninitialized triangles may be the result of mistakes ( e.g., if

the FEA surface is not aligned with the CONVERGE surface or if boundary IDs do not

606 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Finite Element Analysis

match). Alternatively , uninitialized triangles may be a normal result due to moving

surfaces. For e xample, a moving piston will block portions of the liner , which will then

remain uninitialized.

At any time-step when the number of uninitialized triangles is greater than zero ,
CONVERGE creates uninit_triangles_complete.dat
a file. You can import both the FEA

surface file and uninit_triangles_complete.dat into CONVERGE Studio , where the

uninitialized triangles will have as red vertices.

Cyclic Averaging of Heat Transfer Data

In multi-cycle simulations , such as for internal combustion engines , CONVERGE calculates

cyclic averages of heat transfer data that are spatially resolved for the FEA surface file.

The transfer.out file includes data at the interval specified by twrite_transfer
in . The

data from one engine cycle (e xcept the first set of data) are averaged to yield a single file

with heat transfer data spatially resolved for the FEA surface file. For a four-stroke engine ,
the cycle is 720 crank angle degrees .

CONVERGE calculates the cycle-averaged heat transfer coefficient , h , and the fluid

temperature , Tg , using the following equations:


h h / CAi (20.4)



h Tg i i
/ CA
Tg i
. (20.5)

h / CAi

In these equations , hi and Tgi are the cycle-averaged heat transfer coefficient and fluid

temperature for each point at each twrite_transfer time interval ( DCA), where CA is the

crank angle degree .

CONVERGE averages these values in this manner to ensure that the calculated heat

transfer is the same as the integration of the instantaneous values over the cycle. Note that

the average fluid temperature calculated with this method is biased toward the times

when the heat transfer coefficient is high , but , when multiplied by average heat transfer

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 607

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coefficient , it gives the calculated heat transfer. In the situation in which a triangle is not

initialized during a crank angle interval (for instance , when the liner is blocked by the

piston) , the heat transfer coefficient is zero.

20.4 Energy Sources in Engine M odels

The purpose of using energy sources in engine applications is to represent fundamental

physical processes at the appropriate point in the engine cycle. There are three common

instances where you specify energy sources in engine applications:

Applying specified measurements or simulation data for heat release rate ,

Adding spark energy sources directly to represent the energy discharge from a spark

plug, and

Using a measured or simulated cylinder pressure trace to represent the mean pressure of

the cylinder during an engine cycle.

For general information about sources , refer to Chapter 6 - Source Modeling Setup.

20.4.1 Heat Release Data

Use the heat release rate option ( source_type = 3) to apply a known heat release rate over

an entire region (or shape). The heat release rate option can help you avoid some of the

computationally e xpensive chemistry calculations for engine simulations in CONVERGE.

Note that this approach should only be used when the details of the combustion are not of

interest. The specified heat release rate can be obtained from CONVERGE ( i.e., single

cylinder results) , from e xperimental data , or from 1-dimensional simulations.

To appro ximate combustion using heat release rate , specify a file ( e.g., ) that

contains the heat release data as the source_value in . The heat release file must

have the keyword H EAT_RELEASE as shown in Figure 20.3. The units for heat release

data are in J/ s crank_flag =

if CAD crank_flag =
0 and in J/ if 1 or 2.


-204.98 2.150E-03
-204.82 4.760E-03
-204.33 1.100E-02
119.72 1.040E+04
120.21 0.000E+00
515.02 2.150E-03
Figure 20.3: An excerpt of a heat release data file.

608 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Energy Sources in Engine Models

20.4.2 Spark Energy

In a typical spark discharge , voltage rises between the two electrodes until there is an

electrical breakdown in the spark gap. In this first stage of the electrical discharge (called

the breakdown phase), the mi xture between the electrodes is ionized into plasma , which

propagates from one electrode to another.

The breakdown phase is followed by the arc phase, in which the thin cylindrical plasma

expands largely due to heat conduction and diffusion. The arc phase is followed by a glow
discharge phase, in which , depending on the details of the ignition system , the energy

storage device will dump its energy into the discharge circuit. With inflammable mi xtures,
the e xothermic reactions in the arc phase lead to a self-sustaining propagating flame

during the glow discharge phase.

Time scales in the breakdown phase are significantly smaller than the arc/glow phase.

Since the discharge times of the arc and glow discharge phases are similar , this energy is

often combined together as one energy source. In a CONVERGE simulation , you will

therefore specify two energy sources that briefly overlap. You must ensure that the

breakdown phase occurs earlier and is of shorter duration than arc/glow phase by

correctly specifying start_source and end_source values for the two sources , with

consideration for the engine speed. Note that the two overlapping spark sources cause a

step change with respect to time in the energy release. For a spark plug , specify the

source_shape as SPHERE , BO X, C YLINDER, or LINE centered at the midpoint between the

two electrodes. Typically , a SPHERE source_shape is used to simulate the spark. For an

example of a SPHERE source to simulation the spark , consult the SI8 engine SAGE PFI or

SAGE premi xed example cases.

Modeling Spark Energy with a LINE Source

Fluid motion in the spark region is quite significant. You can expect both mean and

fluctuating velocities to be in the range of 1 to 10 ms/ in this region , as described by

Heywood (1988). On the time scale of the breakdown phase , this fluid motion is not

important. But in the arc/glow phase , the arc between the electrodes will be advected

with the flow and stretches out in length.

To more accurately simulate the arc/glow phase advection , specify the source as moving

with the flow by setting moving = 2 in

. This will displace the source with the

velocity of the flow in the arc/glow phase. A LINE source may more accurately represent

an advected arc/glow phase because it is a collection of point sources , and each point in

the LINE can attain different velocities due to the spatial variation of fluid velocities. Points

close to the electrode will be affected by the boundary layer of the fluid motion while

points in between will be advected by the bulk motion of the flow. Hence , a LINE source

can closely resemble the stretched out arc.

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A typical file to use a LINE source_shape to represent spark energy is shown in

Figure 20.4 below. In this e xample, the source_value m is 25 J for the breakdown phase for

0.5 crank angle degrees (700.0 to 700.5) and the source_value is 25 m J for the arc/glow phase

for 10 crank angle degrees (700.0 to 710.0). For multiple-cycle simulations of four-stroke

engines , the spark discharge repeats after 720 crank angle degrees, which is specified by the

CYCLIC 720 row. Note that the source_type can be either 0 or 1 for specifying spark energy.


#--------------breakdown phase-------------------------------------
ENERGY source eqn
1 source_type
8.0e11 source_unit_volume
25.e-3 source_value
700.0 start_source
700.5 end_source
50000 max_value
LINE source_shape
-0.000355 0.00555 0.0522 x1_center
-0.000355 0.00555 0.0516 x2_center
10 num_points
0 moving
1.0 2.0 3.0 velocity
0.005 max_displace
0 reset_source
#----------------arc/glow phase------------------------------------
ENERGY source eqn
1 source_type
8.0e11 source_unit_volume
25.e-3 source_value
700.0 start_source
710.0 end_source
50000 max_value
LINE source_shape
-0.000355 0.00555 0.0522 x1_center
-0.000355 0.00555 0.0516 x2_center
10 num_points
2 moving
1.0 2.0 3.0 velocity
0.005 max_displace
2 reset_source
Figure 20.4: An example for spark energy input.

20.4.3 Pressure Trace Data

Similar to the specification of the heat release rate , you can provide cylinder pressure trace

data. CONVERGE will use this pressure trace data to provide an energy source that

represents the heat release due to combustion. Note that source_type must be set to 2 in

610 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Energy Sources in Engine Models file. You can obtain the pressure trace data by running one cycle of combustion

calculations in CONVERGE , from experimental data , or from 1-dimensional simulations.

To appro ximate combustion using pressure trace data , specify a file ( e.g., ) that

contains the pressure trace data as the source_value

in . This data file must contain

the keyword PRESS RE_C RVE

U U as shown in Figure 20.6 below. Note that the pressure

trace data has units of Pa .

-204.98 96823.79
-204.82 96866.36
-204.33 97002.27
118.76 92645.65
120.21 91368.29
515.2 96823.79
Figure 20.5: An example of a pressure trace data file.
20.5 Synchronizing Valve M otion

When modeling valve motion in CONVERGE , the valves are never completely closed in the

surface geometry. Completely closing the valves would require the valve surfaces to come

into contact with the corresponding valve seat surfaces on the head. This would result in

intersecting triangles. Since the surfaces are never allowed to intersect in a CONVERGE

simulation , a minimum valve lift must be maintained in the valve motion , referred to as the

minimum lift position ( Lmin ). Without a CLOSE event , flow can occur through the valve

even at its minimum lift position.

CONVERGE can automatically calculate and implement OPEN and CLOSE events

between regions that are separated by valves. To use this feature, simply specify the

keyword VALVE, followed by the name of the valve list profile (used to specify the motion

of the valve) that is referenced in, in the file where you would

normally specify the OPEN or CLOSE keyword. Refer to the Automatic Valve Events

section in Chapter 7 - Initialization and Regions for more details.

You can still choose to manually specify the OPEN and CLOSE events for valves. The

remainder of this section describes how to do this. The automatic valve event procedure

follows the logic outlined below.

Activate disconnect triangles to disconnect flow between regions by following the
configuration steps outlined in the Events section of Chapter 7 - Initialization and Regions.

These disconnect triangles are additional triangles created or removed by CONVERGE

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Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Synchronizing Valve Motion

between adjacent regions to effectively allow or stop flow , based on the OPEN/CLOSE

events specified in The boundaries between which disconnect triangles are

created must not be moving when the two regions are disconnected.

Be sure to prescribe OPEN or CLOSE events that correspond with the valve motion. The

valve must not be moving when regions are disconnected , so specify an OPEN event before

the minimum lift ( Lmin ) has been reached when the valve is opening. Similarly , specify a

CLOSE event after the valve reaches a lift distance lower than the minimum lift ( Lmin ,

when the valve is closing. The timing of the OPEN and CLOSE events should be such that

the real flow area is reasonably appro ximated as shown in Figure 20.6. This approach

assumes the lift profile to be nearly linear at the opening and closing ends of the valve lift


Figure 20.6: Different flow areas will be evaluated for different choice of crank angle degree for
OPEN event in

The crank angle when the valve lift is half the minimum lift is recommended for the OPEN

event timing (point 2 in Figure 20.6). This will capture the flow area between the points 2-

3-6-5-2 which appro ximates the real mass flow in magnitude , ( i.e., the area enclosed by the

points 1-6-3-2-1).

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If the crank angle where the valve actually starts moving (point 1 in Figure 20.6) is chosen

as the OPEN event time , the flow area will be too large (area enclosed by the points 1-2-3-

6-5-4-1) , since the valve is at a non-zero minimum lift. This area is larger than the real flow

area , which is the area enclosed by the points 1-2-3-6-1 and for this reason this approach is

not recommended.

If the crank angle where the actual valve lift reaches the minimum lift (point 3 in Figure

20.6) is chosen as the event time and all the flow area between the seated position (1) and

minimum lift (3) is neglected (area enclosed by the points 1-2-3-6-1) therefore this

approach is also not recommended.

Similarly , choose the CLOSE event timing to correspond with the time at which the valve

lift is appro ximately half of the minimum lift distance.

20.6 M ultiple Cylinder Simulations

For all multi-cylinder cases , insert the following line at the beginning of the file:

ROTATION_AXIS 1.0 0.0 0.0

This line specifies the vector of the engine's crank shaft a xis. For both V engines and flat

cylinder engines , this is also the vector about which each cylinder is rotated following the

right-hand rule. Figure 20.7 shows the positioning of the rotation a xis for a V engine ,
where the x a xis is pointing into the plane of the figure.

For Cylinder 1 in Figure 20.7 , the rotation angle is -45 and for Cylinder 2 the rotation

angle is +45 . The crank shaft a xis vector and the cylinder rotation angle are used to

correct both piston and valve motions from a vertical or inline orientation to the actual V-

angle of the cylinder. This allows the use of CONVERGE s default crank-slider motion
option ($ ) without having to construct comple x piston motion files. It also enables you to

use valve lift profiles for vertically inclined cylinders without any modification of the valve

lift profile itself. Note that for vertical in-line engines , the rotational angle is 0 for all


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Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Multiple Cylinder Simulations

Figure 20.7: Diagram of rotational axis for V engine.

CONVERGE enables you to specify the crank angle offset (phase lag angle , f) and the

cylinder rotation angle (q). Depending on the method you use to define a boundary's

motion (piston or valves) , the input in the file will be as follows:

velocity la $ -360.0 45.0

velocity la -360.0 45.0

In the above instance , -360 represents the phase lag angle ( f) and 45 represents the

cylinder rotation angle ( q ), as shown above in Figure 20.7 . If you do not specify the

rotation angle , then CONVERGE assumes a value of 0. The phase lag angle accounts for

the crank angle offset applied to the motion file listed (or $ ). This phase lag (or crank angle

offset) depends on the firing order in multi-cylinder engine cases. For e xample, in a four-

cylinder engine , if the firing order is 1-3-4-2 , then the phase lag angle ( f ) for the first, third,
fourth , and second cylinders will be 0 , +180 , +360 , and +540 , respectively. It is

important to note that the phase lag angles are with respect to the first cylinder.

20.6.1 Valve Lift Profile

Specify the valve motion through a file ( e.g., ). You must list the name of this

valve motion file in the . This file must contain the intake lift profile information

in the format shown in the Moving WALLS - Valve Lift Files section of Chapter 8 -

Boundary Conditions.

614 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Multiple Cylinder Simulations

As described in Chapter 7 - Initialization and Regions , CONVERGE can automatically

create OPEN and CLOSE events between regions separated by valves based on the valve

lift profile you specify.

Since you can specify the phase angles and the rotation angles for each cylinder , you can

use the same valve lift profile for multiple cylinders. In this case , enter the direction vector

for the valve lift profiles as if the cylinder was in a vertical or in-line orientation.

CONVERGE will automatically adjust the valve motion direction vector using the cylinder

rotation angle for the corresponding cylinder. CONVERGE will calculate the actual motion

for each valve based on the supplied phase angle and the valve s motion vector.

CONVERGE will also adjust the timing of this valve motion according to the supplied

phase angle. Lift profiles must include the full period of the engine , i.e., 720 crank angle
degrees for a four-stroke engine. This means the difference between the starting and ending

times in a four-stroke engine valve lift profile file must be 720 crank angle degrees .

20.6.2 ,
Swirl Tumble for Inclined Cylinders

Use the file to specify the a xes for swirl and tumble calculations when cylinders

are inclined relative to the z a xis. Designate the number of cylinders in the simulation with

the num_piston_or_vector parameter and repeat the remaining parameters for each

cylinder. Details of the relevant inputs for this file are described in the Swirl , Tumble and

Angular Momentum Calculations section earlier in this chapter. Note that in multi-

cylinder cases where the cylinders are all aligned with the z a xis ( i.e., vertical inline

engines) , is not required because CONVERGE will calculate the swirl , tumble ,
and angular momentum about the global coordinate system for all cylinders.

20.6.3 Region-Dependent Model Options

For a multiple-cylinder simulation , assign each cylinder to a unique region. Refer to

Chapter 7 - Initialization and Regions for more information regarding regions. When each

cylinder is a different region , you can activate or deactivate a model or feature for a

particular cylinder. Region-dependent features include Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) ,

the SAGE detailed chemical kinetics solver , temporally varying CFL number control ,
source terms , initialization , and output customization. Table 20.1 contains notes to keep in

mind while setting up a multi-cylinder simulation.

Table 20.1: Setup considerations for a multiple-cylinder simulation.

Input File Notes You must specify an event between each pair of adjacent regions. For adjacent regions

in which no valves are present you need specify only an OPEN event. This will allow

flow at all times between these regions. Remember to add the phase lag while

specifying OPEN and CLOSE events for adjacent regions containing valves.

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Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Multiple Cylinder Simulations

Input File Notes ,
Specify a source to the transport equations of energy momentum turbulence species , , ,
and passives.

Use an energy source to model spark events by defining the source as a geometric

space ( e.g., BO X, SPHERE, CYLINDER, or REGION).

The heat release in a cylinder can be modeled using either a cylinder pressure or

heat release rate if you do not directly model combustion. A REGION type of source

works well for this.

You can distribute sources within a region.

The source start and end times and the coordinates will differ for each cylinder in a
multi-cylinder case, to be consistent with the phase angle and rotation angle for that

cylinder. Specify injection start times ( start_in ect, dur_in ect

j j ) and injector locations ( x_cen, y_cen,
z_cen ) that are consistent with the phase angle and location of each cylinder. Simulate combustion in one or more cylinders and use energy sources for the rest.

Activate adaptive zoning to reduce the computational time.

If you use the SAGE detailed chemistry solver you can activate region-dependent

SAGE (set sage_region_flag = 1 in and include in the Case

Directory). For e xample, you can turn off the SAGE solver in the intake and e xhaust
ports to save computational time. The start and end times for SAGE for each region

sage_tstart, sage_tend
( ) must correspond to the phase lag angle for each cylinder.

If you use the CTC model invoke region-specific reset times and periods by

specifying for the parameter ctc_init_time

in and include

the file in the Case Directory.

If you use the G-Equation model invoke region-specific reinitialization times by

specifying for the parameter g_eqn_init_value

in and

include the file in the Case Directory. If you do not specify an initial value for a passive scalar or a mass fraction of a species

in, CONVERGE will assign it a value of 0. Specify the start and end times ( embed_start_time, embed_end_time ) to be consistent with

the corresponding cylinder phase lag angles for injector and spark plug embedding.

Since each cylinder is in a unique location you must ensure each embedding location

( ) corresponds to the location of the associated cylinder. Activate Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) on a region-by-region basis.

You can specify the regions and/or boundaries in/on which you will activate

Ensure that the amr_<parameter_name>_start and amr_<parameter_name>_end for

each parameter in is consistent with the phase lag angle for each cylinder.

Always specify AMR region blocks (indicated by the keyword amr_num_regions )

before specifying AMR for boundaries (indicated by the keyword amr_num_bounds ).

CONVERGE will not process any region blocks that appear in after the

keyword amr_num_bounds .

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Input File Notes

For each AMR region block specify the number of regions in the amr_num_regions
row and list the region ID numbers in the following amr_active_region , rows one row

for each region. Specify ma ximum CFL criteria on a region-by-region basis with the file.
For example, when the exhaust valve opens , the gas velocity in the exhaust port is very
high. The time-step calculated based on the ma x imum CFL number may be very small ,

resulting in significantly longer runtimes. If the accuracy of the results in the ex haust

port is less important, increase the ma x imum CFL criteria for the ex haust ports region

to reduce runtimes.

20.7 M ultiple Cycle Simulations

For multiple cycle simulations , it is important to set the temporal type to be PERMANENT
or , for periodic events , CYCLIC . If the temporal type is CYCLIC, this keyword must be

followed by the cyclic period to ensure that the events ( e.g., embedding , combustion using

the SAGE detailed chemistry solver) repeat each cycle.

Set the AMR temporal type as PERMANENT or C YCLIC to ensure that AMR is active

for each subsequent cycle. If several regions use the same AMR settings , specify these

parameters for multiple regions with a single block of AMR settings consisting of all

keywords from amr_num_regions amr_passive_end to . CONVERGE allows multiple blocks

of AMR settings to facilitate various AMR strategies to be active for different sets of

regions simultaneously.

Reset the CTC combustion model using the parameter ctc_init_time in . The

reset times (in crank angle degrees ) and the periods can be different for different regions in

the domain. In such an instance , supply the file name for the parameter

ctc_init_time . Similarly , the G-Equation combustion model can be reinitialized for

multiple cycle and multiple engine simulations at g_eqn_init_time after a cyclic period of

g_eqn_init_period . Refer to Chapter 13 - Chemistry Modeling for more information

regarding CTC combustion and the G-Equation combustion models.

Specify the temporal type of events in as C YCLIC, followed by the cyclic period

( e.g., 720 crank angle degrees ) to ensure that the events (such as opening and closing of

valves) repeat cycle after cycle.

When you use detailed chemistry , there are typically many species. The initial mass

fractions of many radical and product species are zero. You are not required to specify

the species that have zero mass fractions as CONVERGE will assign them a zero value

by default. Similarly , if there is no initial value for a passive scalar in the file ,
CONVERGE will assign it a zero value.

If you run a simulation with a coarse mesh for one cycle , you can then map the solution

from this coarse-mesh simulation onto a finer mesh to reduce overall computational time.

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Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Multiple Cycle Simulations

To specify the initial values of the main simulation conditions such as pressure , velocity ,
temperature , turbulence , and species mass fractions on a region-by-region basis , use the

file . Although the initial conditions will not be representative of the actual

condition after the simulation has run for multiple cycles , more accurate initial values can

save computational time. You can also use grid scaling to increase the mesh resolution

with each cycle.

20.8 Crevice M odel

A crevice model can simulate the flow between the piston , piston rings , and cylinder. This

model is an alternative to resolving the crevice regions in the CFD grid directly , which can

result in smaller cells and , therefore , smaller time-steps. To use the crevice model , the

cylinder a xis must be aligned with the z a xis. You can apply this model to a single cylinder

of a multi-cylinder case. Note that if you activate the crevice model , the cylinder adjacent

to the crevice must be assigned to Region 0. The crevice model requires the file.

The crevice model in CONVERGE is based on the model of Namazian and Heywood

(1982). This model includes the gas flow passages as illustrated in Figure 20.8 below. As

shown in the figure , the model includes two rings and five crevice regions. Region 1 is at

the cylinder pressure , while region 5 , which is just above the oil ring , is at the crankcase

pressure. The crevice model will calculate the pressures in regions 2 , 3 and 4. Namazian

and Heywood (1982) show that the continuity equations for regions 2 , 3 and 4 can be

written as

mo dP m
2 2
m ,
Po dt2
12 23 (20.6)

mo dP m
3 3
m m m ,
Po dt 3
13 23 34 35 (20.7)


mo dP m
4 4
m ,
Po dt4
34 45 (20.8)

where Pi is the pressure in region i, Poi is the initial static pressure in region i, and moi is the

initial mass in region i

. Finally , m i j is the mass flow rate between regions i and j through

the ring gap or ring side clearances. Namazian and Heywood show that the flow rate

through the ring side clearances can be written as

618 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Crevice Model

m Ah 2


Wr RT i ,
ij 2



where Wr is the channel length (which is the width of the ring of interest) , h is the channel

width (which is either the height below or above the ring , depending on the mass flow rate

of interest) , A is the area normal to the flow (appro ximated as 2 p ( bore h , T

/2) ) is the crevice

region temperature , R is the gas constant , m is the viscosity evaluated at the crevice region

temperature , and Pi and P

are the upstream and downstream pressures , respectively.

Equation 20.9 above is used to appro ximate the mass flow rates m
12 , m23 , m 34 , and m 45 .

Combustion Chamber

Rings 3

Figure 20.8: Illustration of gas flow

passages, rings and regions for the
crevice model.

As in Namazian and Heywood (1982) , the mass flow rates through the ring gaps are

calculated by the orifice flow equation:

m i Cd Ai c ,
j j (20.10)

where Cd is the discharge coefficient , Ai j

is the ring end-gap area between regions i and j ,r
is the gas density , c is the speed of sound , and h is the compressibility factor given by

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2 P

P 1
j j j

P P Pi
1 i i


2 2 1 P


where Pi is the upstream pressure, P j

is the downstream pressure , and g is assumed to be

1.4. Equation 20.10 is used to estimate m 13 and m35 . Equations 20.6 - 20.8 are solved

using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Once values for P,P,

2 3
and P 4
are obtained ,
m 12 and m
13 are re-calculated from Equations 20.9 and 20.10 , respectively. CONVERGE

uses these mass flow rates to determine the amount of mass entering and leaving the


You can include the motion of the rings in the crevice model calculation. If ring motion is

included , CONVERGE must determine the forces on the rings. Similar to Namazian and

Heywood (1982) , the equation of motion for a ring is given by

Mr d h Fp Ff Fi ,

dt 2

where h is the top ring side-clearance , Fp is pressure force , Ff is friction force , Fi is inertial

force. We do not include the resistance of the squeezed oil. In Equation 20.13 above , Fp, the

pressure force on the ring given by

Fp A P P 1
1 3

for ring 1. In Equation 20.14 above , A 1

is the surface area of the top (or bottom) of ring 1.

In Equation 20.13 F
, f is the friction force on the ring given by

Ff P drTr f 2 (20.15)

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for ring 1 , where dr is the diameter of ring 1 and Tr is the thickness of ring 1. f is the friction

coefficient given by

f 4.8 oilU p P Tr 2

for ring 1 (Reitz and Kuo , 1989). In Equation 20.16 above , U

p is the instantaneous piston

velocity and moil is the viscosity of the oil given by (Namazian and Heywood , 1982) ,

oil exp
9.84 , Ns m 2

/ (20.17)

where T is the crevice region temperature.

In Equation 20.13 , i F is the inertia force given by

Fi Mr ap , (20.18)

where Mr is the mass of the ring and ap is the piston acceleration (Reitz and Kuo , 1989).

Equation 20.13 is solved using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. Note that if you

choose not have the ring motion calculated ( ring_motion_flag = 0) , the initial ring positions

are used throughout the simulation.

After calculating the ring motion and crevice region pressures , CONVERGE can link the

solution to the cylinder by writing an e xpression in the form of Equations 20.6 - 20.8 for

first zone of the crevice:

mo dP m
1 1
m m ,
Po dt
01 12 13 (20.19)

where m 01 is the mass flow rate from the cylinder region (region 0) to first zone of the

crevice (1 in Figure 8). Equation 20.19 can be rewritten as

m Pcyln Pcyln 1

01 o 1
m m ,
Po dt1
12 13

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where Pcyln
is the cylinder pressure at the new time-step and Pcyln is the cylinder pressure

at the previous time-step. CONVERGE uses Equation 20.20 above to calculate the relevant

source terms for mass , momentum , and energy in the crevice cells.

Table 20.1 below compares the crevice model parameters (in the equations above) and the

corresponding parameters in . This file is described in full in Chapter 22 - Input

File Reference.

Table 20.1: Comparison of model and parameters.

Crevice Model Parameter Parameter
Cd cdis_crev
Wr 1
Mr 1
Wr 2
Mr 2
A 13
A 35
area3 5

po 4

T temp_crev

20.9 Sealing of Boundaries for Engine Applications

The Sealing feature is useful for accurately simulating piston ported engines ( e.g., z-

strokes) where the intake and/or xhaust

e ports are closed off from the combustion

chamber by the motion of the piston , as shown in Figure 20.9 below. Refer to the Sealing of

Boundaries section in Chapter 3 - Pre-Processing and Post-Processing for a detailed

description of how to use the sealing feature.

622 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 20
Internal Combustion Engine Applications | Sealing of Boundaries for Engine Applications

Figure 20.9: A two-dimensional schematic that describes the logic of boundary

sealing for a two-stroke engine geometry.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 623

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CONGO - Optim ization and Model Interrogation

Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility |

21 CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility

The CONVERGE Genetic Optimization (CONGO) utility allows you to run a genetic

algorithm (GA) optimization or a design of e xperiments (DoE) model interrogation study

for a CONVERGE simulation on the LINU X platform. This utility sets up CONVERGE case

directories , starts the CONVERGE simulation for each case , collects results , and calculates

a merit based on criteria you specify.

CONGO will run the GA for the number of generations you define. For a DoE , it will run it

for the number of runs you specify. The workflow required to set up a CONGO GA or DoE

case is described in the Using CONGO section.

You can use CONGO also for non-CONVERGE optimization and model interrogation

studies , provided that the analysis tool coupled with CONGO generates output consistent

with the format required by CONGO.

After you start the CONGO utility , it runs successive generations without requiring action

on your part. CONGO automatically parses parameter values into CONVERGE input files

in run directories. Additionally , CONGO can automatically run design of experiments

(DOE) using the same setup method as running a GA. Using the file , you can also

have CONGO set up a few selected cases from a GA to run as a DOE automatically.

You can modify a routine for CONGO to allow you to define parameterized features , such

as piston bowl shape or fuel injection rate-shape. You can also implement comple x merit

function formulations via a user-defined function (written in C).

21.1 Genetic Algorithm ( )


A micro genetic algorithm (GA) can be used to optimize a model for a given set of input

parameters and a defined model output. For the purposes of this chapter , a model is

defined as a combination of surface geometry parameters ( e.g., piston bowl shape or stroke

distance) and other CONVERGE input parameters ( e.g., injection rate or valve lift position

files). The model variations generated by the GA are controlled by a merit function , which

includes the parameters to optimize , such as engine fuel consumption , and can include

parameters to impose constraints upon , such as engine emissions.

A GA takes a " survival of the fittest " approach to optimize a design.

A set of input parameters comprises an individual. A set of individuals comprises a

population. You will define the size of the population. Each generation consists of a

population , which consists of the best (or fittest) individual from the previous generation

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Genetic Algorithm (GA)

and new individuals (children) created from individuals in the previous generation


Figure 21.1 illustrates this process. Individuals (A) comprise a population for each

generation. Individuals are created for subsequent generations from the parents using a

tournament methodology. The tournament shuffles the individuals into pairs (B) , selects

individuals from the pairs by comparing the merit values (C) , and pairs the winners of the

tournaments into new parents (D). Children (E) are created from the parents. The

tournament continues until enough children are created for the ne xt generation (F). The

individual in the generation with the highest merit (best-so-far) is automatically passed to

the ne xt generation.

Figure 21.1: Micro genetic algorithm.

As the GA proceeds through generations , the individuals become more and more similar to

the fittest individual. The GA applies a convergence test to determine when the parameters

of the individuals in the population have converged within a user-defined criteria. Once a

population has converged , the individual with the highest merit is retained , and a new set

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Genetic Algorithm (GA)

of individuals is generated with randomly assigned parameters. Generating a new

population randomly after a population converges enables the GA to evaluate the entire

parameter space instead of identifying a local ma xima as an overall optimum.

Depending on characteristics of the model and the number of parameters being optimized ,
the GA will converge on the optimum model configuration within a certain number of


For e xample, in a typical diesel engine case , where fuel consumption and emissions will be

optimized , the GA may converge in appro ximately 50-100 generations for typical input

parameters ( e.g., start of injection). This number depends on the comple xity of the model

response to the range of the input parameters and the number of generations that the GA

uses to converge on the optimum input parameters.

Parameter Representation and Crossover Evaluation

Parameters in the GA are represented by an n-bit binary number (typically n = 30). Each

individual consists of the binary parameters in sequence This parameter sequence is the

DNA of the individual.

For instance , if three parameters are represented with eight bits each , the DNA of an

individual would be as follows:

Param1 Param2 Param3

01110101 01011011 11001000

The spaces between parameters are added for clarity.

The CONVERGE GA can use real number convergence checks (recommended) or a DNA

convergence check (binary evaluation). A real number convergence check means that the

DNA is converted to real parameter values before checking for parameter convergence.

The conversion from DNA to real numbers is carried out by converting the binary value

back to a decimal number. Define a convergence criteria fraction via p_conv in . A

typical value for p_conv is 0.97.

A crossover algorithm creates individuals for the ne xt generation from parents from the

previous generation. A child inherits matching DNA from the parents and differences in

the two parents' DNA cause a random bit to be evaluated for the child. For e xample, two

parents with only three differing bits would create a child as shown below , where a , b, c

will be determined randomly as 1 or 0. Note that the middle parameter (Param 2) is

converged for these parents. Although there are only 6 possibilities for the DNA makeup

of the child , the real number values of the child's parameters will be significantly different

among the 6 possibilities.

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CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Genetic Algorithm (GA)

Param1 Param2 Param3

parent 1: 01110101 01011011 11001000
parent 2: 01100101 01011011 11001011
child: 011a0101 01011011 110010bc

As the GA progresses through generations and the population approaches a local

ma ximum optimization , individuals in the population will become similar. If the GA is

allowed to continue generating new populations , the individuals in the population will

become identical.

The GA has some pre-defined optimization parameters based on commonly adjusted

model inputs. You can also create user-defined optimization parameters based on more

comple x inputs in CONVERGE , such as a geometry object ( e.g., a piston bowl shape) or a

temporally or spatially varying parameter , such as a fuel injection rate or valve lift profile.

21.2 Design of Experiments (

DoE )
A design of e xperiments (DoE) is a model interrogation technique , different than a genetic

algorithm , which is an optimization technique. For a DoE , you generate a table containing a

pre-determined number of models , or runs. Each run consists of a combination of different

values of selected model parameters.

In a DoE , there are no generations , parents , children , DNA , or a tournament structure as

in a GA. A DoE simply runs different combinations of model parameters and compares the

resulting merit. The merit function CONGO uses for a DoE is essentially the same as for a


You can use CONGO to specify which individual values for each model parameter in the

DoE , as opposed to a range of values in a GA. CONGO allows you to specify the total

numbers of runs in a DoE and each of these runs can be run concurrently , provided you

have the hardware and licenses to accommodate this number of runs.

Do not mistake a DoE for an optimization technique ; it simply interrogates the specific

models and evaluates the merit of each. After the CONGO DoE is complete , you can refer

to the output.out and perform.out for the merit calculated for each model.

A DoE may be a good option if you have limited time , computing resources , and you have

a reasonably good understanding of how the variance of different model parameters (and

the interplay thereof) will affect the performance of the model.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 629

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

21.3 Using CONGO

CONGO is a utility for use by advanced CONVERGE users who are comfortable setting up

CONVERGE simulations with a user-defined function (UDF). Refer to the CONVERGE

User-Defined Function Manual for more information regarding running CONVERGE with

a UDF.

CONVERGE Studio v2.4 now has a module that allows you to set up the CONGO Input

Files required to configure a GA or DoE case , but you should still be comfortable with

running CONVERGE with a UDF prior to attempting a GA or DoE with CONGO.

The following sub-sections the overall organization/content of a CONGO case directory , a

description of each subsection of the CONGO case directory , and an overview of how each

of these subsections interact with CONGO to produce meaningful GA or DoE conclusions.

21.3.1 Map of CONGO Inputs , Outputs , Tools , Executables

Figure 21.2: Map of CONGO communication structure. Click on any portion of the map to jump
directly to the relevant section of this chapter.
21.3.2 Merit Function

A properly defined merit function is vital to the efficiency and success of a GA. By

definition , the GA works to ma ximize the merit through progressive generations. A poorly

defined merit function will cause an undesirable optimization.

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

When defining the merit function , you can define response variables . Response variables

can be performance terms (as ma ximizing, minimizing , or error) and constraint terms

(ma ximum and minimum). Performance terms are weighted and multiplied by 100 in the

default merit calculation. Constraint and error terms are then subtracted to decrease the

merit score. Formulate the merit function so that an optimized design would have a merit

of 100 and the merit score of a baseline design (or starting point) would be near 0.

Negative merit scores are permissible as are scores greater than 100.

Default Merit Function

You can use the default merit function in CONGO by defining response variables in . Response variables consist of performance variables PV , error ( ) of performance

variables , and constraint variables CV ( ). The format of the default merit function is as


100 [( MinimizePV MaximizePV ) ( Error of PV (
) MinimumCV MaximumCV )],


MinimizePV weight ,
Valuecalculated (21.2)

MaximizePV weight Valuecalculated ,

Valuetarget (21.3)

Error of PV 1 abs Valuecalculated Valuetarget

( ,
) (21.4)


MinimumCV weight 1 ,
and (21.5)

MaximumCV weight calculated
1 .

Value target


MinimizePV and MaximizePV are performance variables of the type minimize and

maximize, respectively. You may define multiple minimize and maximize performance

variables. As the name suggests , the lower the calculated value of the minimize

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

performance variable , the more it contributes to a higher merit score. Likewise , the higher

the calculated maximize performance variable , the more it contributes to merit. You must

assign a weight to each minimize and maximize PV. CONGO uses this weight to increase or

decrease the contribution of this performance variable relative to other response variables.

You can use the Error of PV term to penalize maximize and/or minimize performance

variables for being too far from the target value you define.

MinimumCV and MaximumCV are constraint variables of the type minimum and maximum,
respectively. You can use constraint variables to control the negative impact on merit

when specified variables e xceed ( maximum ) or fall short of ( minimum ) the target value you

specify. The weight CONGO uses in these subtractions from the merit score is as follows:

if Valuecalculated Valuetarget , weight weighting greater ,

( ) _

if Valuecalculated Valuetarget , weight weighting lessthan

( ) _ .

The weighting_greater value applies to maximum constraint variables and the

weighting_lessthan applies to minimum constraint variables.

Simple Example Merit Function

The result of interest -- or level of optimization -- of any one individual model is defined by

a merit function. The GA uses this merit function to determine which individual model

iteration is the fittest of its generation. The merit function should be normalized at a value ,
typically 1 or 100 , and should be a continuous function.

A simple e xample of a merit function for a diesel engine is one that gives a model high

merit for lower levels of Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption (ISFC). The merit function

could then be defined with a target value as

. (21.8)

As the ISFC calculated for the model is reduced below the target level , the merit function

becomes greater than 1.

Similarly , a more complicated merit function could include penalties when emission levels

(such as NO x and particulate matter) e xceed a constraint value. This merit function could

be written as

632 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

ISFCtarget NOxcalculated - NOxconstraint PMcalculated - PMconstraint

merit - ,
ISFCcalculated NOxconstraint PMconstraint
- (21.9)

where a b is set to 1 when

or the value of NOx or PM emissions , respectively , exceeds the

constraint. Either a or b is set to 0 when the value of NOx or PM emissions , respectively , is

less than the constraint. This function is identical to the ISFC merit function above when

these emission values are less than the constraints , but the merit score is penalized when

the emissions e xceed constraints. This function is written to be continuous when the

emissions levels e xceed the constraints.

Multi-Mode Merit Function

You can optimize or interrogate possible designs based on each possible model's

performance at multiple operating conditions , or modes . For instance , you can make

CONGO evaluate an engine design based on the results at idle , power , and speed load

conditions. You could set this up as a three-mode CONGO case. Using the inputs in,
you can define the number of modes to evaluate , as well as the directories containing the

CONVERGE input files needed to simulate the model at different operating conditions.

The performance of the model at a particular mode is called fitness,

. Using you can

specify the weight of each mode fitness. CONGO will use these fitness calculations and

weights to generate an overall merit for the multi-mode GA or DoE as follows:

merit 1 1


... (21.10)

weight fitness weight fitness

1 1 2 2
weightn fitnessn

User-Defined Merit Function

If you need a merit function to more specifically address the needs of your case , you can

create a user library to calculate the merit function (written in C coding language). The

default merit function can consist of performance terms and constraint terms , based on

variables from the CONVERGE simulation. Refer to Running CONVERGE with UDF


21.3.3 CONGO Input Files

The,,, and files are mandatory for a GA simulation. These

files are described in full in CONGO Input Files. The file defines the parameters for

the GA. The file defines the parameter ranges for the e xperiment model inputs and

parsing for the CONVERGE input files. The file defines how CONVERGE will be

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 633

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

executed for a GA simulation. The file defines the merit function in terms of

CONVERGE performance parameters.

You can use the CONGO module in CONVERGE Studio v2.4 to import , configure , and

export input files for a CONGO run with CONVERGE. The CONGO module tracks and

coordinates all of your genetic algorithm input files so you can easily design a genetic

algorithm case.

The and files are optional for GA simulations. These files are described in

full in Chapter 22 - Input File Reference. The file allows you to enter a user-defined

individual (UDI) into the GA e xperiment at any generation. The file can be used

to automatically set up a set of cases from the GA e xperiment.

21.3.4 CONGO < >

-- CONVERGE Communication

Within the CONGO root directory , you must save a CONVERGE " seed" directory. The

name of this directory must be consistent with that specified as the dir_name
in . You
must create the CONVERGE seed directory the same way you would a normal

CONVERGE case directory. Then , in the appropriate input file (e.g. ,, as shown

below) in the CONVERGE Seed Directory , you must replace the value of each model

parameter (e.g. start_in ect

, j ) to be manipulated by CONGO with the appropriate marker

(e.g. , GA_START_IN J). These markers you place in the CONVERGE input files must be

consistent with the marker names you specify in .

CONGO automatically parses CONVERGE input files. You must set up the input files

correctly with markers in order to facilitate the search-and-replace for variables of interest.

CONGO parses these files by finding and replacing markers in the input files. For e xample,
you need to redefine the start_in ect
j variable in :

-25.0 start_inject initial time of injection


GA_START_INJ start_inject initial time of injection.

in before copying the CONVERGE files over to the CONGO directories.

You must create a unique name for each marker. Verify that the name of one marker does

not appear within the name of another marker. For instance , if you name two markers

GA_START_INJ and GA_START_INJ_EMBEDDING, CONGO will identify the string

GA_START_INJ and parse in a value in the GA_START_INJ_EMBEDDING marker. This would
lead to the undesirable result a a value that resembles -25_EMBEDDING, which will cause

an error in CONGO.

634 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

Additionally , you must also define two markers in to identify the individual and

generation for CONVERGE. Prepare the file as shown in Figure 21.3 below.

0 map_flag
1 ga_flag
GA_INDIVIDUAL ga_individual
GA_GENERATION ga_generation
Figure 21.3: An excerpt of with relevant file parsing parameters.

Place the CONVERGE input files in a directory ( input_files) for use by CONGO during

the GA. CONGO copies all files from this directory into each run directory before parsing.

This input file directory should also contain an appropriate CONVERGE e xecutable, or a

link to the correct path thereto. Refer to the CONVERGE Getting Started Guide

( for more information.

CONVERGE Output for GA

Configure the CONVERGE simulations to create a file containing performance variables

for the GA using a user-defined function (UDF). Designate one consistent output file name

for both CONVERGE and CONGO , such as ga_output.#-# .

Customize the user_ga_merit_flag.c file in the UDF directory to create the variable outputs

of interest. Compile the UDF and save the library ( ) in the directory with

CONVERGE. Compile the udf with the header files corresponding to the version of

CONVERGE you are using.

You need to enable several flags in the CONVERGE input files and in order

to run a GA or DoE that uses a UDF. These flags are shown in Figures 21.4 and 21.5


0 map_flag
1 ga_flag
GA_INDIVIDUAL ga_individual
GA_GENERATION ga_generation
0 wallvalue_flag
1 udf_flag
0 cht_supercycle_flag

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 635

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

Figure 21.4: An excerpt of with relevant GA flags.

0 user_event_flag
1 user_ga_merit_flag
0 user_piston_position_flag
Figure 21.5: An excerpt of with relevant GA flags.
CONGO Output Files
CONGO generates output in two places: individual run directories
in the of the

CONVERGE simulations , and in the main CONGO folder . CONGO uses the data written

to the individual run directories to create the output files in the main CONGO folder.

Both types of output files are described in more detail in the CONGO Output Files section

in Chapter 23.

Running CONVERGE with a UDF

We recommend that you become familiar with running CONVERGE with a user-defined

function (UDF) before attempting to run CONGO. Refer to the CONVERGE UDF Manual

for more information.

To run CONVERGE with a UDF , set udf_flag = 1 in and activate the relevant

flag(s) in
. Additionally , you need to set the LD_LIBRAR Y_PATH environment

variable to point to the UDF directory , which contains the library.

This library path should be relative to the run directories for the GA , since CONVERGE is

executed from within the individual run directories. For e xample, the udf directory should

be in the base directory of the GA and you should set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH = ../udf

To set the library environment variable using the bash shell command-line interpreter ,

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../udf

To set this variable using the c shell command line interpreter , type:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ../udf
You can configure the routine to build a library for generating parameterized

geometry (such as a piston bowl profile) or a rate-shape (such as a fuel injection profile).

You can also use to program comple x merit functions.

636 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

21.3.5 Run Directories

CONGO uses the CONVERGE seed directory to create individual run directories for a GA

or DoE. The input files in these individual run directories will contain all of the input files

in the seed directory , but instead of the markers designated for the model parameters

CONGO will vary , CONGO has populated the values for each run (for a DoE) of the first

generation (for a GA) according to the value (DoE) and min and max (ranges in GA) you

specify for these parameters in .

Before running the full CONGO case , first perform a test run . A test run is useful for

ensuring CONGO is properly configured before expending significant computational

resources on the actual CONGO run. To perform test run , setup CONGO as you normally

would , but set the test_run_flag = 1 in . Then run CONGO as described in the

Running and Restarting CONGO. This test run will create run folders for each run (of the

first generation , for a GA) , containing the input files with model parameters populated by

CONGO. These folders will contain sample , unpopulated CONGO output files ,
ga_output.<run#>-<gen#> and param.<run#>-<gen#>.
When you are satisfied with the CONGO setup , you can then e xecute the full CONGO

run. This will create CONVERGE output files and CONGO output files in each run

directory. For a GA , it will create these output files for each generation of each run.

CONGO uses the output from the CONGO output files in the individual run directories to

calculate the merit of each run , which it then uses to create the CONGO written to the

CONGO root directory (e.g. , congo_max.out, congo_micro.out, output.out ).

21.3.6 CONGO Scripts

CONGO has several utilities , which are described below. will remove all files from a previous CONGO run. Use if a run has

been stopped and you want to start the GA from the beginning. You must remove

several files before restarting CONGO , so this utility can speed up the process of starting

a new run of CONGO. will remove files to allow a restart of the GA , but it also preserves the

results of generations that are already complete. will kill all CONVERGE runs currently in progress using the mkill and

pykill commands. Contact Convergent Science , Inc. to determine the availability and

compatibility of the script. You will need to edit this script based on the

details of your CONVERGE installation. will display the current status of all of the GA runs in progress.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 637

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Chapter 21
CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO will automatically monitor CONVERGE runs for crashes. If a crashed

run is detected, this script will create an output file for the crashed case. You must

supply a template for the output file (named replace.outdata) in the GA directory. A

flag will appear on the first line to indicate that the run crashed , followed by

performance variables that will produce a very low merit score for this individual. See a

list of runs that crashed by viewing the replace.log file. The replace.log is updated

every time a crashed run is detected. You can view the very low merit given to crashed

runs by opening the perform.out file in a text editor.

21.3.7 Running and Restarting CONGO

Starting CONGO
After defining the e xperiment in and configuring the other required input files , you

can start a CONGO GA by typing the following into the command line:


To start CONGO in the background and record the log in a file , type:

./congo > logfile &

Stopping CONGO
To end a CONGO run , kill the CONGO process. You must also manually kill any

CONVERGE runs in progress and any scripts that are being run by CONGO ( i.e.,

Restarting CONGO
After a GA simulation has started , CONGO automatically creates the restart file .

CONGO updates this file automatically after each generation. If CONGO is stopped before

results are collected for the current generation of CONVERGE simulations , a recollect

option is available. Set recollect_data_flag in to 1 before this initial CONGO run.

Once the CONVERGE simulations are complete , you can re-run CONGO with the data

recollection option activated. With the data recollection option activated , CONGO will

collect the results of the current generation , create the ne xt generation , and updated the file. When the data recollection option is on , CONGO will not start the

simulations for the ne xt generation ; use this option only to collect information from the last

generation of previously e xecuted simulations. After the data recollection step is complete ,
you can restart CONGO with recollect_data_flag = 0 in and with restart_flag = 1

in .

While a GA is in progress , you may decide to alter the merit function slightly. To do this ,
kill the CONGO process , then alter the merit function as needed (either in or in the

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CONGO - Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility | Using CONGO

user library used to calculate the merit function) , and then restart CONGO. Because the

formulation of the merit function has changed , the merit of the best-so-far individual will

be different and you must update it in the file. You can change the elite (best-so-

far) merit in file to correspond to the new merit function before a restart. Then ,
the GA will continue with a different calculation , and CONGO will assess the best-so-far

individual based on the new merit value. Note that the merit in the ma x ( congo_max.out )

and merit ( congo_micro.out ) and bestcases ( bestcases.out ) files will not be changed , so

evaluate the merit listed in these files accordingly.

The file contains all the DNA of every individual in the current generation of the

GA , followed by the merit and DNA of the best-so-far individual. To find and modify the

merit of the best-so-far individual , search the file for the best-so-far merit and

change it as needed.

CONGO updates the file every generation and therefore always contains data for

only a single generation. The congo_dna.out file also contains the restart information for

every generation of a GA. This allows the GA to be restarted at any generation if

necessary. For instance , you may find during a GA that the definition of the merit was not

ideal initially and the best-so-far individual at an earlier point in the GA was actually

deemed to be stronger after you correct the merit function. You can use the congo_dna.out
file to restart the GA at the earlier generation with a modified merit function. To do so ,
find the generation containing the desired best-so-far individual in congo_dna.out and copy

the contents from this generation to the file. Update the best-so-far merit in according to the revised merit function before restarting.

The format of the restart information (contained for each generation in the congo_dna.out
file) is:

best individual #
dna of each individual in the population preceded by the individual number
merit of best-so-far individual
dna of best-so-far individual
eight numbers defining the current random number sequence

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 639

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Input and Data File Reference
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference |

22 Input and Data File Reference

This chapter describes the CONVERGE input ( *.in ) and data ( *.dat ) files. The order in

which these files are described in this chapter mirrors the order in CONVERGE Studio's

Case Setup dock. The final portion of this chapter describes the input files associated with

the CONVERGE Studio Chemistry module , which contains zero- and one-dimensional

chemistry tools.

Although you can edit input files directly , we recommend that you set up your case and

e xport the input files in CONVERGE Studio. Using CONVERGE Studio helps to ensure

that all files are formatted correctly. In addition , CONVERGE Studio can provide

recommended values for many different types of cases.

CONVERGE allows blank rows in all files and ignores all rows starting with #.
CONVERGE Studio may look for some information in rows beginning with # when

importing files.

22.1 T emporally Varying Parameters

CONVERGE allows many parameters to be either a fi xed value or to vary temporally. This

section describes how to set up a spatially varying parameter.

(Some boundary-related parameters can very spatially or spatially and temporally. See

Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for more information.)

For a temporally varying parameter , specify a file name instead of a number for the

appropriate parameter. For e xample, in, you can define twrite_post as follows:

2.0 twrite_post ( twrite_post is a constant value throughout the



"" twrite_post ( twrite_post varies as specified in,

which is an arbitrary file name)

If you use the second option , you must include the corresponding file ( e.g., )

in the Case Directory. Figure 22.1 below shows an e xample file. The first row

must contain the keyword TEMPORAL . The second row must specify the repetition type


non-repeating or ). If you must include the cyclic

period (in seconds crank_flag =

if CAD crank_flag
0 or in if = 1 or 2). The third row contains

the word second crank_flag =

(if crank crank_flag =
0) or (if 1 or 2) and the name(s) of the

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Input and Data File Reference | Temporally Varying Parameters

temporally varying parameters ( e.g., twrite_post ). Note that CONVERGE automatically sets

unspecified species and passives to 0.0 at the boundaries. If the input is SE QU ENTIAL, the

fourth and following rows contain the time (in seconds if crank_flag = 0 or inCAD if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) followed by the value at that time. For theSE QU ENTIAL case ,
CONVERGE will use the first or last value if the simulation time does not fit into the range

given in the file ( e.g., if the last data point in is for 60 CAD, and your

simulation runs until 80 CAD, CONVERGE will use the 60 CAD value through the end of

the simulation). If the input is CYCLIC, the quantity will cycle according to the period. For

both SE QU ENTIAL and CYCLIC profiles , the value at times between time entries in the file

will be the same as the value of the previous entry. The heading of the second column

( twrite_post in the e xample below) must have the same name as the parameter of interest.

crank twrite_post
-360.0 10.0
-20.0 2.0
+150.0 10.0
+360.0 10.0
Figure 22.1: An example

Table 22.1 lists the parameters that can vary temporally.

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Table 22.1: Parameters that can vary temporally.

File Name Parameters amr_cycle_steady, amr_max_cells, amr_min_cells pressure, temperature, species, passives, tke, eps, , V, W, massflow
U adaptive_zone_bin_temp, adaptive_zone_bin_react_ratio,

adaptive_zone_bin_equiv_ratio, adaptive_zone_bin_pres,
adpative_zone_bin_<species name>, g_eqn_init_value, ctc_init_time ,
sage_reac_mult rpm gridscale_time twrite_post, twrite_transfer, twrite_restart, twrite_files, dt_max, dt_min, max_cfl_u,
max_cfl_nu, max_cfl_mach, schmidt_turb, crit_pres, crit_temp, acentric_factor,
grid_scale tol_scale, piso_itmin, piso_itmax, piso_tol, fv_upwind_mom,
fv_upwind_factor_global, monotone_tolerance, impl, conserve, strict_conserve_flag,
rc_flag, omega_presrat, omega_p_steady, mom_*, pres_*, density_*, energy_*,
species_*, passive_*, tke_*, eps_*, omega_*, rad_* in ect_start_time, in ect_duration, in ect_mass
j j j

Restart File Specification

The twrite_restart parameter in controls the frequency with which CONVERGE

writes restart files , and num_restart_files in determines how many of these restart

files CONVERGE will save (the oldest restart file will be the first to be overwritten). These

restart files are named restart<restart number>.rst e.g., restart0001.rst

( ).

In addition to these restart files , CONVERGE provides the option to save other restart files ,
written at specified times , to the Case Directory. These additional files are named

according to the times at which they are written: restart_<simulation time or CAD>.rst .

These additional restart files do not count toward the user-specified number of restart files

to be saved (given by num_restart_files , ) and they will not be overwritten or deleted by

CONVERGE. To invoke the option for additional restart files , specify a file name ( e.g., ) for twrite_restart . The file format of is as described above

with one addition: a final column with a header of tag tag

. Set to 1 to instruct CONVERGE

to write and save a restart file at the specified simulation time. Set tag to 0 if you do not

want CONVERGE to write and save another restart file at that simulation time. Figure

22.2 shows an e xample file.

CYCLIC 720.0
crank twrite_restart tag

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-147 1.0 1
-130 2.0 0
0 1.0 1
10 5.0 1
100 10.0 0
Figure 22.2: An example CONVERGE will write and overwrite restart files
(restart<restart number>.rst) according to the frequency specified in the twrite_restart column.
CONVERGE will write and save restart file at -147 CAD (restart_-1.470000e+02.rst), 0 CAD
(restart_0.000000e+00.rst), and 10 CAD (restart_1.000000e+01.rst).
22.2 Applications Input Files

This section describes the applications-related input files.

22.2.1 Engine Applications -

For an engine simulation , set crank_flag = 1 in and define your engine-related

parameters in the file. Table 22.2 below lists the parameters in . Figure

22.3 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.2: Parameters in

Parameter Description
bore Engine cylinder bore ( m ).

stroke Engine cylinder stroke ( m ). Twice the crank radius.

connecting_rod Engine connecting rod length ( m


crank_offset Engine crank offset ( m ).

rpm Engine speed ( rev min

/ ). Specify a file name (in quotation marks) for a case with

variable RPM.

swirl Initial swirl ratio. Typically 0.0 when the gas e xchange is simulated.

swirl_profile Swirl profile parameter. Typically 3.11. Minimum value is 0.0 (for wheel flow).

Ma ximum value is 3.83 (for zero velocity at the wall).

zhead Cylinder head position (z coordinate in , m ). Used for velocity initialization.

Typically 0.0.

piston_id Boundary ID of piston (from ).

liner_id Boundary ID of cylinder liner (from ).

head_id Boundary ID of head (from ).

crevice_flag 0 = No crevice model,

1 = Crevice model (requires ).


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0.13716 bore
0.1651 stroke
0.263 connecting_rod
0.0 crank_offset
1600.0 rpm
0.98 swirl
3.11 swirl_profile
0 zhead
1 piston_id
4 liner_id
5 head_id
1 crevice_flag
Figure 22.3: An example file.
22.2.2 Crevice Model -
If crevice_flag = 1 in, you must include the file in the Case Directory.

Table 22.3 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.4 below shows an

example file. Figure 22.5 illustrates the geometric and thermodynamic inputs for the

crevice model. Figure 22.6 illustrates the definition of crevice cells.

Note that the location of the crevice region is determined by the parameters bound_id1 and

bound_id2 . These values identify the two boundaries whose common cells are used as

crevice cells ( i.e., the cells to which the crevice source and sink terms are applied) , as

shown below in Figure 22.6. These boundary IDs must correspond to those IDs specified

for the piston and cylinder liner in . In the e xample shown below in Figure

22.6 , the piston is Boundary 1 and the cylinder liner is Boundary 4. In this e xample, set

bound_id1 = 1 and bound_id2 = 4.

Table 22.3: Parameters in

Parameter Description
bound_id1 Piston boundary ID (must match ).

bound_id2 Cylinder liner boundary ID (must match ).

sector_angle Sector angle ( degrees

) for an engine sector simulation. Set to 360 for a non-sector


ring_motion_flag 0 = Do not include ring motion ,

1 = Include ring motion.

cdis_crev Orifice flow discharge coefficient. Typically 0.86.

top_height Distance ( m) between the top of the piston and the top of the top ring. For this

parameter and subsequent parameters see Figure 22.5 below.

top_width Distance ( m) between the top of the piston and the cylinder liner.

ring_width1 Width ( m ) of the top ring (ring 1).

646 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Parameter Description
ring_thick1 Thickness ( m ) of the top ring.

ring_mass1 Mass ( kg ) of the top ring.

ring_gap1 Distance ( m ) between the top and bottom of the top ring gap.

h1b_init Initial position ( m ) of the top ring with respect to the bottom of the top ring gap.

Typically 0.0.

ring_width2 Width ( m ) of the bottom ring (ring 2).

ring_thick2 Thickness ( m ) of the bottom ring.

ring_mass2 Mass ( kg ) of the bottom ring.

ring_gap2 Distance ( m ) between the top and bottom of the of bottom ring gap.

h2b_init Initial position ( m ) of bottom ring with respect to the bottom of the bottom ring

gap. Typically 0.0.

area13 Flow area ( m2 ) between regions 1 and 3.

area3 5 Flow area ( m2 ) between regions 3 and 5.

vol2 Region 2 volume ( m3 ).

vol3 Region 3 volume ( m3 ).

vol4 Region 4 volume ( m3 ).

po2 Region 2 initial pressure ( Pa ). Typically set to the intake valve closing (IVC)


po3 Region 3 initial pressure ( Pa ). Typically set to the IVC pressure.

po4 Region 4 initial pressure ( Pa ). Typically set to the IVC pressure.

pcrank Crankcase pressure ( Pa ). Typically set to 101325.0 Pa .

temp_crev Temperature ( K ) of the crevice region. Typically set to the cylinder liner

boundary temperature.


1 bound_id1
4 bound_id2
60.0 sector_angle
1 ring_motion_flag
0.86 cdis_crev
5.196e-4 top_height
1.55e-4 top_width
5.44e-3 ring_width1
3.175e-3 ring_thick1
5.05e-3 ring_mass1
8.2611e-4 ring_gap1

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0.0 h1b_init
5.44e-3 ring_width2
2.359e-3 ring_thick2
34.51e-3 ring_mass2
8.2611e-4 ring_gap2
0.0 h2b_init
9.05e-8 area13
1.2253e-8 area35
1.8166e-8 vol2
5.0850e-8 vol3
1.2253e-8 vol4
1.9700e5 po2
1.9700e5 po3
1.9700e5 po4
101325.0 pcrank
433.0 temp_crev
Figure 22.4: An example file.

Figure22.5: Crevice model geometric and thermodynamic inputs.

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cylinder wall (bound_id=4)

crevice cell
piston (bound_id=1)
Figure 22.6: The definition of crevice cells.

22.2.3 Variable RPM -

For an engine case with a variable RPM , specify a file name (in quotation marks) for rpm in, as shown below in Figure 22.10.

0.0 crank_offset
"" rpm
0.98 swirl
Figure 22.10: An excerpt of that includes activation of the variable RPM option.

For a non-engine case with a variable RPM , specify a file name (in quotation marks) for

in as shown below in Figure 22.11.


"" rpm
Figure 22.11: An example file that includes activation of the variable RPM option.

For both engine and non-engine cases , if you specify a file name for rpm, you must include

a file with that name in the Case Directory. Figure 22.12 shows an e xample of a file you

can use to specify different rpm values for different simulation times. The first row contains

the keyword TEMPORAL, and the second row contains the keyword SE QU ENTIAL or

CYCLIC . If CYCLIC, the period must follow , also on the second row. The third row

contains two column headings: crank and rpm . Subsequent rows should contain RPM

values at various times. You can specify RPM values for multiple cycles if desired.

crank rpm
-720.0 800.0
-360.0 1000.0
-180.0 1100.0

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0.0 1200.0
90.0 1300.0
180.0 1400.0
270.0 1500.0
. .
. .
Figure 22.12: An example of a variable RPM file (e.g.,
22.2.4 Non-Engine Applications -

For a crank angle degree -based simulation that is not an engine simulation , set crank_flag = 2

in and include an file. Table 22.4 below lists the parameters in .

Figure 22.7 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.4: Parameters in

Parameter Description
rpm Piston speed ( rev min
/ ). Specify a file name (in quotation marks) for a case

with variable RPM.


3600 rpm
Figure 22.7: An example file.
22.2.5 Piston Motion in Non-Engine Applications -

Piston Motion Files

To have CONVERGE generate the piston position table for a non-engine application ,
include a piston motion file ( e.g., ) and specify its filename in .

Table 22.5 describes the parameters in the piston motion file for non-engine application ,
and Figure 22.4 below shows an e xample piston motion file.

Table 22.5: Parameters in piston motion files for non-engine applications (e.g.,
Parameter Description
slider_axis The vector along which the piston slides.

crank_radius Half the length of the cylinder stroke ( m ).

connecting_rod Connecting rod length ( m ).

crank_offset Piston wrist pin offset ( m ).

speed_ratio RPM multiplier.


0.0 0.0 1.0 slider_axis

0.08255 crank_radius

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0.263 connecting_rod
0.0 crank_offset
1.0 speed_ratio
Figure 22.8: An example piston motion file (e.g., file.
22.3 M aterials Input Files

This section describes the input and data files that contain properties for the various

species in your CONVERGE simulation. Chapter 9 - Physical Properties and Reaction

Mechanism contains more information about these files.

22.3.1 Gas Properties - gas.dat

Specify gas viscosity and conductivity for a single gas species in the gas.dat file. This file

must contain three columns: temperature in K, viscosity ( N-s m/

) , and conductivity

( Wm K

This file contains gas viscosity and conductivity data in 10 K increments starting from 0 K .

The gas.dat data must go at least to the max_temp (specified in ) or to 5000 K,
whichever is lower. If the max_temp e xceeds K
5000 and if the gas.dat file contains data

only to 5000 K, CONVERGE will perform a zero-order extrapolation to obtain gas

property data up to the ma ximum temperature.

A sample gas.dat is shown below in Figure 22.9.

# temperature viscosity conductivity

0.0000E+00 7.0600E-06 9.2000E-3
1.0000E+01 7.0600E-06 9.2000E-3
5.0000E+03 1.5240E-04 7.1800E-01
Figure 22.9: An example gas.dat file.
22.3.2 Gas Properties - transport.dat

For a simulation with gases , CONVERGE requires a gas.dat species_diffusion_model =

file (if

0 in ) or a transport.dat file (if species_diffusion_model = transport.dat

1). The file is

CHEMKIN-formatted. For a detailed description of this file , consult Chapter 22 - Input File

Reference. Table 22.1 describes the format of transport.dat, and Figure 22.1 below shows an

e xcerpt of a transport.dat file.

CO 1 98.100 3.650 0.000 1.950 1.800

H2O 2 572.400 2.605 1.844 0.000 4.000
H2 1 38.000 2.920 0.000 0.790 280.000
CO2 1 244.000 3.763 0.000 2.650 2.100
O2 1 107.400 3.458 0.000 1.600 3.800
H2O2 2 107.400 3.458 0.000 0.000 3.800
OH 1 80.000 2.750 0.000 0.000 0.000
HO2 2 107.400 3.458 0.000 0.000 1.000

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H 0 145.000 2.050 0.000 0.000 0.000

O 0 80.000 2.750 0.000 0.000 0.000
AR 0 136.500 3.330 0.000 0.000 0.000
N2 1 97.530 3.621 0.000 1.760 4.000
HE 0 10.200 2.576 0.000 0.000 0.000
Figure 22.1: Sample transport.dat file.
Table 22.1: Format of transport.dat.
Column Quantity
1 Species name.

2 0 = Molecular geometry is monatomic ,

1 = Molecular geometry is linear,
2 = Molecular geometry is nonlinear.

3 J
Lennard- ones potential.

4 J
Lennard- ones collision diameter.

5 Dipole moment.

6 Polarizability.

7 Rotational rela xation collision number.

22.3.3 Species-Dependent Critical Properties of Gases - crit_cond.dat

For a simulation with multiple gas species , you can include species-dependent critical

temperatures , critical pressures , and acentric factors. These data are used only when

eos_flag = ,
1 2 or 3 in . To include species-dependent data , specify a file name ( e.g.,
crit_cond.dat ) instead of a value for crit_temp, crit_pres, and/or acentric_factor in

For a simulation that includes composite species , CONVERGE will calculate the critical

properties of the composite from the species-specific critical properties in crit_cond.dat .

Figure 22.10 shows an e xcerpt of an file. Note that crit_temp, crit_pres, and

acentric_factor each specify a file name instead of a value. The crit_cond.dat file will contain

the species-dependent gas property data.

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1 gas_compressible_flag
0 liquid_compressible_flag
1 eos_flag
0 real_gas_prop_flag
6.0 max_reduced_pres
crit_cond.dat crit_temp
crit_cond.dat crit_pres
crit_cond.dat acentric_factor
Figure 22.10: An excerpt of an file where a filename (crit_cond.dat) is listed instead of a value
for three parameters. This file will contain species-dependent values for critical temperature,
pressure, and acentric factors.

Table 22.6 summarizes the format of the species-dependent gas property data file ( e.g.,
crit_cond.dat ,
) and Figure 22.11 shows an example crit_cond.dat file. The first

(uncommented) row of this file contains the keyword DEFA LT U followed by a critical

temperature , critical pressure , and acentric factor. Any gas not listed by name in this file

will be assigned these default properties.

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# species crit_temp crit_pres acentric_factor

DEFAULT 133.0 3.77e+6 0.035
AR 150.8 4.87e+6 0.001
HE 5.19 2.27e+5 -0.365
H2 33.18 1.3e+6 -0.216
N2 126.19 3.3978e+6 0.039
O2 154.58 5.043e+6 0.025
CH4 190.6 4.61e+6 0.011
CH2O 408 6.59e+6 0.253
C2H2 308.3 6.138e+6 0.19
C2H3 308.3 6.138e+6 0.19
C2H4 282.5 5.06e+6 0.089
C3H4 402.4 5.63e+6 0.215
C6H12 504.03 3.14e+6 0.28
C6H6 562.1 4.89e+6 0.212
C7H16 540.2 2.74e+6 0.349
C10H22 617.8 2.11e+6 0.489
NC10H22 617.8 2.11e+6 0.489
NC12H26 658.2 1.80e+6 0.562
CO 134.45 3.49875e+6 0.066
CO2 304.18 7.38e+6 0.2373
HO2 728.0 22.0e+6 0.0
H2O 647.0 22.064e+6 0.344
H2O2 728.0 22.0e+6 0.0
NO 180.0 6.48e+6 0.588
Figure 22.11: A sample species-dependent gas property data file (e.g., crit_cond.dat).

Table 22.6: Format of the species-dependent gas property data file (e.g., crit_cond.dat).
Column Number Parameter Units
1 species name N/A

2 crit_temp K
3 crit_pres N m2

4 acentric_factor N/A

22.3.4 Liquid Properties - liquid.dat

When simulating one or more liquids in CONVERGE , you must specify liquid properties in

a data file called liquid.dat . Table 22.7 lists the required column format and units for each


Figure 22.12 below shows the first several rows of a liquid.dat file. The first row contains

the name of the liquid species (H 2O_L ,

). After the liquid name there are three sections ,
which are separated by the keywords non_newtonian, compressible, and critical_temp .

The non_newtonian section does is not required if the liquid is compressible (not non-

Newtonian , i.e., if there is no LI ID_NON_NEWTONIAN

QU in ). The

non_newtonian section consists of one line: the keyword non_newtonian, the power inde x,
the consistency inde x, the yield stress ( Nm ,
2 / ) m2 s
and the solid viscosity ( / ).

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The compressible section is not required if the liquid is not compressible ( i.e., if

liquid_compressible_flag = 0). The compressible section consists of one line: the keyword

compressible, the reference pressure Pa ,

( ) the reference density (kg/ m 3 ), and the bulk

modulus ( Pa ).

The critical_temp section is always required. The first line of this section consists of the

keyword and the critical temperature of the liquid (in K). Each row thereafter consists of

the temperature and the corresponding viscosity , surface tension , latent heat of

vaporization , vapor pressure , conductivity , density , and specific heat. The number of

entries in this section is based on the critical temperature , Tcrit, that is specified on the

second row. The number of entries must equal int(Tcrit/10 ) + 2. In our e xample, Tcrit =
540.30 K, so CONVERGE requires 56 entries , from 0 to 550 K, in 10 K intervals. You can

specify multiple liquids in the same liquid.dat file to generate a database of liquids. Specify

all data for one liquid before specifying data for the ne xt liquid.

non_newtonian 1.0 1.0 5.0 100.0
compressible 101325 843 1.9e09
critical_temp 540.30
0.000000E+000 1.000 7.550000E-009 3.148000E+006 0.000000E+000 5.690000E-001
1.000000E+003 4.740000E+003
1.000000E+001 1.000 7.550000E-009 3.124300E+006 0.000000E+000 5.690000E-001
1.000000E+003 4.740000E+003
Figure 22.12: An excerpt of a liquid.dat file.

Table 22.7: Format of liquid.dat.

Column Quantity Units
1 Temperature K
2 Viscosity Ns m2 /

3 Surface tension Nm /

4 Latent heat of vaporization kg


5 Vapor Pressure Pa
6 Conductivity W m-K/

7 Density kg m /

8 Specific heat capacity kg-K


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22.3.5 Custom Fluid Properties -

CONVERGE includes a utility that serves as an interface for the CoolProp fluid property

library. This utility requires the file. Table 22.8 below describes the

parameters in . Figure 22.13 below shows an e xample


Table 22.8: Parameters in

Parameter Description
fluid_name Name of the fluid for which to calculate properties.

temp_min Minimum temperature ( K ) of the temperature range.

temp_max Ma ximum temperature ( K ) of the temperature range.

temp_step Temperature interval ( K) for the steps between temp_min and temp_max .

pres_min Minimum pressure ( MPa ) of the pressure range.

pres_max Ma ximum pressure ( MPa ) of the pressure range.

pres_step Pressure interval ( MPa) for the steps between pres_min and pres_max .

R245fa fluid_name
200.0 temp_min
500.0 temp_max
2.0 temp_step
0.0 pres_min
10.0 pres_max
0.02 pres_step
Figure 22.13: Example file.

The utility writes out the fluid_properties.dat , file which is described below in Table 22.9.

Figure 22.14 below shows an e x amplefluid_properties.dat file. The header information in

fluid_properties.dat includes the species name and molecular weight , the number of

temperature and pressure intervals , and the number of output columns.

