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For Release on November 11, 2017

Halle Forbes Colleen Hall
University Services Chair Public Relations
212-465-4095 484-809-2108

Forget Fixing Parking: This Group Strives to Fix the Madison

HARRISONBURG, VA- Imagine being born with a disability that interfered with your ability to

walk. Coming into college, you realize the campus has areas that are not fully wheelchair

accessible. The extra time it takes to get to class is draining physically, mentally and

emotionally. At James Madison University this wouldnt happen because theres a group of eight

people here to help.

Out of all the committees that make up the Student Government Association (SGA) of

James Madison University, the University Services committee makes the most visible impact on

campus. University Services, or USERVE, is a committee that acts as a voice for the students,

amplifying student opinion to appropriate administrators, executing projects to resolve concerns

and promoting student-based initiatives on campus. They focus on aspects of student life

including transportation, dining, housing, recreation, safety, substance abuse, technology and any

other service to improve student life.

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Fix Madison Experience

USERVE was one of the first committees to form when SGA was established in 1915.

When the organization was formed, it strived to collaborate with all members of its community

to advocate for student opinion, while fostering a proactive, inclusive environment. This

statement rings true to present day, especially with USERVE. While the committee has gone

through numerous name changes, it remains as a liaison to administration and students.

Halle Forbes, a junior Media Arts & Design major, is the current chair and has been a

part of the committee for the past two years. She sees her work as a duty to students, and wants

to make everyones unique Madison experience a positive one. When asked why she wanted to

become the chair, she stated I joined the USERVE committee last year and I really enjoyed

being able to make a visual impact on campus. I like the idea of being able to walk by something

to improve a students life. A lot of students dont know we exist, and its my job to let them

know there is a way to solve certain issues and to get in contact with the right people. Forbes

leads a team of 8 individuals that regularly meet with Dining Services, Transportation, the Office

of Residence Life, Facilities, and the libraries that take student opinions and voice them to

representatives from each sector. The committee takes students suggestions through peer

conversations, social media mentions and an online form which then goes to the proper

administrator for a monthly meeting. Sometimes suggestions can be completed in a month;

however, a lot of them take time or are undoable.

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Fix Madison Experience

A lot of people do not realize all the work that goes into a task getting completed, says

former chair John Carr, The biggest issue is parking, right? Everyone complains about parking

because they say there are no spots. However, students do not know that parking garages need to

be mortgaged or how long it takes to build one. Students get frustrated, but we try our best.

Many students also do not realize that the university has a long-term plan. Some buildings such

as Showker Hall, Convocation Center and Phillips Center all have plans for destruction in the

next 10 years. While it is frustrating that there need to be improvements in certain areas of

campus, it is not financially responsible.

Aside from physical changes, USERVE strives to create the most inclusive environment

possible. In the 2016-2017 academic year, the committee worked to bring free feminine hygiene

products to all academic bathrooms on campus as well as require all buildings on campus to have

an accessible gender-neutral bathroom. The committee found it nearly impossible to convince

administrators for such a large change, so they took the issue to students. Members crafted a Bill

of Opinion which requires 10 percent of the student body, or 2,000 students, to sign a petition

saying they agree with an opinion. The goal of a Bill of Opinion is to bring the issue directly to

administrators with a substantial number of students showing their support. The two issues

created a larger conversation for students and brought up issues that some did not know existed.

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Our goal is to amplify student opinion and that involves every single student. I think its

important that we seek out underrepresented opinions. Why do we need to have gender-neutral

bathrooms? It might not be an issue you understand at first, but by talking to students and

understanding their viewpoint you might be able to see why. You dont share their same JMU

experience so its our job to make sure they have a good one, says Forbes. As far as goals are

concerned, Forbes hopes to double the number of improvements made in the year prior. For

long-term goals, Forbes wants every student to know there is a means to voice an opinion. She

wants the committee to be able to focus on more social issues such as diversity and equal gender


Full parking garages are a source of frustration for JMU Students. While it seems
simple to fix, garages require a mortgage and years of planning.

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Fix Madison Experience

About University Services

The University Services Committee acts as a voice for students, amplifying student opinion to appropriate
administrators, executing projects to resolve concerns and promoting student-based initiatives on campus.
The Committee focuses on aspects of student life including transportation, dining, housing, recreation,
safety, substance abuse, technology, and University services. For more information go to or
follow @JMUFixIt on Twitter.

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