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Brain 2014: 137; 646653 | 646


Laforas odyssey reaches a mysterious port of call
In 1911, the Spanish neurologist-pathologist Gonzalo Lafora, accumulates in glycogen and may thus disturb the spherical archi-
working at the then Government Hospital for the Insane in tecture that is essential for glycogens solubility (Tiberia et al.,
Washington DC, first described the progressive myoclonus epi- 2012). As such, excess phosphate in glycogen (as a result of
lepsy that would later bear his name (Lafora, 1911). The journey laforin deficiency) or excess laforin in glycogen (due to malin de-
to understand this disease started with Laforas detailed neuro- ficiency) would have the same effect on glycogen, reducing its
pathological description of the large and profuse inclusions solubility and leading it to precipitate and form Lafora bodies.
(Fig. 1) that would come to be known as Lafora bodies. The In the current issue of Brain, Gayarre et al. (2014) guide the
odyssey has visited many a shore, and the latest and most mys- ship into a new night. They overexpress, in laforin-deficient mice,
terious is revealed by Javier Gayarre et al. (2014) in this issue of a form of laforin mutated to lack phosphatase activity, and show
Brain. that this rescues murine Lafora disease. The inescapable conclusion
Whereas the amyloid plaques of Alzheimers disease are not in is that the phosphatase function of laforin is dispensable, and that
fact amyloid (starch), Lafora bodies, by contrast, are. Lafora it is some other function of the laforin-malin complex that is rele-
bodies are composed of hyperphosphorylated and malformed vant to the disease. The function that Gayarre et al. (2014) high-
glycogen molecules. These abnormal starch-like polyglucosans light, namely autophagy, has been of late a frequent stop in the
aggregate to form insoluble masses, which over time accumulate Lafora voyage, and indeed in the exploration of many other neu-
inside neuronal somata and dendrites. rodegenerative diseases. Autophagy is disturbed in Lafora disease
Lafora disease is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the (Criado et al., 2012), and it has been suggested that defective
EPM2A (laforin) or EPM2B (malin) genes (Minassian et al., autophagy impairs the ability of cells to rid themselves of abnor-
1998; Chan et al., 2003). Laforin is the only known glycogen mal aggregates, such as malformed glycogen. Gayarre et al.
phosphatase. Its absence leads to hyperphosphorylation of glyco- (2014) advance the tantalizing idea that glycogen, in common
gen, which correlates with a gradual accumulation of polygluco- with proteins, can sometimes be naturally misshapen. This
sans, strongly suggesting that glycogen hyperphosphorylation would lead it to precipitate and aggregate, and indeed to accu-
underlies polyglucosan formation (Tagliabracci et al., 2008). mulate were it not for mechanisms involving laforin and malin
Laforins structure resembles that of the plant starch phosphatase that act to clear such deposits. Before accepting autophagy as a
SEX4, which is crucial to starch metabolism; its absence leading to port of call of the Lafora saga, one must however keep an open
a pathological excess of starch. Laforin complements SEX4 and mind. Is it possible that laforins sole enzymatic activity is
rescues the starch-excess phenotype of SEX4-deficient plants unnecessary?
(Gentry et al., 2007). The phosphatase activity of laforin is its The vicissitudes of the Lafora epic will certainly continue to lead
only known enzymatic function. Together, these findings suggest us to exciting lands of milk and honey most relevant to the under-
a central role for impaired glycogen dephosphorylation by laforin standing of neuronal function. But what of the patients who suffer
in Lafora disease pathogenesis. As for the enzyme behind glyco- the intractable and continuous seizures, hallucinations and demen-
gen phosphorylation, despite many efforts to identify it, that shore tia of Lafora disease? The polyglucosans that cause havoc in
remains unattained. Lafora disease, irrespective of their shape or origins, are in the
Malin, meanwhile, has been shown to be a ubiquitin E3 ligase. end nothing more than chains of glucose. One and only one
Paradoxically, malins only unequivocal target for proteasomal enzyme, glycogen synthase, manufactures chains of glucose, and
degradation turns out to be none other than laforin (Gentry recent studies have shown that downregulation of glycogen syn-
et al., 2005). How can the absence of malin lead to the same thesis prevents Lafora disease in mice (Pederson et al., 2014).
disease as does absence of the protein, laforin, that malin des- While the Lafora pathogenesis ship feels its way through the un-
troys? A solution to this conundrum was suggested by recent known, a shortcut to safe harbour, namely glycogen synthesis
work which revealed that, in the absence of malin, laforin downregulation, may well be open for patients with the disease.

