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Mechanics of materials is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid
bodiessubjected to various types of loading.Other names for this field of study are strength of
materials. Mainly the objective of our analysis is to determine the stresses, strains, and
displacements in structures and their components due to the loads acting on them. If these
quantities can be founded for all values up to the failure load we will have a complete picture of
the mechanical behavior of these body which is essential for the safe design of all types of
structures, whether buildings and bridges, machines and motors, airplanes and antennas, or ships
and spacecraft. That is why mechanics of materials is a basic subject in so many engineering
In this course physical properties of the materials as well as numerous theoretical lawsand
concepts are used.Sometimes we use theories to derive formulas and equations for predicting
mechanical behavior when certain properties are known.

Types of loads acting on a structure are:

1. Dead loads
2. Imposed loads
3. Wind loads
4. Snow loads
5. Earthquake loads
6. Special loads

1. Dead Loads (DL)

The first vertical load that is considered is dead load. Dead loads are permanent or stationary
loads which are transferred to structure throughout the life span. Dead load is primarily due to
self weight of structural members, permanent partition walls, fixed permanent equipments and
weight of different materials. It majorly consists of the weight of roofs, beams, walls and column
etc. which are otherwise the permanent parts of the building.

2.Live Loads (LL)

The second vertical load that is considered in design of a structure is imposed loads or live loads.
Live loads are either movable or moving loads without any acceleration or impact. These loads
are assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy of the building including weights
of movable partitions or furniture etc.

3. Wind loads

Wind load is primarily horizontal load caused by the movement of air relative to earth. Wind
load is required to be considered in structural design
4. Snow Loads (SL)

Snow loads constitute to the vertical loads in the building. But these types of loads are
considered only in the snow fall places.

5. Earthquake Loads (EL)

Earthquake forces constitute to both vertical and horizontal forces on the building. The total
vibration caused by earthquake may be resolved into three mutually perpendicular directions,
usually taken as vertical and two horizontal directions.

6.Special loads

Other loads are like dynamic loads,Thermal Loads, Settlement Loads,and Impact etc.


1. Tensile stress and tensile strain.

The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pulls, as a result of
which there is an increase in length, is known as tensile stress.If the stress is perpendicular to the
surface area of the material we called it normal stress
The ratio of increase in length to the original length is known as tensile strain.

2. Compressive stress and compressive strain.

The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pushes, as a result of
which there is a decrease in length, is known as compressive stress.
The ratio of decrease in length to the original length is known as compressive strain.

Stress = force / area

Strain = change in length/ original length

3. Shear stress and shear strain.

The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite forces, which are acting
tangentially across the resisting section as a result of which the body tends to shear off across the
section is known as shear stress and corresponding strain is known as shear strain.Shear strain is
an angle; it is usually measured in degrees or radians.
Shear stress = shear force / shear area

4. Lateral strain.
Change in diameter to the original diameter is called lateral strain.

Stress-Strain Diagrams

After performing a tension or compression test and determining the stress and strain at various
magnitudes of the load, we can plot a diagram of stress versus strain. Such a stress-strain
diagram is a characteristic of the particular material being tested and conveys important
information about the mechanical properties and type of behavior.
The first material we will discuss is structural steel, also known as mild steel or low-carbon
steel. Structural steel is one of the most widely used metals and is found in buildings, bridges,
cranes, ships, towers, vehicles, and many other types of construction. A stress-strain diagram for
a typical structural steel in tension is shown below.
The slope of the straight line from O to A is called the modulus of elasticity. Because the slope
has units of stress divided by strain, modulus of elasticity has the same units as stress.


The linear relationship between stress and strain for a bar in simple tension or compression is
expressed by the equation in which is the axial stress, is the axial strain, and Eis a constant of
proportionality known as the modulus of elasticity for the material. The modulus of elasticity is
the slope of the stress-strain diagram in the linearly elastic region. Since strain is dimensionless,
the units of E are the same as the units of stress.
The equation = Eis commonly known as Hookes law
Poissons ratio
The ratio of lateral strain to the linear strain is a constant for a given material, when the material
is stressed within the elastic limit.

Modulus of rigidity
The ratio of shear stress to the corresponding shear strain when the stress is within the elastic
limit is known as modulus of rigidity or shear modulus.

Bulk modulus
When a body is subjected to an uniform direct stress in all the three mutuallyperpendicular
directions, the ratio of the direct stress to the corresponding volumetric strain isfound to be a
constant is called as the bulk modulus of the material and is denoted by K.

K= stress / volumetric strain,

Where volumetric strain is change in volume over original volume

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