Table 22.9: Format of fluid_properties.dat.

Column Quantity Units
1 Temperature K
2 Pressure Pa
3 Desnity kg m3/

4 Specific Volume m3 kg/

5 Internal Energy kg

656 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Column Quantity Units

6 Enthalpy J/ kg
7 Entropy J/ kg-K
8 Specific Heat at Constant J/ kg-K

9 Specific Heat at Constant J/ kg-K


10 Speed of Sound ms /

11 Viscosity Ns m2 /

12 Conductivity W m-K/

13 Compressibility Ndim

# species_name molar_mass [kg/mol]
R134a 1.0203200e-01
# num_temp num_pres num_column
128 500 13
# temperature pressure density specific_vol intern_energy
enthalpy entropy
# [K] [Pa] [kg/m3] [m3/kg] [J/kg]
[J/kg] [J/kg/K]
2.00000e+02 .00000e+04 1.51048e+03 6.62026e-04 .07380e+05
1.07404e+05 .07305e+02
2.02000e+02 2.00000e+04 1.50582e+03 6.64496e-04 1.09864e+05
1.81393e+05 6.11669e+02

Cv Cp sound_speed viscosity conductivity

[J/kg/K] [J/kg/K] [m/s] [Pa*s] [W/m/K] []
8.56083e+02 1.57345e+03 9.67633e+02 8.67423e-04 1.27949e-01
8.03106e+02 1.20815e+03 9.54749e+02 8.22352e-04 1.26650e-01
Figure 22.14: An excerpt of a fluid_properties.dat file.
22.3.6 Surrogate Blender -

The surrogate blender can import and e xport files. A file contains a

table with information about component and target fuel properties and the weight given

to each property.

Table 22.10 below describes the format of, and Figure 22.15 shows a sample file.

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Table 22.10: Format of

TABLE Property j Property j +1

Fuel i Property j for fuel i. Property j +1 for fuel i.

Fuel Property j for fuel i+ 1. Property j +1 for fuel i+ 1.

i+ 1

(add rows for additional fuels)

(add columns for additional properties)

Targets Property j for target fuel. Property j +1 for target


Weight Weight of property j . Weight of property j +1.

s Must be a number no Must be a number no

greater than 1.0. greater than 1.0.


FUEL1 78 7 2.16 170.3
FUEL2 17 6.8 2.25 114.2
FUEL3 21.8 62 1.33 120.2
FUEL4 28.2 53.0 1.33 120.2
TARGETS 47.1 21.4 1.96 142.0
WEIGHTS 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Figure 22.15: An example file.
22.3.7 Solid Properties - solid.dat

Specify solid properties - melting point , density , specific heat capacity , and conductivity -

in the solid.dat file. Table 22.11 lists the required column format and units for each


Table 22.11: Column format and units for solid.dat. Configure this file in CONVERGE Studio via Case
Setup > Materials > Solid simulation.
solid.dat Quantity Units
1 Temperature K
2 Density kg m3 /

3 Specific heat capacity kg-K


4 Conductivity W m-K /

Figure 22.16 shows an e xample solid.dat file. Note that the first row is the name of the solid

species (in this case , metal

). The second row is the melting point , in K, of the solid.

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! solid species name

! melting point (k)
! Temperature density specific heat condiuctivity
! k (Kg/m^3) (j/kg.k) (w/m.k)
0.0000E+00 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
1.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
2.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
3.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
4.0000E+01 7.85E+003 5.61E+002 4.27E+001
Figure 22.16: An example solid.dat file.
22.3.8 Species Data and Reaction Mechanism - mech.dat

The mech.dat file lists the elements and species used in the simulation , and , if your

simulation invokes the SAGE detailed chemistry solver , mech.dat also must include reaction

data. Figure 22.17 shows an e xcerpt of a mech.dat file.

h c o n

c7h16 o2 n2 co2 h2o
co h2 ch4 c2h2 c2h4

c7h16 + h = c7h15-1 + h2 5.600e+07 2.0 7667.0
c7h16 + h = c7h15-2 + h2 4.380e+07 2.0 4750.0
Figure 22.17: An excerpt of a mech.dat file. Note that the species names must NOT be preceded by #.

If your simulation does not use the SAGE detailed chemistry model , CONVERGE does not

require the reaction data (listed after the reactions statement). If you do not use SAGE ,
insert an end statement after the reactions statement. CONVERGE will read the end
statement and ignore everything that follows (so you do not need to delete the reaction

data). It is important to note that the species names and information defined in mech.dat
must be consistent with the species names specified in .

The three numbers that follow a reaction define (in this order) the pre-e xponential factor

Ai (in centimeters, grams, seconds, or depending on the reaction) , the temperature e xponent
bi (dimensionless) , and the activation energy Ei (the default units are cal gm-mole
/ ) in the

Arrhenius equation for the forward rate constant of the ith

reaction. If reactions

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statement is followed by the keyword K O LE MOLE

J U / in the same line , then the units for

activation energy Ei is in K mole

J/ instead of the defaultcal gm-mole / .

Although the = symbol in the reactions in Figure 22.17 indicates that the reactions are

reversible , only the forward rate constant is defined in the e xample mech.dat . CONVERGE

will calculate the reverse rate constant. For details , refer to Chapter 9 - Physical Properties

and Reaction Mechanisms.

Alternatively , you can specify different options - reversible , pressure-dependent , etc. - for

reactions. To specify these reaction options , add a row after the reaction you wish to

modify with the appropriate keyword and format , as listed in Table 22.12 below. Note the

required slash symbols delimiting values of the parameters following the reaction option

keywords. Figure 22.18 shows an e xcerpt of a mech.dat file containing e xamples for all the

reaction options. For more information the calculations underlying the reaction options ,
consult Chapter 9 - Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms.

Table 22.12: Reaction Options for mech.dat.

Reaction Option Description
Reverse ,
After the reaction row add a row beginning with the keyword REV followed

by values for Ai, i,

and Ei .

Three body ,
After the reaction row add a row specifying the species acting as a third

body followed by the efficiency factor. You can enter up to 30 enhanced


Pressure-dependent ,
After the reaction row add a row beginning with the keyword LOW followed ,
(Lindermann) by values of A0, 0,
and E0 , ,
or the keyword HIGH followed by values of A,

, and E .

Pressure-dependent Add a Lindermann format row. Begin the ne xt row with the keyword TROE ,
(Troe) followed by values for the parameters a, T***, T*, and T**.

Pressure-dependent Add a Lindermann format row. Begin the ne xt row with the keyword TROE ,
(SRI) followed by values for the parameters a, b, c, d, e.
and If you do not specify

values for d and e, CONVERGE will use d= e=

1 and 0.

Pressure-Dependent ,
After the reaction row add a row beginning with the keyword PLOG ,
Arrhenius Rate followed by the pressure value (in bar) and the three Arrhenius reaction rate

E xpressions (P-LOG) parameters.

Polynomial-Based ,
After the reaction row add a row with the keywords TCHEB and PCHEB ,
(Chebyshev) Reaction followed by values for Tmin and Tmax and Pmin and Pmax, respectively.

Rate Begin the ne xt row with the keyword CHEB, followed by the number of
columns and rows , respectively, in the coefficient matri x a.

Duplicate ,
After the reaction row add a row with the keyword DUPLICATE for each line

(including the first) that contains the reaction.

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Reaction Option Description

Isomer lumping ,
After the reaction row add a row with the keyword LUMP followed by a for
each lumped isomer species in the order that it appears in the reaction row.

Note that you can apply other reaction options to these reactions as the ,
LUMP keyword is necessary because the presence of a lumped isomer species

requires a change in the calculation of the reaction rate.

Fractional Order ,
After the reaction row for each species with fractional order add a row ,
(FORD) ,
beginning with the keyword FORD followed by the species and its fractional


User-Defined ,
After the reaction row add a row with the keyword USER / <index> . /

CONVERGE will reference the <index>

th reaction rate definition in the
user_reaction_rate.c user-defined function. Note that you must include

values for the three Arrhenius rate parameters immediately

following the reaction itself , but CONVERGE will not use these


h c o n

c7h16 o2 n2 co2 h2o
co h2 ch4 c2h2 c2h4

c7h16 + h = c7h15-2 + h2 4.380e+07 2.0 4750.0

c7h16 + h = c7h15-1 + h2 5.600e+07 2.0 7667.0

REV / 4.80e+12 0 1.143e+04/

h +oh +M = h2o + M 0.160e+23 -2.00 0.0


o + co(+M) = co2 (+M) 1.800e+10 0.0 2385.00

LOW / 6.020E+14 .000 3000.00

h + ch2o(+M)= ch3o (+M) 5.400e+11 0.454 2600.0

LOW / 2.200E+30 -4.800 5560.00/
TROE / .7580 94.00 1555.00 4200.00 /

ch3 +ch3(+M) = h + c2h5(+M) 4.989e+12 0.099 10600.0

HIGH/ 3.80E-7 4.838 7710. /
SRI / 1.641 4334 2725 /

h + h2o2=oh+h2o 1.000E+13 .000 3600.00

PLOG / 1.00000e-1 1.000E+13 .000 3600.00/
PLOG / 1.00000e+0 1.000E+13 .000 3600.00/
PLOG / 1.00000e+1 1.000E+13 .000 3600.00/

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h + h2o2=oh+h2o 1.000E+13 .000 3600.00

TCHEB/ 300 2000/ PCHEB/ 0.132 132./
CHEB/ 8 4 1.2451E+01 7.3554E-01 -1.7244E-02 -8.1648E-04 -3.5023E+00/
CHEB/ 7.9339E-01 1.6780E-02 -7.1629E-04 -1.8341E+00 2.3633E-01 1.7728E-02/
CHEB/ 5.2831E-04 -7.3236E-01 3.8689E-03 4.4442E-03 2.8688E-04 -2.5432E-01/
CHEB/ 6.8284E-03 -3.9174E-03 -9.5956E-04 -1.3544E-01 1.2097E-02 1.7585E-03/
CHEB/-4.1806E-04 2.8834E-02 3.8520E-03 1.3198E-03 4.6928E-04 -8.9989E-02/
CHEB/-1.0474E-03 -3.0340E-04 1.0396E-04/

h2 + o2= 2oh 1.700e+13 0.0 47780.0

h2 + o2= 2oh 1.000e+13 0.0 47000.0

AC5H10+H=ism001+H2 3.37600E+05 2.36000E+00 2.07000E+02

LUMP/ 6.61365E-01 / 6.61365E-01 /
REV / 4.35200E+06 2.10000E+00 2.03300E+04/

IC8H18 + OH =>C8H17 + H2O 2.000E+13 0.00

FORD / IC8H18 0.9 /
FORD / C8H17 0.8 /

c7h16=>3c2h4+ch3+h 0 0.0 0.0

Figure 22.18: An excerpt of a mech.dat file containing various reaction options.
22.3.9 Species Definition -

Use the file to define species that are not included in mech.dat . The file

can contain spray parcels ; ,

gas liquid , non-newtonian liquid , and solid species ; passives ;
and non-transport passives. Table 22.13 summarizes the keywords used to specify the

species type of each entity.

Table 22.13: Description of

Category Keyword/Name

Species name , , ,
Parcel name gas species name liquid species name non-Newtonian liquid

, , ,
species name solid species name passive name non-transport passive name.

For GAS species , the thermodynamic properties for the corresponding species must be

included in therm.dat and the transport properties for gas species must be included in

gas.dat . For PARCEL, LI QU ID, LI

or QU ID_NON_NEWTONIAN species , the liquid

properties must be included in liquid.dat . For SOLID , species the solid properties must be

available in solid.dat .

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For PASSIVE species , you must specify the Schmidt number of the species.

The non-transport passives ( PASSIVE_NT ) are used to numerically store conserved scalars

in the domain. For e xample, if you want to keep track of turbulence statistics (mean or

RMS quantities for velocity , species , temperature , etc.) or sum up all of the hydrocarbons

(with keyword hc ) in a constantly changing CONVERGE grid (embedding and release of

AMR cells in every time-step) you would define a PASSIVE_NT quantity.

Typically , includes the PASSIVE, PARCEL, and LI QU ID species. Figure 22.19

below shows an e xample file.


nox 0.78
Figure 22.19: An example file.

Refer to the description of species_output_flag for information on how to generate total

mass , mass fraction , and other output for each species.

Non-Transport Passives
Specify non-transport passives by include the name of each non-transport passive after the

keyword PASSIVE_NT in Y ou can use non-transport passives to numerically

store conserved scalars in the domain. You can create custom names for passives and

manually initialize the values of these passives , or you can include pre-defined names of

passives that CONVERGE can use to track specific quantities related to models. Table

22.14 summarizes some of the pre-defined non-transport passives. You must include these

terms under the PASSIVE_NT keyword.

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Table 22.14: Description of pre-defined passives specified under the keyword PASSIVE_NT in
Pre-Defined Term Description
H C Hydrocarbons (for gas-phase-only hydrocarbons).

U Hydrocarbons (for combined liquid- and gas-phase


U H Turbulent flame thickness.

H Chemical source energy (in J/ s-m3 ).

G_E N Q Required to use the G-Equation combustion model.

TEMP_SGS VEL_SGSand The temperature and velocity sub-grid scales

parameters ( temp_sgs and vel_sgs ). These values will be

calculated if the non-transport passives are included ,

even if you are not using temperature-based or velocity-

based AMR.

H Invokes stiffness-based load balancing for a simulation

that includes the SAGE detailed chemical kinetics


U Tracks the number of cells that are paired with one

another which allows you to visualize which cells are

paired during the simulation.

CELL_PAIR_ID Tracks the unique inde x for cells that are part of the

same cell pair.

LSR_PARAM TheLength Scale Resolution parameter (Piscagila 2013)

monitors the quality of a Large Eddy Simulation (LES)

mesh or is used in AMR control. LSR_PARAM is

defined in terms of grid spacing and Kolmogorov



You can also keep track of turbulence statistics for transient simulations using non-

transport passives. Refer to the Non-Transport Passives for Turbulence Statistics section

below for more information.

User-Defined Global Variables as Non-Transport Passives

You can use the user-defined function (UDF) named user_post.c to define global variables.

The list of definitions will refer to the list of PASSIVE_NT 's named in User-

defined global variables can be arbitrarily named.

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If you will be using both pre-defined and user-defined non-transport passives , it is

recommended that you list the user-defined non-transport passives first. This will make it

easier to define them using the list in the user_post.c UDF. Refer to the U DF Categories >
Input Output-Based
/ U ser-Defined Functions > user_post.c section in the User-Defined

Function (UDF) Manual for more information about using user-defined non-transport

passives as global variables.

Refer to the Species and Passive Output section in Chapter 9 - Physical Properties and

Reaction Mechanisms and the section in Chapter 22 - Input File Reference for

information about how generate output for non-transport passives.

Non-Transport Passives for Turbulence Statistics

CONVERGE contains predefined non-transport passives that you can use to track

turbulence-related statistics in a transient simulation. To activate turbulence statistics , set

turb_stat_flag = 1 in Table 22.15 below lists the predefined non-transport

passives. Specify any of these terms after PASSIVE_NT in .

Table 22.15: Non-transport passives available for tracking turbulence statistics.

Turbulence Statistics Description
Passive Name
bar_Y.<speciesname> Mean mass fraction of <speciesname> e.g., bar_Y.C
( H4 ).*

rms_Y.<speciesname> Fluctuations (root-mean-square (RMS) mass fraction statistics) of

<speciesname> e.g., rms_Y.C *

( H4 ).

bar_ .<speciesname>
X Mean mole fraction of <speciesname> e.g., bar_ .C *
( X H4 ).

rms_ .<speciesname>
X Fluctuations (RMS mole fraction statistics) of <speciesname> e.g., (

rms_ .C *
X H4 ).

bar_passive.<passivename> Mean passive quantity of <passivename> e.g., bar_passive.flow_tracer *

( ).

rms_passive.<passivename> Fluctuations (RMS statistics of the passive quantity) of <passivename>

(e.g., rms_passive.flow_tracer * ).

bar_rho Mean density.

rms_rho or bar_rhop_rhop RMS density. You can specify either rms_rho bar_rhop_rhop.

rms rho bar rhop rhop

_ _ _

bar_p Mean pressure.

rms_p or bar_pp_pp RMS pressure. You can specify either rms_p bar_pp_pp.

rms p bar pp pp pp
_ _ _

bar_T Mean temperature.

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Turbulence Statistics Description

Passive Name
rms_T or bar_Tp_Tp RMS temperature. You can specify either rms_T bar_Tp_Tp.

rms T bar Tp Tp T T
_ _ _

bar_u Mean velocity in the X-direction.

bar_v Mean velocity in the Y-direction.

bar_w Mean velocity in the Z-direction.

rms_u or bar_up_up RMS velocity (Reynolds stress) in the X-direction. You can specify

either rms_u bar_up_up.


rms u bar up up uu
_ _ _

rms_v or bar_vp_vp RMS velocity (Reynolds stress) in the Y-direction. You can specify

either rms_v bar_vp_vp.


rms v bar vp vp vv
_ _ _

rms_w or bar_wp_wp RMS velocity (Reynolds stress) in the Z-direction. You can specify

either rms_w bar_wp_wp.


rms w bar wp wp ww
_ _ _

bar_up_vp Mean u'v' (Reynolds stress).

bar_up_wp Mean u'w' (Reynolds stress).

bar_vp_wp Mean v'w' (Reynolds stress).

vol_frac Spray parcel volume fraction.

user_<udf statistic keyword> Statistic as defined in a user-defined function . The keyword must not

conflict with any e xisting predefined keywords.

* Note that all species and passive names must match those specified in the reaction

mechanism file or .

22.3.10 Composite Species -

In some simulations , you may wish to create composite species , which are composed of

multiple base species. By creating a composite species , you can reduce the number of

species that need to be solved. For example, you could define air as a composite of

nitrogen , xygen,
o water , and carbon dio xide. This would reduce the number of species

from four to one.

666 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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To activate composite species , set composite_flag = 1 in and include a

file in the Case Directory.

You can have composites for gas , liquid, and parcel phases. Note that you must include

the name of the composite species in the reaction mechanism file or in . Table

22.16 below describes the parameters in, and Figure 22.20 shows an e xample

Table 22.16: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value
num_composites Number of composite species to be defined. The following Must be greater than

rows are repeated for each composite species. or equal to 1.

composite_name A unique name of a composite species. You must also N/A

include this name in mech.dat

or . Repeat this line

for each composite species defined -- after listing the

phase, num_base_species, and bases_species as described


phase Name of the phase ( parcel_phase, liquid_phase or N/A

gas_phase ) of the composite species listed directly above.

num_base_species Number of base species that constitute the composite. Must be greater than

or equal to 1.

base_species The name of a base species followed by the mass fraction N/A

of that base species. Repeat this row for each base species ,
for each composite species. You must include
thermodynamic data for each base species in therm.dat .


2 num_composites
fuel composite_name
liquid_phase phase
2 num_base_species
ic8h18 0.75 base_species
c7h16 0.25 base_species
air composite_name
gas_phase phase
4 num_base_species
o2 0.225 base_species
n2 0.77 base_species
h2o 0.004 base_species
co2 0.001 base_species
Figure 22.20: An example file.

For a simulation that includes composite species , CONVERGE will calculate the critical

properties of the composite from the species-specific critical properties in crit_cond.dat .

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22.3.11 Skip Species -

To use the skip species feature , set skip_species_flag = 1 in and include a file in the Case Directory. Table 22.17 below summarizes the format of . Figure 22.21 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.17: Parameters in

Parameter Description
Temporal type Specify whether skip species is SE QUENTIAL or CYCLIC. If CYCLIC,
specify the period in crank angle degrees.

skip_species_start_time Skip species start time.

skip_species_end_time Skip species end time.

percent_mass_not_skipped The percentage of total mass that will not be converted into mass of other

species (see below).

num_keep_species ,
This parameter followed by num_keep_species ,
species names allows you

to force CONVERGE to keep certain species. In addition to the species

listed here skip species automatically keeps species in boundary

conditions (specified in ) and region initialization

( ). For an engine simulation , we recommend keeping the fuel ,

o xidizer, and some intermediate species.

num_convert_hc_species ,
This parameter followed by num_convert_hc_species names and mass

fractions specifies the hydrocarbon species to which skipped

hydrocarbon species will be converted. CONVERGE will normalize the

mass fractions if they do not sum to 1. If num_convert_hc_species = 0 ,

CONVERGE will convert the skipped hydrocarbon species to all of the

non-skipped hydrocarbon species based on the mass fractions of the

non-skipped species.

num_convert_non_hc_species ,
This parameter followed by num_convert_non_hc_species names and

mass fractions specifies the non-hydrocarbon species to which skipped

non-hydrocarbon species will be converted. CONVERGE will normalize

the mass fractions if they do not sum to 1. If num_convert_non_hc_species =

0 , CONVERGE will convert the skipped non-hydrocarbon species to all

of the non-skipped non-hydrocarbon species based on the mass fractions

of the non-skipped species.

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CYCLIC 720.0
856.1 skip_species_start_time
890.0 skip_species_end_time
99.9 percent_mass_not_skipped
1 num_keep_species
2 num_convert_hc_species
CH4 0.4
C2H4 0.6
3 num_convert_non_hc_species
CO2 0.2
H2O 0.4
N2 0.4
Figure 22.21: Example file.

You can have multiple skip species sessions in a simulation. Repeat the set of parameters

from start_time through num_convert_non_hc_species as many times as desired. Figure

22.22 shows an e xample file that includes more than one skip species session.


122.0 skip_species_start_time
200.0 skip_species_end_time
99.9 percent_mass_not_skipped
4 num_keep_species
1 num_convert_hc_species
IC8H18 1.000
1 num_convert_non_hc_species
N2 1.000
300.0 skip_species_start_time
400.0 skip_species_end_time
99.9 percent_mass_not_skipped
4 num_keep_species
1 num_convert_hc_species
IC8H18 1.000
1 num_convert_non_hc_species
N2 1.000

Figure 22.22: Example file that includes two skip species sessions.

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22.3.12 Thermodynamic Properties - therm.dat

Each gas phase species in a CONVERGE simulation must have species-specific

thermodynamic data in therm.dat or tabular_therm.dat . If both therm.dat and

tabular_therm.dat are saved to the Case Directory and if both of these files contain

thermodynamic data for the same species , CONVERGE will use the data from

tabular_therm.dat .

CONVERGE supports both the NASA 7 and NASA 9 formats for the thermodynamic data


NASA 7 Format
The therm.dat file must contain the species name , the elemental composition of the species ,
the phase of the species , and temperature ranges over which a polynomial is fit to

thermodynamic data. Figure 22.23 below contains a e xcerpt of a therm.dat ,

file and the te xt
below the figure e xplains the specific entries in the file.

It is important to note that all columns and numbers in this file must be separated by

spaces. Tabs cannot be used.

300.000 1000.000 5000.000
h 120186 h 1 g 300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1
0.02500000e+02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2
0.02547163e+06 -0.04601176e+01 0.02500000e+02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.02547163e+06 -0.04601176e+01 4

Figure 22.23: An excerpt of a therm.dat file. Note that the species names must NOT be preceded by #.

In Figure 22.23 , the first row contains the keyword thermo . The second row specifies three

temperatures: a low temperature , a common temperature , and a high temperature. These

temperatures define the two ranges over which a polynomial is fit to thermodynamic data

(see the NASA 7 section of Chapter 9 - Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms).

The third row specifies the species name ( h in this e xample), followed by a date ( 12018 6 ),

the atomic symbols and number of each atom type ( h 1) , the phase of the species ( g for

gas) , three temperatures (low , high , and common) , and the integer 1. This integer is not

required by CONVERGE but is included to help distinguish the thermodynamic data for

different species. The three temperatures in this row are optional. If species-specific

temperatures are not listed in this row , the temperatures specified on row 2 of the

therm.dat file will be used for the species. The ne xt three rows contain coefficient values for

the polynomial fits for the standard state molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cop,m,
the standard state molar enthalpy H
o ,
m and the standard state molar entropy Som,

670 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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respectively , for the m th

species. The fourth row of therm.dat specifies the coefficients a a

for the upper temperature interval , followed by the integer 2. The fifth row contains the

coefficients a 6
and a7 for the upper temperature interval and a,a,
1 2
and a 3
for the lower

temperature interval , followed by the integer 3. The si xth row contains the coefficients a - 4

a 7
for the lower temperature interval , followed by the integer 4. Repeat rows three through

si x for each species , followed by an end statement.

NASA 9 Format
CONVERGE supports the NASA 9 format for the thermodynamic data file as specified in

McBride and Gordon , 1996 . Figure 9.11 below contains a e xcerpt of a thermodynamic data

file , and the te xt below the figure e xplains the specific entries in the file.

300.000 1000.000 5000.000 20000.000
2 O 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1.00000 0.000
300.000 1000.000 7 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 100.000
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.21293600e+00 1.12748600e-03 -5.75615000e-07
1.31387700e-09 -8.76855400e-13 0.00000000E+00 -1.00524900e+03 6.03473800e+00
1000.000 5000.000 7 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 100.000
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.69757800e+00 6.13519700e-04 -1.25884200e-07
1.77528100e-11 -1.13643500e-15 0.00000000E+00 -1.23393000e+03 3.18916600e+00

Figure 9.11: An excerpt of a NASA 9 thermodynamic data file. Note that the species names must NOT
be preceded by #.

In Figure 9.11 , the first row contains the keyword thermo nasa 9 . The second row specifies

the temperature ranges over which a polynomial is fit to the thermodynamic data. Each

adjacent pair of temperatures specify a range for which CONVERGE will accept data. Not

all species must have data for each range. Note that the NASA 7 format only has 3

temperatures listed on this line , so if CONVERGE detects a fourth temperature , it will

e xpect the NASA 9 format. The ne xt set of rows repeat for each species until the end of the

file is indicated by the keyword end .

The first row for each species specifies the species name ( o2 in this e xample), followed by

optional information. The second line specifies the number of temperature ranges for

which data will be provided (here , 2) , the atomic symbols and number of each atom type

( o 2.00) , 1 for a gas and 0 for a condensed phase. The line ends with 0.000 or the heat of

formation at 298.15 K in J/ mol . The third row begins with the first temperatures range , and

is followed by the number of coefficients for the polynomial fits for the standard state

molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cop,m, the exponents for temperature in the

empirical equation for C p,m,

o the standard state molar enthalpy H
o .
m The following two

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rows contain the first five and the last three coefficients for standard state molar heat

capacity at constant pressure respectively. This last row may optionally contain the

integration constants for enthalpy and entropy. The third , fourth and fifth rows are

repeated for each temperature range , and the entire block is repeated for each species.

The Equations in the NASA 9 section of Chapter 9 - Physical Properties and Reaction

Mechanism (from Gordon and McBride , 1994) specify how the standard state molar heat

capacity at constant pressure C p,m,

o standard state molar enthalpy H
o .
m standard state

molar entropy Som, are calculated.The second row for each temperature range for each

species in the thermodynamic data file specifies the coefficients a 1

though a 5
while the third

row contains the coefficients a 6

and a7 . as well as the integration constants b1 and b2 .

CONVERGE also accepts coefficients for the general form of the equations for the NASA 9

format if you do not have composite species or if you do not intend to use the CE Q solver.

22.3.13 Thermodynamic Properties - tabular_therm.dat

Each of the gas-phase species in a CONVERGE simulation must have species-specific

thermodynamic data in therm.dat or tabular_therm.dat . If both therm.dat and

tabular_therm.dat are saved in the Case Directory and if both files contain thermodynamic

data for the same species , CONVERGE will use the data from tabular_therm.dat .

If you have a file that contains thermodynamic properties in tabular format , name this file

tabular_therm.dat and save it in the Case Directory. Figure 22.24 below shows an e xample
file, and the te xt below the figure e xplains the format of this file.

thermo_tabular @ T_ref = 298.15 K

# name phase t_low t_high t_common

<species> C7H16 G 300.000000 5000.000000 1391.000000
# elements
C 7 H 16
# temperature enthalpy csubp entropy
0.000000 -3.5291068e+06 1.0354070e+02 2.7878508e+03
10.000000 -3.5291068e+06 1.0354070e+02 2.7878508e+03
20.000000 -3.5291068e+06 1.0354070e+02 2.7878508e+03
30.000000 -3.5291068e+06 1.0354070e+02 2.7878508e+03
4890.000000 1.7783302e+07 5.2057476e+03 1.5029023e+04
4900.000000 1.7835364e+07 5.2064243e+03 1.5039659e+04
4910.000000 1.7887430e+07 5.2070986e+03 1.5050274e+04

# name phase t_low t_high t_common

<species> O2 G 300.000000 5000.000000 1000.000000
# elements
O 2
# temperature enthalpy csubp entropy

672 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Materials Input Files

0.000000 -2.6120177e+05 8.3484247e+02 1.5680535e+03

10.000000 -2.5283873e+05 8.3775745e+02 3.4932715e+03
20.000000 -2.4444670e+05 8.4064459e+02 4.0748481e+03
Figure 22.24: An example tabular_therm.dat file.

As shown above in Figure 22.24 , the first line of tabular_therm.dat contains the keyword

thermo_tabular and the reference temperature T_ref, which is the temperature (in K ) at

which the sensible enthalpy equals 0. The ne xt line that is read by CONVERGE must list

the keyword <species>, the chemical formula of the species , and the phase ( G for gas). The

G can be capitalized or lower case. The three temperatures ( t_low, t_high, and t_common , )

which are described in the therm.dat section , are optional. If not included , CONVERGE

will use the default values of t_low = 300 K, t_high = 5000 K, and t_common = 1000 K
. The

ne xt line read by CONVERGE breaks down the species into its elemental components ( e.g.,
for C7H16 , there are 7 carbon atoms for every 16 hydrogen atoms).

The ne xt lines include the species-specific thermodynamic data in ten-degree increments.

Each line lists a temperature and the corresponding enthalpy (in J/ kg ,

) specific heat at

constant pressure (J/ (kg K) ,) and entropy (J/ (kg K) ) values. This list does not have to start at

0 K e.g.,
( the list could start at 20 K instead).

Thermodynamic data for subsequent species are formatted in a similar manner starting

with the keyword <species> .

22.3.14 Lower Heating Value -

If lhv_flag = 0 in, CONVERGE calculates the lower heating value (LHV) from

species data in the thermodynamic data file. If lhv_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will read user-

specified LHVs for individual species from .

Table 22.18 below describes the format of, and Figure 22.25 shows a sample

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 673

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Materials Input Files

Table 22.18: Parameters in

Parameter Description
lhv Lower heating value (J/ kg ).

lhv_num_species Number of species for which the LHV above applies.

Species name(s) and mass Species name(s) of the species to which the LHV applies. The species

fraction(s) must be included in the reaction mechanism file. There must be

lhv_num_species species names (and each species should be listed on its

own line).

4.351879e7 lhv
2 lhv_num_species
c7h16 0.5
ic8h18 0.5

5e7 lhv
1 lhv_num_species
ch4 1.0
Figure 22.25: An example file.

CONVERGE will write the values used for LHV corrector calculations to lhv_info.out .

22.4 General Simulation Input Files

This section describes the surface geometry file , the main input file ( ,
) the
file , and some other general input files.

22.4.1 Surface Geometry File

CONVERGE needs the surface geometry information to be contained in a *.dat file ( e.g.,
surface.dat ). CONVERGE Studio generates this file when you e xport the simulation-ready

geometry. Table 22.19 describes the required format of the surface geometry file. Chapter 3

- Pre-Processing and Post-Processing contains more information about the surface


674 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Table 22.19: Surface geometry file format.

Row Number Information Description
Row 1 numverts_tot numverts_tot : ma ximum vertex
numverts identification number.

numtriangles numverts : number of vertices defined below.

numtriangles : number of surface triangles.

Row 2 to vert_id vx vy vz Unique verte x identification number

Row (1 +numverts) followed by the x, y, and z coordinates of

the verte x.

Row (2 +numverts) to vert1 vert2 vert3 Identifiers of the vertices making up the

Row (1 +numverts +numtriangles) bound_id corners of the surface triangle and the

boundary ID corresponding to the surface


22.4.2 Inputs File -

The ,
file which is required for all simulations , includes parameters that activate

models and features , control the grid , and set up output-related options. Some parameters

can be either a fi xed value or a temporally varying quantity. Table 22.20 below describes

the parameters in . Figure 22.26 contains an e xample file.

Table 22.20: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommended Value
surface_filename The name of the surface data file , e.g., N/A

surface.dat .

mechanism_filename The name of the chemical mechanism file , e.g., N/A

mech.dat .

thermodynamic_filename The name of the file that contains gas phase

species-specific thermodynamic data , e.g.,

therm.dat .

crank_flag 0 = Time-based simulation seconds ,

( ) N/A

1 = Crank angle degree -based simulation for

engine applications (requires ).

2 = Crank angle degree -based simulation for

non-engine applications (requires ).

start_time Simulation start time ( seconds crank angle

or N/A

degrees ).

end_time Simulation end time ( seconds crank angle

or N/A

degrees ).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 675

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

If gti_flag
in ,
is non-zero you can

use the keyword GT to set the CONVERGE

end time to that of GT-SUITE.

restart_flag 0 = Do not start from a restart file, N/A

1 = Start from a restart.rst,

restart file ( or the

highest-numbered restart****.rst restart.rst

file if

does not e xist).

restart_number Number that is appended to the names of the N/A

.out files to prevent overwriting the e xisting

*.out e.g.,
files ( CONVERGE will write

thermo2.out instead of thermo.out ).

map_flag 0 = No mapping, N/A

1 = CONVERGE will initialize the simulation

via mapping ( and a map data file are

required) ,
2 = CONVERGE will initialize the simulation
via restart mapping (restart file required).

3 = CONVERGE will initialize the simulation

via restart mapping after transforming the

data as specified via

( and a

restart file are required).

Note that restart_flag = 1 will override the

mapping options.

check_grid_motion_flag 0 = Solve the spray, combustion , and transport 0

equations ,
1 =Do not solve the spray, combustion , and
transport equations. Set to check surface

motion and grid creation.

parallel_scale Number of levels to coarsen the parallel grid -2

from the base grid ( e.g., -2 means the parallel

blocks will be two levels coarser than the base

grid). This parameter must be a non-positive

number. If 0 , CONVERGE will automatically

change it to -1 at the beginning of the

simulation. Note that the definition of this

parameter has changed from previous

versions of CONVERGE.

load_cyc The ma ximum number of cycles between 100

parallel load balances.

reread_input 0 = Do not reread parameters at each time- 1


1 = Reread some parameters at each-time step.

676 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

random_seed Seed for random number generator. Used for N/A

sprays. Must be a non-negative integer.


dx_base Base grid size along the x a xis meters

( ). N/A

dy_base Base grid size along the y a xis meters

( ). N/A

dz_base Base grid size along the z a xis meters

( ). N/A

grid_scale Grid scaling factor applied to the d x, dy, and Typical range: -3 to 3.

dz base grid sizes.

scaled d x grid = dx_base /2

scaled dy grid = dy_base /2
scaled dz grid = dz_base /2
A negative number will coarsen the grid ,
while a positive number will refine the grid.

This parameter must be an integer or a file

name ( e.g., ).

amr_flag 0 = No Automatic Mesh Refinement (AMR) , N/A

1 = Enable AMR. Requires .

embedded_flag 0 = No fixed embedding, N/A

1 = Enable fixed embedding (requires ).

events_flag 0 = No OPEN/CLOSE events , N/A

1 = Enable OPEN/CLOSE events (requires ).

seal_tol Sealing tolerance ( m ). 0.0005

#output control

screen_print_level The detail level of the screen output. Must be 0

an integer between 0 and 3. Enter a higher

value for more detail.

twrite_post Time interval (in seconds crank_flag = if 0 or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) for

writing post*.out files. Specify a file name ( e.g., ) to temporally vary this


twrite_transfer Time interval (inseconds crank_flag = if 0 or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) for

writing heat transfer output. Specify a file

name ( e.g., ) to temporally vary

this parameter.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 677

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

twrite_files Time interval (inseconds crank_flag = if 0 or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag = if 1 or 2) for

writing *.out files. Specify a file name e.g.,

( ) to temporally vary this


twrite_restart Time interval (in seconds crank_flag = if 0 or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag = if 1 or 2) for

writing restart<restart number>.rst files. Specify

a file name (e.g., ) to temporally

vary this parameter. If you specify a file name ,

you will also have the option to specify

specific times at which to write and save

additional restart files ( restart_<simulation time

or CAD>.rst ).

num_restart_files Ma ximum number of restart files N/A

(restart<restart number>.rst ) to be stored. When

this number of restart files is saved to the Case

Directory CONVERGE will remove the

lowest-numbered restart file before writing a

new one. This number does not include

restart_ <simulation time or CAD >.rst files ,

which are written at specified simulation


write_map_flag 0 = map_<time>.out
Do not write or N/A

spray_map_<time>.out during the simulation ,

1 = map_<time>.out
Write (and

spray_map_<time>.out, spray_flag = if 1) at

specified times during the simulation

(requires ).

wall_output_flag 0 = Do not write wall output, N/A

1 = Write wall output (stress , force, and

pressure on wall boundaries) to

wall_stress<outputnumber>_<output time>.out
and average near-wall quantities and heat

transfer data to bound<ID>-wall.out.

Alternatively specify a file name in quotation

marks ( e.g., "" ) to direct

CONVERGE to write wall output for specific


transfer_flag 0 = Do not write finite element analysis (FEA) N/A

heat transfer output ,

678 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

1 = Write FEA heat transfer output to
transfer.out .

Specify a file name ( e.g., ) to write

FEA heat transfer output for specific


mixing_output_flag 0 = Do not write mixing output, N/A

1 = Write mixing output to mixing.out .

species_output_flag 0 = Do not write species mass information ; N/A

1 = Write total mass for all species to

2 = Write total mass and mass fractions for all

species tospecies_mass.out and

species_mass_frac.out, respectively ;
3 = Write total mass , mass fractions and ,
standard deviations of mass fractions for all

species to species_mass.out,
species_mass_frac.out, and

species_std_masfrac.out, ;

4 = Write total mass , mass fractions , standard

deviations of mass fractions , and mole

fractions for all species tospecies_mass.out,

species_mass_frac.out, species_std_masfrac.out,
and species_mole_frac.out, respectively.

To control the type of output for individual

species specify instead of an

integer for this parameter.

region_flow_flag 0 =Do not write inter-region flow output , N/A

1 = Write regions_flow.out (mass flow data

between adjacent regions) ,

2 = Write regions_flow.out (including species-

specific data). Requires .

If 1 or 2 and if there is only one region ,

CONVERGE writes flow data between

adjacent boundaries.

dynamic_flag 0 = CONVERGE assumes all cylinders are N/A

aligned with the z a i.e.

xis ( , if cylinders are not
aligned with the z a x is , the swirl , tumble, and

angular momentum flu x data in dynamic.out

will be incorrect) ,
1 = CONVERGE uses the information in ,
to calculate swirl tumble and ,

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 679

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

angular momentum flu x for all cylinders.
Requires .

mpi_write_flag 0 = CONVERGE uses a serial write function to 1 for Linu x, 0 for

write the output files , Windows

1 = CONVERGE uses a parallel write function

to write the output files.

The parallel write function which is faster

than the serial option is available only if your

file system supports MPI I/O. Do not set

mpi_write_flag = 1 if your file system does not

support parallel I/O.

monitor_points_flag 0 = No monitor points via,

1 = Monitor points enabled (requires ).

#output control

time_flag 0 = Constant time-step, 1

1 = Variable time-step.

dt_start Initial time-step size (always in seconds, even N/A

when crank_flag = 1 or 2). Used only when

time_flag = 1.

dt_max Ma ximum time-step size (always in seconds, N/A

even when crank_flag = 1 or 2). Specify a file

name ( e.g., ) for a temporally varying

ma ximum time-step size. Used only when

time_flag = 1.

dt_min Minimum time-step size (always in seconds, N/A

even when crank_flag = 1 or 2). Specify a file

name ( e.g., ) for a temporally varying

minimum time-step size. Used only when

time_flag = 1.

dt_fixed Time-step size (always in seconds, even when N/A

crank_flag = 1 or 2). Used only when time_flag

= 0.

mult_dt_spray Time-step limiter based on spray penetration. 0.1 - 1.5

This parameter limits the number of cells a

spray drop can travel in a single time-step. For

e xample, mult_dt_spray = 1.5 means a spray

drop can travel through a ma ximum of 1.5

cells in a single time-step. Used only when

time_flag = 1.

680 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

mult_dt_evap Time-step limiter based on evaporation. 9999.0

Stability in the code has been improved ,

eliminating the need for evaporation time-step

control. The recommended value essentially

disables this parameter. Used only when

time_flag = 1.

mult_dt_chem Time-step limiter based on cell temperature. 0.1 - 1.0

This parameter limits the temperature rise of a

cell after combustion has occurred in the

present time-step. For e xample, mult_dt_chem

= 0.5 will limit the temperature rise to 50 % of
the cell temperature in a single time-step. Used

only when time_flag = 1.

mult_dt_coll_mesh Collision mesh multiplier used in calculating 0.1 - 1.0

the ne xt time-step.

mult_dt_move Time-step limiter based on surface motion. 1.0

This multiplicative parameter prevents a

moving surface from moving too far through a

cell. For e xample, mult_dt_move = 1.0 will limit

surface motion to 1.0 30 * % = 30 % of the

limiting cell's length in a single time-step.

Used only when time_flag = 1.

max_cfl_u Ma ximum convective CFL number ( cflu ) 0.5 - 3.0. (0.03 - 0.10 for a

VOF case).
allowed by CONVERGE. Specify a file name

(e.g., ) to vary this parameter

temporally and/or on a region-by-region

basis. Used only when time_flag = 1.

max_cfl_nu Ma ximum diffusive CFL number ( cflv ) allowed 0.5 - 2.5

by CONVERGE. Specify a file name ( e.g., ) to vary this parameter

temporally and/or on a region-by-region

basis. Used only when time_flag = 1.

max_cfl_mach Ma ximum Mach CFL number ( cflmach ) allowed 0.5 - 100.0

by CONVERGE. Specify a file name ( e.g., ) to vary this parameter

temporally and/or on a region-by-region

basis. Used only when time_flag = 1.

#solver flags

momentum_solver_flag 0 = Do not solve momentum equation , N/A

1 = Solve momentum equation.

energy_solver_flag 0 = Do not solve energy equation , N/A

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 681

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

1 = Solve energy equation ,
2 = Solve total energy equation.

species_solver_flag 0 = Do not solve species equation , N/A

1 = Solve species equation.

turbulence_solver_flag 0 = No turbulence modeling, N/A

1 = Include turbulence modeling. Requires .

steady_solver_flag 0 = Transient solver, N/A

1 = Steady-state solver.

monitor_steady_state_flag 0 = Do not activate the steady-state monitor, N/A

1 = Activate the steady-state monitor (requires ).


gas_compressible_flag 0 = Incompressible gas flow, N/A

1 = Compressible gas flow.

liquid_compressible_flag 0 = Incompressible liquid flow, N/A

1 = Compressible liquid flow.

lhv_flag 0 = CONVERGE calculates LHV from species

data in therm.dat,
1 = Manually specify LHV (requires

tabular_fluid_prop_flag 0 = CONVERGE calculates fluid properties

via the equation of state

1 = CONVERGE reads fluid properties from

fluid_properties.dat .

eos_flag 0 = Ideal gas law, N/A

1 = Redlich-Kwong,
2 = Redlich-Kwong Soave,
3 = Peng-Robinson.
Not used when tabular_fluid_prop_flag = 1.

real_gas_prop_flag 0 = Thermodynamic quantities are functions N/A

of temperature,
1 = Thermodynamic quantities are functions

of temperature and pressure.

Used only when eos_flag is non-zero.

max_reduced_pres The ma ximum reduced pressure for the 6.0 is a typical value in

departure function tables (used only when an engine simulation

real_gas_prop_flag = 1).

crit_temp Critical temperature ( K ) for real gas equations 133 K for air

of state. Used only when eos_flag is non-zero.

For a simulation with multiple gas species ,

682 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

specify a file name ( e.g., crit_cond.dat ) to

include species-specific critical temperatures.

crit_pres Critical pressure ( Pa ) for real gas equations of 3.77e06 Pa for air

state. Used only when eos_flag is non-zero. For

a simulation with multiple gas species ,

specify a file name ( e.g., crit_cond.dat ) to

include species-specific critical pressures.

acentric_factor Acentric factor. For a simulation with multiple N/A

gas species specify a file name ( e.g.,
crit_cond.dat ) to include species-specific

acentric factors. Used only when eos_flag = 2

or 3.

species_diffusion_model 0 = Diffusion calculation is independent of 0

species ,
1 = CONVERGE calculates mixture-averaged
diffusion coefficients (requires transport.dat ).

prandtl_turb Turbulent Prandtl number. Specify a file 0.5 - 1.0

name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks

to set up region-specific and/or temporally

varying values.

schmidt_turb If turbulence_solver_flag = 0 , molecular Schmidt 0.5 - 1.0


If turbulence_solver_flag = 1 , turbulent Schmidt


Specify a file name ( e.g., ) in

quotation marks to set up region-specific

and/or temporally varying Schmidt number

values. The file name option is available only

when turbulence_solver_flag = 1.

min_temp Minimum temperature ( K ) allowed during a 10.0 K or greater


max_temp Ma ximum temperature ( K ) allowed during a Up to 100 000 , K


max_visc Ma ximum turbulence viscosity ( N-s m

) 10.0

allowed during a simulation.

gravity_x Gravitational acceleration ( ms/

) in the x N/A


gravity_y Gravitational acceleration ( ms/

) in the y N/A


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 683

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

gravity_z Gravitational acceleration ( ms/
) in the z N/A


#features flags

spray_flag 0 = No Lagrangian spray modeling, N/A

1 = Lagrangian spray modeling enabled

(requires ). If combined with vof_flag =
1 , ELSA model enabled (requires ).

combustion_flag 0 = No combustion , N/A

1 = Combustion modeling enabled (requires ).

surface_chemistry_flag 0 = No surface chemistry, N/A

1 = Surface chemistry enabled (requires ).

surface_mechanism_filename The name of the surface chemical mechanism N/A


surface_thermodynamic_filena The name of the surface thermodynamic N/A

me properties file.

source_flag 0 = No source modeling, N/A

1 = Source modeling enabled (requires ).

composite_flag 0 = No composite species , N/A

1 = Composite species modeling enabled

(requires ).

wallvalue_flag 0 = No user-defined wall boundary N/A

quantities ,
1 = User-defined wall boundary quantities
(requires ).

udf_flag 0 = No user-defined functions (UDFs) , N/A

1 = Enable UDFs (requires ).

cht_supercycle_flag 0 = No supercycling in conjugate heat transfer N/A

calculations ,

1 = Enable supercycling in conjugate heat

transfer calculations (requires ).

vof_flag 0 = No volume of fluid calculations for N/A

cavitation ,
1 = Volume of fluid calculations enabled
(requires ). If combined with spray_flag =
1 , ELSA model enabled (requires ).

fsi_flag 0 = No fluid-structure interaction , N/A

684 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

1 = Fluid-structure interaction enabled

(requires ).

radiation_flag 0 = No radiation , N/A

1 = Radiation modeling enabled (requires ).

nucleate_boiling_flag 0 = No nucleate boiling, N/A

1 = Enable nucleate boiling model (requires ).

skip_species_flag 0 = CONVERGE will not remove species N/A

during chemistry computations ,

1 = CONVERGE will reduce the number of
species for chemistry computations (requires ).

mrf_flag 0 = No multiple reference frame approach ,

1 = Multiple reference frame approach


#genetic algorithm inputs

ga_flag 0 = This simulation is not part of a genetic N/A

algorithm or design of e xperiments ,

1 = This simulation is part of a CONGO

genetic algorithm (GA) or design of

e xperiments (DoE).

ga_individual ,
For GA or DoE cases in the CONVERGE Seed N/A

Case Directory set this to GA_INDIVIDUAL .

CONGO will automatically set this value in

the individual run directories for a CONGO


ga_generation ,
For GA or DoE cases in the CONVERGE Seed N/A

Case Directory set this to


automatically set this value in the individual

run directories for a CONGO case.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 685

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files


"surface.dat" surface_filename
"mech.dat" mechanism_filename
"therm.dat" thermodynamic_filename
0 crank_flag
0.0 start_time
0.002 end_time
0 restart_flag
1 restart_number
0 map_flag
0 check_grid_motion_flag
-2 parallel_scale
100 load_cyc
1 reread_input
0 random_seed

# grid
4e-05 dx_base
4e-05 dy_base
4e-05 dz_base
0 grid_scale
1 amr_flag
1 embedded_flag
0 events_flag
0.001 seal_tol

# output control
2 screen_print_level
5e-05 twrite_post
10.0 twrite_transfer
1e-10 twrite_files
1e-05 twrite_restart
5 num_restart_files
0 write_map_flag
0 wall_output_flag
0 transfer_flag
0 mixing_output_flag
1 species_output_flag
0 region_flow_flag
0 dynamic_flag
1 mpi_write_flag
0 monitor_points_flag

# timestep control
1 time_flag
1e-07 dt_start
0.01 dt_max
1e-10 dt_min
1e-08 dt_fixed
1.5 mult_dt_spray
9999.0 mult_dt_evap
0.5 mult_dt_chem
1.0 mult_dt_coll_mesh
0.5 mult_dt_move
0.5 max_cfl_u
5.0 max_cfl_nu
50.0 max_cfl_mach

686 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

# solver flags
1 momentum_solver_flag
1 energy_solver_flag
1 species_solver_flag
1 turbulence_solver_flag
0 steady_solver_flag
100 min_cycles_steady
0 monitor_steady_state_flag

# properties
1 gas_compressible_flag
0 liquid_compressible_flag
0 lhv_flag
0 tabular_fluid_prop_flag
0 eos_flag
0 real_gas_prop_flag
6.0 max_reduced_pres
100.0 crit_temp
3000000.0 crit_pres
0.035 acentric_factor
0 species_diffusion_model
0.74075 prandtl_turb
0.71429 schmidt_turb
10.0 min_temp
5000.0 max_temp
10.0 max_visc
0.0 gravity_x
0.0 gravity_y
0.0 gravity_z

# features flag
0 spray_flag
0 combustion_flag
0 surface_chemistry_flag
"surface_mech.dat" surface_mechanism_filename
"surface_therm.dat" surface_thermodynamic_filename
0 source_flag
0 composite_flag
0 wallvalue_flag
0 udf_flag
0 cht_supercycle_flag
1 vof_flag
0 fsi_flag
0 radiation_flag
0 nucleate_boiling_flag
0 skip_species_flag
0 mrf_flag

# Genetic algorithm inputs

0 ga_flag
0 ga_individual
0 ga_generation

Figure 22.26: An example file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 687

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Reread Inputs
When reread_input = 1 in, CONVERGE reads certain parameters at each time-

step. If a parameter has changed from the previous time-step , CONVERGE will update the

value of that parameter and write a message to the log file. It is important to change values

carefully , as CONVERGE does not do any error checking of the new value ( i.e.,
CONVERGE assumes that the new value is valid).

If reread_input = 1 and a file is removed from the Case Directory while the simulation is in

progress , CONVERGE will simply ignore the parameters that would be reread from that


The following table lists the parameters that can be changed when reread_input = 1.

Table 22.21: Parameters that can be changed when reread_input = 1.
end_time load_cyc screen_print_level
twrite_post twrite_transfer twrite_files
twrite_restart num_restart_files dt
dt_max +
dt_min +
mult_dt_evap mult_dt_chem mult_dt_coll_mesh
max_cfl_u +
max_cfl_nu +
max_cfl_mach +

prandtl_turb schmidt_turb +
max_temp max_visc gravity_x
gravity_y gravity_z
tol_scale +
piso_itmin +
piso_itmax +

piso_tol +
monotone_tolerance +
upwind_all_dir_flag +

impl +
conserve +
strict_conserve_flag +

rc_flag +
omega_presrat +
omega_p_steady +

mom_* +
pres_* +
density_* +

energy_* +
species_* +
passive_* +

tke_* +
omega_* +

rad_* +

688 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files
amr_cycle_steady +
amr_max_cells +
amr_min_cells +
turb_stat_start_time turb_stat_end_time turb_stat_vol
+If you initially specify a numerical value , you can change to another numerical value but

not to a file name. If you initially specify a file name , you cannot change to a different file

name or to a numerical value.

*CONVERGE will reread and update all parameters that begin with the given prefi x ( e.g.,
" indicates that CONVERGE will reread mom_solver_type, mom_tol, etc.).

Schmidt Number -

To set up region-by-region and/or temporally varying turbulent Schmidt number values ,
specify a file name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks for schmidt_turb in
and include that file in the Case Directory. Note that turbulence modeling must be active

( i.e., turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in ) to invoke region-by-region and/or temporally

varying Schmidt number values. The region-by-region option is available only when the

SAGE detailed chemistry solver is active ( i.e., sage_flag is non-zero in ).

Figure 22.27 shows an e xample file.

Use the first row of the file to specify a temporally varying type ( TEMPORAL ). The ne xt
row specifies the temporal type ( SE QU ENTIAL CYCLIC or CYCLIC,
). If you specify you

must also include the cyclic period (in seconds, crank_flag =

if 0 or in CAD, crank_flagif = 1

or 2). The data in the C YCLIC input file will cycle according to the period you provide.

The third row contains the headings for the two columns of data. The first heading must

be second (if crank_flag = crank

0) or (if crank_flag = 1 or 2). The heading of the second

column must be schmidt_turb to indicate that the turbulent Schmidt number varies.

As shown in the example below , the turbulent Schmidt number specified below the

headings row ( crank in this e xample) applies to all regions that are not specifically listed

under the num_regions and region_id keywords. After listing these default values for all of

the other regions , list the region-specific turbulent Schmidt number under rows containing

the keywords num_regions and region_id and values for these keywords as show in the

e xample below. After the default temporally turbulent Schmidt numbers , this example has

two other sets of temporally varying turbulent Schmidt numbers: one set for regions 1 and

2 and one set for regions 3 , 4 , and 5. Your file can contain as many data sets for different

regions as needed.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 689

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Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files


crank schmidt_turb
0.0 0.9
720 0.9

2 num_regions
1 region_id
2 region_id
0.0 0.78
720 0.78

3 num_regions
3 region_id
4 region_id
5 region_id
0.0 0.3
720 0.3
Figure 22.27: An example file.
Prandtl Number -
To set up region-by-region and/or temporally varying turbulent Prandtl number values ,
specify a file name ( e.g., ) in quotation marks for prandtl_turb in
and include that file in the Case Directory.

Figure 22.28 shows an e xample file.

Use the first row of the file to specify a temporally varying type ( TEMPORAL ). The ne xt
row specifies the temporal type ( SE QU ENTIAL CYCLIC or CYCLIC,
). If you specify you

must also include the cyclic period (in seconds, crank_flag =

if 0 or inCAD, crank_flag
if = 1

or 2). The data in the C YCLIC input file will cycle according to the period you provide.

The third row contains the headings for the two columns of data. The first heading must

be second (if crank_flag = 0) or crank (if crank_flag = 1 or 2). The heading of the second

column must be prandtl_turb to indicate that the turbulent Prandtl number varies.

As shown in the example below , the turbulent Prandtl number specified below the

headings row ( crank in this example) applies to all regions that are not specifically listed

under the num_regions and region_id keywords. After listing these default values for all of

the other regions , list the region-specific turbulent Prandtl number under rows containing

the keywords num_regions and region_id and values for these keywords as show in the

example below. After the default temporally turbulent Prandtl numbers , this example has

three other sets of temporally varying turbulent Prandtl numbers: one set for region 1 , one

set for region 2 , and one set for regions 3 and 4. Your file can contain as many data sets for

different regions as needed.

690 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files


crank prandtl_turb
0.0 0.9
720 0.9

1 num_regions
1 region_id
0.0 0.2
720 0.2

1 num_regions
2 region_id
0.0 0.78
720 0.78

2 num_regions
3 region_id
4 region_id
0.0 0.3
720 0.3
Figure 22.28: An example file.
Wall Output -
To control for which boundaries CONVERGE writes wall output and/or wall stress data ,
specify a file name in quotation marks ( e.g., "" ) for wall_output_flag in and include that file in the Case Directory.

Figure 22.29 shows an e xample file. In this e xample, CONVERGE will write boundary

information for boundaries 1 , 3, and 5 ; stress information for boundaries 4 and 6 ; and both

boundary and stress information for boundaries 2 and 10.


Figure 22.29: An example file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 691

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

22.4.3 Region-Dependent CFL Number

You can have a simulation with temporally varying ma ximum CFL numbers that vary on

a region-by-region basis. For e xample, in regions with high velocity , the time-step

calculated based on the ma ximum CFL number may be very small , resulting in

significantly longer runtimes. If the flow in one region is less important than the flow in

another , you can increase the ma ximum CFL number for the less-important region to

reduce runtimes.

In the e xample shown in Figure 22.30 below , there are three groups of regions. Each group

has different ma ximum CFL numbers.

Use the first row of the file to specify a temporally varying boundary condition

( TEMPORAL x). The ne t row specifies the type of temporally varying boundary condition

QU or ). If you specify CYCLIC, you must also include the cyclic period

(in seconds, crank_flag =

if 0 or in CAD, crank_flag
if = 1 or 2). The data in the C YCLIC

input file will cycle according to the period you provide. The third row contains the

headings for the two columns of data. The first heading must be second (if crank_flag = 0)

or crank (if crank_flag = 1 or 2). The heading of the second column must be the parameter

associated with the CFL number. Note that all three of the CFL parameters ( max_cfl_u,
max_cfl_nu, and max_cfl_mach ) can be specified in a region-dependent manner.

As shown in the e xample below , you must specify the ma ximum CFL numbers for all of

the regions that are not specifically listed under the num_regions and region_id keywords.

After listing these default values for all of the other regions , list the region-specific

ma ximum CFL numbers under rows containing the keywords num_regions and region_id
and values for these keywords as show in the e xample below. After the default temporally

varying ma ximum CFL numbers , this e xample has two other sets of temporally varying

ma ximum CFL numbers: one set for regions 2 and 5 and one set for regions 8 and 11. Your
file can contain as many data sets for different regions as needed.

crank MAX_CFL_U
### For regions 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10###
-20 1.1
50 1.3
350 1.7
700 1.1

### For regions 2 and 5###

2 num_regions
2 region_id
5 region_id
-20 2.0
50 2.2
100 2.8

692 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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700 2.0

### For regions 8 and 11###

2 num_regions
8 region_id
11 region_id
-10 1.8
30 1.5
150 1.3
520 1.8
Figure 22.30: An example file with region-by-region temporally varying maximum CFL
numbers. The ### rows are comments for clarification purposes only and are not read by
22.4.4 Solver Parameters -

The file contains parameters to control the numerical schemes and convergence

criteria for each governing equation in the simulation. Table 22.22 below describes the

parameters in and includes the recommended values for a transient , compressible

gas case. Figure 22.31 shows an e xample file.

For each equation ( e.g., the momentum transport equation denoted by the prefi x mom , )

you choose the solver type (either SOR or BiCGSTAB) , the convergence tolerance , a

minimum and ma ximum number of iterations for CONVERGE to perform , and an under-

rela xation factor and a preconditioner to apply to the equation. You can also specify

parameters to control the flux schemes and flu x limiters for the various governing


We recommend setting up the parameters in CONVERGE Studio ( Case Setup >
Simulation Parameters > Solver parameters , ) which can provide recommended parameters

for a wide variety of cases.

Table 22.22: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommended Value
for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case
tol_scale Multiplication factor for the PISO algorithm. 20

This parameter must be at least 2.

piso_itmin Minimum number of iterations for the PISO 2


piso_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for the PISO 9


piso_tol Convergence criterion for the PISO algorithm. 1e-3

flux_scheme_mom Choose a flu x scheme for the momentum 0


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 693

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case
0 = Lower-order scheme,
1 = MUSCL scheme,
2 = MUSCL scheme with a gradient limiter.

fv_upwind_factor_mom Upwinding used in the momentum finite 0.5

volume solver (0.5 is central 1.0 is first-order


muscl_blend_factor_mom Blending factor used for the MUSCL scheme 1.0

(1.0 is completely reconstructed central

difference 0.0 is completely second-order

upwind). This factor applies to the momentum


flux_limiter_mom Flu x limiter to apply to the momentum step

equation. Refer to the Flu x Limiters section to

see all available options.

flux_scheme_global Choose a flu x scheme for all transport 0

equations e xcept momentum and turbulence.

0 = Lower-order scheme,
1 = MUSCL scheme,
2 = MUSCL scheme with a gradient limiter.

fv_upwind_factor_global Upwinding used in the finite volume solver (0.5 0.5

is central 1.0 is first-order upwind). This is

used for all transport equations e xcept

momentum and turbulence.

muscl_blend_factor_global Blending factor used for the MUSCL scheme 1.0

(1.0 is completely reconstructed central

difference 0.0 is completely second-order

upwind). This factor applies to all transport

equations e xcept momentum and turbulence.

flux_limiter_global Flux limiter to apply to all transport equations step

except momentum and turbulence. Refer to the

Flux Limiters section to see all available


flux_scheme_turb Choose a flu x scheme for the turbulence 0


0 = Lower-order scheme,
1 = MUSCL scheme,
2 = MUSCL scheme with a gradient limiter.

fv_upwind_factor_turb Upwinding used in the turbulence finite 1.0

volume solver (0.5 is central 1.0 is first-order


694 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case
muscl_blend_factor_turb Blending factor used for the MUSCL scheme 1.0

(1.0 is completely reconstructed central

difference 0.0 is completely second-order

upwind). This factor applies to the turbulence


flux_limiter_turb Flu x limiter to apply to the turbulence step

equations. Refer to the Flu x Limiters section to

see all available options.

monotone_tolerance Tolerance for the step flu x limiter above which 1e-5

CONVERGE switches to a lower-order spatial

discretization to preserve stability.

upwind_all_dir_flag 0 = Switch to lower-order spatial discretization 0

only for the direction ( e.g., x, y, z or ) in which

non-monotonicity is detected.

1 = Switch to lower-order spatial discretization

for all directions ( e.g., x, y, and z ) when non-

monotonicity is detected in just one direction

e.g., x .
( )

impl Fraction of implicitness used in solving the 1.0

governing equations.

conserve Fraction of momentum that CONVERGE will 1.0

solve in conservative form. See Chapter 4 -

Governing Equations for more information.

strict_conserve_flag 0 = No strict conservation (no Jacobi iteration), max_cfl_u >

1 if 2.5 ,2 if

1 = Strict conservation (Jacobi iteration) for sie, max_cfl_u 2.5.

enthalpy, density, scalars , and species ,

2 = 1 + Strict conservation (Jacobi iteration) for


Note that strict_conserve_flag = 1 in

CONVERGE 2.3 is equivalent to a value of 2 in


A value of 2 is not allowed if steady_solver = 1.

rc_flag 0 = No Rhie-Chow, 1

1 = CONVERGE will use the Rhie-Chow


omega_presrat Under-rela xation factor for density (pressure 0.7


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 695

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case
in PISO algorithm. Under-rela x if density

are large. You can use a file ( e.g., )

for temporally varying under-rela xation values.

mom_solver_type Specify the type of solver for momentum. 0

0 = SOR,
1 = BiCGSTAB (not available when
steady_solver = 1 in

mom_tol Convergence criterion for momentum. 1e-5

mom_itmin Minimum number of iterations for momentum. 0

mom_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for momentum. 30

mom_omega Under-rela xation factor for momentum. 1.0

mom_preconditioner Specify a preconditioner for momentum. Used 0

only when mom_solver_type = 1.

0 = No preconditioner,
1 = Euclid/ILU preconditioner,
2 = Multigrid preconditioner.

pres_solver_type Specify the type of solver for pressure. 0

0 = SOR,

pres_tol Convergence criterion for pressure. 1e-8

pres_itmin Minimum number of iterations for pressure. 2

pres_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for pressure. 500

pres_omega Under-rela xation factor for pressure. 1.3

pres_preconditioner Specify a preconditioner for pressure. Used 0

only when pres_solver_type = 1.

0 = No preconditioner,
1 = Euclid/ILU preconditioner,
2 = Multigrid preconditioner.

density_solver_type Specify the type of solver for density. 0

0 = SOR,

696 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case
density_tol Convergence criterion for density. 1e-4

density_itmin Minimum number of iterations for density. 0

density_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for density. 2

density_omega Under-rela xation factor for density. 1.0

density_preconditioner Specify a preconditioner for density. Used only 0

when density_solver_type= 1.
0 = No preconditioner,
1 = Euclid/ILU preconditioner,
2 = Multigrid preconditioner.

energy_solver_type Specify the type of solver for specific internal 0


0 = SOR,

energy_tol Convergence criterion for specific internal 1e-4


energy_itmin Minimum number of iterations for specific 0

internal energy.

energy_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for specific 2

internal energy.

energy_omega Under-rela xation factor for specific internal 1.0


energy_preconditioner Specify a preconditioner for momentum. Used 0

only when energy_solver_type = 1.

0 = No preconditioner,
1 = Euclid/ILU preconditioner,
2 = Multigrid preconditioner.

species_solver_type Specify the type of solver for species. 0

0 = SOR.

species_tol Convergence criterion for species. 1e-4

species_itmin Minimum number of iterations for species. 0

species_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for species 2

species_omega Under-rela xation factor for species. 1.0

species_preconditioner To be used in a future release. 0

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 697

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case

passive_solver_type Specify the type of solver for passives. 0

0 = SOR.

passive_tol Convergence criterion for passives. 1e-5

passive_itmin Minimum number of iterations for passives. 0

passive_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for passives. 30

passive_omega Under-rela xation factor for passives. 1.0

passive_preconditioner To be used in a future release. 0

tke_solver_type Specify the type of solver for turbulent kinetic 0


0 = SOR.

tke_tol Convergence criterion for turbulent kinetic 1e-3


tke_itmin Minimum number of iterations for turbulent 2

kinetic energy.

tke_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for turbulent 30

kinetic energy.

tke_omega Under-rela xation factor for turbulent kinetic 0.7


tke_preconditioner To be used in a future release. 0

eps_solver_type Specify the type of solver for turbulent 0


0 = SOR.

eps_tol Convergence criterion for turbulent dissipation. 1e-3

eps_itmin Minimum number of iterations for turbulent 2


eps_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for turbulent 30


eps_omega Under-rela xation factor for turbulent 0.7


eps_preconditioner To be used in a future release. 0

698 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case

omega_solver_type Specify the type of solver for specific 0

dissipation rate.

0 = SOR.

omega_tol Convergence criterion for specific dissipation 1e-3


omega_itmin Minimum number of iterations for specific 2

dissipation rate.

omega_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for specific 30

dissipation rate.

omega_omega Under-rela xation factor for specific dissipation 0.7


omega_preconditioner To be used in a future release. 0

rad_solver_type Specify the type of solver for radiation. 0

0 = SOR.

rad_tol Convergence criterion for radiation. 1e-8

rad_itmin Minimum number of iterations for radiation. 0

rad_itmax Ma ximum number of iterations for radiation. 2500

rad_omega Under-rela xation factor for radiation. 1.0

rad_preconditioner To be used in a future release. 0

steady_auto_flag 0 = Run a steady-state simulation without 1

automatic monitoring of solver settings such as

tolerances ,
1 = Allow automatic monitoring and control of
the steady-state solver settings via the

parameters below (recommended). You must

set monitor_steady_state_flag =
1 in and

supply a file that lists

quantities to monitor and the monitoring


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 699

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended Value

for a Transient,
Compressible Gas Case
steady_switch_solver_flag 0 = Use the specified pressure solver for the N/A

duration of the simulation (for cases with

combustion) ,
1 = Switch between BiCGSTAB and SOR

pressure solvers to determine the optimal solver

during the tolerance tightening stage (only for

cases without combustion).

steady_tol_update_freq The frequency (in cycles) with which 20

CONVERGE updates settings ( e.g., doubles the

ma ximum CFL number) and monitors the

solution variables to determine if they have

reached a local steady-state.

steady_min_num_amr The minimum number of applications of AMR 10

that CONVERGE performs during the tolerance

tightening stage.

steady_piso_tol_init The initial value of piso_tol used until the 10 * piso_tol

tolerance tightening stage

steady_tol_scale_init The initial value of tol_scale used until the 0.5 * tol_scale
tolerance tightening stage.

steady_max_cfl_u_final The ma ximum convection CFL number used 2.0 -5.0

during the tolerance tightening stage.


20 tol_scale
2 piso_itmin
9 piso_itmax
1e-07 piso_tol
0 flux_scheme_mom
0.5 fv_upwind_factor_mom
1.0 muscl_blend_factor_mom
minmod flux_limiter_mom
0 flux_scheme_global
0.5 fv_upwind_factor_global
1.0 muscl_blend_factor_global
koren flux_limiter_global
0 flux_scheme_turb
1.0 fv_upwind_factor_turb
1.0 muscl_blend_factor_turb
original flux_limiter_turb
1e-05 monotone_tolerance
0 upwind_all_dir_flag
1.0 impl
1.0 conserve
2 strict_conserve_flag

700 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

1 rc_flag
0.7 omega_presrat
0 mom_solver_type
0.0001 mom_tol
0 mom_itmin
30 mom_itmax
1.0 mom_omega
0 mom_preconditioner
0 pres_solver_type
1e-08 pres_tol
2 pres_itmin
500 pres_itmax
1.3 pres_omega
0 pres_preconditioner
0 density_solver_type
0.0001 density_tol
0 density_itmin
2 density_itmax
1.0 density_omega
0 density_preconditioner
0 energy_solver_type
0.0001 energy_tol
0 energy_itmin
2 energy_itmax
1.0 energy_omega
0 energy_preconditioner
0 species_solver_type
0.0001 species_tol
0 species_itmin
2 species_itmax
1.0 species_omega
0 species_preconditioner
0 passive_solver_type
0.0001 passive_tol
0 passive_itmin
30 passive_itmax
1.0 passive_omega
0 passive_preconditioner
0 tke_solver_type
0.001 tke_tol
0 tke_itmin
30 tke_itmax
0.7 tke_omega
0 tke_preconditioner
0 eps_solver_type
0.001 eps_tol
0 eps_itmin
30 eps_itmax
0.7 eps_omega
0 eps_preconditioner

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 701

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

0 omega_solver_type
0.001 omega_tol
0 omega_itmin
30 omega_itmax
0.7 omega_omega
0 omega_preconditioner
0 rad_solver_type
0.0001 rad_tol
0 rad_itmin
30 rad_itmax
1.0 rad_omega
0 rad_preconditioner
Figure 22.31: An example file.
22.4.5 Steady-State Monitor -

The steady-state monitor can track solution progress for steady-state or transient

simulations. Setmonitor_steady_state_flag = 1 in and include a file in the Case Directory to activate this feature. Specify any

number of simulation variables present in the *.out files for CONVERGE to monitor. At

each time-step , CONVERGE will read the variables that you specify and determine

whether the quantity is at a steady-state according to the tolerance type ( tol_type ) and

tolerance value ( tol_avg ) you enter. When the quantity reaches steady-state , CONVERGE

will either stop the simulation or begin grid scaling auto_gridscale_flag

(if = 1). If

auto_gridscale_flag = 1 , you must provide a file. If you use to monitor multiple quantities , CONVERGE will stop the simulation

when all quantities reach steady-state. Figure 22.32 shows an example file.