The Author (2014). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved.
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Scientific Commentaries Brain 2014: 137; 646653 | 647

Figure 1 Lafora bodies as drawn by Lafora in his original manuscript (Lafora, 1911).
648 | Brain 2014: 137; 646653 Scientific Commentaries

Gonzalo Lafora would have appreciated the progress made by the Gayarre J, Duran-Tro L, Criado Garcia O, Aguado C, Lopez L, Crespo I,
explorers so far. et al. The phosphatase activity of laforin is dispensible to rescue
Epm2a-/- mice from Lafora disease. Brain 2014Advance Access pub-
lished on January 14. 2014, doi:10.1093/brain/awt353.
Berge A. Minassian Gentry MS, Dowen RH III, Worby CA, Mattoo S, Ecker JR, Dixon JE. The
Division of Neurology, phosphatase laforin crosses evolutionary boundaries and links carbo-
Department of Paediatrics, and Program in hydrate metabolism to neuronal disease. J Cell Biol 2007; 178:
Genetics and Genome Biology, 47788.
Gentry MS, Worby CA, Dixon JE. Insights into Lafora disease: malin is an
The Hospital for Sick Children,
E3 ubiquitin ligase that ubiquitinates and promotes the degradation of
Toronto Canada, laforin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005; 102: 85016.
Institute of Medical Sciences, Lafora GR. Uber das vorkommen amyloider korperchen im innern der
University of Toronto, ganglienzellen: zugleich en beitrag zum stadium der amyloiden sub-
University of Toronto Michael Bahen Chair in Epilepsy Research stanz im nervensystem. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med
1911; 205: 295303.
Minassian BA, Lee JR, Herbrick JA, Huizenga J, Soder S, Mungall AJ,
Correspondence to: Berge A. Minassian
et al. Mutations in a gene encoding a novel protein tyrosine phosphat-
ase cause progressive myoclonus epilepsy. Nat Genet 1998; 20:
doi:10.1093/brain/awu018 Pederson BA, Turnbull J, Epp JR, Weaver SA, Zhao X, Pencea N, et al.
Inhibiting glycogen synthesis prevents lafora disease in a mouse model.
Ann Neurol 2014[Epub ahead of print].
References Tagliabracci VS, Girard JM, Segvich D, Meyer C, Turnbull J, Zhao X,
et al. Abnormal metabolism of glycogen phosphate as a cause for
Chan EM, Young EJ, Ianzano L, Munteanu I, Zhao X, Christopoulos CC, Lafora disease. J Biol Chem 2008; 283: 3381625.
et al. Mutations in NHLRC1 cause progressive myoclonus epilepsy. Nat Tiberia E, Turnbull J, Wang T, Ruggieri A, Zhao XC, Pencea N, et al.
Genet 2003; 35: 1257. Increased laforin and laforin binding to glycogen underlie Lafora body
Criado O, Aguado C, Gayarre J, Duran-Trio L, Garcia-Cabrero AM, formation in malin-deficient Lafora disease. J Biol Chem 2012; 287:
Vernia S, et al. Lafora bodies and neurological defects in malin- 256509.
deficient mice correlate with impaired autophagy. Hum Mol Genet
2012; 21: 152133.

Removing the brakes on post-stroke plasticity

drives recovery from the intact hemisphere
and spinal cord
The existence of bilaterally redundant corticospinal pathways sug- motor pathways that allow the intact hemisphere to drive motor
gests a potential means of recovery after unilateral injury such as output to the impaired forelimb. Although only 10% of corticosp-
stroke. However, in the adult brain, plasticity is kept in check by inal projections terminated in the ipsilateral spinal cord before
inhibitory factors that provide the stability necessary in neuronal injury, anti-Nogo-A therapy induced the generation of additional
networks to encode memories and retain learned actions. In the ipsilateral motor projections and produced substantial recovery of
current issue of Brain, Nicolas Lindau and colleagues use antibo- forelimb function.
dies that block Nogo-A functioning to unlock plasticity within the During the development and refinement of the nervous system
adult injured brain, leading to a structural and functional re-rout- there is extensive axonal sprouting. To curb ebullient outgrowth in
ing of corticospinal signals to exploit circuit redundancy (Lindau the adult, various inhibitory molecules such as Nogo-A keep the
et al., 2014). system in check. Over the years, the Schwab group has system-
After a large motor cortex stroke, there is evidence that the atically examined the therapeutic potential of inhibiting Nogo-A in
intact hemisphere can control the impaired hand and thus facilitate a number of disease models, including stroke. Initial efforts were
behavioural recovery (Grefkes and Ward, 2014). However, hemi- aimed at enhancing sprouting at the cortical level through the
paresis remains a common deficit after stroke, indicating a need expression of Nogo-A antibodies in peri-infarct tissue (Emerick
for therapies that augment spontaneous recovery. Lindau et al. et al., 2003). To evaluate a more clinically accessible approach
(2014) show that, in rats, promoting axonal sprouting by blocking to treatment, Lindau et al. (2014) delivered a Nogo-A inhibitor
the growth-inhibitor protein Nogo-A facilitates the emergence of intrathecally to the lumbar spinal cord. This method builds on

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