If you run a steady-state simulation ( steady_solver = 1 in ) and enable automatic

solution monitoring ( steady_auto_flag = ,

1 in ) you must activate the steady-state

monitor and supply a file.

When you run with the steady-state monitor and you write restart files , CONVERGE will

write the monitored variables and grid scaling information (if auto_gridscale_flag = 1) to

the restart files. You can restart from these files with the steady-state monitor activated ,
and CONVERGE will automatically retain the monitored variable information and adopt

the previous grid scaling.

When monitoring for steady-state , CONVERGE evaluates the difference between two

successive samples sets of data (with a sample size of sample_size ). If you choose relative for

the tolerance type , the difference is evaluated according to Equation 22.4 below:

702 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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diff MM M2 1

M (22.4)

1 2

where M1 and M2 are the means of two successive sample sets. If you choose absolute for

the tolerance type , CONVERGE calculates the difference between two successive sample

sets with Equation 22.5 below:

diff M M2 1 (22.5)

If the difference in Equation 22.5 is no greater than tol_avg and if the standard deviation of

the second sample set is no greater than max_std, then CONVERGE considers that

particular quantity to be at steady-state.

When there is a chance that a solution may be periodic , set check_periodicity_flag = 1.

CONVERGE will compare the standard deviations of two successive sample sets using

either Equation 22.4 or Equation 22.4 above , depending on whether you specified relative
or absolute for tol_type . CONVERGE will use the same formula , but with
instead of M

instead of M . If the difference between the standard deviations falls within the

value you specify for tol_std, CONVERGE will end the simulation.

You can monitor as many variables as you like , so for each variable of interest , repeat the

rows from variable_name to tol_std in Table 22.23 below. You can separate each variable

with the comment character # followed by comments of your choice , but this is not


Note that when the steady-state monitor is enabled , CONVERGE writes te xt output to the

*.out files at each time-step regardless of the interval specified for twrite_files
in .

Table 22.23: Parameters in

Parameter Description
auto_gridscale_flag Choose whether CONVERGE automatically scales the grid when a

particular variable reaches steady-state.

0 = Do not scale the grid at steady-state,

1 = Automatically scale the grid at steady-state (requires ).

variable_name Name for the variable that you wish to monitor. Note that this name does

not have to be the variable name used by CONVERGE.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 703

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description
You can <VARIABLE>@REGIONS_<region
specify a name of the form

ID>_TO_<region ID> e.g., VELOCITY@REGIONS_3_TO_2 ,

( ) where the

region IDs match those . In some cases CONVERGE will

switch the region IDs and write the opposite quantity to

(e.g., FLOW@REGIONS_1_TO_2 variable_name,

if you specify for

CONVERGE may change it to FLOW@REGIONS_2_TO_1 in

steady_state.out steady_state.out
). The column header in will match the data

written to that column.

You can specify MASS_FLOW_RATE_NET, which is a predefined

variable name. In this case CONVERGE does not use the column_num
specified below (although it does still use the filename specified below).

filename Name of the *.out file in which CONVERGE writes the variable to


column_num Column number of the *.out file in which CONVERGE writes the desired


monitor_delay Number of cycles after which CONVERGE will begin monitoring the

quantities of interest.

sample_size The number of samples that CONVERGE uses to determine if a quantity

has reached steady-state.

duration_size The minimum time (or pseudo-time) over which to determine if the

specified variable has reached steady-state.

tol_type Type of tolerance (either absolute relative

or ).

tol_avg Magnitude of the tolerance.

max_std Ma ximum standard deviation for the quantity.

check_periodicity_flag If 1 , CONVERGE compares the difference in the standard deviation of the

mean for two adjacent sample windows. If this difference is within

tol_std, the variable is periodic.

0 = Do not check for periodicity,

1 = Check for periodicity.

tol_std Tolerance for the difference between standard deviations when

CONVERGE checks for periodicity.


1 auto_gridscale_flag
# ------ var1 ------ #
mass_flow_rate_net variable_name
"mass_avg_flow1.out" filename
10 column_num
0.0 monitor_delay

704 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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40 sample_size
0.000001 duration_size
absolute tol_type
0.0001 tol_avg
0.0001 max_std
0 check_periodicity_flag
0.001 tol_std
# ------ var2 ------ #
pressure variable_name
"area_avg_flow.out" filename
4 column_num
0 monitor_delay
100 sample_size
0.0001 duration_size
relative tol_type
1e-3 tol_avg
1e-3 max_std
0 check_periodicity_flag
1e-3 tol_std
Figure 22.32: An example file.

When the steady-state monitor has been activated , CONVERGE writes data to the

steady_state.out file.

22.4.6 Multiple Reference Frame Approach -

To use the multiple reference frame (MRF) approach , set mrf_flag = 1 in
. Table

22.24 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.6 below shows an e xample

For each moving reference frame , supply the region ID and the details of the rotation with

respect to the local reference frame.

Table 22.24: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_mrf_regions Number of local reference frames in the simulation.

region_id Region ID (from

) for the local reference frame.

copy_from_boundary_flag 0 = Do not copy boundary rotation information ,

1 = Copy rotation information from another boundary. On
the following line, enter the boundary ID from which to

copy rotation information followed by the keyword

boundary_id . CONVERGE ignores any rotation information

specified below boundary_id .

rotation_axis The x, y, and z components of the vector that describes the

rotation of the local reference frame.

rotation_point The x, y, and z coordinates ( in meters ) of the point about

which the local reference frame rotates.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 705

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | General Simulation Input Files

Parameter Description
rotation_speed Rotation speed (in RPM ) of the local reference frame with

respect to the inertial reference frame.


1 num_mrf_regions Total number of MRF regions

# =====================================
# Start defining MRF region properties
# =====================================
1 region_id
0 copy_from_boundary_flag
1 boundary_id
0.0 0.0 -1.0 rotation_axis
0.0 0.0 0.0 rotation_point
27000.0 rotation_speed
Figure 22.6: An example file.
22.5 Boundary Conditions Input Files

This section describes the input files that contain boundary information for your

CONVERGE simulation.

22.5.1 Boundary Conditions -

The file contains information about conditions for each boundary. Table 22.25

describes the general structure of . Table 22.26 summarizes the choices for each


As shown below in Figure 22.33 , the information for each boundary consists of a

boundary ID followed by boundary conditions for velocity , pressure , temperature, species

mass fractions , passive values , turbulent kinetic energy , and turbulent dissipation , as well

as a region identification number. For a description of the various boundary conditions

included in CONVERGE (Neumann , Dirichlet , law-of-the-wall , slip) , refer to Chapter 8 -

Boundary Conditions.

Table 22.25: Description of

Category Description
Vector of crank shaft (optional) ROTATION_A IS, X followed by a vector for the direction of the

crank shaft. Used only in engine cases in which there are

multiple cylinders with different a xes of rotation.

Number of boundaries An integer.

706 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Boundary Conditions Input Files

Category Description
gti_flag (optional) 0 = No CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling,
1 = CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling*,
6 = CONVERGE + GT-SUITE coupling*. You must set gti_flag = 6

for GT-SUITE/FSI coupling.

gti_file_name (optional) Name of the file that contains the GT-SUITE model parameters.

Used only when gti_flag is non-zero.

gti_code_name (optional) Name of the GT-SUITE e e.g., GTPOWER, GTS ITE,

xecutable ( U or

U ) that couples with CONVERGE. Used only when

gti_flag is non-zero.

gti_version (optional) Version number for GT-SUITE that enables CONVERGE to find

the server files of GT-SUITE (GTLINK). Used only when gti_flag

is non-zero. CONVERGE 2.4 is compatible with GT-SUITE

versions 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.5 , 2016 , and newer.

Boundary ID bound_id
An integer that represents .

Available boundary types INFLOW, O TFLOW, WALL, PERIODIC, SYMMETRY, TWO_D,



U .

Motion type of WALL boundary FI XED or MOVING. If MOVING, include any of the following
motion type keywords:

ST (stationary) ,
TA (tangential) ,
TR (translating) ,
RO (rotating) ,
RT (rotating and translating) ,
AR (arbitrary) ,
U S (user),
DE (dependent) or ,
FSI (fluid-structure interaction)

Required conservation equation velocity, pressure, temperature, species, passive, tke (turbulent kinetic

boundary conditions energy) , epsilon (turbulent dissipation).

Available boundary conditions ne (Neumann) , no (Normal Neumann only for INFLOW velocity) ,
di (Dirichlet), la (law-of-the-wall) , co , fl x , sl
(convection) (flu )

(slip), ma (mass_flow) , coupled x

(same heat flu and temperature

across interface boundary) , le , in

(turbulent length scale)

(turbulence intensity) , pu (Pump). The selected boundary type

will determine which of these boundary conditions are available.

Region identification number An integer representing the region_id of the region to which the

(region) boundary is assigned.

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Boundary Conditions Input Files

Table 22.26: Available boundary conditions for each of the boundary parameters.
Parameter Available Boundary Available Boundary Conditions Available Boundary
Conditions for WALL for PERIODIC Conditions for
roughness 2 values are required: N/A N/A

absolute roughness

(meters ) and roughness



velocity No-slip or Dirichlet x, y, z components of motion Dirichlet (di ,

) Neumann

(di ,
) law-of-the-wall vector or $ . ne ,
( ) mass flow ( ma , ) pump

(la ,
) slip (sl ,) piston pu
( ).

motion ($ for engine

applications the name,

of a piston motion file

for non-engine


pressure Neumann ( ne ). N/A Dirichlet (di ,

) Neumann

( ).

temperature Dirichlet ( di ,
) N/A Dirichlet (di ,
) Neumann

Neumann ( ne , ) law-of- ne
( ).

the-wall ( la ,

convection ( co , ) flu fl
x( ).

species Neumann ( ne ). N/A Dirichlet (di ,

) Neumann

( ).

passive Neumann ( ne ). N/A Dirichlet (di ,

) Neumann

( ).

tke Neumann ( ne ). N/A Dirichlet (di ,

) Neumann

ne ,
( ) intensity ( in ).

eps Dirichlet ( di ,
) N/A Dirichlet (di ,
) Neumann

Neumann ( ne ). ne ,
( ) length scale ( le ).

omega Dirichlet ( di ,
) N/A Dirichlet (di ,
) Neumann

Neumann ( ne ). ne ,
( ) length scale ( le ).

match N/A Matching periodic boundary ID. N/A

rotate N/A 4 inputs: angle of rotation , x, y, N/A

and z vector components of a xis

of rotation for matching to

another periodic face.

translate N/A 3 inputs: distance to matching N/A

periodic boundary Dx, Dy, Dz.

708 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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Parameter Available Boundary Available Boundary Conditions Available Boundary

Conditions for WALL for PERIODIC Conditions for
region Region identification Region identification number. Region identification

number to which number.

boundary is assigned.


####Number of boundaries
roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity sl 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
omega di 0.0
region 0

roughness 0.0 0.0
velocity sl
pressure ne 0.0
temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps di 0.0
omega di 0.0
region 0

velocity la $
rotate 60.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
match 4
region 0

velocity la $
match 3
region 0

velocity ne 0.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0

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temperature ne 0.0
species ne 0.0
passive ne 0.0
tke ne 0.0
eps ne 0.0
temperature backflow di 400.0
species backflow di 2
n2 0.77
o2 0.23
passive backflow di 0.0
tke backflow di 10.0
eps backflow di 10000.0
omega backflow di 10000.0
region 0

inflow_fluctuating 0.02 0.1
velocity di 15.0 0.0 0.0
pressure ne 0.0
temperature di 300.0
species di 2
O2 0.23
N2 0.77
passive di 0
tke in 0.02
eps le 0.003
omega le 0.003
region 0
Figure 22.33: An example file.

The first non-commented row in Figure 22.33 above indicates the number of unique

boundaries for which boundary conditions will be specified. You can use this file to specify

a moving boundary with a constant velocity vector or prescribe its motion with a separate

file. In the e xample shown in Figure 22.33 above , the wall with an ID of 2 has a slip

velocity boundary condition and its velocity is determined from the motion file

The file name is arbitrary , but there must be a file with this name in the Case Directory.

The motion file includes four columns: time (in seconds if crank_flag = 0 or in CAD if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) and the x, y, z components of position (not velocity) of the boundary at

each time-step. The position components are given in meters and are relative to a starting

point at (0 , 0, 0).

Alternatively , you can specify $ in place of the motion file name. If you enter $,

CONVERGE will generate a piston motion file using data from the file. Note that

you must set crank_flag = 1 in to activate this engine option.

If you specify a S YMMETRY boundary , CONVERGE automatically sets the velocity

boundary condition to slip and all other boundary conditions to Neumann.

710 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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In a 2D simulation , you must designate a pair of boundaries as boundary type TWO_D .

The TWO_D boundary has the same boundary conditions as a SYMMETRY boundary


As mentioned in Table 22.25 , if you have a multi-cylinder engine case , the first row of must include the keyword ROTATION_A IS, X followed by a vector that

specifies the direction of the crank shaft. You can find more information regarding the use

of a ROTATION_A IS X in Chapter 17 - Internal Combustion Engine Applications.

The GT-SUITE-related parameters in are optional. To couple a specific

boundary with a GT-SUITE model, set gti_flag = 1 in and include the

subsequent GT-SUITE-related parameters. Refer to Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for

more information regarding GT-SUITE coupling with CONVERGE.

You can generate temporally or spatially varying boundary conditions by creating a file

with these data. Refer to the Moving WALLS - Temporally-Varying (Translating) and

Spatially-Varying (Temperature) WALL Boundary Conditions sections in Chapter 8 -

Boundary Conditions for detailed information regarding these special boundary


You can use the fluctuating INFLOW boundary option to generate turbulent fluctuations

and superimpose them on the INFLOW velocity profile , as shown in boundary 6 in Figure

2233. Refer to the Fluctuating INFLOW section of Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions

Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for more information on this boundary option.

22.5.2 W all Values -

The file defines custom quantities related to wall boundaries. Table 22.27

below describes the parameters in, and Figure 22.34 shows an e xample file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 711

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Boundary Conditions Input Files

Table 22.27: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_walls Number of wall boundaries for which custom values will be specified in the

following rows.

num_wallvalues Number of values that will be specified for the wall boundaries.

wall_value_name Parameter for which a value will be specified.

boundary_id Corresponding wall boundary as defined in .

value and name of The value of the wall_value_name parameter , followed by the name of the

the wall_value_name parameter. Repeat this row for each wall_value_name for each

wall_value_name boundary specified.



2 num_walls
2 num_wallvalues
thickness wall_value_name
radius wall_value_name

1 bound_id
1.0e-5 thickness
1.0e-4 radius

2 bound_id thickness
3.0e-4 radius
Figure 22.34: An example file.

You can specify spatially or temporally varying data for wall boundary values. In the

sample shown in Figure 22.34 above , a file name is specified for the thickness for Boundary

2 ( bound_id = 2). This file , which contains wall thickness data versus time or

space , must be saved in the Case Directory.

22.6 Initial Conditions Input Files

This section describes the input and data files related to initial conditions for your

CONVERGE simulation.

22.6.1 Mapping variables - and map.dat

The mapping capability in CONVERGE allow you to initialize the domain with spatially

varying parameters. (CONVERGE will initialize all other parameters via the information in ) To activate mapping , set map_flag in . The file defines the

parameters to be mapped , the name of the file containing the spatially varying data , a data

712 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

rotation angle , data scaling factors , and data translation distances. Table 22.28 below

describes the parameters in the file , and Figure 22.35 shows an e xample file.

Note that the species and passive keywords in include the species or passive name.

Any number of species can be supplied in the mapping data. If at least one species is

mapped , CONVERGE assumes that all non-zero species are included in the mapping ( i.e.,
all species values not specified in will be set to zero). CONVERGE normalizes the

species mass fractions if they do not add up to 1.0.

Table 22.28: Parameters in

Parameter Description
map_all_region_flag 0 = Map on a region-by-region basis ,
1 = Map all regions with the same set of mapping parameters.

map_num_regions Number of regions to which the mapping strategy described immediately

below applies. Used only when map_allregion_flag = 0.

region_id The ID number(s) of the region(s) to be mapped by the mapping strategy

described immediately below. Used only when map_allregion_flag = 0.

There should be map_num_regions entries of this parameter. (Although

CONVERGE does not use this parameter or map_num_regions when

map_allregion_flag = , map_num_regions
1 and region_id still must be

consistent to avoid file read errors. If you set map_num_regions to 0 or a

negative integer then you must remove the region_id line from this file. If

you set ,
to a positive integer then there must be

map_num_regions region_id
rows of .)

scale_xyz Scaling to be applied to the x, y, and z coordinates of the mapped data.

This parameter can be used to change the length units.

trans_x, trans_y, trans_z Amount to translate the x, y, or z , ,

coordinates respectively of the mapped

data. Scaling is done before translating so the , trans_x, trans_y, and trans_z
units should be consistent with the scaled units.

rot_axis A xis about which the coordinates and velocity will be rotated. The

rotation is applied after scaling and translating.

rot_angle Rotation angle about the specified a xis. The right hand rule is used to

determine the direction of rotation. Also note that the rotation for velocity

is applied before the scaling and offset on velocity.

map_filename Name of the data file containing the mapping data , e.g., map.dat .

mapall_flag 0 = CONVERGE will map (and scale, offset, or rotate, if applicable) only
the variables that follow this flag. Any variables that are in the map

data file but not listed below will be recalculated from,
1 = CONVERGE will map (and scale, offset, or rotate, if applicable) all of
the variables in the map data file,

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 713

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Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Parameter Description
2 = CONVERGE will scale, offset, or rotate only the variables that follow

this flag. Any variables that are in the map data file but not listed

below will be read in directly from the map data file.

Required field variables ( e.g., , , ,

pressure temperature TKE epsilon) that are

not included in the mapping data file will be initialized using values

specified in . Variables that are not relevant to the simulation

will be ignored (e.g. if TKE is included in the data file but there is no

turbulence model then CONVERGE will ignore TKE).

temp Label for temperature mapping.

pres Label for pressure mapping.

tke Label for turbulent kinetic energy mapping.

eps Label for turbulent dissipation mapping.

u_vel Label for x component of velocity mapping.

v_vel Label for y component of velocity mapping.

w_vel Label for z component of velocity mapping.

" " is
sp(species name ) Label for species mapping. ( Species name replaced with the name of

pa(passive name ) the species.)

Label for passive mapping. ( Passive name " is replaced with the name of

the passive.)

temp_scale Temperature scaling.

pres_scale Pressure scaling.

tke_scale Turbulent kinetic energy scaling.

eps_scale Turbulent dissipation scaling.

u_scale x component of velocity scaling.

v_scale y component of velocity scaling.

w_scale z component of velocity scaling.

sp_scale Species scaling.

pa_scale Passive scaling.

temp_offset Temperature offset.

pres_offset Pressure offset.

tke_offset Turbulent kinetic energy offset.

eps_offset Turbulent dissipation offset.

u_offset x component of velocity offset.

v_offset y component of velocity offset.

w_offset z component of velocity offset.

sp_offset Species offset.

pa_offset Passive offset.

Spray-Related Parameter Description

spray_map_all_region_flag 0 = Map region by region ,
1 = Map all regions.

match_parcels_region_flag 0 = Do not map the parcels into the same region ,

1 = Map the parcels into the same region.

714 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Parameter Description
Only used when spray_map_allregion_flag = 1.

match_parcels_bound_flag 0 = Do not map the parcels on the boundary,

1 = Map the parcels on the boundary.
Only used when spray_map_allregion_flag = 1.

map_parcels_all_flag 0 = Do not move the parcels into the domain if the parcels are outside the
domain ,
1 = Move the parcels into the domain if the parcels are outside the

Only used when spray_map_allregion_flag = 1.

map_num_regions Number of regions to which the spray mapping strategy described

immediately below applies. Used only when spray_map_all_region_flag =


region_id The ID number of the region where the spray is to be mapped.

Only used when spray_map_allregion_flag = 0.

scale_xyz Scaling to be applied to the x, y, and z coordinates of the mapped spray

data. This parameter can be used to change the length units.

trans_x, trans_y, trans_z The trans_x, trans_y, and trans_z parameters are used to translate the x, y,
, ,
and z coordinates respectively of the mapped spray data. Note that

scaling is done before translating so the units of trans_x, trans_y, and

trans_z should be consistent with the scaled units.

rot_axis A xis about which the coordinates and velocity of the mapped spray data

will be rotated. The rotation is applied after scaling and translating.

rot_angle Rotation angle about the specified a xis for the mapped spray data. Note

that the right hand rule is used to determine the direction of rotation.

Also note that the rotation for velocity is applied before the scaling and

offset on velocity.

spray_map_filename Name of data file containing the spray mapping data , e.g., spray_map.dat .

For information about spray_map.dat, see below.

spray_mapall_flag 0 = CONVERGE will map (and scale, offset, or rotate, if applicable) only
the spray variables that follow this flag. Any spray variables that are

in the map data file but not listed below will be recalculated from,
1 = CONVERGE will map (and scale, offset, or rotate, if applicable) all of

the spray variables in the map data file,

2 = CONVERGE will scale, offset, or rotate only the spray variables that

follow this flag. Any variables that are in the spray map data file but

not listed below will be read in directly from the spray map data file.

spray_temp Label for mapping the spray temperature.

spray_num Label for mapping the number of drops in parcels.

spray_radius Label for mapping the radius of the drops in the parcels.

Label for mapping the x component of spray velocity.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 715

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Parameter Description
spray_u_vel Label for mapping the y component of spray velocity.

spray_v_vel Label for mapping the z component of spray velocity.

spray_w_vel ,
Label for mapping the film flag of parcel (1 if it is a film 0 if it is not).

spray_film Label for mapping the parcel species.

spray_sp( species name )

temp_scale Spray temperature scaling.

num_scale Number of drops scaling.

radius_scale Spray radius scaling.

u_scale X component of velocity scaling.

v_scale Y component of velocity scaling.

w_scale Z component of velocity scaling.

film_scale Film flag scaling.

sp_scale Species scaling.

temp_offset Temperature offset.

num_offset Number of drops offset.

radius_offset Spray radius offset.

u_offset X component of velocity offset.

v_offset Y component of velocity offset.

w_offset Z component of velocity offset.

film_offset Film flag offset.

sp_offset Species offset.


1 map_all_region_flag
1 map_num_regions
-1 region_id
1.0 scale_xyz
0.0 trans_x
0.0 trans_y
0.0 trans_z
Z rot_axis
0.0 rot_angle
map.dat map_filename
0 mapall_flag
1.2 temp_scale
100.0 temp_offset
1.00 pres_scale
0.0 pres_offset
2.0 tke_scale
0.0 tke_offset
1.0 eps_scale
0.0 eps_offset

716 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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1.0 u_scale
0.0 u_offset
1.0 v_scale
0.0 v_offset
1.0 w_scale
0.0 w_offset
1 spray_map_all_region_flag
1 match_parcels_region_flag
1 match_parcels_bound_flag
1 map_parcels_all_flag
0 region_id
1.0 scale_xyz
0.0 trans_x
0.0 trans_y
0.0 trans_z
Z rot_axis
0.0 rot_angle
spray_map.dat spray_map_name
0 spray_mapall_flag
1.0 temp_scale
0.0 temp_offset
1.0 num_scale
0.0 num_offset
1.0 radius_scale
0.0 radius_offset
1.0 u_scale
0.0 u_offset
1.0 v_scale
0.0 v_offset
1.0 w_scale
0.0 w_offset
1.0 film_scale
0.0 film_offset
1.0 sp_scale
0.0 sp_offset
Figure 22.35: An example file.

0 map_all_region_flag
1 map_num_regions
3 region_id
1.0 scale_xyz
2 map_num_regions
4 region_id
5 region_id
1.1 scale_xyz

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 717

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Figure 22.36: Excerpt of a file for region-by-region mapping. In this case, there is one mapping
procedure for Region 3 and a different mapping procedure for Regions 4 and 5.

To initialize parameters via mapping , you must include a mapping data file in the Case

Directory. You can manually create this data file or change the name of a map_<time>.out
file (from a previous simulation) to map.dat .

The first row of the map.dat file must contain a keyword for each column ( i.e., the name of

each parameter). Table 22.29 below summarizes the keyword options. Each row thereafter

must contain the x, y , and z coordinates , followed by the values of each parameter. The

parameters can be in any order. Remember that CONVERGE will translate and/or rotate

the x, ,
y and z coordinates based on the scale_xyz, trans_x, trans_y, trans_z, rot_axis, and

rot_angle parameters in the file.

For spray mapping spray_map.dat

, has the same format as map.dat i.e.,
( the first three

columns must be x, y, z, and and each subsequent column must correspond to one of the

spray variables to be mapped). Table 22.30 below summarizes the variables that can be

mapped via spray_map.dat . Note that the locations of the velocity values will be translated

by the rotation angle , which is given by rot_angle in .

After reading the mapped data , CONVERGE interpolates from the nearest data point to

initialize each cell.

Figure 22.37 below shows an e xcerpt of an e xample map.dat file.

Table 22.29: Variables that can be mapped via map.dat.

Quantity to be Mapped First Row Keyword Units
Coordinates x, y, z m
x component of velocity u_vel ms

y component of velocity v_vel ms


z component of velocity w_vel ms


Temperature temp K
Pressure pres Pa
Species mass fraction species name N/A

e.g., h2o
( )

Passive passive name N/A

(e.g., soot )

Turbulent kinetic energy tke m s


718 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Quantity to be Mapped First Row Keyword Units

Turbulent dissipation eps m s

Specific dissipation rate Omega (1 s)


value in the cell.

Table 22.30: Variables that can be mapped via spray_map.dat.

Quantity to be Mapped First Row Keyword Units
Coordinates. x, y, z m
x component of velocity. u_vel ms /

y component of velocity. v_vel ms /

z component of velocity. w_vel ms /

Temperature. temp K
Number of drops. num N/A

Radius of drops. radius m

Region ID of the parcel. region_id N/A

Boundary ID of the parcel. bound_id N/A

Species mass fraction. species name N/A

(e.g., IC8 18H )

Film flag. film 0 = The parcel is not in a film,

1 = The parcel is in a film.

Injector from which the parcel from_in ector

j N/A


Nozzle from which the parcel from_nozzle N/A


x y z tke eps temp pres h2o soot passive1 u_vel v_vel w_vel
1.1 1.2 0.0 22.1 101.0 300.1 2.0e6 0.1 1.0e-6 22.0 1.5 -3.2 -5.3
Figure 22.37: An excerpt of an example mapping data file (e.g., map.dat ).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 719

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

22.6.2 Region Connection/Disconnection -

CONVERGE controls the flow between regions by activating or deactivating disconnect

triangles. Chapter 7 - Regions and Initialization describes disconnect triangles in more

detail. Use the file to describe OPEN events (to connect regions and thus allow

flow) and CLOSE events (to disconnect regions and thus prohibit flow).

If no file is included in the Case Directory, CONVERGE will consider all
regions to be disconnected at all times .

To set up events , set events_flag = 1 in and include an file in the Case


When disconnect triangles are activated ( i.e., regions are not connected) , they act as a

S YMMETRY boundary condition.

A sample file is shown below in Figure 22.38. The first line in the file must be a

keyword: C YCLIC, SE QUENTIAL, or PERMANENT. Note that C YCLIC must be followed

by a number to denote the period of the cycle. Each subsequent line describes one event , as

described below in Table 22.31.


CYCLIC 720.0
0 1 OPEN -363.0
0 1 CLOSE -121.0
0 2 OPEN -566.0
0 2 CLOSE -315.0
Figure 22.38: Sample file.

Table 22.31: Description of an event line in

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
region ID region ID OPEN or CLOSE time of event

22.6.3 Domain Initialization -

Use the file to uniformly initialize the domain at the beginning of a CONVERGE

simulation. Table 22.32 below describes of the parameters in . Figure 22.39

below shows an e xample file for a case with two regions.

Table 22.32: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_regions Number of regions in the domain. All of the parameters below are repeated for

720 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Parameter Description
each region.

region_id A unique integer (no greater than 61) to identify the region. All of the boundaries

in this region must have the same region_id, region_id

and each in

must match the corresponding region_id in . CONVERGE will write

region-specific output files so that you can visualize results on a region-by-region


stream_id ,
A unique integer identifier for a stream which is a collection of regions. All

regions with the same stream_id must be the same phase ( i.e., fluid or solid).

solid_flag 0 = Regions in this stream_id are associated with the fluid phase ,
1 = Regions in this stream_id are associated with the solid phase (conjugate heat-

transfer applications).

Regions with the same stream_id must have identical values of solid_flag .

vel_init Initial velocity ( ms/ ).

temp_init Initial temperature ( K ).

pres_init Initial pressure ( Pa ).

tke_init* Initial turbulent kinetic energy ( m2 s2 / ).

eps_init* Initial turbulent dissipation ( m s2


omega_init* Initial specific dissipation ( 1s

/ ).

tke_init_visc_ratio** Viscosity ratio used to initialize the turbulence quantities.

eps_init_length** Length scale used to initialize the turbulence quantities.

omega_init_length** Length scale used to initialize the turbulence quantities.

tke_init_length*** Length scale used to initialize the turbulence quantities.

eps_init_visc_ratio** Viscosity ratio used to initialize the turbulence quantities.

omega_init_visc_rati Viscosity ratio used to initialize the turbulence quantities.

num_species_init Number of species to be initialized.

All non-initialized species will be given an initial mass fraction of 0.0.

species name and Each line should consist of the name of a species and its initial mass fraction. The

mass fraction number of lines should equal numspeciesinit .

num_passive_init Number of passives to be initialized.

All non-initialized passives will be given an initial value of 0.0.

passive name and Each line should consist of a name of a passive and its initial value. The number

value of lines should equal numpassiveinit .

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 721

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

* Specify tke_init, eps_init, and omega_init to initialize the turbulence quantities directly. All three

parameters must be included although only two of them (either tke_init and eps_init tke_init
or and

omega_init, depending on your choice of turbulence model) will be used. If you specify these parameters ,
then the parameters noted with ** or *** should not appear in .

** Specify tke_init_visc_ratio, eps_init_length, and omega_init_length to specify the viscosity ratio and

length scale that will be used to initialize the turbulence quantities. All three parameters must be

included although either eps_init_length omega_init_length

or will not be used. If you specify these

parameters then the parameters noted with * or *** should not appear in .

*** Specify tke_init_length, eps_init_visc_ratio, and omega_init_visc_ratio to specify the viscosity ratio and

length scale that will be used to initialize the turbulence quantities. All three parameters must be

included although either eps_init_visc_ratio omega_init_visc_ratio

or will not be used. If you specify these

parameters then the parameters noted with * or ** should not appear in .


2 num_regions
# fluid region
0 region_id
0 stream_id
0 solid_flag
0.01 vel_init
300.0 temp_init
101325.0 pres_init
10.0 tke_init
1000.0 eps_init
100.0 omega_init
2 num_species_init
o2 0.23 name
n2 0.77 name
0 num_passive_init
# solid pipe
1 region_id
1 stream_id
1 solid_flag
300.0 temp_init
101325.0 pres_init
60 tke_init_visc_ratio
20000 eps_init_length
1000 omega_init_length
1 num_species_init
metal 1.0 name
0 num_passive_init
Figure 22.39: An example file for a case with two regions.

When specifying region-specific initial values , you do not have to list the region-by-region

blocks of information in any specific order. For e xample, Region 6 can be defined before

Region 4 , and Region 5 does not need to e xist.

If you initialize species or passives in, the names in must also appear

in the chemical reaction mechanism file ( e.g., mech.dat ) or in . CONVERGE will

normalize the species mass fractions to ensure that the mass fractions add up to one.

722 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Initial Conditions Input Files

Finally , note that you must include one set of tke_, eps_, and omega_ parameters (see the

notes after the table) even if your simulation does not include a turbulence model.

22.7 Physical M odels Input Files

This section describes the input files that contain information about the physical models for

your CONVERGE simulation.

22.7.1 Liquid Spray -

The file contains spray modeling parameters and information about the injectors

and nozzles in your simulation. Table 22.33 describes the parameters in, and

Figure 22.40 provides an e xample file.

Table 22.33: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value
cone_distribution_flag Parcel clustering flag for solid cone sprays. N/A

0 = Cluster injected parcels (liquid mass) near the center of

the cone ,
1 = Distribute injected parcels evenly throughout the cone.

penet_frac Liquid fuel mass fraction for calculating spray penetration 0.95

during post-processing.

penet_bin_size Penetration bin size ( m ). 1e-3

vapor_penet_frac Fuel vapor mass fraction for calculating vapor penetration. 1e-3

breakup_flag Breakup model flag. N/A

0 = No breakup,
1 = Breakup.

init_film_flag Initialization of wall film. N/A

0 = No initialization ,
1 = Initialization (requires ).

spray_wall_flag Spray/wall interaction model flag. N/A

0 = Rebound/slide model,
1 = Wall film model, with the updated evaporation model,
2 = Drops vanish when they impinge on a solid boundary.

film_splash_model 0 = O'Rourke splash model, N/A

1 = Kuhnke splash model (dependent on wall temperature

and wetness).

This parameter is used only if spray_wall_flag = 1.

weber_rebound Weber rebound number. This parameter is used only for the 5

O'Rourke splash model ( i.e., when spray_wall_flag = 1 and

wall_splash_model = 0).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 723

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

splash_criterion_flag Wall film model splash criterion flag. N/A

0 = Determine splashing based on a parameter defined by

Weber number film thickness and liquid viscosity ,
1 = Determine splashing based on Weber number only.

This parameter is used only for the O'Rourke splash model

( when spray_wall_flag = 1 and wall_splash_model = 0).

splash_critical_value Critical value for splashing. The meaning of this value 3330.0 for

depends on the value of splash_crit_flag (see right). This


parameter is used only for the O'Rourke splash model ( i.e., splash_crit_fla
when spray_wall_flag = 1 and wall_splash_model = 0).

g = , 0) case

dependent for


g= 1)

splash_fraction Fraction of drop mass splashed. This parameter is used only 0.5 - 1.0

for the O'Rourke splash model ( i.e., when spray_wall_flag = 1

and wall_splash_model = 0).

splash_tstar_critical Critical value of the non-dimensionalized wall temperature 1.1

T* used in the Kuhnke film splash model.

splash_wruck_model_flag Wruck spray-wall heat transfer model flag. N/A

0 = Wruck model deactivated.

1 = Wruck model activated.

separation_const Separation constant. This parameter is used only for the 3.0

O'Rourke splash model ( i.e., when spray_wall_flag = 1 and

wall_splash_model = 0).

film_strip_flag Film stripping flag. N/A

0 = No film stripping,
1 = Film stripping.

film_strip_time_cnst Film stripping time constant. Used only when N/A

spray_wall_flag = 1 and film_strip_flag = 1.

film_strip_size_cnst Film stripping size constant. Used only when N/A

spray_wall_flag = 1 and film_strip_flag = 1.

collision_flag Collision model flag. N/A

0 = No collision model,
1 = O Rourke collision model,
2 = NTC collision model.

collision_outcome_flag Collision outcomes flag. N/A

0 = O Rourke outcomes ,
1 = Post outcomes.

724 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

collison_mesh_flag Collision mesh model flag. N/A

0 = No collision mesh ,
1 = Collision mesh.

collision_scale The embed level used to create the collision mesh. For N/A

example, a value of 2 will yield a collision mesh size that is

1/4 of the base grid size.

film_mesh_flag Adaptive film mesh flag. N/A

0 = No adaptive film mesh.

1 = Adaptive film mesh.

film_mesh_scale The embed level used to create the adaptive film mesh. For N/A

example, a value of 2 will yield a film mesh size that is 1/4

of the base grid size.

drag_flag Drop drag flag. N/A

0 = No drop drag,
1 = Spherical drop drag,
2 = Dynamic drop drag.

tab_cfocbck TAB/dynamic drag model constant. 0.08333

tab_csubd TAB/dynamic drag model constant. 5 - 10

tab_csubk TAB/dynamic drag model constant. 8.0

turb_dispersion_flag Turbulent dispersion flag. N/A

0 = No turbulent dispersion ,
1 = O Rourke turbulent dispersion ,
2 = TKE-preserving turbulent dispersion.

parcel_evap_model Evaporation model flag. N/A

0 = No drop evaporation ,
1 = Frossling drop evaporation ,

2 = Chiang drop evaporation ,

11 = Frossling drop evaporation with droplet boiling model ,

12 = Chiang drop evaporation with droplet boiling model.

evap_source_flag Evaporation source flag. N/A

0 = All species will evaporate to evap_species xt row),

(see ne

1 = Single-component species will evaporate to their

respective species and multi-component liquid species will

evaporate to a composite species (if composites are used) ,

2 = Single-component species will evaporate to their

respective species and multi-component liquid species will

evaporate to their base species.

evap_species Name of the species that will be sourced when evaporation N/A

occurs. Used only when evap_source_flag = 0.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 725

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

evap_d0_diffuse Liquid species mass diffusivity variable. The parameter Value based

d0_diffuse equals D 0
in the following equation: on

gas D 1.293D Tgas n 1 evaporating

( / 273) .

evap_n_diffuse Liquid species mass diffusivity variable. The parameter Value based

n_diffuse equals n 0
in the following equation: on

gas D 1.293D Tgas n 1 evaporating

( / 273) .

evap_big_drop_radius If droplet radius ( m ) is less than this threshold , 1e-5 to 1e-4

CONVERGE will use the Uniform Temperature Model to

compute droplet thermal transfer. If droplet radius e xceeds

this threshold , CONVERGE invokes the Discretized

Temperature Model. The default setting for this parameter

ensures that the Spherically Symmetric Heat Equation is


evap_layers_per_drop Number of equal-volume parts into which the droplet 10 - 20

domain will be discretized when using the spherically

symmetric heat equation.

evap_recirculation_flag Flag to activate the effective thermal conductivity model. 1

0 = CONVERGE does not use the effective thermal

conductivity model ,
1 = CONVERGE uses the effective thermal conductivity

model , which simulates the effect of recirculation in the

spherically symmetric heat equation.

evap_thick_film_height If film radius ( m) is greater than this threshold , 1000

CONVERGE will use the thick-film evaporation model.

evap_layers_per_film Number of finite volume cells into which the film will be 10-20

discretized when using the thick-film evaporation model.

urea_flag Urea injection flag. N/A

0 = No urea injection model,

1 = Urea injection model activated.
2 = Urea-water solution depletion calculation


scale_heat_trans_coeff_sp Scaling applied to the droplet heat transfer coefficient. 1

scale_mass_trans_coeff_sp Scaling applied to the droplet mass transfer coefficient. 1

scale_heat_trans_coeff_fil Scaling applied to the film heat transfer coefficient. 1

scale_mass_trans_coeff_fil Scaling applied to the film mass transfer coefficient. 1

726 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

num_in ectors
j Number of injectors in the simulation. Repeat the following N/A

parameters (from num_parcel_species num_nozzles to ) for each

injector in the simulation.


spray_in ect_bc_flag
j 0 = Regular spray injection ; N/A

1 = Map liquid parcels for injectors using data from a VOF

simulation ( vof_spray.dat required);

2 = ELSA model;
10 = Map liquid parcels for injectors using data from a VOF

simulation ( vof_spray.dat required) and use the nozzle

diameter specified by noz_diameter (use 10 when the nozzle

is not a full circle) ;

11 = Map liquid parcels for injectors using data from a VOF

simulation (vof_spray.dat required) but first translate the

position data vof_spray.dat

in according to x_cen_in ,j

y_cen_in , j and z_cen_in ; j

12 = Map liquid parcels for injectors using data from a VOF

simulation (vof_spray.dat required) but first rotate the data in

vof_spray.dat angle_xy_in
according to j and angle_xz_in ; j

13 = Map liquid parcels for injectors using data from a VOF

simulation ( vof_spray.dat required) but first translate and

then rotate the data (as described for 11 and 12).

vof_spray_filename Must be set to vof_spray.dat . Reserved for future use. vof_spray.dat

vof_spray_mass_per_parc Mass (in kg ) that CONVERGE assigns to each liquid parcel. N/A

el Not used when spray_in ect_bc_flag =

j 0 or 2.

vof_spray_liq_frac_thresh If a cell has a liquid volume fraction equal to or greater than N/A

old the specified threshold , CONVERGE injects liquid parcels

according to the data from vof_spray.dat . (If the volume

fraction is less than the threshold , CONVERGE does not

inject liquid parcels. Not used when spray_in ect_bc_flag =

j 0

or 2.

num_parcel_species Number of parcel species for the current injector. N/A

name and mass fraction Parcel species name and mass fraction. There should be N/A

num_parcel_species rows of names and mass fractions.

nozzle_init_flag Nozzle location/orientation flag. N/A

0 = Nozzle locations and orientations to be set using a polar

coordinate system,

1 = Nozzle locations and orientations to be set using a

Cartesian coordinate system,

2 = Only the first nozzle is specified and the remaining

nozzles attributes are copied from the first nozzle, with the

exception of theta_noz and angle_xy_noz, which are defined

automatically. Option 2 uses a polar coordinate system.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 727

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

x_cen_in j The x coordinate of the injector. Used only when N/A

noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 -

Discrete Phase Modeling.

y_cen_in j The y coordinate of the injector. Used only when N/A

noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 -

Discrete Phase Modeling.

z_cen_in j The z coordinate of the injector. Used only when N/A

noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 -

Discrete Phase Modeling.

angle_xy_in j Injector rotation angle in the xy plane. Used only when N/A

noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 -

Discrete Phase Modeling.

angle_xz_in j Injector rotation angle in the xz plane. Used only when N/A

noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 -

Discrete Phase Modeling.

cone_flag Spray cone flag. N/A

0 = Hollow cone,
1 = Solid cone.

Temporal type and Specify whether the injection is SE QUENTIAL or C YCLIC. If N/A

period C YCLIC, seconds crank_flag =

the period (in crankif 0 or in

angle degrees crank_flag = if 1 or 2) must follow the keyword


in ect_start_time
j Start of seconds
injection crank angle degrees
( or ). This N/A

parameter can be a in

tabular profile ( j ) for

variable RPM cases. See Chapter 12 - Discrete Phase


in ect_duration
j Duration of injection ( seconds or crank angle degrees ). This N/A

parameter can be a tabular profile (in

j ) for

variable RPM cases. See Chapter 12 - Discrete Phase


num_parcels_per_nozzle Total number of computational parcels to be injected for N/A

each nozzle of the injector.

in ect_mass
j Total spray mass ( kg ) injected in the computational domain N/A

for the current injector. This parameter can be a tabular

profile ( in
j ) for variable RPM cases. See Chapter

12 - Discrete Phase Modeling. For sector simulations ,

in ect_mass
j is only for the simulated nozzles.

When the steady-state solver is active ( steady_solver_flag = 1

in , ) this parameter corresponds to mass injected per

unit time ( kg s / ).

728 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

temp_flag 0 = Constant temperature (as specified by in ect_temp

j [see N/A

below ) ],
1 = Read temperature values from vof_spray.dat and apply

scale_temp and offset_temp [ see below . ]

in ect_temp
j Liquid spray temperature ( K ) at the time of injection. N/A

scale_temp Temperature scale factor. Must be between 0 and 1 , N/A

inclusive. Only used when temp_flag = 1.

offset_temp Temperature offset ( K ). Only used when temp_flag = 1. N/A

tke_flag 0 = Constant TKE (as specified by in ect_tke [

j ], see below ) N/A

1 = Read TKE values from vof_spray.dat scale_tke

and apply

and offset_tke [ see below . ]

in ect_tke
j TKE ( m2 s2 / ) at the time of injection. N/A

scale_tke TKE scale factor. Must be between 0 and 1 , inclusive. Only N/A

used when tke_flag = 1.

offset_tke TKE offset ( K ). Only used when tke_flag = 1. N/A

eps_flag 0 = Constant EPS (as specified by in ect_eps [

j see below ) ], N/A

1 = Read EPS values from vof_spray.dat and apply scale_eps

and offset_eps [ see below . ]

in ect_eps
j EPS ( m2 s3
/ ) at the time of injection. N/A

scale_eps EPS scale factor. Must be between 0 and 1 , inclusive. Only N/A

used when eps_flag = 1.

offset_eps EPS offset ( K ). Only used when eps_flag = 1. N/A

init_cell_turb_flag 0 = At the beginning of the simulation , initialize the gas cell N/A

TKE and EPS based on values in,

1 = Set the gas cell TKE and EPS according to the values in

vof_spray.dat .

in ect_distribution_flag
j Injection drop distribution flag. N/A

0 = No distribution ,
1 = Chi-squared distribution ,
2 = Rosin-Rammler distribution ,
3 = Injected parcel radius is set to 0.5 * smd_dist . This option

allows for a constant injected radius that is independent of

the nozzle diamter ( diam_noz ).

Enter a file name ( e.g., in

j ) instead of a number to

specify an injection profile in a input file. The file name must

be in quotation marks.

q_rr Rosin-Rammler distribution parameter (used for any model 3.5

in which you have activated the Rosin-Rammler size


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 729

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

kh_flag KH breakup model flag. N/A

0 = No KH model,
1 = KH model,
2 = KH-ACT model.

kh_new_parcel_flag New child parcel flag. N/A

0 = No child parcels ,
1 = Child parcels.

kh_newparcel_cutoff Fraction of injected mass per parcel used for determining 0.03 - 0.10

when to create a new parcel. Only used when

new_parcel_flag = 1.

kh_shed_factor Fraction of parent parcel mass that goes into child parcels. 0.1 - 1.0

kh_balpha KH model size constant. 0.61

kh_const1 KH model velocity constant. 0.188

kh_const2 KH model time constant. 5 - 100

kh_no_enlarge_flag Reserved for future use.

khact_nozzle_flow_flag 0 = Tke, eps , and nozzle contraction coefficients are N/A

calculated by CONVERGE ,
1 = Tke, eps , and nozzle contraction coefficients are

provided in a separate input file (see ne xt row).

khact_nozzle_flow_filena The name of the file that contains nozzle flow data. Only N/A

me needed when noz_flow_flag = 1.

khact_turb_kc KH-ACT model constant for turbulence-induced breakup. 0.45

khact_turb_ke KH-ACT model constant for turbulence-induced breakup. 0.27

khact_turb_s KH-ACT model constant for turbulence-induced breakup. 0.01

khact_c_tcav KH-ACT model constant for turbulence- or cavitation- 0.1 - 1.0

induced breakup.

rt_flag RT breakup model flag. N/A

0 = No RT breakup,
1 = RT breakup activated (if kh_flag = 1 and rt_flag = 1 ,
CONVERGE will use the KH-RT model) ,
2 = RT breakup activated (if new_parcel_flag = , kh_flag =
1 1 ,
and rt_flag = 2 , CONVERGE will use the modified KH-RT


rt_distribution_flag 0 = No drop size distribution with RT breakup , N/A

1 = distribution with RT breakup,


2 = Rosin-Rammler distribution with RT breakup. If 2 ,

CONVERGE uses the Rosin-Rammler distribution

parameter q_rr

rt_const2b RT model time constant. 1.0

730 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

rt_const3 RT model size constant. 0.1 - 1.0

rt_length_const RT model breakup length constant. 0 - 50

tab_flag TAB breakup model flag. N/A

0 = No TAB breakup,
1 = TAB breakup activated.

tab_distribution_flag TAB drop size distribution flag. N/A

0 = No drop size distribution with TAB breakup,

1 = Chi-squared distribution with TAB breakup,
2 = Rosin-Rammler distribution with TAB breakup. If 2 ,
CONVERGE uses the Rosin-Rammler distribution

parameter q_rr

lisa_flag LISA breakup model flag. N/A

0 = No LISA breakup,
1 = LISA breakup activated.

lisa_length_const LISA model breakup length constant. 12.0

lisa_size_const LISA model breakup size constant. 0.5

lisa_distribution_flag LISA drop size distribution flag. N/A

0 = No drop size distribution with LISA breakup,

1 = Chi-squared distribution with LISA breakup,
2 = Rosin-Rammler distribution with LISA breakup. If 2 ,
CONVERGE uses the Rosin-Rammler distribution

parameter q_rr

lisa_in ection_pres
j Injection pressure (used for LISA model parcel N/A


discharge_coeff_flag Nozzle discharge coefficient model flag. N/A

0 = No discharge coefficient model,

1 = Discharge coefficient model with varying nozzle velocity


2 = Discharge coefficient model with nozzle velocity

coefficient equal to one.

discharge_coeff Profile of discharge coefficient rate-shape for current injector: 0.4 - 1.0

either a constant value or a file name (e.g.,

discharge_coeff_in <num>.in
j ) in quotation marks.

swirl_fraction The fraction of the spray that is in the azimuthal direction in 0 for a non-

a cylindrical coordinate system. Must be between -1 and 1 , swirling

inclusive. Only works for a hollow cone ( cone_flag = 0). Refer spray.

to the Injector Inputs section of the Discrete Phase Modeling

chapter for a more detailed definition of swirl_fraction .

rate_shape Profile of rate-shape for current injector: either CONSTANT N/A

or a file name ( e.g., rateshape_in <num>.in

j ) in quotation


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 731

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

num_nozzles Number of nozzles for current injector. For each nozzle , N/A

repeat the parameters from diam_noz zz_vec. to


noz_diameter Nozzle diameter ( m ).: either a constant value or a file name N/A

(e.g., noz_diameter_in <num>.in j ) in quotation marks.

noz_length Nozzle length ( m ). Used only when the KH-ACT model is N/A

active ( i.e.,when kh_flag = 2).

smd_distribution Sauter mean diameter ( m ) when a distribution is used ( i.e.,

in ect_distribution_flag = , ,
j 1 2 or 3).

amp_distort Initial drop distortion amplitude for TAB breakup model. N/A

radius_in ect
j Circular injection radius ( m ). For a hollow cone spray , N/A

parcels are injected on the circumference of the circle. For a

solid cone spray , parcels are injected inside of the circle.

Specify a file name ( e.g., in _radius_in <num>.in

j j ) to set up a

cone angle profile.

noz_cone Spray cone degrees

angle ( ). Specify a file name e.g.,
( N/A

cone_angle_in <num>.in
j ) to set up a cone angle profile.

noz_thickness Spray thickness (deg. ). Only used for hollow cone sprays N/A

(cone_flag = 0).

noz_radial_dist Nozzle radial position (m ). Used only when noz_init_flag = 0 N/A

or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 - Discrete Phase


noz_axial_dist Nozzle a xial position ( m ). Used only when noz_init_flag = 0 N/A

or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 - Discrete Phase


noz_theta Nozzle azimuthal position (m ). Used only when N/A

noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations , refer to Chapter 12 -

Discrete Phase Modeling.

noz_angle_xy Nozzle tilt angle in the xy plane position ( degrees ). Used only N/A

when noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations refer to Chapter ,

12 - Discrete Phase Modeling and note that this figure is

drawn with the assumption that the injector center is at the

origin the a xis of the injector is aligned with the z a xis , and

injection is in the negative z direction.

noz_angle_xz Nozzle tilt angle in the xz plane position ( degrees ). Used only N/A

when noz_init_flag = 0 or 2. For illustrations refer to Chapter ,

12 - Discrete Phase Modeling and note that this figure is

drawn with the assumption that the injector center is at the

origin the a xis of the injector is aligned with the z a xis , and

injection is in the negative z direction.

732 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

noz_xx The x coordinate of nozzle ( m ). Used only when noz_init_flag N/A

= 1.

noz_yy The y coordinate of nozzle ( m ). Used only when noz_init_flag N/A

= 1.

noz_zz The z coordinate of nozzle ( m ). Used only when noz_init_flag N/A

= 1.

noz_xx_vec The x component of the spray orientation unit vector. Used N/A

only when noz_init_flag = 1.

noz_yy_vec The y component of the spray orientation unit vector. Used N/A

only when noz_init_flag = 1.

noz_zz_vec The z component of the spray orientation unit vector. Used N/A

only when noz_init_flag = 1.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 733

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files


0 cone_distribution_flag
0.97 penet_frac
0.001 penet_bin_size
0.001 vapor_penet_frac
1 breakup_flag
0 init_film_flag
0 spray_wall_flag
0 film_splash_model
5.0 weber_rebound
0 splash_criterion_flag
3330.0 splash_critical_value
1.0 splash_fraction
1.1 splash_tstar_critical
0 splash_wruck_model_flag
3.0 separation_const
0 film_strip_flag
12.0 film_strip_time_const
0.5 film_strip_size_const
2 collision_flag
1 collision_outcome_flag
0 collision_mesh_flag
2 collision_scale
0 film_mesh_flag
0 film_mesh_scale
2 drag_flag
0.08333 tab_cfocbck
10.0 tab_csubd
8.0 tab_csubk
1 turb_dispersion_flag
1 parcel_evap_model
0 evap_source_flag
c7h16 evap_species
4.16e-06 evap_d0_diffuse
1.6 evap_n_diffuse
1000.0 evap_big_drop_radius
15 evap_layers_per_drop
0 evap_recirculation_flag
1000 evap_thick_film_height
10 evap_layers_per_film
0 urea_flag
1 scale_heat_trans_coeff_spray
1 scale_mass_trans_coeff_spray
1 scale_heat_trans_coeff_film
1 scale_mass_trans_coeff_film
1 num_injectors
# Injector 0
0 spray_inject_bc_flag
vof_spray.dat vof_spray_filename
1e-16 vof_spray_mass_per_parcel
0.0 vof_spray_liq_frac_threshold
1 num_parcel_species
0 nozzle_init_flag
0.0 x_cen_inj

734 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

0.0 y_cen_inj
-0.0032208 z_cen_inj
0.0 angle_xy_inj
0.0 angle_xz_inj
1 cone_flag
-9.0 inject_start_time
21.0 inject_duration
50000 num_parcels_per_nozzle
2.70167e-05 inject_mass
1 temp_flag
341.0 inject_temp
1.0 scale_temp
0.0 offset_temp
1 tke_flag
3000.0 inject_tke
1.0 scale_tke
0.0 offset_tke
1 eps_flag
300.0 inject_eps
1.0 scale_eps
0.0 offset_eps
0 init_cell_turb_flag
0 inject_distribution_flag
3.5 q_rr
1 kh_flag
1 kh_new_parcel_flag
0.05 kh_new_parcel_cutoff
1.0 kh_shed_factor
0.6 kh_balpha
0.188 kh_const1
7.0 kh_const2
0 kh_no_enlarge_flag
0 khact_nozzle_flow_flag khact_nozzle_flow_filename
0.45 khact_turb_kc
0.27 khact_turb_ke
0.01 khact_turb_s
0.1 khact_c_tcav
2 rt_flag
0 rt_distribution_flag
1.0 rt_const2b
0.1 rt_const3
99999.9 rt_length_const
0 tab_flag
0 tab_distribution_flag
0 lisa_flag
12.0 lisa_length_const
0.5 lisa_size_const
0 lisa_distribution_flag
5000000.0 lisa_injection_pres
1 discharge_coeff_flag
0.7 discharge_coeff
0.0 swirl_fraction
"" rate_shape
1 num_nozzles
# Nozzle 0@Injector 0

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 735

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

0.000259 noz_diameter
2e-05 noz_length
0.000259 smd_distribution
0.0 amp_distort
0.0001295 radius_inject
9.0 noz_cone
9.0 noz_thickness
0.00097 noz_radial_dist
0.0 noz_axial_dist
0.0 noz_theta
0.0 noz_angle_xy
62.5 noz_angle_xz
0.0 noz_xx
0.0 noz_yy
0.0 noz_zz
0.0 noz_xx_vec
0.0 noz_yy_vec
0.0 noz_zz_vec
Figure 22.40: An example file.
Initialization of Wall Film -
If init_film_flag =,
1 in you must include the file. This file defines how to

initialize the wall film. A wall film can be initialized on an entire boundary or in a circular

or rectangular shape. Table 22.34 below describes the parameters in Figures

22.41 , 22.42 , and 22.43 show e xample files for the initialization of a wall film in a circle , in

a rectangle , and as an entire boundary , respectively.

Table 22.34: Description of parameters.

Keyword Parameter Description
CIRCLE x_center Center of the wall film circle.

normal vector Normal vector to the wall film.

radius Radius of the wall film circle.

film_mass_type 0 = Film mass is specified,

1 = Film thickness is specified.

film_mass Mass ( kg ). Used only when film_mass_type = 0.

thickness Film thickness ( m ). Used only when film_mass_type = 1.

film_temp Initial wall film temperature ( K


num_parcels Number of parcels that comprise the initial wall film.

drop_size Wall film parcel radius ( m ).

num_speciesinit Number of liquid wall film species.

species names There should be num_speciesinit ,

lines each of which lists a

and mass species name and the corresponding mass fraction.


736 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Keyword Parameter Description

RECTANGLE x_center Center of the wall film rectangle.

normal vector Normal vector to the wall film.

tangential_vector Tangential vector to one side of the rectangle.

x_size Two numbers that specify the side lengths of the rectangle. The

first side length should be for the side in the direction of the

tangential vector.

film_mass_type 0 = Film mass is specified,

1 = Film thickness is specified.

film_mass Mass ( kg ). Used only when film_mass_type =0.

thickness Film thickness ( m ). Used only when film_mass_type = 1.

film_temp Initial wall film temperature ( K


num_parcels Number of parcels that comprise the initial wall film.

drop_size Wall film parcel radius ( m ).

num_speciesinit Number of liquid wall film species.

species names There should be num_speciesinit ,

lines each of which lists a

and mass species name and the corresponding mass fraction.


BOUNDAR Y boundary_id Boundary ID of the boundary of interest.

x_center Center of the wall film.

normal vector Normal vector to the wall film.

film_mass_type 0 = Film mass is specified,

1 = Film thickness is specified.

film_mass Mass ( kg ). Used only when film_mass_type =0.

thickness Film thickness ( m ). Used only when film_mass_type = 1.

film_temp Initial wall film temperature ( K


num_parcels Number of parcels that comprise the initial wall film.

drop_size Wall film parcel radius ( m ).

num_speciesinit Number of liquid wall film species.

species names There should be num_speciesinit ,

lines each of which lists a

and mass species name and the corresponding mass fraction.


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 737

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files


-0.1 0.0 -0.02 x_center
0.05 radius
0.0 0.0 -1.0 normal_vector
1 film_mass_type
1.0 film_mass
100e-6 thickness
298.0 film_temp
10000 num_parcels
2.5e-5 drop_size
1 num_speciesinit
ic8h18 1.0
Figure 22.41: An example file for a circular wall film.


-0.001 0.0 0.002 x_center
0.015 0.01 x_size
0.0 1.0 0.0 tangential_vector
0.0 0.0 -1.0 normal_vector
0 film_mass_type
1.0e-5 film_mass
2.0e-5 thickness
335.0 film_temp
5000 num_parcels
2.5e-5 drop_size
2 num_speciesinit
ic8h18 0.23
c7h16 0.77
Figure 22.42: An example file for a rectangular wall film.


1 boundary_id
0 film_mass_type
1.0e-5 film_mass
2.0e-5 thickness
335.0 film_temp
5000 num_parcels
2.5e-5 drop_size
2 num_speciesinit
ic8h18 0.23
c7h16 0.77
Figure 22.43: An example file for a wall film on an entire boundary.

738 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Urea-Water Depletion -

To use the molten solid approach for urea decomposition , set urea_flag = 2 in and

include a file. Table 22.35 below describes the parameters , and Figure 22.7

shows a sample file. Refer to Chapter 12 - Discrete Phase Modeling for a description

of the molten solid approach for urea decomposition.

Table 22.35: Description of

Parameter Description Typical Value
urea_a 1. Prefactor for the Arrhenius 0.42

correlation ( kg (m-s)
/ ).

urea_ea Activation energy for the 6.9e7

Arrhenius correlation (J/ kmol ).

urea_hdcmp Enthalpy change due to urea 3.088e6

decomposition (J/ kg ).


# Molten solid urea coefficients

0.42 urea_a
6.9e+7 urea_ea
3.088e+6 urea_hdcmp
Figure 22.44: An example file.
Injection Distribution -
CONVERGE includes several options for the injection drop distribution

( in ect_distribution_flag
j in ). To specify your own injection drop distribution , specify

a file name e.g., in

( j in ect_distribution_flag
) for j and include that file in the Case

Directory. Table 22.36 below describes the required format of in

j (except for the

header). Figure 22.7 shows a sample in

j file.

Table 22.36: Parameters in

Column Column Description
1 value 1 , 2 , 3 , etc.

2 vol_frac Volume fraction. Must be a cumulative distribution function ( i.e.

, the first
value must be for a volume fraction of 0.0 , and the last value must be for a
volume fraction of 1.0).

3 diameter Diameter ( m ).


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 739

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

value vol_frac diameter
1 0.0 0.0e-06
2 1.08681E-05 10.0e-06
3 0.000141233 20.0e-06
49 0.999999986 480.0e-06
50 0.999999997 490.0e-06
51 1.0 500.0e-06
Figure 22.45: An example file.
Injector Rate-Shape Files
For each injector , the mass flow rate , discharge coefficient , nozzle diameter , injection

radius, and spray cone angle can vary in time. This variation is controlled in each case by a

corresponding rate-shape file.

Unless you have specified CONSTANT for the injector mass flow rate , you must provide a

rateshape_in <num>.in
j file. Table 22.37 below describes the required format of

rateshape_in <num>.in
j (e xcept for the header). Figure 22.7 shows a sample

rateshape_in <num>.in
j file.

The first line of the file must be TEMPORAL . The second line indicates the temporal type:

CYCLIC (must be followed by the period) or SE QU ENTIAL .

Table 22.37: Parameters in rateshape_inj<num>.in.

Column Column Description
1 crank or time Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 or in c rank angle degree crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 rate_shape Rate-shape value at this crank or time. Note that CONVERGE normalizes

the entire rate-shape to match the specified total injection mass.


CRANK rate_shape
1 1057.2
2 1141.0
3 3713.2
4 12518.0
5 22231.0
6 30167.0
7 36601.0
8 39283.0
9 41372.0
10 39233.0

740 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

11 37451.0
12 38671.0
13 39180.0
14 42454.0
15 42291.0
16 41575.0
17 41254.0
18 39946.0
19 40217.0
20 40845.0
21 41472.0
22 40716.0
23 40475.0
24 40944.0
25 40662.0
Figure 22.46: An example rateshape_inj<num>.in file.

If you did not specify a constant value for the discharge coefficient , you must provide a

discharge_coeff_in <num>.in
j file. Table 22.38 below describes the required format of

discharge_coeff_in <num>.in
j (e xcept for the header). Figure 22.7 shows a sample

discharge_coeff_in <num>.in
j file.

The first line of the file must be TEMPORAL . The second line indicates the temporal type:

CYCLIC (must be followed by the period) or SE QU ENTIAL .

Table 22.38: Parameters in discharge_coeff_inj<num>.in.

Column Column Description
1 crank or time Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 or in c rank angle degree crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 discharge_co Discharge coefficient value at this crank or time. Note that this coefficient

eff may be modified depending on your setting of discharge_coeff_flag .


CYCLIC 0.0005
SECOND discharge_coeff
0 1e-1
0.00025 2e-1
0.00050 1e-1
Figure 22.47: An example discharge_coeff_inj<num>.in file.

If you did not specify a constant value for the nozzle diameter , you must provide a

noz_diameter_in <num>.in
j file. Table 22.39 below describes the required format of

noz_diameter_in <num>.in
j (except for the header). Figure 22.7 shows a sample

noz_diameter_in <num>.in
j file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 741

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

The first line of the file must be TEMPORAL . The second line indicates the temporal type:

CYCLIC (must be followed by the period) or SE QU ENTIAL .

Table 22.39: Parameters in noz_diameter_inj<num>.in.

Column Column Description
1 crank or time Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 or in c rank angle degree crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 noz_diameter Nozzle diameter value (in m ) at this crank or time.


CYCLIC 0.0005
SECOND noz_diameter
0 1e-1
0.00025 2e-1
0.00050 1e-1
Figure 22.48: An example noz_diameter_inj<num>.in file.

If you did not specify a constant value for the injection radius , you must provide a

in _radius_in <num>.in
j j file. Table 22.40 below describes the required format of

in _radius_in <num>.in
j j (e xcept for the header). Figure 22.7 shows a sample

in _radius_in <num>.in
j j file.

The first line of the file must be TEMPORAL . The second line indicates the temporal type:

CYCLIC (must be followed by the period) or SE QU ENTIAL .

Table 22.40: Parameters in inj_radius_inj<num>.in.

Column Column Description
1 crank or time Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 or in c rank angle degree crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 inj_radius Injection radius value (in m ) at this crank or time.


CYCLIC 0.0005
SECOND inj_radius
0 1e-1
0.00025 2e-1
0.00050 1e-1
Figure 22.49: An example inj_radius_inj<num>.in file.

742 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

If you did not specify a constant value for the injection ,

radius you must provide a

cone_angle_in <num>.in
j file. Table 22.41 below describes the required format of

cone_angle_in <num>.in
j (except for the header). Figure 22.7 shows a sample

cone_angle_in <num>.in
j file.

The first line of the file must be TEMPORAL . The second line indicates the temporal type:

CYCLIC (must be followed by the period) or SE QU ENTIAL .

Table 22.41: Parameters in cone_angle_inj<num>.in.

Column Column Description
1 crank or time Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 or in c rank angle degree crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 cone_angle Spray cone angle value (in deg ) at this crank or time.


crank cone_angle
101.1 10
250 20
400 30
550 40
600 50
700 40
Figure 22.50: An example cone_angle_inj<num>.in file.
Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization -
To activate ELSA spray_flag =
set vof_flag = 1 and 1 in and include an file

in the Case Directory. Table 22.42 below describes the parameters in, and Figure

22.51 provides an e xample file.

Table 22.42: Description of

Parameter Description Typical Value
elsa_transition_f Flag to turn on ELSA transition. N/A

lag 0 = No ELSA parcel transition.

1 = ELSA parcel transition

elsa_transition_ Ma ximum gas volume fraction 0.8

alpha in a cell before Eulerian fluid is

converted to Lagrangian

parcels. Transition occurs only

if both criteria are satisfied.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 743

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

elsa_transition_ Ma ximum ratio between fluid 1.2

area_ratio surface area and the minimum

fluid surface area in the cell.

Transition occurs only if both

criteria are satisfied.

elsa_min_diamet Minimum diameter of parcels 2e-8

er generated during Lagrangian

conversion ( m ).

elsa_mass_per_p Ma ximum mass per parcel 3e-8

arcel generated during Lagrangian

conversion ( kg ).

elsa_evap_flag Flag to turn on Eulerian fluid N/A


0 = No Eulerian fluid


1 = Eulerian fluid evaporation


elsa_num_in j Number of injectors for the N/A

ELSA model. This number must

match the number of injectors

for which spray_in ect_bc_flag =


2 in

elsa_in _id
j Injector ID number. N/A

elsa_sigma_cons First fluid surface area equation 4.0

t_1 tuning constant.

elsa_sigma_cons Second fluid surface area 1.0

t_2 equation tuning constant.

elsa_noz_id Nozzle ID number. N/A

elsa_region_id_ First region for this nozzle. N/A

elsa_region_id_ Second region for this nozzle. N/A

elsa_num_transi Number of regions in which N/A

tion_regions this nozzle can transition.

elsa_passive_liq Liquid species to use for this N/A

uid nozzle.


1 elsa_transition_flag

744 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

0.80 elsa_transition_alpha
1.2 elsa_transition_area_ratio
2e-08 elsa_min_diameter
3e-8 elsa_mass_per_parcel
0 elsa_evap_flag
1 elsa_num_inj
0 elsa_inj_id
4.0 elsa_sigma_const_1
1.0 elsa_sigma_const_2
0 elsa_noz_id
0 elsa_region_id_1
1 elsa_region_id_2
1 elsa_num_transition_regions
1 elsa_transition_region_id
liquid1 elsa_passive_liquid
Figure 22.51: An example file.
22.7.2 Combustion Modeling -

To model combustion , set combustion_flag = 1 in and include a file in

the Case Directory. Table 22.43 below describes the parameters in Figure 22.52

shows an e xample file. Chapter 13 - Chemistry Modeling describes the combustion models

and chemistry tools in detail.

Table 22.43: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value
combust_region_flag 0 = Combustion is not region N/A

dependent ,
1 = Combustion ,
(SAGE G_E QN, or
ECFM3Z) is region dependent

(requires ).

Temporal type and period The temporal type can be N/A


. If it must be

followed by the period inseconds (if

crank_flag = crank

0 in ) or

angle degrees crank_flag =

(if 1 or 2).

combust_start_time Combustion start time inseconds (if N/A

crank_flag = crank

0 in ) or

angle degrees crank_flag =

(if 1 or 2).

combust_end_time Combustion end time in seconds (if N/A

crank_flag = crank

0 in ) or

angle degrees crank_flag =

(if 1 or 2).

combust_temp_cutoff Minimum cell temperature ( K ) for 600

combustion modeling.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 745

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

combust_hc_minimum Minimum cell HC +CO species mole 1.0e-14 1.0e-18
fraction for combustion modeling.


emissions_flag 0 = No emissions modeling, N/A

1 = Emissions modeling enabled

(requires ).


sage_flag 0 = No SAGE detailed chemical N/A

kinetics solver,

1 = SAGE detailed chemical kinetics


11 = SAGE detailed chemical kinetics

solver (select this option when

g_eqn_flag = 2 , 3 , 4 , or 5).

sage_option Solve SAGE for constant volume CONSTANT_VOLUME

(CONSTANT_VOLUME) or constant


sage_ode_solver 0 = CVODE dense solver N/A

(recommended when total number of

species is no greater than 100)

1 = CVODE preconditioned iterative


2 = SuperLU as a preconditioner of

GMRES (recommended for

mechanisms with more than 500


sage_solve_temp SAGE temperature solution flag. 0

0 = Do not re-solve temperature

unless the temperature change

exceeds sage_delta_temp,
1 = Always re-solve temperature.

sage_delta_temp Magnitude of the temperature change 1.0 2.0

above which the temperature will be

re-solved ( K ).

sage_analytic_ acj 0 = Solve Jacobian matri x 1


1 = Solve Jacobian matri x


sage_rel_tol Relative iteration error for each 1e-4


746 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

sage_abs_tol Absolute iteration error for each 1e-14


sage_reaction_multiplier Scaling factor of reaction rates. 1.0

sage_dmr_flag 0 = No dynamic mechanism N/A

reduction ,
1 = Dynamic mechanism reduction
enabled (requires ).


ceq_flag 0 = No CEQ equilibrium solver, N/A

1 = CEQ equilibrium solver,

2 = CEQ with mixing time scale.

ceq_species_subset_flag 0 = CEQ species subset not defined , N/A

1 = CEQ species subset defined


ceq_cm2 Turbulent time scale constant for the N/A

CE Q model.

#Adaptive zoning

adaptive_zone_flag 0 = No adaptive zoning, N/A

1 = Adaptive zoning enabled.

adaptive_zone_bin_dim Dimension of adaptive zoning bins. N/A

Must be at least 2.

adaptive_zone_bin_<variable_of Two variables are required: A tolerance of 1e-4 in cube root

_interest> adaptive_zone_bin_temp for space will lead to a bin size of

temperature 1e-12 in the species mass

adaptive_zone_bin_react_ratio for fraction. CONVERGE requires

progress equivalence ratio a tolerance of at least 1e-4 for

species mass fraction.

Other variables are optional:

adaptive_zone_bin_equiv_ratio for

total equivalence ratio

adaptive_zone_bin_pres for pressure

adaptive_zone_bin_<species name>
(e.g., adaptive_zone_bin_c7h1 6 ) for

cube root of species mass fraction

For each adaptive_zone_bin_*

parameter specify a numerical

tolerance or a file name ( ) in

quotation marks. Smaller values will

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 747

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

improve the accuracy but increase the

computational cost.

There must be adaptive_zone_bin_dim

entries of adaptive_zone_bin_* .

adaptive_zone_nox_flag 0 = Default adaptive zoning setting, 1

1 = Improves the accuracy of the NOx

emissions prediction (but decreases

the accuracy of other species

predictions) in adaptive zoning.

adaptive_zone_output_flag 0 = No output for adaptive zoning, N/A

1 = Write output for adaptive zoning.

adaptive_zone_hr_map_flag Use heat release for mapping. N/A

#Fuel name (applies to all combustion models below)

fuel_name Species name of the fuel. It must be N/A

included in the reaction mechanism

and thermodynamic data files as

well. Used by the CTC/Shell NO , x,

and soot models. Not used in cases

with multi-component fuels.


ctc_flag 0 = No Characteristic Time N/A

Combustion (CTC) model ,

1 = CTC model enabled.

ctc_init_time Time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or

2) at which the CTC model will be

reinitialized. You can specify a file

name (e.g. , ) for

reinitializing different regions at

different times.

ctc_mult_scale_flag 0 = Single scale CTC model, N/A

1 = Multi-scale CTC model.

ctc_tau_fraction Time scale function for the multi- 0.05 1.0

scale CTC model.

ctc_cm2 Turbulent time scale constant for the 0.1 1.0

CTC model.

ctc_denomc Chemical time scale constant for the 7.68e9

CTC model.

ctc_temp_cutoff Shell/CTC transition temperature ( K ). 1000 1300

748 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value


shell_flag 0 = No Shell ignition model, N/A

1 = Modified Shell ignition model


2 = Original Shell model


shell_af0 4 Ignition delay parameter for the Shell 1.0e5 5.0e5



fgm_flag 0 = No Flamelet Generated Manifold N/A

(FGM) model ,
1 = FGM model enabled.

#ECFM (premixed)

ecfm_flag 0 = No Extended Coherent Flame N/A

Model (ECFM) ,
1 = ECFM enabled.

ecfm_stretch_alpha Constant for the turbulent stretch N/A

introduced by the surfa xe density

production term.

ecfm_destruct_beta Constant for the surface density N/A

destruction term.

ecfm_spark_flag Laminar ignition (LI) spark model. N/A

0 = No spark model,
1 = ISSIM spark model (

ecfm_auto_ignition_flag 0 = No autoignition , 3 for diesel fuel cases.

1 = Tabulated kinetic ignition (TKI)


ecfm_tki_table_filename The name of the file ( e.g., N/A

ignition_delay.dat ) that provides two

stages of ignition delay at different

, ,
temperatures pressures equivalence

ratios and EGR ratios. Required by

the TKI model.

ecfm_auto_ignition_tc Fuel consumption characteristic time 2.0e-5 for diesel fuel cases.

in the ignition model.

ecfm_post_ceq_flag 0 = The burned zone is solved by the N/A

method of Colin et al. (2003) ,

1= The burned zone is solved by the

CEQ method.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 749

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

ecfm_reinit_flag 0 = CONVERGE will not reinitialize N/A

the combustion domain (appropriate

for a single-cycle engine case)

1 = CONVERGE will reinitialize the

combustion domain (requires ).

2 = CONVERGE will automatically

reinitialize the combustion domain

one crank angle degree before the

combustion start time (does not

require ).


g_eqn_flag 0 = No G-Equation model, 1

1 = Use the CEQ equilibrium model

inside the flame,

2 = Use the CEQ equilibrium model

inside the flame and the SAGE solver

outside the flame ,

3 = Use the CEQ equilibrium model at
the flame front and the SAGE solver

inside and outside the flame ,

4 = Use the SAGE solver at the flame
front and inside and outside the

flame ,
5 = Use the SAGE solver at the flame
front and inside the flame.

When g_eqn_flag = 2 , 3 , 4 , or 5 , set

sage_flag = 11.

g_eqn_init_value G
Initialization of . Specify a -0.1

numerical value or a file name ( e.g., )

g_eqn_grad_g_flag Method to reinitialize the gradient of 1

G .

0 = Explicit method,
1 = Sussman (implicit) method,
which is slower but more accurate.

750 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

g_eqn_g_temp_cutoff Temperature ( K ) above which G is N/A

initialized. Th G equation is always

solved at the flame front regardless of

temperature. Use this feature when

transitioning from one model ( e.g.,

SAGE) to the G-Equation model.

Deactivate this feature by setting it to

a very large value ( e.g., K 5000 ).

g_eqn_spark_flag 0 = Initialize G

in 0

(recommended) ,
1 = Use kernel model for ignition.

g_eqn_spark_efficiency G-Equation spark efficiency. Used N/A

when g_eqn_spark_flag = 1.

g_eqn_num_kernel_init Number of spark kernels initialized 100

for the kernel model.

g_eqn_karlovitz_ignition Karlovitz ignition number. Ignition 80.0

will occur below this parameter.

g_eqn_c_chi G-Equation scalar dissipation N/A


#ECFM3Z (non-premixed)

ecfm3z_flag 0 = No 3-Zone Extended Coherent N/A

Flame Model (ECFM3Z) ,

1 = ECFM3Z.

ecfm3z_mix_betam Mi xing constant. N/A

ecfm3z_stretch_alpha Constant for the turbulent stretch N/A

introduced by the surface density

production term.

ecfm3z_destruct_beta Constant for the surface density N/A

destruction term.

ecfm3z_auto_ignition_flag 0 = No autoignition , 3 for diesel fuel cases

1 = Tabulated kinetic ignition (TKI)

model enabled.

ecfm3z_tki_table_filename The name of the file ( e.g., N/A

ignition_delay.dat ) that provides two

stages of ignition delay at different

temperatures pressures equivalence ,
ratios and EGR ratios. Required by

the tabulated kinetic ignition (TKI)


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 751

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

ecfm3z_auto_ignition_tc Fuel consumption characteristic time 2.0e-5 for diesel fuel cases.

in the ignition model.

ecfm3z_post_ceq_flag 0 = The burned zone is solved by the N/A

method of Colin et al. (2003) ,

1 = The burned zone is solved by the

CE Q method.

ecfm3z_reinit_flag 0 = CONVERGE will not reinitialize N/A

the combustion domain (appropriate

for a single-cycle engine case)

1 = CONVERGE will reinitialize the

combustion domain (requires ).

2 = CONVERGE will automatically

reinitialize the combustion domain

one crank angle degree before the

combustion start time (does NOT

require .


rif_flag 0 = No Representative Interactive N/A

Flamelet (RIF) model ,

1 = RIF model.

rif_nproc_flamelet Number of processors for each 1

flamelet. Enter 1 to solve RIF in serial

or an integer greater than 1 to solve

RIF in parallel.

rif_init_zmin Minimum value of Z (mi xture 1e-5 for a diesel case

fraction) to initialize flamelet.

rif_unburned_temp_offset Unburned temperature offset ( K ). 0.0

rif_flamelet_c_chi Flamelet scalar dissipation constant. 2.0

rif_cfd_c_chi CFD scalar dissipation constant. 2.0

rif_chi_clip Ma ximum value of the scalar 1000.0

dissipation rate.

rif_num_flamelets Number of flamelets in the RIF model. 1

rif_grid_type The nature of the grid in the z 4


1 = Equidistant grid,
2 = Equidistant grid with refinement

from Z _min (minimum fuel mass

fraction) to 2 xZ st _st =
(Z fuel mass

fraction at equivalence ratio = 1),

752 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

3 = User-specified grid (this option is
currently not available) ,
4 = Hyperbolic grid (recommended).

rif_num_zgrids Number of grid points on the Z 101


rif_pdf_flag 0 = Integration based on probability 0

density function (PDF) ,

1 = Integration based on clipped

Gaussian PDF.

rif_transport_species_flag 0 = CONVERGE will transport all 1

species ,
1 = CONVERGE will transport only
the species listed as

rif_num_transport_species Number of species that will be 7 10
transported by CONVERGE. Used

only when rif_transport_species_flag =


Species name(s) Name(s) of the species that will be Typical transport species: fuel ,
transported by the CONVERGE flow O2, N2 , CO, CO2 , H2O, H2.
solver. Used only when Use NO for NOx emissions.

rif_transport_species_flag = 1. Use C2H2 for soot emissions.

rif_num_bc0 Number of species for the o xidizer. 2

rif_num_bc1 Number of species for the fuel. 1

Currently only single-component

fuels are supported.

rif_fuel_temp Gaseous phase fuel temperature (K). 700

#Laminar Flamespeed and Table Options

sl_model Laminar flamespeed model. 2

0 = Constant laminar flamespeed,

1 = Metghalchi correlation ,
2 = Gulder correlation ,
3 = User-defined tables.

sl_constant_laminar_flamespeed Laminar flamespeed ( ms / ). Used N/A

when sl_model = 0.

sl_temp_ref Reference temperature ( K ). Used 298

when sl_model = 1 or 2.

sl_pres_ref Reference pressure ( Pa ). Used when 101325

sl_model = 1 or 2.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 753

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

sl_temp_a a
Constant ( ) for the temperature See below.

exponent equation (only for the G-

Equation model):
a m( 1) .

sl_temp_m Slope ( m ) for the temperature Metghalchi: -0.8

exponent equation (only for the G- Gulder: 0

Equation model):
a m( 1) .

sl_pres_a a
Constant ( ) for the pressure See below.

exponent equation (only for the G-

Equation model):
a m( 1) .

sl_pres_m Slope ( m ) for the pressure e xponent Metghalchi: 0.22

equation (only for the G-Equation Gulder: 0

a m( 1) .

sl_dilution Dilution species mass fraction ( e.g., N/A


sl_metghalchi_bm Metghalchi constant ( m ). Used only See below.

when sl_model = 1.

sl_metghalchi_b2 Metghalchi constant ( m ). Used only See below.

when sl_model = 1.

sl_metghalchi_equiv_ratio Metghalchi reference equivalence See below.

ratio. Used only when sl_model = 1.

sl_gulder_omega Gulder coefficient for calculating See below.

laminar flamespeed. Used only when

sl_model = 2.

sl_gulder_eta Gulder coefficient for calculating See below.

laminar flamespeed. Used only when

sl_model = 2.

sl_gulder_xi Gulder coefficient for calculating See below.

laminar flamespeed. Used only when

sl_model = 2.

#Turbulence Flamespeed

st_model Turbulent flame-speed calculation N/A


0 = No turbulent flamespeed model ,

1 = Peters flamespeed model (G-Eqn
and FGM),

11 = Modified Peters (G-Eqn),

2 = Zimont (FGM),

3 = Pitsch (G-Eqn with LES).

754 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

st_peters_a 4 Turbulent flamespeed correlation 0.78

constant. Used only when st_model =

1 or 11.

st_peters_b1 Turbulent flamespeed correlation 2.0

constant. A larger value increases the

turbulent flamespeed while a smaller

value decreases the turbulent

flamespeed. This parameter has the

largest influence on the turbulent

flamespeed. Used only when st_model

=1 or 11.

st_peters_b3 Turbulent flamespeed correlation 1.0

constant. Used only when st_model =

1 or 11.

st_peters_g_prime_cs Constant used to solve for the 2.0

variance of G .

st_zimont_a Turbulent flamespeed constant for N/A

the Zimont model. Used only when

st_model = 2.

st_pitsch_b1 Turbulent flamespeed correlation 2.0

constant. A larger value increases the

turbulent flamespeed while a smaller

value decreases the turbulent

flamespeed. This parameter has the

largest influence on the turbulent

flamespeed. Used only when sl_model

= 3.

st_pitsch_b3 Turbulent flamespeed correlation 1.0

constant. Used only when sl_model =



mix_frac_flag 0 = No mixture fraction calculation , N/A

1 = Mixture fraction calculation


mix_frac_var_flag 0 = No mixture fraction variance N/A

calculation ,
1 = Mixture fraction variance
calculation enabled.

mix_frac_c_chi Constant used in modeling the scalar 2.0

dissipation in the mi xture fraction

variance calculation.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 755

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files


#Combust Start and End

0 combust_region_flag

-10.0 combust_start_time
135.0 combust_end_time
600.0 combust_temp_cutoff
1e-08 combust_hc_minimum

1 emissions_flag

1 sage_flag
constant_volume sage_option
0 sage_ode_solver
0 sage_solve_temp
2.0 sage_delta_temp
1 sage_analyt_jac
0.0001 sage_rel_tol
1e-14 sage_abs_tol
1.0 sage_reaction_multiplier
0 sage_dmr_flag

0 ceq_flag
0 ceq_species_subset_flag
0.1 ceq_cm2

#Adaptive Zoning
1 adaptive_zone_flag
2 adaptive_zone_bin_dim
5.0 adaptive_zone_bin_temp
0.05 adaptive_zone_bin_react_ratio
1 adaptive_zone_nox_flag
0 adaptive_zone_output_flag
0 adaptive_zone_hr_map_flag

c7h16 fuel_name

0 ctc_flag
-999999.0 ctc_init_time
1 ctc_mult_scale_flag
0.2 ctc_tau_fraction
0.1 ctc_cm2
7680000000.0 ctc_denomc
1000.0 ctc_temp_cutoff

0 shell_flag
150000.0 shell_af04

0 fgm_flag

756 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

#ECFM (premixed)
0 ecfm_flag
1.6 ecfm_stretch_alpha
1.0 ecfm_destruct_beta
0 ecfm_spark_flag
2 ecfm_auto_ignition_flag
"ignition_delay.dat" ecfm_tki_table_filename
2e-05 ecfm_auto_ignition_tc
1 ecfm_post_ceq_flag
0 ecfm_reinit_flag

0 g_eqn_flag
-0.1 g_eqn_init_value
0 g_eqn_grad_g_flag
3500.0 g_eqn_g_temp_cutoff
0 g_eqn_spark_flag
0.3 g_eqn_spark_efficiency
100 g_eqn_num_kernel_init
80.0 g_eqn_karlovitz_ignition
2.0 g_eqn_c_chi

#ECFM3Z (nonpremixed)
0 ecfm3z_flag
2.0 ecfm3z_mix_betam
1.6 ecfm3z_stretch_alpha
1.0 ecfm3z_destruct_beta
2 ecfm3z_auto_ignition_flag
"ignition_delay.dat" ecfm3z_tki_table_filename
2e-05 ecfm3z_auto_ignition_tc
1 ecfm3z_post_ceq_flag
0 ecfm3z_reinit_flag

0 rif_flag
1 rif_nproc_flamelet
1e-05 rif_init_zmin
0.0 rif_unburned_temp_offset
2.0 rif_flamelet_c_chi
2.0 rif_cfd_c_chi
1000.0 rif_chi_clip
1 rif_num_flamelets
4 rif_grid_type
100 rif_num_zgrids
0 rif_pdf_flag
0 rif_transport_species_flag
0 rif_num_transport_species
0 rif_num_bc0
0 rif_num_bc1
700.0 rif_fuel_temp

#Laminar Flame Speed and Table Option

2 sl_model
0.0 sl_constant_laminar_flamespeed
298.0 sl_temp_ref
101325.0 sl_pres_ref
1.8 sl_temp_a
-0.8 sl_temp_m

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 757

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

-0.24 sl_pres_a
0.22 sl_pres_m
0.0 sl_dilution
0.2632 sl_metghalchi_bm
-0.8472 sl_metghalchi_b2
1.13 sl_metghalchi_equiv_ratio
0.4658 sl_gulder_omega
-0.326 sl_gulder_eta
4.48 sl_gulder_xi

#Turbulent Flame Speed

0 st_model
0.78 st_peters_a4
2.0 st_peters_b1
1.0 st_peters_b3
2.0 st_peters_g_prime_cs
2.0 st_zimont_a
2.0 st_pitsch_b1
1.0 st_pitsch_b3

0 mix_frac_flag
0 mix_frac_var_flag
2.0 mix_frac_c_chi
2.0 mix_frac_c_chi
Figure 22.52: An example file.

Table 22.44 provides recommended values of the Metghalchi constants for several fuels

(Metghalchi and Keck , 1982).

Table 22.44: Fuel-specific values of the Metghalchi constants.

FUEL sl_metghalchi_bm sl_metghalchi_b2 sl_metghalchi_ sl_temp_a sl_pres_a
(m/s) (m/s) equiv_ratio
Methanol 0.3692 -1.4051 1.11 2.11 -0.13

Propane 0.3422 -1.3865 1.08 2.13 -0.17

Isooctane 0.2632 -0.8472 1.13 2.26 -0.18

Values for some of the G-Equation parameters are functions of the fuel used in the

simulation. Table 22.45 provides recommended values of the Gulder constants for various

fuels (Gulder , 1984).

758 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Table 22.45: Fuel-specific values of the Gulder constants.

FUEL sl_gulder_omega sl_gulder_eta sl_gulder_xi sl_temp_a sl_pres_a
Methane 0.4220 0.150 5.18 2.00 -0.50

Propane 0.4460 0.120 4.95 1.77 -0.20

Methanol 0.4920 0.250 5.11 1.75

-0.2 1

-0.2 , > 1

Ethanol 0.4650 0.250 6.34 1.75
0.17 , 1
, 1

Isooctane 0.4658 -0.326 4.48 1.56 -0.22

Isooctane/ 0.4658 1-0.53V -0.326 4.48 1.55 -0.22

Methanol *

0.4658 1 0.07V 0.35 -0.326 4.48
1.56 0.23V -0.22

Ethanol *

*For isooctane/alcohol mixtures , V is the volume fraction of alcohol. These correlations are valid for 0
V 0.2.

Region-Based Combustion -

To activate region-based combustion modeling , set combust_region_flag = 1 in
and include the file in the Case Directory. Table 22.46 describes the

parameters in this file. Repeat this block of parameters for as many regions as desired.

Figure 22.53 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.46: Parameters in

Parameter Description
region_id The region in which combustion calculations will be performed

according to the information given in the ne xt three lines. The value given
here must also be a region_id
in .

temporal type SE QU ENTIAL, PERMANENT CYCLIC CYCLIC, or . For the period must


combust_tstart Start time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 or in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) for combustion modeling.

combust_tend End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 or in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) for combustion modeling.


3 region_id

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 759

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

cyclic 720
176.00 combust_tstart
300 combust_tend

9 region_id
-4.00 combust_tstart
120 combust_tend
Figure 22.53: An example file.
CTC Initialization -
In multi-cycle or multi-cylinder engine simulations , reset the Characteristic Time

Combustion (CTC) model via ctc_init_time in . To specify reset times (in crank
angle degrees ) and periods that vary on a region-by-region basis , specify the name of an

input file ( ) as the value of ctc_init_time . Table 22.47 below describes the

parameters in the CTC initialization file. Repeat this entire block of parameters as needed.

Figure 22.54 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.47: Parameters in the CTC initialization file (e.g.,

Parameter Description
ctc_num_region Number of region(s) in which CONVERGE will reset the CTC model

according to the ne xt three parameters.

ctc_active_region The region ID value(s) of the regions in which the CTC model will be

reset. There should be ctc_num_region values. These values must be

consistent with the region_id

values in .

ctc_init_time The time ( crank angle degrees ) at which the CTC model will be reset.

ctc_init_period The time period ( crank angle degrees ) after which the CTC model will be



2 ctc_num_region
0 ctc_active_region
1 ctc_active_region
120.0 ctc_init_time
720.0 ctc_init_period
1 ctc_num_region
2 ctc_active_region
240.0 ctc_init_time
360.0 ctc_init_period
Figure 22.55: An example file. In this example, CTC is reinitialized in Regions 0 and 1
at 120 CAD and has a period of 720 CAD. CTC is reinitialized in Region 2 at 240 CAD and has a period
of 360 CAD.

760 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Region-Based G-Equation Initialization -

The G-Equation model (
is non-zero in ) requires initialization of G . To

activate region-based initialization e.g.,
specify a file name ( ) in quotation

marks for in and then include that file in the Case Directory.
Table 22.48 describes the parameters in . Figure 22.56 shows an e xample file.

In, you must specify a value of G for each region , even if combustion does not

occur in all regions in the domain. CONVERGE will ignore the information related to

regions in which combustion does not occur.

Table 22.48: Parameters in

Parameter Description
g_eqn_num_region Number of regions in which G will be initialized according to the

information on the ne xt few lines.

g_eqn_region Region ID of the region in which G will be initialized with the value that

follows. There must be g_eqn_num_region entries of this parameter.

g_eqn_init_value The initial value of G for the previously specified region(s).

g_eqn_init_time The time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 or in crank angle degrees crank_flag =

1 or 2) at which Gis initialized or reset.

g_eqn_init_period The period after which G will be reinitialized.

2 g_eqn_num_region
0 g_eqn_region
1 g_eqn_region
-1.0 g_eqn_init_value
-1.5 g_eqn_init_time
720.0 g_eqn_init_period

1 g_eqn_num_region
2 g_eqn_region
-2.0 g_eqn_init_value
20.0 g_eqn_init_time
720.0 g_eqn_init_period
Figure 22.56: An example file.
Ifecfm_spark_flag = 2 , is required. Table 22.49 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.1 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.49: Parameters in

Parameter Description
issim_c_ignition_mass Correction factor for the ignition mass. Must be at least 1. Default is 1.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 761

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

issim_c_flame_wrinkling Initial flame surface wrinkling. Set to 1 for laminar spherical ignition. Set

to greater than 1 for turbulent ignition. Default is 2.

issim_num_plugs Number of spark plugs. If multiple spark plugs repeat ,

issim_spark_locate_x through issim_sec_ind for each spark plug.

issim_spark_locate_x The x coordinate of the spark plug ( meters ).

issim_spark_locate_y The y coordinate of the spark plug ( meters ).

issim_spark_locate_z The z coordinate of the spark plug ( meters ).

issim_electrode_distance Inter-electrodes distance ( meters ).

issim_electrode_diameter Electrode diameter ( meters ).

issim_secondary_resistance Secondary resistance ( ohm ).

issim_seccondary_inductance Secondary inductance (H enry ).

issim_num_ignitions Number of ignitions. If multiple ignitions repeat , issim_nplug through

issim_initial_sec_energy for each ignition.

issim_plug_id The number of the spark plug associated with the ignition. The spark

plugs are numbered sequentially from 0 to ( issim_nplug - 1).

Temporal type of the SE QUENTIAL CYCLIC CYCLIC,

or . For the period (in seconds crank_flag

ignition =0 crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1 or 2) must follow.

issim_spark_start_time Start time (inseconds crank_flag =

if crank angle degrees crank_flag
0 or in if

=1 or 2) of the ignition.

issim_initial_sec_energy Initial secondary circuit energy (j oules



1 issim_c_ignition_mass
1 issim_c_flame_wrinkling
2 issim_num_plugs

0.0 issim_spark_locate_x
0.0 issim_spark_locate_y
-6.9e-3 issim_spark_locate_z
1.e-3 issim_electrode_distance
0.5e-3 issim_electrode_diameter
1.e4 issim_secondary_resistance
30. issim_secondary_inductance

0.05 issim_spark_locate_x
0.05 issim_spark_locate_y
-6.9e-3 issim_spark_locate_z
1.1e-3 issim_electrode_distance
0.6e-3 issim_electrode_diameter
1.e4 issim_secondary_resistance
30. issim_secondary_inductance

762 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

2 issim_num_ignitions

0 issim_plug_id
-25. issim_spark_start_time
38.9e-3 issim_initial_sec_energy

1 issim_plug_id
-27. issim_spark_start_time
38.9e-3 issim_initial_sec_energy
Figure 22.7: Example file.
ECFM3Z Reinitialization -
ecfm3z_reinit_flag = ,
If 1 is required. This file allows you to direct

CONVERGE to reinitialize the combustion domain in specific regions at specific times.

Table22.50 below describes the parameters in Figure 22.57 shows an

e xample file.

Table 22.50: Parameters in Repeat these parameters as desired to reinitialize

different regions at different times.
Parameter Description
ecfm3z_num_region Number of regions to be reinitialized at the same time.

ecfm3z_region The region IDs of the region(s) to be reinitialized. There should be

ecfm3z_num_region entries of this line.

ecfm3z_init_time crank angle degrees

The time in at which the combustion domain is



2 ecfm3z_num_region
0 ecfm3z_region
1 ecfm3z_region
50.0 ecfm3z_init_time

1 ecfm3z_num_region
4 ecfm3z_region
100.0 ecfm3z_init_time
Figure 22.57 : An example file.
CEQ Species -
ceq_subsp_flag =
1 in the CE Q solver uses a subset of species as part of
the equilibrium solver. The file lists the subset of species to be used by the

CE Q solver. Table 22.51 below describes the format of this file. Figure 22.58 shows an

e xample file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 763

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Table 22.51: Parameter in

Parameter Description
ceq_species Species name to be solved as part of the CE Q equilibrium solver. Repeat

this row as many times as necessary.

Figure 22.58: An example file.
FGM Lookup Table -
When fgm_flag =,
1 in CONVERGE looks for the fgm-table.dat file for solutions to

the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) model. To create the fgm-table.dat ,

file first fill the file with the parameters in Table 22.52. Then , navigate to the Case Directory in the

terminal and type the command

converge fgm
to generate the lookup table. You can run this command in parallel only for the 0D ignition

and 1D premi xed flamelet types. You only need to generate the fgm-table.dat once unless

the flamelet type , chemical mechanism , fuel/o xidizer compositions , equation of state , gas

transport properties , pressure , or enthalpy change.

Table 22.52: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value for a Diesel
Internal Combustion Engine
fgm_flamelet_type Flamelet type. 1

1 = 0D ignition ,
2 = 1D diffusion ,
3 = 1D premixed.

fgm_num_zmean Number of grid points in mean 40

mi xture fraction.

fgm_num_prog_var Number of grid points in 40

reaction progress variable.

fgm_num_enthalpy Number of grid points in 40


fgm_num_zvar Number of grid points in mi xture 10

fraction variance for 1D FGM.

764 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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fgm_num_pres Number of grid points in 5

pressure for 0D FGM.

fgm_pres_low Low pressure for 0D FGM ( bar). 1

fgm_pres_high High pressure for 0D FGM ( bar). 120

fgm_pres Pressure for 1D FGM ( bar). 1

fgm_oxid_temp Temperature of o xidizer for 1D 300.0

FGM ( K ).

fgm_fuel_temp Temperature of fuel for 1D FGM 300.0

( ).

fgm_num_species_bc0 Number of species in the Case dependent

o xidizer (Z
FGM =0 boundary


O xidizer species name O xidizer species name and mass Case dependent


fgm_num_species_bc1 Number of species in the fuel Case dependent

FGM =1 boundary condition).

Fuel species name Fuel species name and mass Case dependent


fgm_num_species_post Number of species for which Case dependent

species-specific output data will

be written. To be more

computationally efficient ,
species-specific data are not

included in the simulation

output unless specified here.

Species name Name of species for which Case dependent

species-specific output data will

be written.

fgm_nox_flag FGM NO x model. Case dependent

0 = Default,
1 = Improves the accuracy of

NOx emission prediction in the

FGM model but is more

computationally e xpensive.

fgm_num_species_alpha Number of species in reaction 2

progress definition. We

recommend not changing this

parameter or the species listed.

Species name Species name and alpha value. CO 1

CO2 1

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 765

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

fgm_temp_loss Temp (Z
FGM ) multiplier for 0.333
lower heat loss bound.

fgm_temp_gain Temp (Z
FGM ) multiplier for 2
upper heat gain bound.

fgm_0d_atol Absolute tolerance for the 0D 1e-20

ignition flamelet.

fgm_diff_atol Absolute tolerance for the 1D 1e-20

diffusion flamelet.

fgm_premix_atol Absolute tolerance for the 1D 1e-20

premi xed flamelet.

fgm_0d_rtol Relative tolerance for the 0D 1e-8

ignition flamelet.

fgm_diff_rtol Relative tolerance for the 1D 1e-8

diffusion flamelet.

fgm_premix_rtol Relative tolerance for the 1D 1e-8

premi xed flamelet.

When you enable nox_flag and/or soot_hiroy_flag in, you must list the fuel

species , as well as the following additional species , in fgm_num_species_post to obtain NO x

and/or soot information. For nox_flag = 1 , list O2 , N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , H2 , H, OH , and O.

For soot_hiroy_flag = 1 , list O2 , N2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , H2 , and C2H2.

766 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

1 fgm_flamelet_type
40 fgm_num_zmean
40 fgm_num_prog_var
40 fgm_num_enthalpy
10 fgm_num_zvar
5 fgm_num_pres
1.0 fgm_pres_low
120.0 fgm_pres_high
1.0 fgm_pres
291.0 fgm_oxid_temp
294.0 fgm_fuel_temp
1 fgm_num_species_bc0
O2 0.00000
0 fgm_num_species_bc1
2 fgm_num_species_post
0 fgm_nox_flag
2 fgm_num_species_alpha
CO 1.00000
CO2 1.00000
0.333 fgm_temp_loss
2.0 fgm_temp_gain
1e-08 fgm_0d_rtol
1e-20 fgm_0d_atol
1e-05 fgm_diff_rtol
1e-12 fgm_diff_atol
1e-06 fgm_premix_rtol
1e-10 fgm_premix_atol
Figure 22.59: Example file for a diesel engine.

Ignition Delay Data - ignition_delay.dat

The tabulated kinetics of ignition model requires ignition delay data. Use tki_table_filename
in to specify the file name of the ignition delay data ( e.g., ignition_delay.dat ) and

include this file in the Case Directory. Figure 22.60 shows an e xample file.

#NUM Pressure Temperature Equiv_Ratio EGR_Ratio Time1

0 1.0000000e+01 6.0000000e+02 3.0000000e-01 0.0000000e+00
3.6471860e-01 6.1250823e-01
1 1.0000000e+01 6.0000000e+02 3.0000000e-01 3.0000000e-01
3.8939745e-01 2.3749731e+00
2 1.0000000e+01 6.0000000e+02 3.0000000e-01 6.0000000e-01
4.2369846e-01 1.0000000e+04
3 1.0000000e+01 6.0000000e+02 3.0000000e-01 8.0000000e-01
4.0479476e-01 1.0000000e+04
Figure 22.60: An example ignition_delay.dat file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 767

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Adaptive Zoning Bin Size - adaptive_zone_bin_*.in

Adaptive zoning can have variable bin size(s). When appropriately configured , a variable

bin size saves computational time compared to using a fi xed fine bin size throughout the

entire range of the variable. For e xample, you can use variable bin size to refine the zones

only in the temperature range where combustion is most important.

To set up this option , specify a *.in file name ( e.g., ) in quotation

marks for a adaptive_zone_bin_* parameter. You can use the variable bin size option for as

many of the binning variables as desired.

The variable bin size files must be tabular and sequential , and these two words must be the

first and second lines , respectively , of the file. The third line must list the column headings:

first the variable temperature, phi, phit, pressure,

( <species name> or ) and then the

corresponding adaptive_zone_bin_* ,
parameter. For a species file the species name ( e.g.,
c7h1 6 ) must match the species name given . If these two names do not match ,
CONVERGE will give an error.

Figure 13.35 below shows an example variable bin size file for temperature. This file

specifies a bin size of 10 K for all of the cells in the temperature range of 0 to 1000 K, K 5

for cells with temperatures between 1000 and 2000 K, 20 K for cells with temperatures

from 2000 to 3000 K, and 50 K for cells with temperatures greater than 3000 K.

temperature adaptive_zone_tol_temp
0.0 10.0
1000.0 5.0
2000.0 20.0
3000.0 50.0
Figure 22.61: A sample input file (e.g., showing variable temperature bin
sizes for adaptive zoning.
22.7.3 Emissions Modeling -

To model emissions , combustion must be activated ( combustion_flag = 1 in ) and

you must include both a file and an file. Table 22.53 below describes

the parameters in . Figure 22.62 shows an e xample file. Chapter 13 - Emissions

Modeling describes the emissions-related models and parameters in detail.

Table 22.53: Parameters in

Parameter Description Default / Typical Value
nox_thermal_flag 0 = No Extended Zel'dovich (thermal) N/A

NO x model,
1 = Extended Zel'dovich NOx model.

768 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Default / Typical Value

nox_thermal_rate_flag 0 =Default NOx rate coefficient, N/A

1 =User specified NOx rate coefficient

(passive_nox_rate.dat required).

nox_radical_model Assumption made for O/OH model: N/A

0 =Default Equilibrium,
1 =Partial Equilibirium,

2 =No assumptions , calculate O/OH.

(Requires O and OH in the mech.dat.

Rrecommended for Tma x < 2000K).

nox_prompt_flag 0 =No prompt NOx model, N/A

1 =Prompt NOx model (passive 'NOX '


nox_prompt_equiv_ratio Global equivalence ratio used in the 1.2

prompt NO x model.

nox_scaling_factor Mass scaling factor to convert NO to 1.533


hiroy_soot_flag 0 = No Hiroyasu/NSC soot model, N/A

1 = Hiroyasu/NSC soot model.

hiroy_asf Soot formation pre-e xponential factor (1/ 1e2 - 6e2

(s bar 0 .5

hiroy_esf Soot formation activation energy 1.25e4

parameter ( cal g-mol

/ ).

hiroy_diam Soot particle diameter ( cm). 2.5e-6

hiroy_oxid_fac Soot o xidation model factor. 1 - 5

hiroy_density Soot density ( g cm /

). 2.0

hiroy_form_flag This flag is used only when sage_flag = 1. N/A

0 = Use the sum of the hydrocarbon

species as soot formation species ,

1 = Use C2 2
H as the soot formation


phenom_soot_flag 0 =No phenomenological soot model, 0

1 =Gokul soot model,

2 =Dalian soot model ,

3 =Waseda soot model. Soot related

passives are required.

phenom_inception_factor Soot inception pre-e xponential factor. A Gokul: 2e3 ,

larger value results in higher soot level. Dalian: 1e11 ,
Waseda: 1e3.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 769

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Default / Typical Value

phenom_coagulation_factor Soot coagulation factor. A larger value Gokul: 9 ,
results in higher soot level. Dalian: 2 ,
Waseda: 4.299.

phenom_oh_collision_factor Soot o xidation of OH collision factor. A 1.3e-1

larger value results in lower soot level.

phenom_no_oxidation_factor Soot o xidation of NO factor. A larger 1.82

value results in lower soot level. Only

used for Waseda model

(phenom_soot_flag= 3).

phenom_surface_growth_value Soot surface growth factor. A larger value Gokul: 9e4 ,

results in higher soot level Dalian:1.05e4 ,
Waseda: 3e-1.

detailed_soot_flag 0 = No detailed soot model, N/A

1 = Particle Mimic (PM) Model (soot and

chemistry are coupled),

2 = Particle Size Mimic (PSM) Model (soot

and chemistry are coupled),

3 = passive PM Model (soot is calculated

using a user-specified detailed chemistry

solver) ,
4 = passive PSM model (soot is calculated

using a user-specified detailed chemistry


detailed_soot_condensation_flag 0 = No detailed soot condensation N/A

submodel ,
1 = Activate detailed soot condensation
submodel (required if detailed_soot_flag is


detailed_soot_alpha_corrector_fl 0 = Use alpha corrector values specified N/A

ag pm_alpha_corrector
( for the

PM models and psm_alpha_corrector1 and

psm_alpha_corrector2 for the PSM models) ,

1 = Calculate alpha corrector

dynamically based on local information

(non transport passive

H is required).

pm_num_mom Number of moments for PM model. N/A

pm_surface_growth_factor Soot dependence for the PM model 2.25 for diesel fuel cases

surface reactions.

-1 =No surface reactions ,

0 =Function of number density,
2 =Function of surface area ,

770 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description Default / Typical Value

3 =Function of soot volume.

pm_alpha_corrector Fraction of sites on soot surface available 3e-1 for diesel fuel cases

for surface reactions in the PM model.

psm_num_sections Number of sections (soot volume fraction) N/A

in the PSM model.

psm_num_subsections Number of subsections for each section in N/A

the PSM model.

psm_surface_growth_factor1 Describes the soot dependence from 2.0

precursor size to 40 nm for the PSM model

surface reactions.

psm_surface_growth_factor2 Describes the soot dependence from 40 2.25

nm psm_biggestsoot_diameter
to for the

PSM model surface reactions.

psm_alpha_corrector1 Fraction of sites on the soot surface 9.5e-1

available for PSM model surface reactions

in the range of precursor size to 40 nm .

psm_alpha_corrector2 Fraction of sites on the soot surface 3e-1

available for PSM model surface reactions

in the range of 40 to

psm_biggestsoot_diameter .

psm_biggestsoot_diameter Biggest soot size for PSM model ( m ). 1e-7

custom_soot_precursor_flag Soot precursor used to initialize the N/A

phenomenological PM or PSM models.

0 = Default soot precursor (PAH),

1 = Use user-specified soot precursor
(listed below) to initialize the selected

soot model

num_soot_precursor Number of user-specified soot precursors. <10

List one species per line with

composition ratio(s) below this

parameter. Note that species listed here

must e xist in the mechanism data file

(e.g., mech.dat) .


1 nox_thermal_flag
0 nox_thermal_rate_flag
0 nox_radical_model
0 nox_prompt_flag
1.2 nox_prompt_equiv_ratio

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 771

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Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

1.533 nox_scaling_factor
1 hiroy_soot_flag
500 hiroy_asf
12500 hiroy_esf
2.5e-6 hiroy_diam
3.0 hiroy_oxid_factor
2.0 hiroy_density
0 hiroy_form_flag
1 phenom_soot_flag
2000 phenom_inception_factor
9 phenom_coagulation_factor
0.13 phenom_oh_collision_factor
1.82 phenom_no_oxidation_factor
9e4 phenom_surface_growth_value
# Detailed Two-Way Coupled Soot Models
0 detailed_soot_flag
0 detailed_soot_condensation_flag
0 detailed_soot_alpha_corrector_flag
2 pm_num_moments
2.25 pm_surface_growth_factor
0.3 pm_alpha_corrector
20 psm_num_sections
5 psm_num_subsections
2.0 psm_surface_growth_factor1
2.25 psm_surface_growth_factor2
0.95 psm_alpha_corrector1
0.3 psm_alpha_corrector2
1e-7 psm_biggestsoot_diameter
1 custom_soot_precursor_flag
1 num_soot_precursor
a4 precursor species
c2h2 precursor species
Figure 22.62: An example file.
Passive NOx rate - passive_nox_rate.dat
CONVERGE automatically assigns a default reaction rate for NO x formation. However ,
you can specify the reaction rates by setting nox_thermal_rate_flag = 1 in and

including a passive_nox_rate.dat file in the Case Directory . Figure 22.63 shows an e xample
passive_nox_rate.dat file.

# 1. o + n2 <-> no + n (rate_1_for, rate_1_rev)

FOR1 7.6e13 0.0 38000.0
REV1 1.6e13 0.0 0.0

# 2. n + o2 <-> no + o (rate_2_for, rate_2_rev)

FOR2 6.4e9 1 3150.0
REV2 1.5e9 1 19500.0

# 3. n + oh <-> no + h (rate_3_for, rate_3_rev)

772 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

FOR3 4.1e13 0 0
REV3 2e14 0 23650.0
Figure 22.63: An example passive_nox_rate.dat file.
22.7.4 Turbulence Modeling -

To model turbulence , set turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in and include a

file in the Case Directory. Table 22.54 below describes the parameters in .

Tables 22.55 and 22.56 list typical values for some parameters in k- and k- models ,
respectively. Figure 22.64 shows an example file. Chapter 15 - Turbulence Modeling

describes the turbulence-related models and parameters in detail.

Table 22.54: Parameters in

Parameter Name Description
turbulence_model RANS_K_EPS_STD= k-eps ,
RANS_K_EPS_RNG = RNG k-eps ,

RANS_K_EPS_RNG_RD = Rapid distortion RNG k-eps ,

RANS_K_EPS_REAL = Realizable k-eps ,

RANS_K_EPS_V2F = v2 -f model,
RANS_K_EPS_ZETAF =-f model ,
RANS_K_OMEGA_STD_98 = Standard k-omega
1998 ,

RANS_K_OMEGA_STD = Standard k-omega 2006 ,


DDES_K_OMEGA_SST = Delayed detached eddy simulation ,

IDDES_K_OMEGA_SST = Delayed detached eddy simulation with

improved wall-modeling capabilities ,


LES_ONE_EQN_VISC = One-equation eddy viscosity LES,

LES_SMAG = Smagorinsky model ,

LES_DY N_SMAG = Dynamic Smagorinsky model ,

LES_DY N_STRUCT = Dynamic structure model ,

LES_CON_DY N_STRUCT = Consistent dynamic structure model ,

#k-eps RANS model constants

keps_cmu Turbulent viscosity coefficient for k- models.

keps_rpr_tke Reciprocal tke Prandtl number for k- models.

keps_ceps1 equation coefficient for k- models.

keps_ceps2 equation coefficient for k- models.

keps_ceps3 equation coefficient for k- models. Typically -1.0 to 1.0. CONVERGE

ignores this parameter if turbulence_model = RANS_K_EPS_RNG_RD.

keps_rpr_eps Reciprocal eps Prandlt number for k- models.

keps_rng_beta equation coefficient for k- models. Typically 0.012.

keps_rng_eta0 equation coefficient for k- models. Typically 4.38.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 773

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Name Description

keps_near_wall_treatment 0 = Standard wall function ,
1 = Scalable wall function ,
2 = Non-equilibrium wall function.

#v2-f and zeta-f RANS model constants

keps_v2f_cmu v2 -f model equation coefficient. Typically 0.22.

keps_v2f_c1 Equation coefficient for v2 -f and -f models.

keps_v2f_c2 v2 -f model equation coefficient. Typically 0.3.

keps_v2f_cl Equation coefficient for v2 -f and -f models.

keps_v2f_ceta Equation coefficient for v2 -f and -f models.

keps_zetaf_rpr_zeta -f model equation coefficient. Typically 1.0/1.2 ( i.e., 0.83333).

keps_zetaf_c2prime -f model equation coefficient. Typically 0.65.

#k-omega RANS model constants

komega_cmu Turbulent viscosity coefficient for k- models. Typically 0.9.

komega_rpr_tke Reciprocal tke Prandtl number for k- models.

komega_rpr_omega Reciprocal omega Prandtl number for k- models. Typically 0.5.

komega_alpha Equation coefficient for k- models.

komega_beta equation coefficient for k- models

komega_clim Eddy viscosity constant limit for standard k- 2006. Typically 0.875.

komega_sst_a1 Equation coefficient for k- SST models. Typically 0.31.

komega_rpr_tke_outer Outer reciprocal tke Prandtl number for k- SST models. Typically 1.0.

komega_rpr_omega_outer Outer reciprocal omega Prandtl number for k- SST models. Typically

komega_alpha_outer Outer equation coefficient for k- SST models. Typically 0.44.

komega_beta_outer Outer equation coefficient for k- SST models. Typically 0.0828.

komega_near_wall_treatme 0 = Standard wall function ,

nt 1 = Automatic wall function ,
2 = Automatic wall function with Wilcox's low-Re corrections ,
3 = Menter's wall boundary conditions.

#DES model constants (k-omega SST based)

ddes_komegasst_cdes Model constant for DDES and IDDES models. Typically 0.78.

ddes_komegasst_cdes_oute Model constant for DDES and IDDES models. Typically 0.61.

774 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Name Description

ddes_komegasst_cd1 Model constant for DDES and IDDES models. Typically 20.0.

ddes_komegasst_cd2 Model constant for DDES and IDDES models. Typically 3.0.

iddes_komegasst_cw Model constant for the IDDES model. Typically 0.15.

iddes_komegasst_cl Model constant for the IDDES model. Typically 5.0.

iddes_komegasst_ct Model constant for the IDDES model. Typically 1.87.

#LES model constants

les_rpr_tke Reciprocal tke Prandtl number for one-equation LES models. Typically 1.0.

les_c_tke Constant used in estimating sub-grid values. Typically 1.0 to 5.0.

les_c_tke_visc LES turbulent viscosity model constant. Typically 0.05 for the one-equation

eddy viscosity and consistent dynamic structure models 0.5 for the ,
dynamic structure model and 0.1 to 0.2 for the Smagorinsky model.

les_c_eps LES dissipation rate model constant. Used for one-equation LES models.

Typically 1.0.

les_wall_model 0 = Standard law-of-the-wall,

1 = Werner and Wengle wall model.

#Wall modeling

wall_dist_flag Wall distance calculation scheme.

0 = Use 0.5 times the cell size,

1 = Use 0.3 times the cell size.

heat_model 0 = Amsden ,
1 = Han and Reitz ,
2 = Angelberger,
3 = GruMo-UniMORE.

law_kappa Karman's constant. Typically 0.42.

law_c Law-of-the-wall parameter. Typically 5.5.

#Other physics effects

discrete_c_s equation coefficient (a value of 0.0 turns off the spray/turbulence

modulation term in both the k and equations). Typically 0.0 1.5.

discrete_c_ps Drop turbulent dispersion constant. Typically 0.0 0.16.

buoyancy_flag 0 = No buoyancy effects ,

1 = Buoyancy effects enabled. Requires gravity_x, gravity_y, and gravity_z
values in . CONVERGE ignores this parameter for non-RANS


#Turbulence statistics

turb_stat_flag Activate the turbulence statistics calculation feature.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 775

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Name Description

0 = Do not calculate turbulence statistics ,
1 = Calculate mean turbulence values and fluctuations.

turb_stat_start_time The start time ( seconds crank_flag = , crank angle degrees crank_flag =
if 0 if 1 or

2) for the mean statistics and fluctuation calculations.

turb_stat_end_time The end time ( seconds crank_flag = , crank angle degrees crank_flag =
if 0 if 1 or

2) for the mean statistics and fluctuation calculations.

turb_stat_tol Relative tolerance for turbulence statistics convergence =

abs delta mean mean
( ( )/ ).

For monitoring purposes only.

Table 22.55: Typical values of RANS k- parameters in

Parameter Typical Value for Typical Value for Typical Value for Typical Value for
Name k- Models RNG k- Models v2-f -f
keps_cmu 0.09 0.0845 0.09 0.09

keps_rpr_tke 1.0 1.39 1.0 1.0

keps_ceps1 1.44 1.42 1.4 1.4

keps_ceps2 1.92 1.68 1.9 1.9

keps_v2f_c1 N/A N/A 1.4 0.4

keps_v2f_cl N/A N/A 0.23 0.36

keps_v2f_ceta N/A N/A 70 85

Table 22.56: Typical values of RANS k- parameters in

Parameter Name Typical Value for Typical Value for Standard Typical Value for k-
Standard k- 1998 k- 2006 SST
komega_rpr_tke 0.5 0.6 0.85

komega_alpha 13/25 13/25 5/9

komega_beta 0.072 0.0708 0.075


RANS_K_EPS_REAL turbulence_model

# k-eps RANS model constants

0.0845 keps_cmu
1.39 keps_rpr_tke
1.42 keps_ceps1
1.68 keps_ceps2
-1.0 keps_ceps3
1.39 keps_rpr_eps

776 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

0.012 keps_rng_beta
4.38 keps_rng_eta0
0 keps_near_wall_treatment

# v2f/zetaf RANS model constants

0.22 keps_v2f_cmu
0.4 keps_v2f_c1
0.3 keps_v2f_c2
0.36 keps_v2f_cl
85.0 keps_v2f_ceta
0.8333 keps_zetaf_rpr_zeta
0.65 keps_zetaf_c2prime

# k-omega RANS model constants

0.09 komega_cmu
0.85 komega_rpr_tke
0.5 komega_rpr_omega
0.556 komega_alpha
0.075 komega_beta
0.875 komega_clim
0.31 komega_sst_a1
1.0 komega_rpr_tke_outer
0.856 komega_rpr_omega_outer
0.44 komega_alpha_outer
0.0828 komega_beta_outer
0 komega_near_wall_treatment

# DES model contants (k-omega SST based)

0.78 ddes_komegasst_cdes
0.61 ddes_komegasst_cdes_outer
20.0 ddes_komegasst_cd1
3.0 ddes_komegasst_cd2
0.15 iddes_komegasst_cw
5.0 iddes_komegasst_cl
1.87 iddes_komegasst_ct

# LES model constants

1.0 les_rpr_tke
2.0 les_c_tke
0.05 les_c_tke_visc
2.0 les_c_eps
1 les_wall_model

# Wall modeling
0 wall_dist_flag
0 heat_model
0.42 law_kappa
5.5 law_c

# Other physics effects

0.0 discrete_c_s
0.03 discrete_c_ps
0 buoyancy_flag

# Turbulence Statistics
0 turb_stat_flag
-999999 turb_stat_start_time
-999999 turb_stat_end_time
0.0001 turb_stat_tol

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 777

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Figure 22.64: An example file.

22.7.5 Source/Sink Modeling -

In CONVERGE , you can have sources and sinks for energy , momentum , turbulent kinetic

energy , dissipation , species , passive scalars , and porous media. To model sources , set

source_flag = 1 in and include a file. Table 22.57 describes below describes

the parameters in . Figure 22.65 shows an xample

e file. Chapter 6 - Source

Modeling describes the source modeling-related process in detail.

Table 22.57: Parameters in

Parameter Description
source equation ENERG Y (thermal source) ; U-E Q, V-E Q, W-E Q (momentum source) ; TKE

(turbulent kinetic energy source) ; EPS (turbulent dissipation source) ;

species name (species source) ; passive name (passive source) ; POROUS

(porous media source).

source_type 0 = Per unit volume per time,

1 = Total source,
2 = Pressure trace,
3 = Heat release data.
Options 2 and 3 are valid only for ENERG Y sources.
Not used when source equation is POROUS.

source_unit_volume Source value per unit volume per time. Used only when source_type = 0. Not

used for POROUS sources. Units: Wm /

(ENERG Y , kg s -m
) / Q,2 2
(U-E V- E Q,
W-E Q), m2 s3/ (TKE) , m2 s /
(EPS) , s2
1/ (OMEGA) , kg m -s
, (species) source

value/ m -s

source_value Total source value (when steady_solver = 0 in ) or total source value

per unit time (when steady_solver = 1). For all non-ENERG Y sources , used

only when source_type = 1. Not used for POROUS sources.

Total source value units: J (ENERG Y), kg-m s / (U-E Q, V-E Q, W-E Q), kg-m s 2

(TKE) , kg-m s 2
(EPS) , kg ,
(species) source value (passive).

Total source value per unit time units: J/ s (ENERG Y), kg-m s2 / (U-E Q, V-E Q,
W-EQ), kg-m /s kg-m s kg s s
2 3 (TKE) , 2
(EPS) , / (species) , source value/


For ENERG Y sources , when source_type = 2 the source_value parameter gives

the name of the file that contains pressure trace data. For ENERG Y sources ,
when source_type = 3 the source_value parameter gives the name of the file

that contains heat release data.

Temporal type SE QU ENTIAL, PERMANENT or CYCLIC . For CYCLIC, the period must


778 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Parameter Description
source_start_time Start time for source/sink ( s CAD
or ).

source_end_time End time for source/sink ( s CAD

or ).

max_value Ma ximum value that solution variable associated with a source can attain.

Not used when source equation is POROUS. Units: temperature K (ENERG Y),
absolute value of velocity ms / (U-E Q, V- EQ, W-EQ), m s 2
(TKE) , m s 2
(EPS) ,
mass fraction (species) ma, ximum passive value (passive).

source_shape Shape of the source: BO i.e.

X, REGION ( , the size and shape of a source is an

entire region), LINE, CIRCLE, CY LINDER , or SPHERE.

BO X x_center Center of bo x source (x, y, and z


x_size Half of x, y, and z dimensions of the bo x

( ).

REGION region_id Region ID number (not name).

LINE x1_center Starting point of line source ( x, y, and z


x2_center End point of line source( x, y, and z


num_points Number of evenly spaced points on the

line source.

CIRCLE x_center Center of circle source ( x, y, and z


radius_circle Radius of the circle source ( m ).

normal_vector Normal vector of the circle source ( x. y,

and z values of normal vector).

num_points Number of evenly spaced points on the

circle source.

C YLINDER x1_center Center of first circle ( x, y, and z


radius1 Radius of the first circle ( m ).

x2_center Center of second circle ( x, y, and z


radius2 Radius of the second circle.

SPHERE x_center Center of sphere source ( x, y, and z


radius Radius of sphere source ( m ).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 779

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Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description
moving_flag 0 = Source is not moving ,
1 = Source is moving at a specified velocity ,
2 = Source is moving with the flow.

velocity Prescribed velocity. Used only when moving_flag = 1.

max_displace Ma ximum distance that the source can move. Used only when moving_flag
= 1.

reset_source_flag 0 = Do not move source back to original location ,

1 = Return source to original location when max_displace is reached ,
2 = Return source when any point in LINE or CIRCLE e xceeds max_displace
(only for LINE and CIRCLE sources).

mult_dt_source Time-step limiter for source magnitude.

source_temp Temperature ( K ) for the species source. Used only for species sources.

source_velocity Absolute velocity (ms / ) (specify an x, y, z vector) of the species being

sourced. Used only for species sources.

NOTE: This velocity is not relative to the velocity of the source shape that is

specified with the velocity parameter as described in the previous Source

Modeling Setup section.

alpha_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m/

) in the flow direction. Used only for

POROUS sources.

alpha_cross_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m/

) in the cross-flow direction. Used only for

POROUS sources.

beta_coeff Permeability coefficient kg m -s

( /
) in the flow direction. Used only for

POROUS sources.

beta_cross_coeff Permeability coefficient ( kg m -s/

) in the cross-flow direction. Used only for

POROUS sources.

is_directional_flag 0 = Isotropic (only alpha_coeff and beta_coeff are used for calculating

velocity) ,
1 = Orthrotropic ( alpha_coeff, alpha_cross_coeff, beta_coeff, and beta_cross_coeff
are used for calculating velocity).

Used only for POROUS sources.

direction Direction vector in i, , k

j . Used only for POROUS sources.

eff_conductivity_flag 0 = CONVERGE assumes the thermal conductivity of the porous region is

equal to the thermal conductivity of the fluid in the porous region ,

1 = CONVERGE calculates the effective thermal conductivity of the porous

region (see Chapter 6 - Source Modeling).

conductive_porosity The porosity used to calculate effective thermal conductivity (used only

when eff_conductivity_flag = 1).

780 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description
solid_conductivity The solid conductivity used to calculate effective thermal conductivity

(used only when eff_conductivity_flag = 1).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 781

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###Energy-Box Source###
-0.0038 0.0 0.0079
0.0005 0.0005 0.0012
1.0 2.0 3.0
###Energy-Region Source###

###Energy-Line Source###
-0.00388 0.0 0.008449
-0.00388 0.0 0.007386
0.0 0.0 0.0
###Energy-Circle Source###

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-0.00 0.0 -0.001
0.0 0.0 -1.0
1.0 2.0 3.0
###Species-Cylinder Source###
-0.0038 0.0 0.0079
-0.0038 0.0 0.0074
1.0 2.0 3.0
#Source in X-Momentum (Cylinder)###
-0.0038 0.0 0.0079
-0.0038 0.0 0.0074
1.0 2.0 3.0

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 783

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###TKE Source-(Cylinder)###
-0.0038 0.0 0.0079
-0.0038 0.0 0.0074
1.0 2.0 3.0
#Source in Porous Media(Cylinder)###
1.0 0.0 0.0

-0.0038 0.0 0.0079
-0.0038 0.0 0.0074
1.0 2.0 3.0
Figure 6.1: An example file.

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22.7.6 Volume of Fluid Modeling - and

To activate the volume of fluid (VOF) method , set vof_flag = 1 in and include a file. Table 22.58 describes below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.65

shows an e xample file. Chapter 16 - Volume of Fluid Modeling describes the VOF-related

parameters in detail.

Table 22.58: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical value
vof_model 0 = No front tracking, N/A

1 = HRIC scheme is used to prevent smearing and

numerical diffusion of the interface due to the

prevalent upwinding scheme ,

2 = PLIC method is used to calculate a sharper fluid-fluid


ref_temp Reference temperature ( K ) used in the equation of state to 300

calculate gas density.

ref_pres Reference pressure ( Pa ) used in the equation of state to 100000

calculate gas density.

wall_adhesion_flag 0 = Do not use the wall adhesion model, N/A

1 = Use the wall adhesion model.

contact_angle The contact angle (in degrees ) that the fluid is assumed to 100

make with the wall. Used to adjust the normal vectors of

the cells near the wall.

cavitation_flag 0 = Do not use cavitation model, N/A

1 = Use the cavitation model.

theta_0 Time scale coefficient as described previously. 3.87e-7

condensation_time_fact Condensation time factor F

, , as described previously. 5000.0

or Used to lower the condensation rate.

psi_vof_min Minimum value allowed for j as described previously. 1e-5

power_alpha Power inde x of a as described previously. -0.54

power_phi Power inde x of j as described previously. -1.76

cav_liquid Name of the liquid species (must be available in liquid.dat N/A

and defined in ).

cav_gas Name of the gas (vapor) species (must be available in N/A

therm.dat ).

vof_spray_flag 0 = Do not write out the vof_spray.out ,

file N/A

1 = Write out the vof_spray.out file (used for VOF-spray

one-way coupling). If 1 , is required.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 785

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dissolved_gas_flag 0 = No dissolved gas modeling, N/A

1 = Dissolved gas modeling.

num_dissolved_gas Number of gases in which to model dissolution. N/A

dissolved gas ,
Name of gas species dissolved gas passive name Henry , N/A

information ,
constant and time-scale (all on one line). Repeat this

information num_dissolved_gas times (one line per



0 vof_model
300 ref_temp
100000 ref_pres
1 wall_adhesion_flag
100 contact_angle
1 cavitation_flag
3.87e-7 theta_0
5000 condensation_time_factor
1.0e-5 psi_vof_min
-0.54 power_alpha
-1.76 power_phi
ic8h18 cav_liquid
c8h18 cav_gas
0 vof_spray_flag
1 dissolved_gas_flag
C7H16 CYLINDER 0.001 0.1
Figure 22.1: An example file that includes cavitation and wall adhesion modeling.

If vof_spray_flag = , 1 you must include . This file specifies how CONVERGE

will write the vof_spray.out file , which can be used for VOF-spray one-way coupling.

Table 22.59: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical value
twrite_vof_spray Frequency (in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) with which

CONVERGE will write data to vof_spray.out .

vof_spray_regions A pair of adjacent regions (identified by ID numbers). N/A

CONVERGE will write data from the interface between

these regions to vof_spray.out . Repeat this line as needed.


1e-09 twrite_vof_spray
0 1 vof_spray_regions
0 2 vof_spray_regions
Figure 22.2: An example file.

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Chapter 22
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22.7.7 Conjugate Heat Transfer Modeling -

To activate conjugate heat transfer modeling , set cht_supercycle_flag = 1 in and

include a file. Table 22.60 below describes the parameters in .

Figure 22.65 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.60: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value
supercycle_start_time The start time (inseconds crank_flag = if 0 or in N/A

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) for the super-

cycle model.

supercycle_stage_interval seconds crank_flag =

The time interval (in if 0 or in 60 seconds
crank angle degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2) of a super-

cycle stage. During this interval , CONVERGE

calculates and stores heat transfer coefficient and

near-wall temperature data. At the end of a

supercycle_stage_interval, CONVERGE averages these

values for each cell at the solid/fluid interface.

supercycle_num_stages Total number of stages over which CONVERGE will 12

average data. Refer to the Super-Cycle Stages section

in this chapter for more information.

supercycle_cflk CFL number for solid sensible internal energy (sie) 100.0


supercycle_energy_tol Sensible internal energy tolerance for the solver in the 1.0e-07

solid region. This parameter dictates the convergence

criterion for a steady-state solid heat transfer


supercycle_energy_omega Sensible internal energy under-rela xation factor for 1.4

the solver in the solid region.

supercycle_steady_coeff Not currently used. N/A

supercycle_length ,
If negative CONVERGE uses a steady-state solver to -1.0

solve the heat transfer in the solid.

If positive CONVERGE uses a transient solver and

the magnitude of this parameter represents the length

of time ( seconds crank angle degrees

or ) for the transient

calculation. Use the transient approach to obtain a

time-accurate solution.

supercycle_surface_map_flag 0 = No cylinder duplication , N/A

1 = Cylinder duplication (


supercycle_num_points The number of monitor points used to monitor N/A

temperature data in the solid region. This row is

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 787

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Parameter Description Typical Value

followed by rows that list the ( x ,y, z) coordinates of

each monitor point. Use the supercycle_num_points

parameter to output temperature only during the

super-cycle sequence.

x, y, z coordinates Output point locations. The number of output point N/A

coordinate entries must correspond to the number

specified in supercycle_num_points . CONVERGE

writes monitor point data to supercycle_point<ID>.out .


0.0275 supercycle_start_time
0.0025 supercycle_stage_interval
1 supercycle_num_stages
100.0 supercycle_cflk
1.0e-7 supercycle_energy_tol
1.4 supercycle_energy_omega
-1.0 supercycle_length
11 supercycle_num_points
0.0 0.0 0.5e-3
3.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
6.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
9.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
12.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
15.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
21.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
27.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
33.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
39.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
45.0e-3 0.0 0.5e-3
Figure 22.65: An example file.
Surface Duplication for CHT -
To activate surface duplication for heat transfer mapping ( e.g., cylinder duplication for a

multi-cylinder CHT case) , set supercycle_map_surface_flag = 1 in and include a file in the Case Directory. Table 22.61 describes below describes

the parameters in . Figure 22.66 shows an e xample file. Chapter

15 - Conjugate Heat Transfer Modeling describes the CHT-related parameters in detail.

Table 22.61: Parameters in

Parameter Description
tot_num_masters Total number of main cylinders with full combustion from which

data will be mapped.

tot_num_slaves Total number of duplicate cylinders (for all of the main cylinders

combined). These are the cylinders (or solid WALL boundaries

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used to represent combustion) that do not use a combustion

model and have boundary data mapped from the main cylinder.

tot_num_master_boundaries Total number of main boundaries (for all main cylinders).

num_boundaries Number of boundaries that make up the current main cylinder

that you wish to map.

bound_id The boundary IDs of the boundaries making up the current main


num_slaves Number of duplicate cylinders mapped from the current main


mirror_plane Equation for the mirror plane that reflecting the duplicate cylinder

across results in the duplicate overlapping the main e xactly. Enter

the a, b, c, and d coefficients of the equation that describes this

mirror plane ( ax by cz d =
+ + + 0).

trans_x The x translation amount necessary to translate the duplicate

cylinder onto the main cylinder.

trans_y The y translation amount necessary to translate the duplicate

cylinder onto the main cylinder.

trans_z The z translation amount necessary to translate the duplicate

cylinder onto the main cylinder.

rot_angle Angle with which to rotate the duplicate cylinder in the counter-

clockwise direction.

orig_xyz The x, y, and z coordinates of the rotation origin.

vector_xyz The x, y, and z components of the direction vector about which to

rotate the duplicate cylinder.

num_forced_pairs Number of forced pairs. Forced pairs are used if CONVERGE

cannot determine the duplicate boundary on which to map the

data (possibly due to imperfect geometries) based on the given

transformation information. The two specified boundary IDs

become forced pairs and CONVERGE copies the information from

main to duplicate regardless of the transformation.

forced_pairs ,
The main boundary ID the duplicate boundary ID the main ,
cylinder inde x, and the duplicate cylinder index. CONVERGE
determines cylinder indices based on the order in which you list

them in .


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 789

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# map the htc and temp for the surfaces of the slave cylinders to the master cylinder
1 tot_num_masters
1 tot_num_slaves
1 tot_num_master_boundaries
#####master cylinder 1#########################
1 num_boundaries
6 bound_id #Head #51
#####slave cylinder 1############################
1 num_slaves

#slave 1

0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 mirror_plane

0.0 trans_x
-2.0 trans_y
0.0 trans_z

0.0 rot_angle
0.0 0.0 0.0 orig_xyz
0.0 0.0 0.0 vector_xyz

#slave 2

#0.0, -1.0, 0.0, -0.06 mirror_plane

#0.0 trans_x
#-2.0 trans_y
#0.0 trans_z

#0.0 rot_angle
#0.0 0.0 0.0 orig_xyx
#0.0 0.0 0.0 vector_xyz

0 num_forced_pairs

#9 303 0 0 forced_pairs
#109 209 0 0 forced_pairs
#111 210 0 0 forced_pairs
#15 305 0 0 forced_pairs
Figure 22.66: An example file.
22.7.8 1D Conjugate Heat Transfer -

CONVERGE requires you to configure the file when you set up a WALL boundary

type with the 1D CHT model in conjunction with the temperature boundary condition.

Note that you can use 1D CHT only with a law-of-the-wall or Dirichlet temperature

boundary condition. Table 22.62 describes the parameters in . Figure 22.8 below

shows a sample file. Repeat the entire set of parameters in for any

additional boundaries configured with the 1D CHT boundary condition.

Table 22.62: Parameters in

Parameter Description

790 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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boundary_id The boundary ID of the boundary on which CONVERGE will model 1D CHT.

htc_scale_factor Heat transfer coefficient scaling factor. The recommended value is 1.0.

num_solid_layers Number of solid layers between the fluid and the bulk solid. There should be

num_solid_layer blocks of the ne xt four parameters (solid_layer_species through

contact_resistance ).

solid_layer_species Species name of the solid layer between the fluid and the bulk solid. The

specified solid must be defined in See note in num_solid_layers.

solid_layer_thickness Thickness (in m ) of the solid layer between the fluid and the bulk solid. See note

in num_solid_layers.
num_sub_layers Number of sub-layers into which CONVERGE divides the solid layer.

CONVERGE treats each sub-layer as a computational cell. See note in

contact_resistance Thermal contact resistance (in m2K W
/ ) between the solid layer and the solid

bulk temperature. See note in num_solid_layers.

solid_bulk_temp Solid bulk temperature. This entry can be a constant temperature (in K ,
) or for

spatially varying quantities a file name in quotation marks ( e.g.
"" ).

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8 boundary_id
1.0 htc_scale_factor
2 num_solid_layers
metal solid_layer_species
5.0e-3 solid_layer_thickness
5 num_sub_layers
0.0 contact_resistance
metal2 solid_layer_species
5.5e-3 solid_layer_thickness
5 num_sub_layers
0.0 contact_resistance
525.0 solid_bulk_temp

9 boundary_id
1.0 htc_scale_factor
1 num_solid_layers
metal solid_layer_species
5.0e-3 solid_layer_thickness
3 num_sub_layers
0.0 contact_resistance
525.0 solid_bulk_temp

10 boundary_id
1.0 htc_scale_factor
1 num_solid_layers
metal solid_layer_species
5.0e-3 solid_layer_thickness
5 num_sub_layers
0.0 contact_resistance
"" solid_bulk_temp
Figure 22.67: An example file.

Solid Bulk Temperature Profile -

To set up a spatially varying 1D CHT temperature boundary condition , specify a file name

( e.g., in quotation marks for solid_bulk_temp

in and include that

file in the Case Directory. Table 22.63 describes the parameters in .

Figure 22.68 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.63: Parameters in

Parameter Description
SPATIAL A keyword.

scale_xyz Scaling to be applied to the x, y, and z coordinates of the solid bulk temperature

profile (see below).

trans_x Translation to be applied to x coordinates. CONVERGE scales the solid bulk

temperature profile before translating it so the trans_x units should be

consistent with the scaled units.

792 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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trans_y Translation to be applied to y coordinates. CONVERGE scales the solid bulk

temperature profile before translating it so the , trans_y units should be

consistent with the scaled units.

trans_z Translation to be applied to z coordinates. CONVERGE scales the solid bulk

temperature profile before translating it so the , trans_z units should be

consistent with the scaled units.

rot_axis Axis about which the coordinates and velocity of the data below will be rotated.

rot_angle Rotation angle (in degrees) about the rot_axis.Use the right hand rule to

determine the direction of rotation about rot_axis


second Include for file formatting reasons. Set to 0.0.

bulk_solid_temp Specify xyz for this entry. Each subsequent line should contain a location ( x, y,
z coordinates) followed by the solid bulk temperature (in K ) at that location.


1.0 scale_xyz
-0.0 trans_x
-0.0 trans_y
-0.0 trans_z
z rot_axis
0.0 rot_angle
0.0 second
x y z bulk_solid_temp
-2e-2 0.0 1e-2 341.54
0.0 1.0 1e-2 400.00
2e-2 1.0 1e-2 598.71
Figure 22.68: An example of a file (e.g., that contains a spatially varying solid
bulk temperature profile.

22.7.9 Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling -

To use the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model in CONVERGE , set fsi_flag = 1 in and include an file in the Case Directory. Table 22.64 below describes the

parameters in
. Note that most of the parameters in this file are repeated for each FSI

object. Figure 22.69 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.64: Parameters in

Parameter Description
number of FSI ob ects
j Number of FSI objects.

ob ect_id
j A string used to identify an FSI object. For GT-SUITE/FSI coupling ,
the ob ect_id
j must match the name given in GT-SUITE.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 793

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

num_boundaries Number of boundaries that belong to the FSI object identified above by

the ob ect_id
j .

boundary_id The boundary ID (from ) of a boundary in the FSI object

identified by the ob ect_id

j above. Repeat this row for each boundary in

the FSI object.

gti_fsi_flag Flag for simulating FSI in a coupled GT-SUITE/CONVERGE


0 = CONVERGE will not model FSI,

1 = CONVERGE will model FSI.

fsi_start_time The start time of FSI computations (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 or in

CAD crank_flag
if = 1 or 2).

center_of_mass_flag 0 = CONVERGE will use the geometric center of the FSI object as the

center of mass. Use for uniform density FSI objects. CONVERGE will

ignore the center_of_mass parameter if center_of_mass_flag = 0.

1 = CONVERGE will offset the geometric center of the FSI object by the
distance and amount specified by center_of_mass (see below) to

determine the center of mass. Use for FSI objects with non-uniform


2 = CONVERGE will set the center of mass to be the location specified

by center_of_mass (see below). Use for FSI objects with non-uniform


center_of_mass The x, y, z coordinates for center of mass. Used if center_of_mass_flag =

1 or 2 (see above) .
mass_flag Flag for calculation of mass of the FSI object.

0 = CONVERGE will calculate the mass of the object after reading the

average density from ob ect_density

j , (see below)

1 = CONVERGE will calculate the density of the object after reading

the total mass from ob ect_mass
j (see below).

ob ect_mass
j Mass ( kg ) of the FSI object. Used when mass_flag = 1.

ob ect_density
j Uniform density ( kg m3/ ) of the FSI object. Used when mass_flag = 0.

ob ect_vel_init
j , ,
Initial velocity (u v w) of the FSI object. Units are m sec/ .

ob ect_rot_vel_init
j Initial angular velocity ( rad sec / ) about the a xis given by

rot_vel_init_axis (see below).

rot_vel_init_axis Initial a xis vector ( x, y, z) for rotation for the FSI object.

applied_force Constant applied force vector ( x, y, z). Units are N .

To set up temporally varying force vectors specify a file name in ,

quotation marks ( e.g., "" ).

applied_moment Constant applied moment ( N-m ).

794 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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applied_moment_axis The a xis (x, y, z) about which the applied_moment (see above) is


moment_of_inertia_flag 0 = CONVERGE will compute the moment of inertia (constant density


1 = CONVERGE will read the moment of inertia tensor from the ne xt

three lines or if, , 1dof_constraint_flag = ,2 (see below) CONVERGE will

use the value specified by constrained_mom_of_inertia (see below).

moment_of_inertia User-supplied input for the first row of moment of inertia tensor. Used

when moment_of_inertia_flag = 1. Units are kg-m2


moment_of_inertia User-supplied input for the second row of moment of inertia tensor.

Used when moment_of_inertia_flag = 1. Units are kg-m 2


moment_of_inertia User-supplied input for the third row of moment of inertia tensor.

Used when moment_of_inertia_flag = 1. Units are kg-m 2


1dof_constraint_flag 0 = The FSI object will have six degrees of freedom (three for

translation and three for rotation),

1 = The FSI object will be constrained to one translational degree of

freedom and the direction and minimum and ma ximum distances of
translation will be defined by axis, min_displacement, and

max_displacement (see below) ,

2 = The FSI object will be constrained to one rotational degree of
freedom the rotation will be about the a xis defined by axis_point and

axis; and the minimum and ma ximum angles of rotation will be

defined by min_displacement and max_displacement.

axis_point The x, y, z coordinates for the origin that defines the rotational a xis.
Used when 1dof constraint_flag =
_ 2.

axis The a xis vector ( x, y, z) for defining the rotational a xis. Used when
1dof_constraint_flag = 1 or 2.

min_displacement The minimum displacement for translationally or rotationally

constrained cases.

If 1dof_constraint_flag = 1 , units are m 1dof_constraint_flag =

. If 2 , units
are degrees .

max_displacement The ma ximum displacement for translationally or rotationally

constrained cases.

If 1dof_constraint_flag = , 1 m 1dof_constraint_flag =
units are . If 2 , units
are degrees .

constrained_mom_of_inertia Used only if 1dof_constraint_flag = 2.

If moment_of_inertia_flag = , 0 CONVERGE will compute the moment of


if moment_of_inertia_flag = 1 , CONVERGE will use the value (in kg-m 2


entered here.

spring_flag Flag for FSI spring model.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 795

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0 = Do not use FSI spring model.

1 = Use FSI spring model.

stiction_flag Flag for FSI stiction model.

0 = Do not use FSI stiction model.

1 = Use FSI stiction model.

fsi_events_flag Flag for FSI events.

0 = Do not use FSI events.

1 = Use FSI events.


1 # Number of objects
# fsiobject3
fsiobject3 object_id
2 num_boundaries
2 boundary_id
1 boundary_id
0 gti_fsi_flag
-999999.0 fsi_start_time
0 center_of_mass_flag
0.0 0.0 0.0 center_of_mass
0 mass_flag
0.0 object_mass
8000.0 object_density
0.0 0.0 -1.0 object_vel_init
0.0 object_rot_vel_init
0.0 0.0 0.0 rot_vel_init_axis
0.0 0.0 0.0 applied_force
0.0 applied_moment
0.0 0.0 0.0 applied_moment_axis
0 moment_of_inertia_flag
0.0 0.0 0.0 moment_of_inertia
0.0 0.0 0.0 moment_of_inertia
0.0 0.0 0.0 moment_of_inertia
0 1dof_constraint_flag
0.0 0.0 0.0 axis_point
0.0 0.0 0.0 axis
-1e+38.0 min_displacement
1e+38.0 max_displacement
1.0 constrained_mom_of_inertia
# forces and events options
1 spring_flag
1 stiction_flag
1 fsi_events_flag
Figure 22.69: An example file.

796 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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FSI Forces -

To set up temporally varying applied forces , specify "" for applied_force in
and include that file in the Case Directory.

Figure 22.70 shows an e xcerpt of an e xample file.


second fx fy fz
0 0.0 0.0 0
0.000001 0.0 0.0 0
0.000002 0.0 0.0 0
0.000003 0.0 0.0 0
0.000004 0.0 0.0 0
0.000005 0.0 0.0 0
0.000006 0.0 0.0 0
0.000007 0.0 0.0 0
0.000008 0.0 0.0 0
0.000009 0.0 0.0 0
0.00001 0.0 0.0 0
0.000011 0.0 0.0 0.000982848
0.000012 0.0 0.0 0.001281136
0.000013 0.0 0.0 0.001618892
0.000014 0.0 0.0 0.001996108
0.000015 0.0 0.0 0.002412784
Figure 22.70: An excerpt of an example file.
FSI Spring Model -
To activate the FSI spring model , set spring_flag = 1 in and include a file in

the Case Directory. Table 22.65 below describes the parameters in Figure 22.71

shows an e xample file.

Table 22.65: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_spring_ob ects
j ,
Number of FSI spring objects followed by a block of data for each.

fsi_ob ect_name
j ,
A string used to identify an FSI spring object corresponding to FSI

object name in .

spring_constant Spring constant of the spring object ( Nm,

/ ) defined greater than zero.

damping_constant Damping constant of the spring object ( N-s m ,

/ ) defined greater than


initial_deformation Initial preload deformation of the spring object ( m ).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 797

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

detached_flag Flag for spring attachment.

0 = Spring attached at both ends.

1 = Spring attached from one end.

detachment_distance Distance from detached end of spring to FSI object (only used if

detached_flag = 1).

end_position_fsi Coordinates of spring end position on FSI object.

end_position_fixed Coordinates of spring end position on fi xed object.

num_sub_springs Number of sub-spring objects used to represent the fact that the

physical spring has a finite coil diameter.

zero_angle_direction Unit vector pointing along zero a xis for sub-spring coordinate system.

radius_angle Sub-spring radius ( m

) and radial angle ( deg ) of sub-spring (repeats for

num_sub_springs ).


1 num_spring_objects
# Spring_force_1
fsiobject3 fsi_object_name
1.0 spring_constant
1.0 damping_constant
1.0 initial_deformation
0 detached_flag
0.0 detachment_distance
0.0 0.0 0.0 end_position_fsi
0.0 0.0 0.0 end_position_fixed
2 num_sub_springs
0.0 0.0 0.0 zero_angle_direction
0.0 0.0 radius_angle
0.0 0.0 radius_angle
Figure 22.71: An example file.
FSI Stiction Model -
To activate the FSI stiction model , set stiction_flag = 1 in and include a file in

the Case Directory. Table 22.66 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.72

shows an e xample file.

Table 22.66: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_stiction_forces ,
Number of FSI spring objects followed by a block of data for each.

fsi_ob ect_name
j A string used to identify an FSI object subject to this stiction force ,
corresponding to FSI object name in

798 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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stiction_model_flag Reserved for future use.

stiction_force Ma ximum magnitude of stiction force ( N, ) defined positive.

stiction_distance Ma ximum distance over which stiction force acts ( m,

) defined


stiction_direction Unit vector along which stiction force acts.


1 num_stiction_forces
# Stiction_force_1
fsiobject3 fsi_object_name
1 stiction_model
1.0 stiction_force
1e-05 stiction_distance
1.0 0.0 0.0 stiction_direction
Figure 22.72: An example file.
FSI Events -
To activate the FSI events option , set fsi_events_flag = 1 in and include a
file in the Case Directory. Table 22.67 below describes the parameters in .

Figure 22.73 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.67: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_fsi_events ,
Number of FSI events followed by a block of data for each.

fsi_ob ect_name
j A string used to identify the FSI object subject to this event ,
corresponding to FSI object name in .

region_id_A Region ID of the first region of this event.

region_id_B Region ID of the second region of this event.

displacement_open FSI object displacement at which to OPEN regions A and B.

displacement_closed FSI object displacement at which to CLOSE regions A and B

direction Unit vector along which motion takes place during the FSI event.


1 num_fsi_events
# FSI_event_1

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 799

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fsiobject3 fsi_object_name
0 region_id_a
0 region_id_b
1e-06 displacement_open
1e-06 displacement_close
1.0 0.0 0.0 direction
Figure 22.73: An example file.
22.7.10 Surface Chemistry -

To activate CONVERGE's surface chemistry model , set surface_chemistry_flag = 1 in and include a file in the Case Directory. Table 22.68 describes

the parameters in Y . ou can simulate surface chemistry on one of two

types of surfaces: a non-moving WALL boundary that is specified in or a

porous medium that is specified as a region in . Note that , for each boundary or

porous region on which surface chemistry modeling will occur , must

contain a block of parameters. Figure 22.74 shows an e xample file.

Surface chemistry on a porous surface can only be performed by region and not by

boundary. For each porous region on which you wish to activate surface chemistry

modeling , you need to specify several region-specific parameters in

and you must set source_flag = 1 and source_shape as REGION in .

Table 22.68: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value
surfchem_region 0 = Surface chemistry model is not N/A

_flag region dependent and uses temporal

type surfchem_start_time
, and

surfchem_end_time to start and stop

the surface chemistry calculations in

the specified regions ,

1 = Surface chemistry model is region

dependent and must be

saved in the Case Directory.

temporal type SE ENTIAL, PERMANENT

QU or N/A

. For the period must


surfchem_start_ti Surface chemistry modeling start N/A

me time. Only used if Temporal type is


surfchem_end_ti Surface chemistry modeling end time. N/A

me Only used if Temporal type is not


800 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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surfchem_temp_c Minimum cell or boundary 300

utoff temperature ( K ) for surface chemistry


surfchem_rel_tol Relative iteration error for each 1e-4

species in the surface chemistry


surfchem_abs_tol Absolute iteration error for each 1e-14

species in the surface chemistry


surfchem_reactio Reaction rate multiplier for each Default: 1

n_multiplier surface (site) species.

surfchem_porous Switch units from area (default , = 0) Default: 0

_vol_units_flag to volume based ( = 1), porous surface

chemistry only.

num_surfchem_b Number of boundaries at which N/A

oundaries surface chemistry modeling will


boundary_id Boundary ID for a boundary included N/A

in the surface chemistry model. This

is required if

num_surfchem_boundaries is greater

than 0. This parameter is followed by

the block of parameters starting with

num_catalytic_species . Repeat for each

boundary on which surface

chemistry modeling will occur.

num_porous_reg Number of porous regions. N/A

region_id Region ID for a region included in the N/A

surface chemistry model. This is

required if num_porous_regions is

greater than 0. This parameter is

followed by the block of parameters

starting with num_catalytic_species .

Repeat for each porous region on

which surface chemistry modeling

will occur.

num_catalytic_s Number of species included in solver N/A

pecies followed by species name(s) and

composition ratio(s). The species

listed here must be included in

surface_mech.dat . Note that the

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 801

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

composition ratios must sum to one.

CONVERGE will not normalize the


surface_area_to_ Geometric surface area per unit Default: 1.0

volume_ratio volume ( m -1
). This value is used only

in porous media.

catalytic_geometr Ratio of active catalytic surface area

ic_area_ratio to geometric surface area.

effectiveness_fact 0 = Off (Do not use washcoat Default: 0

or_flag parameters),

1 = Constant (specify

constant_effectiveness_factor ).

2 = Use Thiele modulus approach.

When the effectiveness_flag = 2 ,

CONVERGE only calculates the

effectiveness factor for cells in a

particular region or boundary in that

region or boundary and all washcoat

parameters must be greater than zero.

constant_effective A constant between 0 and 1. Note Default: 1

ness_factor that if =1 , the same as setting

effectiveness_factor_flag= 0.

diffusion_model 0 = Knudsen diffusion model,

1 = Molecular diffusion model,
2 = Mixed diffusion model. When
diffusion_model = 1 or 2 , you must
include transport.dat and set

species_diffusion_model =1 in .

knudsen_constan Knudsen diffusion constant. 4.0

washcoat_species The single gas phase species that Default: O2

reacts with the catalyst and

determines diffusion into the

washcoat used in Thiele Modulus

calculation. The gas phase species

listed here must be listed in mech.dat.

washcoat_porosit Fractional volume of voids in Default: 0

y washcoat used in Thiele Modulus


washcoat_tortuos Quantitative deviation of the Default: 0

ity washcoat topology from a flat surface

802 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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used in Thiele Modulus calculation.

washcoat_thickne Thickness of washcoat ( m ) used in Default: 1e-3

ss Thiele Modulus calculation.

washcoat_pore_d Pore diameter of washcoat ( m ) used Default: 1e-9

iameter in Thiele Modulus calculation.


0 surfchem_region_flag
0.0 surfchem_start_time
999.0 surfchem_end_time
300 surfchem_temp_cutoff
1e-8 surfchem_rel_tol
1e-20 surfchem_abs_tol
1.0 surfchem_reaction_multiplier
0 surfchem_porous_vol_units_flag

1 num_surfchem_boundaries

5 boundary_id
1 num_catalytic_species
RH_S1 1.0
1.0 surface_area_to_volume_ratio
70.0 catalytic_geometric_area_ratio
2 effectiveness_factor_flag
1.0 constant_effectiveness_factor
0 diffusion_model
4.0 knudsen_constant
CO washcoat_species
0.279 washcoat_porosity
3.0 washcoat_tortuosity
1e-4 washcoat_thickness
1.2e-8 washcoat_pore_diameter
Figure 22.74: An example file.

Region-Dependent Surface Chemistry -
The file designates the start and end time that CONVERGE uses

when the surface chemistry model is region-dependent. CONVERGE reads this file when

the surfchem_region_flag = 1 in . Figure 22.75 shows an xample

e of .

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 803

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Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files


1 region_id
SEQUENTIAL period for cyclic type
0 surfchem_tstart SURFCHEM start time
1.0 surfchem_tend SURFCHEM end time

3 region_id
SEQUENTIAL period for cyclic type
0.05 surfchem_tstart SURFCHEM start time
1.0 surfchem_tend SURFCHEM end time
Figure 22.75: Sample of a file.

Surface Species Themodynamic Information - surface_therm.dat

The surface_therm.dat file contains thermodynamic information for surface species and

place holders for empty sites. The file format is similar to that described in the therm.dat
Input File section in Chapter 9 Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms. Figure

13.35 shows an e xcerpt of a surface_therm.dat file.

300.0 1000.0 3000.0
OH_S 92491O 1H 1Pt 1 I 300.00 3000.00 1000.00
0.18249973E+01 0.32501565E-02-0.31197541E-06-0.34603206E-09 0.79171472E-13
-0.26685492E+05-0.12280891E+02-0.20340881E+01 0.93662683E-02 0.66275214E-06
-0.52074887E-08 0.17088735E-11-0.25319949E+05 0.89863186E+01
Pt Pt 1 S 300.0 3000.0 1000.0
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
Figure 13.35: Excerpt of a surface_therm.dat file.

Note that surface_therm.dat must be in NASA 7 format. In Figure 13.35 , the gas species is

OH_S and the open site species is Pt. List the number of sites each empty site occupies on

the surface in place of an element for that species. Use I to denote a gas species and S
to denote an empty site.

Surface Species Reaction Information -surface_mech.dat

The surface_mech.dat file contains surface species reaction information in the CHEMKIN

format. Note that the names insurface_mech.dat must be consistent with the names in

surface_therm.dat surface_mech.dat
. CONVERGE does not list elements in . List all species

related to surface chemistry , mech.dat
such as the empty site species in .

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C3H6_S/2/ PT_S/1/ H_S/1/ O_S/1/ OH_S/1/
H2O_S/1/ CH3_S/1/ CH2_S/1/ CH_S/1/
C_S/1/ CO_S/1/ CO2_S/1/

H2 + 2PT_S => 2H_S 4.4579E+10 0.5 0.0
2H_S => H2 + 2PT_S 3.70E+21 0.00 67400.0
COV/H_S 0.0 0.0 -6000.0/
O2 + 2PT_S => 2O_S 1.80E+21 -0.5 0.0
O2 + 2PT_S => 2O_S 0.023 0.00 0.00
H2O + PT_S => H2O_S 1.00 0.0 0.0
Figure 13.36: Excerpt of a surface_mech.dat file.

As shown in Figure 13.36 above , surface_mech.dat lists the surface density and species

before the reactions. In the first row , SITE/1/SDEN/2.7063E-9/ , the last number is the

surface site density ( mol cm2 / ). Note the format of this line , including the / symbols. This

line cannot contain spaces. Below the first row , list the surface species. The surface species

names cannot contain symbols [ e.g., # or ( ) ], as described in Chapter 9 Physical

Properties and Reaction Mechanisms.

By default , the site occupancy for each surface species listed in surf ce_mech.dat
a is one. If

the species has a site occupancy of two or more , include / after the name of the species ,
followed by the site occupancy for that species and then /. Figure 13.36 above shows an

e xample, C3H6_S/2/ , of a species with a site occupancy of two. Specify the end of the list

of species at the site by using the keyword END.

The ne xt section specifies the reactions at the surface sites. The first line contains the

keyword REACTIONS followed by the units (here mol

J/ ). You can activate surface

chemistry options by including optional keywords after the units on this line. The keyword

SURF_SP_UNIT will force the rate calculation to use coverage (a percentage , unitless )

rather than surface density ( mol cm

2 ). The keyword SURF_GAS_UNIT tells CONVERGE to

e xpect SI units for the gaseous species (otherwise , it conforms to the CHEMKIN format).

In surface_mech.dat, you can specify several reaction option keywords: COV for coverage

dependent , STICK for sticking probability , and MOTZ-WISE for the Motz-Wise correction ,
as well as REV , FORD , USER and DUP , which are described in Chapter 9 Physical

Properties and Reaction Mechanisms.

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Specify the coverage-dependent parameter after the reaction by adding a row with the

keyword COV/ , such as COV/H_S 0.0 0.0 -6000.0/ in Figure 13.36 above. After

COV/ , you must list the species name ( e.g., H_S) ; the three coverage parameters -

ji , ji , and ji
- in order ; and then close the statement with /.

To use the sticking parameter , add a row with the keyword STICK after the reaction , as

shown in Figure 13.36. To use the MOTZ-WISE correction with the sticking reaction

option , use the keyword MOTZ-WISE-STICK instead of STICK. STICK or MOTZ-WISE-

STICK can be used with the COV reaction option , but each keyword needs to be on a new


Note that you can include only one surface_mech.dat file per simulation.

22.7.11 Radiation Modeling Setup -

To activate the radiation model in CONVERGE , set radiation_flag = 1 in and

include a file in the Case Directory. In addition , you must define two non-

transport passives RADIATION and RADIATION_SRC in for any simulation

that includes radiation modeling.

Table 22.69 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.76 shows an e xample
file. Chapter 18 - Radiation Modeling describes the radiation-related parameters in detail.

Table 22.69: Parameters in

Parameter Description
radiation_model 0 = Discrete Ordinates method - FVM ,
1 = Discrete Ordinates method - FTnFVM (works well with

anisotropic cases).

num_theta Number of polar divisions per octant. Typical range 1 - 4.

num_phi Number of azimuthal divisions per octant. Typical range 1 - 4.

num_theta_pix Number of polar pi xels per ordinate. Typical range 1 - 10.

num_phi_pix Number of azimuthal pi xels per ordinate. Typical range 1 - 10.

rad_spray_coupling_flag Radiation/spray interaction.

0 = decoupled,
1 = coupled.

parcel_emissivity Parcel surface emissivity.

rad_energy_coupling_flag 0 = Decoupled, i.e., radiation and energy equations are solved in a

sequential manner. This may be good for optically thinner cases.

1 = Radiation and energy equations are solver in a coupled manner.

806 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description
rad_solve_frequency CONVERGE solves radiation every rad_solve_frequency time-steps. For

a transient case 10 may be appropriate. For a steady-state case 50 ,
may be appropriate.

scatter_function Scattering function.

0 = No scattering,
1 = Isotropic scattering,
2 = Linear anisotropic scattering,
3 = Delta-Eddington model,
4 = UDF.

aniso_constant Asymmetry constant. Used if scatter_function = 2 or 3.

This parameter varies from -1 to 1.

de_constant Delta-Eddington constant. Used if scatter_function = 3.

scatter_coeff Gray gas scattering coefficient.

absorption_coeff Gray gas absorption coefficient.

refractive_index Refractive inde x.

nongray_model Nongray gas model.

0 = Gray gas ,
1 = Weighted Sum of Gray Gases ,
2 = Band model of gray gas.

num_gray_gases Number of gray gases. Only used when nongray_model = 1.

num_spectral_bands Number of spectral bands for gray gases. Only used when

nongray_model = 2.

band_properties Band properties. Four numbers that represent:

1. the lower spectral bound ,

2. the upper spectral bound ,
3. the absorption coefficient, and

4. the scattering coefficient.

num_rad_boundaries Number of boundaries for which you will specify bound_id through

irradiance (see below). The remaining (unspecified) CONVERGE

boundaries will have emissivity and diffuse fraction values equal to 1 ,

and the remaining CONVERGE boundaries will have bc_type of

temperature energy_solver_flag =
(if 1 or 2) or irradiance (if

energy_solver_flag = 0).

boundary_id Boundary ID.

emissivity Emissivity in the boundary specified by bound_id .

diffuse_fraction Diffuse fraction in the boundary specified by bound_id .

bc_type The keyword temperature irradiance

or . Use irradiance to model non-

thermal radiation.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 807

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Physical Models Input Files

Parameter Description
irradiance Irradiance (in W m2/ ) on the boundary specified by bound_id . Only

read if bc_type = irradiance .

num_rad_regions Number of CONVERGE regions in which you want to solve radiation.

If 0 , CONVERGE will calculate radiation for all regions in the

domain. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value then you must

give num_rad_region entries of region_id .

region_id If num_rad_regions ,
is non-zero then you must provide the region

number followed by the keyword region_id for each region to receive

radiation calculations. There should be num_rad_regions entries of

region_id .


0 radiation_model
3 num_theta
3 num_phi
5 num_theta_pix
5 num_phi_pix
0 rad_spray_coupling_flag
1.0 parcel_emissivity
0 rad_energy_coupling_flag
10 rad_solve_frequency
0 scatter_function
1.0 aniso_constant
1.0 de_constant
0.0 scatter_coef
0.5 absorption_coef
1.0 refractive_index
0 nongray_model
1 num_gray_gases
1 num_spectral_bands
0.000001e-6 5.0e-6 0.15 0.35 band_properties

# Boundary info
3 num_rad_boundaries

1 boundary_id
0.0 emissivity
1.0 diffuse_fraction
temperature bc_type
0.0 irradiance

2 boundary_id
1.0 emissivity
1.0 diffuse_fraction
temperature bc_type
0.0 irradiance

3 boundary_id
1.0 emissivity
1.0 diffuse_fraction

808 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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temperature bc_type
0.0 irradiance

# Region info
1 num_rad_regions
0 region_id
Figure 22.76: An example file.
22.7.12 Nucleate Boiling Model -

Use the file to specify parameters for the Rohsenow correlation used in

the nucleate boiling model.

Enter the saturation temperature (in K ) of the liquid that will e xperience nucleate boiling.

Enter the vapor density of the same liquid when it transforms to the vapor phase. Ne x t,
specify the constant Csf . This constant depends on the surface-fluid combination at which

nucleate boiling will occur. Finally , enter the nucleate boiling e xponent (given by m in the

Rohsenow correlation (Rohsenow , 1952)).

Table 22.70 below describes the file. Figure 22.8 shows an example file.

Table 22.70: Parameters in

Parameter Description
saturation_temp Saturation temperature ( K ) of the liquid that e xperiences nucleate boiling.

vapor_density Density of the vapor phase of the liquid that e xperiences nucleate boiling.

c_sf Constant that depends on the surface-fluid interface.

nb_exponent Nucleate boiling e xponent given by m in the Rohsenow correlation.


381.15 saturation_temp
0.804 vapor_density
0.013 C_sf
0 nb_exponent
Figure 22.77: An example file.
22.8 Grid Control Input Files

This section describes the input files that contain information about controlling the grid for

your CONVERGE simulation.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 809

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

22.8.1 Grid Scaling -

To direct CONVERGE to adjust the base grid size ( dx_base, dy_base, and dz_base in ) as a function of time , specify a file name ( e.g., ) for grid_scale in . This procedure is known as grid scaling.

Table 22.71 describes the format of a grid scale file , and Figure 22.78 shows an e xample

Table 22.71: Parameters in a grid scale file (e.g.,

Parameter Name Description Typical Value
num_gridscale Number of grid scaling events listed in the file. The N/A

parameters below must occur num_gridscale times.

gridscale_time Time (in seconds crank_flag =

if crank angle degrees
0 or in if N/A

crank_flag = gridscale_value
1 or 2) at which the will be


gridscale_value An integer that coarsens or refines the grid via the -3 to +3.
following equation:

scaled grid dx_base

= / 2
gridscale_value . For example, if
gridscale_value = , -1 CONVERGE will coarsen the base grid

by a factor or two. Values of gridscale_value must be

integers that increase monotonically as the simulation



3 num_gridscale
-147.1 gridscale_time
-2 gridscale_value
-15 .1 gridscale_time
-1 gridscale_value
-9.6 gridscale_time
0 gridscale_value
Figure 22.78: An example file.
22.8.2 Adaptive Mesh Refinement -

Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) automatically refines the grid based on fluctuating and

moving conditions such as temperature and velocity. To enable AMR , set amr_flag = 1 in and include the file in the Case Directory. Table 22.72 describes the

parameters in Figure 22.79 shows an e xample file.

You can repeat the AMR settings (the entire block of parameters from amr_num_regions
through amr_passive_end_time ) as many times as desired. After the last instance of

810 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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amr_passive_end_time, you must include the boundary AMR parameters. If you are not

using the boundary AMR feature , the last line of the file can be as follows:

0 amr_num_bounds

In this case , you do not need to include the parameters that follow amr_num_bounds .

Table 22.72: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical Value
amr_cycle_steady Number of cycles between AMR 50 - 200

calculations for embedding or

releasing cells for steady-state

simulations. A small number may

result in poor convergence. You can

use a file for temporally varying cycles

(e.g., ).

amr_max_cells Ma ximum number of cells in the N/A

domain. This number should be larger

than the base number of cells when

AMR is not enabled. You may use a file

for a temporally-varying ma x imum

number of cells ( e.g., ).

amr_min_cells Minimum number of cells in the N/A

domain. You may use a file for

temporally varying minimum number

of cells ( e.g., ).


amr_num_regions Number of active AMR regions. Must be at least 1.

amr_active_region Region(s) in which AMR is active. N/A

Each region identifier must be entered

on a single row , and there must be

amr_num_regions rows.


amr_vel_flag 0 = No velocity AMR, N/A

1 = Velocity AMR enabled.

amr_vel_embed_scale Ma ximum embedding scale for velocity N/A


amr_vel_sgs_embed Sub-grid velocity above which a cell 0.1 % to 10 % of the

will be embedded. characteristic velocity in


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 811

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

Temporal type and period Specify whether the velocity AMR is N/A



orGRIDSCALE CYCLIC, . If the period

seconds crank_flag =
(in if 0 in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1

or 2) must follow the keywordCYCLIC .

amr_vel_start Start time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for velocity AMR.

CONVERGE ignores this parameter if

the temporal type is PERMANENT.

amr_vel_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for velocity AMR.

For steady-state simulations ,

CONVERGE will freeze AMR at this

time. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


amr_parcel_embed Ma ximum number of parcels in a cell N/A

before CONVERGE will embed a cell

via AMR.


amr_temp_flag 0 = No temperature AMR, N/A

1 = Temperature AMR enabled.

amr_temp_embed_scale Ma ximum embedding scale for N/A

temperature AMR.

amr_temp_sgs_embed Sub-grid temperature above which a 0.1 % to 10 % of characteristic

cell will be embedded. temperature in the domain.

Temporal type and period Specify whether the velocity AMR is N/A



orGRIDSCALE CYCLIC, . If the period

seconds crank_flag =
(in if 0 in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1

or 2) must follow the keywordCYCLIC .

812 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
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Parameter Description Typical Value

amr_temp_start Start time (in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for temperature

AMR. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


amr_temp_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for temperature

AMR. For steady-state simulations ,

CONVERGE will freeze AMR at this

time. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


#####Void fraction #####

amr_void_flag 0 = No void fraction AMR, N/A

1 = Void fraction AMR enabled.

amr_void_embed_scale Ma ximum embedding scale for void N/A

fraction AMR.

amr_void_sgs_embed Sub-grid void fraction above which a N/A

cell will be embedded.

Temporal type and period Specify whether the velocity AMR is N/A


orGRIDSCALE CYCLIC, . If the period

seconds crank_flag =
(in if 0 in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1

or 2) must follow the keywordCYCLIC .

amr_void_start Start time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for void fraction

AMR. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


amr_void_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for void fraction

AMR. For steady-state simulations ,

CONVERGE will freeze AMR at this

time. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 813

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

#####Species data #####

amr_species_flag 0 = No species AMR, N/A

1 = Species AMR enabled.

amr_species_embed_scale Ma ximum embedding scale for species N/A


amr_num_species Number of species that will trigger N/A

AMR. If amr_num_species is greater

than 1 , repeat the parameters

species_name through

amr_species_end_time for each species

that will trigger AMR.

species_name Species name. If amr_species_flag = 0 , N/A

you can use the placeholder


amr_species_sgs_embed Sub-grid species mass fraction above 0.1 % to 10 % of characteristic

which a cell will be embedded. species mass fraction in the


Temporal type and period Specify whether the velocity AMR is N/A


orGRIDSCALE CYCLIC, . If the period

seconds crank_flag =
(in if 0 in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1

or 2) must follow the keywordCYCLIC .

amr_species_start Start time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for species AMR.

CONVERGE ignores this parameter if

the temporal type is PERMANENT.

amr_species_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for species AMR.

For steady-state simulations ,

CONVERGE will freeze AMR at this

time. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


#####Passive data #####

amr_passive_flag 0 = No passive AMR, N/A

1 = Passive AMR enabled.

814 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Parameter Description Typical Value

amr_passive_embed_scale Ma ximum embedding scale for passive N/A


amr_num_passive Number of passives that will trigger N/A

AMR. If amr_num_passive is greater

than 1 , repeat the parameters

passive_name through

amr_passive_end_time for each passive

that will trigger AMR.

passive_name Passive name. If amr_passive_flag = 0 , N/A

you can use the placeholder


amr_passive_sgs_embed Sub-grid passive value above which a 0.1 % to 10 % of characteristic

cell will be embedded. passive value in the domain.

Temporal type and period Specify whether the velocity AMR is N/A


orGRIDSCALE CYCLIC, . If the period

seconds crank_flag =
(in if 0 in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =

or in if 1

or 2) must follow the keywordCYCLIC .

amr_passive_start Start time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for passive AMR.

CONVERGE ignores this parameter if

the temporal type is PERMANENT.

amr_passive_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for passive AMR.

For steady-state simulations ,

CONVERGE will freeze AMR at this

time. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


#####Boundary data #####

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 815

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

amr_num_bounds Number of boundaries on which N/A

CONVERGE will use y + AMR. If 0 , you

do not need to include the subsequent

parameters through

amr_boundary_end_time . If greater than

1 , repeat the parameters from

amr_boundary_number through

amr_boundary_end_time for each

boundary on which you wish to use y +


amr_boundary_number Boundary (ID from ) on N/A

which CONVERGE will use y + AMR.

amr_boundary_embed_scale Ma ximum embedding scale for y+ N/A


amr_boundary_yplus y + value above which CONVERGE N/A

will activate y + AMR.

Temporal type and period Specify whether the velocity AMR is


If the period (in

seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in or in

crank angle degrees crank_flag =if 1 or 2)

must follow the keyword CYCLIC .

amr_boundary_start Start time (inseconds crank_flag = if 0 in N/A orcrank angle degrees

in if

crank_flag = 1 or +2) for the y AMR.

CONVERGE ignores this parameter if

the temporal type is PERMANENT.

amr_boundary_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in N/A or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for the y + AMR. For

steady-state simulations , CONVERGE

will freeze the y + AMR at this time.

CONVERGE ignores this parameter if

the temporal type is PERMANENT.

#####No Boundary AMR data #####

816 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
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Parameter Description Typical Value

amr_yplus_restrict_num_bounda Number of boundaries on which

ries CONVERGE will impose y + AMR

restriction (if restriction criteria are

met). If 0 , you do not need to include

the subsequent parameters through

amr_yplus_restrict_end . If greater than 1 ,

repeat the parameters from

amr_yplus_restrict_boundary_id through

amr_yplus_restrict_end_time for each

boundary on which you wish to use y +

AMR restriction.

amr_yplus_restrict_boundary_id Boundary (ID from ) on

which CONVERGE will activate y +

AMR restriction.

amr_yplus_restrict_yplus_target Target y + value. If the y+ value in a cell

near the specified boundary is less

than this value the AMR on that cell

will be removed.

amr_yplus_restrict_yplus_ratio Specified y + ratio. If the y+ value in a For k- models: 30 - 300

cell near the specified boundary is less For k- models with:

than the product of the target y + value near_wall_treatment_flag = 0:

and this ratio the AMR on that cell 30 - 300

and the AMR on the neighboring cells near_wall_treatment_flag = 1:

will be removed. 3 - 300

near_wall_treatment_flag = 2

or = 3: ~1

Temporal type and period Specify whether the y + AMR restriction


If the period (in

seconds crank_flag =

if 0 in or in

crank angle degrees crank_flag = if 1 or 2)

must follow the keyword CYCLIC .

amr_yplus_restrict_start Start time (inseconds crank_flag = if 0 in or crank angle degrees

in if

crank_flag = 1 + or 2) for y AMR

restriction. CONVERGE ignores this

parameter if the temporal type is


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 817

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Parameter Description Typical Value

amr_yplus_restrict_end End time (in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees if

crank_flag = 1 or 2) for y+ AMR

restriction. For steady-state

simulations , CONVERGE will freeze

the y+ AMR restriction at this time.

CONVERGE ignores this parameter if

the temporal type is PERMANENT.

818 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
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100 amr_cycle_steady
1.5e+06 amr_max_cells
1 amr_min_cells
# AmrGroup 1
2 amr_num_regions
0 amr_active_region
3 amr_active_region
##### Velocity #####
1 amr_vel_flag
3 amr_vel_embed_scale
1.0 amr_vel_sgs_embed
-999999.0 amr_vel_start
-999999.0 amr_vel_end
50 amr_parcel_embed
##### Temperature #####
1 amr_temp_flag
3 amr_temp_embed_scale
2.5 amr_temp_sgs_embed
-17.0 amr_temp_start
131.0 amr_temp_end
##### Void fraction #####
0 amr_void_flag
3 amr_void_embed_scale
0.001 amr_void_sgs_embed
-999999.0 amr_void_start
-999999.0 amr_void_end
############# Species data #############
1 amr_species_flag
2 amr_species_embed_scale
1 amr_num_species
N2 species_name
1.0e-6 amr_species_sgs_embed
0.0 amr_species_start
10.0 amr_species_end
############# Passive data #############
1 amr_passive_flag
2 amr_passive_embed_scale
1 amr_num_passive
INTAKE passive_name
1.0e-6 amr_passive_sgs_embed
0.0 amr_passive_start
10.0 amr_passive_end
# Boundary data
1 amr_num_bounds
##### Amr Boundary 1 #####
0 amr_boundary_number
3 amr_boundary_embed_scale

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 819

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

30.0 amr_boundary_yplus
-999999.0 amr_boundary_start
-999999.0 amr_boundary_end
# No Boundary AMR data
1 amr_yplus_restrict_num_boundaries
##### Release Boundary 1 #####
0 amr_yplus_restrict_boundary_id
30 amr_yplus_restrict_yplus_target
0.33333 amr_yplus_restrict_yplus_ratio
-999999.0 amr_yplus_restrict_start
-999999.0 amr_yplus_restrict_end

Figure 22.79: An example file.

22.8.3 Embedded Grids -

To include fi xed embedding in a simulation , set embedded_flag = 1 in and include file in the Case Directory. Table 22.73 and Figure 22.80 below describe the file.

Table 22.73: Parameters and keywords in

Fixed Parameter Parameter Description
BOUN embed_type Embedding type.

Boundary ID specified in

embed_scale Embedding scale for boundary embedding.

num_embed Number of layers of embedding to be added to the boundary. For e xample, if

num_embed = 2 , CONVERGE will refine the specified boundary plus two

additional layers of cells.

Temporal Specify whether the boundary embedding is PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL,

QU or


. If the period (in seconds crank_flag =
0 in crank or in

period angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) must follow the keyword CYCLIC .

embed_start Start time of boundary embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

_time temporal type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of boundary embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

ime temporal type is PERMANENT.

REGI embed_type Embedding type.

region_id Region identifier where embedding will be applied.

820 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Fixed Parameter Parameter Description

embed_scale Embedding scale for region embedding.

Temporal Specify whether the region embedding PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL,

is QU or


. If the period (in seconds crank_flag =
if crank
0 in or in

period angle degrees crank_flag =

1 or 2) must follow the keyword .

embed_start Start time of region embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

_time temporal type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of region embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

ime temporal type is PERMANENT.

BO X embed_type Embedding type.

x_center (Three values) x, y, and z coordinates for the center of the bo x.

x_size (Three values) Half of the bo x length in the x, y and z directions.

embed_scale Embedding scale for bo x embedding.

Temporal Specify whether the bo x embedding PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL, CYCLIC

is QU or .

type and IfCYCLIC, the period (in seconds crank_flag =

0 incrank angle or in

period degrees crank_flag =

1 or 2) must follow the keyword .

embed_start Start time of bo x embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the temporal

_time type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of bo x embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the temporal

ime type is PERMANENT.

C YLIN embed_type Embedding type.

Center of the first end of the embedding cylinder or truncated cone.

radius Radius of the first end of the embedding cylinder or truncated cone.

x_center Center of the second end of the embedding cylinder or truncated cone.

radius Radius of the second end of the embedding cylinder or truncated cone.

embed_scale Embedding scale for cylinder embedding.

Temporal Specify whether the cylinder embedding PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL,

is QU or


. If the period (in seconds crank_flag =
if crank
0 in or in

period angle degrees crank_flag =

1 or 2) must follow the keyword .

embed_start Start time of cylinder embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

_time temporal type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of cylinder embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

ime temporal type is PERMANENT.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 821

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Fixed Parameter Parameter Description

SPHE embed_type Embedding type.

Center of the sphere.

radius Radius of the sphere.

embed_scale Embedding scale for sphere embedding.

Temporal Specify whether the sphere embedding PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL,

is QU or


. If the period (in seconds crank_flag =
0 in crank
or in

period angle degrees crank_flag =

1 or 2) must follow the keyword .

embed_start Start time of sphere embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

_time temporal type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of sphere embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

ime temporal type is PERMANENT.

IN EC embed_type Embedding type.

in ector_no
j Injector number.

radius Radius of the first end at the nozzle (circle).

radius Radius of the second end at the nozzle (circle).

length Length of the embedding.

embed_scale Embedding scale for injector embedding.

Temporal Specify whether the injector embedding PERMANENT, SE ENTIAL,

is QU or


. If the period (in seconds crank_flag =
0 in crank
or in

period angle degrees crank_flag =

1 or 2) must follow the keyword .

embed_start Start time of injector embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

_time temporal type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of injector embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

ime temporal type is PERMANENT.

NOZZ embed_type Embedding type

in ector_no
j Injector number.

nozzle_no Nozzle number.

radius Radius of the first end at the nozzle (circle).

radius Radius of the second end at the nozzle (circle).

length Length of the embedding.

822 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

Fixed Parameter Parameter Description

embed_scale Embedding scale for nozzle embedding.

Temporal Specify whether the nozzle embedding isPERMANENT, SE ENTIAL,

QU or


. If the period (in seconds crank_flag =
0 in crank
or in

period angle degrees crank_flag =

if 1 or 2) must follow the keywordCYCLIC .

embed_start Start time of nozzle embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

_time temporal type is PERMANENT.

embed_end_t End time of nozzle embedding. CONVERGE ignores this parameter if the

ime temporal type is PERMANENT.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 823

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Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files


# Embedding 1
BOUND embed_type
15 boundary_id
3 embed_scale
2 num_embed
-999999.0 embed_start_time
-999999.0 embed_end_time
# Embedding 2
REGION embed_type
9 region_id
2 embed_scale
-999999.0 embed_start_time
-999999.0 embed_end_time
# Embedding 3
BOX embed_type
0.0 0.0 0.1 x_center
0.06 0.1 0.1 x_size
2 embed_scale
-999999.0 embed_start_time
-999999.0 embed_end_time
# Embedding 4
CYLINDER embed_type
0.0 0.0 0.1 x_center
0.06 radius
0.0 0.0 -0.2 x_center
0.06 radius
2 embed_scale
-999999.0 embed_start_time
-999999.0 embed_end_time
# Embedding 4
SPHERE embed_type
-0.0034 0.0 0.0091 x_center
0.003 radius
4 embed_scale
-16.0 embed_start_time
0.0 embed_end_time
# Embedding 5
INJECTOR embed_type
0 injector_no

824 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Grid Control Input Files

0.001 radius
0.002 radius
0.015 length
5 embed_scale
-16.0 embed_start_time
0.0 embed_end_time
# Embedding 6
NOZZLE embed_type
0 injector_no
0 nozzle_no
0.002 radius
0.004 radius
0.015 length
4 embed_scale
-485.0 embed_start_time
-265.0 embed_end_time
Figure 22.80: An example file.
22.9 Output/Post-Processing Input Files

This section describes the input files that contain output and post-processing parameters

for your CONVERGE simulation.

22.9.1 Post-Processing -

The ,
file which is required for all simulations , specifies which quantities

CONVERGE writes to the binary output files for post-processing and visualization. The file contains the keywords <cells> and < parcels>, each followed by a list of variables.

Tables 22.74 through 22.83 below list the parameters that you can include in . Note

that these parameters must be spelled e xactly as shown in the tables.

CONVERGE frequently updates the list of acceptable variables in (for more

information on version-to-version changes , consult the Release Notes). To ensure that you

can use all the variables listed in this section , please install the latest version of


CONVERGE saves the binary output files ( post*.out ) to a directory named output, which is

within the Case Directory. After the simulation is complete , use the post_convert utility to

convert the data in the post*.out files to a format that can be used by a visualization


If you change the file prior to restarting a simulation , CONVERGE will create a new

output directory for the restart post files. The new directory will be named output<number>
( e.g., output1 , ) where <number> restart_number
is from

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 825

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

To generate averaged quantities from post*.out files , you must include the following

parameters in the file before starting a simulation: logic_i, logic_ , logic_k, level,
j and

volume .

Table 22.74: Cell property parameters in These parameters must be preceded by the keyword
Parameter Name Description
alpha Cell void fraction. Volume of fluid modeling must be active ( vof_flag = 1 in ).

cav_rate Cell cavitation rate kg m3s

( / ). Must have vof_flag = 1 in and

cav_cond_flag = 1 in .

cp Specific heat capacity at constant pressure in the cell (J/ K ).

cv Specific heat capacity at constant volume in the cell (J/ K ).

density Cell density ( kg m /


diff_pres Cell pressure minus the average region pressure ( Nm/


div u
Divergence in the cell , i.e., xi .

flux_limiter_mom The sum of the flu x limiter values for the momentum equation in the x, y, and
z directions. Ranges from 0-3 , where 3 indicates that flux is not limited in any

flux_limiter_global The sum of the flu x limiter values for the global equation in the x, ,
y and z

directions. Ranges from 0-3 , where 3 indicates that flu x is not limited in any


gamma Ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume in the cell.

grad_p <i>
[ ] Gradient of pressure in the cell in the i -th direction. 1 represents x, 2

represents y and 3 represents z.

local_dt Value of cell dt (time-step).

mach Cell Mach number.

mass Cell mass ( kg ).

mol_cond Cell molecular conductivity ( W m-K / ).

mol_visc Cell molecular viscosity ( N-s m /


monotone_upwind Indicates the numerical scheme used in the cell in all three directions

(typically based on monotone_tolerance specified in , ) where the solver

used the

0 = First-order upwind scheme,

1 = Numerical scheme specified in .

826 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Parameter Name Description

prod_monotone_upwind Identifies scheme used in boundary cells (which may be Cartesian cut cells)

by calculating the product of monotone_upwind in the x, y, and z directions.

Always 0 or 1.

pair_volume Cell pair volume ( m 3

) (if a cell is paired with another cell).

presrat Density-to-pressure ratio in cell.

pressure Cell pressure ( Nm /


sensible_sie Cell specific sensible value for internal energy (J/ kg )

sie Cell specific internal energy (J/ kg ).

temp Cell temperature ( K ).

vap_pres Cell vapor pressure ( Nm


velocity All three components of cell velocity ( ms/ ).

vol_frac Liquid parcel volume divided by cell volume.

volume Cell volume ( m 3


vorticity Vorticity (generates three separate scalar components).

Table 22.75: Cell geometry and cell location parameters in These parameters must be
preceded by the keyword <cells>.
Parameter Name Description
area i
[ ] Area of the cell side ( m2 , ) where side is any integer , i. For i, integers 0 through 5

, , , ,
correspond to left right front back bottom or top respectively. , ,

center_flag Cell center located outside of cell.

idreg Cell region identification number.

level Cell embed level (0 is for base grid size , positive integers reflect finer resolution ,
negative values reflect coarse resolution of the grid).

logic_i Cell node in i-

th direction.

logic_ j Cell node in i-

th direction.

logic_k Cell node in k-

th direction.

rank Processor identifier for the cell.

xcen direction
[ ] ,
Cell center where direction is any integer 0 , 1 , or 2 corresponding to the x, y, or z

direction respectively.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 827

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Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Table 22.76: Combustion parameters in These parameters must be preceded by the keyword
Parameter Name Description
cmean Progress variable for the ECFM , ECFM3Z , and FGM models. This value ranges

from 0 to 1.

damkohler Cell Damkohler number. Combustion modeling must be active ( combustion_flag =

1 in

equiv_ratio Cell equivalence ratio.

lam_flamespeed Cell laminar flamespeed. Combustion modeling must be active ( combustion_flag =

1 in

lambda Cell relative air-fuel ratio.

mix_frac Cell mi xture fraction.

az_id Identifier for adaptive zoning.

overall_equiv_ratio Overall equivalence ratio (both gas and liquid phase) in the cell.

radiation Monochromatic incident radiation in the cell ( W m3

/ )

react_lambda Cell lambda value for the combustion reaction e xcluding CO 2

and H O.

react_ratio Cell equivalence ratio that does not include CO2 and H2O in the calculation.

reaction_progress Normalized progress variable in the cell for the FGM model. Always 0 if FGM

model is not activated ( fgm_flag 1 in ).

tur_flamespeed Turbulent flamespeed in the cell. Combustion modeling must be active

(combustion_flag = 1 in ).

zmean Mi xture fraction ,

in the cell for the ECFM ECFM3Z and FGM models. ,

zvar Mi xture fraction variance in the cell for the ECFM ECFM3Z and FGM models. , ,

Table 22.77: Turbulence parameters in These parameters must be preceded by the keyword
Parameter Name Description
cond ,
Cell thermal conductivity including the turbulent component ( W m-K
/ ).

eps Cell turbulence dissipation rate ( m2 s3/ ).

omega s-1
Cell specific turbulence dissipation rate ( )

les_mode If a DES model turbulence_model

is activated ( = DDES_K_OMEGA_SST or

IDDES_K_OMEGA_SST , in ) this parameter specifies the regime that

the cell is under.

0 = Cell has RANS behavior ,

1 = Cell has LES behavior.

828 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Parameter Name Description

s11, s12, s13, Components of the strain rate tensor for turbulence in the cell (s-1 ).

s22, s23, s33

tke Cell turbulent kinetic energy ( m2 s2 / ).

tur_length Turbulent length scale in the cell ( m ).

tur_velocity Magnitude of turbulent velocity in the cell ( ms / ).

visc ,
Cell viscosity (dynamic) including the turbulent component ( N m2 s
/ / ).

visc_rat Ratio of turbulent viscosity and molecular viscosity.

yplus Dimensionless wall distance.

q_criterion Second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor.

Table 22.78: Species/passive parameters in These parameters must be preceded by the
keyword <cells>.
Parameter Name Description
massfrac(<species name>) Mass fraction of the species. The species name must match the

name specified in, mech.dat, and/or . When

using the RIF model you can specify in any species included

in the mechanism regardless of whether it is a rif_transport_species,
and CONVERGE will provide mass fraction data for that species.

molefrac(<species name>) Mole fraction of species. The species name must match the species

name given in mech.dat or .

passive(<passive name>) The value of the passive. The passive name contained in the

parentheses must match the name specified in and Refer to Chapter 9 - Physical Properties and Non-

Transport Passives for details regarding specific non-transport

passives that can be written to the post*.out files.

spd(<species name>) Cell species density ( m-3 ).

surfcov(<species name>) Surface coverage fraction of the surface species. The species name

must match the name specified in surface_mech.dat .

Table 22.79: Boundary/film parameters in These parameters must be preceded by the
keyword <cells>.
Parameter Name Description
attach Number of boundaries attached to the cell.

bound Indicates if a boundary is attached to the cell.

0 = No boundaries are attached to the cell,

1 = At least one boundary is attached to the cell.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 829

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Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Parameter Name Description

bound_flux Heat flu x at wall boundary (J/ s ).

bound_htc Heat transfer coefficient ( W m2K

/ ) for convection boundaries. This value should

be equal to that specified in .

bound_t_ref Boundary reference temperature for convection boundaries.

bound_temp Temperature at wall boundary ( K ).

cell_htc Heat transfer coefficient at a wall boundary given by the heat flu , x divided by the

temperature difference (W/m K ) . CONVERGE writes 0 for solid boundaries.

2 2

conv_htc Convective heat transfer coefficient ( W m2K / ) at the fluid wall boundary of the


film_ht Cell liquid film thickness ( m ).

film_mfrac(<species Mass fraction of the species. The species name matches mech.dat

film_temp Cell liquid film temperature ( K ).

mag_wall_stress Magnitude of the wall stress at the specified boundary.

moving Indicates if a moving boundary is attached to the cell.

0 = No moving boundaries are attached to the cell,

1 = At least one moving boundary is attached to the cell.

sc_avg_temp Time-averaged temperature K

( ) used as the boundary condition for super-


sc_avg_htc Time-averaged heat transfer coefficient ( W m2K/ ) used as the boundary condition

for super-cycling.

sc_wall_temp Super-cycling surface temperature ( K ).

wall_stress_x Wall stress ( N m2

/ ) in the x direction (at the specified boundary).

wall_stress_y Wall stress ( N m2

/ ) in the y direction (at the specified boundary).

wall_stress_z Wall stress ( N m2

/ ) in the z direction (at the specified boundary).

Table 22.80: Detailed soot model parameters in These parameters must be preceded by the
keyword <cells>.
Parameter Name Description
pm_mom0 Zeroth soot moment ( mole of soot per kg of gas) in each cell.

pm_mom1 First soot moment ( mole of soot per kg of gas) in each cell.

soot_coag Soot mass density (kg m3)

/ due to coagulation in each cell (PM and PSM models).

soot_con Soot mass density (kg m3)

/ due to condensation in each cell (PM and PSM


830 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Parameter Name Description

soot_fr Soot mass density (kg m3)
/ due to fragmentation in each cell (PM and PSM


soot_mass Soot mass density ( kg m3/ ) in each cell (PM and PSM models).

soot_mf Soot mass fraction in each cell (PM and PSM models).

soot_num_density Soot number density (1/ m3 ) in each cell.

soot_ox Soot mass density (kg m3)

/ due to o xidation in each cell (PM and PSM models).

soot_pi Soot mass density (kg m3)

/ due to particle inception (nucleation) ( kg ) in each cell

(PM and PSM models).

soot_size Diameter of the soot particle ( m,

) which is assumed to be a sphere.

soot_sg Soot mass (kg m3)

/ density due to surface growth in each cell (PM and PSM


soot_vf Soot volume fraction in each cell (PM and PSM models).

sootsect_mass PSM soot mass ( kg ) in each section and each cell.

sootsect_mf PSM soot mass fraction in each section and each cell.

sootsecf_vf PSM soot volume fraction in each section and each cell.

Table 22.81: Physical properties of parcels parameters in These parameters must be preceded
by the keyword <parcels>.
Parameter Name Description
density Parcel density ( kg m3/ ).

film_area Mass weighted area of the film associated with the parcel.

film_flag 0 = Parcel is not in wall film,

1 = Parcel is in wall film,
2 = Rebounded parcels ,
3 = Splashed parcels ,
4 = Separated parcels ,
5 = Stripped parcels.

film_thickness Thickness of the film associated with the parcel ( m).

from_in ector
j Identifies the injector number from which the parcel originates.

from_nozzle Identifies the nozzle number from which the parcel originates.

mass Parcel mass ( kg ).

num_drop Number of drops per parcel.

parent If the parcel is a parent drop (close to the injector inlet).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 831

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Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Parameter Name Description

radius Parcel radius ( m ).

surf_temp Surface temperature of the film associated with the parcel ( K ).

temp Parcel temperature ( K ).

triangle Identifies the surface triangle(s) that the parcel is associated with.

urea_deposit Lists the mass fraction of solid urea (urea_solid ,

) aqueous urea

(urea_aqueous , biuret, ammelide,

) the ammonium cation ( N ),
H4 water (H 2O ,

the cyanate anion ( NCO , ) the hydrogen radical ( hplus ,

) and cyanuric acid

(cya ) in the parcel. Requires the detailed decomposition of urea model

(urea_flag =
3 in ).

velocity All three components of parcel velocity ( ms

/ ).

Table 22.82: Model properties of parcels parameters in parameters must be preceded
by the keyword <parcels>.
Parameter Name Description
distant Unitless RT model constant.

distort Cell drop distortion from TAB model.

distort_dot Time-rate of drop distortion in the cell from TAB model.

film_shed Accumulated parcel mass ( kg ) for stripped drop calculation.

pid Unique parcel identifier.

shed_mass Accumulated parcel mass ( kg ) for child drop calculation.

shed_num_drop Number of drops used in shed_mass calculation.

t_turb Turbulent time-scale for fluctuating velocity ( ). s

tbreak_kh s
Drop breakup time ( ) for the KH model.

tbreak_rt s
Drop breakup time ( ) for the RT model.

time_turb_accum Accumulated turbulent time ( ) for the parcel. s

uprime Turbulent x component of parcel velocity ( ms / ).

vprime Turbulent y component of parcel velocity ( ms / ).

wprime Turbulent z component of parcel velocity ( ms / ).

weber Weber number of parcels.

Table 22.83: Species/user properties of parcels parameters in These parameters must be
preceded by the keyword <parcels>.
Parameter Name Description

832 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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massfrac(<species>) Mass fraction of species. Note that the species name match
. Spray

modeling must be active ( spray_flag =

1 in ).

user<index> The user-defined parcel parameter parcel->user<index> Y . ou can define any

number of these parcel parameters in the UDF user_post.c . Note that , in, you must first specify the number of parcel->user<index> parameters

that you intend to define in the user_num_parcel <index>

row. The number

is a zero-based inde x number. Refer to the user-defined functions -

section in this chapter for more details.

Figure 22.81 below shows an e xample file.


Figure 22.81: An example file. Note that the keyword <cells> is followed by a list of variables
and then the keyword <parcels> is followed by another list of variables.
22.9.2 Flow Between Regions -

The file specifies the inter-region flow parameters when region_flow_flag = 2

in This file also controls the species and passive output for all INFLOW and

OUTFLOW boundaries in a simulation.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 833

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Use the parameters in this file to customize the output for the mass flow of different

species and passives between regions and across INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries.

Table 22.84 below describes the parameters in, and Figure 22.82 below

provides an e xample file.

Table 22.84: Parameters in

Parameter Description
output_allregions_flag 0 = Output of mass flows for the adjacent regions specified below as

region1 and region2,

1 = Output of mass flows for all adjacent regions in the domain.

output_allspecies_flag 0 = Output of mass flows for the species specified below,

1 = Output of all the species in the domain.

region1_region2 The region identifiers for which the adjacent region mass flows are

written in regions_flow.out ,
file. Repeat this set as needed depending on

the number of adjacent region pairs you want to specify. CONVERGE

reads this parameter only when output_allregions_flag = 0.

species name Name of the species for which the mass flows are written in

regions_flow.out . Only read when output_allspecies_flag = 0.

passive name Name of the passive for which the mass flows are written in

regions_flow.out .


0 output_allregions_flag
0 1 region1 region2
0 2 region1 region2
0 output_allspecies_flag
co2 species
h2o species
n2 species
o2 species
soot passive
nox passive
Figure 22.82: An example file.
22.9.3 ,
Swirl Tumble , and Angular Momentum Calculations -

To define swirl , tumble , and inter-region angular momentum-related parameters , set

dynamic_flag = 1 in and include the file in the Case Directory. Table

22.85 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.83 contains an example file that defines two swirl and tumble regions and two angular momentum


834 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Table 22.85: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_piston_or_vector The number of sections that follow. Each section describes a direction

vector (or piston) used to calculate dynamic information for the

specified region.

region_id ID of the region (must match region_id

in ) in which swirl

and tumble ratio will be calculated.

bound_or_vector 0 = The tumble is calculated along a boundary motion vector ,

1 = The tumble is calculated along a user-specified vector.

boundary_id ID of the boundary (must match boundary_id

in ) whose

motion vector is used to calculate tumble. Used only when

bound_or_vector = 0.

vector_x The x component of the tumble calculation vector. Used only when

bound_or_vector = 1.

vector_y The y component of the tumble calculation vector. Used only when

bound_or_vector = 1.

vector_z The z component of the tumble calculation vector. Used only when

bound_or_vector = 1.

num_ang_mom_flux Number of regions between which angular momentum flu x

calculations will be performed.

ang_mom_flux_region_from ID of the region (must match region_id

in ) from which

CONVERGE will calculate the angular momentum. There should be

num_ang_mom_flux pairs of ant_mom_flux_region_from and

ang_mom_flux_region_to ID of the region (must match region_id
in ) to which

CONVERGE will calculate the angular momentum.


2 num_piston_or_vector
0 region_id
1 bound_or_vector
0 boundary_index
1.0 0.0 0.0 vector_x
0.0 1.0 0.0 vector_y
0.0 0.0 1.0 vector_z
2 region_id
0 bound_or_vector
8 boundary_index
1.0 0.0 0.0 vector_x
0.0 1.0 0.0 vector_y
0.0 0.0 1.0 vector_z
2 num_ang_mom_flux
1 ang_mom_flux_region_from

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 835

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Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

2 ang_mom_flux_region_to
3 ang_mom_flux_region_from
4 ang_mom_flux_region_to
Figure 22.83: An example file.
22.9.4 Monitor Points -

Monitor points are locations in the domain at which CONVERGE collects data during the

simulation. A monitor point can be a single point or a cube of specified location and size. If

the monitor point is a cube , CONVERGE will report the average value of each monitored

quantity within the cube. You can specify whether the values will be mass- or volume-


To activate this monitor point feature , set monitor_points_flag = 1 in and include a file. Table 22.86 below describes the parameters in, and

Table 22.87 lists the keywords for the variables that can be monitored. Figure 22.84

contains an e xample file.

Table 22.86: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_mon_points Number of monitor points. For each monitor point include a row ,
specifying its x, y, and z ;
coordinates bounding cube length (in m;) stream

; , ,
ID and for points located on a moving boundary boundary ID (the point

will move with the boundary).

Variable(s) to monitor Variables that CONVERGE will monitor and their statistical types

(MASS_AVG for mass-averaged values or VOL_AVG for volume-

averaged values).

Table 22.87: Variables that can be monitored via

Variable (units) Keyword
Pressure ( Pa ) pressure
Volume ( m3 ) volume
Mass ( kg ) mass
Density ( kg m3
/ ) density
Heat capacity at constant pressure (J/ kg-K ) cp
Heat capacity at constant volume (J/ kg-K ) cv
Ratio of specific heats gamma
Mach number mach
Specific internal energy (J/ kg ) sie

836 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

Variable (units) Keyword

Equivalence ratio equiv_ratio
React ratio reac_ratio
Temperature ( K ) temperature
Turbulent kinetic energy ( m2 s2 / ) tke
Turbulence dissipation rate ( m2 s3 / ) eps
Specific dissipation rate ( 1s/ ) omega
U velocity component ( ms
/ ) u
V velocity component ( ms
/ ) v
W velocity component ( ms/ ) w
Mi xture fraction mix_frac
Conductivity ( W m-K / ) cond
Viscosity ( N-s m2
/ ) visc
Dimensionless wall distance yplus
Mass fraction massfrac(species_name)
Passive passive(passive_name)


4 num_mon_points
0.0618 0.06115300 -0.109856 0.002 0
-0.00090924 0.00068804 -0.176000 0.002 1 27
-0.04546193 -0.0086544 -0.183000 0.002 1 27
0.0801515 0.016419 0.045338 0.0 0

pressure MASS_AVG
pressure VOL_AVG
volume VOL_AVG
mass VOL_AVG
massfrac(O2) VOL_AVG
massfrac(CO2) VOL_AVG
massfrac(CH4) MASS_AVG
Figure 22.84: An example file.

Note that CONVERGE contains two other monitor point options: a UDF monitor point

option and a super-cycle monitor point option. Unlike monitor points defined via, UDF and super-cycle monitor points do not allow you to select which

variables to monitor.

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Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

22.9.5 Custom Species Output -

To direct CONVERGE to generate customized output files containing results for species

total mass , mass fraction , standard deviation of mass fraction , and mole fraction , specify

the file name as the value of species_output_flag in Ne xt save a file to the Case Directory. The file can include any of the

following keywords:

After a keyword , list the name(s) of the species for which you would like CONVERGE to

record this quantity or type the word all to include output for all of the species listed in and the reaction mechanism file.

If you do not include a keyword , or if you specify the term none after a bracketed keyword ,
CONVERGE will not write output for this quantity.

An e xample file is shown below in Figure 22.85. This file will generate

total_mass data for N2 , standard deviation of the mass fraction for O2 , and mole fraction

data for all of the species in and the reaction mechanism file. No output for

mass_fraction will be generated because this keyword does not appear in the file.

Figure 22.85: An example file.

CONVERGE will write the total mass , mass fraction , standard deviation of mass average ,
and mole fraction data , respectively , to the following output files:

A customized volume output option is available for a VOF simulations. If ( vof_flag = 1 in ,
) CONVERGE will write species_vol.out if the file contains the

<total_vol> keyword followed by allor the name(s) of one or more species.

838 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Output/Post-Processing Input Files

22.9.6 Mapping File Frequency -

When write_map_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE writes map_<time>.out file(s) at the

simulation time(s) specified in . You can use these output files to initialize a

new simulation. If a simulation has spray modeling ( i.e., if spray_flag = 1 in , )

CONVERGE also writes spray_map_<time>.out file(s) at the simulation time(s) specified in x
. For e, ample if you direct CONVERGE to write file(s) at 100 crank angle
degrees, map_1.000000e 02.out
CONVERGE will write + and (for a simulation with spray

modeling) spray_map_1.000000e 02.out + .

When write_map_flag = , 1 CONVERGE also writes map_bound<ID>_<time>.out files ( e.g.,

map_bound2_1.000000e 02.out + ) for each INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundary.

Table 22.88 summarizes the parameters in . Figure 22.86 shows an e xample

Table 22.88: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_map_ Number of map_write_time value(s) to be listed below.

Temporal SE QUENTIAL or CYCLIC. If CYCLIC, the keyword must be followed by the period.

map_write_ Time(s) at which CONVERGE will write a map file. There should be num_map_files entries

time of this parameter.


3 num_map_files
100.5 map_write_time
150 map_write_time
200 map_write_time
Figure 22.87: Sample file.

22.10 User-Defined Functions Input Files

This section describes the input files that contain information about user-defined functions

(UDFs) for your CONVERGE simulation.

22.10.1 User-Defined Functions -

This section describes how to prepare the file. Before running a simulation with a

UDF , consult the CONVERGE UDF Manual , which describes how to e xecute a simulation

that includes a UDF.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 839

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

You can use UDFs to add models or features to CONVERGE. To enable UDFs , set user_flag
=1 in and include the file in the Case Directory. To activate most UDFs , set

the appropriate flag to 1 in . Note that some flags activate the same UDF ( e.g., several

film-related flags activate the user_film.c UDF).

Note that some UDFs are not activated via a flag in . For these UDFs , add the

keyword U SER in the appropriate file.

The user_bc.c UDF allows you to set spatially and temporally varying velocity and

temperature boundary conditions. Activate user_bc.c by entering SER

U in the

applicable velocity and/or temperature boundary condition row(s) in .

The user_reaction_rate.c UDF allows you to define your own chemical reaction rate

function. Activate user_reaction_rate.c by entering U SER in the row below any reaction

row in mech.dat.
The user_motion.c UDF allows you to specify the motion of a boundary. This UDF may

be especially useful for cases in which the motion of the boundary depends on

conditions such as temperature or pressure that are calculated during the simulation.

Refer to the Moving WALLS - (User) section in Chapter 8 - Boundary Conditions for

more information about user-defined boundary motion.

Table 22.89 below lists the flags and the associated UDF subroutines. Figure 22.88

below shows an e xample file.

Table 22.89: Parameters in

Parameter UDF Subroutine Description
user_dissolved_gas_flag user_vof_dissolved_gas.c Model dissolved gas for multiphase


user_spray_main_flag user_spray_main.c Spray modeling main driver routine.

user_nozzle_flag user_nozzle.c Customizing injection velocity

magnitude nozzle diameter and cone ,

user_in ect_flag
j user_in ect_custom.c
j Injector velocity components injected ,
drop spatial position and drop radius.

user_rateshape_flag user_in ect_profile.c

j Injection rate-shape.

840 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

Parameter UDF Subroutine Description

user_break_flag user_break_custom.c, Breakup models for spray.

user_parcel_flag user_parcel_prop.c, Custom parcel properties in spray.

user_distort_flag user_drop_distort.c, Distortion of drops in spray.

user_evap_flag user_spray_evap.c, Evaporation of drops in spray.

user_coalesce_flag user_spray_colide.c, Drop coalescence.

user_collide_flag user_spray_colide.c, Drop collision.

user_gas_couple_flag user_spray_gas_couple.c, Coupling the spray and gas phase.

user_combust_main_flag user_combust_main.c Combustion modeling main driver


user_combust_flag user_combust_model.c, Custom combustion model.

user_combust_sage_flag user_combust_sage.c, Enable an e xact copy of SAGE
user_combust_sage_setup.c, configured for use with the soot models

user_combust_main.c available with user_soot_model_flag (see

previous row).

user_combust_ctc_flag user_combust_ctc.c, Characteristic Time Combustion (CTC)

user_combust_main.c model.

user_combust_shell_flag user_combust_shell.c, Shell ignition model.

user_combust_rif_flag user_combust_rif.c, Custom RIF combustion model.

user_combust_adaptive_zone_flag user_combust_adaptive_zoni Adaptive zoning chemistry in

ng.c combustion.

user_mech_rate_flag user_mech_rate.c, Reaction rates using CKW YP routine to

user_combust_sage_setup.c speed up chemistry calculations. Often

used for simulations not using detailed


user_reaction_multiplier_flag user_reac_mult.c, Reaction rates for every reaction at

user_combust_sage.c every time-step. Often used for

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 841

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

Parameter UDF Subroutine Description

simulations not using detailed

chemistry. (Only for advanced users.)

user_reaction_rate_flag user_reaction_rate.c User-defined reaction rate. USER

keyword in mech.dat required.

user_surface_reac_rate_flag user_reaction_rate.c User-defined inhibition function.

user_nox_flag user_combust_nox.c, NO x emissions.

user_soot_flag user_combust_soot.c, Soot emissions.

user_soot_model_flag user_soot_model.c, Choose from three soot models to use

user_combust_sage.c, with the SAGE detailed chemistry

user_combust_sage_setup.c, model with adaptive zoning.

user_outputs.c 1 = Gokul
2 = Dalian
4 = Waseda

user_passive_sor_flag user_passive_sor.c Successive Over-Rela xation (SOR)

solver for passive species.

user_g_eqn_flag user_calc_g_eqn_src.c, G-Equation combustion model.

user_laminar_flamespeed_flag user_laminar_flamespeed.c User-specified subroutine for laminar

flame speed.

user_equiv_ratio_flag user_calc_equiv_ratio.c Equivalence ratio definition for fuel-air

user_mixing_output.c Mi x ing output data. To activate

user_mixing_output.c, you must set

user_equiv_ratio_flag = 1 and

mixing_output_flag =
1 in .

user_rebound_flag user_film.c, Rebounding of drops in the wall film

user_film_splash.c model.

user_film_ et_flag
j user_film.c Film jets in the wall film model.

user_film_strip_flag user_film_strip.c Film stripping in the wall film model.

user_film_sources_flag user_film_sources.c Film sources in the wall film model.

user_film_gradp_flag user_film_gradp.c Pressure gradient of films in the wall

film model.

842 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

Parameter UDF Subroutine Description

user_film_splash_flag user_film_splash.c, User-specified film splash routine.

user_splash_crit_flag user_film.c, Determine when an impinging drop

user_film_splash.c splashes and when it is incorporated

into the wall film.

user_splash_mass_flag user_film.c, Mass of drops splashed in the wall

user_film_splash.c film model.

user_splash_radius_flag user_film.c, Radius of splashed drops in the wall

user_film_splash.c film model.

user_splash_vel_flag user_film.c, Velocity of splashed drops in the wall

user_film_splash.c film model.

user_film_prop_flag user_film_prop.c Properties of films in the wall film


user_film_evap_flag user_film_evap.c Wall film evaporation.

user_dt_flag user_dt.c Custom time-step limiters.

user_source_flag user_source_main.c Sources.

user_source_transport_flag user_source_transport.c Source terms in the transport


user_event_flag user_event.c Events based on customized

occurrences ( e.g., pressure gradients

between regions).

user_ga_merit_flag user_ga_merit_function.c Merit function subroutine for the

genetic algorithm or design of


user_piston_position_flag user_piston_position.c, Custom piston position table.

user_wallvalue_flag user_wallvalue.c Custom wall values.

user_input_flag user_inputs.c Create an additional input file named that specifies customized


user_post_flag user_post.c Output of custom post-processing


user_out_flag user_outputs.c, Output of column-formatted output

user_soot_outputs.c, data.

user_transfer_flag user_write_transfer.c Customized output files of heat

transfer data.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 843

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

Parameter UDF Subroutine Description

user_heat_transfer_flag user_heat_transfer.c Customized heat transfer model.

user_set_properties_flag user_set_properties.c User-defined thermodynamic

properties based on updated

temperature or species densities.

user_regions_flow_flag user_regions_flow.c Mass flow or parcel flow from one

region to another.

user_turb_stat_flag user_turbulent_statistics.c Define custom turbulence statistics.

user_turb_model_flag user_turbulence_model.c, Specify a turbulence model.

user_fsi_flag user_fsi_dynamics.c ,
Applied forces moments and ,
constraints for fluid-structure

interaction (FSI) simulations.

user_restart_flag user_restart.c Position of boundaries is stored in the

restart file. This UDF allows you to

read and write your own restart file ,

which is useful when you specify

boundaries with user-defined motion

or fluid-structure interaction.

user_scatter_function_flag user_scattering_phase_functi Define a scattering phase function for

on.c the radiation transport equation.

user_initialize_flag user_initialize.c Set a spatially-varying profile for any

quantity as an initial condition. When

you activate this UDF CONVERGE ,

will first read the initial conditions

defined in user_initialize.c and then

read the rest of the initial conditions

from . Any conditions

defined in will

supersede conditions in .

user_bc_flag user_bc.c User defined boundary condition for


user_motion_flag user_motion.c Customized motion of moving


user_num_parcel user_post.c Number of custom parcel-related

properties ( parcel->user <index> [ ]) to be

defined in user_post.c Y . ou can include

output for the parcel-related properties

defined in user_post.c by including the

user<index> keyword in the <parcels>

section .

844 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

Parameter UDF Subroutine Description

user_load_balance_flag user_load_balance.c Define custom weights for each

parallel block for load balancing.

user_post_process_flag user_post_process.c Call e xternal codes or functions

immediately before CONVERGE


user_flux_limiter_flag user_flux_limiter.c User-defined subroutine for custom

flu x limiters for the convection term.

user_contact_resistance_flag user_set_prop_contact_resista User-defined subroutine for modeling

nce.c the effect of contact resistance on heat

transfer between small gaps.

user_heat_trans_coeff_spray_flag user_heat_trans_coeff_spray.c Custom heat transfer coefficient for


user_mass_trans_coeff_spray_flag user_mass_trans_coeff_spray. Custom heat transfer coefficient for

c spray.

user_heat_trans_coeff_film_flag user_heat_trans_coeff_film.c Custom heat transfer coefficient for


user_mass_trans_coeff_film_flag user_mass_trans_coeff_film.c Custom heat transfer coefficient for


user_point_flag user_points.c, Customized output at particular

user_points_data.c monitor points in the domain. See UDF

Monitor Points below.

num_points See user_point_flag See UDF Monitor Points below.

(previous row).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 845

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files


0 user_dissolved_gas_flag User specified subroutine

to model gas dissolving into liquid.
0 user_spray_main_flag User specified subroutine
for the spray modeling main driver routine.
0 user_nozzle_flag User specified subroutine
for customizing injection velocity magnitude, nozzle diameter, and cone angle.
0 user_inject_flag User specified subroutine
for the injector velocity components, injected drop spatial position, and drop
0 user_rateshape_flag User specified subroutine
for injection rate shape.
0 user_break_flag User specified subroutine
for breakup models for spray.
0 user_parcel_flag User specified subroutine
for custom parcel properties in spray.
0 user_distort_flag User specified subroutine
for the distortion of drops in spray.
0 user_evap_flag User specified subroutine
for evaporation of drops in spray.
0 user_coalesce_flag User specified subroutine
for drop coalescence.
0 user_collide_flag User specified subroutine
for drop collision.
0 user_gas_couple_flag User specified subroutine
for coupling the spray and gas phase.
0 user_combust_main_flag User specified subroutine
for the combustion modeling main driver routine.
0 user_combust_flag User specified subroutine
for custom combustion model.
0 user_combust_sage_flag User specified subroutine
for customized SAGE cumbustion model.
0 user_combust_ctc_flag User specified subroutine
for Characteristic Time Combustion (CTC) model.
0 user_combust_shell_flag User specified subroutine
for Shell ignition model.
0 user_combust_rif_flag User specified subroutine
for customized RIF cumbustion model.
0 user_combust_adaptive_zone_flag User specified subroutine
for multi-zone chemistry in combustion.
0 user_mech_rate_flag User specified subroutine
for reaction rates using CKWYP routine.
0 _multiplier_flag User specified subroutine
for modifying reaction rate coefficients for every reaction at every time-step.
0 user_reaction_rate_flag User defined reaction rate.
USER keyword in mech.dat required.
0 user_surface_reac_rate_flag Flag to switch user-defined
inhibition function.
0 user_nox_flag User specified subroutine
for NOX emissions.
0 user_soot_flag User specified subroutine
for soot emissions.
0 user_soot_model_flag User specified subroutine
for SAGE soot model (2-Gokul, 3-Dalian, 4-Waseda).
0 user_passive_sor_flag User specified subroutine
for SOR solver for passive species.

846 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

0 user_g_eqn_flag User specified subroutine

for the G-equation combustion model.
0 user_laminar_flamespeed_flag User specified subroutine
for laminar flamespeed.
0 user_equiv_ratio_flag User specified subroutine
for equivalence ratio definition for fuel-air mixture.
0 user_rebound_flag User specified subroutine
for rebounding of drops in the wall film model.
0 user_film_jet_flag User specified subroutine
for film jets in the wall film model.
0 user_film_strip_flag User specified subroutine
for film stripping in the wall film model.
0 user_film_sources_flag User specified subroutine
for film sources in the wall film model.
0 user_film_gradp_flag User specified subroutine
for pressure gradient of films in the wall film model.
0 user_film_splash_flag User specified subroutine
for film splashing.
0 user_splash_crit_flag User specified subroutine
to determine when an impinging drop splashes and when it is incorporated into the
wall film.
0 user_splash_mass_flag User specified subroutine
for mass of drops splashed in the wall film model.
0 user_splash_radius_flag User specified subroutine
for radius of splashed drops in the wall film model.
0 user_splash_vel_flag User specified subroutine
for velocity of splashed drops in the wall film model.
0 user_film_prop_flag User specified subroutine
for properties of films in the wall film model.
0 user_film_evap_flag User specified subroutine
for wall film evaporation.
0 user_dt_flag User specified subroutine
for custom time-step limiters.
0 user_source_flag User specified subroutine
for sources.
0 user_source_transport_flag User specified subroutine
for source terms in the transport equations.
0 user_event_flag User specified subroutine
for events, which can be based on customized occurrences (e.g., pressure gradients
between regions).
0 user_ga_merit_flag User specified merit
function subroutine for the genetic algorithm.
0 user_piston_position_flag User specified subroutine
for a custom piston position table.
0 user_wallvalue_flag User specified subroutine
for custom wall values.
0 user_input_flag User specified subroutine
for input, with customized parameters in "".
0 user_post_flag User specified subroutine
for output of custom post-processing variables.
0 user_out_flag User specified subroutine
for output of column formatted output data.
0 user_transfer_flag User specified subroutine
for output of heat transfer data.
0 user_heat_transfer_flag User specified subroutine
for heat transfer.
0 user_set_properties_flag User specified subroutine
for properties of solids, liquids and gases.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 847

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

0 user_regions_flow_flag User specified subroutine

for calculation of gas and parcel flow-rates between regions.
0 user_turb_stat_flag User specified subroutine
for customized turbulent statistics.
0 user_turb_model_flag User defined turbulence
0 user_fsi_flag User specified subroutine
for applied forces, moments, and constraints for fsi problems.
0 user_restart_flag Custom restart file.
0 user_scatter_function_flag User specified scattering
phase function for the radiation transport equation.
0 user_initialize_flag User specified subroutine
for the initialization of flow variables.
0 user_bc_flag User defined boundary
condition for velocity.
0 user_motion_flag Customized motion of moving
0 user_num_parcel Number of custom parcel-
related properties.
0 user_load_balance_flag User specified subroutine
to define custom weights for each parallel block for load balancing.
0 user_post_process_flag User specified subroutine
for calling external functions immediately before the simulation ends.
0 user_flux_limiter_flag User specified subroutine
for custom flux limiters for the convection term.
0 user_contact_resistance_flag User specified subroutine
for modeling the effect of contact resistance on heat transfer between small gaps.
0 user_heat_trans_coeff_spray_flag Flag to activate
0 user_mass_trans_coeff_spray_flag Flag to activate
0 user_heat_trans_coeff_film_flag Flag to activate
0 user_mass_trans_coeff_film_flag Flag to activate
0 user_point_flag User specified subroutine
for customized output at particular point(s) in the domain.

# User defined monitor points table begin:

1.00.0 2.5
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75
Figure 22.88: An example file.
UDF Monitor Points
Monitor points are locations in the domain at which CONVERGE collects customized

output values , such as pressure , temperature , tke, ,

eps velocity, and equivalence ratio ,
during the simulation. A monitor point can be a single point or a sphere of specified

location and radius. If the monitor point is a sphere , CONVERGE will report the average

value of each quantity within the sphere.

CONVERGE includes a non-UDF monitor point option via . With this

option , you can direct CONVERGE to monitor specific variables of interest.

CONVERGE also includes a super-cycle monitor point option. With this option ,
CONVERGE monitors the solid temperature in a CHT simulation.

848 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | User-Defined Functions Input Files

In addition to monitor points you specify in CONVERGE , you can set up monitor points

through the Probe/ Query option in EnSight after you run a simulation. Please refer to the

EnSight User Manual for instructions on how to set up a probe/query.

22.11 Chemistry Input Files

22.11.1 Zero-Dimensional Chemistry Tools

Zero-Dimensional Solver Setup -

The controls for the numerics to calculate the ignition delay are set in the file . You have to specify the nature of solver and the tolerance values as

shown in Table 22.90. An e xample input is shown in Figure 22.89.

Table 22.90: Parameters in

Parameter Description
zero_d_ode_solver Options for different ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers:

0 = CVODE with dense solver. Recommended for mechanisms

with no more than 100 species ,

1 = CVODE with preconditioned iterative solver. Recommended

for mechanisms with more than 100 species.

zero_d_analyt_ acj Flag to specify if Jacobian matri x is solved analytically or

numerically in the SAGE solver.

0 = Calculate the derivatives in the Jacobian matri x numerically,

1 = Calculate the derivatives in the Jacobian matri x analytically.
Option 1 is recommended because it typically runs faster.

zero_d_rel_tol Relative iteration error for each species. Recommended value is


zero_d_abs_tol Absolute iteration error for each species. Recommended value is


zero_d_reaction_multiplier Scaling factor for reaction rates.

zero_d_output_file_flag 0 = Write only ignition_det.dat,

1 = Write all 0D *.outfiles.

zero_d_mole_frac_input_flag 0 = Input is in mass fraction format ,

1 = Input is in mole fraction format.

zero_d_mole_frac_output_flag 0 = Output is in mass fraction format,

1 = Output is in mole fraction format,
2 = Write output in both mass and mole fraction format.

zero_d_egr_ceq_species_subset_flag 0 = Do not limit the number of species used in the CEQ

calculations of the EGR mi xture,
1 = Enable a limit on the number of species used in the CEQ

calculations of the EGR mi x ture.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 849

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

zero_d_num_egr_ceq_species Number of species used in the CE Q calculation of the EGR

mi xture.

zero_d_end_time_flag 0 = Halt the 0D simulation after ignition ,

1 = Halt the 0D simulation at zero_d_end_time
in .

zero_d_double_ignition_delay_flag 0 = Do not write double ignition delay information ,

1 = Enable output of double ignition delay information.

zero_d_sensitivity_flag 0 = Do not perform a sensitivity analysis ,

1 = Perform an adjoint sensitivity analysis ,
2 = Perform a sensitivity analysis.

zero_d_asens_rel_tol Backward relative iteration error for each species for adjoint

sensitivity analysis. Recommended value is 1e-6.

zero_d_asens_abs_tol Backward absolute iteration error for each species for adjoint

sensitivity analysis. Recommended value is 1e-18

zero_d_asens_variables Number of variables for which adjoint sensitivity analysis will be

performed. List each variable (species names and/or

TEMPERATURE) on a separate line following this parameter.

zero_d_ga_flag 0 = Do not write output for a genetic algorithm simulation ,

1 = Write output for a genetic algorithm simulation.

zero_d_kicgen_output_flag 0 = Do not write output in a format readable by the kicgen script,

1 = Enable output in a format readable by the kicgen script.

0 zero_d_ode_solver
1 zero_d_analyt_jac
1e-08 zero_d_rel_tol
1e-20 zero_d_abs_tol
1.0 zero_d_reaction_multiplier

0 zero_d_output_file_flag
1 zero_d_mole_frac_input_flag
0 zero_d_mole_frac_output_flag
0 zero_d_egr_ceq_species_subset_flag
0 zero_d_num_egr_ceq_species

1 zero_d_end_time_flag
0 zero_d_double_ignition_delay_flag

1 zero_d_sensitivity_flag
1e-6 zero_d_asens_rel_tol
1e-18 zero_d_asens_abs_tol
0 zero_d_num_asens_variables
0 zero_d_ga_flag
0 zero_d_kicgen_output_flag
Figure 22.90: Sample input for
Zero-Dimensional Simulation Setup -
CONVERGE generates ignition delay data for different conditions of temperature , pressure

and equivalence ratio of fuel mi xture and it needs the file . The inputs in the

850 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

file , are described in Table 22.91. An e xample file is shown

in Figure 22.91.

Table 22.91: Parameters in

Parameter Description
zero_d_case_type ceq_constant_enth_pres = Constant enthalpy and pressure 0D simulation

with CE Q,
ceq_constant_temp_pres = Constant temperature and pressure 0D

simulation with CE Q,
constant_volume = Constant volume 0D simulation ,
constant_pressure = Constant pressure 0D simulation ,
constant_temperature = Constant temperature 0D simulation.

zero_d_temperature K
Initial temperature ( ).

zero_d_pressure Pa
Initial pressure ( ).

zero_d_end_time Final time for integration ( seconds). The solver will only integrate up to the

point at which the reactants reach equilibrium.

custom_species_flag 0 = Do not allow specification of custom species ,

1 = Allow the specification of custom species.

num_custom_species Number of custom species.

fuel_oxidizer_equiv_ratio The fuel-o xidizer equivalence ratio.

num_fuel_species Number of fuel species. Enter the species and their mass or mole fractions

on the following lines with one species per line.

num_oxidizer_species Number of o xidizer species. Enter the species and their mass or mole

fractions on the following lines , with one species per line.

egr_ratio The EGR ratio.

egr_ratio_definition_flag 0 = Do not include the fuel charge term in the EGR calculation ,
1 = Include the fuel charge term in the EGR calculation.

egr_ceq_flag 0 = Provide a custom EGR mixture,

1 = CONVERGE uses CEQ to compute EGR.

num_egr_species Number of species in the custom EGR mi xture. Enter the species and their

mass or mole fractions on the following lines with one species per line.

constant_volume zero_d_case_type
800 zero_d_temperature
20e5 zero_d_pressure
1 zero_d_end_time

0 custom_species_flag
0 num_custom_species

1.0 fuel_oxidizer_equiv_ratio
1 num_fuel_species

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 851

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

IC8H18 1
2 num_oxidizer_species
O2 0.21
N2 0.79
0.1 egr_ratio
1 egr_ratio_definition_flag
0 egr_ceq_flag
1 num_egr_species
N2 1.0
Figure 22.91: Sample input for
22.11.2 One-Dimensional Chemistry Tools

One-Dimensional Solver Setup

To run the 1D premi xed laminar flamespeed model utility , CONVERGE needs two files: and The file contains the required solver

inputs , as shown in Table 22.92. Figure 22.92 shows an e xample input file.

Table 22.92: Description of parameters.

Parameter Description
one_d_solver_type One-dimensional solver type.

1 = Stand-alone 1D steady-state solver,

2 = PISO solver (CONVERGE transient solver),
3 = Hybrid: begin with the PISO solver (CONVERGE
transient solver) on a coarse mesh and end with the

stand-alone Newton solver on a finer mesh.

one_d_anchor_temp Premi xed flame anchoring temperature ( Kelvin ).

one_d_domain_length Length of the 1D domain ( meters


one_d_reaction_multiplier Scaling factor for reaction rates.

one_d_output_file_flag 0 one_d_flamespeed*.out
= Write only (and thermo.out and

flamespeed.out one_d_solver_type >

if 1) ,
1 = Write the files listed above and any output files that

scale with the number of cases (

one_d_newton_restart_case#.rst one_d_sol_case#.out
and ).

one_d_init_from_restart_flag 0 = Begin a new 1D simulation ,

1 = Initialize the 1D simulation from a restart file.

one_d_mole_frac_input_flag 0 = Input is in mass fraction format ,

1 = Input is in mole fraction format.

one_d_mole_frac_output_flag 0 = Output is in mass fraction format,

1 = Output is in mole fraction format,
2 = Write output in both mass and mole fraction format.

one_d_egr_ceq_species_subset_flag 0 = Do not limit the number of species used in the CE Q

calculations of the EGR mi xture,

852 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

1 = Enable a limit on the number of species used in the

CE Q calculations of the EGR mixture.

one_d_num_egr_ceq_species Number of species used in the CE Q calculation of the

EGR mi xture.

newton_log_file_flag 0 = Do not write log files ,

1 = Write a one_d_case<case number>.log
log file ( ) for

each case.

Only used when one_d_solver_type = 1 or 3.

newton_impl_species_diffusion_flag 0 = Do not evaluate species diffusion within the

Newton-Raphson loop ,
1 = Evaluate species diffusion within the Newton-
Raphson loop.

newton_central_difference_flag Specify the spatial discretization scheme:

0 = Upwind scheme,
1 = Central difference scheme after the upwind scheme

newton_init_num_gridpoints Initial number of grid points.

newton_init_ramp_fraction The fraction of the domain in which the initial

temperature profile increases linearly to the equilibrium


newton_sensitivity_flag 0 = Do not perform a sensitivity analysis ,

1 = Perform a sensitivity analysis.

newton_ ac_iteration_ss
j Number of iterations between Jacobian evaluation for

the steady-state solver.

newton_rel_tol_ss Relative tolerance for the steady-state solver.

newton_abs_tol_ss Absolute tolerance for the steady-state solver.

newton_ ac_iterations_pts
j Number of iterations between Jacobian evaluations for

the pseudo time-step solver.

newton_rel_tol_pts Relative tolerance for the pseudo time-step solver.

newton_abs_tol_pts Absolute tolerance for the pseudo time-step solver.

newton_dt_start_pts Initial time-step for the pseudo time-step solver


newton_num_time_steps_pts Number of time-steps for the pseudo time-step solver.

newton_grid_max_slope Normalized slope criterion for refinement.

newton_grid_min_slope Normalized slope criterion for coarsening.

newton_grid_max_curve Normalized curvature criterion for refinement.

newton_grid_min_curve Normalized curvature criterion for coarsening.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 853

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

newton_grid_max_ratio Ma ximum ratio of allowed adjacent grid sizes.

newton_ga_flag 0 = Do not write output for a genetic algorithm

simulation ,
1 = Write output for a genetic algorithm simulation.

piso_screen_print_level Screen print level.

piso_post_file_flag 0 = Do not write post files ,

1 = Write post files at the end of the simulation.

piso_sponge_length Length of the sponge layer ( meters ) to dampen acoustic


piso_dx_base Ma ximum cell size (meters) in the a xial direction.

piso_end_time End time ( seconds ).

piso_species_diffusion_model Species diffusion model.

0 = Apply single species diffusion coefficient,

1 = Apply mixture-averaged diffusion coefficient when
solving species and energy transport equations.

piso_massflowrate_damp_factor Controls the forcing term in the momentum equation to

anchor the premi xed flame.

piso_relax_velocity_factor Under-rela xation factor for the update of inlet velocity

to anchor the premi xed flame.

piso_num_prog_variables Number of progress variable species.

piso_sage_ode_solver Options for different ordinary differential equation

(ODE) solvers:

0 = CVODE with dense solver (recommended for

mechanisms with no more than 100 species) ,

1 = CVODE with preconditioned iterative solver

(recommended for mechanisms with 100-500 species) ,

2 = SuperLU as a preconditioner of GMRES

(recommended for mechanisms with more than 500


piso_sage_rel_tol Relative iteration error for each species in the SAGE


piso_sage_abs_tol Absolute iteration error for each species in the SAGE


piso_sample_size Number of samples used to determine if the specified

variable has reached a steady-state.

piso_tol_avg Tolerance for the difference between the mean of two

monitored samples.

piso_max_std Ma ximum allowed standard deviation in monitored


854 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

piso_num_amr_temp_stages Number of temperature AMR stages. On the lines

below enter a temperature sub-grid scale value and the

piso_amr_temp_sgs keyword for each stage with one

stage per line.

piso_amr_temp_sgs Enter the temperature sub-grid scale criterion for AMR

followed by this keyword.

piso_final_flag 0 = Do not activate a final AMR stage with tighter

settings ,
1 = Activate a final AMR stage with tighter solver

piso_final_max_cfl_nu Ma ximum CFL number based on viscosity for the final

AMR stage.

piso_final_sample_size Number of samples used to determine if the specified

variable has reached a steady-state for the final AMR


piso_final_tol_avg Tolerance for the difference between the mean of two

monitored samples in the final AMR stage.

piso_final_max_std Ma ximum allowed standard deviation in monitored

samples in the final AMR stage.


1 one_d_solver_type
1300 one_d_anchor_temp
0.1 one_d_domain_length
1 one_d_reaction_multiplier
0 one_d_output_file_flag
0 one_d_init_from_restart_flag
0 one_d_mole_frac_input_flag
0 one_d_mole_frac_output_flag
0 one_d_egr_ceq_species_subset_flag
0 one_d_num_egr_ceq_species


0 newton_log_file_flag
0 newton_impl_species_diffusion_flag
0 newton_central_difference_flag


12 newton_init_num_gridpoints
0.1 newton_init_ramp_fraction
0 newton_sensitivity_flag

20 newton_jac_iterations_ss
1e-08 newton_rel_tol_ss
1e-20 newton_abs_tol_ss

20 newton_jac_iterations_pts
1e-08 newton_rel_tol_pts
1e-20 newton_abs_tol_pts
0.0002 newton_dt_start_pts

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 855

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

10 newton_num_time_steps_pts

0.1 newton_grid_max_slope
0.001 newton_grid_min_slope
0.1 newton_grid_max_curve
0.001 newton_grid_min_curve
1e+07 newton_grid_max_ratio

0 newton_ga_flag


0 piso_screen_print_level
0 piso_post_file_flag

0.1 piso_end_time
1 piso_species_diffusion_model
0.01 piso_sponge_length
0.001 piso_dx_base

0.1 piso_massflowrate_damp_factor
0.5 piso_relax_velocity_factor
2 piso_num_prog_variables

0 piso_sage_ode_solver
0.0001 piso_sage_rel_tol
1e-14 piso_sage_abs_tol

50 piso_sample_size
0.001 piso_tol_avg
0.01 piso_max_std

3 piso_num_amr_temp_stages
5 piso_amr_temp_sgs
1.0 piso_amr_temp_sgs
0.1 piso_amr_temp_sgs

1 piso_final_flag
5 piso_final_max_cfl_nu
500 piso_final_sample_size
0.0001 piso_final_tol_avg
0.01 piso_final_max_std
Figure 22.92: Sample input for
One-Dimensional Solver Simulation Setup
To run the 1D premi xed laminar flamespeed model utility , CONVERGE needs two files: and Specify the initial conditions of temperature , pressure,

and species for the 1D flamespeed utility in, as shown in Table 22.93. Figure

22.93 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.93: Description of parameters.

Parameter Description
one_d_unburned_temp Unburned temperature ( K ).

856 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

one_d_unburned_pressure Unburned pressure ( Pa ).

one_d_init_velocity Initial velocity (ms / ).

one_d_cutoff_temp Minimum cell temperature ( K ).

custom_species_flag 0 = Do not allow specification of custom species ,

1 = Allow the specification of custom species.

num_custom_species Number of custom species. Enter the species and their mass of

mole fractions on the following lines with one species per line.

fuel_oxidizer_equiv_ratio The fuel-o xidizer equivalence ratio.

num_fuel_species Number of fuel species. Enter the species and their mass of mole

fractions on the following lines with one species per line.

num_oxidizer_species Number of o xidizer species. Enter the species and their mass of

mole fractions on the following lines with one species per line.

egr_ratio The EGR ratio.

egr_ratio_definition_flag 0 = Do not include the fuel charge term in the EGR calculation ,
1 = Include the fuel charge term in the EGR calculation.

egr_ceq_flag 0 = Provide a custom EGR mixture,

1 = CONVERGE uses CEQ to compute EGR.

num_egr_species Number of species in the custom EGR mi xture. Enter the species
and their mass or mole fractions on the following lines with one ,
species per line.

300.0 one_d_unburned_temp
1.0e5 one_d_unburned_pres
0.3 one_d_init_velocity
0.0 one_d_cutoff_temp
0 custom_species_flag
0 num_custom_species
1.100 fuel_oxidizer_equiv_ratio
1 num_fuel_species
IC8H18 1.0
2 num_oxidizer_species
O2 0.2329175
N2 0.7670825
0.2 egr_ratio
1 egr_ratio_definition_flag
0 egr_ceq_flag
2 num_egr_species
N2 0.8
CO2 0.2

300.0 unburned_temperature
1.0e5 unburned_pressure
0.3 initial_velocity
0.0 cutoff_temperature
0 custom_species_flag
0 num_custom_species

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 857

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

1.200 fuel_oxidizer_equiv_ratio
1 num_fuel_species
IC8H18 1.0
2 num_oxidizer_species
O2 0.2329175
N2 0.7670825
0.2 egr_ratio
1 egr_ratio_definition_flag
0 egr_ceq_flag
2 num_egr_species
N2 0.8
CO2 0.2
Figure 22.93: Example file.
22.11.3 Mechanism Reduction Input Files

Mechanism Reduction Setup -

CONVERGE needs,,
three files - and - to

generate the reduced reaction mechanism mech_ske.dat
which it writes to .

CONVERGE looks for three,,

files and to

generate the reduced mechanism of chemical reactions in mech_ske.dat . The inputs for the

files, and are described in previous sections. The inputs for

the file are shown in Table x

22.94. An e
ample is shown in Figure


Table 22.94: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical
drgep_flag Activates the drgep_ignition_delay_error parameter .
drgep_ignition_delay_error Ignition delay error for DRGEP. 0.5

drgep_search_iter Search iterations tuning parameter (this was included in 10

a line near the bottom of the v2.1.0 version of ).

sensitivity_analysis_flag Activates the sensitivity_fraction parameter.

sensitivity_fraction Fraction of species from the skeletal mechanism that 0.5

undergoes sensitivity analysis.

isomer_lumping_flag 0 = Automatic isomer lumping is OFF ,

1 = Automatic isomer lumping is ON.

See the Isomer Lumping Reaction Option section for more

information about isomer lumping.

isomer_ignition_delay_error Error tolerance for automatic isomer lumping. A larger 0.2 - 0.3.

value will lead to a smaller mechanism ( i.e., more


num_targets Number of target species specified below.

858 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

target_species ,
Name of the target species followed by the weight. Use

weight 1.00 for all target species. Use a value between 0

and 1 ( e.g., 0.05) for species that are not target species but

should be retained in the final skeletal mechanism.

Add a negative sign in front of the weight to direct

CONVERGE to include only this species (not its

connected species as well) in the reduced mechanism.

1 drgep_flag
0.2 drgep_ignition_delay_error
2 drgep_search_iter
1 sensitivity_analysis_flag
0.2 sensitivity_fraction
1 isomer_lumping_flag
0.5 isomer_ignition_delay_error
8 num_targets
c7h16 1.0 target_species
ic8h18 1.0 target_species
n2 1.0 target_species
o2 1.0 target_species
oh 0.01 target_species
ho2 0.01 target_species
co 0.01 target_species
co2 0.01 target_species
Figure 22.94: Sample input for
Dynamic Mechanism Reduction -
The DMR option will reduce the mechanism during the SAGE simulation , based on target

weight and error propagation tolerance values you specify. To activate the Dynamic

Mechanism Reduction utility , you must first activate the SAGE detailed chemistry solver

by setting sage_flag = 1 in . Configure the SAGE-related parameters as needed.

DMR may be used in conjunction with the SAGE adaptive zoning option.

Then , sage_dmr_flag
set = 1 in . CONVERGE will look for a file named in the Case Directory. The inputs for the file are shown in Table 22.95. Since

DMR automatically removes species based on local thermo-chemical conditions , you may

lose species that are important to your simulation , such as soot precursors for emission

modeling. You can save species information by setting sage_dmr_species_flag = 1 for no-

target species , as shown in the e xample in Figure 22.37 below.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 859

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

Table 22.95: Parameters in

Parameter Description
num_target_species List the number of target species that must be preserved during DMR. List each

target species and its weight in a separate line following this parameter. The

weight is a value from 0 to 1.0. Target species typically have a weight of 1.0.

drgep_tol Error propagation tolerance for the Directed Relation Graph.

sage_dmr_species_flag Flag to save non-target species from being lost due to DMR. If = 1 , list species in

the following line.

8 num_target_species
nc7h16 1.0

o2 1.0
n2 1.0
co2 1.0
h2o 1.0
co 1.0
h2 1.0
ch3 1.0
0.005 drgep_tol
1 sage_dmr_species_flag
h o oh
Figure 22.37: A sample file.
22.11.4 Mechanism Tune Input Files

Mechanism Tune Setup - input file specifies information required to run the Mechanism Tune

utility. This includes the number of reactions to modify in mech.dat, the directory name

where the genetic algorithm optimizations files will be set up , flags to indicate if the utility

will be run with the zero-dimensional solver , 1D premi xed laminar flame speed solver , or

both , and some required parameters for setting up . Table 22.1 describes

the parameters used in, while a sample file is shown

in Figure 22.12 below.

860 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

Table 22.1: Parameters in

Parameter Description Default value
directory_name Directory name where CONGO will be run.

zero_d_num_to_modify Number of 0D sensitive reactions in which the A- 10

factor will be modified.

zero_d_run_sens_cases_flag 0 = Do not run 0D adjoint sensitivity, 0

1 = Run 0D adjoint sensitivity.

zero_d_read_sens_flag 0 = Do not read the zero_d_sens_cases* files , 0

1 = Read the zero_d_sens_cases* files.

one_d_num_to_modify Number of 1D sensitive reactions where the A- 10

factor will be modified

one_d_read_sens_cases_flag 0 = Do not read the one_d_sens_cases* files 1

1 = Read the one_d_sens_cases* files

one_d_run_sens_flag 0 = Do not run 1D sensitivity analysis , 1

1 = Run 1D sensitivity.

merit_lib_flag 0 = Do not use user defined merit function 0

1 = Use user defined merit function (the

libcongo_merit folder is required in Case


performance_var_type Specify performance type for all variables in error ,
. Accepts error ma ximize, or minimize.

constraint_var_type Specify constraint type for all variables in

. ma ximum
Accepts ma ximum or minimum.

power_factor Specify the constraint power factor all variables 1


dir_name Directory name where case input files will be

copied (inside CONGO directory).

case_type Specify marker type for GA. Accepts log_variation

real_variation log_variation or , 1.0 ordersofmag

In the ne xt line, specify a factor followed by either

the variation ordersofmag

or keyword.

gafolder directory_name
10 zero_d_num_to_modify
0 zero_d_read_sens_cases_flag
1 zero_d_run_sens_flag
10 one_d_num_to_modify
0 one_d_read_sens_cases_flag
0 one_d_run_sens_flag


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 861

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Chemistry Input Files

0 merit_lib_flag
error merit_performancetype
maximum merit_constrainttype
1.0 merit_constraintpowerfactor

log_variation case_type
1.0 ordersofmag
Figure 9.12: An example file.
Targets for Mechanism Tune -
The mechanism tune utility requires
and .

For this input file , first specify the number of targets ( numtargets ) to tune against. The

number of targets must match the total number of ignition delay and laminar flame speed

targets. Then specify the targets according to the column format listed in Table 22.2 below.

A sample file is shown in Figure 9.13 follows. Note that you

must list the ignition delay targets before the laminar flame speed targets. For more

information , please consult Chapter 21: Genetic Algorithm.

Table 22.96: Columns in

Column Description Default
target values Specify the target value. N/A

performance weight Assign a performance weight to the target. 1.0

constraint weight Assign a constraint weight to the target. 0

type Specify the target type. Must list either ignitiondelay

optionally followed by a number or flamespeed
optionally followed by a number.

8 numtargets
9.8792105e-02 1.0 0 ignitiondelay1
4.4829933e-02 1.0 0 ignitiondelay2
2.1610038e-02 1.0 0 ignitiondelay3
1.1022426e-02 1.0 0 ignitiondelay4
12.685 1.0 0 flamespeed1
42.420 1.0 0 flamespeed2
79.410 1.0 0 flamespeed3
113.662 1.0 0 flamespeed4
Figure 9.13: An extract from file.
22.12 Heat T ransfer M apping Input Files

This section describes the input file for the heat transfer mapping utility.

862 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Heat Transfer Mapping Input Files

22.12.1 Heat Transfer Mapping -

The file is required to run the htc_map utility. Table 22.97 below describes the

parameters in . Figure 22.95 contains an e xample file.

Table 22.97: Parameters in

Parameter Description Typical
tolerance Distance ( m) used by search algorithm to initialize triangles 2.00e-3

from the corresponding transfer.ou t data point.

scale_xyz Scaling factor to be applied to the x, y, and z coordinates to 1.00

align the FEA surface with the CONVERGE surface. This

factor also can be used to change the length units.

trans_x, trans_y, trans_z Translation values used to translate the x, y, and z 0

coordinates of the CONVERGE data. Note that the

translation is done after the scaling so that the trans_x,

trans_y, and trans_z units are consistent with the scaled


rot_axis A xis about which the coordinates and velocity will be z

rotated. The rotation is applied after the scaling and


rot_angle Rotation angle about the specified a xis. 0

Note that the right hand rule is used to determine the

direction of rotation.

Also note that the rotation for velocity is applied before the

scaling and offset on velocity.

enforce_boundID_match 0 = Do not allow cells with matching boundary ID to 1

initialize FEA triangles ,

1 = Only allow cells with matching boundary ID to

initialize FEA triangles.

hit_location_outputfiles Create detailed *.dat files showing locations of data points 0

used to initialize triangles (can be loaded into CONVERGE

Studio for viewing) in the directory detailedoutput.

There are four different detailed files: one file listing the

uninitialized triangles and separate files listing the

triangles initialized by each algorithm ( Direct its,


Neighbors and Grown Points ). You can load these files in

CONVERGE Studio for diagnostic purposes to monitor the

nature of FEA triangles.

ensight_outputfiles 0 = Do not create output files for geometery and variables 1

that can be loaded into Ensight ,

1 = Create output files for geometery and variables that can

be loaded into Ensight ( *.case, *.geo, *.htc, etc.).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 863

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Heat Transfer Mapping Input Files

Parameter Description Typical

gmv_outputfiles 0 = Do not create output files that can be loaded to General 1

Mesh Viewer (GMV) ,

1 = Create output files that can be loaded to GMV.

start_time Start time for averaging of data. Start time of

an engine


end_time End time for averaging of data. End time of

an engine


num_valve_entries Number of entries needed to account for the mapping of N/A

moving valves.

<boundary ID 1> <boundary Boundary 1 is typically the valve stem and Boundary 2 is N/A

ID 2> typically the moving part of the valve. The number of

entries for this pair depends on the value in



2.000000e-03 tolerance
1.000000e+00 scale_xyz
0.0 trans_x
0.0 trans_y
0.0 trans_z
Z rot_axis
0.0 rot_angle
1 enforce_boundID_match
0 hit_location_output_files
0 ensight_outputfiles
1 gmv_outputfiles
-9.999000e+03 start_time
9.999000e+03 end_time
1 num_valve_entries
2 6
Figure 22.95: Sample file.
22.12.2 Heat Transfer Output Control -

The file specifies the fluid WALL boundaries for which CONVERGE writes wall

heat transfer data. Enter this file name (typically ) for transfer_flag in .

You can also supply keywords to append e xtra output variables related to heat transfer to

transfer.out . Table 22.98 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.96 below

shows an e xample file.

864 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | Heat Transfer Mapping Input Files

Table 22.98 below describes the parameters in . Figure 22.96 below shows an

e xample file.

Table 22.98: Parameters in

Parameter Description
transfer_num_bounds The number of boundaries for which CONVERGE writes wall heat

transfer information to transfer.out

. Enter the boundary ID of each

boundary for which you would like wall heat transfer output.

boundary_id Boundary ID for which CONVERGE writes wall heat transfer


sie Include cell specific internal energy (J/ kg ) in transfer.out . This variable

includes the formation energy of species.

velocity Include all three components of cell velocity ( ms

/ ) in .

eps Include cell turbulence dissipation rate ( m2 s3 transfer.out

/ ) in .

cond Include cell thermal conductivity ( W m-K transfer.out

/ ) in . This variable

includes the turbulent component of thermal conductivity.

tke Include cell turbulent kinetic energy ( m2 s3

/ ) in transfer.out .


# Boundary ID used for transfer.out
2 transfer_num_bounds
12 boundary_id
17 boundary_id
# Extra variables to add to transfer.out
sie Cell specific internal energy (J/Kg). Includes formation energy of
velocity All three components of cell velocity (m/s).
eps Cell turbulence dissipation rate (m^2/s^3).
cond Cell thermal conductivity, including the turbulent component (W/m-
tke Cell turbulent kinetic energy (m^2/s^2).
Figure 22.96: Example file.
22.13 CONGO (
Optimization and M odel Interrogation Utility ) Input


This section describes the input files for CONVERGE's optimization and model

interrogation utility.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 865

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

22.13.1 CONGO -

The ,
file which is mandatory for all CONGO cases , defines the parameters for the

genetic algorithm (GA) or design of e xperiments (DoE). Table 22.99 below describes the

parameters in . Figure 22.97 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.99: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommended
restart_flag Restart the CONGO case from 0 or 1

run_individual Only used to study a GA (ignore). N/A

run_generation Only used to study a GA (ignore). N/A

delay_between_runs Seconds to pause between CONGO runs to allow 0

the randomseed value to change.

pause_to_check_for_results Seconds for which CONGO pauses between 60 s for

checking for the results file in the run directories. CONVERGE

simulations ,
4 s for mechanism

tuning simulations

gen_timeout_minutes Minutes after which CONGO will move to the ne xt E xamples:

case. This value should be greater than the For cases with a 30-

expected runtime for any case. second ,runtime set

to 5minutes.
For cases with a 16-

hour ,
runtime set

to 20hours .

monitor_runs_lib_flag Provides the option to add a user-defined routine 0

to check for crashed cases. Set to 0 to disable this

feature. Contact the Support Team for assistance if

you wish to enable this feature.

new_dir_flag 0 = Re-use run directories , 0

1 = Make new directories each generation.

num_copy_templates Number of file copy templates on the following 2

lines (CONGO invokes the cp command to do

this). CONGO uses the copy templates to

determine which files and folders it will copy for

each individual in a CONGO case. The two copy

templates listed below should copy all of the files

in the CONVERGE Case Directory. This Case

Directory is designated in the dir_name line in, usually named "input_files" . Change these

866 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended

templates only if you do not want to copy all of the

files into each individual's folder.

copy_template Template 1. (Repeat this row corresponding to the *

value you enter in num_copy_templates . Use two

, ,
rows as shown here if you're copying all of the

input files in a normal case directory.)

copy_template Template 2. *.*

input_files Number of input files on following lines. 1

file_name Enter the keyword default to automatically include default

all of the standard CONVERGE input file names.

Otherwise enter the name of the CONVERGE

input file name to be included in the CONGO case.

Repeat this row as needed to correspond with the

number you specify in the input_files row above.

max_gen Ma ximum generations created by the GA. 100

random_seed_flag 0 = Seed the random number generator with a fixed 0

value ,
1 = Use the system time as the seed for the random

mutation_frac GA mutation fraction. Using this parameter is a 0

way to add more randomness to the optimization.

This is typically not used for micro GA runs.

p_conv GA convergence criteria fraction. 0.97

convergence_flag 0 = Convergence calculated relative to the merit 0

score of the elite (fittest individual or best-so-far) ,

1 = Convergence calculated relative to the mean
merit score.

elite_ind_flag 0 = The elite individual may be any individual, 1

1 = The elite individual is always individual 0.

Assigning the elite individual to the 0 position will

ensure that the elite individual is not modified

during the current generation. It is also convenient

to keep the elite individual in the 0 position when

analyzing the results of the GA.

dna_length Number of bits for parameter DNA. 30

exp_type Experiment type. 1

0 = Design of experiments ,
1 = Genetic algorithm,

2 = Design of ex periments of the genetic algorithm.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 867

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

0 restart_flag
0 run_individual
0 run_generation
0 delay_between_runs
5 pause_to_check_for_results
20 gen_timeout_minutes
0 monitor_runs_lib_flag
0 new_dir_flag
2 num_copy_templates
* copy_template
*.* copy_template
1 input_files file_name
100 max_gen
1 random_seed_flag
0.00 mutation_frac
0.97 p_conv
0 convergence_flag
1 elite_ind_flag
30 dna_length
1 exp_type
Figure 22.97: A sample file.
22.13.2 CONGO -

The ,
file which is mandatory for all CONGO cases , defines the parameter ranges for

the e xperiment model inputs and parsing for the CONVERGE input files. The name of this

file is defined by the file_name parameter in . Table 22.100 below describes the

parameters in Figure 22.98 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.100: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommended
num_modes Number of modes ( idle, power, 1

speed load, etc.) in the

simulation. A single mode

simulation is the simplest and

most common.

weight Weighting factor for each mode 1.0

(sum of weights must add to 1).

Repeat this weight row as

needed to correspond with

nummodes value. The order in

which you specify the weight

of each mode must correspond

to the order of the mode

directories you specify in the

dirname rows below. Used only

for Genetic Algorithm ( GA


868 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended

CONGO cases. Not used for

Design of E xperiments (DoE)


dir_name Name of the directory for each input_files

mode. Include 1 dir_name row

for each mode. Create one

directory for each mode in the

main directory in which all GA

or DoE sub-directories will be

stored. For a single-mode

simulation create just one

directory called input_files and

specify this name in one

dir_name row.

pop_size Population size. GA cases N/A


num_runs Number of runs. Used only for N/A

Design of E xperiments DoE

( )

CONGO cases. Not used for

Genetic Algorithm (GA) cases.

num_param Number of defined parameters. N/A

num_common_param Number of common N/A

parameters. Static parameters

are always common and must

be included. GA cases only.

num_dependent_param Number of parameters defined N/A

with a gain and offset from a

defined or dynamic parameter.

For e xample, you can

automatically modify the

embedding around the spark

plug by making this parameter

dependent on the spark timing.

num_dependent_file_names Number of dependent file N/A


num_dyn_params Number of dynamic N/A

parameters that will be

calculated by the user routine.

For e xample, you can use a

dynamic parameter to create

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 869

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended

and modify the piston bowl


num_dyn_profiles Number of dynamic profiles N/A

( an injection rate-shape)

that will be modified by the

user routine.

Use a user dynamic library for N/A

dyn_lib_flag dynamic parameters. For

e xample, you can specify, which is a UDF

library in CONVERGE to ,
generate the values of the

dynamic parameters.

param_number Zero-based inde x of parameters N/A

( the first parameter name

always will be 0).

name Parameter name. Enter any N/A

string. This string will appear

in the param. run# - gen#

[ ] [ ]

output files generated by

CONGO so a descriptive string

is helpful.

type Parameter type. Options are N/A

real, integer, static, list, and

real_variation .

Repeat each of these rows for

common_param Parameter type for multiple N/A

each independent or common
0 = Independent,
1 = Common.
GA cases only.

The string of te xt that you N/A

designate as the value of any

independent or common

parameter (in any of the

CONVERGE input files) to be

optimized by the GA for the

independent or common

parameters. The name of the

marker specified here must

match the name you specify in

the relevant input file. Refer to

870 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended

File Parsing for more


Enter one row and number for N/A

each value in the "design

space " for the parameter
value designated by the name above.

DoE cases only. Refer to

"Example DoE Design "


for more information.

Minimum value in the range to N/A

be considered in the GA for the

min parameter designated by the

name above.

GA cases only.

Ma ximum value in the range to N/A

be considered in the GA for the

max parameter designated by the

name above.

GA cases only.

dyn_param_num Zero-based inde x of dynamic N/A


name Dynamic parameter name. N/A

Enter any string. This string

will appear in the dyn_param.

[run# - gen#
] [ ] output files

generated by CONGO so a ,
descriptive string is helpful.

Repeat each of these rows for marker The string of te xt that you N/A

each dynamic parameter. designate as the value of any

dynamic parameter (in any of

the CONVERGE input files) to

be optimized by the GA for the

dynamic parameters. The name

of the marker specified here

must match the name you

specify in the relevant input

file. Refer to File Parsing for

more information.

Zero-based inde x of dependent N/A

dependent_param_num parameters.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 871

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended

name Dependent parameter name. N/A

Enter any string. This string

will appear in the param. run# -

[ ]

[ ] output files generated by

CONGO so a descriptive string

is helpful.

dependency_name Name of the base parameter N/A

(either defined or dynamic) on

which dependent parameter is


Dependent Parameter Value =

(Gain * Value of Base
Repeat each of these rows for Parameter) + Offset.

each dependent parameter.
The string of te xt that you N/A

designate as the value of any

dependent parameter (in any of

the CONVERGE input files) to

be optimized by the GA for the

dependent parameters. The

name of the marker specified

here must match the name you

specify in the relevant input

file. Refer to File Parsing for

more information.

gain Gain value. See 1

dependency_name entry above.

offset Offset value. See N/A

dependency_name entry above.


1 num_modes
1 weight
input_files dir_name
9 pop_size
2 num_param
1 num_common_param
0 num_dependent_param
0 num_dependent_file_names
3 num_dyn_params
0 num_dyn_profiles
1 dyn_lib_flag
0 param_number
NozzleScaling name
real type

872 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

1 common_param
none marker
0.8 min
1.2 max
1 param_number
SOI name
real type
0 common_param
-12.0 min
-8.0 max
0 dyn_param_num
nozzledia name
1 dyn_param_num
nozzleRadius name
2 dyn_param_num
duration name
Figure 22.98: A sample file for a GA case.


1 num_modes
input_files dir_name
4 num_runs
2 num_param
0 num_dependent_param
0 num_dependent_file_names
3 num_dyn_params
0 num_dyn_profiles
1 dyn_lib_flag
0 param_number
NozzleScaling@ name
real type
none marker
0.8 value
1 value
1.2 value
1 value
1 param_number
SOI@ name
real type
-12 value
-12 value
-12 value
-9 value
0 dyn_param_num
nozzledia name
1 dyn_param_num
nozzleRadius name
2 dyn_param_num
duration name

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 873

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files


Figure 22.99: A sample file for a DoE case.

22.13.3 CONGO -

The ,
file which is mandatory for all CONGO cases , defines how CONVERGE

will be e xecuted for a GA or DoE simulation. Table 22.101 below describes the parameters

in Figure 22.100 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.101: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommended
test_run_flag 0 = Start CONVERGE simulation after preparing the 0 or 1

input files ,
1 = Prepare input files only (does not start


recollect_data_flag 0 = Do not recollect data , 0 or 1

1 = Recollect data in the event of a crash ,

script_ssh_flag 0 = Do not run scripts on a remote machine, 0 or 1

1 = Run scripts on a remote machine.

script_machine Specify the machine name on which to run scripts. <machine name>
start_script Number of scripts to run at the start of CONGO run. <number of scripts>
For each start script the script name and

run_background_flag must follow.

script_name Name of script to run at the start of CONGO run. < name of script>
run_background_flag 0 = Do not run in the background, N/A

1 = Run in the background.

before_script Number of scripts to run before CONGO runs. <number of scripts>

script_name Name of script to run before CONGO runs. <name of script>

run_background_flag 0 = Do not run in the background, N/A

1 = Run in the background.

after_script Number of scripts to run after CONGO runs. <number of scripts>

script_name Name of script to run after CONGO runs. <name of script>

run_background_flag 0 = Do not run in the background, N/A

1 = Run in the background.

end_script Number of scripts to run at the end of CONGO run. <number of scripts>
script_name Name of script to run at the end of the CONGO run. <name of script>

run_background_flag 0 = Do not run in the background , 0 or 1

874 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommended

1 = Run in the background.

num_concurrent_cases Number of CONGO cases to run concurrently. <number of cases>

Typically equal to ( pop_size - 1) for a GA.

ssh_flag 0 = Do not run CONGO cases on a remote machine. 0 or 1

1 = Run CONGO cases on a remote machine,

machine_names File that lists all of the machine names on which to run mpd.hosts

machines_per_run Number of machines used per run folder for parallel N/A

execution files created in each run



create_batch_file_flag 0 = Do not create a batch file with execute commands 0

1 = Create a batch file with execute commands ,

batch_file_name Batch file name. N/A

run_batch_file_flag 0 = Do not run batch ,

file N/A

1 = Run batch file.

batch_command Batch command. N/A

num_execute_commands Number of the following rows containing e xecution N/A


execution commands E xecution commands (one per line). N/A

0 test_run_flag
0 recollect_data_flag
1 script_ssh_flag
duo1 script_machine
1 start_script
example script_name
0 run_background_flag
0 before_script
0 after_script
0 end_script
8 run_concurrent_cases
0 ssh_flag
mpd.hosts machine_names
1 machines_per_run
0 create_batch_file_flag
example batch_file_name
1 run_batch_file_flag
exe batch_command
1 num_execute_commands
$path$/stalagmite </dev/null > logfile-$rundir$-$generation$ &
Figure 22.100: A sample file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 875

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

22.13.4 CONGO -

The ,
file which is mandatory for all CONGO cases , defines the merit function in

terms of CONVERGE performance parameters. An explanation of the default merit

function is given in Equations 21. <% HMFIGURECOUNTER20-6 % - 21.10. Table 22.102

below describes the parameters in Figure 22.101 shows an e xample file.

Table 22.102: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommende
d Value
output_file_name The CONVERGE output file name containing the ga_output
performance variables. In CONVERGE you can ,
specify this file name by customizing the

user_ga_merit_flag.c user-defined function file.

This parameter will tell CONGO what files to

search for to find the GA performance variables.

num_output_vars The number of GA or DoE variables CONVERGE N/A

e.g., ga_output.#-#
writes to the output file ( ). This

num_output_vars value must match the number

of rows of immediately below

this row.

output_var_name Name of a GA or DoE variable that CONVERGE N/A

writes to the output file ( e.g., ga_output.#-#) . This

name must match the name in CONVERGE

output file. Include the name of each variable in

the CONVERGE GA or DoE output file (followed

by the keyword output_var_name ) on a separate

row below the num_output_vars parameter. Many

of these variables you list here will also be

performance or constraint parameters but not ,

necessarily all of them.

merit_lib_flag 0 = CONGO will use the default merit function N/A

as defined by the parameters below ,

1 = Use a user defined library for merit
calculation. (Variables below this line are then


The number of performance variables used in N/A

num_performance_vars merit calculation. These variables are used to

add to the GA or DoE merit score. In the rows

merit_lib_flag = ,
below include rows for the

performance_var_name, type, value, weight

(Used only when 0.)
and of

the performance variable.

The name of a GA or DoE variable that CONGO will use to add

performance_var_name to the merit score. This name must match the name in

876 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommende

d Value
CONVERGE output file. Include the name of each performance

variable in the CONVERGE GA or DoE output file (followed by

the keywordname ) on a separate row below the

num_performance_vars line.

type The type of performance variable for the performance_var_name

listed above. Choose from maximize, minimize, error. or

For a maximize ,
type of performance variable CONGO will divide

the value of the variable from the CONVERGE run by the

target value (listed as value in the row below). CONGO will

Repeat these use this ratio in the merit calculation.

rows for each ,

Conversely for a minimize type of performance variable the target ,
performance value will be divided by the variable value in the merit

variable. function.

An error type of performance variable uses the absolute difference

(Used only between the value of the variable and the target value in the

when merit function.

merit_lib_flag = An e xplanation of the default merit function is given in Equation

0.) 21.10.

value The target value for the performance parameter listed above. For

multi-mode CONGO simulations include a , value row for each

mode being evaluated.

weight The weight assigned to the performance parameter listed above.

Use the weight to assign relative importance to each performance


The number of constraint variables used in merit N/A

calculation (default formula). These variables are

num_contraint_vars used to subtract from the GA or DoE merit score.

In the rows below include rows for the

merit_lib_flag = constraint_var_name, type, weighting_greater,

weighting_less, power_factor, value
(Used only when 0.)
and of the

constraint variable.

The name of a GA or DoE variable that CONGO will use to

constraint_var_name subtract from the merit score. This name must match the name in

CONVERGE output file. Include the name of each constraint

merit_lib_flag =
variable in the CONVERGE GA or DoE output file (followed by
(Used only when 0.)
the keyword constraint_var_name ) on a separate row below the

num_constraint_vars line.

Repeat these type The type of constraint variable for the constraint_var_name listed

rows for each above. Choose from maximum minimum. or

constraint For a maximum type of performance variable CONGO will ,

variable. subtract from the merit calculation if the calculated value is

above the value specified below.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 877

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

Parameter Description Recommende

d Value
Conversely for a minimum type of performance variable CONGO ,
will subtract from the merit calculation if the calculated

value is below the value specified below.

An e xplanation of the default merit function is given in Equation


If the calculated value of a maximum constraint variable is greater

weighting_greater than the target value (specified in the value ,
row below) CONGO
(Used only

will use the value you specify here for the weight of this maximum
merit_lib_flag = constraint variable contribution to merit.

0.) weighting_less If the calculated value of a minimum constraint variable is less

than the target value (specified in the value ,
row below) CONGO

will use the value you specify here for the weight of this minimum
constraint variable contribution to merit.

power_factor The power to which the constraint variable performance is taken

in the default merit function78. Use this to make one constraint

variable e xponentially more important than others.

value The target value for the constraint parameter listed above. For

multi-mode CONGO simulations include a , value row for each

mode being evaluated.


ga_output output_file_name
4 num_output_vars
GISFC output_var_name
NOX output_var_name
PM output_var_name
PCP output_var_name
0 merit_lib_flag
1 num_performance_vars
GISFC performance_var_name
minimize type
120 value
1 weight
3 num_constraint_vars
NOX constraint_var_name
maximum type
0 weighting_greater
0 weighting_less
1 power_factor
5 value
PM constraint_var_name
maximum type
1 weighting_greater
0 weighting_less
1 power_factor
1 value

878 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

PCP constraint_var_name
maximum type
5 weighting_greater
0 weighting_less
1 power_factor
15 value

Figure 22.101: A sample file.

22.13.5 CONGO -

The ,
file which is optional for CONGO cases , allows you to enter a user-defined

individual (UDI) into the genetic algorithm e xperiment at any generation. You could use

this UDI as a baseline case , for example. You can load more than one individual from a

single file if required. Table 22.103 below describes the parameters in Figure 22.102

shows an e xample file.

Table 22.103: Parameters in

Parameter Description Recommended
loadindividual 0 = Do not load the user-defined individual, 0 or 1

1 = Load individual in next generation

(automatically changed to 0 once loaded).

number Number of individuals to define (listed in subsequent N/A


< parameter name> The first of these rows must be the name (not the marker) of N/A

the first parameter (as it appears in the

file) of

the first individual. In Figure 22.102 below ,xis the name of

first parameter ; y is the second parameter. Both of these

parameters are repeated according to the number of

individuals specified in the number xample

row. In the e

below 2 parameters are specified for 8 individuals ,

resulting in 16 < parameter name> rows.

0 loadindividual
8 number
0.170000 x
1.170000 y
0.170000 x
2.170000 y
0.170000 x
3.170000 y
1.170000 x
4.170000 y
0.170000 x
5.170000 y
2.170000 x
6.170000 y

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 879

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Chapter 22
Input and Data File Reference | CONGO (Optimization and Model Interrogation Utility) Input Files

2.170000 x
7.170000 y
3.170000 x
8.170000 y
Figure 22.103: A sample file that specifies eight unique individuals, with two parameters being
varied: one parameter named x and one parameter named y.
22.13.6 CONGO -

The file , which is optional for CONGO cases , allows you to automatically set up a

set of cases -- on which you can then run a design of e xperiments -- from the genetic

algorithm e xperiment. Typically , cases with high merit in the GA may be re-run to obtain

detailed output files or re-run for validation with higher accuracy (higher grid resolution).

Table 22.104 below describes the parameters in

Table 22.104: Parameters in
Parameter Description Recommended
gainputfile Name of the GA input file to read. N/A

filetocreate Name of the DoE input file to create. N/A

number of cases Number of parameter files assembled in current directory to N/A

read for case definition.

filename Parameter filename from GA run directories. param.#-#

880 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference
Chapter 23
Output File Reference |

23 Output File Reference

During a simulation , CONVERGE generates ASCII-formatted output files that contain

average values (or sums) for the entire domain as well as for individual regions. Output file

names for the entire domain are formatted as file name> out (e.g., thermo.out)
< . . Region-

specific output file names are formatted as <file name>_region<region number>.out (e.g.,
thermo_region0.out) .

If your simulation is from a restart , CONVERGE includes the restart number ( i.e., the value

of rstrtnum in ) in the output file names. File names for the entire domain are

formatted as file name><restart number> out

< . . Region-specific output file names are

formatted as <file name><restart number>_region<region number>.out .

For a periodic engine sector case , CONVERGE automatically calculates the parameter

mult_out, which is defined as

mult out
, (23.1)
angle of rotation

where the angle of rotation in degrees is specified after the rotate keyword in .

CONVERGE multiplies e xtensive variables ( e.g., total system mass) , which are listed below

in Table 23.2 , by mult_out to provide the value of the quantity as if the entire cylinder had

been simulated.

Table 23.2: Variables multiplied by mult_out.

File Variable(s)
bound<ID>-wall.out Wall_Area, Tot_ t_ fer, Pres_Force_ _Y _ , Visc_Force_ _Y _ ,

Pres_Torque_ _Y_ , Visc_Torque_ _Y _


emissions.out hiroy_soot, NOx, C, CO, CO2


film.out, film_accum.out, film_mass, total_hit

soot_hiroy.out hiroy_soot, hiroy_form, hiroy_oxid
species.out Species mass

passive.out Passive amount

spray.out liq_spray_mass, , in _mass

fuel species mass j

thermo.out volume, mass, integrated_ R, R_rate H H

882 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | amr.out

23.1 amr.out

To perform AMR , CONVERGE calculates sub-grid variables and compares them to user-

specified values. The amr.out file lists these computed sub-grid values requested by the

user. Data are written for each AMR region at the frequency prescribed by twrite_files in CONVERGE only writes sub-grid values if they are actively being used by the

AMR calculation.

Table 23.3 describes the format of amr.out . This file includes a header that indicates the

region and variable contained in each column.

Table 23.3 : Description of amr.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
( crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Temperature sub-grid Sub-grid value of temperature (if used).

scale ( K )

3 Velocity sub-grid scale Sub-grid value of velocity (if used).

(ms / )

4 <species name> e.g., ( CO2) Sub-grid value of species mass fraction (if used).

sub-grid scale

5 < passive name> e.g., ( soot) Sub-grid value of passive mass fraction (if used).

sub-grid scale

23.2 area_avg_flow.out

The area_avg_flow.out file tabulates mass flow and area-weighted average thermodynamic

data at INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. Table 23.4 describes the format of

area_avg_flow.out .

If there is more than one INFLOW or OUTFLOW boundary , CONVERGE tabulates mass

flow and thermodynamic data for the other INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundaries in

additional columns. The area_avg_flow.out file includes a header that indicates the region

and variable contained in each column.

Table 23.4 : Example area_avg_flow.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Cycle_Number i.e.,
Simulation cycle number ( number of time-steps).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 883

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | area_avg_flow.out

Column Header (units) Description

3 * Mass_Flow_Rate ( kg s / ) Mass flow rate normal to the INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary

plane. A positive value indicates flow out of the domain while a

negative value indicates flow into the domain.

4 * Total_Pres ( Pa ) Area-weighted average total pressure.

5 * Static_Pres (Pa ) Area-weighted average static pressure.

6 * Avg_Temp ( K ) Area-weighted average temperature.

7 * Avg_Velocity ( ms / ) Area-weighted average velocity normal to the

INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary plane. A positive value indicates

flow out of the domain while a negative value indicates flow into

the domain.

8 * Avg_Density ( kg m3 / ) Area-weighted average density.

9 * Avg_Mach Area-weighted average mach number.


10 * Tot_Parcel_In Total number of parcels that have entered the domain through

(dimensionless) this boundary since the beginning of the simulation.

11 * Tot_Parcel_Out Total number of parcels that have e xited the domain through this

(dimensionless) boundary since the beginning of the simulation.

12 * Spray_Rate ( kg s / ) Area-weighted time-averaged mass flow rate of the spray.

13 * Total_Spray ( kg ) Area-weighted time-integrated total mass flu x of the spray.

* This column is repeated for each INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary in the simulation.

23.3 az_info < dump_number ><_ dump_time >.out

The az_info<dump_number> <dump_time>.out _ file provides the output for adaptive zoning

chemistry in the domain. This file is generated when adaptive zoning chemistry is

activated ( adaptive_zone_flag = 1 in ) and adaptive_zone_output_flag is set to 1 in . Table 23.5 below describes the data in this file.

Because the dump number appears first in the file name , an alphabetical listing of the

directory contents is chronologically consistent. Since many files may be generated in this

process , the files are stored in a sub-directory of the main e xecution directory called output .

This directory is automatically created when the simulation is started ; CONVERGE will

e xit and alert you if it is unable to create this directory.

Table 23.5: Description of az_info<dump_number>_<dump_time>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 zone_id Zone identification number.

2 num_cells Number of cells in the corresponding zone.

884 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | az_info<dump_number>_ <dump_time>.out

Column Header (units) Description

3 Tbin_size ( K ) Interval length in temperature of the corresponding zone.

4 Tavg ( K ) Mid-value in temperature of the bin interval.

5 pbin_size Interval length in equivalence ratio of the corresponding zone.

6 phi_avg Mid-value in equivalence ratio of the bin interval.

23.4 blender.out

The surrogate blender writes the optimal mi xture composition , target fuel properties , and

surrogate fuel properties to a dialog bo x in CONVERGE Studio. From ,

there you can

e xport these data to blender.out . Table 23.6 summarizes the output in blender.out. Figure

23.2 shows a sample blender.out file.

Remember that you must convert the mole fractions in blender.out to mass fractions for use

in a CONVERGE CFD simulation.

Table 23.6: Description of blender.out. The two types of rows (fuel and property/target/surrogate) are
repeated as necessary.
#Composition mole_fraction

Fuel i Mole fraction of fuel i in optimal surrogate mi xture.

#Properties Target Surrogate

Property j Property j for the target fuel. Property j for the surrogate mi xture.

# Composition mole_fraction
FUEL1 4.665115e-01
FUEL2 2.620310e-01
FUEL3 2.183703e-01
FUEL4 5.308723e-02

# Properties Target Surrogate

DCN 4.710000e+01 4.709996e+01
TSI 2.140000e+01 2.139997e+01
HC 1.960000e+00 1.958273e+00
MW 1.420000e+02 1.420000e+02
Figure 23.2: Sample blender.out file.
23.5 bound < >
ID _motion_profile.out

CONVERGE generates the bound<ID>_motion_profile.out file when you specify a piston

motion file ( e.g., ) for non-engine applications i.e., crank_flag =

( 2 in ). The <ID> represents the boundary ID as specified in . This output file

will contain piston displacement information calculated every 0.1 crank angle degrees . Table

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 885

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | bound<ID>_motion_profile.out

23.7 describes the format of this output file. Note that CONVERGE measures the piston

displacement relative to the original location in surface.dat .

Table 23.7 : Description of piston_profile<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( crank angle degrees ) Time in crank angle degrees.
2 X( m) X coordinate of the piston position.

3 Y( m) Y coordinate of the piston position.

4 Z ( m) Z coordinate of the piston position.

23.6 bound < > ID -wall.out

The bound<ID>-wall.out file contains average near-wall quantities and heat transfer data

for WALL boundaries. CONVERGE writes this file when you set wall_output_flag = 1 in The <ID> represents the WALL boundary ID as specified in . Table

23.8 lists the variables in bound<ID>-wall.out .

Table 23.8: Description of bound<ID>-wall.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Avg_Vel_Mag ( ms / ) The average velocity magnitude in the cells adjacent to this


3 TKE ( m2 s2
/ ) The average turbulent kinetic energy in the cells adjacent to this


4 EPS ( m2 s3
/ ) The average turbulent dissipation in the cells adjacent to this


5 OMEGA ( 1s / ) The average specific dissipation rate in the cells adjacent to this


6 Turb_Visc ( m2 s / ) The average turbulent viscosity in the cells adjacent to this


7 Near_Wall_Avg_T ( K ) The average temperature in the cells adjacent to this boundary.

8 Near_Wall_Ma x_T ( K ) The ma ximum temperature in the cells adjacent to this


9 Near_Wall_Min_T ( K ) The minimum temperature in the cells adjacent to this boundary.

10 Wall_Avg_T ( K) The average temperature of the WALL boundary.

11 Wall_Ma x_T ( K ) The ma ximum temperature of the WALL boundary.

12 Wall_Min_T ( K) The minimum temperature of the WALL boundary.

886 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | bound<ID>-wall.out

Column Header (units) Description

13 Avg_Pres ( N m2
/ ) The average pressure in the cells adjacent to this boundary.

14 Avg_HTC ( W m2 K/ ) The average heat transfer coefficient in the cells adjacent to this

boundary. Avg_HTC is 0 for solid cells the value defined in for cells subject to the convection boundary

condition and given by the heat flu x divided by the temperature
difference in all other cases.

15 HT_ xfer_Rate (J/ s ) The integrated heat transfer rate in the cells adjacent to this

boundary. A positive value indicates energy flow out of the

domain into the boundary while a negative value indicates

energy flow into the domain from the boundary.

16 * Wall_Area ( m2 ) The total area for the WALL boundary.

17 * Tot_HT_ xfer (J) The total heat transfer to the boundary. The total heat transfer is

the time-integrated heat transfer rate (column 15).

18 * Pres_Force_ X( N ) Total pressure force ( x component) exerted on the WALL


19 * Pres_Force_ Y( N ) Total pressure force (y component) e xerted on the WALL


20 * Pres_Force_Z ( N ) Total pressure force (z component) e xerted on the WALL


21 * Visc_Force_ X(N ) Total shear force ( x component) exerted on the WALL boundary.

22 * Visc_Force_ Y N ( ) Total shear force (y component) e xerted on the WALL boundary.

23 * Visc_Force_Z ( N ) Total shear force (z component) e xerted on the WALL boundary.

24 * Pres_Torque_ X N-m ( ) Total pressure torque about x a xis exerted on the WALL

boundary. Torque is always calculated from the origin (0 0 0). , ,

25 * Pres_Torque_ Y( N-m ) Total pressure torque about y a xis exerted on the WALL

boundary. Torque is always calculated from the origin (0 0 0). , ,

26 * Pres_Torque_Z ( N-m ) Total pressure torque about z a xis exerted on the WALL

boundary. Torque is always calculated from the origin (0 0 0). , ,

27 * Visc_Torque_ X( N-m ) Total viscous torque about x a xis exerted on the WALL

boundary. Torque is always calculated from the origin (0 0 0). , ,

28 * Visc_Torque_ Y( N-m ) Total viscous torque about y a xis exerted on the WALL

boundary. Torque is always calculated from the origin (0 0 0). , ,

29 * Visc_Torque_Z ( N-m ) Total viscous torque about z a xis exerted on the WALL

boundary. Torque is always calculated from the origin (0 0 0). , ,

30 Yplus_avg The average y + value on the WALL boundary.

31 Yplus_ma x The ma ximum y+ value on the WALL boundary.

32 Yplus_min The minimum y + value on the WALL boundary.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 887

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | bound<ID>-wall.out

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.7 cell_count_ranks.out

The cell_count_ranks.out file lists the number of cells in the domain. The cell count is written

out as a function of time.

Table 23.9 below summarizes the contents of the file cell_count_ranks.out . The cells-per-

processor data should be used to check load balancing. If the load balancing is poor ,
in should be adjusted.

Table 23.9: Description of cell_count.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Total_Cells The total number of cells in the entire domain.

3 and Rank <> i The total number of cells on rank (processor) i . One column will

above be added per rank.

23.8 cell_count_regions.out

The cell_count_regions.out file writes out information on the number of cells in each region

in the domain. The cell count data is written out as a function of time. Table 23.10 below

summarizes the output in the file cell_count_regions.out .

Table 23.10: Description of cell_count_regions.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Total_Cells The total number of cells in the entire domain.

3 and Region <> i The total number of cells in region_id = i . One column will be

above added per region.

23.9 CONGO Output Files

CONGO generates output in two places: individual run directories

in the of the

CONVERGE simulations , and in the main CONGO folder . CONGO uses the data written

to the individual run directories to create the output files in the main CONGO folder.

888 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | CONGO Output Files

23.9.1 Individual Run Directory Output Files

The output files CONGO generates in the individual run directories contain information

regarding the values of the parameters selected by the GA or the DoE , as well as the

performance (fitness and merit) of the individuals.

This file contains the parameter values CONGO selects for each run. You can specify the

parameters that will be varied by CONGO in the file.

This file contains the values of the response variables (both performance and constraint ) for

each run. CONGO uses a UDF to generate this output. Refer to The details for activating

this UDF are The name of this file will be consistent with the name you enter as the

in but it is recommended to enter ga_output for consistency.

<output file name>-<run#>-<generation#>.out

CONGO creates a uniquely named instance of all CONVERGE output files (e.g. , spray_ecn-
6 4 - 7.out ) for each run in each case directory.

23.9.2 Main CONGO Folder Output Files

In the main CONGO folder , CONGO writes ASCII output files that summarize the results

of the CONGO GA or DoE , based in information it reads from the ga_output and param
output files it writes to the individual run directories.

Output files from CONGO record the results of the GA or DoE. These output files are

saved in the main CONGO directory and serve to indicate the progress and eventual

conclusions of the CONGO run. Some of these files include information regarding the

parameter values chosen by CONGO ( bestcases.out, convergance.out, output.out,

output_converged.out, bestcases.out , ) while others contain information on response

(performance and constraint) variable results for individual runs ( perform.out,

bestcases_perform.out ). Many of these files also contain the fitness and merit calculated for

each individual. Other contain only the fitness and merit of select individual runs

( congo_max.out, congo_micro.out ).

Most of these files apply only to GA cases. output.out, perform.out, and

output_converged.out are written for both GA and DoE cases.

congo_max.out lists the ma ximum merit (merit for the best-so-far individual) of each


congo_micro.out lists the generations in which the population achieved micro-

convergence , and the best-so-far merit at those generations.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 889

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | CONGO Output Files

You can plot the congo_max.out and congo_micro.out files together to show the ma ximum
merit vs. the generation number , with markers indicating micro-convergence events. Here

is an e xample plot of congo_max.out and congo_micro.out :

Figure 23.1: congo_max.out and congo_micro.out results.

output.out lists model parameters selected by CONGO for all individuals in all

generations in the GA or DoE. This file also lists the merit (and fitness , for multi-mode

CONGO cases) for each individual.

perform.out lists the values CONGO calculated for the response variables (performance

and constraint) for all individuals in all generations in the GA or DoE. This file also lists

the merit (and fitness , for multi-mode CONGO cases) for each individual.

bestcases.out lists model parameters selected by CONGO for each best-so-far run in the

GA. This file also lists the merit (and fitness , for multi-mode CONGO cases) for each

best-so-far individual.

bestcases_perform.out lists the values CONGO calculated for the response variables

(performance and constraint) for each best-so-far run in the GA. This file also lists the

merit (and fitness , for multi-mode CONGO cases) for each best-so-far individual.

convergance.out lists the convergence criteria for each of the model parameters for each

generation in the GA. These are not the actual values for the model parameters selected

by CONGO , they are simply indicators of how close a generation came to a micro

convergence event. The last column in this file also indicates if the generation reached a

micro convergence event. The generations marked as "1" in the Converged column are

890 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | CONGO Output Files

the generations included in the congo_micro.out file.

output_converged.out lists the actual values of the model parameters selected by

CONGO for each individual of each generation that reached micro-convergence.

congo_dna.out lists the binary string of each individual's DNA (for every generation) ,
typically 30 bits for each parameter. The DNA of each individual is followed by the merit

and DNA of the best-so-far individual. The end of this file contains sequencing

information to define the random number generator used by CONGO. You can use this

file to restart the GA at any generation (this is described in detail in Restarting CONGO).

Alternatively , you may use the file generated automatically by CONGO. contains information for only the most recent generation.

genetics.out lists detailed information about the GA. It shows the process of the

tournament and the shuffling of parents and children.

23.10 crevice.out

The crevice.out file will be written if the crevice model has been activated ( i.e., crevice_flag

=1 ). The file contains the predicted pressures in the various crevice volumes in

addition to the total mass in the crevice. Table 23.11 describes the data contained in the

crevice.out file.

Table 23.11: Description of crevice.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 MPa
P2 (ring 1) ( ) Pressure in section 2 of the crevice region.

3 P3 (gap) (MPa ) Pressure in section 3 of the crevice region.

4 MPa
P4 (ring2) ( ) Pressure in section 4 of the crevice region.

5 Mass (kg ) Mass in the crevice region.

6 and Species name ( e.g., O2) Mass fraction of named species in the crevice region. Columns

above increment with the number of species in the simulation.

23.11 crevice_rings.out

The crevice_rings.out file will be written if the crevice model has been activated ( i.e., if

crevice_flag =
1 in ). The file contains information about the motion of the two

rings. Table 23.12 below describes the data in the crevice_rings.out file.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 891

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Output File Reference | crevice_rings.out

Table 23.12: Description of crevice_rings.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 m
hb (ring 1) ( ) Ring 1 position relative to the bottom of the ring region.

3 dhb/dt (ring 1) (ms / ) Ring 1 velocity.

4 m
hb (ring 2) ( ) Ring 2 position relative to the bottom of the ring region.

5 dhb/dt (ring 2) (ms / ) Ring 2 velocity.

23.12 dmr_mech_info.out

The dmr_mech_info.out file records the species and reaction statistics (average , minimum ,
and ma ximum values) as the simulation progresses. CONVERGE writes this file when

SAGE detailed chemistry ( sage_flag = 1) and Dynamic Mechanism Reduction

(sage_dmr_flag = 1) are activated. Table 23.13 lists the quantities recorded in

dmr_mech_info.out .

Table 23.13: Description of dmr_mech_info.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
crank angle degrees
( ) if crank_flag = 1 or 2.

2 Avg_Species Average number of species per cell in the region.

3 Ma x_Species Number of species in the cell with the most species.

4 Min_Species Number of species in the cell with the least species.

5 Avg_Reactions Average number of reactions per cell in the region.

6 Ma x_Reactions Number of reactions in the cell with the most reactions.

7 Min_Reactions Number of reactions in the cell with the least reactions.

23.13 dynamic.out dynamic_region < >
ID .out

The dynamic.out anddynamic_region<ID>.out files contain swirl ratio , tumble ratio , angular

momentum , dynamic.out
and vorticity data. The data in apply to the entire domain , while

the data in dynamic_region<ID>.out apply to a specific region.

Table 23.14 summarizes the format ofdynamic.out and dynamic_region<ID>.out . The

output frequency is controlled by twrite_files

in .

892 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | dynamic.out, dynamic_region <ID>.out

Table 23.14: Description of dynamic.out and dynamic_region<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

- 2 * Tumble_Ratio_ X Average tumble ratio about the x a xis.

- 3 * Tumble_Ratio_ X+ Positive tumble ratio about the x a xis.

- 4 * Tumble_Ratio_ X- Negative tumble ratio about the x a xis.

- 5 * Tumble_Ratio_ Y Average tumble ratio about the y a xis.

- 6 * Tumble_Ratio_ Y+ Positive tumble ratio about the y a xis.

- 7 * Tumble_Ratio_ Y- Negative tumble ratio about the y a xis.

- 8 * Swirl_Ratio Swirl ratio.

- Angular_Vel_ X(rad s / ) Average angular velocity in the x direction.

- Angular_Vel_ X+ rad s ( / ) Positive angular velocity in the x direction.

- Angular_Vel_ X rad s
- ( / ) Negative angular velocity in the x direction.

- Angular_Vel_ Y rad s
( / ) Average angular velocity in y direction.

- Angular_Vel_ Y+ rad s ( / ) Positive angular velocity in the y direction.

- Angular_Vel_ Y rad s
- ( / ) Negative angular velocity in the y direction.

- Angular_Vel_Z ( rad s / ) Angular velocity in the z direction.

9 Ang_Mom_ X kg m2 s
( / ) Angular momentum about the x a xis.

10 Ang_Mom_ Y kg m2 s
( / ) Angular momentum about the y a xis.

11 Ang_Mom_Z ( kg m2 s / ) Angular momentum about the z a xis.

12 Mag_Vorticity (1 / ) s Magnitude of vorticity.

13 Ang_Mom_Flu x X kg
_ ( Angular momentum flu x in the x direction between two specified

m2 s2
/ ) regions.

14 Ang_Mom_Flu x_ Y ( kg Angular momentum flu x in the y direction between two specified

m2/s2) regions.

15 Ang_Mom_Flu x_Z ( kg Angular momentum flu x in the z direction between two specified

m2/s2) regions.

*crank_flag is 1 in .

crank_flag is 0 in .

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Output File Reference | dynamic.out, dynamic_region <ID>.out

The swirl ratio is defined as the ratio of the angular speed of the flow about the center of

mass in the z direction , w,3

to the angular speed of the crankshaft , wcrankshaft, as shown in

Equation 23.3 ,

swirl ratio
crankshaft (23.3)

The tumble ratio in x direction is defined as the ratio of the angular speed of the flow

about the center of mass in the x direction , w, 1

to the angular speed of the crankshaft ,
wcrankshaft, as shown in Equation 23.4 ,

tumble ratiox
crankshaft (23.4)

Similarly , the tumble ratio in the y direction is calculated by evaluating the ratio of the

angular speed of the flow about the center of mass in the y direction ,w, 1
to the angular

speed of the crankshaft , wcrankshaft.

The components of wi are calculated from the angular momentum , Li, and the moment of

inertia I
, i, as

i i .
Ii (23.5)

The angular momentum L

, k, for a Cartesian system can be e xpressed as

Lk x i u i k ,
j j (23.6)

where u j
represents the velocity fields and xi represents the coordinate system with the a xis
of rotation at xi= 0 and the Levi-Civita symbol
i k, expressed as

0 if any two indices are the same

i k 1
if i k , , or
j 123 231 312 (23.7)

if i k , , or
j 132 213 321.

894 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | dynamic.out, dynamic_region <ID>.out

For a discrete system of cells , the angular momentum about the x, y, and z a xis, L,L,
1 2

L, 3
respectively , can be calculated as

L 1
mn yn ycm wn zn zcm vn
(( ) ( ) )
n 1

L 2
mn zn zcm un xn xcm wn
(( ) ( ) ) (23.8)
n 1

L 3
mn xn xcm vn yn ycm un
(( ) ( ) ,
n 1

where mn is the mass of each cell ; xn, yn, and zn are the coordinates of each cell ; un, vn, and

wn are components of velocity for each cell ; and xcm, ycm, and zcm are the center of mass.

CONVERGE uses the center of mass as the rotation center when calculating rotational

quantities such as swirl and tumble. For sector cases , xcm = 0 and ycm = 0 ( i.e., the z a xis is

the a xis of rotation).

The moment of inertia about the x, y and z a xis, I,I,

1 2
and I,
respectively , for a system of

cells can be e xpressed as

I 1
mn yn ycm ( )
z z
( n cm ) 2

n 0

I 2
mn zn zcm ( )
x x
( n cm ) 2

n 0

I 3
mn xn xcm ( )
y y
( n cm ) . 2

n 0

The vorticity magnitude quantifies the rotating motion of the fluid in a particular region.

Mathematically , the curl of the velocity vector yields the vorticity. Equation 23.10 below

e xpresses the calculation of vorticity in tensor notation as


j k
u u
k i u u u u k
u k j i i ,
j j

i x
k x
k i k

x x x x j

ui u j

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 895

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Output File Reference | dynamic.out, dynamic_region <ID>.out

where ui, u , j
and uk represent the x, y, and z components of velocity , respectively.

CONVERGE calculates the magnitude of the vorticity as

u u 2

u u

u u

k k i i
j j

x x x x x x
. (23.11)
i k i j

23.14 ecfm.out

CONVERGE writes the ecfm.out file when ecfm_flag = 1 in . The ecfm.out file

contains information about combustion progress for the ECFM. Table 23.2 summarizes the

data in ecfm.out .

Table 23.15 : Description of ecfm.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 mbg (Ampere ) Mass of burned gas.

3 mbgign_done ( Volt ) Mass of burned gas generated by ISSIM. This value should be

close to mbgign_targ.

4 mbgign_targ ( Volt ) Target mass of burned gases generated by ISSIM.

5 flamesurf ( Volt ) Flame surface.

6 surfbgign_done (J) Flame surface generated by ISSIM. This value should be close to


7 surfbgign_targ (J) Target flame surface generated by ISSIM.

8 volbg (J) Volume of burned gas.

9 radbg ( m ) Radius of a sphere with a radius of volbg.

10 surfbg Surface of a sphere with a radius of volbg.

11 flspeed ( m ) Laminar flamespeed averaged over the flame surface.

12 flthick Laminar flame thickness averaged over the flame surface.

896 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | ecfm.out

Column Header (units) Description

13 flspeed_cor Flamespeed correction factor due to wall heat losses ,

h dV

dV .

14 fuelair_eqratio (J) Fuel/air equivalence ratio averaged over the flame surface ,


dV .

15 tempfg ( kg ) Fresh gas temperature averaged over the flame surface ,

T dV

dV .

16 ctilde_ma x( kg )
Ma ximum value of global progress variable . Can be used to

monitor combustion progress.

17 p1 ( kg ) Turbulent strain term in flame surface density equation ,

p1 p1dV a dV T

18 p2 ( kg ) Dilation source term in flame surface density equation ,

p2 3 u dV

19 p3 ( m2 ) Curvature source term in flame surface density equation ,

p3 3 S 1 c c


20 destrflsurf ( m2 ) Destruction term in flame surface density equation ,

S dV
1 c

21 time_stretch_cor ( m2 ) Time-scale stretch correction , C t, averaged over the flame surface ,

C p1 p3 dV

p1 p3

22 wall_stretch_cor Wall stretch correction C , w

, averaged over the flame surface,

C w p1 p3 dV
p1 p3

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 897

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Output File Reference | ecfm.out

Column Header (units) Description

23 It Integral length scale averaged over the flame surface.

24 uprime
Turbulent velocity fluctuation ,
3 , averaged over the flame

25 lt_over_flthick Ratio of integral scale to laminar flame thickness averaged over

the flame surface.

26 uprim_over_flsp Ratio of turbulent velocity fluctuation to laminar flamespeed

averaged over the flame surface.

27 reynolds Turbulent Reynolds number based on the density of unburned

gases , , averaged over the flame surface.

28 karlovitz
u l
Karlovitz number , , averaged over the flame surface.

29 damkohler
Damk hler number, Ka , averaged over the flame surface.

S res c dV
30 resolv_flamesurf

Resolved flame surface , .

31 ki_eq Equilibrium flame wrinkling obtained via KPP analysis ,

2 3vt at
eq 1
, averaged over the flame surface,

c dV
S res

32 ki_eff ,
Effective wrinkling defined as the ratio of the total flame surface

to the resolved flame surface. Because the resolved flame surface

does not correctly represent the mean flame surface of the flame

kernel during ignition ki_eff is not correctly defined during

ignition. The ma ximum of S res

and surfbg_sigma is used to avoid

unphysical values of ki_eff during ignition ,

max( S res , surfbg _ sigma )

898 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | ecfm3z.out

23.15 ecfm3z.out

CONVERGE writes the ecfm3z.out file when ecfm3z_flag = 1 in . The ecfm3z.out
file contains information about combustion progress of the ECFM3Z. Table 23.2

summarizes the data available in ecfm3z.out .

Table 23.16 : Description of ecfm3z.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flagif = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 mbg ( Ampere ) Mass of burned gas.

3 mbgign_done ( Volt ) Mass of burned gas generated by ISSIM. This value should be

close to mbgign_targ.

4 mbgign_targ ( Volt ) Target mass of burned gases generated by ISSIM.

5 flamesurf ( Volt ) Flame surface.

6 surfbgign_done (J) Flame surface generated by ISSIM. This value should be close to


7 surfbgign_targ (J) Target flame surface generated by ISSIM.

8 volbg (J) Volume of burned gas.

9 radbg ( m ) Radius of a sphere with a radius of volbg.

10 surfbg Surface of a sphere with a radius of volbg.

11 flspeed ( m ) Laminar flamespeed averaged over the flame surface.

12 flthick Laminar flame thickness averaged over the flame surface.

13 flspeed_cor Flamespeed correction factor due to wall heat losses ,

h dV

dV .

14 fuelair_eqratio (J) Fuel/air equivalence ratio averaged over the flame surface ,


dV .

15 tempfg ( kg ) Fresh gas temperature averaged over the flame surface ,

T dV

dV .

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 899

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Output File Reference | ecfm3z.out

Column Header (units) Description

16 ctilde_ma x(kg )
Ma ximum value of global progress variable . Can be used to

monitor combustion progress.

17 p1 ( kg ) Turbulent strain term in flame surface density equation ,

p1 p1dV a dV T

18 p2 ( kg ) Dilation source term in flame surface density equation ,

p2 u dV
3 .

19 p3 ( m2 ) Curvature source term in flame surface density equation ,

p3 3 S 1 c c


20 destrflsurf ( m2 ) Destruction term in flame surface density equation ,

S dV
1 c

21 time_stretch_cor ( m2 ) Time-scale stretch correction , C t, averaged over the flame surface ,

C p1 p3 dV

p1 p3

22 wall_stretch_cor Wall stretch correction C , w

, averaged over the flame surface,

C w p1 p3 dV
p1 p3

23 It Integral length scale averaged over the flame surface.

24 uprime
Turbulent velocity fluctuation ,
3 , averaged over the flame

25 lt_over_flthick Ratio of integral scale to laminar flame thickness averaged over

the flame surface.

26 uprim_over_flsp Ratio of turbulent velocity fluctuation to laminar flamespeed

averaged over the flame surface.

27 reynolds Turbulent Reynolds number based on the density of unburned

gases , , averaged over the flame surface.

900 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | ecfm3z.out

Column Header (units) Description

28 karlovitz
u l
Karlovitz number , , averaged over the flame surface.

29 damkohler
Damk hler number, Ka , averaged over the flame surface.

S res c dV
30 resolv_flamesurf

Resolved flame surface , .

31 ki_eq Equilibrium flame wrinkling obtained via KPP analysis ,

2 3vt at
eq 1
, averaged over the flame surface,

c dV
S res

32 ki_eff ,
Effective wrinkling defined as the ratio of the total flame surface

to the resolved flame surface. Because the resolved flame surface

does not correctly represent the mean flame surface of the flame

kernel during ignition ki_eff is not correctly defined during

ignition. The ma ximum of S res

and surfbg_sigma is used to avoid

unphysical values of ki_eff during ignition ,

max( S res , surfbg _ sigma )

23.16 emissions.out

The emisions.out file summarizes the mass of the emissions. The output frequency is

controlled bytwrite_files in . This file is written if either emissions_flag is set to 1 in . Table 23.17 summarizes the format and the data available in emissions.out .

Table 23.17: Description of emissions.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag if = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * Hiroy_Soot ( kg ) Predicted soot in region from the Hiroyasu soot model.

3 * NO x kg( ) Total mass of NO

in the region (from the Zel'dovich model).

4 Molefrac_NO x (% ) Mole fraction of NO

in the region.

5 * HC ( kg ) Total mass of hydrocarbon species in the region.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 901

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Output File Reference | emissions.out

Column Header (units) Description

6 Molefrac_HC (% ) Mole fraction of hydrocarbon species in the region.

7 * CO ( kg ) Total mass of CO in region.

8 Molefrac_CO (% ) Mole fraction of CO in the region.

9 * CO2 ( kg ) Total mass of CO

in region.

12 Molefrac_CO2 (% ) Mole fraction of CO in the region.


* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.17 equiv_ratio_bin.out

The mass within the domain is binned by equivalence ratio into twenty intervals , starting

at 0.0-0.1 and ending at 1.9-2.0. The equiv_ratio_bin.out file summarizes the fraction of the

total mass which has an equivalence ratio value within the specified range of each bin. The

first column lists the simulation time. The remaining columns give the mass fraction within

each of the bins as shown in Table 23.18 below. The output frequency is controlled by

in .

The equiv_ratio_bin_region<ID>.out files contain analogous data for each region and are

formatted in the same manner.

Table 23.18: Description of equiv_ratio_bin.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 0.0 - 0.1 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.0 to


3 0.1 - 0.2 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.1 to


4 0.2 - 0.3 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.2 to


5 0.3 - 0.4 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.3 to


6 0.4 - 0.5 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.4 to


7 0.5 - 0.6 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.5 to


902 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | equiv_ratio_bin.out

8 0.6 - 0.7 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.6 to


9 0.7 - 0.8 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.7 to


10 0.8 - 0.9 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.8 to


11 0.9 - 1.0 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 0.9 to


12 1.0 - 1.1 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.0 to


13 1.1 - 1.2 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.1 to


14 1.2 - 1.3 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.2 to


15 1.3 - 1.4 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.3 to


16 1.4 - 1.5 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.4 to


17 1.5 - 1.6 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.5 to


18 1.6 - 1.7 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.6 to


19 1.7 - 1.8 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.7 to


20 1.8 - 1.9 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.8 to


21 1.9 - 2.0 Mass fraction which has a equivalence ratio in the range 1.9 to


, ,
23.18 film.out film_scrape.out film_accum.out film_accum_net.out ,
The film.out file summarizes the wall film data. The output frequency of data in this file is

controlled by twrite_files in film.out

. The file is written only when the wall film

model is activated ( i.e., when spray_wall_flag =

1 in ). Table 23.19 summarizes the

format of film.out . Note that the film data is not written out in a region-by-region manner

( i.e., the output corresponds to the entire domain).

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 903

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | film.out, film_scrape.out, film_accum.out, film_accum_net.out

Table 23.19: Description of film.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
( crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 film_parcels Number of film parcels in the domain.

3 * film_mass ( kg ) Total liquid film mass on all walls.

4 and bound_id_ <ID> Mass of the liquid film on the specified boundary. The number of

above * columns will depend on the number of wall boundaries in the


* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

Similar output files present data on parcel interactions with boundaries. The

film_scrape.out file indicates the parcel mass that has been scraped from the boundary. The

film_accum.out file lists the parcel mass that has made contact with a boundary. The

film_accum_net.out file gives the parcel mass that has reached a boundary and remained on

it (i.e., mass that has not splashed or rebounded). Tables 23.20 and 23.20 present the

format and data available in these output files.

Table 23.20: Description of film_accum.out and film_accum_net.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
( crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * total_hit ( kg
) Total liquid film mass that has interacted with the boundary

since the beginning of the simulation.

3 and bound_id_ <ID> Mass of the liquid film on the specified boundary. The number of

above * columns will depend on the number of wall boundaries in the


* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

Table 23.21: Description of film_scrape.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * total_scrape (kg ) Total liquid film mass that has been scraped by the boundary

since the beginning of the simulation.

904 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | film.out, film_scrape.out, film_accum.out, film_accum_net.out

Column Header (units) Description

3 and bound_id_ <ID> Mass of the liquid film on the specified boundary. The number of

above * columns will depend on the number of wall boundaries in the


* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.19 film_urea_file.out

CONVERGE writes film_urea_file.out when urea_flag = 3 spray_wall_flag

and = 1 in . Table 23.22 describes the format of film_urea_file.out, which contains film

composition data.

Table 23.22 : Description of film_urea_file.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Water (kg ) Mass of water in film.

3 Urea_tot ( kg ) Total mass of urea in film.

4 Urea_sol ( kg ) Mass of solid urea in film.

5 Urea_aq ( kg ) Mass of aqueous urea in film.

6 kg
Biuret ( ) Mass of biuret in film.

7 CY kg
A ( ) Mass of cyanuric acid in film.

8 Ammelide ( kg ) Mass of ammelide in film.

9 NH4plus ( kg ) Mass of NH4 + in film.

10 NCOminus ( kg ) Mass of NCO- in film.

11 Hplus ( kg ) Mass of H + in film.

23.20 fsi_object_ < name >


CONVERGE writes output data for each FSI object to an fsi_ob ect_<name>.out
j file , where

<name> ob ect_id
is the j of the FSI object. For e xample, the output file might be

fsi_ob ect_anchor.out fsi_ob ect_3.out

j or j (the ob ect_id
j is a string , not a number).

The format of fsi_ob ect_<name>.out

j depends on the value of 1dof_constraint_flag in

Tables 23.23 through 23.25 describe the possible formats of fsi_ob ect_<name>.out
j .

Table 23.23: Format of fsi_object_<name>.out when 1dof_constraint_flag = 0.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 905

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Output File Reference | fsi_object_ <name>.out

Column Column Header Quantity (Units)

1 time Time ( seconds ).

2 Pos_ x Position in the x direction (meters ).

3 Pos_y Position in the y direction ( meters ).

4 Pos_z Position in the z direction ( meters ).

5 Vel_ x Velocity in the x direction (ms / ).

6 Vel_y Velocity in the y direction ( ms / ).

7 Vel_z Velocity in the z direction ( ms / ).

8 Acc_ x Acceleration in the x direction m s2 ( / ).

9 Acc_y Acceleration in the y direction ( m s2 / ).

10 Acc_z Acceleration in the z direction ( m s2 / ).

11 Rot_Vel_ x Rotational velocity in the x direction rad s

( / ).

12 Rot_Vel_y Rotational velocity in the y direction ( rad s

/ ).

13 Rot_Vel_z Rotational velocity in the z direction ( rad s

/ ).

14 Force_ x Force in the x direction N

( ).

15 Force_y Force in the y direction ( N ).

16 Force_z Force in the z direction ( N ).

17 Moment_ x Moment in the x direction ( N-m ).

18 Moment_y Moment in the y direction ( N-m ).

19 Moment_z Moment in the z direction ( N-m ).

Table 23.24: Format of fsi_object_<name>.out when 1dof_constraint_flag = 1.

Column Column Header Quantity (Units)
1 time Time ( seconds).
2 Position Position ( meters ).

4 Vel Velocity ( ms / ).

5 Acc Acceleration ( m s2 / ).

6 Force Force ( N).

Table 23.25: Format of fsi_object_<name>.out when 1dof_constraint_flag = 2.

Column Column Header Quantity (Units)
1 time Time ( seconds).

906 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | fsi_object_ <name>.out

Column Column Header Quantity (Units)

2 Angle Angle (degrees ).

3 Angle Angle (radians ).

4 Rot_Vel Rotational velocity ( rad s). /

5 Rot_Acc Rotational acceleration ( rad s2 / ).

6 Moment Moment ( N-m).

23.21 gti_interface.out

The gti_interface.out file lists the averaged data for each coupling interface between

CONVERGE and GT-SUITE. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_transfer in . Table 23.2 summarizes the data available in gti_interface.out .

Table 23.26 : Description of gti_interface.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Cycle_Number Time in seconds crank_flag

if = 0 in or in crank angle
degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

3 * Pressure ( Pa ) Area-weighted average static pressure.

4 * Temperature ( K ) Area-weighted average temperature.

5 * Avg_Density ( kg m3 / ) Area-weighted average density.

6 * Avg_Velocity ( ms / ) Area-weighted average velocity normal to the wall boundary.

7 * Mass_Flow ( kg s / ) Mass flow rate normal to the boundary plane.

* Note: if more than one WALL boundary is coupled with GT-SUITE , these columns will

repeat for each such boundary.

23.22 issim_ignition_ < num >.out

When ecfm_spark_flag = 2 in, CONVERGE writes an issim_ignition_<num>.out

file for each ignition event ( e.g., issim_ignition_0.out for ignition 0). These files contain data

related to the ISSIM , including voltages , the spark ignition state , and the critical energy.

Table 23.27 below describes the format of issim_ignition_<num>.out .

Table 23.27: Description of issim_ignition_<num>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
( crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag = 1 or 2.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 907

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Output File Reference | issim_ignition_ <num>.out

Column Header (units) Description

2 Ampere ( Ampere ) Electric current from secondary circuit.

3 volt_spark ( V ) Spark voltage.

4 volt_gas ( V ) Gas column voltage.

5 volt_bd ( V ) Breakdown voltage.

6 sec_energ (J) Secondary circuit energy.

7 joule_energ (J) Energy loss in the secondary circuit.

8 ign_energ (J) Energy transferred to the gas phase.

9 length_spk ( m ) Spark kernel length.

10 xi_spk Spark length factor.

11 length_spk_total ( m ) Total spark length.

12 ibrkdwn Spark ignition state:

-1 = Between ignition events (for spark plugs with cyclical

ignition) ,
0 = No spark ignition ,
1 = Pre-discharge,
2 = Breakdown ,
3 = Arc/glow.

13 ign_fraction Ignition fraction for each ignition event. For single ignition ,
ign_fraction = 1.

14 critical_energ (J) Critical energy.

15 mbgign_targ ( kg ) Total burned gas to deposit on the spark plug.

16 dmbgign ( kg ) Burned gas to deposit on the spark plug.

17 dmbgign_done ( kg ) Total burned gas that has been deposited on the spark plug.

18 mbgign_done ( m2 ) Integrated burned gas that been deposited on the spark plug for

this ignition event.

19 surfbgign_targ ( m2 ) Flame surface density that has been deposited on the spark plug.

20 dsurfbgign_done ( m2 ) Integrated flame surface density that has been deposited on the

spark plug.

21 surfbgign Progress variable.

22 coeff_mbign Mass progress variable coefficient.

23.23 lhv_info.out

The lhv_info.out file lists the calculated lower heating value (LHV) corrector (a ) values

used by CONVERGE if lhv_flag = 1 in . Table 23.2 summarizes the data available

908 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | lhv_info.out

in lhv_info.out . Note that for each listed LHV in, all the columns are repeated and

followed by three rows: the LHV specified by the user and read from, the LHV

calculated by CONVERGE for that species , and resultant LHV fractional correction. Figure

23.38 below shows an e xample lhv_info.out output file.

Table 23.28 : Description of lhv_info.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 LHV_species LHV species listed in
2 ori_low_a6 Original value of a
, the LHV corrector , before applying values

3 new_low_a6 Calculated value of a :

a 6 = x1W1 /R u

x1 is required change in enthalpy per kilogram such that the

effective heating value is as specified in, W

is the

molecular weight and R, u

is the gas constant.

4 fractional_change Fractional change between original and specified a .


lhv_species ori_low_a6 new_low_a6 fractional_change

ch4 -1.0246648e+04 -1.0295906e+04 4.8072750e-03
lhv specified by user = 5.000000e+07
lhv calculated by cvg = 5.002553e+07
lhv fractional correction = -5.102849e-04

lhv_species ori_low_a6 new_low_a6 fractional_change

c7h16 -2.5658657e+04 -4.2478211e+04 6.5551190e-01
lhv specified by user = 4.351879e+07
lhv calculated by cvg = 4.491430e+07
lhv fractional correction = -3.107048e-02
Figure 23.2: A lhv_info.out output file.
23.24 map_ < time > .out

CONVERGE writes a map_<time>.out file ( e.g., map_1.000000e 02.out + at 100 crank angle
degrees seconds
or ) at the end of each simulation. Table 23.29 below describes the format of

the map_<time>.out files. CONVERGE writes additional map_<time>.out file(s) as specified .

Table 23.29 : Description of map_<time>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 X(m) X coordinate of the cell center.

2 Y(m) Y coordinate of the cell center.

3 m)
Z ( Z coordinate of the cell center.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 909

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Output File Reference | map_ <time>.out

Column Header (units) Description

4 U (ms / ) U velocity component of the cell.

5 V (ms / ) V velocity component of the cell.

6 W (ms / ) W velocity component of the cell.

7 TEMP ( K ) Temperature information in the cell.

8 PRES ( Pa ) Pressure information in the cell.

9 Species name ( e.g., Species mass fractions in the cell.


10 Passive name ( e.g., soot) Passive value in the cell.

11 TKE ( m2 s2 / ) Turbulent kinetic energy value in the cell.

12 EPS ( m2 s3 / ) Turbulent dissipation value in the cell.

13 OMEGA ( 1s / ) Specific dissipation rate value in the cell.

14 REGION ID Region ID.

15 STREAM ID Stream ID.

You can use a map_<time>.out file to initialize variables in a new simulation via mapping.

23.25 map_bound < >< ID _ time > .out

Tables 23.30 and 23.31 describe the format of the map_bound<ID>_<time>.out e.g., (

map_bound2_1.000000e 02.out + ) files. The <ID> represents the boundary ID as specified in . At the end of a simulation , CONVERGE writes one map_bound<ID>.out file

for each INFLOW or OUTFLOW boundary. CONVERGE writes additional

map_bound<ID>.out files throughout the simulation as specified in .

You can use a map_bound<ID>.out file to specify boundary conditions in another


The top of each map_bound<ID>.out file contains a block of information for geometry and

coordinate manipulation. This is described below in Table 23.30.

Table 23.30: Description of the header in map_bound<ID>_<time>.out.

Parameter Description
spatial A keyword.

scale_xyz Scaling to be applied to the x, y, and z coordinates.

trans_x Translation to be applied to x coordinates.

910 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | map_bound<ID>_ <time>.out

Parameter Description
trans_y Translation to be applied to y coordinates.

trans_z Translation to be applied to z coordinates.

rot_axis A xis about which the coordinates and velocity of the data below will

be rotated. Typically the rotation is applied after scaling and

, ,
translating. For velocity however the rotation is applied before

scaling and translating.

rot_angle Rotation angle (in degrees ) about the rot_axis of the data below. Use

the right hand rule to determine the direction of rotation about the

rot_axis .

0.000 second Present for file formatting reasons. Note that this row does not specify

the time at which this file was written.

Following the header , the map_bound<ID>.out files contain several columns of data. Table

23.31 below describes the formatting of these data.

Table 23.31 : Description of map_bound<ID>_<time>.out (after the header).

Column Header (units) Description
1 X( m) X coordinate of the cell center.

2 Y( m) Y coordinate of the cell center.

3 Z (m) Z coordinate of the cell center.

4 U (ms / ) U velocity component of the cell.

5 V (ms / ) V velocity component of the cell.

6 W (ms / ) W velocity component of the cell.

7 TEMPERATURE ( K ) Temperature information in the cell.

8 PRESSURE ( Pa ) Pressure information in the cell.

9 Species name ( e.g., Species mass fraction in the cell.


10 Passive name ( e.g., soot) Passive value in the cell.

11 TKE ( m2 s2 / ) Turbulent kinetic energy value in the cell.

12 EPS ( m2 s3 / ) Turbulent dissipation value in the cell.

13 OMEGA ( 1s / ) Specific dissipation rate value in the cell.

14 REGION ID Region ID.

15 STREAM ID Stream ID.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 911

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | mass_avg_flow.out

23.26 mass_avg_flow.out

The mass_avg_flow.out file provides mass flow and mass flow-weighted average data at

INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. The first two columns list the cycle number and

time , respectively. The remaining columns tabulate the boundary mass flow and

thermodynamic data (see Table 23.32 below).

If there is more than one INFLOW or OUTFLOW boundary , the mass flow and

thermodynamic data are repeated in additional columns. For e xample, if there are two

OUTFLOW boundaries , columns 3 to 15 would contain the data for the first OUTFLOW

while columns 16 to 28 would contain the data for the second OUTFLOW. Note that the

applicable boundary ID is written in the heading of each column. If region_flow_flag = 1 in, then there are two extra output columns for each pair of regions that are

adjacent , which are 14 and 15 as shown in Table 23.32 below.

Table 23.32: Description of mass_avg_flow.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Cycle_Number i.e.,
Simulation cycle number ( number of time-steps).

3 Mass_Flow_Rate ( kg s / ) Mass flow rate normal to the INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary

plane. A positive value indicates flow out of the domain while a

negative value indicates flow into the domain.

4 Total_Pres ( Pa ) Mass flow-weighted average total pressure.

5 Static_Pres ( Pa ) Mass flow-weighted average static pressure.

6 Avg_Temp ( K ) Mass flow-weighted average temperature.

7 Avg_Velocity ( ms / ) Mass flow-weighted average velocity normal to the

INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary plane.

8 Avg_Density ( kg m3 / ) Mass flow-weighted average density.

9 Avg_Mach Mass flow-weighted average mach number.

10 Tot_Parcel_In Total number of parcels that entered this particular boundary up

through the current time-step.

11 Tot_Parcel_Out Total number of parcels that e xited this particular boundary up

through the current time-step.

12 Spray_Rate ( kg s / ) Mass flow-weighted species mass flow rate. (This column is

repeated for each species for each INFLOW/OUTFLOW

boundary in the simulation.)

13 Tot_Spray ( kg ) Mass flow-weighted time-integrated species mass flow. (This

column is repeated for each species for each ,

912 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | mass_avg_flow.out

Column Header (units) Description

INFLOW/OUTFLOW boundary in the simulation.) ,

14 Flow_Rate ( kg s/ ) Flow rate from region i to region j .

15 Tot_Flowed_in ( kg ) Integrated flow in the simulation from region i to region j .

23.27 mech_check.out

The mech_check.out file is generated after CONVERGE checks the mechanism data file for

errors. This file is in two parts. The first portion describes the species in the reaction

mechanism data file. Table 23.33 summarizes the format of this portion of mech_check.out .

Table 23.33: Description of the first part of mech_check.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 # Species number.

2 SPECIES Species listed in the reaction mechanism file.

3 PHASE Phase of the species listed in the reaction. Typically G for gas


4 MW Molecular weight of the species.

5 LOW Low temperature limit.

6 + MID Intermediate temperature limit. This column is repeated for as

many MID temperatures as listed for the NASA 9 themodynamic

data file format if the species listed above is specified in the

NASA 9 format.

7 HIGH High temperature limit.

8 + <ELEMENT> Number of <ELEMENT> atoms in the species. This column is

repeated for each element listed in the mechanism data file.

The second part of mech_check.out lists all the reactions read by CONVERGE in the

reaction mechanism file. Each reaction is assigned a three-digit reaction number , which is

followed by the reaction coefficients. Special conditions for the reaction (such as

enhancements) are printed offset below the reaction. Table 23.34 summarizes the format of

this portion of mech_check.out .

Table 23.34: Description of the second part of mech_check.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 # Reaction number.

2 REACTION Reaction listed in the reaction mechanism file.

3 A Pre-exponential factor for the reaction.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 913

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Output File Reference | mech_check.out

Column Header (units) Description

4 b Temperature dependence of e xponential factor for the reaction.

5 E ( cal mole
/ ) Activation energy for the reaction.

23.28 mechanism_tune.out

The mechanism tune utility outputs the mechanism_tune.out file for your reference. A

sample mechanism_tune.out file is show in Figure 9.14 below.

# column 1 2
# Order Reaction
# (none) (none)
1 67
2 52
3 78
4 76
5 103
6 99
7 77
8 64
9 98
10 91
11 59
12 60
13 107
14 13
15 95
16 66
17 20
18 23
19 24
20 33
21 34
22 63
23 79
24 65
25 84
Figure 9.14: An example mechanism_tune.out file.
23.29 memory_usage.out

The memory_usage.out file reports the total memory usage and memory usage per

processor (or rank) at each time-step for a CONVERGE simulation. CONVERGE writes

memory usage information at the frequency specified by twrite_files

in . The

memory_usage.out file records all memory usage data in megabytes MB ( ). Table 23.35

presents the format of the memory_usage.out file. Starting with column 3 , CONVERGE

writes the memory usage of each processor used in the simulation. For e xample, if you run

a simulation on three processors , CONVERGE will write columns 3 to 5 labeled as Rank0

(MB), Rank1 (MB), and Rank2 (MB), respectively.

914 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | memory_usage.out

If you restart a simulation , CONVERGE will add a number to the file name ( e.g.,
memory_usage1.out ) to avoid overwriting any memory usage files.

Table 23.35: Description of memory_usage.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
(crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag =
1 or 2.

2 Total_MEM ( MB ) Total memory used by all processors.

3 Rank <i > MB( ) Memory used by CONVERGE on rank (processor) i .

23.30 metis_map.out

The metis_map.out file provides information for the number of parallel blocks and cells in

processors after load balancing. After each load balancing operation (see Chapter 11 -

Parallel Processing) , a block of te xt is written to the metis_map.out file. The first row of this

block lists column headers. The remaining rows list the corresponding values shown in

Table 23.36 below.

It is important to note that the information in this file is simply a snapshot of the number

of parcels at the time of load balancing. Parcels may move between processors at any time

because of the flow physics.

Table 23.36: Description of metis_map.out.

Column Header Description
1 time Simulation time.

2 ncyc Simulation cycle number ( i.e., number of iterations) after load


3 total blocks The total number of parallel blocks in the domain. This number is

a function of parallel_scale

in and of the geometry.

4 frozen blocks The total number of frozen parallel blocks in the domain.

5 tot cells Total cells.

6 processor id Unique integer identifier for each processor.

7 blocks Number of parallel blocks assigned to this processor.

8 cells Number of cells assigned to this processor.

9 parcels Number of parcels assigned to this processor.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 915

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | metis_map_frozen.out

23.31 metis_map_frozen.out

The metis_map_frozen.out file provides information for the number of frozen parallel blocks

and frozen block islands in the domain. After each iteration , CONVERGE writes the

iteration number followed by a block of te xt. The first row of this block lists column

headers. The remaining rows list the corresponding values shown in Table 23.37 below.

CONVERGE writes a line for each frozen block in the simulation.

Table 23.37: Description of metis_map.out.

Column Header Description
1 island_inde x Inde x of this island (repeats for each block).

2 rank Processor on which this island is solved (repeats for each block).

3 num_solved_island The total number of cells solved in this island (repeats for each


3 num_solved_block The total number of cells solved in this frozen block.

4 block_ii This frozen block's global i inde x.

5 block_jj This frozen block's global j inde x.

6 block_kk This frozen block's global k inde x.

23.32 mixing.out

The mixing.out file will be written when the input parameter mixing_output_flag in is set to 1. This file contains information on the equivalence ratio , relative air-fuel

ratio and reaction ratio. The equivalence ratio is given as

N iC i N i
, H , i
i 2 i ,
N iO i


where Ni is the number of moles of species i and hC,i , h ,iH

and hO,i are the number of carbon

( C, ) hydrogen (H ) and o xygen ( O ) atoms , respectively , for species i

. The standard deviation

for equivalence ratio is given by

mcell cell mean


STD cell , (23.13)


916 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | mixing.out

where the subscript cell indicates the cell value , mean represents the mean value , total
indicates the total value , STD indicates the standard deviation and the parameter m is the

mass. The mean value is calculated by the following e xpression.

N iC i N i
, H , i
i 2 i

N iO i

j i

where j is the total number of cells in the domain.

The relative fuel-air ratio is given as

. (23.15)

The standard deviation for fuel-air ratio is given by

mcell cell mean


STD cell (23.16)


The reaction equivalence ratio is given as

N iC i N i
, H , i
R i 2 i ,
N iO i


where i xcept
is all species e H O and CO . The standard deviation for reaction equivalence
2 2

ratio is given by

mcell R cell R mean


R STD cell (23.18)


The reaction relative fuel-air ratio is given as

R R 1
. (23.19)

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Output File Reference | mixing.out

The standard deviation for reaction fuel-air ratio is given by

mcell R cell R mean


R STD cell (23.20)


Note that
mean, lmean, and l
R mean are calculated by summing over all the cells as

shown in Equation 23.14.

Table 23.38 summarizes the output in the mixing.out output file.

Table 23.38: Description of mixing.out.

Column Header Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Lambda_Mean The average lambda (relative fuel-air ratio) value for the domain.

3 Lambda_StdDev The standard deviation of lambda for the domain.

4 Phi_Mean The average equivalence ratio value for the domain. Note that this

quantity includes only gases.

5 Phi_StdDev The standard deviation of equivalence ratio for the domain.

6 Rct_Lmda_Mean The average lambda (relative air fuel ratio) value for the domain ,
which does not include CO and H O in the calculation.
2 2

7 Rct_Lmda_StdDev The standard deviation of lambda for the domain which does not ,
include CO and H O in the calculation.
2 2

8 Rct_Phi_Mean The average equivalence ratio value for the domain which does ,
not include CO and H O in the calculation.
2 2

9 Rct_Phi_StdDev The standard deviation of equivalence ratio for the domain ,

which does not include CO and H O in the calculation.
2 2

10 Overall_Phi The overall equivalence ratio for the domain. This quantity

, ,
includes liquids (fuel spray parcels etc.) as well as gases.

11 Overall_Phi_StdDev The standard deviation of the equivalence ratio for the domain.

This quantity includes liquids (fuel spray parcels etc.) as well as ,

918 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | monitor_point_ <num>_mass_avg.out, monitor_point_ <num>_volume_avg.out

23.33 monitor_point_ < num >_mass_avg.out ,

monitor_point_ < num >_volume_avg.out

When monitor_points_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE writes a

monitor_point_<num>_mass_avg.out file for each monitor point that is designed as


When monitor_points_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE writes a

monitor_point_<num>_volume_avg.out file for each monitor point that is designed as

VOL_AVG in .

Table 23.39 describes the format of monitor_point_<num>_<avg type>_avg.out .

Table 23.39: Description of monitor_point_<num>_<avg type>_avg.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
0 in or in crank angle degrees
crank angle degrees
( ) if crank_flag = 1 or 2.

2 + Monitored variable In monitor_point_<num>_mass_avg.out, the mass-averaged value of

the monitored variable at the monitor point.

In monitor_point_<num>_volume_avg.out, the volume-averaged

value of the monitored variable at the monitor point.

23.34 one_d_flamespeed.out

The one_d_flamespeed.out file contains the initial conditions for each 1D premi xed laminar

flamespeed case (refer to Chapter 13 Chemistry Modeling) along with the resultant

flamespeed. Table 23.40 summarizes the output in this file.

Table 23.40: Description of one_d_flamespeed.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Case Number Case number of simulation.

2 Temperature ( K ) The initial temperature specified in .

3 Pressure ( Pa ) The initial pressure specified in

4 Phi The equivalence ratio specified in .

5 EGR_Ratio The e xhaust gas recirculation ratio specified in .

6 Flamespeed ( cm s/ ) Calculated flamespeed.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 919

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | one_d_sens.out, one_d_sens_rank.out, one_d_sens_case<ID>.out

23.35 one_d_sens.out one_d_sens_rank.out , ,

one_d_sens_case < >
ID .out

To run a one-dimensional sensitivity analysis , set newton_sensitivity_flag = 1 in . Note that this feature works with only the stand-alone 1D Newton solver

or the hybrid solver ( one_d_solver_type = 1 or 3 in ).

CONVERGE writes three files related to 1D sensitivity analysis:

one_d_asens_rank.out, and

which are described below.

The one_d_sens.out file consolidates information from the one_d_sens_case<ID>.out files . It

contains the reactions from the reaction mechanism file sorted in decreasing order of

sensitivity , as shown below in Figure 23.3. The rank of the reaction is the first column , and

the subsequent columns list the reaction number from each case. Table 23.41 summarizes

the format of one_d_asens.out .

# column 1 2 3 4
# Place Case_0_Reac_Num Case_1_Reac_Num Case_2_Reac_Num
# (none) (none) (none) (none)
1 16 16 16
2 -15 -27 -27
3 -27 -15 -13
Figure 23.3: Excerpt of one_d_sens.out.

Table 23.41: Description of one_d_sens.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Place ( none ) The order of sensitivity for reactions from the reaction mechanism


2 * Case_ <ID>_Reac_Num The reaction number for this reaction in case number <ID> .

(none) This column is repeated for each case.

The one_d_sens_rank.out file lists the combined ranking from all the 1D cases into one file ,
and ranks the reactions in decreasing order of sensitivity from all the 1D cases. Table 23.42

summarizes the format of one_d_asens_rank.out .

Table 23.42: Description of one_d_asens_rank.out.

920 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | one_d_sens.out, one_d_sens_rank.out, one_d_sens_case<ID>.out

Column Header (units) Description

1 Place ( none ) Sensitivity rank of the reaction.

2 Reac_Num (none) Reaction number in the new reaction mechanism file.

In the one_d_sens_case<ID>.out files , a header records the pressure , unburned temperature ,
equivalence ratio , and EGR ratio by volume. Table 23.43 describes the rest of the data in

the file. The <ID> signifier in the file name corresponds to the case ID in .

Table 23.43: Description of one_d_sens_case<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Place ( none ) Sensitivity ranking for the reaction in this row based on the

absolute value of the sensitivity coefficient.

2 Reaction ( none ) Reaction number.

3 Sensitivity ( none ) Ma ximum sensitivity coefficient value (positive or negative).

4 Reaction_Type ( none ) The chemical equation of the reaction.

23.36 one_d_sol_case < > ID .out

When modeling a 1D premi xed laminar flame (see Chapter 13 Chemistry Modeling) , the

temperature and mass flow vary throughout the domain. CONVERGE records the

resulting domain-specific values in the one_d_sol_case<ID>.out file after running the 1D

premi xed laminar flamespeed utility. A header records initial pressure and temperature , as

well as the equivalence ratio. Table 23.44 describes the rest of the data in the file. For

species concentrations , CONVERGE writes one column for each species in the simulation.

Table 23.44: Description of one_d_sol_case#.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Distance ( cm ) The distance the flame front traveled.

2 Temperature ( K ) The temperature at the specified location.

3 Mass_Flow ( g s cm2
/ / ) The mass flow at the specified location.

4 and <Species Name > The species mass fraction at the specified location.


CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 921

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | passive.out

23.37 passive.out

The passive.out file specifies the mass , mean , and standard deviation of each passive and

non-transport passive. The first column in the output file gives the simulation time while

the remaining columns (e xcept for the last column) give the statistics of each passive and

non-transport passive defined in . The final column lists the total mass in the

region. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files in . Table 23.45 below

summarizes the format of passive.out.

Table 23.45: Description of passive.out.
Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
(crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag = 1 or 2.

2 +* <passive name> (kg) Total mass of the passive.

3 + <passive name>_Mean Mean passive value in the domain.

(kg/ m3 )

4 +* <passive name>_StdDev Standard deviation of the passive value in the domain.

(kg/m )

Final Total Mass ( kg ) Total mass in the region.

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.38 phenom_soot_model.out

The output file phenom_soot_model.out will be written if any of the phenomenological soot

models (Gokul , Dalian , or Waseda) is activated by setting phenom_soot_flag to 1 , 2 , or 3 in . The file contains soot output data that is averaged over the computational

domain for the time indicated from the selected model. Table 23.46 below summarizes the

output in the phenom_soot_model.out output file.

Table 23.46: Description of phenom_soot_model.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag if = 0 in or in crank angle
( crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Soot_Mass ( kg ) Predicted soot in region from the phenomenological soot model.

3 NumDensity ( parts m /
) ,
Soot number density averaged in the computational domain.

4 Incept_Mass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to inception averaged in the computational


922 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | phenom_soot_model.out

Column Header (units) Description

5 SurfaGrowth_Mass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to surface growth averaged in the computational


6 O xid_Mass ( kg ) Soot mass due to o xidation , averaged in the computational


7 Coag_Mass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to coagulation averaged in the computational


23.39 piston_profile < > ID .out

CONVERGE will generate an output file named piston_profile<ID>.out if you have

specified $$ in the piston boundary's velocity boundary condition row . The <ID>
represents the boundary ID as specified in . This output file will contain piston

displacement information calculated every 0.1 crank angle degrees . Table 23.47 describes the

format of this output file. Note that CONVERGE measures the piston displacement relative

to the original location in surface.dat .

Table 23.47 : Description of piston_profile<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( crank angle degrees ) Time in crank angle degrees.
2 X( m) X coordinate of the piston position.

3 Y( m) Y coordinate of the piston position.

4 Z ( m) Z coordinate of the piston position.

23.40 point_num < >

ID .out

CONVERGE writes an output file point_num<ID>.out for each monitor point defined via

UDF . By default , point_num<ID>.out contains temperature , pressure , tke, eps , velocity , and

equivalence ratio data. If the monitor location is a single point , these data are written at

that point. If the monitor location is a sphere , the written data are the average value

within that sphere. You can remove default variables and add additional variables by

editing the user_points_data.c file. See the CONVERGE UDF Manual for more information.

Table 23.48 below describes the format of point_num<ID>.out .

Table 23.48: Description of point_num<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
(crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag = 1 or 2.

2 Pressure ( Pa ) Pressure at the monitor point.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 923

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | point_num<ID>.out

3 Temperature ( K ) Temperature at the monitor point.

4 m2 s2
TKE ( / ) Turbulent kinetic energy at the monitor point.

5 m2 s3
EPS ( / ) Turbulent dissipation at the monitor point.

6 OMEGA ( 1s / ) Mass-average specific dissipation rate at the monitor point.

7 u ms ( / ) X component of the velocity ( u ) at the monitor point.

8 v ms ( / ) Y component of the velocity ( v ) at the monitor point.

9 w ms ( / ) Z component of the velocity ( w ) at the monitor point.

10 E QUIV_RATIO Equivalence ratio at the monitor point.

23.41 react_ratio_bin.out

The mass within the domain is binned by reaction ratio into twenty intervals , starting at

0.0-0.1 and ending at 1.9-2.0. The react_ratio_bin.out file summarizes the fraction of the

total mass which has a reaction ratio value within the specified range of each bin. The first

column lists the simulation time. The remaining columns give the mass fraction within

each of the bins as shown in Table 23.49 below. The output frequency is controlled by

in .

Table 23.49: Description of react_ratio_bin.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
(crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag =
1 or 2.

2 0.0 - 0.1 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.0 to 0.1.

3 0.1 - 0.2 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.1 to 0.2.

4 0.2 - 0.3 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.2 to 0.3.

5 0.3 - 0.4 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.3 to 0.4.

6 0.4 - 0.5 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.4 to 0.5.

7 0.5 - 0.6 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.5 to 0.6.

8 0.6 - 0.7 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.6 to 0.7.

9 0.7 - 0.8 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.7 to 0.8.

10 0.8 - 0.9 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.8 to 0.9.

11 0.9 - 1.0 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 0.9 to 1.0.

12 1.0 - 1.1 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.0 to 1.1.

13 1.1 - 1.2 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.1 to 1.2.

14 1.2 - 1.3 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.2 to 1.3.

924 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | react_ratio_bin.out

15 1.3 - 1.4 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.3 to 1.4.

16 1.4 - 1.5 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.4 to 1.5.

17 1.5 - 1.6 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.5 to 1.6.

18 1.6 - 1.7 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.6 to 1.7.

19 1.7 - 1.8 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.7 to 1.8.

20 1.8 - 1.9 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.8 to 1.9.

21 1.9 - 2.0 Mass fraction which has a reaction ratio in the range 1.9 to 2.0.

23.42 regions_flow.out

The regions_flow.out file provides the mass flow between two regions and/or across

INFLOW and OUTFLOW boundaries. CONVERGE writes this output only when

region_flow_flag is set to 1 or 2 in . The first two columns give the cycle number

and time , respectively. The remaining columns give the inter-region mass flow.

Table 17.18: Description of regions_flow.out.

Column Header Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Cycle_Number i.e.,
Simulation cycle number ( number of time-steps).

3 * Flow_Rate ( kg s / ) Flow rate of fluid from region i to region j .

Regions _<i>_ _< > to j

4 * Tot_Mass ( kg ) Integrated flow of fluid in the simulation from region i to region j .

Regions _<i>_ _< > to j Region numbers are indicated in the #comment rows.

5 * <species passive
Tot- / Mass flow of the species/passive from region i to region j . Region

name> kg ( ) numbers are indicated in the #comment rows.

Regions _<i>_ _< > to j

6 ** <species passive
Rate- / Flow rate of <species or passive name> through INFLOW or

name> (kg s) / OUTFLOW Boundary i.

bound_id _<i>
7 ** <species passive
Tot- / Mass flow of <species or passive name> through INFLOW or

name> (kg) OUTFLOW Boundary i.

bound_id _<i>
* If region_flow_flag = 1 , then column 5 is not printed and columns 3 and 4 will repeat for

all the connected pairs of regions in the simulation.

** If region_flow_flag = 2 , then column 5 is written and repeated for each species and

passive you specify in . If the surface includes an INFLOW and/or

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 925

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | regions_flow.out

OUTFLOW boundary , then columns 6 and 7 are also repeated for each INFLOW or

OUTFLOW boundary , for each species and passive specified in .

23.43 residuals.out residuals_region , < >ID .out

COVNERGE writes residuals.out when steady_solver = 1 in . The residuals.out file

contains the residual error information for transported equations and pressure , formatted

as shown in Table 23.50 below. The <Species or Passive name> columns are repeated for the

species and passives present in the simulation.

Table 23.50: Description of residuals.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Cycle number Simulation cycle number ( i.e., number of time-steps).

2 Mass ( kg ) Continuity residual error.

3 X-Momentum ( kg m2-s
/ ) X-momentum residual error.

4 Y-Momentum ( kg m2-s
/ ) Y-momentum residual error.

5 Z-Momentum ( kg m2-s
/ ) Z-momentum residual error.

6 Energy (J) Energy residual error.

7 and <Species or Passive The residual error for the transported species and passives.

up name>

If there is more than one region with residual data , then CONVERGE will generate

residuals_region<ID>.out, numbered by region ID. The residuals_region<ID>.out files will

contain the residual output for each region in the same format as that described above.

23.44 scalar_diss_rate.out

CONVERGE writes the scalar_diss_rate.out file when the RIF model has been activated ( i.e.,
if rif_flag = 1 in ). The file contains the scalar dissipation rate for each flamelet.

The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files in . Table 23.51 describes

scalar_diss_rate.out .

Table 23.51: Description of scalar_diss_rate.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds crank or Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle
angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 + Flamelet < > s

ID (1/ ) s
Scalar dissipation rate (1/ ). This column is repeated for

each flamelet.

926 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | sens <case>.out

23.45 sens < case > .out

CONVERGE writes the sensitivity coefficient matri x at each time-step to the sens<case>.out
file when you include sensitivity analysis in a zero-dimensional simulation (set

zero_d_sensitivity_flag = Y
2 in . ou can post-process this file with the

sens_convert utility to create a folder containing three additional output files

(sens<case>_var<num>_<name>.out, sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_neg.out, and

sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_pos.out , ) which contain sensitivity coefficients for only the

variables (species and temperature) in which you are interested.

23.46 sens < case > _var < num ><

_ name > .out ,
sens < case > _var < num ><
_ name > _neg.out ,
sens < case > _var < num ><
_ name > _pos.out

CONVERGE writes the sens<case>.out file when you include sensitivity analysis in a zero-

dimensional simulation zero_d_sensitivity_flag

(set = 2 in . By post-

processing this file with the sens_convert , utility you can create a folder for each case

(named output<case>, <case>

where is the 0D case number) containing three files:

sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_neg.out, and

sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_pos.out .

The files are parametrically named by the 0D case number ( <case> , ) the variable number

from species_info.dat (<num>), and the variable name( <name> . sens0_var38_TEMP.out

) For

in Figure 23.4 below , the case number is 0 , the variable number is 38 , and the variable

name is TEMP (for temperature).

The sens<case>_var<num>_<name>.out file contains columns for the time (in seconds , ) the

variable quantity (either species concentration or temperature) , and the sensitivity

coefficient for each reaction (listed by the reaction numbers in mech_check.out ) at each

time-step. The sensitivity coefficient columns lists the reaction number , ma ximum
sensitivity coefficient value (positive or negative) , the ranking based on the absolute value

of the previous number (positive coefficient values have positive rankings and negative

coefficient values have negative rankings) , and the sensitivity coefficients for the reaction ,
in this order. CONVERGE finds the ma ximum absolute value of the sensitivity coefficient

for each reaction and ranks them. CONVERGE lists the value and ranking after the

reaction number in the second and third row , respectively , in

sens<case>_var<num>_<name>.out. Table 23.52 summarizes the format of

sens<case>_var<num>_<name>.out .

Table 23.52: Description of sens#_var$_<variable name>.out.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 927

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | sens <case>_var<num>_ <name>.out, sens <case>_var<num>_ <name>_neg.out, sens <case>_var<num>

Column Header (units) Description

1 Time ( seconds ) Time during zero-dimensional simulation.

2 Variable Quantity The variable quantity from from the Z matri x. It is either a species


(concentration in
concentration or temperature and is designated in the output file

fraction or temperature in name.


3 + Reaction Sensitivity The column lists the reaction number ma , ximum sensitivity
Coefficients ,
coefficient value (positive or negative) the ranking based on the

absolute value of the previous number (positive coefficient values

have positive rankings and negative coefficient values have

negative rankings) and the sensitivity coefficients for the

reaction in this order.

# Time Temp Reaction Reaction Reaction

# sec K 1 2 3
# 6.136757e+00 -1.838705e-01 1.912526e-02
# 3 -15 19
2.030059e-17 1.268100e+03 1.569349e-14 -4.749065e-23 2.042330e-33
2.030262e-13 1.268100e+03 1.569554e-10 -4.749540e-15 2.043835e-21
... ... ... ... ...
Figure 23.4: Excerpt of sens0_var38_TEMP.out.

The sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_pos.out and sens<case>_var<num>_<name>_neg.out

files have a column for time-step (inseconds ) and a column of all of the positive or negative

sensitivity coefficients , respectively. CONVERGE ranks each reaction in a case according to

the ma ximum absolute value of the sensitivity coefficient of each reaction. The output files

list the columns of sensitivity coefficients in ascending order by rank , as shown in Figure


# Total Neg Place Place Place Place

# 28 1 2 3 4
# Time Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction
# sec 1 35 6 37
2.030059e-17 -5.742926e-13 -5.563760e-53 -1.189573e-27 1.787541e-46
2.030262e-13 -5.743501e-09 -6.759515e-33 -1.189663e-19 1.781131e-30
... ... ... ... ...
Figure 23.5: Excerpt of sens0_var1_IC8H18_neg.out.

23.47 skip_species.out

If you have activated the skip species feature ( i.e., if skip_species_flag = 1 in ,)

CONVERGE will write skip_species.out, which contains information about each iteration of

the skip species process. The first line contains the simulation time and the skip species

start and end times. This information comes directly from the file and is

included so that you can verify the skip species start and end times. On the ne xt line ,

928 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | skip_species.out

CONVERGE writes the number of gas and liquid species that are included in the chemistry

computations ( i.e., the number of species that were not skipped) and the total number of

fluid species in the simulation. The final line lists the species that were not skipped.

After the above information , CONVERGE prints a block of te xt when the skip species

process ends. The first line of this block contains the simulation time and repeats the skip

species species start and end times. The ne xt line contains a message that the skip species

computations are ending and that CONVERGE will return to solving all fluid species.

If skip species is C YCLIC, you will see multiple blocks of information. Figure 23.2 below

provides an e xample skip_species.out file.

Simulation Time: -4.0999100e+02; Skip species start time: 1.3500000e+02, end

time 7.0000000e+02 (DEG)
Starting skip species session. Computing 5 gas species, and
0 liquid species out of total 48 fluid species
Here is the list of the species:
IC8H18 O2 N2 CO2 H2O

Simulation Time: -1.9566372e+01; Skip species reduction start time:

1.3500000e+02, end time 7.0000000e+02 (DEG)
Ending skip species session. Computing all species, i.e. 48 total fluid
Figure 23.15: An example skip_species.out file.
23.48 soot_hiroy.out

CONVERGE will write the soot_hiroy.out output file if you activate the Hiroyasu-NSU soot

model by setting the flag hiroy_soot_flag = 1 in . The file contains the Hiroyasu-

NSU soot as a function of time as well as the formation and o xidation terms. Table 23.53

below summarizes the contents of the soot_hiroy.out output file.

Table 23.53: Description of soot_hiroy.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * Hiroy_Soot ( kg ) Predicted soot in region from the Hiroyasu soot model.

3 * Hiroy_Form ( kg ) Predicted time-integrated formation of soot in region from the

Hiroyasu soot model.

4 * Hiroy_O xid ( kg ) Predicted time-integrated o xidation of soot in region from the

Hiroyasu soot model.

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 929

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | soot_pm_model.out

23.49 soot_pm_model.out

CONVERGE will write the output file soot_pm_model.out if the Particulate Mimic (PM)

detailed soot model is activated by setting detailed_soot_flag = 1 or 3 in . The file

contains soot output data that is averaged over the computational domain for the time

indicated from the PM model. Table 23.54 below summarizes the output in the

soot_pm_model.out output file.

Table 23.54: Description of soot_pm_model.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * Soot_Mass ( kg ) Predicted soot in region from the PSM soot model.

3 * NumDensity ( parts m /
) ,
Soot number density averaged in the computational domain.

4 * VolFrac The fraction of the volume occupied by soot ( m3 ) in the gas (m3 )

soot / m[
gas ) ]

5 * TotSurf Soot surface area per unit gas volume averaged in the ,
soot / m[ ]
gas ) computational domain.

6 * Ave_Dia ( m ) Mean soot diameter in the computational domain.

7 * Dispersion ( m m / ) Width of the soot particle size distribution averaged in the ,

computational domain. (This is available only when the second

moment is calculated.)

8 * Variance Variance of the soot particle size distribution function averaged ,

in the computational domain. (This is available only when the

second moment is calculated.)

9 * PiMass (kg) Soot mass due to particle inception (nucleation) averaged in the ,
computational domain.

10 * SgMass (kg) ,
Soot mass due to surface growth averaged in the computational


11 * FrMass (kg) ,
Soot mass due to fragmentation averaged in the computational


12 * O xMass (kg) Soot mass due to o xidation , averaged in the computational


13 * ConMass (kg) ,
Soot mass due to condensation averaged in the computational


14 * CoagMass (kg) ,
Soot mass due to coagulation averaged in the computational


15 MSoot0 ( mole kg
/ ) Zeroth soot moment ( mole of soot per kg ,
of gas) averaged in the

computational domain.

930 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | soot_pm_model.out

Column Header (units) Description

16 * MSoot1 ( mole kg / ) First soot moment ( mole of soot per kg ,
of gas) averaged in the

computational domain.

* The column numbers shown in this table are based on two moments ( mauss_num_mom =
2). The column numbers will vary with the value of this parameter.

23.50 soot_psm_model.out

CONVERGE will write the output file soot_psm_model.out if the Particulate Size Mimic

(PSM) detailed soot model is activated by setting the flag detailed_soot_flag = 2 or 4 in . The file contains soot output data that is averaged over the computational

domain for the time indicated from the PSM model. Table 23.55 below summarizes the

output in the soot_psm_model.out output file.

Table 23.55: Description of soot_psm_model.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
crank angle degrees
( ) if crank_flag =
1 or 2.

2 Soot_Mass ( kg ) Predicted soot in region from the PSM soot model.

3 NumDensity ( parts m /
) ,
Soot number density averaged in the computational domain.

4 VolFrac ,
Soot volume fraction averaged in the computational domain.

soot / m[ 3
gas ) ]

5 * SectRate_Mass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass averaged in the computational domain.

6 * PiMass ( kg ) Soot mass due to particle inception (nucleation) averaged in the ,

computational domain.

7 * SgMass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to surface growth averaged in the computational


8 * FrMass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to fragmentation averaged in the computational


9 * O xMass ( kg ) Soot mass due to o xidation , averaged in the computational


10 * ConMass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to condensation averaged in the computational


11 * CoagMass ( kg ) ,
Soot mass due to coagulation averaged in the computational


YSoot# ,
Soot mass fraction averaged in each section ( #) the
computational domain.

PSDF # Soot particle size distribution function in each section ( #) of the
computational domain.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 931

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | soot_psm_model.out

Column Header (units) Description


SSize #(nm ) Soot particle diameter in each section ( #) of the computational

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

The column numbers will vary with the section number.

23.51 species_mass.out

The species_mass.out output file summarizes the total mass of each species specified using

the species_output_flag

in . CONVERGE uses a list of available species based on the

species defined in both and mech.dat.

The first column in species_mass.out lists the time , and the remaining columns present the

total mass of each species at that time. One column will be included for each species that is

specified using the species_output_flag

in These columns will be in the same order

as defined in the species mech.dat,,

section of and the file, if you

used this option. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files

in .

Table 23.56 below summarizes the data written in the species_mass.out file.
Table 23.56: Description of species_mass.out.
Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
crank angle degrees
( ) if crank_flag =
1 or 2.

2 * Species name ( kg ) Total species mass. This column is repeated for every species as

defined by species_output_flag

in .

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

932 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | species_mass_frac.out

23.52 species_mass_frac.out

The species_mass_frac.out output file summarizes the mass fraction of each species specified

using the species_output_flag . CONVERGE uses a list of available species based

on the species defined in both and mech.dat.

The first column in species_mass_frac.out lists the time , and the remaining columns present

the mass fraction of each species at that time. One column will be included for each species

that is specified using the species_output_flag

in These columns will be in the same

order as defined in the species mech.dat,,

section of and the ,
file if

you used this option. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files
in .

Table 23.57 below summarizes the data written in the species_mass_frac.out file .
Table 23.57: Description of species_mass_frac.out.
Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
(crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag =1 or 2.

2 * Species name Mass fraction of the species. This column is repeated for every

(dimensionless: kg of species as defined by species_output_flag

in .

this species per kg of all


* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 933

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | species_std_masfrac.out

23.53 species_std_masfrac.out

The species_std_masfrac.out output file summarizes the standard deviation of the mass

fraction of each species specified using the species_output_flag in . CONVERGE

uses a list of available species based on the species defined in both and mech.dat.
The first column in species_std_masfrac.out lists the time , and the remaining columns list the

standard deviation of the mass fraction of each species at that time. One column will be

included for each species that is specified using the species_output_flag in These

columns will be in the same order as defined in the species mech.dat,,
section of

and the file , if you used this option. The output frequency is controlled by

in .

Table 23.58 below summarizes the data written in the species_std_masfrac.out file .
Table 23.58: Description of species_std_masfrac.out.
Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * Species name Standard deviation of the mass fraction of the species. This

column is repeated for every species as defined by

in .

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

934 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | species_mole_frac.out

23.54 species_mole_frac.out

The species_mole_frac.out output file summarizes the mole fraction of each species specified

using the species_output_flag in . CONVERGE uses a list of available species based

on the species defined in both species.inand mech.dat.

The first column in species_mole_frac.out lists the time , and the remaining columns list the

mole fraction of each species at that time. One column will be included for each species

that is specified using the species_output_flag in These columns will be in the same

order as defined in the species mech.dat,,

section of and the ,
file if

you used this option. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files
in .

Table 23.59 below summarize species_mole_frac.out.

Table 23.59: Description of species_mole_frac.out.
Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 * Species name Mole fraction of the species. This column is repeated for every

(dimensionless: mole of species as defined by species_output_flag

in .

this species per mole of

all species)

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.55 species_vol.out

The species_vol.out file contains species volume data for a VOF simulation. The

species_vol_region<region ID>.out files contain region-specific species volume data for a

VOF simulation. CONVERGE generates species_vol.out and species_vol_region<region

ID>.out vof_flag =
when 1 in and either

species_output_flag is set to one of the non-zero numerical options or

species_output_flag is set to and the file includes

<total_vol> .

The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files

in .

Table 23.60 summarizes the format of the species_vol.out and species_vol_region<region

ID>.out files.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 935

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | species_vol.out

Table 23.60: Description of species_vol.out and species_vol_region<region ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flagif = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Total Volume ( m3 ) Total volume of fluid.

3 + < Species name> m3 ( ) Total volume of the specified species.

23.56 spray.out

The spray.out file summarizes the injection results and the spray penetration for each

nozzle. The first column lists the time , and remaining columns provide the data for that

time. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files

in .

Table 23.61 below describes the format of spray.out. Note that the column numbers listed

in the table are representative of output from a simulation with only one injector and one

nozzle. If a simulation includes more injectors or nozzles , the spray.out file will contain

additional columns.

Table 23.61 : Description of spray.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 drop film
tot_parcels ( + ) ,
Total number of spray parcels including parcels in the wall


3 spray_parcels ( drop ) Number of spray parcels e , xcluding those in the wall film.

4 * liq_spray_mass ( kg ) Total liquid spray mass in the domain (not including mass in

the wall film).

5 Fuel species name , ( e.g., Mass of the fuel species. If there is more than one fuel species in

C7H16 ( kg )) ,
the simulation there will be one column per species.

6 smd (m ) Sauter mean diameter of spray (not including parcels in the wall


7 DV10 ( m ) The spray parcel diameter representing the tenth percentile by

volume (not including parcels in the wall film).

8 DV50 ( m ) The volume median particle size (not including parcels in the

wall film).

9 DV90 ( m ) The spray parcel diameter representing the ninetieth percentile

by volume (not including parcels in the wall film).

10 Inj_No Number of the current injector.

936 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray.out

Column Header (units) Description

11 * kg
Inj_Mass ( ) Amount of injected mass for the current injector.

- 12

Inj_Vel ( / ) Injection velocity of the current injector.

- Inj_Vel_Old ( ms / ) Injection velocity for the current injector before the contraction

coefficient is applied.

- Inj_Vel_New ( ms / ) Injection velocity for the current injector after the contraction

coefficient is applied.

- C_a Contraction coefficient for the current injector.



Inj_Press ( MPa ) Injection pressure for the current injector.


Noz_No Number of the current nozzle.


Spray_Penet ( m
) Liquid penetration length for the current nozzle.

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

discharge_coeff_flag = 1 or 2 in
discharge_coeff_flag = 0 in
The injection pressure written to the spray.out file is given by


P in l
d C (23.21)

where rl is the liquid density , Cd is the discharge coefficient and V is the liquid velocity

based on the geometric hole diameter ( i.e., the velocity before a contraction coefficient is


CONVERGE calculates the Sauter mean diameter , d 32

, of the spray as follows:

N i di 3

d 32
, (23.22)

N i di 2

i 1

where Ntot is the total number of parcels , Ni is the number of drops of parcel i, and di is the

diameter of parcel i

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 937

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray_map_ <time>.out

23.57 spray_map_ < time >


Table 23.62 below describes the format of the spray_map_<time>.out ,

files parametrically

named with the time of the simulation. For a simulation that includes spray modeling ,
CONVERGE writes a spray_map_<time>.out e.g., spray_map_1.000000e 02.out
file ( + at 100

crank angle degrees seconds or ) at the end of each simulation. CONVERGE writes additional

file(s) as designated in .

Table 23.62 : Description of spray_map_<time>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 X(m ) X coordinate of the parcel.

2 Y(m ) Y coordinate of the parcel.

3 m
Z ( ) Z coordinate of the parcel.

4 U_VEL ( ms / ) X component of velocity of the parcel.

5 V_VEL ( ms / ) Y component of velocity of the parcel.

6 W_VEL ( ms / ) Z component of velocity of the parcel.

7 TEMP ( K) Temperature of the parcel.

8 NUM Number of drops in the parcel.

9 RADIUS ( m ) Radius of the drops in the parcel.

10 REGION_ID Region ID of the parcel.

11 BOUND_ID Boundary ID of the parcel.

12 + <species name > Liquid mass fraction of <species name > in each drop in the

parcel. This file will contain one column per species in the parcel.

13 (or FILM The value of film_flag for the parcel.

higher) 0 = The parcel is not in the wall film ,

1 = The parcel is in the wall film.

14 (or FROM_IN ECTOR J Injector from which the parcel originated.


15 (or FROM_NOZZLE Nozzle from which the parcel originated.


You can use a spray_map_<time>.out file to initialize variables in a new simulation via


938 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray_rate_inj<ID>.out

23.58 spray_rate_inj < >

ID .out

At the start of a simulation , CONVERGE writes spray_rate_in <ID>.out j for each injector ,
parametrically named with the injector ID number. You can use this file to verify the rate-

shape information. Table 23.63 below describes the format of spray_rate_in <ID>.out j .

Table 23.63: Description of spray_rate_inj<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Inde x Index corresponds to rate-shape entries defined in

3 Mass_Inject ( kg ) Amount of mass injected through the injector.

- 4

Inj_Vel ( ms / ) Injection velocity for the current injector.

- 5

Inj_Pres ( MPa ) Injection pressure for current injector.

4 * - Inj_Vel_Old ( ms / ) Injection velocity for the current injector before the contraction

coefficient is applied.

5 * - Inj_Vel_New ( ms / ) Injection velocity for the current injector after the contraction

coefficient is applied.

6 * - Inj_Pres ( MPa ) Injection pressure for current injector.

7 * - C_a Contraction coefficient for current injector.

* discharge_coeff_flag = 1 or 2 in
discharge_coeff_flag = 0 in
The total area of the nozzles for an injector is given by the product of the number of

nozzles ( num_noz

in ) and the area of each nozzle , as follows:

Anozzles num noz * diam noz _ _

, (23.23)

where diam_noz

in gives the diameter of each nozzle.

If the rate-shape entries are given by irateshape at each interval , then the mass of injection

during each interval ( dmi ) is given by

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 939

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray_rate_inj<ID>.out

rateshape rateshape
dmirateshape i i 1

* dtirateshape * Anozzles * l , (23.24)


where dtirateshape is the time interval between two rate-shape entries and rl is the density of

the liquid spray.

Note that this assumes that the units of irateshape are velocity ( ms/ ). However, only the shape

of the input rate-shape (not the magnitude of each entry) is important. To convert them to

true velocities , CONVERGE calculates the scaling factor velscale_rateshape for the rate-shape


velscale mass in ect , _ j

_ rateshape numvel in ect
_ j
rateshape (23.25)

i 1

where the total mass of injection is given by mass_in ect j in . The velocity in

spray_rate_in <in _ID>.out

j j is represented by in _vel_old
j . CONVERGE converts the old

velocities to true velocities , as follows:

in vel old velscale

j_ _
rateshape * i . (23.26)

CONVERGE calculates the injection pressure ( in _pres

j ) as

in pres 1
in vel old
j_ _


j_ (23.27)

where Cd is the discharge coefficient. CONVERGE evaluates the new injection velocity

( in _vel_new
j ) as

940 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray_rate_inj<ID>.out

in vel new in vel old , j_ _

j_ _ (23.28)

where Ca is the contraction coefficient.

23.59 spray_region < >

ID .out

The spray_region<ID>.out file summarizes the injection results and the spray penetration

within a region. The first column lists the time , and remaining columns provide the data

for that time. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files

in .

Table 23.64 below describes spray_region<ID>.out.

Table 23.64 : Description of spray.out.
Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 liq_spray (drops ) Number of spray parcels in the region e , xcluding parcels in the

wall film.

3 * liq_spray_mass ( kg ) Total liquid spray mass in the region (not including mass in the

wall film).

4 Fuel species name , ( e.g., Mass of the fuel species. If there is more than one fuel species in

C7H16 ( kg )) ,
the simulation there will be one column per species.

6 smd ( m ) Sauter mean diameter of spray (not including parcels in the wall


7 DV10 ( m ) The spray parcel diameter representing the tenth percentile by

volume (not including parcels in the wall film).

8 DV50 ( m ) The volume median particle size (not including parcels in the

wall film).

9 DV90 ( m ) The spray parcel diameter representing the ninetieth percentile by

volume (not including parcels in the wall film).

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.60 spray_ecn.out

The spray_ecn.out file lists the liquid penetration based on various percentages of the liquid

mass. This file also includes vapor penetration information based on the ECN (Engine

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 941

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray_ecn.out

Combustion Network) definition. The output frequency for this file is controlled by

in . Table 23.65 below describes the format of spray_ecn.out . Columns 2-

9 repeat for every nozzle on every injector.

Table 23.65: Description of spray_ecn.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Inj_No Number of the current injector.

3 Noz_No Number of the current nozzle.

5 Spray_Penet90 ( m ) Penetration distance from the nozzle e xit for the current nozzle
based on 90 % of the liquid mass.

6 Spray_Penet95 ( m ) Penetration distance from the nozzle e xit for the current nozzle
based on 95 % of the liquid mass.

7 Spray_Penet97 ( m ) Penetration distance from the nozzle e xit for the current nozzle
based on 97 % of the liquid mass.

8 Spray_Penet99 ( m ) Penetration distance from the nozzle e xit for the current nozzle
based on 99 % of the liquid mass.

9 Vapor_Penet ( m ) Penetration distance from the nozzle e xit for the current nozzle
based on 0.10 % vapor mass fraction.

23.61 spray_urea_file.out

CONVERGE writes spray_urea_file.out when urea_flag = 3 in . Table 23.66 describes

the format of spray_urea_file.out .

Table 23.66 : Description of spray_urea_file.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
( crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Water ( kg ) Mass of water in spray.

3 Urea_tot ( kg ) Total mass of urea in spray.

4 Urea_sol ( kg ) Mass of solid urea in spray.

5 Urea_aq ( kg ) Mass of aqueous urea in spray.

6 Biuret ( kg ) Mass of biuret in spray.

7 C YA ( kg ) Mass of cyanuric acid in spray.

8 Ammelide ( kg ) Mass of ammelide in spray.

942 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | spray_urea_file.out

Column Header (units) Description

9 NH4plus ( kg) Mass of NH4 + in spray.

10 NCOminus ( kg ) Mass of NCO- in spray.

11 Hplus ( kg ) Mass of H + in spray.

23.62 steady_state.out

CONVERGE writes steady_state.out when the steady-state monitor has been activated ( i.e.,
when monitor_steady_state_flag = 1 in
and file is in the

Case Directory). Table 23.67 describes the format of steady_state.out . Columns 3 through 5

are repeated for each variable specified in .

Table 23.67 : Description of steady_state.out.

Column Header Description
1 Time or Cycles Time (inseconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle
degrees crank_flag =
if steady_solver =
1 or 2) if 0 ,
Cycle number ifsteady_solver = 1.

2 Cycle Number Number of time-steps that have occurred.

3 + Current Value <variable Value of the specified variable at this time-step.

name specified in>
4 + Mean <variable name Mean of the second sample set. CONVERGE writes 0 until

specified in the first and second sample sets have been populated with> data.

5 + Std <variable name Standard deviation of the second sample set. CONVERGE

specified in writes 0 until the first and second sample sets have been> populated with data.

23.63 supercycle_point < >

ID .out

CONVERGE writes solid temperature data for each monitor point to

supercycle_point<ID>.out, parametrically named with the monitor point ID number. Table

23.68 below summarizes the format of supercycle_point<ID>.out .

Table 23.68: Description of supercycle_point<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Temperature ( K ) Solid temperature at monitor point.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 943

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | supercycle_stream<stream_num>_balance.out

23.64 supercycle_stream <

stream_num > _balance.out

When running a case that includes super-cycling , at the conclusion of each super-cycle

CONVERGE writes energy balance output data to

supercycle_stream<stream_num>_balance.out, parametrically named with the stream

number. CONVERGE creates one file for each solid stream. Table 23.69 below summarizes

the format of supercycle_stream<stream_num>_balance.out . The first and last columns are

always time and the sum of the flu xes, respectively. The other columns will vary

depending on the system.

Table 23.69: Description of supercycle_stream<stream_num>_balance.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in or in crank angle degrees
( crank angle degrees ) if crank_flag = 1 or 2.

for a WALL boundary or a solid-solid INTERFACE boundary

- bound_id Boundary ID (of a WALL boundary).

- flu x ( s)
J/ Flu x (J/ s

for a fluid-solid INTERFACE boundary

- bound_id Boundary ID (of an INTERFACE boundary).

- flu x ( s)
J/ Flu x (J/ s

- surf_temp_inner (K) Surface temperature ( K ) of the boundary assigned to the specified

stream (one side of the INTERFACE).

- surf_temp_outer (K) Surface temperature ( K ) of the boundary on the other side of the


last total ( s)
J/ Sum of all flu xes s
(J/ ).

23.65 surface_species_cov.out ,
surface_species_cov_region < >
ID .out

CONVERGE writes surface_species_cov.out when surface_chemistry_flag = 1

in .

This file summarizes the species coverages of each surface species listed in surface_mech.dat .

Table 23.70 below summarizes the format of surface_species.out .

Table 23.70 : Description of surface_species.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time seconds
( ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag if = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

944 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | surface_species_cov.out, surface_species_cov_region <ID>.out

2 + Surface species name Coverage of the surface species. This column is repeated for every

mole cm2 surface species and lists the species in the same order as in the

(dimensionless: /
SITE section of .
of this species per

mole cm2
/ of all species)

If the number of regions is greater than 1 ( i.e., num_porous_regions

if in

is greater than 1) , CONVERGE will instead write a separate

surface_species_cov_region<ID>.out file for each specified region number. CONVERGE will

not generate an averaged surface_species.out if multiple regions e xist.

23.66 temperature.out

The temperature.out file summarizes the fraction of the domain above a specified

temperature. There are four fi xed temperatures used as criterion for this file: 2500 K, 2600

K, 2700 K, and 2800 K . The first column in the output file gives time. The remaining four

columns give the mass fraction above the fixed temperature. The output frequency is

controlled by twrite_files

in . Table 23.71 below summarizes the format and the

data available in temperature.out.

The temperature_region<ID>.out files present analogous temperature data for a specific

region ID.

Table 23.71: Description of temperature.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Mass_Frac > 2500 K Mass fraction of the region above 2500 K.

3 Mass_Frac > 2600 K Mass fraction of the region above 2600 K.

4 Mass_Frac > 2700 K Mass fraction of the region above 2700 K.

5 Mass_Frac > 2800 K Mass fraction of the region above 2800 K.

23.67 thermo.out

The thermo.out file contains a summary of thermodynamic and combustion data. The first

column lists the simulation time. The remaining columns give the data for that time. The

output frequency is controlled by twrite_files in . Table 23.72 summarizes the

format and the data available in thermo.out .

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 945

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | thermo.out

Table 23.72: Description of thermo.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds , ) Crank Time in seconds crank_flag =
if 0 in, crank angle degrees

(crank angle degrees , ) or if crank_flag = ,

1 or 2 or the simulation cycle number ( i.e., number

Cycles of time-steps).

2 Pressure ( MPa ) Volume-averaged pressure.

3 Ma x_Pres MPa
( ) Ma ximum pressure.

4 Min_Pres ( MPa ) Minimum pressure.

5 Mean_Temp ( K ) Mass-averaged temperature.

6 Ma x_Temp ( K ) Ma ximum temperature.

7 Min_Temp ( K ) Minimum temperature.

8 * Volume ( m3 ) Summation of all cell volumes.

9 * Mass ( kg ) Summation of all cell masses.

10 Density ( kg m3/ ) Total mass divided by total volume.

11 * Integrated_HR (J) Total heat release (summed over time).

12 * HR_Rate (J/ time ) Heat release rate.

13 C_p ( kg K
J/ ) Specific heat at constant pressure.

14 C_v (J/ kg K ) Specific heat at constant volume.

15 Gamma ( Cp Cv / ) Ratio of specific heats.

16 Kin_Visc ( m2 s / ) Molecular kinematic viscosity.

17 Dyn_Visc ( N-s m2 / ) Molecular dynamic viscosity.

* Sector simulation note: CONVERGE multiplies this quantity calculated in a sector

domain by mult_out . The resulting quantity is listed in this column.

23.68 time.out

The time.out file contains some of the time-related information that is also written to the log

file. CONVERGE writes information to time.out at each time-step ( i.e., the value of

twrite_files has no effect on time.out ). Table 23.73 describes the format of time.out . The

time.out file is written for every simulation.

Table 23.73: Description of time.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
( crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

946 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | time.out

Column Header (units) Description

2 Cycle_Number Simulation cycle number ( i.e., number of time-steps)

3 dt ( seconds ) Time-step size (in seconds ).

4 Ma x_CFL Ma ximum convective CFL number for this time-step.

5 Ma x_Visc_CFL Ma ximum viscous CFL number for this time-step.

6 Ma x_Cond_CFL Ma ximum conductive CFL number for this time-step.

7 Ma x_Diff_CFL Ma ximum diffusive CFL number for this time-step.

8 Ma x_Mach_CFL Ma ximum Mach CFL number for this time-step.

9 WallTime ( seconds ) Computational time (in seconds ) to solve this time-step.

10 Num_Recovers The number of recoveries for this time-step.

11 dt_limiter The parameter that limited the size of this time-step. If

CONVERGE writes dt_grow, then the previous time-step was

small enough to resolve the relevant physics and preserve

stability and thus CONVERGE will increase the time-step size.

If a time-step had one or more recoveries (see previous column) ,

then the limiter will be followed by the parameter(s) that caused

the recoveries.

This column is blank for the first time-step because the first time-

step is determined by dt_start

in .

23.69 transfer.out

The transfer.out file contains wall heat transfer data for each cell adjacent to a wall

boundary. This file is used for coupling with finite element analysis. To direct CONVERGE

to write data to transfer.out, set transfer_flag = 1 in . Set transfer_flag to a filename

( e.g., ) and supply the corresponding file to specify boundaries for which

CONVERGE will write data.

The output frequency is controlled by twrite_transfer in . At each write time ,

CONVERGE appends summary information (data write time , average gas temperature

and pressure , total wall surface area , and surface average heat flu x and heat transfer

coefficient) and then wall heat transfer data to transfer.out . Table 23.74 below describes the

format of transfer.out .

Table 23.74: Description of transfer.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Number Data point number.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 947

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Chapter 23
Output File Reference | transfer.out

Column Header (units) Description

2 Bound_id Wall boundary ID.

3 X( m ) Current X coordinate of the boundary cell.

4 Y( m ) Current Y coordinate of the boundary cell.

5 Z ( m ) Current Z coordinate of the boundary cell.

6 F_TEMP ( K ) Temperature of the fluid in the boundary cell.

7 FLU X W m2
( / ) Heat flu x at the boundary cell.

8 AREA ( m2 ) Area of the boundary cell.

9 HTC ( W m2 K / / ) Heat transfer coefficient at the boundary cell. HTC is 0 for solid

cells the value defined in for cells subject to the

convection boundary condition and given by the heat flu x
divided by the temperature difference in all other cases.

10 B_TEMP ( K ) Temperature of the boundary adjacent to the cell.

11 Y_PLUS Dimensionless wall distance at the boundary cell.

12 X_ORIG ( m ) Original X coordinate of the boundary cell that comes from the

surface file ( e.g., surface.dat


13 Y_ORIG ( m ) Original Y coordinate of the boundary cell that comes from the

surface file ( e.g., surface.dat


14 Z_ORIG ( m ) Original Z coordinate of the boundary cell that comes from the

surface file ( e.g., surface.dat


15 PRES ( Pa ) Pressure at the boundary cell.

16 FLU X_CONV ( Wm /
) Convective heat flu x at the boundary cell.

17 HTC_CONV ( Wm K /
/ ) Convective heat transfer at the boundary cell.

18 VEL_MAG ( ms / ) Magnitude of velocity at the boundary cell.

19 MAG_WALL_STRESS Magnitude of shear stress at the wall.

( /

Optional output that is included if listed in


20 SIE (J/ kg ) Cell specific internal energy including the formation energy of


21 VEL_ ms
X( / ) Cell velocity in the x-direction.

22 VEL_ Y ms ( / ) Cell velocity in the y-direction.

23 VEL_Z ( ms / ) Cell velocity in the z-direction.

24 EPS ( m2 s3 / ) Cell turbulence dissipation rate.

948 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | transfer.out

Column Header (units) Description

25 COND ( W m-K
/ ) Cell thermal conductivity including the turbulent component of

thermal conductivity.

26 TKE ( m2 s3
/ ) Cell turbulent kinetic energy.

23.70 transport_check.out

The transport_check.out file lists the diffusion coefficients (as listed in transport.dat ) for the

species in the 1D premi xed laminar flamespeed simulation (see Chapter 13 Chemistry

Modeling). Table 23.75 summarizes the output in this file.

Table 23.75: Description of transport_check.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 N/A The species name.

2 N/A Inde x indicating the molecular geometry.

0 = Monatomic,
1 = Linear,
2 = Nonlinear.

3 N/A J
The Lennard- ones potential.

4 N/A J
The Lennard- ones collision diameter.

5 N/A The dipole moment.

6 N/A The polarizability.

7 N/A The rotational rela xation collision number.

23.71 turbulence.out

The turbulence.out output file summarizes the turbulence quantities. CONVERGE generates

this file only when turbulence_solver_flag = 1 in . The first column lists the

simulation time while the remaining columns give the mass-averaged turbulence data at

that time. The output frequency is controlled by twrite_files in . Table 23.76

summarizes the format of turbulence.out .

Table 23.76: Description of turbulence.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
(crank angle degrees ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 TKE ( m2 s2
/ ) Mass-averaged turbulent kinetic energy (tke).

3 TKE_StdDev ( m2 s2 / ) Standard deviation of turbulent kinetic energy.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 949

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Output File Reference | turbulence.out

Column Header (units) Description

4 EPS ( m2 s3 / ) Mass-averaged turbulent dissipation (eps).

5 EPS_StdDev ( m2 s3/ ) Standard deviation of turbulent dissipation (eps).

6 OMEGA ( 1s / ) Mass-average specific dissipation rate (omega).

7 OMEGA_StdDev ( 1s / ) Standard deviation of specific dissipation rate.

8 Turb_Kin_Visc ( m2 s / ) Mass-averaged turbulent viscosity.

9 Kin_Visc_StdDev( m2 s / ) Standard deviation of turbulent viscosity.

10 Lengthscale ( m ) Mass-averaged turbulent length scale.

11 Lengthscale_StdDev ( m ) Standard deviation of turbulent length scale.

12 UPrime ( ms / ) Mass-averaged turbulent velocity.

13 UPrime_StdDev ( ms / ) Standard deviation of turbulent velocity.

14 Visc_Ratio ( none ) Ratio of molecular and turbulent viscosity.

15 Visc_RatStdDev ( none ) Standard deviation of ratio of molecular and turbulent viscosity.

16 Turb_Dyn_Visc ( N s m2 / ) Dynamic turbulent viscosity.

17 Dyn_Visc_StdDev ( N Standard deviation of turbulent dynamic viscosity.

18 V2 ( m2 s2/ ) Velocity variance normal to the streamline.

19 V2_StdDev ( m2 s2
/ ) Standard deviation of velocity variance normal to the streamline.

20 ZETA ( none ) Velocity scales ratio.

21 ZETA_StdDev ( none ) Standard deviation of velocity scales ratio.

22 F ( 1s
/ ) Elliptic rela xation function.

23 F_StdDev ( 1s / ) Standard deviation of elliptic rela xation function.

Recall that the dynamic viscosity is the absolute viscosity , given by t c

k 2

, and that

the kinematic viscosity ( m2 s / ) is the dynamic viscosity divided by density. The parameter cm

is a turbulence model constant , k is the turbulent kinetic energy , and e is the turbulent

dissipation. The turbulent length scale is given by

le c k
3 2

3 4


while the turbulent velocity is given by

950 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | turbulence.out

u 2
k . (23.30)

The standard deviations for turbulent kinetic energy , turbulent dissipation rate , turbulent

kinematic viscosity , length scale , turbulent velocity , viscosity ratios , and turbulent dynamic

viscosity are evaluated as

mcell cell mean


STD cell , (23.31)


where y represents any of these turbulence variables and m is the mass. The subscripts are

as follows: cell indicates the cell value , mean represents the mean value , total indicates the

total value , and STD indicates the standard deviation.

23.72 vof_spray.out

To use VOF-spray one-way coupling , first run a simulation with vof_spray_flag = 1 in This flag directs CONVERGE to write a vof_spray.out file , which contains position ,
velocity , turbulence , temperature , and cell size information for the liquid parcels in the

VOF simulation. Table 23.77 below summarizes the format of vof_spray.out .

Table 23.77: Description of vof_spray.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 X( m) Current x coordinate ( m).

2 Y( m) Current y coordinate ( m).

3 Z ( m) Current z coordinate ( m).

4 U ( ms/ ) The x component of velocity ( ms / ).

5 V ( ms
/ ) The y component of velocity ( ms / ).

6 W ( ms/ ) The z component of velocity ( ms/ ).

7 Liquid VOF Volume fraction of liquid at the given position.

8 Liquid Mass (kg) Mass of liquid at the given position.

9 TKE ( m2 s2 / ) Mass-averaged turbulent kinetic energy (tke).

10 EPS ( m2 s3 / ) Mass-averaged turbulent dissipation (eps).

11 TEMP (K) Temperature at the given position.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 951

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Output File Reference | vof_spray.out

Column Header (units) Description

12 d x(m ) Cell size in the x direction (m ).

13 dy ( m ) Cell size in the y direction ( m ).

14 dz ( m ) Cell size in the z direction ( m ).

23.73 volumes.out

The volumes.out file contains liquid and gas volume data for a VOF simulation. The

volumes_region<region ID>.out files contain region-specific liquid and gas volume data for a

VOF simulation. CONVERGE generates volumes_region<region ID>.out and

volumes_region<region ID>.out vof_flag when = 1 in . The output frequency is

controlled bytwrite_files in .

Table 23.78 summarizes the format of the volumes.out and volume_region<region ID>.out

Table 23.78: Description of volumes.out and volumes_region<region ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time (seconds ) or Crank Time in seconds crank_flag
if = 0 in or in crank angle
crank angle degrees
( ) degrees crank_flag =
if 1 or 2.

2 Total Volume ( m3 ) Total volume of fluid.

3 Gas Volume ( m3 ) Total gas volume.

4 Liquid Volume ( m3 ) Total liquid volume.

23.74 wall_stress <

number ><
_ time > .out

The wall_stress<number>_<time>.out file contains the force , stress , and pressure acting on

WALL boundaries. The file name includes the output number and output time. If you set

wall_output_flag = 1 in, CONVERGE writes the wall_stress<number>_<time>.out

file , which is summarized in Table 23.79.

Table 23.79: Description of wall_stress<number>_<time>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Bound_id Wall boundary ID.

2 X( m ) Wall coordinate in the x direction.

3 Y( m ) Wall coordinate in the y direction.

4 Z ( m ) Wall coordinate in the z direction.

5 Mag Wall_Stress ( N m2/ ) Vector sum of the wall stresses in the x, y, and z directions.

952 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | wall_stress <number>_ <time>.out

Column Header (units) Description

6 Wall_Stress_ X( N m2
/ ) Wall stress in the x direction.

7 Wall_Stress_ Y( N m2
/ ) Wall stress in the y direction.

8 Wall_Stress_Z ( N m2
/ ) Wall stress in the z direction.

9 Force_ N
X( ) Force on the wall in x direction.

10 Force_ Y N ( ) Force on the wall in y direction.

11 Force_Z ( N ) Force on the wall in z direction.

12 Pres ( N m2
/ ) Pressure at the wall.

23.75 zero_d_asens.out zero_d_asens_rank.out , ,

zero_d_asens_case < > ID .out

For a zero-dimensional simulation with adjoint sensitivity analysis , CONVERGE writes

three files:

zero_d_asens_rank.out, and

The zero_d_asens_case<ID>.out files are named by the 0D case number ( <ID> .
) Table 23.80

summarizes the format of zero_d_asens_case<ID>.out . Note that the header of the second

column is the name of the variable for which you chose to perform adjoint sensitivity

analysis. For each such variable , a column will be generated after the second.

Table 23.80: Description of zero_d_asens_case<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Reaction ( none ) Reaction number. The valence of the reaction number ( + or -)
specifies if the normalized sensitivity coefficient was positive or

negative. This will be the same as the reaction number specified

in mech_check.out

2 * <Variable name> (none) Sensitivity coefficient normalized by the specified variable at the

ignition delay or at end time. ASENS is typically performed for


The zero_d_asens.out file consolidates information from the zero_d_asens_case<ID>.out files .

It contains the reactions from the reaction mechanism file sorted in decreasing order of

sensitivity , as shown in Figure 23.6. The rank of the reaction is the first column , and the

subsequent columns list the reaction number from each case. Table 23.81 summarizes the

format of zero_d_asens.out .

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 953

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Output File Reference | zero_d_asens.out, zero_d_asens_rank.out, zero_d_asens_case<ID>.out

# column 1 2 3 4
# Place Case_0_Reac_Num Case_1_Reac_Num Case_2_Reac_Num
# (none) (none) (none) (none)
1 16 16 16
2 -15 -27 -27
3 -27 -15 -13
Figure 23.6: Excerpt of zero_d_asens.out.

Table 23.81: Description of zero_d_asens.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Place ( none ) The order of sensitivity for reactions from the reaction mechanism


2 * Case_ <ID>_Reac_Num The reaction number for this reaction in case number <ID> .

(none) This column is repeated for each case.

The zero_d_asens_rank.out file lists the combined ranking from all the 0D cases into one file ,
and ranks the reactions in decreasing order of sensitivity from all the cases. Table 23.82

summarizes the format of zero_d_asens_rank.out .

Table 23.82: Description of zero_d_asens_rank.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Place ( none ) Sensitivity rank of the reaction.

2 Reac_Num (none) Reaction number in the new reaction mechanism file.

23.76 zero_d_sol_case < > ID .out

When modeling zero-dimensional combustion , CONVERGE writes the temperature ,

pressure , and species concentrations at each time-step to zero_d_sol_case<ID>.out . A

header records the initial pressure , temperature , and equivalence ratio. Table 23.83

describes the rest of the data in the file. For species concentrations , CONVERGE writes one

column for each species in the simulation.

Table 23.83: Description of zero_d_sol_case<ID>.out.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Time ( sec
) The distance the flame front traveled.

2 Temperature ( K ) The temperature at the specified location.

3 Pressure ( Pa ) The mass flow at the specified location.

4 and <Species Name > The species mass or mole fraction (based on the value of

up zero_d_mole_frac_output_flag
in ) at the specified


954 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | zero_d_sol_case<ID>.out

When you run the autoignition utility for a zero-dimensional case with CEQ
( zero_d_case_type = ceq_constant_enth_pres ceq_constant_temp_pres
or in , )

CONVERGE writes the zero_d_sol_case<ID>.out file in a different format. A header records

initial enthalpy or temperature and pressure , as well as the equivalence ratio. Table 23.84

describes format of the file for cases with CE Q. Note that CONVERGE writes the species

concentrations in mass and mole fraction.

Table 23.84: Description of zero_d_sol_case_<ID>.out for cases with CEQ.

Column Header (units) Description
1 Variable The first line is either Temperature ( K ) or Enthalpy. The second

line is pressure ( Pa ). The third and following lines are the species

in the simulation.

2 Unit The units of the variable.

3 Initial The value of the variable at the beginning of the simulation.

4 Equilibrium The equilibrium value of the variable.

23.77 Screen Output

During a simulation , CONVERGE writes information to the screen (unless you redirect this

information to a file such as log.out ). This section describes the screen output and how to

vary the amount of detail in the screen output.

Figure 23.7 below shows the header portion of the screen output , which includes the

CONVERGE version number.

* This software is Proprietary to Convergent Science Inc. (2008) *
* CONVERGE Official Release 2.4 *
* Feb 03, 2017 *
* *
* CEQ equilibrium solver is included under license agreement with *
* Ithaca Combustion Enterprise LLC. *
* *
* Adaptive zoning solver is included under license agreement with *
* Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights reserved *
Figure 23.7: Header information in the screen output.

CONVERGE writes screen output information about the input and data files as they are

read. Figure 23.8 below provides an e xample. In addition to listing the input files as they

are being read in , the screen output provides additional information such as the number of

reactions in the chemical mechanism that is specified in mech.dat . You can use this

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 955

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Output File Reference | Screen Output

information to verify that the simulation is using the intended input files and reaction


reading data from file

turbulence_solver = 1 in, reading in
reading data from file
reading mech.dat data from file mech.dat
Species name is O2,
Species name is N2,
Species name is CO2,
reading in thermo data from an external file
reading therm.dat data from file therm.dat
there are 0 reactions
reading data from file
reading gas.dat data from file gas.dat
reading data from file
reading data from file
reading surface.dat data from file surface.dat
Figure 23.8: Input and data file information in the screen output.

CONVERGE writes screen output information about the activation or deactivation of

disconnect triangles. Figure 23.9 below shows an e xample.

creating disconnect triangles for concentric circles between regions 0 and 1

creating disconnect triangles for concentric circles between regions 0 and 1
creating disconnect triangles for concentric circles between regions 0 and 2
creating disconnect triangles for concentric circles between regions 0 and 2
CLOSING EVENT: activating triangles in a disconnect group between regions 0 and 1
CLOSING EVENT: activating triangles in a disconnect group between regions 0 and 1
CLOSING EVENT: activating triangles in a disconnect group between regions 0 and 2
CLOSING EVENT: activating triangles in a disconnect group between regions 0 and 2
OPENING EVENT: deactivating triangles in a disconnect group between regions 0 and 2
OPENING EVENT: deactivating triangles in a disconnect group between regions 0 and 2
Figure 23.9: Disconnect triangles information in the screen output.

Level of Detail in Screen Output

You can specify the level of detail in the screen output with the screen_print_level
parameter in . A higher number indicates more detailed output. Figures 23.12

through 23.15 show e xamples for screen_print_level = 0 , 1, 2, or 3 , respectively.

Before the first cycle , CONVERGE writes the cell count for each rank ( i.e., each processor) ,
to the screen (or log file). Use this information to e xamine the load balancing , i.e., the

distribution of cells to the various ranks. In Figure 23.14 below , CONVERGE writes

cell_count in rank 3 is: 6309 indicating that CONVERGE assigned 6309 cells to rank

3. In an ideal case , each rank would have the same number of cells. In practice , if the

number of cells distributed to each rank is similar , the load balancing is sufficient. The

overall speed of the simulation will tend to be limited by the largest cell count on any rank ,
not the average cell count per rank.

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Output File Reference | Screen Output

If the max_cfl_u, max_cfl_nu, and max_cfl_mach values change during a cycle , CONVERGE

records the new values for that cycle from each region in the screen output. If the values

do not change during a cycle , these values are not printed.

At the beginning of each cycle , CONVERGE writes the keyword ncyc followed by the

current cycle number. The solution information written on the ne xt lines (PISO iterations ,
species and turbulence solutions , etc.) are for that cycle number. When the solution

recovers due to non-convergence , CONVERGE goes back to the previous time-step but

cycle number continues incrementing. Thus , ncyc may e xceed the number of time-steps.

After the cycle number , CONVERGE writes the keyword time followed by the simulation

time. Then CONVERGE prints the keyword crank and the current crank angle. If you

entered simulation times in seconds, CONVERGE converts them to crank angle degrees using

the engine geometry and speed (in RPM ). If you entered simulation times in crank angle
degrees, CONVERGE converts them to seconds . This way , the screen output (or log file)

contains both seconds and crank angle degrees .

After crank, CONVERGE writes the keyword dt and the current time-step size. The final
entry on this line, time-step limit, displays which particular limiter restricted the time-


If CONVERGE detects local instability for a component ( x, y, or z) of density , velocity, or

pressure , it reduces the spatial accuracy for that component from second-order to first-

order upwind. The parameters upwind_count_density, upwind_count_velocity, and

upwind_count_temperature display the number of components for which CONVERGE
reduced the spatial accuracy for the density , velocity , or temperature equations ,
respectively. If CONVERGE solves the majority of the components with first-order

upwind , the results likely will be less accurate and it is advisable to check your simulation

parameters. If flux_limiter_global step,

is in CONVERGE writes the upwind counts

for the density and temperature equations. If flux_limiter_mom step, is CONVERGE writes

the upwind count for the momentum equation.

During the case setup process , you specify a tolerance ( tol_u
in ) for the

momentum equation. During the simulation , CONVERGE uses the keyword Ustar
iterations to display the current momentum equation iteration number and the
convergence error associated with each iteration.

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Output File Reference | Screen Output

Ustar iterations= 1 error= 1.7238e-01

Ustar iterations= 2 error= 1.3770e-04
Ustar iterations= 3 error= 2.0436e-08
Figure 23.10: An example of screen output for momentum equation iterations when screen_print_level
= 2 in
In the log file e xcerpt in Figure 23.10 above , you can see that CONVERGE needed three

iterations to solve the momentum equation within the tolerance ( 1e-04) specified by tol_u.

As with the momentum equation , you must specify a tolerance ( tol_p
in ) for the

pressure correction equation when you set up the case. CONVERGE writes the keyword

pstar iterations followed by the number of iterations necessary to solve the pressure
correction equation and the convergence error associated with each iteration.

The Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO) procedure uses a guessed pressure

to solve for velocity and then a corrected velocity to solve for pressure. After comparing

the guessed and solved pressures , the PISO loop may or may not continue based on the

tolerance ( tol_scale ) and the values of min_piso and max_piso . If the solution does not

converge before reaching max_piso iterations , CONVERGE will continue the PISO

procedure. If the solution converges in a number of iterations between max_piso and twice

max_piso, CONVERGE writes dt_piso for the time-step limiter and reduces the time-step
size. If the solution does not converge within twice the number of max_piso iterations ,
CONVERGE recovers (re-solves the iteration) using a smaller and more stable time-step.

After the PISO iterations , CONVERGE solves the turbulence and species transport

equations until the iteration error is within the tolerances ( tol_species, tol_tke, tol_eps )

specified in .

CONVERGE limits the movement of the spray during each time-step by testing if the spray

penetrates more cells than the specified value ( mult_dt_spray ) in a given time-step. If so ,
CONVERGE reduces the time-step , allowing it to resolve the relevant physics.

In addition to spray penetration , CONVERGE restricts the percentage of a droplet s mass

that can evaporate in a given time-step. If the droplet mass that evaporates e xceeds the

value specified for mult_dt_evap, in CONVERGE reduces the time-step. Use the

parameter mult_dt_chem in to control the ma ximum amount that a

cell s

temperature can rise during combustion. If the cell temperature increase e xceeds the

specified amount , CONVERGE reduces the time-step.

If CONVERGE writes that the time-step limit is dt_grow, the previous time-step was small

enough to resolve the relevant physics and preserve stability. In the interest of running the

simulation as quickly as possible , CONVERGE will increase the time-step. Also , time-steps

are limited by dt_grow at the beginning of the simulation because CONVERGE is

958 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

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Output File Reference | Screen Output

increasing (growing) the time-step by 25 % each time-step , after an initial time-step of 5.0e-

07. The initial time-step is controlled by the dt_start parameter in . The dt_grow
parameter will serve as the limiter until the time-step becomes large enough for another

limiter to restrict the time-step.

If the log file entry for a particular cycle states that the time-step limit was dt_cfl, one of

the CFL criteria limited the time-step. CONVERGE checks the following CFL criteria in

each cell at each time-step:

dt_cfl: Convection CFL number (sometimes simply known as CFL Number), based
on the value of max_cfl_u
dt_cfld: Diffusion CFL number, based on the value of max_cfl_nu

dt_cflk: Conduction CFL number, also based on the value of max_cfl_nu

dt_mach: Speed of sound CFL number, based on the value of max_cfl_mach

You can specify the values of max_cfl_u, max_cfl_nu, and max_cfl_mach in .

If CONVERGE writes that dt_iter was the limiter for a particular time-step, it means that

the number of iterations from the previous PISO loops limited the time-step. Consider an

e xample in which CONVERGE solves the ma ximum number of pstar iterations

(specified by itmax_pres in ) without converging. Instead of continuing this

e xpensive calculation, CONVERGE will reduce the time-step by 10 % and recover (re-solve

the iteration) in an attempt to minimize the number of PISO loops required to reach


Three additional time-step limiters are dt_move, max_iteration_turbulence, and

dt_piso. If a boundary moves more than half of a cell dimension, the time-step is limited
by dt_move. The keyword max_iteration_turbulence indicates that the turbulence
solution did not converge in the number of iterations specified by itmax, so CONVERGE

reduced the time-step . A time-step limit of dt_piso means the PISO iterations did not

converge within the ma ximum specified number of PISO iterations ( max_piso ).

CONVERGE writes zoning time: followed by a time (in seconds ) that represents the time

required to distribute cells to various bins for adaptive zoning. On the line following the

zoning time , CONVERGE writes sagetime and rank= 0. After the rank , CONVERGE

writes the instantaneous time required for SAGE calculations ( i.e., the amount of time

SAGE calculations take for the current time-step) for rank 0. SAGE calculations are

distributed evenly across all ranks , so this output (or log file entry) only includes rank 0.

After the instantaneous sagetime, CONVERGE writes the accumulated time devoted to

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Output File Reference | Screen Output

SAGE calculations up through the current time-step. The final two entries on this line

display the number of cells in which SAGE is solving the chemical reactions and the total

number of active cells in the domain.

sagetime: rank= 0 0.3548 10.8342 seconds; total= 17

Figure 23.11: An example of screen output (or log file content, e.g., log.out) for SAGE calculations
when screen_print_level = 0 in

The e xcerpt in Figure 23.11 above indicates that the current time-step took 0.3548 seconds
and that the simulation through this time-step used 10.8342 seconds for SAGE calculations.

Also , CONVERGE performed SAGE chemistry calculations in 17 of the 1800 active cells.

If you use adaptive zoning , CONVERGE will write the keyword adaptive zone gain on
the ne xt line. The numbers following the adaptive zone gain keyword represent the
instantaneous speed up due to adaptive zoning ( i.e., the speed up for the current time-

step) and the accumulated speed up through the current time-step due to adaptive zoning.

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Output File Reference | Screen Output

reading data from file

The parallel block size (dx, dy, dz) is 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02.
reading data from file
reading data from file
reading data from file
warning in, mult_dt_spray is greater than 1.0. this may lead to large
errors in spray calculations
warning in, omega_u is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than 0.5
warning in, omega_sie is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than 0.5
warning in, omega_species is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than
warning in, omega_passive is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than
creating pathname output

TEMPORAL max_cfl for each region

Regions: 0 1 2 3 4 5
max_cfl_u: 1 2 4 1 1 1
max_cfl_nu: 0.01 2 4 0.01 0.01 0.01
max_cfl_mach: 50 50 50 50 50 50

ncyc= 1, time= -2.033283333e-02, crank= -3.659910000e+02, dt=


ncyc= 2, time= -2.033220833e-02, crank= -3.659797500e+02, dt=

6.250000000e-07, time-step limit =dt_grow

ncyc= 3, time= -2.033142708e-02, crank= -3.659656875e+02, dt=

7.812500000e-07, time-step limit =dt_grow

Figure 23.12: An example of screen output when screen_print_level = 0.

reading data from file

The parallel block size (dx, dy, dz) is 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02.
reading data from file
reading data from file
reading data from file
warning in, mult_dt_spray is greater than 1.0. this may lead to large
errors in spray calculations
warning in, omega_u is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than 0.5
warning in, omega_sie is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than 0.5
warning in, omega_species is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than
warning in, omega_passive is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than
Vapor Penetration dx level = 7
Writing post file output/post000001_-3.66000e+02.out .........

Writing restart file restart0001.rst .........

The parallel block size (dx, dy, dz) is 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02.

TEMPORAL max_cfl for each region

Regions: 0 1 2 3 4 5

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 961

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | Screen Output

max_cfl_u: 1 2 4 1 1 1
max_cfl_nu: 0.01 2 4 0.01 0.01 0.01
max_cfl_mach: 50 50 50 50 50 50

ncyc= 1, time= -2.033283333e-02, crank= -3.659910000e+02, dt=

Ustar converged: iterations= 2 error= 1.1379e-07
***************************************starting piso loop
pstar converged: iterations= 9 error= 1.4196e-04
***************************************starting piso loop
density converged: iterations= 2 error= 1.0454e-06 jac= 0
sie converged: iterations= 2 error= 6.1248e-07 jac= 0
pstar converged: iterations= 8 error= 5.6776e-05
***************************************starting piso loop
density converged: iterations= 2 error= 8.6049e-08 jac= 0
sie converged: iterations= 2 error= 4.8857e-08 jac= 0
pstar converged: iterations= 8 error= 3.0016e-06
***************************************starting piso loop
density converged: iterations= 1 error= 3.0209e-05 jac= 1
sie converged: iterations= 1 error= 5.1131e-05 jac= 1
pstar converged: iterations= 9 error= 5.1550e-07

TEMPORAL max_cfl for each region

Regions: 0 1 2 3 4 5
max_cfl_u: 1 2 4 1 1 1
max_cfl_nu: 0.01 2 4 0.01 0.01 0.01
max_cfl_mach: 50 50 50 50 50 50

MAX CFL= 7.2566e-04, MAX VISCOSITY CFL= 9.5812e-04, MAX CONDUCTION CFL= 2.1537e-
03, MAX MASS DIFFUSION CFL= 1.2284e-03, MAX MACH CFL = 1.2907e+00

ncyc= 2, time= -2.033220833e-02, crank= -3.659797500e+02, dt=

6.250000000e-07, time-step limit =dt_grow

Figure 23.13: An example of screen output when screen_print_level = 1.

reading data from file

The parallel block size (dx, dy, dz) is 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02.
rank = 0 num_level_active[6]=676, num_level_total[6]=676
rank = 2 num_level_active[6]=695, num_level_total[6]=695
rank = 0 num_level_active[7]=607, num_level_total[7]=607
rank = 3 num_level_active[6]=1314, num_level_total[6]=1314
rank = 1 num_level_active[6]=1326, num_level_total[6]=1326
rank = 2 num_level_active[7]=661, num_level_total[7]=661
rank = 0 num_level_active[8]=1089, num_level_total[8]=1089
rank = 3 num_level_active[7]=636, num_level_total[7]=636
rank = 1 num_level_active[7]=631, num_level_total[7]=631
rank = 2 num_level_active[8]=1208, num_level_total[8]=1208
rank = 0 num_level_active[9]=737, num_level_total[9]=737
rank = 2 num_level_active[9]=821, num_level_total[9]=821
rank = 3 num_level_active[8]=901, num_level_total[8]=901
rank = 1 num_level_active[8]=987, num_level_total[8]=987

962 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | Screen Output

rank = 3 num_level_active[9]=608, num_level_total[9]=608

rank = 1 num_level_active[9]=694, num_level_total[9]=694
There are 27700 active cells in the domain
rank 0 sees there are 70 blocks in processor 0
rank 2 sees there are 70 blocks in processor 0
rank 3 sees there are 70 blocks in processor 0
rank 1 sees there are 70 blocks in processor 0
rank 2 sees there are 199 blocks in processor 1
rank 0 sees there are 199 blocks in processor 1
rank 1 sees there are 199 blocks in processor 1
rank 3 sees there are 199 blocks in processor 1
reading data from file
reading data from file
reading data from file
warning in, mult_dt_spray is greater than 1.0. this may lead to large
errors in spray calculations
warning in, omega_u is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than 0.5
warning in, omega_sie is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than 0.5
warning in, omega_species is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than
warning in, omega_passive is equal to 1.0 and max_cfl_nu is greater than
Vapor Penetration dx level = 7
cell_count in rank 0 is: 6870
cell_count in rank 2 is: 7511
cell_count in rank 3 is: 6309
cell_count in rank 1 is: 7010
Writing post file output/post000001_-3.66000e+02.out .........

Writing restart file restart0001.rst .........

for rank 3, tot_num_inputs[0]=70
for rank 3, tot_num_inputs[1]=199
for rank 0, tot_num_inputs[0]=70
for rank 3, count = 209
for rank 2, tot_num_inputs[0]=70
for rank 1, tot_num_inputs[0]=70
for rank 2, tot_num_inputs[1]=199
for rank 1, tot_num_inputs[1]=199
for rank 0, tot_num_inputs[1]=199
for rank 2, count = 60
for rank 1, count = 199
count = 199, tot_num_inputs[1]=199
count = 60, tot_num_inputs[1]=199
count = 209, tot_num_inputs[1]=199

Number of vertices, constraint, and CPUs

538 1 4

starting METIS ..... ..

Updated parallel map by METIS is ready

The parallel block size (dx, dy, dz) is 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02 1.600000e-02.
There are 27700 active cells in the domain

TEMPORAL max_cfl for each region

Regions: 0 1 2 3 4 5
max_cfl_u: 1 2 4 1 1 1

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 963

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | Screen Output

max_cfl_nu: 0.01 2 4 0.01 0.01 0.01

max_cfl_mach: 50 50 50 50 50 50

ncyc= 1, time= -2.033283333e-02, crank= -3.659910000e+02, dt=

0 up_count_density, 811 up_count_velocity
Ustar iterations= 1 error= 5.5537e-04
Ustar iterations= 2 error= 1.1379e-07
***************************************starting piso loop
pstar error is 3.786259e-03
pstar error is 2.473747e-03
pstar error is 1.573802e-03
pstar error is 9.763257e-04
pstar error is 6.607497e-04
pstar error is 4.527939e-04
pstar error is 3.094644e-04
pstar error is 2.103629e-04
pstar error is 1.419578e-04
Piso 1, Pstar iterations= 9 Pstar error= 1.4195776469807806e-04

Piso 4, Pstar iterations= 9 Pstar error= 5.1549524290090178e-07

There are 27698 active cells in the domain
MAX CFL= 7.2566e-04, MAX VISCOSITY CFL= 9.5812e-04, MAX CONDUCTION CFL= 2.1537e-
03, MAX MASS DIFFUSION CFL= 1.2284e-03, MAX MACH CFL = 1.2907e+00
time-step limit =dt_grow
time-step limit =dt_grow
time-step limit =dt_grow
time-step limit =dt_grow

ncyc= 2, time= -2.033220833e-02, crank= -3.659797500e+02, dt=

6.250000000e-07, time-step limit =dt_grow
0 up_count_density, 6367 up_count_velocity

Figure 23.14: An example of screen output when screen_print_level = 2.

If screen_print_level = 3 , CONVERGE writes all of the information written for

screen_print_level = 2 and includes a summary of the computational time for each cycle.

The timing information includes the total computational time for the cycle and the time

taken by other major parts of the solution process such as load balancing and solving the

transport equations. The times are listed in absolute ( seconds ) and relative (percentage of

the computational time for the cycle) terms. At the end of the simulation , CONVERGE

writes a summary of the computational time for the entire simulation in the same format

as that for the timing information after each cycle.

Time for ncyc 41 = 0.29 seconds

load balance = 0.00 seconds ( 0.00%)
solving transport equations = 0.28 seconds (96.70%)
move surface and update grid = 0.00 seconds ( 0.55%)

964 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 23
Output File Reference | Screen Output

combustion = 0.00 seconds ( 0.00%)

spray = 0.00 seconds ( 0.00%)
writing output files = 0.00 seconds ( 1.71%)

Summary of total time for:

load balance = 0.00 seconds ( 0.00%)
solving transport equations = 4.61 seconds (83.50%)
move surface and update grid = 0.08 seconds ( 1.53%)
combustion = 0.00 seconds ( 0.00%)
spray = 0.00 seconds ( 0.00%)
writing output files = 0.32 seconds ( 5.84%)
Figure 23.15: An example of timing information when screen_print_level = 3.

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 965

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Chapter 24
References |

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CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 985

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Index Avg_Temp



, 886

az_id 825

az_info .out 884

<file name><restart number>.out

<file name><restart number>_region <region
number>.out 169 Bai-Gosman 353

BDC 606

beta 773

beta_coeff 151 , 778

beta_cross_coeff 151 , 778
Adaptive Collision Mesh 329
Adaptive Mesh Refinement 263 , 810
bottom dead center 606
adaptive zoning 456 , 884
bound_flu x 825
adaptive_zone_flag 745
bound_htc 825
adaptive_zone_no x_flag 745
bound_id 50 , 736
adaptive_zone_output_flag 745 , 884
bound_or_vector 605 , 834
adaptive_zone_tol_equiv_ratio 745
bound_temp 825
adaptive_zone_tol_react_ratio 745
bound <ID>-wall.out 886
adaptive_zone_tol_temp 745
af04 745
Boundary Conditions 172 , 706
alpha 825
Boundary Identification 66
alpha_coeff 151 , 778 194 , 613 , 614 , 706
alpha_cross_coeff 151 , 778
boundary_id 605 810
boundary_inde x 834
amr.out 883
bowl_profile 59
Amsden et al. 1989 , 602

ang_mom_flu x_region_from 605 , 834
ang_mom_flu x_region_to 605 , 834
Ang_Mom_ X 892

Ang_Mom_ Y 892 c_chi 745

Ang_Mom_Z 892 c_eps_les 773

Angular momentum 834 , 892 c_ps 773

Angular velocity 892 c_s 773

Angular_Vel_ X 892 c_tke_les 773

Angular_Vel_ Y 892 c_tke_visc_les 773

Angular_Vel_Z 892 Case Setup 490

area i [] 825 cav_cond_flag 785

area_avg_flow.out 883 cav_gas 785

Arrhenius 237 cav_liquid 785

Arrhenius e xpression 235 cavitation 579

Arrhenius parameters 237 , 240 cell pairing 267

Automatic Domain Decomposition 272 cell_count_ranks.out 888

Avg_Density 883 cell_count_regions.out 888

Avg_HTC 886 ceps1 773

Avg_Press 886 ceps2 773

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 987

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
ceps3 773 ctc_mult_scale 745

ceq_flag 745 C YCLIC 167 , 642 , 759

ceq_hc_min 745 cylinder rotation angle 613

ceq_tcut 745

CFL Numbers 117

Characteristic Time Combustion (CTC) Model 424

chem_src 825
Dalian soot model 495
Chemical Equilibrium - CE Q 390
damkohler 825
Chemistry Tools 386 , 462
denomc 745
CHEMKIN manual 240
density 825
Chiang 363
dependent 161
child cells 272
Diesel Combustion Models 414
diff_pres 825
CLOSE 167 , 611
direction 151 , 778
clw 773
disconnect triangles 611
cm2 745
disconnecting regions 611
cmu 773
discrete phase modeling 282
CO 901
discrete phase simulations 253
CO2 901
distort 825
Coalescence 319
distort_dot 825
Collision 319
div 825 745
Domain Initialization 720
combustion modeling 386 858
Combustion Modeling Setup 745
drop drag 295
Combustion Time-Step Control 462
Drop Turbulent Dispersion 331
Composite Species 666
Drop Vanish Model 360 666
drop velocities 294
compressible_flag 94
Drop/Film Rebounding 340
compression ratio 606
Drop/Wall Interaction 335
cond 825
drop_size 736
CONGO Input Files 630
conjugate heat transfer 550
Duplicate Reaction Option 240
conserve 95
Dynamic Mechanism Reduction 473
constant_laminar_flamespeed 745 605 , 615 , 834
continuum surface force (CSF) model 577
dynamic.out 605 , 892 88
dynamic_flag 605 , 834
crank angle offset 613

crank shaft a xis 613

crank_flag 167 , 602

crevice 891

crevice model 618 , 646 ECFM Input Parameters 410

ECFM3Z Input Parameters 435 646

ECN (Engine Combustion Network) 941

crevice.out 891 820
crevice_flag 891

Emissions 490
crevice_rings.out 891

crit_pres 95
emissions modeling 480 , 972
emissions.out 901
crit_temp 95

Empirical 490
ctc_flag 745

988 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
empirical soot model 489 Finite Element Analysis 947

end_source 142 , 778 Finite Volume/Finite Difference 108

ENERG Y 778 Fi xed embedding 260 , 820

Energy (Temperature) Boundary Conditions 182 , fi xed temperature 945

210 Flamelet Generated Manifold Model 445

energy equation 100 fluctuating gas velocities 294

Energy Source Modeling 144 Fluid temperature 947

energy sources 608 fluid-structure interaction 584

Energy Transport 100 Flu x limiters 122

energy_solver 94 , 100 , 144 from_injector 825

Engine Applications 645 from_nozzle 825

engine simulations 602 Frossling 362 602 , 645 FSI 584

EnSight 88 fuel_name 745

eos_flag 95

EPS 147 , 156 , 778 , 825 , 886

eps_init 154

eps_offset 156
g_eqn_dilution 745
eps_scale 156
g_eqn_flag 745
equiv_ratio 825
g_eqn_num_kernel_init 745
equiv_ratio_bin.out 902
g_eqn_pres_e xponent 745
equivalence ratio 884 , 916
g_eqn_spark_flag 745
eta0 773
g_eqn_temp_e xponent 745
Eulerian-Lagrangian Spray Atomization 376
g_eqn_turb_flamespeed_flag 745
Events 167
g_prime_cs 745 167 , 611 , 720
GAS 255
E xtended Coherent Flamelet Model 403
Gas Properties 230
E xtended Coherent Flamelet Model 3 Zones 432
gas.dat 234 , 651

Gas-Phase Properties 651

gas-phase species 231

General Combustion Models 386

Fieldview 88 G-Equation Combustion Model 392

File Overview 42 G-Equation Input Parameters 401

Film Initialization 337 GMV 88

Film Separation 358 Gokul soot model 494

Film Vaporization Model 368 Governing Equations 94

film.out 903 grad_p i [] 825

film_accum.out 903 gravity_ x 95

film_accum_net.out 903 gravity_y 95

film_flag 825 gravity_z 95

film_ht 825 Grid Manipulation 260 736 Grid scaling 260 , 810

film_mass 736 , 903 Gridding Methods 48

film_mass_type 736 810

film_offset 156 gti_interface.out 907

film_scale 156 GT-SUITE 907

film_temp 736 GT-SUITE Boundary Type 226

finite 825 gulder_eta 745

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 989

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
gulder_omega 745 inter_regions_flow_flag 833 , 912
gulder_ xi 745 INTERFACE Boundary Type 222

Internal Combustion Engine Applications 602

Introduction 20

is_directional 151 , 778

Handling Energy Sources in Engine models 608

Hardware Considerations 278

hardware memory errors 278

head_id 602 karlovitz_ig 745

head_profile 59 ,
Kee et al. 1989 240

Heat flu x 947 Kelvin-Helmholtz Breakup Model 299

heat release rate 945 KH-ACT Breakup Model 303

Heat transfer coefficient 947 KH-RT Breakup Length Model 310

heatmodel 773 Kuhnke 345

Hiroy_Form 929

Hiroy_O xid 929

Hiroy_Soot 929

Hiroyashu 490
lam_flamespeed 825
Hiroyashu-NSU 490
lambda 825
Hiroyasu soot model 929
Lambda_Mean 916
Hiroyasu-NSU soot model 489
Lambda_StdDev 916
hr_time 745
laminar_flamespeed_flag 745
Ht_ Xfer_Rate 886
laminar_flamespeed_pres_ref 745
htc_map 606
laminar_flamespeed_temp_ref 745
hydrocarbon 901
law_b 773
H YPRE 124
law_kappa 773

length scale 949

LES Models 536

level 825

idreg 825 673

Improper Orientation 58 Lift Profile 614

Inclined Cylinders 615 Lindeman Format 237

inflow 883 liner_id 602

INFLOW Boundary 172 LIQUID 255

init_film_flag 736 liquid injection 283

Initialization and Regions 154 liquid penetration 941

Initialization Methods 154 liquid Properties 253 , 654

Initialization of Wall Film 736 liquid.dat 253 , 654 154 , 720 liquid/gas coupling 295

injection results 941 LISA Breakup Model 316

injection size distribution 292 logic_i 825

injector 283 , 727 logic_j 825

Input File Reference 642 logic_k 825

Input Variable Profiles 642 low temperature combustion 972

Inputs file 675 Lower heating value 673 158 , 675 614

990 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
momentum transport 95

momentum_solver 94 , 95 , 146 702

moving 142 , 778

Mag_Vorticity 892
Moving Boundaries 67
Make Surface Utility 59
Moving Periodic Faces 68
make_surface 59
Moving Reference Frame 705
map.dat 156 , 909
Moving WALL Boundary Conditions 194 156 , 712 , 909
MPI 272
map.out 909 705
map_allregion_flag 156
mult_out 882 , 901 , 941
map_name 156
Multiple Cycle Simulations 617
mapall_flag 156
Multiple Cylinder Simulations 613
mapflag 156
Mapping 156

Mapping variables 712

mass 825

Mass and Momentum Transport 95

Mass flow 912 nohydro 606

Mass flow-weighted average 912 Non-Manifold Edges 52

mass transport 95 Non-Premi xed Turbulence Combustion Model 437

mass_avg_flow.out 912 normal vector 736

Mass_Flow_Rate 883 NO x 901

ma x_displace 142 , 778 NO x modeling 480

Ma x_Temp 886 no x_flag 745

ma x_value 144 , 146 , 147 , 149 , 150 , 778 nozzle 290 , 732 , 941
mech.dat 235 , 237 , 240 , 659 NSU 490

met_b2 745 NTC Numerical Scheme 322

met_bm 745 num 156

met_equiv_ratio 745 num_ang_mom_flu x 605 , 834

Metghalchi constant 745 num_drop 825

mfrac(species) 825 num_offset 156

Min_Temp 886 num_parcels 736

minimum lift position 611 num_piston_or_vector 605 , 834

minimum valve lift 611 num_restart_files 158

minimum_lift 611 num_scale 156

mi x_frac 825 num_speciesinit 736

mi x_frac_flag 745 Numerics 108

mi x_frac_var_flag 745 numpassiveinit 154

mi xing.out 916 numregions 154

mi xing_output_flag 916 numspeciesinit 154

Modified KH-RT Model 312 numtriangles 50

Modified Shell Ignition Model 415 numverts 50

mol_cond 825 numverts_tot 50

mol_visc 825

moment of inertia 892

Momentum (Velocity) Boundary Conditions 174 ,


O Rourke Collision Outcomes 325
Momentum Source Modeling 146

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 991

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.

O Rourke Numerical Scheme 319 Porous Media Modeling 151

OPEN 167 , 611 Post Collision Outcomes 326

Open Edges 52 Post Processing 825

O'Rourke 341 825

outflow 883 post_convert 88

OUTFLOW Boundary 172 Post-Processing 88

Output file 169 power_alp 785

Output File Reference 882 power_phi 785

output_allregions_flag 833 prandtl 100

output_allspecies_flag 833 premi xed combustion 972

xed Combustion

Premi Models 391

Pre-Processing and Post-Processing 48

pres 156

Pres_Force_ X 886
pa(passive name) 156
Pres_Force_ Y 886
pa_offset 156
Pres_Force_Z 886
pa_scale 156
pres_init 154
Parallel Processing 272
Pres_Torque_ X 886
parallel_scale 272
Pres_Torque_ Y 886
parallelization 272 , 278
Pres_Torque_Z 886
Parallelization for the SAGE Solver 277
presrat 825
parameters 727 , 732
press_offset 156
press_scale 156
parent 825
pressure 825
parent cell 272
Pressure Boundary Conditions 179 , 209
particle equation of motion 294
Pressure Dependent Reaction Option 237
PASSIVE 94 , 255
Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operators 112
passive (passive_species) 825
prompt no x 972
Passive Boundary Conditions 183
prompt NO x model 486
Passive Transport 105
psi_vof_min 785
Passives Source Modeling 150
PSM soot model 503
penet_frac 941

Periodic Boundary Type 220

Periodic faces 68

Periodic Surfaces 59

PERMANENT 759 radius 156 , 736 , 825

phase angle 614 radius_offset 156

phase_flag 94 radius_scale 156

phase-lag angle 613 rank 825

Phi_Mean 916 Ranki 888

Phi_StdDev 916 RANS Boundary Conditions 528

Physical Properties and Reaction Mechanisms 230 Rayleigh-Taylor Breakup Model 308

pid 825 Rct_Lmbda_Mean 916

PISO Algorithm 112 Rct_Lmda_StdDev 916

pist_id 602 Rct_Phi_Mean 916

PLOG Format 237 Rct_Phi_StdDev 916

PM soot model 498 re_crit 773

polynomial fits to thermodynamic data 231 react_lambda 825

POROUS 151 , 778 react_ratio 825

992 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
react_ratio_bin.out 924 sage_tcut 745

reaction ratio 916 sage_tend 745 , 759

RECTANGLE 736 sage_tstart 745 , 759
region 161 scale_ xyz 156

Region Connection/Disconnection 164 , 720 schmidt 103

Region Specific Output 169 Screen output 955

region_id 154 , 156 , 605 , 759 , 834 SE QUENTIAL 642 , 759

Region-Dependent CFL Number 692 shell_flag 745

Region-Dependent Model Options 615 Shell +CTC Model 429

Regions 160 sie 825 833 Simplified General Combustion Model 445

regions_flow.out 925 Skip species 668

relative air fuel ratio 916 668

relative air-fuel ratio 916 sliding wall 194

reread_input 688 Sliver Cells 55

reset_source 142 , 778 solid.dat 658

residual error 926 solid_flag 154

residuals.out 926 Solution procedure 110

Restart 158 Solver parameters 693

REV Reaction Option 236 693

Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes 513 soot modeling 488

Rhie-Chow Algorithm 116 soot_asf 745

RIF Model 437 soot_density 745

rot_angle 156 soot_diam 745

rot_a xis 156 soot_esf 745

rotating (RO) 194 soot_form_flag 745

ROTATION_A XIS 613 soot_hiroy.out 929 650 soot_hiroy_flag 745

rpr_eps 773 soot_o xid_fac 745

rpr_tke 773 SOR 124

rstrtflg 158 Source Modeling Setup 142

rstrtnum 158 142 , 778

RT 194 Source/Sink Modeling Setup 778

source_flag 142

source_shape 142 , 778

source_type 144 , 146 , 147 , 149 , 150 , 778
source_unit_volume 144 , 146 , 147 , 149 , 150 , 778
SAGE Detailed Chemical Kinetics Model 386
source_value 144 , 146 , 147 , 149 , 150 , 778
SAGE Region Calculations 759
sp(species name) 156
sage_abs_tol 745
sp_offset 156
sage_analyt_jac 745
sp_scale 156
sage_delta_temp 745
spark energy sources 608
sage_flag 745
spark_eff 745
sage_hcmin 745
Species and Passive Boundary Conditions 217
sage_reac_mult 745
Species Boundary Conditions 183 759
Species Data and Reaction Mechanism 659
sage_region_flag 745 , 759
Species Definition 662
sage_rel_tol 745
Species Definitions 255
sage_solve_temp 745

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 993

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
Species Source Modeling 149 Surface Defects Caused by Motion 69

Species Transport 103 Surface Geometry File 674 662 Surface Geometry File Format 50

species_solver 94 , 103 , 149 Surface Intersection 54

Specified Initial Values 154 Surface Position 67

spray 727 , 732 Surface Preparation 51

Spray Breakup 298 surface tension 577

spray modeling 282 surface.dat 674

spray penetration 941 Swirl ratio 605 , 834 , 892

Spray Time-Step Control 379 Swirl Tumble And Angular Momentum Calculations 723 605

spray.out 936 , 941 ,

Swirl Tumble and Angular Momentum Calculations

spray_ecn.out 936 , 941 834

spray_film 156 ,
Swirl Tumble Calculations for Inclined Cylinders

spray_map.dat 156 615

spray_map.out 936 , 941 Symmetry Boundary Type 221

spray_map_allregion_flag 156 Synchronizing valve motion with OPEN/CLOSE

events 611
spray_num 156

spray_radius 156

spray_rate.out 936 , 941

spray_sp (species name) 156

spray_temp 156 TAB Breakup Model 312

spray_u_vel 156 tau_fraction 745

spray_v_vel 156 Taylor Analogy Breakup (TAB) 312

spray_w_vel 156 tchop 745

SRI Format 237 tcut_g_eqn 745

st_a4 745 TDC 606

st_b1 745 Tecplot 88

st_b3 745 temp 156 , 825

start_source 142 , 778 temp_init 154

Static_Pres 883 temp_offset 156

Steady-state monitor 702 temp_scale 156

Steady-state solver 132 temp_sgs 825

Successive Over-Rela xation 124 temperature.out 945 787 TEMPORAL 642

supercycle_cflk 787 temporal type of sage 745

supercycle_flag 787 therm.dat 231 , 670

supercycle_length 787 thermal NO x model 480

supercycle_num_points 787 thermo.out 745 , 945

supercycle_sie_omega 787 thermodynamic data 945

supercycle_sie_tol 787 Thermodynamic Properties 670

supercycle_stage_interval 787 theta_0 785

supercycle_stage_num 787 thickness 736

supercycle_start_time 787 Three Body Reaction Option 236

supercycle_steady_coef 787 Time-step Control 118

Surface Alignment 72 time-varying inputs 642

Surface Chemistry Model 449 TKE 146 , 156 , 778 , 825 , 886
surface curvature 577 tke_init 154

994 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.
tke_offset 156

tke_scale 156

top dead center 606

Tot_Ht_ Xfer 886

u_offset 156
Total_Cells 888
u_scale 156
Total_Pres 883
u_vel 156
trans_ x 156 839
trans_y 156
U-E Q 146 , 778
trans_z 156
Units 22
transfer.out 947
uprime 825
transfer_flag 947
urea injection 380
Transient solver 130
User defined functions 839
translating (TR) 194
user1 825
transported equation 926
user2 825
Triangle Overlap/Folding and Sliver Triangles 55
user3 825
TROE Format 237
user4 825
Tumble ratio 605 , 834 , 892
user5 825
tur_flamespeed 825
user6 825
tur_flamethickness 825
user7 825
tur_length 825
user8 825
tur_velocity 825
user9 825
turb_flag 94 , 146 , 147

Turb_Visc 886

turbmodel 773

Turbulence Boundary Conditions 184 , 217

v_offset 156
Turbulence Modeling 512

v_scale 156
Turbulence Modeling Setup 773

v_vel 156
turbulence statistics 545 512 , 773 valve lift files 613

valve motion 611

turbulence.out 949

valve motion direction vector 614

turbulent dissipation 949

vapor penetration 941

turbulent dissipation rate 949

Vaporization 361
Turbulent Dissipation Source Modeling 147 649
turbulent dynamic viscosity 949

variable RPM 649

turbulent kinematic viscosity 949

turbulent kinetic energy 949

vector_ x 605 , 834
Turbulent Kinetic Energy Source Modeling 146
vector_y 605 , 834
turbulent length scale 949
vector_z 605 , 834
vel_sgs 825
Turbulent Transport 106

turbulent velocity 949

velocity 142 , 778 , 825
Velocity Initialization in IC Engines 602
turbulent viscosity 949

TWO_D Boundary Type 222

V-engine 605 , 613
twrite_files 883 , 892 , 901 , 941 , 945 , 949 V-E Q 146 , 778
vert_id 50
twrite_post 642

vert1 50 642

vert2 50
twrite_restart 158

twrite_transfer 907 , 947 vert3 50

visc 825

CONVERGE 2.4 Manual 995

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.

Visc_Force_ 886

Visc_Force_ Y 886

Visc_Force_Z 886

visc_rat 825
yplus 825

Visc_Torque_ 886

Visc_Torque_ Y 886

Visc_Torque_Z 886

viscosity ratios 949 850
VOF 566 566 , 785 849

vof_flag 785

vof_hric_flag 785

vol_frac 825

volume 825

Volume of Fluid 566

vorticity 825 , 892

vprime 825

vx 50

vy 50

vz 50

w_offset 156

w_scale 156

w_vel 156

wall adhesion angle 577

Wall Boundary Type 191

wall film 736

Wall Film Model 337

wall heat transfer data 947

Wall values 711

Wall_Area 886

wall_model 773

wall_output_flag 886 711

Waseda soot model 496

weber 825

W-E Q 146 , 778

wheel flow 602

wprime 825

x_center 736

x_size 736

xcen [direction ] 825

996 CONVERGE 2.4 Manual

2017 Convergent Science Published on Friday, August 18, 2017.

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